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01-21-98 Agenda and Packet
FILE AGENDA WEDCHANPGCOMMISSION NA NE JANUARY PLANNING 21, 1998COat 700 ISSIOP.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER • PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. A land use plan amendment from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density; request for rezoning of Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, zoned A2 to RSF; and subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, into 6 lots on property located at 8800 Powers Boulevard, Powers • Circle, Arild Rossavik. NEW BUSINESS 2. 1997 Trail Referendum Projects- Review and Recommendation. OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m.as outlined in official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If,however,this does not appear to be possible,the Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting. 4... C IT Y 0 F PC DATE: 1/21/98 ` rk i r 7 CNANNASSZN CC DATE: 2/9/98 �-- CASE #: 97-12 SUB By: Generous:v STAFF REPORT 4 PROPOSAL: Request for a land use plan amendment from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density; request for rezoning of Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, zoned A2 to RSF; and subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks, into 6 lots, Powers Circle Z LOCATION: 8800 Powers Boulevard, Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks d 0 :APPLICANT: Arild Rossavik. J8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 CL (612)448-4844 Q IN 4 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, Al ACREAGE: 3.72 acres I IIIP DENSITY: 1.82 net, 1.61 gross ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N-A2. existing house S- A2, existing house E - PUD, open space as part of the Lake Susan Hills development Q W-PUD, single family homes of the Lake Susan Hills WATER AND SEWER: Available to the site. Cl PHYSICAL CHARACTER.: The site has significant topographic changes from a high of 960 elevation 11.1 in the northwest to a low point of 898 elevation in the southeast corner of I— the parcel. Drainage ravines are located on the west and southwest corner U) of the property. Wooded areas are located in the southwest corner of the site. 2000 LAND USE PLAN: Large Lot Residential .. 4s sl.• • to our, ,1; sli 'ire 41L11 AP 1. fp11 0I�v�: . 61 No ave"MIN ma& id g rigirqs0" Mita%a 4""r* *A w Ig**red Ba r pis ,,1�� = -:..��one 4 a IspwidP ., •# 1. ;tn da is 144 i I , lip %.44111 0 4 . ___, IN , mires& ki 466' 44 0 ' -? p 4 • imula � �dir f AlAli� VII4 4I a 0 *ma .. .410:N. ' 0 1'4 Awe ... 1 I N • # 0 lw Allii ' / at al 0 o* i•• a 4 0I 1 I (a% I , 1 1 , . -----______J L-�a�81 vd (C R184__ — ____, IT _ i I i 1 I Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a land use plan amendment from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density and rezoning of Lot 2,Block 1, Hillside Oaks,zoned A2 to RSF to permit the subdivision of Lot 2,Block 1, Hillside Oaks, into 6 lots for a development to be known as Powers Circle. As part of the 1980 Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan,this parcel as well as the rest of Hillside Oaks subdivision was guided for Residential Low Density. After the final plat for Hillside Oaks was approved and in exchange for MUSA expansion elsewhere,this property was reguided for estate type development. However,as part of the original plat,it was envisioned that when urban services became available, this property would redevelop,but with larger lots. Staff has gone back and forth regarding the request to reguide the property from Large Lot to Low Density Residential. When originally presented to staff in 1997 with both Lots 1 and 2, staff felt supportive of the redevelopment of the parcel. This was because the property was not strictly a part of the established Large Lot development accessed via Oakside Circle. Rather,these two properties were separate with a shared driveway off Powers Boulevard. Development of the properties at urban density would not change the character of the area,but would be compatible with surrounding development. These properties were surrounded on three sides by Low Density Residential Development in the Lake Susan Hills PUD. As part of the upgrade of Powers Boulevard, sewer and water services were extended down to Lyman Boulevard to serve abutting parcels. Redevelopment of the properties would assist in paying for these public improvements. Redevelopment of these parcels would use existing public facilities,rather than requiring the extension of additional trunk sewer and water lines. Powers Boulevard is shown as a collector roadway and will continue to carry high volumes of traffic. The proposed development changes one significant element from the above review. In this instance,only one lot is being proposed for redevelopment,Lot 2. Of the two lots,this lot represents 59.9%of the land area of the lots. However,this lot represents only 50 percent of the property ownership. If this development is approved,then Lot I would be surrounded on four sides by urban density development and inevitably be forced to redevelop. The proposed subdivision minimally meets ordinance requirements and is, at best,a marginal development proposal. The three lots abutting Powers Boulevard are much too small considering that Powers Boulevard is a collector roadway and will carry high traffic volumes in the future. The site grading significantly impacts that natural character of the site,and even if approved,would require significant changes. The two lots on the west side of the development would be conducive to tuck-under type units,ones that are not well received in the existing real estate market. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 3 Staff is,therefore, recommending denial of the Land Use Map Amendment, rezoning and preliminary plat due to inconsistency with the comprehensive plan. BACKGROUND February, 1972. The property was zoned R-1A,Agricultural Residence District as part of the original city zoning. July, 1980. The property was granted preliminary approval for a Planned Residential development as part of the preliminary development plan for Lake Susan West P.R.D. Since a final plat was never filed on the project,the approved rezoning was never filed or published. May 7, 1984. Final plat approved for Hillside Oaks Subdivision(84-2 Subdivision). September, 7, 1984. The City approves a land use map amendment from Residential Low Density to Agricultural and deletes the property from the MUSA in exchange for 22 acres of industrial land (McGlynns)and 7.3 acres of residential land northeast of Lake Minnewashta. February, 1987. Property rezoned to A2, Agricultural Estate District as part of comprehensive rezoning of the city. February, 1991. Property brought back into the Metropolitan Urban Service Area(MUSA)and guided for Large Lot Residential. Summer, 1997. Property owners for Lots land 2 brought in preliminary plat for both lots including a land use map amendment and rezoning to single family residential. The property owner for Lot 1 decided not to go forward with the project and the application was withdrawn. LANDSCAPING/TREE PRESERVATION The existing canopy coverage for the site is approximately 17%, or .65 acres and is located on the western side of the property. Minimum canopy coverage requirements for the property,whether it is zoned A2 or RSF, is 25%or .925 acres. This equates to 11 trees. The existing topography contains a very steep,partially wooded slope along the westerly portion of the site. The westerly portion of the site contains a variety of trees, shrubs and conifers. Portions of the ravine system meet the City Ordinance definition of bluff(30% slope and 25+ feet elevation change) and must be preserved. With the current proposal for six lots, existing tree cover will be lost due to road construction and grading for Lots 1, 2, and 4. Total canopy lost is approximately .19 acres and it is in excess of Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 4 what is allowed by ordinance so replacement plantings must be made at a rate of 1.2 times the .19 acres. The total replacement plantings equal 9 trees. The applicant will be required to plant 20 trees in the proposed subdivision. Staff recommends each lot be provided with two trees in the front yard, including the existing home. The remaining 10 trees could be planted on the south side to shield the neighboring property from headlight glare from the private drive and on the north side of Lot 1. Buffer yard planting will be required along Powers Boulevard. Since Lots 1-3 have relatively short distances from the property line along Powers Blvd. to the home, more densely planted buffers will be required. For every 100', 2 overstory trees,4 understory trees and 6 shrubs will be required. The approximate length is 320 feet. GRADING Approximately two-thirds of the site is proposed to be graded for the house pads and street layout. The existing topography contains a very steep, partially wooded slope along the westerly portion of the site. The westerly portion of the site contains a variety of trees, shrubs and conifers. In addition, two drainage ravines also intersect the parcel on this west slope. Although these ravines are no longer functioning as major drainage ravines due to previous upstream development, they do act as a conduit to neighborhood drainage and need to be preserved. The plans propose on grading Lot 4 for a house pad which will result in tree loss and partial filling of the ravine. An alternative, in an effort to preserve the slopes, trees and ravine, would be to move the house pad closer to the front of the lot away from the slope and treed area. This holds true for Lot 6 as well. This lot is proposed to be"custom graded." The proposed grading limits shown on the grading plan will permit grading from lot line to lot line and essentially alter the entire slope. Due to this steep slope, this lot is conducive to a tuck-under type home style which minimizes the lot grading. Another alternative would be again to move the house pad down the hill closer to the cul-de-sac and consider the possibility of reducing the building setbacks from 30 feet to 20 feet. Since both Lots 4 and 6 are in sensitive areas, they should be labeled as custom- graded lots. A detailed grading, drainage, tree removal and erosion control plan will be required at time of building permit application for staff review and approval in an effort to minimize tree loss and reduce grading impacts to the ravine. In addition, a preservation easement should be recorded over the westerly portion of the site to preserve topography and trees. It appears that fill material will need to be imported to construct the lots and streets. The applicant and/or contractor shall supply the City Engineer with a haul route for review and approval prior to grading activities commencing. This development is adjacent to Powers Boulevard(County Road 17)which is listed as a collector street in the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. According to City Code, the Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 5 development will require screening the adjacent lots from Powers Boulevard. Given the drainage characteristics and topographic features of the site, landscaping and separated berms are recommended. The separated berms will provide openings for the runoff to drain out to Powers Boulevard as it does today. A retaining wall is proposed along the north side of Powers Circle to reduce the grading limits. The retaining wall will be located within the proposed right-of-way. An encroachment agreement will be necessary for the construction of said retaining wall. An existing driveway which serves the parcel to the north may be impacted by this retaining wall as well and should be furthered addressed prior to final plat consideration. The City has planted a number of boulevard trees along Powers Boulevard which are not shown on the plans. In addition, there are a number of conifer trees on the site that are not shown on the plans as well. These trees need to be shown on the plans to determine what, if any, impact the trees will sustain. DRAINAGE The site drains west to east onto Powers Boulevard where a storm drainage system collects stormwater runoff and carries it to a stormwater quality pond for pretreatment prior to discharging into the downstream wetland. The storm sewer improvements were constructed under the City/County Powers Boulevard Project. The parcel was not assessed for any storm drainage improvements and therefore should be responsible for surface water management fees. The plans do not propose installing a storm water quality pond on the site nor are any recommended. The plans do propose two catch basins to convey stormwater runoff from Powers Circle into the existing drainage system on Powers Boulevard. Detailed storm sewer plans and specifications in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications & Detail Plates will be required for review and approval at time of final plat consideration. In addition, storm drainage calculations for a 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour storm event shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval along with a drainage area map. UTILITIES There is an existing home on the site which utilizes a well and septic system. The plans propose to abandon the existing well. However, there was no notation with regard to the septic system. Staff assumes that the septic system site will be abandoned as well once City sewer and water becomes available. In the meantime,the existing septic site will need to be protected during the construction phase. The lot owner and/or builder of each lot will be responsible for sewer and water hookup charges per City ordinance. The 1998 sewer and water hookup rates are $1,216 and $1,584, respectively. These fees are payable at time of building permit issuance. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 6 In conjunction with the Powers Boulevard project municipal sewer and water service was extended to serve this parcel and the one to the north. An 8-inch sewer line has been extended out along the northerly lot line of the site from Powers Boulevard. In order to extend the sanitary sewer line, the applicant may need to obtain a temporary construction easement from the adjacent property owner to the north. A 6-inch watermain is proposed to be extended into the site along Powers Circle and then along the private street and terminating. In an effort to improve water quality, staff recommends that this 6-inch water line be looped back to Powers Boulevard between Lots 2 and 3. A 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement will need to be dedicated along the common lot lines of Lots 2 and 3 in the final plat. In addition, utilities along the private street will also need to have a drainage and utility easement dedicated over them. The minimum width should be 20 feet depending on the utility depth. Detailed utility construction plans and specifications in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates will be required for review and approval by the City Council at time of final plat consideration. Since the utilities and part of the street improvements will become owned and maintained by the City, the applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee construction of the public improvements. STREETS Access to the site is proposed by both a public street (Powers Circle) and a private street to serve up to four of the lots(2, 3,4 and 5). Based on the surrounding parcels,there appears to be no need to extend a public street to the south. The adjacent parcel has access from Oakside Circle immediately south of the development. The parcel to the north will have access from Powers Circle. The street width and right-of-way for Powers Circle per City ordinance shall be 31 feet back-to-back within the 60-foot wide right-of-way. The plans propose a 34-foot wide face-to- face street within a 60-foot wide right-of-way. Therefore, the street width should be reduced to 31 feet back-to-back. Access to the site from Powers Boulevard does have a right turn lane provided. Therefore, no additional turn lanes will be necessary. The existing driveway access from Powers Boulevard currently serves two homesteads(Rossavik) and the parcel to the north. In conjunction with the proposed street improvements, the driveway for the parcel to the north will need to be modified to adapt to the new street grade. As a result of this project, both homes will be required to change addresses to correspond to the new street name. In addition, a fire hydrant and street light pole will need to be relocated. The developer will be responsible for the relocation of these utility improvements. WETLANDS There are no wetlands on this site. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 7 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN(SWMP) Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city-wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition,proposed SWMP culverts,open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Single family residential developments have a connection charge of$1,980 per developable acre. Water Quality Fee The SWMP has established a water quality connection charge for each new subdivision based on land use. Dedication shall be equal to the cost of land and pond volume needed for treatment of the phosphorus load leaving the site. The requirement for cash in lieu of land and pond construction shall be based upon a schedule in accordance with the prescribed land use zoning. Values are calculated using market values of land in the City of Chanhassen plus a value of$2.50 per cubic yard for excavation of the pond. The proposed SWMP water quality charge for single family resident developments is$800 per acre. SWMP fees for this proposed development are based on a total developable land area of 2.9 acres. This area does not include the existing house located on Lot 5. Under SWMP rules,existing homes are not to be assessed SWMP connection fees. Therefore,the applicant is required to pay a$2,320 in water quality fees. Water Quantity Fee The total net area of the property is 2.9 acres of SRF minus the existing lot,as discussed above. The water quantity connection charge is $1,980 per acre or$ 5,742 for 2.9 acres. These SWMP fees will be due payable to the City at time of final plat recording. SWMP Credits As part of the Powers Boulevard Construction project the City built both water quantity and water quality ponds to service this area under ultimate development conditions. Therefore,the applicant is not eligible for SWMP credits and is require to pay the full quantity and quality fees. Analysis: Onsite utilities. The existing well may continue to be used on future Lot 5 after City utilities are provided to the lot. The well must be abandoned by a licensed well abandonment contractor if its use is discontinued. The existing ISTS(individual sewage treatment system)must remain undisturbed until the existing home is connected to City sewer. The system should be located and protected before site grading begins. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 8 The septic tank for the ISTS must be properly abandoned by a licensed ISTS pumper. Abandonment includes pumping,removing or destroying the tank and filling the excavation or the destroyed tank. Proof of abandonment must be furnished to the Inspections Division before issuance of any building permits in the subdivision. Soils Report. Before building permits can be issued a soils report showing details and locations of house pads and verifying suitability of natural and fill soil is required. The soils report should include lot-by-lot tabulations for land development with controlled earthwork prepared according to HUD Data Sheet 79G. This information is required in order to be able to review building plans. Addressing. The house directly to the north of the proposed subdivision will be accessed from Powers Circle. This new driveway location will require an address change for that home. The existing home within the proposed subdivision will also require an address change. PARK AND RECREATION The developer is not donating any park or trail land and there is no need in this area. Payment of full park and trail fees is required per city ordinance. REZONING/COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The existing land use designation of the property is for Large Lot Residential. This area has been developed with single homes on larger lots. The parcel abuts a collector roadway. Chanhassen is a high amenity community. One of the amenities is that we have a large range of residential land uses from large lot to high density. Maintaining this mixture is one of the city's goals. In addition, the community highly regards its natural environment including trees, slopes,vistas,and uncluttered open spaces. The development,as proposed, significantly impacts these features. Hillside Oaks was developed as a Large Lot development and has maintained that character. While staff believed that the conversion of both Lots 1 and 2 may not have significantly impacted the character of the area,conversion of only Lot 2 definitely impacts the character of Lot 1. Staff has consistently supported the idea that only if a majority of property owners in an existing area came in requesting land use amendments,rezoning,or intensification of uses,we would more positively support the conversion of those uses. The property owners of Lots 1 and 2 bought into a large lot type development. Lots 1 and 2 are intertwined,due to shared access to Powers Boulevard,and either both should be redeveloped or neither be redeveloped. Staff believes that conversion of one lot without the other would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 9 Finding: The proposed subdivision minimally meets ordinance requirements and is, at best, a marginal development proposal. The three lots abutting Powers Boulevard are much too small considering that Powers Boulevard is a collector roadway and will carry high traffic volumes in the future. Due to site topography, it would be difficult, if not impossible,to adequately buffer these lots from noises and lights along the collector roadway. The site grading significantly impacts that natural character of the site,and even if approved,would require significant changes. The two lots on the west side of the development intrude into a bluff area with the preliminary grading plan. The proposed development does not meet the requirements of the A2 district. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city,county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed development is inconsistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan and unduly impacts an existing land use as well as natural features. It has been the policy of the city that if a majority of property owners in an existing area came in requesting land use amendments, rezoning,or intensification of uses,the city would consider the request in a more positive light. 3. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to significant revisions to the development plan specified in this report. Due to topography,the proposed development would need to be revised to preserve additional natural features. 4. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets,erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding: The proposed subdivision would be served by adequate urban infrastructure. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; Finding: The proposed subdivision will cause environmental damage to site topography through grading and removal of vegetation. Significant revisions to the plan would be required to mitigate the damage. In addition,restrictions on the Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 10 housing types would be necessary to reduce the developments impacts on natural features and abutting property. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Findin : The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. 7. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. d. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure. However, as stated previously, it has been the policy of the city that if a majority of property owners in an existing area came in requesting land use amendments, rezoning,or intensification of uses, the city would consider the request in a more positive light. From that standpoint, this project is premature. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends denial of a Land Use Map Amendment from Residential-Large Lot to Residential Low Density for Lot 2,Block 1,Hillside Oaks." "The Planning Commission recommends denial of a rezoning from A2,Agricultural Estate District,to RSF, Single Family Residential,for Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks,due to inconsistency with the comprehensive plan." "The Planning Commission recommends denial of the preliminary plat of Subdivision 97-12 creating six lots for the Powers Circle Addition subject to not complying with the land use designation and zoning requirements." If the Planning Commission decides to approve the Land Use Map Amendment and rezoning,then staff would recommend the following conditions be imposed on the preliminary plat: Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 11 1. Canopy coverage and reforestation requirements are 20 overstory trees. 2. Two trees shall be planted in each front yard, including the existing home. 3. The applicant must submit a landscape plan that includes species and placement of the 20 trees and buffer plantings prior to final approval. 4. Buffer yard plantings are required along Powers Boulevard. A minimum of 7 overstory, 12 understory and 19 shrubs shall be planted. 5. The applicant is required to pay the full storm water quantity($5,742.00) and quality ($2,320.00)fees prior to recording the final plat. 6. A preservation easement shall be recorded over the westerly portion of the site to preserve topography and trees. This easement shall include land west of a line beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 4, 80 feet east of the westerly property line, to a point on the north property line of Lot 4, 180 east of the westerly property line, and west of a line beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 5, 180 feet east of the westerly property line, to a point on the north property line of Lot 5, 50 east of the westerly property line,and west of a line beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 6, 50 feet east of the westerly property line,to a point on the north property line of Lot 6, 50 east of the westerly property line,there terminating. 7. Lots 4 and 6 shall be designated as "custom graded" lots. Lot 6 shall be limited to a rambler or tuck-under style home. Detailed grading,drainage, erosion control removal and erosion control plans shall be submitted to the City at time of building permit application for review and approval. 8. The applicant and/or contractor shall supply the City Engineer with a detailed haul route for review and approval prior to site grading. 9. A combination of landscaping,berming, and/or fencing shall be installed adjacent to Powers Boulevard (County Road 17) to provide screening in accordance with City Code. 10. The grading plan shall be revised as follows: a. Locate all existing trees on the site including the City's boulevard trees along Powers Boulevard. b. Relocate the proposed house pads on Lots 4 and 6 further down the slope and label them as "custom graded." Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 12 11. The developer shall be responsible for the applicable surface water management fees. Lot 5 with the existing homestead shall be exempt from these fees. 12. The developer shall supply the City Engineer with storm drainage calculations for a 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour storm event for review and approval along with a drainage area map. 13. Existing well and septic site shall be protected during construction and properly abandoned in accordance with City Code and the Minnesota Department of Health once the sewer and water lines become operational and are accepted by the City. 14. The applicant may need to obtain a temporary construction easement from the adjacent property owner to the north for extension of the sanitary sewer and street improvements. 15. Detailed utility and street construction plans and specifications shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the City's latest edition of standard specifications and detailed plates for City Council approval at time of final plat consideration. 16. The developer shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide financial security in the form of a letter of credit or a cash escrow to guarantee construction of the public improvements and compliance with the Conditions of Approval. 17. The watermain shall be looped back through the subdivision between Lots 2 and 3. 18. The property owner and/or builders shall be responsible for the appropriate sanitary sewer and water hook up charges at time of building permit issuance. 19. The street width on Powers Circle shall be reduced to 31 feet back-to-back within the 60-foot wide right-of-way. 20. The existing driveway to the parcel to the north shall be modified to adapt to the new street (Powers Circle). The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the modifications. The developer shall be responsible for modifying the existing driveway which serves the parcel to the north as a result of this plat development. 21. The existing home on Lot 5 and the home on the parcel to the north of the site shall be assigned a new address through the Public Safety Department. The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with fire hydrant and street light pole relocation at the entrance to the site. 22. The developer shall pay the City applicable GIS and recording fees. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 13 23. All disturbed areas as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc mulch or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. 24. The private street shall be constructed to support 7-ton per axle design weight in accordance with City Code 20-1118, "Design of Parking Stalls and Drive Aisles." 25. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and comply with their conditions of approval. 26. Fire hydrants shall be incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations. 27. The developer shall include a drainage tile system behind the curb to convey sump pump discharge from the units not adjacent to ponds and/or wetlands. This includes the private street. 28. The appropriate drainage and utility easement shall be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and drainage areas lying outside of the road right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Consideration shall also be given for access to the utility areas. 29. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any draintiles found during construction and shall relocate or abandon the draintiles as directed by the City Engineer. 30. Direct access shall be restricted to the interior streets and not to Powers Boulevard. 31. The developer shall work with City staff in reducing encroachment of the retaining wall into the right-of-way along Powers Circle. If there is no other feasible alternative, the developer shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City. 32. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, NSP, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure the fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 33. The proposed hydrant at the end located between Lots 3 and 4 should be relocated closer to the intersection of Lots 2 and 4. Contact Chanhassen City Engineer and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of relocation of fire hydrants. Powers Circle January 21, 1998 Page 14 34. "No Parking Fire Lane"signs shall be installed on the road which serves Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Prevention Policy #06-1991 (copy enclosed). 35. Locate and protect the existing septic tank and sewage treatment drainfield until connection to City sewer. This must be done before site grading begins. 36. Provide proof of ISTS abandonment from an MPCA licensed ISTS pumper. This must be done before any building permits are issued. 37. Provide proof of well abandonment, if applicable. This must be done before any building permits are issued. The well must be protected during site grading. 38. Provide a copy of a final soils report for all building pads. The report should include 79G lot- by-lot tabulations. 39. 8750 Powers Blvd. and 8800 Powers Blvd. will both require address changes. 40. Payment of full park and trail fees per city ordinance." ATTACHMENTS: 1. Development Review Application 2. Letter from Jay Riggs to Arild Rossavik dated May 1, 1997 3. Letter from Bill Weckman,Asst. County Engineer,dated January 9, 1998. 4. Chanhassen Fire Department Policy Requirements for Fire Lane Signage 5. Notice of Public Hearing and Mailing List 6. Reduced Preliminary Plat 7. Preliminary plat and grading plan dated December 1 f. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICANT: V` < (D '\oss#V 1 V OWNER: sq "- To),), ADDRESS: 0 0 'Po w E"g•S .gL vP ADDRESS: V?0 v (4-4 (-mac C 14 PNHgSSEN C koy, koAA.Q, r1 (V SS 1 TELEPHONE(Day time) 9' 5` g 4` S(i` S` TELEPHONE: 4 cr7 4 `` iv Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Sc ) Conditional Use Permit _ Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit _ Wetland Alteration Permit Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal V Rezoning U _ Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits / Sign Plan Review v Notification Sign Site Plan Review' X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost' ($50 CUP/SPRNACNAR/WAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) I/ Subdivision' 4igo TOTAL FEE$ I V4 T) A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. 'Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2'X 11"reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. '*Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE-When multiple applications are processed,the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME O W C" S C ( f C L LOCATION g g 0 O JT (r-PC. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1-I_ TOTAL ACREAGE WETLANDS PRESENT YES v NO PRESENT ZONING REQUESTED ZONING ( PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION L CrA ►'mac v(_ REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION L tr c70-0L-,1{_ ac-A. _ v REASON FOR THIS REQUEST S t.& --tit-A-1 This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. 1 will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further Understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review extensions are approved by the applicant. axykA zi,s__ Signature of Applicant Date / Signature of Fee Owner Date Application Received on /2-iii/t 7 Fee Paid t1% ') Receipt No. The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If not contacted,a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. May 1, 1996 14180 Trunk Hwy. 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 6129375150 FAX 612.937.5822 Mr. Arild Rossavik 8800 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re.: Wetland determination for the parcel located in the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23,Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Chanhassen, Minnesota. Dear Arild: Per your request. I reviewed the site at 8750 and 8800 Powers Boulevard to determine the absence or presence of jurisdictional wetlands. Based on the methodologies described below. there are no wetlands on the parcel. Wetland Determination Methodology The site was reviewed in the field on April 30, 1996 using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual(Environmental Laboratory, 1987). This manual is currently followed to delineate wetlands regulated under both the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 (as amended) and Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act. Background Data Background data used to identify potential wetland areas before conducting the field review include National Wetlands Inventory(NWI) mapping and the Soil Survey of Carver County. No wetlands or hydric soils were identified on either of these sources. The Soil Survey shows four gullies transecting the site from east to west. Field Review Findings Site topography slopes steeply from the west to east, and the eastern edge of the site abuts Powers Boulevard (County Road 17). The four gullies shown on the Soil Survey are readily observable in the field, but, as noted below, none of them have wetland hydrology. No other drainage patterns. depressional areas, or other landscape features indicate potential wetland areas. In summary: 1. No direct or indirect evidence of hydrology was observed. Vegetation. topography, and upslope drainage modifications provide adequate evidence to indicate the site lacks wetland hydrology. The gullies on the site were likely eroded by drainage tile outlets that served the cropland that was located on top of the hill. These tiles have been removed(or cut)and have not functioned for a number of years. All of the land above the gullies has been converted to single-family residential uses, and the uppermost portions of the gullies are filled. 2. The outlets of the gullies are dominated by plants that seldom or rarely grow in wetlands, including smooth brome (Bromus inermis; UPL), staghorn sumac(Rhus typhina. prickly ash (Zanthoxylem americanum; FACU-), Kentucky bluegrass (Poo pratensis; FAC-), and Canada goldenrod Mr. Arild Rossavik May 1, 1996 • Page 2 (Solidago canadensis; FACU). The northernmost gully exhibits some wetland vegetation including black willow(Salix nigra; OBL)and red-osier dogwood(Cornus stolonifera; FACW), however these plants are remnant from when the tile or drainage outlet that created this gully was functioning. 3. The Soil Survey, predominance of upland vegetation, and significant modifications to the drainage area that historically served the gullies provide adequate data to determine no hydric soils exist on the site. For these reasons, we submit that no wetlands exits on the site. Conclusions The site does not appear to contain any jurisdictional wetlands. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance,please give me a call at 937-5150. Respectfully, WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Jay Riggs Environmental Scientist • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Carver County Government Center ation Administration Building AaPa ks CARVER 600 East Fourth Street Engineering Highway Maintenance COUNTY Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2192 Surveying&Mapping Phone (612) 361-1010 Fax (612) 361-1025 January 9, 1998 TO: Robert Generous, Senior Planner, City of Chanhassen FROM: Bill Weckman, Assistant County Engineer , ;^' ' SUBJ: Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks Planning Case 97-12 SUB Following are comments regarding the Hillside Oaks, Lot 2, Block 1 land use amendment request transmitted to Carver County by your memorandum dated December 22, 1997: 1. CSAH 17 (Powers Blvd.) has just recently been reconstructed in this area as a divided roadway. Right of way requirements were addressed then as part of the project. No additional right of way considerations are needed by the County at this time. 2. The plan that was submitted indicates that a public street access will be constructed to serve these 6 proposed lots. The plan also.appears to indicate that the property to the north will have its own private access to CSAH 17. Attached for your information is a copy of the original access permit when these properties were developed. As stated on this permit, (1.) One access was permitted to serve Lots 1 and 2; (2.) In the event that Lots 1 and 2 are further subdivided, no additional access points will be granted for the new lots; (3.) No medium cut or cross over will be allowed for access to north bound CSAH 17. The addition of a new access will not be permitted. 3. Any public utility lines that are to be installed within the CSAH 17 right-of-way are subject to the utility permit requirements of Carver County. 4. Any proposed grading and installation of drainage structures within the right-of-war of CSAH 17 is subject to review and approval of the county highway department. 5. Development activities (including the installation of both public and private utilities needed to serve the development site) that result in any disturbance of the county highway right-of- way (including turf removal, trench settlements, erosion, and sediment deposits) need to be completed in a manner that leaves the right-of-way in "as good or better condition" than what existed prior to construction. It is requested that the city include a provision in the developer's agreement that requires the developer to be ultimately responsible for the final condition of the county highway right-of-way. A clear understanding of this responsibility will result in fewer project oversight problems for both the county and the city. AJf rmatii e Action/Equal Opportunity Emplo}er Printed on 10%Post-Consumer Recycled Paper 6. Any trees or landscaping completed within the right-of-way must be approved by the County. When locating shrubs and trees, consideration should be given to maintaining an acceptable sight distance at the CSAH 17 intersection. Any trees or shrubs overhanging into the right-of-way could be subject to trimming for safety or overhead utility consideration. 7. As this area develops, the traffic on CSAH 17 will increase. The increased traffic will generate an increased noise level. The County would consider any type of noise abatement project, if necessary, to be the responsibility of the City or the developer. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the preliminary plat for the proposed development. :'. or and ir.►t Ion. 11.11. int(. 'l, WI'Ic:t, :dun tu►..I ►.►►i 1 catv:r: (•uuuty ;:,rU..:nL, Cou►:tI 'te:r., C'ha:dc:►, Minnesota .'5ilU. ::;(1111a-191:1".', I'Itrz1131I' Nth) t'IY)Ir):.I1) 1nU1\'I1•:AY:: AND RI;fA•1'10c1 '1C) II1C.1tWAY (ttd MON Oh' AI.T, cot'11:.r: .t'1�UI : 11:1►•li i'Ii 'I'lI1S AI'1'I�IiYI'ii!.`I. II' h11::ri�tt ii"i t;-�Ity I.i!i�i:ii, ;tilt; l►i I'i•t(?1[ii!iI iiti.i. i t• �. l!:::\l'l'la)vin...... It.i 'ri i: .\I'I'I.lti\i:l' -r_ of • , ::i�a'unt jti//ian A- xd7-fissoc's Address 3171,,e: ' DQ 'lt�]-•s�,��_6 s PZ tier /,ra rrx ot4.1,wes • C ho :r_ of r_cly 0.1nex fri..4 I.ee; xf-,/,•A.24N to Address eye"? 6ReH r 24,41:•'s dr7,414 Tel..y.?5'-• os o3 - f Er.ad No. / J ' Miles - -1-W of/,v•dev-ic/io,u ei /7 f.CJ/plil t, ,d/ar/ • • • (circle Ouc) (:;p odic rout or Jatr_:;vtrk) :.l I►.scription . • i:cperty jets / I Z /32k i i`/://s./e o41( ccc of • .: .ay Residence ,t' Commercial (specify type) • a Wilding to What • C•a s tructcxi No. ,r Yes KindS/n,/e /o.•r.,c y fees/it...L.( 1 the Wiling be Temporary or ,!' Permanent • - t=e Prgxxty in )( Platted or Unplattcd Arca from center of highway to front of building, or pump island is 20o•,• feet. '_:ad higher? 20 t Lower? or level? with highway. FL. & in. Ft. & In. - . • of Present Driveways to Preperty ,t/oa.- Distance from Nearest Driveway .S--i/0 (ce Proposed Drivc•:ay Will l:e Needed 11.5 S ee,C, 45 ?ass.Ya/c • P:e, the undersigned, herceith hake application for permission to construct, at our expense, tceess driveway at the :cove location, said driveway to be constructed to confo:.:n with the ,_•",_ds of the Carver County Public t':orfs G_partr:ent and to any special provisions included - he permit. IL is agreed that all work will be done to the satisfaction of the Carver .y Public Works Deeartrrent. It is further agreed that no work in connection with this _lication will be started until the application is approved and the peu nit issued. te5-a y-i y Signature of Applicant�i,G :, • IX) NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE • DESS DRIVEWAY OR ENTLI .N E PERMIT Sztc' lot Valid Unless; Penui.t Ncuth r and Nutlrrad . fission is hereby granted for the construction of the driveway as described in the above ::ication, said driveway to be constructed in accordance with the correct Cdrver County :ay Access Policy and the Carver. County Itighway Design Plate,copies o1 which axe attached, !subject. to the following provisions: • e iu( vtcdte_14 , CA) brcck-. . • i. cobral.::.ly un.lrr stood that this permit is cotylit.ioned upon ):cplaccrn nt or resiorat c.n of hi,hw.►y• U& its *.riy.i.na). or. Ix:Llc'r ctimclit.ic�a. Carver County Public hthrl-r.; Iktav•lm.:nl: • U G .ve Comity 1►1-r.t•elou i;f l►ili�7i:�Aita : �J ��i2J • • 11,3 t:IC Untie': l:11I.:1 011)11.C.::10.011 J.:1 ID I,) otarted until applic.Ition in approvccl lx.n.-tat. i..:;nue(1. • fhir-rc work on travellcA rortd....ay is necessary, traffic must be protected, ry.1 flays, . . . . . • .. proix:r barricades 'must be placed in accortlance with tIu sLandard!.; of the 1111)01c:1;ot:a IIi.uliw..ty IX:IxArtitunt. . lb £brc.iyn in:ft-An:la): r.uch as 'dart, gravel, or biltuninous iivitorial111,111 be left or • clepanitc<1 oi) the road durincj the c:onstructic.)n of drivcway or installation of drainage faxilities. . . • • Ir..Nail. ' 1,_.•rnu:.••L L' cleaned up. ;lifter work i.s cipleted. After drivcway construct-lion is cempletcl the lerinit tee shall notify the Carver County Public Vorks Vc.part.nr..srlt that the work has been completed and is ready for final inspec- tion and approval by Carver .County. (Telephone 448-3435 ext. 29) . . No changes or al.terati.ens in entrances way be mule at any time without vn:it ten ix'r-,,,-Lis- s3.on Iran the Carver County Public.1.:ors D..-. .,..-u: Int. . . • ii--- . . . SPECIAL PROVISIONS co:Tr-Immo • • • . . • ND Deposit required . • . . • - (For • .. lx,pos.it in Anount of $ • - Required and Attached Hereto County C ;11i.e_ri s Check No. Or Certified Check No. • • • ' _ Use • • This (xTosit I•lac?.e by -- Arplicant - '." • - ' • Only) . . . Or Party Doing cork • • - . SKEMI PROPERTY, PRESaa' AND PrOPOSED DRIVEWAYS AND PEIATION TO ILIGii;•TAY ON .ALL COPIES IF SKEICH IS r:OT INCLUDED, APPLICATICN h'ILL BE npaurna) mirAppRoldim ATMCI-1 cf) --TV -1rr)il- ¶ 4- , (CU (4 0 . . . .-_-,-P,-_-.c.i tAL• i .k.ots1 ki•7:, - . • • . . — • . I - . . • ..: I. .1,. 0 Mini oluiRYA 411ex • 4,5 -/4 ci, ci,4.71e ler Ce-iive:f 4...ino// 1.,%::tkec-ce/ tqwonil - , ti • ,, 1 i1, ,f-ie. cif i0e.ak ty Jo 1.11)0acie. droina3e.- imeCtrut; -1 e s..cil Hi , • .. • . . .. - "2-: i\k rn. e(pnil• cu (It- *c_roSS C..,ki e wiii be. .allowed --cc,(-- . rocil.1-4:Atak4 CL(.114 -11* 1'1 -Vt c 0.4 (-CA S I.C-11.IA ti Z... .When fiAirtiic C.y.cytrriel 'VI 0;1)I-k " 11 (.0 c,a w ci„, I n L re(..ses, --lhi..._ tiu•tiAl.i. r • .,oC Inn& arvl fo _1 . prepicle, •c-Or . ck• Inveticti . . , . ' - .. " • ' . I • . . . . - .. -11\('-L e vi '1.6-el ColI. 0,vv I .'7ace. --k4*01-110- .!31-thcisi vicl e( ) no odd 1 i i o.la ( oc ec:. ez., AI; %A.); tj b(,_ To L.kt,7.,t To r. . _if v._, (1,,, ) • IOLCr.), ' • • . . ' . • • - •• . . . CITY OF 0,41, , . _ ,_, 041 CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 .: (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE LANE SIGNAGE 1. Signs to be a minimum of 12" x 18" . NO 2 . Red on white is preferred. PARKING FIRE 3 . 3M or equal engineer's grade LANE reflective sheeting on aluminum is preferred. 4 . Wording shall be: NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5. Signs shall be posted at each end of the fire lane and at least at 7 ' 0" 75 foot intervals along the fire lane. 6. All signs shall be double sided facing the direction of travel. 7. Post shall be set back a minimum of 12" but not more than 36" from the curb. - - 8. A fire lane shall be required in (NOT TO GRADE front of fire dept. connections SCALE) extending 5 feet on each side and along all areas designated by the Fire Chief. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE ABOVE PROCEDURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, WITH A SITE PLAN, FOR APPROVAL BY THE FIRE CHIEF. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE CONTINUITY THROUGHOUT THE CITY BY PROVIDING THESE PROCEDURES FOR MARKING OF FIRE LANES. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #06-1991 S/ Date: 1/15/91 ze Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 n *aIv PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 4111141 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �S���������� •#.-� PLANNING COMMISSION AV":is 40.anus;; A'� ;,, �?� or Wednesday, January 21 , 1998 .:►e���un .Ito �y�§� probvi iIat 7:00 p.m. I��11.ad � � �:•O ��•7� �1�1th .! 4 a � �,111/164♦ No City Hall Council Chambers :be � v �690 Coulter Drive � i�•��is �I�i� ��►'�� r, SUBJECT: Land Use Plan Amendment, .11..V• �au, Rezoning and Subdivision „ APPLICANT: Arild Rossavik LOCATION: Lot 2, Block 1, Hillside Oaks 8800 Powers Blvd. NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Arild Rossavik, is requesting a land use plan amendment from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density; rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate to RSF, Residential Single Family; and subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1 , Hillside Oaks into 6 lots located at 8800 Powers Blvd. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1 . Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project. please contact Bob at 937-1900 ext. 141 . If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 8, 1998. HARLAN BLANKENSHIP STEVEN FAY MICHAEL& CYNTHIA LEEMAN 8805 SUNSET TRAIL 640 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR 8726 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 DONALD COBAN RODNEY& BONNIE NELSON ROGER FAZENDIN REALTORS 8821 SUNSET TRAIL 8764 FLAMINGO DRIVE ATTN: PAT BROYLES CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 WAYZATA. MN 55391 JACQUELINE BIZEK CHRIS SONES WILLIAM & NANCY PREMO 8750 POWERS BLVD 8756 FLAMINGO DRIVE 8712 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 ARILD ROSSAVIK JIM GIUSTI RAY GARVER 8800 POWERS BLVD 8750 FLAMINGO DRIVE 8704 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 DANIEL DAUFFENBACH DAVID &JULIA WISE DOUGLAS&JUDY HALVORSON 1380 OAKSIDE CIRCLE 8746 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1371 THRUSH COURT CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JOHN & BRENDA HILL COREY& RUTH WEIKLE STEVE SMITH 1360 OAKSIDE CIRCLE 8744 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1361 THRUSH COURT CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 KEITH BUESGENS GREG KAHLER GARY HICKS 1300 OAKSIDE CIRCLE 8742 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1351 THRUSH COURT CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 BRENT MILLER STEVEN BUAN RONALD& DEBRA MICHELS 1200 LYMAN BLVD 8740 FLAMINGO DRIVE 8751 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 MICHAEL FLYNN DAVID& CHERYL DOTY BRYON & LINDA BOTZ 660 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DRIVE 8736 FLAMINGO DRIVE 8743 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TODD REID JAMES KOZLOWSKI ED & WENDY PEKAREK 650 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DRIVE 8730 FLAMINGO DRIVE 8735 FLAMINGO DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 LANCE & MELANIE WEGNER SREANG BANG 8727 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1590 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 LESLIE& KRISTIN JOHNSON JOE& KAREN GIBNEY 8719 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1594 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EDWARD A& MARY G KRAFT OULADETH SOUVANNAKANE 8711 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1600 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 DAN & KARI KALKMAN THU VAN NGUYEN 8703 FLAMINGO DRIVE 1601 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 DIEP NGUYEN 1581 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DAN & RONDA PIERRE 1591 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 JAY W. & ANGELA A. MEYER 1574 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JIM SCOTT 1578 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 MICHAEL BAKER 1580 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ANDREW& KIMBERLY BOHACH 1584 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 .•t 11 iw a °x 1 f- '°up o { . r) s ':ii o J 7 o 1 f u III1 s O iii ! a p �y` et •) 6�14 ILi tt /? J rtl r 1 In \ lBS. ft = 1I �l I, �-1. 1^�w �84Bz I / AS .�1 // �� a ,/,/ di 4 II ; L [: iijçov Iiir-- --___ .,--- , 0 _, , , ,. lio l "1°.°5.22 L JI II � )_7 C.) R.122p •922-s o0 l``�� , 4 Ifty ''e `J i V <J 1„. J� �,.,_ • , r•-1` i, o q iso N s , A �O N ..1- U :x 8 .; S O V O O� R vT 7:.• oo F4 Sm • •In * t PN e i 3 sE o G r t=P IY Y _ o g: >c 4 $$$$$$$ 2 i Q $ >> 6 E n. 3 CI rd'1 '] igfr„ �ibtri Nn a R aA 1 i• a . ;ifs 1�l; i,R g" x2Z ;f '9^ -3 -6 a sis� a� J g € iii 1 A NN S ,nA*.z. :,4% CITY OF i CHANHASSEN ,:e.), 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 �r (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director ..-777 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park& Recreation Director DATE: January 14, 1998 SUBJ: Planning Commission Review& Recommendation. 1998 Trail Project On Wednesday, January 21, 1998, Mr. Dave Nyberg of Howard R. Green and I will be present at the city's Planning Commission meeting to review the 1998 trail projects. The project consists of approximately seven miles of trails split between six segments. This trail project has a budget of S1.24 million and was approved as a part of the city's June 14, 1997 Park, Open Space, and Trail referendum. The design process for this project has emphasized public involvement,preservation of trees and vegetation, quality design and cost consciousness. O, Documents attached for the commission's review include: 1. Project schedule. 2. Most recent notification letter(distributed to approximately 700 residents) including proposed final plans. 3. Master contact record. 4. List of property owners requiring a follow-up meeting. 5. Resident meeting minutes. 6. Phone conversation record. 7. Response memorandums and comment sheet responses. Plans have been submitted to Carver County and the State of Minnesota for review. The city's engineering department is also reviewing the plans. Minor modifications continue to be made and will be noted by Mr. Nyberg on Wednesday night. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the 1998 trail project plans as presented with minor modifications and authorize the preparation of construction plans and bidding. c: Don Ashworth,City Manager Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Dave Nyberg, Howard R. Green 'cfsl'vol'-park ref-et-en pcreport 1-I4.doc x I HPHHT ° I I I 11 11 I En C x II I I I I ^ > '>3 � r c--� O ti �a, c II III I III ° ez IIIA I II I ! E 2 ` � Uaa � 1 I I I J , ` N •� � i,< Oma' I I 1111 I = = _ vcd .O II-- 11 1 1 1 III I 'LI, ^ c * O I I I 11 I - - cam � x � L _u I I 1 zNoc . . . HCl. I i I ( 1 _ L � CV U N CV N `%, CO z I I I 11 i t N = C�''( r- 0, 1 I I i I I 1 n = : = . z U �- � . I I I 1 I �' 1I 11 11 1I II v.- 0CO " IIIIII 11I IIIII J T 7-2 T J `� T V/ l . V. •• •4J ..• ,.. -' r. -' -� -' -� -. C. .^ C, ,^ ^ �. ` J `�f .� ^ CC '� M �! V'1 ` ` �^. ice^, C' w - `J C ... N _N — M N _—IM — M M — (V N M V, —I^ - \. •.- Z •- U T— V C. .- O - N C — N N _ J = - a - - N N N N M M V1 x I= U C C C C C C 'S 7 _ r :. _=. .=. 177 r r r r r r r r r *0 x 00 x OC IX/Ix Ix CC CIC x r ^ ^ _' - , C• cc � � c ccc � — i \_ \ .sem. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N ^ N N _.. • V, ... N — x ^ N r-i r N Cs V N M ^ — — — -- N N N — N C C C O — C N — Cl — — — — - `. — — 0 J — — N N N N — — — — N — M M V•, V•, v; cr, v'. r^ •- I C C O .. C ..• O C C _ r _ = ?I v .. I.= U CU •- 7_ - — O r'1 I = - : `i. . ..S'. [-:-•:, :72>_., u - u,, a J • _ LJ < - c. 73 i,I .� r. U VjV U _ r- — te cv ,V = _ J ' 1 .' U v. • p - _ - to v - = =v — 1 : JJ - Z • • v J Z U I _ : • L V < U ^ UU — UUUU2U < U = < = - 0I00 — J � -- _ UU Z CITY 4 F CHANHASSEN • 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 January 14, 1998 Dear Resident: Planning for the city's"1998 Trail Project"continues. I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey, Concept Design, Initial Public Information Meeting, Individual On-site Meetings, Easement Preparation, and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Please note that the&Lir Report and P:ise;:tation for both of these meetings will he identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL,DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements, you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000, or by fax, at 452-5550. If you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg,Project Manager,at 644-4389, or by fax,at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me,or leave a voice mail message at any time,by calling 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb pc: Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt,Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell,Finance Director Anita Benson,City Engineer Scott Harr, Public Safety Director David Nyberg, Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz, Howard R. Green Company Joel Jamnik, Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. g park rcteren.9£Trail Project 11teDates < R 'A o ° o If) o ' - _ m W w rn rn a _ .o 5 „a g fig - HOP I e :c9 3 ZZ F zgis "53 "" o n ; V U a C C w� < Y_ b§ i . C iz ¢ i qN 5 =2 g Sm_ Ws �' m 0 1.04 w I ;l M .,-1 ..,17 0• • • • - e 5 a e.� 3 _ - - -{ - -oa — aw sx . I Z � w - • - 1 O I • �_.. 4. o -X016__ -____ I1 -�� 58f 4^ '.., aw s:u �^ CC---(_----J I I - LI 1 , 'egos: Rim. H -- c _- ^ ; 4. Wins ! . z<�■ 4-,; m Z -`-t-1 t I I' �a4 ss 4 <N i n d a�<�' n N MK WAG i _ '1�.' 1 oo _N c 11 - T--Tit-917-7i I: P'm' _g: _gV'Qii I — 'r_� —"—_ W 18 Z s C3 Z 2112? j (. ',Nil 3 _Mit 7. f as � ��g E� - • �, r 11 ice,. m 1_ g8;i `s^ �<ii6 Irl .YI ` RE e • '3 u �Na si I 1.• , _e :� r8 ,,... 1.•... _;!:i' _-- I. ------ -- 1 + Y il ; ' I. 00.1.S0AB . 1.7,71 ma HMIS 31(11 i• I - - I= . y. e I I if I It�i€ LI 3E I .n o in 0 1 n N N la o too _. r kt I03Os0 CO 03 0 03 g i 1j '•r ` ---- -- --- --- - 11 Q«^ .& ie- ' ^' te * / ; .'r_ ....- . o. 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S ` \ cr v = r J _ ,t ., _RA6 \ lin= -- U _ ;y „Lo1 s I j Y • s :e Or ._SLIM • E6 N I- Np= pops n �Z 11- —ggg / ~ qqz Wi m ' "`°° 6 Z Iai III I B 05.9C z5,14.3 r, JY 1 q 5�,. ii(.. i gg o! / • cans 1 Z6`Y I • Vi ;`.1, , • f 1 • i t, ,p app . . 1- 1 __ '_etmeLL____Li sz.s,c aya iy e$ y b p et gr. .,V J - ------- " 8 a :�' ♦6196 . [ 1 .. :cl 9 lr - se.ec min Ri_ I: p 5 c. A !: . ySi g I, -..__�.._..-O. N1—_ 0 N O 111 s e; 001 0 m m W co co .- • ' ' • 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 January 14, 1998 Dear Resident: Planning for the city's '`1998 Trail Project"continues. I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey, Concept Design, Initial Public Information Meeting, Individual On-site Meetings, Easement Preparation. and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:01)p.m. Panning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Please note that the St.,JtfReport and Presc';aation for both of these meetings will he identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL, DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements, you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000,or by fax,at 452-5550. If you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg, Project Manager, at 644-4389,or by fax,at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me, or leave a voice mail message at any time, by calling 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:�7mb pc: Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell, Finance Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Scott Han, Public Safety Director David Nyberg, Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz, Howard R. Green Company Joel Jamnik, Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas, Lyle H. Nagell 8. Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. park referen 9STrailProjectiliteDates ;< m m c COCC ms w I _ 's O a.E 16 VesK. ' I ie z E 8 4c IF i . 8 s `Fdm4B >53�i__ t.,.. U ' U22 .,x P' I C5 <Lq• / , f . ._Raz.._ o I w g /l i' ;! • • ' I * I _rczlla I e . I gI I Dow SNf� • i i I ' --If ". ii. ) 1 �1 t1 ��I I : ; I • i • �_%i• ,. ' �lr' 1 I <s� ' < ' i °.. '•! fir%'e , ! <_ 1E i s.K. I IES ',••'�. b ..4,`'�-a ,�. L Drive i i I br I to- a J.r Y( I �J _J , to 2',7:02I �e I III PI I-- \\ 11. i�`. — I • II I it• \1I I ii: W Vi''..1\ I I I. � ELIJ . i 0 \ \x,54: gz s� ,� - r 1I O I r EEL- LITISI pa. in- a-1 { OOK SVC 1`: \ I ! '.ate' �- ;i fig. a ,tet , . I �! �`+ $y [' ��� :1 li;, , Z ., a t. !,: :I V. _ I II :�r �I rw s� ¢ r I r er 86V lal iF ` § . 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MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1782 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N 1762 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 1827 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1774 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N 1780 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 1815 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1797 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N 1711 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 1811 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1807 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N 1721 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 1801 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1785 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8724 VALLEY VIEW PL 1733 WEST LAKE DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JAMAR INVESTMENT CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER C/O KEN JACOBSON 1848 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8736 VALLEY VIEW PL 9100 W. BLOOMINGTON FRWY. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN.MN 55317 BLOOMINGTON, MN 55431 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1836 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8748 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1824 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8769 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1 812 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8772 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 1800 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S 8767 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 8634 VALLEY VIEW CT 8755 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 8610 VALLEY VIEW CT 8743 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 8615 VALLEY VIEW CT 8729 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CURRENT OWNER CURRENT OWNER 8631 VALLEY VIEW CT 8715 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY aF • • \ CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 January 14, 1998 Dear Resident: Planning for the city's"1998 Trail Project" continues. I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey, Concept Design, Initial Public Information Meeting, Individual On-site Meetings, Easement Preparation,and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:00 p.m. Panning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Fleas"dole that the Stzdf Report and Presei:taticn for both of these meetings will he identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL,DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements, you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000, or by fax,at 452-5550. if you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg, Project Manager,at 644-4389,or by fax,at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me,or leave a voice mail message at any time,by calling 937-1900, extension 121. • Sincerely, C` /re. Todd t Todd Hof man Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb pc: Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth,City Manager Todd Gerhardt,Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell,Finance Director Anita Benson, City Engineer • Scott Harr,Public Safety Director David Nyberg, Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz, Howard R. Green Company Joel Jamnik, Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas,Lyle H. Nagell & Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. g:park•xeferen,98TrailProjeetMtgDates 8 in a in S ' C I - a co m m o i.=W_o- II < 8 .I • P '-------'-------'----.---'—.-----------------1 a O ` • : 1 V x of i s - i , • P i _ F le . s • c▪ ..'-'• c 1 4,6 `1-' < c t< • ' s ,- -°0=92 — < .ma < O s — Kui.«:;c ' , '<<t c \ < °'P.;.-„,8 SZ+L SY.B .U ,o• �- --- 'O < ,. 16 ♦ ~� 1 4ES - -- _.-1- z.<< $'52 s le g <1 . Q 6 1.4I - 1 G�.,. r 1 `dog U E • aaa • 0.-_, -6� 6 , E. -- ; �' I I �� _97910 1 - -- S,l CTS i ; 1i ; 1 S ..R; F Q i e s1�9__ „ 1 I __ —_ —�.0. C N w WI 1 g 1 LL -�- 1 I Z '� i1 _ `�' 1 1 _ eg@ E 'X% t z _+ ,Rg Ir 1 I u0toil-'. 1 1 1 to I• ', a:0 1Z^.,� 8 1 . 1 —�? S 1 I-yy _ 1 a 1 1!i ' . a n -SLK,•504,13 �– 1 1k • e • I g 6 r !R .g ag 6 Mr lb P co+,:MB 11 v~i1 �� sz t. R I • • SE c a.___- 1..................:: ,y1` % � g I .1;g1. <<s€ v I:I ,v 1 os •a „ • 1g tai •11,. 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I I • !Ir . • • i 1 . i , ; I 1' c • o m n 2 Ii 1-Fi CITY of CHANHASSEN .,::•• 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 January 14, 1998 Dear Resident: Planning for the city's "1998 Trail Project"continues. I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey,Concept Design, Initial Public Information Meeting, Individual On-site Meetings,Easement Preparation,and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Please note that the Stall-Report and Prc?senroiion fb,'hoot of these meetings will be identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL,DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements,you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000, or by fax,at 452-5550. If you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg, Project Manager,at 644-4389, or by fax,at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me, or leave a voice mail message at any time, by calling 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb pc: Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt,Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell, Finance Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Scott Harr, Public Safety Director David Nyberg, Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz, Howard R. Green Company Joel Janmik,Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. IMPORTANT NOTE As project administrator, I am recommending that the portion of the Galpin Boulevard trail north of Lake Lucy Road be omitted from the"1998 Trail Project." This recommendation is being made in an attempt to keep the project within budget($1.24 million for all six segments). It is my hope that this segment of trail can be completed as a part of a future capital project budget. If you are opposed to this recommendation,please attend one or more of the upcoming public meetings to voice your opposition or send written correspondence to my attention. You may do the same if you are in favor of this recommendation. g:\park`referen 98TrailProjectMltgDatcs.Galpin.doc , 0: ini c::. ...I • . i ii, E. la f §';. . ,. .". ...' li't1 ; •c , ; 5 s- .-----F, *--i ..i. , 1\. , I r- I E ' '', . ' - it.', ',, 2.. . • ; •' . • ..:(,,,t.: g --•.1, :i• .,t i;•1: • 8 ; E. . : i i' ' Z, tli : -..r7-"rifil 1t ., \ ' 4 . e 6 I • • .. • i 1; ;it., .q I g i , :: i • iF-8. . • I I 1 I i I I .1 i g g 06.4 VW I ic g .-i. 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I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following,tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey, Concept Design. Initial Public Information Meeting, Individual On-site Meetings, Easement Preparation,and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Please note that the Staff-Report and Presentation for both of these meetings will he identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 n.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL, DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements,you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000,or by fax,at 452-5550. If you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg, Project Manager,at 644-4389,or by fax, at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me,or leave a voice mail message at any time,by calling 937-1900, extension 121. • Sincerely, a el Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb pc: Mayor and City Council Park & Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell,Finance Director Anita Benson,City Engineer • Scott Han,Public Safety Director David Nyberg,Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz,Howard R. Green Company Joel Jamnik, Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas,Lyle H. Nagell & Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. IMPORTANT NOTE As project administrator, I am recommending that the portion of the Powers Boulevard trail north of Pleasant View Road be omitted from the"1998 Trail Project." This recommendation is being made in an attempt to keep the project within budget($1.24 million for all six segments). It is my hope that this segment of trail can be completed as a part of a future capital project budget. If you are opposed to this recommendation,please attend one or more of the upcoming public meetings to voice your opposition or send written correspondence to my attention. You may do the same if you are in favor of this recommendation. g:\.parklreferen 98trailprojectmtgdates.povicers.doc .11 el p o $ § .n a el ass �g ' W 1 ..'7-,.v a Ep r l - g . - ip - -----•----•------------- - --- e ‘T t4 • ••.•.1-4.;!- «< < c • _ - \ 00+0:Sine ` O 0 i LI f �.pzaa8Ez 1' F. •UM. i'g s,n„ jO, — _ a !....1-.0:-.:-'i - :; { - aii . f 8 a.x$ Se 1 to n," - - - v , 1m rag. Y F /I;I_ _ u� a • E g is 1,1 , '. 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' POvi-eV5 / Iud CITY OF CHANH� EN FRANK&THERESA CORONEOS DOUGLAS HOLCOMB 690 COUL R RIVE 6461 BRETTON WAY 1051 BUTTE COURT CHAJASEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JEFF SMITH NAOMI CARLSON JOSEPH TULLY 6601 ARLINGTON COURT 5955 CATHCART DRIVE 1041 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SHOREWOOD, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • GEORGE BROWER BRENT SPINDLER TIM SMITH 6611 ARLINGTON COURT 1070 BUTTE COURT 1031 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CAROL&JOHN GEVIK MICHAEL STANNARD LEE PATTEN 6491 BRETTON WAY 1060 BUTTE COURT 1021 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 GARY&CARLA OLINGER SIZE SU PAMELA HRUBES& JILL LITTLE 6481 BRETTON WAY 1050 BUTTE COURT 1011 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 MITRA& MALCOLM WHITLOCK CORY EASTLUND CLARA WINTERS 6471 BRETTON WAY 1040 BUTTE COURT 1001 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN.MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LINDA PETERS JEFF STEINMETZ C&J ANDERSON 6421 BRETTON WAY 1030 BUTTE COURT 991 BUTTE COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 THOMAS O'CONNOR DANIEL S. MAHADY LINDA LANDSTEINER ELIZABETH O'CONNOR 1020 BUTTE COURT 981 BUTTE COURT 6431 BRETTON WAY CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 JOHN KUNITZ PETER SCOTT BRUCE GASPERLIN 6441 BRETTON WAY 1010 BUTTE COURT 7260 CACTUS CRUVE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PAUL&MAUREEN SINKLER MARK& MARY LANG PHILLIP& DENEEN W. RIEF 6451 BRETTON WAY 1000 BUTTE COURT 7331 CACTUS CURVE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • KEN KURTENBACH DARYL KEIM REED WARD 7321 CACTUS CURVE 1100 CHAPARRAL COURT 6821 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RICK BLOCK DAVID DREALAN RANDY TIKALSKY 7311 CACTUS CURVE 1110 CHAPARRAL COURT 6801 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RANDY MILLER SANDY OLSON JAMES P.MANDERS 7250 CACTUS CURVE 1091 CHAPARRAL COURT 6791 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TOM& PAM PREISS KEVIN L GRENGS PETER SOMERVILLE 7270 CACTUS CURVE 1081 CHAPARRAL COURT 6781 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BRIAN & DEANNE NICHOLSON TERRANCE KROELLS JEFF BROS 7280 CACTUS CURVE 1071 CHAPARRAL COURT 6771 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • JIM&JOANNE NELSON IRINA&ALEKSANDR GRAFOV CHANPHAN HOUR 7290 CACTUS CURVE 6895 CHAPARRAL LANE 6770 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN.MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DONNIE ADKINS JEFF& MARY RISKEY GARY MUNDAHL 7300 CACTUS CURVE 6893 CHAPARRAL LANE 6780 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • PAUL KREUTER B. CHAMBERS/C. FRIELER CRAIG'STACIEKAY PRESCHER 1090 CARVER BEACH ROAD 6881 CHAPARRAL LANE 6790 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LEE&MARY VRIEZE BRYNETTE STODOLA MATHEW HARDY 1031 CARVER BEACH ROAD 6871 CHAPARRAL LANE 6800 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ALAN SNIDER JODI GRUHN JOSEPH HAMILTON 1080 CHAPARRAL COURT 6841 CHAPARRAL LANE 6820 CHAPARRAL LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • 'ALLAN OTT MELINDA ARETZ LEE GEORGE 6840 CHAPARRAL LANE 6950 CHAPARRAL LANE 1160 HOLLY LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 STEVEN KVIDERA ROBERT REISKYTL PAMELA MYERS 6850 CHAPARRAL LANE 6450 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1115 HOLLY LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • DAN FUNDINGSLAND KENT A&CAROL PETERSON JOHN HAGEDORN 6870 CHAPARRAL LANE 6460 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 630 CARVER BEACH ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 ANN & DAN RODNING RONALD C HAGLIND JOHN&MARY FLATLEY 6880 CHAPARRAL LANE 6470 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1311 ITHILIEN CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MICHAEL AHRENS JR SIGNE THOMAS HARRY & ANITA MURPHY 6900 CHAPARRAL LANE 6480 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1215 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 FRED W BERG GREGORY COOK RONNIE K. HAGEN 6910 CHAPARRAL LANE 6471 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1200 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KIMBERLY J WEISPFENNIG AMY&TODD ANDERSON SCOTT EIMAN 6920 CHAPARRAL LANE 6461 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1206 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TAYLOR SWANSON GEORGE RAMSEY DIANE&TODD GERHARDT 6966 CHAPARRAL LANE 6451 DEVONSHIRE DRIVE 1180 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT RESIDENT/OWNER NAOMI CARLSON THOMAS MCGINN 6960 CHAPARRAL LANE 5955 CATHCART DRIVE 1121 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LUZ RODILES NAOMI CARLSO► SCOTT MCCANN 6956 CHAPARRAL LANE 5955 CAT.' 'T DRIVE 1100 LAKE LUCY ROAD CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 EX IOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RANDY&TRACY BENSON JOHN D. HENNING CITY OF CHANHAS 1080 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6693 MULBERRY CIRCLE 690 COULTE VE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANH N,MN 55317 DARRYL WILLS JACQUELINE ANDERSON GUY HOUGHTON 1060 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6695 MULBERRY CIRCLE 701 2ND AVENUE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 ROBERT& PAT AHRENS RICHARD ERSBO NAOMI CARLSON 1081 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6665 MULBERRY CIRCLE E 5955 CATH RIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXC R, MN 55331 RODD&JENNIFER JOHNSON MATTHEW& LISA KLING MARLOW E PETERSON 1061 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6683 MULBERRY CIRCLE E 1180 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD CHANHASSEN.MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 NICHOLAS JACQUES STEVE MORONO'J FRANK BEDDOR 1214 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6605 MULBERRY CIRCLE EA 7951 POWE LVD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANH14 EN, MN 55317 SUE LEIZINGER PAUL KAPSNER FRANK BEDDOR JR 16010 EXCELSIOR BLVD 6635 MULBERRY CIRCLE EA 4400 GULF SHORE BOULEVARD NO.#603 MINNETONKA. MN 55345 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 NAPLES, FL 34103 LEONARD WARE CHRIS &JARY BIANCO ELIZABETH K. HAMILTON 1225 LILAC LANE 6400 PEACEFUL LANE 6954 PIMA LANE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHARLES PICKARD TODD&TERESA OWENS GARY SEMAN 1215 LILAC LANE 6535 PEACEFUL LANE 6950 PIMA LANE EXCELSIOR,MN 55331 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DANIEL& MARIA LEARY FRANK BEDDOR BARBARA E. WILLE 1275 LILAC LANE 6581 PEACEFUL LANE 6952 PIMA LANE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 STEVEN& DEBORAH MANNING ROBERT CHRISTENSON CHRISTA WILSON 6687 MULBERRY CIRCLE 1511 LAKE LUCY ROAD 6956 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARJORIE KING CATHERINE MALECHA& LYNN LIVINGSTON JIM&JANICE SMITH 6974 PIMA LANE 7022 PIMA LANE 6971 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 FLORENCE A COLVIN THOMAS KELLEY CARTER DAVID KELLY 6970 PIMA LANE 7026 PIMA LANE 6975 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 STANLEY OSMONDSON SUE AHLBRECHT PETER CHROMCZAK 6972 PIMA LANE 7034 PIMA LANE 6979 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CAROL BENSON LARRY G. DREWIANKA DEBORAH WALDACK 6976 PIMA LANE 7030 PIMA LANE 6981 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 LOU ELLEN PETERSON W S NIELSON + B MAROS RUBY&HARVEY THIELKE 6992 PIMA LANE 7032 PIMA LANE 6991 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EMILIE FRANK CLIFFORD M BAKKO JERRE MAYNARD 6990 PIMA LANE PO BOX 784 6999 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JENNIFER ZABORSKY DAVID ALSAKER MIKE PEKA 7000 PIMA LANE 7040 PIMA LANE 7001 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 JANINE K. NEWPORT DIANE FORSBERG BARBARA ORLOWSKY 7004 PIMA LANE 7044 PIMA LANE 7005 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARY ASHLEY STEVE& BETH BROWN LEANN HOLLENBECK 7024 PIMA LANE 6951 PIMA LANE 7011 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JANET B ARNOLD ELAINE E.WALLIN DAWN DONOFRIO 7020 PIMA LANE 6955 PIMA LANE 7015 PIMA LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • JOHN KILPATRICK SCOTT H.TRICK PRICILLA BURSCH 7021 PIMA LANE 7310 PONTIAC CIRCLE PO BOX 98 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SANDY PARKER JANET SCOTT CAROL DAUWALTER 7025 PIMA LANE 7313 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7295 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KURT& GAIL WOOD ALBERT N. FARHA STEVE&TAMI BOTKIN 6390 PLEASANT VIEW COVE 7317 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7291 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JAMES B GREEN GREG GARDNER JUDD &SHIRLEY MORGAN 6380 PLEASANT VIEW COVE 7315 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7283 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • FRANK JR&M BEDDOR-" JOHN HUBER PATRICIA ALLEN 4400 GULHF C BOULEVARD NO.#603 7311 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7287 PONTIAC CIRCLE NAPLE L 34103 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 • DANIEL A.JOHNSON DAVID L. BORNEMAN JAMES EASTLING 1140 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD 7303 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7285 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARLOW PETERSON DONALD CARRUTH BERNICE BILLISON 1180 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD 7307 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7281 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 NICHOLAS J DAHMEN STEVE PETERSON CURRENT RESIDENT 7321 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7305 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7273 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JOHN& KIRSTEN FARR JEFFREY&SUZAN HOSKINS DANA MCARTHUR SANKO 7325 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7301 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7277 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BILL H FRY ROBERT G. HOBAN ELIZABETH PITSCH 7320 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7293 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7275 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 TERRY HAMM LEROY BERG JAMES NEAL 7271 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7247 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7294 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CURRENT RESIDENT NANCY L. HANKINSON ROBERT EVANGELISTA 7263 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7245 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7290 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PETTINGER& PFLEIDERER MARY ANN MEYER JACK BARNES 7267 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7241 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7260 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MICHAEL COLDAGELLI MORRIS G& DELORES A NESS KERI PRESCOTT 7265 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7233 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7264 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 SHIRLEY VINKEMEIER EVERETT CLAUSON LOU ANN LUNDQUIST 7261 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7237 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7256 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SALLY JO GRIEP FRANCES& EILEEN MCGINN KEN GREEN 7253 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7235 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7252 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 THOMAS ATKINS HELEN BRANCEL J. PATRICK OMAN 7257 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7306 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7250 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 ALICE ANN &AARON POTTER RICK&CHRIS FLANDERS ELLEN YOUNGBERG 7255 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7302 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7254 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CONRAD SCHMID GERALD D WOODARD MARIANNE LAURENT 7251 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7300 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7236 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 H. RAY BRENDEN L R MITCHELL SUSAN BREYER 7243 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7304 PONTIAC CIRCLE 7232 PONTIAC CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 STEPHEN& BRENDA MCGOUGH BRADLEY G.MACHEEL DENISE JOHNSON 7230 PONTIAC CIRCLE 1013 PONTIAC COURT 1042 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SARA BREN LINDA KLOMAN GEORGE HOLASEK 1016 PONTIAC COURT 1015 PONTIAC COURT 1046 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LLOYD WICKLUND DOUGLAS STEENSON KURT& NICOLE SMITH 1014 PONTIAC COURT 1022 PONTIAC LANE 1054 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LYNETTE LINAMAN DAVID STEINKAMP SHAWN MUEHLBERG 1002 PONTIAC COURT 1026 PONTIAC LANE 1050 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 NYLAND A. DUHN ANNETTE FRISCH SCOTT FRANZEN 1006 PONTIAC COURT 1034 PONTIAC LANE 1010 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ROBIN KOHLS JIM LAUDERDALE ESTHER EICHELBERGER 1004 PONTIAC COURT 1030 PONTIAC LANE 1035 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 JULIE LOFTUS MARY ANN HAIDEN MARJORIE JOHNSON 1000 PONTIAC COURT 1032 PONTIAC LANE 1031 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DAVID& LINDA MOORE SARAH BUSSMANN AUDREY A CRONICK 1001 PONTIAC COURT 1036 PONTIAC LANE 1023 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PENNY R GARRETT JANET WALTER ROBIN O'BORSKY 1007 PONTIAC COURT 1044 PONTIAC LANE 1027 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SHERI D. PIGGAS DENNIS A. GEURTS STEVE REGAN 1003 PONTIAC COURT 1040 PONTIAC LANE 1025 PONTIAC LANE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BETTE NELSON WALTER C HAYS JUDY FABEL 1021 PONTIAC LANE 6691 POWERS BLVD 7001 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 HOWARD LUETHNER MARY ANN HAVERLAND ARTHUR GRAIKOWSKI 1013 PONTIAC LANE 6385 POWERS BLVD 7031 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 SANDRA SWEGLE LARRY KERBER THOMAS BARRETT 1017 PONTIAC LANE 6420 POWERS BLVD 7051 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RUSSELL G KOHMAN TEMPLE OF ECK DUANE K. SLATER 6730 POWERS BLVD PO BOX 27300 7071 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 WILLIAM T. INFANGER MICHAEL KRAUSE DALE GREGORY 6740 POWERS BLVD 6930 REDMAN LANE 7091 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 MONICA TOLAR&STEVE KUHBANDER MERLYN KINKEL MICHELLE MEYER 6700 POWERS BLVD 7090 REDMAN LANE 7101 REDMAN LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JAMES RAVIS JAMES WILSON STAN JAVUREK 6720 POWERS BLVD 7070 REDMAN LANE 6780 REDWING LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ROBERT PETERSON JOE ABERNATHY PAUL PETERSON 6650 POWERS BLVD 7050 REDMAN LANE 6790 REDWING LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 VINCENT DONOHUE BRIAN BYRNE MAX C. HOLZHEU ANN DEVITT 6209 POWERS BLVD 6901 REDMAN LANE 6800 REDWING LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 SCOTT/JESICA FREDRICKSON DENNIS KNUDSEN DANIEL HALEY 6681 POWERS BLVD 6991 REDMAN LANE 6820 REDWING LANE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JOHN & KELLY ORZECHOWSKI JOANNE& DREW CLAUSEN FRED J. ROGERS 6830 REDWING LANE 6970 SHAWNEE LANE 6920 TECUMSEH LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARK C. ANDERSON GARY KOENEN STEVEN ALBRECHT 980 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 6960 SHAWNEE LANE 6951 TECUMSEH LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EUGENE COX JASON ADAIR FRANK NATOLE 990 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 7061 SHAWNEE LANE 6251 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 JOYCE& BRENT EGERSETT ROY S BARKE ROBERT RABE 1000 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 7071 SHAWNEE LANE 6307 TETON LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RICK& LINDA BALMER GORDON SMIDA JERRY STORY 1010 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 7081 SHAWNEE LANE 510 SWEET BRIAR LANE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 HOPKINS, MN 55343 PAMELA TREBERG STEPHEN F SCHMITZ MARLOW E PETERSON 1020 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 7101 SHAWNEE LANE 1180 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARY BATEMAN LAYTON B PAINE WILLIAM J. CURRIE 1030 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 1092 SHENENDOAH CIRCLE 6831 UTICA CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BRIAN& BARBARA HARMDIERKS RICHARD RICE ROBERT J BOE 1001 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 6950 TECUMSEH LANE 6801 UTICA CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JEFFREY PODERGOIS GEORGE MCHALE DANIEL&GWEN HENNESSEY 1031 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 6940 TECUMSEH LANE 6800 UTICA CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 KHAMSIMUANG PHATHACHACK JOHN MAURITZ GARY&ANN O'NEILL 1021 SADDLEBROOK TRAIL 6930 TECUMSEH LANE 6830 UTICA CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 BRUCE ARNOLD MARK BRUNSBERG LISA DRILUGEORGE ADZICK 6850 UTICA CIRCLE 7150 UTICA LANE 1155 WILLOW CREEK CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARK LATHROP JOHN DRITZ BRUCE&TRISH BIRKELAND 6850 UTICA LANE 6500 WELSLEY COURT 1140 WILLOW CREEK CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Helen Jacques KATHLEEN KOCH STUART FLOLID 1210 Lake Lucy Road 6870 UTICA LANE 6510 WELSLEY COURT Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Lionell Aboulkheir THEODORE KOLTES DOUG &SUSAN ARNDT Claudia Ness-Courdavault 6851 UTICA LANE 6520 WELSLEY COURT 7310 Cactus Curve CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHARLES&MICHELE SMITH THOMAS& DEBRA GIVEN 6861 UTICA LANE 6521 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Mary Bottiger THOMAS TRUSTY TERRANCE E& DEBRA J BLACK 7275 Pontiac Circle 6871 UTICA LANE 6511 WELSLEY COURT Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 DAVID& MELINDA FRANSDAL JAMES HESKETH 6881 UTICA LANE 6501 WELSLEY COURT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PAUL D BINGHAM JOE NEWSTROM 7141 UTICA LANE 1040 WESTERN DRIVE CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JOHN A KARELS CHUCK STRICKHOUSER 7140 UTICA LANE 1150 WILLOW CREEK CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 STEVE KRUEGER CAROLYN MCCLURE 7146 UTICA LANE 1145 WILLOW CREEK CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF I;)/ HAN' EASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ` (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 January 14, 1998 Dear Resident: Planning for the city's"1998 Trail Project"continues. I would like to update you on the work completed to date and important upcoming meetings. The following tasks have been completed: Wetland Delineation, Preliminary Survey, Concept Design, Initial Public Information Meeting,Individual On-site Meetings, Easement Preparation,and Final Design. Important upcoming dates include: Tuesday,January 20, 1998 7:30 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Review and Recommendation. Wednesday,January 21, 1998 7:00 p.m. Panning Commission Review and Recommendation. (Please note that the Stuff Report and Presentation for both of these meetings will he identical.) Monday,January 26, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Review Monday, February 9, 1998 6:30 p.m. City Council Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise For Bids. ALL MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF CITY HALL, DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN. These meetings are your opportunity to comment on the proposed final design for all six trail segments. Attached for your review please find plan sheets depicting the proposed final design for the trail near your home. For those of you affected by temporary and/or permanent trail easements,you can expect to be contacted by Mr. Joel Jamnik of Campbell Knutson Associates in the near future. If you wish to contact Mr. Jamnik directly,you may reach him at 452-5000,or by fax,at 452-5550. If you have questions concerning the proposed final trail designs,please contact Dave Nyberg, Project Manager, at 644-4389, or by fax, at 644-9446. 1998 Trail Project Meeting Dates January 14, 1998 Page 2 You may also contact me, or leave a voice mail message at any time, by calling 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:_.mb pc: Mayor and City Council Park& Recreation Commission Planning Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Gerhardt,Assistant City Manager Kate Aanenson, Planning Director Pam Snell,Finance Director Anita Benson, City Engineer Scott Harr, Public Safety Director David Nyberg,Howard R. Green Company Frank Kriz,Howard R. Green Company Joel Jamnik, Campbell Knutson Associates William R. Waytas, Lyle H. Nagell & Co. Richard W. Luebben, Lyle H. 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MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MICHAEL& CARRIE MILLER DORIS E. HANSON JODY PETERSON 6311 CHURCH ROAD 6210 CYPRESS DRIVE 6210 ELM TREE EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 BONNIE BARNETT ERIC RAETHER DIANNE S TESCHENDORFF 6321 CHURCH ROAD 6200 CYPRESS DRIVE PAUL S SCHAFER 6220 ELM TREE EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 KEITH KORINKE&JODI JOHNSON SCOTT HANSON HOWARD WROGE 6310 CHURCH ROAD 6201 DOGWOOD 6230 ELM TREE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 • MIKE SCHULER KURT WEIMER ROGER SMITH 6330 CHURCH ROAD 6211 DOGWOOD 6200 ELM TREE AVE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 LYNNE BROWN ANTON GUENTHER CHRISTINE C HUNTER 6201 CYPRESS DRIVE 6221 DOGWOOD 6236 FIR TREE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 GEORGE HARPER JAMES THOMPSON KENNETH& DONDA URR 6231 FIR TREE 6231 GREENBRIAR 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONRA, MN 55345 JAMES HAGAN MARVIN ONKEN KENNETH& 0 NIQ A DURR 6221 FIR TREE 6221 GREENBRIAR 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 i HILDEGARD FORNER TOM RUHLAND KENNETH& DONNA-DURR 6200 FIR TREE 6211 GREENBRIAR 4830 WESTGATE-ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 EDWARD EVANS KATHY KOCINA KENNETH & DONNA DURR 6220 FIR TREE 6301 GREENBRIAR AVE 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 MARTIN BEUKHOF DONNA HOELKE KENNETH& DONNA DURR 6230 FIR TREE 3621 IRONWOOD 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 JOSEPH LEUKUMA JIM& BETH GINTHER KENNETH& DONNA DURR 6240 FIR TREE 3611 IRONWOOD 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 ROGER R ROBINSON KENNETH& DONNA DURR KENNETH & DONNA DURR 6300 FIR TREE 4830 WESTGATE ROAD 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 MINNETONKA. MN 55345 JOSEPH A& SARA J PIEHAL KENNETH & DONNA RR-- - KENNETH& DONNA DURR 6241 FIR TREE AVE 4830 WESJG OAD 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Mlj\i,NETONKA, MN 55345 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 STEVEN MARBEN KENNETH& DONNA DURR- KENNETH & DONNA DURR 6201 FIR TREE AVENUE 4830 WESTGATE ROAD 4830 WESTGATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA;- 1N 55345 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 f��l PATRICIA L MCINERNY KENNETH& DONNA`DURR KENNETH & DONNA DURR 6311 GREENBRIAR 4830 WESTGATE ROAD 4830 WEST ATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 MINNIQNRA, MN 55345 Robert & A. Christian KENNETH & DONNA WWI-- WILLIAM KOHMAN 2971 Washta Bay Road 4830 WESTGAT -ROAD 3780 MEADOW LANE Excelsior, MN 55331 MINNET MN 55345 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Mr. Peter Boyer KENNETH & DONNADURR- PETER KREBSBACH 19685 Old Excelsior Blvd. 4830 WESTGATEROAD 3891 MEADOW LANE Excelsior, MN 55331 MINNETQNIcA, MN 55345 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Mr. Ted Bigos DAN STOFLET PATRICIA B. CHARNEY 3221 Highway 7 3502 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3861 MEADOW LANE Excelsior, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 Mr. Steven Hall GERALD KRUSE RANDALL& LISA MAYER 6221 Arbor Lane 3510 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3831 MEADOW LANE Excelsior, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 Ms. Eileen Boyer TERRY L SHERWOOD PATRICK MONAHAN 3630 Virginia Avenue 3520 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3801 MEADOW LANE Deephaven, MN 55391 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 ROBERT;DIANE SWEARENGIN DAVID & LIANA KIFF 3530 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3771 MEADOW LANE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 STEVEN& LINDA REHAND JAMES&JEAN WAY 3531 MAPPLEWOOD CIRCLE 6641 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 BILL MODELL CRAIG ALAN KOUBA 3521 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3520 HIGHWAY 7 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 CHARLES RIENSTRA KENNETHDURR 3511 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 4830 WE,S GATE ROAD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 MINNETONKA, MN 55345 ROBERT CRIPPA GREGORY REED 3503 MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE 3751 WEST 62ND STREET EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 I g s g I g, -s s g ,I i g g g g :I : "sl "s1 -1 -' gi «sl "s' §! gl g, 3 s s , ss. sss « s ss sl ' sls s s s, slsss ss, "I -� I . 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Green Company 1326 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108 (612) 644-4389 O:\proj1801380j\follow•-up meeting list.doc Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: John Hennessy and Dani Rengers 7305 Galpin Boulevard PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 7, 1998 — 3:30 p.m. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We met with John Hennessy and Dani Rengers in response to their indication on a comment sheet, at the December neighborhood meetings, that they would like a site visit from us to discuss the project. The first thing we talked about was the potential loss of some evergreen trees, either side of their driveway along Galpin Boulevard. It appears that the trees will at least be in the way of the clear zone of the proposed trail, however, upon review of the cross sections, the trees will need to be removed due to the fill slope from the trail extending out into the Hennessy property. John and Dani seemed okay with this and said that the trees have suffered some damage from salt anyway and they can understand why the trees would need to be removed. We also talked about the location of the easement stakes that were staked in December of last year. Dave Nyberg explained to John and Dani that these easement stakes were approximate only. We would probably need less easement area to construct the trail now that we are almost complete with final design. John asked what a stake meant that was labeled L3. Dave said that this stake represented a wetland boundary down near the Bluff Creek Culvert crossing. We then discussed the Creek Crossing. Both John and Dani are interested in trying to use a retaining wall at this location rather than extend the culvert out from the road. John and Dani said that the culvert was reconstructed recently and is relatively new. Dave said that it's probably about the same cost to either extend the culvert or to construct a retaining wall. We agreed that we will review this option, and if not cost prohibitive, will substitute a retaining wall at this location rather than extend the culvert. We then talked about the trees again and how they will likely be removed. John and Dani seemed okay with this and said that if they need to be removed that should be okay. Dave then asked Todd whether there was any compensation for trees that had to be removed. Todd said cost on the project is a real concern right now, however, they would like to offer something to people losing trees that are not within the right-of-way. We then reviewed the drawings. From the drawings of the project, it is clear that the trees are located within the right-of-way for the road. We then discussed a schedule for the project. The project will be completed in 1998. Dave said that a construction bulletin/newsletter will be issued to all residents indicating a time and update of the contractor for which segment he is currently working and which segment will be completed next. The meeting ended approximately 4:00. John and Dani were both encouraged to contact Dave in the future with any additional questions. ree:40-41111111,00,- • Howarc R Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\proj1801380\380-0902.jan RM1 Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Mr. Al Gomez 8748 Valley View Place PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park& Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998—9:30 a.m. SUBJECT: BLUFF CREEK TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT The meeting started with a question from Al regarding the open area across the wetland from his property. He whether development would occur across the creek. Todd told him that the area was currently zoned industrial/commercial and that development would likely happen at some future time. Al asked what would happen to the hill across the creek from his property. Todd said that the hill may come down depending on how the area is developed. It could be developed without the hill being completely down using some kind of terracing method. Al's concerns are primarily the fact that he paid a premium for the lot that he lives on. He asked his builder and the developer whether a trail would be constructed near his house and they assured him that a trail would not be constructed in back of his house. However, now we are coming through and placing a trail in back of his house. He feels that he was misled by this development. Al's other concern is with children. Children in his neighborhood play in the backyard areas and the neighborhood is concerned with security, given the fact that the trail will carry pedestrians from other neighborhoods into their backyards. We showed Al, on the plans, how the trail is proposed to be quite a distance from his backyard and down on the slope of the berm toward the wetland. This will provide additional security for the neighborhood. Al said he is interested in talking to his neighbors about building a fence along the back property line. Todd said that this would be fine, the City will not be doing any fencing with this project, however individual residents may put up a fence at their own discretion. Al said that he can understand the need for a trail, however he wishes he would have been told that a trail would be placed in his backyard prior to purchase of this lot. Al said most of his neighbors didn't know about the proposal for a trail and they also feel the same as he does. They feel they were misrepresented by the developer, and that a trail would not be placed in their backyard. Al did say he was pleased to see that the trail is closer to the wetland than he had originally thought. He feared that the trail would be very close to his yard. We again looked at the plans and assured him that the trail will be much closer to the wetlands than to his own property. At the end of the meeting, we both told Al that if he had any future questions he could certainly give us a call and we could discuss the matter further. Al did say he was interested in gaining some dirt from the project and that he would like to be able to talk to the contractor, at the time the project is occurring, to get this work down. I told Al that when the project starts we will do construction newsletters to update residents on the progress of the contractor, and at this time he could try and coordinate the issue with the contractor or our inspector to get this work completed. - Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:1proj18013801380-0902.j an R M 2 Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Kenneth Durr 4830 Westgate Road, Minnetonka, MN 55345 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998 — 10:30 a.m. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT Mr. Kenneth Durr stopped by the City Hall unexpectedly to talk to Todd Hoffman about the proposed trail project. Todd found Dave in the conference room, set up, and called a meeting to discuss Mr. Durr's concern. Mr. Durr is primary concerned with snowmobile use along Highway 7. Mr. Durr said that he had been showing a lot and the potential buyer was very interested until a snowmobile came through the area. After this, the person was not interested in purchasing the lot anymore, because of the snowmobile use. Mr. Durr is very interested in controlling snowmobile traffic along Highway 7, due to this incident. We showed Mr. Durr the plans for the proposed project and how the trail will be located entirely within Mn/DOT right-of-way, in front of his property. Mr. Durr was acceptable to this and said that the trail would be a nice amenity. He then asked whether the trail would likely cut down on the amount of snowmobile traffic. We indicated to Mr. Durr that snowmobile traffic will need to find an alternate route due to the trail being plowed in the winter time, thereby preventing snowmobile traffic directly on the trail. Mr. Durr was pleased at this and said that anything that can be done to control snowmobile traffic would be appreciated. That was Mr. Durr's only concern. Todd gave Mr. Durr a drawing of the trail in front of his property and put Dave Nyberg's name and phone number on the copy should he have further questions. - Howarc Green Com any " ` CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 Oaproj1801380\380-0902.jan R M 3 Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Jon and Susan Westerhaus 9730 Meadowlark Lane PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998 — 12:00 p.m. (noon) SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT Mr. Jon Westerhaus met with us to discuss the same concerns he had listed in a comment sheet at the neighborhood meetings in December. Jon was in favor of the trail project, however he would like some clarification on some issues. One concern is the location of his septic system and drain field. He showed us where his drain field and septic system is located and they appear to be a ways from the project limits. We then discussed the trail alignments and how it had been staked. It appears that there is one tree that will need to be removed by the project, towards Meadowlark Lane. Other trees may be savable, depending on the limits of the tow, of the slope, that will drop down from the trail. We told Mr. Westerhaus that the trail could be built 2 or 3 feet closer to the highway, thereby allowing better ditch drainage, in the ditch off of the trail and towards the east along Meadowlark Lane. Jon was in favor of this and said any distance we could give him between the trail and his trees would be appreciated. I told Mr. Westerhaus that for the lot to the west of his we would be moving the trail out to avoid trees. Therefore, we could leave the trail out rather than drop it down into the ditch along his property. He was very receptive to this and said that this sounded like a good idea. Jon asked how the trail project was going in general terms. Todd said it is going very well and that we were proceeding as scheduled. Jon asked whether the schedule would be adjusted at all. Dave said that we have a council work session scheduled for Monday to discuss that item of the schedule, and also the overall project budget. Jon asked whether we were likely to see some work start in 1998. Todd said that yes, the project will be bid and there will be some activity in the Spring when construction season starts. However, the project could get scaled back slightly due to the budget problems. Jon said that overall he is in favor of the project, he just wanted some input and was glad that we could come out and meet with him. Dave then went and looked at the property owned by Mark Danielson, across Meadowlark Lane from the Westerhaus property. We explained to Jon that on Mark's property the trail will be tipped toward the road to catch stormwater along the edge of the trail and route it to the east where it will pass under the trail and into a wetland area. Jon said that this sounded like a great idea because the Danielson's have been having some drainage problems off of their property. This concluded the meeting. We told Jon that if he had any questions he could certainly give us a call, and that we would be doing construction bulletins throughout the duration of the project to update residents on the status and schedule of the project. a_ ,t. 4_ .} r . Ha,varc R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:1proj1801380'380-0902.ja n R M 4 Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Roger Novotney 560 Pine View Court PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998 —4:00 p.m. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We met with Roger, in response to his letter to the City, requesting a meeting with us to discuss the trees along his property line, between his property line and Mn/DOT right-of-way ,along Highway 101. Roger brought us in his backyard and along his fence line to show us the woods and the pine trees. The pines are primarily spruce and white pine and he would like to save as many as possible. The trees along Highway 101 act as a good sound barrier so he is interested in saving as many as possible. Roger explained that the fence, that currently exists along the edge of the tree grove, was installed several years ago by Mn/DOT. Mn/DOT was probably not aware of the trail easement that exists on the Novotney property and entirely along the Mn/DOT right-of-way, through the Lake Riley Woods 3rd Addition plat. We walked down to the north end of Roger's property and he showed us where he would like the trail to move inside towards his property and inside the trail easement to save the trees along the highway. Roger showed us a possible location where the path could go between several rows of pine trees. We indicated to Roger that some trees might need to come down to allow room for construction vehicles to get through and construct the trail. Roger said this was fine as long as most of the trees could be saved. He knows that some trees will have to be taken down and even showed us that some trees have already been chopped off and had regrowth. These trees are not as valuable as the trees in good shape. so possibly these trees could be cut down. Todd said that if we used the alternative alignment we would need an easement from the Novotney's because the 20-foot wide easement wouldn't cover the extent of our limits for the trail. Roger said he would grant the City an easement at no charge, if it meant that the trees could be saved along Highway 101. Dave said we would need to get a survey on the property to realign the proposed trail. Dave also recommended that the plans be submitted, as is, to Mn/DOT so as not to delay the permit process and then a revision to the plans could occur while Mn/DOT is reviewing the plans. This segment along 101 is just a small part of the project, therefore it would not be worthwhile to hold up the approval process while redesign of this trail segment was occurring. Dave said it would be important that all trees were marked, that were desirable to keep along with trees that could be removed. Dave suggested that this could be coordinated with the environmental resource coordinator of the City of Chanhassen. She could identify trees in the area that should be saved and trees that are less valuable and could be removed. Todd said that he could come out and stake a potential alignment for the trail through the tree grove. Dave said that then the survey crew could stake that potential alignment along with tying in any trees that the environmental resource coordinator had marked. We thanked Mr. Novotney for his time, his wife rose was also on sight to talk with us toward the end of our discussion. We will continue to be in contact with Mr. Novotney. Todd said that he would go out and stake the trail later this week. res71111...pr-. • Howarc R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:tproj\8013801380-0902.jan R M 5 Resident Meeting Minutes January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Steven Peterson 7305 Pontiac Circle PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998 —4:30 p.m. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY TRAIL 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We met with Steve to discuss his concerns. Steve had completed a comment sheet at the December neighborhood meetings indicating his concern for drainage off the trail and the trail being in close proximity to his deck. He estimated that the trail, as proposed or staked, was only 15-feet from the edge of his deck. We explained to Steve that the alignment that was staked has since been revised to push the alignment closer to the County road. We showed Steve, on the plans, that in front of his property the trail would extend out in front of the trees and the fence along the back of his property. Steve was pleased about this. We walked up to the ditch and walked northward past several properties to see how the alignment would affect some of his neighbors. We explained to Steve that the power poles will remain in place wherever possible and the trail will run between the power poles and the trees and fence. Steve asked whether Carver County has approved the revised alignment. We told Steve that they have the plans that we have not heard anything from them in the way of approval. We also told him that we would be submitting additional plans in the very near future. Dave assured Steve that the City would do everything possible to try and convince Carver County that this was the best option. Dave said that the City is committed to see this through and challenge Carver County to approve the alignments to save several trees along Powers Boulevard. Steve said that the trees are very important to the residents because they provide screening for security against people looking in windows and they also provide a noise barrier. Steve then asked about extending the trail along the west side of Powers Boulevard. Steve said he doesn't understand why the trail can't go on the west side rather than the east side. Todd said there are problems with extending the trail on the west side similar to the east side. Like problems with trees, grading issues, and drainage. Dave said this was true and there were problems either side with the trail being on either side of the road. Steve said that he could understand this and that he would have liked to see the trail on the other side of the road, however he does understand that there are problems on each side. Steve was very glad to hear that the trail is pushed closer to the road. He showed us the stakes that were put in for the neighborhood meetings. He was very concerned with this alignment and is glad that the trail will move farther toward the road. Dave explained that the trail was staked according to the 30- foot clear zone requirement of the County. Steve asked whether the trail would be restaked for residents, prior to construction beginning. Dave said this could happen but it was up to the City to decided whether h.t. • Howarc R: Green Company ry CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:\.proj\80 320\380-0902.jan RM6 Resident Meeting Minutes — Continued Page Two January 9, 1998 RESIDENT: Steven Peterson 7305 Pontiac Circle DATE OF MEETING: January 8, 1998 — 4:30 p.m. they wanted to spend the money to stake the trail again. Todd said that there probably was not adequate budget to do this. Dave said that anyone requiring an easement, to do the work, would be notified through the City Attorney, in the form of an offer letter for compensation of that easement. They would see a very clear drawing showing what the potential easement was and this would indicate to the property owner what impact the trail would have on their property. Steve asked when construction would start. Dave said that construction would start early in spring of 1998 and that construction bulletin/newsletters will be mailed to all residents to keep residents updated on the status of the project, what segment the contractor is currently working on, and what would be next. At the end of the meeting we thanked Steve for his time and told him that if he had any questions he could call Dave Nyberg and discus the project with him at any time. 0:\proj'.8013801380-0902.jan R M6-00 N T I N U ED Resident Meeting Minutes January 10, 1998 RESIDENT: Scott and Cindy Hanson, 6201 Dogwood Avenue Hud Hollesback, 6330 Elm Tree Avenue PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE OF MEETING: January 10, 1998 — 1:30 p.m. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We had originally scheduled a meeting for 1:30 with Hud Hollesback to talk about the Highway 7 segment along the park property. Hud brought along a committee of residents that meet regularly to discuss issues in the neighborhood and utilization of the park property. Cindy Hanson, who lives across the street from the park, also attended the meeting. We had a joint meeting with all the property owners concerning the project. We began the meeting by discussing onsite, the issue of the trees and potential removal of the trees north of Elm Tree Avenue, between Elm Tree Avenue and Highway 7. Hud indicated that it is his opinion that the trees should be removed and new trees installed with the project. He asked Todd whether this could be done in conjunction with the trail project. Todd said that it could. If any trees are to be removed they could be added to our contract. However, the current plan shows the trail along the edge of the bituminous surface of Elm Tree Avenue and no trees or only minimal trees need to be removed. We then walked out toward Highway 7 and the neighborhood group asked whether the trail could extend along that side of the trees. Todd said that it could with a modification to the plans. Dave showed everyone on the plans how the trail dips down toward Elm Tree Avenue, however it could be extended through this area to connect directly with the trail crossing at Dogwood Avenue. Because of the cold weather we decided to convene our meeting inside the Hanson residents across Dogwood Avenue from the park. About 10 — 12 people were in attendance at the meeting. Todd explained the idea behind the trail. The idea of the trail is to move people from the neighborhoods along Highway 7 toward Lake Minewashta Parkway and down the sidewalk to the new proposed park. Hud asked whether there was any plan for the power poles to be taken down and the utilities put underground. Dave said that this had been discussed, however the cost is approximately S4,000 per pole. This was too expensive for the project referendum money to bear. Therefore, no utility relocations will done as part of this project. Hud then discussed the trees. He would like at least some of the trees removed if not most of them. It is his opinion that they have outlived their growth cycle and that many of them don't look that good. Hud asked Todd whether he knew a good nursery or a good place to get trees. Todd said that there is a resident in town that grows trees named Tim Erhart. Tim regularly lets the City take the trees for the cost of transporting them. Todd also said that the City environmental coordinator, Jill St. Clair could also be tfi3� - Howard R. Green Company " r CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 o:\proi\3O1380\380-0902.jan RM7 Resident Meeting Minutes — Continued Page Two January 10, 1998 RESIDENT: Scott and Cindy Hanson, 6201 Dogwood Avenue Hud Hollesback, 6330 Elm Tree Avenue DATE OF MEETING: January 10, 1998 — 1:30 p.m. used for help in identifying the trees that would be best to be removed. She could also help with ideas for landscaping that area for the park. Hud said that the neighborhood could remove some of the trees if this could save the City some money from their project. Hud then asked if the savings would be substantial enough could the committee get a credit for purchasing new trees. Todd said that the removal of the trees isn't the primary cost. The largest cost is in grubbing out the stump, hauling away the debris, and disposing of it. Todd did say that the neighborhood could do that work, if they so desired. Todd said that he would get in contact with Jill St. Clair and let Hud know when they could meet with Jill to discuss what trees could potentially be removed. Hud asked the group if the general conscious was to take the trees out. The group agreed that this was probably the right direction to go. Cindy then asked about a path to the park since the trail would be closer to Highway 7. Todd said that this could be done. A trail could come down from the trail along Highway 7 and connect with Elm Tree Avenue. A location was discussed of doing this directly west of the existing power pole. There is a wider gap in the trees that will allow this connection. The meeting at the Hanson residents then adjourned. Scott and Cindy Hanson met with Dave and Todd out in their backyard to further discuss a specific Maple Tree on their back property corner. The Hanson's would like to try and save this tree by pushing the trail closer to Highway 7. Dave said that this may be desirable because we can leave a power pole in place, and not disturb the white shed that is located in the Mn/DOT right-of-way at the Raether residence next door. Dave told the Hanson's that the plans had been submitted to Mn/DOT showing the alignment that he had at the meeting, however they could easily do a redesign and an addendum to Mn/DOT for additional approval of the revised alignment. Dave encouraged Scott and Cindy Hanson to keep in contact with him in a few weeks regarding this issue. Dave also said he would make a note to call the Hanson's and update them in a couple weeks on the status of the revision. The meeting adjourned at about 2:45 p.m. o:'.proj\301380\380-0902.jan R M 7-C O N T I N U ED Update: 01/07/98 Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Grecn Company Phone Record CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Connection Trail Mr. Amundson left a voice mail message with a concern about the trail crossing at 86 i Street. He asked whether a traffic signal will be installed here for the pedestrian Date: Thursday, 11-20-97 traffic. He thought this was important due to the high volume and high speed of Time: 4:00 p.m. traffic along Highway 101. Resident: Mr. Jim Amundson Address: 8500 Great Plains Blvd. I returned his call and left him a message that there is no signal currently planned for Phone: 934-7794 this crossing. I also indicated the City of Chanhassen long-range plan for closing off Highway 101 to reduce traffic volumes to local traffic only along Highway 101. Conversation with: Dave Nyberg I also encouraged him in my message to attend the neighborhood meetings on December 2nd and 3'd to provide input on these and other important issues. As of the date of this phone memo, he has not returned my message. Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Ms. Mihalko had several questions about the stakes that she noticed in her yard. She voted in favor of the trail, and is still in favor of the trail; however, when she voted, Date: Monday, 12-1-97 she was of the understanding that it would be on the other side of Galpin. The Time: 11:00 a.m. questions focused on several areas: Resident: Ms. Bonnie Mihalko Address: 2198 Brinker St. Trees: Ms. Mihalko said the stakes are very close to some nice evergreen trees that Phone: 470-8061 act as a screen buffer between their property and the street/proposed trail. She was wondering if these will be removed and, if so, will they be replaced. I told her it Conversation with: Dave Nyberg sounded like they are close enough to the boundary of work that we might be able to save them. I told Ms. Mihalko that we would be looking at areas like this on a lot by lot basis, and that it was good she called. She indicated that she might not be at the neighborhood meeting-she needs to care for her children. Fencing: She has noticed the fence over at the Longacres development and would like some kind of fencing like this. She is concerned about security if the trees need to be removed. Would like screening (fence or trees) be installed if existing trees are removed. I told her this is a possibility; however, we would do what we could to save the existing trees first. Stop Sign: The Mihalkos live on a corner lot. The stop sign is in their yard. She asked where the stop sign would be moved if the trail goes where the sign is now. I told her we would need to determine this after the trail location was finalized, and that we could discuss this during a meeting on her property. Street Light: Similar to the stop sign, she wondered where the street light would be moved to. As with the stop sign, I told her we would determine a new location for the street light, if necessary, after the trail alignment is finalized. We would discuss this during a meeting on her property. Trail Crossing at Majestic Way: Ms. Mihalko did not like the location of the proposed crossing. She said this is too dangerous because of the curve to the north. She indicated that her neighborhood currently crosses at Brinker because of the curve in the road. I told her it is good to get comments like this to better understand pedestrian movements in the neighborhood. I also told her that the park across Galpin is also under development considerations at this time, and that a crossing is needed somewhere near the park. She also asked if the park would have trails - I directed her to Todd Hoffman for this question. O:`proj\801380'phone record Page 1 Update: 01/07/98 •- Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project �' ` Howard R.Green Gamy Phone Record CONSULTING ENGINEAS Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Ms. Janson left a message about some questions she had on the proposed trail. She was not specific as to what the questions were. I returned her call at 3:20 Monday Date: December 1, 1997 afternoon and left her a message that I had called. Time: 12:30 p.m. Resident: Ms. Nadia Janson Address: 2173 Brinker Street Phone: 470-8940 Conversation with: Dave Nyberg Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Said she couldn't make the meeting but wanted to give her feedback. Her comments are related to safety where the crossing is planned at Majestic Way. Feels this is the Date: December 3, 1997 most unsafe place to cross between that curve and Hwy 5. Walnut Curve gives the Time: best site distance by far to the north and south to judge the crossing. Is safest place to Resident: Mrs. Nadia Janson have kids cross over. At a minimum, Brinker would be better, but Walnut Curve is Address: 2173 Brinker Street by far the better choice. Is looking forward to having the trail. Will try to get a Phone: 470-8940 comment card filled. Knows that comments made at the meetings tend to get acted on more. Conversation with: Dave Nyberg I did talk to her at the neighborhood meeting. I listened to her concerns about the crossing being moved to the south and we would be looking into that sometime later this week. Trail Segment: Galpin Blvd. At the neighborhood meeting she had asked about the stakes in her yard and why the trail centerline stakes were shown on their side of the fence. I checked with Merle Date: December 3, 1997 and confirmed that he told the surveyors to stake the trail outside the fence closer to Time: 4:54 p.m. the road. I called Jansons and told them that. Steve wasn't home and I explained to Resident: Mrs. Nadia Janson Cinda that it was probably staked right. She said that the orange stakes are outside the Address: 2173 Brinker Street fence which indicates the trail was actually staked outside the fence. The colored Phone: 470-8940 stakes indicating easements are inside the fence closer to their home. I explained that we could do that work, take the fence out, and put the fence back very close to where Conversation with: Dave Nyberg it is now. I also told her that I would go out and look at the site before the meeting if I had time and would call her tomorrow. O:'.proj\S013S0'\phone record Page 2 • Update: 01/07/98 Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Grccn Company Phone Record ► CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Pioneer Trail/Great Property borders Pioneer Trail/Great Plains Trail. Couldn't be at meeting but talked Plains Blvd. to his neighbor, Dave Wondra. Tom has some issues he wants to go over regarding Date: December 4, 1997 property lines and his property and about how easements would affect his property. Time: p.m. Please call at work, 688-8000 ext 107. Resident: Tom Jessen Address: 9570 Foxford Rd. On Monday, 12/08/97, I returned Tom Jessen's call. Tom lives in the Lake Riley Phone: Woods Addition off of Foxford Road. He does not have a lot that we will need an easement from; however, his question was whether or not he would have access to the Conversation with: Dave Nyberg trail system from his lot. He is just south, one lot down actually, from Bill O'Neal who lives on 101. He indicated that Bill O'Neal is kind of a militant type of person and we may have difficulty getting an easement from him. Again, Tom's primary concern was that he would have access to the trail off the back of his property. He thought there was about 12 feet between his property and where the trail would actually go. His other concern was regarding trees. He was concerned about the tree loss down at the corner of Hwy. 101 and Pioneer Trail. He asked whether some of the trees scheduled to be removed could be flagged early in the process and then the residents in the area would have the option to have them removed and placed on their lots. He thought several people within the Lake Riley Woods Addition would be interested in doing this. I told Tom that I would review the maps, and check on the easements and whether or not he would have access as far as getting onto the trail from the back of his property. I told him that I would get back to him in a couple of days with an answer. As far as the trees are concerned, I told him I had a meeting with Todd s:leduled for Tuesday and that I would talk to Todd about that and how we may be ab':. to work that into the contract. Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard On Monday, December 8, 1997, I called Nadia Janson of 2173 Brinker Street. I explained to her that on Wednesday, December 3rd, I went out to her site and looked Date: December 8, 1997 at her fence and where we were proposing the trail. I told her that we did stake the Time: 11:30 a.m. trail correctly. However, after seeing her fence, I thought we would be reworking the Resident: Ms. Nadia Janson design to try and accommodate the trail being completely outside of their fence. I told Address: 2173 Brinker Street her that I had mistaken her fence for a split rail fence which is very easy to move, and Phone: 470-8940 that her fence was very heavy-duty and would be a significant effort to relocate. Therefore, we would try to rework the design so the trail would be completely outside Conversation with: Dave Nyberg her fence, maybe two feet outside from the fence to the edge of the bituminous trail toward the street. She was very pleased with this. I told her that I could not guarantee that was the final design; however, we would definitely be looking at it, and I told her I would follow up with a phone call maybe in a week or so after we have had a chance to look at it. Trail Segment: Lake Riley Please call me at work at 943-8456 on Monday or in evenings at 445-2481 About bike trail along Pioneer Trail. Was hoping you would call so we could take a Date: look at some issues along our property line before submittal of our claim. Time: Resident: John Westerhaus Address: 9730 Meadowlark Lane Phone: 445-2481 Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O:'.proj'.S01=S0'\phone record Page 3 Update: 01/07/98 r4,14'-- ` Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Green Company Phone Record i CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Lake Riley 11:45 a.m.,Monday,December 15 Left message at Jon Westerhaus' office that I had called. Jon was in a meeting. Date: Monday Dec. 15 Time: 11:45 a.m. 2:20 p.m.,Monday,December 15, 1997 Resident: Jon Westerhaus I received a call back from Jon Westerhaus. He asked where we were in the process of Address: 9730 Meadowlark Lane calling people back and setting up meetings. 1 told hint we were in the process this week Phone: 445-2481 of sending written responses to people who completed comment sheets at the meetings. I also told him we would be setting aside blocks of time in January to meet on site to Conversation with: Dave Nyberg discuss the project. Jon said that he would like a meeting like this. he expressed concern that snow would hinder our ability to meet and see things. I told him that we wanted to leave these blocks of time open so both Todd and I could meet with him. He seemed satisfied with this, hoped that we would not get a lot of snow, and then said he would watch for my memo. Trail Segment: Lake Riley Sharon asked whether any decision had been reached with Carver County regarding allowing the trail outside of the trees along Pioneer and within the clear zone. I told Ms. Date: Friday, 12/19/97 Gatto that we would be submitting plans to Carver County in the next few weeks for a Time: 8:30 a.m. formal permit and review process. I told her that we may know more sometime in mid Resident: Sharon Gatto January. She asked if we had any idea whether the county would be receptive to these Address: 9631 Gatto plans and the proposed alignment. I told Ms. Gatto that we were hopeful and that this Phone: segment was better or more likely to be approved with a variance than other segments where the road is narrower and the right-of-way and ditches are steeper. Ms. Gatto Conversation with: Dave Nyberg asked how she might find out where things are in the process with Carver County. I told her she could call me anytime and that I would mention to Todd the possibility of mailing an update to residents if a problem arises with the County. Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Steve Janson called to ask about his fence. He said that he had heard from his wife Nadia that I had told Nadia that we may be moving the trail over far enough to avoid Date: Friday, 12/19/97 removal of his fence. I told him that this was true,that the fence would be placed 2 feet Time: 9:00 a.m. off of his fence,and also indicated that we were considering moving the trail over to the Resident: Steve Janson west side of Galpin in front of the park property. Steve said this was good news. I told Address: 2199 Brinker Street Steve that we would be getting something in the mail to him as a follow-up to our Phone: conversation and my conversation with Nadia. Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O: proj'\801380\phone record Page 4 Update: 01/07/98 ry Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Greeny CONSULTING ENGINEERS� Phone Record Trail Segment: Lake Riley At 8:00 a.m. Mr.lessen called, our receptionist said that the letter we sent needs to be changed, it was wrong. He asked that I call him back by 9:00 a.m. Date: Wednesday, 12/31/97 Time: 8:00 a.m. At 8:30 a.m. I talked to Todd Hoffman about this issue, Mr. Jessen had called Todd Resident: Mr. Tom lessen to tell him that he thought he did have access to the Mn/DOT right-of-way along Address: 9570 Foxford Road Highway 101 and that our memo was wrong. Phone: (w) 688-8000 x 107 At 8:50 a.m. I attempted to call Mr. lessen, he was not available so I left him a voice Conversation with: Dave Nyberg mail message. I told him that I would like to talk to him about his issues with our memo. I indicated to him that I had further reviewed the plat, and there was some confusion between the plat and the 8th Section map as far as showing what access he would have to Mn/DOT right-of-way and the proposed trail. I left the message with Tom that he should give me a call when he can and I would try and call him later that morning. At 10:15 a.m. I again called Mr. Jessen. We talked briefly on the phone about his issue. I said that I would fax him a copy of the 2 different drawings I had that led to the confusion on this issue, and that when he received them he could give me a call and we could discuss them further. I then faxed this information to Tom. 15 minutes later he called back and we then discussed the issue at length. Mr. Jessen said that the Kivell's, who live north of him, indicated that there is a common property line between his property, the Kivell property, and the Wondra property. I told Tom that the 8th Section does appear to indicate this and that is why I indicated to him, in my memo, that he would not have direct access onto the trail. However, we then discussed the plat and the plat indicates that there is a 12.44-foot width of lana )t. the corner of the Jessen property that abuts the Mn/DOT right-of-way. I told Tcm that this would give him direct access to the trail from his property, onto Mn/DOT right-of-way and to the trail. We then talked about the follow-up for this issue. I told Tom that I would send a memo to him, he suggested that I also copy the Kivell's and Wondra's on it. I told Tom that I would talk to Todd about this and if it is okay with Todd I would go ahead and forward this memo out to the residents. I then indicated to Tom that I would check with Carver County and the recorder's office far as what plat had been filed for his development. I told Tom that there was a small chance the plat was changed before it was recorded, however this was very unlikely. I indicated to Tom that I would get back to him after I got word from Carver County about the plat they have on record and the fact that the plat we were both looking. at with the 12.44-foot of width of right-of-way, common to the Mn/DOT Highway 101 right-of- way. Trail Segment: Lake Riley Mr. Dell Schott called and left a message to get back to him. He had received our memo and would like to discuss drainage issues. Date: 12/31/97 Time: 10:30 a.m. Resident: Wendell Schott Address: 9350 Foxford Road Phone: 449-6179 Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O:'.proj\801380\phone record Page 5 Update: 01/07/98 Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Green Company Ph one Record ►' CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Highway 7 Tom called and asked for a brief update on the project and what the intent of the trail is. I explained to him that the trail will extend from Minewasha Parkway to Washta Date: Friday, 1/2/98 Bay Road, the general purpose of the trail, and the schedule to date as far as planning Time: 11:00 a.m. and neighborhood meetings. I told Tom that we would also have some meetings in Resident: Mr. Tom Spencer on January; January 20th and 21st, that are open to the public for comments and review behalf of Lynne Brown of the project. Tom said he and Lynne are concerned about the potential tree loss in Address: 6201 Cypress Drive front of their property and wondered about the fence that we are proposing to relocate. Excelsior I told Tom that according to our drawings, any trees proposed to be removed are not Phone: 443-2956 located on private property, but are in Mn/DOT right-of-way. I also told Tom that it Conversation with: Dave Nyberg appears, from our drawings, that the fence on Lynne Brown's property is not actually on their property but located in Mn/DOT right-of-way by about 10-feet, in the northwest corner of her property. Tom said that he is representing the comments of Lynne Brown because he is Lynne's finance. Tom and Lynne are scheduled to be married in April. The concern he has is that he understands a meeting is set up with Lynne Brown on Saturday, January 10th at 1:00 p.m., however, Tom will not be able to make that meeting. I told Tom that we would like to meet with Lynne as scheduled, review the location of a property corner Tom said does exist on the property, and then if a future meeting was needed with Tom we could schedule that at a future date. Tom asked about completing a lot survey. I told Tom that this would generally cost from S400 - S500 and that he could hire any surveyor to do this work, however, we would be establishing that north property line on their property as part of this project. Tom said that he would think about having that done by some surveyor of his choosing however, at this time we are going to determine where the lot line is first and then establish that for the trail project. I told Tom if he had any future questions to be sure and give me a call. Trail Segment: Connection Trail You had sent me a letter regarding the Chanhassen Trail project. Just called to see if you were in to discuss the drainage problem that I am having with the City. I will be Date: 12-30-07 out of my house —will try to get back to you tomorrow. Time: 2:00 p.m. Resident: Jim Amundson On January 6, 1998, at 9:30 a.m., Dave Nyberg called and left a message. Address: 8500 Great Plains Blvd. Phone: 934-7794 Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O:'.proj18013801phone record Page 6 Update: 01/07/98 ror71- Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Green Company Phone Record CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Galpin Blvd. Trail Please give me a call at 474-1960. I just got a letter from you regarding the Galpin thing. Date: 12-30-97 Time: 3:30 p.m. On Tuesday, January 06, 1998, 9:00 a.m., I called Ms. Schlangen in response to her Resident: Ms. Jane Schlangen phone call regarding the Galpin Trail. Ms. Schlangen had received a memo from me Address: 1941 Melody Hill Circle that indicated that the trail had been deleted north of Lake Lucy Road. She was upset Phone: 474-1960 at this and wanted a clarification of why this occurred. I told her that we had looked at the segments after we realized costs were going to overrun the budget, and deleted Conversation with: Dave Nyberg portions of Galpin Boulevard and the Powers Trail to cut costs. I told her that we may be faced with further cuts because the budget right now is estimated to exceed the dollars available for trail construction. She said that she was very upset about this and said that she would not have voted for the referendum had she known that the trail would not extend in front of her home. I told her that I would talk to Todd Hoffman at the City and have Todd give her a call to further discuss this segment and why it was eliminated and also the issue of potential further reductions on the proposed trail. I asked Ms. Schlangen if she had any other issues she wanted to discuss while we were on the phone, and she said the only other issue she would like to discuss would be on the posted speed on Galpin Boulevard and how several vehicles each day exceed that posted speed. She said she would like the road patrolled more to control the speed. I then told her about the upcoming meetings on January 20 and 21. I told her that those meetings were open to the public and that she would be welcome to attend to express her opinion on the proposed project. Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Ms. Mihalko had received our memo dated 12-22-97. She was pleased that we had moved the trail crossing on Galpin to the north side of Brinker. However, she asked Date: Monday, 01-5-98 where that crossing would occur. The reason is that her property is on the north side Time: 11:00 a.m. of Brinker and she was concerned about the potential trail impact until the crossing. I Resident: Ms. Bonnie Mihalko told Bonnie that we were looking at this now and we were also looking at a possibility Address: 2198 Brinker St. of moving the trail crossing on the south side of Brinker. However, we had a problem Phone: 470-8061 with a driveway on the west side of Galpin at this location and a potential conflict. I told her that the reason the trail crossing is on the north side of Brinker is that there is Conversation with: Dave Nyberg plenty of room on the west side of Galpin where the park property is to cross Galpin at this location. I told Bonnie that I would check and get back to her today on what the status of this revision of the crossing from the north side of Brinker to the south side of Brinker was. She said that sounded good to her. She also asked whether we had taken care of the Janson's problem with their fence on the property south of the Mihalkos. I told her that we had, that they had received a memo similar to the one she received, and that we were proposing to put the trail two feet outside their fence with no disruption to their fence. She was also pleased with this, and asked for me to keep her informed. I told her that I would research the issues she had questions about and get back to her today. Trail Segment: Galpin Boulevard Ms. Janson called and said that she had just received a call from Ms. Mihalko indicating that I had sent a memo to the Jansons regarding the trail relative to their Date: 01-05-98 fence. Ms. Janson said that she had no received the memo and wanted to know if it Time: 11:30 A.M. had been sent. I checked our records and it had been sent; however, when I asked Resident: Ms. Nadia Janson Ms. Janson her address, she said that her address is 2199 Brinker Street. Our memo Address: 2199 Brinker Street had gone to 2173 Brinker Street. I apologized for the error and told her that we Phone: 470-8940 would make the correction and mail out a new memo to her. I also indicated to her that the memo simply stated that we would move the trail out from her fence. There Conversation with: Dave Nyberg was nothing new in the memo. It was about issues that had been previously discussed. I thanked Ms. Janson for her comments and told her that if she had any future questions to be sure and give me a call. O:.proj1801380\phone record Page 7 Update: 01/07;98 . r-r4.9' Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project 1d HowardR.GrcQnCompany Phone Record I. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Highway 7 Cindy called and left a message for me to call her. She had a question about the trail project. She said that she lives along Dogwood Avenue and would like to talk about Date: Monday, 01/05/98 the proposed project and to please give her a call. Time: 11:30 a.m. Resident: Cindy Hanson On Tuesday, January 06, 1998, I returned a call to:Cindy's number. She was not at Address: 6201 Dogwood Ave. home. I left her a message saying that I would like to talk to her about her concerns Phone: 474-9711 on the trail project. I told her to give me a call, and that I would try to call her later. Conversation with: Dave Nyberg Trail Segment: Lake Riley Mr. Jim Dingel had called on Monday, 01/05/98 to discuss the location of his septic system drainfield in relation to the proposed trail. On Tuesday, I called Mr. Dingel to Date: 01/06/98 ask about this. He said that there is a cleanout located in his property that will give an Time: 10:00 a.m. idea of the size or location of the septic mound system. He also said the draintile field Resident: Jim Dingel runs from that system to a low spot along the ditch between his house and the septic Address: 9351 Foxford Road system. He said that prior to construction he could stake off the limits of his system Phone: 984-3422 (work) with flags or some such warning to indicate the limits of where the field is so that it can be protected during construction. I indicated to Jim that we had revised the plan Conversation with: Dave Nyberg set to show the trail closer into the road to save the trees. Jim said that if this was the case, he didn't think there would be any problem with the drainfield. He was most concerned with the original plan showing the trail behind the trees. I asked Jim if he had any other issues to discuss and he said that the only other thing he could think of was that he has a hidden fence for his dog and the trail may come close to this. This would have to be removed prior to trail construction. I told Jim that we would give him enough notice to have that moved and he said that would be fine. He could have someone come out to move it and get it out of the way before our trail project comes through. I told Jim about the meetings coming up on January 20 and 21. He said that he will be out of the country then and would not be able to attend. I told him that if he had any other questions on any issues or any mailings that went out to not hesitate to give me a call. Trail Segment: Highway 7 At 2:30 p.m., I called Cindy to ask her why she had called or what her concern was. She told me that she would like to met with us on Saturday if possible. She had heard Date: 01/06/98 that we were meeting with HUD at 1:30, and was wondering if we could meet after Time: 2:30 p.m. that to discuss the proposed trail in front of her property. I told her that I would check Resident: Cindy Hanson with Norma at the City and see if an appointment was still available at 2:00 or 2:15, Address: 6201 Dogwood Ave. and then I told her that I would call her back to confirm. I then asked her if there was Phone: 474-9711 anything I could help her with over the telephone prior to meeting on Saturday. She said that her primary concern was the possibility of the power poles being moved and Conversation with: Dave Nyberg what impact the poles would have on her property. She is concerned that the poles would move closer to her property and affect some spruce trees that they have recently planted. At 3:00 p.m., I called Cindy back and confirmed that we had scheduled her for a meeting on Saturday, January 10, at 2:00 p.m. Trail Segment: Date: Time: Resident: Address: Phone: Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O:'proj0013S0`,phone record Page 8 Update: 01/07/98 r-'' Chanhassen 1998 Trail Project Howard R.Grccn Company Phone Record L CONSULTING ENGINEERS Trail Segment: Date: Time: Resident: Address: Phone: Conversation with: Dave Nyberg O:`.proj1S0I3801phone record Page 9 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Lynn Brown, 6201 Cypress Drive (742-6103) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We understand from Todd Hoffman, Chanhassen Park and Recreation Director, that you would like to meet with us to discuss the proposed trail along Highway 7. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January, sometime between January 7th and January 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. Until then, if you have any questions or would like to discuss the project, please give me a call at 644-4389. r ;:tior, e:,,,t‘g':''-r. . rtk 1 Howard d R. Green Company •- , CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O'proj\2o1350\.333-2211.dec M1 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Ms. Bonnie Mihalko, 2198 Brinker Street, Chanhassen FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT Thank you for your input on the proposed trail project in the City of Chanhassen. We have reviewed the design of the trail along Galpin Boulevard and have revised the preliminary design to include a trail crossing at Brinker. As you know, we had originally proposed a trail crossing at Majestic Way. Several residents, including yourself, were opposed to this crossing here due to sight distance. We maintain that the sight distance here was adequate, however, it is even better at Brinker Street. The revision will include extending the proposed trail on the west side of Galpin Boulevard south along the front of the proposed park. At a location just north of Brinker Street, the trail will turn and connect to Galpin Boulevard, providing a ramp to cross Galpin to the north side of Brinker Street. We would like to extend the trail far enough south to cross Brinker Street south of Brinker Street, however, the park land limits do not extend far enough south. If you would like to discuss this issue or any other issues, please don't hesitate to give me a call. My phone number is 644-4389. Again, thank you for your input on this project. ,: = I Howarc R, Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:N.prof5 38G'380-2211.cec M2 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Steve and Nadia Janson, 2173 Brinker Street, Chanhassen FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT As we discussed on the telephone, we have revised the proposed trail alignment to allow for your fence to remain in place throughout construction of the project. The fence will remain in place and we will not need to complete any grading work on your side of the fence. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your input on this project. Input from residents is critical for making this project a success. As you know, we had originally proposed a trail crossing at Majestic Way. Several residents, including yourself, were opposed to this crossing here due to sight distance. We maintain that the sight distance here was adequate, however, it is even better at Brinker Street. The revision will include extending the proposed trail on the west side of Galpin Boulevard south along the front of the proposed park. At a location just north of Brinker Street, the trail will turn and connect to Galpin Boulevard, providing a ramp to cross Galpin to the north side of Brinker Street. We would like to extend the trail far enough south to cross Brinker Street south of Brinker Street, however, the park land limits do not extend far enough south. If you would like to discuss this issue or any other issues, please don't hesitate to give me a call. My phone number is 644-4389. Again, thank you for your input on this project. le! - Hic\/varc R. Green Cc .pct.riy I CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O.^.prof 801380\380-2211.dec M3 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Mr. Tom Jessen, 9570 Foxford Road FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT Thank you for your call and question about access from your property onto the proposed trail system along Highway 101. We have reviewed our drawings and it appears you will not have direct access via easement from the back corner of your property onto the trail. As best we can tell, there are several feet between your back property corner and the road right-of-way. Unless you ve a direct connection with road right-of-way or the proposed trail easement, you ' I not have direct access to the trail at the back of your property. You would, f cours have access to the trail via the city street system. If you have any quer ions a this i formation, please give me a call. My phone number is 644-4389. fir:• Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:\pro EC1C8C'°cC-2211 .._- M4 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Al Gomez, 8748 Valley View Place, Chanhassen, MN 55317 FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: BLUFF CREEK TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT This correspondence is in response to your letter dated December 1, 1997. In that letter, you requested a meeting with us in person to discuss the above project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January, sometime between January 7th and January 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. Until then, if you have'any questions or would like to discuss the project, please give me a call at 644-4389. rowarc R.Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'.prcj1801330\330-2211.dec M5 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Roger Novotny, 560 Pineview Court, Chanhassen, MN FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT This correspondence is in response to your letter dated October 30, 1997. In that letter, you requested an opportunity to review the proposed layout of the trail. We are currently working on design of the trail at this time. The current proposed design includes leaving the trail in Highway 101 right-of-way and removal of trees in the right- of-way. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January, sometime between January 7th and January 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting, if you are interested in meeting with us. Until then, if you have any questions, or would like to discuss the project, please give me a call at 644-4389. ..,,,,-„„ .. _, .,,,,„ 1 Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:',prof 80138c\3ao-221 1 dec M6 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Jim Ronning, 6640 Galpin Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We understand from a phone call received at the City of Chanhassen that you requested a redesign of the trail alignment along Galpin Boulevard in front of your property. We wanted to let you know that we have revised the proposed design of the Galpin Boulevard trail to end at Lake Lucy Road, rather than continue north to the Chanhassen-Shorewood corporate boundary. This decision was made based on the limited amount of funds available for the trail project and also the number of users expected for each trail segment. The trail segment originally proposed north of Lake Lucy Road was projected to have fewer users than the segment south of Lake Lucy Road. If you have any questions about this change, or would like to discuss the project further, please don't hesitate to give me a call. My phone number is 644-4389. Ho`/ arc A. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:,proj'.80133G\380-221 1.dec M7 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Christa Wilson, 6956 Pima Lane, Chanhassen, MN FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: POWERS BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We were forwarded your letter to Mayor Nancy Mancino on the proposed trail project. Thank you for taking the time to write your letter, dated December 3, 1997. We hope this correspondence will provide you some information on the proposed trail project. Traffic issues along Powers Boulevard continue to be a concern of the City of Chanhassen. Unfortunately, the road is under the jurisdiction of Carver County. Carver County road authorities have direct decision making power for issues such as speed, traffic volume, and traffic lights. Snowmobile traffic along Powers Boulevard is another issue that has been around longer then the idea of a trail. The proposed trails will be plowed of snow, and may actually act as a deterrent to snowmobile traffic along the east side of Powers Boulevard. The City will continue to look into ways to control the activities of snowmobilers along City and County roads. At the neighborhood meetings in early December,we presented an alternative alignment for the proposed Powers Boulevard Trail. This alignment would have the trail moved farther toward the road, to save trees and fences along the alignment. Carver County is currently reviewing this proposed design change. We are hopeful that this change will be allowed by Carver County. As the road authority, the County has the final decision of how close the trail can be to the road. But we will continue to work with the County to try and save as many trees and fences as possible. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road, Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. _y' Y3! .? y=� , Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:'proi\831380\380-2211.dec. M8 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Jim Amundson, 8500 Great Plains Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: CONNECTION TRAIL SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT I received a copy of your letter to Mr. Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director at the City of Chanhassen. Your first issue is a concern with the traffic volume and sight distance at 86th Street. This is a valid concern and one shared by the City of Chanhassen. They have asked us to do a sight distance and stopping distance study at this location. We are currently working with Mn/DOT to find design information on highway 101 to identify the parameters of the vertical and horizontal curves on this alignment. Your second issue involves drainage on your property. I would be interested in hearing more information about your drainage problems that extend into your backyard. Please give me a call at 644-4389 so we can discuss this issue further. The trail is designed along the west and south side of Highway 101 to carry pedestrians from the Chanhassen Hills development north into the City without crossing 101 until 86th Street. 86th Street is a logical crossing point because there is a sidewalk here for the new development east of Highway 101. Although the land east of Highway 101 is farmland, the farm house and buildings at the corner are so close to the road that extending a trail through here would put the trail very close to these buildings. Although there are more homes on the west side of Highway 101, none of these homes is as close to the road and proposed trail as would be the case on the east side. I hope the above information is helpful to you. Please don't hesitate to give me a call if you would like to discuss any of these matters. My phone number is 644-4389. .1_101171- Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toil Free 1-800/888-368-4389 o:\prcj\3Q1 3Q`.33O-2211.dec M9 MEMORANDUM December 22, 1997 RESIDENT: Jerome Carlson, 6950 Galpin Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. — Project Manager SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT We received a message from Mr. Todd Hoffman that you had called his office with a request to save some willow trees and minimize tree loss on the proposed Galpin Boulevard trail project. We are in the process of completing our design of the proposed trail. Please give me a call so we can discuss the specific trees in question that you would like us to look at. You can reach me at 644-4389. I look forward to hearing from you. • Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGIN=EFS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612;644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'prcj\2C 1_'.801380-2211.dec M 1 0 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Rod and Janet Kivell, 9441 Great Plains Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (496-1142) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Concerned about salvaging trees and landscaping when finished. Add to mailing list. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We understand, from our discussions with you at the meeting, that you would like to save the wood from the trees proposed to be removed. What we are proposing at this time is that we would mark the trees to be removed for the trail prior to the start of the project. Property owners will then have a period of time to remove the trees themselves before the contractor is in the projected area. We will be continuing to discuss the project with you as an appraiser evaluates the cost of the easements we will need for the trail. When the appraisers work is complete, we will better be able to discuss specific trees and landscaping issues with you. 's. ; Howard R. Green Company i CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:',prcj1501380138C-1911.decJakeriley.res�cnse LR1 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Jon Westerhaus, 9730 Meadowlark Lane, Chanhassen 55317 (Home 445-2481/Work 943-8456) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Concerns: Septic— Disturbance Optimize waterflow q• Saving trees Requested meeting via phone conversation. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. When we meet with you on-site it would be appropriate at that time to discuss the specific concerns you listed on your comment sheet when you attended the meeting in early December. Howarc w r �� o ..� G R, Green Company te=`' CONSULTING ING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O;'pro00133C',330-79 1.dec..lakerilev.res;onse LR2 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Bill and Nancy Parker, 540 Pineview Court, Chanhassen(445-2148) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: We are very supportive of the trail. Our only real concern is for our beautiful large pine trees that edge our forest. Please meet with us to look at them — we think they can be saved and still have plenty of room for an 8' trail safely away from 101. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We have met with representatives of Mn/DOT to discuss the trail location along the highway in back of your property. They have indicated that the trail must not be placed too close to the road. Therefore, it is probably impossible to save all the trees that are in Mn/DOT right-of-way in the back of your property. However, we will do the best we can to try and save as many trees as possible and at the same time not jeopardize safety of the trail or the Department of Transportation requirements. We are currently in the process of finalizing design on the Pioneer Trail Segment of the Lake Riley Trail. Please give me a call so that we can further discuss this issue and our proposed plan for drainage along the trail off of the highway. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:+oroJ\801380\380-1911.decJakeriley.response LR3 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: David & Sharon Gatto, 9631 Foxlord Road, Chanhassen, MN (Home 445-0510/David Work 552-2100) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Slope from the trail on Pioneer down to my property. Water drainage from culvert wetland area on the corner. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are currently finalizing design on the trail. Drainage issues are a primary concern of ours. Please give me a call so we can further discuss these issues. My phone number is 644-4389. I look forward to hearing from you. I ;` ' Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\prcj\.8013801380-1911.dec.Iakeriley.respcnse LR4 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Dell Schott, 9350 Foxford (496-2213) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Lot 1 — Lake Riley Woods Second Addition concern for sitting path in bottom of road ditch. Area floods. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are currently finalizing design on the trail. Drainage issues are a primary concern of ours. Please give me a call so we can further discuss these issues. My phone number is 644-4389. I look forward to hearing from you. ST j - Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:!oroj18013801380-1911.dec.lakeniey.rescense LR5 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Bruce Fella and Jacqueline Munneke, 9411 Kiowa Trail (445-7239) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Bruce: Concerns with large trees and creek at the beginning of trail. Jacqueline: Concern about ditch. (written on plans) ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. The proposed trail location has not changed since the neighborhood meetings held in early December. Therefore, we will be removing trees along the trail corridor prior to constructing the trail. An appraiser will be evaluating the value of your land along with the trees to be removed for compensation to be provided to you before the trail project can begin. The appraiser or the City Attorney may be contacting you at a future date to discuss these issues. At that time it would be appropriate to discuss specific trees and impacts to your property. The current proposed plan for the ditch is to extend the 18" metal culvert from the road farther down the ditch and to create a wider embankment for the trail. . Howard o and R, Green Goy rpany I "`' CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 6121644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'prcp.80138C1380-1911.dec lakeniey.response LRS COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Jim and Janet Dingel, 9351 Foxford Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (496-0051) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: 1. Need to avoid traffic on septic mound and alternate drain field. 2. On our lot, the trail needs to be closer to the road to avoid being on a steep slope (down). ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. 1. Please give us a call and let us know the general location of your septic mound and alternate drain field. Obviously we do not want the construction equipment that will be building the trail to cross over your drain field because of the possibility of rupture of a tile line. So please let us know, as best you can, the location of your septic system. 2. You may remember at our neighborhood meeting, in early December, that we were proposing an alternative alignment that showed the trail closer to the road. This trail is the one that will be submitted to Carver County for review. With the trail closer to the road it may be possible to save some trees. We will continue to coordinate closely with Carver County on this issue. A' :' r . Y?.,•::i:... < ` Howard R.Green Company '"`Y CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'proj1801380!380-1911.dec.lakeriiey.respcnse LR7 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Steve Burke, 9591 Meadowlark FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: LAKE RILEY SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Add to Lake Riley Trail mailing list. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. You will receive all additional mailings on the Lake Riley Trail Segment. 711 "....7;'• Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:\\oroj\801380\380-1911 dec.lakeriley resconse LR8 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Tim Devine, 6231 Hummingbird Road, Excelsior/Chanhassen (474-2323/252-5001) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Please call me at 252-5001. Concerned about protective enough retaining wall on my property. Already have erosion problems. Safety is also an issue. THANKS. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We have recently modified the proposed trail on Galpin Boulevard to end at Lake Lucy Road. We have eliminated the segment north of Lake Lucy Road due to the low pedestrian traffic we anticipate will use the trail, and for cost saving measures to complete the trail within the established referendum budget. If you have any questions about this revision, please give me a call. • Howard R.Green Company J CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\oroj\801380\380-i 807.cec.gaipin.response G1 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Joan Hanson, 6281 Hummingbird Road, Excelsior (470-2000) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Please call/visit to discuss sewer issues! ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We have recently modified the proposed trail on Galpin Boulevard to end at Lake Lucy Road. We have eliminated the segment north of Lake Lucy Road due to the low pedestrian traffic we anticipate will use the trail, and for cost saving measures to complete the trail within the established referendum budget. If you have any questions about this revision, please give me a call. 1. AliHoward R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\proj\801330\380-1807.dec.y a,p:n.respc nse G2 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Julie Thorndycraft, 1940 Whitetail Ridge Court, Chanhassen 55331 (470-1152) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: We have been waiting a long time for a trail along Galpin — it will be much safer than walking along the shoulder! ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Thank you for your support for the proposed trail along Galpin Boulevard. We agree that the trail will be much safer for pedestrians to travel south into town than walking along the shoulder of Galpin Boulevard. Again, we appreciate your support and look forward to completing the trail in 1998. ��1r L. jF Hovvarc R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'Wray'.501220\380-18C7.cec.galpin.res„onse G3 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Benno Sand, 1910 Moline Circle, Chanhassen (474-7058) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Reduce the speed on Galpin. Have Trail go to Mayflower. Put stoplight at Pheasant Drive or flashing lights for crossing so all from Pheasant Hill that access trail remain safe. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. As far as the speed on Galpin Boulevard is concerned, the road is currently a County Highway, therefore, the City is not in a position to change the posted speed. However, Galpin Boulevard is scheduled to be turned back to the City sometime in the future. After this occurs, the City could do a speed study to determine what the driveable speeds on Galpin Boulevard are. We have recently modified the proposed trail on Galpin Boulevard to end at Lake Lucy Road. We have eliminated the segment north of Lake Lucy Road due to the low pedestrian traffic we anticipate will use the trail, and for cost saving measures to complete the trail within the established referendum budget. ' - Howard R. Green Corn zany CONSULTING L INu ENG1NEE?S 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:`proj1801380\380-1807.dec.ealpin.response G4 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Jan Schlarger, 1941 Melody Hill Circle, Excelsior, MN 55331 (474-1960) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: The SPEED has to be controlled!!! I like the idea of the trail going all the way to Mayflower on the north side. We have 4 small boys and now we bike or walk down the street if we want to risk it!! We would love the trail!! Thank you for doing this. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. As far as the speed on Galpin Boulevard is concerned, the road is currently a County Highway, therefore, the City is not in a position to change the posted speed. However, Galpin Boulevard is schedule to be turned back to the City sometime in the future. After this occurs, the City could do a speed study to determine what the driveable speeds on Galpin Boulevard are. We have recently modified the proposed trail on Galpin Boulevard to end at Lake Lucy Road. We have eliminated the segment north of Lake Lucy Road due to the low pedestrian traffic we anticipate will use the trail, and for cost saving measures to complete the trail within the established referendum budget. ...„„5,„ • , , ...... h Howard R.Green Company ""'r CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\prof':801380\380-1807.dec.gaipin.response G5 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Gary Nyberg, 6410 Galpin Boulevard, Excelsior, MN 55331 (474-0396) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: We are concerned about the specific issues related to our property such as; status of existing trees, fences, physical attributes, design of path, i.e. retaining walls, drainage, etc. design of intersection of our driveway with the path etc. We would appreciate a site visit. We support having a trail, however, we would like to better understand the specific design. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule a meeting. j Howard R. Green Com r)any CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\proj\801380`,380-1807.dec.galpin.resocnse G6 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: John & Dani Hennessy, 7305 Galpin Boulevard (474-7345) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: GALPIN BOULEVARD SEGMENT 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Would like a visit. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule a meeting. j `: `•-� Howard R. Green Company CONSULTiNG ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:\pro)\8013801380-1807.dec.galpin.resoonse G7 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Dave Drealan, 1110 Chaparral Court, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (Home 474-9255/Work 361-1823) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT—1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: The trail clearly needs to be on the east side of Powers-that is where the people are. We surely don't need more people crossing Powers. Propose it on the west side and you will just get a different set of people in to complain. The key is to get the appropriate arrangements with the County in order to accommodate the re-routing of the trail in critical areas. I live on the north east corner of Power and Kerber, the existing Kerber trail is in my back yard (quite a distance from my house). I have had virtually no problems from the use of the trail. Thr.: addition of the new trail will provide a north south connection and may actually keep some snowmobiles out of my yard. I notice in the detail plans potential impact on some existing trees. I am counting on some design and construction flexibility in dealing with this situation. Thank you for the meeting! Please keep me informed. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are continuing to coordinate with Carver County for the relocation of the trail closer to the road in critical areas. This would enable us to save a considerable number of trees. We sincerely appreciate your positive comments as far as having no problems from the use of the existing trail along Kerber. We are also interested in being flexible during construction of this trail to provide for less tree loss wherever possible. However, these situations must be reviewed with the idea that safety of the trail cannot be sacrificed. Please give me a call so we can discuss this issue and the potential impact on some existing trees. My phone number is 644-4389. I look forward to hearing from you. 41911117 4'..�� s Howard R. � . Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul. Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:'\prci18013801380-1910.dec powers.res:o:se P1 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Paul Pettinger, 7267 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen (470-1823) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Steep Bank — Very concerned about additional water runoff. Right now in spring and heavy rain periods we have a lot of water accumulating and sitting in our front yard for weeks. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. The trail as it is currently proposed is located toward the road and down the slope from your property, into the ditch. Therefore, any additional runoff that the trail will create will flow away from your property. Please give me a call sometime so we can further discuss drainage issues along your property. We would appreciate your input with regard to drainage issues. -- • Howard R. Green Company 4.„' CONSULTING ENGINE-ERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\crc11E01330,330-1910.dec.pcwers.respcnse P2 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 • RESIDENT: John and Kiersten Farr, 7325 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (470-6130/942-7833) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Trail will violate our privacy, increase noise and material pollution,will increase drainage problems, and safety issues. Vandalism. Ruin any chances of pulling out equity of the sale of our houses, etc. Not right. The people proposing this should try living there now and realize what a problem this is. Why don't you put a trail "over" Powers (like you did on Highway 5) and reroute the trail along the west side of Powers. Less people/property owners. They have bigger easements (their living rooms aren't currently 30 feet off the road) and you have that large field of Eckankar. Don't put it on the east side. Don't rip out trees. Don't take our minimal privacy away. This would be a large mistake!!! ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are continuing to coordinate with Carver County, on a relocation of the trail closer to the road on the east side of Powers Boulevard. This would allow for the trees along your back lot line to remain in place thereby continuing to provide a screening for your backyard. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann. and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road, Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. -.11111 •V*,�.r Howard R Green I ;�5 5: R. Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O.\proj\8Q1380\380-151 Q.dec.powers.resconse P3 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Jennie Hays, 6691 Powers Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (474-8905) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: To close to my house. Drainage ditch for this is a problem. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are now in the process of finalizing the preliminary trail design along Powers Boulevard. Once the design is complete, this will be forwarded to Carver County for a final review. Many of the issues we are right now looking at on the design include drainage type issues. We would appreciate a call to further discuss the drainage issues pertaining to your property. Please give me a call at 644-4389. I look forward to hearing from you. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\proj'8013801380-1910.dec.cowers.reswcnse P4 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Steve Peterson, 7305 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen, MN (470-6766) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: The removal of all the trees and placement of the trail within 15' of my deck will result in drainage problems. You need to meet with me! ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. We will discuss the above issue with you at this meeting. } Howarc R. Green Company �; I 1 I CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\proj18013:E0\380-1910.dec.pcwers.response P5 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Joe and Gayle Morin, 1441 Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen, 55317 (474-1186) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: A short trail segment is urgently needs on the west side of Powers Boulevard to connect Lake Lucy Road and the Greenwood Shores area (to the northern most road in Greenwood Shores). This segment would give access to Lake Ann Park for al the residents in Willow Ridge, Curry Farms, Shadow Ridge, Pointe Lake Lucy, Pheasant Hills, Knob Hill, etc. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. If we understand you correctly, the trail segment you are requesting is not that short. This trail would be approximately 1,800 feet long. There are not enough funds right now for authorization of a trail along both sides of Powers Boulevard. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard. compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road, Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district. which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. • I = Howard R. Green 1 Com zany • CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\projm1320\380-1910.dec.pev:ers.response P6 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Janet Walter, 1044 Pontiac Lane, Chanhassen (470-6718) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Pine trees not in proposed change, will they be removed or not? If so, what will go in their place? Would prefer they are not removed. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are continuing to coordinate closely with Carver County, on a possible redesign that will move the trail closer to the road, thereby saving several trees on the lots south of your property. We are hoping to send revised plans to the County for their review in January. The County is currently reviewing the identical plans that we provided at the neighborhood meetings in December. These plans showed the alternate alignments closer to the road, with the trees saved. There may be provisions in the proposed trail project for providing some landscaping for trees that are lost. However, it is unlikely that the trees that would be provided would be the size of several of the trees that would need to be removed along the properties south of your property. The trail, as it is currently proposed, will be located on the downslope away from your property and down into the ditch. Therefore, any runoff that the trail generates will flow toward the road, into the ditch bottom, and away from your property. With regard to your issues of privacy and loss of property value, residents will be allowed to construct a fence along the trail, provided it is outside of the permanent trail easement. Some form of privacy fence could provide additional privacy to residents where the trail is proposed. The fence would need to meet the requirements of the City of Chanhassen ordinance regarding fences. %�- Howard R. Green company J CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0:%proj13013801380-1910.dec.pcwers.response P7 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Robert and Donna Hoban, 7293 Pontiac Circle (474-9778) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: The trail should be placed on the west side of the highway. No power poles, no fences, no trees, no drainage problems — less property impacted by this route. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: • Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road. Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. iiiii I Howard R. Green Com.-)any "y I CONSULT!NG ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toil Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\prof,8013301330-1910.dec.powers.resccnse P8 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Douglas Holcomb, 1051 Butte Court (470-0458) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: I am very positive about the plan. Virtually no affect on my property. I wish we had the trail when my own kids were small. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We sincerely appreciate your support for the proposed trail project. We hope to have the project completed in 1998. Again, thank you for your support. • - Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O.\oroj18013801380-1910.dec.pcwers.response P9 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Donna Hoban, 7293 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (474-9778) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: The trail should be on the west side of County Road 17. The townhomes east of County Road 17 will have a severe drainage problem. We will fight you all the way on this. The tall evergreens should not be touched. It is our sound barrier. You have no concern for homeowners and tax payers. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road. Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. In regard to your concern about tree loss, we are continuing our efforts with Carver County to move the trail closer to the road to avoid trees. '.t. Howard R. reen Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\prcj\801380\340-i 910.dec.powers.rescor,se P10 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Jean Pfleiderer, 7267 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (470-1823) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: The Powers Boulevard Trail should be put on the west side of Powers. I also am in favor of a ban on snowmobiles on Powers Boulevard. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE; Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road, Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. The snowmobile issue is a separate issue and concern that has been identified in the past and will continue to be reviewed by the City of Chanhassen. The trails will be plowed, preventing direct use of the trails by snowmobiles. •- Howard R. Green Cornzany CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 0.:`.proj18C1380'350-1910.cec.powers.response P 11 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Roger J. Lins, 7273 Pontiac Circle, Chanhassen, MN 55317 (474-6396) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: Consider west side of Powers Boulevard. Consider control of snowmobiles on proposed trail — snowmobiles are now racing down our side of Powers Boulevard all hours of the night. Consider disruption of landscaping on our bank which already is in fragile condition. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. One of the first considerations in designing these trail segments was "which side of the road should the trail be on." A variety of issues were studied prior to making a recommendation on the alignment of each trail. These issues include: topography, land use patterns, projected pedestrian movements, potential trail connections, and existing utilities. In the case of Powers Boulevard, topographical features on the east and west side of the road are similar in character. The ditch section is similar in depth, width, and drainage. Areas of poor drainage exist on both sides of the road. In addition, stands of mature trees are present at the edge of the existing right-of-way intermittently along both sides of the road. Land use differences are more pronounced throughout the corridor, with much of the land west of Powers Boulevard consisting of single family subdivisions, both small and large lot, or undeveloped property. Lake Ann Park, Lake Ann, and Lake Lucy create a natural barrier to further density increases west of Powers Boulevard. On the contrary, land use patterns on the east side of Powers Boulevard are considerably more dense and well-established. Currently, 940 dwelling units exist within one-half mile of the eastern edge of Powers Boulevard, compared to 265 dwelling units within the same distance from the west side. These findings reveal that the majority of pedestrians/bicycle trips will originate from the east side of Powers Boulevard. In addition, four trail connections currently exist on this side of the road including: Carver Beach Road, Kerber Boulevard, Saddlebrook Trail, and Saddlebrook Curve; compared to a single existing connection at Lake Lucy Road on the west. The power poles that currently exist on the east side of the road will require attention during the design and construction phases of this project. Northern States Power (NSP) will relocate any poles that need to be moved. Lastly, the No. 1 destination for pedestrians utilizing this future trail will be the central business district, which is also situated east of Powers Boulevard. The snowmobile issue is a separate issue and concern that has been identified in the past and will continue to be reviewed by the City of Chanhassen. The trails will be plowed, preventing direct use of the trails by snowmobiles. If areas of maintained lawn are impacted by the project, these areas will be regraded and sodded. do— J.. • Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'proj1801380,390-1910.dec.pewers.res:cnse P12 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 19, 1997 RESIDENT: Beth Hamilton, 6954 Pima Lane, Chanhassen (470-2137) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: POWERS SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS: I'm concerned about drainage, privacy (or lack of), loss of property value — not to mention my personal safety from putting the trail so close to my home. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We are in the process of finishing our preliminary design to submit to Carver County. One of the items we are currently looking at are drainage issues along the proposed alignment. We would appreciate a call sometime to hear first hand from you about any drainage problems you have experienced. My phone number is 644-4389. As far as your concern about privacy and loss of property value, residents will be allowed to construct a fence along the trail, along the edge of the permanent trail easement (about 2 feet off of the edge of the trail). Construction of a fence may provide additional privacy. The fence would need to be in conformance with city ordinance requirements for fencing. j = Howard R. Green Corr pane CONSULTING ENGINEERS J 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:l.prof.801380\380-1910.dec.pawers.respanse P13 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Dave Hoelke, 3621 Ironwood Road, Excelsior, MN (470-6871) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: I missed the Highway 7 meeting and would appreciate any information on this path. Snowmobile trails/use (existing trail) ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. The proposed Highway 7 trail segments will extend from Lake Minnewashta Parkway east to Washta Bay Road. The proposed trail will extend along the south side of Highway 7. For most of the alignment the trail will be back along the right-of-way edge, just inside the Mn/DOT right-of-way. Between Elm Tree Avenue and Dogwood Avenue the trail will move down along the City street just north of the park property. Construction of the trail is proposed in 1998. As far as your concern about snowmobile trails and snowmobile use of the trails, the trail will be plowed in the winter time so we are not anticipating that sncwmobile traffic will be on the trail itself. However, it is likely that snowmobiles will continue to use the Mn/DOT right-of-way along Highway 7 for travel. All le'i' '.;#'' Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:‘proj\801380\380-18C6.aec.hwy7.response H1 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Cindy Hanson, 6201 Dogwood Avenue, Excelsior, MN 55331 (474-9711) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Concerned about Norway Pine on corner, Silver Maple at back. Movement of power lines. Privacy in both corners of property because tail runs so close. Need advance notice to be able to move small perennial plantings. Concerned about digging near spruce tree roots. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. At this time the proposed trail does not include obtaining a temporary or permanent easement from your property. Therefore, any trees that we are proposing to remove along your property line would be located in the Mn/DOT right-of-way. As far as your power pole issue is concerned, we are coordinating relocation of several power poles along all trail alignments with Mr. Jim Carlson of NSP. We may slightly revise the alignment of the trail to avoid the power poles or we may actually move the power poles over to accommodate the trail. There is no plan at this time to bury the wires underground and remove the poles altogether. We will be providing notice to property owners along all trail corridors through a construction bulletin prior to the beginning of construction. These bulletins will also be used to keep residents up to date on the progress of the construction and when the segment in your neighborhood will be constructed. Your concern about Spruce tree roots is valid. However, if we are putting the trail in the Mn/DOT right-of- way, it is not likely that we will disturb any trees other than the trees that are already in the Mn/DOT right- of-way. These trees would likely be scheduled for removal. 4' ti--� Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'.prcj1E013801380-18C6.dec.hwy7.reszcnse H2 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Bob Swearengin, 3530 Maplewood Circle (474-7115) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Access to north side via underpass would benefit all. Vegetative barrier must not be violated. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We agree with you that an access underneath Highway 7 or over Highway 7 would be a benefit to all residents along Highway 7. However, there is no plan at this time for constructing such an underpass or overpass. According to our plans, it appears that some trees may need to be removed along your property line. However, it appears that this vegetative buffer zone will not entirely be removed and that we will only need to remove a portion of the vegetation necessary to install the trail. Howard R, Green Cormany CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:`.proj',801380\380-1806.dec.hwy i.resporse H3 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Steve Marben & Rosie Dehn, 6201 Fir Tree Avenue, Excelsior, MN (474-6271) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Would like to discuss whether our row of cedars would need to go. If so, what considerations would there be for a noise barrier. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Our plan sheets show the trail extending along your property in the Mn/DOT right-of- way. However, we may need a temporary easement from you to complete some grading on your property to better match the trail. We will do as much as possible to try and maintain the integrity of your cedar trees without jeopardizing the safety and integrity of the trail. This will become more clear as we finalize design on this project. -ZX��• Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:`,oroj\801360\380-18C6.dec.hwy7.rescc nse H4 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Roger Smith, 6200 Elm Tree Avenue, 55331(Cell Phone:210-7008) (Home-Nights 470-6689) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: 1. Very concerned taking trees down because of noise abatement (should be room between 2-rows of trees). 2. Have new wood fence in temporary easement. Need temporary fence during construction because of LARGE DOG. (OUT OF TOWN 12/18 — 12/28) ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. 1. We understand your concern for removal of the trees and your concern of added noise because of the removal. Our plans indicate that the trees to be removed are now located in the Mn/DOT right-of-way and are near where our trail is proposed. We will be meeting on-site with Mr. Hud Hollesback to discuss the issue of the trees and the placement of the trail along the north side of the road, north of the park, just east of your property. At that time, we would also like to talk to you about your trees and an alternative to the proposed trail alignment. 2. If we must remove the wood fence in the temporary easement, we will be providing a temporary construction fence during construction for this work. We will also coordinate this issue with you through a construction bulletin newsletter that will be mailed to all residents to keep them updated of the status of the project as construction gets closer. = Gr �n R. Howard c� Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'proj\8013801380-18C6 dec.hwy7. H5 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Hildegard Forner, 6200 Fir Tree Avenue, Excelsior (474-8667) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Concerned about shrubs, large evergreen on corner, and fence. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Our current plan for the trail shows that the trail will be constructed completely within Mn/DOT right-of-way. At this time we are not anticipating that we will require a temporary easement from you. Our drawings indicate that the fence is completely within your property and does not extend into Mn/DOT right-of-way. Therefore, any brush, shrubs, or evergreens we remove are already located in Mn/DOT right-of-way. We will not be removing any trees that are located on your property. I Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1325 Enercy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'.oroji801330‘3380-1306.dec.hwy7.resoonse H6 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Hud Holleseback, 6330 Elm Tree Avenue (474-5797) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: We would like to meet with you one on one at the entrances to the Heights to address these entrances as far as our beautification program is concerned. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. Meetings with individual residents will be scheduled the early in January sometime between January 7th and 10th. A representative from the City of Chanhassen will be contacting you to schedule this meeting. Howard R. Green Company CONSULTiNG ENGiNEEPS 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:'proj'\801380\380-1806.dec.hvrj7.rs:orse H7 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Bill Hickey, 6301 Elm Tree Avenue, Excelsior, MN 55331 (474-8269) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: 1. I was notified of this meeting by a neighbor. I would suggest in the future a mailing. 2. The concept is great, my concern primarily is the removal of mature trees for aesthetic and sound barrier reasons. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. 1. We have added your name to the mailing list. You should receive all future mailings for the trail project along Highway 7. 2. Thank you for your support of the concept. We understand your concerns over removal of mature trees that prevent noise from traveling from the highway to the residents that live along the highway. We will be doing everything possible to save as many trees as we can. However, it is important that the trail safety and integrity is not sacrificed for the trees. Along Highway 7, very few trees that are owned by individual property owners will be removed. Some trees that are now located within Mn/DOT right-of-way will need to be removed so that the trail can be built far enough away from the highway so as to not jeopardize safety of both the vehicles and the pedestrians. s.j Howard R.J Grcon Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1326 Eneray Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:\projf801380\380-18C6.cec.hwy7.resperse H8 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Tom and Rose Ann Ruhland, 6211 Greenbriar Avenue, Excelsior, MN 55331 (474-2266) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT— 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Loss of trees as a noise barrier for Highway 7. If any mature trees are removed we want them replaced with mature trees. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We understand your concern for loss of trees as a noise barrier for Highway 7. At this time our proposed trail in front of your property is proposed completely within Mn/DOT right-of-way. Any trees that would be removed would be trees that are located within the Mn/DOT right-of-way. We are not proposing any trees to be removed on your property at this time. . -'.."114,--;" :. .- :�- Howard R.Green Comoanv `' CONSULTING ENGINEERS j 1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612/644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 O:1proj1801360\380-I806.dec.hwy7 response H9 COMMENT SHEET RESPONSE December 18, 1997 RESIDENT: Bruce & Ben Hubbard, 2841 Washta Bay Road (474-2147) FROM: David E. Nyberg, P.E. SUBJECT: HIGHWAY 7 SEGMENT — 1998 CHANHASSEN TRAIL PROJECT RESIDENT COMMENTS FROM MEETING: Would be happy to help with getting a crossing over Highway 7, phoning legislators, contacting, etc. A crossing over 7 is very important. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Thank you for your attendance at the Public Informational Meetings earlier this month. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule and provide input on this important project. We appreciate your support for constructing a crossing over Highway 7. Obviously funding of such a project is a primary concern for the City. Any help you could provide as far as phoning and writing to legislators and representatives would be appreciated. We agree that a crossing over or under Highway 7, at some point in time, is very important. . Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1325 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612/644-4389 • Fax: 612,'644-9446 • Toll Free 1-800/888-368-4389 o:\orcj'80 i 330',380-1 S06.dec.hwy .resconse Hi 0 p CHANHASSEN PLANNNG COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 1998 Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Craig Peterson, Ladd Conrad, Allyson Brooks, Kevin Joyce, LuA e - Sidney and Matt Burton MEMBERS ABSENT: Alison Blackowiak STAFF PREESNT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; and Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE TO ALLOW FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS WITHOUT A DRIVE THRU IN A BN, NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DOMINOES PIZZA TO BE LOCATED IN THE SEVEN FORTY-ONE CROSSINGS CENTER. Cynthia Kirchoff presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Do we have a response to staff regarding the 2:00 a.m.? Kirchoff: Sony, I forgot to comment that SuperAmerica is allowed to operate from 5:00 a.m. to midnight so that's why we put midnight in for an ending date or closing time for Dominoes. Peterson: What about the video store that's in there? Do they go past, do we even know? Kirchoff: I'm not aware of... Peterson: So you're recommending to stay with the midnight? Aanenson: Right. We thought... Peterson: Do we know how late the...open in town? Kirchoff: Mr. Carr had said that his other restaurant in Chanhassen is open until 2:00 a.m. That is at west... Peterson: Other questions of staff? Joyce: There's a Subway shop in there. In that mall. Kirchoff: Yes. According to the site plan there is, yes. Planning Commission Meeting - January 7, 1998 Joyce: What restaurant... Aanenson: It will be similar. It has predominantly sit down... Joyce: If we don't pass the amendment... Kirchoff: No. I assume they're all midnight since SuperAmerica... Burton: Did SuperAmerica ask to be open past midnight? Kirchoff: Well the conditional use permit was approved in 1988 and that's a condition of approval. I just read through the conditions of approval. The hours that were approved. Peterson: Other questions? Sidney: I'm wondering how both of... Peterson: We can probably get that from the applicant. Any other questions to staff directly? Does the applicant or their designee wish to address the Planning Commission? If so, please come forward and state your name and address... Ed Carr: Yeah, my name is Ed Carr. I'm the owner of Bloomington Pizza Incorporated, which is the franchisee that will own this. I currently own 10 other stores in the Twin Cities. My one concern about the hours. It's not really a concern but is, it's not a big problem for us to close at midnight. Our primary reason for being open until 2:00 is obviously supply and demand. Our primary reason for being open until 2:00 is obviously supply and demand. If customers are there, they want the service, then we stay open. We found in some other areas that because of the make-up of the residential neighborhood, you know 11:00 or 12:00 is sufficient. That we're just • wasting money by being open that long. So it's not a significant problem for us if the overall make-up the neighborhood, and I can see where it could be some security problems for us if we're the only ones open from midnight until 2:00. I have a concern about possibly my employees leaving there without other businesses going on. Although we are facing that at all of our other locations. All of our other locations are primarily located in strip centers where all businesses are closed prior to midnight and so it hasn't been a problem. As far as the noise issue, we would, I think the only area that might be a cause of concern would be around the back of the - building. We don't permit our employees to go out the back of the building after dark for security reasons so they empty all their trash the next day. They bag it up. Put it by the back. When they get in the next day they take it out so. We don't allow them to you know enter any kind of security. We send two people to the bank. If there's any kind of a problem, they can throw the deposit in the safe and make it the next day. We have very strenuous security procedures at Dominoes because of our past history of you know having problems in the early days of development of the company. We've developed quite a few security measures to ensure the safety of our employees. So we have you know timed safes. If need be, in certain neighborhoods that we find, I don't think this will be the case here but we've had buzzers on the doors to let people in after dark so on and so forth. Whatever we find is needed, that's what 2 Planning Commission Meeting- January 7, 1998 we'll do. But as far as the noise issues, I don't think that will be a problem, after 2:00. And because of our security consciousness I don't think the crime or the security will be a problem for us, although it is a concern of mine. You know if there are no other businesses open in that particular location, and once that center's closed down, you know it's a pretty remote area whereas a lot of other strip centers are either located along main streets in Bloomington, Richfield, Edina, so on and so forth. Peterson: Noting that then are you requesting to be open until 2:00? Ed Carr: Yes I would like to,and like my main reason would be that we have a history of,we've got 105 Dominoes in the Twin Cities right now and I would say 95%of them are open until 2:00 on Friday and Saturday night to accommodate you know the people who are out and I mean this may not be a direct issue but I think there could be something to be said that people are going home you know in time to order their pizzas rather than out driving around you know looking for food after the bars or whatever. You know they know that we're open until 2:00 so they, you know most of our crowd between 1:00 and 2:00 on Friday and Saturday night is the bar crowd. They're going home, ordering their pizzas so that's the only. That was one of the positive things I could think of for being open later. To get the people off the roads so. Peterson: Any questions of the applicant? Joyce: Are you going to have tables and chairs in there? Ed Carr: No. Joyce: So it is you know. Ed Carr: Yeah right. We're pretty much carry out and delivery only. That's the formula described by Dominoes in my franchise contract. I could get a waiver to that. They have allowed that in certain instances. If the Planning Commission felt that that was something that was, but because of our free delivery and our very timely delivery practices, most people have it delivered or pick it up on the way home from. Joyce: People... Ed Carr: No. As a matter of fact we've only got one store I think in the Twin Cities that's got sit down and that's over in Har Mar Mall. That was a specific situation where there was no, I don't think there's any delivery out in that location. They've got seating because of that area. That's the only store that had seating in the Twin Cities. Peterson: Other questions? Thanks Ed. Ed Carr: Okay. 3 Planning Commission Meeting - January 7, 1998 Peterson: This is open for a public hearing. May I have a motion to open the same and a second please? Brooks moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission, please come forward and state your name and address please. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close and a second please. Conrad moved, Sidney seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Commissioners. Ladd. comments? Conrad: No, none. Peterson: How about the timing issue? Conrad: I think that's a real, staff's recommendation is appropriate. It absolutely has to stay at the hours of the shopping center,but I think over time...and you'd know why I said that. The hours of operation. I think over time though they may change if they're... Peterson: Thanks. Allyson. Brooks: I don't any other comments...we're not in an area where there's...crowd. It's pretty family oriented. You might get one... Peterson: Kevin. No, thanks. LuAnn? Sidney: I agree with the other commissioners... Burton: I don't have any other comments. I actually would have leaned towards letting them stay open later but if they can come back at a later date...I don't have any problems... Peterson: I feel the same way. I think that given time he can come back and present a compelling reason for a different time. I think tonight you didn't necessarily present a compelling reason to change from what the rest of the mall is, strip mall is so...certain do so at a later time. With those comments, may I have a motion and a second please. Brooks: I move the Planning Commission recommends approval of the amendment to Section 20-694 to permit fast food restaurant without drive through windows as part of a shopping center (not a free standing building), as a conditional use in the BN,Neighborhood Business district. Joyce: Second that. 4 Planning Commission Meeting- January 7, 1998 Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion? Conrad: Yeah. That does mean that they could have sit down? Aanenson: If they would choose to. We're not restricting them. Conrad: I think that's great by the way. That is part of a neighborhood shopping...so I just don't want them to lose that option. Peterson: Okay. Ed Carr: ...regarding the, I just wanted to make. It sounds like you're all pretty much in consensus of, you know of the hours but I wanted to make sure that there was a clarification of a point she had mentioned about the other store being open until 2:00 and it served that area's need. We don't go into our other store's boundaries simply because we design the area to accommodate you know a safe delivery in a certain amount of time so we're not having to drive miles and miles. So the driver's not having to rush around so we wouldn't be able to serve this area. Obviously the people can come in and pick it up until 2:00 so that wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience. I mean you know driving from there to here but we wouldn't be able to deliver to that area because it would put too much strain on our existing, you know area so. Brooks: ...carryout...studying. Ed Carr: Right. Right. That's why I didn't have a big objection to the hours because I don't think it's going to be a problem either. Not like my two stores located down on 494 and the strip. There's hotels. Any kind of areas where there's college students living or younger people. You know a lot of apartments and things like that so I don't think it's going to create an impact but I would have just had liked to have that flexibility in case the need is there to serve the public. We obviously don't, if there's no business to be had there. I was wondering if the manager of that store had called all of you because he's now going to get an extra two hours off every Friday and Saturday night. But anyway, he'll certainly appreciate that. Probably send you some free pizzas or something for the cutback in the hours. Anyway,we'll take a look at it after we open up and you know I guess if the need is there, we'll come back and give our case. Peterson: Point noted. Thanks. Ed Carr: Thanks. Conrad: Under open discussion Mr. Chairman I'd challenged Ed to,you have to ask the neighbors whether they want that service. It's not whether you feel you want to supply it. You have to get them demanding it. We've worked with them...your deal to prove that they want it. Not just...and if the public, they'll be here. Peterson: All right. We have a motion and a second. 5 Planning Commission Meeting - January 7, 1998 Brooks moved,Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the amendment to Section 20-694 to permit fast food restaurant without drive through windows as part of a shopping center(not a free standing building), as a conditional use in the BN,Neighborhood Business district. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Peterson: This goes on to Council? Aanenson: Did you approve both the conditional use and the change in one motion? Joyce: We just did the amendment. Now we've...I'll make a motion the Planning Commission recommends approval for conditional use permit #97-6 for the operation of Domino's Pizza located at 2407 W. Hwy. 7,based upon the findings presented in the staff report with conditions 1 through 4. Peterson: Second? Sidney: Second. Peterson: Any discussion? Joyce moved, Sidney seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval for Conditional Use Permit#97-6 for the operation of Domino's Pizza located at 2407 West Highway 7 (7 & 41 Crossings), based upon the findings presented in the staff report and with the following conditions: 1. All signage must comply with the City Code. 2. The operation shall comply with all conditions of site plan review#86-2. 3. The hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. 4. The applicant shall obtain a building permit for the interior remodeling. All voted iii favor and the motion carried. Peterson: Now the question, it goes to Council? Aanenson: On the 26`h. OLD BUSINESS: Aanenson: ...The Bluff Creek was scheduled, Bluff Creek zoning district was scheduled for the...January 12th but we moved that to the first meeting in February because Mark Koegler was not able to... I'm not sure if you got a letter that we sent to Mr. Erhart and the Planning 6 Planning Commission Meeting- January 7, 1998 Commission was supposed to be copied on that. He donated trees to the City. Did you get a copy of that? Okay... Progress of things that are happening around town...Craftsman Home up at Walnut Grove. ...housekeeping. The Planning Commission terms. We've scheduled now that in April that is when we...terms that expire...Ladd and Kevin's expire in '98 so...Then just to let you know what's coming up on the next agenda... Park and trail referendum. Todd Hoffman, the Park Director had asked...meet with the Planning Commission... Brooks: ...stakes...I am not against having stakes...strange people staking while the kids are outside... Aanenson: I'll pass that onto Todd... had a couple that were very concerned about... Brooks: Also they're on...property and I have dogs...dogs have a right to be on the property too and obviously I'd like to know, because it's my responsibility to put the dogs away...when somebody just shows up staking, I have to... Conrad: ...that's neat but seriously on another issue too. Whether it be right-of-ways or,we really do. Aanenson: We do. We've had that come up recently. Conrad: ...bad idea to be able to... Aanenson: We've been talking about that...so that is important... And then I hope you're all seeing what's happening downtown. What's going on with the hotel's moving along...people looking at the Legion property...that's all I have under ongoing. Peterson: Did we have Minutes to approve? I didn't get any in my packet so. Aanenson: They were there. I've got a set. Peterson: Well, if I can just get somebody to note the Minutes from the previous meeting. Sidney noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated December 3, 1997 as presented. OPEN DISCUSSION:"OLD TOWN" CHANHASSEN SCHEDULE -DISCUSSION. Aanenson: First would be the Old Town. Sharmin and Cindy are going to work on that. Cindy just finished taking a class down at the U on architecture...preservation and Sharmin's very interested in working with the downtown so they're going to kind of run that project. The first issue we had...gave us direction on the name of the Old Town. There was some concern from some of the neighbors of that area that were concerned about the comments that were made. Sharmin and I met with someone that lives down in that area and we had a very positive meeting. They are very interested and very excited that we're taking a look at their area. They kind of feel 7 Planning Commission Meeting- January 7, 1998 like they've been neglected in a lot of the growth issue. They don't have lights there. They're affected by noise so they're very excited to be involved. Sharmin did send a letter out and I apologize you didn't get a copy of that. But she did send a letter out. She's having a neighborhood meeting on the 13`h. The way we set it up is we're going to invite anybody that wants to attend and to have a core group, and what we've done is we've kind of laid out a schedule for you and we're...with the Council too. Trying to get this done in April. There's not, the urgency that when we first looked at the moratorium...we're in control of a lot of the parcels but we do want to move the plan along. Get some consensus so we kind of laid out for you a schedule. Meeting with the individual properties and there's some other interest with Southwest Metro Transit looking at a park and ride. Some of those other issues. St. Hubert's looking at their property so we do want to keep it moving along and we also want to include the neighborhood and they're very excited about an opportunity...the neighborhoods that are adjacent to newer developments seem to be...are very excited about the process. Getting an opportunity to...share with you what we're doing. Oh, I'm sorry. First meeting is Tuesday, January 13`h. It's going to be at the Senior Center...again share the process with them and certainly...6:00. So we're excited about that. That will be a good...kind of what we've done with the Comp Plan. OPEN DISCUSSION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. Aanenson: The comprehensive plan update. That's moving along very well. And I just wanted to share with you kind of what we're laying out as far as the schedule and again we're showing this to Council on their meeting on the 12th but we're looking at that second meeting in February as the land use component. And then the second one in March would be the public facilities and transportation, sewer,parks, open space, storm water. Also the capital improvements plan so this is really an opportunity for you to understand and ask us a lot of questions. Understand...and then in April we'll have our, the reason why we had to back this up was because we...consultant on the traffic which is a very important component and we're not going to have their number until March so we had to back that up in the time frame and we really want to have better information... Then we're hoping in May to hold your public hearing. It may take several public hearings. It depends on... It's a lot different than when we went through the process in '91 because then there was a lot of discussion on what the land use should be. We decided that with the Bluff Creek overlay. Really I see the issues being MUSA extension, rate of growth. Those kind of issues. Not necessarily look at land use, and those are critical issues but a little bit broader issues. So that's the schedule we've laid out and then hopefully get it to the Council...and then to the Met Council in July. Also what we're planning to do with the drafts...we'll have it all on the...and we'll be putting this article in the letter, in the newsletter....so then anybody has an opportunity to read any... That will be nice to have drafts available at the library...open process. That's all I have. Peterson: Anything else? Conrad: ...people... 8 Planning Commission Meeting - January 7, 1998 Aanenson: You know actually lately there's been people interested in the southern end of the city where it's going to be opening up. It's surprising it's not people on the inside... There's a lot of speculation. The Council's going to feel the pressure because right now there's a lot of jockeying of position for opening the MUSA. What's going to be next. The Council... How fast should we grow and that's a critical issue. Also change the...how much growth can we handle. At what rate. A lot of people that want their property brought in now. That's going to be, you're going to get some of that but... I think that's the reason why we have a lot of issues and again that... although I do hear from some of the larger stakeholders that have all been in and talked to me over the last few months. Kind of asking what's going on. How are things going. And I can... Peterson: Anything else? Motion and a second to adjourn. Mayor Mancino: ...schedule and...Planning Commission member, if you're able to make it to the neighborhood meeting because I think it's the... One of the things that I'd like to see, and I was talking to another Council member about it and I was asking the Councilman to let me know what they wanted on the agenda for 1998 was, was as we were talking about this district, this area in the city, to say it's a jewel. How can we replicate it? What is it that we love about it? How do we take it and replicate it in other places in the city and you know, is it appropriate in other places? Well maybe yes and maybe no but what is there to pull out... The other thing is that I think it's great that the neighborhood is getting involved. I also think when we're going to craft a vision statement, it sometimes needs to be very important for people to attend these meetings to draw it out bigger than the neighborhood so that I would like to see in this schedule, the vision statement, once it is crafted... It then comes under the Council and kind of...the Council on that vision statement and then go back to the neighborhood again to make sure that we're all kind of aligned in that vision. So if you can make it, I would just you know, urge you to go. And hopefully a couple Council members will go too. Kate and Cindy, on January 20th, provide analysis of the gathered data and input from the neighborhood and property owners. Is that a meeting? Aanenson: No, that's just a time line. Mayor Mancino: Okay. So this is something that staff will be doing. Will be taking all of that information. Aanenson: Right. And then if people want to see what were the summary comments, they'll be available...reporting those back into your packets. I hope that's why this... Joyce: Are they here? Where are the meetings? Aanenson: The first one's at the senior center. Mayor Mancino: The one on the 13th is at the senior center. Aanenson: I'll get you a copy of that. 9 Planning Commission Meeting-January 7, 1998 Joyce: That's the same night as the park thing. Aanenson: Yeah. That one's later so you can maybe come a little bit... Mayor Mancino: So it is just a wonderful area and I think this is great to get the neighborhood involved. No question they care about it. Getting back to a few things that were said earlier tonight. Those were good comments. When we went to the trail meetings, and I was also you know one of those property owners that has the stakes in the property and said what's this? Who's been on my property or what I think is my property, regardless of whether it was or not. You know it's one of those things that everybody was just kind of up in arms... Brooks... Mayor Mancino: Well and many people were saying, whether it is their property...you know they mow the lawn. They go out and...sweeps it every spring so everybody takes an onerous position and it's a good one...help us out to tell you the truth so it's kind of a possessive feeling. I also wanted to get back and just let you know that we haven't, and we don't have it on the agenda yet. Talking about Coulter Drive. The last meeting that we were at...together, we were talking about whether Coulter Drive should go all the way through from TH 41 to Galpin. I just want you to know that the Council hasn't done...yet and when we do... We are planning to, actually the City manager and I were...work session tomorrow and kind of plan out next year's calendar so that... come to work sessions or...and I'm just here to answer any questions. Peterson: Questions? Mayor Mancino: Mr. Conrad? Absolutely none? Conrad: A couple funny ones. Mayor Mancino: Well ask me some funny ones. Peterson: Motion and second to adjourn. Conrad moved, Brooks seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 10