AIS Watercraft Inspection Agreement approved 04-08-2019CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, Apri18, 2019 Subject Approve Specialized Services Agreement with Carver County for Watercraft Inspections Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.9. Prepared By Ryan Pinkalla, Water Resources Technician File No: SWMP-13G PROPOSED MOTION "The City Council approves the 2019 Specialized Services Agreement with Carver County for Watercraft Inspectors at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Lotus Lake in an amount not to exceed $60,219.72 for a maximum total number of watercraft inspection hours not to exceed 3,699 hours." Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND The 2019 City of Chanhassen Watercraft Inspection Program will include inspections at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Lotus Lake. Inbound and outbound watercraft inspections will be conducted by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Trained Level I Watercraft Inspectors. The inspectors will be employed by Carver County through a joint services agreement. Inspectors will be on duty at city -owned public water accesses on variable schedules from May through October. Inspectors will be on duty at Lake Ann and Lake Susan Fridays through Sundays and holidays; and at Lotus Lake seven days a week. The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD), Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance (LLCA), and the City of Chanhassen provide funding for the city's inspection program. Carver County has increased the program cost for 2019. There was no increase from 2015-2018. All partners, including RPBCWD, LLCA, and the city will increase their participation by $2,275 each to cover the increase. If the city is not amenable to the increase, staff will need to cut program hours to fit what was previously budgeted. This would result in a 15% reduction in inspections, which is equal to approximately 532 hours. DISCUSSION 2018 Year-end Aquatic Invasive Species Report for the City of Chanhassen. Number of Watercraft Inspected Official data from the MN DNR resulted in a total of 3,623 watercraft inspections on Chanhassen lakes: • Lotus: 2,993 inspections (1,751 entering and 1,229 exiting), 1 courtesy, and 12 unclassified. • Ann: 454 inspections (262 entering and 191 exiting), and 1 courtesy • Susan: 176 inspections (102 entering and 74 exiting) County staff provided 3,301 hours of inspection services beginning May 12, 2018 and ending November 15, 2018. Of the 3,623 total inspections, two inspections confirmed the presence of zebra mussels. • Lotus: 2,478 hours - 133 violations • Ann: 448 hours - 7 violations • Susan: 375 hours - 19 violations Potentially Contaminated Watercraft One hundred forty six (146), or 4.03%, of the watercraft inspected at Chanhassen lakes were NON-COMPLIANT with MN AIS laws and were potentially contaminated with an aquatic invasive species. Of the 146 non-compliant watercraft, 117 of them were found to have aquatic species (two confirmed zebra mussels). Twenty-nine (29) watercraft entered the access with the drain plug in. In addition, there were three instances of lake service providers attempting to launch contaminated vessels; two with zebra mussels and one with plants. Issues/Concerns Brittle Naiad was discovered in Lotus Lake and Lake Ann in 2017. Only six lakes in Minnesota are listed as infested with Brittle Naiad. Inspection staff typically dwindles in the fall and the Chanhassen lakes experience some inspection service gaps. The City of Chanhassen applies and promotes a comprehensive Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Policy. This policy seeks to prevent and control the spread of AIS within the community and across the state and region. VOLUNTARY WATERCRAFT INSPECTIONS PROGRAM Trained inspectors will be employed to help educate watercraft users about AIS and inspect watercraft at city -owned public water accesses. Inspection hours will be distributed over peak use times. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR WATER ACCESS The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' Best Management Practices for Water Accesses has been implemented at city -owned public water accesses. GRANTS AND COLLABORATION WITH OTHER PROJECT PARTNERS The city and county, with support from local watershed districts and lake associations/alliances, have taken the lead on one of the state's most comprehensive watercraft inspection programs. As appropriate, these partners are seeking grants to assist with these efforts. PUBLIC AWARENESS AND EDUCATION ON AIS All project partners provide and publish extensive information about the importance of protecting against the spread of AIS and provide links to the DNR website for information regarding DNR contacts, news, programs, and other information. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Chanhassen City Council approve the 2019 Specialized Services Agreement with Carver County for Watercraft Inspectors at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Lotus Lake in an amount not to exceed $60,219.72 for a maximum total number of watercraft inspection hours not to exceed 3,699 hours. ATTACHMENTS: 2018 AIS Inspection Report AIS Watercraft Inspection Proposal 2019 Specialized Services Agreement City of Chanhassen Lakes Lotus Lake General Inspection Information Lotus Lake received 2,478 staffed hours from May 12th to November 20th. Lotus Lake was staffed every day of the week from 6am-8pm May 12th -Sept. 3rd, 6:30am-7:30pm Sept. 4th -Sept. 30th, 7am-7pm Oct. 1st - Oct. 15th, 7:30am-6:30pm Oct. 16th -Naw. 3rd, and 7am-4pm Nov. 4th - Nov. 20th. During this time, a total of 2,993 inspections took place (Table 8). The most common type of watercraft was fishing boats (57% of total). The second most common was runabout/ski boats without ballasts (25%) (Figure 46). 19 Table 7: Lotus Lake Inspection Types Exiting 1,229 Courtesy 1 Unclassified 12 TYPE OF WATERCRAFT INSPECTED ■ Boat Lift/Dock/Or Similar 25% Canoe/Kayak/Or Similar Fishing Boat 3% Jon Boat Personal Watercraft ■ Pontoon ■ Runabout or Ski -Boat with no Ballasts +r Sailboat ■ Wakeboard Boat with Ballasts Figure 46: The alcove chart shows the type acrd percent of watercrafts that were inspected at totes 1 ake Of the entering watercrafts, 63% of boaters reported that the watercraft had been out of water for 5 days (the recommended dry time). However, most of the remaining responses were less than the recommended dry time (1-4 days out of water (27%) and less than 24 hours (8%) but TIME OUT OF WATER 0% 8 ■ 1 to 4 days 7% 27% r 5 days or more P< Does not know rr Prefers not to answer k Less than 63%` 24 hours 2% either did not know or prefered not to answer (Figure 47). Figure 47. The above chart shows the Almost 50% of boaters reported that Lotus Lake was the last lake reported amount of time out of water. the watercraft had been in. However, the other 50% comprises of over 160 different waterbodies including Lake Minnetonka, Waconia, Lake Minnewashta, and Riley all of which are infested with zebra mussels (Figure 48). Minnewashta W E Riley Z Waconia J Minnetonka LAST LAKE VISITED 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of Watercraft Figure 48: The above graph shows the top 4 responses by boaters when asked what lake/waterbody the watercraft had been in last. Red indicates the lake is infested with zebra mussels. NOTE: the chart does not include Lotus as a response, which was the top answer. Lotus Lake is largely visited by Minnesota residents (98%). However, 50 out-of-state watercrafts entered the lake throughout the season (Figure 49). Most of the states from which the watercraft originates have waterbodies infested with invasive mussels. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OUT-OF-STATE WATERCRAFT -= -` ■ ■-s ■ -■ �� �a ao as �a �a5 �y a� ��` *$ ee a`' yS P`a4 e`p�c° �Iv �ko x011 k\°� `o mac ��ye `�,.40 ``' o e`Q�1y reyy fie+ `yG°o P P (,� C.° yam �`. � � neo � Figure 49: The above graph shows the number of out- of -state watercraft inspected. Red indicates that the state has waterbodies infested with invasive mussels. Weekend inspections made up almost half of the total inspections at Lotus Lake (47%) (Figure 50). The busiest day of the week for inspectors at the Lotus access was Sunday with a total of 750 inspections. Saturday followed closely with 674. To determine the busiest time of day for inspectors, the survey data was put into 1 of 3 timeframes: 6am-10:59am, 11am-3:59pm, or 4pm-Bpm. Data shows that Sunday afternoons (11am-3:59pm) had the leading number of inspections followed by Saturday afternoons (Figure 51). 13% INSPECTIONS BY TIME OF DAY RKI M Sunday i Monday Tuesday Wednesday 11% `Thursday ■ Friday ■ Saturday Figure 50: The above chart shows the distribution of rn� pections by day of the week. INSPECTIONS BY TIME OF DAY ■ 6am-11arn 11am-4pm m 4pm-$pm 350 300 250 200 T- 150 __ T 100 – 50 0 J�6av �e4a�� ceS6�� s��aaa 4{`a��1 �J a o�6ai Figure 51: The above chart shows the number of inspections by time of day. Inspection Findings and Violations A total of 133 violations were im portatnt to note that 3 Figure 52: The above chart shows the variation of findings during entrance inspections. Lake Service Providers arrived with violations that are not included. Two arrived with zebra mussels attached and 1 arrived with plants. All of which needed further decontamination. plants (removable by hand) FINDINGS AT EXIT Though exit inspection findings are not considered violations, it shows what is coming out of the lake that snails could potentially enter another. During the 1,229 exit mud inspections, there were 105 instances of plants found. Water was the next most common finding (Figure 53). Figure 53: The above chart shows the Variotion of findings during exit inspections only. FINDINGS AT ENTRANCE found by inspectors at Lotus Lake. These violations made water plants (stuck, up 8% of all incoming 56% decon required) inspections including 108 AIS 1% findings and 25 watercrafts Snails approaching the access with 1% the drain plug still in. Of the 108 findings, standing water Other Zebra 3% Mussels was the most common removeable making up 56% of the by hand) mud violations, followed by plants plants 3% 2% at 37% (Figure 52). Two (removable inspections resulted in zebra by hand) mussels found. Also, it is 37% im portatnt to note that 3 Figure 52: The above chart shows the variation of findings during entrance inspections. Lake Service Providers arrived with violations that are not included. Two arrived with zebra mussels attached and 1 arrived with plants. All of which needed further decontamination. plants (removable by hand) FINDINGS AT EXIT Though exit inspection findings are not considered violations, it shows what is coming out of the lake that snails could potentially enter another. During the 1,229 exit mud inspections, there were 105 instances of plants found. Water was the next most common finding (Figure 53). Figure 53: The above chart shows the Variotion of findings during exit inspections only. Lake Ann General Inspection Information Lake Ann was staffed 448 hours from May 28th to September 3W. Table 8: lake Ann Inspection Types Generally, Lake Ann was staffed from either 6am or 7am until 8pm every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and on holidays. During this time, Inspection' e - Count 454 inspections took place (Table 8). In total, 229 (50%) were fishing boats. The next most common type of watercraft were canoes/kayaks Exiting 191 at 194 (43%) (Figure 54). Courtesy 1 TYPE OF WATERCRAFTS INSPECTED ■ Canoe/Kayak/Or Similar 0 Fishing Boat Ki Jon Boat 2 Personal Watercraft IL Pontoon ■ Runabout or Ski -Boat with no Ballasts ■ Sailboat Figure 54: The above chart shows the type and percent of watercrofts that were inspected at Lake Ann. A majority (61%) of people entering Lake Ann reported that the watercraft under inspection had been out of water for 5 days or more, the recommended time (Figure 55). However, 94 watercrafts had been out of water for less than the recommended 5 -day dry time. A total of 70 people reported that the watercraft was out of water for 1-4 days while 21 people reported it had been less than 24 hours. TIME OUT OF WATER r7q ■Ito4days 5 days or more Does not know Less than 24 hours Prefers not to answer Figure 55: The above chart shows the reported amount of time out of water by incoming boaters only. 2 1 0 Forty one percent of boaters reported that Lake Ann was the last lake the watercraft had been in. Not including the 58 people who reported they were unsure what lake they had last been on, this leaves 134 boaters coming from other lakes. Of these 134 boaters, Lake Minnetonka was the most common lake last visited with a total of 16 reports (Figure 56). Lotus 10 W Susan E M Z Minnewashta W a Minnetonka Ann OUT OF STATE WATERCRAFTS California Missouri Wisconsin Figure 57: The above graph shows the number of watercraft that entered take Ann from out-of-state. The red bars indicate the state is infested with invasive mussels. Lake Ann was visited most on Saturdays with a total of 196 inspections completed. Friday was a close second with 125 inspections completed. To compare traffic by time of day survey data was put into 1 of 3 timeframes: 6am-10:59am, 11am- 3:59pm, or 4pm-8pm. Generally, Saturday and Sunday mornings were the busiest with roughly 125 inspections falling within that timeframe (Figure 58). LAST LAKE VISITED 0 s0 100 150 Number of Watercraft 200 Figure 56: The above graph shows the top 5 responses from entering boaters who had previously been on a different lake. Red indicates that the lake is infested with zebra mussels. Over 98% of the watercrafts inspected at Lake Ann reside in Minnesota. However, there were 5 watercrafts that were from out-of-state with Wisconsin and California being the most common (Figure 57). Every state reported contains waterbodies that are infested with zebra mussels. INSPECTIONS BY TIME OF 'DAY ■ 6am-11am I1am-4pm , 4pm-8pm 80 60 40 20 0 A A A A Sly Figure 58. The above chart shows the distribution of inspections by time of day. Note: take Ann was not staffed during the week unless it was a holiday. Inspection f=indings and Violations There was a total of 7 violations of MN AIS Laws at Lake Ann during the 2018 inspection season. Six of these were findings during entrance inspections while the remaining 1 was a drain plug violation. The violations were due to either standing water or plants removable by hand in/on the watercraft. Though not a violation, there were 24 exit inspections. All except one were plants removeable by hand, one was plants that required decontamination. Overall, plants were the most common finding on both entering and exiting watercrafts/trailers/water-related equipment (Figure 59). FINDINGS AT ENTRANCE AND EXIT plants (removable by hand) 87% mater 10% its (stuck, decon quired) 3% Figure 59: The above chart shows the variation of findings during both entrance and exit inspections, Lake Susan General Inspection Information Lake Susan received 375 hours from May 28`h to September 3`d. Inspectors were scheduled every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays from either 6am or lam until Bpm. During this time there were 176 inspections (Table 9). Of the 176 inspections, 77% of them were conducted on fishing boats (Figure 60). Table 9: Lake Susan Inspection Types Inspection Type Count 102 Exiting 74 According to the MN DNR Inspection data, a majority of entering lake users (63 or 620) reported that the watercraft being inspected had been out of water for the recommended 5 days. However, a majority of the remaining incoming boaters that had been out of the water less than 5 days (8%- less than 24 hours and 27% from 1-4 days). TYPE OF WATERCRAFT INSPECTED 2% 1% a Canoe/Kayak/Or Similar Fishing Boat Jon Boat Personal Watercraft o. Runabout or Ski -Boat with no Ballasts Figure 60; The above chart shows the percent of inspections that were conducted based on watercraft type. Of the 176 inspections, S1 people reported that Lake Susan was the most recent lake that the watercraft had been in. Over SOIo reported lakes other than Susan were visited last, some of which are infested with zebra mussels (Figure 61). Only Minnesota registered watercrafts were inspected at Susan in 2018. LAST LAKE VISITED W Waconia/Minnetonka E Z Lotus a� Y l3 -' Susan 0 20 40 !Number of Watercraft Figure 61: Top responses to last lake visited. The red bars indicate that the lake is infested with zebra mussels. 60 Inspection Findings and Violations There was a total of 6 violations at Lake Susan, 3 drain plug violations and 3 instances of plants removable by hand on entrance. Though not considered a violation of MN AIS Laws, there were findings during 9 exit inspections. All of which were plants removable by hand as well. Carver County Planning & Water Management i Government Center Administration Building 600 E 4t" St, Chaska, MN 55318-2102 CARVER COUNTY February 19, 2019 Ryan Pinkalla Water Resources Technician City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Aquatic invasive species (AIS) watercraft inspection proposal for Chanhassen lakes Dear Mr. Pinkalla: The Carver County Planning and Water Management Department would like to continue the AIS watercraft inspection partnership for Lotus, Ann, and Susan Lakes. The proposed 2019 watercraft inspection program for these 3 lakes (pending board approval) is included with this letter. A priority need for the AIS program at these three lakes, which would operate mid-May through October, is funding for seasonal/part-time watercraft inspector labor and program supplies. The cost of supplies has been incorporated into a flat rate of $16.28 per inspection hour. The CCWMO is requesting $60,155.32 from the City of Chanhassen (and partners) to support this program which is a key component of the County's efforts to stop the spread of invasive species. We thank you for the opportunity to continue this partnership. If you have questions, please phone me at the number below. Sincerely, Andrew Dickhart Carver County AIS Coordinator 952-361-1871 r 1 rir' Carver Co my Water Management Organization CITY OHEAN�H®SSEN REC ,MAY 1 3 2019 City of Chanhassen ENGINEERING DEPT. AIS Watercraft Inspection Agreement AGREEMENT entered into as of 5-- 3 - , 2019 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation("City"), and COUNTY OF CARVER, a body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota("County"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and obligations,the City and County agree as follows: I. COUNTY SERVICES The purpose of this Agreement is to assist the City in preventing the introduction of new Aquatic Invasive Species (hereinafter called"AIS") into Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus Lake through AIS education and inspections. The primary contact for the County is Andrew Dickhart and Ryan Pinkalla is the primary contact for the City. II. SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL AGREEMENT SPECIFICATIONS 1. This Agreement shall commence upon its execution by both parties and continue through November 15, 2019. The total amount of compensation to be paid to the County shall not exceed$60,219.72. 2. Inspections will be conducted at the following public access points: Lake Ann, Lake Susan and Lotus Lake in accordance with the schedule attached as Appendix A. 3. Inspections outside of the foregoing hours shall be conducted by the County only with the mutual consent and agreement of the City and the County. The maximum total number of watercraft inspection hours for these days from May 11, 2019 through November 15, 2019 is three thousand six hundred eighty-eight(3,699). 4. The County will provide all necessary supervision to assure that the County's employees satisfactorily perform their duties under this Agreement. 5. The County will onboard applicants as employee inspectors,be responsible for training, scheduling, and payroll during the term of this agreement. The County will provide inspector service as long it has inspector staffing or to the term of this agreement, whichever comes first. 6. Watercraft inspectors placed by the County shall perform in accordance with the approved position description attached in Appendix C. The City will reimburse the County for inspections at the rate of Sixteen Dollars and 28/100 ($16.28)per hour up to a total not to exceed $60,219.72. 7. The County will provide reports showing actual time spent by time, day, and location. 8. The county will coordinate MN DNR training sessions for the inspectors to be certified as Level I or Level II inspectors. 1 9. The County shall act in all respects as an independent Contractor under this Agreement and will be solely responsible for performance of services required hereunder, as well as the means and manner of performance thereof. Nothing herein authorizes the County to act as an agent or representative of the City for any purpose. 10. Any amendment to this agreement must be in writing and executed by both the County and the City III. INDEMNIFICATION Each party shall be liable for its own acts to the extent provided by law and hereby agrees to indemnify,hold harmless and defend the other, its officers and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or actions, including attorney's fees which the other, its officers and employees may hereafter sustain, incur or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of the party, its agents, servants or employees, in the execution or performance or failure to adequately perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the County's and City's liability shall be limited by the provisions of Minn.Stat.Chap.466 and/or other applicable law. To the full extent permitted by law, actions by the parties pursuant to this Agreement are intended to be and shall be construed as a"cooperative activity"and it is the intent of the parties that they shall be deemed a"single government unit" for the purposes of liability, all as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, Subd. la(a); provided further that for purposes of that statute, each party to this Agreement expressly declines responsibility for the acts of omissions of the other party. IV. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES 1. Payments to the County will be paid as services are performed and will be paid within thirty-five (35)days of receipt of the County's invoice, which shall be submitted no more than monthly. 2. All other expenses incurred by the County in completing the work required under this Agreement will be the County's responsibility. V. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may be terminated at any time and for any reason by the City on seven (7) days' written notice. In the event of termination by the City, the County is entitled to compensation based on the number of hours worked up to the effective date of termination. VI. NOTICE 1. Any notice, request, demand or other communication required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be properly given when deposited in the United States Postal Service,postage prepaid, and addressed to the agent of each party as specified herein. 2 2. However,when this Agreement requires immediate notice, such notice shall be accomplished by telephone to the designated agent of the parties or by facsimile to the numbers listed herein: (a) Notices to City should be sent to: City of Chanhassen Attn: Ryan Pinkalla 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Telephone: 952-227-1173 Fax: 952-227-1110 (b) Notices to the County should be sent to: Carver County Attn: Andrew Dickhart 600 E. 4th Street Chaska, Minnesota Telephone: 952-361-1871 Fax: 952-361-1828 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. CITY OF CHANHASSEN, COU Y OF CARVER MINNESOTA - ,/ BY: (AMA_ BY: .�..�i/ Elise Ryan, May Randy Mal•chnik, hair,Board of Commissioners Date: Ap/, ! q ,2019 Date: -2 , 2019 3 Appendix A Lotus Lake Program Breakdown Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day 14 Mon 6am-8pm Per Week 98 Tues 6am-8pm Total Inspection days 115 Wed 6am-8pm Total Inspection hours 1610 Thur 6am-8pm Total Inspection$at 16.28/hr $ 26,210.80 Fri 6am-8pm Sat 6am-8pm Sun 6am-8pm May 11-Sept 2'f Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day 13 Mon 6:30am-7:30pm Per Week 91 Tues 6:30am-7:30pm Total Inspection days 28 Wed 6:30am-7:30pm Total Inspection hours 364 Thur 6:30am-7:30pm Total Inspection$at 16.28/hr $ 5,925.97 Fri 6:30am-7:30pm Sat 6:30am-7:30pm Sun 6:30am-7:30pm Sept 3-Sept 30'f` Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day 12 Mon 7am-7pm Per Week 84 Tues 7am-7pm Total Inspection days 15 Wed 7am-7pm Total Inspection hours 180 Thur 7am-7pm Total Inspection$at 16.28/hr $ 2,930.40 Fri 7am-7pm Sat 7am-7pm Sun 7am-7pm Oct 1-Oct 15 1` Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day 11 Mon 7:30am-6:30pm Per Week 77 Tues 7:30am-6:30pm Total Inspection days 18 Wed 7:30am-6:30pm Total Inspection hours 198 Thur 7:30am-6:30pm Total Inspection$at 16.28/hr 3,223.44 Fri 7:30am-6:30pm Sat 7:30am-6:30pm Sun 7:30am-6:30pm Oct 16-Nov21' Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day 9 Mon 7:00 am-4pm Per Week 63 Tues 7:00 am-4pm Total Inspection days 13 Wed 7:00 am-4pm Total Inspection hours 117 Thur 7:00 am-4pm Total Inspection$at 16.28/hr 1,904.76 Fri 7:00 am-4pm Sat 7:OOam-4pm Sun 7:00 am-4pm Nov 3-Nov 15 4 Lake Ann Program Breakdown Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day Mon Per Week 40 Tues Total Inspection days 46 Wed Total Inspection hours 615 Thur Total Inspection$at 15.02/hr avg. $ 9,237.30 Fri 7am-8pm Sat 6am-8pm Including Mem. Day,July 4,and Labor Day Sun 7am-8pm May 28-Sept 3 Lake Susan Program Breakdown Who County CC Hrs Day: Hours to Cover Per Day Mon Per Week 40 Tues Total Inspection days 46 Wed Total Inspection hours 615 Thur Total Inspection $at 15.02/hr avg. > 9,237.30 Fri 7am-8pm Sat 6am-8pm Including Mem. Day,July 4, and Labor Day Sun 7am-8pm May 28-Sept 3 5 Appendix B 2019 Program Details Duration of Inspections: Lake Ann and Lake Susan 46 Days(5/28/19-9/2/19) Lotus Lake 189 days(5/11/19-11/15/19) Coverage Times: Lake Ann & Lake Susan: Fridays & Sundays (7 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Saturdays (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and holidays Lotus Lake: May 11 to September 2 (6 am to 8 pm) September 3-30 (6:30 am to 7:30 pm) October 1-15 (7:00 am to 7:00 pm) October 16—Nov 2 (7:30 am to 6:30 pm) November 3-15 (7:00 am to 4:00 pm) Total Inspection Hours: Lake Ann 615 hours Lake Susan 615 hours Lotus Lake 2469 hours 3699 hours Combined Program Budget Inspections 3699 @$16.28/hr $60,219.72 Funding: Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District RPBCWD $27,275 City of Chanhassen $20,699.72 Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance/LLCA $12,275 $60,219.72 Appendix C 6 JOB SUMMARY: The Watercraft Inspector serves to inform and educate the public to the threats of ecologically harmful aquatic invasive species to Minnesota's waters. Inspectors work at public water access sites educating the public by providing information to watercraft users and conducting a brief survey while inspecting watercraft for invasive species. Other duties include assisting the coordinator with access postings, assisting Law Enforcement with access checks, invasive plant removal; conduct other research in partnership with different departments/organizations and other natural resource projects. There are three levels being recruited for this position: *Level I Watercraft Inspector: Level I Watercraft Inspectors will be required to attend and pass a MN DNR inspection training course and will be responsible for public education, watercraft inspections for Aquatic Invasive Species, documentation and reporting, on-site surveys and sample collection. *Level II Watercraft Inspector: Level II Watercraft Inspectors will be required to attend a MN DNR decontamination training course in addition to a MN DNR inspection training course. A Level II inspector will have the same responsibilities as a Level I, but will also be certified to perform decontamination services using hot, high-pressure water. *Lead Watercraft Inspector: Lead Inspectors will be Level II certified and be capable of taking on additional leadership and administrative responsibilities such as employee training and supervision, scheduling, inventory, oversight of day-to-day operations, etc. TYPICAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Educate the public on invasive species program and issues • Distribute written information to watercraft users • Inspect watercraft for invasive species • Conduct a verbal survey & inspection inventory • Document and record research activities 7