Structural Modification ReportDate: December 15,2016 Subiect: StructuralModificationReport ENGINEEPING INNOVATION Velocitel- lnc. d-b-a. FDH Velocitel 6521 Meridien Drive Raleigh. North Carolina 27616 919.755.1012 MACAROON Carrier Designation: Crown Castle Designation: Kels rg .Et Prolect Engineer I Ver i zo n Wi re I e ss Co-Locate Carrier Site Name: 87M98 BEDDOR ENTERPRISES 393859 1333733 359616 Rev. 5 Engineering Firm Designation: Sile Data; FDH Velocitel Project Number: 7700 Quattro, Chanhassen, Hennepin County, MN Latitude 4,r' 5r' 53.39", Longitude -93" 30' 55-09" 87 Foot - Monopole Tower FDH Velocitel is pleased to submit this "Structural llodification Report" to determine the structural integrity of the above mentioned tower. This analysis has been performed in accordance wilh the Crown Castle Structural 'Statement of Work' and the terms of Crown Castle Purchase Order Number 977732, in accordance with application 359616, revision 5. The purpose of the analysis is to determine acceptability of the tower stress level. Based on our analysis we have determined the tower stress level for the structure and foundation. under the following load case, to be: Sufficient Capacity This analysis has been performed in accordance with lhe 2012 lntemational Building Code based upon an ultimate 3-second gust wind speed of 115 mph converted to a nominal 3-second gust wind speed of 89 mph per section 1609.3.'l as required for use in lhe TIA-222-G Standard per Exception lt' of Section 1609.1.1. Exposure Category B with a topographic category 1 and crest height of 0 feet, and Risk Category ll were used in this analysis. All modifications and equipment proposed in this report shall be installed in accordance with the attached drawings for the determined available structural capacity to be effective. We at FDH Velocitel apprcciale the opportunity of providing our continuing professional services to you and Crown Castle. lf you have any questions or need further assistance on this or any other proiects please give us a call. ral analysis prepared by:Reviewed by 16PXJY24OO Veuocnel PAOfESIO}IAL EllGnlEEB I hd€by crtlily thd lhi6 pbn, sfpcifcatbr\ o. reporr wr3 prepsEd by nl. o. rrder my d|d iupe.visbn rnd thet I er I duly Li:eiEgd PEI€.€iord EngirEer ('der Urs lsr{S c t te SHe ol Minn€sotg-Dennis Sigralure: oa-!M-tao*-@.- tnxTower Report - veEion Y OF CHANHASSE BECEIVED Joshua Boots Crown Castle 1500 Corporale Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 15'.illt Crown Castle 8U Number: Crown Castle Site Name: Crown Castle JDE Job Number: Crown Castle Work Order Number: Crown Castle Application Number: Dear Joshua Boots. LC4.5: Modified Structure w/ Existing + Proposed Note: See Table I and Table ll for the proposed and existing loading. respectively. Dennis D. Abel, PE Director of Structural Engineering MN PE Lacense No. 41'120 FDH ftir|t N€nie: 87 Ft Monopole Tower Struclural Moditication Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Applicanon 359616. Revision 5 December 15. 2016 CCt BU No 47U98 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) TNTRODUCTTON 2) ANALYSIS CRITERIA Table 1 - Proposed Antenna and Cable lnformation Table 2 - Existing Antenna and Cable lnformation Table 3 - Design Antenna and Cable lnformation 3} ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 4 - Documents Provided 3.'l ) Analysis Method 3.2) Assumptions 4} ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 5 - Section Capacity (Summary) Table 6 - Tower Components Stresses vs. Capacity 4.1) Recommendations 5) APPENOTX A tnxTower Output 6) APPENDIX B Base Level Drawing 7) APPENDTX C Additional Calculations 8) APPENDIX D Modification Drawings tnxTower Report - version 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modification Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Application 359616. Revision 5 80.0 80.0 encsson .encsson .encsson .encsson ,ma wireless faycgp crown mounts RRUS 12 Bs/RRUS A2 RRUS 32 82 RRUS 32 866 RRUS 813/RRUS A2 xTcoAP-86-865-V RXXDC-3315-PF48 Platform Mount ILP 301 -'l ] ET.X.WM 18.6$8P ET-X-TS-70.1&'6218-iR- RO Power Junction Cylinder Optic Fiber JunctionCrinder __ 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 RRH+4 RRH{2A */ Ext Fiher T4rm Mount rrA 6ort31 December 15. 2016 CCI BU No 878498 Page 3 2 1-1t2 3 1-114 1 I 12 I 1) INTRODUCTION This tower is a 67 ft Monopole tower designed by ENGINEERED ENDEAVORS, lNC. in July of 1996. The tower was originally designed for a wind speed of 95 mph per T|A,/E|A-222-E. fhe modifications listed in FDH Velocitel (Project No. 16PXJY2400) Extension Drawings for a 67'Monopole dated December '15, 20'16 were considered in this analysis. 2) ANALYSIS CRITERIA The structural analysis was performed for this tower in accordance with the requiremenls of flA-222-G Structural Standards for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas using a 3-second gust wind speed of 89 mph with no ice, 50 mph with 0.75 inch ice thickness and 60 mph under service loads, exposure category B with topographic category 1 and crest height of 0 feet. Table 1 - Proposed Antenna and Cable lnformation ,rounting Level (ft) Center Line Elevation (fr) lHr-u",lot lant.nnr" Antenna Xlanufac{urer Antenna i,lodel Number of Feed Lines Feed Line Size (in) 3 a a a 12z ,| ilounting Level (fi) Cenler Line Elevation (fi) I nr-u",lor lmt"nn"" Antenna Manufacturea Antenna Model Number of Feed Lines Feed Line Size (in) Note Table 2 - Exisling Antenna and Cable lnformation kmw comm kmw comm samsrng telecom samsung telecom rtl{,9,,9,"991 samsung telecom samsung telecom tower mounts 65.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1I 65.0 _ Notes:'l) Exjsting Equipment Table 3 - Design Antenna and Cable lnformation Uounting Level (fi) Center Line Elevation (fr) ltr-t.,lor lant.nn"t Anlenna Manufacturer Antenna Model Number of Feed Lin€s Feed Line Size (in) 85.0 85.0 65.0 65.0 45.0 45.0 tnxTower Report - version 9 12 9 Scala Scala Scala AP17-1900/090D AP17-1900/0900 AP17-1900/090D 66.0 Note 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modilication Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Application 359616. Revisbn 5 3} ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table4 - Documents Provided December 15. 2016 CCt BU No 878498 Page 4 Oocument Remarks Reference Source 4.GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS TERRACON 1557642 CCISITES 4.TOWER FOUNDATION DRAWINGS/DESIGN/SPECS ENGINEERING ENOEAVORS INCORPORATED 1479249 CCISITES 4.TOWER FOUNDATION DRAWINGS/DESIGN/SPECS ENGINEERING ENDEAVORS INCORPORATED 1480353 CCISITES 4-TOWER MANUFACTURER DRAWINGS ENGINEERING ENDEAVORS INCORPORATED 2197969 CCISITES 4-TOWER REINFORCEMENT DESIGN/DRAWINGS/DATA FOH Velocitel Project No. l6PXJY240O Appendix D 3.1) Analysis Method tnxTower (version, a commercially available analysis software package, was used to create a three{imensional model of the tower and calculate member stresses for various loading cases. Selected output from the analysis is included in App€ndix A. 3.2) Assumptions 1) Tower and structures were buill in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 2\ The tower and structures have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specification. 3) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounls and other aPpurtenances are as specified in Tables 1 and 2 and the referenced drawings. 4) The modifications listed in FDH Velocitel (Project No. 16PXJY2400) Exlension Drawings for a 67.0' Monopole dated December 15. 2016 must be completed in order for this analysis to be considered valid. This analysis may be affected if any assumptions are not valid or have been made in enor. FDH Velocitel should be notified to determine the effect on the structural integrity of the tower. 4) ANALYSIS RESULTS Table5-SectionCapa Sum L1 87 -67 Pole TP14x14x0.375 4.42 505.63 47.1 Pass Pass / FailCritical El€m€rn P (K)br+ er*l(n % CapacityElevation (ft)Component Tvpe SizeSection a 67 - 44.5391 Pole TP 19.0645x15.33x0 1875 2 -7.52 813.1E U2 Pass L3 44.5391 - 0 Pole TP26x18.2041x0 .25 3 -1229 '1506.86 89.1 Pass Summary Pole (13) 89.1 Rating = 89.1 Pass tnxTower Report - version 7.0.5.'l Pass 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modification Analysis Project Number 16PXJY240O. Application 359616. Reyision 5 Table 6 - Tower nt Stresses vs. Capacity - LC4.5 Flange Bolts FIange Plate Anchor Rods Base Plate Base Foundation Base Foundation Soil lnteraction 1 067 28.8 94.4 ot.t 38.0 Decembet l5.2016 CCI BU No 874ga Page 5 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 0 0 0 0 1 1 Notes Elevation (fl)Component % Capacity Pass / Fail 67.0 29.0 49.2 Pass Structure Rating (mar from all components) =91.1% Notes 1)See additional doclm€ntation in nppendir C - Additional Calculations" for calculations supporting the % capacity consumed. 4.1) Recommendations The tower and its foundation have sulficient capacity to carry the existing and proposed loads once the modifications outlined in FDH Velocitel (Project No. '16PXJY2400) Extension Orawings for a 67.0' Monopole dated December 15, 2016 are completed. tnxTower Report - version 1 1 1 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modification Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Application 359616. Revision 5 December 15.2016 CCI BU No 87U98 Page 6 APPENDIX A TNXTOWER OUTPUT tnxTower Report - version DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING ET'x.rt/V.r &HP *, Mc,{ AI. POWE R JUNCIION CTAINOER RRH-C2A ( ExIFILIER RRH-C2A w EXrFILIER L+l-l 65 EI-x-Tg7Cr@-!R{D r/ raort 55 E -X-r97ci6n2-r!.iR-ftDffi E .X-t9?G16.€2-l&AnO r, rlad 65 MATERIAL STRENGTH ! TOI'VER DESIGN NOTES 1 . To\ier is located in Hennepin County. Minn€sola. 2. Tower des&ned for Exposure B lo the TLq-222-G Sl,andard. 3. Tower destned for a 89 mph basic wind in acaordance with the TL+222-G Standard 4. Tower is also desnJned for a 50 mph basic 1rlnd with 0.75 in ic€ lc€ is considered to hc.ease in thickness with heoht- 5 Oefeclio s are based upon a 60 mph wiM. 6. Toser Sfucture Chss ll.7 Topographic Calegory 1 wlth Crest Herghl of 0.00 ft8 TOWER RATING: 89 1% ALL RE4CTOIVS ARE FACTORED AXIAL 26K SHEAR MOTENT 3K J t 25t) hp-n TOROUE 0 kiFn 50 nph WND - 0.7500 in ICE AXIAL 12K SHEAR 10K MOMENT J t 703 ,/.]p-ft : B BUI 878198, Beddor Entetpises 16PXJY2100 s6h NTS TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATIOiI iltErillt VELTS]EL FDH l'elocitel 6521 Meridien Drive. Suite 107 Raleigh. North Carolina 276'16 Pho.le'9197551012 FAX]9197551031 TOROUE 1 kj$ REACflONS - 89 nph WND Crown Castte oar br Kehey ltA-222-G o"b 12115116 6r! r{o E-l GRADE GRADE Fy Fu FDH Tower In ut Data There is a pole section. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is locared in Heonepin County, Mimesota. ASCE 7-10 Wind Data is used (\rind speeds convened to nominal values). Basic wind speed ofE9 mph. Structure Class II. Exposure Caregory B. Topographic Category l. Cresl Height 0.0O ft. Nominal ice thictness of0.750o in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperahre drop of50 'F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of60 mph. A non-lincar (P{elta) analysis *as used- Pressures arc calculated al each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is l. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line suppons, and apputemrce mounts are not considercd ons Consider Momeds - Lrgs Consider Momeds - llonzonlals Consider Voments - DBSonals Use lrornenr Vagnificanon L'se Code St ess Ratios Usc Codc Safety t_actors - Guys Esaalare lce Alwals Use Mat( Kz Us€ SpecEl $ iod Prolil€ lnclude Bohs In Membcr Capacilv llg Bolrs Are Ar Top Ofseclion Secoodar] Honzonlal Br&es kg Use Damond Inner Bracing {,1 Sided) SR Nlemb€rs Hare Cut E[ds sR Members fuc Concentnc DrsEibute L€g Loads .\s Uniform .{ssum€ L.egs Pinned .\ssume fugrd lndex Plate Use Cle.r spans For $ ind ..vca Use Clear Spans For KL r Relelaion Gu)_s To lnitial Tension BF.ss Masr Sl,.bilit-Y Checks Us€ Azmutb Distr Coellicicnts Projecl Wind Area of Appun. Autocalc Torque AIm .\reas Add IBC .6D-$ Combinauon Son Capaclt) Repons By Compooent Triangulate Diamond lnner Bncing Trql Feed Lme Bundles As Cylinder L sc \S( L Ir) \-tsra.c L\ Rul.s ( !l.ullrc Rcdundrnr tsr$rng fnr(.s lgnor. Rcilund&t Uembcrl rn rl-.\ SR L._! ts.lrs R.srsr ( ,)mF..th\n .\ll t-rg Prn.ls llr\c Srmc,\ll.Nrhl. ()lLcr (irn \t foundalNn ( oridcr tccd Lrnc Torquc ln.lud.,\nrl.IlllEk Sh(rr ( hc.k L sc Tl.\-:::-(i trrr.rn-r R..rn E\cmpuon L-.' Tl.\':::-C T.os,on splr. L\cmpton Dol6 ln.ludc Sh.ar-To^ron lnrcrr!ron .\lirr!\ L Jc Sub-( nr.rl flo\r L sc Top \l{)untcd S,xkcr: red Pole Section sr.ction Eletation Sectlo.n Length lt Splice Length lt Srles ToP wul Ihich,ess Eend LI L2 L3 8?.00-67.00 6?.oG{.t.54 {4.5,r-0.00 Rorllld l8 l8 t 4.fino 15.1300 18..20,1I 1,r.0000 19.0615 :6.0000 0.3?50 0.1875 0.25m .{53-B-r5 (3, ksi) ..\5?2-65 (65 tli) .{512{S (65 ksi) :0.00 ::..16 11_16 :.e:0.7500 l.fixx) Ta Pole P rties I Section Tip Dia. lrea ('l('hQ LI L: L] 1.1.0000 l{.uDo 15.5665 t9.3586 | 8.97t9 16.{ot I t6.0516 16.0516 9.01l 7 I t.:3.11 t{.1466 :o{326 372.7$2 372.7607 261.05tt 505.7601 580. | 990 l7l 1.65,r.t 7.fiXn 7.0000 7.1816 9.6848 9.2117 13.:080 5t:'l5 51.:515 ll.5t:: 5: :::: 6:.,19,.) D9.59:: a.ls 5:lX '{s s:ru 5t:.-16l: lr)l: lrt57 I l6 t t6l.l l.l:5.5610 8.0:t0 8.02 r 0 1.5067 5.6 t 8: 7.1211 l0.t t8l 0.0it00 0.or)00 :.168t 1.0:54 :.?639 {.1160 1.81m .t.8190 5.3756 6.7013 6.3131 9.l,ll: 0 0 n.6l l6.ll5 11 056 16.5.{4 Gt,-rset Gussa Guttel Crude ,ldjust Factot .4t Adjtlrt. A. Double ,tnsle S,itlh Roh Spr.i"A Diagoaak Double lnsle Double Anslc Sti/rl Eok S/jreh 8ok SF.i"S SpacinA Horbontab Re&0da s in i,t LI 87.0057.00 L:6'.00-1-l.iJ Ll .1.1.5.t-0.tx) Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Round Or Flat Type Total )i,/,nber Stan,Eh.l Widlh or Peritnctet Pet RoNl Position Diai.kr an in frztghl HI -9hll\\\r I'l l"l l]Surfacc ,\r rc&\,r) rto m - 0.(x)0.lr)rl o 5or) l .l,)10 I \- Feed Line/Linear rtenances - Entered As Area ShieU liLeE TyPe Tot rl cit if, Weight pf T'l PE 5(l-l .1") B No lnside Pole 6i(n-0ff)No lce I l" Ice l" loe 000 0.00 0.00 I l0 I l0 I l0 Feed Line/Linear rtenances Section Areas n CAt n ciA/ n n'eiAht K l.tt tt LI L]67 rx)-l.l !.1 B C B c B C 0.000 0.ofl) 0.00,0 0.u)0 0.u)0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.m0 0.m0 0 000 0.000 0.fi)o 0.000 0.00r) 0.000 0.000 .3.881 0.000 0.000 6.701 0.ofi) 0.000 l l.:99 o.ou) 0.000 0.ofi) 0.0u) 0.000 o.000 o.000 o.fl)o 0.0&) 0.mo 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.lJ 0.00 0.00 0.ll 0.00 LJ Feed Line/Linear nances Section Areas - With lce 'li Thicbess CJt n Weigha KLeg It cA" Out Face L]67 il)-1-r iJ 0.fix) 10.158 0.0{)0 0.{xn 0.0i) 0.t6 0.00 0.00 LI B (' ti.ll o fi)o 0.fim 0 fix) 0 fi10 0.iI}o 0.ofi) 0.ff)'o 0 rxx) 0fin 0 ux) 0 0(n 0 0(n Secnoh Elew!ton 'fl Thich!,ess L"c IJ AF CA. Clt yeight InFace OUF@eiffK LJ .l-l i-l-o r)rl u ( ll a t{15 o 0(B 0 000 0 000 0 ux) 0 fi10 t7.:5.r r).000 0.000 l.l.ll3 0.m0 0.ux) 0.ofi) 0 000 0.000 0.ux) 0.ll 0.fi) 0.0r) 0.67 0.00 Feed Line Center of Pressure ti CPx CPt l.l t_l t.-i E7.00-67.00 67.fit1-1.54 {-r.5.r-0.00 0.25:3 0.363.r 0.37r l r). t l:{ 0. t6Ii 0.1o53 0.llr5t 0.53J-r 0.5968 0 t 715 0li19 r).:6i? Shieldi Factor Ka Tower Segment Elel) K,K. LI L: I I IIL-961:\\Xr l-l lll-e6l:\IX{ l- l I I 67 00 - 80.00 1454-6?00 I fiX]o t.fixx) I fr{xx) lrx)ot) Discrete Tower Loads qFeB: Yert tt li It C"4, kc Ttp" C"1^ Sr/e nn Lighting Rod I {" r( '' C From lte \o lcc I :" tcc I " lt,: 0.01 0 0.1 0.05 0.00 0.0r) 350 0.51 t.:{ t.97 D l.r t{ (}l t.l.6i t3 ].t tJ 0{ t.l 65 l3 l-r lJ o.l 1.165 :.r6 :.9r,13l: : r,6 :98 ,1:: :,6 :9X l:l:.J rt 5l I l.l I 'i.)- (.1) XTCQAP-8G865-V A From L.g (.rl X7CQ.!O-86-865-V B Frorn hg r .l , I_( (J\P-s6-$6 5-\'From L€s RRUS 3: B:From ttr:-q RRI S ll ll:From Leg RRI S.rt lll C From L.g .t.00 0.00 0.00 .1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 ,100 0.00 0.00 {.00 0.00 0.00 .1.00 0.00 0.00 {.00 ll i t(xlt I 0 r)rrx) ),Jo lce I l" lcc l" lce No lce I :" lce l" Ice No lce I :" lce l" Ice \o lce I l" Ic€ l" lcc :{o lce I 2" Ic. l- Ice \o lce 7.81 8.40 9.00 7.8t 8..t0 9.00 7.81 8.,10 9.00 L69 1.88 2.O7 t.59 r.86 2.01 !.69 t.88 :.07 1.61 0.05 0.t l 0.I 0.05 0.t 3 0.21 0.05 0.13 0.:l 0.05 0.07 0.t0 0.05 0.07 0.r0 0.05 0.07 0t0 0.0-< \o l.c I: l.c l" lcc c B RRI. 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I l .t 5 6 'l 8 9 t0 ll l2 Dead Oaly 1.2 D€adl 1.6 wird 0 dcg - No lc€ 0.9 Derd* 1.6 wird 0 d€g - No lce 1.2 Dead t 1.6 wind 30 d€C - No lce 0.9 Dread+ I .6 Wid 30 deg - No lce I .2 Dead+ I -6 Wird 60 deg - No lce 0.9 Dcad+ 1.6 $ iDd 60 deC - No lc€ L2 Dcad+ 1.6 Wird 90 d€ - No Ic€ 0.9 Dcad r L6 wind m dcg - No lce 1.2 t €ad+ 1.6 wind 120 deg - )lo lc€ 0.9 Dcad+ I .6 $ ind I 20 deg - )io lce I .2 D€ad+ | .6 wiid I 50 d€C - },io lce tl t.t t5 l6 t7 t8 l9 l0 It::l l{ :5 :6 2l In :9 -10 .lt tlll .t.l l5 l6 37 .18 l9 {o JI {l ]J .t5 J6 11 {8 .t9 50 0.9 Dead+ | .6 Wird I 50 deg - \o lce L2 Dead+ L6 \l ind I 80 deC - \o lce 0.9 Dead+ ! .6 Wind I 80 deg - No Ice 1..2 Dead+ 1.6 WiDd : l0 d€s - No Ice 0.9 Dcad+ | .6 \4'ind : | 0 deg - \o lce L: Dead+ L6 wiDd l{0 dee - \o lce 0.9 De3d+ | .6 wind :.10 deg - \o lce L2 Dead+ L6 WiDd :70 deC - No lce o 9 Dead+ L6 W itrd :70 d€g - ).Io lce L: Dead+ L6 Wind l0O deg - \o tce 0.9 Dead+ L6 $ ind 300 deC - \o lce l.: Dcad+ 1.6 wird ll0 deg - No Ice 0.9 Dead+ 1.6 \I ird ]30 deC - \o Ice L: Dead+ L0 lcd I -0 T.rnp I .l Dead+ L0 Wind 0 deg+ l 0 Ice+ L0 Tcrnp l.: Dead+1.0 uird l0de8-1.0 lcerl.0 Tanp LI Dead+ I .0 Wind (n) deg- I .0 Icei L0 Temp l.: Dcad+l.o \\ iDd 90 de8- l.0 Icetl.0 TerDp 1.2 Dead+1.0 wi.d 1:0 deg+l.0Ice-1.0 Temp l.? Dead+1.0 Wind I50 deg+l.o Ice-l 0 Temp 1.2 Dcad+1.0 Wiod I80 deC+1.0Ice-I.0 Temp I.: Dead+ I.0 wild 2l0 deg+L0 Ics|Lolemp I ..2 Dead+ I .0 Wind :.t0 deg+ I -0 IcF I .0 Temp I -l Dead+ I .0 $ ind 270 deg+ I .0 Ice- L0 Temp LI Dead+I -0 Witrd 100 deg+I.0 Ice- I.o Temp I .: Dead+ I .0 Wind .l l0 deg+ I .0 lce-- I .0 Temp D€ad+wind 0 deg - S€ri'ice Dead+u ind 30 dee - Seftice Dead+$ ind 60 deg - service Dead+$ ird 90 deg - Service Dead+[ ind I:0 deg - Senice Dcad+n'ind 150 deg - Service Dead+wiod I 80 deg - Service Dead+Wird I l0 ddc - S.rvice Dead+u ind:.() deg - Service Dead+wiDd :70 deg - Service Dead+U ind lrn deg - Service Dead-\\ ind 330 Maximum Member Forces Trpe Gov Comb IrpJl II a7 -67 t_t 67-.l.r5l9r Max Tension Max. Compression NIax. Mx NIar. My Nla\. vt Max. Vx Max, Torque lrax T€Dsion Max. Comprcssion Nlax. Mr Max. M,v Ilax. Vy Nla\. Torque Max Tension Mar Compression Mar. Mx Mai. My Max- vx Mai. Torque 0.u) - l:.r0 J{3.J{: .6il -b i8 0.00 -19.40 -7.54 -7 52 -9.02 -9.09 -o.00 L20 83.6" 0.10 83.6' 0 t0 000 t_16 :53 i-r 4.-ll 15i.1{ -0 -ll 000 o?l 691.O7 - 1.78 691.O1 -l 78 4.m t.53 -0.08 84..11 -.0.08 84.-ll 4.14 o.0o L65 {.57 255.49 4.57 255.4e -o.7.1 0.00 1.55 -1.81 702.55 -l 8l 702.55 {.71 26 26 20 2 l0 2 t8 I 26 t0 2 20 2 l8 I 26 20 2 20 2 t8 LI -l{ 5]91 - r)o.(n -t5 71t -t:.:e -t t.tq -9 6l Maximum Reactions Got (K K Pol.\lax. ven Ma\. H. Vax H. Mar U" MaL \1. It{a\, To$io$ Itlir Vert lvtin. H. Nlin. H. Min. M. \iitr. Ilt Nlm. Torsion :5.78 9.1{ 9.:J lo:.55 6 .57 0.,3 9.:{ t:.,1: 9.:{ -?0:_t0 -6q1.O7 4.71 tl 1 : s '1 8 l5 ll :0 ls -0.0t 960 4.0: {.0: -9.60 -8.33 -8.11 -9.60 0.02 0.01 9.60 8.ll l.l5 -0 0: 9.6" o0l J.8S J85 0.0: ,9.67 -9 61 40: -1.85 Tower Mast Reaction Sum ,t 0vdumins Ore uming Dead Only 1.2 D€3d- 1.6 Wind 0 deg - No Ice 0.9 Dead' I .5 Wind 0 deg - No Ic€ I .2 Dead- I .6 Wind 30 dcg - \o lce 0.9 Dcad' 1.6 Wind l0 des - :Io Ice I .: De3d- L6 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 0.9 Dcad - 1.6 wind 60 de8 - No Ice 1.2 Dcad - !.6 $'ind 90 d€g - No lce 0.9 Dead- 1.5 Wind m deC - \o L2 Dead- I .6 Wind I 20 deg - No lce 0.9 De3d l .6 U idd 1 20 deg - No lce L2 Dead | .6 wind I50 des - No lce 0.9 De.d- 1.6 wind l5o deg - No lce L2 Dead- I .6 wind I 80 deg - No lce 0.9 Dcad- 1.6 wind 180 il€g - No lce 1.2 Dcad- 1.6 wind 2lo d€g - No lce 0.9 D€ad- I .6 wirxl 2 l0 d€8 - No tce 1.2 D€rd - 1.6 Wird 2,lO des - No lce 0.9 D€ad- I .6 Wiod 2,10 d€g - No lce I .2 Dead' I .6 ll'ird 270 deg - No lce 0.9 Dead- I .6 Wind 2r0 deC - No lce |.2 Desd- 1.6 llind l0o des - No lce 0.9 Desd' 1.6 Wind 100 des - No lce L2 Dead- 1.6 wind 330 deg - l0 :f' []l 9 t.l [ -r] 9:.1 Ii] 9 t.t ll tl 9ll l]]l 9 t-l l: tl I :..t ll,tl 9t+ lt il 9:t l: rl 9 :-r []l I t-r l]t: 9.1-l []l -i).00 o.t)l 0.01 .r rl .l t: 3li lilt 8.-11 -1.78 -1.7N -0.1): -r) 0l --r t: { ril -E.li ,.\ Lr -8.r1 -8.11 --t 7ri -o r)0 -)i 1ii -.t ri -..1Ni -r) r)l r) r)l .l$ .l i(l .l l(S { ri 0 r): 0 (,: --t st -.1sl -0.tx ,70:.is -61!,1.5i -59? ll -15-r l.l -j-Ib.0' -l l-r -t tl r.l9.ll 3{:.-15 6r)7 0: 595 0l 70t Il) t,S8.ll ri)9.r)l lil7: l-15 77 I3t tltl -l-t9.66 -l-[.66 -6r)7 J- 0t0 -l 7)i rsl -l+q s') l-r: 0l -t,lU.lr) j9::s -h).1 8l -60l l0 -i90.ll t-t6 r9 .r.r9 5,) ll- I lr' r-| 16 59: r,l t'll l- 6(11 7l l+6.9i) -1r (xl -i,.ll -0 19 -lr -l ,1r 59 -o.rl -0l: 0 0-i 0 r)J r).ll r) 19 065 o-l r)59 0 tl o l_' -o 05 d Shed\ K kip-li k p,ti hp-li No Ice 0.9 Dead- L6 Mnd 330 deg - No Ice I .: De3d- I .0 lce- I .0 Temp I 2 Dead- L0 \lind 0 deg- L0 Icsr 1.0 Temp L: Dead- I .0 Wind 30 dcg+ L0 Ic-+1.0 Tenp I .2 Desd- | .0 wind 60 deg+ L0 Icl'| l.o Temp I : De.d- | .0 wind 90 degt L0 Iccr 1.0 Temp I .: Dead- I .0 1l ind I l0 def l.0 h€-1.0 Tenp I.: De.d-L0 wind I50 deg- LO lcr- I .O Temp I .2 Dead- | .0 Wind I 80 deg- L0 lce- L0 Temp l .: Dead- 1 .0 $ ind 2 10 &f I .0 lcF I .0 Temp I .: Dead- I .0 wind 2.r0 deg- I .0 lce- I .0 Temp I 2 Desd-l 0 Wind 270 deg- l .0 lce- l .0 Temp L2 Dead-I.0 Wind 300 de8-l-0 lce- 1.0 Tcmp l.: Dead-I.0 Wind 130 deg-I.0 lce- L0 T!-rnp Dead-Wtd0deg-Senicc Dead-wird 30 deg - Se^ ice Dead-wind 60 drg - sen ice Dcid-Wind 90 deg - Service Dead-$ird l:0 deg - S€nic€ De3d-\l]nd 150 deg - Senice Dead-Wind I 80 deg - S€nic. De{d-wind 210 deg - S€nice Dead-Wind :.{} deg - Senice Dead-ll'ind :?0 de8 - Service Dead-Wind 100 deg - Senice Dead-wind 330 deg - Senice t: -\ ti -\ 9 t.l ti -\ l: -s li -r' l5 -s lr -s 15 -). :5 -8 :i -! ti -\ -+ r-S o.(ll l5- t-: l.l.l :-: Li6 -o rll -l 5- -l t-l -: a: I ii) 0.0t t.:ll.l: t.{.t LlI t.2: -0.0t -t.21 -:.1: -1..t{ -2. t l -t.22 -lr.l6 -:73 -l 5r' -r).01 I i- :.7: t.r5 :71 I 5r 0.01 -l 57 -2.4 -2.13 -t.2-r -0.01 t.2: 2.t3 :.{6 2.r3 t.:3 0.01 - t.22 -2.t3 -5q5.15 -:t ?.{13 L:" l" ,: {lr : I -1.-1)* :.r6.q: :l r ri. l:l ll -1.07 -l:5.,19 -t I6 51 -t1't.o3 -t53.59 -89-05 -o.69 87.80 152.71 176,66 r53-:2 88.68 0.31 -88.17 -153.08 1lq 95 ,l: I :: -rt 55 -t.16.-lt _llr (r: - l t:.-l I -r).1).1 -0 :5 -0 :7 -l):: J) lt -0.0n -1.15 -l 55 ,:50 0- 0.1t 0.:r -0 o0 -1) t7 ltl 0.t7 [1.]:0:5 I l-1.r,l):l :-t7.rJ 0tl I t{.{{)0. Di.8i ,r) 0,1 l0 16 10.16 l0 :r' l0 16 I () lt) l0 t6 l0 16 l0 :o l0 16 l0 16 l0 16 l0 :6 4.30 -87.96 - l5l.9e - 175.:.1 -l5 t.t8 -87.0' 0.7: 88.3" l5t..lo r75.6J l5t 90 87.49 .0.t0 {. t7 -0.tc 4. t6 -0.08 0.01 0.10 0.17 0.r9 0.l6 0.0t -0.01 Solution Summa K hn of Apphen Forces R PZ(PY K PZ K I l l I 5 6 7 I 9 t0 ll t2 t3 l.l t5 t6 l1 t8 l9 zo ll ?2 0.00 0.02 0.02 .1.82 .r.82 8.33 8.33 9.60 960 8.lr 8.3t ,1.78 .t.78 -0.02 -l).02 4.82 1.E2 -8.33 -8.33 -9.60 -9.60 -8.31 -r0.:6 -[.]l ,9.1-l -t:_-11 -9.1.1,l: 3l -9.1-r -r: 3l -9:4 -9.:4,l: tl _9 14 -9.24 -l:.ll 9:4 -l:.1: -9 _24,l: 12 -9.t.I,ll.]l 0.00 -9.67 -9 67 -8.38 -8.18 J.8,i -.1.85 {.0: {.0? {.81 4.81 8.16 E.36 9.61 9.67 8.38 8.t8 4.85 4.85 0.02 0.02 -:t.81 0.00 -0.02 {.02 -4.82 4.t2. -8.t3 -8.31 -9_A) -9.60 -8.31 -8.1I 4.78 4.78 0.02 0.02 4.82 4.82 8.33 8.33 9.60 9.60 8.31 I0.16 I: ]: 9..:-l t:3: 9 t.l[.]: 't :{ I:,]:9ll r.l2 q l.l r:..32 9.t-1 t2.l:9l{ t: 12 ,l_2.1 |]]2 I 2,1 t2.12 9.2.1 t:.32 0.00 9.61 9.61 8.38 8.38 -r 85 {.8J 00: 0.02 -4.8t -'1.81 -8.i6 -8.36 -9.61 -9.6-1 -8.38 -8.38 -4.85 {.85 -0.02 {.02 .{.8t 0.fiEoo 0 (xn. o 0 0{n.. 0.(xx). "0.000. "0.ftDo" o 000. o 0 000. "0.000. "0.000.. o fi)0. o 0.000." 0.ffnoo 0.0000 "o.rxm"o o.oonoo 0.00r)oo 0.0u)q" 0.000,d 0.n009o 0.001)00 15 -! Cot tb. 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Cornb Tlt t.t L] L3 flt -61 6? -.14.539t J7.{58-1- 0 :{ 0,60 t{ tt-lll 7lq{ l9 l9 t9 :.1u0 I I l5n I :121 0.0001 0.fi)69 o.mlt Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Gor. Co,nb. Irr rrr Radius of ti filr Lighting Rod I {" r '' I J ) X7CQ.{.P-86-865-\' ET-X-rS-'0-1ffi:-18-iR-RD * \lounl Pipe :{ rxn) :0 -6t ll 9x-r :.::J0 :.:109 :.07t? I j0N- ,)-1.1' :?9e l9 t9 l9 Maximum Tower Deflections - Des n Wind Sectiot Dellection Got. CoD'b. nl! LI L: L] 81-67 67 - {4.539t 47..1583 - 0 .\ \\: :q r,.. \ \:i^ I \<l I r) ril6l r) 0:lI rr 0l: j Critica! Deflections and Radius of Gurvature - Design Wind Lig[tilrg Rod 3,4' x 7' (4) XTCOAP-8G865-V ET-X-Tg?Gt M2-t8-iR-RD w Mour Pipc )i::fli i \l16 \ ti]] \ t:a _ 0.0t6t 0-o33rr o.0:58 l.re l :.r91 Tlli Ji nh E7 00 E0.00 65.i)0 o.fixxxn0 t 0.0mfi)00 t o.{mflxm0 t o flxxxmt o.{xxxlflnt o rxx)ount o 0000000 t 0.oflxxrm I 0.{xD0fi)0 t 0 0m0n00 t 0.rxxnfi)o t 0 uxxxno t 0.rxxxxxto t 0. xxmoot o rxxxxxn I 0.rxxxxmol 0.ofixxmo t 0.m91 0.r)085 0.0065 Gor Compression Checks Pole Design Data Secnon s--,,t-" ( Ratio LI L] LJ 87-57(t) 67 -.14.5391 (l) {4.539t - 0 (l) 000 0.00 {{:TPI{xl{x0.175 T?19.0615x15.13x0.1875 0.0 0.0 rll tr 0.009 o fi)9 lPlf,\ IN :llll\r, lj .l- J6 r) r)l)0.0 t0..816 -t:.:9 t506.E6 0.008 Pole Bending Design Data Section hp'lt lV", hp- .v- tt,, k pti {.U^ Ratio *ip-l -8j LI L: LJ TP I .tx l,txo.3 75 TP I9.0615rl 5.3.1x0. I 875 87 - 671| ) 67 -.r,t.539t (:l .l.r.5391 - o (]) Lsl 1)0.00 0.00 l8:.79 106 8.1 0 (x)0 0 (n0 TP:6\ll :rUl \r):5 r0: ,6 106.ll l) sr:o.t)l)"96.{1 0.000 Pole Shear Des n Data ol.tT" *ip-.fi v, K Rario t, Rdti T"r, ol.lr. LI L: L.l 87-67(ll 67 -.U.5191 (2t {4.5391 - 0 (]) TPl.lxl{x0l7i T?l9.06lixl5 3]xo.l8?5 658 9m :5: 8r JO6 i9 o 0:6 o o:: 0 Jt 0 {t ::9 S- 6l{{l 0 or)l 0 txt I IP:.t\ ls :rHI\o lj 75t.1-1 ootl Pole lnteraction n Data Ra,io .1r",r, Allow. SrreJs ti o,67, LI t2 LJ 87-67tl) 67 -.1.1.5191 t:) .[r.5391 -0{]) 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00t o.oot 0.0()0 t.0(x) r.0u) L000 o.462 0.831 0.882 0.026 o.o22 o.ot 3 r'4.8.2 4.8.2 4.8.2 r' r' r' Section Capacity Table s.l.Jt :i5 {e r).to: Conb S,'esr 0J7l S. n Type (K I l l LI L: L] lll - 6- 6, -.t-l.5l9l J.l.5lql - 0 Pol. TPI-l\l-l\0 -r-5 TPl9 l)t''-li\15 l1\ll lS_: TPl6\l8.li!rlro:5 { -r: -" 5: -l l.:e J05.6.1 E13.r8 t506.86 Pass Pass Polc rLlr R\TI\G = {,,1 8J,: 89.1 Summ.ary 89.1 t9.l Progam VeEion 7-0-5- I - 2 I 2016 Filc: tith-sener Proje.ls 2016 Efectivc - Client Jobs CRO$NC_Cro*n Cirslle USA Inc IIN 878.198-Beddor EnleQrises l6PXn'2.100-MODIIOO_VZW R.0 .{nalr"!irPassmgTou-er,878.}q8-Beddor Enrcrpnses en 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modification Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2401. Applicaton 359616. Revision 5 December 15.2016 CCI BU No 87U98 Page 7 APPENDIX B BASE LEVEL DRAWTNG tnxTower Report - version 7.0.5.'l 6 E s 5 ,: a 1 o l1l11l1l 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Modification Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Application 359616. Revision 5 December 15.2016 CCI BU No 87U98 Page I APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS tnxTower Reporl - version I 6 I 6 F e lg = fEt; .E3E 2ti:6E ? E!F E fl :, !3 :3E *tt= lillllllll[ilil1illlillril[ilil il1ilIlltillill lllllllltililtI il1ililtililililil[ llilil :cq9 ;;9E:. I*€E! _Et g5E9: E E E E;E-iiirri-H:;=6- i;o:EEsin! 5$iE:!E?:; e:i9s :EE"H: :EEEE!; i=-! -: P-e ; k5;!:!F E i E EOcoJ o .9 -(! CL oE CLog o = : ! 9 s 6z R! -c:;3 Eg va I E E s g P 4zg!r.t !3 E7 2A g: s I !E !:IJ 95E; ,9- E e5r! !e gr TE E llIlt I lIil ! 2 ; 2 J L] E IJ 0J ul ! I I .l !t I 0L Stiffened or Unstiffened, Exterior Flan e Plate - An Site Oata <-Onry Applcable ro Unst fened Cases Bolt Threadsl X-Excluded ovn=o(0.55'Ab'Fu) 0=0.75. o*Vn (kips) 43.05 Rigid eTn( 1 {V'rgvn r2ro.5 0<o's1 case BU#: 87U98 Sile Name: Beddor Enterytises App r: Flange Bolt Resuhs Boll Tension Capacity. I'Tn,Bl 60.09 60.08 17.40 1.559 0.648 0.839 57.91 0.00 17.40 8.Oo/" Flexural Check 9.3 ksi 32.4 ksi 28.8o/" Pass 9'Tn {due to Vu=Vu/Oly). B: Max Bolt ![@G!]y applied Tu: kips kips Kips in in in kips kips kips Pass Plate Data Diam: Thick. t: Grade (Fy): Strength, Fu: SinqllRod B-etf: 22 tn in ksi ksi in 1.5 36 58 3.67 Min PL'treq"for actual T w/ Prv Min PL tl ' Ior actual T elo PrY: T allowable with Prying: Prying Force. q: Total Bolt Tension=Tu+q: Prying Bolt Stress Ratio=(Tu+qy(B): Exterior Flange Plate Results Compressron Side Plate Slress: Allowable Plate Stress: Compression Plate Stress Ratlo: No Prying Tension Side Stress Ratio. (treq/t)^2: n/a Stiftgnsr Resuhs Horizontal Weld : nla Vertical Weld: ^laPtateFtex+Shear.b/Fb+(fvlFvf2r nla Plate Tension+Shear, tUFt+ltv lFylt: nla Plate Comp. (AISC Bracker): nla Pole Resulls Pole Punching Shear Check: Riqid TIA G -12 85 : I I - 0 = sone. 1 =everybolt. 2 - ev€ry 2 bots, 3 = 2 perbon - !9!q for compleie lornt p€n6talion groovo wslds lhe grcove doplh 6u3l be exacty L2 tlts sliffener ihickEss lor elculalion puAosss Reactions ft-kips kips krps Elevation 67 feet OtherPole Manufacturer:r N6 slifi6n6ls. Cdl6da:TIA G Bolt Oata 105 A325 81 Bolt Fu: Bolt FYI <- Disregard <- Disregard Qtv; Diameter (in.): Bolt Mate.ial: N/A: N/A: Circle (in.): Stiffener Data (weldrnq at Both sides) 0 <- Disregard <- Disregard in in in in in in ksi ksi Conflg: Weld Type: Groove Deplh: Groove Angle: E!!q! H. Weld: EjlE! V. werd: widrh: Height: Thick: Notch: Gradel Weld str.: IIIIIIIIIII Pole Oata ksi '0- if None in ksr 0 m 0 Iif,'B FE Diam: Thick: Grade: # of Skles: FU III@rErE CClplate v2.0 Analysis Date: ]2l!549!! Bolt Material TIA Rev G l\,fin PL'tc" for I cao- Wo Prv: I u.41 I I 4.42 I Mu Axlal Pu: Shear, Vu'--6-5s-l 12 1125 I 1oo I -Js 1r-E- Pole Manufacturer: Stiffened or Unstiffened, Ungrouted, Circular Base Plate - Any Rod Material TIA Rev G Assumption: Clear space between bottom of leveling nut and top of concrete not exceeding (1)'(Rod Diameter) Site Data Reactions MU 703 ft-kips 12 kips Shear. Vu 10 kips Eta Factor. n 0.5 BtJl,: 878498 Site Name: Beddot Enteryises Anchor Rod Data otv: Diam: Rod Material: Strength (Fu): Yield (Fy): Bolt Circle: 8 ksi ksi in 2.25 A615-J 100 75u TIA G Fi 44) <-onlv Applcable ro Unsliflened Cases 128.0 Kips 260.0 Kips 49.2ol. Pass Plate Oata Diam: Thick: Grade: SngL.-Rod B-eff: 40 tn in ksi in 60 10.32 Base Plate Results Base Plate Stress: Allowable Plate Stress: Base Plale Stress Ratio Flexural Check 51.0 ksi 54.0 ksi 94.40lo Pass n/a Non-Rigid AISC LRFO Non-Riqid AISC LRFD Y.L. Lengii 21.91 Stiffener Results Horizontal Weld : Vertical Wdd: Plate Flex+Shear fb/Fb+(to/Fvf2: Plate Tension+Shear. ffvFt+(fv/Fvf2: Plate Comp. (AISC Brackel): nla nla nla ^larra Pole Resuhs Pole Punching Shear Check: Pole Data Diam: Thick: Grade: # of Sides: Fu 26 tn in ksi '0' lF Round ksi '0' if None 0.25 65 18 80 0 nla t I t l ' 0 = none. 1 . every bolt. 2 = evsry 2 bolts. 3 = 2 per bolt " !p!q for complere iornt penetrarlon groove welds rhe groove depth musi be s(actly 1/2 lhe stiffener thickoess for calculai'on purposes Stiffener Data lwelding at bolh s des) <- Disregard <- Disregard in in in in in in ksi ksi Config: Weld Type: Groove Depth: Groove Angle: E!!e! H. werd: Ej!!q! v. Weld: width: Height: Thack: Notch: Grade: Weld str.: IIII - IIIIII CClplate v2.0 Analysis Date: lzll2qlO Anchor Rod Resuhs Max Rod (Cu+ Vdn): Allowable Axial. O'Fu'Anet: Anchor Rod Stress Ratio: I ortet ItrN" "',6;rc,it#--I Asc LRFE I t ls--l f--d] ,E N p E6,O < f o \'t I €ic - oxo{s :6c li g E EgP!F (o^!.tu EXo EHreil;tiiit'E e - Ep oo -=. F:or - 6 oo, :E€ E E EE EoEE = - 6= 996d 6 -E 9; =<o-rD o > a).E tL "1 b .: zoo L]JE ! €_=oo)< - o;F a 69Etsp €EEt* s i E;Po P Y,r,o t h 9 eHi=5-sEBg'l;siEigEE*Hl'tEEi:' i"'1p:",;;*s o;6 o :i FEP ! I :9 ;.EE E E :: a9;d 6 0 eH =<d.o (J > o- lr (! =N (oXr-Lo{zOro<-l -x(LHor 9:--ooJ< (E(f)(o(,() ... \ ,/ /'/ \/\ -/.'\ AI { ( CCI foundation Tool Suite - Monopole Pier CClFls 1.2.10a,14285 - Phae 1-2 t2/t5l2ot6 6U 878498 /^^cRowN\-/ casrle Monopole O.illed Pi.r hEs! four$oi! Oin6lsrdE D.pth below Srade: L.SltrFE neb.r tentile nrength: u llimat. co..rere strai. Oear Cover to lies: G 2oo8 Shear 10 tips 703 t-ft 5h 1fr 22 lt 1a 8 5 ilooo p5i 0.@! inlin 0 0.2 0.35 0 o.2 035 2 3 1l 72 t20 130 0 105 0 9 13 6.333 6667 o 1000 r700 AnalYri! Results Daprh ro Z€ro Sh€.. 7.51 ft M.r Mo.n ot Mu: 794.70 t-it S..ls.t tr tadd: ljo s.f.ry F&tc ieq d: 1.33 I^]rc :E.O* M! f.om slan.lytE) 039 0330( l0 t6 t6 0o or 1298 95 k ft iAnrac: 61.2* r.d &!rh€ (t): C..no. Gp..rtv lkl, Oc.: 52 03 *rps 151t.63 lip5 206.66 llps 14.13 37 95 0t Page 1 of I Sdl ffil.: B.d&.so UCft sbr td)It{)(l6f){lt)(ft) sPr'Untw.itt C.rEtir 1r.0 hd) Overall Foundatio. Rati,z: 6L.2% 87 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Moditication Analysis Project Number 16PXJY2400. Application 359616. Revis,bn 5 December 15. 2016 CCt BU No 878498 Page I APPENDIX D MODIFICATION DRAWINGS tnxTower Report - version 3l 1 i I: t ! ! rn I I E 3 t ; c 4 119 rEe HEF i9; ;E=ad9 F:E aa= E9 9. z oz; q 9 o ,2 6 : : : F o Fo IJJ ot o oo : ao L, ? ec,i6*i 3 '-oo azioJ ioE ds2; 99d',: iEgE ;398 9zEY?;ia '4XEg"ii3a!<og 26e1 F ta) o'J,dz :1 F=li F -*<zE ]lu" oo5c? r.- -Fz -(, veIiii g\ q55 rs. 9e< gas i6 o)c@F- o IJJo uo.u uJFz IJJ d.ooo uto E tIJJFa Oz =otr O UJJoo-ozo =F(o 3<ad.?o 9an:o9zs=E<toz 9ozutFx UJ q d l uJo =Ftu UJI lllll i o o F- 's2 FZ u,tIE E z u,t ooul toJJJ zu =lQAtr<OO i o0 E a l It E!, , II a E I 2 e t a "t:l irl rE l:tIitllilr:ti! ;IT ?rEr c;:fii! !;!:Ei:!9:t:1rtErirL ! E; :51 ! i;EiEi! 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