Development Review ApplicationCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM ENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Pho e: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (95?) 227-1110 * CNYOICIHffiMMMt suumittar oatSl rr I r 9 A,PPLICATION FOR DEVE pco.r. Gl tXlF. cc Date: LOPMENT REVIEW 1l ?(ta 6ooa y Revi "*gg+rilstil Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Retet to the awropriate Application Checldist lot rcqui@d sublittal intomation that mug, accompany this application) E Comprehensive Plan Amendment......................... $600 [ Subdivision (SUB) tr tr tr tr a ! Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) D Single-Family Residence ................................ $325! ett otners....... .................... $425 lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln conjunction with Single.Family Residence.. $325! ntl ottrers....... .................... $425 Rezoning (REZ) ! Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750D Minor tunendment to existing PUD................. $100E ell ottrers....... .......-............ $500 Sign Plan Review. .................... $150 Site Plan Review (SPR) ! Administrative .................... $100[l GommerciaUlndustrial Districts'......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ! Create 3 lots or less ........................................$3OO fl Greate over 3 |ots.......................$600 + $15 per lot( lots) Ll Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300n Consolidate Lots..............................................$1 SO! Lot Line Adjusrnent.........................................$1 50E Final Plat........ ....................$700 (lncludes $450 escrow for attomey costs)'*Additbnal escow may be required for othe. applications though the development conuaci. Vacation of Easements/Right-ol-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additbnal recoding b€s may apply) Variance (VAR).... .................. $200 Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) fl Single-Family Residence............................... $150n lut ottrers....... .................. $275 Zoning Appeal...... .................. $100 E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)...... $s00 $200 ( 38 addresses) . $3 per address tr ! ! tr ( 10 thousand square feet) 'lnclude number of g!ls[!g employees @ Notification S ign (ci9 to install and remove) .......... ........... E Property Owners' List within 500' (city lo generate afrer preapplicali$ meeting) 'lnclude number oflgg employees: n Residential Disficts:......................------- SSOO N.gfE: When multiple applicttions aro processed concunontlv, plus g5 per dwelling unit f ,nii;i ---- th' appropriate fee shall be charged fo' each application. E Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)..................-....... E Condilional Use Permit E lnterim Use Permit E Vacation E Variance I Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) E Easements L-easements) ....... ............... $50 per document E] Site Plan Agreement E Weuand Alteration Permitl-l Deeds 16141pgE' $964.00 Section 2: Required lnformation 3300 Tanadoona Drive, Excelsior, MN 55331Property Address or Location Parcet #: 250093200 at 'ret p.fl of l}ovt toi 9 in se 6, and ds d p.n c, s1/vt/4 twu4 o, sec aj ,lLegal UeSCnpIlOn: co,rrna Oe SE dn S\a/r,1,tgr, ,4 of lec 9 TH 115gr/v 1565 ,!: TH Na6$, I rying dy ol tne ldtoNing .!6adib.d: 21q lo ths si6.e d t€ta Mnll*sht, 62.10 Wetlands Present? Z ves n l.lo Rural Residential District (RR)Rural Residential District (RR) Public/Semi-Public Total Acreage: Present Zoning Existing Use of Property: Requested Land Use Design "1;on. Public/Semi-Public MAY 17 20ts Descriotion of proDosal: Demolition of exsiting Dining Hall, construction of new Dining hall in exsiting location. Connection to city water and sewer, developemnt of access road and drop off. Requested Zoning: Present Land Use Designation: Camp lCheck box 'rf separate narative is attached. Sectigl 3: Properly Qwner a nd Applicant lnlormation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY_OWNER: In signing lhis application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtainedauthorization from the property owner to file this applicalion. I agree to be bound by condi0ons oi approval, subdt onty tothe right to obiect at the hearings on the application or duing lhe appeal period. lf ihis application has not Gen-iigneo oylhe property owner, I have attached separate docunentation of full legal ;apacity to file ihe applicalion. rtris ippficationshould be processed in my name and l.am_lhe party whom th€ city should cont;ct regarding'any matter pertiinlng to tnisapplication. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines lor submission of material and the ;roq;ess of this aooticatron. Ifurther understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility stuote!. eic. wnn a" ".t'i,iai" prio, toany authorization to proceed wlth the sludy. I certify that the informrtion and exhibiG submitted are true "na-*i""t.Tammy Magney, AIA Magney Architecture Tammy Magney 540 Lake Slreet Contact Phone:(612t 7 01-7117 Excelsior MN 55331 (6't2) 7 01 -7 1 17City/State/Zip Email: Cell: Fax: Date tmagney@mchsi.com Signature 5/16/19 PROPERTY OWNER: ln ning this application, l, as property owner, hava full legal capacity to, and hereby do,authorize the [iling of this application. I understand that condilions ol approvala re binding and agree to be bound b y thoseconditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or duri ng the appeal periods. I witl keep myselt intorm ed ofthe deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this a be charged for consultiog fees, feasibility studies, etc. wilh an es tim plication. I further understand that additional fees may ate prior to any authorization to proceed with the p study I certify that the informatiofl and exhibits submitted are true Camp Fire Minnesota and conect Name Address City/State/Zip Email: st Park, MN 55416 iew@ PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Carlson Mccain Engineers Address Email Contact Marnie Wells, CEO Phone: (612) 284-6816 (612) 242-01 41Cell: Fax: Date This application must be completed in full and must b€ accompanied by all lnformation and plans reauired bv applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application. refer to the appropriate Application Cn""iti.t and confer wilh the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicabte procedural requirements and fees A determ inatjon of completeness of the application shall be made wilhin 1 5 business days of application submittal. Awritten notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed lo the applicant within 15 business days oI appficeitn. Contact Phone: Joe Radach, PE 15650 36th Ave N, Plymouth, MN 55,146 jradach@carlsonmccain.com (763) 489-7912 (612),73O-226s Seclion 4: Notification lnformation Who should receiye copies of staff reports? E Property Owner Via: E Email iOther Contact lnformation Name:Applicant Via: El EmaitEngineer Via: E EmaitOther' Via: E Email I tvaited Paper Copy L_l Mailed Paper Copy LJ Mailed Paper Copy L_l Mailed Paper Copy Address INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT device -- : -r and deliver copy to the city for processing : Complete all necessary form fiolds, lh€n select : \ , : =: i ,,! to save a copy to your to cily along with required documents and payment. S.Bu:ilp,u-tose;dadigtal SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM City/State/zip Email: N ame Address. 4829 Minnetonka Blvd Unit 202 Signature: City/State/Zip: 5t't6120 Cell: Fax: A