FEBRUARY 26, 2020
Chairman Boettcher called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Boettcher, Meredith Petouvis, Joe Scanlon, Karl Tsuchiya, Matt
Kutz, and Youth Commissioner Zoe Erpelding
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandy Sweetser, and Haley Pemrick Schubert
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation
Superintendent; and Priya Tandon, Recreation Supervisor
Boettcher: Any additions or deletions at this time? I wanted to add a couple. One, Todd had
sent us the information about the new mountain bike trail with the transfer of the land through
Carver County and Carver Trails is doing the construction. I wanted to add that under New
Business as number 2. And then another one if I could as number 3, those of you that were there
last year in April when we met with City Council when the Mayor challenged us and said I want
you to think out of the box and come up with something unique. This is still something we’d
like to be, I would hope that we all could present something to the council at our April meeting
with a, one thing real briefly. I just had a thought about extending Feb Fest to a full day or even
a day and a half thing. I talked to the Mayor about it briefly at Feb Fest earlier this month so if
we could add that as number 3 to talk about that and get us all on a list of months to talk about it
and next month at our meeting Todd’s going to have some info to go over with us. We’re going
to have a cheat sheet to talk from and if we can do some personal deep dives even those of us
that aren’t going to be here anymore your opinions will still count and be appreciated so I’ll add
that for number 3 so other than that any, if no other additions and deletions can I get approval of
the agenda.
Tsuchiya: So moved.
Boettcher: Got a motion.
Kutz: Second.
Tsuchiya moved, Kutz seconded to approve the agenda with the following additions under
New Business:
2. Carver County Mountain Bike Trails
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
3. Discussion of Extending the Number of Days for Feb Fest
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Boettcher: Public announcements, Todd anything?
Hoffman: We have the Luminary Walk but that’s also on the agenda so.
Tandon: Yeah the Luminary Walk is tomorrow, Thursday, February 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
at the Chanhassen Nature Preserve so on the corner of Century and 5. There’s one mile trail
through that Chanhassen Nature Preserve that will be lit with luminaries to walk and then
afterwards some hot cocoa, cookies, snacks and a bonfire for after the walk so you’re all invited
and we would love to see you there for a fun winter stroll.
Kutz: I’m sorry what time does that start?
Tandon: 6:00 p.m.
Kutz: 6:00 p.m.
Boettcher: Where’s the parking for that Priya?
Tandon: It’s in the Tweet Pediatric Dentistry parking lot so it’s right on the corner there. There
should be ample parking.
Boettcher: Should be, okay. Good alright, thank you.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Tsuchiya moved, Petouvis seconded to approve the verbatim
and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated January 29,
2020 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6
to 0.
Boettcher: And we’re already onto New Business. 2020 to 2022 4th of July Fireworks Contract
and Jerry I believe this is you.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Ruegemer: It is, thank you Chair Boettcher. Good evening commissioners. Just wanted to go
through the multi-year contract here with the commission tonight. So in preparing for the
upcoming 4th of July celebration quotes were solicited for the 2020, 2021 and the 2022 firework
shows from Precocious Pyrotechnics, Ace Pyrotechnics, Hollywood Pyrotechnics and
Pyrotechnic Display Inc. So staff did send out kind of a quote and RFP with a budgeted amount
of $23,000 for all companies to take a look at and then to develop a quote or a bid for the
process. The City received only one quote back from Pyrotechnic Display. After reviewing the
quote from Pyrotechnic Display they met all specifications in offering a quality show with an
opening body, main body, mid show barrage and a grand finale. Pyrotechnic Display has been
providing Chanhassen 4th of July displays for over 30 years. During this time Pyrotechnic
Display has consistently displayed a high level of professionalism, great safety record and
always offered a variety of high quality products to produce excellent shows. Pyrotechnic
Display has provided a very strong quote by fulfilling all of the quote requirements, offering a
balanced and enjoyable show that will include a mid-show barrage. So it is staff’s
recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission recommend to the City Council to approve
the 3 year 4th of July contract for the years of 2020, 2021 and 2022 with Pyrotechnic Display
Incorporated in the amount of $23,000 per year. This amount is included in our 1600 fund
budget and the 2020 fireworks display will take place on Saturday, July 4th at 10:00 p.m. at Lake
Ann Park so the attachments, the RFP was attached with your agenda item tonight. Pyrotechnic
Display’s quote, the contract with Pyrotechnic Display and then our City Attorney recommended
that we attach an addendum to the contract and Pyrotechnic Display did also review that
addendum and were agreeable to all the items listed within that addendum so that was put into
the contract as well and language was identified in there for the approval. So that is staff’s
Boettcher: Anyone have any questions for Jerry regarding this?
Tsuchiya: Jerry any idea why the other 3 companies didn’t submit a bid?
Ruegemer: You know a variety of reasons. You know a lot of them like Pyrotechnic Display
have shows in other cities that they’re doing and kind of going through the process they maybe
feel it wasn’t work it to submit a bid
Tsuchiya: Alright.
Kutz: One question, is the dollar amount is that similar to last year? Is that more than last year?
The same, less or have we trended up in our amount or where are we at with that?
Ruegemer: It is the same exact dollar amount of many years of the past and as well as last year.
Boettcher: Any other questions for Jerry? If not could I get a motion to approve as written?
Kutz: Motion.
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Boettcher: Second?
Petouvis: Second.
Boettcher: We have a motion and a second as written in the proposed here.
Kutz moved, Petouvis seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends
that the City Council approve a three year 4th of July Fireworks contract (2020-20220) with
Pyrotechnic Display, Inc. in the amount of $23,000 per year. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Boettcher: Looks like we’re going to have fireworks for 3 years. Thank you Jerry.
Ruegemer: Thank you commissioners.
Boettcher: Todd do you want to talk a little bit about the mountain bike trail?
Hoffman: Thanks Chair Boettcher, members of the commission. So a couple years ago you
remember some bike trail enthusiasts came here perhaps on a couple of occasions. When they
first started they were just talking about give us bike trails anyway, anyplace and then they
actually went off and found this excess piece of right-of-way on their own modeling a trail
system in Mankato. So in Mankato just as you drive into Mankato on the left hand side there’s a
piece of MnDOT right-of-way that the community of Mankato and the high school use for some
bike trails so this land lies within Highway 212. Between Highway 212 and Pioneer Trail and
the blue lines would be the tracks themselves. And then this is the right-of-way of Pioneer Trail.
This is the right-of-way of Highway 212. The city line is right up in here and so you’d see, this
is Pioneer Pass Park and that city line comes just down through that general area and then
crosses right in here. So this is Chanhassen trails. These trails are in Chaska. These trails are in
Chaska. It’s mostly in MnDOT right-of-way and then there was some significant portions of
Carver County right-of-way. So two things had to happen. Carver County was interested in the
project but they really didn’t want to have the liability associated with having bike trails within
their right-of-way and so they said we will give you this right-of-way or transfer this right-of-
way to both Chaska and Chanhassen and so that’s what has happened in Chaska. They’ve
already approved the transfer of the property from Carver County to the City of Chaska right-of-
way. By the action on the council that’s coming up on the 9th Carver County would transfer
right-of-way up in this area to the City of Chanhassen. And then the second act, action that
evening is to approve an MOU, a Memorandum of Understanding between Chaska, Chanhassen
and the Carver Trails group to build and operate the trails. So great kudos out to this group so,
for working for a couple of years to make this happen and that’s the overall plan. They will
construct the trails with volunteers. They have the proper liability insurance. The school district
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
is onboard for parking and those type of things and once these go in they’ll be highly used by not
just the high school team but general mountain bikers in general.
Boettcher: So a question there where the dog walker is and the hazards, is that across, a surface
street crossing there or do they not cross the street?
Hoffman: Yep. There’s a semaphore crossing right here.
Boettcher: It is semaphore, okay.
Hoffman: Yep.
Boettcher: It’s just, when you look at it, it looks so confusing as close as the trail runs together, I
mean the lines are ready, I mean borders and such. So what’s, is it just the surface? There’s no.
Hoffman: It’s dirt. The trail’s about that wide.
Boettcher: That’s it?
Hoffman: Yep that’s it. And so if you’ve looked at that right-of-way at all it’s quite sloped and
so you really can’t see it from 212. You’ve got to get up and over the hill and then you’d be able
to see the trails.
Kutz: It’s quite hilly too.
Hoffman: Yes, it is and wooded on our side. It’s going to have to be some interesting terrain. In
general these trails are fairly tight. They like the, they like to have some terrain and some slopes
and the trees on the, on our side are some of the strongest attributes of going around the pond
will be fun so it’s going to have some pretty good visibility that people are going to be able to
see it. It’s going to be one of those recreation activities where the people driving by are going to
be able to see the bikes. The bikes will be able to keep track of the traffic so that’s a good use of
some excess right-of-way which other than that would be left for grass and other wildlife but it’s
going to be used for bikes.
Boettcher: Have they figured out if they straighten it out how long it would be total?
Hoffman: I think they have. I don’t remember.
Boettcher: Somebody got out there with that unicycle wheel.
Hoffman: I don’t recall the distance but they’ve got that determined.
Boettcher: And then wintertime use the Carver Trails maintains it? Keeps it clear or not?
Park and Recreation Commission – February 26, 2020
Hoffman: No. There’ll likely will be some wintertime use but it would depend on conditions of
the trail.
Boettcher: Okay.