PRC 2019 02 26
FEBRUARY 26, 2019
Chairman Scharfenberg called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Scharfenberg, Cole Kelly, Rick Echternacht, Meredith
Petouvis, Karl Tsuchiya, and Joe Scanlon
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Boettcher and Grant Schaeferle
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor
Scharfenberg: Any changes to the agenda for this evening? We do have at least one change in
addition and did we say we’re going to put that under new business?
Hoffman: New business. Recommendation concerning appointment of commissioners.
Scharfenberg: So that will be one under new business. Any other changes? Alright.
Scharfenberg: Do we have any public announcements tonight?
Ruegemer: None tonight Chair Scharfenberg.
Hoffman: Just on Thursday night we have the Herman Field playground selection so that’s this
Scharfenberg: That’s right and we had a nice little turnout for the first one with.
Hoffman: Prairie Knoll.
Scharfenberg: Prairie Knoll. And we’ve got two more coming up so.
Hoffman: Herman Field and Sunset Ridge.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Scharfenberg: Next up are approval of the Minutes for the January 22, 2019 meeting. Any
changes at all to those Minutes? If not can I get a motion.
Echternacht: I approve that they approve as presented.
Scharfenberg: We have a motion for approval of the Minutes. Do we have a second?
Kelly: Second.
Echternacht moved, Kelly seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation
Commission meeting dated January 22, 2019 as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Scharfenberg: Next up is new business then and as we indicated we’ve got recommendations for
City Council. I’m sorry for City Council. For Park and Recreation Commission. This evening
Karl, Meredith and myself interviewed 7 different candidates over a wide variety of
backgrounds. I thought that they were all very good candidates. Right now we have 2 openings
and I will also announce that we have a third opening as I am going to step aside for my last year
of my 3 year term. We are going to be moving sometime this year, in 2019 to Waconia and so I
think this was a good time for me to step down and have somebody fill out my last year. Fill in
my last year and then be available potentially next year so we will be recommending tonight 5
members. Five people of the people that we interviewed and who else, Cole and Rick have also
reapplied. We would like to say as Karl and Meredith and I spoke that we would like to see or
recommend to the council that we see maybe a different variety of candidates. We would like to
see a better socioeconomic, gender, racial diversity on this commission. We’re kind of a lot of
the same people on this commission and maybe we see people with different skill sets. We
thought that the candidates that we’re putting forth all have different things to offer the
commission and so we would recommend to the council as they’re evaluating the people for not
only our commission but the other commissions, environmental and planning that they take into
consideration having a better diversity for our community. A better representation of what we
represent as a community so as a body we’re recommending, we are going to recommend 4
candidates to the council and a fifth. We are not ranking the 4 but we’re putting them as
recommended before the council and those would be Cole Kelly, Rick Echternacht, Sandy
Sweetser. I’m sorry, S-w-e-e-t-s-e-r. And Haley Pemrick. Haley is H-a-l-e-y and Pemrick, P-e-
m-r-i-c-k. And then our fifth candidate would be Brian Smith so those would be the candidates
that we would recommend to the council. Do we need a motion for that? Okay I would first
open that up to any discussion? Karl or Meredith do you want to comment at all?
Tsuchiya: No.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Petouvis: No I don’t have anything additional to add.
Echternacht: Are Cole and I allowed to vote on this?
Hoffman: No.
Kelly: I think we should abstain or not vote.
Scharfenberg: So it’d be the 4 of us and so I would entertain a motion then.
Tsuchiya: I move that the recommendation as Steve recommended be adopted and sent up to the
Scharfenberg: Do we have a second?
Petouvis: Second.
Scharfenberg: We have a motion and a second.
Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend
to the City Council the following appointments: Cole Kelly, Rich Echternacht, Sandy
Sweetser, Haley Pemrick, and Brian Smith. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Cole Kelly and Rich Echternacht abstained.
Hoffman: And I’ll work with the 3 of you via email to get those talking points that the council
wanted on each candidate so two or three talking points about each candidate. We’ll settle that
up over the next few days.
Scharfenberg: Okay thank you Todd.
Ruegemer: Thank you Chair Scharfenberg, good evening commission. Just wanted to go
through our, the evaluation for our 2019 26 Annual February Festival. We had a really a great
day that day. Thanks to all the commission that was there, present helping out and volunteering
with the celebration. You guys really helped out tremendously so we had roughly about 1,500
people out there that day enjoying many of the festivities. It really was a great kind of break
from the polar vortex that we had kind of going at that time and it was like the skies kind of
opened up really to a beautiful day so. Just Rotary Club again helped us out tremendously with a
variety of different responsibilities from hole drilling to providing the concessions and, some
concessions and beer and refreshment operations for the event. Grill Star Catering was part of
that selling burgers and French fries and that sort of thing as well so I probably won’t go through
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
all this word by word here but just kind of hit the highlights. Certainly with a beautiful day out
there the wagon rides were always popular with that. Kind of paired along with the dogsled rides
this year. I think that offered some good variety this year with that. I mean the lines were really
long with the dogsled rides with that. I think there were over 200 and, was it 220 rides I think
between the two teams that day. People were really lined up so we’re going to book them again
for next year for the event and I think the timing works out really well in his schedule. It seems
like he kind of had that open traditionally with that Super Bowl weekend so we’re going to
definitely get him back again next year and so I think that was really well received for that. New
again this year was the snow shoeing hikes and the art project so that was really kind of a cool
thing. Really kind of what we’re trying to do as a department and as a staff is you know add
events beyond just the traditional ice fishing contest so Audrey, Todd and I are kind of had some
conversations about what can we add next year. You know are we going to add potentially a
curling event. Maybe a kite festival. Is there other type of things that we can kind of bring more
people down to the event to really celebrate you know kind of our beautiful Lake Ann Park and
then kind of get out and just see the community and visit with community members and have
some fun. So that’s really kind of our task and our mission what we’re trying to do with that so
you know we implemented some new things this year with the Chanhassen Lion’s were the
contest marshals this year so they really were kind of checking people as they came onto the ice.
Checking coolers and making sure that people weren’t bringing ice house enclosures and stuff on
the lake so just really kind of being visible. Enforcing rules that we already had kind of in place
with that so they had the fluorescent yellow safety vests on with a lanyard with the contest
marshal information on it so really tried to get them out into the contest to really make sure
people had their tickets on their fishing poles and their tip up’s and that sort of thing so they
seemed to enjoy themselves which has been a goal of our’s to have more of a presence for
contest marshals so we’re going to, they seemed interested in coming back again this year and
we’d love to have them be part of our the community celebration again.
Scharfenberg: So how do you think that that was received Jerry with the, did you get any
feedback from participants at all about having the marshals?
Ruegemer: No, not at all. You know we’ve had some contest marshals. They were much more
visible this year and I think with certainly one of our goals was to cut back on the, which we had
kind of talked about during the announcements was the fish sharing so we had additional
signage. We had additional announcements so maybe that contributed to us only catching 30
fish but you know.
Hoffman: That’s a good thing.
Ruegemer: Which is a good thing so you know just that on top of that I think people, I didn’t
hear one negative comment about it to be honest with you so people are used to seeing contest
marshals at other contests and stuff that we have so I think it was a great thing.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Scharfenberg: So the one thing that I saw, and so remind me again they could have their
cameras in before.
Ruegemer: 15 minutes before.
Scharfenberg: But they couldn’t, they weren’t supposed to use them after right? Correct? They
shouldn’t have been using them.
Hoffman: Their cameras. They can use their depth finder but not the.
Scharfenberg: Okay maybe that’s what I was, maybe they’re using depth finder.
Hoffman: Correct.
Scharfenberg: Okay, alright.
Petouvis: As I am not a competitive fisher person, what is fish sharing? I’m just curious.
Ruegemer: Fish sharing is, say you’re catching a lot of fish and you have your grandkids with
you and so you catch a fish and hand it to Bobby. You catch another fish, hand it to Susie so
they can get their names up on the fish prize board.
Petouvis: Okay thank you.
Scharfenberg: And they haven’t purchased tickets.
Petouvis: Okay.
Scharfenberg: Well the fisher person has but maybe the children haven’t purchased tickets per
Hoffman: Typically they’re giving it to somebody that has a ticket and it’s been an issue so you
know one person might catch 5 fish and 5 members from that family then are on the fish board
where this year I don’t think we had any repeat names at all and that tells me that the
enforcement worked.
Scharfenberg: Yeah.
Echternacht: I think marshals didn’t keep the individual green bait on as a fish.
Ruegemer: Right. That’s correct. It was slow. You’ve got to try something. So one thing we
did this year again was offer the tickets online through noon prior to the event with a little
incentive is a $100 gift card from Cabin Fever Sports that was donated to us by Jeff out at Cabin
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Fever so you know our online sales did go up about 9 percent over last year which you know
there’s still room for improvement in that area so we’re going to keep pushing it and try to get
people out there and hopefully improve that. You know I think we did 123 pre-sales which is
you know a little higher, obviously a little higher than previous years but the majority of the
people are buying them and kind of waiting for the day for that so, we just have to find a way to
get them, maybe have to guarantee nice weather I guess so with that but we’re going to keep
trying that. With that so you know I think people really enjoy the door prizes as well. You don’t
have to buy anything. You get a free door prize with a chance to win a decent prize so thanks
again for all the commission that helped out with that so. Matt in the other room did, always
does a great job and Annie with kind of staffing the computer inside the fish tournament
headquarters in there so they’re very knowledgeable in that area so we appreciate all their help
with that so. It seems like a big thing with volunteers is continuing to tell them that it’s an
outdoor event. Dress appropriately so there’s always volunteers that do show up with tennis
shoes, no socks and a light jacket but such is life so we’ll continue on with that so. We’re going
to also continue looking for somebody to help out with the medallion hunt this year. The City of
Chan was kind of the sole sponsor of that. Had conversations with the Chamber of Commerce.
They seemed interest but then kind of pulled out at the end so we’re going to keep working that
angle to get somebody else involved with that to really kind of spread the word again. Look for
more community volunteers and community supporters, partners with that so we’ll continue to
look at that into the future here as well so. So other than that just thanks again for all the
commissioners that were present. It really turned out to be a great day and we couldn’t be more
pleased with how it turned out so thank you.
Scharfenberg: Any comments for Jerry?
Echternacht: I thought you did an excellent job. You always do but it ran very smoothly. I
mean I didn’t see anything, really smooth.
Ruegemer: You know Rick it’s really a team effort. I mean we have a lot of cooperation from
the fire department, from Carver County, our parks staff, public works, you know Todd and
Audrey and so it’s not, it certainly isn’t me but it’s a, thanks to all you guys. It’s everybody
really working together and making the event a success so we appreciate everybody’s efforts in
that world.
Scharfenberg: Yeah I would just echo Rick’s comments that again another wonderful
community event put on by the City and Jerry and Todd and Audrey, all the public works staff
put in a lot of time and effort to get Lake Ann set up. It turned out to be a beautiful day. We had
wonderful participation. People skating. I thought again the dogsleds was a great idea. People
were standing in line until the very end to do those rides. I thought that was a great add on so
when we can continue to add on little things like that and just kind of build on the event. It is
one of our premiere events. Like 4 of July and I think we really show off that whole area very
well so congratulations to you guys and thank you again for all of your work.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Ruegemer: Thank you.
Scharfenberg: Yep.
Scharfenberg: Alright next on the agenda I believe is the Daddy-Daughter date night.
Sweetheart Dance.
Swantz: Yes thank you Chair Scharfenberg and commission. This year actually was the
Sweetheart Dance because it was the first year that we tried to open it up to be inclusive to all
adult and child combinations. We did actually have our first mother-son pair there. We only had
one out of the 40 couples so we’re hoping to increase that with more awareness next year. It was
offered out at the Rec Center and as I said we had about 80 children and adults attend so it was a
success again this year. It’s always fun and a lot of frequent returnees so it’s always good to see.
This year we catered Davanni’s and so we got local food and they were really awesome. They
deliver. They set up. They provide all the paper products and everything like that so it goes
really smoothly and then we purchased cupcakes and drinks from Cub. There was also a lot of
activities. We had a DJ, a photo booth, face painting and then also we had arts and crafts and a
game set up as well. As well as all dancing and dinner so the kids had a ton of fun. This year for
the first time we had Chanhassen Smiles participate as kind of a partner for the event so they
reached out to us and wanted to get involved in the community and they actually provided the
carnations for all the kids to take home at the end and also provided 3 staff to help volunteer.
They helped out with registration and sock check in and then also ran a game and that was really
fun. To kind of change things up this year the photo booth. Last year we did a like a free
standing enclosed photo booth and we did a back drop. This time just found it kind of things
new and different but overall I heard nothing but great things from the parents. The parents and
the kids that went. The kids all left with lots of goodies from the games. Photo strips.
Carnations and a heart shaped balloon so it’s always fun. I think our biggest thing that we’ll hope
to change next year is just to make it more inclusive for everyone and really get the word out that
it’s for all combinations of adults and children. Whether it’s a grandpa and his granddaughter or
mom and son or mom and daughter, whatever. Just a way to take out your kid for a special
Scharfenberg: Alright, any questions at all or comments for Audrey? Thanks Audrey for putting
that all together.
Swantz: Yeah, thank you.
Scharfenberg: Alright next up I believe is the administrative packet.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Scharfenberg: Anything Todd with respect to the packet you want to comment on at all?
Hoffman: Not specifically. Quite an expansive list so just wanted to let you know. Always
good to keep you up to date of what other business is going on and those are just notes that you
can take a look at. If you have questions we’re happy to answer them.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Hoffman: Big check from CAA.
Scharfenberg: Yeah I saw that. Yeah.
Tsuchiya: Did it clear?
Hoffman: Yes.
Kelly: Can I borrow a suit for that Super Hero Party?
Scharfenberg: The last thing that I would just comment on is, as we all are aware there’s you
know a vote coming up that will come before the council on the 11 for the Galpin property. It
will be back in front of the Planning Commission on the 5. I do plan on attending that meeting
and will say something I guess on behalf of the commission. You know letting them know again
that we voted as a commission 7 to nothing to approve Lennar’s plan and we do, you know we
are approving the high density transfer so that we have that almost 90 acres of, between wetland
and that property around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy and we believe that that’s an important piece.
We would recommend approval for council to take that up so.
Hoffman: The density transfer. The high density terminology is the one that they have a
problem with. It’s still low density.
Scharfenberg: Oh okay.
Hoffman: We’re approving a density transfer of 40 homes which is still low density if the 181
are built there.
Scharfenberg: Got it. I will use the correct vernacular when I appear.
Kelly: Thanks for doing that Steve. I’ll be out of town or I’d show up also.
Scharfenberg: Okay. I was going to write something. Put something in kind of similar to what
Meredith had put together for us before but I thought you know they’ve heard it once. I’m sure
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
there’ll be maybe some other things. Todd indicated tonight that there is a flyer that will be
going into the paper.
Hoffman: This week.
Scharfenberg: You know this week inviting everybody to that Planning Commission so I’m
assuming it will be very well attended and a lot of people will be talking. For those of you that
weren’t at that February meeting, the work session, you know Lennar has presented a new plan.
An updated plan which adds trees on the north side. They don’t, they’re not cutting as many
trees. They’ve reduced the number of lots down, is it 181?
Hoffman: 181.
Scharfenberg: Yeah so they’re down to 181. There was some question about the south side and
drainage along the south side of that property and so there were some issues raised about that.
But for the most part the big issue is the density transfer and is that something that people are in
favor of. The City Council I would say, some members of the council wanted to hear feedback
from the community on how the community. Not just necessarily the people that are, that live in
that area so the Longacres neighborhood. The Ashling Meadows neighborhood but City of
Chanhassen per se, how do the residents feel about that so that’s why they’ve opened up this one
more time for comment and then it will go back because they have to vote on 11 because
Hoffman: 60 days.
Scharfenberg: Option is running out and so they don’t have much time left to vote so they really
have to vote on this, thumbs up or thumbs down so.
Hoffman: And that vote is not, has nothing to do with their purchase agreement. The vote is a
time line. So when they submit they have 60 days, the City has 60 days to respond. That’s what
the time limit is.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Hoffman: The City’s defined time limit. We have to respond. The City has to respond to their
preliminary plat application.
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Hoffman: And the set up that night, this room will be open and available. The senior center will
also be set up for overflow and the screen will show what’s going on in here and then if people
want to move in from the senior center to testify they can come in from the senior center…
That’s how it’s set up on the 5.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2019
Scharfenberg: Okay.
Hoffman: It’s not a public hearing. The public hearing has already been held at the Planning
Commission and it was a 3-3 vote to deny the PUD application so it’s not a second public
hearing. It’s a public comment period. The commissioners that are there I understand there’ll be
5 there that night but will have the opportunity to pass on additional comments to the council if
they choose and then obviously the council will have the ability to watch the full proceedings if
they choose as well so it’s not a second public hearing. It’s a public comment period.
Scharfenberg: Okay. Alright. With that I’ll entertain a motion to adjourn.
Kelly moved, Echternacht seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission
meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Rec Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim