2020 03 10CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 10, 2020 Chairman Sanford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Sanford, Kathleen Donovan, James Ebeling, and Steven Stamy MEMBERS ABSENT: Adam Schaefer STAFF PRESENT: Greg Sticha, Finance Director; and Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ebeling moved, Stamy seconded to approve the summary Minutes of the Economic Development Commission Meeting dated January 14, 2020 as amended to change the name of Jim Ebeling to James Ebeling. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0. REVIEW COMMENTS FROM OPEN HOUSE AND SET 2020 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION GOALS. Greg Sticha explained the process of reviewing comments received at the open house. Ann Miller, 6561 Fox Path discussed her concerns with ownership of strip malls in the city and in particular the condition of the strip mall that houses Ace Hardware. She also asked that more benches be installed in front of businesses, expressed her concern with traffic and speed, encouraged taking care of existing businesses, and making the city more pedestrian friendly. Greg Sticha continued with reviewing highlights of comments received at the open house and in particular comments suggesting businesses feel it can be difficult dealing with city staff. He suggested a goal could be implementing a customer survey regarding dealing with the planning and building staff at the city. Chairman Sanford asked for clarification about points of contact and the process for businesses moving into the City, communication and interaction among businesses and interaction with city staff. Greg Sticha suggested a goal could be to look for ways the Economic Development Commission can help local businesses to communicate and interact better with other businesses, Buy Chanhassen, and Southwest Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Sanford discussed the issue of improving walkable connectivity of downtown. Jake Foster discussed work being done by city staff to improve pedestrian safety and walkability in downtown. James Ebeling asked about comments about diversity of businesses in Chanhassen. Chairman Sanford discussed the possibility of developing a community gathering center along with park amenities similar to what Chaska has done. Greg Sticha explained that the City Council is currently discussing that topic which would involve an increase to the levy but encouraged the commission to make it a goal. Steven Stamy asked for clarification on how the Economic Development Commission members should handle community outreach with businesses. Greg Sticha encouraged the commission to have that discussion with the City Economic Development Commission – March 10, 2020 2 Council. Kathleen Donovan discussed the concern expressed by businesses with a shortage in the labor force and the possibility of holding a job fair in the community. Greg Sticha discussed the fact that the City Council is considering implementing a lodging tax in association with Meet Minneapolis and asked if the commission supported that partnership as a goal. Chairman Sanford asked about incentives or subsidies to encourage businesses to come to Chanhassen, improvements to internet productivity, and an attempt to help create a health insurance consortium as an incentive to attract new businesses to Chanhassen. In discussing prioritization of goals Greg Sticha suggested to include discussing a business subsidy program, create a customer survey related for points of contact with city staff, look for ways the Economic Development Commission can encourage local businesses to communicate more effectively with each other, city staff, elected officials and Buy Chanhassen, City Council should consider a public facility that encompasses large gatherings and multi use facility which brings visitors to the city to host local business meetings and other gathering events, have the Economic Development Commission support along with Buy Chanhassen a local job fair somewhere within the city, and using health consortiums as incentives to small businesses. After discussion among commission members the following list was created as priorities: 1. Create a business subsidy program. 2. Look for ways for businesses to communicate more effectively with each other, city staff, elected officials and Buy Chanhassen. 3. Community Development department present the process of communicating with potential new businesses with the possibility of creating a customer satisfaction survey. 4. Address the issue of affordable housing, employment opportunities and holding a local job fair somewhere in the city. 5. Look at making the city more walkable and pedestrian friendly. James Ebeling moved, Steven Stamy seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Submitted by Greg Sticha Finance Director Prepared by Nann Opheim