2020 01 14CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVEVLOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 2020 Chairman Sanford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Sanford, Kathleen Donovan, Jim Ebeling, Steve Stamy and Adam Schafer STAFF PRESENT: Greg Sticha, Finance Director; Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager Adam Schafer introduced himself as the newest commission member before existing commission members and staff introduced themselves to Adam Schafer. Donovan moved, Ebeling seconded to amend the agenda to include discussion of a possible work session after New Business. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Donovan moved, Ebeling seconded to approve the Summary Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated December 11, 2019 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. DISCUSS 2020 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. Greg Sticha outlined conditions for discussing possible goals and objectives to be presented to the City Council at the joint meeting in March or April. Adam Schafer asked for clarification on how the Economic Development Commission operated in the past. Greg Sticha explained that the City Council continues to act as the Economic Development Authority but the Economic Development Commission is a new commission. Kathleen Donovan suggested advising the City Council on economic matters affecting the business community, new development, and diversity in attracting new businesses. Jim Ebeling suggested diversity in attracting different types and sizes of business. Chairman Sanford discussed having a vision for the economic development of Chanhassen and changing from being reactive to proactive. Kathleen Donovan suggested using the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as a guideline for economic development in the future. Steve Stamy explained that after discussions with current business owners the possibility of making downtown more walker friendly, diversity of business i.e. retail, commercial, and industrial, and educating residents on what they would like to see in Chanhassen. Kathleen Donovan continued with suggesting looking for additional employment opportunities, improving quality of life for current residents, and marketing opportunities for Chanhassen. Steve Stamy suggested recruiting businesses from outside of the city limits, and the possible need for commission members to have business cards. Greg Sticha explained the need to have one voice from the commission Chanhassen Economic Development Commission – January 14, 2020 2 rather than individual ideas and that direction will need to come from City Council on how the commission members should proceed with discussions with individuals and businesses. Chairman Sanford discussed the possible need for a business subsidy program to attract diversity, improving connectivity in the city’s infrastructure, the use of Tax Increment Financing Districts and Economic Development Districts, and the use of sales tax to raise revenue. Kathleen Donovan continued with how to communicate with the City Council, and providing an annual report. Chairman Sanford asked about the definition of the downtown area and how to draw people into Chanhassen from outside the city, look at ways to promote development in the city such as working with the Southwest Chamber of Commerce. REVIEW OPEN HOUSE AGENDA AND FLYER. Greg Sticha reviewed items included in the agenda and flyer for the Open House being held on February 25th. Adam Schafer asked about marketing for the open house. Chairman Sanford suggested contacting Buy Chanhassen and Southwest Chamber of Commerce for their email lists. Steve Stamy asked for clarification of how the open house will operate. POSSIBILITY OF A WORK SESSION IN FEBRUARY. Greg Sticha discussed that staff did not have agenda items for the February 11th meeting so the only meeting will be the open house being held on February 25th. Chairman Sanford suggested a possible work session in March to review what will be presented to the City Council at the joint meeting in April. Donovan moved, Schafer seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by Greg Sticha Finance Director Prepared by Nann Opheim