Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
December 12, 2018
Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Rachel Popken, Wayne
Benbow, Kristin Fulkerson
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist;
Minutes: November minutes were approved.
2019 Work Plan: The EC reviewed the 2018 plan with changes that had been made since the
November meeting. The commission decided to add a fall event planning meeting to May and add 4
connection articles throughout the year focusing on energy efficiency (add one to Feb to meet a March
deadline for submittal). The commission also selected Energy Efficiency as their 2019 focus topic.
GreenStep Cities public outreach: The commission reviewed the press release and newsletter article
drafts. They made changes to both for interest and clarity. Keith will be the media contact for the press
Review Purchasing Policy: The commission reviewed the current purchasing policy. It referenced
some items that are out of date (transparencies) and was too specific in other areas. The commission
suggested changes to bring the policy up-to-date and allow for flexibility. Jill will submit it to the
Finance Director for inclusion in the city policy.
General Discussion:
Kristin’s holiday recycling article will be published in Thursday’s (12/13) paper.
Greg looked into the educational options from the local utility companies and found that
MVEC has an educational department. Before he contacted them to schedule presentations
he wanted to know what was the focus of the commission – a presentation just for them or
for the open house, here or at the library, would it be all energy topics like solar and such?
The commission agreed that the single focus should stay on energy efficiency and to hold off
contacting the companies until more planning is done for the event.
Don shared the city of Edina’s Sustainability Business Recognition Program. It is a point
system that includes items like green purchasing and cleaning products, energy efficiency,
etc. The application is easy for businesses to complete. The commission will follow the
progress of the program and see if it might be something for Chanhassen.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair