Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on September 19,2019, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City ofChanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice of Public Hearing to consider a request for variances for lot cover and front yard setback for property located at 690 Carver Beach Road, Planning Case No.2019-14 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. ri. il laG""n,o p{Ltct.iL Subscribed and srrrcm to before me rhis EIAday of \LptciT..bcr-r-. 20 I e. N otary Public inJSAI-j iioiarl Subject Property Oilclrlr g, This map b neith€r a l€gally Ecoftled map nor a 3urvey and i5 not intended to be used as one. This map is a comfilation of records. info,malron and data loaated in vadous cjty. county. state and federal offices and other sources regarding the alea sholfln, and as to be used br leferenc€ purpos€s only The City do€s not rranant that the Geog6phic lnfomation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor free, and the City does not repaesent that the GIS Data can be used fo. naugaibnal. lracking or any other purpooe requiring exactng mea3urement of distance o, dir€ciioo or precision in the dedction ot geogEphic h3tures. Th€ preceding dEdalmer as Povicbd pulsuant to Mann6ota StaMes 5,(66.03. Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of this map aclnorledge3 that lhe City shall nol be liable for any damages, and expressly warves all daims, and aorees to d€Erd. indemnify, and hold harmlesr the city fro.n any and all daims b.oooht by User. ils employees oa agents, or third parlies whiah adse out ot the use/s access or ll3e of data provided. (TAX_NAME,) rTAX_ADD_Ll r ITAX_ADD_L2tr, <TAX_ADD_L3l (Next RecordD(TAX_NAMED I<TAX_AD D_L I l <TAX_ADD_L2I, ITAX_ADD_L3I Subiect P,operty Diachhlor ThB mrp i8 neilher a legally recodea, map nor a suryey and is not intended to be us€d as one. This map is a @mprlaiion of records, infomatioo and data located in varn ur cjty. counly. state and fede6l ofices and other sources regarding lhe area sho.,n. and is !o be us€d for refurenc€ purpos€s only. Ihe City does not warrait that the Geographic lnbmation sy3Em (Gls) oatia used to prepare thas map ale eroa fee, and the city does not lep.esent flat the Gls Data can be used for navEa0onal, t_aaking or any othef purpce requidng exaclinO neasurement ol distance or direction or pEcision in the depition of geooraphic batures. The preceding dis<iaimer is provired pursuanl lo Minn6ota StaMes 5,{06.03. Subd. 21 (2000), and the user ol this map acknowled06 that the Crt shall nol be laable for any damag6, and expEssly waav€s all daams. and agre€ to decnd. inalemnify, and hold harmless the cily frorn any and all daims bought by User. iB employees oa agents, or third parties which arise out o, the u3e/s acc65 or use ot data provided. 5 '.. f -/+ t ,! ! 'l- I \ a\ coESHX eE6 6i;60i5xBns(o=E6EEEEgE>CBFU, o--q9o, =do:E"u66-o:oo)..!g (E C.:2 -O O96N E€e P !.& c c) .J Eo! oooo=eoar>qE &-E HSdlo 6E>c6-9(.) fot (o< oo=99o -^ ; )a+tE H:u ;- E tr8 E o' 6E€ee I re E; Eg.? HE.+.E.9.E:E Qo-EororEu! 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