Stormwater CalculationsSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Boylan Shores Chanhassen, MN DATE: 7G17-2079 CMI PRorEo No.: 0575 PnEP,f.ED Ftr,: Campion Engineering Services, lnc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 PRIEPA,;ED BY: Civil Methods, lnc. 1551 Livingston Avenue, Ste. 104 West St. Paul, MN 55118 EN6,NEER CERnFTAnoN: I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Name:David Possi, PE Signed: Date: Registration: )& 1G17-2019 MN No. 44573 Cvu MErHoos, INc. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS xD l warER l lrRAs Boylan Shores - SwMP October 2019 Table of Contents 2. EXtST|NGS|TECONDmON............ 3. PROPOSED 5m CONDmON........... 3.1 DRATNAGE PATTERNS 3.2 VoLUME CoNTRor- AND WArER QuaL[y......... I I I L 2 3 APPE'TDIX A - SOITS IITFORMANON APPENOIX B - DRAII{AGE DIAGRAM APPCNOIXC-P8OUTPUT APPEI{DIX D - HYDROCAD OUIPUT CvrL MErHoos, lNc No.05t5 Page I i Boylan Shores - SWMP october 2019 1. lrurRooucrroru The Boylan Shores development is proposed to be located between Country Oaks Drive and Minnewashta Parkway in Chanhassen, MN. Construction of the three new homes and associated hard surfaces will include 19,270 ft2 of new or reconstructed impervious area on the property. The development must meet the permanent stormwater management standards of the City of Chanhassen and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD). ReEulotory Stomwotet Requi rcme nts: 2. EXISTING SITE CONDITION The existing 2.41acre residential parcel consists includes a residence, drive and wooded / grass areas, with soils consisting primarily of silty clays. The soils have very poor infiltration capacity and generally fall within the HSG Type D category (Appendix A). Stormwater runoff from the site drains primarily to the south onto the adjacent private property, though a small portion at the east end drains directly to Minnewashta Parkway. All drainage from the property ultimately drains to the east (Appendix B). 3. PRoPoSED Sns Cor{olttox 3.1 DRAINAGE PATTERNS The proposed site condition includes L9,27O te (0.t14 ac) of new impervious area associated with the three residential lots and private drive. The property drainage patterns will be modified to direct as much runoff as possible to a new stormwater management basin and CtvrL METHoD6. lNc No. 05l 5 Page | 1 1) lnfiltrate or otherwise retain the volume of 1.1" (City more restrictive) of rainfall over all site impervious area. 2) Treat the runoff to the following pollutant reductions: 90% TSS & 60% TP. 3) Match or reduce stormwater discharge rates for the 1-, 2-, 1G, and lfllyear, Atlas-14 storm events. 4) Maintain a minimum of 3.0' of separation from the bottom of an infiltration device to the groundwater table elevation. 5) When infiltration not feasible due to site restrictions, alternative methods must be evaluated. When biofiltration is used, volume shall be increased by a factor of 2 (McwD). Boylan Shores - SWMP october 2019 away from the adjacent private property. The basin outlet will be connected to the existing sewer under Minnewashta Parkway. Proposed drainage patterns are illustrated on Figure 1 (Appendix B). 3.2 VoLUME CoNTRoL AND WATER QUALTTT The proposed biofiltration basin will provide a sufficient level of retention to meet the volume control requirements outlined above, including filtering a volume equal to 2.0" of runoff over all impervious area. Since biofiltration is given 50% credit per the MCWD Rule, 2.0" is used instead of 1.0" for basin sizing. The relevant volume calculations are as follows: Biofikrotion Volu me Colcuktlon : 7" x lmpe\ious Areo x 2 = 7" x 17'/72") x 79,270 ff x 2 = j,272 ff Totol volume Requbed = 3,272 tf Total Volume provlded =_!!.608.d r' As indicated, the biofiltration volume prorided (4,608 cu. ft.) exceeds the volume of runoff required to be retained on-site. The provided biofiltration volume is calculated as the volume stored in the basin between the bottom elevation (967.5) and the outlet elevation (969.5), with no credit assumed for filtration occurring during rainfall. The basin bottom will consist of 18" of sandy topsoil borrow (Mn/DOT Rooting Topsoil Bonow), with a 6" underdrain encased in washed rock. The basin shall draw down within 48 hours infiltrating at a rate of 0.8" per hour (a conservative estimate of the enSineered media) the maximum permissible basin depth of stored volume is 3.2 ft; however, the proposed basin is limited to 2.0 ft to ensure drawdown. Treatment is required to reduce discharge of sediment (TSS) by 90% and phosphorus (TP) by 6096. While it is not feasible to convey runoff from the entire property to the basin (namely, back yards of the easterly lots), the basin has been oversized to allow for extra treatment. The reductions have been quantified using an acceptable computer model (P8, in this case), as required, The P8 input parameters and output is included in Appendix C, and the results are summarized here: wotet Auolill, Res,utts lPd: Annual TSS Reduction: 99.9% (> 90% r') AnnualTP Reduction: 96.6% (> 60% r') CrvrL MErHoo6. lNc No. 051 5 Page | 2 Boylan Shores - SWMP october 2019 3.3 RATE CoNTRoL The configuration and outlet works associated with the proposed basin will control the stormwater discharge rate from the majority of the project site. The remaining area will drain directly offsite; this area is factored into the H&H calculations. The existing and proposed site conditions have been modeled with the HydroCAD modeling software using the TR-20 methodology and Atlas 14 rainfall amounts (Appendix D). The basin outlet structure will include a stool grate and 12" outlet pipe discharging to the City sewer, as shown in the modeling and project plans. fu designed, the basin will mitigate the increased runoff flow rates associated with the new construction, as required. Model results are shown in Table 1: Table 1: Flow Rate Comparison As indicated, the proposed desiSn adequately controls peak flow rates to at or below pre- construction values, Propos€d 1R (crs) 0.9 l-Year, Z€' ode, lD 2.t Existint (cf, 2-Ye.r, ZE" E dllt Foeo6.d (dsl (dsl LYear,4.21" 6(lstln3 PllpGed (dsl (ds) nYear, 7.25" Erlsting Pmposed (cfs) {crs) 12.6 5.6 3.9 CrvrL MfiHoos. lNc No. 05l 5 Page | 3 Appendix A - Soils Information l-arard O Appoxirur. soil Borine t cdn r N "'+" J Harrgo c€oTectmicd S€Mccs, LLC 2825 Ceda, Avcnuc Souh Minrcapolis, MN 55407 Soil Boring t ocarion Sketch 6760 Mimewashta Psrkway Chanhassen, Minncsota FigtrE #: I [}e*n By: R-D I)€,t:7ll7ll9 Scdc Noflc bccr #: 19{706 F. t P,2 'fP-t HAP.J 7-_r 2018 Googls trPd I EI . @ B 3 z 6 o z, !! a I 3 z CLIENT Dal6 Willenbdno (Laksbrvn Hqn€s) PROTECT PROTECI !OCATIOa{ Chanhass€fl, MN BORING NUMBER HAP-I ffitu DRILUNG CONTRACTOR HGTS CHECKEO BY PG NOTES Ground surface elevations eslimated. }{AllE 6760 Minnewashta Parkway coflPrlTED 7t16t19 GROUI.IO ELElATlOll 970 ft DRILUNG ITIETHOD Hand AUqeT LOGGED BY PG AT EIO OF DRIIIIi{G - PROJECT NUMBER 1+0706 DATE STARTED 7/16i 19 GROUif' WATER TEVEI.,S: v ar nr or mlu}{c 3.s0 ft / Elev 966.50 n Haugo GTS 2825 fuar Ave South Minneapdis, MN 55407 Telophon€: 612-74-*59 [loLE slzE inches SPT N VALUE m406080 PL MC LLl-------lHm406080 uJ(L>EFur 5='d- ==o s E- EEg5 u.ld o0>l-l ^zJxas<)? Fzoo ut ,:E;F Fo5 = t!Foz tr F|NES CONTENT (%) D m/O608000 a.F o-L!o o 3qo MATERIAL OESCRIPIION !_2 ,! Lean Clay, slightly O(gsnic to Organic, black, rvel [fopedl) 5.0 (CL) Lean Clay, g,ey b aboot 3 ll2 rs€t Ul€o motusd brown and grey, tt/or. (Allwium) ! Botlom of borehde at 5.5 feel PAGE 1 OF 1 AFIER MuITG --- ffitu Haugo GTS 2825 Cedar Ave Soultr Minneapdis, MN 5907 Telephone: 612-7292959 BORING NUMBER HN'.2 PAGE 1 OF 1 CLIENT Dale Willenbrinq (Laketown )PROJECT NAIIE 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PROJECT NUITIBER 19-0706 PRO.TECT LocAnot{ Chanhassen, MN DATE STARTEO 7/16/19 co PLETEO 7/16/19 GROUNO ELEVANON 968 ft IIOLE SIE inches DR'LUI{G COI{TRACTOR HGTS ORILUNG METHOD Hand Auqer LOGGED BY PG CHECKED BY PG AT ENO OF DRILIJ]{G _ NOTES Ground surface elevations estimated v lrren muro o.5o fl / Erev 967.50 ft IF^ o 0.0 oIotcn-(, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION l!(L>EFUJ!gd- s E- EUg5 uli a lr.l>Fl<ZJYl<60>oz Fzoo llJ -E:S F 6 LIJFoz SPT N VAIUE 20 40 60 80PL MC LLl#m406080 tr F|NES CONTENT (%) tr 20 40 60 80 5.0 , !!! !! r Lean Clay, slighdy Organic to Oeanic, black, t et. Fop6oil)I (CL) Lean Clay, grey, ',t et, estimated medium to rather stitf. (Alluvium) ,ru,(CL) Sandy Lean Clay to.Sandy Lean Clay grey, !r€1, esl,mated medium to ralher stifl moft€d brovr and (Gladal nll) I i s i z: a trz t 9 6 a 4 q a q I z 9 o o GROI.|iI) WATER TEVEU': v rr nre or mlu G 0.50 fr / Erev 967.s0 f, Bottom of borehole at 6.0 feet. o B . z z, q I 6 o HAUGoffir$ Haugo GTS 2825 C€dar A',/e Soufi Minnaapdb, MN 55407 Telephone: 612-7 292C59 BORING NUMBER HAP.3 PAGE ,I OF ,I CLIEI{T Oale Willenbrino (Laketowr Hornes )PRO.TECT }{Are 6760 Minne,rashta Parkway PROJECT NUIIBER 190706 PROJECT LOCATION Chanhassen, MN OATE STARTED 7/16/19 CflPLETED 7/16i 19 GROTJNO ELEVATIOT{ 970 fI IIOLE SIZE inches ORILUNGCOiITRACTOR HGTS GROU'IO WATER LE\'E-S: Y rr lr or mluNc r.80 fr / Ebv 968.20 nOR LUNG METHOO Hand Auqer LOGGED BY PG CHECIGD BY PG AT END OF OBLUI{G - NOTES Ground surface elevations AFTER TRILUI{G _ I o 0.0 oIe<Y o MATERIAL DESCRIPIION u,tt!>tEF LiJg9 l!r2z o s t= t'E gtr- uJc au>Fl 4='"60>oz- Fzo(.) rlJ-tE;s Fao lrl oz SPT N VALUE A 20 ,+0 60 80PL MC LL#20 ,O 60 80 tr FTNES CONTENT (%) tr 20 ,lO 60 80 50 !_! !!1 v I '-! !-! !_! I ,!t_! ! I Lean Clay, stilhdy O.ganic to Otganic, blac*, wot. Oopsoil) V %(CL) Lean Clay, g.ey, vret. (Alluvium) (CL) Sandy Lean Clay, trace Gravel. gley, rEt. (Gladal Till) (CL) Sandy Lean Clay, lrace Grav€|, grey. rust staining, wet. (GlacialTill) Bottom of borshde at 8.0 feet. a 2a =3 6 o zo, : I 6 q 5 z o HAUGO Friirflrm Haugo GTS 2825 fuar Ave Sout! Minneapolis, MN 5907 Telepho.E: 612-7*N59 TEST PIT NUMBER TP-l PAGE 1 OF .I CLIEi{T Dale Willenbring (Laketown Homes)PROJECT l{AllE 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PROJECT NUMBER 19-0706 PROTECT LOCAnOiI Chanhassen, MN DATE STARTED 7/16/19 CO PLETED 7/16/19 GROUND ELEVANON 972 ft TESTPITSIZE inches EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR HGTS GR(X'M) WATER TEVEI.,!;i v rr nr or qcrvrtto 5-00 ft,/ Erev 967.00 ftEXCAVATION METHOO Test Pit LOGGED 8Y PG CHECKED BY PG AT ENO OF EXCAVANOT{ - NOTES Ground surface elevations eslrmated v lrren aclvanox 5.40 fl / Elev 966.60 fl IF^ o 0.0 o Ir^ 3qo MATERIAL OESCRIPTION lll(L>trF- t! rEd->z u) s E- EEo5 UJe aG>Fl<ZJ d5>oz izoo d:s FLo o) LIJFoz SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80 PL MC LLl_= H20 40 60 80 tr FTNES CONTENT (%) tr 20 40 60 80 5.0 11 Lean Clay, sllghty Organic to Organic. black, '.vst. (Topsoil) % (CL) Lean Clay, g.ey, yvet, €stimatod medium to ralher slitr (Alluvium) V 7.5 (CL) Sandy Lean ClayY medium to iather stifl. , molded brown ard grey, wet, estimated (Glacial TilD Eottom oI test pit at 8.0 feet. d o. i ?I Z: 6 o z t I EI * q 5 z 9 Haugo GTS 2825 Cedar Ave South Minneapolis, MN 5t{07 Telepho.le: 612-7292959 TEST PlT NUMBER TP.2 PAGE 1 OF 1 CLlEt{T Dale Willenbring (Laketown Homes)PROTECT }{A,rE 6760 Minnewashl,a Parkway PROJECT NUISBER 19{706 PROTECT LOCAnON ClEnhassen MN DATE STARTED 7/16i19 coiTPLETED 7/16/1S GROT'ND ELEVATION 973 ft TEST PIT SIZE inches EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR HGIS GROUM' WATER I.EVELS: v AT nre or qcrvmofl 3.00 ft / Elev 97o.oo ftEXCAVATION METHOD Test Pit LOGGED BY PG CHECKED BY PG ATEXDOFEXCAVANO _ NOTES Ground surface elovations Estimated.v lrrea qclvenol 8.oo ft / Etev 965.00 fr IF^ o 00 o L^ 36 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION UJ >04Ful 1sl!l>z a s ,ffagc' r!E utllJ>F= ^z)d6><)z Fzoo UJ .= o,;F Fa 6 = UJFoz SPT N VALUE 20 40 60 80PL MC LLt ]H20 40 60 80 tr F|NES CONTENT (%) tr m,t{}6080 0 7.5 !! !t! I!L ! ll WL WL Lean Clay, slighty Organic to Organic, Uact, $ret OopsoiD V (CL) S€ndy Lean Chy, trace Gravel, moded blplrn and grey, waterboaring, €stimated rather stifi. (Glachl Till) a ffitu Bottom of test pit at 9.0 foet. I z: z, I : 0 6 - o I z o HAUGO F$ifi$s HaWo GTS 2825 C€dar Ave South Minneapdb, MN 5 07 Teisphone: 612-7*Ng TEST PIT NUMBERTP.3 PAGE 1 OF 1 CUEMT Dale WillenMno (Laketown Homes )PRO'ECT l{Atr{E 6760 Minnewashta Parkway PROJECT NUMBER 190706 PROTEST LOCATIOi{ Chanhassen, MN DATE STARTED 7/16/19 coitPLETED 7/16/19 GROUND ELEVATIOTI 973 ft TESTPITSIZE inches EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR HGTS GRO{, D WATER IEI,'EI.SI V lt nx or qcrvmo g.oo fr / Ebv 965.00 flEXCAVATION IT ETHOO Test Pil LOGGED BY PG CHECKED BY PG AT END OF EXCAVATI(X - I{OTES G.ound surface elevations estrmated AFTER EXCAVANO{ - IF^ o 00 EE o MATERIAL OESCRIPTION L! o->EF L]J -,,,9(!l =z s n- EEO(r()- u,E aG =Fl6"-id6>()z Fzoo PF Fa6 = aL!Foz ,r. SPT N VALUE m406080PL MC TIl-H20,(}60m tr FTNES CONTENT (%) tr 20 40 60 80 5.0 !! J !u Lean Clay, slighty O.ganic to Organic, black. urel [fopsoil) (CL) Lean Clay, bro,h, ,r/et, estimated raiher sofr. (Alluvium) (SCSM) Silty Oa)€y Sand, hace Grawl, brovrn and gsy, wot (Glacial Till) 10.0 Bottorn of test f,it at 1 2.0 feet. SE nvrc es a Eio D es c ri ptive Te rm i n o I ogy of So/ Standard D 2487 -00 Classification of Scils for Engineering Purposes (Unilied Soil Classification System) Crneri. lor Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboraiory Tests ' Soils Classificatlon Group Symbol Group ,{afie 6 :3 :Eitsc iE: (,E E Cr'.vels Mo.e $an 50% ol Cle.n Grrvels C.> a an lsq3 3c vl,blLgra(bd gravel o C.< 4 and/or 1 > C.>3'GP P@l|y g.aded g'aYeic GraveB witi Flnes More lhan 1 ?/. trnes ' Fines classrty as Ml or MH GM Silygraverd', Fin6 classrt as CL or CH GC Cbyey gravel "! Sarldg 50'6 or more of coa6e fradbn Clean Sands C,>6and1<C. <3c l rell-gEded sand i C-<6andor1>C.>3c SP Poody graded s3nd i Sindr with Fines r More lhen 't2% I Fnes cbssify as ML o( MH SM Salt sard rch Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayery sand'Pn :; E 3; ;5HFE;262 Silts and Clry3 Lrqud tmil less than 50 lnoB6na Pl > 7 and plots on o. aboYe _A' lirP I CL Pl < il or pbls below'A' lhel ML O.gan,c Lqud lrfil - ova.o dned < 075 LiquE lrmit - nol dned OL OL o'gglaccJayr''" Orgsnasii'r'" Silts and clays Liquid limd 50 or lmre lnor!6nrc Pl plols on or above "A' line CH Elasllc silt' I i Otgantc Lhud lim( - oven dried < 075Liqurd hmn - nol dned OH OH Org€nicdayrrh, OrgancS r'Fc Highly Organ,c Solls Pnharily organic ma{er dark in cobr and organE odo. . Sddrtrm*CFEat L(l5.rn)!iEb t hr, {np& d*-.d so.lr. r !ad(5._ o.!d[,.rd t dr.!!!]5 d ldrrrsE 6 bdr'b gd.' lzrc e c" = D-/D- q=(oJ q", o- d ltld cdh*ls* 8r{. d rinr arf rogo+rErE . G.r/altnts b 12*tE l!qi! dd rytiloE'Gt+G *r.grd.d !fti rtt !r Gr+GC rE+gr*d !.rEl rar dy GP.Gra Fdlt gr.(ld !.r,rJ ritr n GP€C !oo., g,*d gEld rat tl.y l nl. d-cly€3Cl{- st d.a rynld @.G{ q SC.Sx g. ltErld!-E d rdrclrEnE bgrurrlt!n r loil c.r*-E > 15t g.rna ..t lrh glGr b go+ ,Ed ' Sand. vih 5 b r2x tir.,!q.i! da ?i6.t 5\+S { \r!+grd.rrrai tr Srt SC E+{..d.d s-d srtr day SP€rl ,a.t gradsd lra rlh.0l SP-SC coort s..d 5d dh .Ay I I ltLrhqt litra5 piol ir hicrrd r-. ro.'r E. CL-ll. {y dry r l.ol oarr-E robzlgt A! llo.2qr. dd'rft lrdd5.ir grlld rrirE!.'. FedriErL l.d.rr*r>alrpr/.ib 26.F!&nirErrrrrrd'*dtrbgEallEd troa.r!|in >$tpLrE2qlFt&nilrrgr!'dd'grr,aybftqp.''En Pl >ar! dG6o. a!o,c'A'tr.o Pl <4a ptonlehr'f, ll p. Pl plot! m q 3t.l. -rf iE q. Pt 9br brhr'e- L: Drilllitg Ndcs Standard peflelralbn test botings rere adranced by 3 1/a' o. I 1/a' lD hdlo/-sterh augers unless aoled otherwse- Jeling water was used to clean out auger prb to sampling only wh€re hdrcated on logs. Slardard pe.elratidi test borings are d€signated by tE pretu 'SI- (Sptl Tube). AI sarpes were taten tilh the slerdard 2' OD sp{il-tube sanplef. e&epl wtle e rx}ted Sot Rather son Med m- taad|er atill sifl ... tliard .. . olo 1 BPa 2to3BPF 4io58PF 6toSBPF 9 Lo t2 BF|f r3 to r5 BPF 17lo 30 8PF ove. 30 APF Poyva auger bodnOs ucre advanaed try 4' o. 5' diarEter cofilinuous- i€li( sond-sreo aog€as. S{il daisifcalirE and stzta d€ptns yrere in- fened fom dbtrrabed selples &rgEred to th€ surhce aad are, llErefoae, somernat approif€le. Po.,€r aog€r Do.ing6 a.e deatgoaled by the pretu'8.' Hand augEr bofugs vJe.e advancad maouepry rrith a 1 1n' 6 3 111' diafiel€r aug€r ard rere lirnned b lhe deph lro.n $,htfi the auger could be manually withdrawi Hand aug€. borines are ifilcated by lhe prefr 'H.- BPF: Numbers ind,cate blows per toot.ec&cted in standard penetretirn test also known as 'N'value. Th€ sampbr was set 6' ilo uddislurb€d sdlbelortEho{or-ste.nauger. OMng resislarEB n ele lhen counl€d for second 8nd ltard 6' irErerienls and add€d to gel SPF. ll\/l|ere Ihey dinere<l srgnifcarilly- they are repoaled in the folklwing totm]- 2.|'l2lo.tll€ second and tlird 6'a.lc'€rn€nls. re3p€divet Consislency of CohesiYe Soils TW indcates lhlr}walled ('rdisturbed) lube sample Particle Size ldentification BoufaeG... Cobbles G€vel Coarse Fine . Sand coarse Medirn Fine . ...s ......... ... No.4 to Xo. lo ... No 10 to No.40 ... No.40 to No.20O .. <No.200, Pl<,1or .. <No. 20O. Pl> 4 and m or aboue 'A' ftrle over 12' 3' to 12' U4'to 3' l,lo ,l to 3r4' Clay Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Loose......... ir€6um dens€ Oense.. . . Olo4BPF 5 to 10 BPF 11 to 30 BPF 31 to 50 BPF 60 50 s w') ^$ -cf ot o+ ow. Ow IHorOH It*rtn I47 Wtt t,it! Iricaies the sanCer p€r€rded sd ln|(ler rGlght ol hemrner and .ods elom; diving ml.equired wR: YIR i$cates rhe sa,nder p€r€Uated sol under ,,veEht ol rods abrE: hamm€r reigm al|d drMng ncn reqli.eO. -9 .o !S30 : i20s o" 10 7 4 0 .0 50 80 70 8l) 30 t00 ito UqBad Lhnit (LL) Labor.tory Tests oo wo HC LL ?t P200 0 r0 16 20 30 l{ote: All lests w€le run rn generel acco.dance wt|h applicabb ASTM slar{ads oc s SG ca qU qp Dry der6rty. pcj lifet deosity. pc, Nat ral'rElst eco.ienl. % LrCiui{, Ln( % Pla$rc EniL % Ptasrcity index. % % passing 20O sreve OrgEna conEt. 9a Percenl ot satual-n. % Specifc sr&rly Cottesi,|. Fl Artle o, int€{nd fridbn Uncoofned comFessive sf rerEnh. pst Pekel penetoarEter slrerEth. Bf sk Pl plots below'A_ hne ./- Appendix B - Drainage Diagram a --"tr --. Er!q!!g qqlqtrq! L_____ .- -; ! = --1 PROPOSEO COtOmON d ...:-* I I --b -/t t: ^e DRAII.IAGE OIAGRAf, FIGl 2 E- 6 -:-7 3i L AppendixC-PSOutput P8 Ulbar C€Elmrlt tlodd, v.niitr 3.5 Caa 1910(r_t Ero*l tlqrlcs.p8c It Ld(ltorr tlan6, Ch3{rer Pr!.filG risp_+sg.p.9 Perfl|. nu.p5o.p8p 1$)2nA o9Hv79 65 8490 Rui Dai! Prlqxh) Ri(h) Sod(h) TotalYrs r016/19 29.5 23.72 5.79 0.99 4 10 2 08 1 0 Trna SllF Pi Hqrr Mhlnum lnLr{vsrt Tlrc (h.s) Mdnum Cdttlnuiy EflE % R*tlul8r-eoit (rr(n..) PrxlplLddl Scah F8r6 Ar Trnp OlEd (d.g+) Looplllrru Sb.m F[.1 'tol1t197a 1n,9999 Sinulrtdr D€t6. $sr K.+ Slop 9,30/1979 I 32.0 32.0 0.06 320 1.OO 100 5 10 E[!r Snorfdl Tsnpg.arr€ (deg, Snorrnel Abst_eti,l Faclor s.t)ay Antecedfil Rddal + Rmdl (irdre3) CN Ant€cadirt Mclislur! Cslddcn Groing Scaqr Fru€26 T€rnp (dc!FF) Se3sorl Sla( Month S6esm End Month Tinp-atur€ (degF{) Co., (ivd€lFOA) AMC{t 1.40 210 050 1.10 @ Fnroab Lad)& Esit! Tol8lls C€se l_tl6 Lf,(eto'm tlo.nes Chaflhassrr Data File Dala File File File 91 Oo4_Lak6lovr Hqncs.pEc lrcfiods, lncElrl - Ooqlmd .V. ProictlEsl 5-CES Dda 1 Baf tter 1 1 zl88 Rundl lo Daic. lnllllridql to O!v*P 80SCS CunE Numb.. (P.r*lr!) Scab Fa.lor t, PG{Ybrs Rurxrl Lod lndtEtly Cglncd€d lmpew F,efirr 0.371 o-o2 1 uns9ap( hpaariqrr Fl'clian Unsu'lpt Derr.sil| Stdaqe (hdr6) UnS*d lmFv. Rrindf Codltdr unsu'loi sc.b Febrtor PEtd6 L0d3 1 0 002 1 1 0.5 1 101 SEfl lmF dr' Frdn S.!pl OrprBdar SlorEgE (h.fr.3) $.pt lmp..v. R dlcodlcint SFd S.ab Fdrt Prt le Ld! SrEpftlc FEqulocy S..o'rlc E fidnc, $Epinf Sm 0& ollrDD) S.!.pirc Slop Dde (!ilrDo)1231 -II D6/ic. Oala O€vic€ Nrna 8(filler 1 INFD.'rdc. Typ. lnlfrEdon Outd Mlmd Ou{61 Oullet 967.5 0.031 0 106 08 100 PsU Rsnod Sc.b Fdor Sotbln ELrdi,l O) Botoil Are (ea) Pafiirrdli Pod Ara (dt3) fufirmfit Pod VolrnE (&{) P.rm Pod hn Ra6 (ir/h4 Flood Pool AEa (-r€s) Flood Pool VoLmo (e{) Flood Pod lnnf Reb (rv ) rnfin Basin Void Fraction Dcbatlor Pqrd olrta Prrnabal Or.rfi Ttpc Orn a o.llc. DtsrElEr (n) P€rlb.d6d Rie€r H€ight G) Numb€r ol Hol€s in Ris€t Hol66 Oiamaler Flood Pool Drain Ime (h6) Oascherg6 Coef Outlcl W€ir Leriglh 0) Dis.fiarge Cel SYd. Parndlrs Lagth olFlflPdr G) SloD. of Fld PsOr % B.tdn f,Vdtr (t) Sir6 Sle. Grdn+) iionnum Hr d Fbr O) lrsnhgr n C'lffi H s T--II-IT @I-I- II I -I Hydr&ti: R33. Ii,h6 {hrl) 1 0 -------r----- T + trr tl I tl = 1 T,il T T F=---f--t-T 1@ l@90100r00 15 t5o0.03 0.3 0 0 0o0 o 0 Fftdidr E ld.nc, (*) sdhc vdary oilrr) FHOrd.rDEyR.(l/@ znd Ontd Osy (1/dat{pm)o o 0 0 o1oo 100 't00 2@I100 1 1011 1.75 175 3.5o1_75 0.25 0.25 025o 20 20 20020 2 2 2 2 0 o 5 15 lmpr$.rr3 Rurdt Cdlc (Dcm) Pcrlrhur Rundt Cdrc (ppm) Pcftldl3 Cdrc E)eoardt Acdm. fur6 Gra-&{ay) Pertct Rdno/d R.t (lrdcy) WE holt Codicint W&hdt Ereoosrt SY,€€p€. E lcbnc,0 Wdsr Oudry Crrdta (pPm) L6d 1 L6d 2 L€id 3 5 0.025 2 2 o_o2 5 10 0.05 1 O OOzlS 0.014 0.0362 20 01 05 o02 015 0.38 1 11EEE PIEC Eo.fE (.tE to) PO* Plt,r. P00x P50* Pmlr 0 990@ 600000 13600 2000 64000 10000@ 3a50 340 180 1600 l moooo 3a50 3:lO 180 1600 1000000 3450 340 180 1600 1000000 0 o 3rto 180 0 PanicE gala nuo50 oao Parlicl€ Class P0%P to%P30.,6 P50%P80% 0 Watar Ou8l y Cdnpon6rn Data Cdngollerl Nene TP TKN CU PB ZN ! f,000 1f,OOO r 5,.om P8 Urbar Catd.ne Modd, Ve.sio 3.5 Case 191m4_Lakdon Hqlles.p8c Ti0e L*etq.fi Homes, Clsrhassen PrecFile msP-rrg8g.Pcp PdtFle nup50.p8p Mass Balances ry Vari&le 1UOA|8 09&)r9 65 8690 1(y16/19 29.5 23.72 5.79 0.99 Run Date Precip(in) RrIn(in) Sno,v(in) TctdY6 Vriable: TSS Mass BdtEe Tefm 01 vralershed infio,rB 03 infiltrde 05 filtered 08 s€dinen + decay 09 toad inffo,v 13 toad t'+@ 14 storage increase 15 mass bdarce ctEck Load Redrctidl (%) Vari$le: TP Mass Bddrce T€.m 0l uate.shed inflo,ta 03 infilffie O,l exfiltrate 05 fllered 08 sedimen + decay 09 tctd inf,o'Y 1 1 grcurdw q.rfro , 12 tdd qltf,o , 13 toad t"+ped t,t stq:age irct6e 15 mas bd'|ce ctEck Lod RedrJctim (%) Co.rcs (pgn) Bicnter 'l 86.,16 't 5.67 Loeds(lb6) Bicfi[er 1 398.85 72.28 72.24 326.34 398.85 398.62 0.00 0.22 99.94 Loqts(bs) Bicfilter 1 1.38 0.73 0.05 0.69 0.&l 't.38 0.05 0.05 1.3:t 0.00 0.00 96.62 Cqrcs (ppm) Eli(fft€r 1 0.30 0.16 0.01 86.46 0.30 0.01 0.01 FirstDate LaDate E!€.rb TddHrs Appendix D - HydroCAD Ou@ut Roding Diagram for l910l6_0515_Boyhn ShoreB_EX Prepar€d by CMltt ethods, lnc., Printed 1U17m19 l-lydrcCADo 1 0.0G2a gn 07283 @ 201 8 llydrccAD Sdrvde Sduliqls LLC Direct to East 1R Existing to South Property Existing to Offsite LinkA I 91 0l 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_ElX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. l-lvdrocAD@ 10.0G24 gn 07283 @ 2018 l-t/drocAD Soft\rare SolutbrE LLC Type ll 24hr 1-Year Rainfall=2.49" Printed 10n7l2019 Paoe 2 Time span=0.0G72-00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 mehod, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Storlnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd method Subcatchment 1S: Existirg to South ftoperty Rmoff Area=75,387 S 4.70o/o lmpervious Rumff Depth=0.74' Tc=15.0 min CN=78 Runofi:1.66 crs 0.113af Rumff Area=14,O43 S 13.06% lmpervisrrs Rurntr @h=0.88" Tc=12.0 min CN=80 Runofi:o.4l crs 0.025 af Reach lR: E<isting to Offsib lnflo/r/=2.Os cfs 0.'137 af Orrtflo ,=2.05 cfu 0.137 af Total Rrnofi Arca = 2.067 * Runoff Volune = 0.137 af AveragB Runoff Dapft = 0.80.. 9:!.91% Peryious = 1.9f2 ac 6.O8P6 lrpervious = 0.125 ac Subcatchrnent 25: Drect to East I 91 0'l 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 gn 07283 O 2018 l-lydrocAD Soft\ are Solulbr6 LLC Type ll 2Shr l-Year Rainfall=2.49' Printed 10/172019 Paoe 3 Summary for Subcatchment tS: Existirg b Sou$ Prope@ Runoff = 1.66cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volumr 0.113af, Depth= 0.78" Runoff by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs fype ll 2+h( 1-Year Rainfall=2.49" Area (sf)CN Description 3,540 98 77 Woods HSG Du7Good7',| 75,87 71,U7 3,540 78 Weighted Average 95.30% Pervious Area 4.70% lmpervious Area Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft1ft) (flYsec) (ch) 15.0 Dlrect EnFy, Sumrary for Subcabhment 25: Dircct b East Runoff = 0.41 cfs @ 12.05 hrs, Volume= 0.025 af, Depth= 0.88" Runofi by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr l-Year Rainfall=2.49" Area (s0 CN Description 1,9t3 12 730 98 77 14,U3 12,730 1,913 Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Length (fee0 (ftift)(ft/sec) (ctu) 12.0 lnflow Area = lnflow Outflow Direct Entry, Summary for Reach 'tR: Existing to Offsite 2.067 e,, 6.067o lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 0.80" for 1-Year event 2.05 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.137af 2.05 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.'137 4f , Atten= 0olo, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs 80 Weighted Average 86.947o Pervious Area 13.06% Impervious Area 1 9101 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 yn 07283 O 2018 l-t/dToCAD Software SoMbns tLC TW il 2+hr 2-Year Raintall=2.75" Printed 10/122019 Paoe 4 Time span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 points Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routang by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd method Subcatchment lS: Edstng to South PDperty Runofi Area=75,387 * 4.70o/o lmpervious Rumff Depth=0.95" Tc=15.0 min CN=78 Runoff=2.06 c-fs 0.138af Subcatchment 25: Direct b East Runoff Aea=14,843 $ 13.06% lmperviots Runoff DedtF1.07' Tc=12.0 min CN=80 Runofi=0.s0 cfs 0.030 af Reach lR: Existing to Offsib lnflow=2. cfs 0.168 af Outflo^,=2.54 cfs 0.168 af Total Runotr fuea = L067 * Runoff Volune = 0.168 af Ayerage Runoff DEpth = 0.97' 93.94% Pervious = 1.%2 ac 6.06P/o lmpervious = 0.125 ac 191016_0515_Boylan Shoree_EX Type ll 2+hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Printed 10/122019 l-'lydrcCAD@ 10.0G24 yn 07283 O2o18l-ltdrocAD Soft\ are Solutbm LLC PaSe 5 Summry for Subcatchment lS: Existirg b Souft Prcperty Runoff = 2.06cfs@ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.138 af, Depth= 0.95" Runoff by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, WeighteGCN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" Area (s0 CN Description 3,540 71,U7 98 77 Woods, Good, HSG D 75,387 71,U7 3,540 78 Weighted Average 95.30% Pervious Area 4.70% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description(ft/t) (fusec) (cfs) Tc (min) Length (fee015.0 lxrcct EnEy, Summary for Subcatchment 25: Dircct to East Runoff = 0.50cfs @ 12.05 hrs, Volume= 0.030 af, Depth= 1.07' Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, fime Span= 0.fi)-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" Area (sf) CN Description 98 77 Tc (min) 14,U3 12,730 't,913 Length (fee0 80 Weighted Average 86.94% Pervious Area 13.06% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description(fl/fl) (t/sec) (cfs) 12.0 Direct Entry, Summry for Reach 1R: Existing to Offsib lnflow Area = 2.67 x, 6.06% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 0.97" for 2-Year eventlnflow = 2.54 c'fs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.168 af Outflow = 2.54 cfs @ '12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.168 d, Atten= 0/o, Lag= 9.6 r;. Routing by Stor{nd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs 't,913 12,730 I 91 016_051 S_Boylan Shores_EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 dn 07283 @ 2018 MToCAD Software Soldions LLC Type ll 24hr lGYear Rainfall=4.23' Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 6 Time span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 poants Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond rurting by Stor-lnd method Subcabhrrcnt 15: Existirg to Soutr ftoeerty Runoff Are+75,387 { 4.7tr/o lmpervbus Rumff DepttF2.07' Tc=15.0 min CN=78 Runoff{.60 c-fs 0.299 af Subcatchrnent 25: Brect to East Runofi Area=14,643 sf 13.060/o lmpervbus Runotr Depth=2.23" Tc=12.0 min CN=80 Runoff:1.O7 cfs 0.63 af Reach 1R: Existing to Offsite lnflor/rr=s. 63 c{s 0.361 af Outflo\ =5.63 cfs 0.361 af Tdal Runoff Area = L0,i7 x, Runoff Volume = 0.361 af Average Runoff tlepth = 2.lO' 93.94% PeMous = 1.%2 * 6.06p/o lmpervions = 0.125 ac 1 9'l 0l 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 yn 07283 O 2018 l-h/drocAD ffii are Softrtbns LLC Type ll 24hr lLYear Rainfall=4.23" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 7 Summary for Subcatchment 15: Existing to Souft Property Runoff = 4.60 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.299 af, Depth= 2.07" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr l GYear Rainfall=4.23" {rea (sf) CN Desqription 3,540 71,U7 98 T7 Woods, C,ood, HSG D 7s,387 71,U7 3,540 78 Weighted Average 95.30% Pervious Area 4.70% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description(fr/ft) (fr/sec) (cfs) Tc (min) Length (fee0 15.0 tXr€ct Entry, Summry for Subcabhmcnt 23: Dircct to East Runofi = 1.07cfs@ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.063 af, Depth= 2.23" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dtr 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 1o-Year RainlLall=4.23" Area (s0 CN Descriotion Tc (min) 14,643 12,730 1,913 Length (fee0 80 Weighted Average 86.94% Pervious Area 13.06% lmpeNious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description(ffn) (fusec) (cfs) 12.0 lnflow Area = lnflow Outflory Direct Entry, Sumrnary for Reach 1R: Existing to Otrsib 2.67 x, 6.06% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 2.10" for l GYear event 5.63 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.361 af 5.63 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.361 af, Atten= 0/o, Lag= g.g ,r,n Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans melhod, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs ' 1,913' 12,730 98 77 1 91 0l 6_051 S_Boylan Shores-EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Hvd roCAD@ 10.0G24 yn 07283 O 20 18 HydroCAD Soft\,vare Soldbns LLC Type ll 24hr l0LYear Rainfall.7.25' Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 8 Time span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 points Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, WeightedCN Reach routirg by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd mehod Subcdchnrent lS: Eristing to Soutr Pr,operty Rumff Aee75,387 { 4.7V/o lmperybus Runoff Depttc4.7O" Tc=15.0 min CN=78 Runoff=1o.5 cfs 0.678 af Subcatchrnent 2S: Elir€et to East Runoff Area='14,643 $ 13.060/6 lmpervious Rund DeptFa.93' Tc=12.0 min CN=80 Runoff=2.3o cfs 0.138 af Reach lR: EGting to Offsite lnflourl2.58 cfs 0.816 af Outft =12.58 cfs 0.816 af TGI Runoff Arca = 2(b7 ac Runoff Volurrc = 0.816 af Average Runoffi Depth = 4.74' 93.9(% Pervior.te = 1.%2 x, 6.0816 lrpeMous = 0.125 ac 191016_051 S_Boylan Shores_EX Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HvdroCADD 10.0G24 Yn 07283 O 2018 ltvdrocAD Software Solutions LLC Type ll 24hr l0$Year Rainfall=7.25" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe I Summary for Subcatchment lS: ExistirB b Sou$ Property Runofi = '10.35 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.678 af, Depth= 4.70" Runofi by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weightecl-CN, fime Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2&hr l0GYear Rdnfall=7.25" Area (s0 CN Description 3,540 98 77 Woods Good HSG D7'.|u7 75,X7 71,U7 3,540 78 Weighted Average 95.30% Pervious Area 4.70% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Lenglh (feeo (fuft)(fl/sec) (cfs) 15.0 Direct Entry, Sumrnary for Subcatchmont 25: Eirectb East Runofi = 2.30c{s @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.138 af, Depth= 4.93" Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte<FCN, Time Span= 0.00..72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 24-hr l0GYear Rainfall=7.25" Area (s0 CN DescriDtion 1,9't3 98 7712730 14,643 12,730 1 ,913 80 Weighted Average 86.940/o Pervious Area 1 3.060/o lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) LerEth (feet)(ftm)(fl/sec) (cfs) 12.0 lnflow Area = 2.A67 x, 6.060/o lmpervious, lnflour Depth = 4.74' for 1@Year event lnffow = 12.58cfs@ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.816af Outflorv = 12.58 cfs @ 12.06 hrs, Volume= 0.816 d, Atten= 0p/6, Lag= 6.9 ,,n Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Dir€ct Entry, Sunrnary for Reach 1R: Existing b Oftib Rorning Diagram ior l9l0t6-Gl5-Boylan Shor6-PR Prepared by CMI It dhods, lnc., Printed'10/1712019 HydTCADO 1 0.0G24 gn 07283 @ 2'01 8 HydroCAD Soh.ae Sdulidls LLC 1 Proposed to in 3 Direct to Ea Direct to South 1R Biofillter 1 Proposed to Offsite Link@A 191016_0515_Boylan Shorcs_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. l-h/drocAD@ 10.0G24 gn 07283 O 2018 l-tdtocAD Soft\,vate Solttions LLC Type ll 24hr l-Year RainfalF2.49' Printed 10/172019 Paoe 2 llme span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.G5 hrs, 11141 points Runofi by SCS TR-20 mehod, UH=SCS, Weighte$CN Reach routirE by Stor-lrd+Trans method - Pond roding by Storlnd mehod Snbc&hrent l: Ptopoeed b Brin Rurd &a{1,806 * 24.91% lmpeNirs Rund Oe tF1.11" Tc=12.0 min CN=84 Runoff:2.3 cfs 0.137af Snbcabhrent 2: Direct to East RuEff AreF20,230 { 9.27% lmpe{vixrs Runotr ryH.gS' Tc=10.0 min CN+2 RurpH).69 cfs 0.038 d Subcabhnent 3: Dlrcct to Souh RLrpfi Area=4,994 S 25.030/6 lmpervbus Runoff OepttFl.'|T TcS.o min CN=85 RunorF0.23 crs 0.011 af Reacft {R Propced b Ofis}E lnflotv=O.94 c'fs 0.187 af Ottf,orr0.94 cG 0.187 af Pond 2P: Bdllbr I Peak E14F969.25' Sbrage{.088 af lnflortt=2 34 cfs 0.137 af Outflor0.06 cfs 0.137 af Total funotr Arca = 2067 ac Runoff Voltnm = 0.187 af Al,eragE Ruttoff tbP& = 1.09' 78.6O6 Pendous =1.6U* 2l.r|(I% lmpervious =O.44,2ac I 91 0l 6_051 5_Boylan Shorcs_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. fMroCAm 10.0G24 yn 07283 O2018 l-t/drocAD Sd\i,are Solntbns LLC Type ll 2*hr l-Year Rainfall--2.49" Printed 10/17120,l9 Paoe 3 Summry fior SubcaGhmnt l: Prcpoeed b Basin Runofi = 2.y ds @ 12.O4 hrs, Volume= 0.137 af, Depth= '1.11' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 1-Year Rainfall=2.49" Area (sf) CN Desctiption 16,145 98 80 >75% Grass mver Good HSG D48661 64,806 48,661 16,145 84 Weighted Average 75.09o/o Pervious Area 24.91 o/o lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Length (ee0 (fln)(fi/sec) (cfs) 12.O Dir€ct Entry, Summary for Subcabhment 2: Dircct to East Runoff = 0.69cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 0.088 af, Oepth= 0.99" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, WeighteGCN, Time Span= 0.fiL72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 1-Year Rainfall=2.49" Area (sf)CN Dessiption 't,875 355 98 8018 20,230 18,355 1,875 82 Weighted Average 90.73olo Pervious Area 9.270lo lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min)(fi/fi)(fus$) (cfs) Length (feet) 10.0 IXrcct EntrY, Summry for Subcabhment 3: Direct to Soutt Runoff = 0.23 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.011 d, Depth= 1.17' Runofi by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 24-hr 1-Year Rainfall=2.49" Area (s0 CN Description 1,250 3,74 98 80 4,994 3.74 1.250 85 Weighted Average 74.97% Pervious Area 25.03o/o lmpervious Area 'l 91 01 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.00-24 sh 07283 @ 2018 HvdroCAD Soflware Solutions LLc Type il 2+hr l-Year Rainfall=2.49" Ptinled 1Ol17nO19 Paoe 4 Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope (fr/fr) Velocity (fusec) Capacity Description (cfs) 1.€8ac, 24.91% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 1.11" for l-Year event 2.Uds@ 12.O4 hrs, Volume= 0.137 af 0.06 cfs @ 17.32 hrs, Volume= 0.137 af, Atten= 98%, Lag= 316.6 min 0.06 cfs @ 17.32 hrs, Volume= 0.137 af Routing by Stor-lnd method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 969.25' @ 17.32 hrs Surf.Area= 0.070 ac Storage= 0.088 d Plug-Flol detention time= 812.7 min calculated for 0.137 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 812.5 min ( 1,656.4 - 844.0 ) Volume lnvert Avail.Storaqe Storaqe Description #1 967.50'0.269 af Custom Stage Dfi (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation (fee0 Surf.Area (acres) lnc.Store (acre.feet) Cum.Store (acrs.feet) 0.031 0.075 0.104 0.134 0.000 0.106 0.045 0.'119 0.000 0.106 0.150 0.269 Device Routing lnvert Outlet Devices *1 Primary 965.50' l2.O' Round Culvert L= 302.0' RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 lnlet / Outlet lnvert= 965.50' / 964.40' S= 0.0036 '/ Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 , Flor tuea= 0.79 sf#2 Device 1 967.50' 0.m0 irUhr E d]bation to underdrain over Surface area#3 Device 1 969.50' 30.O' lbriz Orlfice/Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads lrinrary Ouflow Max=0.06 cfs @ 17.32 hrs HW=969.25' (Free Discharge)t-!=culvert (Passes 0.06 cfs of 4.30 cfs potential flotrr) fz=e.n]bauon to underdrain (Exfiltr;tion Controls 0.06 cfs) L-3=Orificdcrate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 6.0 Oirect Entry, Summary for Reach lR: ProPoeed to Offsib lnflow Area = 2.067 x,, 21.4Oo/o lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 1.09" for 1-Year eventlnflow = 0.94 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.187 ai Outflorr = 0.91 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.187 af, Atten= 0%, La9= 0.0 min Routing by StorJnd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0O72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 2P: Eofillbr 1 lnflow Area = lnflow Outflorv Primary 967.50 969.50 970.00 971.00 1 91016_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. l-h/drocAD@ 10-0G24 yn 07283 O2018|-lydrocAD Sofiurare SoMbns LLC Type ll 2+hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75' Printed 10/172019 Paoe 5 Time span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.O5 hrs, 1441 pcfnts Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routirE by StorJnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd method Snbcabhrrent l: Proposed b BGin Runotr Area+4,806 * 24.91Yo lmpervio(E Runotr DedtF1.3!" Tc=12.0 min CN=84 Runofi'-2.z cb 0.163 af SubcabhlrEnt 2: t ir€ct b East Rumtr Area=20,230 * 9.27Yo lmpervirs Rumff DeptlFl.lg' Tc=10.0 min CN=82 Runofi:o.&i cfs 0.046 af SubctrhrEot 3: Direct to Souft Runoff Area=4,991 $ 25.03o/o lmperyirus Rumff DeptlF'1.38" Tc=6.0 min CN=85 Runoff=O.z7 ds 0.013 at Reacfi lR PFopGed to Ofisite htflc.$t=1.12 ds 0.222 al Ourtuil=1lz ds 0.22 al Pond 2P: EIofillter I Peak E1eF969.50' Storage=0.106 af lnflor2.r/ c'fs 0.163 af O'.rtflor/=0.08 cfs 0.163 af Tdd Runotr &ea = 2067 ac Runofi Volure = 0.2 af Average Rtnd Dep(fl = L29" 78.d1% Pervions = IAA x, 21.1096 lrpewiotts = 0.42 x, 1910'16_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Hvd roCAD@ 10.0G24 s/n 07283 O 2018 l-lydrocAD Soft\i€re SolutbrE LLC Type ll 2*hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75' Printed 10/172019 Paoe 6 Area (s0 CN Description 16,145 98 80 >757o Grass cover Good HSG D48661 64,806 48,661 16,145 U Weighted Average 75.09% Pervious Area 24.91% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DesoiptionTc (min) Length (feeo (ftift)(ft/sec) (cfs) 12.0 llt€ct E ttry, Sumrery for Subcathment 2: Direct b East Runoff = 0.83 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 0.04,6 af, Depth= 1.19" Runofi by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, lime Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" Area (sf)CN Description 1,875 98 8018355 20,230 18,355 1,875 82 Weighted Average 90.73% Pervious Area 9.27% lmpervious Area Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope Velocity Capacity Description(fi/fr) (fl/sec) (cfs) Area (s0 CN Description 1,250 98 807443 4,994 3,744 1,250 85 Weighted Average 74.97% Pervious Area 25.03o/o lmpervious Area Summary for SubcaEhment l: Ptopo€ed to Basin Runofi = 2.n c# @ 12.(X hrs, Volume= 0.163 af, Depth= 1.31" Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" 10.0 lIrect Entry, Summry for Subcabhment 3: Dircct b Soutl Runofi = O.27 ds @ 1 '1.97 hrs, Volume= 0.013 af, Depth= 1.38" Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2tt-hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75' 1 91 01 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HvdroCABD 10.0G24 sln 07283 O 2018 HydroCAD Soft\,vare Solutiom LLC Type ll 24hr 2-Year Rainfall=2.75" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 7 Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope (fltft) VelociV (fUsec) Capacity Description (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, Summary fior Reach 'lR: Propoeed to OtrsiE lnflow Area = 2.067 x, 21.40% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 1.29" for 2-Year eventlnflow = 1.12cfs @ 12.01hrs, Volume= 0.222 al Outflow = 1.12cfs @ 'l2.O1hrs, Volume= 0.222 af , Atten= 0%, Lag= g.9 r,n Routing by Stor{nd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summary for Pond 2P: Eliofillbr 1 lnflow Area = lnflow Outflow Primary '1.488 ac, 24.91% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 1.31" for 2-Year event 2.Tl ds@ 12.M hrs, Volume= 0.163 af 0.08 cfs @ '16.02 hrs, Volume= 0.163 af, Atten= 97olo, Lag= 238.5 min 0.08 c-fs @ 16.02 hrs, Volume= 0.163 af Routing by Storlnd method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 969.50' @ 16.02 hrs Surf.Area= 0.075 ac Storage= 0.106 af Plug-Flor detention time= 894-2 min calculated for 0.,l63 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 89.8 min ( 1,733.8 - 839.1 ) Volume lnvert Avail.Storaqe Storaoe Description #1 967.50'0-269 af Custom Slage tlata (Pri$natic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation (feet) Surf.Area (acres) lnc.Store (acre-feet) Cum.Store (acre.feet) Device Routino 0.000 0.106 0.045 0.119 lnvert Outlet Devices 967.50 969.50 970.00 971.00 0.000 0.106 0.150 0.269 #1 Primary 965.50'l2.O' Round Culvert L= 302.0' RCP, sq.cut end pOecting, Ke= 0.500 lnlet / Outlet lnvert= 965.50' / 964.40' S= 0.0036 7 Cc= 0.900 n= 0.01 1, Flo,v Area= 0.79 sf 0.800 in/hr Erdlbation to underdrain over Surface area 30.O' tbriz Orificcrcrab C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #2 #3 Device 1 Device 1 967.5o', 969.5o', fdrnry Ou$low Max=0.07 cfs @ 16.02 hrs HW=969.50' (Free Discharge) L1=Qrlvert (Passes 0.07 cfs of 4.43 c{s potential flow) f=emftration to undedrain (Exfiltr;tion Controls 0.06 cfs) r'-tsOrificdcrate (Weir Controls 0.01 cfs @ 0.19 fps) 0.031 0.075 0.104 0.134 1 9'l 01 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Type ll 24hr lbYear Rahtall-4.23' Printed 10/122019 HydroCABD 10.0G24 yn 07283 O 2018 HydroCAD Softlvare Solutbns LLC Paoe 8 Time span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 points Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, WeighteGCN Reeh rodirE by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond roding by Stor-lnd mehod Subcatchment l: Ptopced b Basin Runoff &ea41,806 sf 24.910/o lmpervi:tts Rumff DeptlF2.s7' Tc=12.0 min CN=84 Runofi=s.,40 cfs 0.319 af Subcabhrpnt 2: Dlr€ct b Ect Rulofi Area=20,230 d 9.27% lmperyixls Rurpff DedtF2..lo" Tc=10.0 min CN=82 Runoftl .68 cfs 0.(x)3 af Subc&hment 3: Dir€ct b South Runotr Area=4,994 sf 25.03% lmpervi:us Rumff Depttr2.66' Tc{.o min CN--85 Runofto.s2 cfs 0.025 af Reacfi lR hopced to OfisiE lrfio,lF3.8g cfs 0.437 af otrtffol=3.89 cfs 0.437 af Pond 2P: Eldltbf I Peak Elar=969.74' Storage=0.126 af lnflorr5.4o cfs 0.319 af Otrtflo^/=3.11 cfs 0.319 af Td Rrno,fi Ar€a = 2.067 * Runofi Volume = 0./88 d Average Runofr Deprth = 2El" 78.O96 Fendors = LqlA * 2,t.'l096 lmperyious = o.42 * I 91 01 6_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCA D@ 10.0G24 dn 07283 O2018|-lydrocAD ffiware Solutions LLC TWe ll 2+hr lLYear Rainfall-4.23" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe I Area (sf)CN Description 16,145 98 8048661 >75% Grass cover Good HSG D 64,806 48,661 16,145 84 Weighted Average 75.09o/o Pervious Area 24.91% lmpervious Area Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope Velocity Capacity Description(ftlfr) (fUsec) (cfs) '12.O lXr€ct Enfy, Sumrmry for Subcatchment 2: Direct to East Runoff = 1.68ctu@ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.0S3 af, Depth= 2.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte*CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2rt-hr l GYear Rainfall=4.23" Area (sf)C N Description 1,875 98 8018355 20,230 18,355 't,875 82 Weighted Average 90-73% Pervious Area 9.27olo lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Length (fee0 (fuft)(fus$) (cfs) 10.0 Dl]cct Entry, Summary for Subc&hment 3: Elirect b Sotttl Runoff = 0.52c{s@ 11.97hrs, Volume= 0.025 af, Depth= 2.66" Runofi by SCS TR-20 rnethod, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr l GYear Rainfall=4.23" Area (s0 CN Description 1,250 98 803744 4,994 3,744 1,250 85 Weighted Average 74.97% Pervious Area 25.03% lmpervious Area Summary for Subcatchment l: Proposed b Basin Runoff = 5.40cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.319 af, Depth= 2.57' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr l GYear Rainfall=4.23" 191016_051 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 gn 07283 O 2018 HydroCAD Software Solutbns LLC Type ll 24hr l&Year Rainfall-4.23" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 10 Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope (fuft) Velocity (fusec) Capacity Description (cfs) 6.0 Dircct Entry, Sumrnary for Reach 1R: Propoeed to Offsib lnflow Area = 2.67 *, 21 .40o/o lmpenious, lnflow Depth = 2.5d" for 'l GYear eventlnflow = 3.89cfs @ 12.15hrs, Volume= 0.437 al Outflor = 3.89 cfs @ 12.'15 hrs, Volume= 0.437 at, Atten= ff/0, La9= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Summry for Pond 2P: $ofillbr I lnflow Area = Inflow Outflow Primary Routing by Stor-lnd method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 969.74'@ 12.17 hrs Surf.Area= 0.089 ac Storage= 0.126 af Plug-Florv detention time= 508.5 min calculated for 0.319 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 509.1 min ( 1 ,328.9 - 819.8 ) Volume lnvert Avail.Storaqe Stora,qe DescriDtion #1 967.50'0.269 af CBtorn Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation (feeo Surf.Area lnc.Store Cum.Store(acre9) (acr+feet) (acre-feet) 0.031 0.075 0.104 0.'t34 0.000 0.106 0.045 0.119 0.000 0.106 0.150 0.269 Device Rouling lnvert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 965.50',IZO' Rourd Culvert L= 302.0' RCP, sq.cut end projectinS, Ke= 0.500 lnlet / Outlet lnvert= 965.50' / 904.40' S= 0.(X)36 7 Cc= 0.900 n= 0.01 1, Florv Area= 0.79 sf 0.800 ln hr Edlhation to underdEin orer Surface area 30.O' Horiz Orifrc€rcrate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at lorv heads #2 Device 1#3 Device I 967.50', 969.50', Pri mary Ouflow Max=2.98 cfs @ 12.17 hts HW=969.73' (Free Discharge) =Cuhrert (Passes 2.98 cfs of 4.56 cfs potential flo!r) Itration to underdtain (Exfiltration Controls 0.07 cfs) (Weir Conlrols 2.90 cfs @ 1.58 fps) 't.488 ac, 24.91% lmpervious, lnflorv Depth = 2.5f for l GYear e\rent 5.40 cfs @ 12.04 hrs, Volume= 0.319 af 3.11 cfs @ 12.17 hrs, Volume= 0.319 af, Atl.€/n= 42o/o, Lag= 7.7 r'n 3.11 cfs @ 12.17hrs, Volume= 0.319af 967.50 969.50 970.00 971.00 i9l0l6_0515_Boylan Shorcs_PR Type ll 24-hr l&Year Rainfail=7.25' Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Printed 10/1712019 Ft/dToCAD@ 10.0G24 gn 07283 02018 HydroCAD ffi\ivare SolutbrE LLC Paoe11 'Iime span=0.0G72.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1441 points Runofi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte+CN Reach routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd melhod SubcatchflEnt l: Propced b BGln Rumff Area=81,806 * 24.91% lmpervixs Rumtr Defltes.38" Tc=12.0 min CN=84 Rumfi:10.94 cfs 0.667 af SnbctrhnEnt 2: Oir€ct b East Rtnofi Ar€a=20,230 { 9.27% lmpefvbus Rund OeillFs.1s' Tc-10.0 min CN=82 Rrmoff=3.sl cfs 0.199 d Subc&hment 3: Dlrcct b Souh Rt pff AIeG4,9S4 $ 25.03% lmpervixrs Runotr DedtF5.49' TcS.o mh CN=85 Runoft1.@ cfs 0.052 af Reach lR Propced to Ofrrib lnf,orFg.20 cfs 0.918 d OutffoFg.2o crs 0.918 d Pond 2P: Bdllbr I Peak Ele\,--970.60 Stoege=0.218 d lnflol=10.94 crs 0.667 af Ortflotil--4.99 cfs 0.666 af Totd &rnotr Ar€a = 2.067 ac Runoff Vdune = 0.919 d Average Runoff lbpilh = 5.3:1" 78.6096 Peryior.rs = l.QA * 2l .40j6 lmpoMous = O.42 * I 91 01 6_05'1 S_Boylan Shores_PR Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. HydroCAD@ 10.0G24 sln 07283 O 2018 l-lydrocAD Software Solutions LLC Type ll 2$hr lWYear Rainfall=7.25" Printed 10/1712019 Paoe 12 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Propoeed b Basin Runoff = 10.94cfs@ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 0.667 af, Depth= 5.38" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 24-hr lOGYear Rainfall=7.25" Area (sf) CN Description 16,145 98 8048661 >75% Grass cover Good HSG D 64,806 48,66'l 16,145 U Weighted Average 75.09% Pervious Area 24.91% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Length (feeo (ft/ft)(fr/sec) (cfs) 12.0 tllrct Entry, Summary for Subcabhment 2: Elircct b Erct Runofi = 3.51 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.199 af, Depth= 5.15" Rurnfi by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighte&CN, lime Span= 0.fiL72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr l0GYear Rainfall=7.25" tuea (s{) CN Descriptim 1,875 355 98 8018 20.230 18,355 1,875 82 Weighted Average 90.73olo Pervious Area 9.27% lmpervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity DescriptionTc (min) Length (fee0 (fufr)(fi/sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct EnFy, Summary for Subcabhrnert 3: Direct b Soutl Runoff = I .02 c-fs @ 1 1.96 hrs, Volume= 0.0|52 af, Depth= 5.49" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 2+hr loGYear Rainfall=7.25" Area (sf)C N Description 1,250 98 80a744 4,994 3,744 1,250 85 Weighted Average 74.97% Pervious Area 25.03% lmpervious Area 191016_0515_Boylan Shores_PR Type ll 24hr lA&Year Rainfall=7.25" Prepared by Civil Methods, lnc. Printed 10/172019 |-l)/dToCAD@ 10.0G24 Jn 07283 O20181-l!/drcCAD Software Solutbns LLC Paoe 13 Tc (min) Length (fee0 Slope (frifr) Velocity (fUsec) Capacity Desoiption (cfs) 6.0 lnflow Area = lnflow Oumow Primary Dir€ct Entry, Summary for Reach 'lR: Propoeed to OtrsiE Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= O.W72.@ hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Sumrnary for Pond 2P: Eliofillbr 1 1.488ac, 24.9170 lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 5.38" for loGYear event 10.94 c{s @ 12.03 hrs, Volume= 0.m7 af 4.99 cfs @ 12.19 hrs, Volume= 0.666 af, Atten= 547o, Lag= 9.2 min 4.99 cfs @ 12.19hrs, Volume= 0.666 af Routing by Stor-lnd method, Time Span= 0.0G72.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs / 3 Peak Elev= 970.60'@ 12.19 hrs Surf.Area= 0.122 ac Storage= 0.218 af Plug-Flow detention time= 260.4 min calculated for 0.665 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 260.7 min ( 1,059.6 - 798.9 ) Volume lnvert Avail.Storage StorageDescription 967.50'0.269 af Custom Slage Oata (Pri$mtic) Listed beloi/ (Recalc) Elevation (feet) Surf.Area (acres) lnc.Store (acrefeet) Cum.Store (acre-feet) Device Routinq 0.000 0.106 0.045 0.119 0.000 0.106 0.150 0.269 *1 Primary 965.50'l2.O' Round Culvert L= 302.0' RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 lnlet / Outlet lnvert= 965.50 / 964.40' S= 0.0036 '/ Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011, Flo , Area= 0.79 sf 0.8fl) in/hr Eldltrilion to underdrain over Surface area 30.O' Horiz Orifcdcrab C= 0.600 Umited to weir flow at lou, heads #2 #3 Device 'l Device 1 967.50' 969.50' mary OtrFlow Max=4.99 cfs @ 12.19 hrs HW=970.59' (Free Discharge) =Culvert (Barrel Controls 4.99 cfs @ 6.35 fps) 2=Exfiltration to underdrain (Passes < 0.10 cfs potential flow) c€/Grate (Passes < 24.73 6s potenlial flow) lnflow Area = 2.67 x, 21.40% lmpervious, lnflow Depth = 5.33" for loGYear eventlnflow = 9.20 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.918 af Outflor = 9.20 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 0.918 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 m'n #1 967.50 969.50 970.00 971.00 lnvert Outlet Devices 0.031 0.075 0.104 0.134