CC Minutes 9-9-19Chanhassen City Council – September 9, 2019 6 CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Ryan: Alright we are back in session. Thank you everybody. Next on our agenda we have the consent agenda. Tonight we have consent agenda items number 1 through 10. All items listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be considered as a single motion based on staff recommendation. There will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired by anyone on council or here in the chambers you may request to have the item removed and have it considered separately on our agenda this evening. Are there any items that council would like to consider separately? Councilman McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Madam Mayor. Yes Madam Mayor. I would like to remove item 5 and item 8 for separate discussion. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Item number 5 and item number 8. We will move those two items under H, under New Business. Perfect, thank you. So is there a motion to approve consent agenda items 1 through 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10? Councilwoman Coleman: So moved. Mayor Ryan: Is there a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated August 26, 2019 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated July 16, 2019 3. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated August 20, 2019 4. Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for CSAH 101 Project 5. Item pulled for separate discussion. 6. Resolution #2019-43: Approve Quotes for Lift Station 22 Rehabilitation 7. Glendale Drive Homes: Approve Amended Development Contract 8. Item pulled for separate discussion. 9. Resolution #2019-44: Accept Advertisement for Bids: Award Contract for the Bluff Creek Trail Rehabilitation Project Chanhassen City Council – September 9, 2019 7 10. Consider a Site Plan Review with Variance for Chanhassen Butcher for Property Located at 590 West 79th Street All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. EASTERN CARVER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 112 REFERENDUM – DEEDEE KAHRING, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND OPERATIONS. Mayor Ryan: We have one scheduled visitor presentation so I invite you to the podium please. This is the Eastern Carver County School District 112 Referendum. Welcome. DeeDee Kahring: Well thank you. Thank you Madam Mayor, council members. Mr. Gerhardt and Mr. Knutson, thanks for allowing us to be here to share some information about upcoming referenda so I’ll just take a little time, along with Chris Hentges who’s here with us and Chris is with our teaching and learning department so we’ll just provide you with a little bit of information about the upcoming referenda and then we have a short video to show you. So as I mentioned on November 5th Eastern Carver County Schools will present a referenda to the residents of our community and a vote on 3 different items. You have a copy of our document in front of you. We’ll just kind of go over that. So the 3 questions, Question 1 will be an operating levy to increase support for student learning. Question 2 will be bond funds to address growth and building maintenance needs. We’ll go over that as well. Levy to renew our support for school security and technology. So the ballot questions, Question 1 the operating levy is an increase to continue strong academic preparation of our students to prevent cuts to programs and services. Maintaining our class size and assist with managing our growing enrollment. Question 1 needs to pass in order for Question 2 to pass, and I’ll explain that in just a minute. Question 2 is a bond referenda to build a new elementary school on district owned property that we purchased with the last referenda. It’s also to include a fairly significant amount of it to address deferred maintenance and to, deferred maintenance and building repair projects across the district as well as building a new larger bus garage. Again this question can pass only if Question 1 passes. Question 3 is a no tax increase renewal of our existing security and technology. This levy is used to support the technology in our schools. The security systems. Cameras. Our secured entrances. Our technology support and infrastructure in our schools. So what you need to know that’s kind of on that right hand side of the page is really the district is growing with our current demographic study and you’ve seen developments within your community as well as the 3 other communities that we support, or that support us and that’s Victoria, Carver and Chaska as well so 1,400 students on 5 years, that equates to about one new classroom per month per year. So a lot of growth in the communities. Many of our elementary schools are either at capacity or near capacity and we’re planning for the growth to meet the needs of those students. Additionally the Question 1, the operating levy is to take into consideration that State funding has not kept up with inflation. If it had kept up with inflation we would be receiving about $6 million dollars per year more than we currently are so funding has