NarrativeI am applying for a variance to hardcover and front setback requirements. I am applying because of the practical difficulties in complying with current zoning make the property unusable/unworkable in relation to neighboring properties. This is the case mainly because it is one of the smallest buildable lots in Chanhassen. 60ft by 100ft. The main issue is the hard cover. I would like to place the house closer to the street to eat up some unnecessary driveway space and reduce the hard cover. I plan to provide a rain garden on the south side of the property to mitigate the runoff from multiple lots to the north and east, as well as the added runoff from the added hardcover on my lot. The removal of the existing home and detached garage will bring the lot into current zoning compliance on the front and side setbacks. The current detached garage encroaches the neighbor’s property by about one foot. The existing house setbacks are nonconforming at 15 feet to the street and 5 feet to the north side. These issues will all be corrected. I am requesting the ability to build a usable average to small family home on a uniquely tiny lot while working within as many zoning ordinances as feasibly possible. Variance request for: 25 foot setback from front, and hardcover at 35%. a. I believe this plan takes the intent of the zoning seriously, only asking for small variations that allow the lot to function as originally intended while aligning with the city’s comprehensive plan b. I am applying because of the practical difficulties in complying with current zoning make the property unusable/unworkable in relation to neighboring properties. This is the case mainly because it is one of the smallest buildable lots in Chanhassen. 60ft by 100ft. c. Usability and increasing curb appeal compared to existing structure d. Lot is extremely small. e. Almost all neighbors’ lots do not conform to zoning. I assume most newer remodel/builds have had variance approvals in the past. The home design takes the areas character into deep consideration. I want it to look like it fits the location not only in size but also architecture. f. N/A PLAN NOTE: There will be a 12x20 deck on the back, off the rear sliding door. It will be within the buildable area with pervious surface below (not hardcover) this is still in design phase and has not been drawn as I do not have it finished