RE Regarding 2nd access of the Dorsey parcelThere is nothing in our policy right now. Everything is negotiated. Typically we begin by asking the developer through the City to make improvements to accommodate the development. We negotiate from then on out to come to consensus. Lyndon Robjent, P.E. | Division Director, County Engineer | Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1, Cologne, MN 55322 Tel: 952.466.5206 | Fax: 952.466.5223 lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us “The unauthorized disclosure or interception of e-mail is a federal crime. See 18 U.S.C. SEC. 2517(4). This e-mail is intended only for the use of those whom it is addressed and may contain information which is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under the law. If you have received this e-mail in error, do not distribute or copy it. Return it immediately to the sender with attachments, if any, and notify the sender by telephone.” From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 2:26 PM To: Lyndon Robjent Subject: FW: Regarding 2nd access of the Dorsey parcel Lyndon, What does the County cost share policy state for these type of turn lane improvements? Would the County participate in the cost for the turn lane improvements? Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 email: poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us From: jeff@emailtogo.net [mailto:jeff@emailtogo.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 11:31 AM To: Gerhardt, Todd Cc: rick.d@comcast.net Subject: Regarding 2nd access of the Dorsey parcel May 7th 2012 Todd, In conversations with you, Kate and Paul, I understood we were in agreement on the location of the 2nd access point, along the North West corner property line of the Dorsey parcel. That location would allow for the greatest distance possible to the Sunset & County. Rd. 18 intersection. It is my understanding the 2nd access point Location meets standards and is acceptable to Carver County. We respectfully request that the City to confirm it is in agreement with Carver County regarding that location of that 2nd access point. Please confirm that the 2nd access point is being included on the County Road 18 update mapping. It is my understanding this will be the final version of the mapping by Carver County for the reconstruction of County Road 18. Todd, we also would appreciate the chance to talk further with you about the potential assessments for the two intersections which Paul Oehme referenced in his April 24th 2012 email to Rick and me. It is my understanding that the Carver County needs to redesign and reconstruct County Roads to State safety standards which will handle traffic from development planned to occur over the next thirty years. In this case the growth would be based on the 2008 comprehensive plan of the City, accepted by the County. Both Rick and I already have access into our properties from County Road 18. I have an access point on the west edge of my parcel which I willing to vacate because of its close proximity to the Lyman/Powers Blvd interchange. In return, I would agree to, including my lost access point for the 2nd access point with-in 10’of the Dorsey westerly property line as we agreed to previously It is my understanding that Carver County has said the 2nd access point, meets safety distance guidelines from other intersections. Given the guidance for our parcels, we believe that the access points are necessary to service current and future development. Because they are necessary, it would seem that the County has the responsibility to design and build safe access to them which includes turn lanes without assessment to property owners. Finally, I would appreciate receiving copies of the City's correspondence with Carver County regarding the 2nd access point and the County Road 18 reconstruction final mapping. I look forward to receiving documentation of the touch point be included on the map. Sincerely, Jeff Fox k at this again. I told them they would need a traffic study to show this as I recall ours said it did not have a significant benefit to traffic operations. They mentioned a City Traffic Engineer said 2 accesses to a proposed large retail site were not enough. That summarizes my discussion. Lyndon Robjent, P.E. | Division Director, County Engineer | Carver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1, Cologne, MN 55322 Tel: 952.466.5206 | Fax: 952.466.5223 lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us “The unauthorized disclosure or interception of e-mail is a federal crime. See 18 U.S.C. SEC. 2517(4). This e-mail is intended only for the use of those whom it is addressed and may contain information which is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under the law. If you have received this e-mail in error, do not distribute or copy it. Return it immediately to the sender with attachments, if any, and notify the sender by telephone.” outh side of Lyman Blvd. · Have any design changes been made to straighten out Sunset Trail making it safer by moving its intersection with Lyman Blvd. further west to align with our existing driveway on the south side · Lyman Blvd. alignment further north in front of our house. Thereby avoiding taking a disproportionate amount of land on our side of the section line and causing a loss of the berm, trees and space distance between the road and the house. · Right in right out along our westerly property line showing on project development maps Please let me know if we should be meeting again with respect to any of the above issues and I will make myself available. Rick Dorsey 952-831-7204 <130816_1980 Plan review.pdf> Uӫˑ“ӬˑӬ˒{ӭ˒ ӭ˓ Ӯ˓“ӯ˓`ӯ˔3Ӱ˔’ӱ˔;ӱ˕XӲ˕“ӳ˕ӳ˖}Ӵ˖ƒӴ˗ӵ˗“Ӷ˗]Ӷ˘5ӷ˘“Ӹ˘8Ӹ˙[ӹ˙’Ӻ˙Ӻ˚€ӻ˚€ӻ˛Ӽ˛’ӽ˛[ӽ˜8Ӿ˜“ӿ˜5ӿ˝]Ԁ˝“ԁ˝ԁ˞ƒԂ˞}Ԃ˟ԃ˟“Ԅ˟XԄˠ;ԅˠ’Ԇˠ3Ԇˡ`ԇˡ“Ԉˡ Ԉˢ ԉˢ{ԉˣԊˣ“ԋˣUԋˤ=Ԍˤ“ԍˤ0ԍ˥cԎ˥’ԏ˥ ԏ˦ˆԐ˦xԐ˧ԑ˧’Ԓ˧SԒ˨@ԓ˨“Ԕ˨-Ԕ˩eԕ˩“Ԗ˩Ԗ˪‹ԗ˪uԗ˫Ԙ˫’ԙ˫PԙˬCԚˬ“ԛˬ*ԛ˭hԜ˭“ԝ˭ԝˮŽԞˮrԞ˯ ԟ˯“Ԡ˯MԠ˰Fԡ˰’Ԣ˰(Ԣ˱kԣ˱“Ԥ˱Ԥ˲ԥ˲pԥ˳#Ԧ˳“ԧ˳Jԧ˴HԨ˴“ԩ˴%ԩ˵nԪ˵’Ԫ˶肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀 肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀肀