Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 13, 2019
Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Wayne Benbow, Kristin
Members Absent: Rachel Popken
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist;
Minutes: January minutes were approved.
Interviews: The commission interviewed three applicants. A fourth applicant wasn’t able to make the
interview. There will be two openings on the commission at the end of this term. Incumbent Bill
Chappell has re-applied. The commission will be recommending Bill Chappell and Jeff Harken for
appointment to the commission.
Earth Hour update: The EC commented on Rachel’s success with contacting Paisley Park. Don
shared that he approached Target about participating and confirmed that the corporate offices will turn
off lights for Earth Hour. The commission brainstormed on other businesses or organizations they could
contact. The school district was suggested and it was decided that Don or Rachel would contact them.
Jill is still checking on how the city could participate. She will update the commission when she has
confirmation. The commission would like the city to promote the event on Facebook and twitter and
encourage residents to participate.
Energy Efficiency newsletter article: The commission reviewed the article and decided that one more
line should be added that gives specific savings for LED lights and that the last paragraph regarding the
commission should be italicized. Future newsletter articles ideas were also discussed. Fall issue – space
conditioning/HVAC; Winter – Energy Star; Spring – Business related EE.
Purchasing Policy: The commission agreed that the following changes should be made:
Change the naming and order of vehicles to (hybrids, PHEV plug in hybrid electric vehicle, BEV battery
electric vehicle); Add ‘Lighting’ heading and bullet point “Select LEDs when replacing light bulbs”
General Discussion:
Keith talked to the mayor and offered to have the commission be more of a resource to the
Jill shared information on the Sustainability Defined podcast and recommended that the
commission listen to the episode pertaining to Energy Efficiency.
The commission discussed the Galpin project and its process. Jill informed the commission
that a public input session will be held at the March 5 Planning Commission meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair