01-09-2019 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting January 9, 2019 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Rachel Popken, Wayne Benbow, Kristin Fulkerson Members Absent: Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Minutes: December minutes were approved. 2019 Work Plan: The EC reviewed the 2019 draft plan and added Connection articles in the appropriate months. The commission also confirmed Energy Efficiency as their 2019 focus topic. The connection articles will be on energy efficiency. Since the EC will be doing 4 articles over the course of the year, the first article should be a primer of energy efficiency. Next article can be more in depth on some aspect of energy efficiency. Keith offered to write the first article. It could also be reprinted in the Villager. The commission also discussed Earth Hour, sponsored by the World Wildlife Federation, an event where people and businesses turn off outdoor lights for one hour. The EC considered how the city th could participate. Perhaps the W 78 island lights could be turned off? The reader board? Should businesses be told about it? Paisley Park? This should also be posted on fb. The plan was then approved. Arbor Day Poster Contest Theme: The commission discuss possibilities and settled on “Trees are Terrific….And Save Energy!” Keith wondered how long the city has been planting trees for Arbor Day. Jill thought it might be close to 10 years. The city has had an Arbor Day celebration since 1999 or 2000, but hasn’t always planted trees. Jill will look that up. (The first planting was in 2010.) Review Onboarding Packet: The commission reviewed the Onboarding packet with updated information for 2019. The packet was approved. General Discussion:  The commission requested that the Purchasing Policy be reviewed one more time at the February meeting.  Bill and Wayne will be ending their terms in March. They can re-apply online. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 1