CEI SPR Ltr 2-20-18CEI Engineering Associates, lnc. ENGINEERS ! SURVEYORS T LANDSCAPEARCHITECTS T PLANNERS 2025 Cenlre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 210 Mendota Heighls, MN 55120 (651) 452-8960 Fax (651 ) 452- 1 '149 ui\,1,\4,/.Ceienq.COm City of Chanhassen Community Development Department 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 W RE: Panera Bread Site Plan Review (2018-02) Mr. Generous, The following letter is in response to the Cities recommendations and review comments dated l/2/18. The following project narrative addresses the iterns you wanted further information/clarifi cation on. Building: l. Thebuilding is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system.. Will be addressed by Plumbing Plans. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licemed inthe State of Minnesota.. Noted. 3. Sanitaryand stomr sewer ssvicemust complywith Minnesota StatePlumbingCode(see Table 701.1).. Noted. 4. Daailed occupancyrelatedrequirements will be addressed when completebuildingplans are submitted.. Noted. 5. The owner and ortheir representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possibleto discussplan review and perrnit procedures. . Noted. Engineering: l. The plans shall be sigred and sealed by aProfessional Engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota priorto recordingthe siteplan agreement. . Plans have been signed 2. Provide perimaer drainage and utility easements were none exist concurrent with recording the siteplan agreement.. l0' added on the North side and 5' added on the East side. Sorulions for Land and Life CALIFOR\IA I -]-EXAS t ARKA\SAS I i.II\N:SC-A ' PEN\SY.VANA February 20, 2018 3. The applicant must move any feature out from within the City's drainage and utility easement, including both bioretention basins or the applicant must enter into an encroachment agreement with the City after, but concurrent to the siteplan agreement.. Encroachnrent agreclnent rvill he required. 4. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over thetwo bioretention basins concurrent with recordingthe siteplan agreement.. Additronal [)&t] easements added oier hoth basins as shou,n on the Site and (irading plan. 5. Soil boring locations shall be shown on the grading plan prior to site grading.. Bonngs shou,n on the Grading Plan. 5. Indicate finished floorelevation ofthe adjacentparcel to the eastpriorto site grading.. ('FA FFE Noted on Cirading Plan 7, Provide existing and proposed elevations at each lot comer, top ofcurb or centerline ofthe roadway at each lot line extension, center of the proposed driveway at the curtline, and indicate the proposed driveway gradepriorto site grading. Short n on Gradin,!l Plan 8, Indicate information to verifu the lowest building opening is aminimum of I -foot above the ernergency overflow elevation ofthebioretention basins prior to site grading.. Site EOF is located in the SE comer of the site. eleration 9.17.78'. which is 1.82' hek'rr thc Pancru FF E. 9 Identifr soil stockpile areas intended within the site limits prior to site grading.. Proposetl stockpile locations shoun on the ECP-Phase 2. 10. Address review comments identified intheattached letterfiom MnDOTpriorto site gradhC. . Noted. ll. Provide Limited Use Permit (LUP) forthepublic sidewalk connection priorto recording the siteplan agreement.. Working uith \4nD0T on [.IiP. 12. Applicant shall utilize the City's standard detail for the sidewalk connection prior to site gadinC.. Noted on Site Plan. 13. Staffhas requested further traffic analysis to include the Market Blvd intersection prior to review for City Council consid€ration. . Spack C'onsulting has been rirrrking * ith the C'it1 l:ngineer to address concems. 14. The applicant's engineer shall also examine ways to mitigate the queueing and decreased LOS at the W 79fr Sheet & Great Plain Blvd intersection prior to review for City Council consideration.. Spack ('onsultrng has been *orking sith the C'itr Engineer to address c()ncems. 15. The applicant's engineer shall verifu whether an adequate sight line is provided for vehicles exiting the site access prior to review for City Council consideration.. Spack ( onsulting renfied the site lines *ith ('it1 Lngineer. 16. Prior to review for City Council consideratioq the traffic analysis report shall firther discuss recommendations for the timing of improvements to the W 796 St & Great Plains Blvd intersection. The recommended % intersection shall include a figure in the Appendix showing the proposed design. Further commentary shall be included related to its operation. . Spack ('onsulting has been working with the Citv Engineer to address concenrs. 17. Plans shall show the current City daail plates and indicate all of the mostuFtodate plates shall be used when the project under construction. . Noted. 18. The storm sewer piping shall be included on the utility plan prior to recording the site plan agreement. . A<ttled. 19. Plan shall include the bioretention basin details with elevations prior to site grading . Added 20. Recommend applicant review the design for the on-site hydrant. From a long term perspective, the hydrant should be fed by the water service to the parcel it serves. Coordinate with the adjacent property owner to abandon tin-necessary water pipe. Otherwise, a maintenance agreement between the two parcels shall be filed to define future maintenance responsibilities and other important business protection aspects prior to site grading. . Proposed neu hydrant will be run ofneu rnain on Panera's prope(y. Existing hydrant line rvill be capped on both ends and fllled u ith sand to abandon in place on CFA's propert ),. 21. Utility plan indicates 0.8702 for the sanitary sewer grade. Revise plan to increase grade to a minimum of I % prior to site grading. . Re\ ised t() loo. 22. Sanitary sewer service shall be routed the nearest sanitary manhole to facilitate sewer cleaning due to the zoning classification and proposed Foperty use. Prior to site grading, revise the plan to show the eisting sanitary service connection to the main shall be abandoned. A short liner shall be used in the sanitary main and the pipe shall be filled with flowable fill or non-shrink grout to the prop€rty line. The line shall be capped at the property line. . Noted on t itilit)'plan. 23. Staffrecommends C900 PVC water main pipe material be considered. . Rsr ised on I Itility plan 24. Recommend testing requirements for the utility piping be considered with the utility design. Install a new gate valve at the prop€rty line where the new water service piping ties into the existing service piping. . Added on the Lltilit] Plan. 25. Provide details on the plans for the grease trap prior to site grading. . Grease trap detail to he provideti once a G('is selccted, 26. Demolition plan shall include rernoval of existing seivice piping to the connection locations prior to site grading. . Added. 27. The applicant shall coordinate with City staffprior to rernoval or constnrction ofthe services regarding inspection and traffic control on W 79a Sheet priorto site grading. . N()te added t() plans. 28. Once construction is complete, the applicant shall retain ownership ofthe proposed sanitary service, water service and hy&ant constructed on this property. Recommend applicant consider flushingofthe water service piping when selecting the location forthe hydrant.. \oted 2 CEI Engineering Associates, ln( 29. The applicant shall follow the accessibility code for the construction as well as all applicable State and Federal laws.. \oted 30. The applicant shall obtain permits from all applicable agencies which may include, but is not limited totheMPCA, MnDOT, RileyPurgatoryBluffCreekWatershed Dishic! etc.. \\'orking on all Penlits. Environmental Resources: l. The applicant shall revise the landscapeplan to accommodate more ofthe required buffer yard trees inthe south buffer yard area.. Tree's added. 2. The interior width ofall landscape islands and peninsulas containing trees must be a minimum of lOfeet. The east island shall be enlarged to a minimum interior width of l0 feet.. [.antlscape islands rer isetl t(] a nrin. I0' intertor rl idth. 3. Any existingtrees scheduled to bepreserved that are lost due to construction activities shall be replaced.. \oted 4. The Colorado spruce listed in thePlant Schedule shall bereplaced with Black Hills spruce.. Revised 5. Existing ashtrees that are preserved must be treated for EAB, as approved by the city. Failure to treat the trees, resulting in ttreir death, will require replacement trees to be planted. . Noted Planning: I . The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping.. Noted 2. A copy ofthe cross access/parking agreement shall be submitted to the city.. Has heen subnr itted. 3 . Wall lighting and the trash enclosure lighting shall comply with city code.. \oted 4. The proposed monument sign shall be relocated on the site to comply with citycode.. Noted 5 . Signage shall comply with city code and requires separate sign p€nrrits for each sip.. \otcd 6. Bike racks shall be incorporated on site near the access sidewalk from Highway 5.. Addsd br SL buildrng corner. 7. Thebuilding elevations shall be revised to incorporate additional window openings inthe bare expanses ofthe north, west and south walls.. Architccl rrorking sith l'jlanning on Elevations 8. The applicant is proposing two color bricks forthe building material: tan and brown. The soldier coune ofbrick above the doors and windows shall incorporate the darker colored brick to accent the windows.. {rchitcct s orking u ith Planning on l- ler ations 9. Brick veneer may not be painted. EIFS may only be used as an accent material and may CEI Engineering Associates, ln( not covamorethan 15 percent ofthe wall area.. Architect working with Planning on Elevations 10. Additional rooftop treatments shallbeprovided abovethebuildinge,ntrance.. Architect working with Planning on Elevations Water Resources: I . Six inches oftopsoil is required and will be verified by city staff. In grading notes on page C3 it states 4 inches.. Rer ised throughout set t{) 6 ot'topsoil 2. Topsoil needs to be specified.. Noted added to l-A PIan 3 . Sequencing ofConstruction identifies no. 5 as to construct the temporary sedimentation and sediment trap, but nowhere in the grading plan is it identified. Plans should identiff the bio-filtration basins be graded to be used as ternporary sediment basin, along with temporary outlets to allow stormwat€rto bepumped and drained too, duringconstruction ofthe site. . \()tcs atLletl t,r I-.( P': 4. A design and planting plan approved bythe Water Resources Coordinator is required for thishigh visibilitylocation. Seedmix is insufficient forthese vegetated basins. Youmust use species native to the ecoregion.. Sce rcrised LA Plan. 5. Sock should be eliminated from drain tile. Buckshot and orpea rock to strround underdrain pipe.. See rer isetl details. 6. Underdrain tile needs to be identified. Shouldbe aHDPE Comrgated perforated plastic tile. SCH 35,40 PVC pipe is not allowed forunderdrain.. Ses rei ised details. 7 Tileinbio-filtration basin needs to be placed on aminimum grade of0.5 percent.. See rer ised details. 8. Plan details need to show a profile ofthebio-retention basin with the grade ofthe tile placement.. See rer ised details. 9 . All quantities ofmaterials to be used, and specifications need to be identified on plan sheet for contractor to bid and to construct.. \oted. 10. Mixed D soil may not be used. We only use 75 percent washed sand and 25 percent leafr compost.. Mix B used. u'hich conrplies * ith the specifications. u. Bio-filtration basin should be identified in sequencing that it should notbe completed until all surrounding watershed tobasins are stabilized.. Noted on F('P's 12. City staffto be called andbe on site when contractor is installing bio-filtration basin to make swe the existing subsoil is scarified I 8 inches below surface in bio-filtration basin . \otetl otr Platrs 13 . Contractor to have written staternent as part ofthe pre-construction meeting the means and method ofhow they plan to scariff and protect the subsurface from compaction in the bio-retention basin. ' Notetl 14. An approved operation and maintenance plan is required for all stormwater treatnent 5 CEI Enaineerino Associates. ln( devices. Including contact information forperson(s) responsible formaintenance as well asperson(s) performing onsite inspection andmaintenance duties. Thecitymust approve operation and maintenance plans priorto p€rmits being issued.. \\ orking on O& \{ plans. I 5 . The city will hold the security on the project until vegetation is well established, and the planting is free ofweeds. This may take a few growing seasons to achieve. . \ trtcd 16. An additional drainage and utility easernent shall berecorded overthe drainagebasins located west and south ofthe parking lot. ' \rrtctl Please let me know if you have any more questions or need any additional information for the project. Sincerely, CEI Engineering Associates, lnc. fl^W Alan Catchpool, PE MN Branch Mgr. Attachments 6 CEI Engineering Associates, lnc