Wetland Determination Report67 60 MTNxTwASHTA P.q.RKwav CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Prepared for: Leketown homes, LLC. 1536 Beachcomber Blvd. Waconia, MN 55387 Prepared by: Midwest Nrtural Resources, Inc. 1032 West 7th Streel Suite 150 St Prul, Minnesotr 55102 VNl WTTTIND DETERMINATION RBPORT 2 L1 x /r '\ !4L- . it{- Aucusr 21,2019 MIDWEST NATURAL RESOURCES Introduction Midwest Natural Resources, Inc. (MNR) was conttacted by Laketown Homes, LLC. to provide wetland determination services for an approximate 2-5 acre property loc.ted at 6760 Minnewashta Parkway in Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (AppendL A, Figure t). On August 146, 2019 MNR conducted a routine wetland determination within the approximate 2.5 acre survey arca to assess the site for the presence ofany wetland areas- One area was reviewed within the survey area and based on field data collected it was determined to be non-wetland. The only other waterbody feature located near the property is Lake Minnewashta which is located right along the eastern extent of the property line. Objective To determine and delineate any potential wetlaod boundaries located within the approximate 2.5 acre property. This infomration will be used in surveying the site's existing conditions for a project involving the redevelopment of the site. Methods Prior to conducting the fieldwork, existing data were reviewed. These &ta include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory and the MN DNR National Wetlands lnventory Update June, 2013 (Appendix d Flgure 2), the U.S. Department of Agriculture digital Soil Survey of Carver County (Appendir A, Figure 3), and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Public Waters Inventory (PM) (Appendir A, Figure 4). Recent climate data (precipitation and temperature) were also obtained for the survey location. Delineation efforts were based on the Routine'Onsite" Determination Method contained in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Supplement Version 2.0, Aug. 2010 to the 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual Technical Report Y-87_1. According to this methodology, wetland boundaries are determined based on the evaluation ofthe three parameters (hydric soil, hydroPhytic vegetation, and wedand hydrology) required for an area to be defined as a wetland. The wetland boundary for each wetland on-site was identified as the upper-most extent of each area that met the criteria required to be defined as a wetland: hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology. The review area's location that was surveyed for the presence of wetland is depicted in Appendir A Figure 5. For the wetland determination conducted on-site, the vegetation, soils, and hydrolory were investigated within one depressional area. Vegetation, soils, and hydrology were documented following the aforementioned delineation protocols. Soils were characterized based on soil matrix/mottle colors and texture, as well as the presence/absence ofhydric soil indicators- The dominant vascular plant species were identified and the cover was estimated visually. The indicator status ofthe dominant plant species was taken from the .ltale of Minnesota 2016 W'etland Ple Lisl (Lichvar, RW., D.L. Banks Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The National Wetland Plant List. 2016 wetland ratings. Phyoneuron 2016-30. Published 28 April 2016. ISSN 2153 733X). Hydrologic indicators (i.e. presenc€/absence of inundated and/or saturated soils, drift lines, drainage patterns, water marks, etc.) were evaluated to determine wetland hy&ology. Finally, the wetland was classified based on the Cowardin, Circular 39 and Eggers & Reed wetland descriptions. All collected field data is summarized in the Wetland D€termination Data Forms (Midwest Region) and is included in this rcport (Appendir C). Results The land located within the 2.5 acre property is comprised ofan existing vacant home, deciduous woodland and the edge of Lake Minnewashta. One depressional area is located along the southem property line and was the only area reviewed for the presence ofwetland. Due to a lack oftwo ofthe three wetland parameters, it was determined that the review arca did not meet the criteria to be considered wetland. The DNR updated Midwesl Nolurol Resourco. lnc. - 6760 Minne\^/oshto Porkwoy, Chonhosseh. Mnnesolo National Wetlands Inventory (June, 2013) Map indicates no wetland areas as being mapped within the property and the MN DNR Public Waters Inventory Map indicates the only public walers near the property as Minnewashta (10-9 P), which is located right along the eastem extent of the property. Area I Area I is tocated along the southem property line within a low depressional area below the 968' elevation. This area was reviewed sfuice it's within a closed depressional area. This area is within a deciduous woodland where box elder trees and common buckthom are some ofthe dominant vegetation- Just south of the property line within this depression is an old drain tile inlet that is positioned at the lowest point in the basin. Vegetation observed at the sample point for Area I include: box elder (Acer negundo), uack willow (Sa/tx x fragilis), common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), cleeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea), Yiginia 9:g4;pr (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), enchanter's nightsh ade (Circaea canadensis), and fragrant bedstraw (Galim triflorun). From the digital U.S. Departrent of Agriculture Soil Survey for Carver County, the soils mapped within Area I is described as Kilkenny-trster loams, 2-6% slopes which is mapped as a non-hydric soil. The soil investigated within the test pit was assumed io be hydric due to landscape position. The soil pit was advanced to a depth of38" with the soil being l00o/o IOYR 2/l clay loam to clay with no rcdox features present. The soil pit could not be advanced any further to determine ifthere was a depleted or gleyed matrix below the loYR 2/l layers. Soils werc dry and were not even close to saturation to the exlent ofthe soil pit. The determination of Area I being non-wetland was based on vegetation being dominated by non- hydrophytic plants and only having only one secondary indicator of wetland hydrology present. Lrke Minnewuhta The westem shore of Lake Minnewashta is located along the eastem extent of the property line. The boundary ofthe lake was digitized from recent aerial photography and is depicted on Figurc 5 ofAppendix A. All of the shore line appears to be located just ouside of the property boundary with the exception of one small area that appears to be located right on the property line. No data sheets were taken for this feature. 2 Appendix A Supporting Site Figures I Survey Area (appx 2.5 acres) Municipal Boundary - Roads (Carver County) 2,000 Site Location 6760 Minnewashta Pkwy. Chenhassen, MN 6 colo. 7-conly0 s00 1,000 Fe€t Figure I It 4E I 1 ) { ,J L..Shorewood rl) d 'l-I ,1 -:- ) 5 {a 4 t 5. \ZP.l:ih! -:. ---, - -r--Ia x I t h.Victolia Chanhassen Ir ,-r,i:-l|.-l ..t iNI 1., --\i ) l=-.;/ t E .l I Survey Area (appx.2.5 ac.) NWI Polygon (2013 Update) Parcels (Carver County) - Roads (Carver County) I National Wetlands Inventory 6760 Minnewashta Pkwy. Chanhassen, MN -coul'Y0 t25 250 500 - Feet Figure 2 \ AlL/ Lll I tll I Survey Area (appx.2.5 ac.) Carver Co. Soil Survey (non-hydric) Carver Co. Soil Survey (hydric) Parcels (Cawer County) - Roads (Carver County) I Carver County Soil Survey 6760 Minnewashta Pkwy. Chanhassen, MN Sourc€ : 201 6 color 7-couly0 50 100 200fFeet Figure 3 tl !,I }.,d 't t--trv\ I 'tI .h t-![r !Fir"q; rrr ---_^--i ) ?.: a-'i ( ',-.uo fE 7 flI h E I ,t Lsst r.r ille 4'''I 1 Il I t .{_ j i I l il // n t'riri N I s ;,A I Survey Area (appx. 2.5 ac.) MN DNR PWI Polygon 'r,,o * DNR Pubtic waters Inventory 6760 Minnewashta Pkwy. Chanhassen, MN Source: 2016 color 7{orfity0 0.t25 0.2s 0. Figure 4 Virgin ia fl0-15 P) Tamarack {10-l0P) 0-9 P) Min Minnervashta { l0-9 P) Cedar Ir a .l r I il 3 C 1,.-tf:r rl )u I .l a Y 'l \{ t v.hEr B \[ ]. ql ttl"t: ri ; i\ -a =r I t\{l (10-llP Sr. Joe - Roads (Carver County) Survey Area (appx. 2.5 ac.) fuea I Sample Point -r-.--- Edge of Lake Minnewashta Parcels (Carver Co.) 2' Contour (LiDAR) I I IF :t I { qlb tr< I a \a oi: "s :\- I +\.u 200 Review Area 676,0 Min newashta Pkwy. Chanhassen, MN Solfcc: 201 6 colo. 7-couly Feet Figure 5 l,,f.- 9-\(' :lI'i ) -><<r I I 7/ .,{t tl a fr a t "+>''trr I tll 'G 986 I'I -.r) .!: t s7 I I - -J- .r-.rl I ,t t1 d"' -J : - ;iI" 9sl iI .) t/ a! .1 r)''lll I ,/ I .l(S Lake Minnewashta I "tr ? u 7 /--7! 7t, --I N A 0 50 t00 Appendix B Representative Photos lppendix B, Representative Photos Area I Area I Photo of Arca l, typical ground layer vegetation including enchanter's nightshade, common buckthom seedlings. garlic mustard" and Virginia crecper. Lake Minnewashta Photo of the edge oflake Minnewashta near the northem property boundary facing to the south. Page I of I ; Photo of Area l, view from northem side facing south across the low point ofthe basin- / \.t-LI 'a irr |}!' r J ry* a" - "'' - . t Appendix C Wetland Determination Data Forms WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORilI - Midwest Region Project/Site:6760 Minnewashta Chanhassen/Carver Sampling Dale:2019-08-14 Applicanvowner Laketown Homes State: MN Sampling Point: 19-226-ll,ee 1 5. 116.23lnvestllalor(s)i Ken Amdt. MNR Sedion, Township, Range: Landlorm(hillslope'lerrace'elc.):4Localrelief(conca!,,e,con!ex,norie):Concave Slope (%): 0-2olo Lat 44.881783 Long -93 61910 Datum: WGS84 Soil Map Unit Name Kilkennv-Lester loams. 2-6% sl N\M classifcation Are dimatic / hldrologic conditioos oo lrie sile tFical for this tirE of yeaA Yes JL- tlo - (lf no, e)Qlain in Rernarks.) Are Vegetatioo _. Soil _, or Hydrology _ significantty disturbed? Are 'Normal CirqJmslances' ptesent? Yes / No - Are Vegetation _. Soil _, or Hydrology _ naturally floblemath? (lf need€d, explain any anslvers in Re.narks.) SUU ARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, tBnsecb, important f6aturcs, otc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? YeE _ No __J_ Yes / No_ Yes _ No _-_l_ 13 the Samplsd Arqa within a Wodand?Yes No ---J- VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants Tree Stratum (Plot s2e: 1. Acer neoundo 30') Absolule Oomina.i lndicator % Cover Soecies? Status 30 Y FAC 20 Y FAC2. salix x fnoilis 4. 5. Saplilgls!&LstauE (Plot size 15',) --10- = Total Cover 30 Y FAC1 2 3 4 5 Rhamnus cathaiica lQ-_ = Tolal Cover Herb Stratum (Plot size 5') 1. Glechoma hederacea 30 20 20 20 20 Y Y Y Y Y FACU FACU FAC FACU FACU .) 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. Padhenocissus Rhamnus cathadica GAlium tiflonlm Circace aanadcnsis 10 110 = Totalcover u&@yly!!e.]stat!![ (Prot size 30') 1 2 ___-L = Total Cover Dorninance T€at worksheet: Number of Dominant Specbs That Are OBL, FACW or FAC:4 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata:8 (B) Percent of Dont'nant Species That Are OBL, FACW ot FAC 50.00 Prcvalence lnder wortsheet: Total % Co\rer ot OBL specjes 0 FAcwspecies 0 FAC species 100 FACU species 90 UPL species 0 Column Totals: 190 Multiolv bv: x2= x3= x5= (A) 0 0 300 360 660 (B) 3.47Prevalence lndex = B/A = ttydrophytic vegotation lndicatora: _ 1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation _ 2 - Dominance Test is >50% _ 3 - Prevabnce lrdex is <.Or - 4 - Morphological Adaptationsr (Pmvire supporting data in Rernarks or on a separate sheel) - Problematic Hydrophyticvegelalioo' (6Qlain) rlndicators of hydric soil and lEtland hydrology must be present, unless distu.bed or p.oblematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Prosont?Yes xol Remarks: (lnclude photo numbers here or on a separate sheet-) US Army Corps of Engineers Mid',,,est Region - Version 2.0 City/County: Remarks: (A/B) SOIL Sampling Point: 1$226-Area 1 Profile Description: (Ooscribe to the dopth needed to do.ument tho indicator or confirm the abosnco of indicators.) Deplh (incfEs) 0-24 25-38 Matrix Redox Features Color (moist)% 100 '100 Color (moast)% Tvoer LoC Terture Remafts 10YR 211 CL clav loam 10YR 2t1 clay rType: C=Concentration, O=Oepletion. RM=Reduced Matrix, Ms=Masked Sand Grains.2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix Hydric Soll lndicatorsi _ Histosol (A1) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Blact Histic (43) _ Hydogen Sutfde (44) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _ 2 crn Muck (A10) _ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A1 1) _ Thick Dark Surface (A12) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) _ 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) lndicatoE for Problematic Hydric Soibr: _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) - Dark Surfuce (S7) - lron-iranganese Masses (F12) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface OF12) -l OttEr (E)qlain in Remafts) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and lrEtlard hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) - Sardy Redox (S5) - Slripped Malrix (SO) _ Loamy Mudq Mineral (F'l) _ Loamy Gleyed Matdx (F2) _ Depleled Matix (F3) _ Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Oepleted Daft Surhce (FD _ Redox Depressions (F8) Restrictive Layer (if obaswed): Type Depth (inches)ttddc Soil Present? Yas -!a- No Rema*s: soils are assumed to be hydric due to landscape position, the soil pit was not able to be advanced to a depth below 38' from the soil surface in order to determine if a depleted or gleyed matrix was below the layers of 1OYR 2/'l HYDROLOGY Wetland Hyd,ology lndicators: Primarv lndacators (minimum of one is reouared: check all that aoDlv) _ Surface Waler (Al ) _ High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) _ Water Ma*s (81) _ Sedimenl Deposits (82) _ Drifi Deposits (83) _ Algal Mat or Crust (84) _ lron Deposils (85) _ lnundation Visible on Aenal lmagery (87) _ Spa.sely Vegetaled Concave Surface (88) _ Waler-Stained Leaves (Bg) _ Aqualic Fauna (B13) _ True Aquatic Plants (81,t) _ llydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl ) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) _ Prcsence of Reduced lron (C4) _ Recent lron Redudion in Tilled Soils (C6) _ Thin Muck Surtuce (C7) _ Gauge or Well Data (Dg) _ Other (Erplain in Remarks) SecordaN lrdicators (minimum of t$o reouired) _ Surface Soil CraclG (85) _ Drainage Pattems (810) _ Dry€eason Water Table (C2) _ Crayfish BunoE (C8) _ Saturation Visiue on Aerial lmagery (Cg) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (Dl) i Geomorphic Position (D2) _ FAc-tleutral Tesl (D5) Fiold Obaervations: Surface Waler Present? Water Table Present? Saturation Present? (includes capillary frinoe) Wettand Hydrology Present? Yos _ No t Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring trell, aerial photos. previous inspeclions). if available Remarks US Army Corps of Engjneers Mid',\€st Region - Version 2.0 C Yes _ No __L Deplh (indres):_ Yes _ No __L Deplh (indes):_ Yes _ No 1 Depth (indles): _