Development Review ApplicationCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CITYOFafSEN 1 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: re-& 40 R -e PC Date: /A air L 7 CCDate: Ape'li 60 -Day Review Date:A?rj11q Section 1: Application Tyi)e (ciieck all that apply) (Refer to the 8PPrOP118te Appikatibn Cheoldist for required submittal information that must a,pwnWany this appfication) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amen dment .............. .aa$600 n Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers.. ¢ a a $100 0 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (Additional recording few, may apply) Single -Family Residence ....... All .............. $425 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) lNeVand Alteration Permit (WAP) n In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ❑ All Others ...... .......... ...... $425 Rezoning (REZ) [3 Planned Unit Development (PUDD) ........ ......... $750 Minor Amendment to existing PUD., ......... 0..... $100 ❑ All Others ................................ .................. ....... $Bog ❑ Site Plan Review (SPR) 0 Administrative..,,.,, D,, a a. . .............. ..... J."$100 El Commerclal/lndustrial Districts* HR ....... ............ $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square fes tf of Wfflding area: thousand square feet) *Include number of g& Lsting em&yees: *Include number of mw- employees: 0 Residential Districts., ....... ...... 0. 0... a a Q.... P 0. a $500 Plus $5 per dwening unk L,,., units) 0 Subdivision (SUB) El Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 0 Create over 3 lots .......... ....... $600 + $15 per lot lots) El Metes & Bounds (2 lots)...... .......... $no ❑ Consolidate Lots ....... ......... $1 so �] Lot Line Adjustment ........... - 0 ....... 0$150 Final Plat ..................... ............. $700 (includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* *Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. 0 Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) ........ $300 (Additional recording few, may apply) Variance (VAR) .... ....... ..... $200 lNeVand Alteration Permit (WAP) [3 Single -Family Residence ............... ¢a $150 0 All Others...... ....... " - - 0 . 0 MCI 0 0 0 V 4 0 D a 0 a 0 0 0 0 a. a D c, 0 . . . . $275 0 Zorflong AppsaL..b ............. ................ ewm..aem $ 100 C] ZmM ng 07,dinancs Amendment (ZOA) ................. $500 am.', PL0C0 L 0 aL,�� tho appo'Tw UT E -ft qN&H boo chm�rc9mdo fou, 6h, mmM060Q)r%. at P M5 Notification Sign (City to install and .......... ........ ...... __ ..........a. ......... $200 E9 Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) .baaaaaaaaaa aDaaa aacnp $3 per address ❑ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ........... ..... addresses) $50 per document 0 Conditional Use Permit El interim Use Permit ............... "........................0 SitePlanAgreement ❑ Vacation 0 Variance 0 Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements easements) 0 Deeds TOTAL FEE: Section 2, Required Informatiotl Description of Proposal: Property Address or Location: -ffio Parcel #: Total Acreage: Present Zoning: Select One Legal Description: Wetlands Present? rl Yes No Present Land Use Designation: Select One Existing Use of Property: [:]Check box if separate narrative is attached. ISCANI'NED Requested Zoning: Select One Requested Land Use Designation: Select One APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER,: In signing this applicadm 11 as appiltariL represent to have obtained authotbstim from ft property owner to file this appikoon. I agree to be bound by concifflons of appmal, subject only to the right to objW at the trearirrgs on the application or during the appeal period. N this apple has not been signed by the property ovmr, I have aftecohed separate dwumentation of full legal capecAV to file the application. This application should be panocressed In my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertainhig to this application. I will keep myself butmime of the deadlines for submhWon of material and the progress of ffft application. I further is Wei Wilm-ld that addidonsl fees may be charged for consulting IW*, Ity skxfta6 e1c. with an 90mate Prior to any authorisation to proceed vft the study. I oerft that the information and exhWh submbed are Wo and correeL Name: . Afteer. slgrvatuw. 0 -ft Contact Phone: Coll: Fwc Date: MEOW PROPERTY bWT&M" In signing ttds appsion,1,5 as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby dog euthorke the filing of this application. I unden0and OW condSone of appmal are binding and agree to be bound by Ouna condiflorm subject only W they right to object at the hearings or during the appeal pedods. I vdfi keep myself Informed of the deadlines for sulxnMbn of matedW and the v rens of this appAceffOn. I further underaWrid that additional fees may be charged for consulting Ibm f69s1bility studies, eW. with an esth vim-Umprim to any authorization to proceed with ft "v- I amIltv that to Inforrnallon and exhibits submNed are true and correct. Nwne.- Addres Cky/st Email: Slanab Contact: 1^t.amad in .0 r mg I Phone: 0'6e 5S' Con: Fax: -.14.D Dante. 2-18-2020 4 q - # w&- -A I 11MU-n and This application md be %iW11qA=%WUIn full and must be led by all int r WWI plans requfted by applicable CAy Ordnamn provisions. Before fift this ap I mon, rater to the a- late Applicallon Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specffic ordinance and applicable procedural requbwnerft and hm. A detwninvoon of completeness of the application shal be made within 15 business days of application submiftel. A vvritt+artnotice or applicaUan deWerwAes shall be maftd to the uWAmrit wfthtn 15 businew days of appfl=lon. PROJECT EMINNER (if appable) Name: f.ANMWESW6SNWft= Address: � c3ty/Statalip. Emalt �01-7071 '�-- 17; Phone: NNNW� Coll: Fax Who should receive copies of atartf reports? VOW COMA =-a Information: 0 Owner VW D EmW Mailed Paper Copy Name: 0 E r=n& \4a: Ertel Mailed Paper Copy CRY/StUtWWAPIP: Via: Maw Paper Copy Address: "14CO IPWO Ofte Via: DErnwd kftM Paper Copy. Emalt 0=6U.&T-o" TO Ctunplete all necessary f brm ffdchh then select 0AN(i to save a copy to your device. PM�Tr r-0,Mr,: and ddver to dly a" with required docunwft and payawd. to send a dig a1 copy to Me city for Fm - --l- ogp SAVE FM PRINT [ POW SUBOW I — --- .ate. -�- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 CITYO� CHMKMSEN Phone: (952) 227-1130 /Fax: (952) 227-1110 4 REZONING APPLICATION CHECKLIST Applications will be processed only if all requested items are submitted Prior to filing an application for a rezoning, the applicant shall attend a conference with city staff. The application shall include the following: (Completed Application Form. 17Evidence of ownership or an interest in the Vproperty. 'I Application fee to include the following: Type Fee Planned Unit Development (PUD) $750 Minor Amendment to Existing PUD $100 Notification Sign $200 Property Owners' List within 500' of subject property (City to generate, fee determined at pre -application meeting) $3 per address * Present zoning and requested zoning (see application form).