06-12-20191 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 12, 2019 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Greg Hawks, Rachel Popken, Kristin Fulkerson, Jeff Harken Members Absent: Don Vasatka Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Minutes: Minor spelling and grammar corrections were made. May minutes were approved. July 3 trade fair planning: The commission discussed the light switch stickers which were the favorite idea for give-aways at the trade fair. Rachel had researched designs and had 4 different switch options and a couple of shirt/wall sticker options. The commission liked them and want to have them designed city-specific, i.e. put ‘Chanhassen’ on the stickers somewhere. They should be able to be hand-colored by kids, but no sharpies! The NASA climate kid website had a light switch pdf template. Sticker sheets could be printed and the commission could cut out the right size for the switch plates. Parents would have to cut out the small rectangle for the switch and the round holes for the screws. That might be too much trouble for parents. Maybe stickers could be made for the top or bottom half of the switch plate so the no cutting is required. Jill will look into it. Talk then turned to light displays. There will be a handout on the Right Light Guide. It would be good to have lit samples of different types of lights. Bill offered to make a light board with 3-4 sockets. Lights ranging from incandescent to daylight LED could be installed. Rachel offered to bring floor vents. One could be closed and the other have a magnetic cover to show difference. A display sheet explaining Energy Efficiency and showing Energy Star products and facts should be made. The fair runs 4:30-7:30. Commissioners volunteered for the following shifts: 4:30-6 – Jeff and Bill; 6-7:30 –Greg and Rachel or Don. Meeting Date Change discussion: Keith has taken a new job and won’t be as available as before. The commission discussed changing dates but decided to keep the same date and time. Keith told the commission he will resign as Chair since his time is limited, but will continue on commission. The commission agreed that Don will be Chair and a vote will be taken to elect Vice, and potentially Chair if Don doesn’t want to do it. Fall Connection article: The commission reviewed the newsletter article and made minor changes. Jeff will update the article and send to Jill by the 17th. July meeting date: The commission decided not to hold a regular meeting in July. A tour of the Dem- Con recycling facility is scheduled for July 12 and will be published on the city’s website. No meeting is scheduled in August, but there will be the annual Joint Commissions tour. The tentative date is Tuesday, August 6. 2 Fall workshop: Keith said he has talked to someone at the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) about the workshop. Bill offered to contact that person to discuss ideas for the workshop and set a date in October, preferably a T, W or Th. Kristin and Jill will work on a promotional article for event to be published in the Fall newsletter. Review Visioning Notes: The commission decided to skip this item. General Discussion: • Jill informed the commission that a rep from RPBCWD would like to present to the commission. The commission directed her to add it to the Nov. or Dec. agenda. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair