Fwd Dorsey and Fox properties on Lyman Blvd Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Patrick Lambert" <plambert@co.carver.mn.us> To: "Jennifer Tichey" <jtichey@co.carver.mn.us> Cc: "Bill Weckman" <bweckman@co.carver.mn.us>, "Darin Mielke" <dmielke@co.carver.mn.us>, "Lyndon Robjent" <lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us> Subject: Dorsey and Fox properties on Lyman Blvd Good Morning Jennifer: In an effort to keep you informed of what’s happening with the Rick Dorsey and Jeff Fox properties, attached is the sale info and CRV for the Dorsey land sale that took place yesterday, (08/13/2014). I talked with Rick this morning. As part of the sale agreement, he retains rights to the condemnation process and will be hiring an attorney and appraiser. He is also waiting for additional information from Bill W. Once he gets his appraisals, he will contact me to see if we can work out a settlement. Regarding Jeff Fox, he has a potential buyer for his property but it has not sold as of yet. He too is waiting for the commissioner viewings and hearing. However, he did not indicate whether or not he has hired counsel or an appraiser. As it sits right now, it looks like we will continue to deal with Jeff and Rick. They are waiting for confirmation on when the commissioner viewing will occur. Please let me know if you have heard from any of the commissioners regarding acceptable dates for the viewings. Patrick Lambert Carver County Right-of-Way Agent Office: 952-466-5214 Cell: 952-378-0177 plambert@co.carver.mn.us<mailto:plambert@co.carver.mn.us> Disclaimer: Information in this message or an attachment may be government data and thereby subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, may be subject to attorney-client or work product privilege, may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected. The unauthorized review, copying, retransmission, or other use or disclosure of the information is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system.