Development Review ApplicationCOI UN]TY DEVELOPHENT DEPART ENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P-O. 8ox 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phonet (952) 227-1300 lFax: (952\ 227-1,110 *cnYotculr{rrAssru APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPME REVIEW S$.nitlel Dele: I Lo rc Date:L CC Dare:z0 (Rerat lo lhe qprwido Apdkdb Ched<ld lq rcqutod elb/7,t4al hr'o|lmdtot l'r,af nus! @oryany thkt @pfr@tbn) E qomprehensive Plan Amendment......................... $600E Minor MUSA line for faiting on-site sewers..... $1OO E SubdMsion (SUB) D Create 3 lots or less E Creats ov6r 3 lots..-. .....$300 5 per lotE Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E Single-Family Residance .E ell otters......... ...............$600 + $1 $32s $425 tr D ( lots) Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 Consolidate Lots . . .... ... ......... . 6l s0 E lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln conjunction with 6ingte-Famity ResU€nce.. $32SLl AllOhers......... ............ .... $42 s trtr Lot Line Adjustment..$rs0 Final P|at........................ s700 E Razoning (REZ) (lncludes S4"5O escrow for attorney costs). 'Addlio.ul ssclorv msy ba .Bqlitrd tur o0|€ applcalio€ lhough I|. dardop.norf contraat E Vacation of Easomsnts/Righr-of{ray (VAC)........ $30O( ddfiio.El r!co.dh0 ft.s fttay 4dy) ! Vadance ryan)....................................................0200 trtrtr Planned Unit Development (PUD).... Minor Amendment t. *l"ti"s pUb .........,,..,.. $7s0 $100 $s00All Others E Sign ptan Review................................................... Sl SO ! W€tland Alteratjon Permittr (wAP) E Site Plan Review ( f| Adminisratue SPR)Single Family Residence .. $150 ..s275...... $ 100 All Others...... ! Commsrciaulndustial Districts....................... $SOO Plus $10 p€r 1,000 square feet ot building area:( lhousand square fe€t) 'kEfrde ,rrnber olglghg crnpbt!6: _ E Zoning App€al. -................... $tOO E Zoning Ordinanc€ Arnendment (ZOA)....-........... S5OO IIQIE: Wh.i lrrllthh ?plc.ttoo. -. Foc....d cor.urrq y,Itr .ppF9.h.lb. drdl b. .fi.r!.d tor..cfi +patc.doo. 'lrrctie number of @ly omployees D Residenthl Disldcts ..........$500 Pk s $5 per (hvslling unit ( units) ft f.fainca$on Siqn (ciry to instet dro r€mo,r)$200 EI Property Owners' List within 5OO' (O'ty !o g.i.r.tG !ff.r pr6-.pcIc.tbn nEdhg)$3 per address d Escrow for Recording Documents (check a lhatE Conditional Use Permit E Vacation E Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) !!![ addresses) applv).......................... E- tnterim Use Permit EF variance tr $50 per document Site Plan Agreement I Easements (_ easements) tr!Wetland Alteration Permit Deeds L,ooTOTAL FEE: Doscription of Proposal: Prop€rty Address or Location:9oc.vJ. za>(\pn-f Parcel #:1505 ro Legal Descriptlon: Wellands Prasent? E Ves E HoTotal Acreage: P16sent Zoning . Select One Rsquastad Zoning . Select One Present Land Use Desig nation. Select One Requested Land Use Designation . Sol8ct One Existing Use of Property: Ecnecf Oox tt separate narrative is attached. a Section 1: Application Type (check alt that apply) Section 2: Required lnformataon s 60-Day Review Dale:,I erty Owner and Applicant InformatiorSection 3: Prop APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing lhis appllcation, l, as applicsnl' represent to have obtainod authorization from th" prop.rty o*,n* io ife itris apptication. iagree i6 Oe OounO by conditions.of apptoval, subiect only to ir," ,ight to ouj""t "t ttri rriarings on'ine application or ouAng thi appeat perlod. tf.thi: "tp]i1T,1l"-t-not b€€n shnod bv il; ;#rty ffi;;, r nare atritreo separaie documenutb; d tull-li:gal capacity to file lhe applicatlon. This.application should be procsss6O tn my name andi", th" p"rty *tro, the City should contact rogarding any mattor perlaining to this ;;;x;td": i witr reep mysett inlomeo of ths d'eaoiines for submiision of mata]ial and tho progress of this appllcatlon' I iiir,"ir"o..t""a tfrjt a6omnaf fees maioe ctrarged tor consulting fees, feasibility studiss, etc. with 8n estimato prior to "ii ,-rrttirilti""i" pro"""o mr, ur" "rroi. r""rtdtt"ttt" infomalbn and exhibits 6ubmttted are true and conect' oD vue t&v 7 Pgfit,{{Contact:6N dft11Name: ?lbo 6kL ti i1 ZO PlttfiB: Csll: Fari Date qi 2 - 3oo- o/{f /-2/-20Signature: PROPERTY ER:ln signing lhis applicatlon, I , as propsrty ownor, have full leg at copaclty to, and hereby do' authorize the filing oflhis applicadon. I understand thal conditions of approval are binding and agrse to be bound bY lhose conditions, subject only to the rig ht to object at the headngs or during the app€al Periods.I will ksep mysef intormod of the deadlines for subm ission of material and the progress of thls application. I further understand that additional feos maY b€ charged for consultirE feos, feasibility studlss, etc. with an estimale prior to any sutholizallon to procssd with the study. lcertify the information and ixhibits submitted are true and coneci. -) Name A5&1 ?-t-Contact . P]r,ne q.<t-q4q-?b/ { ev. /ob Cell: Address: City/Statezip:/ Email:Fax; Date I -)t ) Signature: Contacl: Phone: @ll: Fax: Who should rocelvs coploa of 3tafi reports?'Other Contacl lnformetlon: Namg: Addrsss:#ropery EIlAppticantE Engineer D ouer owner via: {EYratt E Ma: El€mail E Vra: D Email Tl Mailed Paper CoPy Mailed Paper CoPy Mailed Paper CoPY citylstalezip: Email:via: El Email E Maihd PaPer coPY aoolication shall bs made within 15 business days of application submittal- A siliiG mairea to the applicsnt wihin 't5 business days of application'A determination of complstenoss of the ffitten notice of aPdication defici€ncies iredUinformationreq byplansallbetu[mand ust byaccompani€dstmuThisapdication thetorefaronicati appropriatefithisBeforeingapplrsronsOrdinanceprovCityapplicableandordinanc€proceduraltheapplicablsdeterminetospecificDepartmentnningand confer with the Pla roqulrements and ,ees. INSTR UCTIONS TO APP LICANT : Complets allnecessary form ffelds, to city along with ]equired documents thsn solect SAVE FORM to sav6 a copy to your and pafnent. SUBMIf FORM to sond a digital device.and deliver SAVE FORTT SUBMIT FORYcopy to the city for Processing Address: Clty/Statezlp: c ll *tJ tk+g ({'p ,t4 ,v iS3 I 7 emait b.rrQ blu-[abl creol' vu . zn". PROJE6 ENGINEER (if aPpli6ble) Nam€: Addrass: CityEtateZiP: Emall: and ChecklistApdicalion Section 4: Notification lnformation PRINT FORU