IUP Application Report 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Chanhassen Landslide Repair Project Interim Use Permit Application Prepared on behalf of Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Prepared for City of Chanhassen December 2019 P:\Mpls\23 MN\10\23101014 Landslides in Chanhassen HCRRA\_04 Chanhassen Slope Failure Const Plans\WorkFiles\Permitting\City of Chanhassen\Chanhassen IUP v3.docx i Chanhassen Landslide Repair – Interim Use Permit Application List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Figure 2 LiDAR Map Figure 3 National Wetlands Inventory Map Figure 4 Wetland Delineation Map Figure 5 FEMA Floodplain Map Figure 6 Public Water Inventory Map Figure 7 Water Table Depth Figure 8 Water Table Elevation Figure 9 Well Locations List of Attachments Attachment 1 Proof of Ownership Attachment 2 Landowner List Attachment 3 Construction Design Plans Attachment 4 Draft Specifications for Horizontal Directional Drilling Attachment 5 Joint Application Form for Activities Affecting Water Resources in Minnesota 1 1 Introduction This application is prepared to fulfill the City of Chanhassen Interim Use Permit requirements as outlined in the City Code Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7-35. The application is organized to correspond to each numbered item under Section 7-35 (b). Project Description The scope of the project includes landslide repairs on a portion of the Minnesota Bluffs LRT Regional Trail in Chanhassen, MN owned by the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA). Two areas will be repaired as part of this project – the north repair area and the south repair area. Project access will be from Highview Drive in Eden Prairie, proceeding southwest along the trail to the site, and also from Flying Cloud Drive through the Moon Valley Aggregate operated property (final access route through Moon Valley Aggregate operated property pending property owner authorization). Landslide repairs in the south repair area will include stabilizing the south slope, repairing the south culvert outlet area and constructing a new storm sewer and drainage ditch to direct water into the repaired area. Plans for redirecting the water were provided to the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District for review and comment on December 12, 2019. The response from the watershed district will be provided to the City upon receipt. Existing trail profile grades will be reduced with the embankment slopes regraded to less steep grades and finished with turf reinforcement mats. The existing damaged concrete headwall will be removed and existing riprap will be salvaged for reuse. The south culvert outlet area will be repaired with riprap, boulder cross vanes, and a stilling basin. Work in the north area will include removal of existing pipe debris, placement of riprap fill on north slope, and abandonment of the existing pipe crossing beneath the trail. Drainage will be rerouted from north pipe area via new buried storm sewer and lined drainage channel, which will discharge to the south culvert outlet area. 2 Interim Use Permit Application Item 1: The name and address of the operator and owner of the land, together with proof of ownership. If the operator and owner are different, both must sign the application. Contact Information Owner: Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Mailing Address: 701 4th Ave. S, Suite 400, Minneapolis MN 55415 Contact Person: Jessica Galatz, Project Manager Phone Number: (612) 348-2691 Email: jessica.galatz@hennepin.us Alternate Contact Person: Kristine Stehly, Project Engineer 2 Phone Number: (612) 348-6370 Email: kristine.stehly@hennepin.us Proof of ownership is provide in Attachment 1. Item 2: The correct legal description of the property where the activity is proposed to occur. All that part of a variable width strip of land in Sections 34, 35, 36 and 25, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, being former railroad right of way. Subject to existing public roads and highways, and easements of record, if any. Item 3: A certified abstract listing the names of all landowners owning property within 500 feet of the boundary of the property described above. The City of Chanhassen provided the applicant with a list of landowners located within 500 feet of the property boundary on December 2, 2019. Refer to Attachment 2. Item 4: Specifications of the following, using appropriate maps, photographs and surveys: Full project specifications are provided in the construction design plans as Attachment 3. Draft specifications for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) are provided as Attachment 4. Once a final copy of the HDD specifications is available it will be provided to the city. a. Proposed grading plan Refer to the attached construction design plans, sheet G-08 (Attachment 3). b. Proposed stockpile sites Stockpiling will occur in the areas identified as staging areas on plan sheet G-05 (Attachment 3). There is limited space for stockpiling material on the site. The contractor will likely choose to put any excavated material directly in trucks to export from the site and stockpile temporarily stripped topsoil on site. It is likely that material will also need to be imported and stockpiled at the site within the staging areas on plan sheet G-05 (Attachment 3). Imported material will include riprap, granular filter, and topsoil. c. The physical relationship of the proposed designated site to the community and existing development. The project site is located on a portion of the Minnesota Bluffs LRT Regional Trail in the Rice Lake area just north of Flying Cloud Drive. The project will take place on Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority property. Two repair areas are part of this project – north repair area and south repair area. A gravel pit owned by Moon Valley Aggregate is located southeast of the south repair area. There are no other residential, commercial or industrial developments immediately adjacent to the north and south repair 3 areas. Residential areas are located on either side of the trail in the northeast portion of the project area (Figure 1). The northeast portion of the trail will be used for construction access only. d. Site topography and natural features including location of watercourses and waterbodies. The trail slopes down from the northeast towards the southwest with an approximate elevation of 880 feet at the northeast access point coming down to 830 feet at the south repair area. Topography on either side of the trail is variable but generally downward sloping. Refer to sheet G-08 (Attachment 3) and Figure 2 for elevation contours within the project area. Wetlands are located on either side of the trail along the access with a small percentage located within the construction limits (Figure 3 and 4; sheets G-05 and G- 06, Attachment 3). A small wetland is located northeast of the north repair area outside of the construction limits (Figure 4). A stream channel runs adjacent to the trail from the northeast. The stream channel is outside of the construction limits at the north repair area and flows under the trail via the south culvert in the south repair area (Figure 4). No other waterbodies are located within the project footprint. The site is not within a designated floodplain (Figure 5). A Public Water Inventory basin (unnamed) is located northwest of the access at Highview Drive but is not within project limits and will not be impacted by construction activities (Figure 6). e. The description and quantity of material to be excavated. Excavated material will include soil and riprap. The total estimated quantity of excavated material is: • Excavation – common (non-contaminated material): 19,990 cubic yards • Excavation – special (contaminated soil): 2824 cubic yards The trail lowering portion of the project will require extensive excavation and some of the material on the surface is contaminated. Contaminated soil will be exported offsite to an approved waste disposal facility. No new soil will be needed as the finished grade is much lower than existing grade. f. The depth of water tables throughout the area. Refer to Figures 7 and 8 for water table depths/elevations. Depth to water table is approximately 0 to 25 feet in most of the south repair area, 25 to 75 feet along the trail and, 0 to 25 feet in the north repair area. g. The location and depth of wells and buried garbage, water and fill. There are no public or domestic wells within the project footprint, refer to Figure 8. No buried garbage or fill was identified at the site. Item 5: The purpose of the operation. The purpose of the planned work is to repair landslides along a portion of the Minnesota Bluffs LRT Regional Trail that occurred in 2014. In addition to the landslide repairs, a new storm sewer and drainage channel are proposed to be constructed on the south side of the trail that will drain to the south culvert area. The south culvert will also undergo repairs. The culvert located in the north repair area will be filled and abandoned in place. 4 Item 6: The estimated time required to compete operation. Tree clearing will occur prior to the work required to complete the repairs. In total, construction time is expected to be no greater than ten months. Item 7: Hours and months of operation. Work will occur within regular hours, starting no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and finishing no later than 6:00 p.m. on a daily basis. Work is anticipated to occur between the months of February and December of 2020. Item 8: A tree survey indicating the location and type of all trees over six inches in caliper. In a heavily wooded area only the boundaries of the tree areas must be indicated on the survey. A tree survey was conducted to identify trees over 6 inches in diameter at breast height (dbh). The area within the construction limits is heavily wooded. Collecting individual tree locations was not feasible given that the area is heavily wooded. Instead, a square measuring 2,500 square feet was surveyed in three different locations along the south repair area. On average, about 7 trees at or above 6 inches dbh were identified within the surveyed squares. Tree clearing will take place in areas as necessary within the limits of construction (Attachment 3) and will be avoided to the extent practicable. Trees over 6 inches dbh that are removed during construction will be counted and replanted at a 1:1 ratio within the construction limits during restoration as space allows. Some areas where trees will be removed will not be replanted due to new features being constructed. Refer to sheet R-03 (Attachment 3) for the tree replacement plan. Item 9: An end use landscape plan and interim screening plan for the operation period. The restoration plan is provided in Attachment 3, sheets R-01 through R-04. An interim screening plan is not applicable to this project. Item 10: The plan of operation, including processing, nature of the processing and equipment, location of the plant source of water, disposal of water and reuse of water. Not applicable. Item 11: Travel routes to and from the site and the number and type of trucks that will be used. Access to the north repair area will be from Highview Drive along the trail. An access road will be constructed from Highview Drive for truck and equipment access. An application for a right-of-way permit will be submitted to the City of Eden Prairie once the contractor has been selected and construction dates are finalized. The City of Eden Prairie permit is required to obtained authorization for constructing a temporary access route in the City of Eden Prairie right-of-way. The timeline for submitting the application in late winter/spring of 2020 and the application requirements have been discussed with the City of Eden Prairie. Access to the south repair area will be from Flying Cloud Drive via Moon Valley Aggregate property (pending owner approval). Equipment used will include a backhoe or similar excavator, small bulldozers, light bobcat(s), and trucks to transport personnel, equipment and material. 5 Beyond the direct access routes into the project area, it is anticipated that most construction related traffic would use County Highway 1 and County Highway 61. Item 12: Plans for drainage, erosion and sediment control and dust control. No drainage will occur as part of this project. Erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) are outlined in the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) included in Attachment 3, sheets C-05 and C-06. Item 13: A restoration plan providing for the orderly and continuing restoration of all disturbed land to a condition equal to or better than that which existed prior to the earth work. Such plan shall illustrate, using photographs, maps and surveys where appropriate, the following: a. The contour of the land prior to excavation and proposed contours after completion of excavation and after completion of restoration. Refer to Figure 2 for current topographic contours and refer to Attachment 3, sheet G-08 for topographic contours after project completion (regraded area along trail modifications). b. Those areas of the site to be used for storage of topsoil and overburden. The site does not currently contain much topsoil. It is anticipated that the contractor will strip what topsoil they can and stockpile it in the staging areas, but most of the topsoil used in site restoration will likely need to be imported. c. A schedule setting forth the timetable for excavation of land lying within the extraction facility. Refer to items 6 and 7 for a schedule of the proposed activities. d. The grade of all slopes after restoration, based upon proposed land uses, and description of the type and quantity of plantings where revegetation is to be conducted. Refer to Attachment 3, sheets G-08 for area that will be regraded and sheets R-01 through R-03 for the restoration plans. The construction area will be re-seeded using MnDOT approved seed mixes. Types of seed mixes are outlined on the restoration plan (sheet R-01, Attachment 3) with a total area to be seeded of up to 7.41 acres. e. The criteria and standards to be used to achieve final restoration as well as intermittent stabilization. Intermittent stabilization will be achieved with the use of erosion and sediment control BMPs. Final restoration will be achieved per the restoration plan (sheet R-01 through R-03, Attachment 3). For further information refer to the SWPPP on sheets C-05 and C-06 (Attachment 3). 6 Item 14: A statement identifying the applicant's program to insure compliance with the permit conditions, method of response to complaints and resolving conflicts that may arise as a result of complaints. HCRRA will obtain coverage under the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s General Permit for Construction Stormwater. As such, required inspections under that coverage will be completed and will serve as means to oversee compliance with the permit conditions. Conflicts that are brought to the City’s attention can be directed to Jessica Galatz (612) 348-2691. Item 15: Unless exempt under Minnesota Rules, an environmental assessment worksheet, if required by the city. Not applicable. Item 16: A wetland alteration permit, if required by the City Code, which shall be processed concurrently with the excavation permit application. A joint application form for activities affecting water resources in Minnesota was submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and serves to fulfill the city’s wetland alteration requirement. It is provided as Attachment 5 for reference. The application materials are supported by field delineations completed in 2015 and 2019. Delineation work was confirmed by the City of Chanhassen’s technical evaluation panel, as noted in the attached application materials. Figures MN River Bluffs LRTHighviewDrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerV o g e Far m Tr Sett l e r s Ct TrailsEndRdSet tl ement DrPioneer Tr E x p l o re rT rMeadowlarkLaFoxHol l owDrFlying Cloud D r D e e rb ro o kD r45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCounty CarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 22 TWP 116WRNG 22N SEC 22 Eden Prairie Chanhassen SITE LOCATION Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 1 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 21:57 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig02 LiDAR Map.mxd User: mrq0 700 Feet !;NMinnesota Bluff Rivers LRT Regional Trail Construction Limits County Boundary Municipal Boundary Public Land Survey Section Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 HighviewDrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerVoge FarmTr Set t l e rsCt TrailsEndRdS e t tl e mentDrPioneer Tr E x p l o re rT rMeadowlarkLaFoxHollowDrFlying Cloud Dr D eerbrook Dr 45671 456714 456761870850820 800 780 750740730710700910880900860840790 760 770 720 920 910 88087084083089 0 850890880830 810 82080076075074078077082080080 0 79 078 0 9 1 0 9009 2 0 910 88087089087083082076075090089090089081 0 790 7709 2 0 900 8808808808508208108 1 0930920920 910910910 910 910 890890900 900 9 0 0 900900890 890870870860 840 8108007907807 7 0 7 4 0 720900LIDAR MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 21:57 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig02 LiDAR Map.mxd User: mrq0 700 Feet !;NConstruction Limits Surface Elevation (Carver Co., 2011) 10-foot Contour 2-foot Contour Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 Highview DrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerV o g e Far m Tr Sett l e r s Ct TrailsEndRdS e t t l eme nt DrPioneer Tr E x p l o re rT rMeadowlarkLaFoxHol l owDrFlying Cloud D r D e e rb ro o kD r45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCountyCarverCarverCountyCounty PEMA PEMC L1UBH PEMC PEMC PUBG PUBGx PEMF PFO1Cd PUBGx PEMCd PEMCd PEMCd PUBFd PFO1C PEMCd TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 25 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 36 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 30 TWP 116WRNG 22N SEC 31 NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 3 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 21:59 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig03 National Wetland Inventory.mxd User: mrqConstruction Limits Public Land Survey Section County Boundary Wetlands (National Wetlands Inventory) Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond Lake Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 700Feet!;N Highview DrLakeland TerPioneer Tr Trails End Rd456714 45671 WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 4 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:14 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig04 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N TrailsEndRdWETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 4 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:14 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig04 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N TrailsEndRdWETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 4 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:14 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig04 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 4 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:14 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig04 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Delineated Wetlands Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 4 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:14 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig04 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N HighviewDrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerV o g e Far m Tr Sett l e r s Ct TrailsEndRdSet tl ement DrPioneer Tr E x p l o re rT rMeadowlarkLaFoxHol l owDrFlying Cloud D r D e e rb ro o kD r45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCountyCarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 22 TWP 116WRNG 22N SEC 22 FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 5 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 22:01 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig05 FEMA Floodplain.mxd User: mrqConstruction Limits Public Land Survey Section County Boundary FEMA Flood Hazard Special Flood Hazard Area with Base Flood Elevation (Zone AE) Area of Minimal Flood Hazard (Zone X) Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 700Feet!;N Unnamed Unnamed Lake Riley Rice Lake Unnamed 45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCountyCarverCarverCountyCounty 101 912C TWP 116WRNG 23NSEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23NSEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 22NSEC 22 TWP 116WRNG 22NSEC 22 B lu ffC re e k RileyCreek PUBLIC WATER INVENTORYMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-21 09:17 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig06 Public Water Inventory.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits Public Land Survey Section County Boundary Public Water Inventory Watercourses Public Water Inventory Basins Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 1,000 Feet !;N HighviewDrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerVo g e Fa rm Tr Set t l e r sCt TrailsEndRdSet t l ementDrPioneer Tr E x p lo r e r TrMeadowlarkLaFoxHollowDr Flying Cloud Dr D eerbrook Dr 45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCounty CarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 22 TWP 116W RNG 22NSEC 22870850820 800 780 750720710700910880900860840790 760 920 910 900880850830890 8 7 0 890880830 810 82080076075074082080080 0 79 07809 1 0 9009 2 0 910 8808708308207707 5 0900890900890 730 72081 0 740840790 7 8 0 7709 2 0 900 8808908808808508208108 1 0 760930920920 9 1 0910 910 910 910 890890900 900 9 0 0 900900890 890870870870860 8408108007907807 7 0 740 900 WATER TABLE DEPTH Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 7 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 22:06 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig07 Water Table Depth.mxd User: mrqConstruction Limits Public Land Survey Section County Boundary Depth to Water Table (ft) 0 to 10 >10 to 25 >25 to 50 >50 to 75 Surface Elevation (Carver Co., 2011) 10-foot Contour Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 700Feet!;N Note:Water table elevation data is from the County Atlas Series,Carver County, Atlas C-21, Part B, Plate 6; Minnesota DNR HighviewDrSierraTrPioneer CirLakeland TerVo g e Fa rm Tr Set t l e r sCt TrailsEndRdSet t l ementDrPioneer Tr E x p lo r e r TrMeadowlarkLaFoxHollowDr Flying Cloud Dr D eerbrook Dr 45671 456714 456761 HennepinHennepinCountyCounty CarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 23 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 22 TWP 116W RNG 22NSEC 22870850820 800 780 750720710700910880900860840790 760 920 910 900880850830890 8 7 0 890880830 810 82080076075074082080080 0 79 07809 1 0 9009 2 0 910 8808708308207707 5 0900890900890 730 72081 0 740840790 7 8 0 7709 2 0 900 8808908808808508208108 1 0 760930920920 9 1 0910 910 910 910 890890900 900 9 0 0 900900890 890870870870860 8408108007907807 7 0 740 900 WATER TABLE ELEVATION Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 8 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 22:04 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig08 Water Table Elevation.mxd User: mrqConstruction Limits Public Land Survey Section County Boundary Water Table Elevation (ft MSL) >700 to 725 >725 to 750 >780 to 800 >800 to 825 >825 to 850 >850 to 875 >875 to 900 >900 to 925 >925 to 950 Surface Elevation (Carver Co., 2011) 10-foot Contour 0 700Feet!;N Note:Water table elevation data is from the County Atlas Series,Carver County, Atlas C-21, Part B, Plate 6; Minnesota DNR Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !>!> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !>!> !> !> !> !>!> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> !> 00453959 260 ft 00195526 440 ft 00433438 320 ft 00424017 260 ft 00520460 280 ft 00493945 347 ft 00435412 297 ft 00536939 340 ft 00668017 295 ft 00453903 277 ft 00541667 270 ft 00458081 271 ft 00439529 287 ft 00122946 280 ft 00105357 220 ft 00227329 241 ft00484845 272 ft 00130757 164 ft 00212690 300 ft 00195525 160 ft 00475742 290 ft00573595 245 ft 00433632 315 ft 00453954 285 ft 00536287 260 ft 00118816 230 ft 00137392 272 ft 00743436 291 ft 00493905 260 ft 00439540 283 ft 00677872 326 ft 00526430 275 ft 00206822 229 ft 00229183 154 ft 00515575 249 ft 00137399 275 ft 00109903 250 ft 00477431 306 ft 00479338 275 ft 00686563 277 ft 00475747 256 ft 00426535 241 ft 00493927 297 ft00475748 295 ft 00536284 280 ft 00479344 305 ft 00561384 265 ft 00453728 290 ft 00464905 257 ft 00575573 197 ft 00428205 259 ft 00206851 260 ft 00466476 320 ft 00475734 295 ft 00441544 260 ft 00147875 418 ft 00435449 215 ft 00521939 242 ft 00109888 260 ft 00658634 232 ft 00404365 380 ft 00510419 310 ft 00426576 278 ft 00258792 0 ft 00736175 224 ft 00458121 250 ft 00441130 292 ft 00627239 242 ft 00554078 250 ft 00127512 277 ft 00477427 290 ft 00118819 305 ft 00520188 298 ft 00441140 260 ft 00696454 285 ft 00615591 215 ft 00481909 216 ft 00109929 230 ft 00405097 180 ft 00439506 259 ft 00439502 296 ft 00481250 220 ft 00548545 310 ft 00565734 320 ft 00522177 168 ft 00532587 218 ft 00818035 261 ft 00825607 367 ft HennepinHennepinCountyCounty CarverCarverCountyCounty NEARBY WATER WELLS Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 9 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-11-20 22:08 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\City_Permit_Nov2019\Fig09 Nearby Water Wells.mxd User: mrqConstruction Limits County Boundary Well - County Well Index !>Domestic !> Public Supply/Non-Community Transient !>Public Supply/Non-Community 0 700Feet!;N 00258792 230 ft Unique ID Depth Attachments Attachment 1 Proof of Ownership – Hopkins to Chaska Deed Attachment 2 Landowner List Chanhassen Landslide Repair – Interim Use Permit ApplicationLANDOWNER LIST ‐ provided by City of Chanhassen 12‐2‐19PIN TAX_NAME TAX_ADD_L1 TAX_ADD_L2 SITEADD254090030 MATTHEW J CHRISTENSEN 10 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553178627 10 PIONEER TRL257560410 JOE MORRISON 100 8TH AVE S UNIT 106 HOPKINS, MN 55343‐10029 TRAILS END RD253350020 SUSAN V RECH 1000 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189520 1000 HESSE FARM RD257560390 TINA RISCH 10005 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10005 TRAILS END RD253350030 JOHN D & BARBARA J FORCE 1001 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189527 1001 HESSE FARM RD257560130 CHRISTOPHER & MICHELE A J FAZI 10012 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10012 TRAILS END RD257560400 DANIEL J JOST 10017 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10017 TRAILS END RD253350010 PAUL W & SUSAN M ALLEN 1002 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189520 1002 HESSE FARM RD257560140 JUDY E MANEY TRUST 10024 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10024 TRAILS END RD257560150 STACEY M BURROUGHS REV TRUST 10036 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 10036 TRAILS END RD257560160 MICHAEL J KANE 10048 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10048 TRAILS END RD257560420 HEATHER HOLLAND NEUBAUER 10053 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 10053 TRAILS END RD257560170 MATTHEW T KEEN 10060 TRAILS END RUN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 10060 TRAILS END RD257560430 WILLIAM & ELIZABETH PETA 10065 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10065 TRAILS END RD257560180 CHRISTOPHER & ERIN WETMORE TRUSTS 10072 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10072 TRAILS END RD257560440 PAUL A & SHERYL A CARLSON 10077 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10077 TRAILS END RD257560190 SCOTT ANSETH 10084 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10084 TRAILS END RD257560200 DANIEL W ABERCROMBIE 10096 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 10096 TRAILS END RD257560500 SETTLERS WEST LP 10096 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174594 9841 TRAILS END RD257560210 PHILIPPE O SCHWOB 10112 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174593 10112 TRAILS END RD253300100 RUSSELL A LEIGHTON JR 1025 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189527 1025 HESSE FARM RD253320160 MARY E BRIOL 10377 HEIDI LN CHASKA, MN 553189516 10377 HEIDI LN253320270 MICHAEL PARADIS REV TRUST 10421 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 553189534 10421 BLUFF CIR253320230 BEVERLY J ZIMMER 10440 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 55318 10440 BLUFF CIR253320250 SCOTT A LINDBLAD 10441 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 553189534 10441 BLUFF CIR253320240 WILLIAM N DECOULOS 10460 BLUFF CIR CHASKA, MN 553189534 10460 BLUFF CIR257420120 ELIZABETH M VOGEL REV TRUST 105 PIONEER TR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178660 105 PIONEER TRL253300110 KEVIN E & JANET S WINTER 1075 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189527 1075 HESSE FARM RD254090010 BRYAN & ANGELA MALONEY LIV TRUST 108 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553178659 108 PIONEER TRL253300120 NANCY MADSEN REV TRUST 1101 HESSE FARM RD CHASKA, MN 553189526 1101 HESSE FARM RD250360700 BEATRICE I ZWIERS IRREV TRUST 11111 DEUCE RD ELKO, MN 55020‐9591 220 FLYING CLOUD DR250360200 MOON VALLEY AGGREGATES INC 11111 DEUCE RD ELKO, MN 55020 100 FLYING CLOUD DR250350800 GORAN PUJIC 1161 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318 1161 BLUFF CREEK DR250350700 ALAN L JONGERIUS 1190 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 553189515 1190 BLUFF CREEK DR253300140 LEO RICHARD DEE & KAREN COUGHLIN DEE TRS 1201 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 553189518 1201 HESSE FARM CIR253320260 MAREN DVORAK 1221 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 553189515 1221 BLUFF CREEK DR253300150 BRIAN JAY BIELKE 1225 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 55318 1225 HESSE FARM CIR253250050 JEFFREY M GOOD 1231 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 553189515 1231 BLUFF CREEK DR253250040 THOMAS GNANAPRAGASAM 1251 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 55318 1251 BLUFF CREEK DR Chanhassen Landslide Repair – Interim Use Permit ApplicationLANDOWNER LIST ‐ provided by City of Chanhassen 12‐2‐19253300160 MAUREEN ANN GRAZZINI TRUST 1251 HESSE FARM CIR CHASKA, MN 55318 1251 HESSE FARM CIR253250030 NICHOLAS WARITZ 1271 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 553189515 1271 BLUFF CREEK DR257980010 P R KELLY PROPERTIES LLC 13991 KENSINGTON AVE NE PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372‐550 FLYING CLOUD DR250350500 HEIDI R MOE 1425 BLUFF CREEK DR CHASKA, MN 553189515 1201 BLUFF CREEK DR3.01162E+12 JOSH & JULIE TAYLOR 1510 MIDWAY LN GLENVIEW IL   60026‐7792 19018 VOGEL FARM TR250351810 SKIP S COOK 15506 VILLAGE WOODS DR EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347‐1439 10551 GREAT PLAINS BLVD250250800 WILLIAM C GRIFFITH 185 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 553178660 185 PIONEER TRL250360100 RILEY PURGATORY BLF CRK WS 18681 LAKE DR E CHANHASSEN, MN 553173.01162E+12 RYAN & HEATHER ZICK 18936 EXPLORER TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 18936 EXPLORER TR3.01162E+12 WESTON T & LARUA K ROPER 18945 EXPLORER TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 18945 EXPLORER TR3.01162E+12 GREGORY  & COLLEEN WEBER 18948 EXPLORER TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 18948 EXPLORER TR3.01162E+12 MICHAEL & CARIN VIERTEL 18957 EXPLORER TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 18957 EXPLORER TR3.01162E+12 RANIA DOUBAL BACHOUR 19042 VOGEL FARM TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 19042 VOGEL FARM TR3.01162E+12 JEFFREY V & JENNIFER J JIOVANAZZO 19066 VOGEL FARM TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 19066 VOGEL FARM TR3.01162E+12 RICHARD J & SUSAN J LANAHAN 19090 VOGEL FARM TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 19090 VOGEL FARM TR3.01162E+12 WILLIAM & PATRICIA BARTRAM 19114 VOGEL FARM TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 19114 VOGEL FARM TR250362500 RUSSELL J BARTO II 1969 WOODSTONE LN VICTORIA, MN 55386‐9639 410 LAKOTA LN250362900 DAN & VALERIE TESTER 230 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 55318‐9532 230 FLYING CLOUD DR250363300 STEVEN JON & ANGELA S SMITH 240 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 553189532 240 FLYING CLOUD DR250363200 MAX LAUREANO 250 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 55318 250 FLYING CLOUD DR259990600 HENNEPIN CO REG RR AUTHORITY 300 6TH ST S SW STREET LEVEL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55487‐0999 Null250362020 RUSSELL & YVONNE BARTO 400 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189452250362400 RUSSELL J & YVONNE L BARTO TRUST 400 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189452 400 LAKOTA LN250363800 MATHEW JOHNSON 415 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189457 415 LAKOTA LN251300050 KEVIN FALCONER 425 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 55318 425 LAKOTA LN251300040 WANDA SYNSTELIEN 445 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189457 445 LAKOTA LN250360710 CHARLIE D HAZZARD 450 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 553189533 450 FLYING CLOUD DR250363100 ALVIN R LEBENS 460 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 55318 460 FLYING CLOUD DR250362800 MICHAEL S SPIESS 470 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 553189533 470 FLYING CLOUD DR251300030 DONAVON GLOUDE 495 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 55318 495 LAKOTA LN250350111 STATE OF MINNESOTA ‐ DNR 500 LAFAYETTE RD ST PAUL, MN 55155‐4045251300020 ECO REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC 510 PLEASANTVIEW RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 535 LAKOTA LN258490010 MARTIN K & KATHLEEN M SCHUTROP 540 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189453 540 LAKOTA LN251300010 HEATHER LYNN SILVA 565 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 55318 565 LAKOTA LN250362210 CHRISTOPHER R KNUTSON 575 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189455 575 LAKOTA LN250362200 JOHN C SCHWANKE 595 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189456 595 LAKOTA LN250361300 608 FLYING CLOUD LLC 608 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 553189502 608 FLYING CLOUD DR250362220 JAMES A & BONNIE B SWANSEN 615 LAKOTA LN CHASKA, MN 553189455 615 LAKOTA LN3.01162E+12 HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY 701 4TH AVE S SUITE 400 MINNEAPOLIS MN   55415 61 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED3.01162E+12 SETTLERS WEST HO ASSOC ‐ COMMUNITY DEV INC 7100 MADISON AVE W GOLDEN VALLEY MN   55427 61 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED Chanhassen Landslide Repair – Interim Use Permit ApplicationLANDOWNER LIST ‐ provided by City of Chanhassen 12‐2‐193.01162E+12 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE 8080 MITCHELL RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55344 61 ADDRESS UNASSIGNED250351710 HAGEN LAWN & LANDSCAPE LLC 850 FLYING CLOUD DR CHASKA, MN 553189503 850 FLYING CLOUD DR3.01162E+12 MARK W & SUZAN R KAMMER 9600 HIGHVIEW DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9600 HIGHVIEW DR257420110 JONATHAN P & JOANN DIMINO 9751 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 553178826 9751 MEADOWLARK LN3.01162E+12 KARL REYNOLDS & CHRISTI HART 9800 TRAILS END RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9800 TRAILS END RD3.01162E+12 THOMAS A & KELLY A HOPPER 9805 TRAILS END RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9805 TRAILS END RD3.01162E+12 KRISTA A HAYEK & PETER N WHITE IV 9812 TRAILS END RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9812 TRAILS END RD3.01162E+12 MICHAEL & AMY RUETZ 9817 TRAILS END RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9817 TRAILS END RD252640160 NATHAN H GRIFFITHS 9821 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178550 9821 DEERBROOK DR3.01162E+12 JEFFREY J HOLM & JENNIFER EKEREN‐HOLM 9824 TRAILS END RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN   55347 9824 TRAILS END RD257560010 MICHAEL A & CHRISTINE M MANNO 9836 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174591 9836 TRAILS END RD252640150 TRUST AGREEMENT OF RICHARD & CATHERINE M 9841 DEERBROOK CHANHASSEN, MN 553178550 9841 DEERBROOK DR257560020 DANIEL S LAUN 9848 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174591 9848 TRAILS END RD257560300 SCOTT LAUERMAN 9853 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174591 9853 TRAILS END RD257560030 SARAH J BREIT 9860 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9860 TRAILS END RD252640140 ANN K LONSTEIN REVOCABLE TRUST 9861 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178550 9861 DEERBROOK DR257560040 JASON BURLAGE 9872 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9872 TRAILS END RD252640130 JOHN M & LINDA J REVIER 9881 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178550 9881 DEERBROOK DR252640120 RYAN & COURTNEY DUNLAY 9901 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178552 9901 DEERBROOK DR257560310 A JEFFREY KARSCHNIK 9905 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9905 TRAILS END RD257560050 JARED JOHN GRUNIG 9912 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9912 TRAILS END RD257560320 ELIZABETH A FARRELL9917 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9917 TRAILS END RD252640110 KIRK D HEISSEL 9921 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9921 DEERBROOK DR257560060 JASON EMMETT 9924 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9924 TRAILS END RD257560330 LENNART J JOHNSON 9929 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9929 TRAILS END RD257560070 WILLIAM J ROUSE 9936 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9936 TRAILS END RD252640100 ROSS L HABBEN 9941 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9941 DEERBROOK DR257560340 JON FRANSWAY 9941 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9941 TRAILS END RD257560080 STEVEN C KIMES 9948 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9948 TRAILS END RD257560350 ROBERT G DAUB REV TRUST 9953 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9953 TRAILS END RD257560090 XIANGDONG LIN 9960 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9960 TRAILS END RD252640090 JENNIFER M PALMQUIST 9961 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178552 9961 DEERBROOK DR257560360 CHRISTOPHER C ATTERBERRY 9965 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9965 TRAILS END RD257560100 JAMES DOBCHUK 9972 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9972 TRAILS END RD257560370 STEVEN R PASCHKE 9977 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9977 TRAILS END RD252640070 PAUL J TAUNTON 9980 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 553178551 9980 DEERBROOK DR252640080 JIMMY M & MARY E ROANE 9981 DEERBROOK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9981 DEERBROOK DR257560110 RANDALL S & MELODEE D BROOKS 9984 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9984 TRAILS END RD257560380 MATTHEW J WILLIAMS 9989 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9989 TRAILS END RD257560120 RICHARD BARBARI 9996 TRAILS END RD CHANHASSEN, MN 553174592 9996 TRAILS END RD Chanhassen Landslide Repair – Interim Use Permit ApplicationLANDOWNER LIST ‐ provided by City of Chanhassen 12‐2‐19256010020 PCH DEVELOPMENT LLC PO BOX 94 SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 10520 GREAT PLAINS BLVD Attachment 3 Construction Design Plans CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-01_TITLE SHEET AND INDEX.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:18 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTITLE SHEET, PROJECT LOCATION, ANDSHEET INDEX23101014.04-G-01D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CONSTRUCTION LIMITSPROJECT LOCATIONCARVER COUNTYCHANHASSEN, MN.NORTH REPAIR AREASOUTH REPAIR AREANORTH AREA ACCESS FROMHIGHVIEW DRIVEANTICIPATED RIGHT OF ENTRYFROM FLYING CLOUD DRIVE TOBOTTOM OF SLOPE OF SOUTHREPAIR AREAGENERAL NOTES:1.TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY INFORMATION SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET IS A COMBINATION OFDATA FROM: SURVEY CONDUCTED BY BARR ENGINEERING CO. IN JANUARY 2015,SURVEY CONDUCTED BY STONEBROOKE IN JANUARY 2019 AND MnDNR 2011 LiDARTOPOGRAPHY.2.IMAGERY; COPYRIGHT PICTOMETRY INTERNATIONAL CORP AND HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA, 2015.3.HORIZONTAL DATUM AND COORDINATE SYSTEM: CARVER COUNTY COORDINATES,NAD83 HARN, US SURVEY FEET.4.VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD29.MOON VALLEYAGGREGATERICE LAKEGOPHER STATE ONE CALL:CALL BEFORE YOU DIG.1-800-252-1166FLYING CLOUD DRIVEDEERBROOK DRREG IONA L TRA I L TR A I L S E N D R D .LAKOTA LNPIONEER TRA ILGREAT PLAINS BLVDHWY 1011-PLAN: PROJECT LOCATIONN05001000SCALE IN FEETMINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT. . . . TITLE SHEET, PROJECT LOCATION, AND SHEET INDEXG-01G-02. . . . EXISTING CONDITIONS - PLANC-06. . . . TRAIL MODIFICATIONS - PLAN AND PROFILEC-02C-01. . . . STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)C-03C-07C-08C-13C-05C-04G-03. . . . REMOVALS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANENGINEER CONTACT:Matt PetersonBarr Engineering Co.4300 MarketPointe Dr.Minneapolis, MN 55435952-832-2949mpeterson@barr.comOWNER'S REPRESENTATIVECONTACT:Jessica GalatzHennepin County Regional Railroad Authority701 Fourth Ave. S., Suite 400Minneapolis, MN 55415612-348-2691Jessica.Galatz@hennepin.usCONTACTS:. . . . SEEDING PLANR-01C-14C-09C-10C-11C-12. . . . RESTORATION DETAILSR-03G-04. . . . SITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL - OVERALL PLAN AND NOTESG-05G-06. . . . TRAIL CLOSURE SIGNAGE EAST OF LAKE RILEY. . . . STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. . . . SITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL - PLANS. . . . SITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL - PLAN AND DETAILS. . . . TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DETAILS. . . . TRAIL MODIFICATIONS - CROSS SECTIONS. . . . TRAIL MODIFICATIONS - CROSS SECTIONS. . . . TRAIL MODIFICATIONS - TYPICAL SECTIONS. . . . EXISTING CONDITIONS - PHOTOS . . . . SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR - PLAN. . . . SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR - SECTIONS. . . . STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNEL - PLAN AND PROFILE. . . . STREAMBANK REPAIR - DETAIL. . . . NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR - PLAN. . . . NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR - PROFILE, SECTION, AND DETAILC-15C-16C-17C-18C-19. . . . SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET AND STREAMBANK REPAIR - PLAN. . . . SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET REPAIR - PROFILE AND SECTIONSG-07. . . . LEGEND, NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND ALIGNMENT CONTROL DATA. . . . STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)C-20. . . . SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET REPAIR - SECTIONS AND DETAILSC-21. . . . STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNEL - SECTIONS AND DETAILS. . . . STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNEL - SECTIONS AND DETAILSR-02. . . . EROSION CONTROL BLANKET AND MULCH PLANR-04. . . . TREE PLANTING PLAN. . . . PROJECT LAYOUT PLANG-08R I L E Y L A K E R D .LAKE RILEYINSTALL TRAIL CLOSURE SIGNAGEEAST OF LAKE RILEYSEE SHEET G-07 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-01_TITLE SHEET AND INDEX.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 9:48 AMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNLEGEND, NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND ALIGNMENT CONTROL DATA23101014.04-G-02D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.ABBREVIATIONSLEGENDCBCATCH BASINC.I.P.CAST-IN-PLACECLSMCONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIALSCMPCORRUGATED METAL PIPECONC.CONCRETEEL.ELEVATIONFESFLARED END SECTIONI.E.INVERT ELEVATIONMH MANHOLEMnDOTMINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONNWLNORMAL WATER LEVELRCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPETRMTURF REINFORCEMENT MATCMPACORRUGATED METAL PIPE ARCH1DETAIL: GRAPHICS STANDARDSDETAIL VIEW CALL OUTSCALE: 1=1SECTION VIEW CALL OUTSECTION VIEW TITLESECTION: GRAPHICS STANDARDS10SCALE: 1=1111101010GENERAL NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TOWORK.2.ALL EXISTING ROADS, PARKING LOTS, TRAILS, SIGNS, OR SIMILAR SHALL NOT BEDISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SURVEYSWITH THE ENGINEER TO DOCUMENT PRE-CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONDITION ISSUES.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL BMPS PRIOR TOCOMMENCEMENT OF GRADING FOR EACH LOCATION DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSIONCONTROL PLANS ARE PROVIDED INSIDE THE PROJECT STORMWATER POLLUTIONPREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP).4.CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE FINAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TOBE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND STAKED IN THE FIELD.5.CLEARING AND GRUBBING TO BE PERFORMED ONLY WITHIN GRADING LIMITS ANDACCESS ROUTES UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY ENGINEER.6.TREES TO BE CLEARED WILL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY ENGINEER. ALL TREES >= 6" INDIAMETER NOT MARKED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED.7.TREES IDENTIFIED BY ENGINEER FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTION SHALL BE PROTECTEDAGAINST ROOT COMPACTION, DAMAGE AND DISFIGUREMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITHMnDOT SPEC. 2572. PROTECTION OF TREES NOT IDENTIFIED TO BE REMOVED SHALL BEINCIDENTAL.8.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSFER OF AQUATIC ANDTERRESTRIAL INVASIVE SPECIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE.EXISTING INDEX CONTOUREXISTING INTERMEDIATE CONTOUREXISTING PARCEL LINEEXISTING STORM SEWEREXISTING FIBER OPTICEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING CONSERVATION EASEMENTEXISTING STREAM THALWEGEXISTING STREAM EXTENTSEXISTING WETLANDCONSTRUCTION LIMITSPROPOSED INDEX CONTOURPROPOSED INTERMEDIATE CONTOURPROPOSED STORM SEWERPROPOSED FENCECLEARING LIMITSSILT FENCEPROPOSED RIPRAPSTAGING AREA2015 SOIL BORINGEXISTING PIEZOMETER2018 SOIL BORING2019 SOIL BORING790788790788SSFOXWTSSPZ-1ST-1SB-1XTRAIL MODIFICATIONS CONTROL DATA - ALIGNMENT "T"TYPE/NO.L5L4L1L3C3C1C2START STATION8+93.46T6+98.92T0+00.00T4+18.32T8+09.77T2+74.65T6+07.62TSTART NORTHING165566.13165420.38164901.47165199.66165502.13165091.93165350.34START EASTING562121.28561992.54561526.73561600.03561819.44562067.41561724.57561934.04BEARINGN40°05'17"EN41°22'14"EN39°52'12"ERADIUS1000.00'1000.00'1000.00'END STATION12+01.99T8+09.77T1+00.00T2+74.65T6+07.62T8+93.46T4+18.32T6+98.92TEND NORTHING165810.29165502.13164969.49165091.93165350.34165566.13165199.66165420.38END EASTING562309.92562067.41561600.03561724.57561934.04562121.28561819.44561992.54189.30'LENGTH308.54'110.85'174.65'100.00'83.69'143.67'91.29'L21+00.00T164969.49PC STATIONPT STATION2+74.65T4+18.32T6+98.92T6+07.62T8+93.46T8+09.77T0+57.27N166109.49562427.4203S60°01'50"E142.73'2+00.00N166038.19562551.07NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR CONTROL DATA - ALIGNMENT "N"TYPE/NO.L1START STATIONSTART NORTHINGSTART EASTINGBEARINGRADIUSEND STATIONEND NORTHINGEND EASTINGLENGTHL2PC STATIONPT STATION0+00.00N166115.02562370.4194S84°27'31"E57.27'0+57.27N166109.49562427.42N33°54'46"EDRAINAGE CHANNEL AND STORM SEWER CONTROL DATA - ALIGNMENT "S"TYPE/NO.L5L4L1L2C2START STATION0+00.00SSTART NORTHINGSTART EASTINGBEARINGRADIUSEND STATIONEND NORTHINGEND EASTINGLENGTHC1PC STATIONPT STATION100.00'147.98'165393.40165553.35165270.60165708.50165975.17165582.74165424.43165582.74165393.40165975.17166040.09165708.501+82.14S3+47.52S1+47.98S8+07.79S8+89.87S4+97.93S3+15.21SN24°07'35"EN24°01'02"EN30°36'49"EN37°43'56"EN33°15'49"EN14°20'23"E34.16'32.32'309.87'82.08'150.40'133.06'165424.43165553.351+47.98S562110.90562193.47L3100.00'1+82.14S1+47.98S562193.47562207.36562207.36562240.32562240.32562253.411+82.14S3+15.21S3+47.52S3+15.21S3+47.52S562253.41562335.914+97.93S562335.91562493.71562493.71562543.938+07.79S35.00'65.00'255.00'50.86'36.19'81.44'S76°09'17"WS17°27'51"WS11°04'29"E165127.63165161.71165241.29165116.50165127.63165161.702+37.43C1+86.58C1+50.39C0+68.95CS20°50'33"E68.95'165305.73165241.29SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET AND STREAMBANK REPAIR CONTROL DATA - ALIGNMENT "C"TYPE/NO.L1START STATIONSTART NORTHINGSTART EASTINGBEARINGRADIUSEND STATIONEND NORTHINGEND EASTINGLENGTHC1PC STATIONPT STATION0+00.00CC2C30+68.95C562073.10562097.631+50.39C1+86.58C562097.63562113.21562102.49562113.21562057.34562102.490+68.95C1+50.39C1+86.58C2+37.43C1+86.58C1+50.39CST-7SYMBOLSALIGNMENT CONTROL DATACLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-01_TITLE SHEET AND INDEX.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 9:49 AMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN11/27/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES23101014.04-G-03D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIESITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTIONUNITTOTALESTIMATEDQUANTITY2021.501MOBILIZATIONLUMP SUM12051.501MAINTENANCE & RESTORATION OF HAUL ROADSLUMP SUM12101.505CLEARINGACRE4.302101.505GRUBBINGACRE4.302104.502REMOVE CONCRETE HEADWALLEACH12104.502REMOVE PIEZOMETEREACH22104.502SALVAGE BENCHEACH12104.503REMOVE WOOD RETAINING WALLLIN FT312104.503REMOVE CHAIN LINK FENCELIN FT24462104.503REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) (NORTH PIPE)LIN FT72104.607SALVAGE RANDOM RIPRAPCU YD1472104.601REMOVE MISCELLANEOUS DEBRIS (NORTH PIPE DEBRIS)LUMP SUM12105.504GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5SQ YD16162105.601DEWATERINGLUMP SUM12105.601CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROADLUMP SUM12105.607EXCAVATION - SPECIALCU YD28242105.607HAUL AND DISPOSE OF CONTAMINATED SOILCU YD36712106.501EXCAVATION - COMMONCU YD19,9902106.523COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV)CU YD18082112.603SUBGRADE PREPARATIONLIN FT10272118.507AGGREGATE SURFACING (CV) CLASS SPECIALCU YD962130.523WATER (DUST CONTROL)MGAL152211.507AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5CU YD2532451.507COARSE AGGREGATE BEDDING (CV)CU YD92501.50295" SPAN GS PIPE-ARCH APRONEACH12501.50224" CAS PIPE APRONEACH22503.60324" HDPE PIPE SEWER-DIRECTIONAL DRILLEDLIN FT3022503.603PLUG FILL AND ABANDON PIPE SEWERLIN FT1152507.603LINING CULVERT PIPE (95" SPAN) SPECIALLIN FT72511.504GEOTEXTILE FILTER, TYPE 4SQ YD352511.507RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS SPECIAL (SALVAGE)CU YD1472511.507RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS SPECIAL (R270)CU YD4442511.507RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS SPECIAL (R470)CU YD5402511.507RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IIICU YD2922511.507RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IVCU YD1282511.507GRANULAR FILTERCU YD1012511.507GRANULAR FILTER MOD (B3)CU YD4052511.602PLACE BOULDEREACH202557.603INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCELIN FT1752573.501STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXITLUMP SUM22573.503SILT FENCE, TYPE MSLIN FT10,4222574.507COMMON TOPSOIL BORROWCU YD15362575.504EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3NSQ YD12,4402575.504FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID MATSQ YD12722575.504TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT CATEGORY 2SQ YD28202575.504MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 4SQ YD10,9902575.505SEEDINGACRE7.41CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 600'1 0 0 '600'FOR DETAILED PLANSEECADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-04_SITE ACCESS PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:19 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROLOVERALL PLAN AND NOTES23101014.04-G-04D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.1-N0300600SCALE IN FEETFLYING CLOUD DRIVEMOON VALLEYAGGREGATEANTICIPATED RIGHT OF ENTRY. ACCESSROUTE TO BE FINALIZED WITH PROPERTYOWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.RICE LAKEMINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILPIONEER TRA IL TRAILS END ROADSITE ACCESS FROM HIGHVIEW DRIVEDEERBROOK DR IVEHALLA GREENSGOLF COURSECONSTRUCTION LIMITSSOUTH REPAIR AREANORTH REPAIR AREA1G-05FOR DETAILED PLANSEE2G-05FOR DETAILED PLANSEE1G-06PLAN: OVERALL ACCESS PLANHIG H V I E W D R I V ESITE ACCESS NOTES:1.LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE IN HIGHVIEW DRIVE AREA AREAPPROXIMATE. VERIFY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO MOBILIZING TO SITE. CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITY LOCATE AND FIELD RECONNAISSANCE.2.POTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTES ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IF CONTRACTOR WISHES TO USEAN ALTERNATE ACCESS ROUTE, IT MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRIORTO USE.3.TEMPORARY WETLAND FILL IS ONLY ALLOWED IN THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. DONOT PLACE FILL IN WETLANDS/DITCHES OUTSIDE OF THESE AREAS.4.SUBMIT MATERIAL PROPOSED FOR TEMPORARY FILL TO ENGINEER FOR REVIEW.5.MAINTAIN FLOW IN DITCHES AND CONTROL WATER DURING CONSTRUCTION. THIS MAYINVOLVE THE INSTALLATION OF PIPES AND POTENTIALLY PUMPS.6.THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE INCIDENTAL TO PAY ITEM 2051.501 MAINTENANCE & RESTORATIONOF HAUL ROADS:6.1.TRIMMING AND CLEARING TREES ALONG ACCESS ROUTE.6.2.FURNISHING AND INSTALLING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC IN WETLANDS6.3.FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLANDS6.4.CONTROLLING WATER AND MAINTAINING DRAINAGE IN DITCHES THROUGHOUTCONSTRUCTION.6.5.PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL FILL AND/OR GRAVEL SURFACING OUTSIDE OF WETLANDAREAS AS CONTRACTOR DEEMS NECESSARY TO ACCESS THE SITE.6.6.REMOVAL OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AND TEMPORARY FILL FROM WETLANDS UPON THECOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.6.7.SEEDING IMPACTED WETLANDS UPON THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.6.8.REGRADING THE TRAIL FROM HIGHVIEW DRIVE TO THE LANDSLIDE UPON COMPLETION OFCONSTRUCTION AND RESTORING THE TRAIL TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ORBETTER TO THE SATISFACTION OF ENGINEER. FURNISHING AND INSTALLING AGGREGATESURFACING SHOWN ON DETAIL 3 ON SHEET G-06 WILL BE PAID UNDER SEPARATE PAYITEM.6.9.ALL COORDINATION, PREPARATION, CONSTRUCTION, AND RESTORATION ACTIVITIESASSOCIATED WITH ACCESS THROUGH MOON VALLEY AGGREGATE AND FROM HIGHVIEWDRIVE.7.PAY ITEM 2105.601 CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROAD IS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSROAD FROM HIGHVIEW DRIVE TO THE REGIONAL TRAIL JUST EAST OF PIONEER TRAIL THEFOLLOWING ITEMS ARE INCIDENTAL TO PAY ITEM 2105.601 CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROAD:7.1.UTILITY LOCATE AND AVOIDANCE OF UTILITIES IN VICINITY OF ACCESS ROAD.7.2.ANY DESIGN NECESSARY FOR ACCESS ROAD.7.3.CLEARING AND GRUBBING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS ROAD (IF NECESSARY).7.4.SALVAGING AND REINSTALLING ANY SIGNS IN CONFLICT WITH ACCESS ROAD.7.5.PROTECTION OR SALVAGING AND REINSTALLING EXISTING GUARDRAIL.7.6.STRIPPING AND STOCKPILING TOPSOIL UNDER FOOTPRINT OF RAMP (IF NECESSARY).7.7.REMOVAL OF BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (IF NECESSARY).7.8.WATER CONTROL, INCLUDING PIPES OR PUMPS TO MAINTAIN DRAINAGE THROUGHACCESS ROAD DURING CONSTRUCTION.7.9.IMPORT OF FILL TO CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROAD.7.10.MAINTENANCE OF ACCESS ROAD DURING CONSTRUCTION.7.11.REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD.7.12.REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY BITUMINOUS PLACEMENT DAMAGED DURINGCONSTRUCTION.7.13.INSTALLING TOPSOIL, SEED, AND MULCH OR EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TO RESTORETO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OR BETTER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THEENGINEER.CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012TRAFFIC SIGNSQTY.MNDOTSIGN NO.SIGN SIZESIGN MESSAGE3W11-1036" x 36"W1 1 - 1 0DWG. NO.G-04TRAILCLOSEDTRAILCLOSEDAHEAD3R20-3A36" x 36"G-06G-075R11-236" x 26"W1 1 - 1 0 W11-10G-06G-07 WTWTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-04_SITE ACCESS PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:20 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROLPLANS23101014.04-G-05D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.1-NMOON VALLEYAGGREGATEMINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAILMINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAILMATCH LINE - PLAN 2 MATCH LINE - PLAN 1 050100SCALE IN FEET2-PLAN: SITE ACCESS & STAGING N050100SCALE IN FEETCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSSTAGING AREASOUTH REPAIR AREANORTH REPAIR AREAPARCEL LINE (TYP.)CONSERVATION EASEMENTNEW STORM SEWEREXISTING CMPCONSERVATION EASEMENTPROPERTY LINE (TYP.)PLAN: SITE ACCESS & STAGINGSILT FENCESEE1C-04EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINEEXISTING FENCEBEATRICE I. ZWIERSONIRREV. TRUSTSILT FENCESEE1C-04SILT FENCESEE1C-04MATCH LINE - SHEET G-06 POTENTIAL EASEMENT AREA (APPROX. 1.73 ACRES)OWNER: BEATRICE I. ZWIERSON IRREV. TRUSTHCRRAHCRRATEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT0.02 ACRES, SEETEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT<0.01 ACRES, SEEWETLAND BOUNDARYNEW DRAINAGECHANNEL2G-0629'2G-06179'EXISTING WOODEN FENCE(PROTECT OR SALVAGEAND REINSTALL FOLLOWINGCONSTRUCTION)RESTORE TRAIL PER UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION3G-06POTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTEPOTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTERESTORE TRAIL PER UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION3G-06CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 WTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOECADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-04_SITE ACCESS PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:21 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSITE ACCESS, STAGING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROLPLAN AND DETAILS23101014.04-G-06D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.SILT FENCESEEHIGHVIEW DRIVEMATCH LINE - SHEET G-05MINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAILCONSTRUCTION LIMITSPARCEL LINE (TYP.)SITE ACCESS FROM HIGHVIEWDRIVE - COORDINATE ACCESSWITH CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIEAND HENNEPIN COUNTYPIONEER TRAILTRAI LS END ROAD1-N050100SCALE IN FEETSTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT,SEE4C-041C-04PLAN: SITE ACCESS & STAGINGHCRRAHCRRAHCRRAHCRRAHENNEPIN COUNTYCARVER COUNTYHIGHVIEW DRIVEROW LINESCONSTRUCT ACCESS ROADAS NECESSARY FOREQUIPMENT ACCESSPROTECT EXISTING CULVERTS,MAINTAIN DITCH DRAINAGETHROUGH PROPOSED ACCESSROAD DURING CONSTRUCTIONPROTECT EXISTINGFIRE HYDRANTPROTECT EXISTINGLIFT STATIONEXISTING GUARDRAIL(PROTECT OR SALVAGE AND REINSTALLFOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION)TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT0.01 ACRES, SEETEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT0.02 ACRES, SEEWETLAND BOUNDARYDETAIL: TEMPORARY WETLAND/DITCH FILLINGNOT TO SCALE2-EXISTING NORTH WETLAND/DITCHEXISTING TRAILEXISTING SOUTH WETLAND/DITCHINSTALL MnDOT TYPE 5 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PRIORTO PLACING FILL IN WETLANDREMOVE AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONTEMPORARY FILL REMOVEAT COMPLETION OFCONSTRUCTIONEXISTING GROUNDRESTORE WETLAND AND DITCH ATCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION,INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF WETLANDSEED MIX TO DISTURBED AREAS AFTERREMOVING FILL AND GEOTEXTILETEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT0.01 ACRES, SEEPASSING AREA: 20' WIDTH X100' LENGTH2-2-2-122'112'178'DETAIL: GRAVEL TRAIL RESTORATIONNOT TO SCALE3-REGRADE SURFACE TO PRECONSTRUCTION CONDITIONSOR BETTER TO SATISFACTION OF ENGINEER10' TRAIL3" THICK 3/8" MINUS AGGREGATESURFACING CLASS SPECIAL(SEE TABLE FOR GRADATION)EXISTING GROUND2.0%2.0%3/8" MINUS GRADATION FORAGGREGATE SURFACING(CLASS SPECIAL)SIEVE SIZEPERCENT PASSING3/8"100#470-100#4020-50#20010-30TABLE 1NOTES:1.3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACING SHALL BE 100% CRUSHED LIMESTONE.2.3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACING MUST COME FROM KRAEMER MINING &MATERIALS, INC. OF BURNSVILLE, MN., IN ORDER TO MATCH COLOR OF EXISTINGTRAIL.CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012RESTORE TRAIL PER UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION3G-06TRAILCLOSEDTRAILCLOSEDAHEADTRAILCLOSEDTRAILS END ROAD℄MAINTAIN 10' VERTICAL CLEARZONE ABOVE TRAIL. TRIM TREEBRANCHES ACCORDINGLY.4NOTES:1.2' WIDTH AT MAX. 2% SLOPE ON SHOULDER.2.3:1 MAXIMUM SLOPE (H:V) OUTSIDE OF 2' SHOULDER.3.PREFERRED 3' CLEARANCE, 2' MIN. FORM TREES OROTHER OBSTRUCTION.4.SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR TRAIL STRIPING, IF APPLICABLE.5.BOULEVARD VARIES IN WIDTH, BUT SHOULD BE A MIN..OF 2',. SIGN INSTALLATION NOT APPLICABLE IN ALLAREAS.6.MAX. CROSS SLOPE 2%.7.MIN. 3' CLEARANCE BETWEEN EDGE OF TRAIL ANDEDGE OF SIGN.3" TYPE SPWEA240C BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTNOTES:1.BITUMINOUS SHALL BE PLACED IN ONE LIFT.2.CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE SHALL CONFORM TOMnDOT SPEC. 3138.3.SUBGRADE SHALL BE TEST ROLLED PRIOR TOAGGREGATE BASE INSTALLATION AND CONFORM TOMnDOT SPEC. 2111.4.WHERE BOULEVARD IS 2' TO 3' (MIN.), BOULEVARDSHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM IMPERVIOUSMATERIAL (IE. BITUMINOUS, CONCRETE, PAVERS,ETC). SPECIAL STRIPING LAYOUT MAY APPLY, (SEEPLAN SHEETS).4-DETAIL: BITUMINOUS TRAIL RESTORATIONNOT TO SCALE6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE12" SCARIFY, DRY, AND RECOMPACTSUBGRADE MATERIAL AS DIRECTED BY OWNER.10'-0"6" TOPSOIL (TYP.)℄62ROADWAY7135TRAILCLOSEDREPAIR OR REPLACEBITUMINOUS TRAIL UPONCOMPLETION OFCONSTRUCTION, SEE4- CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-04_SITE ACCESS PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 11:43 AMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTRAIL CLOSURE SIGNAGE EAST OF LAKE RILEY23101014.04-G-07A..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.M I N N E S O T A B L U F F L R T R E G I O N A L T R A I L RILEY LAKE RD.DELL RD.1-N0100200SCALE IN FEETPLAN: TRAIL CLOSURE SIGNAGE EAST OF LAKE RILEYCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION12/13/19----------------------------------ABCD012TRAILCLOSEDAHEADPIONEER TRAILTRAILCLOSEDLAKE RILEYBEARPATH TRAILJACQUESPONDTRAILCLOSEDAHEADTRAILCLOSED ST-3ST-6PZ-1ST-5ST-4PZ-2SB-3SB-2SB-1ST-1SB-5SB-6SB-4ST-7ST-8ST-9750750750750760760 760760770770 770770780780 780780790790 790790790790790790790790790790790790 790790800800800800800800800800800800800800810810810810810810810810810810820820820820820820820820820820820820820820830830830830830830830830830830830830 830830840840840840840840840840840840840840840840850850 85085086086086 0 86 0 8708708 7 0 8 7 0 8808808 8 0 8 8 0 XXX750750760760770770780780790790800800810810820820 830830 760760770770780780790790800800810810810810820820790790800800810810820820N: 165093.23E: 561738.63N: 165106.02E: 561725.97N: 166065.67E: 562476.25N: 166146.44E: 562503.23CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_G-08_PROJECT LAYOUT PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:26 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNPROJECT LAYOUT PLAN23101014.04-G-08D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.E X I S T I N G C M P A 1-NSITE ACCESS FROMHIGHVIEW DRIVESCALE IN FEET100500NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR,SEE SHEET C-17MOON VALLEYAGGREGATECONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSSOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRSEE SHEET C-11NEW FENCEMINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILFILL EXISTING NORTH PIPE WITHGROUT AND ABANDON IN PLACESEE SHEET C-18PARCEL LINE (TYP.)STREAM BANK REPAIRSEE SHEET C-13SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLETMODIFICATIONS,SEE SHEET C-13CONSERVATION EASEMENTTRAIL MODIFICATIONSSEE SHEET C-07PLAN: PROJECT LAYOUTBEATRICE I.ZWIERSONIRREV. TRUSTPARCEL LINEEXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINESUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED EASEMENT NEEDSLANDOWNERREASON FOR EASEMENTBEATRICE I. ZWIERSON IRRREV. TRUSTRIPRAP AT SOUTH PIPE OUTLET, STREAMBANKREPAIRS, DRAINAGE CHANNEL, STAGING AREAAND SOUTH SIDE SITE ACCESSMOON VALLEY AGGREGATESOUTH SIDE SITE ACCESSPOTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTENEW STORM SEWERSEE SHEET C-19EXISTING FENCENEW DRAINAGECHANNELSEE SHEET C-19CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012NEW FENCE,SEE3C-18POTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTECLEARING LIMITS WTWTWTWTWTWTWTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOSS SS SSSSSSSSSSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXST-3ST-6PZ-1ST-5ST-4PZ-2SB-3SB-2SB-1ST-1SB-5SB-6SB-4ST-7ST-8ST-9750750750750760760 760760770770 770770780780780780780780 780780790790790790790790 790790800800800800800800800800800800800800810810810810810810810810 81081082082082082082082082082082082082 0 82 0 820820830830830830 83083083083083083083083083083083083083083083083083083084084084084084084084084084084084084084084085085085085086086086086087087087087088088088088089089089089090090090090077 0 77 0 7 7 0 7 7 0 780780780780790790800800810810810810820820820820 830830830830CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-01_EXISTING CONDITIONS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:29 PM 1-NSITE ACCESS FROMHIGHVIEW DRIVESCALE IN FEET100500MOON VALLEYAGGREGATECONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSEX I S T I N G C M P A MINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILPARCEL LINE (TYP.)CONSERVATION EASEMENTEXISTING 18" DIPAPPROXIMATE LANDSLIDE LIMITSEXISTING CHAINLINK FENCEEXISTING STREAM THALWEGEXISTING STORM SEWERCHAINLINK FENCENORTH PIPE CROSSING(SEE PHOTO 5, SHEET C-02)NORTH PIPE UPSTREAM INLET(SEE PHOTO 6, SHEET C-02)EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLEEXISTING CONCRETE HEADWALL(SEE PHOTOS 2-4, SHEET C-02)TEMPORARY REPAIR RIPRAP AREA(SEE PHOTOS 1-4, SHEET C-02)APPROXIMATE LANDSLIDE SPOIL PILEGENERAL NOTES:1.ALL UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BEFIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR.PLAN: EXISTING CONDITIONSBEATRICE I. ZWIERSONIRREV. TRUSTPARCEL LINEEXISTING STREAM EXTENTSREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNEXISTING CONDITIONSPLAN23101014.04-C-01D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.APPROXIMATE SLOPEEROSION LIMITSEXISTING BENCHEXISTING WOODEN FENCE ANDMODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-02_EXISTING PHOTOS AND SECTIONS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:00 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..PHOTO 4: EXISTING SOUTH PIPE OUTLET (10/29/2019)PHOTO 2: EXISTING SOUTH PIPE OUTLET (4/26/2019)PHOTO 1: EXISTING SOUTH PIPE OUTLET (4/26/2019) (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM)PHOTO 3: EXISTING SOUTH PIPE OUTLET (10/29/2019)PHOTO 5: EXISTING NORTH PIPE DOWNSTREAM OUTLETPHOTO 6: EXISTING NORTH PIPE UPSTREAM INLET (4/26/2019)REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNEXISTING CONDITIONSPHOTOS 23101014.04-C-02D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 75075075075076076076076077077077077077077077 0 77 0 770770 770770780780780780780780780780790790790790790790 790790800800800800800800800800800800800800800800800800810810810810810810810810810810810810810810 810810810810810810820820820820820820820820820820 82082082082082082083083083083083083083083083083083 0 83 0 83083083083084 0 84 0 84 0 84 084084084084084 0 84 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 84084084084084084084084085085085085085 0 85 0 850850860860860860 870870870870880880WTWTWTWTWT WTST-3ST-6PZ-1ST-5ST-4PZ-2SB-3SB-2SB-1ST-1SB-5SB-6SB-4ST-7ST-8ST-9CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-03_EROSION CONTROL PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:01 PM1-PLAN: REMOVALS AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL NSCALE IN FEET120600MOON VALLEYAGGREGATECONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING CMPAMINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILPROPERTY LINE (TYP.)CONSERVATION EASEMENTEROSION CONTOL LEGENDSILT FENCESEDIMENT LOGSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEEXISTING 10' CONTOUREXISTING 2' CONTOURSILT FENCE (TYP.)SEE1C-04PROTECTEXISTING TRAILCONSTRUCTIONSTAGING AREAEROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES:1.INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS PRIOR TOTHE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY LAND DISTURBANCE OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.2.BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, INSTALL A TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE AT EACH POINT WHERE VEHICLES EXIT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE PRIOR TOCOMMENCING ANY CLEARING/GRUBBING, REMOVAL, OR EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES. USE 2 INCHOR GREATER DIAMETER ROCK IN A LAYER AT LEAST 6 INCHES THICK ACROSS THE ENTIREWIDTH OF THE ENTRANCE. EXTEND THE ROCK ENTRANCE AT LEAST 50 FEET INTO THECONSTRUCTION ZONE USING A GEO-TEXTILE FABRIC BENEATH THE AGGREGATE TO PREVENTMIGRATION OF SOIL INTO THE ROCK FROM BELOW.3.REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. AT A MINIMUM REMOVAL SHALL BE ONCE DAILY. SWEEPING SHALLBE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND DONE IN A MANNERTO PREVENT DUST BEING BLOWN TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES.4.INSTALL INLET PROTECTION AT ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CATCH BASIN INLETS WHICH RECEIVERUNOFF FROM THE DISTURBED AREAS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN, REMOVE SEDIMENT, ORREPLACE STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DEVICES ON A ROUTINE BASIS SUCH THAT THEDEVICES ARE FULLY FUNCTIONAL FOR THE NEXT RAIN EVENT. SEDIMENT DEPOSITED INAND/OR PLUGGING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. HAYBALES OR FILTER FABRIC WRAPPED GRATES ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR INLET PROTECTION.5.LOCATE SOIL OR DIRT STOCKPILES NO LESS THAIN 25 FEET FROM ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATEROADWAY OR DRAINAGE CHANNEL. IF REMAINING FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS, STABILIZETHE STOCKPILES BY MULCHING, VEGETATIVE COVER, TARPS, OR OTHER MEANS. CONTROLEROSION FROM ALL STOCKPILES BY PLACING SILT BARRIERS AROUND THE PILES.6.MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES IN PLACE UNTIL THECONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED. INSPECT TEMPORARY EROSION ANDSEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ON A DAILY BASIS AND REPLACE DETERIORATED, DAMAGED, ORROTTED EROSION CONTROL DEVICES IMMEDIATELY.7.TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY STABILIZE ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS WHICH HAVEUNDERGONE FINAL GRADING, AND ALL AREAS IN WHICH GRADING OR SITE BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ARE NOT ACTIVELY UNDERWAY AGAINST EROSION DUE TO RAIN,WIND AND RUNNING WATER. STABILIZATION TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY AND BE COMPLETEDWITHIN 14 DAYS. USE SEED AND MULCH, EROSION CONTROL MATTIING, AND/OR SODDING ANDSTAKING IN GREEN SPACE AREAS. REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC, STRUCTURAL,NON-BIODEGRADABLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AFTER THE SITE HASUNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION WITH PERMANENT VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT. FINALSTABILIZATION FOR PURPOSES OF THIS REMOVAL IS 70% ESTABLISHED COVER OVERDENUDED AREA.8.CHANGES TO APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEERPRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE INSTALLATION AND DETAILS FOR ALLPROPOSED ALTERNATE TYPE DEVICES.9.IF DEWATERING OR PUMPING OF WATER IS NECESSARY, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLEFOR OBTAINING ANY NECESSARY PERMITS AND/OR APPROVALS PRIOR TO DISCHARGE OF ANYWATER FROM THE SITE. IF THE DISCHARGE FROM THE DEWATERING OR PUMPING PROCESS ISTURBID OR CONTAINS SEDIMENT LADEN WATER, IT MUST BE TREATED THROUGH THE USE OFSEDIMENT TRAPS, VEGETATIVE FILTER STRIPS, OR OTHER SEDIMENT REDUCING MEASURESSUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE IS NOT VISIBLY DIFFERENT FROM THE RECEIVING WATER.ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE DISCHARGE POINT TOPREVENT SCOUR EROSION.10.INSTALL SEED, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, MULCH, AND OTHER REVETMENT INACCORDANCE WITH DESIGN DRAWING SHEETS R-01 AND R-02.11.BOTH CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER SHALL KEEP A LOG OF ALL TREES GREATER THAN 6"DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION. SEE SHEET R-02 FOR TREEREPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS.SITE ACCESS FROM HIGHVIEW DRIVE(SEE SHEET G-06)REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNREMOVALS AND TEMPORARYEROSION CONTROL PLAN23101014.04-C-03D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.SALVAGE EXISTING BENCH AND PLACE INTHE GRAVEL PARKING LOT ADJACENT TOBLUFF CREEK DR. PARK DISTRICT STAFFWILL HAUL BENCHES AWAY.SALVAGE AND STOCKPILEEXISTING RIPRAP FOR REUSEREMOVE EXISTINGCONCRETE HEADWALLSALVAGE EXISTING CHAINLINK FENCE AND GATES(APPROX. 2446 LF) AND PLACE IN THE GRAVELPARKING LOT ADJACENT TO BLUFF CREEK DR.PARK DISTRICT STAFF WILL HAUL AWAY.APPROXIMATE LANDSLIDE LIMITSAPPROXIMATE LANDSLIDE LIMITSREMOVE EXISTING WOODEN FENCEREMOVE EXPOSED PORTIONOF NORTH PIPE, SEE C-18REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTINGPIEZOMETERS PER ENGINEER'S DIRECTIONREMOVE EXISTING MODULARBLOCK RETAINING WALLREMOVE EXISTINGPIPE DEBRISFILL EXISTING NORTHPIPE WITH GROUT ANDABANDON IN PLACE,SEE C-18CLEARING LIMITSCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 DETAIL: SILT FENCE - MACHINE SLICED-1NOT TO SCALEDOWNSTREAM VIEWSECTION VIEW5 FT. MIN. LENGTH POSTAT 4 FT. MAX. SPACINGGEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" MIN.MACHINE SLICE 8" TO 12"DEPTH (PLUS 6" FLAP)GRADEPLASTIC ZIP TIES (MIN. 50 LBSTENSILE STRENGTH) ON TOP8" MIN. 3 PER POSTRUNOFF FLOW DIRECTIONMACHINE SLICE 8"-12"DEPTH (PLUS 6" FLAP)MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE PER MN/DOT STD.SPECIFICATION 3886, INSTALL PER MN/DOTSTD. SPEC. 2573NOTES:1.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING WORK IN THE AREA TO BE PROTECTED AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. SILTFENCE AND ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FINAL GRADING AND SITE STABILIZATION.2.SILT FENCE INSTALLATION AND MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MN/DOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 AND 3886.3.NO HOLES OR GAPS SHALL BE PRESENT IN/UNDER SILT FENCE. PREPARE AREA AS NEEDED TO SMOOTH SURFACE OR REMOVE DEBRIS.4.WHEN SEDIMENT BUILD UP REACHES 1/3 OF FENCE HEIGHT, THE SILT FENCE SHOULD BE REMOVED OR A SECOND SILT FENCE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE EXISTING FENCE AT ASUITABLE DISTANCE.5.WHEN SPLICES ARE NECESSARY MAKE SPLICE AT POST ACCORDING TO SPLICE DETAIL. PLACE THE END POST OF THE SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE END POST OF THE FIRST FENCE.ROTATE BOTH POSTS TOGETHER AT LEAST 180 DEGREES TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL. CUT THE FABRIC NEAR THE BOTTOM OF THE POSTS TOACCOMMODATE THE 6 INCH FLAP. THEN DRIVE BOTH POSTS AND BURY THE FLAP. COMPACT BACKFILL.NOT TO SCALE12' M INDETAIL: STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXITAS REQU IRED-NOTES:1.MAINTAIN ENTRANCE THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIODAND REPAIR OR REPLACE AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT TRACKINGOFFSITE.2.REMOVE ENTRANCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH FINAL GRADING AND SITESTABILIZATION.4EXPAND FOR TURNINGRADIUS AS REQUIRED6" MINIMUM1"-2" WASHED ROCKGEOTEXTILE FABRIC (OPTIONAL)2-DETAIL: INLET PROTECTION - SEDIMENT LOGNOT TO SCALENOTES:1.INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING WORK IN THE AREA TO BEPROTECTED OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CATCHBASIN INSTALLATION, AND SHALL BEMAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.2.MATERIALS SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO ALLOW FLOW WHILE BLOCKING SEDIMENT. NO HOLESOR GAPS SHALL BE PRESENT IN/UNDER SEDIMENT LOG.3.INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE CLEANED AS REQUIRED.4.MATERIALS AND ANY ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IN CONJUNCTION WITHTHE FINAL GRADING AND SITE STABILIZATION.STORM GRATESEDIMENT LOGCURBSTAKE ENDS (TYP)STAKE END (TYP)CURBSEDIMENT LOGCATCHBASINCURBSECTION VIEWPLAN VIEW42623A3BSLOPE INSTALLATIONNOTES:1.REFER TO MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STAPLE PATTERNS FOR SLOPE INSTALLATIONS.2.PREPARE SOIL BY LOOSENING TOP 1-2 INCHES AND APPLY SEED (AND FERTILIZER WHERE REQUIRED)PRIOR TO INSTALLING BLANKETS. GROUND SHOULD BE SMOOTH AND FREE OF DEBRIS.3.BEGIN (A) AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE AND ROLL THE BLANKETS DOWN OR (B) AT ONE END OF THESLOPE AND ROLL THE BLANKETS HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE.4.THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 6" OVERLAP, WITH THEUPHILL BLANKET ON TOP.5.WHEN BLANKETS MUST BE SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE, PLACE BLANKETS END OVER END (SHINGLESTYLE) WITH APPROXIMATELY 6" OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY12" APART.6.BLANKET MATERIALS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED OR AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER.5-DETAIL: EROSION CONTROL BLANKET - INSTALLATIONNOT TO SCALEFLOWFLOWSEDIMENT LOGWOOD STAKESEDIMENT LOGWOOD STAKEDETAIL: EROSION LOG - STAKING-3NOT TO SCALESIDE VIEW FLATFRONT VIEWFLOWSEDIMENT LOGSIDE VIEW ON SLOPETOP VIEWWOOD STAKEOVERLAP ENDSNOTES:1.INSTALL SEDIMENT LOG ALONG CONTOURS (CONSTANT ELEVATION).2.NO GAPS SHALL BE PRESENT UNDER SEDIMENT LOG. PREPARE AREA AS NEEDED TOSMOOTH SURFACE OR REMOVE DEBRIS.3.REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WHEN REACHING 1/3 OF LOG HEIGHT.4.MAINTAIN SEDIMENT LOG THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND REPAIR ORREPLACED AS REQUIRED.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-04_EROSION CONTROL DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:02 PMrlg M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_Drawing_D 4_Erosion Control Details.dwg Plot at 0 12/21/2015 16:08:36..TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SEEDING NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM TEMPORARY SEEDING IN ADDITION TO TEMPORARY MULCHINGON GRADED/DISTURBED AREAS WHEN THE SITE IS TO BE LEFT IDLE FOR LONGER THAN 21 DAYS -IN ACCORDANCE WITH MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2575.3 B.1, USE COVERCROP AND MID-TERM STABILIZATION SEED MIXTURES AS SHOWN IN 3876, "SEED", TABLE 3876-1FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING2.PERFORM TEMPORARY MULCHING TO PROTECT THE SITE FROM EROSION WHEN LEFT IDLE FORMORE THAN ONE WEEK AND DURING NON-SEEDING PERIODS AND WHEN OUTSIDE THE SEEDINGAND SODDING DATES. FOR AREAS LESS THAN TWO ACRES, MULCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH MnDOTSTANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2575.3.M, "RAPID STABILIZATION"REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRAAMINNEAPOLIS, MN.LANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTEMPORARY EROSION CONTROLDETAILS23101014.04-C-04D90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554351.0 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INFORMATION:THIS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) HAS BEEN PREPARED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA GENERALSTORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY NO. MNR100001 (GENERAL PERMIT), AS REQUIRED BY THE MINNESOTAPOLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM/STATE DISPOSALSYSTEM (NPDES/SDS) PROGRAM.THE PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIESWILL TAKE PLACE ALONG AND JUST SOUTH OF THE MINNESOTA BLUFFS REGIONAL TRAIL BETWEEN FLYING CLOUD ROAD ANDLAKOTA LANE. THE APPROXIMATE CENTROID OF THE PROJECT HAS A LATITUDE OF 44.819492 AND A LONGITUDE OF -93.526089.THIS PROJECT INVOLVES EROSION CONTROL, REPAIR AND REGRADING OF LANDSLIDE DAMAGED SLOPES, REPAIR OF DAMAGEDCULVERTS, INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER AND MANHOLES AND SITE RESTORATION . THE PROJECT AS PROPOSED HAS A TOTALDISTURBANCE AREA OF 7.22 ACRES. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE REQUIRED TO MINIMIZESEDIMENT FROM BEING TRANSPORTED INTO BLUFF CREEK, WHICH IS AN IMPAIRED WATER. REFER TO PROJECT DRAWINGS FORFURTHER DETAILS. (CSW PERMIT PART III.A.1)1.1 PROJECT SIZE AND CUMULATIVE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE:·THE ANTICIPATED AREA OF DISTURBANCE IS APPROXIMATELY 7.22 ACRES.·THE TOTAL AREA OF PRE-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 0.70 ACRES.·THE TOTAL AREA OF POST-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 0.70 ACRES.·THE TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA IS APPROXIMATELY 0 ACRES.1.2 DATES OF CONSTRUCTION:·ANTICIPATED START DATE: TBDANTICIPATED END DATE: TBD1.3 CONTACT INFORMATION:OWNER: HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITYMAILING ADDRESS: 701 4TH AVE. S. #400CONTACT PERSON: JESSICA GALATZTITLE: PROJECT MANAGERPHONE NUMBER: (612) 348-2691EMAIL ADDRESS: JESSICA.GALATZ@HENNEPIN.USALTERNATE CONTACT PERSON: KRISTINE STEHLYTITLE: PROJECT ENGINEERPHONE NUMBER: (612) 348-6370EMAIL ADDRESS: KRISTINE.STEHLY@HENNEPIN.USOPERATOR / GENERAL CONTRACTOR (WILL OVERSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP): TBDMAILING ADDRESS:CONTACT PERSON: TITLE:PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS:PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG-TERM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:HENNEPIN COUNTY REGIONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITYMAILING ADDRESS: 701 4TH AVE. S. #400CONTACT PERSON: JESSICA GALATZTITLE: PROJECT MANAGERPHONE NUMBER: (612) 348-2691EMAIL ADDRESS: JESSICA.GALATZ@HENNEPIS.US2.0 RECEIVING WATERS:WATERS WITHIN ONE MILE (NEAREST STRAIGHT LINE DISTANCE) THAT ARE LIKELY TO RECEIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THEPROJECT SITE (CSW PERMIT ITEM 5.10) INCLUDE:SPECIALIMPAIREDPUBLIC WATER WITH WORKNAME OF WATER BODYTYPE (1)WATER BODY ID (2)WATER? (3)WATER? (3)IN WATER RESTRICTIONS?BLUFF CREEKCREEK07020012-710NOYES NORICE LAKELAKE27-0132-00NONO NO(1) TYPE EXAMPLES: DITCH, POND, WETLAND, CALCAREOUS FEN, LAKE, STREAM, RIVER(2) WATER BODY IDENTIFICATION (ID) MIGHT NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR ALL WATER BODIES. USE THE SPECIAL AND IMPAIRED WATERS SEARCH TOOL AT: HTTPS://WWW.PCA.STATE.MN.US/WATER/STORMWATER-SPECIAL-AND-IMPAIRED-WATERS-SEARCH(3) REFER TO CSW PERMIT SECTION 23. IMPAIRED WATER FOR THE FOLLOWING POLLUTANT(S) OR STRESSOR(S): PHOSPHORUS(NUTRIENT EUTROPHICATION BIOLOGICAL INDICATORS), TURBIDITY, TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS), DISSOLVED OXYGEN,OR AQUATIC BIOTA (FISH BIOASSESSMENT, AQUATIC PLANT BIOASSESSMENT, AND AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATE BIOASSESSMENT)2.1 SPECIAL AND IMPAIRED WATERS: THE MPCA'S SPECIAL AND IMPAIRED WATERS SEARCH TOOL WAS USED TO LOCATE SPECIALAND IMPAIRED WATERS WITHIN ONE MILE (AERIAL RADIUS MEASUREMENT) OF THE PROJECT SITE.BLUFF CREEK HAS ANEPA-APPROVED IMPAIRMENT FOR TURBIDITY AND FISH BIOTA. THESE IMPAIRMENTS ARE CONSIDERED CONSTRUCTION RELATEDAND REQUIRE ADDITIONAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) OR PLAN REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERALPERMIT. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 2.7 AND SECTION 23)ADDITIONAL BMPS OR OTHER SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION RELATED IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES IDENTIFIED IN AN APPROVEDTOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL) INCLUDE IMMEDIATE STABILIZATION OF EXPOSED SOIL AREAS AND CONSTRUCTION OF ATEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN FOR COMMON DRAINAGE LOCATIONS THAT SERVE AN AREA WITH 5 OR MORE ACRES . (CSWPERMIT ITEM 5.19)2.2 PUBLIC WATERS WITH WORK IN WATER RESTRICTIONS: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT INCLUDE WORK IN PUBLIC WATERS. (CSWPERMIT ITEM 5.11)2.3 WETLAND IMPACTS: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT INCLUDE WETLAND IMPACTS. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.4 AND 2.10, AND SECTION 22)2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND OTHER REQUIRED REVIEWS: STORMWATER MITIGATION MEASURES ARE NOT REQUIRED AS ARESULT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (E.G., EAW OR EIS), ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES REVIEW, ARCHEOLOGICALSITE REVIEW, OR OTHER LOCAL, STATE, OR FEDERAL REVIEW CONDUCTED FOR THE PROJECT. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.8, 2.9, AND5.16)2.5 KARST AREAS OR DRINKING WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AREAS: THIS PROJECT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY KARST ORDRINKING WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AREAS. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 16.19, 16.20, AND 18.10)3.0 PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS:REQUIRED FEATURESHEET NUMBER·PROJECT LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITSG-01·EXISTING AND FINAL GRADES, INCLUDING DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARIES, DIRECTIONS C-06,C-14,C-16OF FLOW AND ALL DISCHARGE POINTS WHERE STORMWATER IS LEAVING THE SITE ORENTERING A SURFACE WATER·SOIL TYPES AT THE SITEC-05A·LOCATIONS OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACESC-06,C-14,C-16·LOCATIONS OF AREAS NOT BE BE DISTURBED (E.G., BUFFER ZONES, WETLANDS, ETC.)C-06,C-14,C-16·LOCATIONS OF AREAS OF STEEP SLOPESC-06,C-14,C-16·LOCATIONS OF AREAS WHERE CONSTRUCTION WILL BE PHASED TO MINIMIZE DURATION NAOF EXPOSED SOILS·PORTIONS OF THE SITE THAT DRAIN TO A PUBLIC WATER WITH DNR WORK IN WATER NARESTRICTIONS FOR FISH SPAWNING TIMEFRAMES·LOCATIONS OF ALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL C-03,G-05,G-06BMPS AS REQUIRED IN PERMIT SECTIONS 8 THROUGH 10 AND 14 THROUGH 19·BUFFER ZONES AS REQUIRED IN PERMIT ITEMS 9.17 AND 23.11C-06,C-14,C-16·LOCATIONS OF POTENTIAL POLLUTION-GENERATING ACTIVITIES IDENTIFIED IN PERMIT C-06,C-14,C-16SECTION 12·STANDARD DETAILS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS TO BE INSTALLED C-04AT THE SITE4.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS):4.1 EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES:1.BEFORE LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN, THE LIMITS OF THE AREAS TO BE DISTURBED DURINGCONSTRUCTION WILL BE DELINEATED WITH FLAGS, STAKES, SIGNS, SILT FENCE, ETC.2.TEMPORARY STABILIZATION OF SOILS AND SOIL STOCKPILES: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 8.4, 8.5, AND 23.9)a.AREAS OF EXPOSED SOIL WILL BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, PRESERVATION OFMATURE VEGETATION, MULCH OR EQUIVALENT MEASURES.b.IF PRESENT, SOIL STOCKPILES WILL BE STABILIZED WITH MULCH (SUCH AS STRAW MULCH, EROSIONCONTROL BLANKETS OR EQUIVALENT MEASURES.c.TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT SILT, CLAY, OR ORGANIC COMPONENTS (E.G., CLEANAGGREGATE STOCKPILES, DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES, SAND STOCKPILES) AND THECONSTRUCTED BASE COMPONENTS OF ROADS, PARKING LOTS, AND SIMILAR SURFACES ARE EXEMPTFROM THESE STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS.2.STABILIZATION OF DITCH AND SWALE WETTED PERIMETERS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 8.6 THROUGH 8.8)a.IF SOILS WITHIN EXISTING STORMWATER DITCHES OR SWALES ARE DISTURBED, THEY WILL BESTABILIZED WITH CHANNEL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, RIPRAP, TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT OREQUIVALENT MEASURES.b.MULCH, HYDROMULCH, TACKIFIER, POLYACRYLAMIDE, OR SIMILAR EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICESWILL NOT BE USED TO STABILIZE ANY PART OF AN EXISTING STORMWATER DITCH OR SWALE WITH ACONTINUOUS SLOPE OF GREATER THAN 2 PERCENT.c.THE LAST 200 LINEAL FEET OF LENGTH OF THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY TEMPORARY ORPERMANENT DITCH OR SWALE THAT DRAINS WATER FROM ANY PORTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE,OR DIVERTS WATER AROUND THE SITE, WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE, ORFROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE INTO ANY SURFACE WATER WILL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURSAFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY EDGE.d.STABILIZATION OF THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES ORSWALES WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATEROR PROPERTY EDGE AND CONSTRUCTION IN THAT PORTION OF THE DITCH HAS TEMPORARILY ORPERMANENTLY CEASED.3.ENERGY DISSIPATION AT PIPE OUTLETS: ENERGY DISSIPATION AT PIPE OUTLETS WILL BE PROVIDED WITHONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOW METHODS: RIP RAP, SPLASH PADS, GABIONS, OR EQUIVALENT MEASURES.(CSW PERMIT ITEM 8.9)4.EROSION PREVENTION IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINES: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 5.4, 8.4 THROUGH 8.6, AND 23.9)a.STABILIZATION OF EXPOSED SOIL AREAS (INCLUDING STOCKPILES) WILL BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TOLIMIT SOIL EROSION WHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILYCEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING 14CALENDAR DAYS.b.IF THE EXPOSED SOIL AREAS DRAIN TO A DISCHARGE POINT THAT IS WITHIN ONE MILE (AERIAL RADIUSMEASUREMENT) OF A SPECIAL OR IMPAIRED WATER (SEE SECTION 2.0), STABILIZATION OF EXPOSEDSOIL AREAS (INCLUDING STOCKPILES) WILL BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSIONWHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANYPORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING 7 CALENDAR DAYS.c.THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES CAN BE TAKEN TO INITIATE STABILIZATION: PREPPING THE SOIL FORVEGETATIVE OR NON-VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION, APPLYING MULCH OR OTHER NON-VEGETATIVEPRODUCT TO THE EXPOSED SOIL AREA, OR SEEDING OR PLANTING THE EXPOSED AREA.5.ADDITIONAL EROSION PREVENTION MEASURES: THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL EROSION PREVENTIONMETHODS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 8.2, 8.3, AND8.10)a.SOIL DISTURBANCE WILL BE MINIMIZED WHEREVER POSSIBLE TO AID IN EROSION PREVENTION.b.EXISTING VEGETATION WILL BE PRESERVED WHEREVER POSSIBLE TO LIMIT EXPOSED SOIL AND THUSWILL SERVE AS NATURAL VEGETATIVE BUFFERS.c.EXPOSED SOIL ON STEEP SLOPES (≤3H:1V) WILL BE STABILIZED USING EROSION CONTROL BLANKETSAND SEEDING.d.HORIZONTAL SLOPE GRADING WILL BE UTILIZED TO MINIMIZE EROSION POTENTIAL.e.TERRACING WILL BE USED TO MINIMIZED EROSION POTENTIAL.4.2 SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES:1.DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETER CONTROLS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 9.2 THROUGH 9.6)a.SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DOWNGRADIENT PERIMETERS ANDLOCATED UPGRADIENT OF ANY BUFFER ZONES. PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS WILL INCLUDE: SILTFENCE, SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS / BIOROLLS (FILLED WITH COMPOST, WOOD CHIPS, ROCK, ETC.),VEGETATIVE BUFFERS (RETAIN EXISTING VEGETATION WHERE POSSIBLE), OR EQUIVALENT MEASURES.b.PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY UPGRADIENTLAND‐DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL PERMANENT COVER HAS BEENESTABLISHED.c.IF SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED OR REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATESHORT‐TERM ACTIVITIES (SUCH AS CLEARING, GRUBBING, OR PASSAGE OF VEHICLES), THE CONTROLSMUST BE RE-INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHORT‐TERM ACTIVITY HAS BEENCOMPLETED. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE RE-INSTALLED BEFORE THE NEXTPRECIPITATION EVENT, EVEN IF THE SHORT‐TERM ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE.d.IF THE DOWNGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE OVERLOADED (BASED ON FREQUENT FAILURE OREXCESSIVE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT), INSTALL ADDITIONAL UPGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROLPRACTICES OR REDUNDANT BMPS TO ELIMINATE THE OVERLOADING AND AMEND THE SWPPP TOIDENTIFY THESE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES.2.SOIL STOCKPILE PERIMETER CONTROLS: TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES WILL BE SURROUNDED BY: DOUBLEROWS OF SILT FENCE, SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGS OR EQUIVALENT MEASURES, AND SHALL NOT BE PLACEDIN ANY NATURAL BUFFERS OR SURFACE WATERS.(CSW PERMIT ITEMS 9.9 AND 9.10)3.STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 9.7 AND 9.8)a.INLET PROTECTION BMPS WILL BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS DOWNGRADIENT OFCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.b.STORM DRAIN INLETS WILL BE PROTECTED UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGINGTO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED.c.INLET PROTECTION BMPS WILL BE: SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG, FILTER SACKS, OR EQUIVALENTMEASURES.4.VEHICLE TRACKING BMPS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 9.11 AND 9.12)a.VEHICLE TRACKING BMPS WILL BE INSTALLED TO MINIMIZE THE TRACKING OUT OF SEDIMENT FROMTHE CONSTRUCTION AREA AND WILL INCLUDE: ROCK PADS AND MUD MATS OR AN EQUIVALENTSYSTEM.b.IF SUCH VEHICLE TRACKING BMPS ARE NOT ADEQUATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKEDONTO THE PAVED ROAD, STREET SWEEPING WILL ALSO BE EMPLOYED. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVEDBY SWEEPING WITHIN 24 HOURS.5.PROTECTION OF INFILTRATION AREAS: IF NECESSARY, ADDITIONAL SEDIMENT CONTROLS (E.G., DIVERSIONBERMS) WILL BE INSTALLED TO KEEP RUNOFF AWAY FROM PLANNED INFILTRATION AREAS WHENEXCAVATED PRIOR TO ESTABLISHING PERMANENT COVER WITHIN THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA.(CSW PERMIT ITEMS 16.4 AND 16.5)6.MINIMIZATION OF SOIL COMPACTION AND PRESERVATION OF TOPSOIL: SOIL COMPACTION WILL BEMINIMIZED AND TOPSOIL WILL BE PRESERVED WHERE POSSIBLE. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 5.24, 9.14, AND 9.15)7.PRIORITIZATION OF ONSITE INFILTRATION AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL: (CSW PERMIT ITEM 9.16)a.PRIOR TO OFFSITE DISCHARGE, INFILTRATION AND SEDIMENT REMOVAL WILL BE IMPLEMENTEDONSITE WHERE POSSIBLE.b.DISCHARGES FROM BMPS WILL BE DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS OF THE SITE (INCLUDING ANYNATURAL BUFFERS) IN ORDER TO INCREASE SEDIMENT REMOVAL AND MAXIMIZE STORMWATERINFILTRATION. IF EROSION IS NOTED TO OCCUR AS THE RESULT OF SUCH A DISCHARGE, VELOCITYDISSIPATION BMPS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION.8.BUFFER ZONE OR REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS: (CSW PERMIT ITEM9.17)a.A 50-FOOT NATURAL BUFFER WILL BE PRESERVED IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS DISCHARGING TO ANON-SPECIAL/NON-IMPAIRED SURFACE WATER OR WETLAND. IF A NON-SPECIAL/NON-IMPAIREDSURFACE WATER OR WETLAND IS LOCATED WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE PROJECT'S EARTH DISTURBANCESAND STORMWATER FLOWS TO THE SURFACE WATER, OR WHEN A BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE, REDUNDANTSEDIMENT CONTROLS WILL BE PROVIDED.b.A 100-FOOT NATURAL BUFFER WILL BE PRESERVED IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS DISCHARGING TO ASPECIAL OR IMPAIRED SURFACE WATER. IF A SPECIAL OR IMPAIRED SURFACE WATER IS LOCATEDWITHIN 100 FEET OF THE PROJECT'S EARTH DISTURBANCES AND STORMWATER FLOWS TO THESURFACE WATER, OR WHEN A BUFFER IS INFEASIBLE, REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS WILL BEPROVIDED.c.REDUNDANT PERIMETER CONTROLS WILL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST 5 FEET APART UNLESS LIMITED BYLACK OF AVAILABLE SPACE.9.USE OF SEDIMENTATION TREATMENT CHEMICALS (E.G., POLYMERS, FLOCCULANTS, ETC.) IS NOTANTICIPATED AS PART OF THE PROJECT. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 5.22 AND 9.18)10.THE PROJECT WILL NOT INCLUDE 10 OR MORE ACRES OF DISTURBED SOIL DRAINING TO A COMMONLOCATION OR 5 OR MORE ACRES DRAINING TO A COMMONLOCATION WITHIN 1 MILE OR A SPECIAL ORIMPAIRED WATER THEREFORE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS ARE NOT REQUIRED. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 5.6,9.13, AND 23.10 AND SECTION 14)4.3 DEWATERING AND BASIN DRAINING: NO DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING WILL OCCUR AS PART OF THISPROJECT. (CSW PERMIT SECTION 10 AND ITEM 10.5)4.4 BMP DESIGN FACTORS: THE FOLLOWING BMP DESIGN FACTORS HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN DESIGNING THETEMPORARY EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS:1.EXPECTED AMOUNT, FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, AND DURATION OF PRECIPITATION.2.NATURE OF STORMWATER RUNOFF AND RUN‐ON AT THE SITE, INCLUDING FACTORS SUCH AS EXPECTEDFLOW FROM IMPERVIOUS SURFACES, SLOPES, AND SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES.3.STORMWATER VOLUME, VELOCITY, AND PEAK FLOW RATES TO MINIMIZE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS INSTORMWATER AND TO MINIMIZE CHANNEL AND STREAMBANK EROSION AND SCOUR IN THE IMMEDIATEVICINITY OF DISCHARGE POINTS.4.RANGE OF SOIL PARTICLE SIZES EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT.(SEE PAGE 2 OF 2)CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-05_SWPPP.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:03 PMREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWPPP)23101014.04-C-05D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554355.0 PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:A PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS REQUIRED IF THE PROJECT RESULTS IN ONE ACRE OR MOREOF NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACES OR RESULTS IN A NET INCREASE OF ONE OR MORE ACRES OF CUMMULATIVE NEWIMPERVIOUS SURFACES IN TOTAL OR IF THE PROJECT IS PART OF A LARGER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. (CSW PERMITITEM 15.3)5.1 A PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 5.15, 15.4-15.9, AND23.14)5.2 THIS IS NOT A LINEAR PROJECT WITH LACK OF RIGHT OR WAY. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 15.9)5.3 THIS PROJECT DOES NOT DISCHARGE TO A TROUT STREAM (OR A TRIBUTARY TO A TROUT STREAM). (CSW PERMITITEM 23.12)6.0 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES:6.1 PERSONS WITH REQUIRED TRAINING: TRAINED INDIVIDUALS INCLUDE THOSE PARTIES RESPONSIBLE FORINSTALLING, SUPERVISING, REPAIRING, INSPECTING, AND MAINTAINING EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENTCONTROL BMPS AT THE SITE. TRAINED INDIVIDUALS ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPPAND COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PERMIT UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETE, PERMANENTCOVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, AND A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS5.20, 5.21, AND 11.9 AND SECTION 21)THESE INDIVIDUALS WILL BE TRAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT,INCLUDING THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE CONTENT AND EXTENT OF TRAINING WILL BE COMMENSURATE WITH THEINDIVIDUAL'S JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.BELOW IS A LIST OF PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PROJECT WHO ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN THEAPPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS.TRAINED INDIVIDUALRESPONSIBILITYTRAINING ENTITY* TRAINING DATEERIC FITZGERALDPREPARATION OF THE SWPPPUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTASEPTEMBER 2017TBDOVERSIGHT OF SWPPP IMPLEMENTA- TBDTBDTION, REVISION, AND AMMENDMENTTBDPERFORMANCE OF SWPPP INSPECTIONSTBDTBDTBDPERFORMANCE OR SUPERVISION OF TBDTBDINSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, ANDREPAIR OF BMPS*TRAINING DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 6.2 FREQUENCY OF INSPECTIONS: A TRAINED PERSON WILL ROUTINELY INSPECT THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION SITE.(CSW PERMIT ITEMS 11.2, 11.10, AND 23.13)·AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION·WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURSINSPECTION FREQUENCY MAY BE ADJUSTED UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES:·WHERE PARTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS HAVE PERMANENT COVER, BUT WORK REMAINS ON OTHER PARTSOF THE SITE, INSPECTIONS OF THE AREAS WITH PERMANENT COVER MAY BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH.·WHERE CONSTRUCTION AREAS HAVE PERMANENT COVER AND NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS OCCURRING ONTHE SITE, INSPECTIONS CAN BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH AND, AFTER 12 MONTHS, MAY BE SUSPENDEDCOMPLETELY UNTIL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY RESUMES.·WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS BEEN SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS, THEINSPECTIONS MAY BE SUSPENDED. THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MUST BEGINWITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RUNOFF OCCURS AT THE SITE OR UPON RESUMING CONSTRUCTION, WHICHEVERCOMES FIRST.6.3 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: EACH CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SITE INSPECTION WILL INCLUDE INSPECTIONOF THE FOLLOWING AREAS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 11.3 THROUGH 11.8)·ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENTMEASURES·SURFACE WATERS FOR EVIDENCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITION·CONSTRUCTION SITE VEHICLE EXIT LOCATIONS FOR EVIDENCE OF OFFSITE SEDIMENT TRACKING·STREETS AND OTHER AREAS ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT FOR EVIDENCE OF OFF SITE ACCUMULATIONS OFSEDIMENT6.4 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: MAINTENANCE OF THE FOLLOWING AREAS AND BMPS WILL BE PERFORMED ASFOLLOWS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 11.3 THROUGH 11.8)·NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS WILL BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE ENDOF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS.·PERIMETER CONTROL DEVICES WILL BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOMENONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/2 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE.·TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASINS WILL BE DRAINED AND THE SEDIMENT REMOVED WHENTHE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE BASIN REACHES 1/2 THE STORAGE VOLUME.·DELTAS AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITED IN SURFACE WATERS WILL BE REMOVED, AND THE AREAS WHERE SEDIMENTREMOVAL RESULTS IN EXPOSED SOIL WILL BE RE-STABILIZED. THE REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION WILL BECOMPLETED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS OF DISCOVERY UNLESS PRECLUDED BY LEGAL, REGULATORY, ORPHYSICAL ACCESS CONSTRAINTS. IF PRECLUDED DUE TO ACCESS CONSTRAINTS, REASONABLE EFFORTS TOOBTAIN ACCESS WILL BE USED. REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION WILL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS OFOBTAINING ACCESS.·TRACKED SEDIMENT ON PAVED SURFACES WILL BE REMOVED WITHIN 1 CALENDAR DAY OF DISCOVERY.·AREAS UNDERGOING STABILIZATION WILL BE RESTABILIZED AS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED COVER.6.5 RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS: (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 11.11 AND 24.5 AND SECTIONS 6 AND 20)1.ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES WILL BE RECORDED IN WRITING WITHIN 24 HOURS OF BEINGCONDUCTED AND THESE RECORDS WILL BE RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP. RECORDS OF EACH INSPECTION ANDMAINTENANCE ACTIVITY WILL INCLUDE THE DATE AND TIME; NAME OF INSPECTOR(S); FINDINGS OF INSPECTIONS;CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (INCLUDING DATES, TIMES, AND PARTY COMPLETING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES); ANDDATE OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS AND THE AMOUNT OF RAINFALL FOREACH EVENT.a.IF ANY DISCHARGE IS OBSERVED DURING THE INSPECTION, THE LOCATION AND APPEARANCE OF THEDISCHARGE (I.E., COLOR, ODOR, SETTLED OR SUSPENDED SOLIDS, OIL SHEEN, AND OTHER OBVIOUSINDICATORS OF POLLUTANTS) WILL BE DOCUMENTED AND A PHOTOGRAPH WILL BE TAKEN.2.THE SWPPP WILL BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED BMPS TO CORRECT PROBLEMS ORADDRESS SITUATIONS WHENEVER THERE IS A CHANGE IN DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE,WEATHER, OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS THAT HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TOSURFACE WATERS OR GROUNDWATER.a.THE SWPPP WILL BE AMENDED WHEN INSPECTIONS OR INVESTIGATIONS BY THE SITE OWNER, OPERATOR,OR CONTRACTORS OR BY USEPA/MPCA OFFICIALS INDICATE THAT THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE INELIMINATING OR MINIMIZING THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO SURFACE WATERS OR GROUNDWATER;THE DISCHARGES ARE CAUSING WATER QUALITY STANDARD EXCEEDANCES; OR THE SWPPP IS NOTCONSISTENT WITH A USEPA APPROVED TMDL.b.ANY AMENDMENTS TO THE SWPPP PROPOSED AS A RESULT OF THE INSPECTION WILL BE DOCUMENTED ASREQUIRED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS.c.AMENDMENTS WILL BE COMPLETED BY AN APPROPRIATELY TRAINED INDIVIDUAL. CHANGES INVOLVING THEUSE OF A LESS STRINGENT BMP WILL INCLUDE A JUSTIFICATION DESCRIBING HOW THE REPLACEMENT BMPIS EFFECTIVE FOR THE SITE CHARACTERISTICS.3.RECORDS RETENTION: THE SWPPP, INCLUDING ALL CHANGES TO IT, AND INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCERECORDS WILL BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION BY THE PERMITTEE WHO HAS OPERATIONALCONTROL OF THE SITE. THE SWPPP CAN BE KEPT IN EITHER A FIELD OFFICE OR IN AN ON SITE VEHICLE DURINGNORMAL WORKING HOURS.4.RECORD AVAILABILITY: THE PERMITTEES WILL MAKE THE SWPPP, INCLUDING INSPECTION REPORTS,MAINTENANCE RECORDS, AND TRAINING RECORDS, AVAILABLE TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL OFFICIALSWITHIN THREE DAYS UPON REQUEST FOR THE DURATION OF THE PERMIT COVERAGE AND FOR THREE YEARSFOLLOWING THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION.7.0 POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES:1.ANY CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS THAT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO LEACHPOLLUTANTS WILL BE STORED UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) TO PREVENTDISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS THROUGH MINIMIZATION OF CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. STORAGE OF SUCHMATERIALS WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA WILL BE MINIMIZED TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 12.2)2.PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS, AND TREATMENT CHEMICALS WILL BE STORED UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTICSHEETING, TEMPORARY ROOFS, WITHIN A BUILDING, OR IN WEATHER-PROOF CONTAINERS) TO PREVENTDISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS THROUGH MINIMIZATION OF CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. STORAGE OF SUCHMATERIALS WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA WILL BE MINIMIZED TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 12.3)3.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND TOXIC WASTE (E.G., OIL, DIESEL FUEL, GASOLINE, HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, PAINTSOLVENTS, PETROLEUM-BASED PRODUCTS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES, ADDITIVES, CURING COMPOUNDS, ANDACIDS) WILL BE STORED AND DISPOSED OF IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES CHAPTER 7045, INCLUDINGSECONDARY CONTAINMENT (AS APPLICABLE). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE PROPERLY STORED IN SEALEDCONTAINERS TO PREVENT SPILLS, LEAKS, OR OTHER DISCHARGES AND PREVENT PRECIPITATION FROM FALLINGONTO THE CONTAINERS OR STORED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.3 AND 12.4)4.SOLID WASTE WILL BE COLLECTED, STORED, AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTARULES CHAPTER 7035. THIS INCLUDES STORAGE WITHIN COVERED TRASH CONTAINERS AND DAILY REMOVAL OFLITTER AND DEBRIS. STORAGE OF SOLID WASTE WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA WILL BE MINIMIZED TO THE EXTENTPOSSIBLE. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 12.5)5.PORTABLE TOILETS WILL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM SURFACE WATERS AND POSITIONED AND SECURED TO THEGROUND SO THEY WILL NOT BE TIPPED OR KNOCKED OVER. SANITARY WASTE WILL BE DISPOSED OF INACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, CHAPTER 7041. PORTABLE TOILETS WILL BE PERIODICALLY EMPTIEDAND THE WASTE HAULED OFF-SITE BY A LICENSED HAULER. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 12.6)6.VEHICLE FUELING WILL ONLY OCCUR IN DESIGNATED AREAS. SPILL KITS SIZED APPROPRIATELY FOR THEAMOUNT OF REFUELING TAKING PLACE WILL BE LOCATED. SPILL KITS WILL BE CLEARLY LABELED AND CONTAINMATERIALS TO ASSIST IN SPILL CLEANUP INCLUDING ABSORBENT PADS, BOOMS FOR CONTAINING SPILLS, ANDHEAVY-DUTY PROTECTIVE GLOVES. SPILLS WILL BE REPORTED TO THE MINNESOTA DUTY OFFICER AS REQUIREDBY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 115.061. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.3 AND 12.7)a.ANY FUEL TANKS BROUGHT ON-SITE WILL HAVE PROPERLY SIZED CONTAINMENT AND WILL NOT BE TOPPEDOFF TO AVOID SPILLS FROM OVERFILLING. FUEL TANKS WILL MEET INDUSTRY STANDARDS (DESIGNED TOHOLD FUEL TYPE, PROPERLY MAINTAINED, NOT ILLEGALLY MODIFIED, NOT MISSING LEAK INDICATORFLOATS FOR DOUBLE WALLED TANKS, SIGHT GAUGES NOT USED, ETC.) OR BE REMOVED FROM THE WORKAREA.b.GUIDELINES FOR SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE INCLUDE:-TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF SPILLED OR LEAKED CHEMICALS,INCLUDING FUEL, FROM ANY AREA WHERE CHEMICALS OR FUEL WILL BE LOADED OR UNLOADED,INCLUDING THE USE OF DRIP PANS OR ABSORBENTS UNLESS INFEASIBLE;-PERFORM REGULAR PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE ON TANKS AND FUEL LINES;-INSPECT PUMPS, CYLINDERS, HOSES, VALVES, AND OTHER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ON-SITE FORDAMAGE OR DETERIORATION;-DO NOT WASH OR RINSE FUELING AREAS WITH WATER;-MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SUPPLIES TO CLEAN UP DISCHARGED MATERIALS AND PROVIDE ANAPPROPRIATE DISPOSAL METHOD FOR RECOVERED SPILLED MATERIALS;-REPORT AND CLEAN UP SPILLS IMMEDIATELY AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION115.061, USING DRY CLEAN UP MEASURES WHERE POSSIBLE; AND-MAINTAIN COPIES OF SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDSS) FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON-SITE INLOCATIONS READILY AVAILABLE TO EMERGENCY RESPONDERS.7.IF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING IS NECESSARY, A VEHICLE WASH STATION WILL BE LOCATED IN ADESIGNATED AREA. RUNOFF FROM THE WASHING AREA WILL BE CONTAINED IN A SEDIMENT BASIN AND WASTEFROM THE WASHING ACTIVITY WILL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. ANY SOAPS, DETERGENTS, OR SOLVENTS WILLBE PROPERLY USED AND STORED. ANY DETERGENTS AND OTHER CLEANERS NOT PERMITTED FOR DISCHARGEWILL NOT BE USED. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.3 AND 12.8)8.THE PROJECT WILL NOT RESULT IN CONCRETE OR OTHER WASHOUT ACTIVITIES. IF NECESSARY, A DESCRIPTIONOF THE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF CONCRETE AND OTHER WASHOUT WASTES SO THAT WASTES DO NOTCONTACT THE GROUND WILL BE ADDED. (CSW PERMIT ITEMS 2.3 AND 12.9)8.0 PERMANENT COVER AND PERMIT TERMINATION CONDITIONS:1.THE AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE STABILIZED WITH PERMANENT COVER UPONCOMPLETION OF WORK. PERMANENT COVER MAY BE VEGETATIVE OR NON-VEGETATIVE, AS APPROPRIATE.ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT COVER MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: SEEDING, MULCHING, ANDEROSION CONTROL BLANKETS. (CSW PERMIT ITEM 5.17)2.FOR A CONSTRUCTION-SITE TO ACHIEVE “PERMANENT COVER”, THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MUST BECOMPLETED PRIOR TO TERMINATION OF PERMIT COVERAGE: (CSW PERMIT SECTIONS 4 AND 13)a.ALL SOIL DISTURBING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND PERMANENT COVER HASBEEN INSTALLED OVER ALL AREAS. VEGETATIVE COVER CONSISTS OF A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIONWITH A DENSITY OF 70% OF ITS EXPECTED FINAL GROWTH. VEGETATION IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE THEFUNCTION OF A SPECIFIC AREA DICTATES NO VEGETATION (SUCH AS IMPERVIOUS SURFACES OR THE BASEOF A SAND FILTER).b.ALL SEDIMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS, INCLUDING CULVERTS.c.ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS HAVE BEEN REMOVED.BMPS DESIGNED TO DECOMPOSE ON-SITE MAY BE LEFT IN PLACE.WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE TERMINATION CONDITIONS ARE COMPLETE, A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) FORM WILLBE SUBMITTED TO THE MPCA.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-05_SWPPP.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:03 PMREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWPPP)23101014.04-C-06D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.GOPHER STATE ONE CALL:CALL BEFORE YOU DIG.1-800-252-1166PROJECTLOCATIONPROJECT LOCATIONSCALE IN FEET20,00010,0000CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 ST-3ST-6PZ-1ST-5ST-4PZ-2SB-3SB-2SB-1ST-1SB-5SB-6SB-4ST-7ST-8ST-975 0 750760 76077077077078078078079079079080080080080080081081081081082082082082083083083083076015+33T0+00T1+00T2+00T3+00T4+00T5+00T6+00T7+00T8+00T9+00T10+00T11+00T12+00T13+00T14+00T15+00T82082 0 830 830818818818818822822 822822824824 824824826826826826 828828828828 832832832832 834834836836838838760770780790800810WTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTW TWTWTWTWTWTWTWTWTW T L178158208258308358408458158208258308358408450+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0015+32100' VCPVC STA: 2+00.00PVC ELEV: 833.40PVT STA: 3+00.00PVT ELEV: 831.00 100' VCPVC STA: 10+70.00 PVC ELEV: 836.02 PVT STA: 11+70.00 PVT ELEV: 838.92100' VCPVC STA: 6+60.00 PVC ELEV: 818.00 PVT STA: 7+60.00 PVT ELEV: 820.50 100' VCPVC STA: 5+10.00 PVC ELEV: 820.50 PVT STA: 6+10.00 PVT ELEV: 818.00 0.00%0.20%-5.00%5.00%0.79%NEW FENCE,SEEEXISTING TRAILEX I S T I N G C M P FINISHED TRAIL GRADEEXISTING GROUND1-PLAN: TRAIL MODIFICATIONSNSCALE IN FEET1005002-PROFILE: TRAIL MODIFICATIONSHORIZ. SCALE IN FEET100500100CONSERVATION EASEMENT5VERT. SCALE IN FEETEXISTING TRAILCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-07_TRAIL MODIFICATIONS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:30 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435PROPERTY LINE (TYP)CONSTRUCTION LIMITSSuite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTRAIL MODIFICATIONSPLAN AND PROFILE23101014.04-C-07D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.NEW STORM SEWER,SEE SHEET C-19EXISTING NORTH PIPENEW TRAIL,SEENORTH SLOPE REPAIR AREA,SEE SHEET C-17SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLETAND STREAMBANK REPAIR,SEE SHEET C-131C-102C-10NEW DRAINAGE CHANNEL WITH TRM,SEE SHEET C-193C-18CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 FG OFFSET2+00790800810820830840790800810820830840010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET2+50790800810820830840790800810820830840010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET3+00790800810820830840790800810820830840010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET3+50790800810820830840790800810820830840010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET4+00790800810820830840790800810820830840010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET4+5078079080081082083084078079080081082083084001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET5+0078079080081082083084078079080081082083084001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET5+5078079080081082083084078079080081082083084001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET6+0075076077078079080081082083084075076077078079080081082083084001020304050607080901001101201301401501600-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET6+5074075076077078079080081082083084074075076077078079080081082083084001020304050607080901001101201301401500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET7+0075076077078079080081082083084075076077078079080081082083084001020304050607080901001101201301401500-10-20-30-40-50NOTE:SEE FOR FURTHER DETAILSON TRAIL SECTIONS, INCLUDING 2% CROSSSLOPE ON TRAIL SURFACE.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTRAIL MODIFICATIONSCROSS SECTIONS23101014.04-C-08D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-07_TRAIL MODIFICATIONS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:06 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435FINISHED GRADE (TYP.)EXISTING GROUND (TYP.)3:14:12:12:14%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%2:12:18:18:18:12C-101C-10CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 FG OFFSET7+5077078079080081082083084077078079080081082083084001020304050607080901001101200-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET8+0078079080081082083084078079080081082083084001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET8+5078079080081082083084078079080081082083084001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET9+0079080081082083084085079080081082083084085001020304050607080901000-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET9+50800810820830840850800810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET10+00800810820830840850800810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET10+50800810820830840850800810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET11+00810820830840850810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET11+50810820830840850810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50FG OFFSET12+00810820830840850810820830840850010203040500-10-20-30-40-50REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTRAIL MODIFICATIONSCROSS SECTIONS23101014.04-C-09D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-07_TRAIL MODIFICATIONS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:07 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435FINISHED GRADE (TYP.)EXISTING GROUND (TYP.)Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354%4%2:14%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%4%2:12:12:14%4%NOTE:SEE FOR FURTHER DETAILSON TRAIL SECTIONS, INCLUDING 2% CROSSSLOPE ON TRAIL SURFACE.2C-101C-10CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-10_TRAIL SECTIONS AND DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:09 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554351-SECTION: TRAIL MODIFICATION (TYPICAL) - STA. 5+00 TO 7+75NOT TO SCALE10' TRAIL5' MIN. SHOULDER5' MIN. SHOULDER4%6" THICK MnDOT CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, 100% CRUSHED2.0%2H:1V MAX.NORTH SIDE6" TOPSOIL AND SEED (TYP.)EXISTING GROUNDTYPE 5 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(AT ENGINEER'S DISCRETION)REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRCHANHASSEN, MNTRAIL MODIFICATIONSTYPICAL SECTIONS23101014.04C-10D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.SOUTH SIDE4%2-SECTION: TRAIL MODIFICATION (TYPICAL) - STA. 1+75 TO 5+00 AND STA. 7+75 TO 12+00NOT TO SCALE10' TRAIL5' MIN. SHOULDERVARIES - 5' MIN. SHOULDER4%2.0%NORTH SIDE6" TOPSOIL AND SEED (TYP.)EXISTING GROUNDSOUTH SIDE4%3" THICK 3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACINGCLASS SPECIAL(SEE TABLE 1 FOR GRADATION)PREPARE TOP 12" OF SUBGRADE IN ACCORDANCEWITH MnDOT STANDARD 2112NOTES:TEST ROLL SUBGRADE PRIOR TO AGGREGATEBASE INSTALLATION IN CONFORMANCE WITHMnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2111.NOTES:TEST ROLL SUBGRADE PRIOR TO AGGREGATEBASE INSTALLATION IN CONFORMANCE WITHMnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2111.6" THICK MnDOT CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, 100% CRUSHEDTYPE 5 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(AT ENGINEER'S DISCRETION)3" THICK 3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACINGCLASS SPECIAL(SEE TABLE 1 FOR GRADATION)3/8" MINUS GRADATION FORAGGREGATE SURFACING(CLASS SPECIAL)SIEVE SIZEPERCENT PASSING3/8"100#470-100#4020-50#20010-30TABLE 11.5'1.5'1.5'1.5'NOTES:1.3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACING SHALL BE100% CRUSHED LIMESTONE.2.3/8" MINUS AGGREGATE SURFACING MUSTCOME FROM KRAEMER MINING & MATERIALS,INC. OF BURNSVILLE, MN., IN ORDER TO MATCHCOLOR OF EXISTING TRAIL.2.0%2.0%PREPARE TOP 12" OF SUBGRADE IN ACCORDANCEWITH MnDOT STANDARD 2112CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 750750 75075076 0 76 0 760760770770770770770770780780780780780780790790790790790790800800800800800800800800800800810810810810810810810810810810820820820820820820820820830830830830830830830830EX I S T I N G C M P5+00T6+00T7+00T8+00T760760760760770770770770780780780780790790790790800800800800810810810810820820820820CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-11_SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:33 PM 1-NSCALE IN FEET40200PLAN: SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRSuite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRPLAN23101014.04-C-11D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.SOUTH CULVERT OUTLET MODIFICATIONS,SEE SHEET C-13PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL WITH FLEXIBLECONCRETE GEOGRID, SEE SHEET C-19PROPERTY LINE(TYP.)CONSTRUCTION LIMITSREMOVE EXISTING DAMAGED HEADWALLAND SLIP LINE IN EXISTING CULVERTSEE SHEET C-13FLARED END SECTIONSEE SHEET C-13REALIGNED TRAILTURF REINFORCEMENT MAT(CATEGORY 2)SEECLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012LEGENDRIPRAPTURF REINFORCEMENT MATFLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRIDR-041 750755760765770775780785790795800805810815820825830835840750755760765770775780785790795800805810815820825830835840750755760765770775780785790795800805810815820825830835840750755760765770775780785790795800805810815820825830835840CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-11_SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:10 PM 1-SCALE IN FEET40200SECTION: SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRSuite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFMTP2BARRMTP2HCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRSECTIONS23101014.04-C-12D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.EXISTING CULVERTEXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADEEXISTING DAMAGED HEADWALLC NEW TRAILLC EXISTING TRAILL2-SCALE IN FEET40200SECTION: SOUTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR2H:1V MAX.EXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADEC NEW TRAILLC EXISTING TRAILL0-10-2010203040506070802H:1V MAX.90-30-40100110120130140150160CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 740740740740750750 750750760760760760770770770770780780780780790790800800810810820820830830EX . C M P A7507507607707807908008108 2 0 830 7707707807807907908008008108108208208308300+ 0 0 C 1 + 0 0 C2+00C2+37CSTART RIPRAPN: 165126.53E: 562060.20END RIRRAPN: 165112.13E: 561995.35START RIPRAPN: 165070.99E: 561911.86END RIPRAPN: 165026.13E: 561885.99INSTALL RIPRAP STILLING BASIN(BOTTOM EL. 740.85)SEEREMOVE EXISTING DAMAGED HEADWALLSEEPROPERTY LINE(TYP.)CONSTRUCTION LIMITSSLIP LINE EXISTING CULVERTWITH 95" x 67" CMP. INCLUDE 5'MIN. LENGTH INSIDE EXISTINGCULVERT AND 2' MIN. LENGTHOUTSIDE EXISTING CULVERT.SEEINSTALL 95" x 67" FLARED END SECTIONON SLIP-LINED ARCH PIPESEEEXISTING CHANNEL THALWEGPROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL WITHFLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID,SEE SHEET C-19BOULDER CROSS VANESEEBOULDER CROSS VANESEECADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-13_SOUTH CULVERT PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/13/2019 8:41 AM1-SCALE IN FEET40200Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET ANDSTREAMBANK REPAIR PLAN23101014.04-C-13D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.NPLAN: SOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET AND STREAMBANK REPAIR17.5'1C-141C-141C-14INSTALL SALVAGED MnDOT CLASS IV RIPRAPAT SLOPE TOE (24" MIN. DEPTH)SEEINSTALL SALVAGED MnDOT CLASS IVRIPRAP AT SLOPE TOE (24" MIN. DEPTH)SEE1C-16MINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAIL1C-162C-151C-151C-15C-142C-143C-144NOTES:1.START AND END COORDINATES FOR SALVAGED RIPRAP AT SLOPETOE DELINEATE EXTENTS ALONG LENGTH OF CHANNEL. VERIFY ALLLOCATIONS IN THE FIELD WITH ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.2.REMOVE DEBRIS IN CHANNEL AS NECESSARY FOR WORK. DEBRISREMOVAL INCIDENTAL TO SALVAGED RIPRAP INSTALLATION.3.MINOR GRADING MAY BE NECESSARY ON SLOPE ABOVE PLACEDSALVAGED RIPRAP. SLOPE SHALL TIE-IN WITH TOP OF RIPRAP.INCIDENTAL TO RIPRAP PLACEMENT.EXISTING STREAM EXTENTSCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 7407457507557607657407457507557607650+001+002+002+377357407507607357407507600102030400-10-20-30-407307407507607307407507600102030400-10-20-30-40CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-14_SOUTH CULVERT REPAIR DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:20 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..EXISTING 8' SPAN CMPAAPPROX. 25'APPROX. 5'Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET REPAIRPROFILE AND SECTIONS23101014.04-C-14D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.FURNISH AND INSTALL 95" x 67" CMP FOR SLIP LININGEXISTING CULVERT. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZEAND FIT IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANYDISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING.SECTION: CMPA CULVERT SLIP LINE1-EXISTING GROUTEDANNULUS (ASSUMED)ORIGINAL CONCRETECULVERTEXISTING 4" SLOTTED PVCUNDERDRAINEXISTING SAND PACKEXISTING GROUTVERIFICATION PORTORIGINAL CONCRETECULVERTEXISTING GROUTINJECTION PORTEXISTING RIPRAPEXISTING GEOTEXTILEEXISTING TIMBER PILESEXISTING GROUTPLACED IN VOID(FEB., 2016)EXISTING GROUNDREMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE HEADWALLFINISHED GRADE2H:1V MAX.FURNISH AND INSTALL95" x 67" GS PIPE APRON5' MIN.2' MIN.INSTALL 3/4"Ø ASTM F1554, GR36, OR A36 THREADED ROD (GALV.).6" MINIMUM EPOXY GROUT EMBED. (6) EA. ROW, EQUALLY SPACEDAROUND CIRCUMFERENCE. CUT ROD FLUSH WITH NUT.FILL ANNULUS WITH CLSM HIGH DENSITYGROUT PER MnDOT 2519.3.A.2INSTALL 24" OF COARSE FILTERAGGREGATE, MnDOT 3149.2.HTYPE 4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC87"-5.30%-1.00%PROFILE: CULVERT OUTLET AND STREAM CHANNEL4-HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET40200VERTICAL SCALE IN FEET20100FLARED END SECTION87"2' EXTENSIONEXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADEEL. 752.98EL. 743.85EL. 743.85EL. 740.8530'20'90' (STREAM WIDTH = 30')80' (STREAM WIDTH = 20')30" R270 RIPRAP3'SECTION: STREAM CHANNEL (30' BOTTOM WIDTH)2-SCALE IN FEET20100SECTION: STREAM CHANNEL (20' BOTTOM WIDTH)3-SCALE IN FEET20100EXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADE30'36" R470 RIPRAP30" R270 RIPRAPEXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADE3:13:13:13:112'12'20'12'12'2.5:18:18:18:14'4'12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDING12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDING36" R470 RIPRAP12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDING12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDINGBOULDER CROSS VANEBOULDER CROSS VANECCCC24"PLACE SALVAGED, CLASS III, OR CLASS IV RIPRAP BENEATHFLARED END SECTION AS NEEDED TO FACILITATE COARSEFILTER AGGREGATE PLACEMENT. THIS RIPRAP MATERIAL ANDPLACEMENT IS INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END SECTION.1'-0"2'-0"2'-0"CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 12'30' US VANE,20' DS VANE12'BOULDER ELEVATIONPOINTVARIES - 4' MINB3 GRANULAR BEDDINGOVERFLOW ELEVATION4'-6' AVERAGE DIAMETERFIELDSTONE BOULDERSA-SECTION: BOULDER CROSS VANENOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALEB-SECTION: BOULDER CROSS VANE 3H:1V3H:1VRIPRAP(36" R470 US VANE,30" R270 DS VANE)12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDINGEXISTING SUBGRADENOTES:1.CROSS VANE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY BEMODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER.2.FINAL BOULDER PLACEMENT TO BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE FIELD.CONTRACTOR MAY BE REQUIRED TO ADJUST BOULDER ELEVATIONS AND ROTATION.3.THERE SHALL BE NO GAPS BETWEEN BOULDERS. RIPRAP BEDDING SHALL BEPLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE BOULDERS TO PLUG SMALL GAPS (MAYREQUIRE HAND PLACEMENT).4.BOULDERS OF AN UNSUITABLE SHAPE MAY BE RE-LOCATED OR REJECTED.5.INSTALL EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ON DISTURBED BANKS.FLOW1-DETAIL: BOULDER CROSS VANE NOT TO SCALE18"12"TOE OF BANKBOULDER ELEVATIONPOINTTOP OF BANK4'-6' AVERAGE DIAMETERFIELDSTONE BOULDERSE312" APPROX.E2E1E3E2RIPRAP(36" R470 US VANE,30" R270 DS VANE)10'10'℄ CHANNEL (THALWEG)A-FLOW30°APPROX 30°APPROX12'30' US VANE20' DS VANE12'-BRIPRAP ANDGRANULAR FILTERTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANK2-7% UPWARD SLOPEE1E24'-6' AVERAGE DIAMETERFIELDSTONE BOULDERS10'10'TOE OF BANKTOE OF BANK2-DETAIL: STILLING BASINNOT TO SCALEPLAN VIEWSECTION VIEW D9'10'9'30'D-1330'3'EXISTING GROUNDSECTION VIEW CC-TIE INTO EXISTINGSTREAM CHANNEL3:1 20'20'3:13:1 3:11%12'20'131%BOTTOM EL. 740.85EL. 743.85EL. 743.8530" R270 RIPRAP12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDING13133'BOTTOM EL. 740.8528'EXISTING GROUND30" R270 RIPRAP12" B3 GRANULAR BEDDINGFLOWFLOWCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-14_SOUTH CULVERT REPAIR DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:55 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSOUTH AREA CULVERT OUTLET REPAIRSECTIONS AND DETAILS23101014.04-C-15D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.BOULDER ELEVATION POINTSELEV. E1ELEV. E2ELEV. E3US VANE754.30750.30754.30DS VANE747.80743.80747.80CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 3' MIN.2.5H :1VEXCAVATED STREAM BED MATERIAL (COMPACT)8" THICK Mn/DOT GRANULAR FILTER24" THICK SALVAGED RIPRAP(MnDOT CLASS IV)TOPSOIL AND SEEDEXISTING SLOPEFILL WITH EXCAVATEDSTREAM BED MATERIALEXISTING STREAM BED2' MIN.1-DETAIL: RIPRAP TOE PROTECTIONNOT TO SCALEEXISTING TOE OF BANKCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-16_STREAMBANK REPAIR DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 12:56 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTREAMBANK REPAIRDETAIL23101014.04-C-16D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 780780790790800800810810 810810820820820820830830830830840840840840790790800800810810820820820820820820830830 830830830830840840840840820820830830840840850850860860850850 7907908008002+00N0+00N1+00N13+00T14+00T15+00T15+33T812812814814816816818820822780790800810820PROPOSED STORM SEWERSEECADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-17_NORTH AREA GRADING.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 12:35 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..1-PLAN: NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRNMINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILSCALE IN FEET40200POTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTEREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNNORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRPLAN23101014.04-C-17D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.PROPERTY LINEEXISTING WETLANDEXTENTSCONSERVATION EASEMENTBOUNDARYCONSTRUCTION LIMITSPROTECT EXISTING HEADWALLPROPERTY LINEPROTECT EXISTING FENCEFILL EXISTING 18" DIP WITH GROUTAND ABANDON IN PLACE,SEE C-181C-18INSTALL NEW CHAINLINK FENCESEECRUSHED VIRGIN CLASS III RIPRAP1C-193C-182C-18EXISTING I.E. 810.9(VERIFY IN FIELD PRIOR TODOWNSTREAM GRADING)FILL AREA TO EL. 810.9(COMMON EMBANKMENT)POTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTECLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 7727757807857907958008058108158208258308358408457727757807857907958008058108158208258308358408450+000+200+400+600+801+001+201+401+601+802+00FINAL GRADECONCRETE FOOTING (TYP.)3-DETAIL: WIRE FENCE DESIGN VINYL COATED6'-0"3'-0"NOT TO SCALE6" TYP.2'-6" 3"10'-0" MAX.CENTER TO CENTER12"END POST/PULL POST1 2LINE POST 1 3TOP RAIL 1 4 7CHAIN LINK FABRIC 1 6BOTTOM RAIL 1 4 74'-6" 3"ALTERNATE LINEPOST ANCHORAGENOTES:1.100% BONDED VINYL COATED - "BLACK", GALVANIZED 6GAGE.2.TERMINAL POSTS 9' END, CORNER OF PULL POST - 3" O.D.BLACK PIPE.3.LINE POSTS 9' x 2-1/2" SS 40.4.TOP RAIL SHALL BE 1-5/8" SS 30.5.ALL FITTING, TIES, LOOP CAPS, AND COMPONENT PARTSSHALL BE VINYL COATED "BLACK".6.CHAIN LINK FABRIC SHALL BE 2" MESH WITH KNUCKLEDSELVAGE TOP AND BOTTOM.7.FABRIC SHALL BE TIED BELOW TOP RAIL EVERY 12".8.FENCE SHALL BE GROUNDED.9.FENCE ALIGNMENT SHALL BE OFFSET 4' FROM EDGE OFTRAIL.10.REVIEW FENCE ALIGNMENT/EXTENTS WITH ENGINEERPRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ENGINEER MAY ALTER FENCEALINGMENT/EXTENTS.78079080081078079080081001020300-10-20-30EXISTING GROUNDCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-18_NORTH AREA REPAIR DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 1:05 PMGGN M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_Drawing_N2-OPT2_NORTH AREA - STORM SEWER PLAN & PROFILE.dwg Plot at 0 04/06/2016 16:05:35.Xrefs in Drawing - M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_BASE_EXISTING-IMAGE.dwg M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_BASE_EXISTING-Planimetric.dwg M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_Base-Design-Planimetric.dwg M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_BASE_Borings(Carver County Coord).dwg 1-PROFILE: NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRSCALE IN FEET10020REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNNORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIRPROFILE, SECTION, AND DETAIL23101014.04-C-18D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.ABANDON EXISTING 18" DIP INPLACE WITH FLOWABLE FILLGROUTPROTECT EXISTINGHEADWALL1.5:1CRUSHED VIRGIN CLASS III RIPRAPEXISTINGPROPERTYLINECAP EXISTING 18" DIPPLUG WITH MANUFACTURED PLUG OR CAP SPECIFICALLYDESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO BE USED WITH TYPEOF PIPE (18" DIP) BEING ABANDONED OR BULKHEAD ENDWITH CEMENT GROUT PRIOR TO ABANDONING PIPE WITHFLOWABLE FILL.5'2-SECTION: NORTH AREA SLOPE REPAIR (STA. 0+43)SCALE IN FEET10020EXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADECRUSHED VIRGIN CLASS III RIPRAPNNNNNNNNNNNFINISHED GRADEFINISHED GRADEEL. 810.9FILL AREA (COMMON EMBANKMENT)CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 9+15S0+00S1+00S2+00S3+00S4+00S5+00S6+00S7+00S8+00S9+00S820820818818822822812812812812814814814814816816816816750750 750750760760770770780780790790800800800800810810820820820820830830830830800800 810810 820820 8 3 0 8 3 0 83083083 0 83 0 84 0 84 0 8108108208208308308408408508508608608 2 0 8 2 0 830830830830840840840840750750760760770770780780790790800800810810760760770770 7 8 0 7 8 0 7 9 0 7 9 0 800800810810810810820820810810808808812812812812ST-3ST-6PZ-1ST-1SB-5SB-6ST-7ST-8ST-97357407457507557607657707757807857907958008058108158208258308358408457357407457507557607657707757807857907958008058108158208258308358408450+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+009+158.49%17.00%PVI STA = -0+09.59PVI EL = 752.00PVI STA = 1+65.28PVI EL = 766.84 PVI STA = 3+42.73 PVI EL = 797.01 PVI STA = 4+72.41 PVI EL = 805.896.84%REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEAS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNELPLAN AND PROFILE23101014.04-C-19D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-19_STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/13/2019 12:46 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..Suite 2004300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435EXISTING CMPA 1-NSCALE IN FEET60300CONSTRUCTION LIMITSSOUTH SLOPE REPAIRSEE SHEET C-11MINNESOTA BLUFFS LRT REGIONAL TRAILCONSERVATION EASEMENTTRAIL MODIFICATIONSSEE SHEET C-07PLAN: STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNELBEATRICE I.ZWIERSONIRREV. TRUSTPARCEL LINEEXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE2-HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET60300PROFILE: STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNELVERTICAL SCALE IN FEET30150EXISTING GROUNDFINISHED GRADEPROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNELSEE1C-2124" HDPE STORM SEWER -DIRECTIONAL DRILLED302 LF - 24" HDPE @ 1.57%(INSTALL USING DIRECTIONALDRILLING METHODS)24" CAS PIPE APRON(IE. 810.50)24" CAS PIPE APRON2.5:1RIPRAP STILLING BASINPROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL WITHFLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRIDSEE1C-21ROCK CHECK (TYP.)SEE2C-20RIPRAP STILLING BASINSEE1C-2024" CAS PIPE APRON(IE. 805.75)ROCK CHECK (TYP.)SPACED APPROX.EVERY 50'FILL AREA TO 810.9FILL AREAEL. 810.900.61%NOTES:1.INSTALL 24" HDPE AND NEW CHANNEL PRIOR TO PLUGGINGEXISTING NORTH 18" UNDER TRAIL EMBANKMENT.2.ENSURE VEGETATION IS AT LEAST 70% ESTABLISHED IN NEWCHANNEL PRIOR TO ALLOWING FLOW.3.INTLALL SEED , BLANKET, AND MULCH ONCE PROJECTDISTURBANCE IS COMPLETE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITHRESTORATION DESIGN/SPECIFICATIONS.24" CAS PIPE APRONSSSSSSSSSSSFINISHED GRADEPOTENTIAL ACCESS ROUTEST-3ST-6ST-7ST-8ST-9CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012ROCKCHECKSTATIONROCK CHECKTOP ELEV.10+27756.3020+82760.9731+39765.8041+96743.6352+52783.1563+09792.8473+62799.5584+13802.92 DIA.L41411-FLARED END SECTIONFLOWE 2'NOTES:PIPE SIZES LARGER THAN THOSE SHOWN REQUIRE ASPECIAL DESIGN.REQUIREMENTS FOR RIPRAP SIZE AND THICKNESS ANDFILTER BLANKET SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN THE PLANS.1.FOR PIPES GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 30", USE 1.5'.2.DIMENSION E IS GIVEN ON STANDARD PLATES 3100 AND3110.SECTION: RIPRAP OUTFALL-RIPRAP1'B-AMnDOT GRANULARFILTER MATERIAL1RIPRAPMnDOT GRANULARFILTER MATERIAL1'12'A--B--SECTION: RIPRAP OUTFALLNOT TO SCALEDETAIL: RIPRAP OUTFALLNOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALETABLE OF QUANTITIESRIPRAP AT PIPE OUTLETSCLASS IId50 = 6"CLASS IIId50 = 9"CLASS IVd50 = 12"DIA. OFROUNDPIPE (IN.)L(FT.)12" DEPTHRIPRAP(CU. YD.)6" DEPTHGRANULARFILTER(CU. YD.)18" DEPTHRIPRAP(CU. YD.)9" DEPTHGRANULARFILTER(CU. YD.)24" DEPTHRIPRAP(CU. YD.)12" DEPTHGRANULARFILTER(CU. YD.)24125.'2'2MnDOT CLASS IV RANDOMRIPRAP AND MnDOTGRANULAR FILTERCLASS IV RIPRAP6'10'36"2:12:12:12:1CLASS IV RIPRAPFLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID(FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL)DETAIL: ROCK CHECKNOT TO SCALEA-SECTION: ROCK CHECK NOT TO SCALE6'12"B-SECTION: ROCK CHECK NOT TO SCALEFLOWFLOWCLASS IV RIPRAPB-24"OVERFLOWELEVATION5'-2A-FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID(FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL)12"2'NOTES:1.CUT FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID AT EACH ROCK CHECKAS NECESSARY TO IMPROVE GEOGRID FLEXIBILITY ANDFORM TRENCH FOR ROCK CHECK.2.PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 3-FT. OVERLAP OF GEOGRID ATBREAK BELOW ROCK CHECK WITH UPSTREAM GEOGRIDLAYER PLACED ON TOP OF DOWNSTREAM GEOGRID.3.VERIFY INSTALLATION AND REQUIRED STAKING WITHMANUFACTURER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.PROVIDE MIN. 3-FT. OVERLAPAT BREAK BELOW ROCK CHECKCULVERT INVERTREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNELSECTIONS AND DETAILS23101014.04-C-20D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-20_STORM SEWER DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/13/2019 9:00 AMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 10'4'2'4'2'2'SLOPE AND WIDTH VARY1-SECTION: DRAINAGE CHANNEL NOT TO SCALESEE DETAIL 2 FOR KEY6" MIN. TOPSOIL WITH SEED ANDCATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROLBLANKET. EXTEND EROSIONCONTROL BLANKET 10' MIN. FROMEDGE OF FLEXIBLE CONCRETEGEOGRID.FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRIDNOTES:1.ALL FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID TO BE FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL.2.FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID IS TO BE LAID IN A SHINGLED MANNER SO THE UPSTREAM ROW IS LAIDOVER THE TOP OF THE DOWNSTREAM ROW AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'SGUIDELINES.3.FOR GENERAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION SEE DETAIL 2.4.PLACE TOPSOIL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID AND GRADE TO BESMOOTH PER MANUFACTURER GUIDELINES.216" MIN. TOPSOIL AND SEED BELOWFLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRIDCADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_C-20_STORM SEWER DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 3:27 PMBAR M:\AutoCAD 2011\AutoCAD 2011 Support\enu\Template\Barr_2011_Template.dwt Plot at 1 10/05/2010 14:03:50..REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSTORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE CHANNELSECTIONS AND DETAILS23101014.04-C-21D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.DETAIL: FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID INSTALLATION (FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL)NOT TO SCALE-2CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 750750750750760760760760770770 770770780780780780780780 780780790790790790790790800800800800800800800800810810810810810810 81081082 082 0 82 0 82 0 820820820820820820820820830830830830830830 830830830830830830 830830840840840840CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_R-01_RESTORATION PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 3:21 PM CONSTRUCTION LIMITSMINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAIL1-PLAN: SEEDING NSCALE IN FEET120600WOODLAND EDGE SOUTH SEED MIX(MnDOT 36-211)SYMBOL AND PATTERN LEGEND580578CONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING 10' CONTOUREXISTING 2' CONTOURRESTORATION NOTES:1.ALL GROUND DISTURBANCE GENERATED FROM GRADING ACTIVITIESSHALL BE DECOMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12", STABILIZED ANDRESTORED WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES OF TOPSOIL, SEED WITH COVERCROP, AND EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR STRAW MULCH. THETOPSOIL USED FOR RESTORATION MAY BE STOCKPILED FROM GRADINGAREAS.2.SEED ANY DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WITHTHE SPECIFIED SEED MIX.3.ANY EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANTS AND WEEDS WITHIN THE SEEDING AREASSHALL BE SPRAYED WITH HERBICIDE 14 DAYS PRIOR TO SEEDING.SIGNAGE INDICATING THE USE OF HERBICIDES MUST BE POSTED ON SITE.4.ALL HERBICIDE APPLICATION SHALL BE APPLIED BY A LICENSEDAPPLICATOR WITHIN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.5.SEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. SEEDING IS TO TAKEPLACE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FINAL GRADING AND SOIL PLACEMENTTO PREVENT EROSION AND COMPACTION.6.REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. IN THE CASEOF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THIS DETAIL, PLANS, ORSPECIFICATIONS, THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL GOVERN.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNSEEDING PLAN23101014.04-R-01D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.NATIVE CONSTRUCTION SEED MIX(MnDOT 32-241)REALIGNED GRAVEL TRAILSTORMWATER SOUTH SEED MIX(MnDOT 33-261)WET PRAIRIE SEED MIX(MnDOT 34-262)RIPRAPPROPOSED TRAILCLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012CLEARING LIMITS 750750750750760760 760760770770 770770780780780780780780780780780780 7807807907907907907907907907907907907907908008008008008008008008008008008008008108108108108108108108108108108108108208208208208208208208208208208208208208208208208308308308308308308308308308308308308308308408408408408408408 4 0 8 4 0 840840 8508508 5 0 8 5 0 850850860860 8608608 6 0 8 6 0 87087087087087 0 87 0 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_R-02_PLANTING PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 1:46 PM CONSTRUCTION LIMITSMINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAIL1-PLAN: EROSION CONTROL BLANKET MULCH PLAN NRIPRAPSYMBOL AND PATTERN LEGEND580578CONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING 10' CONTOUREXISTING 2' CONTOURREVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNEROSION CONTROL BLANKET ANDMULCH PLAN23101014.04-R-02A..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.REALIGNED GRAVEL TRAILSCALE IN FEET120600CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION12/13/19----------------------------------ABC0123FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID(FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL)EROSION CONTROL BLANKET(MnDOT CAT. 3N)DISK ANCHORED MULCHCLEARING LIMITSCLEARING LIMITS 750750750750760760 760760770770 770770780780780780780780780780780780 7807807907907907907907907907907907907907908008008008008008008008008008008008008108108108108108108108108108108108108208208208208208208208208208208208208208208208208308308308308308308308308308308308308308308408408408408408408 4 0 8 4 0 840840 8508508 5 0 8 5 0 850850860860 8608608 6 0 8 6 0 87087087087087 0 87 0 CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_R-02_PLANTING PLAN.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/12/2019 1:52 PM CONSTRUCTION LIMITSMINNESOTA BLUFF LRT REGIONAL TRAIL1-PLAN: EROSION CONTROL BLANKET AND TREE PLANTING PLAN NRIPRAPSYMBOL AND PATTERN LEGEND580578CONSTRUCTION LIMITSEXISTING 10' CONTOUREXISTING 2' CONTOURNOTES:1.ALL TREES GREATER THAN 6" DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT REMOVED DURINGCONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED AT A 1:1 RATIO.2.ESTIMATED TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED IN THE TREEPLANTING SCHEDULE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES.3.ACTUAL TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY WILL VARY FROM THE PLANTINGSCHEDULE BASED ON NUMBER AND SPECIES OF TREES REMOVED DURINGCONSTRUCTION.4.BOTH CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER SHALL KEEP A LOG OF ALL TREES GREATERTHAN 6" DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION TODETERMINE TREES TO BE PLANTED.5.APPROXIMATE AREAS FOR TREE PLANTING ARE SHOWN ON THE PLAN VIEW. FIELDSTAKE LOCATIONS OF PROPOSED TREES IN THE FIELD FOR REVIEW ANDAPPROVAL BY ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLANTING.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNTREE PLANTING PLAN23101014.04-R-03A..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.REALIGNED GRAVEL TRAILSCALE IN FEET120600CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION12/13/19----------------------------------ABC0123Common NameBotanic NameSizeSpacing (ft)Replacement% of TotalRemovedQuantity(Estimated)IronwoodOstrya virginiana #10 Cont.10 O.C.4%TBDDowny ServiceberryAmelanchier arborea#10 Cont.10 O.C.3%TBDAmerican LindenTilia americana#10 Cont.15 O.C.8%TBDNorthern Pin OakQuercus ellipsoidalis#10 Cont.15 O.C.3%TBDSugar MapleAcer saccharum#10 Cont.15 O.C.50%TBDRed OakQuercus rubra#10 Cont.15 O.C.3%TBDHackberryCeltis occidentalis#10 Cont.10 O.C.10%TBDNorthern Strain RedbudCercis canadensis#10 Cont.15 O.C.2%TBDSwamp White OakQuercus bicolor#10 Cont.15 O.C.3%TBDBlack CherryPrunus serotina#10 Cont.10 O.C.4%TBDCottonwoodPopulus deltoides#10 Cont.15 O.C.10%TBDTotalTBD2-TABLE: ESTIMATED TREE PLANTING SCHEDULETREE PLANTING NOTES:1.REMOVE DEAD OR DAMAGED BRANCHES.RETAIN THE NATURAL FORM OF PLANT. DO NOTCUT THE LEADER2.IF ROOT FLARE IS NOT EXPOSED WITHIN THECONTAINER EXCAVATE SURFACE SOIL TO BASEOF ROOT FLARE.3.DIG PLANT HOLES 6" MIN. LARGER THAN ROOTMASS, ALL SIDES.4.SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIORTO PLANTING5.SET TREE ON LIGHTLY FIRMED BACKFILL SOILSO ROOT FLARE IS EVEN WITH FINISH GRADE.6.BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL AND FIRM SOILAROUND ROOT MASS TO MAINTAIN PLUMB ANDENSURE NO AIR GAPS AROUND ROOT MASS.7.CONSTRUCT 3" WATERING BASIN. THOROUGHLYWATER WITHIN 3 HOURS OF INSTALLATION.8.PLACE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (MN/DOTSPEC 3882.2 TYPE 6 - WEED SEED FREESHREDDED HARDWOOD.) TO A RADIUS OF 24"AND TO A DEPTH OF 3" AROUND TREE (SOILPREPARED AS PER PLAN).9.NO MULCH TO BE IN CONTACT WITH BASE OFPLANT.10.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORMAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD.11.CONTRACTOR TO WATER AS NECESSARYTHROUGHOUT GUARANTEE PERIOD TOMAINTAIN IN A HEALTHY CONDITION. AT THEEND OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD ALL TREESTHAT ARE DEAD OR DETERMINED UNHEALTHYOR UNSIGHTLY SHALL BE REPLACED ATCONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE.DETAIL: TREE PLANTING3-NOT TO SCALETREE PER SCHEDULE3" SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH(INCIDENTAL TO TREEINSTALLATION)BACKFILL SOILEXISTING SUBGRADEFINISH GRADETYP.ROOT FLARE, TO BE AT GRADEAND NOT COVERED WITH MULCHOR SOULPRUNE AND REMOVEADVANTAGEOUS AND FIBROUSROOTS ABOVE ROOT FLARE24" MIN.FLEXIBLE CONCRETE GEOGRID(FLEXAMAT OR APPROVED EQUAL)TREE PLANTING AREACLEARING LIMITSCLEARING LIMITS 12"12"CHECK SLOT NOTES:1.SECURE AT 12 IN. INTERVALS, BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL.2.CHECK SLOTS TO BE PLACE EVERY 25' ALONG FLOW LINE.WATER FLOWANCHOR TRENCH NOTES:1.SECURE AT 12 IN. INTERVALS, BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOIL.2.FOR SLOPES, CONSTRUCT TOP ANCHOR TRENCH 2 FT. BEYOND CREST OFSLOPE.30" MIN.12"12"INTERMITTENT CHECK SLOTTOP ANCHOR TRENCHTRM ANCHOR PATTERNWATER FLOW2 FT.2 FT. 4 FT.ANCHOR NOTES:1.PLACE ANCHORS ACCORDING TO THE ABOVE PATTERN.2.OVERLAP BETWEEN ROLLS IS 6 IN. MINIMUM.3.SPLICE BETWEEN ROLLS IS 18 IN. MINIMUM4.ALWAYS INSTALL DOUBLE ROW OF PINS SPACED 12" APART AT ALL ROLLSPLICES.5.INSTALL PINS DOWN THE CENTER OF EACH MAT STAGGERING THE OUTSIDEPINS.6.ANCHORS SHALL BE AT MINIMUM 12 IN. STEEL NAILS WITH 1-1/2 IN.WASHERS OR 12 IN. U-SHAPED WIRE STAPLES. LONGER ANCHORS MAY BEREQUIRED FOR LOOSE SOILS. ANCHORS MUST PROVIDE SUFFICIENTGROUND PENETRATION TO RESIST PULLOUT.ANCHORS (TYP)TRM INSTALLATION NOTES:1.PLACE A MINIMUM OF 4 IN. OF TOPSOIL ON SLOPE.2.PLACE APPROXIMATELY 50% OF THE SPECIFIED SEED AND RAKE SEED INTO SOIL PRIORTO PLACEMENT OF TRM.3.INSTALL AND ANCHOR TRM AS SHOWN AND AS SPECIFIED.4.PLACE ADDITIONAL TOPSOIL (PULVERIZED, DRY, LOOSE) OVER TRM ROUGHLY 1 IN. THICKOR UNTIL THE TRM IS BARELY VISIBLE.5.APPLY REMAINING 50% OF SEEDING ON TOP OF SOIL FILLED TRM AND LIGHTLY RAKE INTOSOIL USING THE FLAT SIDE OF A RAKE.6.HYDROMULCH MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE APPROACH IN STEP 5.TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT(TRM)TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT(TRM)ANCHORANCHORS (TYP)NOT TO SCALEDETAIL: TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT-1NOTE:1. SECURE AT 12 IN. INTERVALS, BACKFILL AND COMPACT SOILEDGE TERMINATION ANCHOR TRENCHWATER FLOW12"12"ANCHORS (TYP.)TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM)REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEAPP.BYNO.CHK.TO/FORRELEASEDDATE RELEASEDApprovedDesignedDrawnCheckedDateScaleDWG. No.BARR PROJECT No.CLIENT PROJECT No.REV. No.Minneapolis, MinnesotaPh: 1-800-632-2277Corporate Headquarters:DATELICENSE #SIGNATUREI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, ORREPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.BARR ENGINEERING CO.Project Office:PRINTED NAMEPh: 1-800-632-2277MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554354300 MARKETPOINTE DRIVEFax: (952) 832-2601www.barr.comSuite 200AS SHOWN12/13/2019EPFAKHBARRAKHHCRRAMINNEAPOLIS, MNLANDSLIDE REPAIRSCHANHASSEN, MNRESTORATION DETAILS23101014.04-R-04D..90% DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.CADD USER: Eric P. Fitzgerald FILE: M:\DESIGN\23101014.04\2310101404_R-04_RESTORATION DETAILS.DWG PLOT SCALE: 1:2 PLOT DATE: 12/11/2019 1:46 PMrlg M:\Design\23101014.00\2310101400_Drawing_D 4_Erosion Control Details.dwg Plot at 0 12/21/2015 16:08:36..CLIENTBIDCONSTRUCTION03/07/1904/19/1910/09/1912/13/19-------------------------------ABCD012 Attachment 4 Draft Specifications for Horizontal Directional Drilling S-XX (2503) 24” HDPE PIPE SEWER-DIRECTIONAL DRILLED (2503.603) PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes providing all materials, equipment, and labor to complete Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). B. Various methods will be considered, provided they can generally follow the design profile in constructing the pipeline from the starting access point to the ending access point. 1.02 REFERENCES A. The following are complete titles of references cited in this Section. The date of the standard is that in effect as of the certification date, unless noted otherwise. 1. American Petroleum Institute (API) a. API Bulletin D20: Directional Drilling Survey Calculation Methods and Terminology b. API RP 13B-1: Recommended Practice for Field Testing Water-based Drilling Fluids. 2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) a. ASTM A240: Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Installation Plan including: 1. Experience and qualifications information including the following: a. A list of at least 10 similar projects completed by the company, including the name of owner, location, project environment (i.e. urban work, waterbody crossing), pipeline and/or casing diameter(s), length of installation, and contact names and phone numbers. b. A list of key personnel assigned to the project including title, experience, and personal references. 1) The field supervisor shall have at least 3 years of experience and shall be at the site at all times during the boring/drilling installation. 2. Site access requirements. 3. Major Equipment including the following: a. Type and capacity of drilling rig to be used for the project, including thrust and rotary torque. b. Type and capacity of the mud mixing system. c. A list of any specialized support equipment required. 4. A detailed plan and profile of the bores indicating the location and footprints of all equipment, staging areas, pipe storage areas, location of entry and exit pits, and location of drilling fluids containment pits (as applicable) to be plotted at a scale no smaller than 1 inch equals 20 feet horizontal and vertical. 5. A detailed installation plan including the following: a. Depiction of Contractor’s proposed plan and profile of pipeline to be installed including denoted entry and exit points, entry and exit angles, bend radiuses, and points of intersection (PIs). b. Construction methods, including diameter of pilot holes, number and size of pre- reams, use of rollers, baskets, and side booms to suspend and direct pipelines during pullback, and number and sections in which the pipelines are to be installed. c. Description of installation sequencing, including pilot hole, reaming, and pullback for pipeline. d. Type, operating range, and degree of accuracy of tracking equipment. e. Drilling fluid mix design. f. Pipeline joining methods. g. Measures to be employed and monitoring to be performed to prevent overstressing of pipeline during installation. 6. A Quality Control Plan detailing personnel and associated responsibilities, inspections, and organization for ensuring the quality of construction required by these Specifications. The plan shall include a table listing methods, frequencies, and acceptable conditions and tolerances. The plan shall explain the methods and locations for obtaining samples for testing and reporting schedules. Copies of quality control forms shall be submitted for review and approval. 7. A plan describing drilling fluid and cuttings management methods including: a. Details of drilling fluid types, cleaning and recycling equipment, estimated flow rates, and procedures for minimizing drilling fluid escape b. Method(s) of drilling fluid and slurry containment c. Method(s) of recycling drilling fluids and spoils d. Method(s) of transporting drilling fluids and spoils off the site e. Disposal plan for drilling mud and spoils f. A spill plan in the event of a spill of drilling fluids, hydraulic fluids, and/or any other fluids or substances other than potable water. The plan shall include measures to communicate the spill to Engineer and a plan to contain and clean the affected area. 8. A description of measures to be employed to prevent hydraulic fracturing of overburden soils and drilling fluid migration. A plan of action in the event of hydraulic fracturing and/or drilling fluid migration from the drill alignment shall also be included. 9. A plan for leak testing installed pipeline. 10. A plan of action to be followed in the event of a failed pipeline installation and/or failed post-installation leak test. 11. Submit Installation Plan to Engineer at least 21 days prior to mobilizing equipment. B. Manufacturer’s product data including: 1. Technical product data and installation instructions for all water system materials and products. C. Shop drawings including: 1. Piping materials, size, locations, and elevations. Include details of underground structures, valves, connections, restrained joints, and anchors. Show interface and spatial relationship between piping and proximate structures. D. Test results and certificates including: 1. For each fusion joint provide all process information, time, temperature and pressure in the form of a written log 2. Leakage Test and Hydrostatic Pressure Test. Submit for approval 1 copy of results of leakage and hydrostatic pressure test upon completion of backfilling operations. 3. Conductivity Test. Submit for approval 1 copy of results of conductivity test upon completion of backfilling operations. 4. Bacteriological Tests. Submit for approval 1 copy of results of bacteriological tests upon completion. E. Record Drawings: 1. At Project closeout, submit for information Record Drawings of installed piping and products including locations and elevations. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications. Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of water systems materials and products, of types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. B. Installer's Qualifications. Installer shall have at least five years experience in horizontal directional drilling and have installed horizontal directional drilled pipe at least as large as 12 inches in diameter for a minimum of 10 projects within the last 5 years. 1. Installers shall have equipment capable of installing pipeline in segments of up to 500 LF. It is the intent of the pipeline layout that access pits will be located only at the inlet and outlet locations shown on the Drawings (e.g., no intermediate access pits in between inlet and outlet). 1.05 DELVIERY AND STORAGE A. Materials delivered and placed in storage shall be protected from weather, contamination, degradation, and damage. 1.06 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Measurement shall be made of the number of lineal feet of satisfactorily installed 24-inch HDPE pipe, including inlet and outlet, as shown on the Drawings and approved by the Engineer. B. Payment shall be made under 2503.603 (24” HDPE Pipe Sewer-Directional Drilled) at the Contract price per lineal foot, which shall be compensation in full for all work included in this specification. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) A. ASTM D3350 with a cell classification of 445474C, and a PPE rating of PE4710. The pipe produced from this material shall have the dimensions and wall thickness as set forth in ASTM F714 for the size and Dimension Ratio (DR) 17. B. Each HDPE pipe length shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark, nominal size and DR, cell classification, and extrusion date, period of manufacture or lot number. C. All HDPE pipe and fittings shall be from a single manufacturer, who is fully experienced, reputable and qualified in the manufacture of the HDPE pipe to be furnished. The pipe shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods and shall comply with these Specifications. D. Contractor is responsible for compatibility between pipe materials, fittings, and appurtenances. 2.02 TRACER WIRE FOR HDPE A. Solid copper No. 10 or stainless steel No 10 tracer wire. B. Splicing tracer wire for horizontal directional drilling will not be allowed. 2.03 DRILLING FLUID (SLURRY) A. Stable colloidal suspension of bentonite in water and shall be controlled in accordance with API RP 13B-1. B. Admixtures may be incorporated into the drilling fluid if approved by Engineer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 LOCATION OF WORK A. The Work shall be located as shown on the Drawings. In general, boring pits may be located within the project construction limits and as accepted by Engineer. B. It may be necessary for the Engineer to shift lines a reasonable amount to avoid an obstruction to the construction work or to reduce right of way difficulties. The Contractor will not be allowed any additional compensation due to minor shift of lines. Additional compensation will be allowed only for lengthening of lines greater than 2% of the overall length, or for providing additional fittings. 3.02 EXAMINATION A. Examine the area and conditions for performing pipeline installation via HDD methods. If unsatisfactory conditions occur during Work, notify Engineer and do not proceed with Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. It shall be Contractor’s responsibility to determine to its own satisfaction the location and nature of all surface and subsurface obstacles and the soil and water conditions that will be encountered during construction. C. Provide Engineer with access to Contractor’s work areas at all time, and provide Engineer with the location and profile of all drilled alignments. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Contractor shall make arrangements to locate all existing utilities and underground facilities in the areas of Work. If any are to remain in place, Contractor shall provide adequate means of protection during HDD installation operations. B. Contractor shall protect existing streams, structures, utilities, roads, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by HDD pipeline installation. C. Surface water shall be controlled sufficiently to permit HDD pipeline installation. 3.04 GENERAL A. All polyethylene pipe shall be cut, fabricated, and installed in strict conformance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Joining, laying, and pulling of polyethylene pipe shall be accomplished by personnel experienced in working with polyethylene pipe. The pipe supplier shall certify in writing that the Contractor is qualified to join, lay, and pull the pipe or representative of the pipe manufacturer shall be on site to oversee the pipe joining. Expense for the representative shall be paid for by the Contractor. B. Storage 1. Pipes shall be stored on level ground, preferably turf or sand, free of sharp objects which could damage the pipe. Stacking of the polyethylene pipe shall be limited to a height that will not cause excessive deformation of the bottom layers of pipes under anticipated temperature condition. Where necessary due to ground conditions, the pipe shall be stored on wooden sleepers, spaced suitably and of such widths as not to allow deformation of the pipe at the point of contact with the sleeper or between supports. C. Handling Pipe 1. The handling of the joined pipeline shall be in such a manner that the pipe is not damaged by dragging it over sharp and cutting objects. Ropes, fabric, or rubber- protected slings and straps shall be used when handling pipes. Chains, cables, or hooks inserted into the pipe ends shall not be used. Two slings spread apart shall be used for lifting each length of pipe. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped onto rocky or unprepared ground. Slings for handling the pipeline shall not be positioned at butt-fused joints. Sections of the pipes with cuts and gouges exceeding 10 percent of the pipe wall thickness or kinked sections shall be removed and the ends rejoined. 2. The open ends of all sections of joined and/or installed pipe (not in service) shall be plugged at night to prevent animals or foreign material from entering the pipeline or pipe section. 3. Waterproof nightcaps of approved design may be used but they shall also be so constructed that they will prevent the entrance of any type of natural precipitation/ into the pipe and will be fastened to the pipe in such a manner that the wind cannot blow them loose. 4. The practice of stuffing cloth or paper in the open ends of the pipe is not allowed. 5. Where possible, the pipe shall be raised and supported at a suitable distance back from the open end such that the open end will be below the level of the pipe at the point of support. 3.05 EXCAVATIONS A. Entry and exit pits shall be excavated to a depth allowing installation of the pipeline as shown on the Drawings. B. All excavations shall be in accordance with applicable OSHA requirements. 3.06 INSTALLATION A. Install pipelines by means of horizontal directional drilling. Assemble, support, and pretest the pipeline prior to installation in the directional drill tunnel. B. Horizontal directional drilling shall consist of the drilling of a small diameter pilot hole from one end of the alignment to the other, followed by enlarging the hole diameter for the pipeline insertion. The exact method and techniques for completing the directionally drilled installation will be determined by the Contractor, subject to the requirements of these Specifications. C. Monitor the route taken by the drilling unit utilizing the downhole survey calculation methods discussed in API Bulletin D20. A surface monitoring system may be allowed in lieu of the downhole calculation method. Approval of surface monitoring shall be at the discretion of the Engineer based on the Engineer’s evaluation of the particular system that is proposed. D. Drilling fluid consisting of a bentonite slurry shall be using during drilling and back-reaming operations. Drilling fluid consisting solely of water will not be permitted. E. Drilling fluid shall remain in the annular space between the pipeline and the borehole upon completion of the installation. F. Joining Pipe Sections 1. Each length of pipe shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary to be free of debris immediately prior to joining. 2. Pipes shall be joined to one another by means of thermal butt-fusion. Polyethylene pipe lengths to be joined by thermal butt-fusion shall be of the same type, grade, and class of polyethylene compound and supplied from the same raw material supplier. 3. Mechanical connections of the polyethylene pipe to auxiliary equipment shall be through flanged connections which shall consist of the following: a. A polyethylene "stub end" shall be thermally butt-fused to the ends of the pipe. b. Provide ASTM A240, Type 304 stainless steel backing flange, 125-pound, ANSI B16.1 standard, and gaskets as required by the manufacturer. c. Stainless Steel bolts and nuts of sufficient length to show a minimum of three complete threads when the joint is made and tightened to the manufacturer's standard. Retorque the nuts after 4 hours. d. Butt-Fusion Joining: Butt-fusion of pipes shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations as to equipment and technique. Butt-fusion joining shall be 100% efficient offering a joint weld strength equal to or greater than the tensile strength of the pipe. G. Allow a minimum 8 to 24 hour relaxation period as specified by the manufacturer or industry standards prior to connecting or attaching any appurtenances to or restraining the inserted HDPE pipe. H. Tolerances 1. Pipe installed by the directional drilled method must be located in plan as shown on the Drawings, must be no shallower than shown on the Drawings, and must be no closer than minimum offsets shown on the Drawings, unless otherwise approved. Plot the actual horizontal and vertical alignment of the pilot bore at intervals not exceeding 30 feet. This "as built" plan and profile shall be updated as the pilot bore is advanced. At all times, provide and maintain instrumentation that will accurately locate the pilot hole and measure drilling fluid flow and pressure. Grant Engineer access to all data and readout pertaining to the position of the bore head and the fluid pressures and flows. 2. Employ experienced personnel to operate the directional drilling equipment and, in particular, the position monitoring and steering equipment. No information pertaining to the position or inclination of the pilot bores shall be withheld from Engineer. 3. Each exit point shall be indicated with an over-length tolerance of 5 feet for directional drills of 1,000 linear feet or less and 20 feet for directional drills of greater than 1,000 linear feet and an alignment tolerance of 5 feet left/right with due consideration of the position of the other exit points and the required permanent easement. The alignment of each pilot bore must be approved by Engineer before pipe can be pulled. If the pilot bore fails to conform to the above tolerances, Engineer may exercise option to require a new pilot boring to be made. 4. After the pipe is in place, cleaning pigs shall be used to remove residual water and debris. After the cleaning operation, provide and run a sizing pig to check for anomalies in the form of buckles, dents, excessive out-of-roundness, and any other deformations. The sizing pig run shall be considered acceptable if the survey results indicate that there are no sharp anomalies (e.g. dens, buckles, gouges, and internal obstructions) greater than 2 percent of the nominal pipe diameter, or excessive ovality greater than 5 percent of the nominal pipe diameter. For gauging purposes, dent locations are those defined above which occur within a span of five feet or less. Pipe ovality shall be measured as the percent difference between the maximum and minimum pipe diameters. For gauging purposes, ovality locations are those defined above which exceed a span of five feet. I. Ream and Pullback 1. Reaming: Reaming operations shall be conducted to enlarge the pilot after acceptance of the pilot bore. The number and size of such reaming operations shall be conducted at the discretion of Contractor. 2. Pulling Loads: The maximum allowable pull exerted on the HDPE pipelines shall be measured continuously and limited to the maximum allowed by the pipe manufacturer so that the pipe or joints are not over stressed. 3. Torsion and Stresses: A swivel shall be used to connect the pipeline to the drill pipe to prevent torsional stresses from occurring in the pipe. 4. The lead end of the pipe shall be closed during the pullback operation. 5. At all times, handle the HDPE pipe in a manner that does not over stress the pipe. Vertical and horizontal curves shall be limited so that wall stresses do not exceed 50% of yield stress for flexural bending of the HDPE pipe. If the pipe is buckled or otherwise damaged, the damaged section shall be removed and replaced by Contractor at Contractor’s expense. Take appropriate steps during pullback to ensure that the HDPE pipe will be installed without damage. 6. Tracer wire shall be pulled along with the HDPE pipe in order to locate it in the future. Conductivity between HDPE sections shall be continuous. J. Handling Drilling Fluids and Cuttings 1. During the drilling, reaming, or pullback operations, the Contractor shall make adequate provisions for handling the drilling fluids, or cuttings at the entry and exit pits. To the greatest extent practical, these fluids must not be discharged into a waterway. When Contractor's provisions for storage of the fluids or cuttings on site are exceeded, these materials shall be hauled away to a suitable legal disposal site. After completion of the directional drilling work, the entry and exit pit locations shall be restored to original conditions. Comply with all permit provisions. 2. Pits constructed at the entry or exit point area shall be so constructed to completely contain the drill fluid and prevent its escape. Excess drilling fluid shall be contained in a lined pit, a containment pond, or via another Engineer approved containment method at exit and entry points until recycled or removed from the site. 3. Utilize drilling tools and procedures which minimize the discharge of any drill fluids. Comply with all mitigation measures listed in the required permits and elsewhere in these Specifications. 4. To the extent practical, maintain a closed loop drilling fluid system. 5. Minimize drilling fluid disposal quantities by utilizing a drilling fluid cleaning system which allows the returned fluids to be reused. 6. Make all diligent efforts to minimize the amount of drilling fluids and cuttings spilled during the drilling operation and provide complete clean-up of all drilling fluid overflows or spills. 3.07 ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS A. The Horizontal Directional Drilling operation shall be operated in a manner to eliminate the discharge of water, drilling mud and cuttings to adjacent waters or land areas during construction. Provide equipment and procedures to maximize the recirculation or reuse of drilling mud to minimize waste. All excavated pits used in the drilling operation shall be lined by Contractor with heavy duty plastic sheeting with sealed joints to prevent the migration of drilling fluids and/or ground water. B. Visit the site and become aware of all structures and site limitations at the directional drill locations. Contractor is responsible for providing a drilling plan outlining procedures to prevent drilling fluid from adversely affecting the surrounding area. C. The general work areas at the entry and exit shall be enclosed by a berm to contain unplanned spills or discharge. D. Waste cuttings and drilling mud shall be processed through a solids control plan, comprised as a minimum of sumps, pumps, tanks, centrifuges, material handlers, and haulers all in a quantity sufficient to perform the cleaning/separating operation without interference with the drilling program. The cuttings and excess drilling fluids shall be disposed offsite and shall be dewatered and dried by Contractor to the extent necessary for offsite disposal. Water from the dewatering process shall be treated by Contractor to meet permit requirements and disposed of locally. The cuttings and water for disposal are subject to being sampled and tested. The construction site and adjacent areas will be checked frequently for signs of unplanned leaks or seeps. E. Equipment (graders, shovels, etc.) and materials (such as groundsheets, hay bales, booms, and absorbent pads) for cleanup and contingencies shall be provided in sufficient quantities by Contractor and maintained at all sites for use in the event of inadvertent leaks, seeps or spills. F. Waste drilling mud and cuttings shall be dewatered, dried, and stock piled such that it can be loaded by a front end loader, transferred to a truck and hauled offsite to a suitable legal disposal site. The maximum allowed water content of these solids is 50% of weight. G. Treatment of water shall satisfy regulatory agencies before it is discharged. 3.08 POST-INSTALLATION TELEVISING A. Televise pipeline after completion of installation. The pipe shall be cleaned prior to any televising. The Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning the pipe, and keeping it free of debris until final project acceptance by Engineer. The televising camera shall be mounted on a skid so that it is centered laterally in the pipe. The camera shall be equipped with sufficient lights to completely illuminate the interior of the pipe within the range of the camera. A monitor shall be provided with seating facilities to allow three or more persons to view the picture continuously. The television camera, transmitting equipment, and monitoring equipment shall combine to provide a picture on the monitor screen which is free from distortion and clean enough to distinguish between hairline cracks, "pipe marks", etc. A digital recording shall be made of the entire footage of pipe televised. The linear footage of pipe televised shall be integrated into the recording for ease of identification of pipe being viewed. B. Provide a written report identifying pertinent data as shown on the videotape. A diagram of the project with all televising indexed on it shall be included. If televising is interrupted for more than five days, an interim index diagram shall be furnished. Recording(s) shall be digitally provided to the Engineer in conjunction with the report. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Allow pipeline to be inspected by Engineer upon installation completion. 3.10 SITE RESTORATION A. Restore all areas disturbed by construction in kind to existing grade. B. The ground surface along each drill path will be observed by Engineer for signs of settlement, heave, hydraulic fracturing, or other indication of impact that appears to have occurred due to the HDD installation process. Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of measures required to quantify the affected area(s) and restore the site due to settlement, heave, hydraulic fracturing, or other impact that appears to have occurred due to the HDD process. Attachment 5 Joint Application Form for Activities Affecting Water Resources in Minnesota Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 1 of 15 Joint Application Form for Activities Affecting Water Resources in Minnesota This joint application form is the accepted means for initiating review of proposals that may affect a water resource (wetland, tributary, lake, etc.) in the State of Minnesota under state and federal regulatory programs. Applicants for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Public Waters permits MUST use the MPARS online permitting system for submitting applications to the DNR. Applicants can use the information entered into MPARS to substitute for completing parts of this joint application form (see the paragraph on MPARS at the end of the joint application form instructions for additional information). This form is only applicable to the water resource aspects of proposed projects under state and federal regulatory programs; other local applications and approvals may be required. Depending on the nature of the project and the location and type of water resources impacted, multiple authorizations may be required as different regulatory programs have different types of jurisdiction over different types of resources. Regulatory Review Structure Federal The St. Paul District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the federal agency that regulates discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (wetlands, tributaries, lakes, etc.) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and regulates work in navigable waters under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Applications are assigned to Corps project managers who are responsible for implementing the Corps regulatory program within a particular geographic area. State There are three state regulatory programs that regulate activities affecting water resources. The Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) regulates most activities affecting wetlands. It is administered by local government units (LGUs) which can be counties, townships, cities, watershed districts, watershed management organizations or state agencies (on state-owned land). The Minnesota DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources issues permits for work in specially-designated public waters via the Public Waters Work Permit Program (DNR Public Waters Permits). The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act certifies that discharges of dredged or fill material authorized by a federal permit or license comply with state water quality standards. One or more of these regulatory programs may be applicable to any one project. Required Information Prior to submitting an application, applicants are strongly encouraged to seek input from the Corps Project Manager and LGU staff to identify regulatory issues and required application materials for their proposed project. Project proponents can request a pre- application consultation with the Corps and LGU to discuss their proposed project by providing the information required in Sections 1 through 5 of this joint application form to facilitate a meaningful discussion about their project. Many LGUs provide a venue (such as regularly scheduled technical evaluation panel meetings) for potential applicants to discuss their projects with multiple agencies prior to submitting an application. Contact information is provided below. The following bullets outline the information generally required for several common types of determinations/authorizations. • For delineation approvals and/or jurisdictional determinations, submit Parts 1, 2 and 5, and Attachment A. • For activities involving CWA/WCA exemptions, WCA no-loss determinations, and activities not requiring mitigation, submit Parts 1 through 5, and Attachment B. • For activities requiring compensatory mitigation/replacement plan, submit Parts 1 thru 5, and Attachments C and D. • For local road authority activities that qualify for the state’s local road wetland replacement program, submit Parts 1 through 5, and Attachments C, D (if applicable), and E to both the Corps and the LGU. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 2 of 15 Submission Instructions Send the completed joint application form and all required attachments to: U.S Army Corps of Engineers. Applications may be sent directly to the appropriate Corps Office. For a current listing of areas of responsibilities and contact information, visit the St. Paul District’s website at: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory.aspx and select “Minnesota” from the contact Information box. Alternatively, applications may be sent directly to the St. Paul District Headquarters and the Corps will forward them to the appropriate field office. Section 401 Water Quality Certification: Applicants do not need to submit the joint application form to the MPCA unless specifically requested. The MPCA will request a copy of the completed joint application form directly from an applicant when they determine an individual 401 water quality certification is required for a proposed project. Wetland Conservation Act Local Government Unit: Send to the appropriate Local Government Unit. If necessary, contact your county Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office or visit the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) web site (www.bwsr.state.mn.us) to determine the appropriate LGU. DNR Public Waters Permitting: In 2014 the DNR will begin using the Minnesota DNR Permitting and Reporting System (MPARS) for submission of Public Waters permit applications (https://webapps11.dnr.state.mn.us/mpars/public/authentication/login). Applicants for Public Waters permits MUST use the MPARS online permitting system for submitting applications to the DNR. To avoid duplication and to streamline the application process among the various resource agencies, applicants can use the information entered into MPARS to substitute for completing parts of this joint application form. The MPARS print/save function will provide the applicant with a copy of the Public Waters permit application which, at a minimum, will satisfy Parts one and two of this joint application. For certain types of activities, the MPARS application may also provide all of the necessary information required under Parts three and four of the joint application. However, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to make sure that the joint application contains all of the required information, including identification of all aquatic resources impacted by the project (see Part four of the joint application). After confirming that the MPARS application contains all of the required information in Parts one and two the Applicant may attach a copy to the joint application and fill in any missing information in the remainder of the joint application. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 3 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: PART ONE: Applicant Information If applicant is an entity (company, government entity, partnership, etc.), an authorized contact person must be identified. If the applicant is using an agent (consultant, lawyer, or other third party) and has authorized them to act on their behalf, the agent’s contact information must also be provided. Applicant/Landowner Name: Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCCRA), Jessica Galatz Mailing Address: 701 4th Avenue S, Suite 400, Minneapolis MN 55415 Phone: 612-348-2691 E-mail Address: Jessica.galatz@hennepin.us Authorized Contact (do not complete if same as above): Sarah Johnson Mailing Address: 325 S Lake Avenue, Suite 700, Duluth MN, 55802 Phone: 218-529-7159 E-mail Address: sjohnson@barr.com Agent Name: Tyler Conley Mailing Address: 4300 MarketPointe Dr, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 Phone: 952-832-2600 E-mail Address: tconley@barr.com PART TWO: Site Location Information County: Carver County City/Township: Chanhassen Parcel ID and/or Address: 25990600, 252640080, 257560510, 250360200, and 250360700 Legal Description (Section, Township, Range): Sections 25, 36, Township 116 West, Range 23 N and Section 30, Township 116 West, Range 22 North Lat/Long (decimal degrees): 44.821518/-93.525386 Attach a map showing the location of the site in relation to local streets, roads, highways. Refer to Figure 1. Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear project, length (feet): 9.3 acres If you know that your proposal will require an individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, you must provide the names and addresses of all property owners adjacent to the project site. This information may be provided by attaching a list to your application or by using block 25 of the Application for Department of the Army permit which can be obtained at: http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Portals/57/docs/regulatory/RegulatoryDocs/engform_4345_2012oct.pdf PART THREE: General Project/Site Information If this application is related to a delineation approval, exemption determination, jurisdictional determination, or other correspondence submitted prior to this application then describe that here and provide the Corps of Engineers project number. This application is related to the Chanhassen Slope Failure project number 2015-04215-MMJ. A wetland delineation was previously conducted in August 2015. This wetland delineation report was approved on December 18, 2015 (Appendix A). A second wetland delineation was completed on September 2019, for the expanded project area. This wetland delineation has been reviewed by the technical evaluation panel and the approval letter is attached. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 4 of 15 Describe the project that is being proposed, the project purpose and need, and schedule for implementation and completion. The project description must fully describe the nature and scope of the proposed activity including a description of all project elements that effect aquatic resources (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) and must also include plans and cross section or profile drawings showing the location, character, and dimensions of all proposed activities and aquatic resource impacts. Project Description: The scope of the project includes landslide repairs on a portion of the Minnesota Bluffs LRT Regional Trail (trail) in Chanhassen, MN owned by the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA). Two areas will be repaired as part of this project – the north repair area and the south repair area. Project access will be from Highview Drive in Eden Prairie, proceeding southwest along the trail to the site, and also from Flying Cloud Drive through the Moon Valley Aggregate operated property (final access route through Moon Valley Aggregate operated property pending property owner authorization). Landslide repairs in the south repair area will include stabilizing the south slope, repairing the south culvert outlet area and constructing a new storm sewer and drainage ditch to direct water into the repaired area. Existing trail profile grades will be reduced with the embankment slopes regraded to less steep grades and finished with turf reinforcement mats. The existing damaged concrete headwall will be removed and existing riprap will be salvaged for reuse. The south culvert outlet area will be repaired with riprap, boulder cross vanes, and a stilling basin. Work in the north area will include removal of existing pipe debris, placement of riprap fill on north slope, and abandonment of the existing pipe crossing beneath the trail. Drainage will be rerouted from north pipe area via new buried storm sewer and lined drainage channel, which will discharge to the south culvert outlet area.Please refer to Appendix B for the complete set of design plans and layout of the aforementioned project featrues. Project Purpose and need In 2014, a large rain event (presidential declared disaster 41823) caused the slopes supporting the trail to fail. The trail has since been closed due to slope instability and public safety concerns. The purpose of the proposed project is to stabilize the trail slopes, reopen the trail, and thereby reconnect a six-year closure of a Tier 1 Alignment of the Regional Bicycle Transportation Network. Aquatic Resources Two wetland delineations were conducted within the project area. The first delineation was completed in August 2015. The Second wetland delineation was completed in September 2019 to accommodate the proposed construction limits in their entirety. The wetland delineations identified two wetland areas (0.49 acres) and one unnamed stream channel within the project area (Figure 2). The two wetland areas (Wetland 1, wetland 2) are incidental wetlands located within the ditch of the trail. Both wetlands contained of three communities; shallow marsh, shrub-carr, and wet meadow. The shallow marsh segment of the wetland is located on the northern end of the proposed access route. As the wetland extends southwest, the slopes gradually increase causing the plant community to change from a shallow marsh to shrub- carr and wet meadow. Using the Cowardin classification method the wetland areas were classified as palustrine emergent wetlands that are partially seasonally flooded and temporarily flooded and ditched (PEMAd/PEMCd). The unnamed stream was originally delineated as part of the 2015 wetland delineation report. The stream channel was classified as a type 1 (RUBA) seasonally flooded sparsely vegetated stream channel. Work conducted in Aquatic Resources The proposed repairs will require work to be conducted within the two delineated wetlands and unnamed stream. A constructed 10-foot wide access road is required along the existing trail to provide access for construction materials and equipment. Portions of the trail corridor are too narrow and require placement of temporary fill in the existing ditches (wetlands 1 and 2) to create the required 10-foot wide access route. Approximately 0.06 acres of temporary fill will be placed within wetlands 1 and 2 (Appendix B, Pg G-05). Once construction is completed, the fill will be removed and the ditches will be returned to as close to the pre-project existing conditions as possible. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 5 of 15 The proposed repair work requires 0.025 acres (86 cubic yards) of riprap be placed within approximately 79 linear feet of the existing stream channel. This portion of stream has been previously impacted due to installing riprap for an emergency repair in 2016. An additonal, 0.092 acres (64 cubic yards) of riprap will be placed below the ordinary high water level downstream from the emergency repair area. The placement of this riprap will impact approximately 294 linear feet of stream channel and help further protect the stream banks and prevent further bank erosion and sedimentation downstream (Appendix B, pg C-13). Schedule Tree clearing would be completed in the spring of 2020. Construction is anticipated to begin in the summer/fall of 2020 and commence by the end of 2020. Special considerations Threatened and Endangered Species A threatened and endangered species assessment was completed for the proposed project. The review identified two federally listed species and five state listed species occurring within one-mile of the project area (Appendix C). Rare natural Communities No records of rare natural communities are shown in the NHIS database within the project area. Special Fish and Wildlife Resources The project is expected to improve fish and wildlife habitat along the unnamed stream channel. The stream is an intermittent stream and does not support fish populations. Stabilization of the adjacent slope and stream bank will help improve downstream water quality by reducing the amount of sediment loading into the stream channel. The project will not block or impede potential fish passage. Cultural Resources In 2015, a review of records at the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (MSHPO) was requested to identify any previously recorded archaeological, historical, or architectural resources within the project area. Per the Minnesota Archaeological Inventory and Historic Structures Inventory for the project area, no archaeological sites were identified and one historic feature was identified within Section 25, T116N, R23W (Appendix D). This property will not be affected by the proposed project. In November 2019, a second record search was submitted to MSHPO for the expanded project area. No additional cultural resources were identified. Groundwater sensitivity The project will not directly impact groundwater since excavations will occur up to 10 feet below the ground surface. Sensitive Surface Waters The MDNR Pubilc Waters Inventory (PWI) did not identify any basins or watercourses within the Project area. No sensitive surface waters such as impaired waterbodies or trout waters were identified within the project area. Tree Removal It is anticipated the proposed project will require tree removal around the north and south repair area. Large trees will be avoided to the degree practical. Tree clearing will be conducted between November 1 and March 31 to limit impacts to sensitive wildlife species. All trees removed with >6” dbh will be replaced in accordance with the City of Chanhassen’s permit requirements (Appendix B, R-02). Status of Other Approvals Table 1 below includes the status of other approvals required by the project. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 6 of 15 Table 1, Status of Other Regulatory Agency Submittals Unit of Government Permit or Approval Status City of Chanhassen Interim Use Permit To be Submitted in December, 2019 Wetland Delineation boundary and type confirmation submitted 11/6/2019 Approved, see attached letter City of Eden Prairie Application for Utility Right of Way permit To be submitted in spring 2020 Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 7 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: PART FOUR: Aquatic Resource Impact1 Summary If your proposed project involves a direct or indirect impact to an aquatic resource (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) identify each impact in the table below. Include all anticipated impacts, including those expected to be temporary. Attach an overhead view map, aerial photo, and/or drawing showing all of the aquatic resources in the project area and the location(s) of the proposed impacts. Label each aquatic resource on the map with a reference number or letter and identify the impacts in the following table. Aquatic Resource ID (as noted on overhead view) Aquatic Resource Type (wetland, lake, tributary etc.) Type of Impact (fill, excavate, drain, or remove vegetation) Duration of Impact Permanent (P) or Temporary (T)1 Size of Impact2 Overall Size of Aquatic Resource 3 Existing Plant Community Type(s) in Impact Area4 County, Major Watershed #, and Bank Service Area # of Impact Area5 Stream 1 Tributary Fill (Maintenance) P 77ft (0.025 acres) N/A None Carver County Watershed #33 BSA #7 Stream 1 Tributary Fill (bank stabilization) P 296ft (0.092 acres) N/A None Carver County Watershed #33 BSA #7 1,2 Wetland Fill T (90) 0.06 acres N/A None Carver County Watershed #33 BSA #7 1If impacts are temporary; enter the duration of the impacts in days next to the “T”. For example, a project with a temporary access fill that would be removed after 220 days would be entered “T (220)”. 2Impacts less than 0.01 acre should be reported in square feet. Impacts 0.01 acre or greater should be reported as acres and rounded to the nearest 0.01 acre. Tributary impacts must be reported in linear feet of impact and an area of impact by indicating first the linear feet of impact along the flowline of the stream followed by the area impact in parentheses). For example, a project that impacts 50 feet of a stream that is 6 feet wide would be reported as 50 ft (300 square feet). 3This is generally only applicable if you are applying for a de minimis exemption under MN Rules 8420.0420 Subp. 8, otherwise enter “N/A”. 4Use Wetland Plants and Plant Community Types of Minnesota and Wisconsin 3rd Ed. as modified in MN Rules 8420.0405 Subp. 2. 5Refer to Major Watershed and Bank Service Area maps in MN Rules 8420.0522 Subp. 7. If any of the above identified impacts have already occurred, identify which impacts they are and the circumstances associated with each: 1 The term “impact” as used in this joint application form is a generic term used for disclosure purposes to identify activities that may require approval from one or more regulatory agencies. For purposes of this form it is not meant to indicate whether or not those activities may require mitigation/replacement. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 9 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attachment A Request for Delineation Review, Wetland Type Determination, or Jurisdictional Determination By submission of the enclosed wetland delineation report, I am requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District (Corps) and/or the Wetland Conservation Act Local Government Unit (LGU) provide me with the following (check all that apply): Wetland Type Confirmation Delineation Concurrence. Concurrence with a delineation is a written notification from the Corps and a decision from the LGU concurring, not concurring, or commenting on the boundaries of the aquatic resources delineated on the property. Delineation concurrences are generally valid for five years unless site conditions change. Under this request alone, the Corps will not address the jurisdictional status of the aquatic resources on the property, only the boundaries of the resources within the review area (including wetlands, tributaries, lakes, etc.). Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination. A preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD) is a non-binding written indication from the Corps that waters, including wetlands, identified on a parcel may be waters of the United States. For purposes of computation of impacts and compensatory mitigation requirements, a permit decision made on the basis of a PJD will treat all waters and wetlands in the review area as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. PJDs are advisory in nature and may not be appealed. Approved Jurisdictional Determination. An approved jurisdictional determination (AJD) is an official Corps determination that jurisdictional waters of the United States are either present or absent on the property. AJDs can generally be relied upon by the affected party for five years. An AJD may be appealed through the Corps administrative appeal process. In order for the Corps and LGU to process your request, the wetland delineation must be prepared in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, any approved Regional Supplements to the 1987 Manual, and the Guidelines for Submitting Wetland Delineations in Minnesota (2013). http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/DelineationJDGuidance.aspx Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 10 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attachment B Supporting Information for Applications Involving Exemptions, No Loss Determinations, and Activities Not Requiring Mitigation Complete this part if you maintain that the identified aquatic resource impacts in Part Four do not require wetland replacement/compensatory mitigation OR if you are seeking verification that the proposed water resource impacts are either exempt from replacement or are not under CWA/WCA jurisdiction. Identify the specific exemption or no-loss provision for which you believe your project or site qualifies: WCA: 8420.0105 Subp. 2. D. USACE: Nationwide Permit 13: Bank stabilization and Nationwide Permit 3: Maintenance Provide a detailed explanation of how your project or site qualifies for the above. Be specific and provide and refer to attachments and exhibits that support your contention. Applicants should refer to rules (e.g. WCA rules), guidance documents (e.g. BWSR guidance, Corps guidance letters/public notices), and permit conditions (e.g. Corps General Permit conditions) to determine the necessary information to support the application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the WCA LGU and Corps Project Manager prior to submitting an application if they are unsure of what type of information to provide: WCA Under 8420.0105 Subp. 2. D WCA does not regulate impacts to incidental wetlands. The two delineated wetlands that would be temporarily impacted by the proposed project are manmade ditched wetlands. These ditches are meant to convey water away from the trail. However, due to the lack of slope, water has ponded in the trail area creating a narrow wetland within an upland area. The project will place approximately 0.06 acres of fill within the incidental wetland area. This fill will be temporary and removed upon completion of the project. The ditches will then be restored to as close to the pre-project existing conditions as possible. USACE: It is anticipated that work within Waters of the U.S. can be completed under Nationwide Permit 3 and/or Nationwide Permit 13. Maintenance Activities: The proposed project would need to repair 0.025 acres (86 cubic yards) of riprap within approximately 79 linear feet of the existing stream channel. Some riprap was originally placed in this segment of the stream channel as part of a previous emergency repair needed to stabilize the south culvert outlet. Since then the riprap has been displaced during subsequent flood and runoff events. The proposed project would salvage existing riprap and also install additional riprap to further protect the area from future erosion. Bank Stabilization Activities: Bank stabilization activities necessary for erosion control or prevention, such as vegetative stabilization, bioengineering, spills, riprap, revetment, gabion baskets, stream barbs, and bulkheads, or combination of bank stabilization techniques. In order to stabilize the bank of the unnamed stream, 0.092 acres (64 cubic yards) of riprap will be placed below the ordinary high water level. The placement of riprap will impact approximately 294 linear feet of stream channel. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 11 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attachment C Avoidance and Minimization Project Purpose, Need, and Requirements. Clearly state the purpose of your project and need for your project. Also include a description of any specific requirements of the project as they relate to project location, project footprint, water management, and any other applicable requirements. Attach an overhead plan sheet showing all relevant features of the project (buildings, roads, etc.), aquatic resource features (impact areas noted) and construction details (grading plans, storm water management plans, etc.), referencing these as necessary: Avoidance. Both the CWA and the WCA require that impacts to aquatic resources be avoided if practicable alternatives exist. Clearly describe all on-site measures considered to avoid impacts to aquatic resources and discuss at least two project alternatives that avoid all impacts to aquatic resources on the site. These alternatives may include alternative site plans, alternate sites, and/or not doing the project. Alternatives should be feasible and prudent (see MN Rules 8420.0520 Subp. 2 C). Applicants are encouraged to attach drawings and plans to support their analysis: Minimization. Both the CWA and the WCA require that all unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources be minimized to the greatest extent practicable. Discuss all features of the proposed project that have been modified to minimize the impacts to water resources (see MN Rules 8420.0520 Subp. 4): Off-Site Alternatives. An off-site alternatives analysis is not required for all permit applications. If you know that your proposal will require an individual permit (standard permit or letter of permission) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, you may be required to provide an off-site alternatives analysis. The alternatives analysis is not required for a complete application but must be provided during the review process in order for the Corps to complete the evaluation of your application and reach a final decision. Applicants with questions about when an off-site alternatives analysis is required should contact their Corps Project Manager. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 12 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attachment D Replacement/Compensatory Mitigation Complete this part if your application involves wetland replacement/compensatory mitigation not associated with the local road wetland replacement program. Applicants should consult Corps mitigation guidelines and WCA rules for requirements. Replacement/Compensatory Mitigation via Wetland Banking. Complete this section if you are proposing to use credits from an existing wetland bank (with an account number in the State wetland banking system) for all or part of your replacement/compensatory mitigation requirements. Wetland Bank Account # County Major Watershed # Bank Service Area # Credit Type (if applicable) Number of Credits Applicants should attach documentation indicating that they have contacted the wetland bank account owner and reached at least a tentative agreement to utilize the identified credits for the project. This documentation could be a signed purchase agreement, signed application for withdrawal of credits or some other correspondence indicating an agreement between the applicant and the bank owner. However, applicants are advised not to enter into a binding agreement to purchase credits until the mitigation plan is approved by the Corps and LGU. Project-Specific Replacement/Permittee Responsible Mitigation. Complete this section if you are proposing to pursue actions (restoration, creation, preservation, etc.) to generate wetland replacement/compensatory mitigation credits for this proposed project. WCA Action Eligible for Credit1 Corps Mitigation Compensation Technique2 Acres Credit % Requested Credits Anticipated3 County Major Watershed # Bank Service Area # 1Refer to the name and subpart number in MN Rule 8420.0526. 2Refer to the technique listed in St. Paul District Policy for Wetland Compensatory Mitigation in Minnesota. 3If WCA and Corps crediting differs, then enter both numbers and distinguish which is Corps and which is WCA. Explain how each proposed action or technique will be completed (e.g. wetland hydrology will be restored by breaking the tile……) and how the proposal meets the crediting criteria associated with it. Applicants should refer to the Corps mitigation policy language, WCA rule language, and all associated Corps and WCA guidance related to the action or technique: Attach a site location map, soils map, recent aerial photograph, and any other maps to show the location and other relevant features of each wetland replacement/mitigation site. Discuss in detail existing vegetation, existing landscape features, land use (on and surrounding the site), existing soils, drainage systems (if present), and water sources and movement. Include a topographic map showing key features related to hydrology and water flow (inlets, outlets, ditches, pumps, etc.): Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 13 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attach a map of the existing aquatic resources, associated delineation report, and any documentation of regulatory review or approval. Discuss as necessary: For actions involving construction activities, attach construction plans and specifications with all relevant details. Discuss and provide documentation of a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the site to define existing conditions, predict project outcomes, identify specific project performance standards and avoid adverse offsite impacts. Plans and specifications should be prepared by a licensed engineer following standard engineering practices. Discuss anticipated construction sequence and timing: For projects involving vegetation restoration, provide a vegetation establishment plan that includes information on site preparation, seed mixes and plant materials, seeding/planting plan (attach seeding/planting zone map), planting/seeding methods, vegetation maintenance, and an anticipated schedule of activities: For projects involving construction or vegetation restoration, identify and discuss goals and specific outcomes that can be determined for credit allocation. Provide a proposed credit allocation table tied to outcomes: Provide a five-year monitoring plan to address project outcomes and credit allocation: Discuss and provide evidence of ownership or rights to conduct wetland replacement/mitigation on each site: Quantify all proposed wetland credits and compare to wetland impacts to identify a proposed wetland replacement ratio. Discuss how this replacement ratio is consistent with Corps and WCA requirements: By signature below, the applicant attests to the following (only required if application involves project-specific/permittee responsible replacement): • All proposed replacement wetlands were not: • Previously restored or created under a prior approved replacement plan or permit • Drained or filled under an exemption during the previous 10 years • Restored with financial assistance from public conservation programs • Restored using private funds, other than landowner funds, unless the funds are paid back with interest to the individual or organization that funded the restoration and the individual or organization notifies the local government unit in writing that the restored wetland may be considered for replacement. • The wetland will be replaced before or concurrent with the actual draining or filling of a wetland. • An irrevocable bank letter of credit, performance bond, or other acceptable security will be provided to guarantee successful completion of the wetland replacement. • Within 30 days of either receiving approval of this application or beginning work on the project, I will record the Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants on the deed for the property on which the replacement wetland(s) will be located and submit proof of such recording to the LGU and the Corps. Applicant or Representative: Title: Signature: Date: Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 14 of 15 Project Name and/or Number: Attachment E Local Road Replacement Program Qualification Complete this part if you are a local road authority (county highway department, city transportation department, etc.) seeking verification that your project (or a portion of your project) qualifies for the MN Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP). If portions of your project are not eligible for the LGRWRP, then Attachment D should be completed and attached to your application. Discuss how your project is a repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of a currently serviceable road to meet state/federal design or safety standards/requirements. Applicants should identify the specific road deficiencies and how the project will rectify them. Attach supporting documents and information as applicable: Provide a map, plan, and/or aerial photograph accurately depicting wetland boundaries within the project area. Attach associated delineation/determination report or otherwise explain the method(s) used to identify and delineate wetlands. Also attach and discuss any type of review or approval of wetland boundaries or other aspects of the project by a member or members of the local Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) or Corps of Engineers: In the table below, identify only the wetland impacts from Part 4 that the road authority has determined should qualify for the LGRWRP. Wetland Impact ID (as noted on overhead view) Type of Impact (fill, excavate, drain) Size of Impact (square feet or acres to 0.01) Existing Plant Community Type(s) in Impact Area1 County, Major Watershed #, and Bank Service Area # of Impact2 1Use Wetland Plants and Plant Community Types of Minnesota and Wisconsin 3rd Ed. as modified in MN Rules 8420.0405 Subp. 2. 2Refer to Major Watershed and Bank Service Area maps in MN Rules 8420.0522 Subp. 7. Discuss the feasibility of providing onsite compensatory mitigation/replacement for important site-specific wetland functions: Please note that under the MN Wetland Conservation Act, projects with less than 10,000 square feet of wetland impact are allowed to commence prior to submission of this notification so long as the notification is submitted within 30 days of the impact. The Clean Water Act has no such provision and requires that permits be obtained prior to any regulated discharges into water of the United States. To avoid potential unauthorized activities, road authorities must, at a minimum, provide a complete application to the Corps and receive a permit prior to commencing work. By signature below, the road authority attests that they have followed the process in MN Rules 8420.0544 and have determined that the wetland impacts identified in Part 4 are eligible for the MN Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program. Road Authority Representative: Title: Signature: Date: Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 15 of 15 Technical Evaluation Panel Concurrence: Project Name and/or Number: TEP member: Representing: Concur with road authority’s determination of qualification for the local road wetland replacement program? Yes No Signature: _________________________________________ Date: TEP member: Representing: Concur with road authority’s determination of qualification for the local road wetland replacement program? Yes No Signature: _________________________________________ Date: TEP member: Representing: Concur with road authority’s determination of qualification for the local road wetland replacement program? Yes No Signature: _________________________________________ Date: TEP member: Representing: Concur with road authority’s determination of qualification for the local road wetland replacement program? Yes No Signature: _________________________________________ Date: Upon approval and signature by the TEP, application must be sent to: Wetland Bank Administration Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North Saint Paul, MN 55155 Figures MN River Bluffs LRTCrestwood Ter Voge Farm TrSettlement DrPioneer CirVogal Farm TrL a k e l a n d Cir S e t t l e r s C t Overland TrSierra TrHighview DrPineview Ct Trails End RdHighview DrP a t h f i n d e r D r F a r m s t e d C i rPioneer TrEastwood Ct F a r m s t e d C irSet t l ement Dr E x p lo r e r T r La k ot a La Lakeland TerMeadowlark LaFox Hollow DrFox Hollow DrD e e rb ro o k D rF ly in g C lo u d D r456714 45671 456761 H e n n e p i nHennepinCountyCountyCarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116W RNG 23N SEC 25 TWP 116WRNG 23N SEC 36 TWP 116W RNG 22N SEC 30 TWP 116WRNG 22N SEC 31 SITE LOCATION Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIG URE 1 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-09-30 13:27 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig01 Site Location.mxd User: MRQ0 700 Feet !;NMinnesota Bluff River s LRT Regional Trail Construction Li mits County Boun dar y Public La nd Sur vey Section Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 !>!> Highvie w Dr Lakeland TerPioneer Tr Trails End Rd456714 45671 Wetland 1 Wetland 2 SP 1-2SP 1-1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQ!>Wetland Sample Location Construction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 3 Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N !>!>TrailsEndRdWetland 1 Wetland 2 SP 2-2 SP 2-1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQ!>Wetland Sample Location Construction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N TrailsEndRdWetland 1 Wetland 2 WETLAND DELINEATION MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 1 Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N Wetland 1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 1 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N WETLAND DELINEATION MAP Minnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope Stabilization Chanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 2 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N APPENDIX A MN Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Decision Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 3 of 11   Project Name and/or Number:  HCRRA Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail Slope Stabilization  PART ONE: Applicant Information  If applicant is an entity (company, government entity, partnership, etc.), an authorized contact person must be identified.  If the  applicant is using an agent (consultant, lawyer, or other third party) and has authorized them to act on their behalf, the agent’s  contact information must also be provided.  Applicant/Landowner Name: Jessica Galatz, Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Mailing Address: 701 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 400 Phone: 612‐348‐2691  E‐mail Address: jessica.galatz@hennepin.us    Authorized Contact (do not complete if same as above): Mailing Address:         Phone:         E‐mail Address:           Agent Name: Joel Swenson, Barr Engineering  Mailing Address: 4700 West 77th St, Minneapolis, MN 55435 Phone: 952‐832‐2799  E‐mail Address: jswenson@barr.com    PART TWO: Site Location Information  County: Carver City/Township:Chanhassen Parcel ID and/or Address:         Legal Description (Section, Township, Range): S36, T116N, R23W Lat/Long (decimal degrees): ‐93.527 44.819  Attach a map showing the location of the site in relation to local streets, roads, highways. Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear project, length (feet):8.13 acres   If you know that your proposal will require an individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, you must provide the  names and addresses of all property owners adjacent to the project site.  This information may be provided by attaching a list to  your application or by using block 25 of the Application for Department of the Army permit which can be obtained at:   http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Portals/57/docs/regulatory/RegulatoryDocs/engform_4345_2012oct.pdf  PART THREE: General Project/Site Information  If this application is related to a delineation approval, exemption determination, jurisdictional determination, or other  correspondence submitted prior to this application then describe that here and provide the Corps of Engineers project number.  Describe the project that is being proposed, the project purpose and need, and schedule for implementation and completion. The  project description must fully describe the nature and scope of the proposed activity including a description of all project elements  that effect aquatic resources (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) and must also include plans and cross section or profile drawings  showing the location, character, and dimensions of all proposed activities and aquatic resource impacts.             Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Application Form February 2014 Page 5 of 11   Project Name and/or Number:  HCRRA Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail Slope Stabilization  Attachment A  Request for Delineation Review, Wetland Type Determination, or  Jurisdictional Determination  By submission of the enclosed wetland delineation report, I am requesting that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District  (Corps) and/or the Wetland Conservation Act Local Government Unit (LGU) provide me with the following (check all that apply):    Wetland Type Confirmation    Delineation Concurrence.  Concurrence with a delineation is a written notification from the Corps and a decision from the LGU  concurring, not concurring, or commenting on the boundaries of the aquatic resources delineated on the property. Delineation  concurrences are generally valid for five years unless site conditions change. Under this request alone, the Corps will not address  the jurisdictional status of the aquatic resources on the property, only the boundaries of the resources within the review area  (including wetlands, tributaries, lakes, etc.).   Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination. A preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD) is a non‐binding written indication  from the Corps that waters, including wetlands, identified on a parcel may be waters of the United States. For purposes of  computation of impacts and compensatory mitigation requirements, a permit decision made on the basis of a PJD will treat all  waters and wetlands in the review area as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S.  PJDs are advisory in nature and may not be  appealed.   Approved Jurisdictional Determination. An approved jurisdictional determination (AJD) is an official Corps determination that  jurisdictional waters of the United States are either present or absent on the property. AJDs can generally be relied upon by the  affected party for five years. An AJD may be appealed through the Corps administrative appeal process.   In order for the Corps and LGU to process your request, the wetland delineation must be prepared in accordance with the 1987  Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, any approved Regional Supplements to the 1987 Manual, and the Guidelines for  Submitting Wetland Delineations in Minnesota (2013).  http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/DelineationJDGuidance.aspx      BWSR NOD Form – November 5, 2019 1 Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Decision Local Government Unit: City of Chanhassen County: Carver Applicant Name: Jessica Galatz, Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority Applicant Representative: Sarah Johnson, Barr Engineering Project Name: HCRRA Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail Slope Stabilization Delineation Update LGU Project No. (if any): Date Complete Application Received by LGU: 10/30/2019 Date of LGU Decision: 12/5/2019 Date this Notice was Sent: 12/9/2019 WCA Decision Type - check all that apply ☒Wetland Boundary/Type ☐Sequencing ☐Replacement Plan ☐Bank Plan (not credit purchase) ☐No-Loss (8420.0415) ☐Exemption (8420.0420) Part: ☐ A ☐ B ☐ C ☐ D ☐ E ☐ F ☐ G ☐ H Subpart: ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 ☐ 9 Replacement Plan Impacts (replacement plan decisions only) Total WCA Wetland Impact Area: Wetland Replacement Type: ☐ Project Specific Credits: ☐ Bank Credits: Bank Account Number(s): Technical Evaluation Panel Findings and Recommendations (attach if any) ☐ Approve ☐ Approve w/Conditions ☐ Deny ☒ No TEP Recommendation LGU Decision ☐ Approved with Conditions (specify below)1 ☒ Approved1 ☐ Denied List Conditions: Decision-Maker for this Application: ☒ Staff ☐ Governing Board/Council ☐ Other: Decision is valid for: ☒ 5 years (default) ☐ Other (specify): 1 Wetland Replacement Plan approval is not valid until BWSR confirms the withdrawal of any required wetland bank credits. For project- specific replacement a financial assurance per MN Rule 8420.0522, Subp. 9 and evidence that all required forms have been recorded on the title of the property on which the replacement wetland is located must be provided to the LGU for the approval to be vali d. LGU Findings – Attach document(s) and/or insert narrative providing the basis for the LGU decision1. ☒ Attachment(s) (specify): Wetland Delineation Figure ☒ Summary: The LGU reviewed the site in the field on October 29, 2019. No comments were received from the TEP and the LGU concurred with the boundary and type observed in the field. 1 Findings must consider any TEP recommendations. Attached Project Documents BWSR NOD Form – November 5, 2019 2 ☒ Site Location Map ☐ Project Plan(s)/Descriptions/Reports (specify): Appeals of LGU Decisions If you wish to appeal this decision, you must provide a written request within 30 calendar days of the date you received the notice. All appeals must be submitted to the Board of Water and Soil Resources Executive Director along with a check payable to BWSR for $500 unless the LGU has adopted a local appeal process as identified below. The check must be sent by mail and the written request to appeal can be submitted by mail or e-mail. The appeal should include a copy of this notice, name and contact information of appellant(s) and their representatives (if applicable), a statement clarifying the intent to appeal and supporting information as to why the decision is in error. Send to: Appeals & Regulatory Compliance Coordinator Minnesota Board of Water & Soils Resources 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 travis.germundson@state.mn.us Does the LGU have a local appeal process applicable to this decision? ☒ Yes1 ☐ No 1If yes, all appeals must first be considered via the local appeals process. Local Appeals Submittal Requirements (LGU must describe how to appeal, submittal requirements, fees, etc. as applicable) Send petition and $50.00 to 7700 Market Boulevard, PO Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Notice Distribution (include name) Required on all notices: ☒ SWCD TEP Member: Aaron Finke ☒ BWSR TEP Member: Ben Carlson ☒ LGU TEP Member (if different than LGU contact): Todd Gerhardt, City of Chanhassen, Andi Moffatt, WSB ☒ DNR Representative: Leslie Parris, Jennie Skancke ☒ Watershed District or Watershed Mgmt. Org.: Linda Loomis, Lower MN River Watershed District ☒ Applicant (notice only): Jessica Galatz, Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority ☒ Agent/Consultant (notice only): Sarah Johnson, Barr Engineering; Tyler Conley, Barr Engineering Optional or As Applicable: ☒ Corps of Engineers: Mariah Weitzenkamp ☐ BWSR Wetland Mitigation Coordinator (required for bank plan applications only): ☒ Members of the Public (notice only): Leslie Stovring, Eden Prairie LGU; Erik Henricksen, City of Chanhassen; Terry Jeffery, RPBCWD ☐ Other: MN River Bluffs LRTCrestwood Ter Voge Farm TrSettlement DrPioneer CirVogal Farm TrL a k e l a n d C ir S e t t l e r s C t Overland TrSierra TrHighview DrPineview Ct Trails End RdHighview DrP a t h f in d e r D r F a r m s t e d C irPioneer TrEastwood Ct F a rm s te d C irSet t l ement Dr E x p lo re r T r La ko t a La Lakeland TerMeadowlark LaFox Hollow DrFox Hollow DrD eerbroo k D rF ly in g C lo u d D r45671 456714 456761 H e n n e p i nHennepinCountyCountyCarverCarverCountyCounty TWP 116WRNG 23NSEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 23NSEC 23 TWP 116WRNG 22NSEC 22 TWP 116WRNG 22NSEC 22 SITE LOCATIONMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 1 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-09-30 13:27 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig01 Site Location.mxd User: MRQ0 700 Feet !;NMinnesota Bluff RiversLRT Regional Trail Constructi on Li mits County Boun dar y Pu blic Land Sur vey Section Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 !>!> !>!>Highview DrLakeland TerPioneer Tr Trails End Rd456714 45671 Wetland 2 Wetland 1 SP 1-2SP 1-1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQ!>Wetland Sample Location Construction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 3 Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N !>!> !>!>TrailsEndRdWetland 2 Wetland 1 SP 2-2 SP 2-1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQ!>Wetland Sample Location Construction Limits Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N !>!>!>!>TrailsEndRdWetland 2 Wetland 1 WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 1 Type 6 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N !>!>!>!> Wetland 2 WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Delineated Wetlands Wetland Classifications Type 1 Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N !>!>!>!> WETLAND DELINEATION MAPMinnesota River Bluffs LRTRegional Trail Slope StabilizationChanhassen, Minnesota FIGURE 6 Barr Footer: ArcGIS 10.7.1, 2019-10-02 10:37 File: I:\Projects\23\10\1014\Maps\Wetland_Delineation_Report_Oct2019\Fig06 Wetland Delineation Map.mxd User: MRQConstruction Limits 2015 Delineated Wetlands Approximate Stream Channel Culvert Pipe Imagery Source; NearMap, April 2019 0 100 Feet !;N APPENDIX B Plan Set Refer to Attachment 3 for the Design Plan Set APPENDIX C Threatened and Endangered Species Review Memorandum Barr Engineering Co. 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Technical Memorandum To: File From: Tyler Conley Subject: Threatened and Endangered Species Review Date: 12/05/2019 Project: Chanhassen Slope Failure Project Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) has completed a threatened and endangered species desktop review for the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRRA) Slope Failure Project. The project area consists of 9.58 acres centered on the Minnesota River Bluffs LRT Regional Trail. Located within the City of Chanhassen and City of Eden Prairie Minnesota, Section 23, T116W, R23N. Federally listed species are protected by the federal government under the Endangered Species Act and require consideration for projects involving federal permits. State listed species are protected under Minnesota’s Endangered and Threatened Species Law and must be considered for state level permitting requirements. The project area was reviewed for federal and state listed species and their associated habitats that may be found in the project area. This desktop review was completed in November 2019 using a combination of data available from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). 1.1 Federally listed species The USFWS Information, Planning, and Conservation System (IPaC) identified two federally listed species as occurring within the project area, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis; federally threatened) and the Rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis; federally endangered). No designated critical habitat for any federally listed species is located within the project area. The northern long-eared bat inhabits caves, mines, and forests. According to the MNDNR, the nearest hibernacula is over 6.7 miles southwest of the project area, and no maternity roost trees have been identified within the vicinity of the project area. To minimize the potential impact on the species tree clearing will be conducted between November 1 and March 31. Therefore, project clearing activites completed prior to April 1, 2020 are anticipated to have no effect on northern long-eared bat. Rusty patched bumble bees are typically found in grasslands with flowering plants from April through October. They are typically nesting in underground and abandoned rodent cavities or clumps of grasses above ground as nesting sites. During the winter months, queens typically overwinter in underground cavities in upland forests dominated by maple-basswood or oak-hickory trees. The project area is located within USFWS designated High Potentail Zone for the rusty patched bumble bee. The USFWS Section 7 guidance recommends USFWS consultation for projects located within the High Potential zone. To: File From: Tyler Conley Subject: Threatened and Endangered Species Review Date: 12/05/2019 Page: 2 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\10\23101014 Landslides in Chanhassen HCRRA\_04 Chanhassen Slope Failure Const Plans\WorkFiles\Permitting\Wetland\Appendix C TE\ChanhasssenTE Memo technicalV3.docx 1.2 State-listed species Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) has a license agreement (LA-898) with the MNDNR for access to the Natural Heritage Information System (NHIS) database, which was queried in November 2019 to determine if any rare species could potentially be affected by the proposed Project. Two state-listed species have been previously recorded within the project area; American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and smooth rock cress (Boechera laevigata). In addition, the NHIS database identified five, state-endangered, threatened, special concern or watchlist species have been documented within one mile of the proposed project area (Table 1). Five native plant communities were also noted. Table 1 Rare Species Documented within One Mile of Proposed Project Area According to MNDNR NHIS Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status State Status Habitat1 Kitten-tails Besseya bullii N/A Threatened Primarily found in oak savanna communities, though it occurs in dry prairies and oak woodlands. Plants show a preference for partial to open light and upper slopes. Some populations exhibit a preference for less xeric north facing slopes in prairie habitats. Soils are most often sandy to gravelly, well-drained soil derived from alluvium or limestone. Smooth Rock Cress Boechera laevigata N/A Special concern Found to occur on slopes in mesic deciduous forests. Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus N/A Special concern Typically in dry short prairie grasslands in areas with sand or gravel spoils with some bare ground and scattered trees. American Ginseng Panax quinquefolius None Special concern Typically found in well-developed forest soil, mesic loamy soil. Gophersnake Pituophis catenifer None Special concern Prefers well-drained, loose sandy and gravel soils. 1: Habitat information obtained from MDNR Rare Species Guide: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/rsg/index.html Kitten tails is the only state listed threatened species identified within one mile of the project area. Primary habitat for the species consists of oak savanna communities on north facing slopes. No such habitat is present within the project area. The majority of the project area is densely wooded deciduous forest with a southeast facing slope. No dry prairie is present. Therefore it is unlikely for the species to be located within the project area. The remaining state listed species are listed as species of special concern. These species are monitored by the DNR but are not protected under state law. APPENDIX D SHPO Historical/Architectural Resource CR-CHC-049 Memorandum Technical Memorandum To: Jessica Galatz From: Joel Swenson Subject: SHPO Historical/Architectural Resource CR-CHC-049 Date: 09/15/2015 Project: 23101014.00/004-100 c: Kristin Alstadt As part of finalizing Task 2 and moving into final design, Task 3, the HCRRA (Hennepin County Regional Rail Authority) and the Barr design team needed to understand the existence and extents of any wetlands or fens within HCRRA right-of-way. This would include anything that would impact the design option selected by HCRRA. A preliminary desktop review of the site was performed by Barr staff in February, 2015. A complete wetland delineation was recently performed June 17, 2015. A report summarizing the preliminary and final wetland delineation findings was submitted to the HCRRA in July. In addition to the wetland delineation, the Minnesota State Historical Preservation Office was contacted by Barr staff to perform a database search for potential historical and archaeological resources within this area of Section 25 and 36, of Township 116, Range 23 in the City of Chanhassen within Carver County. According to the SHPO database, a historic feature (CR-CHC-049) is placed south of the landslide as shown on Figure 1 (also attached). Figure 1. Historical/Architectural resource database results To: Jessica Galatz From: Joel Swenson Subject: SHPO Historical/Architectural Resource CR-CHC-049 Date: 09/15/2015 Page: 2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\10\23101014 Landslides in Chanhassen HCRRA\WorkFiles\Wetland Evaluation\SHPO\Technical Memorandum_SHPO.docx The Historic feature is listed as a house (highlighted in yellow in Figure 2). Figure 2. Historical/Architectural Inventory To further investigate the potential for cultural resources within the project area or vicinity, Barr staff scheduled a visit to the SHPO office to pull the file for this Inventory Number CR-CHC-049. Upon arriving at the office, it was determined that a file had not been created for this inventory number as of the afternoon of July 10, 2015. Julie Hillenbrand (a grant process facilitator at SHPO) left a voicemail with Barr staff KNA the next morning on July 11, 2015 stating that their independent contractor who they hire to create the files has not provided them with any documentation for this inventory number. Julie and Tom Cinadr (property information/database searches at SHPO) both indicated that they had no idea when they expected to receive files for this inventory number.