08-16-2019CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES August 16, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Cerchia, Mack Titus, Carol Buesgens, Lisa Lyon, Bhakti Modi, Dorina Tipton. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruth Lunde. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazanin. GUESTS PRESENT: none. Commissioner Cerchia called meeting to order. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Titus moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Senior Commission Minutes: Commissioner Cerchia called for approval of June minutes. Commissioner Titus moved to approve. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Role of Senior Commission and Commissioners: Commissioner Cerchia opened the discussion by focusing on the Senior Commission’s six goals which are approved by the City Council. He stated that the Senior Commission members work on the approved goals; each goal has a gate keeper to ensure steady progress is made throughout the year. Goals generally have boundaries, but if any Commissioner has new ideas, processes or deviations for a specific goal, that Commissioner must bring this information to the entire Senior Commission, so agreement or disagreement is discussed. If the Senior Commission agrees with a new idea or process, a new goal must be written and taken to City Council as a revision to the originally stated goal and must be approved as a new revised goal. Commissioner Cerchia emphasized that Commissioners are not to discuss with anyone outside our Commission about anything that falls outside the parameters of our current six goals. If we provide “knowledge” or “research” outside our six goals, there is a liability to the City of Chanhassen as we are not deemed to be “experts” but volunteers with passion and interest in making our community a great place to live. Sharmeen Al-Jaff highlighted the Senior Commission’s invaluable contribution year over year. Sharmeen stated that if any Commissioner does not wish to work on the prescribed approved goals, that Commissioner must pursue this through other avenues rather than through the Senior Commission. Sharmeen echoed Commissioner Cerchia’s statements about discussing other ideas or feasibilities with the entire Senior Commission and getting full agreement before proceeding on any deviation from our approved 6 goals. Sharmeen proceeded to go through each goal to ensure each Commissioner fully understood 2019 goal focus: 1. Volunteering on various projects throughout the year (4th of July, Memorial Day, Arbor Day, Intergenerational activities, etc.). This has been an ongoing goal for many years, and we wish to carry on this legacy from the past as it emphasizes the breadth of activities the Commission touches throughout the year. 2. Advocating and participating in transportation issues. Much of the past transportation issues have changed and significantly improved over the years with the addition of South West Transit and WeCab. The Senor Commission wishes to participate in this goal on an ongoing basis to ensure we are always aware of special needs and can cater for those who may not have support and are unable to help themselves. Mary Blazanin will investigate if South West Transit and WeCab can join a future meeting to keep us informed of anything new in their organizations. Due to Commissioners’ other commitments, discussion on the remaining 4 goals will continue at our next meeting. Senior Commission Comments: Memory Café Update: plans to open the memory café in October are on track and additional information to be shared at next meeting. Adjournment: Commissioner Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Tipton moved to adjourn; Commissioner Titus seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff