CC Minutes 7-8-19Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 13 Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Coleman: I’ll second the motion. Resolution #2019-34: Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of well and water main easements dedicated as follows: 1. Easement dated December 28, 1972, recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Carver County on January 25, 1973 as Document No. 18018; and 2. Easement dated December 28, 1972, recorded in the Office of the Registrar of Titles of Carver County on January 25, 1973 as Document No. 18019. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Ryan: That motion carries 4-0. CONSIDER CAMP TANADOONA SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DINING HALL AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DINING HALL AND CONNECTION OF CITY WATER AND SEWER, DEVELOPMENT OF ACCESS ROAD AND DROP OFF. Mayor Ryan: Ms. Aanenson are you? Okay. Camp Tanadoona. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. I’m please to present to you a project from one of our long standing residents of the community, Camp Tanadoona. This item did go to the Planning Commission on June 18th. A public hearing was held. Nobody was present but the Planning Commission was very excited about the project and vote unanimously to approve. I also want to reiterate that you had seen this in a work session too prior to it going to the Planning Commission. I’m having problems with this keyboard on this side. So what they’re going for, that’s zoned Rural Residential and it’s, the guiding is public/semi-public and the current use is for the day camp. Summer camp and they use it for also some special events. So as you’re aware they’ve got a master plan. This is Phase 2 of the master plan which is the replacement of the dining hall and also connecting to sewer and water. Some sewer was brought to the site a few years ago with some of the septic issues they were having out there. So this proposal again includes the existing dining hall being removed and the construction of a 10,500 square foot dining hall. The capacity would be approximately 200 people so the connection to the sewer and water will also be incorporated with this plan and will realign the entry road and add additional parking. So the site context again it’s in the shoreland overlay district but the project itself will not be in the district. In addition it’s bordered by low density residential on all four, on all sides except for the lake itself so again it does not trigger any of the other shoreland or wetland ordinances for this project. So here is the dining hall. The rendering. Again very Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 14 nice architecture fitting the surrounding. Again the Planning Commission was very pleased at how it blended in. Again this height 17, just over 17 feet. Again the capacity and then the dining room. And then in the lower level too there will be some additional program space so here it is from the back. Again the trails around the perimeter. So they’re exempt from the design standards. Again we believe this is a highly articulated attractive building that blends into the existing setting and I know they spent a lot of time working on that trying to capture some of the feel of the existing and then also the expanses with a lot of glass opening it up to the beautiful scenery in the area. So the site furnishings, some of the amenities. There’s a patio. A free standing fireplace on the south patio with the campfire ring with seating and mulch walking paths that would be around the perimeter. Decks along the south elevation. Trash enclosed. No light poles or parking, lighting proposed and limited signage. Again just some way finding. Access will come off the existing drive. 20 foot stalls with deeper and fire lanes. This is one of the issues that we did work with the Fire Marshal and Camp Tanadoona did too to make sure that they have adequate access on a narrower street again trying to keep the character of the camp itself but yet provide safe access for to get fire equipment in and so designing the roadway to meet those standards so I think that was a good compromise for both sides. Again sewer and water will be brought to the site. Again that was part of their long term plan and this is what took them time with the capital plan to provide for the sewer and water expansion. There will be some grading on the site. Again the City Forester has looked at that regarding some of the trees and those are specified in the conditions of approval. A small retaining wall as you can see in this area here around the perimeter of the building and then some berm kind of recapturing, re- using some of the excess material. Stormwater, there will be some stormwater captured on the site and that again meets the conditions they were working with the Minnehaha Watershed District on that. So it does meet all the city code requirements and so we are recommending approval as did the Planning Commission and adoption of the Findings of Fact. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Ryan: Council any questions? Kate I just had, Ms. Aanenson I just had one. In terms of the construction plan with moving you know the grading what will be entailed? I know it’s a pretty private street but you know what are the plans with that? Kate Aanenson: So typically on those we do have a pre-con meeting. The goal for getting this through the process now is they’ll get their bid plans put together and so they can as soon as camp season’s over they can get the building down and get that window of good weather this fall. Mayor Ryan: Right. Kate Aanenson: And so typically as part of that pre-con we’ll be looking at where traffic will be coming in. Obviously it’s during school time too so we’ll work with them and engineering on the traffic management. Is that your question? Mayor Ryan: Yeah. Okay. Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 15 Kate Aanenson: Yep. Mayor Ryan: And then in terms of the creation of the berm is that just, are they making a new berm or adding to it? Kate Aanenson: I believe they’re making a new berm. Mayor Ryan: Oh making a new berm. Kate Aanenson: Yep they’re just taking some of the excess and incorporating it into the sight lines and back up in that area too as you go further to the northeast is there’s the storage shed out there. The utility and construction building there too. Mayor Ryan: Okay. And then last question because you answered my other one in terms of working with the Fire Marshal because I know there were some so I’m glad you worked through that. Just with the parking itself for the overflow, they’re just going to continue to park on the grass and. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Correct because they meet the minimum. I think those are just, again that’s kind of adding to the charm. We’re keeping that character. Mayor Ryan: Yep. Kate Aanenson: And I think that was a good compromise too so. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: I would also say that the team is here if you wanted them to come up and introduce themselves. Mayor Ryan: I was going to invite them up next. If you’d like to come forward and it’s not required but you’re welcomed to come up and make some comments. Welcome. Marnie Wells: Well good evening. Thank you Mayor and council members. I’m Marnie Wells and I am the CEO of Campfire Minnesota and we own and operate Tanadoona. And thanks to the staff. It’s been a fantastic process for us to be in partnership with all of you. This new community and dining center will serve 7,000 kids and we’ll be able to connect them to nature and we do believe nature is the catalyst for change so we support any opportunity we can to get more kids out. Especially our neighborhood kids so thank you for being in partnership with us and if you have any questions happy to answer them. Mayor Ryan: Council any questions? Well we are very excited. Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 16 Marnie Wells: Thank you. Mayor Ryan: And you have certainly been a long time staple in the community and it’s fun to see, we’re excited with the new drawings and what it’s going to be and just happy that you continue to grow it and build upon the success that it’s been so. Marnie Wells: Thank you. Mayor Ryan: Yeah thank you. Anything else? Kate Aanenson: No… Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Council if there’s no more questions, if there’s a motion. Councilman Campion: I will make a motion. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion. Councilman Campion: The Chanhassen City Council approves the site plan for a 10,500 square foot dining hall, kitchen and program area building subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Planning Commission’s Findings of Fact. Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Coleman: I second the motion. Mayor Ryan: With a valid motion and a second. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the site plan for 10,500 square-foot dining hall, kitchen, and program area building dated May 17, 2019 subject to the following conditions and adopts the Planning Commission Findings of Fact: Building 1. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Demolition permits must be obtained prior to demolishing any structures on the site. 3. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Ext walls, Bearing walls - exterior or Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 17 interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. 5. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the code requirements for the proposed building, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 7. Retaining walls (if present) more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. Engineering and Water Resources 1. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall elevations for entire retaining wall build, which includes retaining wall built below grade, i.e. bottom of wall. 2. Salvage existing topsoil and indicate all proposed stockpile location(s) on the plan. 3. Connection to the existing sanitary sewer manhole will require a core drill and installation of a boot to facilitate a water-tight connection. 4. Appropriate city permits for construction within the public right-of-way shall be obtained prior to construction. Work within city streets requires a traffic control plan. 5. A preconstruction meeting with Public Works and Engineering shall be scheduled by the contractor prior to the connection of any public utilities. 6. All call-outs on construction plans that reference a detail shall be updated to incorporate the sheet the detail is illustrated on and the detail number referenced for construction. 7. Watermain fittings shall be epoxy coated. 8. Hydrant lead pipe shall be C900 PVC. 9. The Contractor shall examine the existing 6-inch gate valve identified to remain. If mild steel bolts are in-place on the valve or as part of the fittings the bolts shall be changed out with stainless steel or Cor-Blue bolts. 10. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, MCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, MPCA, etc.). Environmental Resources 1. All tree proposed for preservation shall be protected with tree preservation fencing installed at the dripline or furthest point possible away from the trunk. Fencing shall remain in place until construction is completed. 2. A walk through of the tree preservation fencing prior to start of construction is required. Fire 1. Full Fire Alarm and Full Sprinkler system required in the new structure. 2. Hydrant locations are acceptable. Chanhassen City Council – July 8, 2019 18 3. No parking Fire Lane signs will be needed on both sides of all roads under 26 feet in width. Yellow curb paint is required on both sides of all roads under 26 feet in width where curbs are present. 4. Parking shall be limited to designated parking spaces. 5. Provide information showing that the gravel roadway can support up to 75,000 pounds. 6. All landscaping, rocks, planters, etc. will need to be kept back away from the roadway to allow for proper turnaround of emergency apparatus. Additional space shall be provided along all sides of the turnaround lane and entrance to allow for property maneuvering. 7. The location and design of all landscaping, rocks, plants etc, within 3 feet of the turnaround lane and entrance is subject to the review and approval of the Fire Marshal. Planning 1. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it prior to receiving a building permit. 2. The applicant may install directional and wayfinding signage as need for the safe and efficient navigation of the site, provided it meets the height, size, and location standards in section 20-1255(2) of the City Code. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. REVIEW REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT AND APPROVE A GRADING PERMIT FOR THE 1ST ADDITION OF THE PARK (GALPIN SITE). Mayor Ryan: Alright Ms. Aanenson I think you’re still going here with the review of the preliminary plat and approval of grading plan for the 1st Addition of The Park. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. I’d like to just kind of frame this discussion because everybody’s kind of where are we going with this so when you approved the preliminary plat on March 11th you gave directions for revisions so those revisions were submitted and they’re dated May 24th so all the plans we’re referring to are the May 24th plans. So what we did with this preliminary plat to show transparency to everybody we went through Lennar with their engineer and made all the corrections based on the information and I’ll go through that in a minute but I just want to reiterate what the preliminary plat does as opposed to the final plat. So the preliminary plat is the marching order for the different phases. It’s not all going to come in at once and I’ll go through the phase plans too. But really it’s the complete set of what they propose to do. Number of lots. We included in your attachments the complete set of plans so anybody watching if they want to go to this agenda item the complete set of plans is there. We also attach the PUD ordinance so as they go through all the different models which you saw and we also said that they could add to if they met, you know the requirements that you had so they’ve already introduced some other models which we’re excited about. That we have something unique to this site and that also they revised their compliance table. So all those lots have to fit on there so let me go through each of the plat. We’ll show the compliance for each final plat. So the compliance table is done for all the preliminary so what you see on the staff