08 16 2018CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES August 16, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Nevin, Carol Buesgens, Jackie Engel, Jerry Cerchia, Dorina Tipton. MEMBERS ABSENT: Cheryl Ayotte, Mack Titus. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazzinin. GUESTS PRESENT: Dawn Plummer, Carver County Commission on Aging 2018 GOALS 1. Volunteer and support city events 2. Advocate for and participate in relevant transit 3. Advocate for and promote Senior Safety and participate in Elder Abuse Prevention initiatives. 4. Support and participate in ACT on Alzheimer’s initiatives 5. Update and promote City of Chanhassen website. Commissioner Nevin called meeting to order. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Cerchia moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Buesgens seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Approval of Bylaws: Commissioner Cerchia identified error in bylaws. Commissioner Engel moved to amend bylaws. Commissioner Tipton seconded motion. All voted in favor. Act on Alzheimer’s Update: a. July 3rd Promotional Table - Commissioner Tipton thanked all who participated in providing information to public. Attendees: Commissioners Cerchia and Engel, Sharmeen Al-Jaf and Mary Blazinin. Special thank you to Commissioner Cerchia’s wife who fielded questions and became an instant member of the team. b. Table at the Library – Commissioner Tipton advised that a promotional table will be available at the Chanhassen Library one Wednesday in August, 2 Wednesdays in September, 2 Wednesdays in October and 4 Wednesdays in December to provide awareness, handout information and field questions by interested library attendees. c. November events – Leading up to November being Alzheimer’s Month, the following events will be provided to increase awareness in the community: i. “Caring for the Caregiver” on Tuesday, Oct 23, 6-7 pm at Chanhassen Library ii. Lunch&Learn “Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s”, Thurs Nov 1, 11:45 – 1pm iii. Memory Screening Event, Tues Nov 13, 1:30-3pm at Senior Center; sponsored by Augustana Emerald Crest iv. Lunch&Learn “Alzheimer’s Gifts”, Thurs Dec 13, 11:45-1pm; speaker Rick Naymark v. Ongoing event – Memory Loss Support Group meets 1st Thurs of every month 1:30-3:30 at Senior Center Maple Room. 4th of July Bingo Event – Project Delta: Commissioner Nevin advised that nearly $1500 was raised to train 3 dogs to provide Pets for Vets. Joint County Wide Senior Commission recap: Senior commissions from Waconia, Chanhassen and Watertown met and shared how various programs are run in their respective cities. Commissioners intend to meet on a couple of occasions each year going forward. Lunch&Learn: Opioid Addiction among seniors Mary Blazinin to investigate best way to present information. Dawn Plummer will investigate resources from Carver County. Discussion of Potential data gathering pertaining to Seniors: As Commissioner Titus was absent from this meeting, this discussion was postponed until next meeting. County Wide Scam Presentations: Commissioner Cerchia is working with county wide personnel and is keeping all commissioners aware of his findings. “Independent living senior safety” and “Elder Abuse” presentations: Commissioner Cerchia working with county wide personnel and will keep commissioners aware of findings. “Senior Corner” in Chanhassen Villager: Mary Blazzinin and Commissioner Cerchia to meet with Chanhassen Villager editor to reinstitute a regular article in the newspaper. Senior Commission Comments: Interest in starting a Memory Café discussed. Dawn Plummer to investigate process, location and start-up funds. Adjournment: Commissioner Nevin called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Cerchia moved to adjourn; Commissioner Buesgens seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Prepared by and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff