Security-Cash Escrow InformationUnprioritized - Thursday, September 1, 2016 - Monday, July 3, 2017 - Cash Escrow Bluff Creek Senior Cottages Site Plan Agreement 2013-08 Landscaping, Erosion Control, Utility Extension, etc. $90,710 (Receipt 00237085) Notify Sharmeen Al-Jaff 6/1/15 - Notified Sharmeen. Kim 9/15/15 - Sharmeen, status? Kim 9/16/15 - Per Jill Sinclair, landscaping is installed, but not according to plan. BHS subbed for many of the originally proposed species. Smaller BHS not doing well. Spruce planted too close to sidewalk, fire hydrant, drive. 1/5/16 - Per Sharmeen Al-Jaff, OK to release $80,710 (Ck #161500) to leave a balance of $10,000 to guarantee landscaping. Notified Finance Department. Kim 6/29/16 - Per Jill - Replace dead/dying trees along driveway - 3, by building south side - 1, by parking east side - 1, 2 dead trees in patio. Sent emial to johnk@klingelhutz.com - was returned. Call Mobile# - mailbox full, left message @ work #952.233.1597. Follow up September 1, 2016. Jenny 10/25/16 - Per Jill - some trees replaced 1 dead/dying spruce west of parking lot. Mail check to Bluff Creek Cottages for $9000 (Ck #163829), leaving $1000 escrow. Check again 7/1/17. Notified Finance Department. Jenny 11/17/16 - Per Krista - ok (finished). Follow up on 7/1/17. Jenny 6/19/19 - Per Finance Dept., paid remaining $1,000 (Ck #171083). js 1/16/20 - As all security has been returned, activity is being closed. js