JUNE 18, 2019
Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Weick, Mark Undestad, Mark Randall, John Tietz, Michael
McGonagill, and Laura Skistad
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and MacKenzie
Walters, Associate Planner
Walters: Yep so this is the Camp Tanadoona site plan. It will go before the City Council on July
8th and the applicant is requesting site plan approval for the construction of a new 10,500 square
foot dining hall in the location of the old dining hall. So a little bit of background. The location
is 3300 Tanadoona Drive. It’s two parcels. They combine for just over 104 acres. The land is
zoned rural residential and the 2030 land use plan guides it for public/semi-public use. It’s
currently used as a day camp, summer camp, field trip and event center and the proposed uses
zoning are all the same. Nothing is changing there. Little bit of background. Camp Tanadoona
is in the middle of a master plan to kind of refurbish and update the park. I believe the master
plan was finalized in 2012. In 2014 they constructed some new day camp villages, a tree house
learning center and a few other buildings which are shown in orange and they completed that in
2014 and they are now moving onto Phase 2 which is replacing the dining hall and then
connecting it to city water as well as realigning their sewer connection. So they are proposing to
remove the existing dining hall located here and construct a new dining hall in it’s place. The
new dining hall will have a 5,135 square foot footprint and they are proposing to connect the
dining hall to city sewer and water and realign some of the interior roads as well as adding some
parking stalls along the road for guests and visitors. I think it skipped a slide on me. Yeah sorry
my system’s a little slow today. Well I apologize. I’m not quite sure why it’s not moving. Well
let’s just go from my notes and it will catch up when it catches up. So I’ll let Kate work on that.
So I was going to give you a little bit of site context before jumping into the actual proposal.
The camp is bordered by Lake Minnewashta on the west. It is located, there it is. So there’s my
context slide. So it’s located, Lake Minnewashta’s on the west. There is a flood plain as well as
the 500 year flood plain but the proposed dining hall is well, well clear of the lake. It is located
within the shoreland overlay district but because the camp is well under the 25 percent lot cover
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
and the dining hall is such a significant distance away that will not trigger any of the shoreland
overlay district ordinances. There are some wetlands on the site. Again the proposed area of
work is a significant distance from them. There’s no anticipated impact. The surrounding land
uses are primarily single family residential with a few planned unit developments but it’s all low
density residential and then there is the Westwood Church to the south which is located office
and institutional. So the dining hall, this is an interior shot of the dining hall. It will be a 10,500
square foot structure. Again it will be a little bit larger on the bottom than the top. The height as
the City calculates it is 17 feet 2 inches which is the average height from main floor grade to the
average height of the roof. It’s planned to have a 200 person seating capacity and the building
will feature a dining area, a commercial kitchen, program area, restrooms as well as some
storage. The architectural elevations are shown here. This is the north main entrance elevation.
Single level here and then the southern elevation is a walkout level. As you can see they’ve done
quite a bit to differentiate and break up the façade. They’ve used gabled architecture. Even
though I note in the report that because this is zoned rural residential they’re exempted from our
formal architectural standards. This building meets or exceeds all of them. It’s a very attractive
building and it’s well suited to it’s natural context. They’ve added a lot of nice amenities around
the site. They have a mulched walking trail with wood stairs to help facilitate transition from the
upper to lower level. They have a standing fireplace and patio to the north. Campfire circle and
patio to the south as well as a large deck. They’ll be screening the trash area here with a
retaining wall. They’re not proposing any standing lights or parking lighting and signage on site
is limited to directional and way finding. They are going to be using the camp in terms of the
access lot frontage and parking locations are going to be using the existing access onto
Tanadoona Drive I believe and they’re going to be putting in 20 foot deep stalls. Engineering
has asked that they consider slightly deeper. Just provide a little more cushion between traffic
and loading/unloading but the 20 foot stalls exceeds the 18 foot required by ordinance so it meets
code there. There’s going to be a 20 foot fire lane as well as a 12 foot turn around. I believe the
fire chief has indicated he would like to make sure the landscaping is clear of that to make sure
that it can accommodate the turn movements and because the roads are under 26 wide, 26 feet
wide they’ll need to be signed no parking fire lane. The road will be gravel and it will need to be
designed to a 75,000 pound design so that it can support the weight of a fire apparatus. You can
see that they are going to have kind of expanded parking area here to accommodate event
parking for when they’re using it as an event center but mostly the traffic is, you know people
dropping off kids and leaving so there isn’t a huge need for permanent on site parking. Speaking
of the utilities, the water will be stubbed in here. Run under the road and go to the building. I
believe they’ve discussed doing an alternate water access with the engineering department to
create a loop system. That way if maintenance was needed here they’d be able to still get water
service to the building. I believe that’s maybe done during a future phase but it’s certainly a
potential and then this is the proposed route for the sanitary sewer being routed up there. In
terms of grading, again it is going in the existing location. There’s a small retaining wall under 4
feet here near the trash enclosure. Any excess material moved will be stored here. It will create
a little bit of a berm and they’re proposing erosion control down throughout here. Landscaping
is again the context is primarily a wooded area. I think there’s going to be very limited removal
of trees and they’re planning on planting over a dozen additional trees for reforestation. The
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
City’s natural resources coordinator has stated that it meets the landscaping requirements in
terms of foundation plantings and in terms of stormwater I believe that the watershed district is
requiring the installation of a rain garden because while the site is reducing the impervious
surface coverage it is not enough of a reduction to trigger an exemption from needing a physical
best management practice so they’ve recommended that a rain garden be installed and the
applicant is working with the Minnehaha Watershed District on that. Beyond that we did a quick
rundown of compliance with city code. As you can see it’s well under the maximum building
height. Well in excess of every required setback. In terms of parking is probably the only thing
worth noting. Camp Tanadoona is a very unique fixture of the community and it doesn’t slide
nicely into any of our existing parking categories. The city code does accommodate that and
allows for applicants to provide us with a statement of use describing you know how it’s used.
Typical parking demands and their plan for parking. Camp Tanadoona provided us with that.
They’ve been in business a long time. We’ve never had any issue. All their numbers make
sense and there’s abundant space that if they need to expand parking they would be able to so
staff is very comfortable with the proposed parking provided. Hard surface, the site’s 4 ½
million square feet predominantly open space. It didn’t necessarily seem practical to make them
calculate out exactly what small percentage was being covered especially as they are reducing
the impervious surface on site. But it does comply with all aspects of city code and we’d be
happy to answer any questions you have.
Weick: Thank you MacKenzie. Commissioners can jump in at this time if they have any
questions of staff. Yeah.
Tietz: I have one Steve.
Weick: Yeah.
Tietz: MacKenzie I didn’t notice in the report but are there, by hooking up to the sanitary system
is there any septic system left on the site?
Walters: I’ll defer to the Community Development Director on that.
Aanenson: I’ll answer that question. So we had them put a sewer system in. It goes out to the
shed just right now because it was, the septic system was failing so they took care of that a
couple years ago. That’s a part of their capital campaign so this is just extending it, yes.
Tietz: Thank you.
Weick: Anyone else? Questions. If not we will go ahead and have the applicant speak or tell us
about the project if you’d like.
Marnie Wells: Hi.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
Weick: Yes, thank you.
Marnie Wells: Thank you for including me. My name is Marnie Wells. I’m the CEO of
Campfire Minnesota and Camp Tanadoona and it’s an honor to be in front of you. We are very
excited to be in partnership with the City of Chanhassen. I will just say ask me any questions.
We have been around since 1924 so we’ve been a long time neighbor and our intention is to be
for at least another 100 years at least. We serve children throughout the year because we believe
nature is such an important catalyst for change. We know that kids are spending about 90
percent of their time in front of screens and the research is abundantly clear that when children
are disconnected and connected to nature that they do better in school. They’re more engaged in
their community and they’re physically healthier so we believe this is a win/win not only for the
children from the entire area but certainly a win as far as being one of the biggest neighbors in
the city of Chanhassen so if you have any questions I’d be happy to answer. If you want to come
out the gate we can open that right up and have you out. Thank you.
Weick: Yeah thank you so much and it’s a, you know it’s certainly an honor to have you in the
community as well.
Marnie Wells: Thank you.
Weick: It’s such a good use of a great piece of property. Questions? Anyone. Comments.
Tietz: It looks like a great proposal.
Weick: Yeah it’s beautiful.
Marnie Wells: Thank you.
Tietz: I think Kate I had a conversation with Kate I think last week but it looks like the lower
level then is a storm shelter as well right.
Marnie Wells: Correct.
Tietz: So you’re providing in addition to a great upper level.
Marnie Wells: Yes.
Tietz: And dining facility it’s a safety.
Marnie Wells: Absolutely. And flexible space. Absolutely yeah, thank you.
Weick: Great, well thank you very much.
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Tietz: And you have a nice new sign.
Marnie Wells: Yes we do.
Tietz: We approved that last year.
Marnie Wells: Yeah, caught some people’s attention, thank you.
Weick: Great so at this time we will open the public hearing portion. If anyone would like to
come forward and speak. Seeing no one jump up and come forward we’ll go ahead and close the
public hearing and at this time open it up for commissioner comment. Motions.
Undestad: I think it looks very nice.
Weick: Beautiful.
Undestad: It’s a beautiful site and a beautiful job.
Weick: Absolutely. These are fun. We can certainly entertain a motion if anyone so desires.
Undestad: I’ll make a motion. Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the
site plan for a 10,500 square foot dining hall, kitchen and program area building subject to the
conditions of approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation.
Weick: We have a valid motion. Do we have a second?
Tietz: Second.
Weick: We have a second. This item as a reminder will be in front of the City Council on July
8, 2019. Any further comment from any of the commissioners?
Undestad moved, Tietz seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends
approval of the site plan for 10,500 square-foot dining hall, kitchen, and program area
building dated May 17, 2019 subject to the following conditions:
1. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems.
2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State
of Minnesota.
3. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key
Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers,
Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or
interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel
distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
4. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans
are submitted.
5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the
code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size,
protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed
when complete building and site plans are submitted.
6. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional
engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction.
Engineering and Water Resources
1. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for entire retaining wall build, which
includes retaining wall built below grade, i.e. bottom of wall.
2. Salvage existing topsoil and indicate all proposed stockpile location(s) on the plan.
3. Connection to the existing sanitary sewer manhole will require a core drill and
installation of a boot to facilitate a water-tight connection.
4. Appropriate city permits for construction within the public right-of-way shall be obtained
prior to construction. Work within city streets requires a traffic control plan.
5. A preconstruction meeting with Public Works and Engineering shall be scheduled by the
contractor prior to the connection of any public utilities.
6. All call-outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate
the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction.
7. Watermain fittings shall be epoxy coated.
8. Hydrant lead pipe shall be C900 PVC.
9. The Contractor shall examine the existing 6-inch gate valve identified to remain. If mild
steel bolts are in-place on the valve or as part of the fittings the bolts shall be changed out
with stainless steel or Cor-Blue bolts.
10. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received
from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers,
DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, MCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, MPCA,
Environmental Resources
1. All tree proposed for preservation shall be protected with tree preservation fencing
installed at the dripline or furthest point possible away from the trunk. Fencing shall
remain in place until construction is completed.
2. A walk through of the tree preservation fencing prior to start of construction is required.
1. Full Fire Alarm and Full Sprinkler system required in the new structure.
2. Hydrant locations are acceptable.
3. No parking Fire Lane signs and yellow curb paint will be needed on both sides of all
roads under 26 feet in width.
4. Parking shall be limited to designated parking spaces.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
5. Provide information showing that the gravel roadway can support up to 75,000 pounds.
6. All landscaping, rocks, planters, etc. will need to be kept back away from the roadway to
allow for proper turnaround of emergency apparatus. Additional space shall be provided
along the turnaround lane and entrance to allow for property maneuvering.
1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it
prior to receiving a building permit.
2. The applicant may install directional and wayfinding signage as need for the safe and
efficient navigation of the site, provided it meets the height, size, and location standards
in section 20-1255(2) of the City Code.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Weick: The motion passes unanimously.
Aanenson: So Chairman I just want to remind everybody that this, the reason we’re, they’re fast
tracking this to get through now is as soon as the camping season’s over they’re going to begin
construction so it gives them time now, we’re going to go to the City Council on the 8th for them
to get their plans put together. Construction plans and so just to let everybody know that’s the
neighbors. This will be kind of a fall project.
Weick: Perfect. Thank you.
McGonagill: And that was in the mailer to the neighbors so they kind of know the schedule?
Aanenson: Yep.
Weick: Thank you. Is there any other new business? No.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Undestad noted the verbatim and summary
minutes for the June 4, 2019 Planning Commission meeting.
Weick: Any commission presentations?
McGonagill: Yes Chairman the one comment I have.
Weick: Yes please.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
McGonagill: I wanted to thank the commissioners. I’ve been gone a while due to some other
issues but I appreciate the support of the staff and should be back in full in the saddle completely
soon so thank you.
Weick: Good and it’s great to have you back. We could have used you probably some of those
weeks you were gone I think.
McGonagill: I understand. I apologize.
Weick: No, no, that’s okay. That’s okay. You have a good mind so it’s nice to have you here.
Weick: Any administrative presentations or City Council updates.
Aanenson: Yep City Council update. So the Lotus Woods subdivision, the two lot split was
approved by the City Council. They also tabled the variance from Red Cedar Point. They’re
making, to make a deeper projection on the one 3 stall garage. One of those garages will be
recessed 3 feet for one of the lengths of the garage so that will be back on consent. That was the
direction from the council so that will be on their next meeting which is next Monday.
Walters: On the 24th.
Aanenson: 24th right. I was just going to go through a couple items that we’ve got going. For
the July 16th we will be looking at the Chapter 18 design standards. I think I talked to
Commissioner Tietz on this. Right now the planning staff has talked about connecting the cul-
de-sacs. We’d like to do that. It’s always from the neighbors they don’t want to do that. The
Fire Marshal is working at the next City Council talking about adopting the latest Fire Code
which would really limit that. I think the council wants some of that discretion so we’re putting
those standards, upgrading the standards in the design section of the subdivision chapter which is
Chapter 18 so we’ll go through that with a detail with you and we’ll have the public hearing and
try to look at those radius designs and why we want to connect instead of burdening one area
with all the construction traffic instead of having some of it go through so some of it also has to
do with fire lanes and some other things related to fire code so that hasn’t been updated so that’s
on your meeting on the 16th because we will not be meeting in 2 weeks because that’s the 4th of
July week and that’s usually a travel week for everybody. On that same meeting we have a Xcel
Energy tower that’s because of the height needs a conditional use permit so you’ll be seeing that
one too. We do have a couple other things that are kind of holding off. We’re working on a
couple neighborhood subdivisions. Again those are street connection issues on those too so kind
of working through with the neighbors on those. On Monday the council is looking at the
purchase agreement for a brewery and that’s located on the water treatment site so there’s some
work to be done there on that too and then if anybody’s following the council’s working on, the
staff is working on presenting a discussion for the Applebee’s site. A redevelopment of that site.
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A narrow parking lot across to get some additional parking on that site so the council will be
discussing that in a work session to see if they’re onboard with that layout design.
McGonagill: That is when? The work session. Those are two of the questions that I had. The
brew pub and the.
Aanenson: The brew pub will be on the regular agenda on the 24th.
McGonagill: 24th.
Aanenson: And then the discussion of the parking lot layout will be also on, will be on the work
session. The purchase agreement I’m sorry will be on the regular meeting yeah.
McGonagill: And when is the work session?
Aanenson: The 24th.
McGonagill: The 24th.
Aanenson: Yep everything I’m talking about now is the 24th. The other ones we, like I say
we’re working on just some small infill developments. Subdivisions they all have unique
attributes to them that we’re trying to work through some neighborhood issues and figure out the
way to go on that one so.
McGonagill: And that’s June 24th?
Aanenson: Correct. Yep, yep.
McGonagill: Okay thank you.
Aanenson: The council is next Monday. So you will not be meeting on July 2nd but you’ll be
meeting on the 16th. For the 6th we were trying to put together our commissions tour so if
anybody has anything they’d really like to look at, we’re going to try to get into the
Venue/Aldi’s. Look at that site. We want to go down to Riley Crossings. I think we want to
look at a couple of stormwater projects too so get on site with those. We do potentially have Life
Time Fitness wants to pave a parking lot and so they’re working on getting a site plan so I’m
trying to see if we can keep that on our regular meeting and then have the other commissions
meet on your meeting regular night which would be August 6th so we’ll see if we can them fast
track them to get them on for the 16th. Bob’s on vacation this week and he’s following up on that
one so. But I will let you know as soon as I know so you can put it on your calendars. The tour
because we’ll probably start earlier that night as we do where we get one bus from Southwest
Transit so we can all ride together and get on and off together so if there’s anything in particular
that you’d like to go look at let me know and we’ll see if we can schedule something and again
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we’ll have Environmental Commission, Park and Rec Commission, Senior Commission and
we’ll invite the council too so if there’s something you would like to look at we’ll put that on the
Tietz: Kate I just have a, the Applebee’s site.
Aanenson: Yes.
Tietz: As I recall they were talking about parking across the street. Is that, how is the, and I
drove by that about a week and a half ago. There’s a big wetland or a retention pond on that site
too. It’s a pretty narrow.
Aanenson: It’d be between the retention pond. It’d just be between the retention pond and
you’ll see when the packet comes out on Monday what the design looks like.
Tietz: Is that a safety issue for people crossing if they’ve been.
Aanenson: Some people might think that. So actually Jason Wedel, the City Engineer just
worked with SRF to have their person that’s really expert in safe crossings so the drawings that
we were going to put I the packet we’ve made some changes to I think to make it safer. We’re
trying to get a, eliminate a sidewalk. We want to make sure when they cross over that they’re
getting to a safe area so we’ll show that in our designs but I, yeah.
Tietz: But they need, to make the project work they have to have more parking?
Aanenson: Correct.
Tietz: Is that mandatory?
Aanenson: Correct. They how their business operates in other places their demand is for more
parking so what our goal would be to put the employee parking over there.
Skistad: What business is this for?
Aanenson: It’s for a restaurant that is much more use, it’s kind of more casual dining than
Applebee’s. Probably a larger bar facility so probably doing about a million dollars worth of
remodel on the inside so, so this is Solomon Real Estate working on this deal.
McGonagill: Are they going to have to, because I drove by there today too to look at it. Are
they going to take out those big trees or will those remain?
Aanenson: I don’t think those trees will go. There’s trees that are on, MnDOT has a pond in that
area, or drainage area so it’s.
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McGonagill: There’s not a lot of room in there.
Aanenson: Pardon me?
McGonagill: There’s not a lot of room in there to kind of.
Aanenson: Yep they laid it out. Their engineer has yeah.
McGonagill: Okay.
Aanenson: Yeah, yeah. So when the council packet goes out tomorrow those maps will be in
there. I think there’s a map that’s in there now but it will be redesigned because like I say we
just talked to SRF and looked at their person that’s really actually did the traffic study for Paisley
Park too. It’s more pedestrian kind of thinks that way so had some good suggestions on
circulation because we had one way circulation. It’s not going to be back to back. It will be one
lane. Probably 30 stalls. One way in, one way out. And then forcing you to a crossing. A
controlled crossing. Put some lighting there and then relocate a sidewalk to go up to Applebee’s.
The old Applebee’s site so you most likely won’t see that because it’s just a, it’s a remodel so
you wouldn’t really see that interior so but I just wanted you to be informed of that and I will, I
can forward you that staff report too.
McGonagill: I mean the brewery is going to be back and the same thing, you’ve got an access
discussion I was looking at on the council packet.
Aanenson: Yeah, yep and so they have to do a traffic study as part of that.
McGonagill: Okay.
Aanenson: Yeah so that will be behind the water treatment plant right there on the corner.
McGonagill: Okay thank you.
Weick: Any other questions for Kate?
Aanenson: Oh I was going to say one other thing I’m sorry. And then we’re working on final
plat for Phase 1 which is 50 lots that will be for, the first phase of the Park which is on the Prince
property so that’s the very southern portion. So they are working to locate a sales trailer. Our
ordinance allows a sales trailer until they get their first model built so and it will come off the
existing drive that’s in there now. Jill went out and looked at that as far as trees and everything
like that so I think there was some buckthorn and one elm but otherwise it shouldn’t be too much
tree removal there but, so we’re working on those plans right now for it, and those final plans
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
just go right to City Council but anybody’s welcome to look at that if you have questions you can
let me know.
Tietz: So the model would be in Phase 1? On the southern end.
Aanenson: They’re just going to put a sales trailer. It’s kind of off the existing.
Tietz: Oh a sales trailer.
Aanenson: Just a sales trailer yeah. I don’t know where they’re going to put the model. They’ll
just do pre-sales out of there but our ordinance says once they get a home erected then they have
to take that out. They typically use a garage or something like that so it’s not that uncommon. It
has to be skirted. Meet ADA requirements and those sort of things too so.
Skistad: So when are we going, when do you think we’ll get the documents then?
Aanenson: For?
Skistad: There’s so much you talked about. Some of the packets. I mean just as you go or it just
sounds like there’s a lot so I just wanted to get a.
Aanenson: Oh that’s all going to City Council. I’m just letting you know it’s going to City
Skistad: Okay.
Aanenson: Yep you’re always welcomed to look at the City Council packet and if you have
questions on that let me know but those are, the one that’s for Prince is going July 8th.
Skistad: Okay.
Aanenson: So you, the council, you typically do not see final plat so it will just go to City
Skistad: Okay.
Aanenson: But if you have questions on it you’re certainly welcomed to give me a call.
Skistad: I just looking at the material and for whatever we need for the 16th.
Aanenson: Oh yeah the 16th that.
Skistad: Because it sounds like there’s a lot happening inbetween then. A lot going on.
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Aanenson: No just Xcel Energy tower and the code amendments and we’ll get that report out to
you the week before.
Skistad: Okay so that’s the only, that’s only for us and then the rest of it.
Aanenson: Yep I’m just trying to keep you in the loop.
Skistad: Okay.
Weick: And maybe a parking.
Aanenson: Yep I’ll send you out the parking report yeah.
Weick: For Life Time, that would come to us or no?
Aanenson: No. Ah yes that one is because that’s big. That’s a pretty big parking lot and it’s a
separate lot and then getting the ADA. That’s how Bob approached it. They put an application
in. We kind of missed each other talking about the process on that one. The other one because
it’s minor it’s really attached to it. It’s pretty small. It’s less than 10 percent. Our ordinance
says if it’s less than 10 percent you can administratively approve it. It’s all civil drawings. It’s
got landscaping. So yeah as long as you know I think it’s up to the City Engineer to make sure if
he feels it’s safe for the crossing and so.
Randall: Just wanted to bring up one thing where we were talking about parking lots and
everything. I don’t know if you guys have had a chance to go up to the new Starbucks lot up on
Highway 7. It’s interesting I mean now that we know about parking flow and patterns and
everything, it’s an interesting lot to drive through and see how they, on that small of a footprint.
Weick: Does it work?
Randall: We’ll see when school starts but I mean.
Skistad: Yeah that’s what I want to know once school starts.
Randall: It was really played out pretty well. I was surprised how they were able to do it but
yeah, they increased like the turn lane to stack cars to go through the drive thru and stuff.
Weick: Oh you mean out on the road even?
Randall: Yeah.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 18, 2019
Aanenson: It’s on the frontage road so just, just for everybody’s information so Alyson Fauske,
who used to be our Assistant City Engineer is the consulting engineer for the City of Shorewood
so she did that traffic, you know reviewed all that plan so because there’s so much back up on
there it’s not really adding any additional traffic because they have those peak hours when you
go by the high school in the morning and the afternoon.
Weick: And it’s already.
Aanenson: Yep. Right now is a good time to go because there’s not kids going, kids going back
and forth to school so.
Randall: But it’s interesting how they got their response in there too.
Aanenson: Yeah. It’ just opened too.
Randall: I could not picture how they were going to do it until I saw it but.
Aanenson: Yeah, yeah.
Weick: Okay thank you. With that I don’t believe we have any other items. I would certainly
entertain a motion to adjourn.
Randall moved, Undestad seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was
adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim