EXHIBIT B irrigation designCRI (PR can P.O. Wet FLO' Pair- _ Flow Available: 112.10 gpm Flow Available: 225.00 gpm PRESSURE AVAILABLE Static Pressure at POC: 0.00 psi Booster Pump pressure provided: 70.00 psi Pressure Available: 70.00 psi DESIGN ANALYSIS 20.00 ft Maximum Multi -valve Flow: 100.00 gpm Flow Available at POC: 112.10 do, Residual Flow Available: 12.10 gpm CriticalStation: 3 Design Pressure: 45.00 psi Friction Loss: 3.30 psi Fittings Loss: 0.33 psi Elevation Loss: 0.00 psi Loss through Valve: 4.71 psi Pressure Req. at Critical Station: 53.35 psi Loss for Fittings: 0.65 psi Loss for Main Line: 6.46 psi Loss for POC to Valve Elevation: 0.00 psi Loss for Ba 0.00 psi Ccal Stationckflow: Pressure at POC: 60.46 psi Pressure Available: 70.00 psi Residual Pressure Available: 9.54 psi PRESSURE AVAILABLE Static Pressure at POC: 83.00 psi Elevation Change: 5.00 ft Service Line Size: 4" Length of Service Line: 20.00 ft Pressure Available: 80.00 psi DESIGN ANALYSIS Maximum Multi -valve Flow: 108.99 gpm Flow Available at POC 225.00 aom Residual Flow Available: 116.01 gpm Critical Station: 64 Design Pressure: 45.00 psi Friction Loss: 4.45 psi Fittings Loss: 0.44 psi Elevation Loss: 0.00 psi Loss through Valve: 2.39 psi Pressure Req. at Critical Station: 52.29 psi Loss for Fittings: 0.69 psi Loss for Main Line: 6.94 psi Loss for POC to Valve Elevation: 0.00 psi Loss for Backflow: 11.18 psi Loss for Water Meter: 2.85 psi Critical Station Pressure at POC: 73.95 psi Pressure Ava'la ble: 80.00 Ds' Residual Pressure Available: 6.05 psi AREAS OF IRRIGATION SYMBOL (D 0 40 80 120 160 feet NORTH 1"=40' DESCRIPTION NON MAINTAINED AREAS - 1.5 -INCHES PER THE FIRST 48 HOURS (INSTALLED BY DEVELOPER) BACKYARDS (ROTORS) - 0.5 -INCHES PER THE FIRST 48 HOURS (INSTALLED BY BUILDER) TOTAL WATER DISCHARGED AREA OF DISCHARGE 48,080 GALLONS 63,979 SF 6,427 OF 1.47 AC 16,806 GALLONS 2,163 OF FRONT & SIDE YARDS (SPRAYS) - 7.721 GALLONS 0.5 -INCHES PER THE FIRST 48 HOURS 1,031 OF (INSTALLED BY BUILDER) TOTAL 71,986 GALLONS 9,622 OF 54,430 SF 1.25 AC 25,517 SF 0.58 AC TOTAL 143,927 SF 3.30 AC NARRATIVE a per station per minute basis. Arbor Glen is a proposed residential development at Lyman Boulevard (CSAH18) and Highway 101 in Chanhassen, MN. The developer intends to use landscape irrigation as a stormwater management tool consistent with current Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) stormwater management standards and BMP guidelines. DESIGN TO HARVEST STORMWATER This design calls for an irrigation distribution pipeline to draw stormwater from a stormwater pond located at the southeast corner of the development. The area of the pipeline more completely designed, depicts the first eight stations of equipment (groups of sprinkler emission devices) to distribute stormwater onto non -maintained land within the development. The pipeline distribution segment illustrated schematically, represents the approximately 58 remaining stations of equipment that shall distribute stormwater onto maintained landscape area of the development. Total area to receive stormwater distribution from both distribution segments of irrigation equipment is approximately 3.49 acres. Irrigation ofthe single family homes is required and necessary for stormwater management purposes. WATER, BACKUP WATER, METERING and PROTECTION All water will be metered. Reduced Pressure Zone backflow prevention assembly (RPZ) will be incorporated into the design to protect the public water supply from cross -contamination. RPZ assemblies are considered the highest cross -contamination hazard protection by the Minnesota Department of Health and shall be regularly tested, reported and immediately repaired upon failure of testing. ACHIEVING STORMWATER BMP GOALS, SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPERATION Current RPBCWD stormwater treatment volume calls fora minimum of the first 1.05" of stormwater treatment per qualifying rain event. The minimum treatment volume is divided as follows: • Volume Retained -0.5 inches from the site impervious area • Water Quality Treatment -0.55 inches from the site impervious area The irrigation distribution equipment in it's entirety, will result in a system that exceeds minimum required RPBCWD stormwater treatment volumes listed above as well as ability to execute horticultural BMPs for landscape irrigation - including efficient use of water resources- upon the area of horticulturally -maintained landscape. Although the intended goal is to harvest and distribute stormwater upon the site, proper and efficient use of all water can be accomplished while also accomplishing the goals of stormwater distribution during or following a rain event. All components selected for this project will be of high quality, high market presence and will be designed and constructed in a workmanlike, maintainable fashion. The stormwater pump station will be a pre -manufactured unit of integrated, maintainable components and UL -listed as an assembly. Pump station controls will include external meter -reader, adjustable stormwater-level equipment to enable pump station engagement when pre-set water levels are met and to interrupt pump station operation and convert to backup municipal water when stormwater levels are at or below minimum, vandal -resistant alarm light and points of seasonal equipment maintenance. Secondary protected, non -potable water source will flow through a meter and reduced pressure zone backflow, prevention assembly and will include points of seasonal equipment maintenance consistent with local practices. A low voltage, three -port valve will distinguish between stormwater harvest and municipal water use based on pond level and pump station controls. RPBCWD stormwater guidelines call for controls to manage pond bounce to not less than four -feet of depth upon completing stormwater distribution following a storm event. The proposed system controls will accomplish this goal. The stormwater pond normal water level (NWL) is proposed to be 899.5 and not less than four -feet of depth at NWL. The 100 -year high water level (HWQ is proposed to be 903.5. The adjustable level controls will be set to engage stormwater harvest at levels higher than 899.5. There will be an irrigation controller to operate distribution equipment. The controller will be WaterSense® -labelled as promoted by the US Environmental Protection Agency and will be remote -control upgrade -ready. The controller will be programmed to use water efficiently per horticultural BMPs during normal, non -storm event periods or when the stormwater pond levels are insufficient to enable use of stormwater for horticultural irrigation. EXPLANATION OF CALCULATIONS AND USE AND RUNTIME MODELS Referring to Sheet IR -2.1, the chart "WATERING SCHEDULE - NON -MAINTAINED AREA" illustrates gallons per minute per station (group) of sprinkler emission devices and application rates (in inches -per -hour) per station. There are eight stations of irrigation proposed upon the non -maintained area of the development. Also illustrated is total gallons of water to be distributed upon the non -maintained landscape. The totals of the eight stations of irrigation achieve the required minimum stormwater distribution for the development The right-hand chart on Sheet IR -2.1, depicts a Runtime Summary of all stations of irrigation further illustrating that this proposed stormwater management BMP exceeds the minimum requirement for the development. Runtime Summaries include operation based on a scheduling method called "syringe cycling" or "cycle and soak". This approach is programming -based and adjustable. The intent is to enable applications of water at a rate and duration to maximize the ability of the soil to absorb the water applied. From a stormwater perspective, syringe -cycle schedu ling maximizes acceptance of stormwater onto and into the soil. From a horticultural perspective, syringe -cycle scheduling promotes stronger and more vigorous plant material. The graphs beneath each runtime summary illustrates the time required to apply water given a base -cycle -and -soak application approach. DEVELOPER SCOPE Developer scope includes installation of the stormwater pump station, back-up municipal water supply, irrigation mainline for all areas and control system for all areas. The Developer scope also includes installation of the remote control valves, decoders, field surge protectors, piping and sprinkler emission devices for the eight stations serving the non -maintained areas of the development. BUILDER SCOPE Builder scope includes all remote control valves, decoders, lateral pipe and sprinkler emission devices for the approximately 58 stations to serve the single family homes. Irrigation of the single family homes is required and necessary for stormwater management purposes. Builder -installed irrigation distribution plans to be approved by Developers Representative prior to commencement of work. Broadcast irrigation only. Plans shall be furnished in Autocad format 2016 or newer, to scale and indicating equipment specified, appropriate locations and water consumption projections on GENERALNOTES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! �lYL MINNESOTA LAW REQUIRES EXCAVATORS TO NOTIFY Ow THE REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTER AT LEAST TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS BUT NOT MORE outdoor water use, Reuse, Design, THAN FOURTEEN (14) CALENDAR DAYS con:wring &water Management PRIOR TO EXCAVATION 115lames Ave N I Mlnne Ils, "1 1115 ad GOPHER STATE p763.559.10101 f 763.559.7779 ONE CALL www.waterm­n.e"m www, gopherstateonecall,arc 1-800-252-1166 �� N MGTo2 3� OPYRIGHT 1. THIS SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO MEET SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT AND SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER DESIGN AND PROJECT SPECIFICATION. 2. BIDDING INSTALLERS SHALL THOROUGHLY READ AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL FACETS OF THE PROPOSED STORMWATER HARVEST/REUSE SYSTEM, INCLUDING DESIGN, SPECIFICATIONS, INSTALLATIONDETAILS, AND RELATED SECTIONS. 3. CONFIRM LIMITS OF IRRIGATION, EXISTING AND FUTURE HARDSCAPE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO INCLUDE EVERYTHING OBVIOUSLY REQUISITE AND NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION OF THE WORK WHETHER EACH NECESSARY ITEM IS MENTIONED HEREIN OR NOT, 5. THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE COOPERATIVE AND ANY ITEM CALLED FOR IN ONE AND NOT THE OTHER SHALL BE AS BINDING AS IF CALLED FOR IN BOTH. DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE IRRIGATION CONSULTANT. 6. VALUE ENGINEERING OF THE STORMWATER HARVEST/REUSE SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7. STORMWATER PUMP SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE AT 100 GPM @70 PSI TO COMPLETE THE WATERING SCHEDULE WITHIN 48 - HOURS MAXIMUM. 8. HORTICULTURE BASED MUNICIPAL SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE AT 108 GPM @ 83 PSI. 9. ALL TURF LANDSCAPE AREAS WITHIN THE BUILDER SCOPE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION SHALLBE IRRIGATED INCLUDING THE OCCASIONAL NEED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL SPRINKLERS NOT SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION PLAN, HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS AND INDUSTRY BEST PRACTICES. 10. LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK ("CALL BEFORE YOU DIG"). 11. NEW OR SUBSTANTIALLY CHANGED STATIONS OF IRRIGATION SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY IRRIGATION CONSULTANT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 12. AVOID OVERSPRAY ONTO ROADS AND SIDEWALKS. 13. SPRINKLER ARCS SHALL BE DETERMINED ON SITE BY THE IRRIGATION INSTALLER TO PROVIDE THE MAXIMUM COVERAGE POSSIBLE. CAREFULLY ADJUST THE ARC AND RADIUS OF EACH SPRINKLER TO PROVIDE HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. 14. IRRIGATION INSTALLER SHALL FURNISH SLEEVE MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION BY OTHERS UNDER ALL ROADWAYS, WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS WHERE NECESSARY. 15. MAINLINE PIPING BENEATH TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM EARTH COVER OF 36 -INCHES FROM BOTTOM OF ROAD SUB -GRADE. 16. TOP OF MAINLINES SHALL BE AT LEAST 18 -24 -INCHES BELOW GRADE IN TURF AREAS. 17. TOP OF LATERAL LINES SHALL BE AT LEAST 12 -18 -INCHES BELOW GRADE. 18. IT MAY BECOME NECESSARY TO ADJUSTMAINLINE, LATERAL PIPE, CONTROLS AND SPRINKLER LOCATIONS DUE TO TREES, PLANTINGS, GRADE DIFFERENCES, OR OTHER LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS. 19. PROPERLY THRUST BLOCK ALL FITTINGS 3 -INCH AND LARGER. 20. DO NOT TRENCH THROUGH THE ROOT BALLS OF NEW PLANTINGS. 21. PROVIDE A TWO-INCH SPACE (MINIMUM) BETWEEN THE TOP OF VALVE AND BOTTOM OF VALVE BOX COVER. PROVIDE BLOCK SUPPORT OF VALVE BOX IN GROUND AND PLUMB POSITION TO GRADE. WOOD SUPPORTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 22. WATER SUPPLY, BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY AND PLUMBING AS PER LOCAL CODE. 23. FINAL LOCATION OF WATER SOURCE TO BE APPROVED BY SITE DESIGN IRRIGATION CONSULTANT. 24. UTILITY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER CONNECTION. 25. IRRIGATION INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING THE BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY. 26. IRRIGATION INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLING AND CONNECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF THE IRRIGATION PUMP STATION. 27. IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE SHALL BE #14 GA. 2 -WIRE, IRRIGATION WIRE, UL LISTED FOR DIRECT BURIAL. 28. OWNER SHALL SUPPLY 110 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER FOR CONTROLLER OPERATION. 29. CONNECT IRRIGATION ELECTRICAL WIRING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL ELECTRIC UTILITY CODES, INCLUDING: 29.1. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE MAINLINE PIPE WHERE POSSIBLE. SNAKE WIRE SIDE TO SIDE AT BOTTOM OF TRENCH BENEATH MAINLINE. 29.2. PROVIDE 24 -INCH LOOP OF CONTROL WIRE AT ALL CHANGES IN DIRECTION. 29.3. PROVIDE 36 -INCH OF SLACK WIRE AT EACH REMOTE CONTROL VALVECOILED INSIDE VALVE BOX. 29.4. ALL WIRING BENEATH HARDSCAPES SHALL BE CONTAINED IN SLEEVING, SEPARATE FROM PIPING. ELECTRICAL SLEEVES ARE TO BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY FOR EASE OF INSTALLATION AND REPAIR. 29.5. ALL WIRE SPLICES SHALL BE GREASE FILLED WATERTIGHT CONNECTORS CONTAINED IN VALVE BOX, SET TO GRADE AND SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN 24 -INCH SLACK. 29.6. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRE SHALL BE SLEEVED SEPARATE FROM WATERLINE. 30. WIRED RAIN SENSOR SHALL BE INSTALLED, ONE PER CONTROLLER, IRRIGATION INSTALLER SHALL ASSURE RAIN SENSOR INSTALLATION OCCURS IN A CLEAR LOCATION, WHERE RAIN FALL HITS THE DEVICE FROM ALL SIDES & IS NOT BLOCKED BY BUILDINGS, LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES OR PLANTS. 31. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR PUMPS. 32. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL LINE VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT FOR IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS. 33. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH DATA CONNECTION FOR IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS. 34. IRRIGATION INSTALLER SHALL SCHEDULE AND PROGRAM CONTROLLER AND VALVES FOR APPROPRIATE LANDSCAPE WATER REQUIREMENTS. 35. IRRIGATION INSTALLER SHALL MAKE PROVISION FOR NOT LESS THAN FOUR (4) HOURS OF TRAINING OF THE OWNER IN THE PROGRAMMING, OPERATION, ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. 36. IRRIGATION INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING STREETS SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAYS DURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. yT M MOj\O COPYRIGHT REGISTERED TO WATER IN MOTION, INC. z z LU Ln U0 Q Z Q U Z LL J 0 CID Q DRAWN BY RICH W. KOECHLEIh PLA, Vbkeresns® Partner CHECKED BY TIM MALOOLY GID, GIG, GLIA EPA WaterSense Partner DEQARE THAT THIS PIAN, 'RECIFICATION OR REPORT WA$ 'REPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY SCI 19 Y C Nat rise ISSUED RECORD MO. DESCRIPTION DATE ISSUE DATE 1-25-2015 PROJECT NUMBER DI -7-1 1-73-01 DRAWING SCALE 1 "=40'-O" SHEET NAME RR I GATI ON OVERSTORY SHEET NUMBER