CC cvr memo 11-28-16 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhart FROM: Kate Aanenson AICP, Community Development Director SUBJ: Avienda CASE # 2016-25 DATE: November 28, 2016 BACKGROUND The PUD ordinance states, “in order to receive guidance in the design of a PUD prior to submission of a formal application, an applicant may submit a concept plan for review and comment by the Planning Commission and City Council. Following the receipt of the report and recommendations from the Planning Commission, the City C ouncil shall consider and comment on the concept plan”. ANALYSIS On November 1st a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission (verbatim minutes are included in the November 28th packet). Following is a generalized list of issues and concerns raised: • Density on two of the residential parcels are 26-34 units an acre exceeding city density limits • Loss of wetlands – would like to see a plan that saves the wetlands and the overall impact to the wetlands after the development is completed • Tree loss • Over grading of the site – ignoring the terrain • Can they meet the storm water requirements? • Walkability of the proposal PROPOSSED ACTION: The City Council provide observations and feedback to the developer on the Concept Planned Unit Development including the observations in the attached November 1st Staff Report. • Traffic on Bluff Creek Boulevard • Amount of commercial development – with the expectation the uses would be different/complementary to what exists in the current down-town area with emphasis on specialty/high-end retail • Screening or loading on the back of buildings/access management • Light and noise pollution • Sustainability of big boxes • Lack of charm / should be quaint / what makes it unique • Too much asphalt • Lack of parks and open space – gathering places Acting Chair Steven Weick summarized the comments at the November 1st meeting as he felt fell into 4 buckets: 1. “There’s aesthetics that I think people are very concerned about moving forward. Whether it be site grading which then probably leads to the charm of what you actually create there as far as the buildings. There’s noise and light pollution that I would consider aesthetics. Park space and open space. 2. There’s a traffic bucket that you know we’ll look at but obviously that was a primary concern that came out of the meeting this evening. Specifically the access points for Bluff Creek on both sides. Not just going into the neighborhood but entering the site from 212 as well as the proposed entrance, I think it’s at Mill is the name of the, so I think those 3 points are specific traffic concerns. 3. I think there was some good density questions that came up just regarding, and obviously this is preliminary but we need to keep that into consideration and we will as these things move forward but that is a very valid concern that was raised, and finally I think 4. The wetland preservation and how we do that moving forward so I think those, a lot of the comments fell into those 4 buckets so if we can certainly be sure in addition to everything that’s noted by staff in the packet, if we can specifically make note of those items that came out this evening I think we’ll be moving in a good direction.” RECOMMENDATION The City Council provide observations and feedback to the developer on the Concept Planned Unit Development including the observations in the attached November 1st Staff Report. Attachments 1. Email from Jennifer Swanson 2. Email from Geetha Bhatraj 3. Email Bhanu Thota 4. Email from Pramod Putta 5. Email from Lori and Corey Hothan 6. Planning Commission Staff Report dated November 1, 2016 g:\plan\2016 planning cases\2016-25 avienda - chan retail site\cc cvr memo 11-28-16.docx