Carver Cty Development Access Review Comments 12-28-18 Carver County Public Works I. V. 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne,MN 55322 December 28, 2018 City of Chanhassen, c/o Paul Oehme, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer 952-227-1169 poehme@)ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: Nelson Property Preliminary Plat on CR 117/Galpin Blvd. Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. The subject plat and development has been reviewed against several other major planning and infrastructure projects, with the result that several changes and/or cross-checks of the subject plat will be required. CR 117/Galpin Blvd. is planned as turn back project and studied as part of a Highway 117 Corridor Study. Galpin Blvd is also identified in the County's Comprehensive Plan as an Urban/Urbanizing Collector, with a guided access spacing of 1/4- mile full access and 1/8-mile secondary access. In addition, a draft master stormwater and pond management was developed, based on planned development and road design elements. 2. In terms of access management, the proposed accesses across from Hunter Dr. and Longacres Dr. meet the guideline for full access. These two access points are also identified in the Highway 117 Corridor Study for full access. 3. In terms of access management, the access across from Wynsong Ln. meets the 1/8 spacing guideline for a secondary access. Note that this access could be restricted to a right-in/right- out access in the future. As such, it is recommended the City and developer consider a local through road connection instead of the proposed cul-de-sac. As a condition of the secondary access across from Wynsong Ln, the driveway from parcel no. 250100400 will need to be removed from CR 117/Galpin Blvd. and connect to the proposed new local road. 4. Exclusive left turn and right turn lanes should be required at all full access points across from Hunter Dr. and Longacres Dr., and if full access allowed at Wynsong Ln. Left turn lanes are preferred over right turn lanes if space is a premium. These are shown conceptually in the preferred alternative from the Highway 117 Corridor Study. The Hunter Drive location looks like it will need additional right of way and / or special design transitions to the south to fit the recommended turn lane lengths and transition tapers. Office (952) 466-5200 I Fax (952) 466-5223 I www.co.carver.mn.us 5. Right of way dedication will be required along the east side of CR 117/Galpin Blvd. per the above considerations, the Highway 117 Corridor Study, and the typical roadway sections identified in the County's Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Corridor Study identifies specific right of way needs and the plat will need to follow and be consistent with the preferred roadway alternative. The right of way will need to tie into the existing highway right of way north and south of the proposed development. The preliminary and final proposal will need to be reviewed and approved as to form and content by the County Surveyor. Specifically, given that most all of the existing corridor is platted at approximately 100-ft total now, this new plat's right of way could also be a total of 100 ft total or 50-ft on center. The typical roadway section for a 2-lane urban undivided with continuous left turn lane (intersection) should be followed and revised to fit in the 100-ft right of way planned, with an exact cross-section to be reviewed and approved by the County and City. The recommended cross-section could run as follows from west to east: 1'-offset; 8'-trail-5'- blvd; 2'-gutter; 4'-bike lane; 12'-right turn lane; 12'-thru lane; 12'-left turn lane; 12'-thru lane; 12'-right turn lane; 4'-bike lane; 2'-gutter; 5'-blvd; 8'-trail; 1'-offset (with variations in offset and/or blvd). Potentially, the right turn lanes could be shared Thru/Right Turn Lanes as exclusive left turn lanes are preferred over right turn lanes if space is a premium. It could be that the left turn lane or center left turn lane could be left out of the section where Pond "C" Wetland is existing to keep the road narrower in this section. From the Corridor Study centerline stationing reference numbers, it looks like the typical left turn lane is about 600-800-feet long, such that the LT lane at Hunter Drive falls at Sta 32+00 to Sta 40+00; and the LT lane at Longacres Dr falls at Sta 40+00 to Sta 48+00; and so on to the north. More exact design layouts can verify some of these details. 6. The technical details of the plat, its boundaries and form(s) will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Surveyor. 7. The plat's final grading plans, ponds, and right of way along CR 117/Galpin Blvd. will need to be reviewed and approved to show how this is set up for the potential future CR 117/Galpin Blvd. reconstruction. A cross reference of grading plans, profiles, and respective cross sections should be provided at key locations such as intersections, ponds, or other special features. 8. A new a draft master stormwater and pond management will need to be developed for this plat and area, based on planned development, road design elements, and the draft ponds planned from the Corridor Study Storm Drainage Plan. Ponds "D", "C", and potentially "B" will need to be verified accordingly. 9. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a-permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. 2I 10. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormickPco.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely, r-7 )•.11%1VCIMAjt Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works 3 H .