CC Minutes 8-26-19CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 26, 2019 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Jake Foster, Kate Aanenson, Jason Wedel, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha, Jerry Ruegemer, and Roger Knutson PUBLIC PRESENT: Raymond Roob 8584 Chanhassen Hills Drive So. Connie Schibilla Love INC Brian and Jean Steckling 8040 Hidden Court Larry Koch 471 Bighorn Drive Linda Norderhaug 7603 Frontier Trail Roger and Dorothy Downing 7200 Juniper Avenue Joel Judy Nybeck 7404 Frontier Trail Mack Titus 2747 Century Trail Jay Schreur 8376 Suffolk Drive Carla Thompson 8524 Mayfield Court Ray Murray 6618 Brenden Court Lucas Souza 8091 Hidden Court Mark Page 10 Hill Street JoAnn Syverson 489 Pleasant View Road Donna Burt 6645 Horseshoe Curve Steve Corkery 40 Twin Maple Lane Mayor Ryan: Good evening. Today is August 26, 2019 and I call this Chanhassen City Council meeting to order. Ladies and gentleman would you please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. Again good evening everybody and welcome to our council meeting this evening. To those of you that are watching at home or livestreaming from the Chanhassen website thank you for joining us. We have a full chambers this evening. For the record we have all of our council members present tonight so our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as printed? If not we will proceed with the publishes agenda. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: TEEN VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION. Chanhassen City Council – August 21, 2019 2 Mayor Ryan: On behalf of the City Council, I think a lot of them are in the hall so let’s wait for them to join us. Welcome everyone. Keep squeezing in if you can. I know it’s a packed house. Don’t be shy. I know teenagers never get embarrassed. Come on in. Alright. On behalf of the City Council and the Park and Recreation Commission I would like to recognize the 2019 teen volunteers. These 13 to 16 year olds were selected to serve as volunteers for city sponsored recreation programs from June through August. The programs consisted of the Old National Bank Summer Concert Series, Senior Center activities, Lake Ann Adventure Camp, Exploring Science Camp, the Penny Carnival, youth sports at the Rec Center and the Discovery Playground program. The City would like to thank this year’s teen volunteers for their service. Together, you won’t believe this but together they compiled over 479 hours of service to the City of Chanhassen. I’m going to ad lib here real quickly. I just want to again acknowledge how awesome it is that I know how busy all of your schedules are with sports and activities and traveling and fun over the summer and the fact that you all took the time to volunteer on behalf of the City of Chanhassen is something that we’re all very proud of and we think it is for lack of a better word super cool so we hope that service becomes part of your life because once you get a bug for it I promise it will stay with your forever so I’m going to come forward and when I call your name please meet me up front and receive your certificate. And I will do my best to pronounce your name. I grew up, my first name is Elise and I was called Elsie all my life so I will do my best to get it right. Alright first up Alex Haider. Please come forward. Alright you want to step to the side please. You can stay up here with us. Next Amelia Wennerstrom. Ben Schubbe. I knew him when he was really little. Next up Brian Gilbertson. Bryce Lesinski. Demitre Stampley Jr. Jack Liwienski. Josh Boevers. And last but not least Matthew Brands. Jerry Ruegemer: Okay now everybody let’s get together please. Two lines. Mayor Ryan: Congratulations you guys. Todd Hoffman: Kate? Kate Yezzi. Mayor Ryan: Thanks everybody. Appreciate your service. Where did all my stuff go? Sorry, so many papers up here. Well next is our consent agenda. Alright sorry about the pause here. Next up we have consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated August 12, 2019 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated July 16, 2019 3. Approve 2020 Service Agreement for Joint Assessment with Carver County Assessor Chanhassen City Council – August 21, 2019 3 4. Consider Site Plan Review for Life Time Fitness Parking Lot Addition 5. Glendale Homes: Approve Final Plat, Development Contract and Construction Plans 6. Resolution #2019-40: Approve Quote for Sanitary Sewer Televising (I/I) 7. Approve Contract for Repair of Floor Drains at Public Works Building 8. Approve Fireworks Display at St. Hubert Catholic Community, September 14, 2019 9. Approve Indemnification and Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Flying Cloud Airport Joint Zoning Board and the Flying Cloud Airport Zoning Ordinance 10. Approve Driveway Easement for Control Concepts 11. Resolution #2019-41: Accept $2,500 Donation to Fire Department from CenterPoint Energy 12. Resolution #2019-42: Accept Donation from Love INC for Donations to the Senior Center Maple Room (Memory Café) All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. HONOR 20 YEAR RETIREE FIREFIGHTER BARRY STECKLING. Mayor Ryan: We will begin with our scheduled visitor presentations and then if anybody wants to come up afterwards I will welcome you at that time. So Chief I will turn it over to you as we honor a 20 year retiree. Chief. Chief Don Johnson: Thank you Mayor and Council. I also brought with me 40 some of your very dedicated volunteer firefighters tonight to help us celebrate with that. Tonight we’re here to celebrate retired firefighter Barry Steckling. If I can invite Barry and his family up to stand with me tonight. Council as you know when a firefighter retires after 20 years, this is one of our celebrations so tonight with Barry is his wife Anita and their daughter Holly and son Tim. First off I need Holly and Tim we recognize that you also service. Barry Steckling: Tom. Chief Don Johnson: Sorry Tom. We recognize that you also served 20 years on the fire department so the missed Monday nights. The family events and Barry taking off in the middle of the night most of the time to come and help us, we also appreciate your service to the City and the fire department as well so thank you for that. Barry I looked at your file to prepare for this