Subdivision Submittal NarrativePreliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal March 27, 2020 Nye Subdivision – Chanhassen, MN Page 1 of 4 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND FINAL PLAT SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE NYE ADDITION CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA March 27, 2020 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 1, Lenvilla Estates, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. Address: 1641 63rd Street West, Chanhassen, MN PID: 254150012 EXISTING SITE DESCRIPATION The development site is 6.4 acres in size and currently contains one single family residence with multiple accessory buildings. The property is irregular in shape with frontage along 63rd Street to the north and to Wood Duck Lane right of way to the south. The property abuts existing residential propert ies to the east, west and southwest. Right of way access is available to 63rd St and to the Wood Duck Lane corridor. A small wetland has been delineated in the east side of the property and there are existing ponds and wetlands on the west half of the property currently covered by existing drainage and utility easement. PROPOSED PRELMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN The proposed development plan consists of a low-density single-family residential subdivision that splits an existing parcel into 2 single family residential lots. The existing home would remain on 1 parcel and a new home would be constructed on the new lot. Comprehensive Plan Designation The application area has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Residential Low Density. The adjacent land uses are also Residential Low Density. The Residential Low Density land use guides for single family housing density of 1.2 – 4.0 units per acre. The proposed development plan has a net density of 0.89 units per net acre due to the irregular shape of the property and desire to keep the existing homestead in place. Land Use Density Calculation: Gross Site Acreage 6.403 acres Wetland Area (Outlot A) 0.336 acres Existing Drainage/Utility Easement on Lot 1 3.472 acres Wood Duck Lane R/W Dedication 0.123 acres Net Acreage 2.472 acres Net Density (2 lots) 0.81 units per acre Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal March 27, 2020 Nye Subdivision – Chanhassen, MN Page 2 of 4 Zoning Classification The property has a current zoning classification of RSF – Single Family Residential District as do the surrounding properties to the north, east, west and south. The proposed subdivision is consistent with RSF standards. A summary of required and proposed lot standards criteria for RSF zoning is as follows: Required Proposed Lot Area - Minimum 15,000 SF 36,196 SF (0.83 ac) Average Lot Area N/A 128,793 SF (2.96 ac) Lot Width/Frontage – Minimum 90’ 154.2’ Lot Depth – Minimum 125’ 192’ Setbacks: Front 30’ 30’ Rear – Principal 30’ 30’ Side – Garage 10’ 10’ Side – Principal 10’ 10’ Minimum Right-of-Way Width 60’ N/A, RW dedication as City requested Subdivision Features and Benefits • 1 new single-family home and the preservation of the existing homestead on 2nd lot. • Preservation of onsite wetlands and provision of additional wetland buffer area. • Outlot creation over the easterly wetland area. • Outlot A to be provided to the City for public dedication of 0.336 acres after final platting. • Wetland buffer creation in the stricter of watershed requirements. The buffer area proposed on Lot 2 will also be covered by drainage and utility easement as will all of Outlot A. • Dedication of additional Wood Duck Lane right of way of 0.123 acres. • Public land dedication totaling 0.459 acres. • Extension of public sanitary sewer 150 lineal feet to the east within Wood Duck Lane right of way. • Reconstruction of the existing Wood Duck Lane cul-de-sac in accordance with the City’s temporary cul-de- sac design dimension of 70’ in diameter. Vehicular Site Access and Pedestrian Circulation The proposed subdivision does not require construction of a linear extension of new public roadway or walkways. Right of way access for vehicles and pedestrians is available to both proposed lots. The existing home to be on Lot 1will maintain the existing connection to 63rd Street and the new lot (Lot 2) will connect to existing Wood Duck Lane right of way. The subdivision will be required to reconstruct the existing cul-de-sac at the end of Wood Duck Lane. The existing cul-de-sac was previously not built to City standard and is dimensionally too small for a large vehicle to turn around. The design plans propose to reconstruct the cul-de-sac in accordance with City Detail Plate 5205B with a 70’ diameter. The cul-de-sac is located in an area with significant grade change to the north, likely the reason of the undersized current cul-de-sac. The proposed increase to 70’ in diameter will require regrading of the north slope any larger cul-de-sac could result in need for retaining wall in the right of way. Grading and Topography Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal March 27, 2020 Nye Subdivision – Chanhassen, MN Page 3 of 4 Minimal grading will be required for the proposed subdivision. Grading will be needed to reconstruct the existing cul-de-sac, install a required sanitary trunk sewer extension and construct one new home. All earthmoving activities necessary for construction will require erosion and sediment control per City of Chanhassen and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District requirements. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain The project does not require extension of any public sanitary sewer or watermain trunk lines with 63rd Street, in which, utilities exist. Lot 1 and the existing home will continue to be connected to the 63rd Street trunk sanitary and water mains via existing services. The City has required as part of a subdivision request that the existing sanitary sewer in Wood Duck Lane be extended east approximately 150 lineal feet within existing public right of way. The proposed new Lot 2 will have a sanitary sewer service connection to the trunk sewer. A trunk watermain currently exists within the Wood Duck Lane right of way and Lot 2 will connect a new water service to that line. Stormwater Management The development site is located within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District; however, the City of Chanhassen and the City’s Surface Water Management Plan provides governmental jurisdiction. The proposed development’s size of 2 lots and minimal impact area does not trigger any stormwater management requirements from the City of Chanhassen nor MCWD and thus no new stormwater treatment facilities are required. Wetland Management The site east wetland was delineated by Alliant Engineering, Inc in Fall of 2019 and the delineation and classification was approved by the City of Chanhassen and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The following is a summary of the buffer requirements for the project: Local Governmental Unit City of Chanhassen Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Wetland Classification Buffer Strip Requirement Principal Structure Setback to Buffer Accessory Structure Setback to Buffer Wetland Classification Average Base Buffer Width Required1 Min. Avg Base Buffer Width Required2 MANAGE 2 20 30 15 MANAGE 2 30 24 Notes: 1) Minnehaha Creek Watershed District allows a 2' base buffer width reduction for every 5% decrease in average buffer slope from 20%. 2) Proposed buffer averages 10% or less throughout thus the min. buffer can be reduced to 24'. (30 - 2' * 2 = 24') The development plan assumes the most conservative buffer application as defined above by proposing buffers in compliance with MCWD and structure buffer setbacks in accordance with the City rules. In general this results in a combined buffer and buffer set back that slightly exceeds the City’s standalone requirement. The following is a summary of the proposed wetland buffers: Wetland Area1 Class. (per City) Wetland Perimeter2 Buffer Area Minimum Buffer Width Average Buffer Provided 1 367,654 SF MANAGE 1 1,555 LF 94,776 SF 24’ 60.9’ Notes: 1) Full wetland area including portion within proposed right of way dedication. 2) Buffer calculation is provided for wetland perimeter outside of proposed right of way dedication. Preliminary Subdivision and Final Plat Submittal March 27, 2020 Nye Subdivision – Chanhassen, MN Page 4 of 4 The development site also contains other pond/wetland areas in the west portion of proposed Lot 1, but those areas have been previously covered by drainage and utility easement, which will be maintained. No impact is proposed to any onsite wetland. Tree Preservation The estimated baseline tree canopy coverage for the existing site is 45% of the net area (excluding wetland areas). Per the City code, low density residential is then allowed to remove to a limit of 35% tree canopy prior to requirement of mitigation. The development plan proposes to maintain tree canopy coverage of 41% and thus a no tree mitigation is required. Landscaping City ordinance requires provision of 1 tree per lot and these trees will be installed by the future homebuilder and existing home lot owner. The proposed single-family yards to be disturbed by grading will be vegetated with typical residential turf grass and the wetland buffer and disturbed steep slope areas with appropriate seed mixes. TIMING/PHASING If the City approves the preliminary subdivision and final plat request, it is the Applicant’s desire to look for an interested homebuilder looking towards possible construction in Summer 2020. CONCLUSION The applicant respectfully concludes that the request for a rezoning and preliminary subdivision approval will allow for a development consistent with City Goals and Objectives for this area. The proposed development will create a single-family subdivision that is consistent with the adjacent land uses, provides preservation of wetlands, improves and extends existing public infrastructure.