PRC 2019 05 29
The Park and Recreation Commission met at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the request to sponsor a
Gratitude Tree, and then departed at 5:40 p.m. for a tour of the Lake Ann Park expansion
property with Mayor Ryan and Councilwoman Coleman.
Chairman Boettcher called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Karl Tsuchiya, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Matt
Kutz, Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Audrey Swantz, Recreation Supervisor
Ashley & Joe Heuer 295 Preserve Court
Boettcher: Those of us that were on the tour evidently everybody made it back so good time
there. Didn’t lose anybody.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Scanlon moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Boettcher: I see a couple here. Are you here for high school class credit. You want to introduce
Joe Heuer: I’m Joe.
Ashley Heuer: I’m Ashley.
Hoffman: And from which school?
Joe Heuer: Holy Family.
Hoffman: Which class.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Joe Heuer: ?
Boettcher: Glad to see you.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tsuchiya moves, Pemrick seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated April 23,
2019. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
Boettcher: Alright, getting through this fast. Making up for the tour. New business. Item
number 1, introduction of 2019 Old National Bank Summer Concert Series. Is this Audrey?
Swantz: Good evening Commissioner Boettcher and commission. The 2019 Old National Bank
concert series will be held at City Center Park just outside starting on June 13 and will go
through August 8. Every Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.. We have a good variety of
different types of music for everyone’s style this year. It’s going to be a good fun event that
everyone kind of looks forward to every summer. Attached is the Summer Concert Series flyer.
It has a little information on at least the names of all the different bands that we have coming this
year and more information can be found on our website. Old National Bank, previously
KleinBank just across the street is our title sponsor for the event series this year. They
graciously donated $3,000 to the concert series which really helps take care of most of the
expenses for this series. And they actually were at City Council last week, or last night to
present a check to the City Council. On August 1 we will have two different, we’ll have a
children’s band in the morning and then an adult band in the evening so we get a little more
variety mixed in. And the, we will have concessions with fresh popcorn, candy, cold beverages,
and Old National Bank providing water once again this year. Staff continues to think of different
ways to market it and this fun event and we have magnets upstairs if anyone is interested.
Boettcher: And I think last month Jerry did you say that the bank now upped their participation
by $500, is that right?
Ruegemer: That is correct.
Boettcher: It was $2,500 with Klein.
Ruegemer: That’s correct Chair Boettcher.
Boettcher: Okay thank you. Yeah looking forward to it. It looks like a good selection there. I
think I need to come and see the Fattenin’ Frogs. That just sounds like my type of group I guess.
No it looks really good so looking forward to good participation.
Swantz: Thank you.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Boettcher: And the next item, Old Business we’ve got, is there anything that needs to be covered
there Todd?
Hoffman: No.
Boettcher: Commissioners anything?
Boettcher: Audrey I guess you’re back up again for the Easter Egg Candy Hunt review. Hate to
make you run back and forth.
Swantz: Kind of crazy to think about Easter. So on April 20 we had the Easter Egg Candy
Hunt. It was the 36 annual event and we really lucked out with the weather that day. It was 50
degrees and sunny and we had a great turnout. 471 kids total registered. That is much higher
than the 247 from the previous year. It did rain the previous year so it’s a little difficult to
compare the two. It’s really dependent on the weather but it was a great turnout and we couldn’t
have asked for a better event. And we had 230 pre-registered participants and 241 show up the
day of and register so being able to keep that open registration is really important. Each
participant, well we had the kids divided into three age groups. 4 and under, 5 to 8 and 9 to 12
and they each had their own designated area to find candy and eggs which worked really well.
ABC Toy End Zone of Chanhassen donated prize baskets for the coloring contest this year as
well as a golden egg basket and we had 140 coloring contest entries and we as a city staff voted
on the entries and contacted the winners and they were all very excited. Attached is an expense
report for the event and for 2020 we hope to continue to have the Chanhassen Fire Department
help out with the event and continue to reach out to community sponsors to maybe get involved
as well.
Boettcher: So I see this $27.49 for cleaning the bunny suit so the bunny was rolling around in
the grass and getting smudge marks on it. I mean we’ve got control this bunny evidently.
Swantz: Bunny got a little muddy.
Boettcher: Really okay. But I mean yeah, and again weather is something you can’t control but
if you just look at the raw numbers from last year to this year that’s quite an increase.
Hoffman: It was snowing last year. Pretty significantly.
Boettcher: I think the 15 of April last year I think was when we had the big, 12 inches or
whatever it was.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Tsuchiya: Didn’t we say last year they had to brush off the field last year?
Hoffman: Yeah we did. We had to plow it and sweep it…
Tsuchiya: Yeah not a lot of hiding there.
Boettcher: The reason for the colored eggs. White is kind of camouflaged by the snow.
Hoffman: It was unique.
Boettcher: Well sounds like everybody had a good time then. It’s great. Thank you Audrey.
Kutz: I have one question. What do you do with the balance? Do you just roll that over to next
year’s fund or what happens with that dollar amount? Do you guys know?
Hoffman: Yeah it just goes into general fund.
Kutz: It just goes back to the general fund instead of rolling over to next year?
Hoffman: Yep.
Ruegemer: Just revenue.
Swantz: Any other questions? Thank you.
Boettcher: Thank you.
Boettcher: Jerry looks like you’re up next. Lake Ann Park summer programs.
Ruegemer: Thank you Chair Boettcher. Excuse me for interrupting. Just wanted to give
everybody a quick update here. Lake Ann is, hopefully with the rain going to be stopping here
hopefully anytime soon, looks like we’re really kind of starting to kind of pick up up there for
activity out at Lake Ann. Really Lake Ann is one of our important hubs of recreation that we
have within our city. Certainly not only with active with ballfields and that sort of thing but just
lots of picnics. A lot of people going down to the beach. Fishing is starting to pick up on the
piers. Rentals were started last weekend for all the paddleboats and kayaks and paddleboards.
Stand up paddleboards so that’s always good to see. We have staff out there working for that so
just kind of in the process of just kind of getting up and running here. We did staff training out
there for all the concession folks for that so we did open up last weekend and we’ll be open until
Sunday, August 18 out there so we’ll be open 7 days a week, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. So you
know again we have the paddleboards out there with our agreement with Twin Cities
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Paddleboards out there so it’s really a great, a great agreement we have with Jeff Gibbon with
Twin Cities Paddleboards. He supplies all the boards. He purchases them. Maintains them and
so kind of what we do as a staff out there is we operate the rental operation. We kind of do,
coordinate the rentals and do all that kind of stuff and it’s, Jeff is very generous and we split
revenue. We get 70 percent and he gets 30 percent so it’s really been a great revenue, source of
revenue for us and so we’re close to 1,500 rentals last year total for all the paddleboats and stand
up paddleboards and that sort of thing here so that has far surpassed our food sales out there so
we’re very fortunate to have a good reputation. Lake Ann’s a great lake. Calm lake. Non-
motorized lake for people to go out and kayak without the fear of getting run over by a power
boat. It’s great for stand up paddleboarding so we’re very fortunate to have our watercraft rental
operation out there for that so, so it’s been very busy with getting that all ready to go here for the
season so that’s up and running here. We’re going to be having a lot of school groups out there
next week from Minnetonka Middle School West, Scenic Heights Elementary School, Pioneer
Ridge Middle School so a lot of them will come out kind of for the end of the year parties. Do a
lot of boat rentals out there. Buy lots of lollies and other types of candy and snacks, that sort of
thing so we bring in staff early those days just to accommodate all the rentals and all the activity
out there so we’re extremely happy that they continue to pick Lake Ann for their end of the year
picnics and it’s kind of a tradition for them as well. They love coming there and we love having
them so it’s been a great partnership through the years. Staff has been busy, very busy with
picnic reservations or really a lot of the weekend I guess facilities. Lake Ann at the Lakeside and
the Klingelhutz Pavilion as well as the Lake Susan pavilions. A lot of the weekends are booked.
Certainly in the month of June. July is really filling up and August is starting to fill up as well so
that’s very busy. Just coordinating those so we normally have 120 plus picnics for the year so a
lot of coordination. Kind of getting, make sure everybody’s having a really quality experience
out there for that so we always project revenue to be about $16,000 by the end of the year for
that so that’s been pretty consistent through the years and we’ll have that number here at the tail
end of the season in September-October when we go through the final numbers of those. The
beach is, well the beach is always open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. which coincides with our
park hours so really anybody can swim at any time. Lifeguards will be on staff this coming
weekend and that will start on Saturday, June 1. That will go through Sunday, August 11 so
we are contracting again through Minnetonka Aquatics so they’ll be on duty from 11:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. weather permitting from, kind of between those dates that we had notified here. So
just very busy again. It’s always crazy this time of year with kind of the end of school years and
it’s starting to get nice. It’s starting to dry out a little bit and hopefully the water will warm up a
little bit so people can get in it so we’re excited and our staff is trained and ready to go and we’re
here to make memories here for the summer so it’s going to be a good one.
Boettcher: Do you have any issues staffing wise? I mean plenty of people. Like do you have
someone working concession stand and someone doing the rentals? Are there always 2 people
on site or?
Ruegemer: Yeah kind of what we do Commissioner Boettcher is that we have 4 people staffed
out there. We have 4 people hired I should say and then what we do, we have a concession
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
manager and then 3 general Lake Ann concession workers so the manager takes care of creating
schedules. Ordering product. Kind of keeping us up to date as to kind of what’s going on a daily
basis. Handle any kind of issues that may arise during that so what we do during the week we
have 2 different shifts. Kind of split the day in half so we have an opening and a closing shift.
On the weekends we overlap 3 hours so then kind of usually kind of the middle part of the day
it’s always pretty busy out there so then we have 2 people on duty so we kind of overlap 3 hours
to improve our customer experience. To lessen lines. To get boats rented quicker. To you know
get out food quicker so the quicker we hustle the, obviously more revenue we make and
obviously most importantly is having really a good experience for the customer is getting them
through and making it enjoyable for them.
Boettcher: So this year did you get approved that park commission members get a discount on
concessions? I tried that last year and I said I know Jerry Ruegemer and she charged me double
so evidently I don’t use that line again.
Ruegemer: As instructed.
Boettcher: As instructed. I was afraid of that so.
Tsuchiya: Your picture’s on the wall. It says Cookie Monster.
Boettcher: I thought $17 for a hotdog was a little bit excessive but you know. Maybe not. No it
seems like, I’ve personally I’ve never heard any complaints about anything when I’m out there
fishing. I watch and there’s always people going back and forth so looks like they do a real good
job definitely so. Good.
Boettcher: Okay next item I think is still Jerry and that’s, oh no this is Audrey again. You guys
are flip flopping. 2019 summer programs. Looks like you’ve got, you might have a few things
going on this summer huh?
Swantz: Just a couple.
Boettcher: What 50 or 60?
Swantz: We have a list of our 2019 summer programs in front of you. These can all be found in
the Summer Connection that was mailed out in March but this is a list kind of separates it by
different age groups so you have a wide variety for ages 3 to 6, 7 to 16 and there’s also some
family oriented events. A lot of these include the Rec Center Sports as well as some of my
playground programs. Lake Ann Adventure Camp. Our partnership with Carver County Parks
as well as our partnership with Skyhawk Sports. And we really have something for everyone
whether it’s sports or dance or outdoor adventure, archery. It’s really awesome. And then our
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
family programs we have the 36 Annual Fourth of July celebration as well as the concert series
and I would really throw the Penny Carnival in a family event as well. It’s listed for both age
groups but I think it’s something the whole family likes to go out and go to. If any
commissioners have any ideas for future programs feel free to reach out or discuss them now too.
Boettcher: I just like the names of a couple, looking at the Pint Sized Picasso’s and Little Tiger
Self Defense Camp. So who is the, most of these are done at the Rec Center so Jodi and her
crew or are you over there manipulating, watching them or doing whatever too or not?
Swantz: No a lot of the ones that are based out of the Rec Center, actually all the ones based out
at the Rec Center are going to be overseen by Jodi and then her, she has a Rec Sports
Coordinator that helps with the planning and implementing of the sports programs.
Boettcher: Looks like if you want something to do in Chanhassen and you’re between 3 and 16
you’re covered. Good.
Swantz: Thank you.
Boettcher: Next looks like we’re looking at commission member committee reports. Anyone
have anything? I had one item real quick. Commissioner Petouvis and I were at Arbor Day and
I think the tree that she and I and her daughter planted I believe has grown about 2 feet in 3 ½
weeks so evidently we didn’t cover the root with dirt like they told us not to so I think we might
Petouvis: It might be the dead one.
Boettcher: Oh is that the dead one? Oh. Our’s was one over from there. Oh okay but it was a
good time. Good crowd of people out there. It was really enjoyable. Didn’t rain this year so.
Hoffman: Good weather. Didn’t rain.
Boettcher: Yeah it was really a nice day so.
Hoffman: Thanks for coming down. It’s important, Jill supports that so it’s important to her that
we support her and her efforts to plant trees in our parks so thanks for being there.
Sweetser: Oh I have a question. I don’t know if this is the right thing.
Boettcher: Sure.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Sweetser: I was reading through the by-laws and I have two questions on those. Should I bring
that up?
Boettcher: Sure.
Sweetser: Okay. First of all is for Section 2. Notice of all special meetings shall also be posted
on the official city bulletin board. Where is that?
Hoffman: Right up.
Sweetser: Upstairs? Up top. Okay. I kind of figured. Didn’t know.
Hoffman: Entryway.
Sweetser: I haven’t been up there in a while.
Hoffman: So tonight was posted as an official board council meeting even though it didn’t reach
a quorum so there all council was invited so we post that.
Sweetser: Okay. And then the other thing I noticed was it says that it should be reviewed every
5 years but 2013 is the date that’s listed on the bottom of it.
Hoffman: The by-laws?
Sweetser: On the by-laws so is that something that needs to be reviewed and updated then?
Hoffman: Yep could. Otherwise I’ll check the date. It might not have been.
Sweetser: If we didn’t get the most recent print out okay. That’s all.
Boettcher: Then anything in the administrative packet? I noticed the first thing that jumped out
was the Pickleball Classic June 4 to 6. That looks like, I think that would be worth going over
there just to see. I’ve seen it in the Rec Center but not the outside. The mixed doubles.
Women’s doubles. Men’s doubles. What kind of numbers are we looking at, do you know?
Ruegemer: You know I’m not sure what the total numbers are right now. I can confirm with
Jodi and we can get you guys out an email for that. One thing to note is, this is the first year that
Kwik Trip is the title sponsor for it so they provided $500 worth of gift cards for us to go
purchase energy drinks or bananas or do gift cards for the winners, that sort of thing so they’ve
been a really great partner of the City of Chanhassen and the Rec Center. They do probably at
least 2 meetings a month out there. All kind of regionally so they really have a good relationship
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
with Jodi and the Rec Center staff and just seemed to be a really nice fit to transition to be a
sponsor for the pickleball tournament.
Boettcher: Sounds like fun.
Hoffman: Chair Boettcher, members of the commission. Just want to make note of the Mill
Street trail feasibility study. If you don’t recognize the name Mill Street, that’s Powers
Boulevard in our community and so Hennepin County is taking a look at building the trail from
our northern terminus on Powers Boulevard and it’s good project. It’s got good momentum. If
you ever see one of the meetings you want to participate in that feel free to attend. I attended the
last public open house at the church as you drive north. It’s on the left hand side. And neighbors
are excited. Not all of them are excited. Some don’t like the project. Would prefer not to have a
trail in their front yard so obviously is a mix like most public projects being proposed but keep
track of that one. That would be a trail to Excelsior from Chanhassen and vice versa from
Excelsior, from Chanhassen to Excelsior. And then before we close the meeting we’ll need to
pop back up to the top of the agenda to the tree and talk about the Sunshine group that stopped
before we left.
Boettcher: Yeah I think Sandy you weren’t here. Joe you weren’t but we had the little mini-
presentation out here. A request wanting to use one of the trees, you said down in the grassy
area here Todd? So I guess looking for everyone’s input. We talked about it last month. What
does everyone think? I think Todd you were going to get some info on the one in Edina.
Hoffman: That’s the one she talked about and so.
Boettcher: Because we had a couple concerns about vandalism. Somebody putting something
on the note that wasn’t appropriate, that type of thing. I mean does anyone have feelings, good,
bad or otherwise? Is this something we think we ought to proceed with or what’s everyone’s
feeling? Because the way I understood it she talked about the tags. Now are those placed in a?
Hoffman: They’d be in a tub.
Boettcher: In a tub right there at the base of the tree, okay. And she said that she likes to keep
50 on hand at all times. So after so many are hung up in the tree she removes them and then, or
do they just?
Hoffman: They just keep putting more up there.
Boettcher: Just keep leaving them in.
Hoffman: Until the end of the year yeah.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Petouvis: Is the tree down at Centennial Lakes is that on public or private?
Hoffman: It’s on a city park.
Petouvis: City park okay.
Kutz: She mentioned that she would review it two times a week. Was that?
Boettcher: Right.
Kutz: So in case you guys didn’t know that she’d be dropping by like a Tuesday and like a
Saturday to, I mean monitor so I felt kind of good about that. At least knowing that it’s not just
there and nobody’s watching it so.
Boettcher: Right because she works right here at the Dinner Theater so it’s not a big deal for her
to pop over and.
Sweetser: What was the timing again? You said how long does she want to keep it?
Hoffman: The summer.
Sweetser: Just the summer.
Boettcher: She said she could start already on Saturday if we approved it.
Hoffman: So another perspective to take a look at. In our community we can’t do everything
and so when somebody comes to you and says hey we want to do something to engage your
residents in something fun it’s not always, you know we tend to try to look at the well what
could happen. What could go wrong and if something does go wrong we’re going to say you
know Nikki let’s just stop and so if you want to do it we an always say let’s just stop but I think
in all reality families are going to have a lot of fun with it and it’s probably going to be
something that is note worthy and people are going to say hey, did you see what’s going on at
City Center Park? It’s just going to be another attraction I think at City Center Park for the
summer. And then you’ll gauge you know how did people did they like it? Did they not like it?
And it was interesting that I said I had just been to one tree and other gal, that was her’s. Her
sister in Northfield so we had fun with it. We were just a family walking down a sidewalk and
we stopped and took note of it. Learned about it and hung our tags up and continued on our way
Pemrick: I think it’d kind of be a nice tradition too with the Summer Concert Series because it’s
in that area and there’s a lot of families and kids and stuff running around. That’d be a really
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
good activity either before or after the concert starts for families to take part in so I see no issue
with that. I felt a lot more comfortable after talking to her.
Boettcher: And did she mention earlier or has she said something to you how it would be
promoted? I mean would there be a flyer in the Chan Villager or what was her?
Hoffman: Just foot traffic.
Boettcher: Just foot traffic.
Hoffman: A sign. A sign yeah. She might put something out on her Facebook. They have a
Facebook for their Sunshine Gang.
Boettcher: Okay.
Tsuchiya: Is this something that’s within our authority or does this seem to go to City Council?
Hoffman: This is within your authority. If something really bad happens they might tell you it’s
in their authority now but I don’t think it will.
Tsuchiya: Okay.
Hoffman: It’s like a program.
Tsuchiya: Yeah.
Kutz: Is it something we need a motion for or is this something?
Boettcher: I would say probably yes. I mean if there’s no more discussion I’m open if you wat
to, if someone wants to make a motion.
Kutz: I’ll make a motion that we allow the Sunshine Gang to have a, use one of our trees in our
park for the summer and gauge how it works out and we can review it at our next meeting to say
hey this maybe wasn’t a good idea or it’s been a good idea. Let’s continue it on.
Boettcher: Okay. Second?
Pemrick: I’ll second.
Boettcher: Motion and a second.
Kutz moved, Pemrick seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission approves
allowing the Sunshine Gang to use one of the trees in City Center Park for the summer as a
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Gratitude Tree and to review the issue at the next commission meeting. All voted in favor
except Commissioner Sweetser who opposed and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1.
Boettcher: 6 to 1 in favor so, and then someone will, Todd, Jerry, someone on staff will kind of
keep an eye.
Hoffman: Yep.
Boettcher: I mean if somebody just comes down in the bin and starts taking tags and tossing
them out in the parking lot or.
Hoffman: Yeah we’ll keep an eye and I’ll contact her and select a tree.
Boettcher: And again we do have the authority to just, that’s it.
Hoffman: That’s our property yeah.
Boettcher: Okay. Anyone have anything else?
Hoffman: Thank you for taking the time for the tour. Really appreciate coming along.
Tsuchiya: Thank you for coordinating.
Hoffman: You’re welcome. That will set the stage for once you get into a planning process and
nothing more important than to be there personally when you start talking about people in the
audience. I think the type of questions you’re going to get is you know there’s going to be
people that would just as soon do nothing. Maybe people that would want to do minimal.
There’ll be people that want to do a lot of things in there so it’s going to be a balance of you
know what is the Comprehensive Plan specified so far. Do you want to change from that and I
think generally you just want to garner that excitement about the space and the place and utilize
that to further the plan. The planning process is one thing but then you’re going to identify a
budget for actually putting in the structures and then you have to find the funding for that. So at
one point we had thought that we would you know kind of fast track it and start the planning
now and then, but I think with everything, the plat. Final plat probably won’t come in until July,
July 8 at the earliest. If not July 8 then it goes into August and so there’s really no rush. Put it
in the budget. Have the conversation about the planning process. Let the council vet that during
the budgeting process and then if it’s approved and in the budget in 2020 then we’ll start that
consultant process. Do some interviewing. Put together an RFP. Request for proposal for our
different consulting firms that would do that and then establish that process and you’ll be in
charge of that. You’ll be working on that throughout 2020 if it’s approved and that’s going to be
a big process. Similar to the master planning process you went through with the Park System
Master Plan. This will probably take 10 to 12 months to go through that with all those
neighborhood meetings. Community meetings. Community input. Design. Check in. You
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
know you create a plan. You put it out. You get community input. You bring it back. You
modify it and you’re going to establish a park master plan for what then will be built in the
Boettcher: Well I think we found this evening that leaving the trail in a natural state is not a
good idea in wet weather. So we definitely got the first hand experience there and I think
Commissioner Petouvis we found an outdoor area, you know we did the natural playground
Petouvis: Lots of options.
Boettcher: The cathedral area, that was just, that was pretty amazing.
Hoffman: Yeah I don’t think you want to pave everything because it just doesn’t need to be but
you do need to pave some of the main trails so people can get in and out with bicycles, trikes.
You know all the different strollers and all the different activities and then for handicap. And
then just for maintenance so highly used public trails have to have a durable surface. Asphalt is
the one… I think what will happen over time is, well actually as a city, as an organization find
yourself trying to manage people off track. Often like you see in a national park where people
just get going off trail too much and that’s probably what we’ll be managing is trying to keep
people on the trail so they don’t you know start trampling all the other natural areas that you’re
trying to preserve.
Boettcher: Now the bridge that will go where Riley Creek, that’s going to be an arch?
Hoffman: An arch bridge so boats can go underneath it, yeah.
Boettcher: Okay.
Hoffman: The other one may be shorter and it may be built to a construction standard so you
could drive asphalt trucks across it over time and so because you’re not going to be able to do
that on the Riley Creek side but you’re going to have to have some until the Gorra property is
developed and you could have land access from that side. The only other really access to get
either a truck or rock or asphalt or future maintenance is going to be right there where we stood
at that creek crossing so when you think about feasibility study that’s a more expensive bridge.
It’s just not a foot bridge. It has to be able to handle probably some poor soils in that area. As
you stood there you could sense that there’s probably some poor soils there so if you’re going to
tell an engineer we want to drive dump trucks across here for future maintenance they’re going
to say yeah that’s fine. That’s just going to up the cost of doing business and building that
particular bridge.
Boettcher: Yeah I thought it was really interesting.
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission – May 29, 2019
Hoffman: Thank you.
Boettcher: Nobody fell down, rolled down the hill or anything. You don’t know what you
missed Joe. Alright with no other business I’ll take a motion to adjourn.
Scanlon moved, Petouvis seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission
meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Commission
Prepared by Nann Opheim