Bluff Creek Substation Field Area Network Additions Ltr 6-17-19@ xcetEnergy' TCSPOXSIALt BV XATUIE'4'14 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 -1993 June 17, 2019 Sharmeen Al-Jaff Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Bluff Creek Substation Field Area Network Additions Sharmeen, Attached please find a completed Development Application for a Conditional Use Permit and supporting documents for Xcel Energy's proposed Field Area Network (FAN) components proposed at the existing Bluff Creek Substation located at 2150 Lyman Boulevard. The substation has been in operation since the late 1980's and is within the city's Agricultural Estate (A-2) Zoning District. The substation land is owned by the city of Chaska and Xcel Energy holds easement rights to operate and maintain the transmission portion of the substation. FAN is a private wireless communication system that will connect Xcel Energy's control centers with intelligent, integrated devices that enable remote monitoring and control of the electric grid. The FAN system will enhance reliability for our electric customers by providing faster service and shorter, better managed outages. A fact sheet with further details is included for reference. lmplementation of the FAN system in the Chanhassen/Chaska area will require installation of a 145 foot tall galvanized steel monopole with a 5 foot antenna attached to the top (150 feet total) in order to establish sufficient two-way communication between the Bluff Creek Substation and new advanced meters for Xcel Energy's customers in the surrounding area. The FAN system will replace an existing communication system that has been in place since the mid 1990's. Per city code Sec. 20-574 (15) and Article )(XX, the 150 foot proposed monopole and antenna are subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. Collocation requirements per Sec. 20-1510 do not apply as Xcel Energy's FAN facilities are for public utility use, not commercial wireless telecommunication services as defined in Sec. 1-2. Additionally, Xcel Energy security requirements prohibit collocation of FAN facilities on non-company owned towers. The monopole will be designed to accommodate the proposed FAN antenna and at least one other comparable antenna. Although this design criterion will be met, Xcel Energy security requirements do not allow outside communication providers to attach to the FAN monopole as it will be installed and operated within the secured fenced area of the substation. Additionally, Sec. 20-15't0 (3) applies to commercial wireless telecommunication service towers, not public utility services. Additional equipment (H-Frame base station) will be installed on the ground level that attaches to the antenna using coax cables. The General Arrangement plan shows the location of the proposed monopole and H-Frame near the existing Electrical Equipment Enclosure near the south fence line. Placement of all FAN components will meet setbacks requirements for the A-2 district per Sec 20-575 (5) and Sec 20-1505. No additional landscaping is proposed since the FAN components will be installed within the fenced area of the existing substation. Site grading is not needed to install the pole, drainage patterns on the substation property will not change and, no new lighting or signage will be installed as part of the FAN project. Xcel Energy looks forward to working with the City of Chanhassen and implementation of the FAN system to better serve our electric customers in the area. Should you need further information on the materials submitted, please contact me. A Chris Rogers Principal Siting & Land Rights Agent 612-330-6078, office 651-247-5531, cell Ch ristpher.c. rogers@xcelenergy.com The following documents are included with this narrative to support the Development Application: CUP Application and other Fees General Arrangement (Site Plan) with proposed FAN components shown Monopole, H-Frame plans and elevation Supplemental maps and example photos FAN Fact Sheet *. '$i at EASEMENT {," S.,b}ttvr THIS EASEMENT, made this l/ aay of .,1-/1987, between the City of Chaska, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of l.linnesota, its successors or assigns, hereinafter called nCity" and Northern States Powe r Company, a Hinnesota corporation, its successors and assigns, hereinafter calIed ,,1{SP.; }IITNESSETH: IIHEREAS, the City is the owner of a parcel of land iocated in the SE l,/4, Nll l/4 of Section 22, @SXipJ"lL !elge_!J., Carver County, l4innesota, together with an easement for utilities and for ingress and egress across a strip of other 'land located betrreen said parcel of land and a.public road. Sa'ld parcel of land and easement are described in Exhibit A attached hereto known as the Eluff Creek Substat'ion site and hereinafter cal Ied the "Premisesr'. WHEREAS, t{SP and City are parties to a Flrm Power Service Resale Agreernnt dated September 8, 1983; and I,HEREAS, NSP and the City are parties to a Bluff Creek Project Ornership and 0perating Agreement and Chaska Substation Service Agreenent aatea 744aA.rl, tl , ].9AI . I,HEREAS, NSP and City have completed studies that show ioint devel opment of facilities to serve adiacent service areas uill benefit both parties; and I.THEREAS, NSP desires to utilize a portion of the PretDises to Provide I{SP easement rights over, under, across and upon the Prenises to construct, maintain, repair, rebuild and remove transnission line termin' ation structures, distrJbutlon feeder bays and associated equiprcnt and a 115-69 ky substation on a portlon of the Premlses. )I.lr'Iip;,:7 NSP GOPY RJBOI1587PJH02 Page I of 3 //> ot ' i{0l,|' THEREFORE' for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and aqreements contained herein to be kept and performed, NSp and the city hereby mutuaily agree as follows: 1. The City hereby grants to NSp the right and easerent over, under, across and upon the Premises as rnay be reasonably necessary for NSp to construct, operate, maintain and remove transmission line termination structures, distribution feeder bays and associated equipnrent, and a 115-69 kV substation on a portion of the premises, provided, however, that the exercise of NSP's rlghts under such easement does not unreason- ably interfere lrith or hinder the construction, operation, maintenance or rrmovai of the City's facilities. NSp may use the exjsting or future roadrays that.have been or will be constructed and matntained by the City upon the Premises; excepting and reserving unto the City an undjvided and nonexclusive right to utjlize in conrnon $rith ilSp the portion of the Prernises consisting of an easefiEnt for utilities and for ingress and egness over a 40 foot wide strip of land. 2. The rights hereby granted to tSP include the right to trim and cut trees and brush r{hich may endanger NSP's facilities on the Premises. 3. City covenants with NSP, its successors and assigns, that the City is the ownen of the above Premises and has the right to sell and convey an easement in the manner and. fonn aforesaid. IN IJITNESS HHEREOF, the undersigned haye caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the /r/day of YlatJ-.,te17. THE CITY OF CHASKA By I ByIt S APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED W APPROVED R,J8011587P,1H02 J --?iiiTfidE-ota- Page2of3. o The foregoing instrument rvas acknowledged before me this R/tX auy of , rs 77., oy of corporation, on behalf of the corporation. ot=r r.::;;ir\ JACOUELYN A. |TEN i*-C$ *ffi7.T'""'JilXW* 'tir/ fl' Co,id.3oi E4t... lr.r, tr. itf This i nstrument is exempt from the Minnesota Deed Tax, This instrument rya s drafted by Northern States Power Company, 414 Nicol Iet l.lalI, Hinneapolis, Minnesota. RJBO11587PJHO2 Page 3 of 3 STATE 0F VL"*rrffi, (-) coUNTy 0F fuZrt t l t o EXHIBIT A a7 I t/ That^part of the SE- 1/4, Nlt 1/4 of Section 22, To[nship 116, Range23, Carver County, l',linnesota, described as foilows: !9mmq1c!ng at the Southeast corner of the NE 1/4(E 1/4 Cor. ) of said Section ?2; thence South 89o57,53,, tJest, assumed biaring, 2649.54 feet along the South line of said NE I/4 i; the Southeastcorner of sa'id SE 1/4, Nl{ I/4 of Section ZZ, saidpoint also being the point of beginn.ing of ihe tractto^be_described; thence continuing souah 89"57,53,, Irest 1?9.!l leet atong said South Iinel thence northwesterly247.29 feet along the center of a pubiic roadway on anon-tangential curve concave to the northeast withradius of 954.93 feet through a centra'l anqle of14"50'14', chord tearing Noith 72.54,36, t,[st 246,59_feet; thence North 00.24,57" l,/es t 592.S0 feet; thence North 89"35'03, East 377,00 feet; thence South 71"53'06" East 377.58 feet to apoint 0n the East line of said SE l/4 of the NW l/4;thence South 00"24,57, East 550,00 ieet along saidEast line to the point of beginning. Subjeci to ease,nents, reservations or restrictions, if any. Together t./ith an easement for utilities and ingress andegress, being 40 feet in width, lying 20 feet on eachside of the following described ci:nterline: Conmencingat the Southwest corier of the above aesciiUea tract; " thence North 00"?4'57" !/est 321.50 feet alonq the lrleitline thereof to the point of beginning of th6 centerlineto be described; thence North 76.30,00,, Hest 45.00 feet; thence southwesterly 46.69 feet along a tangential curvi concave to the southeast with radius of 50.00 feet througha central angle of 53"30,00,'; thence South 50"00,00,, l,les I224.89 teet tangent to said curve to to a point on thecenter of a public roadway and said centerline thereterminating, It is intended to extend or shorten theside Iines of said easement so as to terminate at saidcenterTine of the public roadway and at the lrlest Ijneof said Tract A. R.JBOl I587PJHO3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Markel Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (9521 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CITY OT CIIAIIIIIASSXI'I APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PC Date:CC Date:60-Day Review Date: Section 1: Appllcation Type (check allthat apply) (Refet lo lhe apprcUlate Application Checkl$ for rcquhed submiltal infomatbn thal must accompany this arylicalbn) fl Comprehensive Plan Amendment...............,......... $600E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers..... $100 fl Conditional Use Permit (CUP) f] Singl+Family Residence ...$325 $42sE etl ottrers E subdivision (suB) ! Create 3lots or less...........- a;;;i; ;;', 3 r"i;.-.:...........::...( lots) E Metes & Bounds (2 lots)........... E lnterim Use Permit (lUP) D ln conjunction with SingleFamily Residence D nll otners........ D Rezoning (REZ) E Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. S750n MinorAmendment to existing PUD................. $100E Arl Ohers........ .................. $500 Sign Plan Review.. .................. $150 Site Plan Review (SPR) E Administrative. .................. $'100! Commerciaulndustrial Districls'...................... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) 'lndude number ofo!&tilg employees: _ 'lnclude number of4E{ employees D Residential Districts.................... Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( D Consolidate Lots... ..... .... Lot Line 4djustment......................... Final P|at.............................................:............ (lncludes $450 escrow for attomey costs)* 'Addi0onal escrow may be reqdred for olher apdications lhrough the delelopmenl conl act. Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) (AddiIonal recodlng lees may apply) Variance (VAR)..... wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) E Single-Family Residence....................... E All ottrers........ Zoning Appeal....... Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)......... tr! ! Z tr D D tr tr $300 $200 $150 $275 $'100 $500 $200 $3 per address units) $500 !q!E: When multlpls .ppllcatlons aro p,ocessed concurontly, tho approprlate tee shall bo cha.ged lor each .ppllcatlon. I Notification Sign (city to instal ard rernove) ................. .. E Property Owners' List within 500' (city to g€.Erar6 aner pre-application m6eting) ,..... fl Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that E Conditional Use Permit E Vacation ! Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ( 6 addresses)ly)........................... ..-.......... $50 per document lnterim Use Permit E Site Plan Agreement Variance Easements (_ easements) Wetland Alteration Permit Deeds app! TOTAL FEE: Property Address or Location 2150 Lyman Boulevard Parcel #:250220710 Legal Description Part of SE l/4 of NW l/4 Section 22, TS 116, Range 23 Wetlands Present?! ves I tto Present Zoning:Agricultural Estate District (A2)Requested Zoning . Agricultural Estale District (A2) Present Land Use Designation . Commerclal Requested Land Use Oesignati on. Commercial Existing Use of Property:Electric Substation - PUblic Utility Section 2: Required lnformation EICheck box if separate nanative is attached Submittal Date: $325 $425 $300 $150 $150 $700 Descrifiion of Proposal: Install 't 50' monopole/antenna and base station within fenced area of the axisting substation. TotalAcreage:9.96 Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation Name xcel Energy Contact: @ Phone: (612) 330-6078Address:414 Nicollet Mall GO-6A City/Statezip: Minneapolis, MN 55401 Email: christopher.c.rogers@xcelenergy.com sis n"1rr". Christopher C Rogers UOlt2 ly d!..d by c'rilo?t rC RogoE t651\ 247-5531 (612) 57$1861 0.4.: 2019.0,1.02 15:i4:38 {500 Dale: Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: Address: PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to obiect at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and lhe progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consutting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name:Chaska Eleckic 6ontra"1. Andrew Romine Phone: (952)227-7710 City/Statez'p Email: Chaska, MN 553'18 aromine@ch askamn.gov Signature:Date: s-ft- lor PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Same as above - Xcel Energy 660 Victoria Drive Contact Phone: applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Departmenl to determine the specific ordinance and applicabla procedural requiremenls and fees. A detemination of completeness of the application shall be made within l5business days of applbation submittal. A writlen nolice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicanl within '15 business days of application. This application must be completed in full a must be accompanied by all information and plans required by Section 4: Notification lnformation Who should receive copies of staff reports?*Other Contact lnformation: Name:El Property Owner Via:E Applicant Ma: Email Email I Engineer Ma: E Email D Other* Via: E Email E Maitea Paper Copy fl Mailed Paper Copy E Mailed Paper copy E Mailed Paper Copy Address; City/State./zip Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Com plete all necessary form iields, then select SAVE FoRM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with rcquired documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent lo have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree lo be bound by conditions of approval, subiect only to the righl to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period, lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pettaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulling fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the inlormation and exhibits submitted are true and corsct. Addrooo' Crty/Statezip: E-oi! * FAN Monopole Location A-2 Minimum Setbacks: 50' Front and rear yards; 10' Side yards t'\l :-rT r- 530' I EI 246' 18 35u \ € I rr i 5 I I 18 ! E l Y"'a i'lerd rc.rc P^tg lr.iod t) Jltilg 1Ilrrde- D? :5-Fq,ElLl G' * G) o ,L, (U ,btln -of.n J C'Ul-(J =6 I ?6) f 7 I Dt ! E E3 o "1 ( % DU o& .ro9,ba, I 5 't' 2-. I {tr t aa , tIt/-' a hrris eso A pelg r1frg Hacl o' o'I t, ft- o G .d Pu raraad TET4.o - '1+ il li T pu.a.rr,A tot, \I \ o& 2o o -1 I E I o!,o EcoE(u I 3 -9o-ob(n I o o qJ oo. .s .2 E o F o oo-c .qv, .9 E 1r, oLF oor E o g =oE c G E -a Eo 3o5 u0c ox lrJ v,o-Y'a vto :, tsal- v,xodt (oo o.v'd. at, T'c (E o oo1' .g .a rlorl .>.p o) G Gt * G)a o oo-c .9vt ,,2 Eut LoLF ln(r) I .! II .\_, t j Ij { i. I , I 'l I ai I\.r i i I.I st, € co Ioz { h I t mx o,39.o 3o =o'!c,g (D O)fo, q,f (D J5 o) L e) x.D sa\d - I I 1 -I I/--- Gc Eo E^;gOEo.:EX-ofi;IE66(, =6 ,6 o o E lr J Fact Sheet @ xcetEnergy' Bringing Advanced Grid lntelligence and Security to N/innesota Xcel Energy's Field Area Network (FAN) Antennas Xcel Energy is standing on the threshold of an energy evolution. A key component of this evolution is creating an interactive and modern grid that will deliver more of what Minnesota customers expect from their energy company: cleaner, more reliable energy, more ways to save money, and a better customer experience. 0ur goal is to build Advanced Grid lntelligence and Security-?dvanced Grid"-to provide faster, effcient service and shorter, better-managed outages by connecting the electric grid with new, intelligent energy devices and technologies. The frst step in our Advance Grid includes implementing our Field Area Network {FAN). iEsPot{st8Lt tY IlTUiEo Coax Cables What is FAN? The Field Area Network (FANlis a wireless communications system that connects Xcel Energy's control centers with intelligenr, integrated grid devices that enable remote monitoring and control of the electric grid. How does FAltl wolk? FAN serves as the building block for private, fast, secure and two-way communication between our substations and feld devices, including new advanced electric planned Advanced Metering lnf rastructure (Alvll). AMI includes many components, including new advanced electric meters for our Minnesota customers. What are the benefits ol FAN for Xcel Energy's elecfic customers? FAN will enable two-way communication between various grid components. For example, intelligent switches installed on high-voltage lines will "talk" to each other over the FAN working to automatically isolate electrical faults and shorlen electrical outages for customers. Sensors on field devices will pinpoint a disruption on a line reducing the time it takes to make the repair. FAN enables a software application to regulate devices to manage overall system voltage and proactively prevent power losses across the grid, and helps control electric demand and customers' energy consumption. This software also will allow us to integrate more renewable, cleaner energy sources onto the grid. Additionally, when an advanced meter is installed on a customert home, the FAN enables automatic notification to Xcel Energy when the residence loses or regains power. This will help us pinpoint outages and deploy repair crews in the most eificient manner possible. How does Xcel Energy plan on implemerting FAN? Currently, we are working with cities in the metro area to launch our FAN network by installing FAN devices within our existing substations and other Xcel Energy-owned locations. Some equipment will attach to existing towers, while others will be installed on new monopoles. These FAN monopoles are similar to a cell tower, ranging in height from 75' to 120' with equipment installed on the ground level that is attached to antennas at the top using coax cables. Power GG {r Ground Equipment What are the other components oI Advanced Grid? Advanced Grid is Xcel Energy's long+erm strategic initiative to transform the distribution grid into an intelligent, integrated network that securely, effciently, reliably and safely integrates distributed energy resources. lt will empower customers 10 track their electricity use and help them take advantage of energy and cost-savings programs. The FAN is a key foundational building block for this initiative. rcolenugycom | @ 2018 Xc6l Enolgy lnc.lxcelEnergyisa regisrered tlad€m.* ol XcslEneqyll1c 118-0t123 o