01-08-20 MIN1
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
January 8, 2020
Members Present: Bill Chappell, Greg Hawks, Jeff Harken, Don Vasatka, Rachel Popken, Kristin
Members Absent: Keith Butcher
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist;
Minutes: December minutes were approved.
2020 Arbor Day Poster Contest Theme selection: This is the 20th year of the themed Arbor Day
poster contest. The commission discussed how to work that into this year’s selected theme. After much
brainstorming the commission voted to select “Trees are Terrific….In Chanhassen!” with kids
encouraged to include the subtitle “Celebrating 20 years of Arbor Day!”
Arbor Day event planning: To acknowledge the poster contest anniversary, the commission discussed
adding special activities to the Arbor Day event at Meadow Green Park. Ideas included having a potting
station for the seedlings so that attendees can take home a potted tree; Planting a garden/pollinator
garden/rain garden at the park; Hosting a plant swap or encouraging people to bring plant splits to
donate to the park; Mulching the existing trees; Making plant bombs (Don has recipe). Jill research
viability of each of these and bring back to commission.
Summer Connection article: Jeff volunteered to do the summer article. It will focus on ‘how to’ or
basics of recycling, what the advantages are; what can/can’t be recycled, local info on haulers and
DemCon and EC, and will close the article with the July 3 event. Commissioners suggested contacting
haulers and asking what their #1 complaint was concerning items thrown into recycling. Commissioners
also suggested referencing the Recycling Association of Minnesota website. Jill said that local recycling
options can be found at recyclecarver.org. Jeff will have an article to submit by Jan. 27.
2020 Work Plan: The commission talked about their fall event and July 3 event. Bill said that the
DemCom trailer is unavailable for the July 3 event. The commission then considered using it for the fall
education event. Commissioners thought it might be challenging to have the trailer outdoors in the
evening in October because of weather and daylight. Zero Waste West Metro, an education workshop
teaching folks how to generate less waste was then discussed and seemed to be a good fit for the fall
event. The commission directed Jill to reach out to them and the library and try to book a date.
The July 3 event was discussed and it was decided that the commission would put together a recycling
display based on the DemCom information about what can/can’t be recycled. Another idea was to have
the city offer residents tour of the DemCom facility. It was decided the logistics were challenging. The
commission will focus on recycling and reducing, maybe invite a Zero Waste rep? The activity at the
booth could include having 3 bins and 7 items to sort. Commission still needs to decide on giveaway
items. For a handout, commission could have list of local recyclers – Furnishare, goodwill, Prop Shop,
Soles4Souls, etc.
General Discussion:
• Commissioners whose term ends in March – Rachel and Keith
• Feb. meeting will be interviews. The commission decided to use existing questionnaire and
ask follow-up questions unique to the candidate if necessary.
• Regional Environmental Commission meeting on Jan. 22. Greg and Jeff will attend and
represent Chanhassen commission.
• The commission decided to tour the Environmental Center for its May meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair