RE Rick DorseyPaul – Here’s a pdf of the signed right of way plat. I believe there are right of way drawings for individual properties. If this right of way plat does not work for your purpose, let me know and I will see about getting the drawings. Also, I believe it was 11/7 when I sent you a JPA for review. Are there any changes you need on the JPA or are you getting it approved as sent? Thanks. Bill Weckman, P.E. Carver County Public Works 952.466.5207 952.466.5223 (fax) Email - bweckman@co.carver.mn.us <mailto:bweckman@co.carver.mn.us> “The unauthorized disclosure or interception of e-mail is a federal crime. See 18 U.S.C. SEC. 2517(4). This e-mail is intended only for the use of those whom it is addressed and may contain information which is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under the law. If you have received this e-mail in error, do not distribute or copy it. Return it immediately to the sender with attachments, if any, and notify the sender by telephone.” From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:36 PM To: Bill Weckman Cc: Lyndon Robjent; Darin Mielke Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Does the County have a plat or a right-of-way drawing I can use in my PowerPoint for Monday night? Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Bill Weckman [mailto:bweckman@co.carver.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 3:49 PM To: 'Nathen Will'; Oehme, Paul Cc: Lyndon Robjent; Darin Mielke Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Back in 1980 when Carver County did this project on what is now CSAH 18/Lyman Blvd, the section of what is now CSAH 18 from Audubon Road north over to MN 101 (the old sharp curve alignment) was an old township gravel road. I am not sure if Chanhassen Township existed yet at that time or if the City of Chanhassen had annexed all of Chanhassen by then. Along with this CSAH 18 project the County was working on the CSAH 17/Powers Blvd corridor north of Lyman to TH 5. CSAH 17 was a total new road. No road corridor existed through here prior to 1980/81. I would doubt that there exists a township road plan that would show this 15” culvert that shows up in the Carver County plan as an existing culvert. Bill Weckman, P.E. Carver County Public Works 952.466.5207 952.466.5223 (fax) Email - bweckman@co.carver.mn.us <mailto:bweckman@co.carver.mn.us> “The unauthorized disclosure or interception of e-mail is a federal crime. See 18 U.S.C. SEC. 2517(4). This e-mail is intended only for the use of those whom it is addressed and may contain information which is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under the law. If you have received this e-mail in error, do not distribute or copy it. Return it immediately to the sender with attachments, if any, and notify the sender by telephone.” From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 2:39 PM To: Oehme, Paul Cc: Lyndon Robjent; Darin Mielke; Bill Weckman Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey I would say that is a correct statement. From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 1:03 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey OK. So the County does not have any information when the culver was installed, all we know is there was a 15” cmp culver in place at this location prior to the 1981 project. Is that correct? Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:58 PM To: Oehme, Paul Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Here is the 1 page without comments. From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:26 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Ok I think that note is under your note. Please send me a copy of the plan without your notes. Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:16 PM To: Oehme, Paul Cc: Darin Mielke; Robjent, Lyndon Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Paul, The plans I sent constructed CSAH 18 to its current condition. On sheet 3 of 21, I included a note indicating the presence of an existing culvert pipe as part of the topography that existed prior to the 1981 construction. My reference to a 1920’s plan was incorrect. The cross sections show a previous ditch (prior to 1981) which ended at the existing culvert (prior to 1981) which I’ve noted on the previous email and attachments. Nate From: Oehme, Paul [mailto:poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:04 PM To: Nathen Will Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Nate, Thanks but thought you said you had a county plan from the 1920’s. This is the 1980 plan. Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works /City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph. # 952-227-1169 From: Nathen Will [mailto:nwill@srfconsulting.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 11:52 AM To: Oehme, Paul Cc: Darin Mielke; Robjent, Lyndon Subject: FW: Rick Dorsey Paul, Per our discussion this morning, please see the email thread below which discusses the culvert under Lyman near Station 209+60. Nate From: Nathen Will Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 2:48 PM To: 'Lyndon Robjent' Cc: Bill Weckman; Darin Mielke Subject: RE: Rick Dorsey Lyndon, Wasn’t sure if you were looking for a response from us on this email or not. Several of Rick’s bullet points we view as being “closed items” based upon previous discussions with the County. None the less, our responses are as follows: 2nd Paragraph regarding soil borings / determination – Upon review of our files, I wasn’t able to locate a request being made to either the County or SRF for the soil boring information. Copies of the soils reports have been provided to the County. Let us know if you need further information. Regarding Rick’s statement about the “Is the county going to submit an application along with me for a determination showing this to be incidental wetland?” What wetland is he referring to? I presume it’s Wetland #17 in front of his house. In short, I do not recall any discussions about submitting a joint application with the County and Rick on the WCA application. We have reviewed Wetland 17 and we have no reason to believe it outside of WCA jurisdiction and therefore at this time cannot consider it incidental. Rick will have an opportunity to present his data on Wetland 17 to the TEP. Ultimately, the WCA LGU will have the final say whether Wetland 17 is jurisdictional (i.e. incidental or other). Bullet Points in same order as original: 1. See attached PDF for 1981 Construction Plan (County) which clearly shows the location of existing cross culvert pipes that were present even before the County’s 1981/82 improvements on Lyman. This plan even shows the proposed culvert (1981 plan) that exists currently today just to the east of the combined driveway to the north of Lyman (Sta. 19+30 equates to Sta. 209+60). Incidentally, notice the existing culvert (attached PDF) that was located just east of Sunset Trail which appears to have been directing flow (north to south) into Dorsey’s property where Wetland 17 was delineated. This issue was responded to by County in letter to Rick dated 5/13/13, no further action. 2. Status of wetland determination – refer to previous email sent earlier today. 3. This issue was previously responded to by the County in a letter to Rick dated May 13, 2013. No further action. 4. I can only presume Rick is inquiring about the RI/RO which is not included in the plan. Again, the County provided a response to this in the 5/13/13 letter. We provided a revised “sketch” showing the RI/RO location to the County on 6/27/13. Our scope does not include budget to coordinate / respond to questions regarding the RI/RO. Sincerely, Nathen H:\Projects\6098-P3\_SENT\Client\130816_Response Dorsey\ From: Lyndon Robjent [mailto:lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us] Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 7:40 PM To: Bill Weckman; Nathen Will Subject: Fwd: Rick Dorsey Lyndon Robjent Carver County Engineer/PWD Begin forwarded message: From: <rick.d@comcast.net> Date: August 9, 2013, 3:38:32 PM CDT To: Lyndon Robjent <lrobjent@co.carver.mn.us> Cc: <plambert@co.carver.mn.us> Subject: Rick Dorsey Lyndon, I am following up on our past meeting June 26 with SRF regarding wetlands and the drainage along the road. You were going to try to find and copy me on the soil information from the files for the construction of the existing Lyman Blvd. and also send me the soil boring information you have recently done. I didn’t hear back from you. Is the county going to submit an application along with me for a determination showing this to be incidental wetland? Also, I got notice of a petition for condemnation of property yesterday from the County. I would like to get an update on the following: · The drainage issues we discussed at the northwest corner of our property including eliminating the culvert bringing water under the road from the north as historical maps showed it staying to the north and that the culvert was moved two-three hundred feet to the west with the road construction in 1981. · The status of the wetland determination on the south side of Lyman Blvd. · Have any design changes been made to straighten out Sunset Trail making it safer by moving its intersection with Lyman Blvd. further west to align with our existing driveway on the south side · Lyman Blvd. alignment further north in front of our house. Thereby avoiding taking a disproportionate amount of land on our side of the section line and causing a loss of the berm, trees and space distance between the road and the house. · Right in right out along our westerly property line showing on project development maps Please let me know if we should be meeting again with respect to any of the above issues and I will make myself available. Rick Dorsey 952-831-7204