RE Rick Dorsey (18)I would say that is a correct statement. From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 1:03 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey OK. So the County does not have any information when the culver was installed, all we know is there was a 15” cmp culver in place at this location prior to the 1981 project. Is that correct? Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:58 PM To: Oehme, Paul Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Here is the 1 page without comments. From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:26 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Ok I think that note is under your note. Please send me a copy of the plan without your notes. Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:16 PM To: Oehme, Paul Cc: Darin Mielke; Robjent, Lyndon Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Paul, The plans I sent constructed CSAH 18 to its current condition. On sheet 3 of 21, I included a note indicating the presence of an existing culvert pipe as part of the topography that existed prior to the 1981 construction. My reference to a 1920’s plan was incorrect. The cross sections show a previous ditch (prior to 1981) which ended at the existing culvert (prior to 1981) which I’ve noted on the previous email and attachments. Nate From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:04 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Nate, Thanks but thought you said you had a county plan from the 1920’s. This is the 1980 plan. Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 11:52 AM To: Oehme, Paul Cc: Darin Mielke; Robjent, Lyndon Subject: FW: Rick Dorsey Paul, Per our discussion this morning, please see the email thread below which discusses the culvert under Lyman near Station 209+60. Nate From: Nathen Will Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 2:48 PM To: 'Lyndon Robjent' Cc: Bill Weckman; Darin Mielke Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Lyndon, Wasn’t sure if you were looking for a response from us on this email or not. Several of Rick’s bullet points we view as being “closed items” based upon previous discussions with the County. None the less, our responses are as follows: 2nd Paragraph regarding soil borings / determination – Upon review of our files, I wasn’t able to locate a request being made to either the County or SRF for the soil boring information. Copies of the soils reports have been provided to the County. Let us know if you need further information. Regarding Rick’s statement about the “Is the county going to submit an application along with me for a determination showing this to be incidental wetland?” What wetland is he referring to? I presume it’s Wetland #17 in front of his house. In short, I do not recall any discussions about submitting a joint application with the County and Rick on the WCA application. We have reviewed Wetland 17 and we have no reason to believe it outside of WCA jurisdiction and therefore at this time cannot consider it incidental. Rick will have an opportunity to present his data on Wetland 17 to the TEP. Ultimately, the WCA LGU will have the final say whether Wetland 17 is jurisdictional (i.e. incidental or other). Bullet Points in same order as original: 1. See attached PDF for 1981 Construction Plan (County) which clearly shows the location of existing cross culvert pipes that were present even before the County’s 1981/82 improvements on Lyman. This plan even shows the proposed culvert (1981 plan) that exists currently today just to the east of the combined driveway to the north of Lyman (Sta. 19+30 equates to Sta. 209+60). Incidentally, notice the existing culvert (attached PDF) that was located just east of Sunset Trail which appears to have been directing flow (north to south) into Dorsey’s property where Wetland 17 was delineated. This issue was responded to by County in letter to Rick dated 5/13/13, no further action. 2. Status of wetland determination – refer to previous email sent earlier today. 3. This issue was previously responded to by the County in a letter to Rick dated May 13, 2013. No further action. 4. I can only presume Rick is inquiring about the RI/RO which is not included in the plan. Again, the County provided a response to this in the 5/13/13 letter. We provided a revised “sketch” showing the RI/RO location to the County on 6/27/13. Our scope does not include budget to coordinate / respond to questions regarding the RI/RO. Sincerely, Nathen H:\Projects\6098-P3\_SENT\Client\130816_Response Dorsey\ From: Lyndon Robjent [mailto:lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us] Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 7:40 PM To: Bill Weckman; Nathen Will Subject: Fwd: Rick Dorsey Lyndon Robjent Carver County Engineer/PWD Begin forwarded message: From: <rick.d@comcast.net> Date: August 9, 2013, 3:38:32 PM CDT To: Lyndon Robjent <lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us> Cc: <plambert@co.carver.mn.us> Subject: Rick Dorsey Lyndon, I am following up on our past meeting June 26 with SRF regarding wetlands and the drainage along the road. You were going to try to find and copy me on the soil information from the files for the construction of the existing Lyman Blvd. and also send me the soil boring information you have recently done. I didn’t hear back from you. Is the county going to submit an application along with me for a determination showing this to be incidental wetland? Also, I got notice of a petition for condemnation of property yesterday from the County. I would like to get an update on the following: · The drainage issues we discussed at the northwest corner of our property including eliminating the culvert bringing water under the road from the north as historical maps showed it staying to the north and that the culvert was moved two-three hundred feet to the west with the road construction in 1981. · The status of the wetland determination on the south side of Lyman Blvd. · Have any design changes been made to straighten out Sunset Trail making it safer by moving its intersection with Lyman Blvd. further west to align with our existing driveway on the south side · Lyman Blvd. alignment further north in front of our house. Thereby avoiding taking a disproportionate amount of land on our side of the section line and causing a loss of the berm, trees and space distance between the road and the house. · Right in right out along our westerly property line showing on project development maps Please let me know if we should be meeting again with respect to any of the above issues and I will make myself available. Rick Dorsey 952-831-7204 컡䘲䁨ᨒ郓钦⓹₺실돃䮉浘缁⠙斃ᵥ渏⽥惋蔠䮩䗾䛳嫻모䆲璈ዦ㢌鼘立擛呒⢖�糳ḇ䎞꾈碗蒮�⧘늗㉽︫觞ꉦ��붭宻∷塕ᆕ㟱ނ᡾넇亿驹㒰Ĕ覷븞튷镛拱蝗蒽ꅧﶴ뇻땣깶粊滝悎贝㬞挻಺뻣凯ꀟ浖䴱ᓓ瘟⽦厝癐䂻律產Ꮉ蹻�汰揋厛泱署틵ꥉ㗚ᤷ蠥稢鑎읣蜊Θ춠詑㎱﫫좷鋎呾鷴鞠ꢽ㮷㖓�祳庢鶪龘캟앜뗷昼竿ힿ┤륌᜻該莼굍軆쨴�靝씹蛿윰酃윢떝ǡ༊是阫㘢Ⴂ⣆࠘ڊ쑻儋묚ꌒ䔘秩ȥŠ儍갰ᖀ뀨듰ᯈ㦐쁭 티舘䩚⼏稇㓒⦭㾊ం⠀ᤵඵ攊摮瑳敲浡攍摮扯൪㈱〠漠橢㰍⼼䉂硯㡛㜷㐮㤳㈠㜱㌮㔷ㄠ㐱⸸㠳㌠㔹㘮㔳⽝楆瑬牥⽛汆瑡䑥捥摯嵥䘯牯呭灹⁥⼱敌杮桴㌠ㄳ䴯瑡楲學⸱‰⸰‰⸰‰⸱‰㠭㜷㐮㤳ⴠㄲ⸷㜳崵刯獥畯捲獥㰼䘯湯㱴⼼效癬㜠‴‰㹒⼾牐捯敓孴倯䙄启硥嵴㸾匯扵祴数䘯牯⽭祔数堯扏敪瑣㸾瑳敲浡਍襈遬仍䃃萌绯Ἂ僡�뷿䉖蓥䐄峢椵퐛逶ᚄỞ뮷䡁酔㏆⽣ۣ锘콼怋膶呌㔞㉇姁䏜襊뉒䴚鑴莸쌔瘿㳕놜ꃘ拖⩲ᘈ⧨ꕨ㙥欑⾯☁✒擣鍒�簉ᢁ夢꒓磋媲 墺別ꇎꒋ﬙凰좎헿属疲䥶癫앲૵倇빲ׂ⯌箸癨摇햍蒺鯵䘩㓮㷤㕖㳜捶랃뵘躁⏤餧뻷똹㖐娫⋢�㹦셈賠�혢鉙゗ᘶꇋ䬛⊉껅ᶫ�ꕲ껥氻腊᜿鿰熂雛⺥㫏虹麶烮᱒旖⌛ᝐ矘立垊塲ᏸ橿꺮㕴換婳퍾멅縉᠄꜀貶ඝ攊摮瑳敲浡攍摮扯൪㌱〠漠橢㰍⼼䉂硯㡛㜲㔮‷㐸⸳㔸ㄠ㈱⸰ㄳㄠ㌰⸸㔷⽝楆瑬牥⽛汆瑡䑥捥摯嵥䘯牯呭灹⁥⼱敌杮桴㐠㘱䴯瑡楲學⸱‰⸰‰⸰‰⸱‰㠭㜲㔮‷㠭㌴㠮崵刯獥畯捲獥㰼䘯湯㱴⼼效癬㜠‴‰㹒⼾牐捯敓孴倯䙄启硥 嵴㸾匯扵祴数䘯牯⽭祔数堯扏敪瑣㸾瑳敲浡਍襈鉬滍ホ萐糯Ḋ莛岷裾毋₀ᐹ�젊遙嬙ⶁ鈦사�䑕⻆ᡪ懐�⣈ɷ腇ƈ娌줣⁚䠛䔞ੰ랼ꉎǒ疔Ṇい뿴፸ᜟ芹砪ᠬ㳯ⳋ吒Ⱖ㫯㖫腀�䢳鑠ᙂࣿӒમَႍ펌㔼垀ᴼဝ⇊箊黱壯遑냡㌕坠쪬캘돘藨ૢ粔ᓾ댏ⵄ韫㚜훬뼜쩜鞴囵ﭼꚙﵤ砪誵뼴좸䍯挜曟構㪾⭤경蛢ఐ�֠ꁛ䮹熧淋⫮虠�칯틩쵊ṕ踆붖奵䶠㣽꜍齒큟綏ଙ鶅㧣୮窷渗㐻�쫬᳝쩫敖熲绡辜幍윿ﮕ뒦梊�왒䝲荚呒᭶㣒 ⺖缬�懓쎎䞔蕰悾ꞯ멱皑곕拦캿ᬨ衭㎸쿷�㼜㎚塚딏◸૾0㣿矁਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‴‰扯൪㰼䈯潂學㈱㤷㈮′㌸⸵〰″㘱㤹㔮′〱㤵㌮崲䘯汩整孲䘯慬整敄潣敤⽝潆浲祔数ㄠ䰯湥瑧⁨㔴⼲慍牴硩ㅛ〮〠〮〠〮ㄠ〮ⴠ㈱㤷㈮′㠭㔳〮㌰⽝敒潳牵散㱳⼼潆瑮㰼䠯汥⁶㐷〠删㸾倯潲卣瑥⽛䑐⽆敔瑸㹝⼾畓瑢灹⽥潆浲启灹⽥佘橢捥㹴猾牴慥൭䠊沉쭒�ူ砫ཬ狞䀵ẑ楲ꀫ䅧嬏⒁钦㓢�䖕૙ࡢ蒐鶙�鄥᤟䅲꿏虇௒梐苊㈐臰熡Ⰶ踪݂튰黰愾쓷˓ࠇ䂞 䘇쿐䂰䈈示㒩蟞깕ু牃솭䴓줥刃遒ퟋ䑰威蹈䥪ꧣཡ濬愞坽콋樔ꨯ䯥镖奴蟵䲍㾂螲綂퇻柴禢曑璳�飐鐎䗡뻍씼鲪㢻꿲碼�퍓쪊⨗⮶ઈ요톐忦촷磝륜閃될ﰎ᪀ꗴ䪠驱噖⤑ꛔ庬珻祌캰ꙣ剞北瑶갂㮗㧃̃垩䄫࿫햛ﯓ๩ᒚ眎�鋰맢騙칱設יִ厪퓶秖�മ牙죘늛敎阷曇〭郔鯲寣杓䛩ꓝ詭䫃懒ꔪ檳放䤳됊ᴙ驣흏궩寗퓈췕㾶ᅏ丟ﻤ㼂頦⣍庾␓⃘台㒂尳䭮ࠉ頪껽䧳�畔牬�敤ꑦ䝄뿒藃廻龰뿬̀က�ഹ攊摮瑳敲浡攍摮扯൪㔱〠漠橢㰍⼼䉂硯㉛㜱⸶㤵 ㄠ㌴⸴㌵㈠ㄳ⸴㘳ㄠㄵ⸲㜳⽝楆瑬牥⽛汆瑡䑥捥摯嵥䘯牯呭灹⁥⼱敌杮桴㈠㐵䴯瑡楲學⸱‰⸰‰⸰‰⸱‰㈭㜱⸶㤵ⴠ㐱㐳㔮崳刯獥畯捲獥㰼䘯湯㱴⼼效癬㜠‴‰㹒⼾牐捯敓孴倯䙄启硥嵴㸾匯扵祴数䘯牯⽭祔数堯扏敪瑣㸾瑳敲浡਍襈遬伽㄃蘌キ漊僀❣ퟎ腚૊쒜㐌䔜ᛗხ羂牏℗⪆ᑒ᾽鱏젠�쁭摈츲ꢡ㑌⾸뉢봔ᐑ蛇큼΄쌘蓮੺唰鏙ꒊꮢĭ㎫蒸麵�杨ࡄ鋤쵈戺૥꾾稗᪅銅裗ǂ⩍ᱤ갳ꏡ撽鿙뗷�᪐凒븴ṵà繜熀⸎藰끢楻놨࿿山옆୮埧燇㿊፧恞۷ 좚坛헢�睳៨핫閼ꭨι벇數㘌櫒轏ꇣ臉ﮬꟓ볗໫聗쨗ᡛ਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‶‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴㈳䰯湥瑧⁨㠱⼱⁎⼵祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊糞쮎숊ူ罅陥邺餴⡄섔畗娡睬ꋢ鑠浀䴤eꓞ䔏眐猳㧯刌࠙蠊�逘ଃ倐猀⢗猢靝᠖閉격ۯ➰���⛳껉薶攪餵搸燪洟䭝⍲࢝덩䮥ᴐ沮ܡ繉ᖑ趜슾镌椧냨砟ᄑ꧅X᪫嚱㢶璴ꠚ龜꒑ꕤ�⊥諼⟅ॾ0怽幎਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‷‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴〱䰯湥瑧⁨ 㐷丯㈠启灹⽥扏卪浴㸾瑳敲浡਍�㘲こぐ圶到躈놵矑ⱊ畎쿋턫䪏䠬쥳䯌䩏⤬챋Ս뢊震锦ᙔ‡䌉ꤰ刏杮ဇ`蘭茗਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‸‰扯൪㰼䰯湥瑧⁨㐱〶匯扵祴数堯䱍启灹⽥敍慴慤慴㸾瑳敲浡਍㼼灸捡敫⁴敢楧㵮뾻•摩∽㕗き灍敃楨穈敲穓呎穣捫搹㼢ਾ砼砺灭敭慴砠汭獮砺∽摡扯㩥獮洺瑥⽡•㩸浸瑰㵫䄢潤敢堠偍䌠牯⁥⸵ⴲっ㄰㘠⸳㌱㐹㤳‬〲〱〯⼹㜲ㄭ㨳㜳㈺‶†††∠ਾ†㰠摲㩦䑒⁆浸湬㩳摲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷㍷漮杲ㄯ㤹⼹㈰㈯ⴲ摲 ⵦ祳瑮硡渭⍳㸢 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮砺灭∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰㸢 ††††砼灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㈰㔺ⴹ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㈰㔺ⴵ㔰〺㰰砯灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㈰㔺ⴹ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯䄾潤敢䄠牣扯瑡ㄠ⸰⸱㰱砯灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰 潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮携㵣栢瑴㩰⼯異汲漮杲搯⽣汥浥湥獴ㄯㄮ∯ਾ††††㰠捤昺牯慭㹴灡汰捩瑡潩⽮摰㱦搯㩣潦浲瑡ਾ††††㰠捤琺瑩敬ਾ††††††爼晤䄺瑬ਾ†††††††㰠摲㩦楬砠汭氺湡㵧砢搭晥畡瑬⼢ਾ††††††⼼摲㩦汁㹴 ††††⼼捤琺瑩敬ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮砺灭䵍∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰浭∯ਾ ††††㰠浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉甾極㩤㘳㠵㝤昱㤭攳ⴵ愴扤㤭㐱ⴳ晢㈶ㅦち攵〲⼼浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉ਾ††††㰠浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉甾極㩤挷戴昲㤱㠭㈵ⴳ㘴摡㤭㍤ⴱ㔰戱㕥㠳散〳⼼浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮瀺晤∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭摰⽦⸱⼳㸢 ††††瀼晤债潲畤散㹲摁扯⁥捁潲慢⁴〱ㄮㄮ䤠慭敧䌠湯敶獲潩汐杵椭㱮瀯晤债潲畤散㹲 ††㰠爯晤䐺獥牣灩楴湯 ਾ†㰠爯晤刺䙄ਾ⼼㩸浸浰瑥㹡㰊砿慰正瑥攠摮∽≲㸿਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‹‰扯൪㰼䰯湥瑧⁨㐱〶匯扵祴数堯䱍启灹⽥敍慴慤慴㸾瑳敲浡਍㼼灸捡敫⁴敢楧㵮뾻•摩∽㕗き灍敃楨穈敲穓呎穣捫搹㼢ਾ砼砺灭敭慴砠汭獮砺∽摡扯㩥獮洺瑥⽡•㩸浸瑰㵫䄢潤敢堠偍䌠牯⁥⸵ⴲっ㄰㘠⸳㌱㐹㤳‬〲〱〯⼹㜲ㄭ㨳㜳㈺‶†††∠ਾ†㰠摲㩦䑒⁆浸湬㩳摲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷㍷漮杲ㄯ㤹⼹㈰㈯ⴲ摲ⵦ祳瑮硡渭⍳㸢 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ † ††††砠汭獮砺灭∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰㸢 ††††砼灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㄰㔺ⴷ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㄰㐺ⴷ㔰〺㰰砯灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㄰㔺ⴷ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯䄾潤敢䄠牣扯瑡ㄠ⸰⸱㰱砯灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠 汭獮携㵣栢瑴㩰⼯異汲漮杲搯⽣汥浥湥獴ㄯㄮ∯ਾ††††㰠捤昺牯慭㹴灡汰捩瑡潩⽮摰㱦搯㩣潦浲瑡ਾ††††㰠捤琺瑩敬ਾ††††††爼晤䄺瑬ਾ†††††††㰠摲㩦楬砠汭氺湡㵧砢搭晥畡瑬⼢ਾ††††††⼼摲㩦汁㹴 ††††⼼捤琺瑩敬ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮砺灭䵍∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰浭∯ਾ††††㰠浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉甾極㩤挸搱㜹㕢挭㍡ⵦ㈴㙣戭挹 ⴰ㍦攳ち㜳㡡散⼼浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉ਾ††††㰠浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉甾極㩤ㄸ㔳愲挷㤭晥ⴸ㔴㠴㠭㜱ⴶ搱㝡㥡ㄹ㑣挴⼼浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮瀺晤∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭摰⽦⸱⼳㸢 ††††瀼晤债潲畤散㹲摁扯⁥捁潲慢⁴〱ㄮㄮ䤠慭敧䌠湯敶獲潩汐杵椭㱮瀯晤债潲畤散㹲 ††㰠爯晤䐺獥牣灩楴湯ਾ†㰠爯晤刺䙄ਾ⼼㩸浸浰瑥㹡㰊砿慰正瑥攠摮∽≲㸿਍湥獤 牴慥൭湥潤橢㈍‰‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴ㄱ⼶敌杮桴㐠㤱丯ㄠ⼷祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊곞셒ᐰ闼톹„뙾鱟Ⴌꈒ吗⪁ⷨ⇊�ኪ再큰㭫⻉斨묏牻�볌ᯱʫꨂↄŨढ⁍ꄮꠥ缌刊麆첆騙撡旐ᨨᒰאݘू␮⁘ا酘䷈⯨ᄘ᫐휦벸雌꙱䏀檶�痺浧ワ犹罯ꗸ蝽훎⿯笶巴䦿ލﳧ嗕ꦔ犂䔠뎨吕咑댞�蟴钠ኵ꜕㔑㩕꽍ꕥ밓啖皸꣼崇₈嘕ಐロ٩ౠ裸䝒⫍⠬㊹⇃猧춃�讻赫疤絧涳ͼ옪㺶漐�뷸ᝫ랍얳⤷襈犂䋒鼲㸋㹬岠묷뫞謧䷫黧༚ᜒ 䅴淎텏忋嗴뛧웽測ﭜ뭦惗ꬅ继빷站鿯泭괾ﲪ啺에騟ԩꔳ뾠耓͎⚘需ࣇ鼞籝잫⧍噥錧㵣㜦羒圧䗾ꑲ뿍䜤﹬牟Կㄇ⠌਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢㈍‱‰扯൪㰼䰯湥瑧⁨㌳㘷匯扵祴数堯䱍启灹⽥敍慴慤慴㸾瑳敲浡਍㼼灸捡敫⁴敢楧㵮뾻•摩∽㕗き灍敃楨穈敲穓呎穣捫搹㼢ਾ砼砺灭敭慴砠汭獮砺∽摡扯㩥獮洺瑥⽡•㩸浸瑰㵫䄢潤敢堠偍䌠牯⁥⸵ⴲっ㄰㘠⸳㌱㐹㤳‬〲〱〯⼹㜲ㄭ㨳㜳㈺‶†††∠ਾ†㰠摲㩦䑒⁆浸湬㩳摲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷㍷漮杲ㄯ㤹 ⼹㈰㈯ⴲ摲ⵦ祳瑮硡渭⍳㸢 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮砺灭∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰㸢 ††††砼灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㌴㈺ⴵ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺摯晩䑹瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㐲〺ⴳ㔰〺㰰砯灭䌺敲瑡䑥瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥〲㌱〭ⴸ㘱ㅔ㨴㌴㈺ⴵ㔰〺㰰砯灭䴺瑥摡瑡䑡瑡㹥 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯䄾潤敢䄠牣扯瑡ㄠ⸰⸱㰱砯灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯ਾ†††⼼摲 㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮携㵣栢瑴㩰⼯異汲漮杲搯⽣汥浥湥獴ㄯㄮ∯ਾ††††㰠捤昺牯慭㹴灡汰捩瑡潩⽮摰㱦搯㩣潦浲瑡ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮砺灭䵍∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰浭∯ਾ††††㰠浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉甾極㩤㙢㍢㠴㐰㈭昶ⵦ〴㝢愭㑥ⴰ昸攳㔱攰〱昶⼼浸䵰㩍潄畣敭瑮䑉ਾ††††㰠浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉甾極㩤〱 攵㈸晥昭㜲ⵢ㜴户戭㤴ⴵ昸敦攵㥤㐲攵⼼浸䵰㩍湉瑳湡散䑉ਾ†††⼼摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩㹮 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮瀺晤∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭摰⽦⸱⼳㸢 ††††瀼晤债潲畤散㹲摁扯⁥捁潲慢⁴〱ㄮㄮ䤠慭敧䌠湯敶獲潩汐杵椭㱮瀯晤债潲畤散㹲 ††㰠爯晤䐺獥牣灩楴湯ਾ†㰠爯晤刺䙄ਾ⼼㩸浸浰瑥㹡 †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† 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