Zoning Letter 101 September 8, 2005 Premier Title Insurance Agency, Inc. Attn: Joann Berg CITY OF 7300 Metro Boulevard CHANHASSEN Edina,MN 55439 j�j��j�IJ 11 7700 Market Boulevard Re: Hidden Creek Meadows 1 PO Box 147 Planning Case#04-31 Chanhassen,MN 55317 If Administration Dear Ms. Berg: Phone:952.227.1100 Fax:952.227.1110 This office has been requested to confirm certain facts and circumstances concerning Building Inspections the current zoning and land use and building code compliance status of the above- Phone:952.227.1180 referenced property. In furtherance of that request, we hereby confirm and advise Fax:952.227.1190 you as follows, to wit: Engineering Phone:952.227.1160 1. The above referenced property is located within the corporate limits of the City of Fax:952.227.1170 Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Accordingly, the building and other Finance improvements comprising the property are under the jurisdiction and are required Phone:952.227.1140 to comply with the building codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Fax:952.227.1110 Chanhassen,Hennepin and Carver Counties, Minnesota. Park&Recreation Phone:952.227.1120 2. The property currently is located in a district with zoning classification of Single Fax:952.227.1110 Family Residential District,RSF, and a comprehensive plan designation of Recreation Center Residential —Low Density. The zoning classification is consistent with the 2310 Coulter Boulevard comprehensive plan designation. A copy of the zoning district regulations is Phone:952.227.1400 Fax:952.227.1404 enclosed. Planning& 3. The use of the property for detached single-family home uses is a permitted use Natural Resources Phone:952.227.1130 under the aforesaid zoning classification and is consistent with the aforesaid Fax:952.227.1110 comprehensive plan designation. Public Works approved Park Road 4. On June 13, 2005, the Chanhassen CityCouncil a roved the Final Plat for Hidden Phone:952.227.1300 Creek Meadows creating 21 lots, 2 outlots and associated right-of-way for public Fax:952.227.1310 streets with a variance for a flag lot. Senior Center Phone:952.227.1125 Should additional information be required of this office concerning the property,you Fax:952.227.1110 may contact me at(952) 227-1131 or bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Sincerely, 6y66-1-i• Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosures g:\plan\bg\zoning letter hidden creek meadows.doc The City of Chanhassen•A growing community with clean lakes,quality schools,a charming downtown,thriving businesses,winding trails,and beautiful parks.A great place to live,work,and play. § 20-595 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (2) The minimum lot frontage is 200 feet, except that the minimum lot frontage of lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be at least 200 feet at the building setback line. (3) The minimum lot depth is 200 feet,except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be at least 200 feet at the building setback line. (4) The maximum lot coverage is 20 percent. (5) The minimum setbacks are as follows: a. For front yards, 50 feet. b. For rear yards, 50 feet. c. For side yards,ten feet. (6) The maximum height is as follows: a. For the principal structure, three stories/35 feet. b. For accessory structures, three stories/35 feet. (7) The minimum driveway separation is as follows: a. If the driveway is on a collector street, 400 feet. b. If the driveway is on an arterial street, 1,250 feet. (Ord. No. 80,Art. V, § 4(5-4-5), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 127, § 2, 3-26-90; Ord. No. 170, § 2, 6-8-92; Ord. No. 194, § 2, 10-11-93; Ord. No. 332, § 2, 12-10-01; Ord. No. 377, § 79, 5-24-04) Sec. 20-596. Interim uses. The following are interim uses in the "RR" District: (1) Commercial kennels and stables. (Ord. No. 120, § 3, 2-12-90) Editor's note—Inasmuch as there exists a§20-595,the provisions added by§3 of Ord.No. 120 as § 20-595 have been redesignated as § 20-596. Secs. 20-597-20-610. Reserved. ARTICLE XII. "RSF'SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 20-611. Intent. The intent of the "RSF" District is to provide for single-family residential subdivisions. (Ord. No. 80,Art. V, § 5(5-5-1), 12-15-86) Sec. 20-612. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an "RSF" District: (1) Antennas as regulated by article XXX of this chapter. (2) Day care center for 12 or fewer children. CD20:110 ZONING § 20-615 (3) Group home serving six or fewer persons. (4) Public and private parks/open space. (5) Single-family dwellings. (6) Temporary real estate office and model home. (7) Utility services. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 5(5-5-2), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 259, § 11, 11-12-96; Ord. No. 377, § 80, 5-24-04) Sec. 20-613. Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an "RSF" District: (1) Garage. (2) Storage building. (3) Swimming pool. (4) Tennis court. (5) Signs. (6) Home occupations. (7) One dock. (8) Private kennel. (Ord. No. 80,Art.V, § 5(5-5-3), 12-15-86) Sec. 20-614. Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an "RSF" District: (1) Churches. (2) Reserved. (3) Recreational beach lots. (4) Towers as regulated by article XXX of this chapter. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 5(5-5.4), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 120, § 4(4), 2-12-90; Ord. No. 259, § 12, 11-12-96) State law reference—Conditional uses,M.S. § 462.3595. Sec. 20-615. Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an "RSF" District subject to additional requirements,exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter and chapter 18: (1) The minimum lot area is 15,000 square feet. For neck or flag lots, the lot area requirements shall be met after the area contained within the "neck" has been excluded from consideration. CD20:111 § 20-615 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (2) The minimum lot frontage is 90 feet,except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac"bubble" or along the outside curve of curvilinear street sections shall be 90 feet in width at the building setback line. The location of this lot is conceptually illustrated below. Lots where fronta$e is measured at the setback line. g114llijllferblpr 41, mar-- Ara, 1P4r1;4" (3) The minimum lot depth is 125 feet. (4) Lot width on neck or flag lots and lots accessed by private streets shall be 100 feet as measured at the front building setback line. The location of these lots is conceptually illustrated below. NECK/FLAG LOTS FRONT LOT LINE STREET I 100'LOT WIDTH a I I II • •r..J 1 1 1 LOT I. �t ti�TIDTH I i #ONO 411,1110 AIM., (5) The maximum lot coverage for all structures and paved surfaces is 25 percent. CD20:112 ZONING § 20-631 (6) The setbacks are as follows: a. For front yards, 30 feet. b. For rear yards, 30 feet. c. For side yards, ten feet. (7) The setbacks for lots served by private streets and/or neck lots are as follows: a. For front yard, 30 feet. The front yard shall be the lot line nearest the public right-of-way that provides access to the parcel. The rear yard lot line is to be located opposite from the front lot line with the remaining exposures treated as side lot lines. On neck lots the front yard setback shall be measured at the point nearest the front lot line where the lot achieves a 100-foot minimum width. b. For rear yards, 30 feet. c. For side yards, ten feet. (8) The maximum height is as follows: a. For the principal structure, three stories/35 feet. b. For accessory structures, 20 feet. (Ord. No. 80,Art. V, § 5(5-5-5), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 90, § 1,3-14-88; Ord.No. 127, § 3, 3-26-90; Ord.No. 145, §2,4-8-91; Ord. No.240, § 18, 7-24-95; Ord.No. 324, §23, 7-9-01; Ord.No. 377, § 81, 5-24-04) Editor's note—Section 2 of Ord. No. 145 purported to amend § 20-615(6)b. pertaining to accessory structures; such provision were contained in § 20-615(7)b., subsequent to amend- ment of the section by Ord.No. 127. Hence,the provisions of Ord. No. 145, § 2,were included as amending§ 20-615(7)b. Sec. 20-616. Interim uses. The following are interim uses in the "RSF"District: (1) Private stables subject to provisions of chapter 5, article IV. (2) Commercial stables with a minimum lot size of five acres. (Ord. No. 120, § 3, 2-12-90) Secs. 20-617-20-630. Reserved. ARTICLE XIII. 'R-4"MIXED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 20-631. Intent. The intent of the "R-4" District is to provide for single-family detached and attached residential development at a maximum net density of four dwelling units per acre. (Ord. No. 80,Art. V, § 6(5-6-1), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 377, § 82, 5-24-04) CD20:113 City of Chanhassen 1100 7700 Market Boulevard 1 n va i ce P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 art OF (952) 227-1100 CENSE SSEN To: Premier Title Insurance Company Ship To: Attn: Joann Berg 7300 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 SALESPERSON DATE TERMS KTM 9/9/05 upon receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Zoning Letter for Hidden Creek Meadows $25.00 $25.00 SUBTOTAL $ 25.00 TAX(6.5%) SHIPPING & HANDLING TOTAL DUE $ 25.00 Make all checks payable to: City of Chanhassen Please write the following code on your check: Hidden Creek Meadows Zoning Letter. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, call: (952)-227-1107. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! City of Chanhassen 101 7700 Market Boulevard Invoice P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 art OF (952) 227-1100 CHANBASSEN To: Premier Title Insurance Company Ship To: Attn: Joann Berg 7300 Metro Boulevard Edina,MN 55439 SALESPERSON DATE TERMS KTM 9/9/05 upon receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Zoning Letter for Hidden Creek Meadows $25.00 $25.00 SUBTOTAL $ 25.00 TAX(6.5%) SHIPPING&HANDLING TOTAL DUE $ 25.00 Make all checks payable to:City of Chanhassen Please write the following code on your check: Hidden Creek Meadows Zoning Letter. If you have any questions concerning this invoice,call:(952)-227-1107. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Payee : PREMIER TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY Date : 11 / 01 / 2005 Time : 3 : 53pm Receipt Number : DW / 6750 Clerk : DANIELLE ZONING LETTER ITEM REFERENCE AMOUNT DEVAP ZONING LETTER USE & VARIANCE 25 . 00 Total : 25 . 00 Check 14670 25 . 00 Change : 0 . 00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT ! PREMIER TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Check Number: 14 67 0 14 6 7 0 Check Date: Oct 31, 2005 City of Chanhassen Check Amount: $25.00 Item to be Paid - Description Discount Taken Amount Paid Hidden Creek Meadows/Zoning Letter 25.00 �: �1 0 Z Nu)