Soil Borings ReportA EE Jdy78,2079 Proiect 19-0705 Mr. Dale Willenbring Laketown Homes, LLC 1535 Beachcomber Boulevard Waconia, Minnesota 55387 Summary of Test Pit Observations and Fland Auger Borings, 5750 Minnewashta Parkway, Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Willenbring: We have compleed the bst pit observations and hand auger borings at the above referenced site in Chanhasseo Minnesota. This leter provides a sumnary of our observations and results and preliminary grading recommendations. Background I-aketown Homes, LLC is proposing to purchase the property at 67fl) Minnewashta Parkway and possibly portions of the adioining propertie with the intent of constructing an approximate 5 lot residential development. As part of their due diligence process, Iaketown Homes, LLC retained Haugo GeoTechnical Services, LLC (HGTS) to observe the excavation of test pits and perform hand auger borings to evaluate soil and groundwater conditions and provide an opinion as their suitability to support the proposed reidential development. Documents Provided To aid in our evaluation we were provided 2{oncept Plans prepared by Campion Engineering Services, Inc. One Concept Plan showed the locatiors of the test pits and hand auger borings overlain onto an aerial photograph of the proiect area. This plan was not dated. The second Concept Plan, dated June 25,2019, showed a layout of the proposed development and included existing topographic contours. Procedures The test pits were excavaEd on July 17, 2019 using a backhoe contracted by laketown Homes, LLC and operated by others. The soils excavated from the test pits were visually and manually classified in general accordance with ASTM D 2488, "Description and Idmtification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)". Test Pit logs identifying and describing the soil materials encountered in the test pits are attached following this letter. The hand auger borings were performed by HGTS using a ,l-inch diameEr bucket style hand auger. The hand auger was advanced in 3 to Ginch increments to depts ranging from about 5 16 to 8 feet below the ground surface. The hand auger was then withdrawn to obtain cuttings which were also classified in general accordance with ASTM 2488, "Description and Identification of Soils (Visual/Manual Procedures)" . r 357O GlRovE ORtvE #ZZa, MAPLE G!RctVE, MN S53 r r - Re: Three (3) tet pits, designated TP-l thru TP-3, were observed and 3 hand auger borings, designabd FIAP- 1 thru FIAP-3 were performed on the proiect site. The general soil profile consisted of vegetation and varying depths of clayey topsoil at the surface. The topsoil consisted of lean clay that was black in color and iudged to be slightly organic to organic. The topsoil ranged from abolutl l/z to 3lz f.er't in thickness. Below the topsoil the test pits and borings generally encountered and approximate 2 to &foot layer of lean clay ttrat transitioned to sandy lean clay at a depth of about 4 to 5 feet below the ground surface. Based on the tuming resistance of the hand auger and by the thumb pressure required to indent or mold the soil, we estimated the days had a medium to rather stiff consistency. Groundwabr was observed in each hand auger and test pit at depths ranging from about % foot to 8 feet below the ground surface but was mostly observed within 5 feet of the ground surface. Preliminary Recommendations The vegetation and topsoil are not suitable for foundation roadway or utility support and will need to be removed and replaced with suitable compacted engineered fill. The underlying clayey soils appear generally suitable for foundatioru roadway and utility support Based on the reults of our observatioru, we recorunend removing all vegetatioq topsoil and soft clays, if encountered, from below the propoeed building roadways, utilities and oversized areas. Table 1 below sum-marizes the estimated excavation depths at the test pit and hand auger locations. Table 1. Antici ated Gradi Excavation *Excavation depths and elevations were rounded to the nearest 7z foot Additional, imported fill required to attain sie grades may consist of any debris-free, non-organic mtreral soil. We recommend that granular sand fill be used for ease in compaction and to provide a uniform subgrade. Excavations for soil corrections are anticipated to extend to or below the groundwater table. We recommend that fiIl or backfill placed in wet excavations or within 2 feet of the groundwater table Anticipated Excavation Elevation (feet)* Estimated Ground Surface Elevation (feet) Test Pit Number 9673-5TP.1 972 970 9709733T?-2 965"t-4 972 -969973 966 r/z1r/zHAP-1 970 966-963 967 lzHAP-2 2-5 966 9684FIAP.3 1357O GtRovE E!RI\/E #2?a, MaPLE GlRovEr MN 5Sg I I Ground surface elevations at the test pit and hand auger locatiors were etinated based on topographic information provided on the Concept Plan(s). The approximate test pit and hand auger locations are shown on Figure 1, attached. The sketch was prepared by HGTS using an aerial image from Google Earth as a base- The soil general terminology for soil decription and identification and dassification of soils for engineering purpoces is also attached. Observations and Results Approximate Groundwater Elevation (feet)* Anticipated Excavation Depth (feet). 969 - 967 9ffi Vz 968 970 TP.3 consist of granutrar soil (sand) with less than 5 percent passing the number 200 sieve and at least 50 percent retained on the number zl0 sieve. General Soil borings with powered equipment (i.e. drill rig) were not performed as part of this evaluation and because of that soil shength was estimated based on visual-manual procedures. In additioru the locations and elevations of the test pits and hand auger borings were estimabd based on information provided on the Concept Plans. The locations and elevations should therefore be considered approximate. The analyses and recommendations presented in this report are based on data obtained from a limitd number of hand auger borings and test pits. Variations can occur away from the borings and test pits, the nature of which may not become apparent until additional exploration work is compleEd, or conskuction is conducted. A reevaluation of the recommendations in this report should be made after performing on- site observatioru during construction to note the characteristics of any variations. The variations may result in additional foundation costs and it is suggested that a contingenry be provided for this purpose. We made water level measuremmts in the hand auger borings and test pits at the time and under the conditions stated on the hand auger boring and test pit logs. The data was inbrpreted in the text of this report. The period of observation was relatively short and fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to rainfall, flooding irrigation, spring thaw, drainago and other seasonal and annual factors not evident at the time the observations were made. Design drawings and specificatioru and conshuction planning should recognize the possibility of fluctuations. Flaugo CoTechnical Services, LIC has used the degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised under sirrilar circumstances by members of the profession currently practicing in dris locality. No warranty expressed or implied is made. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you on this project. If you have any questiors or need additional infornration, please call Paul Gionfriddo at 672-2774785. Sincerely, Haugo C,eoTechnical Services, LLC. I hereby certify that this plan, specfication or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professiona-l engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Paul Gionfriddo, P.E. Senior Engineer License Number 23093 Expires June 2020 ..an.*t*t';&" ;']"f"'f;s*: 1t%r,,,:;,$ r 357O Ci RErvE r,RrvE #Z?a, MAPLE GiRovE' MN 5531 I A.f,/o Attachments: Test Pit & Fland Auger I-ocation Sketch Fland Auger Boring Logs FIAP-I duu HAP-3 Test Pit Iogs TP-1 Aru TP-3 Decriptive Terminology 1357O CiREVE DRI\/E #ZZa, MAPLE GiRovE, MN 553r r { ",+" J Haugo GeoTechnical SeMces, LLC 2825 Cedar Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55407 Soil Boring Localion Sketch 6760 Minncwashla Parkway Chanhassen, Minnesota Figr[e #: I Drawn By: RD lhrE: I/l7ll9 Scale: None Project #: 194706 TP..3 IP-I 7--r IH^P-3 201E C,oogle @ t, 4..Ili"Jl @- Ia.rd O Appro,onlate Soit Boring Locarion a a a z 3 ( z t 9 E a 6 * q I zo o HAUEE ffiY$ Haqo GTS 2825 tuar Ave Sorth Minneapolis, MN 55407 Telept|one: 612-7*2959 BORING NUMBER HAP.I CUENT Dale Willenbrinq (Laketown )PROJECT XA E 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PRG'ECT NUMBER 1$0706 PROJECT LOCATION Chanhassen. MN DATE STARTEO 7/16i 19 C PLETED 7/16/19 GROUND ELEVATION 970 ft tl(}{-E SIZE inches ORILUNG CONTRACTOR HGTS GROI,TD WATER I..EVELS: Varnreor oruu c 3.50 n / Etu 966.s0 frDRlLLltlG METHOO Hand LOGGEO BY PG CHECKED AY PG I{OIES Ground surfuce ele\€tbos estimat€d.AFTER DRILU'{G _ I l!€ o 0.0 o +8 o t! o->EFUJ -r-:E'O-f>z a s .fre. 8E* tIJ e. FzooUJ-oa:F Fa6 = L!Foz SPT N VAIUE 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL# 20 40 60 80 tr FTNES CONTET{I (%) tr 20 40 60 80 i:! t! ':!vl Lean Clay, slightly OEanic to Oganic, black, vret. ffopsdl) (CL) Lean Clay, grey io aboqt 3 12 h thon motd€d brown and gr"y, ri/6t. (Allwium) Bottom of borehole at 5.5 feet. PAGE ,I OF 1 ATEI['OFINIJJIG - oG>Fl ^z)Yl<60>oz MATERIAL OESCRIPTION BORING NUMBER HAP-2 PAGE 1 OF ,I anchesGROIJNDETEVANON 968ft IIOLE S:IE GROUT{D WATER tEt/Elsi v lr nre or ooluNc 0-50 fr / Elev 967.50 ft PROJECT NAIIIE 6760 Minnewdshta Parkway v arren muxe 0.50 fl / Etev 967.50 fi Chanhassen, MN AT Et{O OF I'flLUI{G _ PROJECT LOCANO{ ) CO PLETED 7/16/19 CHECXED BY PG i{OTES Ground surface elevations estimated. ffifu fiffffi{}}}Ht* CLIENT Dale Wallenbrinq (Laketown PROJECT NUMBER 190706 DATE STARTEO 7/16/19 DRILUNG CONTRACTOR HGTS DRILLING MEfHOO Hand Auqer LOGGED BY PG I o 0.0 Ee (, MATERIAL OESCRIPTION UJ(!>EF u.l sB >2 .< ft- g5 UJi au>Ff<2JYl<do>oz Fzoo ul -:lr:F FL LIJ oz A SPT N VALUE 20 PL MC LL#20 40 60 80 tr FTNES CONTENT (%) tr 20 ilo 60 80 5.0 !_2 w I L Lean Clay, slightly Organic to OEanic, black, v/at. (fopsoil) I (CL) Lean Clay, grey, wet, estimated medaum to .athet stiff (Alluvium) ,%,(CL) Sandy Lean Clay to Sandy Lean Clay, motded brown and grey. ,r'ret, gslimatGd medium to raher stiff. (Glacial Till) q I B z2 o z(, ! 6 6 o o o Bottom of borehole at 6.0 foet. q = r^! a q I o HAUGO Frlifrtr$ Ha4o GTS 2825 fuar Ave Souttr Minneapolb, MN 55t07 Tefsptrcns: 612.7*29;9 BORING NUMBER HAP.3 PAGE 1 OF ,I CUEi{T Dale Willenbrinq (Laketown )PRG,ECT NAflE 6760 Minnerashta Parkway PROJECT NUMBER 1}0706 PROJECT LOCAI!Oi{Chanhassen. MN DAIE STARTED 7/16/19 coiTPLETEO 7/16/19 GROUND ELEVANO+{ 970 ft HOLE SIZE inches DRILUNG CONTRACTOR HGTS GNOUTI' WATEN IEVEIJS: Yrrlror mluNc 1.80 n / Ebv 968.20 ftORILUNG METHOO Hand Auqer LOGGED BY PG CIIECKED BY PG NOTES Gmund surface elevations I lL id o 0.0 o L^ <Yt'(, MATERIAL OESCRIPTION IIJ o->(rFUJ sBd- ==u) s E= EEgtr- t!G au>Fl ^z)d6>oz t-zoo HF Fa6 = Foz SPT N VALUE 20 i+0 60 80 PL MC 20 40 60 80 tr F|NES CONTENT (%) tr 20 ito 60 80 5.0 !_! ! !!! !_! i 2t! !_! t !!! t_! t .! 11 l-! i !!! i_! L Lean Clay. dEhly OEadc to Organic, black, v/st- Oop6dl) ,ru (CL) Lean Clay, grey, tf€t. (Alluvium) (CL) Sandy Lean Clay, face Gravel, grey, Yret. (Ghcial Till) (CL) Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravd, gl€y, nJsl straining, rlBt (GlacialTill) Bottom of boroholo at 8.0 feet. ATENDOFTNUJTG- AFTERIHUJaG- q B I = a z, 9 z o I e 6 ? a o HAUGDffis$ Haugo GTS 2825 C€dar Avo Soulh Minneapolis, MN 55407 Telophooo: 612-72$2959 TEST PlT NUMBER TP.l PAGE 1 OF 1 CLIEi{T Dale Willenbrins (Laketown Homes)PRoTECT NA g 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PROJECT NUMBER 190706 PROJECT LOCANO',I Chanhassen, MN DATE STARTEO 7/16/19 cot{PLETEO 7/16/19 GROTJND ELEVANO+{ 972 fI TESTPITSIZE inches EXCAVANON COI{TRACTOR HGTS GROI,}I) WATER ]ET'EUI: Y lrl- or acevelor 5.oo n/ Ehv 967.mftEXCAVAnON METHOO Tesl Pit LOGGED BY PG CHECKED BY PG AT END OF EXCAVANo.I - NOTES Ground surface elevations ! lrren excavmol s.,to fi / Erev 966.60 fr ILE o 0.0 IIo o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION L!t!>EFL! cBa!l ez s G- EE 8(-ulE au =Ff6<im6>()a Fzoo H9 Foo = L!Foz SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80PL MC LL#20 ,O 60 80 tr FTNES CONTENT (%) tr 20 ,+0 60 80 {! !!! r-! Lean Clay, slighuy Organic to Organic, black, $,8t. (Topsoil) % (CL) L€an Chy, gsy, rct, Glimat€d m€dium to r Er stitr (Alluvium) v 7.5 (CL) Sandy Lean Clay V modium to rather slifi. motiod brorn and g.qy, !yet, es'limat€d (Gladal Till) Bottom ot test pit at 8.0 leet. q . I = I o I Z 9 6 9 6 q I ao o HAUGO FHriifiY$ Haugo GTS 2825 Cedar Ave Soirth Minneapolis, MN 55407 TeleptEne: 6 |.2-729-2959 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 PAGE ,1 OF 1 CLlEl,lT Dale Willenbrina (Laketolyn Hqn€s)PRqTEGT l{AtrllE 6760 Minnerrashta Parkway PRO'ECTNUIIIBER 194706 PROTECT LocATlOl{ Chanhassen, MN OATE STARTED 7/16/19 CO PLETED 7/16i 19 GROI,ND ELEVATIOII 973 ft TEST PfiSIZE inches EXCAVANON CO},ITRACTOR HGTS GROt,NO WATER LEVELSi vrrlr c aclvm()t{ 3.oo fr / Erev 970.00 ftEXCAVATION iIETHOO Test Pit LOGGEO BY PG CHECKEO BY PG AT END OF EXCAVATIO{ - I{OTES Ground surface elevations estimated v lrrrn acavmott 8.oo ft / Erev 965.00 ft ILE o 0.0 o 3e(, ut(!>EFur ..',,:. 2= s d.: a'6al (E u.le o0?Ff6=id5>oz Fzoo TIJ .=E:S F o = SPT N VALUE ^20 40 60 80PL MC LL#20 40 60 80 tr F|NES CONTENT (%) u 20 40 60 80 5.0 !)! !1 I ,lr t!t !!! !_! i , l!! Lean Clay, slighty Organic to Organic, black, r,vst. Cfopsoil) v (CL) Sandy Lean Clay, t-ace Gravel, mottl€d blown and gIBy, waterbeadng, estimated Ether stifi. (Glacial 'I'ill) v 7.5 Botbm of tesl pit at 9.0 feet. L!f-oz MATERIAL OESCRIPTION i a2 o o ffitu HaWo GTS 2825 C€dar Aw South Minneapdas, MN 55407 Tebphonsi 612-729295S TEST PIT NUMBER TP.3 PAGE 1 OF 1 CUEI{T OaleWillenbrinq(Laketo.,n Hornes)PROTECT }{A E 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PRO.JECT NU BER 19{706 PROJECTLOCATION Chanhassen MN OATE STARTED 7/16/19 CON'PLETED 7/16/19 GROIJND EI.EVATION 973 ft TESTPITSIZE inches EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR HGIS EXCAVATIO{ HETHOO Test Pit LOGGEO BY PG CHECKEO BY PG AT END OF EXCAVATIoI{ - I{OTES Ground surface elevations - o 00 oI a! d(, oo uJo->-EFr! s9g3 s E- 9E Bru- ulE au>Fl Yl<60>oz Fzoo PF F 6 = A SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80PL MC LLt-a-----20 40 60 80 tr F|NES CONTENT (%) O 20 ,+0 60 80 2.5 vl Lean Clay, sluhtty Orcanic to OEanic, Uac*, wBr. ffopccil) (CL) L€an Clay, blow!, u,et, estimated rather soi. (Alwium) (SC€M) Silty Oa)rey Sand, trace Grawl, b.own and grBy, rBt (Glacial fill) V 10.0 Bottom of test pit at 12.0 feet. GROI,IT' WATER IEVE-S: vrrnr c gcevelor 8.m fr / Erev 965.00 ft ul! z MATERIAL OESCRIPTION n,A/)/1/^/)/A /_A 2,A 2 2/) /11,/ Se Rvrc es a Gtr Descriptive Terminology of Soil "qffi StandardO2,t8T-00 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unitied Soil Classiftcation System) Cr ena for Aasigning Group Symbols and Group I'lr,nes U3ing Lrboratory Tests ' Sorls Classification Grorrp Symtlol Gaoup l{ame ! o:c :Eg !53 iE: o5 E Gravel3 More lhan :O% of coalse.hadion elaine<l on Clean Gr.veli 5.; oa less fines ' C.>aand1<q=. 3c l &ll-graded gravel c C.< il and/or 1 > C.> 3 c GP P@dy graded Eavelc Gravelr wilh Flner More lhan 1 ?/o I'nes ' Fines cbssit as ML o.MH GM Fiiea cla3srty as C[ o. CH GC Clayey g[3vd '" Saarl3 50% 6 rE.e_of coa6a traclirh passeS t{o. 1 lide Clean Sand6 stl. (r less fir€s I C.>6ardl SC. <3c t Ell{raded sand ' C,<6e,5rorl>C.>3c SP Poody graded send ' $rd3 wnh Finca ' Mo.e lhan 12% I Fnes classify as ML or MH SM $[y seid 'r' FrEs clessify as CL or CH SC Clryey sand rr' !; eEH:38FE; :52Es Sllts and Chys L'qud rmit less than 50 lrErgEna Pl > 7 aad dob on o. aboYe'A' lilE I Pl < a or pbts bebf,'A' lne, Organ,c Lnud lmii - ov€.0 df'€d < 075Lilub limii - nor dried OL OL orO€ricdarkr-. org€n€siitt'c Sllt3 .nd cl.ys Lhud Imn 50 or nrote lnorcsnG Pl pbls on or above 'A' l,ae CH Fatday''' Pl plots bebv, ?_ |lne EtaslEslt^'. Oruanlc Ltui, limi - ovefl dried < 0.75L|qU6l,mrl - not dned OH OH orFnic day r r.' Orgeaa ! \'nq Highly Org.nlc Soils Prjmarily organic matier dark rn color and organEodo( 0lo 1 8PF 2!o3BPF 4ro58PF 6bABPF 9 !o 12 BPf t3lo t6 BPF 17lo30 8PF over 30 APF Drilllng taoirs Slandard pen€tralim l.3r hrings y,!ra ad6ncDd by 3 ll.t' 0.6 tr4' lO hoaor-sEm ar4grs unleas no€d oAterwise. Jethg w,el€r ras us€d !o dea. oul auger pfur b samplino o.rt wherc indi:aEd on 1006. Strnd.rd p€oerra0o.r Esr borhgs a.e de3€n8bd by tE p.€fix 'Sf (Sph Tube). Al saird€s rc.e taten rflh tle st rlded 2'OO spliltrbe sall$er. oc€pt wtEre no6 Pow€. auger boainos u/ete ad,anced by,r' o.6'dranEler cooliiiout Iight sold-slern augErs. S.il dassificalins efi, srrab d€gtis were rn. lH lio.n dishntcd sarples &rg€rcd b SE slrhce arld are, tlE.elo.e. sonEwhat appoxirnaE Poilr arger bo.!€6 are desonaEd by ,E p.etu'A ' tland eulEr norir!6 rre.e adraned mantary wi$ a 1 1n' d 3111' drarlel€, al8er aid wer! limiled b 0le deph lrorn whin tt€ augs couts be maoudly wi0r(,raym. Hand au9€. boriqE are indcaled by lhe prefr 'H.- BPF: NurtErs irdr€te tlo{s per ,@l recor(tsd in sbndad penelrton esl also k,rowi as 'N' value. The sempler lvas set 6' irto undisturt ed sad belrfl the holdv-sl€rn aug€f. ortvmg resiltanaes rere th€fl carnEd ,or s€co.d and thnd 5' increrien6 and added to gel gPF l.,t€re llrst diftered sBrifcantty. they a.e repo.ted b fie folb'rino lolm: 2r1 2 b, tc secood and lhard 6'rncrenEnf!. espedivery vU+l: WH indi:ates t,le aalnple, penaraled soi (,'a€, e/e€m ol hannet and rc6s atco€, *ivir€ mt reqdred WR: WR indiaates $e sanpler 9€net Eled so{ uardar weighl ol rods abre: har'Iner w€tgln ar{ driving nol Qqured Coirsistency of Cohesive Soils TW rnalcales lhin-waied (undisturbed) lub€ sample Panicb Size ldentification 8qjfrers - . Cobblea . Gravd Coarse Fic Sdrd CoaEe ll€dim slr ....... .. t{o.4bl{o.10 No 10to No. a0 l{o. 40lo l{o. 2m < No. 2()0, Pl<a d <a{o. 2(D. Pl> a and o{et 12' 3- lo 12' 3/4' to 3' l{o 4 to 3/it' Clay Relative Oensity of Cohesionless Soils Loose .... ... lredum densc Oense ........ 0io48Pf 5 to 10 B;,f 11 ro 30 aPF 31 b 50 BPF over 5() BPF 60 50 Eo ID!S30 t A20 d t0 7 a o 0 10 t6 20 30 aO 50 BO 70 E0 90 l0O t10 Liqui.t l-ilrit (LL) Labor.toiy T6fs oc s SG ca gu qp lhr: AlliesE wqe run rr o€neral aa.o.darce wtrr apo.( t*ASIfa sl,snabnk oo WD C LL PL PI PZX) w\',s ^$ .a,.9,t ,a o\\ owu C,\, IIH o. OH I tr /nt l, ot I dgtEt Ory dansny. pc{ lvA densrty. d Xrlurd nbrslrsecd cnl. % Lifi'rd limit % P|anic lilrn- % Prasro'ry irdex, % % pessing 20O s-ve Org6nrc conEnl. % Perceot ot satulatton, % Spedfc g.avrly ColEabn. F Arlgb ol hlernd rri.rb.r Undrfn€d compenive 3rrendn. psl Pociel perElro.rEler st er€!h. tsf SW . B-.dqrit nEElrrllx 3{rfr3m, ir.,rb r ndd .rrrPa .dl'l.d cotahr r lortLr. 6 !o!r. ..E r.di c.!tb. d lo.tdt a tdr' to !d4 'Emc. c! - o-ro, c. =.!9J_ qo, o_ .l lt si.str.a!>rsn t (!d,\.,r!r!(fb9o.pr!D . G.raara! 5b 12tt: rsi€ dd lytn!6b' G$rcaa .t {rd.d !r&l rar.t GtilGC .ilt {d !6tnrrar cb, GP€ra p6t grdd 96El -''l 5r GPGC Fdt !r-.d crrvd ra U.yI I nr. dd, ! CtLL rs Od ?tr!E GC€U q SC€Xg ttr-'l.r!'la. d wtcgftrr..'bg.qf r.r-n t adl cardE >r5* !.mt..b'rrhg,ef blEf rrr ' St$drs b r2tatE,!qi! d-d 'rn!.bSIU$ rd{i!.E trd rli lill SW.SC r.a{rd.rnrir d.y SP-Sra pdt er-C..n rll.t SP-SC ,oo.t lnd .rn tth dr, t , l!.rb.rg h.t ,lol h hac'd r-. .C 6 r Cl{- .r, d.yr l.d.arr-! iorozgt arJ. tlo &, ir, \rttt rf d r.ar Cfl!.idirE rFr(E raitI l.oacsr-*31A.tb 2lo Fffirr{ d'Edr b!.orr|at!.r r*acrr-*Itririao2oF*n -dylrid d !Ed!f blrqt.rr.n Pl > 4 ad pbn or a atorc 'A' l: o. Pl < a a dor. !.br'rl Er o Fl obl! dr d .!or. 'A h.q PI patr b.b'A lrE \ ryso|l.............. So{i ...-..... .. Rathe.so{t-........ iLdir''l . ... . . RauErst.lt ... ....... 9 r .. ... .... ..... \erystfl.... .. ..-... Hard ............... ,/-