Dorsey Response Letter 041414 April 17, 2014 PPB Holding, LP c/o Mr. Richard Dorsey 14215 Green View Court Eden Prairie, MN 55346-3042 Re: CSAH 18 (Lyman Boulevard) Reconstruction from Audubon Road to Powers Boulevard Request for addition of right turn lane at Sta. 208+00 and other project modifications. Dear Mr. Dorsey: This letter is a follow-up to our March 27, 2014 meeting. At this meeting we again discussed your interest in having a right turn lane constructed at approximate Sta. 208+00 as part of the CR 18 reconstruction project presently occurring on your property. We also discussed your request to have the outlet flow from the centerline culvert at Sta.209+58 diverted further west off of your property. Following is information and responses I have at this point regarding the items discussed: 1) The project includes muck excavation in the area where you would like to have a right turn lane constructed. The project also allows for disposal of the excavated muck material in the outside areas of the reconstructed slope. See plan sheet 26 of 220. Disposal of muck in the outside slope is not allowed between Sta. 203+59 and Sta. 208+30. This requirement was made in the plan to accommodate the potential future construction of a right turn lane in this area. 2) At our meeting you again requested that the outlet of the 24” culvert crossing at Sta.209+50 near the northwest corner of the PPB property be relocated further west than indicated on the plan. I have discussed this concern with the City of Chanhassen. We should be able to relocate the outlet close to your west property line. When we reevaluate the drainage design we will complete a cost estimate for the drainage work. The County will incorporate this drainage work into the present construction project if it is determined the pipe can be moved without major revisions to the current design and is economically feasible. 3) We also discussed construction of the right turn lane at this time as part of the CSAH 18 project. I have discussed this option with the City of Chanhassen. We cannot approve construction of the turn lane as part of this project unless more design work is completed. As you know, the turn lane and the future roadway extension would impact wetlands. Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420.520 clearly states that a sequencing argument must be made and that if a “feasible and prudent alternative” exists that avoids wetland impacts. Is there another roadway alternative to this property that would not impact wetlands? Is there a way to avoid the wetland impacts? The City’s Planning department will not allow double frontage lots in this area. Sincerely, AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn PPaarrkkss EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg HHiigghhwwaayy MMaaiinntteennaannccee EEqquuiippmmeenntt MMaaiinntteennaannccee SSuurrvveeyyiinngg && MMaappppiinngg CCaarrvveerr CCoouunnttyy PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss 11360 Highway 212 Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322-8016 Phone (952) 466-5200 Fax (952) 466-5223 Bill Weckman, P.E. Carver County c: Lyndon Robjent, Carver County Paul Oehme, City of Chanhassen Terry Jeffery, City of Chanhassen