CC Staff Report 6-24-19 - SPR and CUPPLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, June 4, 2019 Subject Consider a Site Plan Review for Development Within the Bluff Creek Corridor for Property Located at 8077 Century Boulevard and Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: C.1. Prepared By Robert Generous, Senior Planner, AICP File No: Planning Case File No. 2019­04 PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 54,276 square­foot, two­story office, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the findings of fact and recommendation. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,276 square­foot, two­story office, warehouse and manufacturing building. APPLICANT Bauer Design Build / Zion Investments, LLC SITE INFORMATION PRESENT ZONING:  Planned Unit Development (PUD)/Bluff Creek Overlay District LAND USE:Office Industrial ACREAGE:  5.23 acres  DENSITY:  0.16 F.A.R.  APPLICATION REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article 2, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office­Institutional Developments Arboretum Business Park Development Standards BACKGROUND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, June 4, 2019SubjectConsider a Site Plan Review for Development Within the Bluff Creek Corridor for PropertyLocated at 8077 Century Boulevard and Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD)Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: C.1.Prepared By Robert Generous, Senior Planner, AICP File No: Planning Case File No. 2019­04PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 54,276 square­foot, two­storyoffice, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the findings offact and recommendation.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,276 square­foot, two­story office, warehouse and manufacturingbuilding.APPLICANTBauer Design Build / Zion Investments, LLCSITE INFORMATIONPRESENT ZONING:  Planned Unit Development (PUD)/Bluff Creek Overlay DistrictLAND USE:Office IndustrialACREAGE:  5.23 acres DENSITY:  0.16 F.A.R. APPLICATION REGULATIONSChapter 20, Article 2, Division 6, Site Plan ReviewChapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office­InstitutionalDevelopmentsArboretum Business Park Development Standards BACKGROUND On May 29, 2007, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Preliminary and final plat for two lots and one outlot (Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition). Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor. Site Plan for a 51,800 square­foot office/warehouse building (Mamac Systems) with a variance to permit only 32 percent building transparency on the western building elevation and with a 20­foot setback variance for the drive aisle in the southeast corner of the site for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor on Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition. On September 24, 2001, the Chanhassen City Council approved Interim Use Permit (IUP) #2001­1 to grade a portion of the Arboretum Business Park development and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) #2001­8 to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The IUP and CUP included this property. On July 28, 1997, the City Council approved the following: the ordinance for PUD #92­6 rezoning approximately 154 acres from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD, and the PUD #92­6 granting final plat approval for Arboretum Business Park. RECOMMENDATION The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 54,276 square­foot, two­story office, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the conditions of approval in the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Application for Development Review Findings of Fact and Recommendation Title Sheet, Preliminary Floor Plans, Building Elevations Atlas Land Survey Existing Conditions Demolition Plan Site Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Storm Sewer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) SWPPP Notes Utility Plan ­ Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Utility Plan ­ Storm Sewer Utility Plan ­ Foundation Draintile Civil Details Landscape Plan Landscape Details Public Hearing Notice Affidavit of Mailing List CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: June 4, 2019 CC DATE: June 24, 2019 REVIEW DEADLINE: July 2, 2019 CASE #: 2019-04 BY: RC, RG, EH, TH, DN, JS, ET SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,276 square-foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building. LOCATION: Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition (PID 25.0680020) 8077 Century Boulevard APPLICANT: Bauer Design Build Zion Investments, LLC 14030 21st Avenue N. 7014 Willow Creek Road Plymouth, MN 55447 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (763) 999-7217 (952) 474-6200 mikel@bauerdb.com cwatkins@ccipower.com PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 54,276 square-foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the findings of fact and recommendation.” Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 2 of 15 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development (PUD)/Bluff Creek Overlay District 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial ACREAGE: 5.23 acres DENSITY: 0.16 F.A.R. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Site plan approval for a 54,276 square-foot, two-story office, warehouse and manufacturing building. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article 2, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Developments Arboretum Business Park Development Standards BACKGROUND On May 29, 2007, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Preliminary and final plat for two lots and one outlot (Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition). Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor. Site Plan for a 51,800 square-foot office/warehouse building (Mamac Systems) with a variance to permit only 32 percent building transparency on the western building elevation and with a 20- foot setback variance for the drive aisle in the southeast corner of the site for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor on Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition. On September 24, 2001, the Chanhassen City Council approved Interim Use Permit (IUP) #2001-1 to grade a portion of the Arboretum Business Park development and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) #2001-8 to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The IUP and CUP included this property. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 3 of 15 On July 28, 1997, the City Council approved the following: the ordinance for PUD #92-6 rezoning approximately 154 acres from Agricultural Estate, A2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD, and the PUD #92-6 granting final plat approval for Arboretum Business Park. DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 54,726 square foot, two-story, office, warehouse and manufacturing building. The building footprint is 39,779 square feet with a second floor storage/manufacturing area of 14,497 square feet. Site Constraints Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory, the National Wetland Inventory, a review of historic aerial photography and a site visit reveal that wetland is present on the site. The applicant has submitted a wetland delineation and type determination for city review and approval. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs present on the site. Bluff Creek Primary Zone Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 4 of 15 The eastern portion of the site is located within the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. A Conditional Use Permit was approved in 2007 for development in the overlay district. This area is proposed for preservation as permanent open space. A 40-foot structure setback with the first 20 feet in buffer is required. A trail connection is required by the city from Century Boulevard to the existing trail around the wetland complex. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie within a floodplain. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The main entry is located in the northwest corner of the building with a secondary access on the north side of the building as well as an entrance in the southwest corner of the building. The main entrance is highlighted with a red colored metal canopy. Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing the building material of multi-textured, gray and exposed aggregate, precast concrete wall panels with partition lines and banding. The concrete panels at the entrances incorporate a dark gray, sandblasted finish. The upper levels of the building are a light gray, exposed aggregate finish with the lower portion of darker random rack finish. Accent and articulation is added through the spacing of aluminum storefront systems at the entrances and lower and upper five foot by seven foot window groupings along the street frontage. Five feet by five feet upper level windows are spaced around the warehouse area of the building. However, the building needs additional articulation to break up long expansions of wall area on the north side of the building. To avoid long unbroken expanses, buildings of more than 40 feet Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 5 of 15 in width shall be divided into smaller increments (between 20 and 40 feet) through articulation of the façade. This can be achieved through façade modulation-stepping back or forward or extending a portion of the façade. Height and Roof Design The building height is 30 feet 6 inches to the top of the parapet. The parapet is topped with a dark metal coping material. The parapet is highest at the building entrance, then steps down to 29 feet 6 inches along the office spaces and steps down to 28 feet at the south end of the building. The height of the building at the loading doors on the east end of the building is 24 feet 8 inches. Facade Transparency The applicant meets the 50 percent glazing (window) requirements. Windows are provided in all office areas of the building. The windows are within anodized aluminum window frames. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. Delivery and service overhead doors are located on the east side of the building facing the Bluff Creek preserved area. This side of the building is shielded by the building from the public right- of-way of Century Boulevard. Lighting The applicant is proposing 25-foot tall light poles around the parking lot as well as wall pack units around the building. LED lighting is proposed. All lighting shall be shielded and have 90 degree cut-off angles pursuant to city code. Signage The applicant is proposing signage on the north elevation of the building and a monument sign at the entrance. Wall signage is permitted on the street frontage. However, the city may approve signage on the north elevation if wall signage is not included on the west elevation. Signage must follow the standards for the IOP district. Monument signage may not be located within drainage and utility easements and will need to be moved to another location on the site or the easement may be vacated. A separate sign permit must be submitted for each sign. Site Furnishings The applicant is proposing constructing a trail as part of the development. They provide a patio for outdoor seating/picnic area in the southeast corner of the building. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 6 of 15 Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping at the proposed development include 4,498 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, five landscaped islands or peninsulas, and 18 trees for the parking lot. The applicant’s proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 4,498 sq. ft. >4,498 sq. ft. Trees/parking lot 18 trees 18 trees Islands or peninsulas/parking lot 5 islands/peninsulas 0 islands/peninsulas The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping, but lacks landscape islands or peninsulas in the parking lot area. Bufferyard and Boulevard tree requirements: Required plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard C – North prop. line, open space, 350’ 7 Overstory trees 17 Understory trees 17 Shrubs 5 Overstory trees 0 Understory trees 0 Shrubs Bufferyard B – South prop. line, 500’ 7 Overstory trees 15 Understory trees 22 Shrubs 7 Overstory trees 12 Understory trees 23 Shrubs Boulevard trees – 1 tree per 30’ 11 Trees 11 Trees The applicant does not meet bufferyard minimum requirements for the north property line. Staff also recommends that the applicant increase plantings to meet minimum requirements. Along the south property line, staff does not recommend adding trees to meet minimum requirements due to a lack of space. The rear wooded area on the lot is within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. This wooded area is in the primary zone and shall be preserved with the exception of the public trail connection. The plans show the removal of a large oak tree for the installation of a park trail. After an inspection of the site, it appears that a trail could be installed without the removal of any significant oak trees. Staff recommends that the trail alignment be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. The developer shall install Conservation Area signage at the edge of the preservation area. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 7 of 15 Access, Lot Frontage and Parking Location The lot fronts on Century Boulevard and proposes two access driveways. Parking is distributed on the western and northern sides of the building with truck docks located on the east side of the building. An access drive is provided around the entire building. Staff has concerns regarding the alignment of the northern access driveway with Water Tower Place. The applicant shall provide a traffic memo, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, evaluating conflicting driving movements with Water Tower Place and the northern driveway access. This memo should contain recommendations for improvements and/or alignment adjustments. Fire Lane No Parking areas for all the curbing except those directly adjacent to parking spaces will need to be painted yellow with NO PARKING FIRE LANE signs posted per city/fire code. Miscellaneous There is only one hydrant on the property. Several are needed to meet minimum spacing requirements per MN Fire Code. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non- separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext. walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. EASEMENTS There are several existing easements on this property as shown on the survey. Two existing drainage and utility easements are atypical. Staff believes standard drainage and utility easements associated with the lot lines are appropriate for this site. The atypical portions of the existing easements should be vacationed to avoid the need for additional encroachment easements. A permanent easement will be required to be granted over the city’s trail that will traverse through the property. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 8 of 15 PARKS & RECREATION The applicant is proposing a trail connection to the trial within Century Boulevard and the trail located within the Bluff Creek primary zone. No Park and Trail frees are being collected because there is no subdivision. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the “wetland trail”. Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82nd Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to the developer upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. Trail easements within Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition (formerly Outlot C, Arboretum Business Park) shall be dedicated to the city to accommodate the “wetland trail”. UTILITIES The developer will extend sanitary sewer and water service to the building from the existing utility lines in Century Boulevard. This will include the wet-tap of the existing 12-inch DIP water main in the street to establish an 8-inch C900 service connection for water, and the core drilling into an existing sanitary sewer manhole in the street to establish a 6-inch PVC service connection for sanitary sewer. All work within the public right-of-way, including the connections to the public utilities, will require permits through the city accompanied by traffic control plans. Prior to working within the public right-of-way and the connection to any public utility main, the applicant’s contractor shall contact Public Works to schedule a preconstruction meeting. All call-outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. This will promote clarity between public improvements and private construction (e.g. curb details, gutter details, pavement details, etc.). Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 9 of 15 GRADING The applicant is proposing to grade the site to accommodate the construction of an industrial building. Through the proposed grading plan, drainage will be routed away from the building into a series of catch basins and stormwater pipe located in the parking areas, and directed to an underground storage and treatment device. Grading for a public trail will be conducted within the Bluff Creek Primary Zone under the approved 2007 Conditional Use Permit for the development of the Arboretum Business Park Seventh Addition. This trail connection was a requirement by the city as passed by Resolution 2007-34 on May 29, 2007. The applicant is proposing the construction of an approximately 80’ long modular block retaining wall between the northern parking lot and the public trail. While the top of wall and bottom of wall elevations provided are less than 4’, the bottom wall elevation is noted to be “at grade.” Bottom wall elevations of the entire wall section, or below grade, shall be provided. If the wall exceeds 4’ in total height, the wall shall be designed by a registered engineer, and plans shall be submitted for review. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). All erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. The applicant has proposed to install a trench drain directly adjacent to the loading docks located at the east side of the building. The trench drain is designed to capture stormwater, which is then routed to an underground detention facility, then to an infiltration facility, where overflow from infiltration is routed to a wetland and subsequent stormwater pond. Staff has concerns that in the event of a spill at the loading docks, if hazardous material and/or metals are utilized at the site, Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 10 of 15 they may enter the private storm system via the trench drain. Staff recommends the installation of a gate valve downstream of the trench drain to isolate possible hazardous material from entering the storm system. The operation and maintenance plan for the storm system should include the procedure for this isolation protocol. The proposed redevelopment will need Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) permits. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that “these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features.” These standards include abstraction of runoff and water quality treatment resulting in the removal of 90% total suspended solids (TSS) and 60% total phosphorous (TP). The applicant has proposed a sub-surface stormwater management system which includes stormwater detention and infiltration prior to discharge to a wetland and stormwater facility north of the site. Further stormwater system design details are required to assess system functionality and performance. Staff also recommends alternatives be explored to manage flow and erosion from the point discharge exiting the site to the downstream facility. Compliance Table Code Project (Control Concepts) Building Height 3 stories 2 stories 40 feet 30.5 feet (to top of highest parapet) Building Setback N* - 0' E# - 0' N - 144' E# - 309' W - 50' S - 0' W - 80' S – 34’ * There is a wetland buffer setback: 30 feet building, 15 feet parking # There is a 40-foot setback required from the Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary. Parking Stalls 84 stalls 92 stalls (Office = 4 spaces per 1,000 square feet ((11,614/1,000)*4= 46); Manufacturing = 1 per employee on largest shift (28 employees); Warehouse = 1 space per 1,000 square feet for the first 10,000 square feet, then 1 space per 2,000 square feet ((9,782/1,000)=10) Parking Setback N - 0' E #- 0' N - 70' E - 230' W - 10' S - 0' W - 10' S - 11' Hard Surface Coverage 70% 48% Lot Area 43,560 sq. ft. 227,850 sq. ft. (5.23 ac.) Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 11 of 15 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for a 54,276, two-story building, plans prepared by Loucks and BDH & Young, dated 05-03-2019, subject to the following conditions: Building 1. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 4. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 6. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Engineering and Water Resources 1. The applicant shall provide a traffic memo, prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, evaluating conflicting driving movements with Water Tower Place and the northern driveway access 2. Vacate drainage and utility easements except the standard 10-foot wide easement associated with the front of the parcel in addition to the standard 5-foot wide easement associated with the side and rear portions of the parcel. 3. The wetland, wetland buffer, and the Bluff Creek Overlay District on the site shall be preserved and protected in perpetuity. Staff recommends that the developer dedicate those areas to the city to ensure conservation of these critical areas. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 12 of 15 4. Provide a permanent 20’ easement over the trail throughout the parcel. 5. The applicant shall remove all existing fence located on the east side of the property. 6. Apply for an Encroachment Agreement for the private sidewalk. 7. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for entire retaining wall build, which includes retaining wall built below grade, i.e. bottom of wall. 8. Replace any striping removed in Century Boulevard. 9. All striping and signage shall meet the requirements of the MN-MUTCD manual. 10. Indicate lineal (running) slope design for the trail. Trail slopes shall meet ADA requirements. 11. Staff recommends the installation of a gate valve downstream of the trench drain to isolate possible hazardous material from entering the storm system. The operation and maintenance plan for the storm system should include the procedure for this isolation protocol. 12. Salvage existing topsoil and indicate stockpile location. 13. Water main fittings shall be epoxy coated. 14. Core drill to existing sanitary sewer main will require the installation of a boot at connection. 15. As the developer will be required to remove all material surrounding the existing public sanitary sewer manhole that is being proposed for connection, Public Works will inspect and determine if repair or rehabilitation of the manhole is required (e.g. rebuilding chimney, installing I/I barrier, etc.). 16. Appropriate city permits for construction within the public right-of-way shall be obtained prior to construction. Work within city streets requires a traffic control plan. 17. A preconstruction meeting with Public Works and Engineering shall be scheduled by the contractor prior to working within the public right-of-way and the connection to any public utilities. 18. Identify stockpile locations on plan. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 13 of 15 19. All call-outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. 20. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 21. A SWPPP shall be submitted for review that meets the conditions of the NPDES Construction Permit 22. Provide design details for the stormwater management systems and associated hydrology models. 23. The applicant shall assess alternatives to conveying stormwater system discharge on and across City property that will not cause erosion or degradation. 24. The applicant shall demonstrate through modeling that the receiving municipal stormwater system has adequate capacity to accept the increased drainage volume. 25. Provide a planting and revegetation plan specific for grading within the bluff impact zone and the wetland buffer. 26. Provide boring locations on grading and stormwater utility plan sheets. Environmental Resources 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to meet minimum requirements for the north bufferyard. Plantings shall be located between trail and parking lot. 2. The applicant shall protect existing trees to be preserved along Century Boulevard. Tree protection fencing shall be placed at the dripline or greater distance prior to any construction activities and maintained until construction is complete. Any trees that die will be required to be replaced. 3. The trail alignment within the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be field inspected and approved by the city prior to any removals and construction activity. No live, significant oak trees shall be removed for trail construction. Fire 1. There is only one hydrant on the property. Several are needed to meet minimum spacing requirements per MN Fire Code. Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 14 of 15 Parks 1. The developer shall be responsible for planning, engineering, and constructing the “wetland trail.” Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotters Ridge trail, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82nd Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to the developer upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. 2. Trail easements within Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th shall be dedicated to the city to accommodate the “wetland trail”. Planning 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it prior to receiving a building permit. 2. A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. 3. The building needs additional articulation to break up long expansions of wall area on the north side of the building. ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Development Review 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 3. Control Concepts Title Sheet, Preliminary Floor Plans and Building Elevations 4. Atlas Land Survey 5. Existing Conditions 6. Demolition Plan 7. Site Plan 8. Grading and Drainage Plan 9. Storm Sewer Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 10. SWPPP Notes 11. Utility Plan - Sanitary Sewer & Water Main 12. Utility Plan - Storm Sewer 13. Utility Plan - Foundation Draintile 14. Civil Details Planning Commission 8077 Century Boulevard – Control Concepts June 4, 2019 Page 15 of 15 15. Landscape Plan 16. Landscape Details 17. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\2019 planning cases\19-04 control concepts\staff report control concepts 6-4-19.docx COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P lalindDivision– P.O.77rket147,BouleChanhassen,Ow CITY (HT1 CIIANIIASSENMailingAddress– .O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317IV1I IV11t+ Phone: (952) 227-1300/Fax: (952) 227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date' I3\ (c\ PC Date:6 `t I l 1 c Date: f>,I t`3 60-Day Review Date: 71a/ a Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) 1 l Comprehensive Plan Amendment 600 C Subdivision (SUB) Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers $100 Create 3 lots or less 300 CUP El Create over 3 lots 600+$15 per lot Conditional Use Permit CUP) Previously Paid lots) Single-Family Residence 325 Metes & Bounds (2 lots) 300 0 All Others 425 El Consolidate Lots 150 Interim Use Permit(IUP) Lot Line Adjustment 150 El Final Plat 700 IIInconjunctionwithSingle-Family Residence..$325 Includes$450 escrow for attorney costs)*All Others 425 Additional escrow may be required for other applications El Rezoning (REZ) through the development contract. Planned Unit Development(PUD) 750 Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way(VAC) $300 Minor Amendment to existing PUD 100 Additional recording fees may apply) El All Others 500 II ElVariance(VAR) 200 Sign Plan Review 150 I ElWetland Alteration Permit(WAP) 0 Site Plan Review(SPR) El Single-Family Residence 150 I Administrative 100 El All Others 275 0 Commercial/Industrial Districts*500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: El Zoning Appeal 100 54,852 thousand square feet) Zoning Ordinance Amendment(ZOA) 500Includenumberofexistingemployees: 44 Include number of new employees:63 1 Residential Districts 500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus$5 per dwelling unit (units) the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 1 Notification Sign (City to install and remove) 200 Property Owners'List within 500' (City to generate after pre-application meeting) Previously Paid 3 per address addresses) 0 Escrow for Recording Documents(check all that apply) Previously Paid — 50 per document 0 Conditional Use Permit Previously Paid Interim Use Permit 0 Site Plan Agreement 0 Vacation Variance Wetland Alteration Permit 1 Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.)El Easements( 2 easements) Deeds TOTAL FEE: $1,550 00 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Proposing construction of new 54,852 sf office/industrial building with warehouse Property Address or Location: 8077 Century Blvd Parcel#: 25.0680020 Legal Description. Refer to attached ALTA survey Total Acreage:5.20 Wetlands Present? 2] Yes No Present Zoning Planned Unit Development(PUD) Requested Zoning: Not Applicable Present Land Use Designation Office/Industrial Requested Land Use Designation: Not Applicable Existing Use of Property: Vacant CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Check box if separate narrative is attached i i I 1 ' CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Bauer Design Build Contact: Michael LaQua Address: 14030 21st Avenue N Phone: 763) 999-7217 City/State/Zip: Plymouth, MN 55447 Cell: 612) 597-3739 Email: mike.)@bauerdb_com Fax: 763) 972-8707 Signature: Date: 5-1-19 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Zion Investments, LLC Contact Cory Watkins Address: 7014 Willow Creek Road Phone: 952)474-6200 Eden Prairie MN 55344 612)834-1225City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: atkins@ccipower.com Fax: Signature: Date: s/1 /q This application must be completed ih- I Ind must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER(if applicable) Name:Loucks Inc Contact TREVOR GRUYS, PE Address 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite#300 Phone: 763)496-6706 City/State/Zip: Maple Grove, MN 55369 Cell: 952) 334-7593 Email: tgruys@loucksinc.com Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: [' Email Mailed Paper Copy Name: Patrick L Schneider 0 Applicant Via: 0 Email Mailed Paper Copy Address: 5810 West 78th Street. Suite 150 0 Engineer Via: 0 Email Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Minneapolis, MN 55439 0 Other* Via: 0 Email Mailed Paper Copy Email: PatrickS@calhouncommercial.com INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM] 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Bauer Design Build and Zion Investments, LLC for Site Plan approval for a 54,726 square foot, two-story, office, warehouse and manufacturing building. On June 4, 2019, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Bauer Design Build and Zion Investments, LLC for site plan approval. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development, PUD. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition. 4. Site Plan Review: a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Finding: The proposed development is in compliance with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides as well as meeting the design standards for Arboretum Business Park. b. Is consistent with site plan division; Finding: The proposed development complies with the Site Plan review requirements of the Chanhassen City Code. c. Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing areas; Finding: The site has been significantly altered by previous grading on the parcel. The proposed development is in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring 2 developed areas. The development is preserving the Bluff Creek primary zone located on the site. d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Finding: The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development. e. Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. e. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and traffic circulation. 5. The planning report #2018-11, dated June 4, 2019 prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan for Control Concepts subject to the recommended conditions of approval contained within the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 4th day of June 2019. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Steve Weick, Chairman e E. Ow s Ii i Ys N—1 o 1e N0j i = 01. I-- z 5 5; zz IVO OzgqCEvv o bO s 1 8MEMi3m PJ I a iqqi I w 4 z. tO c_ 1 f R 4 I l+ a y , N g 1-0g1 l/i HI gplid$aila 119 ; t y2, v cooaaaa3eded '_; ¢'ae CI GWw elU I Z Q ohi 1Z 2 y C U ct a, Z Z o xo o z U U C CL O ffi LL cc W } W H Ur`cs Z0 CO O h r II i I. 111s 1; iE T 1 ag dia ; 1 a 8 9 aI I it i1 18 I I,. i FIs! 1$11 1 it oar0_ 6 Iii113 5 WINO, ' 11; ir 111 ' f5La D4/,I p- 11iimim&i 11,0 ,g O cyo ittr <F: uu 5 § 1 Ft 1 tlh AMri - 33 0' $ I 1 6 5 i Ji,z 0, ila i l'i g L cV-.,' 11 2,A 7,.E 80._ 53 , 53 ill 5105 1 I51 51 11 11 11 if II i 1.' 3-9 1!I 31g lif ' . 911 19 111 1 11 sig I 11 51 F I/ 11 11 1; 4 ; 51 51 53 53 53 53 L. I ili 311 31 111 1 I I-.1g! I 1 11111111i i il I 1 I L I I 1111 11... i ilq. 1- - I m-., 1..i , 1 f, t 1 i-,, li ,. , g-,I11i ., __ IteIli'9 l'I4 i , 1196I-1 i 1 . Ii 1 0 Ir: !b - 1,01S,i I ----I ! . 1 g 1114 c,g 1 .1 ' 1 -+ -+— 6 I 1 Lli Ai 4\-i Ili N ie o a„,, . 3-,, Oj; 111 4 l _ type A 1 l'W IiQs RmWi EL yy gg ggi ° z df61 f i' l S 1 l S fl d R di s s v' I 9 i I aEi I Cr 1 9 t i i ' 1 x 4' Baa ch 1 3 Q, Oa ill ' ii 1 e isMa: u°v € z Vpp ct pyccw zw A ii t y M illLXit lai 11,1 litl 11 I t Oil EL ii h 11- li 6 01r Pi E1111 Inlil I 3 ir lei iiii MI1p113 1 4 i8 e MI F 1. ME s Ii WE S ll i111111ilin Iti 11; 1 111; 11 hi iti 1 .1'. ,, in' B e Z 9 6 s LOUCKS W:\2017\17516\CADD DATA\SURVEY\_dwg Sheet Files\S17516-ALTAPlotted: 06 /13 / 2018 1:47 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. CADD QUALIFICATION 05/08/18 SURVEY ISSUED 06/12/18 ADDED WATERMAIN License No. Date I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of VICINITY MAP Field Crew Max L. Stanislowski - PLS 48988 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. Minnesota. 17516 MLS NRS MLS DMP/GCF 05/08/18 CONTROL CONCEPTS 8077 CENTURY BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BAUER DESIGN BUILD 14030 21ST AVENUE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY 1 OF 1 N SCALE IN FEET 0 30 60 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED (Per Schedule A of the herein referenced Title Commitment) Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract and Torrens Property TITLE COMMITMENT EXCEPTIONS (Per Schedule B, Part II of the herein referenced Title Commitment) The property depicted on this survey and the easements of record shown hereon are the same as the property and the easements described in the Commitment for Title Insurance issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as agent for Chicago Title Insurance Company, File No. 54247, effective date March 21, 2018. The numbers below correspond to those in the title commitment. 1-8 & 10-16 do not require comment. 9. Easement for utilities and drainage as shown on the recorded plat of Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition and plat of Arboretum Business Park. Shown hereon around the entire site. 17.Subject to the following matters as shown on the survey prepared by Schoell Madson dated April 17, 2007: a) Encroachment of bituminous trail along the West line of the subject property. Shown hereon. ALTA/NSPS OPTIONAL TABLE A NOTES (The following items refer to Table A optional survey responsibilities and specifications) 1. Monuments placed (or a reference monument or witness to the corner) at all major corners of the boundary of the property, unless already marked or referenced by existing monuments or witnesses to the corner are shown hereon. 2. The address, if disclosed in documents provided to or obtained by the surveyor, or observed while conducting the fieldwork is 8077 Century Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317. 3. This property is contained in Zone C (area of minimal flooding) per Flood Insurance Community Panel No. 2700510005B, effective date of July 2, 1979. 4. The Gross land area is 227,850 +/- square feet or 5.23 +/- acres. 7. (a) There are no observable buildings on this site. 8. Substantial features observed in the process of conducting fieldwork, are shown hereon. 9. There are no striped parking stalls on this site. SURVEY REPORT 1. The Surveyor was not provided utility easement documents for the subject property except for those shown on the Survey. 3. The bearings for this survey are based on the Carver County Coordinate System NAD 83 (1986 Adjust). 4. Benchmark: MnDOT monument JON MNDT, located in Chanhassen, 0.25 mile south along Trunk Highway 41 from the junction of Trunk Highway 41 and Trunk Highway 5 in Chanhassen, at Trunk Highway 41 milepoint 6.9, 83.5 feet north of a power pole, 26.0 feet west of Trunk Highway 41, 81.02 Feet north of reference mark 1, 2.0 feet east of a witness post. Elevation = 1027.44 (NGVD29) Site Benchmark: Top nut of fire hydrant located on the westerly side of the site along the westerly side of Century Boulevard. Elevation = 975.95 (NGVD29) 5.We have shown underground utilities on and/or serving the surveyed property per Gopher State One-Call Ticket Nos. 181153120 & 181154099. The following utilities and municipalities were notified: JAGUAR COMMUNICATIONS (507)219-8081 CITY OF CHANHASSEN (952)227-1300 CENTURYLINK (800)283-4237 LIGHTCORE (800)283-4237 LIFETIME FITNESS (507)219-8081 CENTER POINT ENERGY (406)541-9571 MEDIACOM (800)778-9140 MINNESOTA VALLEY ELECTRIC (952)492-8210 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (877)366-8344 XCEL ENERGY (800)848-7558 i. Utility operators do not consistently respond to locate requests through the Gopher State One Call service for surveying purposes such as this. Those utility operators that do respond, often will not locate utilities from their main line to the customer's structure or facility. They consider those utilities “private” installations that are outside their jurisdiction. These “private” utilities on the surveyed property or adjoining properties, may not be located since most operators will not mark such "private" utilities. A private utility locator may be contacted to investigate these utilities further, if requested by the client. ii. The locations of underground utility lines shown hereon is an approximation based on available maps, unless otherwise noted on the survey. iii. Maps provided by those notified above, either along with a field location or in lieu of such a location, are very often inaccurate or inconclusive. EXTREME CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED BEFORE AN EXCAVATION TAKES PLACE ON OR NEAR THIS SITE. BEFORE DIGGING, YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 811 or (651) 454-0002. 6. The location of wetland delineation markers, which have been determined by a qualified specialist, are shown hereon. CERTIFICATION To Control Concepts Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Chaska Gateway Partners Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, Commercial Partners Title, LLC and Chicago Title Insurance Company: This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1 - 4, 7(a), 8, and 9 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on May 4, 2018. Date of Plat or Map: June 12, 2018 ______________________________________________ Max L. Stanislowski, PLS Minnesota License No. 48988 mstanislowski@loucksinc.com 9 9 9 9 17 9 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60 9 SURVEY LEGEND C1.1 REMOVE TREE TYP REMOVE TREE PER CONVERSATION WITH TODD HOFFMAN (PARK & RECREATION DIRECTOR) REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH CLEAR AND GRUB AS NEEDED FOR BITUMINOUS PATH CONSTRUCTION REMOVE FENCE AS NEEDED FOR BITUMINOUS PATH CONSTRUCTION SAW-CUT, REMOVE, & REPLACE BITUMINOUS AS NEEDED FOR UTILITY CONSTRUCTION REFER TO UTILITY PLAN PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES DURING DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PROTECT EXISTING LIGHT POLE DURING CONSTRUCTION REMOVE & RELOCATE EXISTING SIGN COORDINATE LOCATION WITH CITY REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING CURB & GUTTER REMOVE CURB & GUTTER REMOVE BITUMINOUS PATH PROTECT EXISTING TREES PROTECT EXISTING TREE PROTECT EXISTING TREE PROTECT EXISTING TREE PROTECT EXISTING TREES PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES DURING DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION PROTECT EXISTING TREE LINE PROTECT EXISTING TREES SAW-CUT, REMOVE, & REPLACE BITUMINOUS AS NEEDED ALTERNATE C3 REMOVALS FOR CITY BITUMINOUS TRAILREMOVE TREE TYP REMOVE TREE TYP REMOVE TREE TYP 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60 9 SURVEY LEGEND C1.2 REMOVE EXISTING TREES/WOODS REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER, RETAINING WALLS, FENCE, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLES, POWER POLES, LIGHT POLES, BOLLARDS, PARKING METERS, SIGNS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING TREES REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVING DEMOLITION LEGEND 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND/OR RELOCATE EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE FEATURES NOT NOTED FOR REMOVAL. 3. CONTRACTOR TO CLEAR AND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, STRIP TOP SOIL, AND STOCKPILE ON-SITE. REFER TO GRADING PLAN AND SWPPP FOR SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 4. CLEAR AND GRUB AND REMOVE ALL TREES, VEGETATION AND SITE DEBRIS PRIOR TO GRADING. ALL REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED FROM THE SITE DAILY. ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND REMOVALS SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISHED UPON REMOVAL. SEE THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SITE SURFACE FEATURES WITHIN REMOVAL LIMITS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SITE DEMOLITION NOTES PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING 18 18 27 25 2 20'29.5'80.1'B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP-SEE DETAIL ALTERNATE C3 10' BITUMINOUS PATH TYP-SEE DETAIL 40' AVERAGE BUFFER AREA 20' MINIMUM BUFFER AREA 6-WETLAND BUFFER LOCATION SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT SIGN TYP-SEE DETAIL (AVAILABLE FROM CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS) DOUBLE SIDED FIRE LANE SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL DOUBLE SIDED FIRE LANE SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT 218.0'26.0'18.0'20.5'11.7'5.0' 9.0' TYP 9.0' TYP 26.0'18.0'93.0'10.7'16.0'7.6'5.7'5.0'24.0'8.0'TYP8.0'TYP9.0'TYP30.0'10.0'40.1'MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYP-SEE DETAIL ALTERNATE C3 10' BITUMINOUS PATH TYP-SEE DETAIL 26.0'8.7' CONCRETE SIDEWALK TYP-SEE DETAIL TYPICAL ADA PARKING SEE DETAIL 4 - ADA PARKING SIGN/ BOLLARD COMBO TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE SIDEWALK TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE PAD FOR GENERATOR SEE DETAIL COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL PLANS CONCRETE SIDEWALK TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE STOOP COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL DOUBLE SIDED FIRE LANE SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE PATIO TYP-SEE DETAIL HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP-SEE DETAIL MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB FLAT CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB CONCRETE APRON TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN RAMP TYP-SEE DETAIL 20'R 30'R 9.3'3'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 50'R 5'R 10'R 116'R 50'R 200'R 100'R 20'R 30'R 15'R 5'R 5'R 15'R 20'R 5'R 5'R 3'R 90'R 3'R 3'R 25'R184'R 15'R 3'R CONCRETE APRON TYP-SEE DETAIL 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER & BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB PROTECT EXISTING TREES-TYP FLAT CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MATCH EXISTING SECTION 105'R 95'R 112'R 122'R 85'R 75'R 130'R 140'R 48'R 38'R 24'R 34'R 60'R 10'R 50'R 49'R MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS TRAIL PROTECT EXISTING TREES-TYP PROTECT EXISTING TREES-TYP DOUBLE SIDED FIRE LANE SIGNS TYP-SEE DETAIL 9.0'TYP18.0' 26.0' 18.0'6.0'CONCRETE SIDEWALK TYP-SEE DETAIL FLAT CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL 10' TAPER TO FLAT CURB 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB CONCRETE PAD FOR TRASH DUMPSTER SEE DETAIL CONCRETE PAVEMENT AT LOADING DOCK SEE DETAIL CONCRETE STOOP COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS 10' TAPER TO FLAT CURB 3' TAPER TO FLAT CURB 10' TAPER TO FLAT CURB FLAT CURB TYP-SEE DETAIL CONCRETE STOOP COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS 2 - BOLLARDS TYP-SEE DETAIL 3 - BOLLARDS TYP-SEE DETAIL 31.3'6 7 . 1 ' 8.0'12.0'TRANSITION TO SURMOUNTABLE CURB SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER TYP-SEE DETAIL TRANSITION TO SURMOUNTABLE CURB CONCRETE STOOP COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 - BOLLARD TYP-SEE DETAIL MONUMENT SIGN 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL C2.1 N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60 SITE NOTES 1. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE DETAIL SHEET(S) AND STATE/LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. TYPICAL FULL SIZED PARKING STALL IS 9' X 18' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 5.0' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD TO BE PLACED AT FULL DEPTH OF CONCRETE ADJACENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND BEHIND CURB ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. 8. SEE SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR SITE LIGHTING. CURRENT ZONING: PUD PROPOSED ZONING: PUD PROPERTY AREA:227,850 SF / 5.23 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 305 SF / 0.007 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA:109,336 SF / 2.51 AC SITE DATA YARD (BUILDING) SETBACKS: FRONT 30 FT MINIMUM SIDE 10 FT MINIMUM REAR 30 FT MINIMUM PARKING SETBACKS: FRONT 10 FT MINIMUM SIDE 10 FT MINIMUM REAR 10 FT MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING AND DESIGN STANDARD REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM PARKING LAYOUT DIMENSIONS (90 DEGREE PATTERN): PARKING SPACE WIDTH = 9 FT PARKING SPACE LENGTH = 18 FT DRIVE AISLE WIDTH = 26 FT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS SIGNAGE AND STRIPING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SITE SIGNAGE AND STRIPING AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL ACCESSIBLE STALLS, LOGOS AND CROSS HATCH LOADING AISLES WITH WHITE PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT, 4" IN WIDTH. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ANY/ALL DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC ARROWS, AS SHOWN, IN WHITE PAINT. 4. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL INCLUDE POST, CONCRETE FOOTING AND STEEL CASING WHERE REQUIRED. 5. ALL SIGNAGE NOT PROTECTED BY CURB, LOCATED IN PARKING LOT OR OTHER PAVED AREAS TO BE PLACED IN STEEL CASING, FILLED WITH CONCRETE AND PAINTED YELLOW. REFER TO DETAIL. 6. ANY/ALL STOP SIGNS TO INCLUDE A 24" WIDE PAINTED STOP BAR IN WHITE PAINT, PLACED AT THE STOP SIGN LOCATION, A MINIMUM OF 4' FROM CROSSWALK IF APPLICABLE. ALL STOP BARS SHALL EXTEND FROM DIRECTIONAL TRANSITION BETWEEN LANES TO CURB. 7. ALL SIGNS TO BE PLACED 18" BEHIND BACK OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. FIRE LANE NO PARKING AREAS FOR ALL THE CURBING EXCEPT THOSE DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW WITH "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" SIGNS POSTED PER CITY FIRE CODE. PAVEMENT TYPES NOTE: SEE PAVEMENT SECTIONS ON SHEET C8.3 FOR TYPE AND DEPTH INFORMATION. LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 80 STALLS TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED = 92 STALLS (INCLUDES ADA STALLS) OFF-STREET PARKING CALCULATIONS ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS REQUIRED = 4 STALLS PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE STALLS PROVIDED = 4 STALLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING  23 CIVIL LEGEND 40' WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 10,645 SF 40' AVERAGE WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 10,650 SF WETLAND BUFFER DATA PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING  972974973969 96 9 96096595695795895996196296396496696796894 5 950 955 94 6947948949951952953954956957958959960 965 96196 2 96 3 96 4 966 9509 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 8 9 4 9 953 954 956955 959957958 9619609 6 0 9659 5 6 9 5 7 9 5 8 959 9 6 1 9 6 2 96 3 964 966961 952 951 950950951952953954 970 971 972 97397097096 7 9 6 8969 970970972973974971972975 97 397 4 1 2 RETAINING WALL ELEVATIONS TW-65.33 BW-64.50 TW-64.53 BW-61.53 TW-60.25 BW-60.00 1 2 3 967 968 9519529539549 5 0 965 962963964966967968969 970 96 6 967 968 96 9 9 6 6 968 969 97097197 1971 971 971972973 971 97 1 971971971MATCH EXISTING 71.40 71.40 71.40 71.40 67.40 67.40 67.30 67.30 67.40 67.40 69.87 69.87 71.08 71.08 71.40 71.40 71.40 71.13 71.09 70.9070.85 71.33 70.6870.84 70.59 69.98 69.80 69.27 69.69 65.94 66.10 65.04 66.06 66.45 66.68 66.61 65.70 66.07 68.47 67.92 68.72 69.27 70.10 69.69 71.4071.4071.40 71.4071.40 71.12 71.07 70.40 70.6570.86 70.86 69.25 69.57 71.18 71.1871.1870.86 71.49 72.08 72.73 73.52 74.75 73.49 72.87 74.22 74.59 74.03 72.90 72.29 73.19 71.76 71.61 71.32 70.18 71.42 70.00 71.63 70.73 69.98 69.46 69.63 69.78 69.61 68.99 ±EX 69.45 ±EX 70.73 70.69 70.81 71.28 71.12 71.40 71.3371.12 71.03 70.6770.83 70.15 70.11 69.57 68.88 69.47 70.1669.61 69.02 69.21 69.12 68.95 68.94 68.41 68.5068.51 68.28 68.18 68.14 67.98 60.73 60.53 58.35 58.15 56.01 55.81 55.24 55.24 55.04 55.04 55.24 55.04 55.24 55.04 54.40 54.50 68.35 ±EX 67.71 ±EX 67.60 ±EX 67.44 ±EX 70.10 ±EX 70.50 ±EX 67.96 ±EX 68.29 ±EX 71.72 74.76 ±EX 74.33 ±EX 73.77 ±EX 73.12 ±EX 74.19 ±EX 74.24 ±EX 75.48 ±EX 75.52 ±EX 1.3%1.0%2.1%1.8%1.8%70.6270.62 4. 5 % 2. 0 % 1. 5 %1.9%4.5 % 2. 0 % 5.0% 2.4%1.5%1.5%5.0%4.4%1.8%3.5%1.5%2.6% 2.0%4.0%4.0% 4.0% 3.0%2.8%2.7%2.3%0.7%2.0%1.5%1.7%1.1%1.1% 1.8% 1.0% 1 . 6%3.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.2% 2.4% 2.0%2.0%1.6%3.3%2.9%2.0%2.1% 2.1% 5.0%2.0% 2.0% 5.0% 2. 2 % 2.0%2.5%1.1%2.6% 2.0%1.8%1.9%1.1%2.0%1.3%1.5%2.0%3.1%1.5%0.8%0.3%4.4%3. 6 % 0 . 8%1.5% 0.9 % 3 ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE ALTERNATE C3 GRADING ASSOCIATED WITH CITY BITUMINOUS TRAIL 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60  23 CIVIL LEGEND GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. GRADE THROUGH THE ADA AREAS OF THE PARKING LOT SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION. 3. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.16 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 4. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 5. ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE. 6. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), AND "BW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 7. REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW (REPORT NO. B1801313), DATED MARCH 13, 2018 AS PREPARED BY BRAUN INTERTEC FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS. 8. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 9. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 10.SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 11.SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 12.SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. C3.1 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING  972974973969 96 9 96096595695795895996196296396496696796894 5 950 955 94 6947948949951952953954956957958959960 965 96196 2 96 3 96 4 966 9509 4 6 9 4 7 9 4 8 9 4 9 953 954 956955 959957958 9619609 6 0 9659 5 6 9 5 7 9 5 8 959 9 6 1 9 6 2 9 6 3 964 966961 952 951 950950951952953954 970 971 972 97397097096 7 9 6 8969 970970972973974971972975 97 397 4 967 968 9519529539549 5 0 965 962963964966967968969 970 96 6 967 968 96 9 9 6 6 968 969 97097197 1971 971 971972973 971 97 1 971971971INLET PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TYP-SEE DETAIL DOUBLE ROW SILT FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE TREE PROTECTION FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL PROPOSED SOIL STOCKPILE LOCATION PROPOSED SOIL STOCKPILE LOCATION TREE PROTECTION FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AT EDGE OF GRADING LIMITS ALONG TRAIL TYP-SEE DETAIL TREE PROTECTION FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AT EDGE OF GRADING LIMITS ALONG TRAIL TYP-SEE DETAIL ALTERNATE C3 EROSION CONTROL ASSOCIATED WITH CITY BITUMINOUS TRAIL INLET PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL INLET PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60  23 CIVIL LEGEND C3.2 SWPPP LEGEND INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERN BIO ROLLS EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL 1.THE NATURE OF THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF CONSTRUCTING A BUILDING, SURFACE PAVEMENTS, RETAINING WALL, UNDERGROUND RETENTION & DETENTION SYSTEMS, AND UTILITIES. 2. THE INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL VEHICLE TRACKING BMP 2. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND SITE 4. CLEAR AND GRUB SITE 5. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL 6. REMOVE PAVEMENTS AND UTILITIES 7. ROUGH GRADE SITE 8. IMPORT CLEAN FILL FOR REPLACEMENT AND BALANCE 9. INSTALL UTILITIES 10. INSTALL BUILDING FOUNDATIONS 11. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER 12. INSTALL PAVEMENTS AND WALKS 13. FINAL GRADE SITE 14. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM STORMWATER SYSTEMS 15. SEED AND MULCH 16. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE SILT FENCE, INLET PROTECTION, AND RESEED ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. 3. SITE DATA: AREA OF DISTURBANCE:4.201 AC PRE-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.007 AC POST-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2.509 AC GENERAL SOIL TYPE: SEE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT 4. THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE IDENTIFIED WITH FLAGS, STAKES, SIGNS, SILT FENCE, ETC. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 5. ALL DISTURBED GROUND LEFT INACTIVE FOR SEVEN (7) OR MORE DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY SEEDING OR SODDING (ONLY AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 15) OR BY MULCHING OR COVERING OR OTHER EQUIVALENT CONTROL MEASURE. 6. ON SLOPES 3:1 OR GREATER MAINTAIN SHEET FLOW AND MINIMIZE RILLS AND/OR GULLIES, SLOPE LENGTHS CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 75 FEET. DENOTES SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1. ALL 3:1 SLOPES TO BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 7. ALL STORM DRAINS AND INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED UNTIL ALL SOURCES OF POTENTIAL DISCHARGE ARE STABILIZED. 8. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROL AND CAN NOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS OR STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF SILT, CLAY, OR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ARE EXEPMT EX: CLEAN AGGREGATE STOCK PILES, DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES, SAND STOCKPILES. 9. SEDIMENT LADEN WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF NOT POSSIBLE, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S. 10. SOLID WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. 11. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE PROPERLY CONTAINED. 12. NO ENGINE DEGREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. 13. THE OWNER WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PERMITTEE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. THE OPERATOR (CONTRACTOR) WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PERMITTEE FOR PARTS II.B., PART II.C, PART II.B-F, PART V, PART IV AND APPLICABLE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN APPENDIX A, PART C. OF THE NPDES PERMIT AND IS JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE WITH THE OWNER FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PERMIT. 14.TERMINATION OF COVERAGE-PERMITTEE(S) WISHING TO TERMINATE COVERAGE MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) TO THE MPCA. ALL PERMITTEE(S) MUST SUBMIT A NOT WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: A. FINAL STABILIZATION, PER NPDES PERMIT PART IV.G. HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ON ALL PORTIONS OF THE SITE FOR WHICH THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE. B. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT. 15. INSPECTIONS A. INITIAL INSPECTION FOLLOWING SILT FENCE INSTALLATION BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE IS REQUIRED. B. EXPOSED SOIL AREAS: ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING A 0.5" OVER 24 HOUR RAIN EVENT. C. STABILIZED AREAS: ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS D. FROZEN GROUND: AS SOON AS RUNOFF OCCURS OR PRIOR TO RESUMING CONSTRUCTION. E. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR 3 YEARS AFTER FILING OF THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND MUST INCLUDE: DATE AND TIME OF ACTION, NAME OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING WORK, FINDING OF INSPECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION, DATE AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. 16. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE A. SILT FENCE TO BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, SUPPLEMENTED WHEN NONFUNCTIONAL, OR 1/3 FULL; WITHIN 24 HOURS B. SEDIMENT BASINS DRAINED AND SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN REACHES 1/2 STORAGE VOLUME. REMOVAL MUST BE COMPLETE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. C. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM SURFACE WATERS WITHIN (7)SEVEN DAYS D. CONSTRUCTION SITE EXITS INSPECTED, TRACKED SEDIMENT REMOVED WITH 24 HOURS. E. PROVIDE COPIES OF EROSION INSPECTION RESULTS TO CITY ENGINEER FOR ALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 12" IN 24 HOURS F. PERMITTEE MUST, AT A MINIMUM, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ALL DISTURBED SURFACES AND ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES AND SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES EVERY DAY WORK IS PERFORMED ON THE SITE AND AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY HAS CEASED. THEREAFTER, THE PERMITTEE MUST PERFORM THESE RESPONSIBILITIES AT LEAST WEEKLY UNTIL VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED. 17. THE SWPPP, INCLUDING ALL CHANGES TO IT, AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BY THE PERMITTEE(S) WHO HAVE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THE SITE. 18. OWNER MUST KEEP RECORDS OF ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT, THE SWPPP, ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE, PERMANENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS, AND REQUIRED CALCULATIONS FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR THREE YEARS AFTER FILING NPDES NOTICE OF TERMINATION. 19. SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED WHEN: A. THERE IS A CHANGE IN DESIGN, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS THAT HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON DISCHARGE B. INSPECTIONS INDICATE THAT THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE AND DISCHARGE IS EXCEEDING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. C. THE BMP'S IN THE SWPPP ARE NOT CONTROLLING POLLUTANTS IN DISCHARGES OR IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. 19. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA A. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASH-OUT CONTAINER WITH RAIN PROTECTION PER PLAN. B. CONCRETE WASH-OUT TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNAGE STATING "CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA DO NOT OVERFILL". C. CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER NEEDS TO BE PUMPED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF STANDING WATER IN WASHOUT AREA. 20. IN THE EVENT OF ENCOUNTERING A WELL OR SPRING DURING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO CEASE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND NOTIFY ENGINEER. 21. PIPE OULTETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. 22. FINAL STABILIZATION FINAL STABILIZATION REQUIRES THAT ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACVTIVITIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND THAT DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED BY A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH 70% OF THE EXPECTED FINAL DENSITY, AND THAT ALL PERMANENT PAVEMENTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. ALL TEMPORARY BMP'S SHALL BE REMOVED, DITCHES STABILIZED, AND SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PERMANENT CONVEYANCES AND SEDIMENTATION BASINS IN ORDER TO RETURN THE POND TO DESIGN CAPACITY. 23. RESPONSIBILITIES A. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY A PERSON WHO WILL OVERSEE THE SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION AND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE: CONTACT: __________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ B. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY THE A PERSON WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: CONTACT: __________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ 24. THE WATERSHED DISTRICT OR THE CITY MAY HAVE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTIONS OR AS-BUILT DRAWINGS VERIFYING PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF THE BMPS. SWPPP NOTES ESTIMATED QUANTITIES DESCRIPTION UNIT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASHOUT EA SILT FENCE (STANDARD)/TREE PROTECTION LF EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SY INLET PROTECTION EA QUANTITY 2 1 2,630 4,575 14 BIO-ROLL LF NA SITE VICINITY MAP CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SPECIAL WATERS SEARCH MAP C3.3 PROJECT SITE * EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 6" 6" 1' TO 3'ANCHOR TRENCH 1. DIG 6"X6" TRENCH 2. LAY BLANKETS IN TRENCH 3. STAPLE AT 1.5' INTERVALS 4. BACKFILL WITH NATURAL SOIL AND COMPACT. 5. BLANKET LENGTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 100' WITHOUT AN ANCHOR TRENCH NOTE: SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS, SOIL CLUMPS, STICKS, VEHICLE IMPRINTS, AND GRASS. BLANKETS SHALL HAVE GOOD SOIL CONTACT. ANCHOR TRENCH (SEE DETAIL AND NOTES BELOW) OVERLAP END JOINTS MINIMUM OF 6" AND STAPLE OVERLAP AT 1.5' INTERVALS. OVERLAP LONGITUDINAL JOINTS MINIMUM OF 6" STAPLE PATTERN/DENSITY SHALL FOLLOW MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. DI R E C T I O N O F SU R F A C E F L O W STAGGER JOINTS DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3016LOUCKS PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE STUB INV=961.83 (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) CORE DRILL INTO EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE INV=957.97± (VERIFY INVERT & SIZE) 107 LF-6" PVC @ 2.00% WET TAP EXISTING 12" DIP WATERMAIN (VERIFY TYPE & SIZE) 8" GATE VALVE DUAL 8" COMBINED DOMESTIC/FIRE WATER SERVICES (VERIFY LOCATION, INVERT & SIZE W/ MECHANICAL) 15 LF-8" PVC WATERMAIN SANMH 1 RIM=971.89 INV(E)=960.21 INV(W)=960.11 81 LF-6" PVC @ 2.00% 11.25 DEG. 8" BEND 8 LF-8" PVC WATERMAIN STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=968.67± WM TOP OF PIPE=966.21± DEFLECT WM AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=968.28 SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=958.98± STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=962.34± SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=961.39± 170 LF-8" PVC WATERMAIN 121 LF-8" PVC WATERMAIN 103 LF-8" PVC WATERMAIN 11.25 DEG. 8" BEND HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE 10 LF-6" PVC WATERMAIN 90 DEG. 8"X8" BEND 8"X6" TEE WM BOTTOM OF PIPE=965.83± SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=958.64± DEFLECT WM AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60  23 CIVIL LEGEND C4.1 UTILITY NOTES 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. 10.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. 11.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714. 12.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714: a. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. b. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. c. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. d. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING INFIL 1 53"x41" PERFORATED ARCH CSP UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (1,055 LF TOTAL) TOP OF PIPE=961.58 OUTLET=959.97 INV=958.17 CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE DOWN TO NATIVE SOILS CLASSIFIED AS POORLY GRADED SAND W/ SILT OR SILTY SAND (SP-SM, SM) ESTIMATED TO BE AT AN ELEVATION OF 961± ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE SYSTEM AND 951± ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO BACKFILL WITH FREE DRAINING GRANULAR MATERIALS (100% PASSING 3-INCH SIEVE AND 0-20% PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE) UP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SYSTEM. DET 1 54" CSP UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM (350 LF TOTAL) TOP OF PIPE=964.54 OUTLET=960.04 INV=960.04 111 LF-18" HDPE @ 1.0% OUTLET INV=959.97 FES 1 W/ TRASH GUARD AND GROUTED RIP-RAP INV=958.88 CB 10 RIM=968.88 INV=961.16 SUMP=958.16 15 LF-12" HDPE @ 4.5% INLET INV=960.48 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=969.58 INV=958.17 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=970.38 INV=958.17 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=971.51 INV=958.17 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=972.30 INV=958.17 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=971.98 INV=958.17 CBMH 20 RIM=970.18 INV(S)=964.92 INV(W)=961.16 SUMP=958.16 INLET INV=960.48 15 LF-12" HDPE @ 4.5% CBMH 21 (18" NYLOPLAST) RIM=970.00 INV=966.00 54 LF-12" HDPE @ 2.0% 25 LF-4" PVC DRAINTILE SLOPE TO DRAIN TYP-SEE DETAIL CBMH 32 RIM=969.25 INV=964.32 12" ROOF DRAIN STUB 4 LF-12" HDPE @ 2.0% INV=964.40 (VERIFY SIZE, INVERT & LOCATION W/ MECHANICAL) 12" ROOF DRAIN STUB 4 LF-12" HDPE @ 2.0% INV=964.40 (VERIFY SIZE, INVERT & LOCATION W/ MECHANICAL) CBMH 31 RIM=970.65 INV(N)=964.32 INV(E,W)=963.81 102 LF-12" HDPE @ 0.5% CBMH 30 RIM=970.40 INV=963.62 SUMP=960.62 37 LF-12" HDPE @ 0.5% 80 LF-12" HDPE @ 3.9% INLET INV=960.48 STORM BOTTOM OF PIPE=962.34± SANITARY TOP OF PIPE=961.39± 25 LF-4" PVC DRAINTILE SLOPE TO DRAIN TYP-SEE DETAIL INLET INV=959.97 OUTLET INV=960.04 OCS MH 40 RIM=970.35 WEIR=964.46 6"X6" ORIFICE=960.04 INV=960.04 14 LF-12" HDPE @ 0.5% 14 LF-12" HDPE @ 0.0% 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=969.93 INV=960.04 36" ACCESS RISER RIM=967.48 INV=960.04 CB 50 RIM=969.27 INV=964.39 SUMP=961.39 21 LF-12" HDPE @ 4.5% INLET INV=963.44 25 LF-4" PVC DRAINTILE SLOPE TO DRAIN TYP-SEE DETAIL 25 LF-4" PVC DRAINTILE SLOPE TO DRAIN TYP-SEE DETAIL CB 60 RIM=965.04 INV=961.54 SUMP=958.54 19 LF-12" HDPE @ 0.5% INLET INV=961.44 CB 70 RIM=965.70 INV=962.20 SUMP=959.20 14 LF-12" HDPE @ 1.0% INLET INV=962.06 TRENCH DRAIN 80 NEENAH R-4999-CX BOLTED RIM(W)=967.30 RIM(E)=967.30 INV(W)=966.30 INV(E)=966.14 OUT=964.14 INLET INV=963.32 41 LF-12" HDPE @ 2.0% 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60  23 CIVIL LEGEND C4.2 UTILITY NOTES 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. 10.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. 11.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714. 12.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714: a. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. b. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. c. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. d. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL FOR INTERIOR DRAIN TILE CONNECTIONS TO EXTERIOR DRAIN TILE SYSTEM CONNECT TO UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM ABOVE INV=960.04 38 LF-6" SOLID PVC SLOPED TO DRAIN 445 LF-6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE 410 LF-6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60  23 CIVIL LEGEND C4.3 UTILITY NOTES 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND ALL UTILITIES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: WATERMAIN C900 PVC 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER PVC SCH 40 6" DIAMETER STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 18" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC 4" TO 6" DIAMETER 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER WYES, TEES AND SERVICES SHALL BE 6" PVC SCH 40. 10.CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM FOR ENGINEER'S REVIEW. 11.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714. 12.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 13.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 4714: a. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. b. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. c. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. d. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. DRAWN 3/2018 LOUCKS PLATE NO. EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTE: SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR FOUNDATION DRAINTILE ON INTERIOR OF BUILDING. PIPE DETAIL 160° 90° 1 4" DIA. HOLE TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL 2" MIN. 2" MIN.6" MIN. FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION APPROVED FREE DRAINING BACKFILL MATERIAL (SEE SPECS) COARSE FILTER AGGREGATE MNDOT 3149.2H NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FOUNDATION (SEE STRUCTURAL)6" PERFORATED PVC PIPE 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL C8.1 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL C8.2 VANACCESSIBLE 60"48"18" DIA.36"TYPICAL ADA PARKING SIGN / BOLLARD COMBO 12"x18" STANDARD HANDICAP PARKING SIGN WITH SEPARATE 'VAN ACCESSIBLE' PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER ON WHITE BACKGROUND. SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE 4"x4" AND BE WHITE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. USE HARDWARE PER SIGN SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502 12"x6" STANDARD 'VAN ACCESSIBLE' PANEL. GREEN LETTERING AND BORDER ON WHITE BACKGROUND. 2" DIA. 6' LONG MIN. GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 GALVENZIED STEEL PIPE 6' LONG MINIMUM HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW IN COLOR. AVAILABLE FROM BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. NOTES: 1. BOLLARDS TO BE PLACED 12" BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER TO SITE PLAN.) 2. MAINTAIN PLUMB UNTIL CONCRETE IS SUFFICIENTLY CURED. 3. HOLD CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO CREATE FINAL PAVING PATTERN AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE - MAXIMUM OF 96" FROM HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. DRAWN 03/2017 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2038ALOUCKS6"18"6"VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECTTO A FINE OF UP TO$ 200.00 PARKINGRESERVED TYPICAL ADA PARKING STALL STRIPING DRAWN 03/2017 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2037LOUCKS LCC 4" WIDE PAINTED LINES, TRAFFIC WHITE 4" WIDE PAINTED LINES, 18" O.C., @ 45 DEG. TRAFFIC WHITE (AISLE TO CONTAIN THE DESIGNATION "NO PARKING" COMPLYING WITH MSBC 1341.0502 IF ACCESS AISLE SIGNS ARE NOT SHOWN REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR ADA PARKING SIGN LOCATION REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR ACCESS AISLE SIGN LOCATION (AISLE TO CONTAIN THE DESIGNATION "NO PARKING" COMPLYING WITH MSBC 134.0502 IF ACCESS AISLE SIGNS ARE NOT SHOWN) REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR STALL DIMENSIONS 40"PROVIDE PAINTED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY AT EACH DESIGNATED HANDICAP PARKING STALL. CENTER SYMBOL IN STALL. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA RULES 1341.0502 ALL LINES 4" WIDE 8" DIAMETER NOT TO SCALE 67.5° 5° 36" TYPICAL ADA ACCESS AISLE NO PARKING SIGN / BOLLARD COMBO "NO PARKING" DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. LOUCKS60"48"18" DIA.36"ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH APPROPRIATE STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, WASHES & NUTS. (TYP. AT TOP & BOTTOM OF SIGN) 2" DIA. 6' LONG MIN. GALVANIZED SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE. EMBED IN CONCRETE FILLED BOLLARD 6" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 GALVENZIED STEEL PIPE 6' LONG MINIMUM HEAVY DUTY HDPE DOME TOP DECORATIVE SLEEVE BLUE OR YELLOW IN COLOR. AVAILABLE FROM BOLLARDSNSLEEVES.COM OR EQUAL. COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE. NOTES: 1. BOLLARDS TO BE PLACED 12" BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR SIDEWALK (REFER TO SITE PLAN.) 2. MAINTAIN PLUMB UNTIL CONCRETE IS SUFFICIENTLY CURED. 3. HOLD CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW GRADE OF FINISHED CONCRETE TO CREATE FINAL PAVING PATTERN AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SIGN CENTERED AT HEAD OF PARKING SPACE - MAXIMUM OF 96" FROM HEAD OF PARKING SPACE. 5. PROVIDE (1) SIGN PER ACCESS AISLE 6. HC SIGNAGE PER MINNESOTA RULES 1341.05026"18"R28"R68" R12" 12" 28"3/4"7"10.5"SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. PAVEMENT SECTION VARIES MIN. OF 4"MINIMUM 1' BEHIND BACK OF CURBAGG. BASE UNDER CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) AGG. BASE VARIES 6.5"DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2014LOUCKS SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH PARKING LOT DRAINAGE (3/4" PER FT. TYP.) TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQ'D PAVEMENT SECTION VARIES MIN. OF 4" 3/8 " LIP MINIMUM 1' BEHIND BACK OF CURBAGG. BASE UNDER CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 7" 12"8" AGG. BASE VARIES 1/2" RAD. 20" FLAT CURB AND GUTTER (12") SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2012LOUCKS BOLLARD 1/2" CROWN 1" CROWN 3'-6"3'-0"6"24" DIA. 2,500 PSI CONCRETE 6" DIP, CONC. FILLED, PAINTED OSHA YELLOW DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2039LOUCKS 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL C8.3 OUTLET 48" TO 72" DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTED BOTH ON THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS C OUTLET ELEVATION PIPE SIZE WILL VARY OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE - WEIR/ORIFICE INLET PRECAST BASE SLAB INLET ELEVATION A B 1 960.04 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE ELEVATION TABLE OCS NO. A 6" E TOP OF WEIR ELEVATION WEIR TO BE REINFORCED WITH AT LEAST #4 REBAR, 12" ON CENTER. WEIR/ORIFICE E TOP OF WEIR ELEVATION H DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4318LOUCKS RIM - (EMERGENCY OVERFLOW) D 2" 0"-8" 2" ORIFICE OPENING SIZE - F INVERT ELEVATION - G 960.04 B 960.04 C 970.35 D 964.46 E F G 6x6 H 960.04 48" ORIFICE OPENING SIZE - F INVERT ELEVATION - G1'-4"VARIABLE6"3"6"4.0' OUTLET FLOW 3'MIN.2" 0"-8" 2" NYLOPLAST SNOUT STRUCTURE OR APPROVED EQUAL. CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS, MIN. 4" - MAX. 10" NOTE: 24"x36" SLAB OPENING FOR NEENAH R-3067 CASTING WITH D.L., D.R. OR TYPE V GRATE. 27" ɸ SLAB OPENING FOR NEENAH R-3250 & R-1733 CASTING. SUMP CATCH BASIN / MANHOLE MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS IS 6" FOR 14' DEPTH. INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR 4' OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14'. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONS WITH "O"-RING RUBBER GASKETS. SLAB TOP TO BE SET IN A MORTAR BED. 6" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB. STEPS 16" O.C. ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE. EXTRUDED ALUMINUM OR STEEL REINFORCED COPOLYMER PLASTIC.6"DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4304LOUCKS SECTION A-A PLAN SECTION B-B DIA. 2' 2'1 4 LDIA.B B AA RIPRAP 48 15 42 36 30 24 18 12 20 8 10 12 14 18 16 8 >48 22-28 30-40 26 5 6 8 12 22 14 5 IV IV III III III III IV III III MINIMUM RIPRAP REQUIRED GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV EXTEND 1' UNDER APRON RIP-RAP OUT FROM THE APRON SHALL NOT BE HIGHER THAN THE APRON INVERT. GROUTED RIPRAP 1' (12"-27" DIA. PIPE) 1.5' (30" AND LARGER PIPE) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TYPE IV NOTE: ONE CUBIC YARD IS APPROXIMATELY 1.4 TONS. RIPRAP 1' (12"-27" DIA. PIPE) 1.5' (30" AND LARGER PIPE) 6" GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL 32-40 32 5 7 10 13 27 17 5 CMP/HDPE QUANTITY (C.Y.) RCP QUANTITY (C.Y.) DIA. OF PIPE (IN.)L (FT.)CLASS 6" GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL GROUT GROUT DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4309LOUCKS 957.67 958.17 962.08 961.58 FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE NON LIMESTONE/CARBONATE MATERIAL 5/8" MIN. PARTICLE SIZE. THE MAXIMUM LOS ANGELES RATTLER LOSS SHOULD BE 35% PER AASHTO T-96 AND NO GREATER LOSS THAN 10% PER AASHTO T-104 MAGNESIUM SULFATE SOUNDNESS TEST ON THE NON-IGNEOUS PORTIONS AND AS MODIFIED BY THE MNDOT LABORATORY MANUAL (MNDOT 2005) COMPACT TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99 PLACED IN LIFTS OF 4-6" INSTALL CMP PIPE PER ASSHTO M-36, AASHTO SECTION 12 OR HDPE PER ASTM D2321 (CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW) UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (INF 1) SCALE: N/A GRANULAR BEDDING, ROUGHLY SHAPED TO FIT THE BOTTOM OF PIPE, 6" IN DEPTH. NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WRAPPING SIDES OF TRENCH & PIPE. 2" BIT. WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPWEA240B TACK COAT, MN/DOT 2357 2" BIT. NON-WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPNWB230B 6" AGG. BASE, CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 APPROVED SUBGRADE FINISHED GRADE 12" SELECT GRANULAR, MN/DOT 3149.D STANDARD BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V, MN/DOT 3733.2 DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2031LOUCKS 2.5" BIT. WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPWEA240B TACK COAT, MN/DOT 2357 2.5" BIT. NON-WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPNWB230B 8" AGG. BASE, CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 APPROVED SUBGRADE FINISHED GRADE 12" SELECT GRANULAR, MN/DOT 3149.D HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V, MN/DOT 3733.2 DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2032LOUCKS 8" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE CL. 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 APPROVED SUBGRADE FINISHED GRADE 8" CONCRETE MN/DOT 2301 CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH FIBER REINFORCEMENT FOR INCREASED TENSILE STRENGTH. PRODUCT SHALL BY NYCON-XL-200 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. CONTRACTION JOINS SHALL BE SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 8 FEET APART. JOINT SHALL BE SAWED TO A DEPTH OF 1 4 TO 1 3 OF SLAB THICKNESS. 3. 1 1 4" X 15" EPOXY COATED DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED 12" OC AT THE MIDPOINT OF THE SLAB ACROSS ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2033LOUCKS 12" SELECT GRANULAR, MN/DOT 3149.D CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION 4" CONCRETE WALK MN/DOT 2521 4" GRANULAR MATERIAL MN/DOT 3149 DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2034LOUCKS 53"x41" ARCH PERFORATED CMP PIPE 53"x41" ARCH PERFORATED CMP PIPE 53"x41" ARCH PERFORATED CMP PIPE 6" 12"17.7" 6" 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL C8.4 1 PRODUCT TO BE OLD WORLD RETAINING WALL WITH FULL HIGH CAP BLOCK EMERSON BIKE RACK SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" MANUFACTURER - LANDSCAPE FORMS www.landscapeforms.com 800-521-2546 CONCRETE SURFACING COLOR TO BE STANDARD POWDER COAT COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. BIKE RACK TO BE LANDSCAPE FORMS MODEL EMERSON OR EQUALBOTTOM VIEW 30"12 3/4" 20" 3 1/2" 2 3/4" 6" CAST ALUMINUM FRAME SET SCREW FOR SECURING COVER PLATE STAINLESS STEEL LEVELING GLIDES 1/2" HOLES FOR ANCHORING - SURFACE MOUNT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS 3 C8.4 WETLAND BUFFER LOCATION SIGN CONSERVATION AREA SIGN PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 971.40NOPARKINGNOPARKING   972974973969 96 9 96096595695795895996196296396496696796894 5 950 955 94 6947948949951952953954956957958959960 965 96196 2 96 3 96 4 966 9509 4 6 9 4 7 94 8 9 4 9 953 954 956955 959957958 9619609 6 0 9659 5 6 9 5 7 9 5 8 959 9 6 1 9 6 2 9 6 3 964 966961 952 951 950950951952953954 970 971 972 97397097096 7 9 6 8969 9 7 0 970972973974971972975 97 397 4 967 968 9519529539549 5 0 965 962963964966967968969 970 96 6 967 968 96 9 96 6 968 969 97097197 1971 971 971972973 971 97 1 9719719711 QB NS 4 ABS 3 BO SOD NS SM 1 SOD SM 2 SM 1 40 SD 27 GF SM 2 4 WB SM 1 4 WB SM 2 7 TY 30 WG 15 TY SM 2 6 PB SOD SM 1 5 AC 5 AC 3 TH 6 AC 1 KC 12 AC 1 SGM 1 AE 1 AE SOD SOD 12 AC 17 SG 2 KC 1 QB2 TH LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. LIMITS OF IRRIGATION TYP. LIMITS OF IRRIGATION TYP. LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. ALTERNATE C3 STABILIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH CITY BITUMINOUS TRAIL LANDSCAPE EDGING TYP. DECIDUOUS TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE SIZE AE 2 ACCOLADE ELM Ulmus `Morton`B & B 2.5"Cal BO 3 BURR OAK Quercus macrocarpa B & B 2.5"Cal KC 3 KENTUCKY COFFEETREE Gymnocladus dioica B & B 2.5"Cal PB 6 PAPER BIRCH Betula papyrifera 25 gal SGM 1 SIENNA GLEN MAPLE Acer freemanii `Sienna Glen`B & B 2.5"Cal QB 2 SWAMP WHITE OAK Quercus bicolor B & B 2.5"Cal WB 8 WHITESPIRE BIRCH CLUMP Betula populifolia `Whitespire Sr.`B & B 8` HGT ORNAMENTAL TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE SIZE ABS 4 AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY Amelanchier x grandiflora `Autumn Brilliance`B & B 1.5"Cal TH 5 THORNLESS HAWTHORN Crataegus crus-galli `Inermis`B & B 1.5"Cal SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE SPACING AC 34 AUTUMN MAGIC CHOKEBERRY Aronia melanocarpa `Magic Carpet`5 gal 24" HGT 48" o.c. GF 27 GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC Rhus aromatica `Gro-Low`5 gal 24" SPRD 48" o.c. CONIFEROUS SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE SPACING SG 6 SEA GREEN JUNIPER Juniperus chinensis `Sea Green`5 gal 18" SPRD 60" o.c. TY 22 TAUNTON YEW Taxus x media `Taunton`5 gal 18" SPRD 48" o.c. PERENNIALS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE SPACING WG 30 ROZANNE GERANIUM Geranium `Rozanne`1 gal 24" o.c. SD 40 STELLA D` ORO DAYLILY Hemerocallis x `Stella de Oro`1 gal 24" o.c. GROUND COVERS CODE COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SM 2 DECORATIVE STONE RIP RAP GREY TRAP ROCK RIP RAP SIZE - 5"-12" OVER FABRIC NS NATIVE SEED BWSR SEED MIX 36-211 SM 1 STONE MULCH WASHED GREY TRAP ROCK 2.5" 3" DEPTH OVER FABRIC SOD TURF SOD PLANT SCHEDULE 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL N NOTE: EXISTING CONDITIONS INFORMATION SHOWN IS PROVIDED BY LOUCKS. REFER TO ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY DATED 05/08/18 FOR COMPLETE SURVEY INFORMATION. Gopher State One Call WARNING: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. SCALE IN FEET 300 60 L1.1 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENT (470 TOTAL LF) 2 CANOPY TREES PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 7 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 7 4 UNDERSTORY TREE PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) TREES REQUIRED = 14 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 9 6 SHRUBS PER/100' UNIT (ONLY NEED 75% OF REQUIREMENT) SHRUBS REQUIRED = 21 TOTAL SHRUBS PROVIDED = 23 DUE TO EXISTING PLANTINGS ON OR VERY CLOSE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE IN THE BUFFER YARD, MINIMAL PROPOSED PLANTINGS ARE PROVIDED TO AVOID OVER PLANTING AND ENCOURAGE LONG TERM HEALTH OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL. LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIREMENTS (56,225 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA) PROVIDE 8 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA PER 100 SF OF VEHICULAR AREA LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED = 4,498 SF TREE REQUIREMENTS (4,498 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA) PROVIDE 1 TREE PER 250 SF OF LANDSCAPE AREA TREES REQUIRED = 18 TOTAL TREES PROVIDED = 34 FOUNDATION PLANTINGS SHRUBS AND TREES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED ALONG BUILDING FOUNDATION GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK. VERIFY LAYOUT AND ANY DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN AND/OR INTENT OF THE PROJECT'S LAYOUT. ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION / MATERIAL INSTALLATION BEGINS (MINIMUM 10' - 0" CLEARANCE). ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE LAID SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF ANY EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER EXISTING ELEMENTS BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME. THE ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF THE PROPOSED WALKS, TRAILS AND/OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. ANY CHANGE IN ALIGNMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 06-15-18 CITY SUBMITTAL © 7001 France Avenue S, Suite 200, Edina, Minnesota 55435 952-893-9020 Fax 952-893-9299 www.bdhyoung.com interiors | architecture LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 17516NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFOR INFORMATION ONLY06-19-18 WATERSHED SUBMITTAL 07-12-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 07-27-18 WATERSHED RESUBMITTAL 08-02-18 CITY RESUBMITTAL 08-03-18 GMP PRICING SET 05-03-19 CITY SUBMITTAL L2.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" PERENNIAL PLANTING Perennial.Dwg LOOSEN ROOTS OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR MULCH - SEE SPECS.3" DEPTH EDGER - SEE SPECS. 12" DEPTH (MIN). LOAM PLANTING SOIL - SEE SPECS. VARIES SEE PLAN TO PLANTING EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN 4 L2.1 SHRUBS TO BE PLACED SO THAT MULCH - 3" DEEP - SEE SPEC LANDSCAPE FABRIC - SEE SPEC. PLANTING SOIL - SEE SPEC. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALLCONTAINERIZED PLANTS. EDGE VARIES - REFER TO PLAN REFER TO PLAN 18" MIN. SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL EDGING MATERIAL - SEE SPEC. BUILDING WALL (TYP) TOP OF CONTAINER SITS FLUSH WITH PROPOSED GRADE. 3 L2.1 Coniferous Tree.DWG EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) MULCH - 4" DEEP - PER SPECS. MULCH MUST ROOT BALL SET ON MOUNDED SUBGRADE SAFETY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE POLYETHYLENE STRAP 16"x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF PERIOD. STAKING IS SUGGESTED, BUT POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY MAINTAINING ALL TREES IN A PLUMB THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKING MUST IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED PRACTICES IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELING IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOIL WITH PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL WATER TREE THOROUGHLY DURING FROM TREE. AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETE. PRUNE ANY DAMAGED BRANCHES WATER. DO NOT COMPACT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLUMB. NOT BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. 2 x ROOT BALL WIDTH 2 L2.1 EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL SAFETY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH POLYETHYLENE STRAP 16"x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF PERIOD. STAKING IS SUGGESTED, BUT POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY MAINTAINING ALL TREES IN A PLUMB THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKING MUST IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED PRACTICES Deciduous Tree.DWG IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELING IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOIL WITH PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL WATER TREE THOROUGHLY DURING FROM TREE. BRANCHES AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETE. PRUNE DAMAGED AND CROSSING WATER. DO NOT COMPACT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLUMB. 2 x ROOT BALL WIDTH MULCH - 4" DEEP. NO MULCH IN CUT BACK WIRE BASKET CONTACT WITH TRUNK - SEE SPECS. ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH OR JUST ABOVE GRADE. 1 L2.1 LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION: COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE. NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL COMPLETE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. WHERE SOD/SEED ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL, SLAB, CURB, ETC. SEED ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING OTHER THAN THOSE AREAS NOTED TO RECEIVE SOD. SEED SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MULCHED AS PER MNDOT SPECS. SOD ALL DESIGNATED AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING. SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES, THE SOD SHALL BE STAKED TO THE GROUND. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED SHRUB HEIGHT. ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL HAVE NO V CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 3' ABOVE ROOT BALL. STREET AND BOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. ANY CONIFEROUS TREE PREVIOUSLY PRUNED FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SHALL NOT BE USED. ALL CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL BE FULL FORM, NATURAL TO THE SPECIES, WITHOUT PRUNING. PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES. ALL PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE ALL STAKING OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL DIGGING. NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS REQUESTED OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BID AND/OR QUOTATION. ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. SHOULD AN ADJUSTMENT BE ADVISED, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE MEAL, OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATION OF GRANULAR 0-20-20 OF 12 OZ PER 2.5" CALIPER PER TREE AND 6 OZ PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 10-10-10 THE FOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER. ALL PLANTING AREAS RECEIVING GROUND COVER, PERENNIALS, ANNUALS, AND/OR VINES SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12" DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF AT LEAST 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTS PEAT OR MANURE AND 10 PARTS SAND. ALL AREAS RECEIVING SEED OR SOD MUST RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 6" DEPTH OF TOPSOIL. TOPSOIL TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE UNDERLYING SOIL DURING FINAL SITE GRADING. SOIL SURFACES COMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REMAINING PERVIOUS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION MUST BE DECOMPACTED THROUGH SOIL AMENDMENT AND/OR RIPPING TO A DEPTH OF 18". AVOID DISTURBING UTILITIES, TREE ROOTS AND OTHER EXISTING VEGETATION. ALL PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER PLANTING DETAILS. WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE CORRUGATED PVC PIPING 1" GREATER IN CALIPER THAN THE TREE BEING PROTECTED OR QUALITY, HEAVY, WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE. WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIOR TO 12-1 AND REMOVE ALL WRAPPING AFTER 5-1. BLACK METAL EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAIN SHRUBS, PERENNIALS, AND ANNUALS WHERE BED MEETS SOD/SEED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL SHRUB BED MASSINGS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AND FIBER MAT WEED BARRIER. ALL TREES NOT IN PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE A 4' DIA. TREE RING WITH 4" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. WOOD MULCH TO BE DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. ALL ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH WITH NO WEED BARRIER. SPREAD GRANULAR PRE EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR EQUAL) PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. MAINTENANCE STRIPS TO HAVE EDGER AND MULCH AS SPECIFIED/INDICATED ON DRAWING OR IN SPECIFICATION. IF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS CONCERNED OR PERCEIVES ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, SOIL CONDITIONS OR ANY OTHER SITE CONDITION WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR GUARANTEE, HE MUST BRING THESE DEFICIENCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCUREMENT AND/OR INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION OF ALL LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ON-GOING MAINTENANCE OF ALL NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO OWNER ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO, PRUNING, FERTILIZATION AND DISEASE/PEST CONTROL. CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. WARRANTY (ONE FULL GROWING SEASON) FOR LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF PLANTING OF ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED. REPRODUCIBLE AS-BUILT DRAWING(S) OF ALL LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION AND PRIOR TO PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE THE APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION AND SEED/SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS THAWED TO JUNE 15. FALL SODDING IS GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 - NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING FROM AUGUST 15 - SEPTEMBER 15; DORMANT SEEDING IN THE FALL SHALL NOT OCCUR PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1. PLANTING OUTSIDE THESE DATES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONIFEROUS PLANTING MAY OCCUR FROM AUGUST 15 - OCTOBER 1 AND FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING FROM THE FIRST FROST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. PLANTING OUTSIDE THESE DATES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PROTECT ALL EXISTING OAKS ON SITE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN. IF EXISTING OAKS ARE DAMAGED IN ANY MANNER, ABOVE OR BELOW GROUND IN THE ROOT SYSTEM, AN ASPHALTIC TREE PRUNING PAINT SHOULD BE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WOUNDING. OAKS ARE NOT TO BE PRUNED, REMOVED OR TRANSPLANTED BETWEEN APRIL 15 AND JULY 1. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IF THESE DATES ARE UNAVOIDABLE. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH TO HIS SATISFACTION THAT SOIL AND COMPACTION CONDITIONS ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AT AND AROUND THE BUILDING SITE. MAINTENANCE STRIP AT BUILDING EDGE SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" GEOTEXTILE WOVEN BUILDING WALL SOD LANDSCAPE EDGER (TYP) SEE SPECS LANDSCAPE FABRIC ROCK MULCH - REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR MORE INFO. OR BACK OF CURB 7 L2.1 IRRIGATION NOTES: VERIFY PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT AND CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOP DRAWINGS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION AS A PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK WHEN BIDDING. THESE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR INSTALLATION. IT SHALL BE THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL SODDED/SEEDED AND PLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY, INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A WATERING/LAWN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO PLANT MATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS NOT TO SPRINKLE ACROSS PAVEMENT. CONTRACTOR TO INCORPORATE RAIN SENSOR INTO IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PLANTINGS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION ARE TO BE WATERED REGULARLY UNTIL PLANTING/SOD/SEED HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. CITY OF CHANHASSEN STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 23,2019, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice of Public Hearing to Consider a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for Development within the Bluff Creek Corridor for Property located at 8077 Century Boulevard, zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), Planning Case File No. 2Ol9-04 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim uwissen,CI Subscribed and swom to belore me thid)3J day of ,20t9. Notary Public AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE l{dbry u Subject Property olECblhor This map is neithea a l€oally leco.tbd nap nor a Survey and B nol intended to be ug€d as one. ihis map is a comrilation or aecods, infoamalioo and data located in varbus crly, @unty. sbte and ledeElofices anal olhet sources regardrng the are6 shown and is b be ufu foa relbEnce puaposes only. The City do€s not waranl thal the GeogEphc lnfonnation Syslem tGlS) Oata used to prepare this map ate eroa ftee. and the Cily doe3 not repreenl ntat d€ GIS Data can be uaed for navigatioml tracfiino or any olher purpo+ equidng oxaclrno m€a3uEment ot distance or dit€ction or p.ec&ion in the depiclion of geooraphic hatules. Tm precedang disdaimer E Plovided puEuant to Minnesota Sl,at es S,a8A.o3. SuM. 21 (m00), and the usor of this map acJ(no'vledg€s that the City shall nol be liable lor any dama96, and expessly ltBives all daim3, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harml€ss the City iorn any and all daims blought bt Ure., its employees o. agents, or third pade which alise out of lhe usefs access or use of data provided. rTAX_NAMET ITAX_ADD_LI r rTAX-ADD-L2I, rTAX-ADD-L3I (Next RecordxTAX_NAMET ITAX-ADD-LI r ITAX_ADD_L2I, ITAX_ADD_L3I F J a 5I; a -l-.1 a a7-.tI : . : rl \ "r^ l| titr Subject Property -- -I L-!.E P ObcltkrE This map is neither a legally recorded ftap nor a suNey anal is nol intended to be used as or€. This map is a ccm lation of Ecords, anfo,mation and data located in vaarous er' county. 3tate aM federal oIic6 and othe. sourc4 reg6rding the area shof,n and is to be us€d br leElenc€ purposes only. Trle Cily does not v€rad that the Geog.aphic lnbmalbn SysEm (GlS) Data used to prepaE thb map are ero. free, and the City does not represenl tBl lhe GIS Oala cen be used tor naviFttonal, tracking or any other purpo* requidno exaclinO measuEmenl of distence o. diredion oa plecisio,l in the depidion of geogGphic features. The preceding dbclaidEr is p.ovired pur3lent to Minnesota stat(lte3 s486.03, subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map ackno|tedges that 0|e City shall not be liable for any clarnagps, and e)Qressly waives all daims, and agrcea to debnd. indemnit, and hold harmle$ the Cry fiom any and all daims b.ouoht by User, itB ernployees or aoents, or thad pa.tes which arise out of the u3e/3 acaess or use ol data provid€d. .9 c)=-c os;feEEpsEEEgBP.hv o E= o-FcESrEESs€= P et IEE:=Ex Qll >FE lio 6 o(,; (D o-eoi6-ll-- X o= !,lD=().=>3ee i3q >.= E.!! 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