Property DescriptionPROPERry DESCRIPTION: Beginning at a point 594.2 feet East ofthe southwest comer ofcovemment Lot 5, S€ction 5, Tovrnship I 16, Range 23 Wes! $ence North 100 feet at riglt angles to the South line ofsaid Govemmer Lot 5, to place ofbeginning of parcet of land to be described; thenc€ continuing North I62.5 feet; 6ence Fist and parallel with the South line of said Govemment Lot 5, 766-9 feet to Orc shore of Lake Minnewashta; dEnc€ southwest along said lake shor€ I t7.0 feet more or less to a point 674.2E feet East ofthe place ofbeginning; thence west 674.28 feet to the plar€ of beginning, Carver County, Minnesota.