06-15-88 Agenda and Packet1 AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JUNE I5, 1988, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER Concept plan approval for the subdivision of Il acres into 9single family lots and a double lot on property zoned PUD-R,Planned Unit Development-Res ident ia1 and located on Hrry. 41, Ches Mar Farms, Bradley Johnson. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Sect.ion 20-8i3 to al1owchild care centers as an accessory use in the IOp, IndustrialOffice Park DistriCtr Instant Web, fnc. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend Section 20-904 andSection 20-515 (6b), Accessory Structures, to provide setbacks and maximum size of accessory structures, storage buildings and detached garages. NEW BUSINESS * Tabl-ed to a Future Meeting * Site Plan Approval for a 40,000 sguare foot shopping centeron 4.86 acres of property zoned BN, Neighborhood BusinessDistrict and located on the north side of Lake Drive East,just east of Q-Superette, Hidden Val1ey Center. Site Plan Approval for expansion of the Fire Station, 7610 Laredo Drive. OLD BUSINESS Tabled to a Future Meeting 2 3 5 ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS 4 6. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Amend S3ctions 20-695, 20-715, 20-774, 2O-795, and 20-815 to proviCe for minimum building and parking setbacks for lots adjacent to railroads and resi-dential zoning districts, City of Chanhassen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OPEN DISCUSSION CITY OF EHINHASSEN STAFF REPORT P.C. DATE: June 15, 1988 C.C. DATE: July 11, 1988 CASE NO: 88-l PUD Prepared by: Olseo/v Fz () =LL s!.(o LdF CN PROPOSAL: -ir!--- -----._LOCATION: -,,-- 6./ rt./--?.r .. APPLICANT: ti b //d/C& - Ches Mar F'arm - Off Hwy. 41 '','r. i. i? A,lirlrls?rliot Lotus Realty P.O. Box 100 Chanhassen, MN 553I7 __'2_ PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: DBNSITY: ADJACENT ZONTNG AND I,AND USE: WATER AND SEWER: PEYSICAL CHARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN: N- s- E- w- PUD-R, Planned UniE Development Residentia anal RR, Rural Res idential 28.6 acres RRt Lake Minnewashta Regional park RR, Camp Tanadoona RR; single fami Iy RR; Lake Minnewashta Regional park Not available The site cont.ains steep slopes to thesouth and vegetated areas. Residential Medium Density - parks & Open Space Concept PIan Review to Amend a planned UnitDevelopment ,@' S HTA A2 q PUD- OL .l?*+ )\ tr 7i a Y q v fiz@=gr)l.cr:.1c*4 f Lots(mqxvL^ I DRIv E U POtO ..l8I!at*Ab*;ri-1a: @ I -e----. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 20-906 provides rural(Attachment #1): 1ot building eligibilities (a) A11 lots located outside of the MetropolitanMetropolitan Urban Service Area boundary sha1l beformance to the requirements of Article X or XI of I A new singleper ten acre family Iotdensity is may be subdivided only maintained. Council's created. in con-this Chapter . if a one unit 2. All lots shall have the 3. A11 lots shall mit. a well. mI n Imum frontage on a public road. must have soil and water conditions which per- 4 All lots must have conditions s er^rage systems . which wiII permit two on-site 5 Each site must have at least one acre ofport two septic system sites, a buildinga slope of 25t or Iess. area which can pad and a well sup- wi th 6 The minimum lot size of a of public street frontage. REFERRAL AGENCIES DNR Watershed Di s tr ict Asst. City Engineer Building Department Fire Inspector BACXGROUND rural 1ot is 2l acres with 200 feet At tachmen t At tachmen t At Eachment At tac hment At tachment *2 #3 *4 #s #6 On October 7, 1985, the City Council approved the preliminary plat for the Ches Mar Farm PUD. The subject site was one separate parcel with two single family residences, a duplex and a 6 unit apartment building. The duplex and apartment building were non-conforming uses. The plat created four lotsi one containing a single family residence wit.h 1.03 acres, one con- taining 2.40 acres and dupLex, one lot containing 2.5 acres and a single family residence and one 1ot containing 5.1 acres with the 6 unit apartment building and several out buildings. The PUD designation hras proposed by the applicant to aIlow the single family, duplex and the apartment building to be conforming and to create separate parcels which could be so1al. Ches Mar Earm June 15, 1988 Page 2 Ches June Page Farm 1988 Mar 15, 3 The PUD $ras approved by both the Planning Commission and CityCouncil but during reviehr, it was conunented. Ehat the lots shouldbe as close to 2.5 acres as possible and that there should not beany increase in the existing density. The density of theeyisting PUD was 10 units per 11 acres. The pUD was approvedwith the following two conditions: l) a homeowners aslociationwould be created to maintain Outlot A which conlained a privated.rive, and 2) there shal1 be no increase in density. ANALYSIS The applicant, Lotus Realty, is proposing to add 2I acres to theexisting PUD site and to subdivide the whole site into 7 singlefamily lots, one double Iot and one outlot. Lot 1, Block 1oft.he original PUD which contained I.03 acres and the single ramilyresidence has been sold as has Lot 1, Block 2, which coitained2.4 acres and the duplex. Remaining residences on site are the 6unit apartment building and the large single family residencethat !{as moved onto the site. The 6 unit apartmenl building isin disrepair and has several building violalions. The singlefamily home that was moved onto the site remains vacant. Thebarns and storage buildings located throughout the site are alsoin disrepair and in violation of building codes. The applicantis proposing to add some land to the exiiting pUD and s-uUaiviaeit into single family lots to improve the si[.e and to improve thechance of it being sold to individual ovrners. The applicant has applied for concept plan approval. The pUDprocedure provides for a generar concept pran review which allowsthe appiicant to submit a sketch plan which shows Ehe basicintent and nat.ure of the development allor,ring the applicant toreceive comments from the planning Comrnission and C6i:ncil priorto incurring any substantial costi required wiLh the plat.tingprocedure. The applicant is proposing to create three blocks. Block 1 wouldcontain two new single family lots located on the interior ofOutlot B. Block 2 iould coniain 5 single family foi",-on. otwhich contains the existing single family resid6nce and the'remaining 4 are newly created rots. Bloak 3 wour.d coniai"-t*olots which is the current site of the 6 unit apar tmen! -boiraing. The. applicant is proposing that the 6 unit apaitment b"ii;i;geither become a duplex or a single family reiidence. The proposed lots range in size from .G5 acres to 1.34 acres.The subject sire is located ourside of rhe uetropoi iiin-uiuinService area and therefore does not have city =";;;-;;-r;l;;.The ordinance reguires a minimum density or o"" -uni t -p"i-i". acres for unsewered lots with a minimum lot area "i zi-i"i"" p".Iot. Lot 1, BLock 2, yilh rhe exisring single i".i fy-,""iJ"n..and Lots l and 2, Block 3, have existing seltic syst6ms.- ttteremaining single famliy rots wilr ue re[uirla to i.""ia" t"oacceptable septic sites per 1ot. Ches Mar June 15, Page 4 Farm 1988 Two of the lots which were-approved as part of the original pUDhave been sord and the appliiant is not i ncru-ing -tn.i'i" *Jura orthe concept plan. Thereiore, 3.7 acres and 3 units ui.-U"ingremoved from the proposed pUD amendment. The origi nai -puo -.""_ tained 11 acres (netj and 10 units (2 single famiiy,-i aopfJ* .r,a6 unit aparrment building) for a ner density "i .Si'riil;7;;...The concept pran provides an additionar 21 i..u" (i""J-u"i"i puoline) and proposes 6 single.family lots and one aulie".--ffr. nutacreage of the amended puD is 9.64 acres for a net'd"."itv-'.rI.05 units/acre. A third calculation for density ,""fa-Ul toinclude the two lots sold which sti11 contain : unris-i"a-ai"part of the original pUD. The net density of the .*i"ti"g-fUOwith the proposed additionaL lots is .9g units pu, ..... 'th.following is a list of the net and gross densities of theexisting and proposed pUD. Total units/Total Acres Existing PUD .9I a/a .83 tt/a l0/L2 acresProposed Amendment 1.05 u,/a .31 u/a 9/2g acresExisting & Proposed .98 t/a .37 u/a 12/32 acres In reviewing the proposals, staff typically uses net density indet.ermining the density of a site. In that case, the propo3edconcept plan has increased the density of the existing- eub. The original PUD designation h,as approved only because it main-tained existing conditions and i! al-lowed the uses to become con-forming. The proposat is not increasing the use of t.he site.The proposed concept plan is creating new lots and is thereforecreating a new subdivision and staff must review it in terms ofthe regulations for rural 1ot building eligibilities. None ofthe proposed lots meet the minimum lot area of 2.5 acres and thedensity far exceed.s 1 unit/10 acres. The topography of the siteis such that it is doubtful that Lots 2-5, Aloif 2 harre one acreof buildable area. Each 1ot must be able to support two accep-table septic sites. With the topography and existing alterationsto the proposed lots (buildings and roads) it appears that thelots may not be able to support two septic sites. The proposed concept plan does not conform to the standards for development in rural areas. The plan is proposing an urban size development on a site which cannot support it with ciEy sewer and.water. The PUD district allows for creativity and clustering oflots in a subdivision, but Section 20-906 of the Zoning Ordinance regulating rural lots overrides alevelopment in therural area outside the MUSA line. The rural Iot standards allowsfor clustering of lots by permitting them to be a minimum of 2.5acres if a one unit/I0 acre density is maintained. The applicant is requesting the Planning Commission and CityCouncil to comment on the concept plan and to give direction asto hrhether it is an acceptable plan. The applicanE is proposing Net Gros s Ches Mar June l-5, 1988 Page 5 the plan as a means of correcting existing problems with thesite. Staff feels the proposal is contrary to standards enforcedfor all other rural developments. ShouId the Planning Commission and City Council approve of the concept plan, the followinginformation will have to be provided: 1. Acceptability of lots with two septic treatment systems. Provide each lot with at. least one acre of buildable area. Improvement of Outlot B and existing drive or Outlot C to apublic street. Provide 200 feet of width at the building setback line (50'). 2 3 4 5 Only one entrance shal1 beState Trunk Highway 41 and allowed for the subdivision ontoState approvaL obtai ned. ru nof fpart of 6 7 Storm drainage calculations to address storm waterresulting from the development will be required asthe plans and specificat.ions review process. Private drives r^ri 11 not Highway 41. be allowed to access State Trunk ATTACHME NT S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Section 20-906.Letter from DNR.Letter from Watershed District dated June 6,llemo from Asst. City Engineer dated June 9, Memo from Building Department dated June 6, Memo from Fire InspecEor dated June 9, 1988.City Council minutes dated October 7, 1985.Planning Commission minutes dated SeptemberStaff report dated September 25, 1985.Letter from applicant dated May 23, 1988.Application. Plat dated May 23, 1988. r988. 1988. 1988. 25, t988 - $ 20-905 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Sec. 20-905. Single-family dwellings. All single-family detached homes shall: (1) Be constructed upon a continuous perimeter foundation that meets the requirements of the state building code. (2) Conform to the following standards for living areas: a. If a one-story rambler design, have an area of nine hundred sixty (960) square feet- b. Ifa split level design, have an area ofone thousand fifty (1,050) square feet.c. If a split foyer and two-story design, have an area of six huudred (600) square feet on the first floor plus a two.car garage must be attached to the single_family structure. (3) Have an earth covered, composition, shingied or tiled roof or other materials ap- proved by the Uniform Building Code as adopted and amended by the city. (4) Receive a building permit. The apprication for a building permit in aildition to other information required shall indicate the height, size, design and the appearance of all elevations of the proposed building and a description of the construction materials proposed to be used. (5) Meet the requirements of the uniform Building code as adopted and amended by the city or the applicable manufactured housing code. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 6, 12-15-86) Cross reference-Technical codes, $ 7-16 et seq. Sec. 2G,906. Rural lot building eligibilities. (a) All lots located outside of the Metropolitan council's Metropolitan urban service Area boundary shall be created in conformance to the requirements of article x or XI of this chapter. (b) A new single-family building may be established or a lot containing an existing single-family dwelling may be sribdivided only ifthe following provisions are met: (1) A one-unit per ten-acre tlensity is maintained using the following guidelines: 0-19.99 acres equals one (1) single-family unit. 20-29.99 acres equals two (2) single-family units- 30-39.99 acres equals three (3) single-family units, etc. (2) Existing parcels of record established prior to February 19, 1g82, shall be ileemed as buildable lots. This provision also applies to those lots affected by paragraph (10). (3) All lots shall have the minimum frontage on a public road as regulated in sections 20-575 and 20-595. To reduce the number of driveways on collectors and arterials, up to two (2) parcels will be allowed to be accessed by a private easement. o o 1230 rl o o o ZONING $ 20-907 (4) (5) All lots must have soil and water conditions which permit a well. All lots must have conditions which will permit two (2) on-site sewer systems in-stalled in conformance with chapter 19, article IV. (6) The one (1) unit per ten-acre density applies to contiguous property under singleownership. Acreage under single ownership, which is not contiguous, cannot becombined for increased density/building eligibility on one (1) of the parcels. Ttansfer of development rights from one (1) parcel of land to another is not allowed, except aspermitted in paragraph (9) below. (7) Once a building eligibility has been used for a property, a .evelopment contract mustbe recorded with the county establishing the number ofbuilding eligibilities remain_ing or documenting that no building eligibility remains. Transfer of developmentrights from one (1) parcel of land to another is not allowed. (8) Each site must have at least one (1) acre of area which can support two (2) septicsystem sites, a building pad and well with a siope of twenty-five (25) percent or less.(9) Parcels which do not have public street frontage and are landlocked may transferbuilding elig'ibilities to an adjacent parcel which does have public street frontage andmeets other provisions of this section- (10) Applications for subdivisions in the rurar service area as identified in the compre-hensive plan to contain a development density of one G) unit per two and one-half(21/z) acres rvill be accepted. until 4:g0 p.-. - J".rrf fb, 19g2, if the followinginformation is submitted to the planning department: a. Completion ofthe application for subdivision-b. Submission ofthe public hearing list of surrounding property owners.c. Submission ofa boundary survey with the propos"Jlot putt".rr.d. Submission of required application fees. Further, these applications must also be accompanied by additional .ata required forpreliminary plat approval in a manner which will achieve preliminary plat approvalby July l, 1982 unless the city council deems to table final action on the applicationuntil after July 1, 198?. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ ?, t2-rb-86) Sec. 2G907. Height regulations. (a) Where the average slope of a lot is greater than one (1) foot rise or fall in seven (Z) feetof horizontal distance from the establishedstreet elevation al the property line, one (l) storyin addition to the number permitted in the district i" *rri"r, the rot is situated shall bepermitted on the downhill side of any building. (b) The height limitations stipulated elsewhere in this chapter shall not apply to thefollowing: (1) Barns, silos, or other farm buildings or structures on farms; church spires, belfries,cupolas and domes, monuments, water towers, fire and hose towers, observation o -L.rw 1231 City of Chanhassen 590 Coulter Drive, p.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ( 612) 937-1900 Date: I,hy 31, 1988 DeveloEnent Plan Referral Agencies Plarming DepartnEnt By:Jo Affi O1sen, Asst. City, Plaffer To: Fron: Subject:lan a roval for the subdivision of 11 acres j.rtto a sjnglefamilv fot and a double lot on prope rty 1 dres l,lar Farms Planning Case:88-1 PI]D T*^gb__r:U::cribed. application. for approval of a land develotrnrenrfrrecl wrth the Chanhassen planning DetrErtnent on l4ay 24, 19gg proposal was rn _order for us to provide a cdrprete analysis of issues for pranning ccnrnissionand city council review, we would apprecj.aie your cornents and recunnendaticnsconcerning the inpa.ct of this propol"r on traific circulation, u*i"ti[-u"a pro--posed future utility services, storm water drainage, and the need for icqr:iringpublic lands or easements for park sites, street .*t*ii"n" oi-irgio"J*rrc, u"autilities. !,lhere specifi.c needs or probi-ems exist, we woul-d like to have arvritten report to this effect frorn tire agency concerned so that we can make arecc{rmerdation to the planning Cornnission an- City Council. This application is schedu Comnission on une '1 tr Chanhas sen City lial1. we ideration by the Chanhassen planning 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers atwould appreciare receiving your coflfiEnts by no later. You rnay also appear at lhe planning Conrnission led for cons 1988 at 7: than 3.1l 6, 1988meeting if you so desire. Your cooperaLion and assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. City Departrrents City Engineer City Attorney City Park Director Public Safety Director Building Inspector MN Dept. of Natural Resources ..Telepnine Corpany \Atl_!g!I or unired) @.8 G.'.-sr"q!.i (_ rxlLor c Corpany MN Va1ley) 10. DOIJDEN Cable Systena(9 4. 5. a' lw t nn (Aa hc,,--tershed District Engineer fn\,11 '=vEoil Soil Conservation Service llN Dept. of Transportation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Minnegasco 11. Roger i4achreier,/JiJn l\'rderson L2-U. S. Fish and wilaiife ,> IqI3.- Carver County enqin&r ni€i0)t vt''"!.rAfll5 47 lan 0 \uhlat. fr a /Ln tfut 14. Otller @ wATtnsEtD 80uflolnY a MINNEHAHA WATERSHED CREEK DISTRICT LrxE i r{ilETo (l P.O. Box 387 , Wayzala, Minnesota 55391 80ffi0 0f illXffifi& Camille 0. Andre. Pres. . Albed L. Lehman . John €. Tlomas James R. Spensley . Richard R. Miller . Robert D Erickson . C. Woodrow Love orr Rlv!i June 6, 19BB Ms. JoAnn 0lsen, Asst. City Planner City of Chanh as sen 690 Coul ter Dri ve P0 Box 147 Chanhassen, Mi nnesota 55317 Dear Ms. 0l sen: EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES Eng eers for the District If you have any questions, please lle have received the information you forwarded concerning the proposed development of 11 acres located on the Ches Mar Farms site. The development appears feasible and will require a permit review and approval by the Board of Managers of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Some of the District's concerns in development of this type include that: 1. The quality of stormwater runoff Ieaving the site after development shall be equivalent to runoff quality for the existing condition. Thiscriterja shall be analyzed and met for runoff producing events r,ri th areturn frequency of one year. 2. Appropriate erosion control rnethods are in place to prevent the transportof sediments off site during and after conslruction.' 3. Pnompt restoration of the disturbed area be compieted with seed and mulchor sod. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.feel free to contact ne at 473-4224. S i ncerely, (.''Arr'"-- Kevi n C. Larson, Engineer bt cc: Board L. Smith .iiiit 0 i i98B UI I'Y OF CHANI-,ASSEN #j CITY OF EHINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUI,I TO: Planning Commission FROM: Larry Brown, Staff Engineer DATE: June 9, 1988 l/. SUBJ: Concept Plan Review for Ches Mar Farms, Lotus Realty Planning File No. 88-1 PUD This ll-acre site is located on the west siile of State Trunk Highr.ray 41 approximately one mile north of state Highway 5. site consists of a rolling topography with mature vegetation seven existing structures. The and Sanita Sewer This site is outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA), it is therefore not serviced by municipal sanitary sewer service. It does 1ie within the future service area for the new Lake Ann Interceptor when the Metropolitan council allows expansion of the MUSA line. Waterma in Municipal r{ater service is not available to the site. Roadways The platted lots as shown would increase the total that urban roadway standards woultl app1y, i.e. curb This roadway standard woultl be reguired throuqhout connection i.rith State Highway 41 . The 50-foot outlot c alternate access configuration would be better on a straight alignmenL along the existing entrance road. State Trunk Highway 4I is classified by the zoning ordinance as an arterial. section 18-57 (L) of the City Code requires that "To the extent feasibte access to arterial streets shall be at intervals of not less than one-fourth of a mile and through an existing and established cross roads . Access along collector streets will be restricted and controlled on the final plaL' A density such and gutter. including the +4 Planning Commiss ion June 9, 1988 Page 2 State permit will be required for this upgradedPrivate driveways will not be allowed to access Highway 41 . Drainage connect ion . State Trunk 1 Only one entrance sha1l be allowed for the subdivision withinone-fourth of a mile onto State Trunk Highway 41 and Stateapproval obtained. 2. Storm drainage calculations to address storm rrrater resulting fron the development will be required asthe plans and specifications review process. 3. Private drives will not be allowed to access State Highway 41. runo f fpart of T runk Storm drainage calculations will need to be prepared to address the control of runoff resulting from the increased density and impervious surface. Recommended Condit ions CITY OF EH[I[H[SSEI{ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM! DATE : SUBJ : P Ianner I nspecto r Mar Farm \qr' Jo Ann Olsen, Assistant City Steve A. Kirchman, Building June 6, 1988 Planning Case 88-I PUD, Ches The soils at the proposed subdivision appear to be mostly of the Hayden series according to the Carver County Soil Survey. Thissoil is typically well-drained, but is slowly permeable. It isalso subject Eo severe erosion. The soi.L is usually suited for trench type on-site sewage treatment systems, but because or the slow permeability, a typical 3 bedroom house wiIl use approxi- mately 3500 sq. ft. of yard area for a sewage treatment system. The necessity of providing an alternate site would require setting aside at least 7000 sq. ft. of the lot for on-site sewage treat.ment. Due to steep slopes on many of the 1ots, it may be technically impossible to install treatment areas. Final detsermination of the acceptable type of sewage treatment system will have to be determined by percolation tests, soil borings and on-site inspection. .Building permits cannot be issued until t$ro accep- table sites are identified anil roped off and an acceptable design is submi tted. 45 I 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 In conclusion, before the subdivision is approved, an erosion control plan should be submitted, two septic sites should be identifieal and approveti, soil borings should be done on each lot, and a determination should be made as to the ability of installers to put systems in on steeply sloped 1ots. CITY OF EHINHISSEN MEMORANDUM 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Assistant City Planner Fire Inspector TO: FROM: DATE : SUBJ: 9, 1988 Mar Farms Jo Ann Olsen, Steve Madden, Ju ne Ches #1o Upon review of the site plan for Ches l{ar Farms, I recornmencl thefollowing: 1. Have a structural engineer check the structure forpossible deficiencies. I recommend removal of all struc-tures except for the multiple living units, gending thereport from the structural engineer. 2. Install a heat,/smoke detector in the building. 3. Install a sprinkler system throughout the building. 4. Install a fire lane around the building. If you have any questions, please ask. council Meeting, octou(- z 1985 Councilnan Horn moved to approvel,lotion xss seconded by Councilman Hami I ton, Councilrronen l{atson andvotes. Motion carried. plat for South Lotus Lake, phase I.The followinq voted in favo.t llayor CouncilBen Horn and Geving. No oegative -Il- the final Geving. Swenson, t-FRONT YARD SE TBACI(VARIANCE This itern Therefore, PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVEL OPHENT C UNITS L OCA TED ON PINE tlas no approved at an Council action REQUEST. ,7I] SOUTH earlier Board oF Adi9 required. CEDAR DRM, CL I FFoRD PEDERSEN Ijust,nents and Appeals meeting. REATlNG FOUR LOTS CONTAINING RESIDEN TIAL Barb Dacv: 0ne recoDm the Iot line bs 6s .1. corner. This lot is sit Day sctuall y be 2.5 oe ndation of gtaff and Councilroman the.e should rould appeaE ia nt to separ so that would increase dens nicality that Euggestions a Co un ci 1ma n Gevinq! I 198 4 p6rticularly in sbout that, BiIl? CI RCL E. GARY KI R T I enda tion that I l{ou se to 2.5 acres a9 horn es 2.4 acres. acres rrhen they do Council. ld like to point out is that },e recomnendedpossible. Especially in the northnest The surveyor has contacted rae and said thatthe final plat. This repsesents the recoD_ Srenson: I have only one problem there. On the second recommendationbe no inereased density. In I ooking at the structure of the lot, itthat, from past experience, it is not inconcei.v6ble that someone rrouldate one of those in the future. I *onder if re could trord this some r6yeocompass the future as to opposed to just nori. There should be noity at any time. There is alxays somebody lrho is looking for some tech_puts us in a difficult posj.tion dorn the road. I rould we.Ico e anys far rordi ng is concerned. Councilnan Gevinq: The onty concern lrould be thelarge and it seems to me that they could be split multiple family unit. They are so even further. Councilwoman Snenson I I rasntt so concered abo ut the apartments as I v,as about theactual lots and the subdi vision of the lots. I3_M Hemi I ton: I f they want to subdivide sooelhing ie canrt decide today that they it a can I t the pIat. rells and cor.tple of years do 20 years from dorn the road that is do have the right to decision on the fact of the district is there nox is Sarb Dacyt If somebody does trant to plat lot J onto Iot 2, they make that rotation and a future Council could simply base theirthat the increase in the st.ucture is too intense for the intentitEelf. The Planning Commission is just trying to say that nhat appropriate and that is it. would 1i ke to refer tetms of the street to the City Engineerrs De[Do of December 5 r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s . Do you leel strongly Berb D6cy: Counci lman Th6t has been iInplemented on Gevinq: Hon about the private Bill Monkr There uj.ll be no change with that either ond the util ity avai.Lability. 9eptic systems? becsuse of the present zoning Councilroman Svenson moved to appEove the prelimina.y and finsl developrnent plan tequest 184-2 for Ches-Mar F6ros incl udinq rezoning to p-I, planned ResidentiolDevelopnent based on the preliminaay plat stanped I'Received Septenber 4, I9g5." Hotion trss seconded by Mayor Hanilton. The folloHing voted in favor: HayorHaniItoo, Councilrornen t{atson and Swenson, Couocilnen Horn and Geving. No negativevote9. t{otion csrEied.frl ( MULTIPLE t L a Planning Commission l4inutes September 25, 198 5 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING P lann ed Residential DeveloMultiIe Re SI dent ial Res idence Located on enL #84-2 Creatin Four Lots Contai n1nUni Ls on Pro ert Zoned R-Ia r1 cu ltura IPineCir c.l- e Mi 1e Nor t.h of Tana doona Drive o * Ye es t of and Adjacent to Hr"ry. 41 , Gary Kirt ,appl r cant Public Present Mary Sapa Camp Administrator - Camp Tanadoona Dacy stated that the intent of the applicant,s reguest for aPlanned-unit Deveropment with ."ro"iiii-lo p-r. is to eriminate thenon-conforming status of the- existing structures. She noted thatthe p-l- Disrrict nor. only- aLlows si.n{fe-tamify awefiing;-;;-"permitted use, bur also i11ows tr" ii.ify.and multiple familystructures as.a permitted use. stre expilinea tirit i-t"."ori.r,"association criIl be formed to maintain'ihe privat" eri;;-;;;regulate other matters concerning the "olai.iri"ion. -ii,. -r"'f .alhat platting the property h,ilr ;rs; aiiow ttre sare of individualrots and structures as in other subdivisions. Si,. "iit.j*ihat noadoitional develooment is proposed. S;;. stated that by approvingthe proposed request,. the plat wiff eiimrnare a lengthy meres andbounds legal description; itru .ro., -.on i"rri "9 status-oi, u*i"iingstructures will be removed; and each ,iiu"ture wir-r be indivi_dual1y owned and maintained. 11tV i"p3 of Camp Fire Girls and Boys, stated thatcerned that eventually this propert| ,o,r:.a U" .ua.smaller parcels and al-so ""*i. .na ;"4;; will comethey wi 1I be forced out of ti,. ii." Oy- i..rcre.s:.ngvalues. Dacy stated that the site is rocated !,re11 out of the urbanservice Area. She stated that this siie and. trr. ii".ioJn-u a..pFire Girls sire are located a; a;;-.;;;h of.it. she srared thatrt and when sewer service woufa Ue *aJJ' avaifable, it would beafter the year 2000 and even "rt"i f["n it is doubtfur becausethe ciry,s sehrer caoaciry i" ;il;I.;;I"uy tr,..Metropolitan wastecontror Commission ina. the u.ti6p"iit"n counci I. she stated thatas far as further subdivision i"io-"^.ff.r lots. She sLated that2ll acres is the minimurn f"t "i"u-irr-"Ii.a .r".. J. Thompson moved, seconded by Emmings, to close the publicnearrng. A11 voted in favor lnd the-motron carried. l;.]llT3il" srared rhar it was a solution ro .cleanins up,, the they were con-into even through and pr oper ty approving this requesL and9-"1.1a asked about jusrificaLions forrLS rmplrcaLions for future pUDrs. MoulrrtlT# I oo oacy%tated that the zoning ordinance was established after thesestru&ures were built. Sh6 stated tfrai-tne lengthy 1egaldescl.iption will be eliminated, the non_conforming- sta[us ofthesd structures will be removed, ana-eact structure would bemaintained better because of individual. ownership. srre siaieathat -this is an existing situation which the cit! naa no-controrover when the buildings were constructed. P1anping Commission Minutes September 25, 19 85 Page i 3 Site PIan Review #85-7 1. A homeownerrs association maintain Outlot A2. There should be no increased. density. A1l, voted in favor and the motion carried. Noziska felt that a condition should be placed indation that stated that there wiII be no- increase the in recommen- densi ty . Erunings moved, seconded by J. Thompson, that the planning Commission recomrnends approval of preliminary and Fi;;i ' Development plan request #84-2 for Ches Mar iarms includj.ngrezoning to p-l , planned Residential Development U"".a "" if,"preliminary plat stamped ,,Received Septembei 4, 19g5" wifn-lnefollowing conditions: 000 s uare FootWarehouse Faci 1ia on Pro ert zoned P-4 for a 15 Manu fa'ctur i nlndustrial PlannedDevelopment Di, st rIc t and Located in the SouthwestCorner of the Hwy. 5 and Park Drive Intersection,LSR Propertiesappl-r cant Dacy stated that the applicant is requesting site plan approvalfor Phase I construction of a L5,000 square foot pioduct-iin,/storageand office building for Lane Envelopes.- She stated that the pro-posed -site is located at the southwest corner of park Drive andHighway 5. she staLed that the proposed driveways will be fromPark Drive and Park Court and that there is adequate separationfrom the intersections. She stated that the site plan provides30 parking spaces for phase I which is based on the ordinancerequirement of one space for each employee on the major shift.She stated that the applicant is proposing a two foot berm alongthe perimeter of the parking areas adjacent to the road right-of-ways. She also noted that along the top of the berms, the appli -cant is proposing six Green Ash trees complimented by eight 5foot Austrian Pine trees which shoul-d provide adequale sireeningof the parking activities. She noted that the elevation of thearea adjacent to the J-oading dock will rise two to four feet fromthe paxrement of the loading area. She noted that the combinationof the fast growing vegetation and the rise in topography willadequately screen loading activities. She also notea lnit attareas of the site are designated for sodding except for the area IIt Crry oF EH[I[H[SSE}I ,/a r( oetn: Sept. 25, 1985 - C.C. DATE: October 7, 1985 CASE NO: 84-2 PUD Prepared by: B. Daq/v v. STAFF REPORT ' i ko hJFa Preliminary and Final Development plan Revie!',for a four 1ot planned unit development. PROPOSAI,: APPLICANT: Ches Mar FarmsDrive, west of - One half mi Ie and adjacent to north of Tanadoona Hwy. 41 cary V. Kirt David C. Be1l Investment Co. 5241 viking DriveEdina, MN 55435 PRESENT ACREAGE: DENSITY: ADJACENT AND I.AND ZONING : ZONING USE : R-la, Agricultural 12 acres .81 units per acre lr. trt: 5u;;i,,ri,o hr Lo,::r:.lt!srcd ReSidence l]?i4i:e: liaOrrn'c a e iulirrtt.d to 0i,irn,:l - N- s- E- w- R-1a; R-1a; R-1a; R-la ; WAIER AND SEWER: Rolling topography with scatteredof trees. Existing on site septic systems and wells. stands Medium Density Resident ial frq Fz () =(LL LOCATION: PEYSICAI, CEARAC. : 1990 I,AND USE PLAN: _-_Jt/Jl!_r_ Lake Minnewashta Regional park agri cultural single fami ly,/agr i cu ltura 1 Lake Minnewashta Regional park s \stb T e 5 r 70 )- P \$E $Eo{ i Z-l t.\ \ \ r}l t \ \ \ q \ -l \ /,-l ;lt' t,1 )l o D ? =r L: z-> o. n s 8 l) , I --.1Itlta IIIIIIIIIIII1- I I ,S,, I n\U I\:UQ=) ot I I @ (( Ches Mar PUD September 25, 19 85 Page 2 BACKGROUND Existing on the site novr are four principle structures, threewhich are now being rented. There are two single family . dwellings, 'one two family dwelling and. one multiple dwellingtaining six apartment units. In addition to these, there arefour accessory buildings, including an underground structure,barn, garage, and smal1 building used by the residents as a workshop. ZONING HISTORY of con - The subjecL property j.s legally described as one parcel . The twofamily and multiple family structures are considered non-conforming because the R-1a District only allows single familydwellings and agricultural uses as permitted uses. A1so, theexistence of more than one principle structure on the 1otviolates Section 19.15 of the Zoning Ordinance which limits oneprinciple structure per zoning lot. The Ches Mar Farm buildings were built many years before theadoption of the Zoning Ordinance i,n 1972 (1930's - 1940rs). Oneof the single family dwellings (located on proposed Lot 2) wasmoved onto the site just recently. The house, known as the oldHerman house, was located further to the north in the RegionalPark., The following section describes the series of heaiingsthat have transpired in regards to the house moving and to [.herequest for the subject property. On July 9, 1984, the Board of Adjustments and Appeals approvedthe.applicantrs request to a11ow an additional iingte eiirity nome(principle structure) to be moved onto the Ches Mai propu.i'y(proposed Lot 2). On october 15, 1984, the City Couicii aplroveaa moving permit to move the o1d Herman house from LakeMinnewashta Regional park to the Ches Mar Farms property. Thesoil percolation tests conducted for the ,rew septic-sysiem (July1, I984) meet the requirements of Ordinance :_Oa tfnai.viaualSewage Treatment Systems ) . The sketch plan for the.proposed planned Unit Development rrasconsidered by the planning Commission at their Januaiy 9, l9g5meeting and by the City Council at the January 2l , Lgg5 meeting.As indicated in the planning Commission minut-es, a majority ofthe Conmissioners felt that the proposal could be appioved as itwourd aI1ow individuar ownership of the existing stiictures andvrould allow existing uses- on the property to become conforminguses. During city councir review, tlre councilmembers were con-cerned about the proposed rot sizes and recommended thar theapplicant rearrange the Iot lines in the area of Lot I and 2,Block 2, so that all lots would be very close to or would atminimum total 2.5 acres. ( Ches Mar PUD September 25, 19 85 Page 3 PROPOSAL Lot sizes are as follows: 1.03 acres. This 1ot is self contained by the parkproperty on the north, Ehry. 4I to the south and aseparately owned 1ot immetiiately to the south. Becauseof its location, a 2.5 acre minimum lot size can not beachieved. The lot will contain one single familydwelling and a garage. ( The applicant is proposing the subdivision of the property intofour lots and one outlot. Each Iot will contain one priniiptestructure and will be served by the private drive depJ.cted isOutlot A. The outlot will be owned and maintained b! ahomeowner's association. Block 1 Lot 1 Block 2 ANALYSIS The intent of the applicantrs request for a Planned Unit Development with rezoning to P-l is to eliminate the non- conforming status of the existing structures. The P-1 District not only allor^rs single family dwellings as a permitted use, but also allows two family and multiple family structures as a per- mitted use. A homeowner's association will be formed to maintain the private drive and regulate other matters concerning the sub- division. Platting the property will also allow the sale of individual lots and structures as in other subdivisions. It should be noted that no additional development is proposed. Lot 1- 2.4 acres. This Iot is the smallest 1ot in area of theproposed subdivision. Increasing the Iot area of thislot will necessitate a reduction in area from Lot 2. Lot1wilI contain the existing tr^ro unit structure and an attached garage. Lot 2 - 2.5 acres. As discussed earlier, this 1ot contains the Herman house and a new garage will be constructed after removal of the existing shed. Lot 3 - 5.10 acres. The 1ot will contain the six unit apartment building, the underground structure, the barn and another accessory bui1din9. (r Ches Mar PUD September 25, 198 5 Page 4 Approving the proposed request metes and. boundsI will result in the following benefits: legal description will be eliminatedA lengthy by a plat 2 3 Non -con f ormi ng Each structure status will be of existing structures will be removed.. individually owned and maintained. During sketch plan review, staff had recommended that Outlot Acontaining the private drive should be widened to at least a 50foot rdidth. The plat now indicates the 50 foot right-of-wayexcept for a 25 foot strip adjacent to I-ot I, Block I. Theremaining 25 feet wourd have to be dedicated by the parcel to thesouth that is now und.er separate ownership. widening of theright-of-way to a standard width was recommended to iccommodate apublic utility installation if and when municipal service becomesavailable (see City Engineer's memorandum, Attichment #3). Itshould also be noted that each building is serviced by anexisting septic system and private we1l. The o1d Heriran housewi-11 have a new system instarled (percolation tests attacheill. RECOMMENDAT ION Staff recorunends thatmotion: PLANNI NG COMMISSION ACTION the Planning Commission adopt the following "The. Planning commission recommends that the city council approvePreliminary and Finar, Development plan requesL *-g4-2 for chLs uarFarms incruding rezoning to p-l , planned nesidentiar Deveiopmentbased on the preliminary plar siamped',nec"i.rea a;;a;;;;-;I rses." On a.motion by Emmings and seconded by J. Thompson thecommissioners unanimousry approved staff ,s rec6mcrenaiii"o with thefollowing two conditionsi 1. A homeownerts association nainLain Outlot A;2. There should be no increased density. ATTACHMENTS t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . Appl i cat ion Photographs of existing structures Memo from Bill Monk, - City Engineer, dated December 5, 19g4Section 14.0I p-l , planned nesideniial Developmenr Oi"iii.tCity Council minutes dated January ii, fgASPlanning Commission minutes dated .fanuaiy 9, 19g5City Council minutes dated october fS,'iSAaBoard of Adjustments and Appeals minuies dated July 9, 19g4Percolation tests for LaL 2, B1ock 2Planning Commission ninutes dated September 25, L9g5Preliminary plat stampea ',necei vea -iEpi".l". 4, 1985, (+ IAND DEVELOPI{ENT APPLICATION CITY OF CEANEASSEN 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 APPLICANT: ADDRESS Larry L. Hanscn Schoell- & IUadson, Inc. 10550 Wayzata Blvd OWNER: ADDRES S Mr. Gary David C. Kirt Bel1 Inv. Co 524I Vikin g Dr j-ve Minnetonka, IqN 55343 Edina, MN 55435 1p Code TELEPHoNE (Daytime ) (512) 546-7601 TETEPHONE (612) 830-0080 z ziP Code REQUEST: zonLng District change Zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Amendment Land Use plan Amendment Conditional Use permit Site plan Review PROJEC? NA,TYE Ches Mar Farm Planned Unit Development _ Sketch plan x Preliminary elan 1 - Final plan- I Subdivision _ Platting _ Metes and Bounds Stree t,/Eas ement Vacation Wetlands Permit x PRESENT IAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION Medium Censit v RNQUESTED LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION PRESENT ZONING R-lA REQUESTED ZONING P-I USES PROPOSED SIZE OF PROPERTY 12 acres LOCATION \mi 1e north of Tanado ona Drive on Hwv #41 REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST C form and subdiw ide LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary) fitrnuililafP/ { City of Cfr.nfr.""\{ Land Development. ApplicationPage 2 ( This application must be completed in fuJ.l and be typewrj.tten orclearly printed and musL u" ic"ompa.i"i'oy aLl information andplans required bv aoplicable aiay=o;;i;"nce provisions. Beforefi1ing this appricution, you shoirld confer with the city plannerto determine the soeci fic- orai.nin." iii'p.o"edura1 requiremenrsapplicable to your'application. - --- -"- EI L ING INS TRUCT I FILTNG C E.RTIFTCA?ION: Signe The undersibned reoresentative of the applicant hereby certifiesthat he is famiriai wirrr iire-;r;;J;;.;*r"no...^..,ts of alrapplicable City Ordinances. q/t A pp J 5r L'^J IFee O wne r Recei ved q g5 gs 0PMENl-rrr,--- OF CHANIIASSEN'\ I Dat e DateSigned By IDate Application Application Fee City Receipt No. Pai uJ This app Iicar.i on wiIlBoard of Ad j us tmen tsmeeting. ,I3l'gry5,, 'n3 /9g5 ^NA,MUNIIY DE be considered band Appeals at .E CITYy-th+--Rlan nrpft^co6rrrF. bnl :e 03€85 heir*- The undersigned hereby certifies that the applicant has been;::::il::: ro make this appricuti""-i"i'rhe property herein n:nilllilut\llTY DEVELOPMENT DEi' vt[)L{)A+r7ilI\ 1)tr)t JIx)vV )"o1q-b rrl^-Jrsza I Lo-t -tvtQ) krrxv2 .'rtodtq, .--.i:*...1-j l)r:,mg TJol grtdurr) "m7 aJfiavJlx&- b rrlr'rzfSZ -ffi I I : ' ) --;1 'i '':l W 3 (be*-) fc+tze, urfr_- c7 Hforrur l\a-rzo t' gr| ,a3^. . .'t'. l-oT I 6L,oc? A- RzAD LEAaruG 1p6o Cir.a, YAE- - a11oy * L.r a &ncgq F I I 3e€ A I r I I I I I ttt Da?ex I It- I I I It- I I Ii- I I I I I I I I I i Ij- I It- I I I I I i i I I I : I i I I I #flKr+il4alT A8 -l-G (C ! .- Elsa.t&T ultL 6€ @xtstPucTgD l+6Yr4N firus€ - u F !ElsF {:I E .,]\ oa,J s,\ t I ;f. ;,, 9-l -.+-t L 'I I B l llE&*N ttouse - €AsT tfrrAwaor'tT Jg SLEUfrlort) {s CITY(OF EEE&I{EE&$$EBE MEMORANDUIIl TO: Planning Commission IROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: December 5, 1984 SUBJ: Ches-Mar Farm p. U.D. Utilities '2/;zz ktTxt+-tn-T*3 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937- 1900 Public sewer and water facilities are not avairable to the site.A11. structures are presently serviced Uy pri.vate wef:_s ina septicsys tems . Str eet Continued. use of a private road system for this layout is not aprobLem, however, enlargement of Aut1ot A to a 50,-width alongLot 2 and a 40' widrh adjacent to Lot i shoulil u. .orr"ia"i.a tomore easilv facilitate public utility installation "na-i""J*"vdedication at some futuie point. €t E 1g T 1HEr- T UT du4trrct. no burldrng or land shall be used J#axcept for the lollowrnE ,rse:,. L SInEle famrlv dwellngs. 2. Two tamrlv dwellrngs. substrtuted for the sc.een ,r" K r,from the rntenor of the OurtOrne an"(f have no advertlslnp or orsphv *hicn tsvtslble Irom the outslde oI the butldlnE. and whtch facrltres are provtded prt- mar-tlv-for the resldents of the butldrnE.ll.0i l,rocedure tor p-l planned Reli-denttal Der elopment Dtstrlct ZonrnB. Platung and Developmenr. l. O*nersbip and Unified CoDtrol: a. ljnd proposed to be developed as a P.l Planned Resldentlal Develop. ment Dist ct shall be under slngle ownershrp or unified control. The owr- er or controlling entitv shall heretnaf- ter be reierred to as the applicant. Cen- trallzed management shall be a deslred charactenstlc of a P-l Distrrct- 2. Slerch Platr: a. The applicant mav prepare a sketch plan of the proposed develotr ment for revrew by the PlanntnR Com- misslon- Such sketch plan wlll be con- sidered as havrng been submttted for informal discusston between the appli- Cant and the Planruog Commission. b. Submlssion of a sketch plan shall not constrtute tormal filing of an applt- catlon for development of a P-l Dis- tnct. On the basts o[ the sketch plan. the Plannlng Commrssron mav lnfor- mallv advrs€ the applicant of the extena to whrch the plan conforms to the Com- prehenslve VillaEe Plan and the stand- ards o[ this and other ordtnances of the Village. and mav drscuss posstble modi- ficatlons necessat'v to tmplement ap- provalof the plan. 3 Proposed PrelimiDary Developmetrt Plan: a. Prior lo the submission of an ap- plicatlon ior rezonrng. the followrrlg documenls. which in therr entiretv shall constrtute a proposed prelimrnarv development plan. shall be frled wrth the ZorunF Admrnrstrator:(lr }laps and drawrngs which may be in a general schematlc form and showrnei ar enouEh of the area surroundlng the proposed develop- ment to demonstrate the relatron- ship of the planned development to , adracent uses. b, proposed land uses. area. population densltres and land use intensitles for each area ol land rncluded in the pro- posed development. c) existlog topoBraphv. d r exrsting tree covea. buildlngs. st.eets and other stte improvements. er proposed access system. lndicatrng both public and privat€ streets. fr common open space and publlc uses. rncludlng schools. parks. recreatron areas and undeveloped propertres. g r the archrtectural stvle o[ each dl[[er- ent tvpe of bullolng.l2r A wrrtten report or statement which shall rhclude a r the nature o[ the applcant s ownershlp or con- trol rn the land proposed to be de- veloped. br a descnpuon oi the tvpe ol proposed development. ln- cludlng populatron denslues and land us€ rntensltles. cr requested modrfrcatlon ln the requlrements of thrs ordlnance otherwlse applrc. able to the propertv. d r the expect. the dlscretlon ol the counctl. provtded. however. that anv such screen planung shall lul(rll the lorepornE herrht and opacrtv requlrements throushoua each s€ason of tie vear wlthtn 2{ months after date ol planttng l2.ll G.!.rrl R.Eul.tioos.I Addltronal reRulattons !n the I-l Indus- trral Drstrlct are s€t Iorth tn S€ctron I9' l?-l? Borodari.s of thG I-l lDdust.isl District. The boundanes of the l-t Indus- tnal Distnct shall rnchde the followtng descflbed tracts and parcels of land: SECTION 13. r Reserved for future us€, SECTTO\ l{. P-l PL.{:\..\..ED RESI, DT:\TI.{L DT]VELOP}IE\T DISTRICT. l{.01 Ob.iectives. The Village berng confronted wrth increasrnF urbantzatton and acknonledglng that technoloEv oI land development aod demand for hous. inE a.e under8olnE substantral atd raptd changes- lntends:l. To provrde the means for greater crea- tivitv and flexibilitv lrr environmental desrgn than rs provrded under the stflct appllcatron o[ the zonrng aod suMivF sion ordlnances nithout compromtstng the health. safetv. order. convenrence and Eeneral selfare of the Vlllage and its resrdents: 2. To encourage lhe more efficient allo catlon and rnnovatrve use of common op€n space adroinlng resrdentral build- inFs rn order that greater opportunrLres for better housru and aecaeatlon mav be extended to the resloenls o[ the Vll- laEe: 3 To provide for the establishment of regulatlons and procedures for planned resldentral drstrlct development de' si8ned to meet the need for moderate and low cost housrng. rncludlng the utl' lizal.lon of preconstructed and preas- sembled d*elhng unrts of a permanent nature \ rthout sacrtfrclnq qualltv con- structron and assemblv standards and tax base. and {. To provlde adminislratlve procedures r.vhich can relate a planned develop- ment distnct to a partlcular slte and whlch mav encourage the dlsposltron of planned development dlstrrct proposals Wrlhout undue dela v 1.02 Permrfied Uses- Within a P-l Planned Resrdentral Development Dis- 3. Multiple dwelhnFs 4 .l 1E 1 -1 iGlEt f;!E.l€ 'ti* FEI l{.03 nhouses. Acccssory Uses. Withln a P-l Planned Resrdentral Development Dis' trrct. th€ followrng uses shall be allowed as accessorv !o the permrtted use: L Subordrnate uses whrch are clearlv and customafll! accessorv to the p€rmllted use J. l{.fi CoDdiriooal Uses. Within a P-l Planned Resrden!ral Development Dis- lrlcl. the followrng uses mav be allow€d. but onlv upon the secunng of a Condltlon_ al Us€ Permrt ll. Retall shops and restaurants sltuated entrrelv rlrthrn a multrple d!aelllns burldrnq. and \ htch are acces$ble onlv <-.1. y?- 4 51,n.,,.ki q ?- r1, D, Q<P'^i-'a 4 7 - F ,J,n*4Jc-L qZ - q,T { 3.4,,,o.,-LrlqTAL 9. 4,nen,./er{ '17' E C4^. n,[ t kTgt+naJf *+ ed sah(.dulc rnd sr<1ur,nce o[ rlevel. oprncntb Wtthrn l.l dJ!s lltr.r tho suhmrs. slon ol th(' nrr)lx)\({t nrr,l|lnrn.trv (,rr(,1. opmr.nt DlJn tlr,. Zr,nrnr, j\rt|| nt\trJtorshril revt{.q. th.. pr0tx,s,.r! t,l.ro Jndma! \che(lUlc mr\.ttnr\ t{tth tht..tnoh.Canl lor thr. OurDos.. dt pr(.srnttnC ht\IlnOrngS or recomntr.ntlcrl |tlorll,tcJ.tlons The Zontng Adrnrntstr:,t,!r shJlletther grant prelmtnJrv Jppr,)T.rl oltne proposed Dl!n ,rs subnt|ttr.d orErant preltmtnarv aDprolJl SUbtl.ct tosjrecrlled modtftcauons. or denv prr. lrmlnorv approval of the proposed Dlan Statlng reasons for the denlil c. [f the proposed prehmtnarv devel- opment plan ls dented or approved $tth condrtlons wtth whlch the appltcant does not atree. the appllcant mav re-quest that the proposed plan be [or. !rarded to the Plannrng Commrssron for its consideratton- Prcliminary Development PIao: a. A prellmtnarv develoDment Dlanshall be submttted to th; PlannthE Commrssron togeth€r wrth an appllca- tion for rczonlng wtthrn {5 davs from the date o[ the decisron bv the Zomng Administrator o'l the proposed pla[. b. The prellmrnarv development plan shall conform to and include all of the informauon requrred under Subsectlon 3 of Sectron l{.05 of this ordinance. and such addltronal lnformatron requested bv the Zonrng Adminlstrator. In addt- tion. the followrnq shall be requlred: t l detarled drawlngs oi land uses showtng proposed burldlngs. parking and garag- rng arrangements. common open space aaeas. aecreatton lmprovements and structures. and open spaces around burldrngs and structures. 2r preliml- naav elevatron drawlnqs of all proposed structures and bulldinFs except de- tached slnEle familv d,*ellings. 3, a perspectlve dra$rnF or model which clearlv shoirs the archltectural stvle oI the development. 4r proposed aFree- ments. provlslons or covenants aegulat- ing the establlshment- use. matnle- nance and conrrnued stabllitv of the planned development and anv of its common open space areas. 5 ) a sched- ule showrng esumated proBresston of development. c. The Planning Commlssion shall conduct a public heannB in accordance*ith the provlstons cf thrs ordrnance to consrder for approval or disapproval the apphcatlon for rezonlnE and the prelimrnarv developrnent plan. At the conclusloo of such hearing the Planning Commrssron shall make its recommen- datron to the Village Councll l.rhtch ma+ rnclude the followrng: Ir approval or disapproval of the rezo ne appltcatlon. 2l approval of the prellmlnarv develop- ment plan. 3l drsapproval of the prelim- inarv developmenl plan statrng reasons lor the drsapproval. {r approval of the prellmrnarv development plan subrectto specrfred modtllcatlons and condt- ttons d The Plannrng Cmmrssron shall recommend a t[rttten tlme schedule for developmenl. and shall speclr:r a trme I 't5 Couocil BILLS: Councilnao Geving noved to approve the bills as presenteds checks ,022125 throuqh ,022226 in the amount of 15OO,767.64 and checks ,O245O9 through ,024666 in the amount of $1r475r564.84. Motion seconded by CounciLrronan l{atson. The foLloring voted in f6vorr Mayo! Hsmilton, CouncilNooen lratson end SHenson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carsied. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF A FIVE ACRE PARCEL INIO TIlO LOTS. 92OI GREAT PLAINS BLVD. Mayor Haoilton moved to approve a oetea and bounda subdivision dividing a five acre tract into t|ro parcels, Planning Case 84-25, Subdivision. The tro parcels to be approxiDately of equal size rith ths easte.n Doat parcel having access to Highnay l0l on the north side. llotion seconded by Councilnan Ho.n. ThB foltoeing voted in favor: l{ayor Hanilton, CouncilnoEen llstson and Swenson, CouncilEen Horn and Geving. No n6gative votes. Iotion carried. ttee !i ns .t"nu.( 2t, 1985 (-r- I bB asked to do aoything at it, it ras l2 acres but itrs just not Bill Honk - Nobody at that tiDe kner thst we were going tolike this. At least I rasn,t aNare of it. t{hen Ire lookeduith four gtructu.es and you could put each one on 2l acrestrorking out that v.ay. They are trying to subdivide. Barbara Dacv - ches-Mar Faams has been there foE years and rhat i.s going on noyr isthat the buildings are being rented and the amount of incone thst is being gainedf!oo the rentar. of these structures is not going to be enough for the proper upkeepand maintensnce so the prope.ty ornet uanted to find sooe way that he could create alot to fit individual st.uctu!es so he can sell each lot and, the!efore, be underaingle ownerghip. A9 you csn see on the layout, the nhole sj.te totsls l2 acres andit haa ao unusual shape to it that really prevents it froll getting the stendard 2lacre subdivision. Another point rhy re recomDended the applicant to process a pUDis that these are multiple st.uctu.es in an R_lA District. The reason xhy they havoLot l ae li acreg is because it is ideally identifiable, it is pretty iiell self_eontained as is. It has the. access drive along the south. you have got thoregional park along the north and Highray 4l on the eaet. Tha.e is onough acreEgethere to qet that zl acre mininuD but rhat rould end up happening i,s that you ,.ourdhave to create little squares and tie theo together. l{e nanted to keep the drivetraygoing into the Lot 4 site all in one lot. PauI Prenevost The object is keep them. that all the outbuildings hEve solr6 value to therl andlre '.ould like to rtTft#ilalr#s- * PROPOSED SUBDIVISION DIVIDING ].45 ACRE PARCEL INTO TIIO LOTS, 7'50 GREAT PLAINSglyg_: Councilrqoan Srenson Eoved to approve the subdiviaion dividing a I.45 acreparcel into tro parcels, Planning C8se 84-26, Subdivision, subject to the folloring conditiong: l. That the subdivision be put into a plat forr0at. 2. Building plens and 6pecifications for construction on the nerly c!eated Iot be certlfied by an engineer sa pe! the letter from the City Enginee! to the Plsnning CoDDission dated January 4, L9A5, D!ainage aod Slope. t. Serer snd rate! benefit for the neily created lot {j,ll, be handled under provi- sions of the Cityrs connection charge policy at time of building perrit appLica-tion. Hotion seconded by Councilman ceving. The foLloxinq voted in favor: llayoEHaDilton, councilromen l{atson and srenson, councill[en Horn and Geving. No negativevote9. Motioo carried. CHES-MAR FARM SKETCH PLAN REV I ET: Counciloan Horn - I guess I got caught off-guard oo thj.s. I ras not under theimpression Hhen He allowed Hernan hooe to be moved that we },ere alloring permissionfo! substandard lot sizes. L {C (.\ Counci I Meeting January :i - Councilr.otnan lfabaon - Ile 21, 1985 have got one lot that's six acres and two lots that wecan't nake come :bp to 2l PauI Prenevost - The tno lots lhat you are re ferring toThree is on top -of a hill and this is aIl Carver Countyno building oD anything in that erea. This one ie thesloping dorn away from the actual structure itself and -4- l,,ould be one and thDee. Park so there is going to be s6ne thing rhere you are itrs frontage on the park. and jqst because you do thatin and s€y, you did it here soits oin meri.ts. I donrt see so llsny qhangea it rould oot t- Eakes the lots aininiDum of 2l acres regardl.esa of rh€ther they are on the park.The problem is th€ person that qomeg in after you who doesart abut a park oranything else and.,atill liants the same privilege of a lot ress than 2l acres in theuosere!ed area. !. .ra - f,e look at Councilroman llatson - l,ly problen rith it is that re knor have the ordinance that i,lsvor trith this one doognrt mean Nani.l ton noll hor f i t one of those large enough th at hasnrt each one on that the next merits com9 one on itg otn guy cen at eachyou have to do it for else they cdfl divide the prqpe!ty. P. me. thi6 You look up lrithout reall.y making Counci lman Horn- tr I think re can apell out exceptions. tri th pre-exi sting condi tiona that xe !eaIly donrt have comfo!table rithdhhis one becauae of that. If le arescratch, thatrs one thing, but this already exists. Councilr{oman In this case re are dealing a choice. I think I can feel. creating sooe thinq f rom aod re could have solved and Lot f could have been theae because of sonething l{atson - Thst house isnrt proElems because the house tha6.we l{ouldn't have had even \happened ye t. J- even in there yet is gone on Lot 4 a substandard lot Paul Prenevost -1 ,He already has approva.L to do it. Counci.fronan l{atEon - I knolr he does but it hasn,t have changed. He, obviously hadnrt pl,anned to do the tine that he asked for approval of moving the have had at least.one Less substanda!d lot had he possibility at that point in time. Counci Irloman SHenson happened yet and circumstanceg this or made no mention of it at Herman house and then re rould at least b!ought this up as a up that this was going to deve- permi t to move that houae on - Certainly, you would not had the idea come have been gi ven alop, I am sure that there. r'.. Councilm6n Gevi nq - I thj.nk you are const ricted on Lot Dake som6 aLlorarDqes out of Lot 2 to bring both Lots, Here to extend the restern most line and bring it back could bring Lot rrs eastern most line over and I think acres. Bring that line over to the .oad. I but I do believe you could and 4 more up to size. I you to the east on Lot 2 theo you you could pick up the 2l l'lavor Haoilton - rThe road that goea back in there, is that ches-ll6r Drive or ,fhat igit? Paul Prenevost Itrs Pine Ci.cle.tMavorHamiltonIs that a City street or is it private. Councj.I lleeting :"nu"{ 2L, lg85 (-5- Barb Dacv - It is mqin tai ned by the tain snlargements easement. a private street. It is on heIe as an outlot because it Hould be hotltsowners association and we did make a recomnendation that ce!- to the outlot be nede to make it more of a standard 50 fooL wide I l{syor Har!i Iton - Lot I Counci lroman S enson - is okay and adjust the lines as you saj.d for Lots, and 4 llhy does this have to be a Ptl0? I Barb Dacy - The "P" DiEtrict rill eliminate the non-confotDing atatua on the uae because nultiple dr€llings ate a pernitted uss. l,layor Hanilton moved epproval Hith the notBd adjustments to the lot lines of the sketch plan and the City Enginse!'3 recotrnendations in his letter dated December 5 1984, Utilities and St.eets. Hotion asconded by Councilman Hoan. The folloriingyoted in favoE: Hayor HamiLton, Councilromen t{atson snd Srenson, Counciloeo Horn and Geving. No negativE votes. Hotion carried. S(ETCH PLAN REVIEtI. TIHITE TAIL RIDGE. NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE LUCY ROAD AND GALPIN BLVD. Barb Dacv - since the Planning Conmj.sgion l!eeting lle have mqde goae recoomendations in your repoEt about the site plan. The app.Licant has reyiaed the aketch plan toconforlI to those as far as the parking space alignoent oear the north lot lins and he rill submit e oore detailed .Landscaping p.Lan should xe puDsue the project. Asfar as the accees froD Gslpin 8lvd. is concerned, there ra9 a Letter from carvergounty that steted that as ouch distance as possible should be maintained froo Lake Lucy Road. 0riginally l'e had recoomended that the acceee be aligned across thestreet from tiest 55th Street so we are going to try and Fske the best conpromiser totttaximize the distance l.om Leke Lucy Road. tihat the appri.cant ie proposing is eight tov,nhouse units. To'inhones are a permitted use in a p-l District and by clusteringthe units to the most buildable area of the s.i.te, rrhen you vie{ this pl.an versus fivesingle family Lots and, therefore, five accesses onto Lake Lucy Road and then you!iould have the buildabirity questi.on dol{n in the southeast and southHest corners,what thig rearly does i.s squish alr the units together and consol.idate the accessinto one driveway. Councilrnen Gevinq I think itte s Iot of density in a s[all area. ahd the development density rill be 2.9 uni ts per groae makea sense. l{e rill get the type of housing that wethe ea6ies t locati on to irork with. Batbara Dacy - Eight units ECre. Meyor Hami I ton - oeed in torn and I think it that's not Councilman Cevinq I have dri ven that area quitethe hill starts? A!enit you sbout Bt the crest ofpqss fest 65 th Street? Barbara Dscy - The tornhomes are located riqht onquestion that re are going to have to lrork out anltrent to Galpin Blvd. Ie have to lnaintain as nuchRosd aceording to the County. often that and isnrt that about trhere little hill just after you the top of I hi11. There is no appropriste intersection of aLigo-digtance a9 l{e can fron L ake L ucy councilroman srenson - Actually' you have got Lake Lucy Road coming in fro,n the eastand then a distance or probably ro0 and some fe6t, you hav6 9ot rest 65th streetcoming in fsom the rert' and then you are going to go up another is feet end haveanother i.nlet from th€ east and as DELe points out, the!e is a risa in th6 hillthere. L {r C Planning Commission MinutesJanuary 9, 1985 Page 3 PUD Sketch Plan Review *84-2 for a planned Unit Develo nt tosubdrvlde a 12 acre rcel to four lots on property zonedIN R-Ia,Agricult ural Residence, and locateE on the Che s Mar Farm propert Ywest of and ad acent to 4L ust north of Cam Tanadoona D avr-d C. Be 1 Investment Co., applicant. Public Present Gary KirtPaul Prenevost 22410 Murray Street, Excelsior2739 Pine CircIe Olsen explained that this item had been tabled from the lastmeeting because the applicant was not present. She stated thatthe applicant is proposing to subdivide his property inio-fourparcels with three lots containing one of th; tirree-existingstructures and the fourth lot is the future site of the Herianhouse which was approved by the City Council. She stated thatMr. Kirt is currentLy renting the buildings and would like tohave them under individual ownership to .[eep the property up,,.she stated that each lot is serviced by its own seitii syitem andthere will be no additional development. She statld thai thestructures.on the property existed before the adoption of theZoning Ordinance and thus these structures are non-conforminguses in the R-Ia District. She stated that the existing struc-tures create a unique situation in that they are similai indesign and style and form a cohesive unit ana by rezoning theproperty to P-l , it would allow these structures and theircurrent densities to remain as permitted uses. Mr. Kirt, the applicant, stated that he has invested money intothe rehabilitation and maintenance of this property and ii unableto continue to do so with what he is receiving from rent. Hestated that if the Commissioners had any other ideas on how tosubdivide this parcel he is willing to take a look at it. Hestated that he just wants to sell the structures to individualsso that they are kept up because it is a unique and attractivearea. He stated that they will be renovating the Herman houseand $rant to keep that with the other structures on the six acreparcel. He said that they will not be subdividing the six acreparcel because the only place that a house could be put on iswhere the Herman house is going. He wants to keep the o1dbarns, and fence the area to stay with the "theme" of the area. Albee stated that she d.oes not $rant to set precedent of allowingdevelopment in R-1a areas under 2l acres. She also felt thesetracts are a poor gray to encourage development in Chanhassen. Mr. Kirt stated that he is open to any of their suggestions andis.at the point where there really is no other way- [.o deal lriththis situation. He stated that they have spent alot of moneyon this project and it is a negatj.ve cash flowing project. He frDiafr't462la*6 -* t t r C Planning Commission tr{inut es January 9, 1985 Page 4 stated that the Herman house that they will be relocating ancl restoring will be a very expensive project. Ee stated that if the PUD is not the proper approach then he is open to any ideas. Ryan stated that because there would be no rrDre development on the property the PUD would not be allowing any expanded use of the property. Ile stated that he is confused about the Herman house because the Planning Commission had not seen anything on it and knows absolutely nothing about it. He stated that sincethe City Council has allowed Mr. Kirt to move the Herman housein, they have already given him a fourth principle structure onthe property. Chairman Conrad asked the other Commissioners if they had any suggestions and if not how they would react to this as a siteplan. J. Thompson , l,tLet z, Noziska and M. Thompson felt that they would probably approve it !,rith the staff rs recommendation of the enlargement of Outlot A to allow individual ownership and allowit to be a permitted use. Proposed Subdivision Ordinance Public Present Pat Swenscn A1 Klingelhutz 9015 Iake Riley Blvd. 8601 Great Plains B1vd. Dacy stated that on December L2, l-984 the Corunission discussed some anendments, She stated that the Commission recommended thatthe term "procedure" be added to Section 4.L (2) and to Section4.1 (3). She added that Section 4.2 reflects the Commission's 9g"1r9 to have all properties in the City platted except fordivisions of lots which add a portion of a 1ot to an alutting lot(Section 4.2 (1) and (2)). She also stated that the recommen-dation of the City t'tanager in his memo of December 10, I9g4, wasthe redundancy and conflict between the proposed park dedicationprovisions in Section 8 and the existing regulations outlined inOrdinance No. 14. She stated that the aity-Attorney has con-sequently revised Section 8 to address the concerns of the CityManager as expressed in the memo referenced earlier. Dacy apolo-gized as the ordinance rra s inadvertently left out of the -com- mission's packets; however, she statea lnat the items mentionedwere the only ones that were amended. She also noted thatletters were sent to the homeor.rners associations and to theChamber of Corunerce advising them of the hearings. Pat Shrenson stated that she was concerned about grades of thestreets for safety reasons. she stated that nraybe it should bestated that "wherever possible, grades within ttrirty feet ofintersections or railroad crossings shall not exceei 3t,. it"also was concerned about doubre frontage lots. she would like a { ( t REGUIAR CEANHA.SSEN GIOBER 15, 1984 cf OUT.rIL METI}IS a Mayor Eardlton called the neeting to order.the Pledge to the F1ag. litemters Present lte reeting was opened ttre reeting with Co:ncilnran Horn, CouncilrEn Geving, Councilr,rErnan watsonCourcilvunan S\Enson Staff Present Don AshhDrt-h, Bill Monk, Barbara Daqf, l,lary Vujovich, Soctt lltartin APPRCXIAL OF IGEMA: sented to the Board atrpro\red. Ite -fot lowing itern was leleted frcrn the Agerrla as it vas pre_of Mjustrcnts and Appeals prior to the Corjncil neeting ani l. F?ont Yard setback variancre ReqEst, 3707 south cedar Drive, Dave Esq)re. councilman liorn Illfved to a[p-rove the agenda as presented with the follcr,ringadditions: southr.iiest cogi{1 coalition, statui of Bruff creek Rait;a ciossing,Novernbr 5th neeting, and Cable 1\/. !,btion seconded by Councilrrunan Watson. TtEfollor.dng voted in favor: !4ayor Hamilton, councilvurei watson and sr"er.or,Councilnen ibrn and Geving. No negati\re \rotes. lOtion carried. @NSEliIr AGEND. i: !,ayor Hanilton noved to a$rrove the following consent agenda itdnspursuanC to the City l,/larEger r s reccrmEndations: 3. grdinanc€ !e19nLng Electro{raft Site frcrn R-lA to p-4, FirEI Reading.b. Accept Hillside Oaks Project InprovsrEnts. RESOLUIION #g4-5G.c. 4prove Grievance Procedure for Handicapped InilividuaLs as Required bY FederalStatute. RESOLUIION #84-57. Motion_ seconded [r Councilnan Horn. ltre following voted in favor: Mayor ltramilton,councilwcnerr s$Enson and watson, councilnen Geving and Horn. l.lo negat-ive votes.Motion carried. x PUBIJC EEARIT\E REIUEST FDR IIMING PER!4IT tO I'ICVE ITOUSE TO CHES+|AR FARIIS Irlavor Ilamilton - rs there any one here frcrn the public who has any ctfirents to make on tiis it€m? Mayor llarniltori caUed the hearing to order. Ttre follcrring interested persons !{erepresent: Gary Kirt, 22410 Murray Street, E<celsior Paul PrenevosL, 2739 Pine Circ1e, D<celsior Don Ashriorth - we have a request to lrove t]te Heman trcne. Ttre Building rnspectorE? reEffi the hcne and finas it to be sorid, neeting code and there-are scneitems t-trat he has noted t-tat need t.o be taken care of. rtre prinary $Estion is oneoof rearly a clarification of the ordinance as the city councir previously approvedit, you have a copy of that ordinance and you har.re a copy of state code and that code does provide discretion to the building officiar especially in roving hcnes such as this. r refer to section r.05 under lbdifications of the State code. ttEquestion presented to the Council is one of insuring that staff is correctlyinterpreting the City Council's desires in terms of substantive requirorents r:nderState Building Code and tie secrcnd issue is the approrral or denial of the housenoving pe.rmit. itself . I I /ffi{rt/lalf *7 t Council !,beting October ,rl ,.rr, ( -2- ery g+ - I{e dial give quite a bit of infornation on the house several nonttrs ago. The pernit pretty much speaks for itself. Councihran C,eving - I{hat wiU the house be used for? Gary Kirt - It will be single family residential. co:ncilrnan Geving noved,t" g19* the public hearing. lrrtion seconded b1zco:nci}ucrnan s,renson. rtre follovring voted in favoi: lrayor Hamilton, 6uncirr,uorenwatson ano s^enson, councilrEn Horn and Geving. No negalive votes. Irbtion carried. HOUSE I.O\II}IG PERT"[T:counciE Horn - r r^ras rondering if there vrould be any possibility of a residento"rd-c-fiE-rcdif ication secd6n in rererrift-to trre secrion unde! historichrildtss. r. suq)ect they accorplish the sane thing. section 104 (f,. Also rnoliced that in section (e) aboge itts \rer!' e:plici[ that nDved O,riiaings shaf.lcgrefv !9. the sane provisions as ngc bu"ilaingJ and structures v*rich cpuial tend to goalong with rdhat our intention Has !*len lle paised the ordinarrce. r al;;dced on101.3.2.1 that additions to -Ji sting hrirdings lrould curply hrt you,-rrarr't have tonecessarily bring rp ttre rsrEinder of the hrilding to coi:f6rmity. t- Counc iLrroran Slenson I am a Little confirsed here, hon are we rela ting to the ordi-nance if t's only passed it's first hear rng.We are rDt working with this ordi-I nance thatrs included in our [Ecket? Councilnan Gevinq - I don't believe so. Don .+:hr,io+! -_ It E: rnt been published hrt it was pa.ssed through the secrcndreading. You have finally acted on this ord.inance. councilwclrEn sr€nson - There were changes that were srposed to have been made. Forone-Eh-Ing-E GEIon 2, which isn't ev6n referred to which has to do with thechanging or altering of existing hrilfi ngs. Secrcod.Iy, I was very speciii.c aUoutsaying in my notion on the first reading, that the gtestion ,.= ,,oi,uitr, hrildingsthat are alreadv e-xisting -within the ciiy, it,s the hrildings that "i.Ling ui.,lgnti1tto. the city and this oidinance does rpt'refLect that. Ttris ordinance says into orwirlin the city. r *ou1d r't have agreed to ttris becawe this was contrary to whatmy initial rDtion was. cguncjalman Horn -- r. thought there courd be a difference between buildings that lverealready here and buildings that would be noved in. councilw,gna! s! enson - you wirl nct.ice on page 15 of the Au$rst 6th councit minutes,alge 3,za of the way dorrn, "councitwcnran sveison noved to pLce on first reading anordinance ameding ordinance 47 with the fouor,ring aaaitio'ns: "aihg- i. requiringthe- Buirding rnspector's ccn[Ents, 4d adding the verbage of 47A- The city Attornevwirl clarify in itsn r hrhether it would r" i.r""*ll" to reave our tie ';idil;:::Iknour absorutely rothing about any .""u.nr.tiol-Jr it. rf tiere tras teen scnEthi.ng rcertainly haven't seen it. Doq Ashworth - Ttris was sent back to the Attorordinance. I cannot recatl him addressing thathe @unciI agenda and was approved fo. s6co"a ney. ne did draft a redraft of thet pa.rticuJar issr:e. It did go back onreading August 20th. Council iqnan Srenson - tlhy wasnrt that included in the pa.cket? Scbtt l4artin - f am sure it was a clerical oversight. L, council I'berins o.t"L ls, 1984 { _3_ ffidffi .tr€"q!?!i!3iii s"",'Hii* irrii'*tu,tnildx."[.,ffrbecause builei'ngs that are already oritiri" tfi. city have had to at one ti:re oranother received a hrilding per:rLit. Bill lrcnk - Ihe City Attorney did q>ecificaffy r9sp9{ to the question. His ansreras r renEmber to that orecise qr:estion was u,.t nd aia rnt "* ="-*iJ. ' aistinctionber",ee-n houses within ana wittrour u"a ti,i" *J'r.ir * ;;a;G.:-#;.d wirhin thecity or into the citv r,rourd u. n*ar"a th; ; t*y. r?rat was iris inGrpretauon.The rajor qresrion at the staff leve1 was an Gteriretati;, ;i aI, ii,J*.ansuhstantive" and whether the council ,""tua t regurate trr" ,na116r t Ju""s rcved hadto rEet clde or rbt. Ttrere is.a big difference u6een *r"tt "r--ti,!v' ii"" to rEetcode exacrlv or whether. the buildini ir"p."t"i-r"."iil;";ffi;JiJi. rhis is anexanple of that. Ttris house will n6t rreet maes i" e*ry *y: -*--*' Councilnnn brn - I ttrink there are o<ceptions though. Bill lr'cnk - Ttre code a110vrc for tl.sn but the ordinance does rpt have to. qounci 4Er=1. Horn - rtre ordinance as r interpret it is.that ere are reguiring the uni-f_orm buildi ng cade to he enforced. we, of'course, did rnt have the berefit of theuniform Buirdinq code wtren we loked.i tti" urt trr.ru "r" ".rt^irr-trrings rrere trratdo give you those options. Cor:ncilwcrnan Srenscrn - If as you say this was done, rre pa.ssed this oldiDanc€ on theaE;rr,gusE anaEis is rpi tt"i,iaaru "i-o"tr.t, why donrt r,re have theordirance? P9n._Astn^rolth - I?,.t. is the nodified ordinance. rtrat is the one that eias presentedby Roger Knutson. cgEc+q*l.Stlgl - r.,as.of the opinion that the application for the [Ermit wasgorng to be filed with the Citlz and rot tire Director o-t- Ccr*unity [""i"gr="C. Wedon I t -knor,, how rong we arg. gorng to have thar position i"-trr" Eiivl-'i-i.t inr itshould have been nade to the ciiy rdhich is v*r"t t e have been a"i"'g - r"i i *n-siderable period of tj.ne. councilran Gevino - r think what happened there is tt,.t this was &ne before theGgeE ttEeEmqs r.,ere hel<i. councilnan Geving noved to grant the house noving req,est. Mction secended b!,courrcilnan Horn - Ttre follor.ving rrcted in favor: -l4ayoir Hamilton, coonciiwcnen watsonand S\enson, CouncilrEn Horn arrd Gevi,ng. No negative votes. l,fltion carriea. !,lotion seconded by Councilwunan Sr.enion. The following ,mted in favoi: UayorHamilton, courrcilvuren watson and s\,enson, councilnen frorn and c"uing. - I{o negativevotes. lrbtion carried. EEASIBILITT STUDY, CREKhTD DR VE: =---r-:-:--::Ell r Monk : r wrote a retteF to- arr the peopre who live on that pri\rate easerEntgoTng-E;t into the Eolf course ana atso- to'ttatta Nursery. r found out jrst todaythat when the notices \.rrsnt, out they were tlped under chairhassen r;"J of chaska.Pecpre were just getting the letter -. -qaturaay or today. r roourd t" i""or"="aing thatthis itern be tabled and r+e can renotify tre pecpre and ret thsn know that the iternwourd be coning r4r at the n",<t neeting. r "|"r"gir" to the co,ncii.,,Jto "r,yon" t I rr ( MINUTES CBANHASSEN ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMET\TS AND APPEALS JULY 9, 1984 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dale STAFF PRESENT: Scott Geving, l{iI1ard Johnson and Carol watson. Martin, Community Development Director CALf, TO Chai rman PETITION FOR ZONING VARIANCE TO AILOW ONE ADDITIONAL SINGLE-FAI4ILY HOME TO BE MOVED ONTO THE CHES -MAR FARMS PROPERTY: Martin explained that the petitioner iras requesting a variance toSection 19.15 of the Zoning Ordinance, which restricts eachzoning lot to only one principal structure. The petitioner, Mr. Gary Kirt, was present to speak on behalf ofhis request. He explaineii that he would like to move an existinghouse onto the Ches-Mar Farms property, which currently has atotal of eleven (11 ) dwelling units located in four (4) separateresidential buildings - His proposal includes the removal of anexisting two-family home, which the Chanhassen Fire Departmenthas expressed an interest in for fire training purposes. No other citizens erere present for this hearing. ERORD Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.x Walson moved, seconded by Geving, to approve a variance toSection 19.15 of the City Zoning Ordinance to a11ow one addi-tional single-family home to be moved onto the Ches-Mar Farmsproperty, subject to the location of the home meeting all otherordinance requirements, and. subject to the rernovaL oi the two-family home following temporary use of said building by the Chanhassen Fire Department for fire training purposes. A1I votedin favor and the motion carried. The following persons were present: Joan Rask Esther Rask !4ike and Susan MorganEarI l,lorgan Paul Melchert John ParsonsLouis & MargareL Parsons Maggie Cassidy 1030 Bridge Drive, Shoreview 55112 1285 Cohansey st.r St. paul 55117 3734 Hickory Road, Excelsior 3734 Hickory Road, Excelsior203 Lakeview, Waconia 553877200 Juniper Drive, Excelsior 7200 Juniper Drive, Excelsior LL2733 Hundertmark Road, Chaska ,fiwtfitdtf*f - IEIIIIE FoR zoNING 4I9 SEgrqlAlS MANAGEMENT REGULATIoN VARIAaICES?O AILOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE-FAMiIY HOI,,'E ON A SUBSTANDARD SIZE IOT, WITH REDUCED SIDE YARD AND i,AXESTTONEEIpI,SEt+Ers, tot-zC EimKEE sEa4& cS1glj_ !.S=PARS ONS , O9{r\ERS : @)s#/ 067 .PIn; JL.\TiC:t .tiD ?c::.iit3r',;'ili:G C0:l'J,:L:ii! B'i Pr'LiiL iifrj]l. "iJ;c:t:.{, lEtiiils0iA 5i157 DtLe 7 -l -A'{ Pq.*l (re * eoo L/cF^/{'e- ilo, 9'/-/'/ Oh e.J - fv\ar. Fc. r {+ .rl t lia:e ?--7 31 Pin- .lliiress ?oershifl[g3-f,sg9-..e- Build:ng or Sewer Pernit ilrriber Sui:<'livision Na're- Ioi_ B1o"L D'' Baseri on the above tests, the ayeiage percolati.on rate is 3z^ni:rutes pe:' inch. ft,eref.:re, '.i.: raqui.:'sC abs::;t:o:: a:ea-, ir s,-;u:.:e feet oer Leircc,l, ic= the standard cirainfieid iaid i:r a 24 i-nch trench i.s as 3clioi+s: * A'rcia6e Percclat ion lbte =Jz-i -_r,sc. rlE. p3:' 39s-c:/ = -..-- the hone is to have b beciroons, therefore, a total- absorpticn area of square feet is required. SilOlrin T.iE 8I.tfr-DJi{3 SI?; CliAiiGll, TIirS PEP-C0L.{TICi; -l-'Ii) S'JPliiG D-.!T.r. !.:JST BE HiT.iiGl!. ITE:.'J Oi{ TIE BUIIIIJG S],TE ANS DISCPJESD ;{E?sI!l C){ P.':GE ]. 1-t -42 *A11 data is based on thosa requirenents of ihe lii:::esct a Derart:;::l'- oi ilealth in eonputi::g requi.red absorption area. Design of the or-site se',rera;a sysLem can vary upon concurrance of the Carver County ZonLilg 0ifice. s Pau]. lie':na-nn Date ifrktrtt%ti-47 q^^+i^F q the percolation tests indicater,S soil abso:ptivlti"es, il nrinutes per i.nch, as follows: TEST iJO. SUPfII.CE EI,EI'ATIO:I RATE (E!9/1TC1i) p-z ql,( i,f +g_l 1z,b io:: Qt^."r - fla o- r' Dat e: 1-( - feet . { SffEEr z oF L( Ccnrtents: pc c+' e,oI t '-.-1f J qJ e(q.r d ".-]ro.- sL"-r-, o--A -I*rttt^* *(=--+ u*-+ tz\tp l r( . ra-e.<-A .. .. .-{-o-t^ drrc.i^ s 1.r 1=.,_ +- rvr-o t -{<l^- s rr-o. J o*-cr( ,* c-!.- t-o-tt._ e-( p r-,, *d-pt+.- fne belor soi.l bori:rgs encourtered uater at a depl-h o fUo,a E 8.o o DepthDeath (, Jt !i /t e! eq a "t L-*r^-- cLbl Cto CLH' 9*'tI a'o,- J "r^-a ttt t L(z* u/ ;+ t. {ol,-, q..-d q r (-o.-F o.-f (u B':;rfi:;C sir:LCCi'i'I0i: J)rt P;"UL :Eijj,l,1!1i., s //E-f7' 3 0F'/ Fcr: Qta., - Iy1 q. r Date:-1- t - $\ 1-L .? \..8-t 55 \ '11 ? -?- tP1e="- \-,a5 q.( 1 q t sq iAJ ;,-do".J s; ll S ' r,r.J . C.o :- ,. c-r- ffi" e-(e,r,.. r. I a,s*^C-d E ( e^t-l.,:o*t s<-f c.u;,^, h- ..J [.r. [4 Percel:+-i,e:: tes+- hcles ne:.kod P-1, P-2, etc.Eoriu; iests holes na:'ked E-1r B-2, etc. are my opilices r"rrj.ch f pe:.<onal- !.iabiJ.lty or 5ut thl,i systeu will' not c *\e-(er.l , have forr.ed f6r cond,ucth; theenantee is implied as lJ.1 of the above dat2pereolation test. Noof ttl.is systeG ar.d thain the future. . Dat ause po}J.u to ti.e frrnctio:.:,er o.r air suppli.es Q-an J Aed =r?-(grl St5n:d o:r to \P1t rd ( ( @)INDIVIDUAI. SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTE{ WORKSHEET O-hes - fYl ar 'D-33 S HFFT 4 or7' (." FLOII A EsriEaEed 9 O O gpd cpd (See D-7 or I-3,4,5) or oeasured SEPTIC TANK VOLIJME gallons See C-3 or C-5)b c-t( -z-o '*; ^t h- lo",- ic r; z Depttr Eo restrietiBg layer = 3, ',f feet Maxlmua depth of systen feet su curki ROCK I.'EICIT N DISTRIBl]-IION (Check one based on slope) _ Bed (< 62 slope) Cubic yards times 1.4 = tons l,t x 1-4 = tons ROxL-4= llZ-rons B. SOILS o P c D E F G Trenches ----j-z!/rop boxes (any slope) _ Distribution box (level toslighrly sloping) _ Closed - conrinuous (level)C-3ft= Percolatior. rate j? Z MPI rci^rl rk Soil area ?, O A s q frlgpd Land slope CH LENGTH e.j.'-r-fa-uJo- Select trench rridth = ffDivide boEton area by IiEiEn ,idth,(H' I' J, or K) : O = lineal. feet _ :_ 1lneal feet 1AI{II AREA a. Select trench spacing, center to center = feetR. Mulriply tr.nch spa.ii!-E! lineal fe Q x P = sq fE of lalln area _x_=_sq ft L.AyOUf (use other side) 1- Select an approprLare scale; one square = fcet Shor,, perEinent property boundaries,right-of-way, easemen[s- Shor.r location of house, garage, driveway, and all otlter iupr-oveuenEsexisting or proposed. Show locacion.and layouE of ser.rage treatmenE system. Show location of water supply uell- Dinension all set backs and separaElon distances - 6\{4-e.t SOII, TREAT}IENT AREAH. Ior beds and trenches 5 inches of rock the disEributi Pe: _=_sq ft of bottom area Ax For trenches lrith 12 inches of rock below the distribution pipe: A x F x O.8 =9)1x Z,ok o.8 =l'l'! O sq ft ofEt toro "-r"aFor trenches lrlth 18 inches of rock belolr the bution PiPe:Ax 0.65 =x 0.66 = x I J sq ft of bottom areaK. for trenches with 24 lnches of rock below the dis ti.on ? ', 4 5 6 Pipe:AxF 6=x 0.6 =sq fE of botEoE area I r 2 iln I II t t ( L L ROCK VOLI'ME IN CU FTL. Rock depth belou disrrLbutlon pipeplus 0.5 foot tiues botton area: L = (_L + 0.5) x l{t/c= Zlbocr rt ROCK VOLIJME IN CU YDS '!1. Volume in cu ft dlvlded by 27L:27=cuyds zlbo:27 = Bo ct yd,s .{ Fl)l,iu1l.\iioll .iiD ?CSillC\r aSTIi:G C0rliilL'IEi B'i Pi$L ii?Jl!'iriiiti,r;c;I:-{, }aliiESgfA Jilsl Dr,-"7-[ -&<Lru*I P4....=.ror+ C..hc"/ - /\e- F<a-.'-Lt a LtaF L)rtr Si{€TT / oF No , ooU-ty G),l T 3 &lcires z rnL It) mAJ 5 ro'*:r=t,ipCh3a.,r[sz,rc^ Yo to the percolation tests i.ndicated soil abso::ptivities" in minutes per inch, as foilows: I L)l ri U.SUPJ.I.CE EIEI/ATIOIT RAIE (l'f.!.r /nrcii) P-1 *a.ts-l P4 Based on the above tests, the average percoJ-atio:: rate i s Yo minute s perj.nch. ft.erefcre, tiia reqiiireC absc:ptio:: -e:, ir s1'.ri-:'e feei ue:" beirccn, for the stanCard drainfieid iaid i-:r a 24 inch trench is as ic]-l.oes: * Avc=ge PereoLation ltate =YO x -(cq. .ft. p=:'red-cn) = :- the hone is to have ;(g- bedroons,therefore, a total absorption area. of squa:re feet is recuired. D. ge. Igl,3 Qo,s- 1-t3 t Paul N e:!r':aJtn Date Buildiq or Sener Pdnri.t iluriher S':'o{i'rision lia-ne lot_ Block_- *A11 data is based on those reo.uirenents of the l-i::rnesct.a Depat-r::li o:' Hellth in conputirg required absorption area. Design of the on-site se:,:era;= syste:n can vary upon concurrance of the Carver Count.rr Zoning 0ffice. Sil0l!-!n Iin BIJT!-DIiif, SITE Ctii!;GI, ?::TS PaPC0l-{TICii ..lD SOFJ:C D-,\-T.1. }:lis:- BE RffAfE}I. ITi.'.5 O:.I TiE EUIIJIIIG SIIE ARE D:SCRIEED iIJP€I}: C:{ P.C3 ]. :':):: Cl^,<r '/r1, c</- Dat.e: --l - ( -8 11 St/-aa'r z- oeytr The belo* soiJ. borings er:courtered vater at a dep+-h oWo-g-Z_ teet. Gi o Depth ccnrr.ents: Ar.*- so) t r>'r.o71r.-J a,s. b/p-r4f -o^ s Fo-t--.r o. -d- ,"r-o Ott;,^1 , {o + . Jt 1"t.) i t(. yp.-.-d c-,.rr lc.ir- &r-o-i,.. , y r F.,,- c--\- 3o' +o PEtr.- Dept}l / B' 8" 30" 3o" I $t Soil sH Gto..1 (l(- r.r b.o.), - *f do,-l- r oil f\ 6 \r, ^.lo't oq Q-lo qH a!ot s Fq-I^, a ^r-*-n{*tt .-r l ,^, . * r^- e. -.L EJI!)I]J5 SI :L !r-Lr\a 1._1, lcr: Q\c'r - vtl..q-- Daie: -r-{ -! ! J p-l .)r P.,\UL llSrj:,i$,ll l.AC6ltIA SH-aa-r s o Fl -Zo \ L0 i-4o.., r -r( S tr.Jt- s id e_ Q, rJ <r--r ad- o- t .-,, . ? I , I ( 2L /-u-/ B3 \ -L E/ecc.(-to^t s.-f * i:? ho-J l.-/l Perccr:tic. tesl- hcles narked P-1. P-2, etc.Borir:*; iests holes na:.i:ed;e-1, B-i, stc. IJI o-f the ebove dat4 ar.e ny opi:ricas rrnich f havepereolatio:r test. lJo per."enair- Iiability "" *."""of this systeo and tha.t thls *y"t_,o *.i.ii ioa'i".u=.in ".he future. t7 fcrried f rE:a conduc t Ln5 thetee is inplied as to the functionfoLiu C.o.- S kg& Date:n -l -81 516r:d o:r to water o:: air supp),ies ( {{ ( 6J INDIVIDUAL SEI.IAGE TREATI.IENT SYSTES.I WORKSHEET c.6+Fs'-t\,\ 4R- .. \ 5 /+*-Fr Yo 1L A. EstLeated 700 8pd 8Pd IC TANK VOLI'ME B t s'oo gallons Cubic yards times 1.4 = tonsMx1.4=tons 8O * t.r, = llL :..ons ROCK WEIGHT N ?ercolatlon tate -48 Soil area Z,O O--i7c/ epa Land slope ;J] Z SOIL TREATMENT AREA H For b 6 inc distr Ax eds and trenches wit hes of rock b he ibution x_=_sq ft of botton area pipe: A x F x 0.66 =x 0.66 = sq f bottom areaK. lor tre r,l.i th 24 inches ofs roc e Iow the distr n e: AxFx = _z _ x 0.6 =of boEtom areaqfE ROCK VOLIJME IN CU YDS Voluue i.n cu ft dlvlded by 27L:27 = cu yds 2160 | 27 = R /) cw vds DISTRIBUTION (Check one based on slope) _ Bed (< 62 slope) Trenches--- L---orop boxes (any slope) '' _ DisEribution box (J.evel roslighrly sloping) _ Closed - concinuous (level) CI{ LENGTH Co**ra-tor d-c.ti 5^SelecE trench lridth =fr Divide bottoE area by trench width:(lf' I, J, or K) : O = lineal feet lilreal feet I.A,IIN AREA a Select trench spacing, center to center = feet R 14y6g1 (use other side) Select an appropriatse scale; one square = _ feet Show pertinent properEy boundaries,right-of-lray, easenents. MulLip1y trench spacing by ltneal feit Q x P = sq ft of iawn area -Ix = ss ft (See C-3 or C-5) O h e-<.-L /aa-c-l zo*i.,1 1o. 'la^h titt c D E F G Depth to restri.cting2.5-J,ayer = feet llaxlmun depth of sysEen C - 3 ft = -l5 ';;#7,"c-4 1 lr 1. ., 3. II J 4 5 5 Shos location of house, garager driveway, and a1l orher: improvenents, rexisting or proposed. ISholr locaEion.and layouE of sewage treatnerrq sysEem- Show locaEion of water supply well. IDirension all sec backs and A separaEion distances. I.t I t't .D-33 P rLor.r (See D-7 or I-3,4,5) or Eeasured .YJ t,i) I (I. For trenches r,rith 12 inches of rock below the distributi.on P iPe: A x F x 9.3 ='f90 x 2,oCx O.8 =l'/.!j- "c f t of-bottorq a-reaJ. For trenches hrith 18 inches of' rock beLow the distribution ROCK VOLIJME TN CU [TL. Rock deprh below disrrlbution pipe plus 0.5 foot times botrom area: L = (_L + 0.5) x ttt{o= 2 tGoc,r ft tlay 23, 1988 Lotus Rearty services, rnc. as an agent for the olrner cary Kirt, is requestingto !.8|end the preaent pUD plat that containa lpproxira tely- el even (11) acresfrop trro (2) lots uith a density of seven (Z) units to siven fZ) siiife rarni:.ylots. ltinimur0 lot size-yill be approxitnateLy one (l) acre. Ur. Kirt aleo isproposing that an addi.tion of approxirately iwenty_one (21 ) acres b€ added tothe nex arnended plat to contain tyo (2) ldditional one (l) acre single farnilylots prus a beach lot,/c'onrnon area c-ntaining a rrini.mu:n of eighteen iigl a"r.". ches-uar Farm h'as originally owned by chester and Hargaret Johnson and operatedas a uorking horse farn and later as a guest farm. As t},e farn vas devel.opedit ultimately contai.ned the nain house, a gate house, a truo (2) famiry home anda si.x (5) plex (a c'onverted barn). Duri-ng the r.ast twenty (20) years theProperty has been o.ned by tyo (2) other entities other than !{r. Kirt. Eachentity has tried and fair.ed to uake econornic 6enae of the o,urtiple dverlingsand the si.te- The main house ovned by ches-Har Fann yas option;d to Hr. andy.rs - charles Gross by a previous or.rner. The Grossrs have rived in the Bainhouse for seventeen (17) years and wi.l.l exercise their option in August of1988. Approximately twenty-one (21 ) acres of the farm have remained undercontrol of ches-Mar Realty (Robert Nagle estate). Mr. Kirt recently optionedthi6 property and has included t}re twenty-one (21) acres in this ar"r,ala pUO proposa I , Us. Barb Dacy Planning Director City of Chanhaesen SUA, : Ches -1,!ar parn Anended PtD proposaL u!- Kirt prrchased the property in 1982 h,ith tle intent of refurbi-shing theexisting rentaL units and rcving the ord Herman house onto the site as hispersonal residence. The economics of t-he ErurtipLe uni.ts tre out building andsize of the rErcer of r.and Eade tris plan unfeasibre and r,rr. Kirt repratted thePropert y in 1985 as a rural ten (10) unit pUD served by a private roid. Iheresulting four (4) parcels then yere put up for sale. rvo (2) of the ]ots havebeen sold to individuals, t}e two (2) fanr-ly home and the gate hou6e. Mr. Kirthas been actively marketed the six (6) unj.t and the Iterman house for two (2)years without any sincere interest due to the condition of the six (6) plex andthe out buirdi.ngs. The problern uith the six (6) plex is raintenance ..,i th.ability to attract a high quality tenantB. rotus Realty services feels very strongly that the six (6) unit and the outbuildings are an improper use at tlris time in a rural plrD and rrill. continue tobring economic hardshj.p on any ovner potentially creating an on going healthand safety proble,rn for the city according to public Safety oirecior, Ji_,chaffee- Ttris proposal is an atternpt to 6orve the probLers that have existedon the site for a number of years through three (3) ownership entities. fteproperty will. be outaj.de the serrer service area for the next twelve (12) yearsand therefore no short term higher density ptential solution exist6. rhe keyto this proposar is the or.'ners atteqpt to adhere to the existing zoningrequirements. The two (2) new lots outside the existing puD th;t "r. Lirrg S6 LOTUS REALTY SERVICES 545 wEST 78rh STREET, p.O. BOX IOO CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 553'I 7 (5r 2) 934-4 538 rptus has c'ontacted t},e Metropolitan counciL concerning tlis proposal. Thestaff does not feel that thi.s proposal is in violation of the Laie Annrntercept.o! Agreement a6 rong aa there is no i.ncrease in density within theexisting PUD. Barb Dlcy City of Chanhaasen Page 2 t{ay 23, 1988 ldded to the amended puD wiII nEet the one in tenincrease in density uithin the existing ptD. (10) requirements uith no Lotus has met with the folloving orrners of prop€rty hrithin Ches-Uar Farm Gerry Eikes Cbarles and Ginger Gross Dave Gersl,er and Rose Bastai.n They have the following concerns: ltaffic at entrance Retention of the current private roadRetain t}re draracter of the farur Increase in thei.r taxes lJhy any change at al.l 1 2 3 4 5 Thi.s proposal has tried to address tleir concerns by the fol).owing: 1- ttaintain the current private road2. provide an a.Lternate lntrurr". as a outlotfor a future p.rblic road (if requested ) andpublic utilities. 3- create a Large beach lot,/common area, tonaintain one (1) existj.ng out buj.Idingthe yindrni 1l and provide for a stable]a tennis court and walk way to Lake Uinnewashta.Covenants yithin the deed witl restrj.ct anyfuture develo;anent of the 1ots and outlots..4. Suggested they tneet rith city and crountystaff to determine R.E. Tax Consequence. The two (2) nrajor benefj.ts to the City of thi6 proposal. 1 Create a well planned economically vj.ablecornEunj.ty elininating the potential heal.thand safety problems created by the rentalprop€rty. Potential increase in property val.ues(Kirtrs property only) from four hundredthousand dollars (S4OOTOOO.OO)to at leasttro million dollars (S2,OOO,OOO.OO) this 2. 1 2 3 Barb Dacy City of Chanhaasen Page 3 llay 23, 1988 Bradley C.ohnson Lotus Real.ty Sejvices, Inc. (Agent) BCJ: ss increasing t xe6 to the city. Should theproperty remain as its current use its taxbase wi.1l decline due to the economi.cs ofthe nultiple unit, the outbuildings andBize of the Ixrcel of land. rr- xirt and Lotua thank you for the opportunity to propose a sor.uti.on to theoontinued vitality of one (1) of Chanhassen.s rpst ilportant land marks, CHES_HAR FAiX. sincerely, tb C', Ahr"-* l( APPLICANT: ADDRES S I.AND DRYBIOPIrBIT I"PPLICTTION CTrI OP CEATIEASSBD 690 Coulter Drive Chanhasaen, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 Bradlev C. J ohn son OdNER: Garv Kirt Lotus ReaIty Services, Inc. P. (). Box 100 ADDRESS 391 5 Highvav 7 Chanhassen, MN. 553I7 Minneapol is, IlN. _55,1l6zip code TELEPHoNE (Daytime) 934-4538 Zip Code REQTJEST: PROJECT NA}IE Zoning District Change Zoning Appeal Zoning Var ian ce Zoning Text Amendment Land Use Plan Amendment Condi t i.onal Use permit (Recreational Beach Lot )Site Plan Rev i ee, TELEPHONE 920-I880 Planned Unit Development ,/ sk"t.h p1"n _ Preliminary plan PinaI Plan Subdi vi sion _ Platting Metes and Bounds Stree t,/Eas ement Vacat ion l{etlands Permi L PRESENT I.AND USE PLAN DESIGNATIoN PTID-R REOT'ESTED LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION PUD-R PRESENT ZONING PLID-R REQUESTED ZONING PUD-R USES PROPOSED residential SIZE OF PROPERTY approxi-mately 11 acres IDCATION Ches Mar [arm REASONS FOR THfS REQUEST see atrached protect summa rv LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary) Ches Mar Farm Lo ts 2 &3 tlot Aand ou ock 2 #lt i Clty Land Page of Chanhassen Development Appllcatlon 2 This application must be completed in full and be typehrritten orcrearry printed and must be iccompanie--uy arl lnformation andEl??: r:Fyired by appricabie aiai'o;;i;"nce provisions. Beforerrrrng this applicarion, you shoild confe*itt, It,.-iiiiv iiinn",to determine the soeci fic- ord inan.. ind-p.o.edural requirementsapplicable to your application FILI EERT IF ICAT I ON: Signed By The undersilned reoresentative of the applicant herebythat he is familiai with tbe pr"-"auiu f'regui remen ts oapplicable City g;6gn3n."". c. Ah,,r-n certi fiesf all The undersigned herebyauthori zed to make thisdescribed. Signed By N certifies that the applicant has beenapplication for the property herein -) /tt A l ican t F ee Owner z3 rKDate Date Application Application Fee City Receipt No. Recei ved Paid This Application wi 1I Board of Ad j us tmen tsmeeting. be and considered Appeals at by thetheir Planning Cornmission,/ FILING TNSTRUCTIONS: { t(-8{Date r _t ::ii:!r::at: :;i:::i:jii - G:! El dl o :I $ d !c 9 E io G (,} il 8l rl \ :l al 6l 9lol N)I si Loj n N 8 ,,k l &t (J o\-qo € ( Ia ,s a (-) o t: /i {:45 t .,1' !1 ,:'1 ., 1{ {.: i rl i\.ry,,.,,-{ I J f, { =l l: j:: ?+{ ;l! EH[I{IIASSEI'l STAFF REPORT Fz () =(LL f, E tdF U) LOCATION: -a/tt /3t - -_ 61s/Pt_F- APPLICANT: Ordinance Amendmentto A11ow Child Carethe IOP, Industrial Zoning 20-813 Use in Instant Web, Inc. 7 951 Powers Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Request to Amend SectionCenters as an AccessoryOffice Park District ;, :.rn v i:/ i'riri\1!:r'.r.1 PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE:N- S- E- w- WATER AND SEWER: PEYSICAL CHARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN: CITY OF P.C. DATE: June 15, 1988 C.C. DATE: July 11, 1988 CASE NO: 88-i0 zOA Prepared by: Dacy/v PROPOSAL: ZOA - Child Care FacilitY June 15, 1988 Page 2 REFERRAL AGENCIES Building Department ANALYS IS Attachment #l The request is to amend the Industrial Office Park District regu- Iations to permit a child care center as an accessory use. Upon initial contact with the applicant, staff advised the applicant that a zoning ordinance amendment process I.roulal be appropriate given that tshe former ordinance permitted "personnel service facilities" as an accessory use in the then P-4, Planned Industrial Development District. Under that definition, the city allowed Realmond Products to install a smalI daycare center in their facility. Secondarily, upon consulting adjacent com- munities, it appears that the applicant is correct in his interpretation that provision of day care services in industrial parks is becoming a major concern of employees and is becorning popular to include in employer benefiE packages. Other communities surveyed include Eden Prairie, Chaska, Shakopee and Minnetonka. Eden Prairie and Chaska currently permit this type of use in their industrial districts. In the case of Eden Prairie, they define this type of use as a use which is "supporting and minor" to the principle use. They have a maximum square footage requirement of I5t of the building. Minnetonka in a similar fashion does not specifically define day care centerbut does allow "subordinaEe" uses to occupy industrial buildings. Shakopee does not provide for this type of use but upon our discussion they indicated that they should consider amending its ordinance. Currently regulated as an accessory use in the city's ordinanceis a maximum.percentage of the floor space to be used for retailsales. The intent of this maximum is to limit the commercialactivity and to insure that the principle use iloes conform withthe j.ntent of the industrial office park district. Because ofthe type of use proposed, staff does not feel that a maximum per- centage of floor area is absolutely required. The applicant has proposed the term child care center. The CityAttorney advises the city use "state licensed day care center"since this terminology is used elsewhere in the orCinance. The Building Inspection Department reviewed the initial planssubmitted by Instant Web and has noted that Uniform Building Coderequirements can be met. The UBC establishes a different Eype of occupancy for the daycare center and requires a different set ofbuilding requirements to insure that the day care center is ade-quately protected. The day care center will also have to beapproved by the state. ZOA - Child Care Facility June 15, 1988 Page 3 R ECOMMENDATI ON (4) State licensed day care center." ATTACHMENTS In summary, staff recommends the ord.inance be amended to allowthis type of use in the Industrial Office park District. The usecan be adequately regulated through the building permit andUniform nuilding Code requirements. Secondly, it is a logicalaccessory use especially given the amount anil size of employersthat Chanhassen has in its industrial park. Planning staff recommends the planning Commission adopt thefollowing motion: "The Planning Commission recomr-nends approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request #88-10 to amend Section 20-813, pernitted Accessory Uses of the IOP, Industrial Office park District, asfollows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Memo from Steve Kirchman.Letter from Richard J. Warren dated May 23, L988. Copy of proposed location of day care center.Floor plan of proposed day care center.Application. Section 20-813. EHINHISSEN 690 COULTEH DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TOr Barbara FROI,I: S teve A Dacy, City Ki rchman , 1988 Planner Building Inspector DATE: June 10, SUBJ: Day Care at Instant web The proposed day care at Instant Web would be classed as an E-3 occupancy. Assuming the Instant Web operation is a B-2 occu-pancy, a one hour separation would be required. Two exits must be direcE.ly to tire exterior of the building if the E-3 occupancyis on the second floor. An approved fire alarm will also needto be installed. I have also included an information packet from the Department of iluman Services outlining their group day care requirements. CITY OF Thank you for your inquiry regarding Group Day care requirements. MinnesotaIaw requires a license for all programs providing day iare more than thirty days per year. Included are nursery schools, preschools, day care centers,and baby si tti ng centers. The fo1 lowing are the minimum steps in the Iicensing process which must betaken by the appi i cant: The facility must meet all applicable zoning, health, fire and buildingcodes. Second floor rooms and basenents w.ithout direct access to theoutside seldom meet with fire marshal approval. No center may operate without staff persons who have had college or post-secondary vocational courses related to early childhood develop- ment. A faciiity must be selected which will provide 35 square feet of usablefloor space per child and one toilet and wash bowl per ever fifteenchildren. The center must have an adequate outdoor play space. I'linimum equipment must be obtained. Procedures and written policies must be developed by the prospective operator and approved by the Division of Licensing. STATE OF MINNESOTA D EPARTM ENT OF HUMAN SERVICES 444 LAFAYETTE ROAD ST, PAUL. MINN ESOTA 55IOI l,lhen children under Zre years old are served, additional must be met. Qualified staff, as wel l as other special requi red. requ i rements features, are The standards for provision of day care are found in Minnesota Rules, Parts 9545.0510-9545.0670. This rule can be obtained by calling the Documents Section of the Department of Administrat.ion, 612/297-3000. .ri.rt I j 1106 CITY Ol- UhAi\ir,AJi-N AN EOUAL OPPO RTU NITY EMPLOYER @@ Page Two Orientation meetings for applicants are held monthly to explain requirements and to answer questions concerning the establishment of day care facilities. The next meeting will be held: Date: June 21,l9gg Tuesday Place: 2nd Floor - Room A & B 444 Lafayette RoadSt. Paul , l4N 55155 Time: I0:00 A.M. Day care facilities may not ope have been fulfilled and approveof Human Servi ces. Thank you again for your inquiry. Si ncerel y, -.r4 \. t',t, (ttctn-,2. I /\''i*taru Marcine McLel lan, Sec retary Di vi si on of Licensing 612/296-7688 nn db 0r advertise until all licensure requirementsy the Division of Licensing of the department O{)rtiki- *l !! =o -{ 6z .lI oI 6)noC! o u m r omzU'm zo I mz m =r o.lt tr c)mzo{n rt5IN ! ot ie*s -olllzJ1! .;<zo 2ltoa =D{ oz trz € 3 tr I l €o- o E. o' tro z 3 !- z 3 z<gs 3 trtrDtrDQo35 DtrtrtrtrY"---- i.oez-o 3(gga; sFi; q A Bx5 : - 3 i3iAsfl:9 q o 3 q = tt oo ma sr,m 5 -{! z !o :o{ D{ oz trftrtrDtr:9rr=9{le::3o 6: +l.t e!@;:i :SB d- trtroDP<<< :a3P 6qgo Bo 9e. 6- a. 3 ! z 3 z l a, c-. : 6': 3 :. 6' o_ ! 3 = e oz tr !9. E' tro s Em -{ z0 'llm-t z 3 ! 3 6o_ z 3 o_ :L 9 t :.: q q 6' 6' 2 3 e. : ! o- 9. 6 6 z 3 = s mo ; =tnzi -t 3 l _1. 3 =o a 3 !. 6', g v tr trz tl i z f o f' o I z -g 3 f l : 3 tr D; ts Er;F .E s :- 3_- -t g 3 3 o s. { 3 E6': o ! trtrz<o* o l 'nn-loE; s s ;Ei- 6 60oS. 3E*= trtrD: DDtrzZZ -t -{ -{ 6 EA ;o I;e3 idd < '=E39 + Ei B ;<3l. E- 'i I lltr: I s 7*E rE P3si; 5E o 3E i ! =ir'r Iq3 ? Da:.,i z a 5 tr--!a 2 LJ- e 9 d3 6 U;De A,:;'e i LJq Oa.+ E ;;qt €n s:- zU't- zoIn ;z9 - t;o eHi ;B; o-';: <? I 6C I r_'r - lq t- ll lol'o IE t_ lqle. I I I g-' ! _^;' i;F lea I U5"I z-I oq l3 lo t; l:t,ti' l'o t_ lqlot- I :Era8x;=E= ? I ,!-:l 5': Inl E I 5E + I'qe. I !lI.r I1'-o Iu tt!oi I >o i. I nl l1l- nll-1 rmzg € z6' o o ]I E I o N z ;' -tJ;o_E.d 'nP E.c !9 QE Zoq5 f o o troJ 3 oI 3 :- 2 P m :E N ! otzztb r tr2 P trz r @ z a o tn o2- aEddasuigi ----16ooooooo=^l3I3 3 3 3 3&-' lllllll,36666666 llllll a a g E i 9. $ E + PROGBAM ADMINISTRATIONv t- How do you insure t hat naps or re st meet the need s oiihildJen and the wishet ts? Have you developed, or revised tince last licensu16,the lollowinq Polici€3 for Parontt? Oves ENo Porsonn6l PolicigtT DYes ONo Ho.hh Policiss? [']ves DNo Job Descriplion? ff Yes Otto Do you administo., or plan to administer modicslion3? EYes Dttto oo you enroll, or plan to enroll children whh handicaps? OYes [-] ruo ents are submitted and the appticable licensing fee Palx. ATTACHMENTS This aPP lication is not complete until all attachm DHS USE o D D o RE OUIRED ONLY FOR NI' ROGRAIVIS (PROVISIONAL LICENSE) D Admisrion (enrollment) Forms D Articlsrof lncorporalion, it incorporatod n Floor Plan/Outdoor Plav Space Plan O Healrh Policies for Cenrer D Job Descriplions n Personnel Policies fl Poticies for Parenls O Program Plan O Sample Menuls) D Srarement ot Goals and Philosophy ol Program THESE FORMS I\,'IUST 8E SUBMITTED BY ALL PROGRAMS DEquipmenr & Supplles Form(sl lProvlsionaland firsl renowal appllcatlon onlyl El Personnel inlormalion tor new staff and staff who chang€ positlon3 E Stsf ling lnforrnslion ! Staffing Patiern I will comply with the provisions ol the Department oI Human services Rule 3. I unCelstand that a representative of the commissioner has the right to visit the lacility during operating hours. I unde;stand that DHS tras trre rtrri to ,equest aocumentation oi compliance with licensing standards' I agree to make availabte information necessary to determine if standaro" are u"ing";"i. r *lii.rir,"i, .rflicient financing to meet licensing standards and will operate in accordance wilh f air employment laws. I agree not to discriminate against any person because of race. color, race, or national origin' I will notity the Licensing consultant, in advance, o, changes in the terms of the license i.e. auspicies, facility, hours ol operation, number and ages of children' Notice: you are advised that a check will be made by this agency regarding all criminal conviction data, arrest information, reports regarding abuse or negtect of chitdr"n, "nf inr"i,iguiion reirLts aiairauie iiorn ioEai, state and national criminal history record repositories, including the criminal iustice dat" "o,nrirni"-"-tio'* networt, uuort pei"on" "onnelGJ *iit tt " tacility or agency lor which a license application is made ' Theinformationonthisapplicationandsupponingdocumentsistrueandcompletetothebestofmyknowledge. Sigosturo ot board chalrman Signarura ol clirscror Dat€ Pl6ase Return Completod Forml Depa.tmenl ot Human Selvicos Licsnsinq Divisionm.ffi";, l.'.o,rJ N 'r5iOl D tr tr tr o Dg tr D f) Explain: X. AGREEMENT T ttt t1 DEPARIEIfi OF tlMI SERYICES DIVISION OF LICEI{SII{G TIAXE OF PROGRAI{ FOR YHICH THE CHECK IS SUBI{ITTED: NUI{8ER OF PARTICIPAIITS FOR IIHICH YOU I'ILL BE LICENSED:A}OUIIT OF CHECX: l{hen submitting check for licensing fee, please identify by name and address. (This is especially important if you operate more than one program). ANI{UAL LICENSING FEE SCHEDULE . EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1987 Ease Fee Adul t Day Care Centers Group Day Care Centers (Cnitaren) Half-Day Programs Licensed Biennia'l ly Devel opmntal AchievenEnt Cen ters Child Caring/Placing Agencies ChiId Caring Institutions Group Homes for Adol escents Supervi sed Li vi ng Residences Residential Programs for t'lentally Retarded Persons Semi- Independent Li v ing Programs Detoxi fi cat ion Centers Residential Programs for Chemically 0ependent Persons outpatient Programs for Chemically Dependent Persons Residential Programs for itentally Ill Residents Residential Programs for Physical ly Handicapped Persons 135.00 +(1S.00xt.C..1 17.50 +(32.00x1.c.r) 35.00 + (ta.00 x L.c. ) 35.00 +(6.00x1.C.) 35.00 + .50 for each adoptlon I foster hoEn 35.00 + 06.00 x t.c. ) 3s.00 +(6.00x1.C.) 35.00 +(6.00x1.C.) 35.00 +(6.00x1.C.) 35.00 + ( 6.00 x L.C.) 35.00 + ( 6.00 x L.C.) 35.00 + ( 6.00 x L.c.) 35.00 + .60 for each person served.n 35.00 +(6.00x1.C.) 35.00 +(6.00x1.C.) * L.C. = Licensed Capacity it Adoptjons and foster homes = Each adoption decree granted by a court in the previous year for a child placed 'in an adoptiye home by the agency glus each foster home supervised by the child carjng/child placing agency. fir Persons serv€d . llumber of persons served in the outpatient progran in the previous year. lio fees charged to Family Foster Care Hones, Adult Foster Care Homs, Family Day Care Homes, State Hospitals or Nursing Homes. Fees increase on July l, 1987, i989 and l99l (See 95a5.2020) PTTASE RSIURI I}IIS FOEI AIID Yfi,R FEE III}I Y(UN APPTICITIil/RIAPPTICATIfi nIEnIALI l.lake check payable to: 0EPARTI'|E!{T 0F HUl,tAt{ SERVICES Di vi sion of Licensing 444 Lafayette Road St. Paul ' l'll{ 55101 ADDRESS: I PERSONNEL MEOICAL REPORT NOTICE: 1 A-e6,Car erarn,na!,c. s'e:J,,eg-rc,:oerolovrnentanoe!erv!.ro!ea's:ie,eaile. Thrs also aoolras io volunlelfs ,r,lro aarlLc,oa!e iorlv aetae'' at:-e:'aq'arF !|ee( f,' fcre 2 --e pERSONNEL MECTCA! aEt:r-.eed not 5e suorn,i:ec:: IFS:!: r!s! !e iar.!arneo 3n ''ie.n 93c. eFc ovee s ^ersoanel ',re NOTICE TO EXAMINING PHYSICIAN T-e ..d !,dLal .a.ned aOove t :O fe a. i :-"a.'- , f-cC?aO :C n/o.x w'i' Ci Ora. an6 o' randrcaDotat .o.v o.-ari. T'1 ! .eourr€! co!n amo! o.a 3_c i., i aa iiam 'a. PHYSICIAN CENTIFICATION T'e .drvrdual ^aficd aoov! na5 cee' exaF 'ec a, -e r^c s 9. /t cal v :aoao a ol wort ,. tucn a ca9acrlv. ano, or :.r.5,9n.o VI I PERSONNEL MEDICAL REPORT 'I A med'cal examtnatron ,s requ,reo orror to emoloymlnt and every two veaas thereaflea. Thts also agoh!s to votuntelrs whopartrcrpale lortv ce.ce.lr cl ihe orogram weei or mor! 2 fhe PERSONNEL ME9TCAL FE?CBT n4d not be submrtted ro DHS but inusr oe rnarnrarnect on frta r^ eacn emorovee sge.sonnel file t a lt NOTICE TO EXAMINING PHYSICIAN Tre ,nd;!,dual named above 5 lO fe or t :---!.: v 9.r,Otoved :O wo.k w,!h Ch l(,ren and,Or handiCaDOad an6,/Or menta|ly retarde(t .orv d!a:r. Thrs requrrei Ooth emot:onat anq c- /, ia 5:am na. PHYSICIAN CENTIFICATION T\e !adrvrdual namecl aoove na5 Deen exam -ec a,/ ..1e 3.d 5 onyircaltv caoabla of work rn ,qch a cagacrtv MD. l::, I NOTICE: PZ OO5a7-O4 DHS.587 t7,851 Name of Employee Name of Center Location Age group(s) with which you work: E lnfant/Toddler E Preschool E Schoot Age ALTERNATIVES FOR OUALI FICATION: NOTICE: 1. No person shall be hired or retained as a staif member, paid or volunteer who has: a. been convicted or admirted to or Lreen the subiect of subslantial evidence of an act o, child battering, abuse, neglect, or molesting. b. used alcohol or drugs during working hours that children are in care. c. been convicted or admatted to any felony or any olfense involving moral turpitude. 2. All staff must have traininq in the administration of first'aid; show evadence of freedom from tuberculosrs betore employment and annually thereaiter; be involved in staff develcpment training, the equrvalent ol 2o'o of work time for teaching and supervisory staff, and an orientation to the program for those not rncluded in lhe staff/child ratios. 3. Prior to employment, the paid employee must submit a statemenl signed by source of medical care and based on a thorough examination within three months and every two years thereafte.. DECLARATION: The information on this form is true to the best oI my knowledge. Documenlation of credentials, work experience and accredited child development training courses necessary to verify compliance with DPW Rule 3 requirements is on file in this employee's lile. I understand that this information may be reviewed by the licensing consultant. Signature of Employee Signature of Employer Date completed PERSONNEL INFORMATION FORM This form must be submitted to DHS for each employee at the time of employment and any time there is a change in classification otposition. All starf must meet applicable employment conditions, itaff qualifications and training as required in DPW Rule 3. Complete all applicable blanks to show compliance with the rule. Each employee's pe.sonnel file must contain appropriate verification of the information on this form. IDENTI FYING IN FORMATION: Date of Employment: _Job Title: Refer to DPW Rule 3, Section Vll-A to determine which slternative is appropriate for the position you hold. Teacher:abcdefgh Complete sections l, ll and lll on the reverse side of this Assistant Teacher: a b c d e form to show how you qualify tor the alternatrve circled. For some alternatives, not all sections are aequired. Child Care Assistant (Aide): = Volunteer: E Other: E Date completed DOCUMENTATION OF STAFF OUALIFICATION REOUIREMENTS: Complete for Teacher a,c,d,e,h Asst. Teacher a,c Secti on l: TR AINING: Teachet: Degree, cerlificate or credential earned: Program or School conlerring degree' ce.tificate or credential: Expiration Date: Certificate number, iI aPPlicable: Assistant Teacher Degree, certificate or credential earned: Proqram or School conferring degree' certificate or credential: lVonth & Year Certificate number, iI aPPlicable: Child Care Atsistant {Aide)l Are you '15 vears of age or older?-...-......---o-o ro, or,o"u," in "n orientation to the program when employed? ENo ENo ! Yes !Yes Complete for Teacher a,b,g; c*, c,d,e*' Asst. Teacher b,d,e; a,c*' Section ll :CH ILD CA RE EXPER IENCE TO DATE: (most recent first) mily Day CarelGroup FDC lnf/Toddler_- Preschool School Aqe .-.- lnfant Toddler-Preschool Schogl Age-_- - Note: Experience for Schoolage may include related fields; {or l/T' may include licensed Fa- by Age GrouPOates ot EmPloYmentJob Title Name & Address ot EmPloYer tnf/Toddler - School Age-To Ftod\: - To From: lnf/Toddle.- Preschool.- School Aqe.- Froml counted School Date ComPIeted Clock Hours Credits or Credit Equrvalency You are as(ed ro sloplY the data on thrs Iotm so thdl ihe ^/1r'nesota oeo'rrmtrl ot Hum'n s€i!rces mav evaluare Your agencv vded w, be her., by rhe L,cen s,ng o*, s,o. or rhl t,rm^eso r a Depanment of num serece: T he,nlo.malion rs crassrlied as publ p.o,t r,*"i.s;,Ll i..1," ,^0"i,.o ,.g"r oor'gui'"" 'o -pprvin'' auta' r'o*ever' ( vo! choose nor ro do so oHS w lbe untbl s requesr lor lcensure The 'nlormanon pro' 'c, and w'llbe ogenlor'^spectron asparl ol a -e to reco.nmend licensure for vour aqencY l\4onth & Year: Total hours worked Io dale: ' School-aqe only** lnfantlToddler onlv ComPlete lor: Teacher a,b,c,d Section lll: ACCREDITED CHILD DEYELOPT\4ENT TRAINING qOURSES: . Asst reacher b'c'd see sfANDARDS FOR GROUp DAy CARE. page 1, fo|- sampi" coT-iTo*ses taken as part ot a deqree program mav be I I lnt/Toddler- Preschool -_- School Age - To: To r! -l & e t r E =, o ozt€ , 5ra c 3 t E o 0 oot. C\ f, a t 3! o o ollr 6 8I62 ,r2 zo !ntoo 0 e;t i!Ya (1!t tI g I taj ta a a- I .a a,l I a aI ,I.E ,r ellaa tr zi ,"r,.lo ! ot 0 ! o e a t t o I t g t a r o -t 3 Io t tn =o 3 6z l- i z E2 cata:t_ rE o ;s!lziAO ;< =-tti;nll_. ! z o .a,o>c!a ;e x I oo- TE a! o o t 0f o t , I u o B g o) o , -i'i:r:-.i t_ I lii2og 2 I ? 2 3 , x Ii 6a :si :;!i ss-;tii 5X =-i-o-*'=iari3!.r, tG5i i;1:6ii s aq!;Sq .s.a :re!I6C ili i>:r>t196;:\ ;F=:s :L fri< url \i its :i,c: ! E 5 I : t- I I I t- I I t i_ I I >z J'in.,! :< 3B:l6Oir6i. .!Ei rE; ..;a>. g 3:s !i; ;d; 3:.o 3!:5:iE!- 3:5!6: dio e a;a- a €a: ii r= i;Eri i :i; !r; ai5 EE3;E ! ;:.t ql : E= ia: irE-r -! t-! ! !E r E E e t , 3 e llJ ! : E to o!I - I rQ o I E o o, o , = ;o zg,r o o2<;(jl6e!'2: <EEEFtl-t .: oo sri UJE6'.E.9tr3<: 'a^ cl =: ! 'a ,: .E c.f o ? !t 6 I i I I i I i I I I I I izt: t'll!: I-at: :!i'l a : ! ta -6..}q|:.l1i:iiiiatZ; ,ra 5 s li = : i!-l. :;!i: iil:' ':rl 6-ll. II i? ji=I f!f3e=i:' o! ;:-aiEi:EPr':' ?iifiEii$iEI:ri;I:1!?sili iii"''-;':i :ii i ii':i E !qi!Lali ?:35!<a it \a-D ! ,. ?;ii:i1!-iiI = c .-l i 7 Q;i:ii$i!i-:_l?i:; Ett <:g ii!zI2 I ri ;?a 6t- - ai='-T! € ! .Ja t | 9.ta =Dz- o !-3 z D-20ox- o o-,3 !' l-?t o-at (,:- 6!. i I I I i I i Ii i::: 1r_'t ::;i! r i1 iiisi, ii:a:t :.::i3ii' -! r.iI =!t, -:t.-i i ='ria::"- ii::lll:?::i i:; ri. r-ir-: ! It!Ei,e': oi,i;t E5:i !:l:'c:1. r^'atg:1iir 5."rtri- i: t'!:ii: c:l zi2 "i-iiiEI.: I .t, -* -r-tt ?Ei3i Bi!TE iiiiiiiii: 1|.i'=-iEi: l:ta lia i ili--te !II I It'trlftfl rL ]]] lt'l atsii L-3Iif.t:{:.,tg'; rl trI ?t 5lh- mrl '- . 19._ ..r--C ! I li l<lo IC lo r( lanlqloItl3 l> i I I i i rrpprl rsEillirsilri E ETEE :iE a 6oo-11o...- -E-t-E-t g;Eiiiliiiii?iii ,,*:iii;ii:i'ii!lE:ii 3!ii ii$ Ira: iii z: 2!3- iiI r: 'B :E "c! i q;ti - iiE e 3l:5 '-.-i; 3 ^t !:, ll ll t f tl! 6i al ot 2i =l6l olzl 3 CE CB z G ! :loi il at}fl a.l !lll zl il ii EI :l!l EI al E a 3 t Ba o It.ti .! EI tII i E .EI E : f ! l a E 3 ? Ir co & o: 3 a 3 o I E 3 t E iaoa < III E .t I o o I d i a e B € o o aI IIt a 6 a t ! ! c a e ctlI o I t c!.II o t a tGo (J fo a. IIt iI I 0 .t, B o I ! e , I,I I e (J g € a 6o( oI o x 6z Aa : B i a It I I et I i: a at Bt d =IE ait_ :6;3 -i!}?-. !:.rie-r iiHi€1 t;ilrt-ri iiiiiii t I i r! )t3; 'I .E =r,i 3lriio?'ooo ? =!- 6 2a i = e: !tirIrE ii{it!rr ;g iiiiiiilii EI 2 ; I :tttt io =Iao ag AI ,ll oa 2 9aII 39r a cato I a- g t-3t:i ?:aEi: tl . i itiiiEis iil ! iiiiilirirEiii:l liii ll iHI! Ei; 3i:il.: l: i:-.. !-,. 3--' t IEr t iliriii,i,: iii:i:iiiiiiii: l, f arI .cg :l ,c I T tI a I l':l I I tlEstt_ T{__l IJ it' t 831It F 1IFr ta I I r.i,{dJJrjaal=iig ir t'.a*-qa. lii=ii.: Ita ' ii ' t,I II t a o .3L I 3, c DI z(, x o 1 tI a 1 Il. eti I!t t! IIJ g It I ;tat I t 3t 6t t ; IIIIIt g E E r! 3 I rl =I i Da0 ,o6 a o,oi o t ,r 3I t. L aIIot .. o oit, T Itt:.! E Ii$tt I I tg a g e II r' 1 ! t o,I , , a IA6 I ) ! ! 3 ,J C r1 4' II , II IIt It I -.:I 2 ) 3 I IIii riilliiiii ilillilifilli'il" o ! !. it a'aI otI:I TIt ili"iilii'ililiii-.r I! : rflrlriiiI !lili:-t iilfrl ItI a I a tt I It !I Ilt-n i'l i'iTliitItilrl r1a n r]I Ir rl llltlrEl I IlIITl,* rtilrI I - I lllill I I ! I ITIttlI lIl l t t I I TtIlrII ilrillltI rttl i I I i I I I' I I I l I iiiiii iliii :iiii iiiii iiiii iiiii ilir! liiil i lr I : ? I I I :t I 1I li 0_- l-eIi:lfir3rl a_II I:i ! ItI B I oit c) Iln 0c !3tn2 z C.!t o o - o ?t9 ]\, :t i I I E Iit 7 2! g tI 7, aIx 1 7 t0 ,o ot o,otI o , a 1cI 1l r T r a otiII ? 9l€ C 3 II c 7 ,t ttI Tt 5t t r 3i e E ! j t o €LI I g ! a I., I tt i 3I ttt 5 r 3.III ! E o Iz 6 - t I I I t ? iiiliiiii'; iiirn i -t fH3r !E r.Ht;l2lc 1E F ih1r !Eai9rIL ig-oI a P!.- i iqi B: s = iP f't 3!?t3it i!! ii :r1 tt r!r tLr- f l " E iii i?I i-33 t 5 FrErl?ilEI Ii ottt !r iiii;iDtsiiiiiiiiii1 iErig !i :!'r-: E o e .*is i9:na< T 2 ;.; Iiii s EB- Ei" iittnl.a r:3;! * )? <rr o t2ei llr1., i i I I Z II t I I 1 ils*t T 3 ? r .l t, I -f f '..iF-t l *?,1 II ll t 8 I 8n t 8 TIIIIIIIIIITTITIffITTIIIIIIIIIIITTITIITIITTITITIIIIITIITTIIIITTIIIITIIIIIITTTIIIIIIIIITITIIIIIIINIITTIIIIIIIII., r ITTTI 1' IIIIIIII rrrrITI IITITTIIIIII $o-Pgt !le t Ba t I II I:EI:lEI TJ -ti:8lEIrlclrl5llre:Ii'-< E 3I aa 3t TI c e rl,l :llall,ll.tllltil.rll:l Icll!l Irl Iil Ill lla-EB3 =!c a ,: i J fl fl o 8, t z G UJ E A o =It v, t t a 6 i, a At E C E T 6 T-5 t = t; iE-5ra:il!I6ol< j :c.t!.: .€ It cilr! 1t Fi:..+:6 =!t-r t:3'i .- =t.3 ozo;,a c 6 i I II II rII ITIIITIIT Ir 8l t 81 I I E I ,! I IIIIIITIITITIIIIIIIIIIIIITITITIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIITIIIIIIIIIIIIT TTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ITIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIITIrrIIIIII IIIIITIIrtITITII iir iii ll !ti ii; t!i iii lii !ii :TI lti llit r:!i! >t !ii!i ii ! i r!ii !iii I I i eF oo I I t 2 (J t, 8i T I a i'if! -. -:i.i'c: E -r€ltEii;;Ei :sii:!;! E , a i o -t D ! r3 Ir" o-;!? :t ioi ,u.l a i:l:i.-- !!t9:!illi:, o' :t|.rQt c-- or5ilii I, I I I i I : t i t t a --t--- E a I , 8 18 ,9 -'1 E r-l -]H E LJ,Jrln T ira3sB:lO5::if.iPt'tttislsI9i 9i 95 9I,9 ,9 ,9'-9 _a_._-o^0-o-o L: t: D: <A:g:g:g:ti?ilil!l = = =-=-r:56at^oN-:.^IgigEYdYl' a' ar-a aglclgsli a-a-a Li.{{< a- a.,;;;t 3 --!-.r F e _t_ E I JII I II I I I I I I I .I:t:.> TITE;i l.l ie 5 i! Igzie ta:a oSooi i? t:Ollr-O<xa.:;31irt!i;it =9=9-9G29.-:.--aii:r;B;iicio: o: ?2 _=i 6i 6 r 5'6-a r r r-rir '- -ay-5.or.or >;;a-I.I-:3.3:?:? 1tl:ia:lJrrrr.irs;l;g9iei'.9. Q. Slg:E:E:t:t-y,'.-'a-Cigr>t >r >: i:irlrlr. rttlttl'--l -c)-o-lt FI F -tr !l ll -r-J rl tr L] 6 : t I a I I I I i YOTICE ? -:s-a:: :. :sws ci )!innesc:a, :-48'{, 3118?ler 502' '{r::cle g' Scc!:on 2 (2?0'72) (Tax ::;'.;;;:.' :;*.i"" oi :,"""tts), ::1e ::cer's:ng eulhcrrrv-':-'-:1-'::1-t:.3.1"^:',1:^'t-.tt" :;..."so,":oa.:ssrcnea:: F.everue:,.3ur !1in:1eso!8 SuSi::ess !ax:Cei'.1:ICarlan nufr- .., ..a ,-a sca:E: SeC':::::" :-:':::e: 31 esch :icense a?Plicrn:' :.:::: eii : a:a ?:9CtiCe5 .{C: anc !i:e Federsl ?:lvecy '{c: ':r aar,r".;ou:: '::e iollowrng legsraing ":ie use of lhts:;llcc- l::s .:::::a:::i :gy:e jsec :c Ceny :he issuance oc renewal of ycur :.::ise :r !:.e event you ,1$e i!:inesota seles, emPioyec's withholding or :o:c: ;e:lcle exc:se :axes; 'J.-:: :e:elvr:3 :las ii:io::s::c11, iF.c licensing euthorily will sugPIy it only ::=::: :.:.::esi:3 :e?g:::?:: J: !'evenue. However, under the Federel ::(:::- -: :l l.::':l:a!:on .r-a:eernent the Depar!ment of Rcvenuc may -rt- .:::.j:::a:::: :o ::e lnteri'iel Revcnue Servicei 3.A.:;F,! TO SUPPLY THIS INFOBMATION MAY JIOPABDIZE OR :ir.ry T::g PROCESSNC OF YOUR LICENSE ISSUANCE OB R'5E ii.1.L .{P?LICATIC 5. '-"---a::t: arc.e!ut'l aLong with your epPlicetion to vl iy, s la te, attner, e tc.3 a ltst \-ame Middle inr t:ai .ax t aI'i *i i t. Qt (1 rnz I oL { I ! o D =tI z oo :oz rl tl ll \ r>lo o I I I I I ,l-,l l:t -.B Eim ::i :i il- ll I lt - 3 I P c : C a I DIRECTIONS Dailv Schedul e:Account for all time the p.ogram is in operation, e.g.: 9:(X) - 9:15, Arrival. State how lhe children's development will be furlhered during each time peraod. Do not atlempt to be exhaustive. State the one, lwo or lhree most importanl obiectives. Obiectives: Acriviti6/Merhods: List r ypical activities oflered lor each period of the daily schedule. lf a variety ol activilies are ottered, lisl classes of acrivities and note several examples, e.9.: table fitivities (peg boards; puzzles; playdouoh; art materialsl; expressive activities (dance, puppels, singing, rhythm bandl. Describe particularly significant leatures of the environment and/or method ryhich contrabules to achieving the obiectives outlined during a given time period, e.g,: how the teacher(s) funclion; how the children lunction; special equipment and/or use ot equipment and malerials; use ol space and orgoniration ol the environment; use ot groupinge; use of special resources; etc. Where appropriale, note how transitions from one activitv or period are facilitated lor lhe children. You ..4 .l.d lo tu99lY lh. d.i. on lhri lorm io rh.t thc Mrnn.|olt D.p.rr.n or o, Pubarc llr.11... msy Gv.lualc your a[..|cyl ,cquar kn hc.ntur.. Th. lolorm.tion Fovitd wlll b. hlld by th. Liccn.ing Orvi..on ol th. Mrnn.rotr Dsrl.rrmcnt ol Pul c Wcll.rc Iho 'nto,.raron rr cl..t.li.d.t puuac. .nd ll b or.n lo. rotGr.,clron r: p.rt or. p.rurc hc.nirng lil.. You.ra und.r no lcg.l ourg.ron lo rupdy rhl' da!.. hot!vr.. il vou chooi. nol i,, ,h.o, OPW ll b. un.Uc ro rccomm.nd trc.ntrr.. ,o. your ag.ncy. t Please complete this form lor each aqe group served (i.e.: intants, toddlers, pre school, school agBl and nole the ag8 grorrp on lhe other side of this form. Use additional pages as necersary and number the pag6. Artach these lorms to the PROGRAM PLAN: FORM A. o t I ll il I II t5t (t;!i I I EI I II tdItarh,radfolPt,a llr.Car8ldtLal rll,l Li I aa?ll rc{vlfr lrrfrT{cr[dc.lo{ rrEfirfItoaja,al,gl Illt'TI-n3l-rr!Igt I Il rlr I 1I III I rT-[]-I TfI LI I -TI ILTNLTIIL I II II -ILLL I I I I I I i I -ILLI TL]I II I I I ! I TfI IIflTT]II I il Tf l_l_I iIIIItIt L Iii I I I I fl ta t a f t o o I a iEIo0r -02t 2r?! I I ii I ilrililrl rl I i I ,iil -T I tlll P0 { I)tlll rlrrota(I I,Itr'fxti I I c.Ef rlII I l I I IilI IIrIIIII ilIf I rIII IIIII Itt I IIll I I I II I II II !Il I I I I III I I I I iI II! I I-_l f ri l t l l tI ,rrt,lri, IIi lttltitr lri lltiirJIIIIIIIIiI!lll i II-i IIiIL IltII!l rl rltltltl Itl!lrl llt!rl I Tlriil I rTl i Ili{ (T I I rlT Irl Itl itt IlrrlI I Irl IIIIirT-r I la I )tt forI'n\nat 0ll 'l .r pdi.xlirartlrilhit f )rr !q,rr.l urcd to tuo iy It ptl I 0n rfi It clrIE.Ii I }r lonlhItirilio( of rht rih.t rtrlbeinirr,:lolby lrc !irr tntll atcatl!ri I rrt lfl trc t rd tr:otl tr.itq!to rt'at orJ F!u'car o I ,ltantlr9iil.1a!ial,'rl'r,-.rryr-ba tot ln tio ItcrrtEw-ricF-E !l II III IIIII I I tu I IIITIIIIIIIIIIt!r IIIIIIIIIIItllIII IIIlrrIIIIIIIIIll I IIEIIIIrII IrI I I I III I I IrII I I II I I I I III IIIT I ITI I I ITIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIITIIIIIIIIIrIII -.III IIIIIIIrIIII IIIrIrIIII TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllITI-IIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrltIIIIIIIIIIIIIt -ITTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIITIIITTIIIIIIIIIIIII II ll I I I I IIII.-IIIIIII I III I arrrIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIIII E -r, tr II Illlrlrll II 6t ItltII I It,lil lrii! irt-Tiii, ilI IIrl-- -l : i II I I I I I I lr ti ltIItlrl-Irt,I tlIIIil II I rlii I,lrlr,iitrllli I ii tt t: tcg0.t lirnr- flr, a!,jaf,d fo. coal,i/l' dl tfiiadtt lnf o,,t'.aron lo, ,grt al aao catnn. laa ollria qrfrnanoa ato trn- fi untratia,t nxprlDott, os OF nub 3 .ac lla. Sl,t. HEALTH CARE SUMMARY (to be complctad by halrh ac roqrcal Oal. ol Enrorlfi.nt pzo203 r aaofv$2oar I I Oaot NAME OF CHTLD binh d.r! _ PAAENT/S OR GUAROIAN D.t ol l6t phyricd cxamination:_ How long haYa Ydr b.a,l t aing lhit child? - How lrcqurnrly do you t.a thit drild lYhGn hr/sh! ia not ill? Oor ttrir child hrvc rny all.rgi.! (including allatEi.! to nxdic.tionr)? lr e modilird dirt nccroery? Ir any condition pr!..nt that might rce.rlt in m cmcrg:ncy? Wh.t i3 thr ttatu! ol rh. child't . . .Yi3ion hearing 3p.ach Plr... lin b.low th. imporBnt h!.lth ptobl'm3' iif,E;t;;; ;ijonr crsc 'r roriowrg trrc child for thc prou.m, and ch.d. lYlri:h problrrm rrquirc rrci.l rdrnion et tha canrt.FOLLOWED 8Y YOU FOLLO9IED 8Y OTHEN MEOICAL SOURCE (nryn l REOUIRET S'ECIAL ATTENTIOI' AT CEI.TER IMPORTANT HEALTH PNOBLEMS to.rrca ot haalth oa.a aaael.L o. cli^a 0at! addaa DAY CARE IMMUNIZATION RECORO Minncaota sraut.a 1SO, Sction 123.70, t.quirlt that all childrfi.who ara anrolltd in ' Minnsotr drY crrr hciliw b' immuniz.d .g.inn digttrri., r!11";';;1";;, jdio, melta,.na iu-6"li"-. atio-ing to: c.r11in tp.cifi.d excmptionr" Thir torm h darign d to provid o1''rJ",irav-*i,r, .form.tion ioqui6d bv ttr tr', rni will ba 'Y'iltu' lor rni'u by lha M-;;;; 6"i-rrinir,t a x".11h-} prbl; ujriirrc "na thr loc.t bolrd of h.rlth.nd roci.l t raic..g]rcr. Enr.r th! MONTH and YEAR ol lach dott' OO NOT USE V) or (X)' TYPE OF VACCINE 'ln O€. MONTH.YEAR 2nd Od UONIH.YEAN 4dt O- MOaallt-YE n Sr O- uoialH.YEAl Oiprh..ra,OTP POLIO MEAS LES >><- RUEELLA Shading indicatas thc minimum numbat ol dotat which arc rlcommandrd for childrln l8 montrt ol rga or oldrt' tb n a, dAl 3.a O-. MOi'lH.YEAR MUMPS OilE OR i'ORE OF THE FOLLOWING MUST 8E CHECKED AIIIO SIGNED' f. Ei I c.nify rhar th. .bov. namld child ir .ppropri.tlly immunizcd tot hit/h.r ag., accotdinq to Mlnn :ot tt r hw"- ioiO"r'.ar. rnro m!nt. lf chrld ha, nor had mrnifiJrn numbr ol does a3 indicat.d aboY.. tha dat.' lor wlridr !h. remaaning dosar ara to br given ara: (Tha Crld .nsn cdtlaala OTP/Td ..ld golro 9rr" wr thrn 18 rnontit to ra1r.ln anrollad.) Stidwr ot Phv!.an o. Pecrc ClinG 0ara Z. E ffrr .bov. inlorm.tion lrar b..n ran3trrcd from rccordr m.iotainrd by th! child't paflny'luardilr rnd indicat.! th.t th. minimum racomm.ndld numb.r ol do!6 of v.ccin. h.y. b..n rcceivcd. (ONLY APPLIES FOR CH/LDREN 18 MONTHS OF AGE OR OLOER) Siinatura ot ta.tnl o. L.gl Guardiai Oata 3. E I onify thrt ti. .bov. nrmd drild hr3 rrcriv.d .t hast on. dora of cadr v.ccin. and b in tha lrocttr ot com- Catin! rha OTPnd andlot polio vaccinr rrpr. Thr d.t!3 tot which tlx r.mrining dot6 att u, b. iy.n aru: (fha cnrld murr co.r!9l.ta O?P/Td .trd golro {.raa trdrrn 18 monthr lo .rnai6 mrollad.) Sig.ratu.a ot Phytl.l.n o. PublE Clinic Oar. LEGAL EXEMPTIONS TO MINNESOTA STATUTES I98O, SECTION 1A.70 l. No drild 7 y..n of eg. or old.r sh.ll ba r.quirrd to b immunir.d alrinn p-r!!air. 2. No dtild 7 yr.7r ot ag. or old.t:hell br rcqrircd to b. immuni:ld.gainn nium!., alfho.{h IJdr imr /nization il highly d.rinu.. 3. No drild undar tS,nonthr ol ag! thall ba r.qrirrd to b. inmuni&d alrinjt na8lr., drrmr or rubalh. 4. No tm.l. child 12 y'rn ot.t or oldGt thall b ruqui.rd to b imnrniu.d.g.ilr!t rub.lh dlr.ro.rgh r,ldr immunitttion it highly d..ir.U.. 5. No drild sfull b. ruquir.d to rlclivc an immuniz.tion lor which labr.tory lvi&nca ot immlniv .Iirtt or for wiichth.r. i3 a m.dic.l conutindicrtion. Th. tollowing (or similer) trarcmcnt r st be signd by . phyrichn in ord.r fo. th. child to rucaiva a madical lxrmprion, I h.r.bry crnify that immunization i3 contraindic.Gd prarancr of adcqutta imirunity existt for tha follorving i tor madical rca:ons cr that laborato,y cmfirnration ol tha mnrunilrtion:: Sieaatura o, Pnylcran Oa!a 6. No drild shall bc r:quircd to rlceiv. an immunization which it contrary to th€ conscilntiously hlld baliatr ot rlr. parcnto. guardian. Thc lollowing (or similat) itatrmant mu3t ba signcd and notarized in order fot tha child to recaivc aneramption. I he.eby cert itY by notarization that immunization lor my child ii contrarv to my conicientiously hrld baliafa. lndicat! vaccin!(s) Sigraruta o, Prira oi Lalal csaTdian Subcribrd rnd 3wom to bafor. m. thit dey ol Signaoi. ot Norary A COPY OF S?ATEMENf 8 WILL 8E FORWAROEO TO THE COMMISSIONEF OF THE OEPAFTI'ENT OF H€AL?H. Oata E I r9 FOR DAY C iC USE OT{IV E C-rptata lfirnrnlrrn nrrrba. ot dora hara b-n rcaird, E uc,o Olr tor rgr; n.rr doa ds. E tn Pra!.; tB monrhr .r9i r- E urot r Er.no.on. for ] con*"rr,,or. -'- .crorr. ror cuIDELINEsEoRDEVELoPINGgENTERRECoRDS,PoLICIESAI{DPRoCEDURES FOR GEOT'P DAY CARE PROCRAI{S Ttreee Srldellnes are for lnfr:rnatl.onat PurPoses only. Please refer to Rule 33 STAIIDAXDS FOR GROIJP DAY CARE. or )tour llcensing consultaot ', w'!'th speclfic questLons. Ttre pollclea are Eo be subBltted ttith Lnltlal apPllcaElon or arrangeaeats oade'for co[sultant !o revtew pollcies aE the center' 1 IIRIITEN POI,IC IES TO BE AVATLABLE TO STAFF,PARENTS AND DPI{: *A.Pollctes to be Gtven to Parents at Adolsslons: (P' 21) 1. The age range of chlldren served' (P' f5) 2. DaYs and hours of oPeratton' 3. Fees aod PIan for Palueflt ' 4. TransPortatlon arraBgeEentg ' ;. i"quf""r"t e" about personal b+gnClngs l::uShu to center' 5 . Heals and "*"t " ""I"i, fncludhl otrtrltlo,. requlreoents f or bag lunches. (P. 13) 7. Insurance coverage on chlldreo' ii: ryp" or Prograa offered chlldren and parents ' 9. Provlslons ttrac can ie oatle for specli1 needs of lndlvldual chlldren. (P. 23) u"rii"".Li".irorr' o. Af f I'roative Actlon stateoent regardlng "arf""fon" and deolsalons ' (P' 5) plan for pre-adalssion "orrt.i"i""' rrrh parent(s) and chlld. (P. 16) PLan for cont!.nulng "o,ttt"l rlth pareats that tncludes the actlvt- ii"" ir',.a 1111 keef theo lnforoed and encourage,Ehelr lnpuE' il;id;; ""q"i""a'eonferences' (P' 9 and P' 16) Requlrement for a phystcai"oJ"iti'o" and lr@unlzatlons ' (P ' L1) Procedure for notllv1n3 ;;t;t ii ch1ld becoaes L1l' (P' 1r' P' 12 and P. 15) ;;;"";";"'for aEtendlng to a stck ch(Ld untll,Parent arrtves. (P. 11 and P' 12) ;;ii;;';. "*irr"ro" of slck chlldren' (P' rr) Procedure for notlfylng ptit"tt of lnfectlous or comunlcable dlseases. (P. 12) CenEer's source of eoergency nedical care and relaEed procedures' (P. Il and P. 14) i".tt"a= of dtsclpllne used by staff' (P' 10) 10. 11. L2. 13. #r4. #L6. llLT . ilLs, #18. 19. /rsee Footnoce, Page three *8.Health Pol!.1es and Procedures for SEaff: 1. For lnEs under oue year' health polLcles are requlrd whlch ffi,: ,;-41t"""d bY a Physlclan' (P' u) --iequlredcontenElnvolvesEhesources'PreparaElon'handllng and, sEorage o' toti'it' ElIk' 9o11d fooda and suppleEenls ' (P' f4) -- Recomended concenE r'rould Lnclude health-related adolsslons-- iffi ]ii iio."a"r"s; feedlns, tolleclng' naPPlng and orher routines; sanitatlon procedures; safeEy aDd accLdenE Preventlon ;;;;;;;=; h."iit; tfectlous'and co@rnlcable dlseases; f''rst atd for f*t"t";-tyi"" of equlPoent and suPPlles recomended or dlsapProvea; "piL" utlll'iation ard edlflcatlons for safeEy and cooforE; attl ttg content; record keeplng; use of other consulEaEion' #2. Adnission-related healEh Pollcles: (P' U and P' 12) -- Procedure for norlfylng ParetrE lf ch1ld becoaes 111; (?' l1' P. 12 and P. 16) - Procedure for atteudtng Eo a stck chlld uuttl ParenE arrlves' (P. 7 aod P. 11) -- Pollcy or, .*.l,,slo" of slck chlldren' - (P' 11 and P' 12) -- Procedure fo. tltffyi"g PaEenEs of lafecrlous or couunlcable dlseases. (P LZ) -- CenEerrs sour e of energencY uedlcal care and related Procedures. (P. 1,3 and P. 18) UedicaElon pollcles slaff are to folLotr' (P' 12) Eoergency or accldenB procedures coverlng: (P' 14 and P' 15) n3. #4. -- Flre evactraElon Plao. -- Tornadoes. - Blizzards. -- ;ii;;;-;i staff (unless covered ln Personnel Pollcles) ' -- Procedures for l,hen and uho ls to adnlnlster flrsE ald' (P' f4) -- pioc.d,rres for handllng uedleal euergencles' (P' f6) -- Pollcy.on EalnEar'nlng iccldent rePorts or log' (P' 14) -- err"r,g"t.oEs for eoergency t'ransPorcatlon ' (P' 15) -- Power fallure. -- Mlsslng Persons. -- Plan for eoergeneY shelcer. -- Flre drl11s. -.Loc.tion,procedureandc1rcutrstancesforcuEt1ngofftheelectricltY at the Eah fuse box' -- n.fo..rttg suspecred lnstaoces of chlld abuse' (P' 21) -- neportrn[ of ierlous lnJury, fire or death to the DePartnent of Publlc iJelfare. (P. 2f) I!lsrecotmendedghendeveloplngpollcles,thalthePollcystate sp"c:.ff..ffy gE lt to be done,-under r,hat clrcuastaoceg ("h"") ' ""a uv 4g, fiIthtt a co:::ingency plan be sPeclfled' ,lsee Footnote, Page Ehree -2- -3- tt5. Acctdent Preventlon procedurelt covertsg: (P' f4) -- PolsonlnR, e'g': storage-of -hazardous or Eoxlc aubstances; leaa parii; nldlcattons; food sEorage' PreParatlon and sanl- taElon' -AsDlratlonorchoql:rF1e.8.:typesoffoodnoc!obeserrred;g"Per"i;io-ffi4-.h-trdrenuseequlP[eatthalEaybeasPtraledi waler accldents; Procectlon frol posstbly allergenlc lnsect blces or sElags ' - @, e.g.: electr''cal shock a!rd/ or burnsi oatches; storage of ftamaf,Ie subatances; radtators; stoves; flrePlaces; hot plpes aod all hot surfaces requlrlng shleldtng; teoPerature ofwaternottoexceedl20c;olalolzeandptoperlygtore.coE- bustlbleEatertals;@lnteaanceofflreeatl.ngulghers,alarE sysEen' sprlokler systen ard flre btankets and other safecy- related equl[Eent ' -- Iniury, e.g.: scl'ssors; loives; tFod$orklng equlpaent; guards on faas; aipervlslon and proper uae of all Porer equlPoeot; uostable "qiiptttt or furnlsirlngs ' such as tall shelves' fold- lng chalrs'"od l'dd"t"; swlngs and cllEbersi rePelr of equi'P- neaE; sultablltty of equlpEeEE to age gEouP; oalatesaace of ,"t t.r."l-Iitiuii"g ""itti equlPrleat and oechanlcal coodltloo of "rr"p.i"ioo, tltl", bra'kes' etc'; leru @rers; -Sarden equlP- t"r,.; f;;;;;;'pioi""i1o" fron hezards 1o Ehe outdoor envlron- """., t'i',-lt&iic; uoates of mEer' slopes' dead tree'llsbs' ".".; "d:;;";;-oi-i"n"ttr housekeeplng and rePalEi guards oa rlndors and screens !o Protect agaft'si falls and/or lnsect blles' stlngs and food con!aa1na!1oa' - ffii'.i;:ii" E*:*l":i: l}Ftii*ii'* ctrrfa nelitrt; condtllon of floors' carpet and loose-rugsl "a"q,r""y-Ei - irgntrttg; snon and 1ce reooval frou crafflc areas' -- seEl-A-qnu81 InsPectlolL g9r $SeltE-ltaza4' ;:"::l::"f"#':."6-na"ct lnsPectlons ' shent wnaE "".n" uy 'i'i"h deflilencles rr111 be correcced' rC. Personnel Pollcles for Staff: (P' 20)## 1. lllrlng Procedures ' (P' 19 and P'-20) 2. Utrroatrve-ectlo" "i"ct"tttt -or Plan' (P' 5) 3. oescrt'ptroi ;-;;;1;;i;" perlod aad Eethod of staff evaluaElon' (P' t! 4. Poltcieg on Pto@Elong and salary lncreoeots ' 5. In-servlce tralnlnB requlreoenEs ' 6- FLrlnB Procedures' (P' 19 and P' 20) 7. Slck leave' - 8' Vacallon' #neal,rh con,urla!t+" ^fllliiil'il"il1'[rH::nJ:'il:r*il;] :l:]:":: (p. 11) sought !o asslsE ln de f#PersoonelPollclesrmrstbeconslgtentwtthaPPllcableFalrEnplol'uent Lat E Sovernr.ng dntun"o-rage' ovtrrLoe' etc" aad all oEher aPPllcable "t.i"-."a fedlral laws' (P' 20) Worklng condtt.lons, e.9., sl8n-tn/out procedures' breaks, !.unch perlods, other resr Perlods, equlpuenc,/ suppl les co be furnlshed by eoployee or eoployer r equl;y aoong enployeee ln leros of sorklnS condltl.ons ' etc. 10. Beneflts (Lnclude healch lngurance, Soclal SecurtEy, rettreroent, lforkoenr s Coopensatloa and Uneoployuent CooPengatlon' etc., as appllcable). 11. SubstituEe staff arrangeEents. L2. Eealth requlreaenEs - -- uedtcal exaa requlreoent (P. f9) @ - Exc1uslon of eoployeeg wlth coouolcable dlsease3 Presentlng an loporiant health hazard to the chlldren. (P. 19) 13. Pollcy on oalntalnlng confldeatlallty of eoployaeoE-relat ed rec:rds and lnforoatlon. (P. 22) rD. Job Descrlptlons for all Slaff ldeobers. (P. 20) 9 B. Health Care Records. (P. !',) Naoe and address of chlld's source of regular health care. Iuunl.zacLon record and 2:an for follon-up, lf .uot up to daie. llealch Care SuEEary or n*al:h gtateEent. slgoed by chLldrs curren! gources of oedlcal care. MedlcaElons: Parentai perolsslon sl1ps authorlz!,ng adnlnlstra-tlon of Eedlcatlons. 1 2 3 4. ). 6. 7. 8. 10. 1 1 3 4. rr.@, rA. Reglstratlon Forn(s) or Adolsslona Inforoatlon that Includes: (P. 15) Naoe, address and phone ouaber of ch1ld. Chlldrs blrth date. Naoe and address of the parent(e) or person(s) legaIIy respon- slble for chlld. Phone number or lnstructLons for reachin8 the person(s) vho are responslble for chlld lrhen the ch1ld ls 1n the center. Naoe, addrese and phone nuuber of person(s) nho can assuae responstblllty for the chlld lf parencs cannot be reached. Naoe, addresa and phone ouober of source of euergency care, lf dlfferent from regular source of health care. Naoe of person(s) aulhorlzed to take the chlld froE r.he center and those not so authortzed. Sl8ned auchortzatl.oo for ceoter to act Ln eoergeacy sltuatlon when parenE(s) canno c be reached or lhere ntll be a delay tn arrlvlng. llhen appLlcable: -- wrltten perulsslon for chlld !o parEl,clpale ln center acrlvltle8; fleld tr1ps, publtclry act1vlt1es, research and. experl-uentat lon;. -- llrllcen pernlsslon Eo partlclpate 10 actlvlti.es not aponsored by the centeE. Infants and toddlers: eatlog, sleeptng, tolletlng, co@unlcatlon and confortlng habr.ts and needs. (P. 10) 9 ) c Nutrltlonal Needs ' 1. Speci'al dler as Prescribed by source of healrh care (Appendtx B' Eealth care su@ary) '2. Io pEograEs th4t sewe aeels: food hablts and Practlces' food llkes and dlsllkeE, iia-""ituttf patterns of food selectlon' (P' f3) 3. llrttten dlec tnstrucilcns froo parent for each chlld - ur'rder -oqe vear coverlng pt"""iiiJ quautliLes and feedlng schedule of forgula H+*i.'"ii"i.ii;-;il;; iiii"arng vlraoln or lron supplenenls. (P. 14) 4, Each lnfant's o"utr'"uJ iot 'ot"i' as glveo by the pareot ' (P' 14) Perent Conferences' (P' 16) 1. ?h.ere sharl '. :" ll.il*?ji*l!!"1?iliiaT!";iif;LEhat docuDenrs the frequencY of th' - Conferences ur.rst be offered to ParenEs once every tt,o moths ioi- cirflareo ,rrrder t ro , and trdce a year for chlldren lwo years and older ' - Conference EusE Provlde an oPPortunlEy to dlscuss the lndlvldual chlld. op"r, tou!"i,-ioti orilrrt.rron, oeeElngs, etc., do not oeet thts crrter-i]' ftre adntsston lnlervt*' whlch -covers che needs of rtre .nril, aa reu aa hoEe vlslts ptanred for a coo- i"t"n". on the ch!'itl ' u'111 aeet the requlreneot ' Chlldren wtth l{andtcaPs: Requlred Inforaatlon' (P' 23) D E Ttre record of each child !'lth a handlcap shall have lrrltten documentaElon rtot " q*ri'ii"d cons"ltaot' Prlor to the chlldrs enrollnent, and annually 'ii"i""ft"t ' rtre consultaElon should "I';;^il;;;.q. *"lrs**r;::liii*r:Et:,'ti:"":1,::i:: H'#- lnp recoonendaltong sulEc ^*#:;;-;I"-i" .".u'ui; i;"" the Ltcenslns Dlvlsloo' DP'tt' i";;::;; **,'."t*'',=ft ll*'ii*t!l#i'tlEi"";ie rlcensrns Each Program ous! have wl consultant Prlor lo enrolllng chlldren wllh handlcaps'1 III.INDIVlDUAL STAFF RECORDS: (P. 19, P' 20 and P' 22) A. I Regular Staf f. l. Identlfytng lnforEaclon' (See DPH 587' 'Personnel InforEatlon EorE') 2. Educaclon, "'pt"""ii"loa :;;;";; tralnlng'^ (see DPt{ 587') 1- References ."r"t r"g -io-tiri iiy to care for chlldren' 4'. iecord of f trst-ald rra,'ltlilr.rr.ror, .ra#. (see DpH 59t a, 5. Record of current o. P"itonn"r Medtcal RePort ' ) 5. Terns of enPloyEent ' T.Docuoencaclonofeoployee'sprobatlonaryevaluaElon. B. -5- volunteers, Subscltutes and Interns ' I record of nega tLve TB Eest shall be on fLle for eaeh eer , he ) Ee or tnEern,lncluding parents, uho Clnt ProBra[e than once a Euth'but les -ftfrhs (2/5 of the Progr k. A su@ary tnf orlaElon la to be lc on erg. DPll-I514 (I-75), Mantoux s reported to DPW Certlflcatlon Fo a A1I t need parttclPatltrg ln the Progr a TB EesE. re than once a Dnth All volunceers rrho PartlelPate tuo-flfttrs (2/5) of lhe prograo ,-""f ot Dre ousE cooPly.Irlth the health clearance requlreEents io.- p"ia staff (Rule i: P.22, \':t. C' 263) and subalt DP't{ Fon 591a (Personnel Medical RePort) ' IV. MI S RECORDS TO BE AVAILASLE FOR fiAHU{ATION:(P.22) Dally attendance records. LlgE of avatlable subsEl'tute staff' Accldent rePoris or 1og. (P. 14) Perolsslon froa lJ-censing consultanE to enroll chlldren sl'th handl- caps. (P. 2l) CooperaElves: Past yearrs board rolnutes and llst of board EeEbers Llth parlnt users deslgnated. (P. 3) Artlcles of IncorPoratlon, lf I'ncorporated. Approved Denu. (To be Posted.) InfanE care (under one Year): A B. c. D E. *F. rG. E. -- DocuEentaclon of uonthly consultatlon wlEh a PubLlc health nurse or a regisqered nurse; (P. 11) -- Dr;uneniaclon of feedlng schedules avallable Eo staff for currently enrolled lnfants. (P. f4) UNITED IVAILING, INC. lml PARK ROAD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5531 7 PHONE 1612) 4744182 llay 23, 1988 Ms. Barbara Dacy city of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 553L7 Dear Ms. Dacy: Confirning our discussion 5/2o/a8, the Instant web, Inc. companies are requesting a zoning text amendment to Penflit an accessory use of the north- west corner of the Instant Web, Inc. warehouse as a child care center for the dependents of enployees of Instant web fnc., United Mailing' Inc. i and victorl, Envelope, Inc. lle envision using 4300 square of the aPProximately 21O,oOo square feet or 2z of the available space in the building for this purpose. The child care site is shown in red on the site Plan. Also enclcsed is a first draft of the chiltl care structure plan dated March 25, 1988. You will note that this draft utilizes 28oo square feet. on further investigation it was tletermined that this plan ttid not provide for reaching the optimum ratios of staff and square footage to students and a revision is under development. It does, however, Provide a fairly accurate picture of our concept. We will suPPLy an approval drah'j.ng of the 4300 square foot structure as soon as it is conPleted. tle are submitting this request folloving two years of stutly by a task force composed of employees of the Instant Web' Inc., companies and staff members of the Carver-scott cooperative center. Ttlat grouP consists of the following individuals : Linda carlson Project Coordinator, Instant web. Inc. Daryl Fortier Architect of record Fortier & Associates, Inc., Richard warren -Director, Human Resources United Mailing, Inc. Child Care Assistant Carver-Scott Cooperative center (Previously Director, Koda cistina !earning center) UH= UNITTt) IIAII.ING Marilee l^lelch Laura Gilkey - Child Care Coordinator Carver-Scott Cooperative Center This grroup has done extensive analysis during the two year study. !4embers have toured coturercial and private chj,ld care centers operated by CarlsonCraft, New Horizon, Miller-Schroeder, Kindercare, and others. Itle Carver-Scott Cooperative Center staff has done a considerable amount of research, analysis and advisory work. 1,1r. Fortier has spent numerous hours onfamilarizing hinself with daycare licensing regulations, and preparing a series of alraft layouts and cost projections. The conclusion of the study is that there is a shortage of affordable, highquality chil-d care in eastern Carver County. We feel that employer spon- sored child care is one way to inprove the situation. our concept is uniquein that the Carver-Scott Cooperative Center staff has been instrrmental inthe development of this project from its inception. They wilt continue tobe involved as consultants to ensure that the center is truly an earlychildhood development experience and not merely a babysitting service. The scope of company provided employee benefits for large employers has shown a pattern of continuous expansion. we believe chird care is the nextarea of emphasis in large employer benefit packages. Accordingly, \re encourage the city to support child care by allowing employers to providechild care as an accessory use with in their facitities. We respectfully request approval of this application. SincereLy yours, Richard J. Warren Director, EuDan Resources Rirw^lf Enclosures L ('r,1r 'r ,, 6 ,.a92 ;1x.ia=llil r l >- s sl!v'<'j c o \/ l\.\\I !\\.I i\\ tr\ t I ly 4 c tt i t,}?."k II\\ 4 I I I )ilI\ \ ! \ \i 'ri't' t,'ti \ --' ,','.1) i/,'------) -z U) z-l €m @ 2o llilll llllli itwdw !l ll! 1l \ i/, I I I I I i rl t. lti 0!i(, n 1 { & I Ii n 0 nI ! ! 0 0 nI 4 3I B s I 6 -.,.'! 7q --- I{llililtI a+ (. la'- a' -I T1 oo7 r- z l II (rI -{aI 6 ',e?d.rTFrcR 1st FLOOR PLAN zl- oro Ae,TTVITY AS.a\ ' f erxrxa |.lTcHql o o J -o ( \t \' ( -<, "2z'.ott I X I o I I IHTAfiT9 I_f. Hura'!l* (eu rT! t N^t) lowtE?-,5l1e? I I {{ s III' lillIlllill -r-II II -t-3- -Il !.!, 't .! : ,.1.' ., .l I'l ii, il ,i ji il I i IIIIIIIIIIII exTFlncE 't . lllf TbPPI-EF5 euueT | 6nvry r2nr 1O^"r P[ ^^J I,AND DEVELOPI{ENT APPLICATION CITT OF CEANEASSEN 690 Coulter Drive ChaBhassen, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 APPLICANT : Ins lant I.teb ADDRESS j95l powers Blvd- Chanhassen, MN 553f 7 Rent al Inst tS 123 Triad Blvd.7101 North land Ci- Minneapolis. MN 55428zip code Planned Unit Development _ sketch Plan _ Preliminary plan Final Plan Subdivi sion _ Platting _ Metes and Bounds Stree t,/ Easement Vacation Wetlands Permit Inc.CIdNER: ADDRESS TELEPHONE (Daytime ) REQt'EST: Zip Code 47 4-096L x Zoning District Change Zoning Appea1 Zoning Variance Zoning Text Amendment Iand Use PIan Anendment Conditional Use permit Site PIan Review PROJECT NAME Early Beginnings Da y Care Center PRESENT I,AND USE PLAN DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION PRESENT ZONING REQUESTED ZONING USES PROPOSED .}.\ at_A/ SIZE OF PROPERTY LOCATION REASONS FOR THIS REQ UEST >-c1-17v\ ? c>- 1r < i: :u4)(tr f-,i lO D;\L rELE PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary) city Land Pag e FTLING CERTIF of Chanhassen Development Application 2 This application must be completed in full .19 !" type$rritten orclearly printed and must U" l".o^p".,iui*oy aII information andE'il;n':flr':':3,iI":Epii;.;i"-;;;;";;;i;"n". provisions. Beroreto aeieimii.-fi :';;::?li"'3|oil3X:: ::l'::^Iitr, ti,.-diiv iiinn".applicabre to youi'apprication l-" proceclurar requirements I CATION: The undersibned reoresentative of the applicant herebythat he is familiai ritt-tr,"'ir;;.;;;"ir."qurremenrs oapplicable City Ordinances - certifiesf aII Signed By Signed By App r l.can t Dat e Dat e has been herei n The undersigned hereby certifies that the applicant:::::il:;: ro make this app1ic"ii",-i"i..th"-;;;;;;ay Fee O!,Jne r Date Application Application Fee City Receipt No. Received Pai d This Application will beBoard of Adjustments andmeeting. cons idered Appeals at by thetheir Planning Coruni ss ion,/ FILTNG INSTRUCTIONS: _....-- _-_ -_-.- ZONING $ 20-814 ARTICLE XXII. "IOP'' INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK DISTRICT 20"811. Intent. The intent of the "IOP" District is to provide an area identified for large scale light and commercial planned development No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-1), 12'15-86) . 2OAl2. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an "IOP" District: (1) Oflices. (2) Warehouses- (3) Lightmanufacturing. (4) Tlade shops. (5) Health services. (6) Printers. (7) Indoor health and recreation clubs. (8) Body shops. (9) Utility services. (10) Recordingstudios. (11) Off-premises parking lots. (12) Conference/convention centers. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-2), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G813. Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an "IOP" District: (1) Parking lots and ramps. (2) Signs. (3) R€tsil sales of products stored or manufactured on the site provided no more than twenty (20) percent of the floor space is used for retail sales. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, S 16(5-16-3), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G814. Conditional uses. lhe following are conditional uses in an "IOP" District: (1) Concrete mixing plants. (2) Comrnnnicationtransmission towers. t227 EHINHIESE}I STAFF REPORT P.C. DATE: May 18, 1988 C.C. DATE: June 13, 1988 CASE NO: 88-8 zOA Prepared by: Olsen,/v Fz () =LL ko hJFa zoning Ordinance Amendment to Section 20-904 for Accessory StructuresPROPOSAL: LOCATION: -*--t/8/er ' APPLICANT: --.-6 / rs /t( lrl' A.t!r,o i, r', '_ ,-nto.--,1--"F? PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE:N- S- E- w- WATER AND SEWER: PEYSICAL CHARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN: CITY OF Y'"-iTtire r Zoni Ordinance Amendment 1988 Accessory Structures uay P age BACKGROU ND The Planning Conmission reviewed amending the ordinance foraccessory structures on March 2, 1988. At that time, the item was tabled until staff could come back with Tim Erhartr s commentsand additional cornments on lakeshore lots (Attachment *1). ThePlanning Commission wanted to have a maximum size for anaccessory structure for lots 5 acres anti less. ANALYS I S n9I8,., At t.he May 18, 1988, meeting, the Planning Commission madeseveral changes and directed staff to conduct a public hearing.Staff hrent ahead and advertised for the public hearing; however,we did not. publish the proposed language. Therefore, we r.rouldIike the Cornmission to verify that r,{hat is proposed is consistentlvith the Commissionr s previous direction. The Commission shouldthen table the item until staff can republish the proposed changes. Staff has made Section. the following changes to the Accessory Structure Section 20-9C4, Accessory Struct.ures. (a) Detached Garages and Storage Buildings. I No detached garages and storage buildings ioagricultural and residential district shallLocated in the required front or side yard. any be 2 Detached garages and storage buildings in the RSF andR-4 districts sha1l not exceed 1000 square feet insize and sha11 not occupy more than :O* of the areaof any rear yard. A rear yard is measured as thearea bethreen the rear walI of the principal Structureand t.he rear lot line. Detached garages and storage buildings in the RSF andR-4 Districts having an area up to and equal to 200square feet in size shall have a rear se€back of five(5) feet. and a side yard setback of Een (10) feet.Any det.ached garage 6r storage building over 200square feet and up to and equal to the maximum of1000 square feet shall have a rear yard setback offifteen (15) feet and a side yard sEtback of ten (10)feet. 3 4 In the A-2 and RR Districts nostorage buildings shalI exceedon lots 3 acres or less. detached garages and1,000 square feet Zoning Ordinance Anendment Uay 18, 1988 Page 3 Accessory Structures Detached garages in all agricultural and residentialdistricts must be architecturally consistent with theprincipal structure. 6 7 A detached garage or storage building in the RSFDistrict shall have a maximum height of twenty (20)feet. Detached garages and storage buildings located onriparian lots shall maintain a setback of seventy-five (75) feet from the ordinary high water mark onRecreational Development Lakes and one hundred fifty(150) feet from the ordinary high water mark onNatural Environment Lakes as designated on EheOfficial Zoning Map. Detached garages and storagebuildings on riparian lots may be located in thefront yard buE must maintain the front and side yard setbacks . (b) Tennis Courts and Swimming Pools. 1. No tennis courts or swimming pools shall be locatedin the required front or side yard and shall maintaina rear yard and side yard setback of ten (10) feet. Tennis courts and swimming pools located on riparian lots shall maintain a setback of seventy-five (75) feet from the ordinary high water mark on Recreational Development Lakes and. one hundred fifty(150) feet from the ordinary high water mark onNatural Environnent Lakes as designated on the Official Zoning Map. (c)In any residential district, or agricultural districtwith less than 3 acres, no storage building, det.ached garage or accessory use shal1 be erected or constructedprior to the erection or construction of the principal or main buj.lding but may be erected simultaneously. Definition of Storage Building: A structure used for the storage of accessories useC in relation to a residential activity. *NO?E: The RSF District regulations would be amended also for height of accessory structures. ATTACHMENTS Planning Commission minutes dated March 2, I988. Letter from Tim Erhart dated February 19, 1988. Planning Commission minutes dat.ed May l-8, 1988. 1 2 3 5 2 Planning March 2, Commission Meeting 1988 - Page 26 r.{. { SECTION 2q-994, ACCESSCRY STRUCTURES. olsen: what we're proposing to do now is, number r just states thatno deEached garage or storage buirding in any distrilt shail reLocated lg EI,. required front and sid5yard. Number 2 rrouldessentially be for RsF and R-4 districts wherJ ii-*.rri-""i, rn RsFand R-4 districts detached garages...and then add the remainder ofthis r.rhere it was talking speciiicalty about RSE and R_4 with theL,tgq sqvaxe foor and mai irni.rm of 308 6r tn" .;;;y;;J uni pot that as aparagraph under 2. Then make number 3 as another section under number2 because this will be-pertaining to the RsE and R_4 districts.Number 4 then is also for rhe naiinun r,"ighi "iir-'ui ;;;iia to theRSF and R-4 district- rf you feel that you r,rant these also for theother districts, we can allo adar that under number 3 that we added formultipLe famiry commerciar, industriar districis ititi"g-t;it theyshall have a rearyard setback of 10 feet. Essentially ie,ve got oneas a condition for all districts. Two wourd be RsF .ia n-n. Threelrourd be multiple family, commercial and industri.r aist.icis. Then!{e tried to further define a tennis court and swimming pooi, wner"they can be located and $rhere they can not. when you-IioX it theordinance now they are considered an accessory use but then you usethe accessoly structure setback so vre came up with specificrequirements for those. (c) is the same- conrad: what did we decide? city councir didn't rike Ehe r, ggo fooEbuilding right? orsen: They wanted different setbacks and Birr is here to be sure. Emmings: That's been incorporated already. Olsen: Right. Dacy: They did talk about 800. Conrad: What are you_ thinkiog Bill? Let me give you our logic,I think when we went -througir It a *ontn-- or !y9- ago. Tom didn,t callon me for our logic during-our """iin"" so rill itiru-if iiir, vou. Wer_really took a Iook at whaE it would tike for a 3 "u. g"iu;.'and alsowhaE it wourd take to have a riciie =tr.p i" there and theri steve addeda 10? fudge factor or somer.hing ";J ;;-:ume up wiEh l,OgO feeE. Webasicarly looked ar garage s.alrs Eo be a key there. 'r-iniix 800 feetprobably would work too. r don't fnow-it ttrireis i grJai"ie"r otdifference between BO0 I99r una i,iii'd-t."t in our mind bur rrhenI heard City Council talking, I hearcl nomUers that were significantlyIower than Ehe L,6gg. BilI; ao Vor-t.uI any comments? Anything toguide us on this rhing based ." it,"u"ioi heard? Conrad: They literallya garage or a build ingthem but Ehat was rdhat said in either point Ias large as 1,000 feet.they said. or 2, they did not iranENot that I agree with t .. - ... -1 -,-ari. .*--- - - -:'-q'--,- Plann i ng March 2, Commission Meet i ng 1988 - Page 27 ( councilman Boyt: r remernber saying at the meeting, when lre firstdiscussed this and r think whaE r iould rive wirh-is ii tr," ortbuilding eras never to be larger than the main "t.o"iui.. -"in . ."n""that-we don't -require a house, the minimum house size is tess ttran1.,006 square feet. r'!d rike some means of .""iaing-tt"-"iii"tionshere a person has a 850 square foot house and t,q'qa i-oi-o,rttoiraing15 feet from the lot line. r have a rearry "".roo=-piooiei ana wirrpr9!i9rv vote asainsr.this if we come up orirr, r,AAs Za;;;J"'rootbuilding and put it closer to our rear iot rine'than rie-now-arrow a850 square foot house Eo be. I think that's inappropriate. Headla: What about a little Sears sheet netal utility shed? Emmings: That's under 290. {t Enmings: That's why we put that in there vras that concern for that. councilman Boyt: rf-r might just comment one more thing about thaEitem, vrhen I think <if a sJ.nglE car garage, which is whai I hadenvisioned about Zao square feet to be, and see that 5 feet from aback lot line, f get nervous about that too. What I see as an outbuilding is something where a person can store a lawn mower or a fe$,tools and r knornr staff eras going to check into r.rhat a typicat size ofan outbuilding is. What is a typical size of an outbuiidingZ Olsen: It's always an 8 x LA, Lg x L6, L6 x 12 and he said op Co 2AA.Then r always checked around wir-h other cities and zgo was Ehe cut-offpoint for their small buitdi.ngs and l,ggg was the typical maxj.mum. Conrad: Thatis under 2gA so there's no problem with that. Dacy: That,s in the Building Code too. The L,gqO. Councilman Bgyt: That the L,6OA j.s a maximum? olsen: we first had ggq. up with l,gg6. realJ.y here to Dacy: Then Tim came Councilman BoyE: I'm listen so take it away. Dacy: Thatrs Ehe concern about the accessory building be larger Ehe princ j.ple building. I think that goes right in with (c) andlogical- extension of that as far as r"rhen an accessory building isconstructed. r think Ehatrs easiry accomodated if tlre commis6ionrdanEs to pursue that. The only exclusion t.o that vrould be if youin an. A-2 area and your barn would be obviously larger than yourbut that can be excluded._L than is a 9rere home Dacy: For a garage. Tim Erharr_ had come up with L,gqO fot. a 3 cargarage aI so. PI ann i ng l.la rch 2 , Comrnission MeeEing 1988 - Page 28 { t Conrad: The districts that 2 applies Eo, RSF and R_4. Enmings: Tim !'rants to expand that in his letter to RR_1 and A_2 iftheyrre 5 acres or less. i Headla: And I think rder ll tant to make that I0. Conrad: I aqree with.Tim in those larger lots that lrerre allolringthat are residenriar in-n"["rJ.--i "';;:". r think we should. Emnings: I think the record should reflect that lre alL think Timmakes much more sense wtren trei" -rr;; il;" than when he is . ConEad: Hers much more agreeable. Headla: Which ooint are we going to discuss here? Werve ootdirrerenr ones. rr_we'r" soins i. t"ir']iii."ilii" Ilrli ? u.n,.think it should be 5 acresl i'trii"i-ii shourd be r0. Look on thewest side of Minnewashta, you can put up 91 awtuf big building tbereand it just doesn'r fit inio tt" "i"..-.r,d be affected by it but Ireally thins Ehat's for the 9;;d ;;-a;.nr,""."n,-iiIi;"-ttl way irshould be. fflffu;""r; :::::.::, rosic r.,e can use? r hear whar you,re sayins. r Dacys I think the 5 acres, all the Hesse Farm lots are agproximately5 acres and a1t rhe cluster s"bdi;isi;;s are belo&, that. if you wouldraise it ro ro' it 1guld.p.ou""iv'i;;i;;. some of rt"-oir,.i separarelydescribed sporaric parceri tt,i""6r,",ii'Iire city. Headla: So ire'd knock all but one out in our area. Dacy: your area is zoned RSF so you,re going to fall under themaximum of I, OgO . Headla: Even though frve goE l0 acres? Dacy: Riqhr. "nu. ::j:..lr?p:sins .r.o do i: regutare it by zoningdistrict. Timrs concern. is ouE in the rural area. your zoned RSE.Iou have IO acres. you have "-."*;.ri Zt t,gOA square feet. ..Headla: That accomplishes what I wanted. Emmings: It,s funnvdon,E really kn;; ;iry:bout 5 acres, iE just kind of feers right but J [il.ii,o,l.rrE:.irllnl;"I: , didn,t have a sood losic. r didn,r rike numbe r storage 3, no9, it, s assumedbuildings is left out of t Emnings: fim wondering why in the oldunder 2, it says detached ir..g.;-lJi- .---- ..L,[.:-. -- Planning March 2, Commission Meeti ngL988 - Page 29 ( there. Is there a reason for that? Dacy: Yes. Our concern was that we had a difficult time trying toenforce that condition on, for example 120 square foot sears buiJ.dingor one of those. When we talked to Tim more about it, he said thatwas his main intent also, was to make sure that the garages at leasElooked the same as the house then - Emmings: Ho!,, about saying detached 200 square feet? Because if they,re wouldnr t rre wanE them to be? garages going and storage buildings overto build a bigger building, ( Olsen: A lot of times those are still polebarns. Emmings: Can they build polebarns in the RSF? Dacy: Yes. Olsen : But erhen it, s a garage. . . Dacy: You do need the thicker walls obviously but Buildinq Code pu rposes . Emmings: The other thing live got is, number l says no detachedgarages or storage buildings in any residential district shall beIocated in the required front or side yard. Down under tennis courtsand swimming pools, yourve put in some speciaL language for ri.parianLots. Again, not Irm gettiog kj.nd of worried about my own situation here a little bit but it does come to mind. This would prevent mefrom building a garage on the side of my house away from the lake ririthout a variance, erould it not? What is my rearyard? Dacy: The lakeside. Olsen: So you have a 75 fooE seEback for any structure. Emmings: Yes, but my frontyard is away fron the lake and yourre saying I canrt build a garage back there when the road iS back there, my car comes in there. Irve got to put my garage noer... Headla: Itrs the old story, whj.ch is your frontyard. Dacy: The ordinance defines the frontyard as that part Ehat abuts thestreet. Your case, because you're on a privaEe easemenE. Olsen: You still have to be 30 feet back and thatis the frontyard. You could still, if you house was 50 feet back, you could still haveyour garage in the front. Dacy: ..Are you calling your lakeside your fronE? Emmings: Itm asking.-t Planning March 2, Commission Meet j. ng 1988 - Page 30 { Dacy: The ordinance defines the Iakesj,rle asclose as 75 feet. Between 75 feet and yourgarage. a rear but it can't be as house you could have a Emm ing s : my front garage. Thisis by says I canrt build a detached garagethe street but that is where I would in the front and Iogically build ny _ { Olsen: You can't have it erithin the setback of the fronE. Emmings: What youtre saying is Irve got to get a variance. -?::I: If you wanE to build a garage in the fronryard, you,ll need avarlance. Emmings: But why should we make that necessary on riparian lots? EIlson: How many people wilI that affect? Conrad: Quite a few. Emmings: Everybody who lives on a lake. Dacy: Especially in the older platted areas. Headla: hle talked about this befcre. We stiLt don't have adefinition of a fronEyard and you were going to go back and look atEhaE for me. Dacy: The ordinance defines frontyard as that part of the rot Ehatabuts the public street. Headla: But that's not good enough. you,ve got double fronEage rots.You I ve got lakes. Dacy: We define a double frontage lot also- Emmings: My poi.n. is lhis, -you've gone to the trouble down for tenniscourts and swimming pooLs of di.sti.nguish.i.ng what you ao "iti, riparianlots and vrhy not do the same thing io. guriq., ani storage buildings? Dacy: That's fine. OIsen: On riparian Iots? Emmings: yes. Olsen: The Shoreland.Ordj.nance prohibits that within 75 feet. Isthat hrhat yourre talking about? Emmj.ngs: No itrs not. I Pl ann i ng March 2, Dacy: All says. Emmings: shouldn't Dacy: your some type of lake? AII I wantbe al lowed is someth j. ng 1ike,rearyard. Commissjon Meeting 1988 - Page 3l we'd be doing is repeating what the shoreland erdinance to in say the on a rrparian lot they intent is to prevent thestorage bui Iding between ability of somebody to constructthe principle structure and the Emmings: And to allow it in the frontyard in Ellson: you don't want a Sears thing in thejackets in it and things like that? tha t back situation. that has life Conrad: We don,t r.rho live on lakes need a lot and 20? of of variances coming in here with peoplethe people in Chanhassen Iive on iafes. lmTings: I've probably got 250 feet do$rn to the lake from my house..I 9gl't have any trouble getting back 75 feet. Not that I vrould everbuild a building there. No one in their right mind r.rould but why :?11E. I jusr__geE -a permir ro build it in my frontyard in rhatsrtuation? Why do I have to get a variance? Dacy: Let me explain this. The intent to permit an accessorystructures in the front and side yard is, ii the case ot tne iideyardto not block and access bet,,reen two lots. The fronEyard is tomaintain a safe distance between the public right_of'_way una .r,y typ"of structure for safety reasons. Lik; in your-area aroig HorseshoeCurve or the Red Cedar point area, there are a lot of those older 93ra9ei that are right on top of the road. I think everybody knowsthat thaErs not the best safety type of situation "t=o =6-l[i=accessory buildings not being able to be rocated in the fronEyard, IhrI': a typicar- requirement in most ordinances, uaybe ii srroutd ber99*9a at through a variance procedure in .o*u speciar cases because rthink to allow it outright may ue creating more probrems than it'sworth. Emmings: Just think for a minute. If we allowed iE. on a riparianlot, when they come in for the permit they,re going to have to meetarl the setbacks. rf you arlow ir in t-he fronlyar6 on a rip.riun-iot,tyou'|re not goi.ng Eo run i.nto the Red cedar eoini type of siiuation. table thi.s? There are a lot of thingshave staff come and bring it back neitthese considerations and just thinkterms of riparian and thal kind of we to in in all kind of like, can even speak about Timrs, butto t.hink that Tim had some gooa tni.ngs Ehat could Conrad: SEeve, why don'there and I guess I'd liketime thaE we meet and workabout it a littLe bit morestuf f - Emm j.ngs: Ithe rest of think we us seem -L r { Planning March 2, Commission Meeting 1988 - Page 32 { be incorporated too. Dacy: I undersEand he ei ther . Headla: I don,t think Dacy: We'11 bring it won't be able to make the meeti.ng on the l6th we rrant outbuildings on the lakeside allowable. back. I Headla moved, Emmings seconded to table action on Section 2g_9g4,Accessory Structures. All voted in favor and motion carriea. Headla: One point Ird Like. hj.n to comment on is Chanhassen goinghave liability on us then fite rtrey IouL tn" Councit ? Righr now REVIEW PROPOSED STATE ENABLING LEGISLATION. Dacy: If I could .iust bring you up_to_date where it is with theIegislature. rt i; in "o^roiti"" iiori-"n.t r understand now andvarious communities have been tesUifying pros and cons on many ofthese issues' My main i.ntent or uringing this to your attenti.on is sothaE yourre aware of_Ehis proposed rai'uecause it does have in someinstances, very significani imprications on hov, planning commissionswilI be oDeratino in the futuri. llinnesota I think is rlnique inEaking this appr6acn of rooi<irg -"t"i';;I enabling regisration and doinga cornprete revamp. Looking at other laws like Lh" i.t.opoliEan Landuse Planning Act and rooking at how cities rerate functilnarry withcounties, etc.. For exanpl6, ir you-noted on page 30 for condit.ionaluses, I'11 just bring the.:6xaTpl:o to your attention. Sonething that,seasily idenEj.f iabIe. AII th; Ianquiqe Ehat,s underlined :..s whaE j.sbeing proposed. what is-leing piopi."j ;.= that the planningcommission is gerring a.litrle *o." uutr,oiiat-;"-;;.;i;;;;;i rr"Permits' what it's saying is thai tne-city council has to considerthat pranning commissi6n'i .""o*."niuIion rnd over two-trriris of theCouncil must abide by. the plannjng Commission,s recommendation or by atwo-thirds vor'e overiide. rhar.. a; i;;-;xampre, thar is difterenE Ehanwhat was lar.r up untir this time. --a"Jiher issue in here, this doesn,taffect the pranning commission n""u".uiily but the composition of theBoard of AdjusEment and Appeals. ;hr;;; being proposed is thatcouncirnembers are not going t.-r."pIi",itted to sit on the Board ofAdjusEments and Aooeals. tnat i.-"Iii.nt practice in chanhassen sothaE takes a diffeient approach. il;;;'are other rarger issues thatI.,ecouldgoonandonabout."iu.-as-Ionsist"n.yl.ii."n--. comprehensive plans and zoning orainances and so on, but again, mymain intent was to qet you. r",iir i.i-'"iii ar,i. so you understand thatthis has direct irnpicb Z,n no,,r you-;";i;" issues and erhat you can andtdhat you can't do. If, you *.riJ-fiX", i coutd have Roger Knutson comein and highriqht rhe chinces .-iiriiJ'u;.r more. Becaule on why Eheydid Ehis or whv thev did ttrat, 1;[-ila"up to speed on. r don,t knor",the history or Ehe iarional ura-*oq;i'.o*uld give that. to they L i February 19, 1988 Tim .{.. Erhert 775 Wcst 96th Strect Chaska, Minncsota 55319 nntn 'ts Subject: Accessory Building Restriction in Residentiai Areas l{e.-recently discussed apprying res-trictions to the size of accessorybuildings in areas zoned'resid-ential . The -result was -ttrat th.-piinningcommission recommended tlat the sizes of accessory uuiraingi-il"iimi;;d to1000 square feet in the RSF district. I. bei ieve the sane good.reas.oning applies to arr residentiar areas .inciuding those in the A-2 and RR-l districts. I bel ieve residential areas i'n'ruraldistricts.,can adequate)y be defined by all lots which are s aciei-or'iess insrze. Hhat makes these sub-divisions similar to those found in th; RsFdistrict is that even though the lots are lirger, they are clu;te;;a andform a ne i ghborhood. For example., how would ]t, r.o-of. if peopre in Hesse Farms, pioneer Hilrs, andRiley Lake woods started building pole barns? I therefoie ""lo,or.na itit n.include the restriction on acceisory building size to att ctrintrissen'-totswhich are 5 acres or less in size. secondly, I bel ieve we are alreadY.experiencing a problem where people buirddetached garages (accessory buildinjs) in reiidential areas - *'r,li'r., ao notarchitecturally match the primary struiture (house) ana areloiirly ort orsvnc with the esthetic values. of. the neighbdrhood. rnese uuiioin!s]-mostof whic.h a-re. metal, prove to -be terri-b1y unsightly. Homeownell naveinvested a lot of money.into bu.ilding architecturai-ty [leasin! ana 1onro.*-ing homes and expect to have this invlstment preserved.' Therefore, I also recommend that any accessory structure larger than 200square feet on lots of 5 ac.res or leis 'in sizei must have exteilors- miae otthe same material as the primary structure. Agiin, this shourd appiy i; ailresidential districts, RSF, RR-I and A-2. I - :>.--'ii,J"L'--=- Tim-A. Planning Commi ssion May 18, 1988 - page Meeting 2g 5 system capacities as par! of the plans and specifications review Process. The road profile shall be revised to show a Landing zone which meetsthe Minnesota Department of Transportation's guidelines and shaII besubmitted for approval by the City Engineer ai part of the plans andspeci fications review process . The proposed right-of-way shall be revised to a 60 foot right-of-waywidth, and shall maintain a 60 foot radius at the end of thecul-de-sac as per ARticle 3, Section 28-57(b) of the ChanhassenSubdivision Ordinance. The proposed right-of-way shall be platted tothe edge of Outlot B and submitted to the City Staff a plan signifyingthe amendment to the right-of-way. AII utilities shall be jacked underneath Audubon Road. Iine being approved by the AII- voted in faovr and motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I 6. Subdivision is contingent upon the |,IUSAMetropolitan Counc i I . ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REGULATIONS, DISCUSSION. Jo Ann Olsen presented the staff report. Erhart moved, Wildermuth seconded to approve the Minutes ofCommission meeting dated May 4, 1988 with the change notedBrian Batzli regarding clarification on the voting outcomeAll voted in favor and the motion carried. the Pla nn i ng on page 52 byfor the motion. Emmings: We had a long discussion around this where come in for a variance when l r^rant to build a garagenothing was changed in here to reflect. any of Lhat. Olsen: Thatrs where we discussed it. The frontyard,30 foot setback. That r.ray you r"rouldnr E have to do a Enmings: My point then and I read it and it was kind of confusing somaybe r havenrt made myself crear on it. My rearyard on a ripari.in rotthis would say that r can'!t build a garage in my irontyard which is itreside of my house away from the lake. The street side which is the rogicarplace for it. My point j.s this, why donrt we say that on riparian lofs,no detached garages and storage buildings i.n res-identiar dis-tricts shalibe located in the front or side yard except on riparian rots or somethinglike.that.. The point being, then r can come in ana simpry qet a buildinipermit rather than having to go through the variance pr6"6si. Dacy: But you st.ill have Eo meet the front setback. I said, why would Iin my frontyard but you still have the var iance. Planning Commission May 18, 1988 - page Meeting 2L Emmings: I alr^rays have to meet every setback. Isetbacks. I just wonder why I have to go throughNo one builds their garage between their house andthink. know I have to meet thethe var j. ance procedure. the lake, I don't maybe you Werre tryi ng Dacy: So you're Iooking at either 7 ox g? Emmings: I donrt know. I was trying to modify number I buthave a better idea. No, 7 stays just like it is. Dacy: What Irm saying though is, that lrould be the section.with each numeral have a serparate rule for each numeral. Enmings: Then do you want to add another number? Dacy: Number 7 pertains to riparian Iots. Erhart: why did you come up with number I to begin with? Whatobjectj.on to having the detached garage in the front or side of Dacy: Thatrs standard practice in most zoning codes. was the the home? Batzli: I'm los j. ng the neighborhoods I'm fr om, between the house. chain of thought here. I guess from thethe garage is always detached and it's alerays Batzli: It depends. If yourre in the City and you're going dovrn thealley, it's al$rays in the backyard but in a lot of more ruralized, justkind of places Irve seen, quite a few garages are in the front yard because it's right up against the road and you've got the house set back. Erhart: I think yourve got to remember where we started on this thing. Itstarted about six months ago when sone guy came in here with 7 acres on RSF district and wanted to put up 3g,0gO square foot barn. Somehow now lder ve got this around to werre talki.ng about accessory buildings. In today's marketplace, no one builds a single famiLy house in a small l-otwith detached garages. Irm not even sure that that's an issue. I almostthink by adding number l that we may create a problem that really doesnrtexist. Batzli: have a Erhart: It may 9ara9e. I wou]d be that there are smalLer homes located about that donrt think the y who se $rould want to put it in the rear. Batzli: It depends on street it is. Wildermuth: It's on the side yard or rear. Batzli: No, front. Enmings: Where I greh, up it was always rear. Planning Commission May I8, 1988 - page Meet i n9 22 Dacy: I rm not going to say always but you,re chances are increased. Dacy: An example of that is in the carver Beach area. Those older areasand typically they are erithin the 30 foot setback and we do have theability to put them through the variance process so !,re can evaluateexactly cl.se that it shourd be. r rearry recommend that you keep r inthere because then raw, even hrith the preirr.oos on"", "i.na's up in'thisbook. Emming: Itts not a bad general rule. Dacy: Right. Exactly. Eor separation of buildings and the street... Erhart: Did you have anymore on that steve? r r.rant to get back to this. Emmings: No. r guess r'd r.ike to find a !{ay so if a person on a riparianlot !'ants to buird a garage, they can come ii for a peirnii ana make surethey meet all the setbacks but not have to go througir the variance. Thereisn'r any doubt rhat if r come in as a-ripa;ia; i;a';r;;;;;; r want robuild in my frontyarll .I ,* going to get that variance. The City,s notgoing to make me build betw6"n in. tix". They're not going to make me putit in the rearyard. Emmings: Isn't this one of those situations whereit through the permit process rather than having tothrough the cost and expense? Dacy: What I was Ehjnking of to discuss wouLdthat on riparian lots the deEached garages, doonly to detached garages as opposed to itorage Enmings: I don't know. $re can 1et staff handLe make a person go be to add on a sentenceyou j ust r.rant to exclude i tbuildj ngs? Dacy: There's an aesthetic standpoint. Enmings: r wourd say garages. r guess r wourdnrt mess hrith the accessorybuildings at this poini. i woutd l.y g".uges. Dacy: That detached garages may be rocated in the frontyard but it mustmaintain the front ana siae setiacks Erhart: I think with your 4 and 5, the way iE,s coming out right now,itrs not-getting acco.lti.shed what'r see. accomplished incruding what mconcerned about. Thar is, iE's a situation "h;;;-;;;e;Ii"fiy usubdivision, even though it's in the A-2 0r RR district, is essentialry agroup of smarr rots.. Generalry r^riEh our current ordinance tt" t.nJ"nly-is to do 2-5, economicalry that size. in"y -o."-o.i-j"=i-iixe an RsE,subdivision and the concern is that on theie uuiraing!,-th!-noo="" ...uniform. Again, like anything else it,s to avoid a iiiuation $rhere theycone in and put in a metal uuilding in the middre "r -i -i"i ii"nt iar area-rhe $ray it reads now is i*s kind of musny so what i,; ;;y;;g is, maybee'hat the real cutoff here is when do you get out of this subdivision PJ. ann i ng Commission May I8, 1988 - page Meeting 23 cluster and when do you get into the rurar area? rrm not opposed to metalsheds at ar1 in the rural areas,.. Dave r^rould argue that not on 16 acres.5 seems reasonable to me. Bluff Creek, the Hesse Farms, a lot of these r^rhere youfve got 100 homes coming in there putting 2 L/2 acxes, they areaLL 2l/2 to 3 acres subdivision so when yourre done there is thetemptation to put that metal shed when somebody has built a S3qO,ggg.qghome. I would rather adjust this acreage thing down to 3 acres if youhave a concern about this bigger building rather than making it aconditionar use because whaE. happens in conditional uses we forget whaEthe intention was. Ellson: Why don I t you metal sheds? We spent make the point that this is trying to eliminatea little bit on that one before. to do is erase the Change 5,acres musL be acres is toolot size sothi s Erhart: we can combine all of this in one. What I'd likeanything beLor, 5 acres they can not be allowed at alt andcondition use permit. Secondly, make them argicultural.detached garages on all- residential, all lots less than 5architecturally consistent. Now if the Commission feels 5big, rather than making this mushy, I,d rather reduce theeverybody feels comfortable that we're doing a service forsubdivision. Does that make sense? Emmings: tJhere I'm confused is if the detached doesn I t include accessory bui1dJ.ngs... garage, obviously that Erhart: The vray you have it now, detached garages. you just restrict itfor residential districts. A-2 I assume is not at all. Dacy: No. I used the term in all residential districts. Erhart: I see.So you are including the A-2? can clarify it to make sure detached garages in aIIresidential districts must be architecturally... you should say 5 acres or less. On lots 5 acres or 1ess. has 246 acres then who cares what his detached garage you and Dacys Maybe agricultural Erhart: I think Batzli: If a looks like? guy Erhar t : Iess.Do the same as you did in item 4. you use the term 5 acres or Dacy: Ell son :to the Dacy: Itrs still If itrs house. the perceptj.on of a rch j. tec tu ra I going to be a garage, you have to cont i nui ty. have walking di stance The 5 acres really came for the storage buildings. EIlson: Even A-2, thaErs residential- Planning Commi ss i on May 18, 1988 - page Meeting 24 Erhart: We I re buj.Idings? differentiating between detached garages and accessory Dacy: Yes, because the storage buildings, then you're getting into metaland aII that business and you really shouldn't be... Erhart: Does this change then alrow us to put up metar buildj.ngs in rotsIess than 5 acres? Dacy: !,Ie are not saying anything about metal buildings. Erhart: Are vre differentiating between accessory structures? Dacy: Yourre differentiating between detached garages and storagebuildings. Emmings: Do vre have definitions for each of those in the ordinance? Dacy: We have a definition of a garage and buj lding as a structule. Erhart: what about the guy who comes in and saying rrm not proposing thatI build a detached garage. I'm proposing to build a storage shed. Emming: That I,m going to put my car in. Erhart: Yes, so al-1 of a sudden titis doesn,t apply anymore. Dacy: We do have a definition of a garage. Erhart: Arr r rrant to do is prevent someone from coming in and saying r'mbuilding a 1,2A0 foot metal building. Batzli: on accessory structure it doesn,t have to be primary...so he canput up an access.ory structure without coming in for action. Emmings: We do have accessory structures? Dacy: Right. Erhart: Why canrt we just say on item 4, change 1t to say in the A_2 andRR district no detached, or in a1l these districts, no deiached garage or,accessory structure? Dacy: Because you're forcing people to, instead of going to MontgomeryWards or just getting those.... Ellson: The rittle ones, you're telling them Ehey canrt have them. Erhart: rrm saying no accessory structure shalr exceed t,oga square feeton lots 5 acres or less. Change the words from detached garages toaccessory structures. Dacy: Start over. On 4 or 5? Planning Commi ss i on May l-8, 1988 - page Meet i ng 25 Erhart: on 4. rn the A-2 and RR districts no accessory structures shallexceed lr0Og squaxe feet. Dacy: Thatrs there. Erhart: Youtre using the term detached garage. Dacy: And storage bui.Idings. Erhart: okay, rrm satisfied. r guess r was thinking of storage buildingsr t{as thinking of those rittre tiny buildings but you're using the term [.odescribe all of them. okay, Irm satisfied. Batzli: Ird rather see the terms defined than coming up with detachedgarages and storage building which isnr! defined anywhere. Enmings: Accessory structures seemed broad to me. Dacy: Storage buildings are listed as an accessory use in the district.Storage building is an accessory structure. Emmings: If accessory structure is the broadest term, why not use it? Batzli: We have pools under that. par:<ing lots. Dacy: This got back to your original discussj.on between use and structure and we beat each other over the head and thatrs why $re came up withstorage. What are we trying to regulate? Storage buildings and garages. Theyrre all accessory structures, yes. Erhart: What happens with a horse barn? Dacy: Wer re calling those a private stable. Batzli: Private stable would be an accessory structure. Dacy: Private stable is a conditional use. Wildermuth: Itrs in a classification aII by itself. Erhart: I go back to vrhat I originally said, rde should change the whole tone of accessory structure shaLl not exceed 1r000 square feet. Dacy: But the term accessory structure includes docks, pools, garages, storage buildings, tennis courts. EIIson: Didnit $,e talk about this before? Vle came up with storage before. Batzli: I didnrE like storage then and I stilI don't like it. Erhart: Let's just Accessory buildings. Emmings: There you go. Dacy: I think we need to be consj.stent thoughordinance and as long as $rer re listing storageaccessory uses, we shoul-d try to keep that. Erhart: IErs clear to you that a horse barn? Dacy: That could be number 8. take the storage out and let's say just buj.Idings. with other terms in thebuildings as 1i s ted Dacy: Because a private stable is a conditional use in the single famityand it's a permitted use in the A-2 and RR. That's an issue. Do you wantto review the size of t.he buildings through the conditional use peimitprocess for private stabre depending on the number of horses and theacreage or did you hrant to set a maximum acreage for calling it anaccessory structure? As a condiEionar use it ian be the principle use ofthe land. Erhart: Why don't you just state detached garages... Erhart: How big was that stable? Dacy3 I think that was over I,06A. I think it was L,306 ox L,Agg. Batzli: I would recommend personally, t.hat we come up withfor our definition section for a storage buj. Iding. What isbuilding and that would solve our probiem. Then we can useIike using the term but I don,t I j.i<e really creating ter;;r^rhat. wer Ee talking about light now but is somebody fries toand itrs not defined anywheie. a L rh definit.ion storaget. Then Iat we know ome in later Emmings: You might Batzli: Itrs goingstructure. include it i.n the to be a buildi.ng defini tion means we tha E's not connected do not. . . to the main Emmings:used primarily Batzli: Not Not used primarily for... for $rhatever. i sn I t both Emmings: WheEher it's cars, stables or anyth j.ng. Batzli: you have to define what itrather be...because then you take inpole barns and whatever else. rather than what itthe Sears barns and is. the I would bigger Dacy: Okay, we can do thaE. Jo Ann15 an accessory use so if we've gotdistrict, then as s/ritten they w6uldthey srou Id n t t. lusE pointed out. that privateLgg acre parcel out in the A-2need a conditional use permit. stables No, Planning Commission Meet i ng May 18, 1988 - page 26 Planning Commission May 18, 1988 - page Meet i ng Wildermuth: If it's under L,ggA square feet it doesn,t... Batzli: proceeding onto numberand storage buildings and startyou differentiating between thebuilding? Emmings: That's the term youin (c). you used accessory 4...but then we leave our detachedtal ki ng about accessory buiJ.dings.accessory building and the storige garages Are didn't r^rant tobuildings.use but you also used it down Erhart: Going werre going tojust make it a back to tha t have a ru 1e ruLe. one , that sentence oughtagainst l, g0A square foot to be eliminated. Ifbuildings, then let,s Batzri: That begs the question on what do you arrow on 5 acres or more? Erhart: We're not imposing restrictions. there you have to go through the conditional i.t to square say Dacy: r think that ends up the way itrs being written but r think the waywe had intended it was for 5 acres or less. Batzli: I donrt read it thaE way. Dacy: Then that shouLd be clarif ied. Erhart: What are we trying to clarify? Dacy: Our inE.ent r^ras that if it was an ag lot, not part of thesubdivision as you had described, that th6y may need a building more than\rggg square fee.t and rather than having them come in for a variance whichmeans a hardship has to be demonstrated r,rhereas a conditional use permitis a little more flexible. Erhart: My concern is that we permit everything. Batzli: Over 5 acres. Erhart: ft doesnrt say over 5 acres. If you're going to changethat if you had more than 5 acres and you wanted to bu j.Id I,000feet and come in for a conditional use perm:'.t, I,m all for that. Batzli: If we leave that inuse process. Erhart: Yourre sayi.ng with thecurrent ordinance read s ? Dacy: Thatrs an option. you could bepermits for accessory buildings andT/or,restrictions on accessory buildings inbe in the front and side yard and so on getting a lot of conditionalas written, there is nothe A-2. I should say, theybut that I s about it- proposed ordinance change or as the use can I t Planning Commi ss ion May 18, 1988 - page Meet i ng 28 Dacy: The current ordinance reads the same $ray. you can have 100 acresand you canrt have it in the front and side yard. Erhart: Let me try to clarify this. Letts say rre have in sentence one inparagraph 4. We agree that. the wording, detached garages and storagebuildings with your definition Brian, is perhaps aicepfable. then fhequestion becomes, as I read it, we add another paragraph that altovrssomeone to come in for a conditional use permit. To me thatrs thequestion on this. Am I right or wrong? Enmings: Yourd rather have them come in for a variance? Erhart: Yes, because I think if we're going towrite a rule. . . The rule is rrrritten for a goodthat it's a good reason. write it, reason. why would we If we bel ieve Dacy: How about if we doacres or less and add somefamily purposes. this? Shall exceed L,6gg square feetIanguage for lots used primarily for on lots 5single Erhart: Farms on 5 acres or less.that conditional use sentence or do everybody with just eliminatingwant it to stay in? think more you Batzli: section acres. Erhart: Itm assuming what put up anything. Ird be happy to eliminate that sentence but I stil-lmight raise the issue of what happens when you,ve got thi s than 5 it says is if you've got more than 5 acres, you Batzli: Irm assuming that as well. Emmings: r don't know if r want to throw out Ebe sentence. The onrything, if somebody had a good reason to put up over L,ggq sqoaxe feet5 acre piece.. rf you look at our standards for issuing a co-nditionarpermit where it canrt depreciate surrounding property ialue and it hasbe aestheticarly compatible. rf we courd coniror it to that extent. Erhart: No, rrm all in favor of that...horse barns. r agree with that.My concern is that when this comes in we won't realry sit dor.rn and thinkabout it. Emmings: I dontt know. IrAAA sq,Ja:e feetcase somebody vJants it. A machj.ne shop orbuild cabinets or something like that. i.sif Erhart: ..-r'd even go to Lr5oo square feet on 5 acres. Just cut thewhole thing. Instead of 5 make it 3. I donit thj.nk werre going to seeanybody selling in the rural more than 5 acre lots. lf som6 guy $rantssplit r0 acres into 5, than r don't care whaE kind of buirJings he puts1n. not a lot for 5 acres somebody wants to use ona use Eo 1n it to Batzli: I think 3 acres is probably a good number to go with Ehen. to Planning Commission May 18, 1988 - page Meetj ng 29 Emmings: Okay, so if you put 3 acres in the first sentencethe second sentence and have it say that over 3 acres thererestrictions on properties greater than 5? Wildermuth: As long as the setbacks are satisfied. and are eliminate no Batzli:the RSF That I s my next question. and . . . Why do we have setback requirements for Dacy: Wetre just establishing different setbacks for RSF and R-4. Erhart: I think the confusion that Brian and I have is when you use the word residential district and I'm not sure in our minds, because the A-2says Agricultural Estates, werre not sure that your language covers that. Dacy: We are specifying the district though. Erhart: You're any residential Dacy: In number Batzli: RSF and Dacy: You would go be in the front and by the rear. ori.gj.nal ones A-2, you could put.. . in the A-2 district. They $rould saying that no detached garages or storage buildingsdistrict shall be located in the required front and 3 we're specifying. . . R-4. So if you lived in in side. BatzIi: RSE and So $rhat yourre doing is R-4 distri.cts? yourre actuall-y lessening the standard in Emmrngs: R-8, and ResidenEial districts Tim, in the ordinance are RR, RSF, R-4, R- I2. Dacy: Now we're increasing the setback because right now they can have it back to 5 feet with j.n the rear yard. Now in the RSF district werre saying if it's 2gg or less you can put it 5 feet on the rear and l0 on the side. If yourre over, yourre up to 15 feet. Batzli: What would the normal rear yard setback be? Dacy: For an accessory building it.rs 5 feet. BaEzIi: So if it's over 200 square feet...but according to the ordinance, A-2 is included in a residential district. So if you had A-2, are you limited by the setback in some other section we're not Iooking at? Erhart: The same goes for paragraph 5. You need to say residential and agricultural districEs. Emmings: So you want to add all- residential and the A-2. Erhart: ...item I and item 5 and we add A-2. Batzli: I want to retract everything I saidparagraph 4. I'II let them worry about that about that second sentence in when the time comes. . . Planning Commission May 18, 1988 - Page MeeEing 36 aII residential districts detached garages that have about storage buildings? Dacy: So the second sentence of 4 is dropped and that's it? Hnmings: You should have the first sentence in 4 changed to say... Erhart: Andabout, is it consistent? 5 lnjust Wha t and to wha tthe A-2 district. be architecturally Olson: We talked about that and storage buildingsdesigned to make those. they didnrt have to be Batzli: Can we differentiate thesquare feet doesn't have to be and Sears over barns by 2q0 does? saying Just that under 200a question. EIlson: to askIot. You can paintto get those things it your color and big and already prefab and thenroof the same, thatrs asking a mighty have a Batzli: I thought I would just ask though. Dacy: There is also the detached garage is but atthe structure. deed restrictions... To beleast there itrs something honest I think athat is dependent on Erhart: r'rn talking of that small, rot subdivision from putting metarsheds in. what happens in 2 L/2 acre minimum and youtve got a consistentneighborhood and the temptation...and the next dooi neighbor can,t dothat. Yourre trying to protect Ehe value of one neighbor against whatsome other guy will do. That,s what Irm trying to do. Ellson: You buy those things already made and thenthem architecturally sound or then yourve got to gohouse or whatever. Emrnings: Barb, we have unan imous ly. . . to A-2. you've got to change whereyou put arr the argicultural- districts. you can't put A-l up theie. youcanrt enforce this. rt shourd be in A-2 and arL residential districts.so 5 shourd be changed to just say A-2 and a1l residential districts. Erhart: The rast question remai.ns r guess is do we want to take lotsr/2 acxe subdivision and a1low these metar storage sheds. ThaE,s thequestion and f'm proposing that we add storage sheds to S to prevent Batzli: r think by limiting size you're goj.ng to allow the sears storageshed and yourre going to elimi.nate a guy coming in with a 45 x L7, x 3grLester. r don't think we can regurate the sheds. r'd sure rike to thinkwe couLd. to go back and make back to your stucco Emmings: Iresidential don I t think we'lI have a problem. . .districts and yourre using accessory Do hre mean no$, building and do just $re wa nt of2 that. Planning Commission May 18, 1988 - page MeeEing 31 them included in A-2 here or not? Dacy: If the structure isinterpretted as the pr j.mary Erhart: I think the basisthat in the 3 acre or less agricultural purposes, that can beused for use. of this whole thing applying to rural areas islots. If it's 16 acres. Dacy: This could pertain garages bui It.to RSF or multiple family. We just donrt want Erhart: I agree. All Itm saying is if agreement...in any residentialdistrict and on any J.ot less than 3 acres in the a-2 areal no accessorybuirding or structure shall be buirt and so on. r think what you don,trrant. to do is get th'e 2g acre parcel out there and prevent some guy fromputting a storage shed up. That happens frequently-. Emming: okay, so we say in any residentiar district or less than 3 acres.A-2 lots than 3 acres. Then it says no accessory building. Dacy: Change it to sEorage. Emmings: Storage building and that,s all? Dacy: Yes. Batzli : What's the shed? Dacy: Letrs just say no storage buj.tding,buildings shalt be erected. difference between an accessory building or a storage Erhart: The best accomplishes what detached garage or accessory tern yourve found is accessory bui Idjn9.we're trying to accornpl i sh. It Batzli: I would agree. for accessory everyth j.ng.I would say there, accessory use. yourre looking Dacy: Again, anytime you say no accessory use that means docks. El1son: You cantt have a porch. Dacy: That covers it all. Emnings: tet's try that and see ho.; it works. Erhart: Is this comi.ng back to us? Dacy: should Yes, Jo Ann and I were real,1y readvertise for just talking that itrs been so long wea public hearing with the changes. Planning Commi ss ion May 18, 1988 - Page Meeting 32 CONTINUE BF DISTRICT DISCUSSIO}J. Erhart: A1I I want to do is, if we can settle the question of whether we want to deal with planning issues or we want to get into the lega1 issues.If we want to get into the legal issues, werll never get this throughhere. Werll never get this out of here. Emmings: I mentioned to Tim when we were sitting here that maybeshould find out the legal problems involved before !.re spend timeon this. Timrs point was that we should ignore the legal issue.it onto the City Council, we should do the planning decision andworry about the legality and I think that makes a lot sense. we working . . .movelet them Dacy: As a matter of fact, Roger went out and looked at these sites todayand we had a tal-k about it in preparation for tonight's meeting. Emmings: Why don't you teII us about that. Dacy: He is really concerned about changing the zoning to ag on themajority of these properties where it can,t be proven that it is aneconomically reasonable use of the property as an ag use. For example,the cold storage. That will be non-confomring. Maybe a better example isthe Jack Brambilrars rot where that smarl building was. rf that,s vacatedand we change it to A-2, itrs really dubious that the City can prove thatthatrs a viable lot for ej.ther ag purposes or for a single family home. Erhart: Hets already there right? He,s grandfathered in. Inlerre noteconomically changing that. Dacy: Itrs just a vacant buitding. EIIson: Then he comes :'.n with a ner,, person as a renter. Dacy: Hov, about if I just f inj.sh. He followed that up by saying maybe$rhat we should do is the city has used an appraiser in the past and nothaving the appraiser do a formal report buE-lust going out there undersite inspection and look au values of some of these properties because theAttorney is concerned that by rezoning we may be takiog. He said that,sfine if yourre wirling to pay for it. That -kind of gets to the issue thatyourre talking about. The council is the one that authorizes, especialrythe rezoning and authorizes acquisition of the property. Anotheralternative other than rezoning to A-2 i.s that lrre- city become a littremore ambitious in creating...for this area. Either frontage road or someset of standards that are going to try and resolve the traffic issues andthe zoning issues. That is possi.bre. That means a public improvement.project and assessments back to the properties. They have to have sometype of use of Ehe land that's going to enable them to pay off theassessment. Itrs like between a rock and a hard pLace. Emmings: sma l1 as One question. Isit can be to cover BE zone that werve got down Propertj es that are already the the there th er e? now, as Dacy: Yes. As a matter of fact originally it extended over tomunicipal boundary. f_ can have noger write his feelings up formain concern is the taking issue. Thatrs fine if wer16 wiifing Erhart: Someone would haveit important enough that we use. to do Emmings: Shouldn'E d i rection Council? the public hearing and then... Isanythiog about it? Long term land theyou. Histo buy it. to comewant to Emmings: I don't know if this woull makeIet the City Council, do you want to justor should we ask them to give us directiontake a look at it. Dacy: What I could do also, if you want, kindanalysis of, there are 8 properties in there.it. Have Roger analysize it and then you haveentire h i s tory. sense. Do you think we ought topass this up to the City Councilon this? If they want us to of a parcel by parcel Have the appraiser eval uatea better feel for the for something like that come from the City Batzli: I would 1i kelook at it Erhart: If the Commission thinksthen letrs go to Council and saythis point, we think it's a valid them to look at it. guess what I'd propose is that we make a resolution thatto see that preserved in A-2 and r,re want the City Councilthen give us direction. Just make a resolution. hle to what werre proposing here js a good idea l,re think, $rithout getting into details at and good planning proposal and we,d like Emmings: Letrs send Tim's consideration be made. updated letter along and that further Planning Commission Meet j. ng May 18, 1988 - page 33 Erhart: I called Eden prairie on this subject, the Minnesota valley, andwhat I got from this phone cal1, they have $rhat they call a conservatorydistrict. It covers this area rf own there, the Minnesota River Val1ey.The Purgatory creek watershed and the Bluff creek waEershed. what ii saysis you've got your zoning districts but within this conservatory districitherers also a condition and it's on density and types of use. Itrs sortof like a...that overlays these special areas. I consider the Minnesotavalley and the Bluff creek area is the same potentiaL for that so that r^raskind of, I eras talking to Barb about this, about getting someone to comeover and just tark to us about preservation of green areas and these areasin general. Try to give us some direcbion on what to do to get thoseareas preserved. During the small time I,ve been here I've seen whereit's been easy to come in and the next thing you've got a subdivision coming in and it doesn't hit you that night, it,s inconsistent with thereal long term opportunity to have a green area. we donrt want it righton Bluff Creek which years ago we already sort of planned to make it as agreen area but it never really got official so we missed it. ...BluffCreek Green's did. Came back and negotiate to get some easements. Dacy: For ? Planning Commission May I8, 1988 - Page Meeting walking. For Bluff Creek for the golf course. ThatPioneer Trail. Ile approved it all the way through. asked a few questions and the developer caught on to Erhart: It was a subdivisj.on along remember Thompsonplot r,/i th i n this. I Batzli: overlay? Is that something that should 90 in the Comprehensive plan? Our or Dacy: Our wetland, your floodplain and shoreland ordinances aII are nos,overlay districts right now Don called me back and he said that thatconservative district did not apply to the t-iinnesota River Valley. Iasked him to vrrite a letter to us clarifying what are the regulations forthe the land immediately abutE ing TH 2L2. Erhart: Anyway, their whole valley area is zoned agricultu!aI. Dacy: He said what they have besides the ag zoning is they do haverestrictions on steep slopes which is similar to our zoning. Batzli: Are we unanimous in rranting to implement Tim's plan? Emmings: Thatts what I wanted to ask. Do you need a formal motionresolution or somethi.ng? Dacy: Why don't you go ahead and move. Erhart moved, Batzli seconded that the planning commission would like tochange the BF district to A-2 in the location east of TH L01. The citycouncir should take into account the commeots of the city Attorney and theappraiser to give direction on whether or not to pursue witl ttratapplication. A1so, that the city councir take inio account rim Erhart'sretter regarding this issue. Arr voted in favor and the motion carri.ed. Erhart moved, EIIson seconded to adjournand the motion carried. The meeting was the meeting. adjourned at voted in favorp.m.. AII 9:45 Submitted by BarbaraCity PI a nner Dacy Prepared by Nann Ophe i m CITY OF EHANHASSEI[ P.C. DATE: June 15, 1988 C.C. DATE: July 11, 988 CASE NO: 88-5 Site Plan Prepared by: Daey/v STAFF REPORT Fz O =LL ko UJF U) PROPOSAL: LOCATION: ---9/!{/sr-- to Expand the Chanhassen Fire 7 5I0 Laredo Drive APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen E!iai:, ,j Site Plan Review Station MoCii'r!--=--- Ilci,.t:n---- -- -o,:-. 6Jt1 l-la-F D?te Sdi.j j.,iri.-,'l i: :jr i: PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: WATER AND SEWER: PEYSICAL CEARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN: N- s- E- w- OI , Office Institutional 2 acres N,/A OI; elemenEary school OIi post off ice RSE, single familY OIi city park Municipal services are available to site. Existing Fire Station located on site. PubI ic,/Semi-Publ ic Fire Station June 15, 1988 Paqe 2 REFERRAL AGENCIES Building Department Asst. City Engineer Public Safety Department BACKGROUND No adverse Attachmen t Attachmen t comments #1 *2 and #3 The proposed expansion to the fire station was of the referendum that was held on February 24to the report are memos from the Public SafetyCity Council which describe the background for expansion and design that has been proposed. approved as part 1988. Attached Department to thethe type of ANALYS I S The proposed expansion consists of a 3,400 foot expansion to thenorth of the existing building and approximately 2,000 squarefoot expansion (perimeter measurements) to the soutsh of theexisting building. In total , approximately L5,773 square feet is being added (both stories). The addition on the north side ofthe building is for expansion of the apparatus storage area forfire vehicles. The addition on the south side is remodeling ofthe existing lower level area and upper level area for oEfice, exercise and lounge areas. The proposed site plan also proposes minor reconf igurati ons of the existing parking areas. Concrete curbing will be added tso the entrances into the fire stationproperty. The site plan does not show concrele curbing on thenorth side of the new driveway area to serve the expanded appara-tus storage area. Attdition of curbing in this area is required by ordinance. As to the number of proposed parking spaces, because the addiLions are for equipment storage and exercise and lounge areas, additional parking is not needed. The total imper-vious surface area is approximately 50t and which is below the 658 maximum permitted in the district. The sign on the property should be relocated so that it meets therequired setback of ten feet from the proposed property Iine. The height of the proposed addiEions is approximately 21 feetwhich is in keeping with the ordinance requirement of 2 stories.A sma11 addition is also proposed to be located on the existing hose tower at the rear part of the building. It is an ornamentalfeature which wilI improve its appearance. The proposed landscaping plan meets the requirements of thelandscaping ordinance. Existing trees on site have been used tosatisfy some of the requirements. It should be noted that theplant schedul-e does not indicate the type of species for the ,,I" The plant schedule should be amended to identify these. Fire Station June 15, 1988 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION Planninq staff recommends thefollowing motion:Planning Conrmi ss ion adopt the "The Planning commission recommends approval of site plan Review#88-5 for expansion of the fire station based on the plansstamped "Received May 23, 1988" and subject to Lhe following con-ditions : I. Concrete . curbing shal1 be added to the north side of the pro-posed driveway entrance to the new appartus storage area. 2. The landscaping plan shall be amended to indicate a speciesfor Lhe proposed trees along the south 1ot line. 3. A revised grading plan sha11 be supplied to the City Engineerfor approval prior to finat site plan review. 4 5 Calculations which conditions will be system. Memo Memo !lemo City ver i met fy that adequate flow and pressureto meet the demands for the sprinkling Adequate fire hydrant spacing will be met as part of theplans and specificalions review process. ATTACTIMENTS 1) 3 4 from Larry Brown dated June 9, 1988. from Jim Chaffee dated Uarch 9, 1988.from Jim Chaffee dated December 3, 1987. Council- minutes dated December ? , 7987. CITY OF EHINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUI,T TO3 Planning Commission FRou: Larry Brownr Staff Engineer 2f/ DATE: June 9, 1988 SUBJ: Site PIan Review for the Expansion of the Chanhassen Fire Station, Planning File 88-5 (Site PIan) On March L4, 1988, the City Council approveil the concept the expansion of the fire station and authorize staff to with the site plan review process. The building maintains the existing drainage pattern and ha accounted for in the downtown redevelopment storm drainage Sanitary Sewer Municipal sanitary sewer service is available to the site by the existing sewer service located off Laredo Drive. water Service Similarly, municipal water service is al-so available to the site by the service in existence from Lareilo Drive. f'urther analysis wiIl be required to address concerns regarding this service for supplying the fire sprinkling system. At this time, plans for the installation of additional fire hydrants are being reviewed and will be addressed as part of the plans and speci fications . Drainage plan for pr oc eed s been area. Grading Although it is anticipated that the parking 1ot area and sideslope areas will not deviate from the existing plan, a gradingplan showing contours which address drainage ancl screening sha11 be submitted to the City Engineer as part of the plans and speci-fication review process. Planning Commi ss ionJune 9, 1988 Page 2 It is therefore recomrnended that the site plan be approved uponthe following condit ions: 1. A revised grading plan_sha1l be supplied to the City Engineerfor approval prior to final site plin revlew. 2. Calculations which verify that adequate flow and pressureconditions will be met to meet the demands for th! "pii"rri"gsys tem . 3. Adequate,fire hydrant spacing will be met as part of theplans and specifications review process. C ,I i-l CITY OF EIIINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDU[l TO3 FROM: DATE : SUBJ : $)v'"t' Don Ashworth, City !{anager Jim Chaffee, Public Safety Director March 9, 1988 Fire Department Concept Plan Final Approval Back ro und On September 2i, 1987, the City Council r^ra s updated and appraisedof the status ot- the Fire Department exDansion and remodeling.At E.hat time they were presented with the initial concept plan asworked out by the Fire Department and designed by E.O.S. Theconcept plan was well received and only a few questions were aired. On December 7,1987, the Fire Departmeot, with E.O.S., came backto the Council with a revision and cost breal<downs as requestedby Council. The original concept plan lvas once again presentedwith clarif .ications on costs for specif ic items. - It i.il s wellreceived by the Council and a motion was mad.e and passed to pre-sent to t.he voters a fire department referendum which wouldinclude Ehe original concept plan ptus an aerial platform truck. Reconune nCa t io n It is the recommendation of this office t.o give final approval ofthe-Fire Department expansion and remodelin| plan as prliented.Staff !vi1I then initiate t.he siEe review procLss with thePlanning Commission and recognizing that iime is a factoi, thisoffice would recommend siinur[.u.r.ori authority to proceed with theplans and specificat.ions. ( f, g fl d u ( MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashr,rorth, City l4anager FROM: Jim Chaffee, public Safety DATE: December 3, 1997 SUBJ: Fire Department Referend.um CITY F 7<_ ( EEEf,3[EflflFFEI[ u il il E Director -.tz/i /_s_t_'. tz/ z-Ltz-- E 3 a n f, I I I Four. years ago there^was.a recognized need for additional space. at the cenrral Fire Srarion "" i;;;;; ori.ve. Because of dif_fering prioricies and capitai iil;;;;#.r timerabres, rhe FireP:g_"..I:". Buildins,Commitree "J-;;k;; ro !,iair. rn May of chisyear, the go ahead for the Building commrttee to meet rvith thearchitect was obtained. at tttai-tim.l""r, "*punslon to theapparaE.us area was the only addition in ti c ipIt"a, -.o" Iiin=i" tl"i:::n:::f.:::l::!g,ooo. 'rr.,.-s"..t-i"; now is ,,How did ie sorr(rlll EnaE to an expansion costing more than three ti*aa u" much?,,The answer is not i i,npre "ra i."3i".!-*"ny comorex anci sometimescompet.ing issues. When the original concept. of aCditi.onal apparatus space wasdiscussed four (4) vears ago, it rvas reElLctirg ; ;;;:;";-i."a.Since EhaE time, the City hai ...n-t..i.ncous grolth rvhich hasnecessiEated takino a closer Ico,k at the Fire O.p"ri^untis neeAsthen, its presenr rieeds, and it.s f;a";;- needs. As was mentionedpreviously, the Fire Department n.uA=-io,-,. years ago appeared tobe space, esDeciarlv in the uppu.ut"= i"v=. There was not ade-guate space Lo accoimodat.e the'ni..-o.i^rtment vehicles andequipnenL presentry on hand. c"n".q".Iily, .*..g. n"y -i."fon =.vehicles were forced Eo be stack.d i;-;; unsafe and crampedmanner' This necessitated hazardous vehicre *"""*.n i" -JII ingemergency call outs when speed ( response Eime) was .iici".il At Ehe present time, these needs are stil1 as critical as theywere four years ago- In addition, two-Jrents during t.his lastsummer suggested some other needs. The first. """nl,o.."r.Ji inthe oeginning of July (vhen rhe pire Chief, Ist Assistant Firechief, and the pubric safety o i recio i--J Irended a two day weekendserninar on recruiting, craini.ng, anJ maintaining volunteer fire_fighEers. The semin,naiionar ry .;;d; i ;;:'"X3:.i'i:'!f;l"? rllo'"'Eo"3i,:l:::, "f iref ight.ers. 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX .I47 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317(612) 937-1900 ....-. .ti: ':-:.: ::' i, -,!.;:f:': ir-:: H ET Mr. Don De cembe rPage 2 asrrwofi3, L987 {- H'.;:T5rx;i:::"ri:: i:;:.:ff"i:".,y?1:e in municipar sovernmenEdous service ror rvhar. litai;-;;;;r.;::.ciry is reapins i 8....n_berg. lyeicatry, ah; ;;i;;"1I"'Fl3I?!'3n is received-by its mem-ranks or ,,u rii6 ::ir::t;:ff:: i;l':]nntu' i"-iJ.i;;.;J rrom rheoccurring in the wnrEe col]ar area_ jianhassen t s growth isefforts must be s.ui.J ;;;,',.'; iil".'-..lon"eguentry, recruitmenrcommuniry. r;; 3;;;;3.:;T:i.:!: i!|_.:.."i+..-,6,i,u.II'Ii tn.includes providing. clarrenges,';;.;;f:i white _corlar recruirmenreguipment, faciliries, .ra'tiliriivy,rltron, and rewards. Good I:::::" or hish rnorale ",a ",[""q.:,Ei; ".n;.I:::.:f;:ii;:"j:L,_ The second event cr.-.!r116^ ^- ,.-rcenrury,,. ;;;i;o"9curred on Julv 23rd,--during rhe ,,srorm of rheu..u*"'r.ua;i;';; Ene course of Ehe storm and rt.-""Iriiq, ia,,"'. inlili;; I"'[5";:15.1 n3.. jli.f]311": :",. .," i Ji i"i"i.'3i r i t i." 1]_tyrar disaster. .uhese rwo evenrs oI^-"lTp1ul but intensedesigns and subsequent s chema fi "".juII?Y-tded fuer for conceptexpansion that was toor yeari -Jia]"*"'"ns to the original Lay l:f:;;t;:;.:n:":iH::, as the pire sEarion-addirion and remo- : :ji" ;:ili". f:n:ii,^,'X:.;::.:i;, i,.:,:Xlj:.*::i::.i":iii:, iii:i#: ai: : J" #:i:; il ";fu 'f:;iif . ::irii j:: i-:Fiii: iH i; ;';:iI' ;i::""::::*:;t. ;:::i:,,ii:;;";::';::t;,'x:;: :ffisi.i:.;,i"z{ noLlrs a day, 7 rresponse timel. oi:I= t ";;k:--inii=r"n hand at Ehe fiie station !::" .t. i;;;;; .;,,.i";jX.;";ilXii:..::ii"l$:r!;::i";:.j";.,::::i"l ' some of tr,. ,.Ii",i.'"iiilq.1^Ii"ponse t'irnes stilr rernain lm{r**if*l+***s*Frltffi arso aesisi;;';; ;"' :n. :h' desisn or Eh vears or lonser in.lt.,Eh"-pt;;;i;J'.;,.e trre staEion' rt was o r approx im" E.r, - r jloiF.:[ff i;i, ::"ffi i;' :; .'n:. :;fl:";:l"iii, "" iifti lll ii;i',lir=*il i:T*ii. iii" ir"*;rr:!::i;!:'#":.:'cornmenrs concernins tn. iiqr"Ii;ii=:";1.. :il.-:::Iff: '3;,.i'31:^,.he- Fire DeparEmenr members mer Eo discusssenEed iJ'in.'IIil.Iir.l" i; 3:r:::1":.:"":;i;[*":liir:]i:.f:: (rf, Iq 4 EI u m rE t;d 3 ? E -a -a { a i n I Aerial Platform T ruc.k: Ash r^rorth dated June 5, be Th Platform Eruck mavindustrial g rowth .on the hori zon. mo from Jiin Castleberry to Donrias suggested that an aerial .I989, depending on Chanhassen'sral groerth is here an<i very much Iname 1984, i r needed ine i ndus tr Mr. Don Ashworth December 3, 1997Page 3 however, an arternatg.de;isn hras suggested, eliminat.ing t.he rac_quetball court. If the Ccuncil "oi66=raceyerba:. r court,' rr,"n ir,""" i."iiii.'aiSl;lr"::i:";j"i"li.o.ni.keepins in mind rhar no cosr savings--av u5 r.iiir.ir 'ii!'u.gu-ments in favor of rhe racquet;;ii-';;";l appear to Ue convincing: 1. The ability for an amenity such as the racquetball court,to a) attract (recruit), ;nd-;l retain members to thevolunteer Fire Depart.."tl '- -' 2. fhe racquetball court's relatively low cost compared $rithrhe enrire cosE of ttre project-rr3si-ttin-;.;;i:-.. 3. The designed ability for the court to be converted tooffice,/srorage space ar some loi"t i" tt"-r"tii.=ir itis needed. 4. Use of facility open to all city empl_oyees. 5. physical fitness guidelines to comply with anticipatedOSHA mandares and liability -oncerns. 6' An attracti?l_f?t rescue/fire personner to be on premiseswhen Ehe alarm is sounded. 7. Emergency shel t er/s torage . Hopefully, there is more- than adequaEe justificaEion for t.he9::ien.as presenr.ed, including chJ-iu"querball courr.. The Ehree(3) critical areas as measued cy gast, present., and fut.ure needs:::,ll apparatus space, z I c".*inI-!iirionz.*.is.;.v-.p"rIeior,"ceDter, and 3) exercise aerobic ur...--itr" fire-staiio;-;;;;_deling is desioned to rneet these needs i"r, y.u.. into the futureand beyond. u can the city use an aeriar pratr-orm Eruck at present and is theneed there for one? . The an!*rer to b;t; Ehese q,r"iiion"-i.]-y"".To paraphrase f rorn the 19g4 me.",-ii-tas been weII docurnenEedEhaE. an aerial fire apparat.us enhances t.he attack capabilities ofthe- Fire Department. -An aerial piuii"r", truck can place fire_iight.ers on the rop of .oor" ina'"ui-ii.""t master streams intoIarge arcas in a short period "f ti^".-'To Eight a large firefrom a safe distance is cruciai- e"i"'lie.ry and the aerial plat._form alrows for rhar, capabirir.y. -ar-i..ilr-;;.i;"p;;;;'iuiruoru in fire suppression n".i= r"i-6;"r;;";;; aparrmenr complexes andmulci-family units. C C Mr. Don Ashworth December 3, L987 Page 4 I:. t.".y9 ogerations arone, an aeriar pratform t.ruck coul,i proverts yrorth with its extended ..u.t, .up"[ifitiu". A11 thinqs considered (mutual aid and sprinkler systems), an aerialplatform rruck is a needed ;i";a-";";pl5ru.o" r.har. rhe ciry ofchanhassen cannot long be "iit""rl- ;fi;r" safety uses for anaerial truck are numerous and varied. The cost for an aerialplatform truck is s450,000-00 ,iiir-i't"" year read time anrici-pated. Fire Department package approximatesa present need and representing anthe City of Chanhassen. The totalfulfilJ,inqfuture for $1,500,000, ].nvestment in the I++ggI5_SrlSr!!S: This office fully endorses the desiqn con_cept as presenr.eci. I doubt that we ,rifi U" aUfe-tJ ;;;;r;"raerial rruck from ah:_:?:r.-aing urJq;Ei- The space needs havebeen evident for a number of years ind the incident this lastsummer points out a real need' for "-"o**".ra,ze^;;;;;.;^^;;"iliio.,center. rn a rime of initial "h;"; ;;ii"yi.s I large emergency,a truly coorciinated command ana aispatli function is needed. TheDeparrment appears to believe ii,"t-It" "".mmun i ty will support Ehetrre sracion addi r.ion il:ludilg ir," -iu.io.c;;ii, ";;;i..-irli.rurecomraend Ehat thevri'ht. oe grven the opportunity to see if tirey-are (n I T I x Eos r Cc)trPotrlATION .I NICHOLAS FTUEHL, AIA BEEITIL E HAGLUNE,, AIA September 28, 1987 Mr. Jlm Chaffee, Director ot Publlc Sarety Clty of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Jim: Enilosed please find our revised preliminary estimate for the proposed Chanhassen Central Fire Station, Chanhassen, MN. I have incorporated the previous additional cost items into our original eslimate. Also I have lndlcated the line ltem deletlons lorthe racquetball courl area and skylights. As per our previous conversation. the possible redesign of the lower level which would involve changing the racquetball court into another type of use could push the occupant ove|t0O people which would then require an elevator Ior handicapped access. lf you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Jack Ande ipon, Aln JA:jc Enclosure REc:.-..:f, sEP 2 I iJ8/ crrY oF CHANHASSEII ARCHITECTS . SPACE PLANNERS . INTERIOR DESIGNERS 684 EXCELSTOR EoULEVARO. SUrrE ONE. EXCELSTOR. MTNNESOTA 5533r . (612) 174-32s1 (aEos COFPOtrlAT roN J. NICHOLAS FIUEHL. AIA ETEEIYTL E. HAGLUNO. AIA CHANHASSEN CENTFAL FIFE STATION CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMEER 24, 1987 PBELIMINARY ESTIMA 87r 46 TE GENERAL: Site Work Demolition Concrete Masonry Metals Carpentry Thermal & Moisture Ooors & Windows Finishes Specialties Special Construction SUB TOTAL MECHANICAL: HVAC Plumbing Sprinkler SUB TOTAL ELECTHICAL: Electrical Siie Enrergency Generator TOTAL ARCHITECTS . SPACE PLANNERS . 463.888 5r.900 50.300 22.800 125.000 53.000 7.000 35.000 95.000 683.888 r02,582 786.470 39,323 59.000 12,I &l 24,405 134.640 51,360 10.000 4t,010 4!),302 47,588 12,400 28.000 684 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARO. SUITE ONE. EXCE LSloR, MINNESoTA s5331 . (6.r2) 474_329i il r t f, T T T .l t t I ,I t I SUB TOTAL G. C. OH & Profir (lsold & Generat Conditions SUB TOTAL Contingency (s7d INTERIOR DESIGNERS I I I I Eos e f,( SUB TOTAL Architectural/Engineering (9.2596) Additional Costs: Equipmenl and lurniture Soil Testing Reproduction and Printing Kltchen Apptiances Deletions A. Bacquetball Court: walls, floors, ceiling slrudure, finishes, mech.. and elec.. 8. Raquetball Court: finishes and elec. C.Skylights TOTAL 825.793 76.387 902.180 61,200 .39.600 42.200 City Courcil lre"itnf,: Decemrrer 7, L8BT r ffibffiREEEP€NpuM rrEM:REMODELING Jack Anlerson: I'Il l:: {i* speak first and introduce the project tien I,IIcome up ard focus on the pranni"e al*;?;ii oear wrth the q:esrions.' Jim lttGhon: 4 years tr.," rire"=latiJ"]=irl"rl3.l-&i-t:,"1= I recosnized need for an addirion on ff rtff :H:t.*,ffi ,:$:.&irj...;::,1.j".,n""?'.:f ';ri":::l*k]"*". a n add i t i on o;"1^'#' i, lS l:':?.T. ..Tj H flT q11?i ;t I,T,.i jf.,*:":;needs' i^,e came uD wi rh the- r..t "ii,"i"rur'"'&i "oo"a .room f or "g, p*.n.,ottr.ces, meecinq rooms.. and some tlpe- "i.,-fTai.". facility or room. Inaddr tLon to that, we reviewed .r. ..i ar*i.f "=,New members u= *"ri;.k= ;-"u;::.:1:::1t_", far as membership is concerned.the groerth of the cirv lT?]:n. those existj'ng memD-ers- we've arso reviewed i*:-*i,:ir'[;*#:::l#:.::],.,*'H:liffi .H:]":#:]- and bourds. Eor eximpie, 'a.' O.I"' ""=-^ll=Irrrdr "P9puralron is growing in leapsatso reviewed what oui ll^!1 9-tt'$'e are up zr?' jn calls;.';";';.;;. wewiLh aII ln"_i"i,]J,riir., neecjs hrere as r.Err as added equrpnent aE thj.s rime ardconcrusion t-n;;.ij;^-::ow-th' downtown and so gn, -we arso crme ro thec-oniuncrion wi;h ;#;:r:::"n need of a aerial platrorm. irri."L'ir-'=desisr:s,""ru*i=;;'r';1ilrt=..&:f##..;"..:."*.:?f t.,i;l;-:n:;n"=, l?*"'p with as far as sorurio.. l;-:;;"-J;=o.'ll*-'nttv'-. Rasjcallv what we,ve s-ill;l$rfrtT:.si#-*:,u "*'ffI#:"," m****ff*rat chanhrssen is preEry .u"r, noi,-]J ,i"iilgT"." ""t OE EIRE STATION, NICK Councilman Johnson: ," fil.,Eo s-uggest one improveme-nt to.the f!.nat reportard tha r is that information ue pru,..J ln 'i]-r" ..ipo.a detai ling rhe other sitesthar were looked ar- Make rhis iep;; ;; iipi!.. as possibre. A oooddocumenE to stand on' thlk-about itv-,. aio.rt'prace iE outside tr,e uusar'lne' why the group decided ug.in"E'th"- or#.'r..". =tarriirg options ard $rha.rne clsts where' place Ehat r-n *," ."po."''i.irr'"5. than merery referrinq to it.l4ake Ehis rePort a coinplete .epo.t -on fii -u[ ]'Iaioro taken by the Task, Force. Councilman Horn: !,ty col:ern,,ln referendums. is that we should give the votersi:"il::t ffi.iT: S"L..E.:, r'* g.i.,s lo irir, i.i. .r.,.. in arr rhe rererendum :n':;r.i:ffi "t'f ,"igi.#,"T*#:;'ff"tff::':il"'t[T,T,'J""T* {rL 48 ..JC CiEy Council tleet.j.ng - Decernber 7, L9A7 ( towards a white corlar clmmunitv unu therefore, the use of tr.ro or three thingsthat we feel wirr attract peopre of _that par.icurar starding. w. J"o p.opo..a PIan A and plan B to the membership. wi,. c you,.. going to ."" tonignl i"Ehe choice of the Eotar department. -obviousry not r00? voted but definitely aunanimous vote in favor of tJle. plan that's going to be presentJ t"-V""-tonight. Ttrere was some question at one of the meetingi i. ..g;rJ; 6;portion of the station which wirr be addressed tonighf ana trrat'i oui-*ortr-use fitness facility. rn regards to rrhat we $rould like to .".o..".g- eo-tn.crurcil, we would rike on tre refererrlum ttrat both the aerial alraratu:i and thefire station be a singre issue. At Ehis goint Jack "r., 9o or..'th. plu""r.qaspects. lGyor fhmilton: Could you repeat vrhat you just said?aerial with the station? you want them to !o together?on ttrat. You want to have ttleI just rrant to clear Jack Afilerson: I'11 start out with the lower revel. Basicalry, the existingbuirdirq there is abrut 1.ggq square feet arrl the new would be abour 15,000sq)are feet. The lower level, Ehe green area is $rhere you come in, pile storaqe, training officers, womens ard men,s locker area, crourtyarci, exercisearea that could be used as a racquetball cpurt or mulEipurpose uses. ,Ihe intent tras to design j.t so a secord floor could be put in. with this fouracross here, tlEre c$uld be some expansion in offices j.n the acininistraEive area here arrl down here, expansion of the exercise area ard addiEionalstorage- this exercise area down here... On the first floor, i,Il siart out wiEh the aDcaratus area. That essent.ially has grown Erjce as Larqe erll as you can see. Lhis js i:JsicaLly, putting the aerial here... We r.raintf,in a bacKaccess. There's an emergency generaEor, I think the plan pre,,,i.ously saici eonot have j.t. Arj.s ',;ould be an emergency generaEor here anci this ,roui.d tie inEo the City Hall for emergency power. This js the exisEing bui lciing presently goes from here ard goes like this. 'Ihe offjce, the more administrative part. one of the key planning as[Ects was this mannsi conterence dispatch located cenEr3lly beE.,.reen the chj.ef arri oEher oiiices, entry eriEh dispatch lookout j.nto the apparaEus room. It JIso geEs the dispatch out of the traffic whj.ch jE presencly is in right now. It,s a mucabetter plannirlg for that room. Then, Ehe chief's office here, assistanc ard an additj.onal office located t-llere, r lounge area in Ehe upper area of tiecourtyard. Parkirg is up fronE, predominantly in back ard Ehen alorg the side over here. I guess tha! pretty much takes you through. You had expressed some concerns about cost. We have irdicated a skyLight area here ard some additional orientaEion of Ute local post Eower, those ctme Eo abouE 542,ggg.06 arrl r.re could Iook at those as an alEernate. Mayor Hami.Iton: Did you hsve anything else you wan ted Ec presenE Jim? Jim McMJhon: tlo, I thjnk Ehet's preEty much iE oEher than the fJct thaE I forgot to menEion one of the thjngs involved jn the multjuse fitness room..., one of the thjngs at the encrance vras the fact Ehat we aEEended Ehree meetirgsin the hst year thrt lrere aEterded by OSIIA and OSHA has on all three occ:sions stressed .rn emph:size on ti-- need ard the fact thaE they wi lI be enrorcing fitness programs as far as fire fighEers are concerned and they expressed an inEeresc in seeirg to it EhJE many new stations buildirg 49 nC- o* additions will include some type of a fitness facility for thejr fire fightersas i!,s been determ inea o1 a. ylionuinr.U!.i 'tne nurnl"r one cause of fireIl:!!::" farariEy is hea:r artack from piiv"l"!r-.*".tion. o:r mulriusetrtness room includes a program fo. "tr!ni,or" iaraiac exercise program.I mieht also add, *r" .::l.ld;ili;-#;ii-porice officers rhar are arsoXH$ ffi.?;:".g[tents as we *.. -oti* piiri" ".*.nE.ri.-i*ii r"p counci rman Johnson: -r don't have many questions_ on here. r have rooked atthis' r work wirh osm ."srriri*;;i i'.Til*iri.r with Ehe requirementshere. I see the entire neEd. fo. tfrl".- Gl"-i" probably one of ttre-rnosE vitalservices thar this city-provides ;;-;; ;i;"."". It,s an exceltenr fireprorection sysrem, our- fire tigtrging]-we,iJiorring more with our firenarsha,s anr evervthirg ro gei.rirE-p.*"n-trl. ?grrs "rri E"ilir."iu"iriayr berieve is totaliv 'ecessaiy ir we 'ra.t 'L-tntinue providing our ci ti zensrdith this current livel of "*i;."- w#;'# ,cr,ar,g i ng. demographic nature ofthis city' we are ooing p .h"" a" i,"r. **'"ihing that wirr attract more firefighters into the Jrea.- ..we,re goi.,g; n-Ji -.o.. fire fighters as ure aregrowing. ftre reed for th: ""riu:. t[f"i"Lii..r. is there. It,s past due.You. have Eo fighE fires, it a*="f t l!].."rf,i, 'a fire in' rt -wouG iean a wide buirdinq- ,f1'1:-T a tall 'buirding to fight il,T;.f..1.ij"i'd.!:,:gi*r*.u,-i."3"Ji'riil,Tiffi:L?,|Sr:fi j"".8":" buirdirs rhar has . hi::o:. P: grourd. rf )ou -have t gJ irl"-'ih?=ui.r. of u Il ::liEd#= ;;. ;,":# isii ii. t":r5i.li"f "ffi iltffi jrHiii;;:; ;. " cherry picker tvoe lad.ier.tr-uck t... "t..5 y."" have a platform Ehat people canstard in, they can qo right up onto $rose nieh pttch roo fs arrl fight theirilj?, ""it.'Tk.. *:X.^ I_"::-= in. -a lJioi' ii,o:. nou="= -LJJ.'I igi p"i o.pir"i, on-ni.;J;f:;Jj:'?f,t5.r..near-me- that probab.Iv t"= "t i.""r^I"r"io r see this g.-c.-IJ"..".,* :iii ijXi .i.":X..J..ji1:.:: L.":" f*,::li;:: ." fl;s.eroject built because r think trri. i. .il"senEial service Ehar we musr ff:::i:H..fft ""f:Llve us some Liine- r,m for rhem borh. r eor no gourcilman Horn: ,Ihe only question I have is irin our pack e t y* tu r1.a i uo'u: . ;; $#' ; ii r.",i"., ffi I T"*. ilr*.*l,l.rr.ill"Ale ),ou referrins onry Eo proLi. =uiIl]-ffi;;;. or arr ciry qproyees? Jim McMahon: It would hc avaj.lable to all city employees. It,s importanE forthe ciry' when we tuve Iooked;;.iri*."^i{.. *u" been buirr in *risIown, Instane r{ebb, they n r" --.*.i"i;:;"i';:::": "rri what urey,,,,-e-iouna is one, Ehev k"." jl_l:. their --mployees. The E:r:;;Lfi:.#?::: "o.r u*,,Il ;il H"offii::,il ,T: J*..n3:, *", r./irr be avajrable.o.n.P_:f":her or noi "r".yiroay ,-iii ..i i'#.'ill'iar.v, ,.rr. u" tr,J "iTvt ;#l.iT those u'ho do use it, wirr d LtrJ.'r'oLi.^J. u. Counci Iman Horn: I iust h3vg one more co[menE. IE should be obvious toeverybody here rhaE i-f we buy * -""ri-u-r il;.;;,r" goi.rg to need sooreplacE ro City @urrcil meetin ember 7, 1987 L t-. 50 r C( City Council t',teeti ng _ December 7, L9g7 put iE so if ere qet F":f, og.i", -ii=i,:t aerial truck with no _t=llir, we can,r ser an aeriarfaciliry ;ililu;'--'::-!u?': I think there i: rr* rhem Eoserher. aeriar truck--'; ;#.= frfl :fl:i"il3f,."F;;r,"*1;-;' Counci lnan Cevino: arways appreci.rca ,JlYt.been. here for manv 'u,",i,*!"p"rr;:L-f,LTJu*iS:i:."'ifjldi":il?5'.'.#i*T."J," Sue.oolted them wherever it ,r"J"Ij}= ?^*:t]_t- f$s. with good eq.ripmenr and llt$$*rcqlrim-t*"s:-t;tffi utrrast rime. !{b need tr,"u.. tr,. uc-iiJii-*T ;&ttsT"AT ;:irf:#:""}"A f:iil!:.*it'L:1":y;f ii':":s,j['*::" n",. r aon,t'u:i# ie- neea torhar soes with rhe u"li:ytnf. ".,:.ir-llGl ""'Si,l..=*niiE[.S?#".J. ;uq by oSFl\ and we recogni z€ tlaE it,s ior at...good_ of our fiiemen, iet,s callrr a firness facilirv ou r.J=-u="-t:a ?; Iil=ra r highry endorse this whorepToposar' rrm more crcncerned urout ,n".-"- ,r;r" going. to get our additionart'remen arxl r think rhe Ewo so harri il;;i: rf vou-have'g.oj-iuriiiii"r, v.,nave good equipment, *r'...going -t ;;;-i;; addirionar firemen. et i."".fr1:.t"::*""?"'i;::": 1f f*q'.l,. *o*'.'i". we have sisned qo. r s"*,ff.i.:*ijii ji.F-T."':-?"'"i'8""."J?y?,Xl1rH1ll"ii.t.. u..,*.-oi.*i#;i:r:.i?":.;H:"i:rt"r.'i:;:1n;#::i;iF_I::I,"n.". an agreement Eo have an aeriar aar".,. .o*J in*i.o* Excersior or *!en ?rarri.eard He don't have anvth.irg to reciprcca t.- wltrr- otrrer than our go"<i ,r.li so rthink down rhe rine'*"'.. 90ing lo'r"irl'-a." #,1" an aeriar facility. .\s webuild our communirv it'. u6soi,'eir"""=.,ililT-"' The rhing rhac r ihinaabouthowever is how besr to package tnl'= l"-l'..?l.""ar*- I believe if I were cogive my prioriry of rhe -bhree-.. f"";'i;r;'Iiur. *",.. goirg Eo ratk abouE i!ii:li; "1:,ol1:'.#;,ii:; ::si1:"?'.i'.,kT 11515. ihuci= *v -n-*o]i o.,.this is where i,s "i L.u."_ rhis'is ;;;i;;;.:::,#il i.lli1ouli,.i .,,see. Thc need is here T1._ _I -u_"f,i.r.; ".ii.rr.1 along wirh_ =o*. oi_tL otn".proposals iaEer bur rhis is a need r,.,at snouli g-o- to ti.r.^."f*..i,ri^*I p"o.a"I Ehink wilt sug)orE it. -r rhink.Eh:t-rr.r"-ia:--r: 1- f1ro._ i"-il.i.iryi"s i!ii, " :'1x1.:1,}n=..H' #: ::H:iffi '.: !;='i "' -* vou to d"r. t. -iio; u,"' quesEions -.,t"r. iJ'Lr"rk asked trr.'.- ii" -r."ri'lt-u -tnut r know we all askedthat. r believe iLi Iire srvriehrs;";;;^,ffi;:T:.j:flTS Iff:;:r:*"that exercise faciliEy, t. guEss .t tor" io .i!t air..qr""aion.f.o._yo_u,.-ii ," p,_rarn Ehe exercise facilitv in t_he lower f.r"i,'ri,ro we bui L.l an upper ]evelover iE with officc spate? rs ttla E alr" pr"'"i"' Jack Anderson: Not righE nor,r. CounciLm:n C.eving: you r.,ouldn,t compleEe thaE? Jack Arderson: It !,ould be an open space righc now. I Ii -l 5I C a ff#i:ff'.fflrH;r".*.r, r didn,r understard rhat. r suess r have ar.,,-r.-,r,.ii:,:i1'i.??,..,:ir"ff""."Sr.iirr"."...#.*i.;l*.:;l"m*; itself ' with consrructi.n -oi trl,J.-*E;#?i.." srarion. r happen to rearizethat tr.ro years from n:l.yl.n "..;;iiy;i-ihe a-eriar ..*x-Lu*.".,i.body saysret's go buy it, we won't rr"v" ,:eGir',iiiri"n dolrars tiat,s needed ro co*eout of rhe generar furd. w. jr=t-roiii ri"rir'ra. we may not even have there,y authoriry ro buv.it * ti,. "ti"l.gtiill ta going ro have ro look Eo Donror an ansrrer on this lu_t _i_t seejrs 1;. Ie fi; tne tnry *uit -r.v-to-i."*"9" this is to trIrt it all in one. tren if tf," *"a is absolutely eisentiaf anatwo years from now. oT a yea! from no$r, whatever -it happens Eo be, the courcildecides to so aheai *itt 'trr"-t ".t,';';ii;.re_trad the referendrm approvarfrom the people to qo ^o1t ard ao iL '-wt"L., it r" don,t package iti ttrutrray, $re wonrt have the money so that,s Ur. re.f sErategy- _I guels Irve givenilii$ :5,.m*m*,"Si:":lrX; j. *i- vou eu1,s - have 6o;-u -nl.ui j d:it for you. rtui;" .ir r have. s proposar and r hope ere can get Mayor Hamitton: I ouess I can take t}le easy hray out and noE make any clmmelrtseither but'm qoirE'.o."on.inlu-io-#i"="1i.-rr* you is r have Gd righr;|:ff n.:"..y..i.u?.**. r"i.ii".-.11'"'"."uor. r,,har lou,re askins for. ra""i"iti'iri"=;;"."."r'r"Tfi:,r.1.f .,;:f ;li:"f":.;?L1?il"il::'8"T.fftor equipmenr, addirionar "erip,irJ,r,'. 1"it,'i-rr.o, piec.e of eguiprnent bur rrhen;:.:":[ T.::T::9ff.?ga - tr,'" .,iia],s"oi'i!, u,i ra inss we Lo,iti n,," ro p,,t :rt:I5.""y*#;';'it},T.*?,':i::"';.?":i,":" jL::'i:[,g"-y'"=**=,.,., il";#.:H.::i il.!e.,Xl* arr .rhe t"n" .ri'"i,Tsrres on it so Ehe ararms browrhink we,ve been rold "l"::i".fl*: so it can respond. to it in "; l.=;;;. r vou don'r need rhe ""rrf.?I'"'.1t-'*,.:3i5.-tntse thinss to triidiii".r,"t need i r you didn, E r,":""' ln"* ci,G J:".i.H;T:H;.rfii.T,t T;f ".ffi t:tuve a requesr for a ssoo,ooo.oo 'l;."" 'oi'"ir=in.*a. I,taybe it,s needed. r,m#.='iy i';,:?:,Ey-: wt".'i11,- lrfr"'i: exac*y wha. 've said ro youare wa].s ro do rhaE ",.d t'*' thaE we find- oui what is ;J;: -iLiii- ai,"."r.ok ar $,haE rhe n""o" "jl"j.= j"r- p:1:^: "onsurrrnt_ "o.i.s- tnio-iii..ciry. ard then to evaLuaEe wh,--- "' srs Lrre oepartment Jnd the porice departinenE ::ln:1"":i:-:tn.*"*-*,=:J',+,*J:",:'.:'"o"",1i.:1"fl J'-:;Eilf ' I.ve tarked to, doesn,E ).esn'E irdicate to me, nor ioes ii to tne "ipJr* ar,"albur fire deparEnent, ."':ol:ut". tiat you need to add additionar p"lpiJ miaaiti.."i6]iil;;: tI":: police.departnenE nor ao you neea-r[-]il- ro caus ";;il;;;.Jljj ,tfe lfinss vou need. rc r.6r1i-G .LJoi=. ri^" c,cmmuniry "-",i rirJ',ii.i,""Ir" J5"XlT"Lf"rX:T: time Eh3E vou reer'lne- :""::= r:f # #" ffi:.': : " t irc - com m u n i i!* ;.; ;: r,8 11; .Ttr fl ", f;X= Hl"l.'o ffi :!1itr8:ss't'?i$"#'i:r-?"1"*1".li;[{-Tjg-."*?..1u-h''..fiff L: :: j''lr:X';E.P ri," u i t i ""- # ,il= L TL;.T-;J:;, *' i' i,ni", *,,,thacc.:n're,"J'irlii=.""^il.Tfl?i.#?,t:"8?:tti#:;":,;l-l=;:1, ilI 52 t City Council }leeEing - Decsnber 7, LggT city council **fi ( r, I difficurL in goirg arong wirh.the proposal Eo put a racguetbalr court orl5rt;:.*frn:"j[,t":tLta m-urti.purpo=l-""".."ri, rhe raciriry ror the use or 30n*a ro. tii" .--#=ii',j'ln".i] #::1, ;::.:5 about j-s i r'n.J-.n?.=" fs erearspace. You certain.l.y n".o r"."'iII^ ,::'..']=_1le room. Whether it.s officepu"I3e..h;=;;i;'il,,iil-:-::rri::.f; ,Jr:ffi s":":',,,,.,--.llL,'"'Jirvo,anything' At reasE noE fo! a pericd .i'tiri"-"i.r' r guess I was surprisi u,atyou wanted to plt the aeriaf truJ ona "i,,i,:"u-Jryahing. else ttrat you _wanteo co#; 1".?ill*t|g;r[ff r" "n in,itaii"flt ,l# have it pass. r.rhink you*,= r* i r i ly .*;'"*;L. J",1":* r"nT i :*.il:L "ffi ;: ni;, n" itf,:i ",t, :,Just absorurely essentiar-ti"t 1,o, ;:;'th"^ I&n"ion space for the sEa.ion burnot necessarily all the equiprnent ard some oi tne otner goodies t:rat you,veadded on there. r quess .uro". ... ,r,y ;;#": -It,s the same thing i,ve tordyou before ard I,m Joinq to conrinue't" *ii-ii-"rn I think unril : tir" .o."information Eo deal-e,iti'r tt" ii.r"l'r;i ;i ;; r can change my position. counciLman Boyt moved, councilman ceving seconded to supporE the placirq ofthe remoiering of the fire station "na ,"q"iiinq or an aeriar truck on thereferen<iun baIIoE as on1 i.te1. c;;;r";;;) councitman cevinq andCouncilman Johnson voted in favor of the motitn. Counc i I:Tr an ttorn,*i--ll.yoryljT:r vored in opposirion .o ,,. ,".i"".-'tl," *o.ion carrieci wirh a vore of @uncilman Boyt: clear).y. thay,re going to 90 .uE.to Ehe communiEy. rf thecommuni ty Eetrs rhem *" -I-rll_ y:: o"9n1 lo lprli l.., rhen we,ve soE r.imebetween now and the referencium to cone back and split them but to me, it makessense to go aE iE initi3lly as one packag.. -it,. all related to Ei:e same ki.rrlof thing so my motion wourd be a" p.*."'a '-o" 'alr:rar. truct< and the iirestation renodeling .:s ona i t=n .n a.. .=i.rln*.:,-I"'. - December 7, lggT EI\DUM ITEM:TR\IL PL\N AND L\KE ANN I M PP.OVEIII ENTS, P.\RK .\NDoN. C.ouncilman Horn: referendun item. tiaE cho ice. I'd like to com,nenE. I'm noE opposed to these as aI don,t rike bundlirg reterenaurn- ii;"-- n;J.:an make Mayor Hamilton: I think you need tc coine bJCk tc us with some jnformaEionbecause r realry am afrai.d thE by purting thenr- together, ic,s 311 invi tationto lose the whole rnorks . Jim |lct'rahon: We appreciate your comments and we wiII review ghs whole package ard asBilr stared, we do have some rime ro come back after " li;;i.-;aJU'."-*possibly asking scne of t}te residents their ofl"r.on. lGrk Koegrer: I think vou're famiriar $rith the basics on this one so I'II runEhrough iE very quickry. It was refcrenc-.d eailier tonighE abour *J sirv.yurat was done. I think you,re werl aware thar or *,. to["io-["p""[., -e i""of those, parEicularlv L, 2, 6, 7 ard I0 were rrril o.; "i-rtJ. --ti['li.n.. skrrng, bicycling, ,raiking, whaEever so there ,i= u "t.ong E:bIic sentiment 53 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETI NG JUNE 1, 1988 Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:35 p m MEMBERS PRESENTs Tim Erhart, Steven Hnmings, AnneEte Ellson, Ladd Conrad, Brian Batzli, James Wildermuth and Davj.d Headla STAFF PRESENT: Barbara Dacy, City Planner PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT FOR A 6O UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF AND ADJACENT TO CHAN VIEW, HERITAGE PARK APARTMENT PARTNERS. Public Present: Name Address Barbara Dacy presented the staff report. conrad: I got a caII from Brad Johnson saying he PauI . He'd be delayed but he would be here. Hers but wetll open it up for public comments, if there applicant. Any comments at all on the revis j.on to apartment bui Iding. Tom zumrralde George Beniek Sue Wel l i ver George Beniek: I live on 4I2 is, was there, I imagine there donrt recaII ever receiving a now? To whors benefit is the there? Dacy: No. There is no change in approved by the Council in 1987. building is sitting on the lot. and has become an rrf.rr fashion as east/west access as oPPosed to a donrt kno$r. George Beniek: WhY are knoe, that? Dacy: The architect js here. Street West Avenue vras on his way from not tryi ng to dodge are any from the thj.s par t j.cular Appl icant 4t2 - 76th 7 611 Huron st. i.t West 75th street. I guess my only question was a public hearing on the initial which I copy of. what's the purPose of the change change? Is it more units going to be in can try and answer that. project. I designed the The or j.ginal Project, vre the amount of unitss that were previously The only thing thatrs changed is how the Basjcally jt's shifted more to the south you see there. The north/south and the 'rU'r formatjon. As to whors benefit, I I am Tom zumwalde, the original project and also tbe did not have a contractor they requesting the change? Is jt our purpose to Tom zumwalde: Iarchitect on therevision to it. Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting 2 The heights of it is going to be approximately hos, many invorved. we did not have a lot of marketing input. rn the last year wegot a contractor invorved and werve dome some marketing input and thoseare the prime reasons for the changes in the conf igurati.on-. with theoriginar building thaE was "u" shaped, we had a roi of units that were pieshaped with minimal exterior warrs rooking up to an inside court. Erom amarketing standpoint, the peopre we talkea to tert they were ress useabreor ress rentable. Less desirabre units. Erom the conitruction end, arlof those wedges in the bui ldi.ng rdere very, very costly and what washappening $ras we were spending so much money on those that the rest of thebui lding would have suffered for it. So whit we feel, in the superconfiguration is that r.retre getting a much better, more efficienlbuilding. The units have increased an average of 24 square feet per unit.Theyi re much more riveable than the other ones $rere. Basically those arethe reasons. George Beniek: stories? Tom Zumwalde: The The same number of change. same, itrs 3 storjes. Theparking spaces. BasicaIly identical number of units.j ust the configuration George Beniek: Hand i cap? It $rill conform to allow the senior citizen access? Tom Zumwalde: There are three handicap unitsaccessible. As far as rent Ievels and all ofwere here to ansr"rer that. I really don't have in the bul lding. TotaIIythat, I wish the developerall rhat information. sue werliver: r rive on Huron Avenue. r own a doubre bungalow there andI'm concerned also about my tenants and myself, since I liie there, isaccess' Therers qoing to be 60 units and you're going to have a r-ot ofparking and that type ot thing and a tot of_cars. How are you gojng toget out onto Tgth street erithout any stop signs onto zatb-s[reet? rt,svery difficult right now. - rf you're gojng to put that up and have theonry access onto that road, how.r" y5u g5i"g io-g"l-br.I ";ia rhat'swhat Ird like to know. Dacy: The access to the apartments wilr be from chan view and there wirlbe two access points. one opposite the Huron Avenue intersection. HerersHuron Avenue here. The entrance to the parking rot *ili-;; directlyopposite of that and there wilr be another access further to the east onchan view. so cars entering and leaving the site wirl come from chanyrgr,. iff they're going ro be headed ro creat_ pLains BI;;:, they,Il goover to here and then go south to the Great pL? j.ns Blvd. and West Tgthstreet intersecti.on which rhere's. a stop "ig"-"l"tnJi'i"ili"..a west 78thStreet is now a flow through on that. ifr"r.,. no four. ruy-"top. That waseliminated with the reconsiruction of the south rane of Great plainsp]rg-. Addirionallv, there cour.d be traffjc ah.l-;;";-"""!i-on chan viewthat erould eventuarrv hit Laredo. rhe city i; j;.i-i;ri;;;"q up, we,rereconstructing Laredo Drive as it intersects west Tgth street. Tberers aright turn rane now that wirr be on Laredo orive-goi.g J"iJ-w""t TgthStreet. Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting 3 Sue WeLliver: Yes, but I mean when you try to get onto West 78th Street,that is the most difficult now that they eliminated the four hray stop signthere. Also, on Laredo, eliminating that. you r,ran t to go east, anyr.rayfrom there, it's very difficutt. We have to wait 5 to 10 minutes andthatrs just normal time. You get into rush hour and it's terrible. Dacy: I agree. Therers a considerable amount of traf f j.c on West 78thStreet in both locations. In this location in front of Kenny's, becausethat leg is part of TH 10I, MnDot's requirement was that we remove thestop signs along West 78th Street to promote the flow through on West. 78thStreet and to control the traffic coming from Great PIains Blvd. onto West 78th Street. There's no question that during peak hours that main streetis a busy street. I can't dispute that. Sue Welliver: Are they goj.ng to do anything? Are they going to suggest to do anything for that for the residents in this apartment unit also? Like are they going to put a four way stop on Laredo and west 78th or do you know? Dacy: No, there are no plans to Again, MnDot is requiring us that what is known as TH I01. whatrsyes, it's goj.ng to be busy during explain j.t. Conr ad : terms of put a four way stoP at either location. we can't have stop signs on that leg of there now can control the traffic but peak hours. I donrt know how else to Sue Welliver: I have rental property right now and thatrs one j.ssue that we have right now is because you canrt get out. Now you build a 60 unit apartment building, those owners are also going to have the same problem there. I think they should Look at that and I think the City should decide on putting in stop signs. Therers a church there with children going across. I think there should be stop signs and I think this is just going to add to the congestion. Conrad: It sure wilt add to the conqestj on by putting in 60 more unj.ts there. Therets no doubt about that. I guess the question becomes, Barbara, you're teJ-Iing us that the inEersectj on at TH 101 or West 78th- Is that 78th? Dacy: Yes. That MnDot really does control that and t hat is our influence in the traffic Problems? Dacy: As you recall also, the City has a long term plan, itrs really not Iong term because we're trying to accomplish it along $rith the four lanes of itt 5, creating a new leg of TH lgl that would go through the APpIe valley-Redimix pioperty, cross TH 5 and hook up into Lake Drive East. That would take a significant volume of the north/south traffic from TH 10I and take that out of going through the downtor',n area but there is goi.ng to be this interim period in here where the north/south traffic on TH 101 is going to be going through the do$rntown area. ceorge Beniek: How many parking places are there shown on their plan? Plann ing Commission June l, 1988 - Page Meeting 4 Dacy: L08. Tom Zumwalde: The building has a G6 car garage below it.garage space for each unit and then 48 open stalls out inThe same as it was before. There I s one the parking Iot. George Beniek: right?So there will be a basement in the building? Is that Tom Zumhralde: Conrad: The Erhart: sPace. Emmings: I donrtbut so r.rhat. That vrould be the garage, correct. parking lot did look small didntt it? George Beniek: yes. Emmings moved, i{ildermuth seconded toin favor and the motion carried. The close the public hearing. AII votedpubl ic hearing was closed. Conrad: Tim, $re'11 start down at your end. What are your comments? I really don't have any. I think the buildingItrs built well and I think it's adequate. space is unusua l- really have anything. I Iiked the other building better Conrad: Yes, the other building was prettier. Emmings: This one's efficient. Elrson: r donrt have any comments ei.ther. r think itrs just fine. Conrad: Nobodyrs talking about traffic. Brian? B"!3li: r.was going to talk about randscaping but r'lr talk about traffica. litt1e-bit. Kennyrs is going to stay whlre-it is iin't-ita rhroughoutthis whole development so we're not go-ing to lose any traffic... Iguess I r.rould recommend that, Irve seen the paster oi that church has?:k.d. Ehat stop signs be put in there, at leist so people cin get acrossthe street to go to church. we're adding potentiar--rv iga more cars a oayor more. when you talk about back and forth trips, i rot more congestionat that intersection. r guess r r.rould like to sle whether we can convinceMnDot of some other way before we ggt peopr.e gettr.ng- inpatient and tryingto purl out and creating havoc at Ehat- inlers5ction-becir."- r tni.,r itis aproblem. I personally waited there trying to get out cf Kenny,s marketfor, it is severar minutes. That's nol rearry-.n "*ugg.ritio.,. r guessId like to see something. r don't kno!,, what we ".n 66 in this particurarinstance but it sounds rike ltnDot is kind of cai.ring ttre strots on it but rdo think that's a concern - ry9t having been invorve6 in the originarbuilding, r don't know if r rike the 6riginar uuirJinq--oi"io.. your onecondition that asks for the additional pianti.ngs, *t,i[ ii"--vou going to, rdidn't understand vrhere thatts going to be. cian view ana ine parkingarea? you're just going to have moie plantings in tnat one strip? Planning Commi ss i on June I, 1988 - Page Meeti ng 5 Dacy: Yes, in this area. Batzli: Do we require a certain plantings to be put get like little pine trees that are going to take 15 sh j.eId this thing? in? Are years to we going to grow to Dacy: No. The ord inance of 6 feet at planting and there were taller trees. requires for evergreens that theyI believe the landscaping plan, in be a minimum some cases Batzli: Because this is going to be a 3 story building and i{hen you have a 6 foot pine tree, it's going to take 2g yeats to mature and you have a single family homes in the area, I donrt know. obviously the People are going to have to look at the building for a couple of years no matter lrhat you do. That I s all. Wi ldermuth: I Lasher, in his retent i on . . . guess I letter, have a question about the storn water runoff. Jim spent quite a bit of time talking about an on-site Dacy: Part of the problem in determing that, the ultimate storm se$rer plan i.s that the city needs to finalize itrs Plans for the drainage of the lUutting properties. This site here is where a daycare center is proposed to be located and all of these properties here interrelate so what we're trying to do is have BRw and the applicant on this project work together so- thire is on-site retention on thj.s property and make sure that j.t's properly directed to r.rhatever is finalty determined on the daycare s j.te itso. Itrs hard at this point to gi.ve you a def ini.Eive answer of the catch basin over here or here. wildermuth: There doesn't look like there's going to be room for a catch basin on this proPerty. that what you mean? and piping and so on might be a very small BRw that we're Dacy: If yourre talkinq about a retent j.on pond. Is The City's j.ntent was to create a storm sewer system so an actual pond wouldn't probably be used. There depression in there but it r^ras my understanding from looking at a storm sewer system- wildermuth: with an underground garage, I can see a lot of Problems there. Like with the storm that we had last year. That's going to be flooded because that whole area is low and it all drains. I think what we should do is strengthen the language for the storm water runoff. Put in provisions that th;t be made... I guess we're looking at the BRli letter- Thatrs all I had. Headla: ...Even if then this apartment Ehere I s compl ex Cj.ty's storm wi 1l pay for sewer that will catch the runoff, that? Dacy: Yes, the applj.cant is improvements from the runo ff responsible for alI necessary storm sewer from their property. Planning Commission June l, 1988 - Page MeeEing 5 Headla: Does that appear to be adequatecare of it? To me that seems thatrs theanything else we should be looking at? to allow that storm sewer to takelogical way to go but is there Dacy: The intent of condj.tion 1 from staff was takenthat we vrant final utili.ty and storm sewer pJ,ans fromreviewed both by in-house engineeriog staff and BRW.building permit, theyrll have to satisfy those issues. from BRW|s letterthem. That wiI l beBefore they get a Headla: Did you get any input from the Fire Department today? Dacy: People from the Fire Department talked to me today but... Headla: I talked to Steve yesterday and I said I erant to know if werecommend approval of thj.s, is the Fj.re Department going to require anyaddi tional fire fighting equipment? His first "or.6nt ias, well we,reordering the aeriar radder. werre ordering that so ,e,re "orered there. J "?:d, is there anything else? He said I don,t know, I'11 have to talkto them. I said, e/ell get back to Barb on Wednesday. protect j. onthe nunber one best Dacy: No, Steve did not talk to me. The primary fireequiprnent is the requirement for sprinkling so ti.,.ii i-defense as far as... Headra: rrm not talking about defense. r'n tarking about we got hookedinto- being requi.red to have an aerial ladder in thii citt: Have weoverlooked sonething erse that $re can't charge trre apariinent comprex foror are the general taxpayers going to have to pay foi itZ Dacy: Not to my knowledge wirl there be any other need for any other typeof equipment- The aeriar radder is a signi.iicant addition to chanhassenrsfire_fighting capabilities. Betereen thai and the requirement that thebuilding be sprinklered is the best that $re can do. Headra: Last time we beat around quite a bit on the soil borings. Havethey done any of that vrork? Dacy: r know soil borings have been cooducted on site. The area wherethe parking rot is is where most of the poor soirs are rocated. Headla: They erill have to take special precautions there so that doesn,tbreak up in a short period of time? How do $re cover ttraia-- ?:"I: -The appricanr wirl be responsibre for maintaining the parking lotln an acceptabLe condj tion and I believe they rritl Ue s6ii "oirecti5ni. - Tom Zum$,a1de: As required. There are a rot of borings that were done onthe site and rrm not certain exactry how bad it ii Jiwn-u[-tnut end but$,er re putting in concrete curb around the enEire 10t. putting in abitumi'nous parking lot- That's a rentar property. werrr be forced tokeep it up just to keep it marketable. Headla: where do you have all your trash containers? Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meet ing 7 Tom Zumwalde: The trash collection area will be in the basement of thebuilding or the garage. Headla: will they be coming in from Huron to go in there? Tom Zumi,ralde: That I s correct. Headla: That tends to be off of where the reaL soft soil is? Dacy: The poor soils, from ny understanding, were over in this direction. Tom zumwalde: It gets worse as you get into this direction... Headla: What do you do, you take soil boriogs and based on what you find that determines the type of base you Put doi{n? Tom zumvralde: Thatrs correct. Headla: And the City Engineer has to aPprove that? Tom zumwalde: The City Engineer will be approvi.ng all that... Headla: That.r s all I have. conrad: I donrt have any additional comments. I think those that Irve heard are real valid comments and maybe r,rhoever makes the motion might hrant to say something in there that the city council decides what the traffic impact on Weit 78th Street might be. Maybe review whether we should pursue some kind of a stoP sign on west 78th' Headla: Ird like to talk about that again. when does it 100k Iike TH 191 wiII go through by that Redimix and that? Dacy: Hopefutly during the 1992-93 timeframe' Headla: Once it does that' then lre would be able to put uP a stop sign. . . ? Dacy: Right. what rrould happen is that that portion of west 78th street would re*rert to local control. That would no longer be TH I01' Headla: What if it takes them two years then that would be two years when" ' to get that thing totally built, Conrad: It's abit to that and don't know what want to ask the problem right now. I know that and this wiII add a little it.uy be in opportunity to look at the whole situation. r the flexibility of the state is but we may, somebody may City council to look into the matter. Is there a motion? wildermuth: I move the Plannj ng commission recommend approval of the Final PIat Amendment for the Heritage Park APartments PUD f87-1 based on the plans stamped "Received May 12, 1988" subject to the following cond j.tions: I through 10 and I thj.nk the items in the BRW Ietter referred to in condition 9 should be specifically spelled out regarding storm ldater Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page I'iee t i ng I handling. I h,ould assume that it would have toto handle... Does anybody have any suggestionsI think the traffic situation in terms of lvhatdo after...and TH 101 gets rebuilt, in terms ofevents I think if that situation becomes reallyinto the motion- A revised landscaping plan shall beadditional plantings to be locatedarea. Wil-dermuth moved, Enmings seconded that the planning approval of the Final plat Amendment for the Heritale PUD #87-1 based on the plans stamped ,'Received uay iZthe following conditions: make adequate provisions on the traffic situation?the City will be allowed tothe natural course ofbad...specifically read it Commission recommend Park Apar tments ,1988rr subject to and submitted indicating the between Chan Viehr and the parki ng I. A detailed utility plan showing water, sewer and stormwaterconnections as welr as fire hydrant rocations shall be submittedapproved by the City Engineer prior to building permit issuance. 2 3 Ig. 11. t2- A pedestrian walkway shall bethe development plans for thesouth and east of the parcel. provided on theretail pr oj ec ts si te in conjunct j.on withto be developed to the 4 Detailed facia Commission and i ssuance . and signage plansCity Council f inal sha 1I be rev iew 5 submitted for planning prior to buildinq permit Removal of the existing singre family residence shar.r be accomplishedprior to building pernit issuance. 6 Detailed Iighting lSSUance. AIl parking areas shall be lined plans shall be submitted prior to building permit 7 8 Compliance with the comments asmemorandun dated May 25, I9gg. Compliance lvith the comments in the1988, specifically #6-11 on pages 2 concrete curbing. in the Building Department wi th noted 9 Ietter from BRw da tedand 3 and #I on page 3 t{ay 25 , Compliance wi thllay 27, 1988. comments as noted in the E,ire Department memo dated Cornpliance $rith the comments in the letter from BRW dated May 25,1988, specifically spelled out regardi.ng the "1.;; ";;;;: - to research the traffic situat j.on prior to CityDirect City staf fCouncil review. AI1 voted in favor and Ehe motion carried. PLanning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting 9 PLAN AMENDMENT TO AMEND THE YEAR 2q0g TO REDESIGNATE I.7 INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERC IAL. PUBLIC HEAR ING: JAY KRONICK, PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO TO WEST 78TH STREET, Lggg FEET EAST OF DAKOTA AVENUE,/TH 5 INTERSECTION: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO AMEND SECTION 2g-714 TO PERMIT RETAIL GARDEN CENTERS AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE BH, BUSINESS HIGHWAY DISTRICT. A B C LAND USE ACRES OE REZONE 1.7 ACRES FROM IOP, INDUSTRIAL OFEICE PARK DISTRICT TO BH, BUSINESS HIGHWAY D I STR ICT. Barbara Dacy presented the staff report. Chairman Conrad opened up the public hearing. Dacy: Unfortunately the applicantrs in Maryland. Conrad: Did we send out notice for the public hearing? Dacy: Everybody within 566 feet. Conrad: And to the owners of the Chanhassen Office building have not called you nor Redman Products? Dacy: No. Bat zI i moved, Wildermuth seconded in favor and the motion carried. to The take them one at a time in at your end and talk about BH distr ict. close the public hear ing . public hea r j. ng was closed. All voted Conrad: r guess we I II we'II start Dave, down conditional use in the terms of our comments. garden centers that is a Headla: Really the onIY corunent I center, the whole bit. I've got a this, for a garden center, I don't centers. Unless we. . . I like the idea of a garden the unkno$rn. If we say yes to vre can control other garden have isfear of see ho r,, conrad: It is a conditional use. The point in this district is to make it a conditional use which means we see it. It gives it the opportunity to occur. It doesn, t give it the total right. It does have to come in here and we can apply whatever standards we r''ant to it' Do we have standards in here ttrit woula help us review later? A center would meet certain condi tions? Dacy: For garden centers speci.f ically, no we donrE. conditionala conditionalconrad: so typically r like to see conditions. If it use, what are vre looking for to guide us in granting it IS A AS Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meeti ng Lg use? staff hasnrt prepared that. Maybe $rha! we can have input on butit's only, how many BH districts do we have, two? Dacy: The BH district is located primariry atong TH 5. rt stretches fromthe Hennepin county border then west to the end of west. 79th street. Conrad: So I think Dave, what v,erre saying, that,s the district and werresaying it now can, it's not permitted, it,i now possible to have gardencenters but itrs not automatic. They have to come in and tark to us. wedon't.have any standards to evaluate whether it's good or bad but itrs aquestion right now. The concept in my mind about 6ighway businessdistrict was quick in and quick out, iow intensity. "The'concept was wehad ]imited traffic. we had limitea road use in those areas and ere hranted!9 hglp the highr^ray traffic through gas stations or restaurants get in butthe idea was not that that patter; ,is to go through the rest of thechanhassen. rt was to herp cars going on iH 5 find services that theyneeded. Maybe chanhassen residenis courd out there too but it ,ru" ."irtykey that we didnrt have rear great traffic handling roaas-at that time soi+e werenr t rooking for rear intensive uses. we weie really saying this isa district that services cars that are going out onto TH i-for whateverthe basic needs are. whether a retail.- weive got retail down tnereobviousry so thaErs not a probrem. rtrs just wiether y"" u"ri""". rn myT.rtd,.to terl you where rrm at right now, itts whether-we berieve thatthis is a traffic generator, that it'|s going to go. r"'it-iir" tn"Gardeneer? rs it rike a Frank's? rs i[ going t6 g".,".ul. lraffic that lrecanrt handle in that area and in my mind, thai's tfre qo".iio' that issti I1 open. Dacy: rn comparison to r.rhat is arready permitted, fast food restaurants,financial institutions, automoti,re ""rrri"" centers, retail shops, liquorstores, motels and hoters, r think garden center r €V€D a Erank-'"'llr.J"iv,because it's so specialized, r'm po;itive that the trip generation ."poi[.for a garden center are lower thai those types of uses t6at are arreadyperm i tted . Batzli: Except on Saturday morning. Wildermuth: Thatrs part of the advantagepressure will be on weekends rather thaigood intersection there. of hav i ngduring the a garden center.week. That's not The a conrad: These are a1r independent actions that erer re taking. we can makeit a conditional use. This particular application may not 6e appropriatebut if we feer that itrs appropriate in that area, thln ,r" .un make it aconditionar use for busine!! highway ".,d th"t,s the onry district wervesot. rhar's rhe only business rrisn;,ay oistiicl ;;i.;--;i";; rH s thatwerve got in Chanhassen. HeadLa: I feel comfortabteinputs.right now but I,d like to hear hrhat the other stay bus i nes sbut I guess Icenter. L.7 of f ice. canrt comeacres is WiLdernuth: I hrould like Eo see that parcelrather see another office buitding tf,.i....with a good reason why...a nursery or garden r rd up certainly adequate size. I don't knoe, how big Frank's is... Batzli: I guess tr^ro questions came to my mind. Why are we rezoning and doing this thing, wouldnr t that normally be part of the process of aconditional use permit? When r4re see what the guy has put together rather than rezoning it to suit a conditional use permit application that we maynot even aPProve? Dacy: Tvro reasons. Number one, the applicant has a purchase agreement onthe property and wanted to pursue this application to see if the City would even consider rezoning the entire thing to business highway. Number two, yes you do have a specific request that you can pretty well bank on a conditional use permit application for a garden center at this location but tonight yourre basically being asked, are you comfortable with rezoning this particular parcel , in total, to business highway? Are you comfortable with aII of the uses j.n that district to remove the split zoning on the property to entirely business highway? If you just vranted to act on the Zoning ordinance Amendment and would prefer to postPone the other two applications, thatrs certainly within your po$rer. Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting 1t Batzli: I guess from my own point of view, I donrt know that a garden center is any more intense than these permitted uses. In fact, if it' going to be a conditional use, I think we are going to take a look at Lo mife sure it's appropriate. As far as rezoning, I don't know that comfortable rezoning this not knowing why I'm rezoning it. Sit I'm Dacy: Again, the applicant doesnrt irant to have Ehe parcel split by both zoning districts. He wants one consistent zoni.ng for t.he entire parceJ-. That's the reason for the rezoning. Batzli: But he doesnrt appl icant? own the land at this point does he? The Dacy: No, he has Ellson: HetIl buy Dacy: Right. Batzli: I guess I'd prefer seeing either the landowner and the I understand but thatrs just what I would prefer. Dacy: The landowner did consent to the apPlication and Jay had the decision of which meeting he had Eo come up to. Either the council meeting or the Planning Commission for flight schedules so he opted for the City Council. applicant. to make ci ty and so on Ellson: I donrt see any probl-em $rith a garden center. I think we'd be in trouble if we tried to say no in the business highway. Especially $rhen you're saying outdoor display of merchandise, screened outdoor storage... ilhether r wa;t it or not j.snrt really r.rhat I get to chose. rt doesn't Iook like it would fit in here and according to some of these other things, I dontt see how we can no to a garden center. I'm kind of on the side of Brian. we're zoning this just because some individual rrants it a purchase agreement. it contingent on all this happening? Planning Commission June L, 1988 - Page Meeting l2 zoned that way and I guess I don't see a $rhole goodthe staffrs report you're basicalty saying... wiltimpact on the availability of induatriel. I guessfeel that but I just don't feel strongly that therereasons. Some guy would like all of these things,rezone it just for one individual. reasoning on that. Innot have a significantI can go along if youare some really good so okay then we'll Emmings: Do you only srant us to comment We started with one realigned. There " T'r i.nto that and now but on the . . . that. . .Conrad: AII three. Emmings: I donrt have any problemLqL. Does any configuration of THaII? Dacy: Itrs too far to the east. Batzli : They're though are they? $rhere Irn tal kingrealignment, wasroad back? rrith rezoning... I'm curious about TH101 potentially involve this land at not planning on putting a stop sign at that interchangeAt that service road there for TH l0I? Do you knowabout? When they realign, the last time I saw thethere a stop sign there or did they move that service Dacy: West sign? TH 78rh 101 wi 1l beStreet r,ri 11 wi 1I be a median continue on. So in Dakota and where I s the stop Batzli: WilI there be one where the access is currently? Dacy: Here? Bat zl i : Yes. Dacy: Yes. Erhart: What has happened ?at TH 5. The last Eime weDid that go through? Dacy: No. Erhart: The las tstill a 1i ve? . Y:':. now lookj ng at TH 101 being realignedtalked about it vre were...of the iiAustriif. I heard iE was kind of a dead issue. ApparentLy it,s Dacy: Yes, the Citv is still going to try and pursue it because it,s avitar part of the tiansportati5n sistem- so onE ,n"..r= of doing that wasthe tax increment district but theie are other ri".n"iai-means avaitabte. Erhart: So 1992 that will include... Dacy: we're going to try as hard as rre can to achieve that date. Erhart: on the other prace where we arlow garden centers now is in the BGdistrict? Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting I3 Dacy: Thatrs Erhart: Then correct. thatrs essential Iy the downtovrn? Dacy: Janes That's rrest pr oper ty . of the downtown area. On the Burdick property and the Erhart: general with TH Dacy : fuI l What do business q.? you see as the difference d i str ict and the business between the intent of the highway? Is it somethi.ng to do Dacy: Yes. The general business district permits much greater intense variety of uses. The Chairman's description earlier of of the business highway district was accurate. The Listed uses zone are specif i.cally oriented to the traffic flow. and more the i nten t in the you go goi.ng Erhart: Even when you go downtown you almost have to get into your car to go across the street. Where the bakery was. Dacy: Right. There are some similarities and there are some differences. Some of these in the BG district would need a much larger land area whereas a business highway district primarily consists of smaller, 2 to 3 to 4 acre parcels so there are some differences betvreen the two. say you come out of this nursery and is what? Can you get back onto TH 5 Erhart: On that east, your route east ? access road, back to TH 5 At the movemen t present. time, no. when TH 5 is four lane, there will be a intersection at Dell Road and TH 5. coming from the direction as DeII Road, they come down Dacy: Right. Erhart: Most likely the t.raffic going into that area would take the TH I01 exit. . . Erhart: So someone 78th Street and. . . Dacy: That's another Point as far as It's the type of use as opPosed to a marketing standpoi.nt, a garden center direct access as where this property restaurant because of it's Iocation. Erhart: Fast food res lau ran ts area? the garden center is concerned. fast food restaurant because from a you really don't need that immediate couLd be a prime site for a fast food are allowed? That's a permi tted use in the Dacy: Right. Erhart: The problem is, it's more of a problem uP there with street Iayout. Given, I guess Ird agree $rith other commissioners, given the other uses that are already allowed as a conditional use in this area, it Planning Commi ss i on June 1, 1988 - Page Meeting 14 would almost be senseress to...garden centers in this area... r.d befavor of adding that as a conditional use. As far as the zoning isconcerned, I guess my history of being on the planning Commission iscan try to accomodate people who oern the land if it doesn't otherwisecause an intrusion on who abuts, I guess Irm in favor of it... ln you conrad: r don't have a probrem with the zoning ordinance amendment tomake it a conditionar use. phirosophically thoughr r like the gardencenter. Therefore, the other two things r donrt mind. rn this particularcase r really wourd like the industrial use. r rdourd prefer to lee a pranto persuade me that this garden center wirl add to the area and until isee that plan, even though it,s more concrete than, Ird like to seesomething concrete before r rezone the property. r have to be persuaded.rrm not at this point in time. r,m coniernea wittr traffic. r donrt havea problem with graden centers in the BH districts. Headla: Are you-..or against this? Therers a rot of councir memberstalking about beachlots. ...where a contractor. Conrad: It may actually work in that area but I justright now Eo rezone it just because somebody', .=[i.,gthink we.can get him the philosopic feeling that yeslzoning district. donrt knoe, enoughto rezone it. Iit could work in the Headla: Let,s talk a littlepossibilities can it be? Ifindustr ial ? Because it doesnrt, how manydo you prefer to see it more bit we about tha!. rezone it, conrad: yes, r think so- r see an office building on one side and r seeRedman on the other- Thatrs kind of the way r thought that area wourddevelop. Thereis some good rationar-e for prtting a garden center in heremind you because the intensity wourd be on a saturday-sunday and trrerefore ::T:!:dy.:guId persuade.me that jusr because of trafiic latt"rns "natnlngs lrt<e thaE, that it could be a benefit in terms of overallChanhassen. I don't knohr that r j.ght now. I donrt know what theyrreplanning. I don't knor^r what theyire thinking aUout frow to-aevefop ttratl:ld. so philosophicarry r woutdn'r do it uut ii ;;;;d; iave me, inthis one case, if somebody gave me a concrete example of what theyrrethinking of, I might be tempted to change the zoniig for them. Headla: what if somebody came in and eranted to use that for fast food? Conrad: I wouldn't do that. I think that,sthat would be bad all the time. just a traffic genera tor Emmings: EIlson: Headla: beca use Conrad: But they could do that. It's lega 1 . They can have tha tit could be a r.rhole and lot You t re right. maybe e/e wor se . should go for the garden center Pl, ann i ng Comrnission June l, 1988 - Page wildermuth: center . . . EIlson: That I s not saying it never can be by a garden center. in there didn t t we? and a garden center? in Eden Prairie? Have Meet i ng I5 The best of all worlds would be an office or distribution think we did put thediffernce betereen an auto auto servlce serv ice hav ing center cen te r conrad: I Whatrs the Head 1a: they had Dacy: HeadIa: c en ter do you out over I don't knorr. If you donrt know, it probably isnrt a problem. Hov, is that garden any problems there work ing know? Dacy: I wouldn't know. Tim Erhart asked a question that couldn't be heard on the tape. Dacy: The best that I can say that, typically lines are drawn...boundaries. This parcel was goes right through the middle of thj.s parcel. a split as two zoning districts. Erhart: So it makes sense to zone the r"Ihole thing? Dacy: one way or the other. Erhart: Most of this land... Dacy: Wi th morning andsituation. when the zoning district overlooked unfortunately it The parcel is operating as the office use you are goj.ng to get more Peak hour traffic, afternoon and thatrs going to exasperate the traffic wj.th a manufacturing faciJ.ity, the same thing. Conrad: It could by chance be quite complimentary to the area. Then on the other hand it's a little bit out of sync with whatrs there. Is ther a motion on the zoning ordinance amendment to permit garden centers as a conditional use? Emmings moved, Erhart seconded that the PLanning Commission recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request #88-7 to amend Section 2g-7L4, Conditional Uses in the BH District as fol,Iows: Garden Centers. favor and the motion carried.voted in Emmings moved, wildermuth seconded that the PJ-anning Commission recommend aPproval- of Land Use PIan Amendment #88-3 to redesignate I.7 acres of industrial to commercial subject to the apProval of the Metropolj.tan council. A11 voted in favor except Batzli and Erhart who opposed and the motion carried with a vote of 5 to 2. (s) AIl Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meeti n9 l6 Erhart: Why do we need approval from Dacy : a mi nor Because werre changing our Land amendment through their office. Metropolitan Use in the CounciL on Comp Plan. this? It would be By voting for this, what werre going to do is move the BH line Erhart: Or you could go the other way. Conrad: Your reason Brian? (for voting in opposit j.on) Batzli: they I re Erhart: to have I would 1i ke Batzl i : over. BatzLi: pretty much the sameconvinced that it shouldnrt be I'd like to see something in writing, more concreteproposing to do with this property prior to changing .I want to add my vote to opposing also. The reasonjust a little better anaIysii... - as to whatthe land use. Emmings moved, wildermuth seconded that the planning commission recommend :PP.oy.l of Rezoning Request #88-3 to rezone 1.7 acres of property fromIOP, Industrial Office park to BH, Business High$ray Oistrict lubject toapproval of the Land Use plan Amendment by the Cit| Council and theMetropolitan county. Emmings, Ellson, Headra and ivildermuth voted infavor of the motion. Batzli, conrad and Erhart ""t"a i"-oJposition of themotion. The motion carried with a vote of 4 to 3. Conrad: Brian, your reason? reason as well as rezoned entirely the fact that Irm notto I OP. Conrad: Tim you voted. Erhart: Same reasons I stated before. Conrad: us. Irm generated My reasons, I would like to see a concrete proposal inextremely concerned about the traffic problim inri *uyt"/i th the new realignment of TH I0I. front of be proceed that way. We can'tplan taken into account in re zone . Enmings: ...I think you told me thaE rre can'tconsider rezoning, we can'E demand they have athe anlysis of whether or not we,re willing to Elrson: How did it get split like this in the first place? Normally wewould never have done this sort of thing? This was alway= a one person,one owner land? yourre saying this was just part of an 6versight? Dacy: Right.. Planning Commi ssion June 1, 1988 - Page Meeting t7 thinking on that issue, this particular tonight is, you could sPend four years to be BH or IOP and we wouldn't be anY item that we're deciding whether it further along than we Dacy: Irm stiIl conferring with my previous opinion. What youtredeciding on the rezoning issue is if you're totally satisfied with all ofthe uses in that district being applied to that parcel r y€sr you may havea specific site plan thaErs coming in at the same time but you've got tobe aware that that specific site plan, that he developer could caII it apicture, the property is sold and you could be looking at another use forthat district. You just can't based your approval on the rezoning solely on that site plan. Batzli: I would like to state that I donrt think there rdas any real analysis of what that property could be zoned. Should it be zoned IOP? what should it be there? we were presented this as if it's going to be a garden center. There was no anlysis of srhat the use of that particular site should be. Emmings: Except half the site is already exactly whole thing so I suppose to the extent that the.. the zoning we gave the Batzli: I know but it's arbitrary on which $ray you want to make the whole lot. I think we've should just look at that. Emmings: I guess the answer to that would be, either one didnrt have... Dacy: we can certainly do that analysis for the Council. Conrad: Thatrs would be appropriate. I think they would aPPreciate that. steve, yourre absolutely right. This is philosophy here. This is ivory tov,rer non-specific but nobody's persuaded me that we should change it. I can go ei.ther way and the only way I can 90 either way is to see the real stufi and the re;l stuff is not here. In the absence of a reaL thorough staff investigation of what's the best and in the absence of the aPplicant being here, I donrt want to change the zoning- Emmings: l'1y muJ- I i ng over would betterare now. Conrad: Right. But be able to make some sit here tonight. the appl icant positions but they had a plan, we might applicant doesn I t want toif we saw real good and the PUBLIC HEARING: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO AMEND SECTIONS 2g-695, 2O-715, 2g-774, 2A-795, AND 20-815 TO PROVIDE FOR MINIMUM BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACKS FOR LOTS ADJACENT TO RAILROADS AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, CITY Or CHANHA S S EN. Publ ic Present: Name Add res s Architect and Land Planner for Frank BeddorDarrelI Fortier PLanning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meeting I8 Barbara Dacy presented the staff report. Darrerl Fortier: we appreciate first of arr, the city's attention to thisdetail. we personarry never found it confusing. we lhought the ordinancewas_ fairly clear and we believe, up until novr, that the oidinanceindicated that we r^rere abutting a railroad tracks, just as we did when webuirt united Mairings and $/hen we built rnstant webb and when we rooked atother deveropments here. rf that's causing the confusion, we,a certainlyappreciate that the confusion be crarified so we may get on with ourplans. We believed, up until no!r, that the originai 6onditions, about sixyears ago when we received concept and site development approval of parkOne, was that r.re were actually going to be allowed- a zero'ietback forbuirding and parkiog. we had an eaith shelter proposar and there rras aconsiderable debate .yi!f trre planning commissio-n a'nd councir. we realrysince have backed off that proposar ind we deveroped r^rhat is a pr.at thatyou see in front of you- we have since then also agreed that a 20 footconservation district for preservation of some of tie trees hrourd beappropriate- lrm not sure if anyone has been through the Drive there inPark one but we maintain what we believe is a very ueautiiui area and erehave tried our best to preserve as many trees as iossible and wervecooperated, we think, with the staff the best we ian. putting through adrive. that rearry brends vrerr with the environment but in cloiig "o ,16 n.u.relatively narrov, and deep, I shouldnrt say too deep, sone of them areonly around 25a feex for depth. we dontt 6uiect to'i,a"ing i zg tootbuirding and parking rot setback from the rairroad. thatis r.rhat webelieve we have now when we estabrished the 2g foot conservation easement.we woul'd_lg! b" opposed to having that cr-arif ied and estabrisr-red. That,sa minor difference- r berieve the ordinance right now is suyinq, or whatyoufre proposing is suggesting 25 for buirding ina parxinql we wouta lustas soon keep it consistent with the conservation district-and make it 20feet' rf youtre wirJ-ing to get g and Lg feet right n"r, "nJ that has tobe crarified. we are a rittie bit confused arso about ihe ranguage in thepresent ordinance the way it's wri tten and perhaps r couii isk Barbara tointerpret this for me.- if that's acceptabll to you. euibui., in ourfirst sentence here under the proposed ordinance'o. p-g"-i,-it reads offstreet parking areas sharl comply with alr the requiieienls, etc.. whereyou add. the new languagg you say, abutting railroa-d trackage andcommerciar or industriar districts. we'16 wondering *hy lie woro and isin there and the word or. This seems to us that ,r"-*ooid tiu. to abut arairroad trackage and a commercial or indusErial. w" ,ourJ rather see itsimpry saying if you're abutting a rairroad trackage o. "o. erci.r ori ndustr iaI - Dacys For a rear setback- Let's say you weren, E abutting a railroadtlack and you had a rear yard situation witrr anothe; i"au3tliur ,.".there should be that rear yard setback betvreen two auufiin; industrialuses. There should be some separation. Darrell Fortier: I guess I'm still confused. Dacy: okay, as rdritten the ordinance said if you abutted thetrack you- could go dor.rn to zero, right? f f you didn,t tri.re--.track, othertrise the ordinance saidl.. ra i I road ra i l road Then Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Paqe Meeting 19 Darrell Eortier: 50 feet to a residential. Dacy: No, letrs skip residential. If had a lot here and commercial lot here.rear lot line, yourd still have to meetfeet, r i ght? you didn't have residential and you Or industrial and this was youryour rear setback which is I0 DarreIl Fortier: That I s correct. Dacy: So what we were trying to say is that those parts of the City \rhere you did, and this rrould be a reason for putting it in, $rhere you did for example let's take Instant Webb, you abut a railroad track and yourve got industrial zoning right next door also. We wanted to make sure that yes, you could park right up to the railroad tracks. In this case, if this area was single family or residential, then that would trigger... DarrelL Fortier: The difficulty we find $rhen we look at the land abutting a railroad track and commercj.al, for one proPerty line to abut to this, there are two uses, it would be difficult on one side. Hov, does the diagram yourve drawn, if that $ras a railroad track betereen the industrials, wouldnrt you say the industrial abuts the railroad. Not the railroad and industrial. we vrould say it abuts one but it doesn't abut both. It abuts the railroad tracks and beyond. we certainly agree with abutting both. Abutting trackage and something. When you only have one property and that one Property side going there, it becomes confusing to us. If there was someway to clarify that we r.iould certainly appreciate it. The same is true when we get dovrn to the other Paragraph thatrs being added where it says, abutting any residential district and railroad trackage. The way vre look at it, it was stated that residential could be on the north and the railroad could be on the east but they would not both be on the north side. Am I making my point reasonably clear? Thatrs where the confusion is coming into us. Dacy: Our tracks. concern is that the zoning line runs right along the rail,road EIlson: Between? Dacy: Right. The Commission needs to decide whaE. type of status do you want to Put on the railroad tracks? If that just happens to be the common land betereen a residential zone and industrial use, does the existence of a railroad tracks justify the zero setback back to the tracks? ThaErs what you need to decide and thatrs fine if you do- Erhart moved,favor and the Conrad: Barb, I with this. when board. . - seconded to close the PubIiccarried. The public hear ing hearing. AII voted in was closed.El I son moti oo need you to diagram this for I think I get it straight, I realIy strugglingto raise that I'm you me. need Planning Commi ss ion June I, 1988 - Page Meet i ng 20 Dacy: Letrs say herers the railroadindustrial lot here, industrial herezoning line for the residentj.al runsrailroad. The question is, in thisyou abut railroad tracks. . . tracks, $re I re goj.ng to have and this lot is residential. along the property line andcase, the proposed ord i nance an The along the says if Conrad: Would you do me a favor? What the current ordinance says. the railroad tracksDacy: Okay, the current ordinance says, if youyou can park right up to the railroad tracks. Wi ldermuth: Railroad easement. Dacy: Correct. Conrad: Does it matterthe tracks? abut rdhat the other district is on the other side of Dacy: Letrs just ignore that. This is case 1. Case I, you can park upto the rairroad tracks and the buirding setback is l0 fee-t. rn tiris ca!e,staff's concern is that because the zoning district line exists right hereand because the ordinance as written it siys when you have an induitriatcommerciar district abutting a residentiar-district, you should have aminimum rear yard of 5g feet. That's one sentence but then therersanother sentence in there that says, but if you abut rairroad tracks youcan park right up next to the rairroad tracki. so we're trying, wtren'youhave this situation, yourre trying to say, r^rha t shour.d we d6 in thissituation? should we stirl ar10w them to park up to the rair-road tracks?Do we recognize the railroad itserf as a separation and buffer or do wereduce this or should we keep it the same? I'1r. Fortier was saying,r didn't think there was a problem in the first prace. so if thecommission $rants to direct staff that that's the way we shourd beinterpretting that. section, that makes our rives a iot easier, that's surebut our Attorney said, it's kind of ambiguous and you can get into asituation that coutd be challenged. Conrad: Okay, letts talk about what the railroad tracksbuffering standpoint. Is it typically elevated? Dacy: Yes. Conrad: So by itsetf, other than the comes through, do you believe it is afrom residenEial? Lhat three times a day a trainbuffer separating industrial does do from a fac t good Dacy: Yes. Erhart: What r s a Dacy: I think on typical railroad easement? this drawing it's showing as 130 feet. Conrad: What's 1,30? Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meeting 2L Dacys The railroad right-of-way. Itrs Erhart: So it's more than the number ofwhatrs our Attorney talking about? at least feel we L66. require anyway.So Dacy : El- I son : Batzli: Did through here you evaluate thi s as well? What we Some precedent maybe later on. It just seems like you could say it easier. in Iight of perhaps light rail going rrould do down in that area? Dacy: With the light rail use as opposed to a railroadparticular track is used on a fairly consistent basis.of light rail, they are supposedly less noisy. Batzli: But more often. this rrha t' I know use, From Dacy: Thatrs what in the report we erere saying. In the locations in theCity that has railroad going in the commercial and industrial areas. For exampLe, in the industrial are the railroad is elevated and there issignificant grade change as weII as the 2g foot conservation easement.That lessens as proceed west into the downtown areas. In that case yourre talking about a distance factor. Plus, there stilL is the requirement of screening between commercial and industrial and non-commercial andindustrial areas. Dacy: Potentially, it could be. rt depends on how many tri.ps it makes. Batzli: As far as where the districts come together and where the Iight rail would go, yourre on a different line... Dacy: That line would be the railroad line that goes south of Lake Riley and then along the 'lH 2L2 area so thatrs the line that would be proposed for Iight raiI. Batzli: Right, but did you look at if it would impact that area at alL? Dacy: In this area r^re still have the same sloPe and elevation conditions. It is so far up and there is a ravine at the base of these Properties that it's going to be lov, impact. As a matter of fact, anything building in this area would have to be, and remember from the contractorrs yard application, werre going to have to 90 more towards-. -because it slopes back. wildermuth: How would the conservation easement come into...on the Beddor Property? Was that negotiated? Dacy: They r.ren t through the ptatting process in 1985 prior to this ordinance being adopted and that was established by the Council with the condition to number 1, preserve a screening area along the rear of the Iots so it was a condition of Plat aPproval. Planning Commission June l, 1988 - Page tli ldermuth :district... Headla: Railroad trackage bothers changed to railroad r ight-of-way.thinking...railroads in it. Meeting)) It almost seems like a good idea in any case. A conservation me. Ird like to see all the termsI like the crux of it. I guess I keep Dacy: rf a rairroad doesnrt exist and you have an industrial rot or acommercial, lot directly abutting a residential lot, then the 50 footsetbacks stirr appry. we're only concentrating on those applicationsrailroad tracks. Headla: I mean ...and railroad tracks along here. Ellson: Therers stirr r00 and some feet inbetrreen them. rf you took outthe tracks, there... r wonder if they might have problem wittr the currentone. Discussion said for lots directry abutting aiy residentiar. r wouLdthink that if there's a rairroad track that's not a-direct abut, orwhatever the term would be, therefore yourre covered. Maybe you hrant toput in parenthesis, railroad means not abutting or something 1ir" that butI think that's spells it out absolutely perfecl Dacy: r think there should be some clarification if thatrs the way thecommission $rants to do it, maybe just adding a parantheticar statementsaying this does not include lots- that abut-raiiroad trackale. Ellson: something like t.hat. r think this makes more sense. Maybe rikeyou said r lou I ve have problems where there r s. . . Darrerl Fortier: r rearize the pubric hearing is closed and r appreciate !lr: ctran:e to_. speak gg?i". I did forget one other thing that wasrmportant. when we did the platting of park One, lre gai" up an additional10 feet of right-of-way for the conienience of designing thl crossing atDell Road and West 78th r^rithout knowing what the atignm6nt is going fo be.we simpry did it for convenience of th6 engineering itari-ana ioaa-aesign.At the same time it was understood that hre were giiing .no"!n but i,redidnrt lrant to be giving up more even more of the rani so.[ tnut time itwas agreed that the plan wourd either be reverting back to park one oreven simprier yet, would be a relaxation of the s6tback requ!.rements onLot 7. Right now vre hear there is a 15 foot proposar for t'rre side yard onLot 7. This is the property with one rot thai addresses the Eden piairie :id:. Werd just 1ike to refresh the City's memory on tnai. perhapsBarbara if you go through the records or Eark to itre Engineering aiain, itwas simpry a convenience ro expand the right-of-wiy di;i;-i;I because atthe time, Eden prairie eras not interested in "on=tiuciinq-ti. .o"a.r think the same thing is true of the Go foot right-or-,rJy-tn.t wrsextended all the way down the east side. Dacy: The 50 foot setback, you mean the residential setback? wi th Darrell Fortier: Thatrs correct. I think becausethis roadrs not as wide as a railroad track...there's only a road, Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meeting 23 Dacy: That I s another good railroad tracks separating the street right-of-way. Ellson: I think we just have to define directly abutting.things that do not make them direct. These things include trackage, easements and roads and things that prevent themdirect abutting. Dacy: As a matter of fact, the previous ordinance, an exclusion for areas that were separated by street idea. . . statenent disclaining railroad right-of-ways vrays so that would be a good idea. should add, instead of aindustrial, why donrt $re have There are ra i I road from being point. Maybea residential we and the I97 2 ordinance had right-of-ways so the and street r i ght -of- Conrad: Wo we need to make a decision on the 25 feet? The staff recommendation of 25 versus the 50? Dacy: To be honest, that number basically came from knowledge that the conservation easement existed out there already. If what I'm hearing from the commission, if you donrt want to establish a specific setback and just say what the district regulates now is aPpropriate when you have situations where Ehe lot abuts railroad trackage, t.haE's fine. It rrould be less confusing as far as staff was concerned. Instead of throwing out another number. Conrad: would anybody Iike to originally drafted here? Does the ordinance or should $re let feel ings? Headla: Whatrs that you menEioned when you have of -vray and then homes on the other side? Whatrs the 50 foot setback if you're abutting a street with homes on the other side of the street? pursue Lh.e 2g or 25 foot setback as anybody want to document that setback it be loose as has been in the past? in No Headla: Have we had problems in the Past? Dacy: To be honest, because we're anticipating apPlications in sp"-ifi. areas, we really havenrE deal with this issue but itrs wL'd lik" to get it resolved. There are a couple of applicants through the process. the se com i ng going and industrial, a road r ight-that dimension? Is that right-of-way? Industrial Dacy: That's part of the issue that werre looking at. We have no setback as lou've described that situation now. what the ordinance is saying if the rear yard directly abuts a residential area, then we need another 50 feet. Batzti: So if there was a road you would be looking at, the other setbacks are as follows Ianguage? Dacy: Right. Planning Commi ss ion June l, 1988 - Page Meet i ng 24 Did the Parkrs people, the park and Recreation look at this atHeadIa: all? Conrad: setback. Conrad:that do Yes. And Wefor Dacy: No. wildermuth: I think uniformity as farside yard shall be a minimum of 25 feet Dacy: the Iast sentence, side streetall districts. I just want some Now obviously if you you I ve got a streetscreening requirement? requrrements, how did that one as in Dacy: Thatrs referring to corner rot situations. where you have tr^rostreets abutting a rot, that is defined as a corner lot and the sidestreet yard is that yard that's not the front yard but the other side ofthe lot that abuts the other street. rymi1S-f : You brought up one other thing here andclarification. you talked about the scieening...have tgro industrial uses abuttj ng one another andthere. If there,s a railroad track...is there any 99.yi !{erre saying that ere $rould stilr enforce the screening requirementdispite the existence of the railroad tracks. Enmings: okay, so if there was trees on part of mine, that screeningisn.'t going to take land so in effect, even though it says there is nosetback requirement because you have a screening-requireireni, you wir.r endup r'ri th a setback from the rairroad right-of-way "nyruy. -i" ttut right? Dacy: Yes. wildermuth: Is the screening requirement the conservation easement...? thatrs the basis for the staff recommendation of 25 feet Dacy: It eras some type of a distance... need that, whether it be 20 or 25, is that in step? What doesus t^,ith it? How does that help? Dacy: You could divide extra feet of area to work wi th . To be honest rdi thyou, therers not much difference. Emmings: When you get to Ehe screenj ngwind up being? Dacy: It basicatly vrent on some total... Enmings: So you guys took into account what wasreasonable to provide some screening? Dacy: Right. there and did something Planning Commission June I, I988 - Page Meeting 25 Emmings: That seems to be the better $ray to go because first of aII,railroad right-of-ways seem to provide plenty-of distance. Whatrs oneother thing yourre looking for? The other thing is screenj.ng. We've got the screening requirement that we shoul,d be sure applies to thesesituations and then allow staff to be able to be flexible with thedeveloper. Maybe therers a hill but maybe itrs only 15 feet but maybethatrs enough then. That spot will screen it from the other use and wedonrt need to be always straight hard lines. Dacy: That's the best I can give you in help screenj.ng requirement is you have to have a 6 an industrial or commercial and residential. consistent screening. one way or the other. The foot opaque screen between Youtre got to have a Emmings: We're talking about belween a commercj.al or industrial use the railroad right-of-way that has the same residential on the other and side? conrad: we would like to Possibly, as you suggested, we don't knov, that we need 25 feet. I don't know that I need 20 feet. If we've got a screening requirement that solves the Problem, I might just feel comfortable with the screening requirement versus a distance. Emmings: Because you already have the distance. Dacy: Are you saying that you requi red? want to Iook at that also to see if thatrs with f Iat. like Conrad: Right, the distance is already there. The onJ-y thing i's, railroad tracks are typically flat and thatrs not a screen. Thatrs Therefore, I would Iook at Ehat to see if that's solving any of the problems that the distance is attempting to solve. Barb, would you us to table this item and have you Eake a look at it? Dacy: No. conrad: You I d Iike to get rid of this? Dacy: Yes. In order to construct or vegetation, you're going to need area so that planting materials can That's what the landscaPe ordinance think we really need to clarifY the issue. I hate to have it linger on thi.nk i t's okay. 5 foot screen, either between berming at least, at least 10 feet of l-and be maintained at least at minimum. and we recognize other issues. I parking and building setbacks on this and on unless you guys reaIIY donrt a conrad: Wetre not seeing the need for a setback at this Point in time. At Least Irm not. Conrad: Does the screen, we keep rashing here from one thing to the next, does our screening ordinance, does the screening requirement ordinance, will it take care of, should we review it to see how it applies in thisparticular case by a railroad track? Darrell Fortiert r'l sorry my eyes aren't quite welr enough to recognizeAnnetters last name but r think she realJ-y has hit the nail- right on thehead. The confusion is whether or not the property abuts the iairroad orwhether it abuts residentiaL. rf we were to say that there will besome... which says abutting a railroad is not to be considered as abuttingresidentiar even if residentiar were across the rairroad tracks. r thinkwerve.got to crarify that. The presence of screening requirements cancertainly be reviewed with sight rines, etc. when the buirding pran isreviewed and hre already _have screening requirements...that giie's you .tresat, even if the residentiar were buirt across the railroid tralks, thatgives you at Ieast 130 feet or I50 feet of distance. It is far moregenerous than the majority of residential developments would have thatabut highway or somethi ng. The issue of getting rid of the confusion thatthe- Attorney's brought up, are we abutting resiiential or are we abuttingrailroad seems to be the most germain issue. rf we could get rid of thatissue tonight, r think our whole li.ves would be made a rot easier- Conrad: Annette, how did you Ehink you could sove that problem? T11:gnt .Something Iike either a parenthetical phrase that isorstlngulshrng a road and a railroad as separating that. Conrad: And you would put that where? Errson: The ordinance as it is, r rike. r wourd just go that one rinethat says areas shalr be 50 feet unress directly a6uttiig any residentialand then say something to the effect of a raitr6ad track or road, whatever we might else think of. A horse path. who knows what erse we mighthave around here, are considered ""p".itirrg ana auutlins;-rn"tuu".. rcanrt rewrite it but rrm basicarry laying that we want Lo say that thosethings are separating that and th3ref6re-yoni r" not-.uriti"g tt.tresidentiar. rn other words, werre trying to ret them knor", that the 50feet isn't. required if thereis a railr6ad tracks. rf someone terrs mewhat is going to constitute not abutting a residential. Batzli: In other words, what you,re trying toUnderline di rectly. Planning Commission June I, 1988 - Page Meet i ng 25 say is direct means direct- Ellson: That r s exactly hor,,directly.I had it in my notes. Just underline &nmings: you can't indirectly abut something. EIlson:gives you ra i I road Conrad: thi n9? Or define the exceptions of r.rhat we mean by nota parenthetical phrase, does not directly wouldtrackrs involved, a road's involved, whatever. directly. Whjchbe where a Okay Barbara, how do you wanE to work thi.s to get us out of this Annetter s suggestion, I la st sentence. Dacy: second Taking to the would add the following after the Conrad 2 ]-216? Dacy: Yes. And number 6 there, second to the last sentence, the minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet for lots directly abutting any residential district. (This does not include lots which abut railroad right-of-rdays or street r ight-of-ways. ) BatzLi: I donrt think that clarifies it rtrell enough. You're talking about the...with that directly adjacent to the railroad tracks. with what you just said, you could have a residential on the side yard, railroad tracks on the back yard and yet yourve just fit your definition... conrad: Do you have an alternative plan? Planning Commission June l, 1988 - Page Emmlngs: I Dacy: Look wi ldermuth: No par ki ng yards. That I s what You Meeting 27 ilonr t know $rhat yourre looking at. at the first ordinance. Batzli: No, I was trying to put together some trying to say something about, what werre not there's a railroad or road immediately between trying to come up with lanquage that said that Ianguage. I was j ust ta),king about. j. s when the two ProPerties. I was shall be permitted in any required side to say. want to change anything as written as far as wildermuth: Let me try something. off street parking areas shall comply with aII yard requirements of this section except that no. rear yard parking satback shall be requj.red for lots directly abuttinE railroad lracks- rights-of-way and commercial or industrial districts. No side yard shall be iequired adjoining comrnercial uses for off street parking f acilities. Ellson: You didn't mention residential. a reas want Dacy: As $rritten? You donrt that I s concerned? Wildermuth: WeIl, what we would be doing here is crossing out two vJords, except that, and taking. .. Dacy: I guess r donit understand what you're... Wi ldermuth: You !,rant . . . Dacy: No, thatrs existing now and I don't want to mess with that' Itts .uying that if you directiy abut another commercial or industrial use you "ui "Stubtisn adjoining ofi street parking facilities and the side yard setback wouldnrt be imposed. You could have a shared parking lot situation. I guess Bri.an, I still don't understand where yourre coming from with your comments. Planning Commission June I, I988 - page Meeting 28 you were talking about the rear yardwith you. you just said it abutted. Batzli: If have agreed abutting that, I would Dacy: The minimum rearresidential district (aThis vrould not apply to yard shall be 50 feet for lots directly abuttingrailroad right-of-way or street right-of-way) .lots abutting the railroad right-oi-way or street. B:t:li: If your rear yard, you,re talking about your rear yardabutting that, then maybe thit will work. you,rL not limitingto that. uake that on the side yard. Dacy: so you want to eliminate the word rear? line yoursel f rfeet. Batzli: No. Itrs got to be parenthetical. Irmexceptlon to the rule. If you've got a railroadyou're abutting that, then you donit need a rearyou just said. D3cy: I see what yourre saying. so then you're saying in the parenthesisthen, qualify that by saying, ihis does not apply for lots haviig rearyards abutting railroad rights-of-way or street rights_of_lray. Emmings: If this helps, isn't $rhaE werre trying to do, would it help toget away from where werre talking about rear yard, side yard, front |ard,whatever and we,re talking about whatever boundary abuts'either therailroad right-of-way or. Ehe street right: So wh| don,t we just say thatwhen a property Iine abuts a railroad iight_ot_wa| or street right_of_waythere wirl be no setback requirement but it wilr Le "uui""t-to screeningrequi rements . Dacy: I think if we did eliminatestiJ.l saying that if yourve got acommercial or industrial disirict,of yard. Rear, side or front. trying to Iimit yourgoing down your sideyard,yard setback under what the word rear in that sentence, $re'reresidential district abutting ayou need 50 feet. No matter eihat type Batzli: Okay, so just take out the word rear. Dacy: Right, and then say if the lot abuts a rairroad right_of_way ostreet right-of-wayr w€rre saying that you donrt have to have Ehe 50 Batzli: yes, I wiIl agree to that. Emmings: Read the hray for them. Dacy: The minimum yard shall be 50 feetresidential district (this does not applyright-of-way or street right-of-way) . ' for lots dilectIy abutting anyfor lots abuttj.ng ra i l roid Emmings: But.you onry erant to exclude it on the side where it abuts andyou're not doing that yet in your language. Dacy: Okay, help me. Planning Commiss ion June I, 1988 - Page Meeti ng 29 Emmings: I did. I read r'rhat I would say. Where the property line abutsa railroad right-of-way or street right-of-way. Batzli: (Except the side street Getting rid of that one. side yard. ) That's legit though. Emmings: I don't understand it but if everybody else does, Ir11 vote forit. Where the property Iine abuts the railroad right-of-way or thestreet, the setbacks for that yard shall noE apply but it will be subject to screening requirements. That's the idea. I donrt definitel,y know how to say it. I think thatrs what rderre trying to get at. Dacy: Therers got to be some way that we can use that an existing sentence and add an exclusion. Emmings: Dacy: It EIlson: Conrad: why does it have Eo be? just seems to be a lot easier. Itrs seems the logical It I s going to be hard draf t this. Dacy: If you can agree applicable when the lot way. $ray. for us to with the intent of saying that abuts railroad right-of-way or 50 feet is not street right-of- nmmings: It's the line. Itts the particuJ.ar Iine. Itis not the lot itself isnrt it? EIIson: setback setback You I re doesn I t doesn I t saying if the railroad is in the rear than the rear have to be that. If the roadrs on the side than the have to be that. Thatt s vrhat he's worried about. side Emmings: Right and you're have to do it on the side. abuts on ly. if it abuts it on the rear it doesort worried about the particular side that ya rd ar ea directly abuts a residential sayj ng we're Dacy: Correct. Erhart: Yourre not putting that in your language. You need to go back and do that. Dacy: what werre di str ict you have Dacy: Okay. r ight-of-way, (If a portion of the lot abuts thj.s section does not apPly.) saying is, to have 5g if thefeet. Emmings: You have to have 5g feet on that yard. Erhart: Only for that Portion. a railroad trackage or street Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meet i ng 30 Dacy: I just said that. I Batzli: Can $re take abouttry to draft someth i ng ? por ti on . break here and just get together and said this a 5 minute Conrad: I don't think we need to. I think we haveprefer not to draft wording to an ordinance by theIt's just not appropriate but the intent Barblra, Iagree with what Steve is saying. I donrt knor^, thataspect to Chanhassen in what yourre saying. given Barbara... Ird Planning Commission.guess werd have tothere's a practical Enmings: where therers a railroad or a road, yourve got the distance.Now vre're concerned about the screening. so vrer re noi so concerned aboutsetbacks except in so far as screening takes a certain amount of rand. conrad: Does everybody agree $rith vrhat sEeve said in terms of phirosophy?Barbara, if .we agree philosophically with Stevers, if that''s agreeingwith some kind of an intent, what would you prefer to have us do? Wecanrt make a motion on absolute words because they're not there yet. Dacy: r rdourd recommend that you move to amend the section as listedpage 3 of the staff report. state your intent and then rl get withCity Attorney to draft the language. As a matter of fact, what Irllhave the Attorney review verbatim Minutes to make sure. Conrad: Do you have a weeks? reason to move it through the City Council in two on the do is Dacy: Ihaving to Dacy: So A PPROVA L f,linutesin favor OPEN DISCUSSION. dontt think it could get- to Council by the l3th anyway with himreview the llinutes but it would certiinly be on ttre iZttr. So it could be back here for our next meeting? if you r^,anted to table it until the next meeting... Emmings moved, WiLdermuth seconded to tableAmendment to amend Sections 20-695, 2g_7L5,2g-8).5 until the next meeting. AII voted in action on the Zoning Ordinance20-755, 2g-17 4, 2A-795 andfavor and the motion carried. to approve the18, 198 8. AII votedthe motion carried- Tim, there. OF MINUTES: Emmings moved, Erhart secondedof the. Planning Commj ssion meeting dated Mayexcept Conrad and Headla who abslained and- conrad: Let me introduce this. commissioner Erhart would rike thePlanning Commission to discuss the attached at Wednesdayrs meeting.r think as r said before_ the meeting started, this is riarly a niceanalysis. you did a real nice job of reviewing the siEuatiins downr appreciate that. That's realry terrific. s["ve, JiJ-y""-tu"" "ny Conrad: Planning Commission June 1, 1988 - Page Meeting 31 recommendations that you r^ranted to give? Emmings: Yes, I just think too, Tim has made a very compelling case here.Both from the way you handle contractor's yards when they're moving intothe A-2 district and I think this ought to go to staff and they shouldgive us their input on hrhat ?im has proposed here and vre should considerit as an amendment to our Zoning Ordinance. Conrad: I guess we could go over this tonight Barbara, verbatim or Timcould give us an overview of it. Itrs real understandable. Irm not surethat he needs to do that. What Steve is saying herd like staff to reviewit and comment on the specifics of it and tell us where staff feels it isinappropriate or look for the Ioopholes or look for the reasons not to make this an amendment. Erhart: Except the last paragraph, I think therers only one paragraph thatis missing. Rather than just passing, you say herers a great idea and pass it to CounciI. I think iErs worthwhile having Commissioner's comment on some of these items before ure pass it on. I agree that rre shouldn't try to create language here at this point and get to the specifics but I think in this kind of thing, they really need to Iook at the comments of the commissioners. Emmings: I don't agree with you often pass them something that's the simple reason Ehat we don't very thoroughly explained. idea to pass it that based on for so Conrad: Itrs real logi.cal. Ernmings: I thj.nk what wetre saying, I think thatts a good up to the Council just maybe with a comment that we think this $re should make some changes to the Zoning ordinance. Dacy: we could schedule it for the 27th. Kind of reserve a Erhart: So you're basically, your with aLl of it? comments are that you I re Emmings: WeII, werll talk about that. Erhart: So what yourre lookingwe're generally in favor of that special area. in agreement the Commission is saying to them, the City CounciI. for fromgoing to Dacy: We have reviewed it and give the approach as similar to the one that you took vritb the BE district. That maybe we should send this to Council. If the Planning Commission endorses it, give it to Council as a discussion item. Say this is where the Planning Commission would like to head on a potential zoning ordinance anendment issue. Emmings: The choice between letting them have a first look at it as opposed to sending them specific language to change the ordinance? Dacy: It might be good this way so that the Council can get a feel for erhere the Planning Commission is coming from as a whole on this. Planning Commission June l, 1988 - Page Meeting 32 Emrnings: Do they want usbring the zoning ord i nancediscussing. basically look at the zoning amendments toIine with a lot of the things that you're A-1 and A-2. to in Conrad: Is there anything in here that somebody vrould like to bring up assomething we wouldnrt rrant Council to see? Something that we don't agieewith in Tim's analysis. Is there something that's really objectionabie? Wildermuth: There's one thing that occurred to me as I read it. ...theA-2 district out there? Almost everything is already is A-1 and one ofthe things, in addition to letting in A-2 would be to require that thecontractor ' s yard...in A-1. Erhart: There is a substantial difference between Wildermuth: But in your o$rn table analysis here. Erhart: There is on lot size and so forth. Dacy: The A-I is 40 acres and thaErs specifically Erhart: You eliminate A-l and there are only twocity in A-I. Dacy: we can't eLiminate A-I because Statefor a zoning district to allow it.Lar,, says we have to provide for ag parcels preserve. in the whole Wildermuth: That was just a thought that occurred. D"gyi The onry staff comment is on the contractor rs yard. That might bea littre poritically messy because four years ago the councir went inroutha process to amend the agricurtural districts at that time to alror.,conEractorrs yards so now you have a process four years rater thattsproposing to eliminate them and Tim and I have talked about that. Wildermuth: This is a different CounciI. Dacy: Exactly and thatrs another reason that r think it would be good tohave the Council discuss this thoroughly before you start notifyiniproperty o$rners and conducting a public hearing. Headla: What was your point? Dacy: My point was that four years ago the coucnir specificarry amendedthe agricultural district at that time to include con-tractor,s yards. Noi{this amendment would go back and exclude them. Remove them as aconditional use so r'm saying that four years is retativeiy a short timespan and r tarked about this rrith Tim and that might be poiiti.ulry ."""yfor some of the councir members. That's the reas6n wtry it shourd bediscussed though. Planning Commi ss i on June l, 1988 - page Meeting 33 Ellson seconded to adjourn the rneeting. All voted in favor carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.. Conrad: What weid like to do then, if we send this up to Council fortheir discussion and their directioD to staff. Erhart: Are we aII saying generally favorable direction on this? Conrad: Irve got some small nit picky things. Erhart: Yourre using just the l.tinutes to support that? Conrad: I think in our motion $re can... Erhart: Your re looking for a motion? Conrad: Yes. Erhart: Okay. Conrad: And send this to City Council to provide staff with the direction and I think under that motion vre can comment that the Planning Commission endorses this particular paper. Is there a motion? Emmings moved, Wildermuth seconded to send Tim Erhart's memorandum dated May 27, L988 onto the City Council for them to direct staff and the Plannj.ng Commission with regard to itts content and further action on it,noting that the Planning Commission finds this to be logically explained and an all around good idea. AII voted in favor and the motion carried. Enmings moved, and the motion Submitted by Barbara Dacy City Planner Prepared by Nann Ophe i m