Development Review ApplicationSn-l Pc {otl-r-r COilTIUNTIY DEVELOPMET{T DEPART E T Planning Division - 7200 Market Boutevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax (952) 2ZT-111o * ffiOTCHAilHASSIil Subminal Oate:,l APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ec oae: I a/ a / r 9 cc oat6: _!_l_..tL3.jg:12 6ooay n",i'* o"ru, lJ { 3 I (Refot to the aw,qrbte Ad&€t*n Ci,rcjr,i$ b. tq&d sutut/drf inb/I,l|r]li'on,rt tutg @iIFE,,V tha, ffi6o,t) n Comprehensive ptan Amendment...._.................... $eOO EI Subdivision (SUB)! Minor MUSA rine for fairing on-site "",*;..... iioo " p.1 creete a rots or ress E Conditional Use permit (CUp) E Single-Famity Resi01nce................................ $325Ll AllOthers........ ................... $42S ! lnterim Use Permit (ltjpt D ln conjunanon with singte-Famity Residence.. g325! A[ Otiers........ ... ....-....... ...... .................... 9425 ( lots) Metes & Bounds (2 lots)............... Consolidate Lots........................... Final Plat............... (lncludes 9450 escrow for attomey costs).'Additilal qscro* may be requLed for other applicatiorLr through the devetoprnent cort-ed. tr tr Create over 3 lots..- n E Sign Plan Review... Rezoning (REZ) ! Planned Unit Devetopment (pUD) ..Ll Minor Amendment to existinq pUD. EAt otners........ . ....-..... I Vacalbn of Easernents/Right-of-way (VAC) (Additbnal rcco.ding feas may apply) ......... s750 ......... $100 ......... s500 v)........................... lnterim Use Permit Variance Easements (__ easements) $300 . $200 . $3 per address .-..... $50 per document lan Agreernent E Site Ptan Review (SpR) I I Administrative. ................... $1OOD Commerciaulndustrial Diskicts*.. ................ iSOO Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building ar€a:( thousand square feet).lndude nunber ol oxid*rq ernployees: _ ! Residential Districis-.................................... $5OO Plus 95 per dwelling unit ( units) ......... $150 appl! Dtr E WeUanO atteraion permit WAp)! Single-Famity Residence............................... $1S0LJ Ail Others........ ................. $Z7S E ZoningAppeat ........................ $1oo E Zoning OrdinanceAmendment (ZOA)............._... E5OO !!gIE: When muHple.ppficdio'ls .,e proc.3s.d corEsnrnd, thc .pprlp.ilte he 3h.ll be ch.rgod toie.ch appticdion. E Notification Sign (City to instafl and remove) ..,. ...... ...... El Property Ownerc' List within 500' (Cily ro generate afie. pre.apptication rEetns)......................_........ f 4< aaaresses)E Escrow for Recording Oocuments (check all that LJ Conditional Use PermitE Vacation D Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ! site p Wetland Alteration Permit Deeds TOTAL FEE Description of Proposal: Three lot rcsidential subdivision 6760 Minna ashta Parkway Section 1 Application Type (check all that a pplv) Section 2: Required lnformation Property Address or Location Parcel*t 250051600 See Attached Total Acreage: Present Zoning Legal Description; 2.70 Wetlan(b Present? fl yes UI trto Single-Family Residential District (RSF)Requested Zoning . Single.Family Residential District (RSF) Present Land Use Desig n"1;on. Residential Low Density Requested Land Use Designation . Residential Low Density Single Family Home $700 Ef Variance (VAR) ..................................................-. $2OO Existing Use of Property: lcheck box if separate narrative is attacied. SCANNED A(!\ *{ 1-q r0 I\ dl Nl)) I ) $ $ Section 3 pplicant lnformationProperty Owner and A APPLICANT OTHER THAN PRO PERTY OWNER:ln signing this applicatbn, I, as applicant, represent to have obtainedauthorization from the property owner to file this app lication. I agree to be bound by conditions ofthe right to object at the heari ngs on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application approval, subject only to the properiy owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the appt has not been sig ned by should be processed in m y name and I am the party whom the City shou ld ication. This appl ication ap plication. I will keep m yself informed of the deadlines for submiasion of contact regarding a ny matter pertaining to lhis fu rther understand that additional fees ma y be charged for material and the progress of this application. I any auth to prodeed with study. I certify that consutting fees,feasibility stud les,etc. with an estimate prior tothe information and exhibits subm itted are true and conect. Name s .1"-.t *-t 16 (r J Contact: Address:7t)-Phone:/7t - ta3?City/State/Zip: Cell: Fax: Date Email e PROPERTY O ER: ln s igning this application, t, as property owner, have full legalauthorize the ,iling of this a pplication. I understand th at conditi ons of approval are bin capacity to, and hereby do, conditions, subjea onl y to the right to object at the heari ngs or during the appeal ding and agree to be bound by those the deadlines for submission of material and the periods.I will keep myself informed of be charged for co nsulting fees, feasibil ity studies progress of this application. I further un derstand that additional fees m ay study. I cediry t hat the information an , etc. with an estimate prior to any a uthorizatjon to proceed wih hed exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name:Dale Wllenbring Address:PO Box 89 Conhct: Phone:(952) 71s-2s26 City/Statezip: Email: Waconia. MN 55387 Cell: Fax: B lders.com Date: PROJECT ENGTNEER (if appricable) Name Campion En gineering SeMces, lnc.Contact Phone: Marty Campion Address 1800 Pioneer Creek Center 1763) 479-s172 city/state./zip: Email: Maple Ptain, Mn SS359 (763) 486-3799 mcampion@campion eng.com Who should i€ceive copies of staff rBports?'Other Contac-t lnformation: Name: Harold WbnellEl Property OwnerLl Applicant E] EngineerE omer Meadowview Tearacs A determination ot completeness of the appljcation shall be mwflnen notice of application deficiencies shall be maileO to ihe ade within 15 business days of apptication submittal. Aapprrcant within 1S business days of application. requiredprovisions. Th IS n mustapplicatio combe n fullpleted mand ust be ied alaccompan informby ation and plansble byoapplicardinanceCityfitiBeforenathissreferpplicationthetoappropriatechApplicationecklistnadconfethwithPenlantotngOepartmentdetermnethenceordinaspecifcndableapplicaroceduraprerementsndqufees. Section 4 Notification lnformation lI'ISJRUCT|ONS TO AppL|CANT device. PRINT FORM and detivei copy to the city for processing. : Complete all necessary form fields, then to city along with required documents and save a copy to your RM to send a digitat selecl SAVE FORM to payment SUBMIT FO SAVE FORM PRINT FORIU SUBTUIT FORM Via: El Emait ! Maited paper CopyMa: L_l Emait ! Maited pafer CopyVia: I4 Emait ! Maited paper Copy Via: l_l Emait D wtaiteO paper Copy City/Statezip Email: 3835 Sl- Bonifacius, MN * Signature: Signature: Cell: Fax: Address: 3{ I \I N s B- Property Owner and Applicant lnformationSection 3 Name l-a TD u{ru' B,,t'r LD'44 Address:&)Phone: Cell: Fax: Oate 3a 7, Email Signature: PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this a , as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do,authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by thoseconditions, subject only to the right to obiect at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep mysetf informed ofthe deadlines for submission of materi al and he progress of this application. I further u ndectiand that additional fees maybe charged for consulting fees, feasibi lity studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with thestudy. I certify that the information a nd exhibits submined are true and conect Name:k''L D (i Con!act:k'k Address:L Phone aKA 1?q lon City/Statezip: Email: Cell: Fax: Sign PROJECT ENGINEER (if appli:abte) Name: Campion Engineering SeMces, lnc.6on1r"1 MaO Campion phone: F63) 479-5172Address:1800 Pioneer Creek Center City/Statezip: MaPle Plain, Mn 55359 Email: mcampion@campbneng-com Cell: Fax: (763) 486-3799 Who should rcceive copies of staff reports?'Other Contact lnfomation: Name: Harold \ /onellI Property Owner Via: E Email! npptlcant Via: E Erail Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Address: _ City/Statezip INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT device- PRINT FORM and deliver copy to the city for pocessing. : Complete allnecessary form fields, then select SAVE FORtt to save a copy to your to city along with rcquired documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to serid a Aigitat SAVE FORM SUBMIT FORM delermi Th s n must be afull dn UStm beappcompleted iedn in nformatioaccompa redbyplansrequ by le Ord na cen rOVIS ntoapplicab s.filinBefore thitv rs top theI ic€tio cn hecklistAppl na d con withfer he Plann n ent to thenesDepartm ordina annce d blespecificapplica procedura rementsUI andreq E Engineer Via: E Emailn oner Via: ! Emait tr Email:Hsrold@Lakelo,vnBuildeG.com APPLICANT oTHER THAN PRoPERTY owNER: ln signing this application, t, as applicant, represent to have obtainedauthorization from lhe property owner to file this applicati;n. iagree io be bouna uy cbnoitions oiapproval, suoject onty tothe right to obiecl at the hearings on the application or during thi appeal perioo. rtirris apfrication-rlJs nlt u"en "ignea uythe property owner, I have attached separate documentation- of tut igat iapacity to nre irie apfiicatLn.'irri" appti".tionshould be processed in my name and l.am the party whom the City s[ouE tonti"t ,g".ding!;,imaterperlaining to thisaPplication. I will keep myself informed of the deadiines for submiision of material an-d ttre i.gi""" ;ihi" "pptication. Ifurther understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, reasiuiriti stuoL!, Etc. wittt Jn estimate prior oany authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the informJtion and extribiis submitiJ are tue'ana onea. Contact: Date: A determination of comPleteness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submitEl. Awritten notice of apPlication deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within t 5 business days of applicatjon. in all and referapplication,appropriate fees. Section 4: Notification lnformation PRINT FORM