Resident CommentDaniel & Jeanne Burke 225 W 77th Street Chanhassen Mackenzie Walters RE: Chapel Hill Sign Variance Mr. Walters, We are writing to express our opposition to signage variance proposed by Chapel Hill. In my February 101h discussion with you about the variance you, indicated that Chapel Hill is requesting a 33% increase in the allowable size of the EMC portion of the sign from 12 to 16 square feet. This will require increasing the size of the sign from 24 to 35.33 square feet (50% increase) and a 20% increase in the height of the sign from 5 to 6 feet. You also indicated that whether or not the variance is approved, the sign will have to conform to the lighting ordinance which states: 1. The sign may emit up to 5000 Nits from sunup to sundown, reduced to 500 Nits at sunset. 2. The EMC portion of the sign must be off from 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. The sign is a replacement for the current sign located on the south side of Chapel Hill. The current sign is approximately 12 feet from the sidewalk and at eye level. The bottom portion has a section of streaming amber colored letters which are about 12 inches tall. Signs with movement are designed to be attention getting but for many people, including Jeanne and me, are distracting and annoying. The sign fits in fairly well with the residential nature of our neighborhood and except for the moving letters emits very little light pollution. The most prominent feature of the proposed sign is a 16 square foot EMC (2X8 ft). This is equivalent to a 75 -inch television. In our opinion, this will be obtrusive because the colors and movement on this portion of the sign will "demand" the attention of passers-by. Distracting the attention of someone who is walking is annoying but not dangerous. Distracting the attention of a driver is never a good idea, especially next to an elementary school. This section of 78th Street is particularly dangerous because of the west bound drivers speeding up as they come around the corner from Hwy 101, traffic from Great Plains Boulevard and Frontier Trail and residents crossing the street. Also, there is congestion and traffic generated by Chapel Hill parents as they drop off and pick-up their children. Increasing the size of the allowable EMC by 33% will make the sign more distracting thereby diverting drivers' attention. Increasing the size of the EMC will also increase light pollution emitted by the sign. Light pollution is a national problem and Chanhassen is making some progress. The sign regulations and light ordinance work hand-in-hand to reduce unnecessary light pollution. Granting the proposed increase in the size of the EMC will increase the amount of light pollution from the sign by 33%. Our current light ordinance is the result of work from residents of our neighborhood. Granting the variance not only goes against the national trend of reducing light pollution, it goes directly against the desires of our residents who worked hard to get the light ordinance passed. 1