05-08-20191 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting May 8, 2019 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Rachel Popken, Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken Members Absent: none Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Guests Present: Ashley Kennedy; Brandon and Will – students from Holy Family Minutes: After spelling corrections were made, April minutes were approved. Arbor Day summary: The commissioners agreed that the turnout was good and the weather was great. Jill said that the plantings and some site restoration work done makes the park look better than ever. Metro Environmental Commission Conference: Greg attended the conference on Saturday, April 13. He brought handouts which he distributed, including a participant list. There were 5 breakout sessions to choose from during the conference and participants were asked to pick two. Greg attended the energy conservation and surface water sessions. At the energy conservation session he talked to representatives from Eden Prairie and Bloomington. From his notes, Greg read that Bloomington determined that businesses consume 80% of energy used in the city. Both Eden Prairie and Blooming promote energy audits. Bloomington offers $50 rebates for the audits, which cost $70-100. It was reported that a good way to reach out to businesses was to be involved in groups like Chambers and Rotary to make connections. Rachel wondered if Chanhassen business energy use could be determined. Keith said that Xcel could probably provide that information. In Greg’s second session, surface water, he learned how street vactors help to eliminate pollution. Greg also listened to a talk on How to Influence Behavior by Diana McKeown. The commission wondered if she could come speak at a meeting to help the commission with the Energy Efficiency focus topic. There was also a talk on Effective Youth Engagement. There are quite a few students on ECs in the metro area. Terms run with the school year. It seems a good source of ‘humanpower’ and a good way to connect with the school system and activities. There were 5 sponsors for the conference. Sixty people attended; 48 were attending for the first time. More people attended than last year, but there were less commissions represented. July 3 trade fair planning: Keith contacted the Center for Energy and Environment and they may be able to provide a rep for the event. Keith will look into giveaways. Maybe do stickers or light switch plates, seed bracelets, raffle LED lights, and candy. It would be preferable not to have candy in wrappers. Should look for cardboard – like milk duds. Someone suggested that maybe ACE hardware might be interested in issuing a discount coupon for LEDs or the commission could do a giveaway of a 2 weather stripping kit or pipe wrap or an energy audit. Maybe the commission should wait until the fall event to do giveaways like that. Someone mentioned that the focus seems to be switching from kids to adults. Maybe stickers should still be given away. Keith shared the Right Light Guide and explained the section of information. Jill will print 50 for handouts at the event. Keith will bring the light display next month. The commission will also sign up for shifts at next month’s meeting. Fall Connection article: The fall topic for the commission’s Energy Efficiency series will be ‘space conditioning – heating and cooling’. Jeff volunteered to write the article. It’s due to Jill on June 17. GreenStep update and documentation: Jill reported that the city was informed that it has been recognized as a Step 2 city. Chanhassen will be invited to the GreenStep Cities recognition banquet to be held in June as a part of the League of MN Cities conference. Jill has not yet received any details. She will pass them on to the commission when she gets them. July Tour: The commission decided it would like to schedule a tour at DemCon in July. Jill will look into what days and times are available for tours. General Discussion: • Greg reviewed the RPBCWD meeting notes – o The Bluff Creek tributary restoration project is postponed while more site exploration is done for any historical artifacts. o St Hubert has petitioned the WD to help repair or replace the catch basin in their parking lot which has failed. The WD discussed where the water goes or should go and who should pay for it since St H is a private entity. o The WD and the city are in the process of acquiring 3 properties at 101 and Pioneer for future wetland restoration. • Kristin suggested that the holiday article for this year be fresh and focus on a new topic. The commission said they would think about what would be a good idea. Kristin will send out the old articles. A point was made that even though the topic may seem ‘old’ to the commission, some people will be hearing it for the first time. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair