07-13-88 Agenda and Packetz 3 4 AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMITIISSION WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1988, 7:30 P.l{. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE PUBLIC HEARINGS I Subdivision of 7 acres into two lots and one outlot and tocreate a new 64th Street cul-de-sac, on property zoned RSF,Residential Single FamiLy and located at the southwest cornerof West 64th Street and tlvry. 41, Reed Addition, cary Reed and HSZ Development. Conditional Use Permit to locate a church in the ruraldistrict on property zoned RR, Rural Residential District andlocated on the east side of Hwy. 41 approximately one milenorth of Hi.ry. 5 , Westside Baptist Church. Replat of Lot 6 of Sun Ridge Addition into t,wo lots (2.5 acres and 39.8 acres) on property zoned A-2, AgriculturalEstate and located at the end of the cu1-de-sac of Sun RidgeCourt, l mile north of Lyman Bou.l-evard on Audubon Road, Rod Grams. Conditional Use Permit for Proposed Screened Outdoor Storageon property zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park and located at 18800 West 78th Street, Lyman Lumber. NEW BUS INESS 5. Site PIan Review for a 30,000 Sguare Foot Addition to Automated Building Components Building on property zoned IOp,Industrial Office Park and located at 18800 West 78th Street, Lyman Lumber. Site Plan Review for a 25,000 sguare foot of f ice/warehousefacility on property zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park andlocated at Lot 3, Block I, Park One 3rd Addit.ion, Waytek,Inc. *T ITEM #7 HAS BEEN DELETED ** Site PIan Review for a 161,700 square foot of f icelwarehouse and bakery facility on property zoned IOP, Industrial OfficePark and located at the southwest corner of H!'ry. 5 and Audubon Road, McGIynn Bakeries. OLD BUSINESS 6 7 ADJOURNMENT ek CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OPEN DISCUSSION CITY OF EHINHASSElI STAFF REPORT ) P.C. DATE: July 13, 1988 C.C. DATE: JuIy 25, 1988 CASE NO: 8B-9 CUp Prepared by: Olsen/v Fz C)J(LL ko hJFa Conditional Use permit for a Church to be LocatedOutside of the Urban Service Area-'- -- - TOCATION: APPLICANT: 6801 Hazeltine Boulevard Westside Baptist Church PRESENT ACREAGE: ADJACENT AND LAND ZONING : ZONING USEs RR, Rural Residential District 10.04 gross g.42 net RR; s ingle f ami 1y family and vacantRR; single RR; vacant RR; Minnewashta Regional park Not available to the site. N- s- E- !{- The site contains a Class A wetland on thenorth portion of the property and the Lake .Ann Interceptor is installed- ttrrough-thJsite. There is a steep slope on tie ""ittreportion of the site which ii neavi.iy --- vegetated. Residential Low Dens i ty PROPOSAL: WATER AND SEI{ER: PEYSTCAL CEARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN: \,IJooFI\I oo!? N ooJ) oo iON 8o8 N oo oo o,t('l oo(D oo! t 8 @N N MAN R RO inoratcr L.c w. 67 rH srRf EI lr P'N i: J ./1t: o z o. Itrr tcttllt I I L -.34$s =6 FEEIE!CRE rr LAl(E 0 cLAE ld.q\orq RR v\(fr>\0Ooryrg atu 7 -j{in:* @ @ Hr, at so *4.-- I I Eo I TI 5r I i -T PUD- ) wests ideJuly 13, Page 2 Baptist CUP 1988 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Building Inspector Fire Inspector Asst. City Engineer DNR ANALYS I S Attachme nt Attachmen t At tachment At tachmen t *2 #3 #4 #s The applicant is proposing to construct approximately a 5,000square foot church on property zoned RR which is Iocated outsideof the MUSA 1ine. Therefore, the site would have to provide trdoacceptable septic system sites to support the church. The siters adjacent to State Ilighway 41 and wil1 have one access pointfrom Hwy. 41. There is a large Class A wetland located i.n ttre Section 20-594 allows churches as a conditional use in the RR,Rural Residential District. section 20-259 regurates the following conditions for churchesoutside of the MUSA line: a. The location of two acceptable drainfield sites must beprovided on the site. b. The individual sewage treatment system must be in comfor-mance with Chapter 19, Article IV. c. School and daycare accessory uses are not permittedunless approved by the City Council. Sect.ion 20-258 regulates churches generally requires: a. The site sha1I be located on a collector or arterialroadway. b. The structure must be setback 50 feet from all properlylines. c. Parking areas shaIl be setback 25 feet from streets andnon-residential property and 3O feet from residentialproperty. d. No more than 70t of the si.te be covered with impervioussurface and the remainder of Ehe site is to be luitablyiandscaped in conformance with Articte 25. REFERRAL AGENCIES Wests ideJuIy 13, Page 3 Baptist CUP 1988 northern portion of the site and the Lake Ann Interceptorbeing constructed approximaEely through the center of theThere is a large stand of mature vegetation on the southof the site with a steep slope tohra;ds the north. 1Ssite.portion The proposed church is meeting the required setbacks for a churchand.is providing aalequate parking. elthougn the site is not. inan industrial, commercial or mulliple family district, staff issti11 recommending thaE the parking area be paved with a bitumi-nous surface due to the high amount of traffic that will be usingthe parking area. Staff is also recommending that the parkingarea be curbed with bituminous curbing rathei than the normaliyreguired concrete curb. The applicant has not provided any addi-tional landscaping to the site other than the eiisting ,reg6t.-tion. As part of the conditional use permit, the sit; plin isrequired to provide landscaping as stated in Article 25. Thisincludes perimeter landscaping, interior 1ot line landscaping andlandscaping of the parking area and building. Since it i! such aIarge site with only a portion of it being developed., staff r.rouldagree to landscaping only the southerly portion of the site wherethe parking and church is proposed. The site plan meets all ofthe requirements as far as parking, lighting and lot coverage. Since the property is located outside of the MUSA Iine, the sitehas to provide two acceptable septic sites approved by the cityrssoil consultant.s, Dr. Machmeier and ltr. Andeison. The applicanthas not provided the city with two recomrnended septic silis andthe appropriate soil borings at Lhis time. The reason the appli-cant has not yet provided this information is because they arepursuing with the Met Council and with the city the opportunitytso hook into the Lake Ann Interceptor which is locate&-throughthe site. The applicant wishes to connect to the Lake AnnInterceptor rather than installing a septic system at this timeand then hooking into the Lake Ann Interceptoi in the future. Before the conditional use permit can be approved there must betwo approved septic sites on the property. In speaking with theMetropolitan Council, it r^ra s stated that a MUSA 1ine amendment toallow the church to hook into the Lake Ann Interceptor rrould notbe viewed favorably unless the septic system was fiiling or thatdue to the construction of the Lake Ann Interceptor and otherphysical features of the site, two septic systei, sites could notbe located. The Met Council is writing a Letter to this effectwhich will be handed out at the planniig Commission meeting. Theapplicant has submitted letters from a ioil consulLant sta[.ingthat there are no acceptable sites for a septic system on theproperty. Staff has visited the site with Mr. Anderson and hasfound that lhere are areas outside of the construction limits ofthe Lake Ann Interceptor and located in the tree area south ofthe church that could be used as septic sites. Staff is Westside Baptist CUPJuly 13, 1988 Page 4 requesting that the appl icantsites can be provided. Staff acceptabLe sites and that theseptic system. provide information showing whereis not convinced that there are no church cannot be supported by a Drainaqe, Gradin g and Utilities In his attached memo, the Assistant City Engineer covers grading,drainage and oeher engineering issues for the proposed church. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO RECOMMENDAT I ON Unt.i1 the applicant submits the proper soil information regardingsoil borinqs and septic site locations, staff cannot recommendaction on the conditional use permit. Two acceptable septicsites must be provided before the site can be permit,ted to bedeveloped. Therefore, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission table this item until the applicant provides therequired soil boring data locating two acceptable septic sites on tshe property. ATTACTiMENT S Sections from City Code. Memo from Building Department dated June 15, 1988. Memo f rorn Public Safety Director dated July 8, 1988. Memo from Asst. City Engineer dated JuLy 6, 1988. DNR response dated June 21, 1988.Letter from applicant dated June I3, 1988. LeEter from Donalil Schneewind dated June 27, 1988.Letter to the Met Council dated June 20, 1988.Application. PIan stamped "Received June 13, 1988". SFle g 20-257 Sec. 2G257. \ 'holesale nurseries. The following applies to wholesale nurseries: (1) The site must be on a collector street or minor arterial as identified in the compre- hensive plan. (2) The minimum lot size is live (5) acres. (3) All storage and yard areas as well as buildings must be setback one hundred 000) feet from public or private road rightof-ways and frve hundred (500) feet from an a{acent single family residence. (4) The site must be located along a collector or minor arterial as identfied in the comprehensive plan. (5) All outdoor storage areas must be completely screened by one hundred (100) percent opaque fencing or berning. (6) Hours of operations shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through saturday only, work on Sundays and holidays is not permitted. (7) Light sources shall be shielded. (8) No outside speaker systems are allowed. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 9(5-9-1(6), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G258. Churches-Generally. The following applies to churches inside: (l) The site shall be located on a collector or arterial roadway as identified in the comprehensive plan or located so that access can be provided without coD.ducting tralfrc through residential concentrhtion. (2) The structure must be set back frfty (50) feet from all property lines. (3) Parking areas shall be set back twenty-five (28) feet from streets and nonresidential property and thirty (30) feet. (4) No more than seventy (70) percent of the site is to be covered with imperviogs surface and the remainder is to be suitably landscaped in conformance with article xxv. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 9(5-9-1(?)), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G259. Same-Located outside MUSA line. The following applies to churches located outside the Metropolitan Urban services Area line: (1) The following must be provided for review: a. Location oftwo (2) drainfield sites. b. Two (2) soil borings on each drainfield site for a total of four (4) eoil borings.c. No percolation tests for &ainfierd sites where the land slope is between zem aad twelve (12) percent. C- (\ tt?4 CHANHASSEN CMY CODE e ( -( $ 20-263 d. One [) percolation test per drainfield site where the land slope is betweenthirteen (13) and twenty-five (2b) percent. Areas where the land slope exceeds twenty.five (2b) percent shall not be considered asa potential soil treatment site. (3) ''re sewage treatment system must be in conformance with chapter lg, article rv. (4) school and day care uses accessory to the church use are not permittcd unlessapproved by the city council. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 9(5-9-1(Z), 12.15-86) Sec. 2G260. kivatc stables. The following applies to private stables: (l) Stables shall comply with chapter 5, article m. (2) Stables must be located a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from wetland. areas.(Ord. No. 80, Art. V, S 9(5-9-1(8)), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G261. State{icensed day care centcrs. The following applies to state-licensed day care centers: (l) The site shal have roading and drop off points designed to avoid interfering withtrallic and pedestrian movements. (2) Outdoor play areas shall be located and desigrred in a manner which mitigates visual and noise impacts on adjoining residential areas, (3) Each center shall obtain all applicable state, county, and city licenses. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 9(5-9-r(9), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G262. Ifospitals and health care facilities. The following applies to hospitals and health care facilities: (1) The site shall have direct access to collector or arterial streets, as defined in the comprehensive plao. (2) Emergency vehicle access shall not be adjacent to or rocated across a street from anyresidential use. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 9{E-9-1GO), t2-15-86) Sec. 2G263. Recreational beach lots. The following minimum standards appry to recreational beach rots conditional use inaddition to such other conditions as may be prescribed in the permit: (l) Recreational beach tots shall have at least two hundred (200) feet of lake frontage. Q) 1175 ZONING MET{ORANDUM TO: JoAnn FROM: Steve DATE: June SUBJ: 88-9 Kirchman, 1988 ( Westside 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 01sen, Assistant City Planner CITY OF EHINHISSEN \-c.r<.A. 15, CUP Building Inspector Baptist Church ) Assuming R & D Soils Consultants, (Don Schneewind) site eva-luation is correct, a buildinq permit can not be issued without aIetter from lUetropolitan Waste Control Commission authorizingconnection to existing sewer 1ine. The usual SAC determinationletter from lvtetropolitan Waste ConErol Commission will also berequired. Erosion control measures tooutlined by applicant. protect nearby waterways should be CITY OF EHINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMOR AN DUM TO: Jo Ann Olsen, Assistant City planner EROM: Jin Chaffee, public Safety Director SUBJ:Westside Baptist Church July 8, 1988DATE: I have reviewed the site plan for the proposed WestsideBaptist Church and the following items will be required: I. A fire lane must be installed for the entire lengthon either the East or west side of the building.The fire lane, at least 20 feet in r,ridth, nnustcomply with the city of Chanhassen's requirement foran all weather surface meeting urban standards. Whichever side is chosen a clear unobstructed accessmust be maintained by designation of a ',Fire Lane,r. 2 The main driveway shall have trno parking firesigns i ns tal1ed.lane'l P1ease contact me if requ i rements. you have any questions regarding these I CITY OF EHINHISSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 9s7-1900 MEI4ORAND UM TO: FROM: DATE : SUBJ: ob. Planning Commission Larry Brown, Staff Engineer JuIy 5, 1988 Conditional Use Permi tPlanning File No. 87-5 for Westside Baptist Church CUP, Westside Baptist Church This site is located on the east side of State Highway 41approximately one mile north of State Highway 5. The g.42 acresite is cornposed of a rolling topography with a grove of maturetrees along the southerly border of the site anal various scat-tered mature trees throughout the entire site. Municipal sanitary sewer service is not available to the site.The plans accurately show the Metropolitan Waste ControlCommission 36-inch diameter interce!tor going through this par- g"1 . The plan proposes a sanitary ierer-seriice ho6k-up to thisinterceptor. This site is outside of the Metropolitan itrbanservice Area boundaries which were set by the Mitropolitan wasteControl Commission (MWCC). At the date of this rep6rt, no evi-dence was given by the applicant that would permit the applicantpermission from the Itlwcc to connect into the interceptor.- rt i."assumed at this point that the site will have to be lerved by aseptic system. Because the location of the septic sites maychange the entire plan, the septic system sitei should be aia-lyzed prior to preliminary approval. Staff is therefore recom_mending that this item be tabled until this issue can beresolved. The septic system site should be reviewed. by theCityrs consultant, I.{r. Machmeier. Sanitary Sewer wate rma i n t- Municipal water service is not available to the site at thistime. Therefore, the applicant shaII have to develop on-sitesources. Planning Commi ssion July 6, 1988 Page 2 Roadwa y The applicant has shown the driveway access for the proposedparking lot consistent with the suggested alignment for the suggested future extension of Lake Lucy Road. It should be notedthat the extension of Lake Lucy Road may be hindered due to theprotected DNR wetland adjacent to the suggested right-of-hray forLake Lucy Road. The applicant shall submit for approval by the City Engineer aset of calculations verifying that adequate sight distance existsfor the access onto State Highway 41 prior to final site planreview. An access permit by the State of Minnesota wiIl berequired prior to the conmencement of any construction on site. Due to the anticipated traffic volumes from the site, it is recommended that the parking area be paved and lined with a bitu- minous curb as a minimum. qradiqg and Drainage The grading plan shows a minimal amount of grading along the souLheast side of the parcel to create the proposed church pad. The proposed grading wiIl require the removal a portion of theexisting grove of trees which borders the southerly property boundary. The proposed grading plan does not address on-siteretention. A reviseil grading plan and calculations which verifythat the predeveloped runoff raLe has been maintained should be submitted to the City Engineer prior to final site plan review. Erosion Control Similarly, erosion controls should be addressed as part of thisrevised submittal - If the Planning Commission chooses to approve the site, thefollowing conditions apply: Recommended Conditions The applicant shall enLer into a development with the City and provide the City with the necessary financial sureties toguarantee proper installation of these public improvements. The applicant shalI provide a revised grading plan lrith storm sewer calculations which verify the preservation of the pre- developed runoff rate and all storm sewer capacities as partof the final review process. The developer sha1l obtain and compty with all conditions ofthe hlatershed District permit. 1 2 3 I Planning Commission July 6, 1988 Page 3 4 Wood fiber blankets or equivalent shal1 be used to stabilizeall disturbed slopes greater than 3:1. The developer shall be responsible for daily on antl off site cleanup caused by the construction of this site. AII erosion controls shall be in place prior to the commen- cement of any grading, and once in place shall remain inplace throughout the duration of construction. The developershall be responsible for periodic checks of the erosioncontrols and shal1 make all repairs promptly. AlI erosioncontrols shaIl remain intact until an established vegetativecover has been produced. A revised plan which shows bituminous parking and curbingshall be submitted as part of the final review process. 5 6 7 To /1 O/sr,,From o e4 *-/5 * 71p e/ ag fur*-nnclu^ -fuv.&.t-t<l --o tl,c.t rzttn et *n. *ts b Ctltorzt,€h 0 4 n ,.:PLY 00 Jliii : i tgEB |ETL *;;. ' '' ",t_ - .:_*Ed.&,*a,". E',,it Subiect Date signed cl IY oF chANtrass..'rt -/VilsonJones:R^yL,r€,oqM{ *2 srair l?!6:piali;_::, il:t ilj:..IiE 3O:.i, i:TUn_N p!,\K COpy!r9(}.PF'rrEOrr US.r. Westside Baptist Church 6A01 HAZELTTNE BOULEYARD P.O. BOX 63r C'HANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 553I 7 1612t 4a4-1419 PASTOR BRYAN PIKE .Iune 13. 1988 City of Clnnlassen, Up>n application for [,and Developnrent ]lestside Bapt ist Church is requestingyour permiss ion tr: hook-up to the retro waste sewer ]ine tlrat is running rightacr{lss or-rr 16rrd. lda h-1ve corrsr-r1ted qith a Tnstaller/Deslgner nanerl Dorrald Schneewind ahr-rr"r:L the foss ibility of s.oil borj.rres for tle tr+r._, septic-: sightslequired for this application and have bee-.n infonred by him that there is nosuit-able Fl-ace to bcre be,:ar,.use of the dr_sr-r:rbance to ttre pr.rlFer+,], b;: the netrowaste sewer Line that j,s going in ard tte b:itdine sight l,lherr r-e were p:rchas irrg ttre property lle r^re-Le inforrmd byof Met (irr:ncil tha t we cou.Id be considered as a exception and allowed t,o Lx:oktrp if our city r.rou.ld subnit sueh a reqrlest for us. l{r. schneesirid is willine arvl will be sendi.rre you a lette-r ts confirm theproblem aith a septic system on our prolrerLy. I k p: this lett--r e:q]l-airE why He fiave rrot suhnitterl the sef,tic :requests b,ythe city and if you have aly qrrestions please eontaet re. Z'Eu 11J8J 11Oth Street Cologne, W{ 55322 J.urle 2J, 1)88 ?astor Bri an Pike P.0. 3ox 6J1 Chanhassen, l,tl 55377 City of Chanhassen Re: hoperty at 5801 Hazeltine Blvd Dear Slrs, R & D So11 Consultants was retainetl ty t{estside Bapti.st Chr:rch toconduct soil borings and. percolatlon tests to install an onsitesePtlc syster. After revi ering the site plan and ar.chitects proposed. site for thesystem, it was aletemined that the sites that were previously selected.have been cornlEcted. by vehicle traffic and. no longer suitabl_L for theseptic systen. ed. -// onal-d A .ewind R&DSoilConsultants ''ia*i,.&lnr lle were also inforlrleal that ertensive se[er work is bein€ done in the axea and the remaining sites available wouLd be excavated. R & D So11 Consultants feels that the site renaining north of theproperty is not suitable because of the high rater level_ and theexisting pond. The property to the south of the groposed building has too great of slope for a nolmd systen (approx. 16%). T?re Chanhassen City Hinance 10-B requires tlro suitabl-e sites foronsite septic sewage treatnent anal with the infofllation given there Erre not two sites available. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEI'',ED JtlN 2 I fiBB CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT' ( June 20, 1988 Ms. Pat PahlMetrcpolitan Counci 1Mears Park Center Building230 East Fifth StreetSt. Paul, MN 5 5101 CITY OF EH,lNH[SSEN ( possible with your comments andyou have any questions. 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Dear Ms. pahl: On June 13, 1988, the City received an application for a con_ditional use permit to peimit the Westsiae naptist Ctrurctr-toconstruct their church in the rurar district otr "r-irv. -ai-t".. Attachment #1). pasror Brian pike has been i" ;";aa;;';iii yoodiscussing the possibility of hooking into tfre Lake AnnInterceptor which runs thiough the ciurch property. ih. ."""onfor this request is to permil. him an afier.,ative l" tr"-".pti.systems on the Lot. Due to the alteration of his Lot from'rheconstruction of the Lake_Ann rnterceptor and construction oi tneghurch and parking lot, it may be aiiticuft for him to locate twoacceptable seotic svstem sites. Attached is a lettei - ti"rn-p." to,Pike stating Li,ut a'consultant, Donald Schneewind, has reviewedthe site and determined that two septic sites are n"t-p"""iif"because of the disturbance to the piop"rty. pastor pike istherefore requesting that the ciruci ue alrowed to hook into theLake Ann fnterceptoi. Pastor Pike has stated that in his discussions with you that ithas been srated thar there is a possiuiii.ty or r;;-ci.;;c;-'to-oringinto the Lake Ann rnterceptor. To proceed lrith the conditionaruse permit aoolication, the city n"ids to have confirro"iior, -r.o* _the Metroporilan councit ttat t'his i;-f;ct is true and whether ornot hre should ini.tiate a land use plan and MUSA line amendment. Please contact meplease feel free S i ncerely , as soon asto call if )o/Z-*- Jo Ann olsenAssistant city planner JO:v oW1 APPLICANT: WESTSIDE BAPTTST CHTTRCH OWNER: ADDRESS c 6801 Hazeltine BIvd.ADDRES S ChaBhessen l,ln. 55317 Zip Code TELEPHONE (Daytime) 474-14ts REQUEST: Zoning District Change Zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Amendment Land Use Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit ite plan Review TIESTSIDE BAP?IST Ci"IURCH LAND DEVELOPTiENT APPLICATION CITT OP CEANEASSEN 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassea, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 TELEPHONE Zip Code Planned Unit Development _ Sketch Plan _ Preliminary PlanFinal Plan Subdivi s ion _ Platting !,letes and Bounds Wetlands Permit PRESENT I,AND USE PLAN DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION PRESENT ZONING K rt REQIJESTED ZONING USES PROPOSED Ch,rrch site SIZE OF PROPERTY .ross - 10.04 AC.Iet - 8.42 AC. '30'! riazeltine 31vd. C'!'ranhassenLOCATION REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST To gui-ld a Church 3ui1 dinq. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary ) Street,/Easement Vacation PROJECT NAME This application must be compteted in f ur.l and be type$rritten orcrearry printed and must be iccompanied by all information andprans required bv ""p1i;a!le-;1il:i;;i;"nce provisions. Beforefiling this apoticriio.r, you shoild confer with the City plannerto determine Li:e soeciti.'"iai""";; ;;;-pro"edural requirementsapplicable to your appticat ion . --- -- -"- City Land Page FILIN G INSTRUCT IONS: FILI CERT TF TCAT T ON: Signed By //--*^J of Chanhassen Development Application2" fhe undersiqned reoresentative of the applicant herebvthat he is familiai witn irre-prJiui"I"i"r"quirements 6fapplicable City Ordinances. ,L Dare 6-s-r7 certifiesall has beeo herei n Date 6 -t5- Xl Ap .L ican Fee wner /---,r--, ?he. undersigned herebyauthorized to make thisdescribed. certifies. thaL Ehe appl ican tapplrcaEion for the property Signed By Date Application Application Fee City Receipt No. Recei tred Paid r This Application will beBoard of AdjusLments andmeeting. cons idered AppeaLs at by Lhe thei r Planning Commi ss ion,/ ------.......... 0/--'"rt- Ih.t p.rt of thc llorth?r!t 0urrterSrctlon a. Torn!hlp ll5, Ringc 23. d?tcrlhad rr lollors: of tha CrrY€r South€r3t Qu.rter ol County. Ll nnc!ota, neginnlng at a polnt on th? south lln? of stld tlorthcrl! 0rarter of thr Southr.3t 0u!rter dlstant 685.3, tect rertcrly trolt the south?rst corner of sald llolth?r!t 0ll.rt?r of thc Southaa3t 0urrtar; th€nce northerst.rlr' , dlst.nce of 2061.91 f??t, to ! polnt on tha ?r!t I lnr of s.ld Southe!3t Ourrter of the llorth?.3t qu.rt?r dlst.nt 58r.25 f."t north?rlJt lront the southetst cornrr ol sald Southe.3t 0u!rtrr ol th! tlortha.st 0uartrr rnd !rl't lln' thGr. t"rnl n.l I n9. SuhJrct to a 60 foot perlnanent c!3an?nt for Strcet tnd prrios.s ov?r rnil tcfo!9 thc ahoY? de3crlbed parccl. lln? ot iald rt3en.nt l3 d€scrlb.d.3 folloYs: Conaenclng rt th? northetst corncr of rrld llorth?tst 0urrter of thr South!r3t 0ut.t?ri thcnca South 0l drgr?.t 03 tilnute3 05 seconds frst,. a3s[oed. brlrlng. 'alonq thr..3t I lna of 3.ld llorth?.s! 0r,rrtcr of the South.tst 0urrte'r . dlrt.nc" of 52a.15 f?et to the Polnt of heglnnlng ol th? land to b. dcscrlbad; th?nc? Iorth 89 d.qre?s 0l lnute3 05 seconds yest. a dl3tinca ol 3ll.2l lr.t to r I ln? tarGlnaftcr rcfFrrad to al I lna l; thcnce routhresterly tlonq 3!ld LlnG A r dlst!nce ot 896.18tfet to th.3outh llna ot stld llorthertt 0urrtQ. ot the Southerst 0u.rtcr; thence G.3t?rly rlong Jrld 3outh I ln? to th? routher3t corn?r ot s!ld iorthel3t quarter ol th" South..st 0r,trter; thenc? northerl)' alorg s.ld a.st I ln. to th. polnt of beqlnnlng. l-lne A ls descrlb.d ri fol loYs: utlllty Th? centar Lest ! dlstance ot 190.00 teat tnd lrld c€ntrr lln. t h.r! t?r ln.tlng. Conrntnclng it thr 3outh?ltt corn!r of th! llortherst 0urrt.. of th" southrtst Ou.rter ot Srat lon 3. Ioinrh lp I l6 'Rrnq.23, C..v€l Connty, lllnn!sot.; thancr llorth 0l degierr (i! nlnutet 05 !oconds Yett. r33uned brrrlnq, alonq thc .rst I l.te of !cld llorthrltt llulrtar ol th. Sollthe!rt 0uart€.. dlttanca of 80.00 fe!t to the polnt ot heqlnnlhq ol th! ccnter I ln. to be drscrlb?di th.nce northt.e3t..ly ! dlttance of 107.5n f?et rlon9, nontang.ntlrl cu.v e tonc !v Q to thc northQt3t, havlng r r.dlr,s of 29?.08 fret.nd I ccntrll anglt of 2l drgreer 05 nlnut.i l6 !econd3, th. chord of slld culvo h6vlng t ho/rrlng of llo.th a5 deqrre! {! nlnutQs l2 rtconds yesti thrn(. l(orth 35 d?grc€r l0 trl nuta! 2l second3 U.tt tanqfnt to lirt (urvG ! dl!ttoc! ol 122.2O f?rti th.nc? aorihnerterly r dlst.rce ot 2!r.96 fa?t along. t.ngentl!l curve conc.ve to th? 5orlthr.art, hrvlng a radlui of l8l.l3 f.ct rnd r centr.l tnglQ ot 35 drgrees aG lnutrs 2? seconds: thonca l(olth ,0 d.9rea3 56 ltlnutr3 a6 t?cond3 ''-l t' t37.?4, t65.905 GRoSS A[tAitl ARIA .tq. 3Q. tt.It.10.0 4 Ac. 8. a? lc. - t,Ol Subl.ct to ?.3?oeot ,o? St.t. Htghr!y lto. al. I I CITY OF EHfiNHASSE$I STAFF REPORT ..-, P.C. DATE: July 13, 19gg c.c. DATE: July 25, 1988 CASE NO: 87-25 SUB Prepared by: Dacy/v Fz C) =(L(L g Eo UJFa i5;iiT:l"il.:rff"";3i:sr to Replat ror 5 of sun Ridse At the end of sun Ridge court (lyest side of AudubonRoad, just north of Lyman Boule".iJl--*- PROPOSAL: LOCA?ION: APPLICANT:Rodney D. Grams8640 Audubon RoadChanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ACREAGE: DENSITY: ADJACENT AND LAND ZONING :A-2; Agricultural Estate 42.3 acres ZONING USE: WATER AND SETYER: PEYSICAL CEARAC. : 2OOO LAND USE PLAN:Agricultural N- A-2; agricultural S- A-2; agricultural E- A-2; single f arni 1y W- A-2; agricultural and overhead power lines Municipal kater. and sewer is not availableto the site. Vacant agricultural Zc) 3) )oo 3v@.tte ooio , . .....,-_.'**o. *_, ) rl ....'tT E!Y.-t I -t A2 I I t \)fr/J b R12 J o R8 c orta) tcn Auot-.x5 F-?o @ o54t $ L o4oc RSF s J 3l- E at LYY \ I 2 ..r: Sun RidgeJuly 13, Page 2 Second Addition r988 REFERRAL AGENCIES Assistant City Engineer Park and Recreation Building Department Public Safety BACKGROUND Attachment No adverse No ad.verse No adverse #1 comments comments comments The Sun Ridge Addition plat was consiilered by Lhe Planning Commission on August 12, 1987, and approved by the City Council on September 14, 1987. The Sun Ridge Addition included platting 6 single family lots. Lot 6 of the subdivision is located at the terminus of the Sun Ridge Court cul-de-sac. Total acreage of the Sun Ridge Adilition is 73 acres. Under the one unit per ten acre density guidelines, a total of 7 lots would be permitted. ANALYS I S The original subdivision dedicated a 50 fooE easement along the westerly lot line of old Lot 6 and the easterly lot line of Lot 5. This easement was reservetl for potential extension of the cu1-de-sac to the northerly portion of the site upon resub- division. The applicant has indicateil that he does not intend to seLl the 39.8 acre 1ot in the immediate future as he has obtained ownership of the property immeiliately to the east. The appli- cant's objective with this application is to convey the 2.5 acreparcel. He has requested to redesignate proposed Lot 2 as an outlot and condition it to remain unbuildable until he finalizes plans with tshe adjacent property. The proposed outlot would be Iandlocked but tlrro means vrould exist to service the Iot, a future street along the existing easement or from the east on the adja- cent property. The proposeC replat is to divide Lot 5 into two lots of 2.5 acres and 39.8 acres. Soil borings r4rere conducted again on proposed Lot 1 (former Lot 5 of previous plat) anal addit.ional soil borings were conducted on proposed LoE 2. Mr. Machmeier and Mr. Anderson conducted a field investigation and have reviewed the soil reports. Staff met with Mr. Machmeier and Mr. And.erson on July 8, 1988, and con- firmed that each site contains Lwo aalequate septic system sites for mound systems. Their written report was not able to be pre- pared in time for inclusion into this report; however, it will be available for Council cons ideration. Sun Ridge Second AdditionJuly 13, 1988 Page 3 It shoulal be noted that under the l per 10 guidelines only oneresidential unit is eligible for the northerly 40 acres of thissubdivision given the creation of the six lots last year. A Williams Pipeline easement existts through the center of pro-posed Lot 2. This easement should be shown on the final plat. RECOMMENDATION Planning staff reconmends the Planning Commission adopt thefollowing motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of SubdivisionRequest *87-25 based on the plat stamped ,'Received June 17, 1988"and subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with And.erson. the recommendations of Mr. Machmeier aod Mr. 2 3 Redesignation of proposed Lot 2 as an outlot. Dedication on the final pLat of a 75 foot utility easementover the Williams Pipeline. The developer agrees to extending Sun Ridge Court to thesoutherly property boundary of Outlot A if an applicationis pursued for Outlot A. This extension of Sun Ridge Courtshall be at the sole expense of the applicant and shall beconsistent with the City's standards. The applicant sha11 supply the City Engineer for approval agrading, d.rainage, and erosion control plan for each 1ot aspart of the building permit process. 4 5 ATTACHMENTS Memo from Larry Brown dated July 6, 1988.Detailed location map showing existing plat and additionalacreage currently under ownership of the applicant.Application. Plat stamped "Received June 17, 1988.. I 2 3 4 - EHINHISSEN ME!{ORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: tarry Brovrn, Staff Engineer DATE: July 6, 1988 Municipal sanitary sewer service is On-site septic systems will have tooff prior to issuance of a building Water Service Municipal vrater service is notfore on-site sources will need not available to the site. be analyzed, staked and roped permi t . available to the site and there- to be developed by the applicant. /b SUBJ: Preliminary Plat Review for Sun Ridge Second Addition Planning FiIe 87-25 SUB, Rod crans This site is located immetliately north of Sun Ridge Court of the Sun Ridge First Addition. The site was originally a farm field and now exists as a meadow. The steep slopes drain to\rards B1uff Creek. Sanitary Sewer Access A 50-foot roadway easement exists along the westerly side of Lot 1, Block l and along the southerly side of Lot 2, Block 1. Lot I, Block 1 should receive access from the existing Sun Ridge Court. The applicant has agreed to plat the proposed Lot 2 of Block 1as an outlot and that if a permit is ever applied for, the existing Sun Ridge Court shall be constructed to the property boundary of the outlot at the developer's expense. Gradi nq ancl Drainaqe The plan does not propose any major grading to the site. minimal grading that will take place for the creation of house pad will be analyzed as part of the building permit Process. I The the rev i ew - CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Similarly, erosion controls will be analyzed as part of thebuilding permit review process. Recommended Conditions Planning Commiss ion JuIy 6, 1988 Page 2 Erosion Cont rol I z. The deveJ.oper agrees to extending Sun Ridge Court to thesoutherly property boundary of Outlot A if an applicationis pursued for Outlot A. This extension of Sun iidge Courtshall be at the sole expense of the applicant and shall beconsistent with the City's standards. The applicant shalI supply the City Engineer for approval agrading, drainage, and erosion control plan for each lot aspart of the building permit process. !!_!*!!..+!rs, cr*..{g'G € 37oo-a SUN RID AEDtnD o; aloo - -----..1 """- --.] :: L U t; E:s J BI :)- <'{ LAtE SUSttl 4Y{ s s #-.tr l t t I I I I LAND DEVELOPIIENT APPLICATION CITY OF CEANEASSEN 590 Coulter Drive ChaDhassen, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 APPLICANT:cr.lrLn D.P ADDREss 8to4o *udu'bu" RJ ADDRES S 6/A AqJ"bon /Q. Cko"[*ssn,, lA{s53/c lou lotturt lYIt'. s;sr,/ TELEPHoNE //P -a33/z r.p Code REOT]EST: Zoning District Change Zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Amendment Land Use plan Amendment Conditional Use permit Site plan Review R,J Planned Unit Development Sketch PIanPreliminary plan Final PIan Subdi vi s ion \ rtattins _ Metes and Bounds Street,/Easement Vacation Wetlands Permit PROJECT NAME S" PRESENT LAND US REOI,ESTED LAND PRESENT ZONING a"J dciri 16N,a- E PI,AN DESIGNATION AT.B.'C.NTTq rc; usE pLAN DESTGNATI6N 5-,+-,.-<-4-t REQIESTED zoNrNG 5Ar."":- USES PROPOSED Q. SIZE OF PROPERTY ,:fi ,t t- LOCATION 1 t L-e-es( - I Vhrlc.\- Cka, [,rsse REAsoNs FoR THrs REeuEST J..lrdr 'uis i6P LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach 1egal if necessary) OWNER : fit\B I fnas Ro L 4q, D .6,<a-,.s zip Code TELEPHONE (Daytine) gJ6- 17rq / s..., This application must be completed in fuII and be typewritten orclearly printed and must t. i".o^p"ni.i-oy atI information andptans required bv ..pi-i."[iu-;;;;%;;i;"nce provisions. Beforefiling this aootic"iigl , you shoirld confer with the City plannerto deter:nine tire soeciri.'"iaiili;; ;;;'p...edurar requlrernenrs city Land Page FILIN G INSTRU CT IONS : Signed By of Chanhassen Developmen t Application2 -' The undersiqned reoresentative of the applicant herebythat he is familiai wictr itre'prliuj"Iui"."quiremenrs ofapplicable City Ordinances - certi f i esaII App r rcan t Dat e DateSigned By Date Application Application Fee City Receipt No. Fee Ownei Recei ve Paid &t) rt";: <ru ,\--.? -' This Application wiII beBoard of Adjustments andneeEing. cons idered Appeals at by thetheir Planning Coruni ssion/ ;rrf*rg .. .: FTLING CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby certifies that the applicant has been:::::ii::: ro nake rhis applicarion-ioi"tha-;;;;;;iy..;;,J;.. G,/a/Xr r CITY OF EH[NHISSEN STAFF REPORT P.C. DATE: July L3, 1988 C.C. DATE: JuIy 25, l9B8 CASE NO: 88-9 Site plan 88-8 CUPPrepared by: OIsen,/v Fz C)JLL ko lilF U) Plan Review for a 30,000 Square FootExisting Automoted Building'C;;;";;;;" ,l LOCATION: Permit for proposed Screened Outdoor PROPOSAL: 1) Sire. the Addition to Bui ldin9 Lyman Lumber 300 Morse AvenueExcelsior, MN 55331 Dwight Larson BRW, Inc. 700 3rd Street So.Minneapolis, MN 55415 Conditional Use Storage 18800 West Tgth Streer PRESENT ZONING: ACREAGE: ADJACENT ZONTNG AND LAND USE: IOP, Industrial Office park 18.24 acres Railroad tracks andEden Prairie single fami ly Ilighway 5 & IOpi Dataserv IOP, The Press IOPi Redmond products Available to site. 2OOO LAND USE PLAN:Industrial N- s- E- w- The site is fairly 1evel with a larqecentage of it currently improved. in"proposeil area of the addition containsarea that slopes towards l{est Tgth St.is heavily veget.ated. per- an and APPLICANT: WATER AND SEITIER: PEYSICAL CEARAC.: 7000 _-7200 .-730c I J I R , ,i 1, I::. ) i LAKE t_ oo @I 2 o 1 40 Ro 8o I 7 2oo aoI Ld_AnoL\ 4 L\nXt Ua-or* Exprsyp,,ou LJ 7500 _76010 -77OO 7900 -8OOO s E I 5 t I -\n roP AY oo(, @ oo(D 99I 8,[3s t I 8300 ltg -'1 - t4ii :*j}:. ,e RSF Ilttr Glrq.t PICE U E-N L AKE I )HI I \ sror I BI r C) c60O _.--7too -8too-' ,1!i tri= ;::rii-. -- 8200 t Lyman Lumber SiEe Plan Ju 1y Page 2 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 20-814 a11ows screened outdoor storage as a conditional use in the IOP District. Section 20-815 allows a maximum lot coverage of 70t, a front yard selback of 30 feet, a rear yard setback of I0 feet and a sideyard setback of 10 feet. This section also allows a naximum height of 50 feet for the prinicipal structure. Section 20-1191 requires a 10 foot strip of land between abuttingright-of-way and vehicular use areas including one tree per 40 feet and a hedge waII or berm of at least 2 feet. Section 20-1L92 requires interior property Iines to be landscaped with one tree per 40 feeE. Section 20-l2LL requires interior landscaping for vehicular use areas. Section 20-I125 requires one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area up to 10,000 and one additional space for each additional 2r000 square feet, plus one space for each company vehicle. REFERRAL AGENCIES Fire Inspector Building Department Asst. City Engineer BACKGROUND At tachmen t At tachme n t Att achmen t *2 #3 *4 The Lyman Lumber Company first received PUD approval for a pro- posed plan to develop the 18 acre site in 1975 (Attachment #5). The plan was then amended in 1979 (Attachment *6). The approved four phases essentially developed the whole site. As of today, approximately 3/A of the site has been developed with the southeast corner stiII undeveloped. Site Plan Review - Analysis The appl icantbuilding vri thstaging area Ehe building is proposing to construct a 30,000 square foot a loading and dock area, and a proposed working andlocated in the outside storage area to the west of expansion. Section 20-8L2 permits warehouse and light manufacturing as apermitted use in the IOP District. The area of the proposed building expansion, parking area andoutside storage and staging area is located in tne ioutheastcorner of the site, where there currently exists a large groveof mature trees. The proposed building addition will be used fora window storage, assembly, and for prefinishing moldings anddoors. The applicant is providing a paved parking area adjacentEo the building atldition to provide the reguired 20 parking ,p.-ces for the proposed addition. Directly to t.he east of th6 newparking area is the proposed gravel storage and staging area.The storage area will be used for lumber type building mat.erialsstored for transfer to trucks. Lyman Lumber Site PlanJuly 13, I988 Page 3 Site Requirements Lot Covera ge The proposed building addition is 30,000 square feet whichresults in the need for 20 additional parking spaces. Therequired _ parking spaces are being provided Uy tne applicant.The applicant will be grading the site so that there is a slopefrom the streets up to the proposed building addition and out.!idestorage area. The applicant is also proposing a 6 foot woodfence to.completeJ.y screen the outside slorage area and requiredlandscaping and lighting. The zoning ordinance permits a maximum lot coverage of 70t in theroP District- Lot coverage is defined by the zoning ordinance asthat portion or percentage of a lot that is covered by impervioussurfaces. staff has always interpreted rot coverage is i-ncludingany buildingr parking, and outside storage areas. If the maximuilot coverage of is 70t then the city and staff has alwaysreguired 30t open space including gieen space and landsiapedareas. A large percentage of the subject site is gravel ito.ageareas which technically could be considerecl not imlervious butthese areas would be considered lot coverage and n6t open space. With- the proposed building addition and ouEside storage area, thetsota1 1ot coverage exceeds 70t by 6t for a total 76t iot.coverage. The approved plan amendment from 1979 resulted in74-5S lot coverage. Therefore, it would be difficult to enforcea.70t 1ot coverage srhen the proposed expansion is in conformancer,rith a previously approved p1an. To offset the amount _of.lot coverage and. tree removal, the appli_cant is proposing additional landscaping, over what is requi-rEd,around the outside storage area and is also proposing to iemovethe existing chain link fence on the northeait iiae 6r the propertyinto che site approxinately 30 to 40 feet and then to seed,'sodor landscape that area outside of the fence. The moving oi th"fence and creation of open space wiIl decrease the lot iover.geto 74t which is consistent with the 1979 plan. The applicant-is - Lyman Lumber Site Plan JuIy 13, 1988 Page 4 The city received a letter from a resident of Eden prairie wholives north of the subject site. The resident is unhappy withthe lights over the storage area and the hours of activity(Attachment #7). The applicant has agreed to adjust the lightsbut sEated that the short business season requires longer acti-vity periods. The city could consider ways to alleviate thenoise problem such as setting certain hours, buffering orlimiting activities after certain hours to areas of the site more removed from the residential district. The site is indus!.rial and the activiEies are permitted and to limit the business acti-vity too much may not be appropriate. Drainage, Grading and Uti I i ties his memo, r e f erence the Assistant City Engineer add.resses the site plan to grailing, drainage and utilities. RECOMMENDATI ON "The Planning Commission reconrmends approval of Site Plan Review #88-9 as shown on the plan stamped "Received July 6, 1988" withthe following conditions: 1. The applicant sha1I provide an amendecl landscaping plan whichprovides evergreens intersperseC with the proposetl maples and additional landscaping on the east and south side of the pro- posecl expansion. The applicant shall provide a plan which moves the chain linkfence, located on the east side of the existing outside storage area, approximately 30'- 40' into the site and sha11 sod,/seed and landscape the increased setback area to maintain 74t lot coverage. The applicant shall replace the chain link fence with a wood fence to screen the existinqr outdoor storage. The applicant shall redirect or relocate the lights on thesite away from the residential district to the north. The applicant sha11 obtain andthe Watershed District Permi t . comply h,ith a1I conditsions of 2 4 5 I also proposi.ng to remove and replace the chain link fence with awood fence which would totally screen the storage and activityarea located on the northeast portion of the site. Miscellaneous Other than the lot coverage requirement. the proposed site plan for the 30,000 square foot building expansion and outside storage and staging area meets the reguirements of the zoning ordinance.Therefore, staff is recommending the following: In in 3 Lyman Lumber Site Plan July 13, 1988 Paqre 5 6 7 The applicant shaII provide the City with calculations whichverify adequaLe capacity for the existing water and sanitarysewer services. As an alternative, the appticant shall pro-vide the City with details for the installation of new sJr-vices for the proposed building addition. commen cemen tin place developer sha1lrepairing any 13. The applicant shal1 comply with conditions of theand Fire Inspector.Bui 1di ng CONDITIONAT USE PERMIT The applicant shall provide the City Engineer for approvalcalculations which verify that the existing storm sewersystem along West 78th Street witl adequately handle theadditional capacity due to this application. These calcula-tions shall give detailed flow values for the proposed siteand the capacity for the existing site to the end of the out- f aII. Erosion control shall be in place prior to theof any grading, and once in place shall remainthroughout the duration of construction. Thebe responsible for making periodic checks anddamaged erosion controls promptly. Details regarding the pavement section for the parking areaand.the proposed staging area sha1l be submitted to the CityEngineer as part of the final revielv process. The applicant sha11 submit to the City Engineer for approvala typical section for the proposed curb cuts and bituminouspaving which is to occur along the access of IBTth Avenueprior to final site plan review. The applicant shall submit details to the City Engineer forthe proposed control structure shown on the southeast cornerof Lhe proposed staging area. Revised plans which include curb and gutter along all sidesof the bituminous parking area sha1l be submitted to theCity Engineer prior to final site plan approval-. 8 9. 10. 1r. t2. The zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit forscreened outside storage in the IOp districL. the applicant isproposing an outside storage area for a storage and liaging arealocated in the southeast corner of the site. The appliian[ isproposing to screen the outside storage with a six-toot high woodfence and extensive landscaping. The applicant is grading thesite to provide a slope from the outsidi- storage to the sfreet onthe south and east side of the site. rhe grading, fence andlandscaping will screen the activities of Ine ou[.side storagearea - Lyman Lumber Site PlanJuly 13, 1988 Page 6 The applicant is also proposing to remove thefence around the existing storage area locatedcorner of the site and replace the fence withfence and landscaping. existing chain 1i nkin the northeasta I00t opaque wood The and screened outside storagethe applicant is meeting is appropriate conditions of IN the the IOP zoning district ordinance. RECOI.,IMEND AT ION Planning staff recorunends thatfollowing motion: the Planning Commission adopt the "The Planning Commission reconmends approval of the Conditional Use Permit Request #88-8 as shown on the site plan dated "Received JuIy 6, 1988' with the following conditions: The applicant shal-I screen the proposed outside storage with 100t opaque wood fence and with the proposeC landscaping. The applicant sha1l replace the existing chain link fence onthe east side of the existing storage area with 100t opague $rood fence and provide landscaping along the fence.' ATTACHMENT S 1 2 1. ') 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Sections from City Codes. Memo from Fire Inspector dated June 27, 1988. Memo from Building Department dated June 23, 1988. Memo from Asst. City Engineer dated July 7, 1988. City Council minutes. Reduction of site plan from I979 approval .Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Mert Dresser dated June 27, Application.Letter from Lyman Lumber daEed June 13, 1988. Plan stamped "Received July 5, 1988". 1988. I ( ZONING $ 20-814 ARTICLE XXII. "IOP" INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PABK DISTRICT See. 2G8ll. Intent. The intent of the "IOP" District is to provide an area identified for large scale light industrial and commercial planned development. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, S 16(5-16-1), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G812. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an "IOP" District: (1) Offrces. (2) Warehouses. (3) Lightmanufacturing. (4) Ttade shops. (5) Health services. (6) Printers. (7) Indoor health and recreation clubs. (8) Body shops. (9) Utility senrices. (10) Recording studios. (11) Off-premises parking lots. (12) Conference/convention centers. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-2), 12-15-86) Sec. 20-813. Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an "IOP" District: (1) Parking lots and ramps. (2) Signs. (3) Itetail sales of products stored or manufactured on the site provided no more than' twenty (20) percent of the floor space is used for retail sales. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-3), 12-15-86) Sec. 20€14. Conditional use lte following are conditional uses in an "IOP" District: (1) Concrete mixing plants. (2) Communication transmission towers. 1227 C $ 20.814 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (3) Public buildings. (4) Motor freight terminals. (5) Outdoor health and recreation clubs. (6) Screened outdoor storage. (7) Researchlaboratories. (8) Contracting yards. (9) Lumber yards. (10) Home improvement trades. (11) Hotels and motels- (12) Food processing. (Ord. No. 80, Arr. V, $ 16(5-164), 12-15-86) State law reference-Conditional uses, M.S. S 462.3595. Sec. 2G815. Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an ..IOp,, District subject toadditional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter: (l) C The minimum lot area is one 0) acre. The minimum lot frontage is one hundred lifty (1SO) feet, except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall have a minimum frontage of sixty (60) feet. The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200) feet. The maximum lot coverage is seventy (20) percent. off-street parking areas shall comply with all yard requirements of this section, except that no rear yard par.king setback shall be required for lots directly abuttingrailroad trackage; and, no side yard shall be required when adjoining "o_mercir-luses establish joint off-street parking facilities, as provided in section 2O_1122, exceptthat no parking areas shall be permitted in any required side street side yard. Theminimum rear yard shall be fifty (50) feet for lots directly abutting any residentialdistrict. Side street side yards shall be a minimum of twenty-hve (25) feet in alldistricts. Other setbacks are as follows: ( (3) (4) (5) . a. For front yards, thirty (BO) feet.b. For rear yards, ten (10) feet. c. For side yards, ten (l0) feet. (6) The maximum height is as follows: a. For the principal structure, four (4) storiesfilty (S0) feet.b. For accessory structures, one (l) story. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-5), 12-15.86) t228 e $ 20.r101 Type of Driueway One-way trafiic TVo-way tralfic sec' zlrr0r. Driveway setbacks and widths in business, industriar, office, and m,Itiple-family districts. The following controls driveway setbacks and widths in the business, industrial, office,and multiple-family districts: (1) The width shall be measured between driveway edges and shalr be as follows: CHANHASSEN CITY CODE ARTICLE XXIV. OT'F.STREET PARKING AIYD IOADING DTVISION 1. GENERALLY Masimum (feet) 20 30 Minimum (fee0 t2 24 C ( (2) Driveway distances from street intersections sha[ be as a mini.u, in accordancewith the standards risted in the Institute of rlansportation Engineers publications(dated 1985) shall be used as a minimum cribria- (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 3, 12-15.86) Sec. 2G,1102. parking of trucks in R-Districts. No trucks or other commercial vehicle with multiple axles shall be parked on anyresidential premises or street in any R-District overnightfprowided that nothing herein shairprevent the parking of such vehicre in a fuuy enclosed garage or sim ar permanent structure,or the parking of necessary construction vehicles during the constructiou period on tlepremises where construstion is in progress. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 4, 12-15-86) Secs. 2G1103-2GlllE. Reserved. DTVISION 2. PARJflNG AND LOADING Sec. 2Gl1t6. Scope. This division applies to oIf-street parking and loading. Sec. 2Glll7. Minir"g6 "ir. of spaces; use for other purposes. (a) Parking spaces shar comply with city standards as set forth in the Design HandbooL .for minimum size and surfacing and sha, be ad.equately served by access arru.". err-rr"ai"gspaces shall be sufticient to meet the requirements of each use and sharl p.oria" ,a.qo"tspace for storage and maneuvering of the vehicles they are designed to serve. o) on-site parking facilities existing on Februar5r 19, 19g? may not be reduced in gize below that authorized for a sim,ar new building or use. Required parking or toaaing spacesghall not be used for storage ofgoods or for storage ofvehicresihat are inope"able or foi sile orrent. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[, 0 r(7-1-r, Z-r.2), t2-15.86) 1246 e_ ( $ 20-1100 Sec. 2G1054. Sigrs. WECS shall have one (1) sign, not to exceed two (2) square feet posted at the base of the tower and said sign shall contain the following information: (l) Warning high voltage. (2) Manufacturer'sname. (3) Emergency phone number. (4) Emergency shutdownprocedures. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, S 20(6-20-7(8), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gl0i5. Lighting. WECS shall not have a{fixed or attached any lights, reflectors, flashers or any other illumination, except for illumination devices required by FAA Regulations part zz "objects Affecting Navigable Air Space" and FAA Advisory Circular 7Ol746O-lF, September 19Zg "Obstruction Marking and Lighting". (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(9), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1056. Electromaglxetic interference. WECS shall be designed and constructed so as not to cause radio and television interference. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6.26-7(10), 12-15-86) Scc. 2G1057. Noise emissions. Noises eminating from the operation ofWECS shall be in compliance with and regulated by the state pollution control standards, Minnesota Regulations NPC 1 and 2, as amended- (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(11), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1058. Utility company interconnection. Secs. 2G1059-2Gll0O. Reserved. 1245 C ZONING No WECS shall be interconnected with a local electrical utility company until the utility company has reviewed and commented upon it. The interconnection of the WECS with the utility company shall adhere to the National Electrical Code as adopted and amended by the city. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(12)), 12-15-86) Cross reference-Technical codes, $ T-16 et seq. ZONING $ 20-1123 Sec. 2Glll8. Computing requirements. In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following shall govern: (l) "Floor space" means the gross floor area of the specific use as defrned iu Article tr. (2) where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to be the next largest whole number. (3) uses not specifically mentioned in this division shall be determined by the board of adjustments and appeals. The factors to be considered in such determination shall include size of building, type of use, number of employees, expected volume and turnover of customer tralfiq aad expected frequency and number of delivery or service vehicles. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ r(7-1-3), 12-15-86) ( Sec. 2Glll9. Yards. on-site parking and loading facilities shall not be permitted in the required front yard, side yard or rear yard, except as provided otherwise in this chapter. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VIL $ 1(?-14), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G.ll2l. Access. Parking and loading space shall have proper access from a public rightof_way. I.he number of width of access drives shall be located to minimize tralfic congestion aad abnormal Sec. 2Gll20. Buffer fences and planting screeus. On-site parking and loading areas near or abutting residential districts shall be screened in conformance with the provisions of article XXV. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 1(7-1-5), 12-15-86) tralfic hazard. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[, $ 1(7-16), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll22. Location of parking facilities and combined facilities. RequLed on-site parking space shalr be provided on the same rot as the principal building or use, except that combined or joint parking facilities may be provided for one [) or more buildings or uses in business districts and in industrial districts, provided that the total number of spaces shall equal the sum of the requirements for each buililing or use. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 1(?-r-8), 12-15.86) Sec. 2G1123. Construction and maiatcnance. In multiple'family, business, orfice and industrial districts, parking areas aad acccss drives shall be paved with a dust-free, all-weather surface with proper surface &ainage, and concrete curb. the operator of the principal bu ding or use shau maintain parking and loading areas, access drives and yard areas in a neat and s€rviceable condition.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ r(?-r-8), 12-15€6) -abJgaig L247 C $ 20.1124 (3) (4) (5) (6) a. CSec. 2Gll24. Lighting. All commercial, industrial and multi-family parking rots shan be righted. Lighting sha[ be directed away fmm the public rightof-way and adjacent residentiar or agricultural districts.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VIL S 1(7-1-9), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll25. Required number of ou-site parking spaces. on-site parking areas of sufficient size to provide parking for patrons, customers, suppri- ers, visitors and employees shall be provided on the premises of each use. The minimum number of required on-site parking spaces for the following uses shall be: (l) Assembly or exhibition hall, auditorium, theater or sports arena_One (1) parking space for each four (4) seats, based upon design capacity. (2) Auto sales, trailer sales, marine and boat sales, implement sares, garden supply store, building materials sales, auto repair_One (1) parking space for eu"l n.r" hundred (500) square feet of floor area. Automobile service station-Four (4) parking spaces, plus two (2) parking spaces for each service stall: such parking spaces shall be in addition to parking space required for gas pump areas. Bowling alley-Seven (7) parking spaces for each bowling lane. Churches-One (1) parking space for each three (3) seats, baseil on the design capacity of the main seating area, plus one (1) space per classroom. Dwelling: Single-family-Two (2) parking spaces, both of which must be completely en- closed. No garage shall be converted into living space unless other acceptable on-site parking space is provided. Multifamily-One (l) parking space per e{ficiency unit, one and one-half (1%) spaces per one (1) be&oom unit, two (2) parking spaces per two (2) or more bedrooms. Senior citizens housing shall have three-fourths spaces per dwelling unit. At a minimum, one (1) space per unit must be completely enclosed. b (7) Financial institution-One (1) space for each two hundred tilty (2S0) square feet of floor space. (8) Furniture or appliance store_One (1) space for each four hundred (400) feet of floor space. (9) Hospitals and nursing homes_One [) space for every two (2) beds, plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees on the largest single shift. (10) Manufacturing or processing plant-One [) off-street parking space for each em- ployee on the major shift and one (1) off-street parking space for each motor vehicle when customarily kept on the premises- (11) Medical and dental clinics and animal hospitals_One (1) parking space for each onehundred fifty G50) square feet of floor area. L248 e CHANHASSEN CITY CODE ( ZONING ( (12) Mortuaries-One (l) space for every three (3) seats. (13) yog"1 o" ,otel-One [) parking space for each rental room or suite, plus one (l) spacefor every two (2) employees. (14) OIfice buildings (administrative, business or professional)_Three (3) parking spacesfor each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area. (15) Public service buildings, including municipal administration bu dings, communitycenter, public library, museum. art galleries, and post oftice_One tfl p*ti"g "p"..for each five hun&ed (S00) square feet of floor area in the principal "tr"*-",pi*one (1) parking space for each four (4) rests withiu public assembly or meeting rooms. (16) Recreational facilities, including golf course, country crub, swimming club, racquetclub, public swimming pool_Twenty (20) spaces, pl* oo" (1) space for each fivehun&ed (500) square feet of floor area in the principal structure or two (2) spaces percourt. (17) Research, experimental or testing stations-one .,) parking space for each five hun-dred (500) square feet of gross floor area within the building, whichever is gleater. (18) Restaurant, cafe, nightclub, tavern or bar: a. Fast food-One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of gross floor area.b. Restaurant: 1. Without full liquor license_One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of grossfloor area or one G) space per two and one-half (2)6) seats whichevt isgreater. 2. With full liquor license_One 0) space per fifty (50) square feet of gross floorarea or oae (l) space per two (2) seats whichever is greater. (19) Retail stores and service establishments-one (1) space for each two hundred (200)square feet of gross floor area. (20) school' elementary (public, private or parochiar)-one a) parking space for eachclassroom or ofiicc room, plus one (1) space for each one hundred irn, ffSOl "Sr;"feet of eating area including aisles, in any a,rditorium or gymnasium or cafeteriaintended to be used as an auditorium. (21) school, iunior and senior high schools and colleges (pubric, private or parochiar-Four(4) parking spaces for each classroom or o(Iice room plus one 6) space for each one' hundred frlty.50) square feet of seating area including aisles, in any auditorium orgymnasiurn or cafeteria intended to be used as an auditorium. (22) shopping center-on-site automobile parking sha, be provided in a ratio of not ressthan one (l) parking space-for each two hundred (200) square feet of gro*s floor area;separate on-site space shall be provided for loading and unloading. (23) Storage, wholesale, or warehouse establishments_One G) space for each one thou_sand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area up to ten thousand (10,000) square feet andone.) additional space for each additional two thousand (2,000) square feet plus one t249 T C $ 20-1125 :<-rt-r $20-1125 CHANHASSENCITyCODE (l) space for each company vehicle operating from the premises. If it can be demon-strated by the applicant that the number of employees in the warehouse or storagearea will require ress than the required number of spaces, and if the applicant shJllsubmit a letter to the city assuring that if there is to be any increse in employees, theapplicant agrees to provide additional parking area, the city may uppror" " 1""r"" number of parking spaces. (24) The requirements for off-street parking for ary uses not specificary mentioned inthis section shar be the same as provided in this section for the use most sim ar inDature, it being the intent to require all uses to provide off-street parking. Wherethere is arry question regarding the number of off-street parking spaces to b-e provid- ed. The number shall be determined and fixed by the city planner. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, S 1(7-1-10), 12-15-86) C All required loading or unroading into or out of ra,road cars or trucks in excess ofthree-fourths ton capacity shair be conducted at facilities specifrcally designed or designatedfor that purpose. These facilities shall be located upon the lot of the principal o"" fo, *hi"hthey are required. All berths beyond one (1) shall be separate from areas used for off_streetparking. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 2(7-2-1), 12-18-86) Secs. 2Gll26-2G1140. Resenred. DI!'ISION 3. OFF.STREET LOADING AND TRASH REMOYA.L AREAS See. 2Gl14l. Scope. This division applies to oIf-street loading and. trash removal areas. Sec. 2Gll42. Location. Sec. 2G,1144. Surfacing. All off-street loading fac,ities, including roading berths and maneuvering areas, shall besurfaced with a hard, all-weather, dust-free, durable surfacing material and shall be weldrained, with concrete curb, and randscaped and sha[ be maintained in good condition.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VU, g 2(7 -2-g),12-15-86) ( Sec. 2G.1143. Access. Each required off-street loading berth shall be so designed as to avoid interference withother vehicular, pedestrian or rail access or use of public streets, alleys, or other public transport systems. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 2(7 -2-2), 12-15-86) e r250 ZONING $ 20-1176 Sec. 2Gll46. Desigu. All loading areas shall consist of a maneuvering area in addition to the berth and shall not use any of that portion ofthe site containing parking stalls. Maneuvering areas shall be of such size as to permit the backing of truck tractors and coupled trailers into a berth without blocking the use of other berths, drives, maneuvering areas or public rights-of-way. (Ord. No. 80, tut. VII, 5 2(7 -2-5), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll47, Required loading are:rs. (a) Any use which the city believes requires the provision of designated spaces for the loading, unloading or parking of trucks or semi-trailers shall provide such spaces and maneu- vering area in the number and confrguration which shall be deemed necessaq/ in order to prevent interference with the use of the public right-of-way and with vehicles entering onto or exiting from the public rightof-way. (b) Semi-trailer spaces shall be at least fifty-five (55) feet in length, ten (10) feet in width and fourteen (14) feet in height plus necessarlr additional maneuvering space. (c) Spaces shall not be located on a street side of any building, or, if so located, shall be provided with screening deemed adequate by the city. (d) Spaces and the associated maneuvering area shall be at least frfty (b0) feet from the property line of any residentially designated property. (e) No trucks shall be parked in areas other than those designed for such purpose on an approved site plan, (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 2(7-2-6), 12-15-86) Secs. 2Gll48-2G1175. Reserved. ARTICLE XXV. I-ANDSCAPING AND TREE REMOVAL DTVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 2G1176. Intent, scope and compliance. (a) The intent of this article is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas and property abutting public rightsof-way; to require bulfering between noncompatible land uses; 1251 C Sec. 2Gll45. Landscaping and screening. All berths shall be screened from public rights-of-way and from view from the property across the street frontage and/or from the zoning district boundary when the adjacent prop- erty or property across the street frontage or side street frontage is zoned or used for residen- tial purposes. The screening shall be accomplished as required in article XXV. (Ord. No. 80, Art. yII, 5 2(7 -24),12-15€6) ( $ 20-1176 CIIANHASSEN CITy CODE and to protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the sur-rourrding neighborhoods; to promote public health and safety through the reduction of noisepollution, air pollution, visual pollution and glare. (b) This article does not apply to single_family detached residences. (c) No new site development, building, structure or vehicular use area is allowed unlesslandscaping is provided as required in this article. (d) No property lines shall be altered nor shall any building, structure or vehicular usearea be expanded, unless the minimum landscaping required byihe p"o"i"io* of thi;;;;;is provided for the entire property. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VlI, $ 1, 12-15-86) S€c. 2$lf7?. Plan submission and approval. The property owner or developer shall prepare a landscape plan for review by the city.The city shall apply the following conditions in approving or disapproving the plan: (1) The contents ofthe plan shall include the following: C e Plot plan, drawn to an easily readable scale, showing and labelling by name and dimensions, all existing and proposed property lines, easements, buildings, andother structures, vehicular use areas (including parking stalls, driveways. ser-vice areas, square footage), water outlets and landscape material (includins ( botanical name and common name. installation size, on cer,ter planting dimenl \sions where applicable, and quantities for all plants used). Typical elevations and./or cross sections as may be required. Title block with the pertinent names and addressed (property owner, person drawing plan, and person installing landscape material), scale date, north arow(generally orient plan so that north is to top of plan), and zoning district. Existing landscape material shall be shown on the required plan and any mate-rial in satisfactory condition may be used to satisfy this article in whole or inpart. b c d (2) Where landscaping is required, no building permit shall be issued until the required landscaping plan has been submitted and approved, and no certificatu of oc"opa.,ry shall be issued until the landscaping is completed as certified by an on-site inspection by the building inspector, unless a performance bond, or irrevocable letter of credit from a banking institution, has been paid. - (3) If necessary, the city may require a letter of credit to insure proper installation of' landscape materials with comprete cost of all work certified by randscape contractor, with the bond amount to include the actual cost plus ten (10) percent. The bond shall be released upon satisfactory completion ofthe work as determined by the city. (4) where unusual site conditions exist where strict enforcement of the provisions of this article would cause a hardship or practical dilficulty, the planning commission andcity council may waive the requirements as part ofthe site plan review process. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VIU, $ 6, 12-15-86) t252 ( ZONING $ 20-1179 Sec. 2Gl178. Landscaping for service structure. (a) Any service structure shall be screened whenever located. in any residential, commer- cial or industrial zone (except RR and RSF zones). structures may be grouped together; however, screening height requirements will be based upon the tallest ofthe structures- (b) A continuous planting, hedge, fence, wall or earth mound shall enclose any service structure on all sides unless such structure must be frequently moved, in which case screen- ing on all but one (l) side is required. The average height of the screening material shall be one (1) foot more than the height ofthe enclosed structure, but shall not be required to exceed eight (8) feet in height. whenever a service structure is located next to a building wall, perimeter landscaping material, or vehicular use area landscaping material, such wals or screening material may fulfill the screening requirement for that side ofthe service structureif that wall or screening material is of an average height su-frrcient to meet the height requirement set out in this section. whenever service structures are screened by plant material' such material may count towards the fulfirlment of required interior or perimeter landscaping. No interior landscaping shall be required w.ithin an area screened. for service structures. (c) whenever screening material is placed around any trash crisposal unit or waste collection unit which is emptied or removed mechanicalry on a reg,rarly occuring basis, a curb to contain the placement ofthe container shall be provided within the screening material on those sides where there is such material. The curbing shall be at least one (1) foot from the material and shall be designed to preyent possible d.amage to the screening when the con- tainer is moved or emptied. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, $ 4, 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll79. Tlee removal regulations. (a) It is the policy of the city to preserve natural woodland areas throughout the city and with respect to specifrc site development to retain as far as practical, substantial tree stands which can be incorporated into the overall landscape plan- (b) No clearcutting of woodland areas shall be permitted except as approved in a subdivi- sion, planned unit development or site plan appiication. (c) The following standards shall be used in evaluating subdivisions and site plans: (1) To the extent practical, site desigrr shall preserve significant woodland areas. (2) Shade trees of six (6) inches or more caliper shall be saved unless it can be demon- strated that there is no other feasible way to develop the site. (3) The city may require the replacement of removed trees on a caliper inch per cariper inch basis. At minimum, however, replacement trees shall conform to the planting requirements identifred in division 4 of this article. (4) During the tree removar process, trees sha be removed so as to prevent blocking of' public rightsof-way or interfering with overhead utility lines. 1253 ( s 20.1179 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (5) The removal of diseased and damaged trees is permissible. (d) TYee removar not permitted under subdivision, pranned unit development or site pran review shall not be anowed without the approvar of a tree removal pran by the city council-Tlee removal plans shall include the content requirements as d.ictated in section 20-1177 andidentify reasons for tree removal. The plan shall be submitted three (B) weeks in advance of the city council at which it is to be considered. (e) This section does not apply to single-family and two_family lots of record.. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VlI, S ?, 12-1b-86) Secs. 2Gll80-2G.11g0. Reserved. DTVISION 2. PERIMETER LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Sec. 2Glf gl. Generally. (a) where parking areas are not entirely screened visually by an intervening building or structure from any abutting right-of-way, there shal be provided randscaping between such area and such right-of-way as follows: (l) A strip of land at least ten (10) feet in depth located between the abutting rightof- way and the vehicular use area which shall be landscaped. to include an average of one (1) tree for each forty (40) linear feet or fraction thereof. Such trees shall be located between the abutting right-of-way and the vehicular use area. (2) In addition, a hedge, wall, berm, or other opaque durabre landscape barrier of at least two (2) feet in height shall be placed along the entire length ofthe vehicular use area.If such opaque durable ba.ier is of nonliving material, a shrub or vine shall be planted along the street side of said barrier and be planted in such a manner to break up the expause of the wall. A two-foot berm may be used; however, additional lantlscaping at least one (1) foot in height at time of planting shall be installed. The remainder of the required randscape areas shau be randscaped with grass, grouad cover, or other landscape treatment. (b) This division applies to perimeter landscaping. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, $ 2(8-2-l), 12-15-86) S€c. 2Gll92. Required landscaping adjacent to int€rior property lines. (a) where parking areas abut property zoned or, in fact, used primarily for residential or .institutional purposes, that portion of such area not entirely screened visually by an interven- ing structure or existing conforming buffer from an abutting property, there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which should be maintained and replaced as needed. such landscaped bulrer shall consist of plant material, wall, or other durable barrier at least six (6) feet in height measured from the median elevation ofthe parking area closest to the common lot line, and be located between the common lot line and the off-street parking areas or other vehicular us€ area exposed to the abutting property. Fences shall be constructed accordiag to the standards in section 20-1018. C C _.arr:$:*t L254 e ZONING $ 20-L2L2 (b) In addition, an average of one (,) tree shall be provided for each forty (40) linear feet ofsuch parking area or fractionar part thereof. such trees shall be rocated between the commoqlot line and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area. (c) Where such area abuts property zoned and, in fact, used for offrce, commercial, orindustrial purposes' that portion of area not entirely screened visually by an interveningstructure or existing conforming bufrer, shall comply with the tree provisions only as pre-scribed in this section. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, S 2(8-2-2), 12-tb-86) Sec. 2Gll93. Combining with easements. The required randscape buferyard may be combined with a utility or other easement aslong as all of t'he landscape requirements can be firry met, otherwise, the landscape bufferyardshall be provided in addition to, and separate from, any other easement. cars or other objectsshall not overhang or otherwise intrude upon the required 'andscape bufferyard more thantwo and one-half (2rh) feet and curbs will be required. (Ord. No. 80, Art. Vm, S 2(8-2-8), 12-15.86) Sec. 2Gll94. Eyisting laadscape material. Existing randscape material shall be shown on the required plan and any material insatisfactory condition may be used to satisfy these requirements in whole or in part.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, S 2(8-24), 12-15-86) Secs. 2G,1195-20,1210. Reserved. DTVISION 3. INTERIOR LANDSCAPING FOR VEHICIJLAR USE AX,EAS Sec. 2G,1211. Generally, (a) Any open vehicular use area (excluding loading, unloading, aud storage areas in theIOP and BG districts) containing more than six thousand (6,000) square feet of La, o" t reoty(20) or more vehicular parking spaces, shall provide interior landscapiog in ,c"o.darrc. *tithis division in addition to ,.perimeter,, landscaping. Interior landscapi"g *y U" p""i*J*or island types. (b) This division applies to interior landscaping of such areas. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI[, $ 3, 12-15-S6) fu. 20-1212. Landscape area. (a) For each one huadred (100) square feet, or fraction thereof, of vehicular use area, Iive(5) square feet of landscaped area shall be pmvided. ([) t[s minihum landscape area permittcd shall be sixty-four (64) square feel with afour'-foot rninimum dimension to all trees from edge of pavement where r"ui"t* ori"og. - 1255 ( ( (c) In order to encourage the required landscape areas to be properly dispersed, norequired landscape area shall be larger than three hundred fifty (3b0) square feet in vehicularuse areas under thirty thousand (30,000) square feet in size, and no required area shall belarger than one thousand five hundred (1,800) square feet in vehicurar ,"" """* "r", irriiythousand (30'000) square feet. In both cases, the reast dimension ofany required area shalr befour-foot minimum dimension to all trees from edge of pavement where vehicres overhang.Landscape areas larger than above are permitted as rong as the additionar areas is in excess ofthe required minimum. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VIII, ! A(8-B-1), 12.15-86) Sec. 20.1213. Minimum trees. A minimum ofone (1) tree shall be required for each two hundred filty (2s0) square feet orfraction thereof, of required randscape area. Ttees shall have a clear trunk of at reast frve (s) feet above the ground, and the remaining area shall be landscaped with shrubs, or groundcover, not to exceed two (2) feet in height. (Ord. No. 80, Art. Vm, $ 3(8-3-2), 12-15-86) s 20-1212 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Secs. 2Gl2l5-20-1230. Reserved. C S€c. 2Gl2f 4. Vehicle overhang. Parked vehicles may hang over the interior landscaped area no more than two andone'half (2%) feet, as long as a concrete curb is provided to ensure no greater overhang orpenetration of the landscaped area. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VIII, $ 3(8-3-9), 12-15-86) e DMISION 4. LANDSCAPING MATERIALS, ETC. Sec. 2G!231. Generally. (a) The landscaping materials shall consist of the following; (l) walls and fences. wals shall be constructed of naturar stone, brick or artificiarmaterials. Fences shall be constructed of wood. chain link fencing will be permitted only if covered with wood strips or plant material. (2) Earth mounds. Earth mounds sha, be physical barriers which block or screen theview similar to a hedge, fence, or wall. Mounds shall be constructed with proper andadequate plant material to prevent erosion. A d.i(ference in erevation between areasrequiring screening does not constitute an existing earth mound, and shall not beconsidered as fulfilling any screening requirement. (3) Plants. All plant materials shall be living prants, artiliciar plants are prohibited andshall meet the following requirements. a. Quality. Plant materials used in conformance with provision of this divisionshall conform to the standards of the Arnerican Aseociation of Nurserymen and. shall have passed any inspections required under state regulations. 1256 ( CITY OF EHINHISSEN II{EMORANDUM TO: Jo Ann Olsen, FROU. Steve Madden, DATE: June 27, 198 8 SUBJ: Lyman Lumber 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Assistant City Planner Fire Inspector are required throughout the building at Emergency lighting is required throughout the buiJ.ding. all areas of the Upon completing the site plan review for Lyman Lumber, I amrequiring the following as required by the Uniform Fire Code: 1 Liqht.ed exit s ignsall exits. 2 3 4 5 6 7 A sprinkler system sha11 beaddition including the dock Another exit is required inprefinish shop ( Life Safety The sprinkler system shall approved cent.ral dispatch. installed in area. the warehouse area Code 2 8-2 .6.2) . by the have an audible aLarm vrith UL Install a gate for access tooffice (UFC Section 10.301) . the fire hydrant by the dispatch llove existing hydrant from insideinstall it at the corner of metal10.301). of lhe pole shed andclad pole shed (UFC Section If you have any questions, please ask. MEMORANDUM TOs FROM: DATE: SUBJ: 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Pl anner I nspec to rSteve Kirchman, Building June 23, 1988 Site PIan S88-9 and Conditional Use permit #88-8 Lumber Lyman CITY OF THINHISSEN \..1t. Maximum distance of travel to an exit is 200 feet (UBC 3301 tdl).Additional exits will neeal to be added to existing building ifthe addition causes this distance t.o be exceeded. The windowshop and prefinishing shop must be divided from the rest of thebuilding by a one hour occupancy separation. The window shop andprefinishing shop rnust comply to t.he provisions of Chapter 9 ofthe Uniform Building Code. I 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 EHINHISSEN SUBJ: Site Plan Review for a 30,000 square foot addition to the Automated Building Components Bui lding Planning File No. 88-9 Site plan This site is located on the northwest quadrant of the intersec-tion of West 78th Street and 187th Avenue Northwest. Theexisting site maintains a lumber ancl millwork yard throughout thewesterly and. northerly portions of the parcel . The southeastquadrant of the property is a open field with a large grove ofmature trees. Existing access for the site is attained both fromwest 78th Street and 187th Avenue. Sanitary S ev/er MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Iarry Brolrn, Staff Engineer DATE: July 7, 1988 Wate rma i n Acc ess Munj.cipal sanitary serrrer is available to the site by theI5-inch diameter sanitary sewer Iine which exists alongStreet. The applicant should submit details as part ofreview process as to whether the existing sanitary sewerto the site will be adequate for the future additions.event that existing services are to be used, the City'sdepartment should be notified 24 hours in advance. exi sting West 7 8ththe final services In the uti Iity Municipal water service is also available to the site by theexisting 10-inch diameter watermain which also exists along West78th Street. Similarly, the applicant needs to address wh6therthe existing water services wirl accommodate the future additionprior to final site plan review process. The plans propose that the existing access be maintained with themodification of a larger curb radius to facilitate semi trailertraffic. Section 20-7123 of the City Zoning Ordinance statesthat aII parking areas and access roads be paved with a dust-free, CITY OF &a Planning Commi ssion JuIy 7, 19 88 Page 2 Grading alI-weather surface and concrete curb and gutter, The proposedparking area south of the proposed building addition is- sh6wn asa bituminous surface as in accordance with the Cityrs ordinance,Curb and guLter will be required for this bituminous parking areaon a1l sides of the parking lot. The gradi ng trees along Drainage existing grove of The applicant has maintained the predeveloped runoff rate by theuse of restrictions on the storm sewer inlets and ponding on theproposed staging area. This practice has been approved vrithvarious other subdivision along with Watershed approval. It shoulal be noted that the applicant needs to provide the CitycalculaLions which verify that the existing storm sewer system atthe intersection of liest 78th Street and West l87th Street willprovide adequaLe capacity for this additional flow all the way tothe end of the outfall for a 100-year frequency storm event. These calculations shall be submitted as part of the final reviewprocess. Erosion conLrol plan cafls for the removal of thethe southeast corner of the site. applicant sha11 obtain and comply with a1I conditions of watershed District Permit. I The the - 2. The applicant shall provide the City with calculations whichverify adequate capacity for the existing water and. sanitary sewer services. As an alternative, the applicant sha11 pro- vide the City with details for the installation of neh, ser-vices for the proposed building addition. 3. The applicant shalI provide the City Engineer for approvalcalculations which verify that the existing storm se$rer system along West 78th Street will adequately handle theadditional capacity due to this application. These calcula-tions shall give detailed flow values for the proposed site ancl the capacity for the existing site to the end of the out-faIl- The grading plan has proposed a silt fence barrier along theentire downstream side of the site. The City's standard detailfor the installation of erosion control shoutd be shorrn on thegrading plan. Recomrneniled Condi Lions 4 6 7 8 Erosion control shall be in place prior to the cornmen cemen tof any grading, and once in place shal1 remain in place throughout the duration of construction. The developer shaIlbe responsible for making periodic checks and repairing any damaged erosion controls prompt ly. Details regarding the pavement section for Lhe parking areaand the proposed staging area shalI be submitted to the CityEngineer as part of the final reviehr process. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for approvala typical section for the proposed curb cuts and bituminouspaving which is to occur along the access of l87th Avenueprior to final site plan review. The applicant shal1 submit details to the City Engineer forthe proposed control structure shown on the southeast cornerof the proposed staging area. Revised plans which include curb and gutter along aI1 sidesof the bituminous parking area sha1l be submiLted to theCity Engineer prior to final site plan approval. Planning Commission July 7, 1988 Page 3 ot (cl ( RrL 26, 1975CIAL CHANIIASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING AP Mayor Kl with the Kurvers . ingelhutz called the special Council meeting tofollowing members present: Councilmen Hobbs,Councilman Neveaux came late. order at Shulstad,7:30 anal p.m. t STREET LTGHTTNG CoNTRACT - ECKLUND ND slE!!IrN!_. A motion was made byi " r;i;;-;;;"ide unirerSection 13 of the Ecklund and Swedlund Minnewasht" w""a='-."ntract that theexpense of furnishing electrival energy for street righiing purposes shaiibe assumed by the city 24 months aftei- completion of [i" ii"t"rration ofthe street lighting syst.em or after 758 of-builaing rots have ueen improvedby construction of residences thereon, whichever i! iii=t--t" occur. Thefollo.ing voted in favor: Mayor Kringelhutz, councirmen -gotls, Kurvers,anil Shulstad. No negative votes. Moiion carried. NATToNAI FLooD TNSURANCE: The Adninistrator has maps of the Minnesota @nd.Rit.ey-PurgatorycreekIiatershed,showingthe100 year flood areas. The city has to have an application in to HU6 ofareas.r{here the ci-ty can determine that there i,s-i need. other areas ofthe city can be added at a later date but areas cannot be dereted, oncethey have been submitted.. He asked the council to pass a resolutionauthorizing the application. Councilman Shulstad moved- the adoption of a resolution authorizing theclerk-Administrator to submit the proper application for participitionin the National Flood Insurance Prbgram. irre area delineited is^the 100year flood potential as shown on plates 9 and 10 of the lower Minnesota-, River.varley prooil plain Study dated 1973. Resolution seconded byI councilman Hobbs. ,The foltowing voted in favor: Mayor Klingerhulz,i Councilmen llobbs, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negativ; votes. Motion carried. David ohde gave the presentation. The site is rocated on the north s ideof Highrvay 5 in Henne pin County. They need to provide rail service tothe millwork plant,component plant, and l-umber distribution yaril. Afrontage road. is pro posed along the north edge of Highrvay 5.A temporaryaccess onto Highway 5 is proposed.. The site has 7 -8 acres of tree cover,approximatel y 3-3\ acres of trees may be removed.The millwork operationwill be comp letely enclosed. in a 42,500 square foot building of tilt u pconcrete or architectural block. Box cars on the ra il spur in the cen terof the site will be screened by grade changes. The ma jority of the traffici.nto and on the s ite r"ri11 be Lyman trucks. Three t ypes of storage . structuresare proposed in the lumber distribution yardi two completely enclosedt^rarehouses, a 3 sided storage buitding and umbrella sheds. The 3 sided WLOPMENT Pr,AN.- LYMAN r,ultenn: David ohde, B.R.w.,rom rowe, and .Blrr zr-emer r^rere present.. Tom Losre explained some of thebackgrounil ,of_Lyman rumber and what they propose to do. They operate- lunber yard,s in Excelsior, wayzata, and-annand.ale, a component llant inLong Lake, and a millwork prant in Excelsior. They have experiincedsubstantial growth and. find they are being crowded. out. rh6 site inChanhassen will have no retail sales. They intend to operate the Excelsiorand wayzata Locations for retail trade. when alr phasel are buirt theyplan on employing 150 people. A_ motion was made by Councilman Hobbs and seconded bytable Hesse Farm Phase I. The following voted, inhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Shulstad, and Kurvers. Noon carried . HESSE TARI4 PHASE I: Counc l-Lman Xuivers tofavor: Mayor Klingelnegative votes. Moti { T Chanhassen city courl 1 Meeting April 26, 1975 TROLLS-GLEN:to RI fo- tEe Commission rec WESTERN AREA T'IR.E TRAI NTNG ASSOCIATION: Birl Brezinski discussed. the Ilighway Department rs retter of April r whereb-they request the developer to constluct- eight foot uii"*i"i"". lanes foraccess and sussest the citv look inro exteidins th" i;;a;;"-i"li'i!=tiirato Dakota. The city Engineer has asked. ttre Hiiirway o"p"rG""t f ".permission to construct part of the frontage road in highway right-of-way.A retter has been received from the Highwai oepiit e"I-iniicating thatit would be acceprable to make ,=" oi fiart of the highway ;i;;;_;f;;;. The city Pranner recommend.ed. the council lpprove the preliminary developmei, cplan subject to the condirions as outlined'i;-i;";i"iiiil"co^*i"rlo.,minutes of April 9. A motion_ was made by Councilman Hobbs and, second.ed by CouncilmanK"tygr: to grant preliminary dever opment plan approvir ""uj""t-lo tne f-conditions as outlined in rhe Aprir-g, rgis, prinning-co;i;;i";'-"" Iminutes. The fotlowing voted ii: ravoi, Mayor Kling6thot=, "iil.i"i-:_*"r, IHobbs, Neveaux, shulsttd, and. Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried_ Tom-Lornre stated, Lyman Lumber would like to use industrial revenue bond.sto.finance the project. The City Attorney asked Mr. towe to supply himwith the appropriate figures bef6re the c6uncir can take action'.' - ----'- ( buililing i-s rocated along the northwest property line and it acts as ascreen Eor adjacent property. A fu1ly encl0sed-maintenance building isproposed. This wilr be used for the iervicing or truc:<sl- this buiictingand. the 3 sided build.ing wilr be of colored *6t"r ,iirr -asphalt roof. The milrwork prant and. railroad spur are proposed for 1975 in phase t.Phase rr is the rumber_distribution yard ior- 1976, phase'irr urucomponent plant for L97g-79, phase rv is the g"rrur.i orrice in i9go, and.phase V the reserve area after 1980. When the project is completed LlEran Lumber plans on having 30These trucks wilr make- 2 to 4 iound trips pEr day. The firstbe running 3 to 4 trucks. _ Truck parkin! wilt be'i" ah; i""".aarea in the rear of the site- t Mrs. Pete-rj ohn was present requesting rezoningproperty knows as Outlots t ana Z Ce6.ar Crest.ommended this property be rezoned.. trucks . phase wilJ. s torage from RlA The Planning - A motion was made by councirman Neveaux and second.ed by councilman Hobbsthat outrots I and 2 of cedar crest Addition be rezoned from RrA to RIas recommended by the planning commission. on April g, Lg75. rr.r" i"riJ*i"gvoted in favor: Mayor. Klingelhutz, Councilmen' i.UU", N;;;;"", shulstad,and Kurvers. No negative votes. Motion carried. ShuL st Board. Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Shulstad.,votes. Motion carried. ad of Directors of the W.A.F.T.A. The seconded by Councilman Neveaan PARKING TTCKE ? PROCEDURE: A motion rrra s made by Councilman ::. :ux to appoint John Kreger !o thefollowing voted in favor: MayorNeveaux, and. Kurvers. No negaEive The City Attorney recommended the Councilion on parking ticket procedures.await some pendi ng legislat A motion was mad.e b y Councilman llobbs and. second.ed by Councilman Neveauxto table parking ti cket procedur .-Erir- d{,.{...a<r. . - *-*-. -.:." !f. e. The following voted in favor: Mayor T *Nx-A\q oyg be .NW .I{?SSVIIdYHi U=8UNN] NYTWAN l.'-EXa'{a\n'V \vi,bub\ _-?- '--77 ',On d g )tv tttrH -=l.YlS a1 I L-lI --- I'II' .I'I 'aiII/;; ii,v . (d4ar !-,r@'o2)! <e@ D',tttz o) dAa-- di.!rr:+@ Jl, z i rtrr !Irrtr IE I I :l ,l 1 1t : t i tI |l-tLr ,! !l l -1' n r I I! f, J; P g T lEi4ii::i,:;.-;-,..-- .", -p _,.ir 4a-iF{dF6iii-.,_ 1\ I { cJ//!t/,; t J"i lr h/c ////c c/oto Z(ti .o / o L,t< ,. /.ul fi a t 1. ,t t' t't /l/ ,u.-/l 2 c a 'J 's2'2a z't z!€i'yrr/oai ol l7.tz,t,--t Au'n '/e' €,. /'F d'drr. /n/n-.u/J af 7-J,.,e{o7, //o-.y74 kle al, ,uoiso n l/Leo /rr7 /r*o /ro"r/rb^t 'F il.t "" urrr' tf /t / /a .rloo -/,o 1,t'ec /fi alor y'?/rr! ilc y'l,E r lu{t r'r, et ,e,r) /reou / iln / //*r,'' co'Jr ''/t n /u' /J''*7 t/r,,, l7 I /,' /|7 RoriJ.,-/r'a / lReH, 7c tl bt {ono 5 of !/ J ln n, //t /rr.o f.r' / a,,4 il, , ,,v o /'r e ,rt 7/e -I7 trrt ll" *,<nc//'co, / J 7o rt/rr 7 //, Occ f,J/c/-! MrThl lal t/ /, / /cr" oA RtThl /'a') r/"' l"i/Jr'-'7 2 i// ,tlr" y'" ottt '/ I /,,'/JiJ rtlPfttoutt ru lil;1,;, / s/o,// /zvc nta / 6 2a* //r*7 e.P o /L ,r,rr/o,t * Jn'77''7 ,t/,,3 0 V4 , a ^,t sf uc?), pa/ /n77."t €uczr/ /, o.t dr- ,7.pa ? fr* / 7 marJ 7, V:30 /y,/4. + f ?.n/, ty'c lf -r// //,e ,/r'c/'oc c nrK, o[- /um/rot a/J /P Jcru€, 'iltt Sot/n alfi'u'il, / t:7/r /t 4te oF lqacern/ nr'J 'lou/t at/7 6.7/arcJ z/o-y' tnn, lr la,rL/ il c so u ll od llr b,)/JrLr. lounT ft{"," l ri/) ,L, s Ato //, ,?rtt'Jru/ 'i //( ,t .r{ ' 4- "?7-rr M. y'" /r, Cln,-t /ol g,l p/,r-u,n , flzllrtstea) r{ ,;7 hou'<t 4lt, /o /u.t / U/.- P*ttnt. J os rn /_ ile { Tarrf /f /o rrulrru.e, ca.rtts/run.a z ut'ct/l So2let/ n ep. d cn,/(e<io! u''/l t/n /rt-lp(e ti r /tcc 7'/t" /rru(Zt4r lrr,'//,-2 ,'oo); /rf dc //to h /i" te 2o at tz ut l .r77-o"iz' o/( t/o No /; /,2, /''" of ilt t{,t ,,rt'// /, cr,)/ c/ /o*" 4/a IA-rac +/"car"e t'r /.?.8 s ort / /"ay' -r/ 7/nrt _/ /a ae r fo.z / U( FAC EJrr, /t,rrrr'" I tto / Crlez /n'ricil ' ,4r n...r o / I (/t"t -Y tsa"2"' '77 /r1'/l.o* €o //c't Trrt .,C 7-2n L /I yo, c eL'I f.Ot/z Z*u'k,,l /7 ,'/, y',+ //" , L r.l ot/ /1, 7/r,i / ' ll, / tt 70u zlr a.//t ft / aO, rf2-/" z{7 tr) eu E .Prur", o /n-f, R "tt e/< 'liil,ilHftlbq,.?ur.; 0 I,AND DEVELOPITENT APPLICATION CITY OT CEANE,ASSnI 690 coulter Drive ChaDhasseD, MN 55317(512) 937-1900 APPLICANT: Lyman Lumber ADDRESS 300 Morse Avenue Excel sior, l,|N 55331 o9{NER: Lyman Lumber ADDRESS 300 Morse Avenue Exce I sior, MN 55331 TELEeHoNE (Daytime) qzq-oafat' "ou" v 1p Code TELEPHON E REOIJEST: Zoning District Change zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Anendment Iand Use plan Amendment X Conditional Use permit X Site plan Review pR9JECT Ne,ryE Lyman Lumber PRESENT I,AND USE PLAN DESIGNATION N/A REQUESTED LAND UsE PLAN DEsIGNATIoN N/A PRESENT zoNrNG rcpz Planned Unit Development _ Sketch plan _ Preliminary plan _ Final plan Subdivi sion _ Platting _ Metes and Bounds Street/Easement Vacation Wetlands permit REOUESTED ZONING N /A UsEs PRoposED Prefinishing/l,larehouse sIzE oF PRopERTy overall parcel = 794,567 sq. ft.Area of improvement =IE9'?E? LOCATTON 1 00 He st 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN 55317 REASoNS FoR THrS REeuEsT To allow construction of a 30,000 s quare foot add i ti ontotsngu bui I di ng. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary)See pl an - Lyman Lumber Gompany the prolessional builder's supply center 3tx, MOBSE AVENUE . MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 40 ' EXCELSIOR, MINNESOTA 55331 . TELEPHONE 1612l, 474.0844 THOMAS P LOWE JAMES E, HURO E ecutive Vice Presictent June 13, 1988 Ms. JoAnn 0lson Ci ty of Chanhassen Planning Department 69O Coulter Street Chanhassen, llinnesota 55317 RE: P I anned Usage of the Proposed Site Improvements at: 18800 West TBth StIeet , Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear .loAnn; Per 51 6111' plr.lposed request, the following are the intende(i usages of the site improvements at the above listed pi'operty: 1 2 We will be noving our existing i{indow sLorage and assembly into the proposed addition to free up needed space in our exi st i ng warehouse. We also plan to use approx i ma te I y 5000 squal'e fee t of the proposed addition for prefinishirrg noultlings and doors. A. The mouldings and doors wi.Ll be preiiuished with a stain, seafer and topcoat. B. For equipment we would be using 2 or 3 spray booths and 1 or 2 machines specifically desi.gned for finishing wood moulditrgs. C. Any potentially hazar(lous material needing disposal would consist of 1 or 2 barre 1s per nonth of finishing materials and thinners. These matet-iaf s wou-Id be hauled away by a company in tire business of incinerating or ret:yr:ling those L)'pes of hraste material. The outside storage area would be usc(l for lunber type bui lding naterials. We fully intend to comp l y wi th the Chanhassen screening requirements for an area such as this. Page 2 lls. Jo.Ann 0Lson June 13. 1988 The uses l i sted above wi. Il al low us to continue to utilize thatsite for a natural expanslon of the business we are in which isse-lling building material s for new construction to buildingprofessionals. We fully intend to continue to be a good nemberof the community and to ful ly cooperate wi th alI Chanhassenordinances. If there is any other information you need, please ca l I me at 47 4-0844 - Very truly yours, LYYAN LUI,IBER COIIPANY [...6&],,"---,- n F. Waldron e President 0perations .JFl{: tb o i LYMAN LUMBER COM NY ltritL ,( dtL [60 ts\3 ! I . I J { I : s" i E$ I :! ItiI :t Fl =r-r--!= @ rb -,,, , ' E.) tunv - - - - ;=-.. a-; i- --= --- " - - -. ^/ \,)-\ l}l,_-- arr-.ri.&tadF L Letii : I ,l : i 1i li I -4 _l I I I /-..N. tu tda.) \ \ ***)5t __) I t ! t Ilr l.t: t I l F [1 F II I I t1/MEgrA 'tAlE Ht6ll|rr hb 5 --L tfESf aN tN *.'.atz ,7a &.2 ,e a.4 r_--_--_-----] la Lar-ae rl 0 )z ,"..' I +t l9 91 ) B I 1 I ! I::t'! lra i! t: ri :! ii t- fi-)t:ti I '| !i' LYMAN LUMBEB COMPANY CHANHASSEN, MN. !3t$T SITE PLAN I a I Ei ;l r ir i I i :l LJ r.I I Iiiiti,i; 2 ,o iit: I I I /ll! rli: I tti r:iE l i I t.' t 8 t \J lrI l' t I I I I 1 I I I I I I l. I E ! I t' I I(_I ;5: ! ! 6 t i F L o3 'r L I I I I I I I I I I :hJ,' \,!a t e a atI 1 GBADING, ORA|IIAGE ATTO LANDSCAPII{G N1 I i EIii rl I v :l :tH i. ilit lill ili rti i LYMAN LUMAER COMPANY CHANHASSEN, MN. ! o ti...l,!!.!.I,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,*.,,*I#ffi -) ;' 1 4 tt I \ . J.16r !'rld, rF.r<.v- . t, I , I I t l 9 6 -1 ), I l*a: I I I 1g \J J I II I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I J_j I I ;;:*;! *-' \- e \ CITY OF P.C. DATE: iluly 13, 19BB C.C. DATE: July 25, 1988 CASE NO: 8B-8 Site plan Prepared by: Olsen,/v Fz () J(LL sk(o IIJ Ea Site Plan Review for an Off ice,/Warehouse FacilityPROPOSAL: APPLICANT:l{aytek, Inc. 813 7 Pleasant Ave. So.Bloomington, MN 55420 PRESENT ACREAGE: DENSITy s ADJACENT AND LAND ZONING :IOP, Industrial office Park 2.59 acres ZONING USE:N- s- E- w- Eden Prairie s ingle IOP, vacant fOPi vacant IOP, Lyman Lumber & family developmeht railroad tracks WATER AND SEITIER:Site has sewer and water availabte PEYSICAL CEARAC. :Site is fairly 1evel vegat ion . with areas of heavy 2 O O O I.,AND USE PLAN :Industrial EHANH[SSEN STAFF REPORT LOCATION: Lot 3, Block 1, park One 3rd Addition L. L. White and Sons8282 crand Avenue So-Bloomington, MN 55420 \ 3 (9 I o \7000 --7lOO -720O -730C Ld,zsr,ctJ q trVLDNrw- fr)ul l,JA:.flaa -8too 8300 LAKE 2oo(o @ .t 7500 -T16|00 -7?OO o 7900 _-8OOO BD o(I'I oo ro @ . .JI. zlrlo UIlrl 2 TH T z I I ST -/H- I c loP Al(E RSF rll3lt GtacL! RICE U SH LAKE tri tcoo ,9>' It 7400 7 - 0200 il',JBs il I APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 20-8L2 permits warehouse and office as a permitted the IOP District. Section 20-815 allows a maximum lot coverage of 70t, a front yard setback of 30 feet, a rear yard setback of l0 feet and a side yard seeback of 10 feet. This section also allows a maximum height of 50 feet for the prinicipal structure. Section 20-I191 requires a 10 foot strip of l-and between abutting righ!-of-way and vehicular use areas including one tree per 40 feet and a hedge wal1 or berm of at least 2 feet. Section 20-LL92 requires interior with one tree per 40 feet. property lines to be landscaped USE IN Section areas. 20-L2J-1 reguires interior landscaping for vehicular use REFERRAL AGENCIES Section 20-1125 requires for warehouse one parking space for each 1,000 sguare feet of gross floor area up to I0,000 and one addi- tional space for each additional 2,000 square feet, plus one space for each company vehicle for office it requires 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet. Fire Inspector Asst. City Engineer ANALYS IS Attachment *2 Attachment #3 Waytek Site Plan July 13, I988 Page 2 The applicant is proposing to develop a 25,000 square foots office warehouse facility on property zoned IOP. Approximately 21 ,750 square feet ieill be warehouse and 3,200 sguare feet will be office space. The site is bordered by Quattro Drive on the southeast siile of the property and is bor,fered on the north side of the property by the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad. The site has areas of heavy vegetation. The building is situated on the most southr.resterly half of the site. The remaining portion of the site will remain as open space. The parking area is located on the southwes! side of the site witsh the warehouse closest to the railroad and the office space south of the proposed warehouse. The site is maintaining all of the required setbacks for the IOP District including the recent ordinance amendment for parking and building setbacks adjacent to the railroad tracks (approveC by Plannin! commission aL 7/6/88 meeting). The zoning ordinance is being amended to clarify parking setbacks adjacent Eo railroad Wayte( Site PlanJuly 13, 1988 Page 3 Drainaq6 , Gradinq and Uti I i ties In the attached memo srading, d;;i;;s;-;;;the Assistant City Engineer reviews theutilities of the proposed site plan. RECOMMENDAT ION The proposed site plan meets the requirements of the zoning ordi_n ance . Planning staff recommends thefollowing motion:Planning Commission adopt the "The^PIanning Commission recommends approval of Site plan#88-8 as shown on the site pfan siampEi "neceived June L3subject to the following .onaition"r' - Review ,1988" I City.Council, approval of the ordinance amendment regardingparking and building setbacks adjacent to railroad [.racfs] Additional landscaping be provided along the southwest sideof the proposed docking and parking arei. The additional 2 - tracks and residential districts. The site is being serviced bytwo orives from euattro Drive. The most southerly 6rire wirl uea two r'{ay drive and the most northerly drive wirl be used io. on.tvay exit for traffic from the parking area. The applicant isproviding. the required- amount, of parling and adequii.u iijtrtingfor the site. The applicant is miintaining ttre io rooi 6onser-vation easemeDt adjacent to the rairroad tiacks and is aiso main-taining a large portion.of the existing trees and brush thatwill oe used for screening. The_applicant is providing additional interior and exteriorlandscaping to meet the requirements of the zoning orainince.There is a large docking area to the southwest of the ,uiutor"..There are existing trees along the perimeter of the Iot whichwill screen this dock area. when tire property to the south isdeveloped, it is nor guaranteed that tlis tre3 line *iii-u. .ain-tained.. Therefore, staff is recommending additional landscapingbe provided along the seeded strip to the southhrest of theparking and docking area to maintiin screening of tnis areashould some of the existing vegetation be rernoved in the future.Staff is also recomrnending thaa this additional fana"ciping-include evergreens to provide year round screening. The applicant is locating all of the trash encrosures inside thewarehouse, therefore screening of the trash enclosures is not .1:?ll.:9.,-T!: Sppli.glt i: pioposins an I8 ssuar. ro"t-"iJnwnrcn rs consrstent hrith the-zoning ordinance. The total [..ce.r-t?9" "{ site coverage is 5I.3t r,rhi;h is under the 70t maxiiu*allowed for site coverage. Waytek Site Plan July 13, 1988 Page 4 4. A standard concrete cross gutter shall be installed at theintersection of Quattro Drive and the proposed 24-foot dri-veway. This cross gutter shaI1 be installed as per thedeEail enclosed with this report (refer to Attachment No. 2). 5. The applicant and contractor sha1l take utmost care inensuring the City that the newly-construct ion Quattro Drive sha11 remain intact throughout the construction process. 6. The storm sewer plan shal1 be revised to show the connectionto the existing storm sewer stub along the westerly right-of- way boundary for Quattro Drive. An erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to final site plan review. The applicant shall obtain and comply with allthe watershed District Permit. Utility easements sha11 be placed utilities.over all proposed I0. Meet the requirements of the Public Safety Director. ATTACHMENTS 7 Iandscaping shall include evergreens for year Sections from City Code. Ivlemo from Public Safety Director dated JuIy Memo from Assistant City Engineer dated JulyApplication. PIan stamped "Received June 13, 1988". round. screening. conditions of 9 I 2 3 4 5 7, 7, 1988. 1988. 3 8. The applicant shal1 enter into a development contract withthe City and provide the necessary financial sureties to guarantee installation of these improvements. ( ZONING $ 20-814 ARTICLE XXII. "IOP'' INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK DISTRICT Sec. 2G811. Intent. The intent of the "IOP" District is to provide an area identifred for large scale light industrial and commercial planned development. (Ord. No. 80, &t. V, $ 16(5-16-1), 12-15-86) Sec. 2GBl2. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an "IOP" District: (1) OIIices. (2) Warehouses. (3) Lightmanufacturing. (4) Tlade shops. (5) Health services. (6) Printers. (7) Indoor health and recreation clubs. (8) Body shops. (9) Utility services. (10) Recording studios. (11) Off-premises parking lots. (12) Conference/convention centers. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-2), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G813. Perm.itted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an "IOP" District: (1) Parking lots and ramps. (2) Signs. (3) Retail sales of products stored or manufactured on the site provided no more than' twenty (20) percent of the floor space is used for retail sales. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-3), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G814. Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an "IOP" District: (l) Concrete mixing plants. (2) Communication transmission towers. t227 C C :l s 20.814 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (3) Public buildings. (4) Motor freight terminals. (5) Outdoor health and recreation clubs. (6) Screened outdoor storage. (7) Researchlaboratories. (8) Contracting yards. (9) Lumber yards. (10) Home improvement trades. (ll) Hotels and motels. (12) Food processing. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, 0 16(5-164), t2-15-86) State law reference-Conditional uses, M.S. $ 462.3595. Sec. 2G815. Lot requirements and setbacks. The follorving minimum requirements shalr be observed in an .,Iop,, District subject toadditional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter: (l) The minimum lot area is one 0) acre. (2) The minimum lot frontage is one hundred fifty (150) feet, except that lots fronting ona cul-de-sac shall have a minimum frontage of sixty (60) feet. (3) The minimum lot depth is two hundred (200) feet. (4) The maximum lot coverage is seventy (?0) percent. (5) off-street parking areas shall comply with all yard requirements of this section,except that no rear yard parking setback sha, be required for lots directly ,uotti-r[railroad trackage; and, no side yard shall be required when adjoiuing c;;;uses establishjoint off-street parking facilities, as provided in seciion zo-rrzr, "-""p,that no parking areas shall be permitteil in any required side street "td" ;il:'rr;;minimum rear yard shall be fifty (50) feet for lots directly abutting "", """ia*ri.idistrict. Side street side yards shall be a minimum of twenty-fivi fZil f*ri" "ffdistricts. Other setbacks are as follows: . ;. For front yards, thirty (30) feet.b. For rear yards, ten (l0) feet. c. For side yar&, ten (10) feet. (6) The maximum height is as followc a. For the principal structure, four (4) storiedfifty (50) feet.b. For accessory structures, one (1) stoty. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, $ 16(5-16-5). U-rS€6) C C e t228 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE ARTICLE XXIV. OT'F.STREET PARKING AND [I)ADING DTVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec' 2.'1101' rlriveway setbacks and widths in business, industrial, office, and murtiple-farr.ity districts. The following contrors &iveway setbacks and widths in the business, industriar, olfice,and multiple.family districts: (r)The width shall be measured between &iveway edges and shall be as follows: Manimum (fee0 20 30 1246 C- Type of Driueway One-way tralfic TVoway trallic Minimum (fee0 t2 24(2) Driveway distances from street intersections sha, be as a minimu. in accordancewith the standards listed in the rnstitut€ of rransportation Engineers pubtications(dated 1985) shall be used as a minimum criteria.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 3, t2-l5-86) Sec. 2Gll02. parki,.g of trucks in R-Districts. No trucks or other commercial vehicle with multiple axles shall be parked on anyresidential premises or street in any R-District overnightiprovided that notrring herein shallprevent the parking of such vehicre in a fully enclo"ed g*uge or si-ilar permanent structure,or the parking of necessarSr construction vehicles aurin! the constructio,, period on thepremises where construction is in progress. (Ord. No. 80, An. VII, $ 4, 12-15€6) Secs. 2G1103-2GlllE. Reserved. DIVISION 2. PARKING AND LOADING Sec. 2G,ltl6. Scope. this division applies to off-street parkiug and loading. Sec. 2Glll?. Minimun size of spaces; use for other purposes. ( (a) Parking spaces shall comply with city standards as set forth in the Desigrr rlaadbook .for minimum size and surfacing and sha, be adequatery seived by a"c"ss drives, All roadingspaces sha'be sulficient to meet the requirements of -each use and shall provide adequat€space for storage and maneuvering of the vehicles they are designed to serve.(b) On-site parking facilities existing on Februar5r 19, l98Z may not be reduced in sizebelow that authorized for a similar new building * *". *"n"*", parking or loading spacesshall not be used for storage of goods or for storage of vehiJ-e-slhat are inoperable or for sale orrent. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, S 10-1.1, ?.1-2), r2-1b€6) $ 20-r10r A \-- zoNING $ 20-1100 Sec. 20-1054. Sigrrs. *ECS sha, have one (1) sigrr, not to exceed trvo (2) square feet posted at the base of thetower and said sign shall contain the following information: (1) lVarning high voltage. (2) Manufacturer,s name. (3) Emergency phone number. (4) Emergency shutdown procedures. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(8)), 12-rE-86) Sec. 2G1055. Lighting. ( WECS shall not have alfrxed or attached any lights, reflectors, flashers or any otherillumination' except for iilumination devices required. by FAA Regurations part zz .,objects Affecting Navigable Air space" and FAA Advisory circurar 7017460-11, september i9?g "Obstruction Marking and Lighting,,. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(9), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1056. Electromag.netic interference. 1VECS shall be designed and constructed so as not to cause radio and television interference.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-26-?(10), 12-15-86) Scc, 20-1057. Noise emissions. Noises eminating from the operation of WECS shall be in compliance with and regulated by the state pollution control standards, Minnesota Regulations Npc 1 and 2, as amended.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20-7(11), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1058. Utility company interconnection. No wECS shall be interconnected with a local electrical utility company until the utility company has reviewed and commented upon it. The interconnection of the wECS with theutility company shall adhere to the Nationar Erectrical code as adopted and amended by the city. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VI, $ 20(6-20.7(r2)), t2-1S-86) Cross reference-Technical codes, $ 2-16 et seq. Secs. 2G1059-2Gllfit. Reserved. 1245 C C ZONING $ 20-1123 ( Sec. 2Glll8. Computing requirements. In computing the number ofparking spaces required., the following shall govern: (l) "Floor space" means the gross floor area of the specific use as defrned in Articre Ir. (2) lYhere fractionar spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be construed to bethe next largest whole number. (3) uses not specifrca,y mentioned in this division sha, be determined by the board ofadjustments and appears. The factors to be considered in such determination sha,include size of building, type of use, number of employees, expected voluare andturnover of customer tralfiq and expected frequency aud number of delivery ors€rvice vehicles. (Ord. No. 80, Art. \rIL $ 1(7-1-3), t2-15-86) Sec. 2Gtll9. Yards. on-site parking and loading facilities shalr not be permitted in the r€quirear front yard, side yard or rear yard, except as provided otherwise in this chapter. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 1(?-14), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll20. Buffer fences and planting screens. On'site parking and loading areas near or abutting residential districts shall be screenedin conformance with the provisions of article XXV. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ r(7-r-5), 12-lb-86) Sec. 2Gll2l. Access. Parking and loading space shall have proper access from a public right_of_way. Thenumber of width of access drives shall be rocated to minimize tralfic congestion and abiormartrallic hazard. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[, $ 1(7-1-6), t2-18-86) Sec. 2G.1122. Location of parking facilities and combined facilities. Required on-site parking space sha, be provided on the same rot as the principal buildingor use, except that combined or joint parking facilities may be provided fo, oo" (1) o" xno1'Ibuildings or uses in business districts and ir industrial districk, provided that the totainumber of spaces shall equal the sum ofthe requirements for each bu ding or use.(Ord. No. 80, Art. V[, $ r(7-1-8), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1123. Construction and maintenance. In multiple-family, business, orlice and industrial districts, parking areas and accessdrives shall be paved with a dust-free, all-weather surface with proper surface drainage, andconcrete curb. The operator of the principar building or use shall maintain p".tiig- *Jloading areas, access &ives and yard areas in a neat and serviceable condition.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 1(Z-t-8), 12-15a6) L247 C s 20.1124 (3) (4) (5) (6) CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Sec. 2Glr24. Ughting. All commercial, industrial and multi-fam,y parking lots shalr be righted. Lighting shallbe directed away from the public rightof-way and adjacenl residential or agricultural districts.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ r(?-1-9), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll25. Required number of on-sitc parking spaces. on-site parking areas of su-{ficient size to provide parking for patrons, customers, suppli-ers' visitors and emproyees shal be provided on the premises of each use. The minimumnumber of required on-site parking spaces for the following uses shall be: (1) Assembly or exhibition hall, auditoriun, theater or sports arena_One (1) parking space for eaeh four (4) seats, based upon design capacity. (2) Auto sales, trailer sales, marine and boat sales, implement sales, garden supplystore, building materials sales, auto repair_One (l) parking space for "."1 nr"hundred (500) square feet of floor area. C Automobile service station-Four (4) parking spaces, plus two (Z) parking spaces foreach service stall: such parking spaces shall be in addition to parking space required for gas pump areas. Bowling alley-Seven (?) parking spaces for each bowling lane- Churches-One (l) parking space for each three (B) seats, based on the design capacity of the main seating area, plus one (1) space per classroom. Dwelling: a. Single-family-Two (2) parking spaces, both of which must be completely en- closed' No garage sharr be converted into living space unress other acceptabre on-site parking space is provided. b. Multifamily-One (1) parking space per elficiency unit, one and one-half G%)spaces per oue (1) bedroom unit, two (2) parking spaces per two (2) or more bedrooms. senior citizens housing shar have three-fourths spaces per dwellingunit. At a minimum, one (1) space per unit must be completely enclosed. Financial institution-One (1) space for each two hundred hfty (280) square feet offloor space. Furniture or appliance store-One (l) space for each four hundred (4OO) feet of lloor space. Hospitals and nursing homes-One 0) space for every two (2) beds, plus one G) spacefor every two (2) employees on the largest single shift. Manufacturing or processing plant_One (1) off-street parking space for each em-ployee on the major shift and one (1) ofi.street parking space for each motor vehiclewhen customarily kept on the premises. ( (7) (8) (e) (10) e(ll) Medical and dental clinics and animal hcspitals_One (1) parking space for each onehundred fifty (lb0) square feet of floor area. t248 ZONING ( (12) I{ortuaries_One (1) space for every three (3) seats. (13) Motel or hotel_One (1) parking space for each rental rfor every two (2) e-o'!f""". oom or suite' Plus one (1) space (14) Oflice buildings (administrative, business or professional)_Three (O) parking spacesfor each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area. (r5) Public service bu,dings' incruding municipal administration buildings, communitycenter, public library, museum. art galleries, and post ofi"o_One tf)"pa.kil;;;;for each five hua&ed (b00) square feet or noo. "..'"-io the principal structure, plusone (1) Parking space for each four (4) rests within public assemblyor -""tio;;J;(16) Recreational facilities, including golf course, country club, swimming club, racquetclub, public swimming poo-l-T\renty (20) spaces, pi* oo" (l) space for each livehundred (S00) square feet of floor are, in tt e p.irrcijatltructure or two (2) spaces per (17) Resear.ch, experimental.or testing stations_One (l) parking space for each five hun-&ed (500) square feet of gross floor area withio the iuilding, whichever is greater. (18) Restaurant, cafe, nightclub, tavern or bar: a. Fast food-One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of gross fl66r area.b. Bestaurant: l. Without full liquorlicense_One (1) space per sixty (60) square feet of grossfloor area or one G) space per two and one-half (2%t seats whichever isgreater. 2. With full liquor license_One (l) space per fifty (50) square feet of gross floorarea or one (1) space per two (2) seats whicheyer is greabr. (l9) Retail stores and service establishmenE_One (1) space for each two hundred (2OO)square feet of gross floor area. (20) School, elementarlr (public, private or parochial)_One (l) parking space for eachclassroom or ofiice room, plus one 0) space for each one hooa."a irn, triOXO"*"feet of eating area incruding aisles, in any ,rdi;; or rymnasium or cafeteriaintended to be used as an auditorium. (2r') schoor' iunior ald senior high schoors and colleges (public, private or parochial-Four(4) parking spaces for each- clasloom o" om." .oo_ pl rc orr" [) space for each one' hundred fiIty .50) square feet of seating area incruding aisles, in any auditoriun orgymnasium or cafeteria intended to be used as an audit-orium. (22) shopping cent€r-on-sit€ automobile parking shall be provided in a ratio of not lessthan one (1) parking space,for each two hundred (200) s'fare feet of gro*s floor area;separate on-site apace shall be provided for toading and unloading. (23) Storage, wholesale, or warehous€ establishments_One [) space for each one thou-sand (1,000) square feet ofgross floor area up to ten thousand (1Q0fi)) square feet andone (1) additionar space for each additionar two thousand (2,000) square'f* ;il; ;; t249 C $ 20-1r25 E 20.1T25 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (1) space for each company vehicle operating from the premises. If it can be demon_strated by the applicant that the number of employees in the warehouse or storagearea will require less than the required number of spaces, and if the appricant sha,submit a letter to the city assuring that if there is to be any increse in employees, theapplicant agrees to provide additional parking area, the city may "ppror." t"""",number of parking spaces. (24) The requirements for off-street parking for any uses not specifica,y mentioned inthis section sha be the same as provided. in this section for the use most similar inlature, it being the intent to require all uses to provide off-street ,*Orr. Wf*""there is any question regarding the number of ofr-street parking spaces to i provid_ ed. The number shall be determined and Iixed by the city planner.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VIL S t(?-t-10), l2-1b-86) Secs. 2Gll26-2G1140, Reserved. DTYISION 3. OFF.STR,EET LOADING AND TRASH REMOVAL AREAS Sec. 2Gll4l. Scope. This division applies to off-street loading and. trash removal areas. Sec. 2Gll42. Location. C All required loading or unroading into or out of railroad cars or trucks in excess ofthree'fourths ton capacity shall be conducted at fac ities specificaly designed or designatedfor that purpose. These facilities shall be located upon the rot of the principal *e fo.-.,,hichthey are required. AII berths beyond one (l) shall be separate from areas used for off-streetparking. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, g 2(7-2-L),12-rE-86) Sec. 2G1143. Access. Each required off-street loading berth shall be so desigrred as to avoid interference withother vehicular, pedestrian or rail access or use of pubric streets, alreys, or other publictransport systems. (ord. No. 80, An. VIJ, t 2(7 -2_2), 12-15-86) 1250 e, (I Sec. 2Gl144. Surfacing. All off-street roading facilities, incruding roading berths and maneuvering areas, shall besurfaced with a hard, all-weather, dust-free, durable surfacing material and shall be well&ained' with concrete curb, and landscaped and sha be maintained in good condition.(Ord. No. 80, Art. VU, g 20 -2-$, 12-15-86) ZONING $ 20-1176 S€c. 2Gll45. Laudscaping and screening. All berths shall be screened from public rightsof-way and from view from the property across the street frontage and./or from the zoning district boundary when the adjacent prop- erty or property across the street frontage or side street frontage is zoned or used for residen- tial purposes. The screening shall be accomplished as required in article XXV. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, i 2(7 -24), 12-15-86) Sec. 2G1146. Design. All loading areas shall consist of a maneuvering area in addition to the b€rth and shall aot use any of that portion of the site containing parking stalls. Maneuvering areas shall be of such size as to permit the backing of truck tractors and coupled trailers into a berth without blocking the use ofother berths, drives, maneuvering areas or public rightsof-way. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VIL $ 2(7-2-5), 12-15.86) Sec. 2Gll47. Eequired loading areas. (a) Any use which the city believes requires the provision of designated spaces for the loading, unloading or parking of trucks or semi-trailers shall provide such spaces ard maneu- vering area in the number and conliguration which shall be deemed necessary in order to prevent interference with the use ofthe public right-of-way and with vehicles entering onto or exiting from the public right-of.way. (b) Semitrailer spaces shall be at least fifty-live (55) feet in length, ten 00) feet in width and fourteen (14) feet in height plus necessary additional maneuvering space. (c) Spaces shall not be located on a street side of any building, or, if so located, shall be provided with screening deemed adequate by the city. (d) spaces and the associated maneuvering area shall be at least frfty (50) feet from the property line of any residentially designated property. (e) No trucks shall be parked in areas other than those desigaed for such purpose on an approved site plan. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VII, $ 2(7-2-6), 12-15-86) Secs. 2G1148-2G1175. Reserved. ARTICLE XXV. LANDSCAPING AND TREE REMOVAL DTVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 2&l 176. Intent, scope and compliance, (a) The intent of this article is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas ard property abutting public rightsof-way; to require bulfering between noncompatible land usea; l25r C ( C i $ 20.1176 a and to protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and varue of the sur.rourding neighborhoods; to promote public hearth urri "rr"ty tt "ough the reduction of noisepollution, air pollution, visual pollution and glare. O) This article does not apply to single-family detached residences. - jc) No new site development, bu ding, structure or vehicular use area is alowed unresslandscaping is provided as required in this article. (d) No property lines shall be artered nor sha, any bu,ding, structure or vehicular usearea be expanded, unless the minimum randscaping reiuired by the prrr"i"; "iiit" Lr.ilis provided for the ertire property. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[I, $ 1, t2-1SA6) Sec. 2Gfl?7. Plan submission and approval. The property owner or developer -shall prepare a landscape plan for review by the city.The city shall apply the following conditions in approving or disapproving the plan: (1) The contents of the plan shall include the following: CHANHASSEN CITY CODE b. c. Plot plan, drawn to an easily readable scale, showing aud labelling by name anddimensions, all existing and proposed property lineq easements, buildings, andother structures, vehicular use areas (including parking stalls, drivewavs. ser.vice areas, square footage), water outlets and landscipe mat€rial rr""r,rar"" fbotanical name and common name, installation size, on center pfrrr,"rii-""1 Lsions where applicable, and quantities for all plants used). Typical elevations and/or cross sections as may be required. Title block with the pertinent names and addressed (property owner, persondrawing plan, and person insta ing landscape material), scale date, north a'ow(generally orient plan so that north is to top of plan), and zoning district. Existing landscape material shall be shown on the required plan and any mate.rial in satisfactory condition may be used to satisfy this article in rvhole or inpart. d (2) Where landscaping is required, no building permit shall be issued until the requiredlandscaping pran has been submitted and approved, and no certificat" or *.opu.rrv sharl be issued until the randscaping is completed as certified by an on-site inspectiolby the building inspector, unless a performance bond, or inevocable lutte. oi c."iltfrom a banking institution, has been paid. . (3) If necessary, the city may require a letter of credit to insure proper insta,ation oflandscape materiars with complete cost of alr work certified by i"rrd"..p" contractolwith the bond amount to include the actual cost plus ten.0) percent. The bond shallbe released upon satisfactory completion ofthe work as determined by the city. (4) where unusual site conditions exist where strict enforcement of the provisions of thisarticle would cause a hardship or practical difficulty, the planning-com^i."ioo ,rri ,^ _ - city council may waive the requirements as part of the site plan review process.(Ord. No. 80, Art. Vm, $ 6, 12-15.86) t252 e C ) ZONING q 20-1179 Sec. 2Gll?8. Landscaping for service structure. (a) Any service structure shall be screened whenever rocated in any residential, commer-cial or industrial zone (except RR and RSF zones). structures may be grouped together;however, screening height requirements wilr be based upon the talest ofthe structures. (b) A continuous planting, hedge, fence, wall or earth mound shall enclose any servicestructure on all sides unless such structure must be frequentry moved, in which case screen-ing on all but one (l) side is required. The average h"igit of th" screening material shall beoBe (l) foot more than the height ofthe enclosed structure, but shall not be required to exceJeight (8) feet in height. whenever a service structure is located next to a bu.ding wall,perimeter lanclscaping material, or vehicular use area landscaping material, such walls orscreening material may fullill the screening requirement for that side of the service structureif that wa, or screening material is of an average height sulficient to meet the heightrequirement set out in this section. whenever service structures are screened by plantmaterial' such material may count towards the fulfillment of required interior or perimeterlandscaping. No interior landscaping shalr be required within an area screened for servicestructures. (c) whenever screening material is placed around any trash disposal unit or wast€couection unit which is emptied or removed mechanicary on u "egrlu"ly occuring basis, a f curb to contain the placement ofthe container shall be provided within the screening material I.. on those- sides where there is such material. The curbing shall be at least one [) foot from the\ material and shall be desigrred to prevent possible damage to the screening when the con-tainer is moved or emptied. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, S 4, 12.15-36) Sec. 2Gl l?9. Tree removal regulations. (a) It is the policy of the city to preserve natural woodland areas throughout the city andwith respect to specific site development to retain as far as practical, substantial tree standsr' which can be incorporated into the overall landscape plan. (b) No clearcutting of woodland areas shall be permitted except as approved in a subdivi-sion, planned unit development or site plan application. (c) The following standards shall be used in evaluating subdivisions and site plans: (1) To the extent practicar, site desigrr shall preserve significant woodrand areas. (2) Shade trees of six (6) inches or more caliper shall be saved unless it can be demon-strated that there is no other feasible way to develop the site. (3) The city may require the replacement of removed trees on a caliper inch per caliperinch basis. At minimum' however, replacement trees shall conform to the plantingrequirements identified in division 4 of this articte.,/ ( (4) _Drrrin8_ the tree removal process, trees shall be removed so as to prevent blocking of\ ' public rightsof-way or interfering with overhead utility lines. C 1253 ! 20-1179 CHANHASSEN CITy CODE (5) The removal of diseased and damaged trees is permissible. (d) Tree removal not permitted under subdivision, planned unit development or site pranreview shall not be alrowed without the approval of a iree removal pran uv trr" .ity "ourr"it.Tree removal plans shall incrude the content requirements as dictated in sertion zoirzi ""aidentify reasons for tree removal. Ttre plan shall be submitted three (B) weeks in advance ofthe city council at which it is to be considered. (e) This section does not apply to single-family and two.family lots of record.(Ord. No. 80, Art. Vm, S 7, 12-15-86) Secs. 2Gll80-2G1190. Reserved. DIVISION 2. PERIMETER LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS Sec. 2&ll9l. Generally. (a) lvhere parking areas are not entirely screened visually by an intervening building orstructure from any abutting right-of-way, there shal be provided ran&caping uet*eer, *ch area and such right-of-way as follows: (l) A strip of land at least ten (10) feet in depth located betwe€n the abutting right-of_ way and the vehicular use area which shall be landscaped to include .r, .r"*g" of one (1) tree for each forty (40) linear feet or fraction thereof. such trees shalr be located between the abutting rightof-way and the vehicular use area. (2) In addition, a hedge, war, berm, or other opaque durable landscape barrier of at least two (2) feet in height shalr be placed arong the entire length ofthe vehicurar use area.If such opaque durable barrier is of nonriving material, a shrub or vine shalr be planted along the street side of said barrier and be planted in such a manner to break up the expanse of the wall. A two-foot berm may be used; however, additional lan&caping at least one (r) foot in height at time of pranting shalr be iustaled. The remainder of the required randscape areas shal be landscaped with grass, ground cover, or other landscape treatment. (b) This division applies to perimeter landscaping. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[I, $ 2(8-2-r), 12.15-86) S€c. 20-l192. Required landscaping adjacent to int€rior property lines, (a) where parking areas abut property zoned or, in fact, used primarily for residentiar or .institutional purposes, that portion ofsuch area not entirely screened visually by an interven- ing structure or existing conforming buffer from an abutting property, there shall be provided a landscaped buffer which should be maintained and replaced as needed. sucrr laiascapedbuller shall consist of plant material, wall, or other durable barrier at least six (6) feei in height measured from the median elevation ofthe parking area closest to the common lot tine, and be located between the common lot line and the off-street parking areas or other vehicularl,,€ area exposed to the abutting property. Fences shall be constructed accordiag to the atandar.ds in section 20-1018. C i--r t254 e ( ZONING 5 20-L2t2 (b) In addition, an average ofone(l) tree shall be provided for each forty (40) linear feet ofsuch parking area or fractional part thereof. such trees shatt ue rocated between the commonlot line and the off-street parking area or othe","t i"ut".,rl.,r"r. (c) Where such area abuts property zoned and, in fact, used for oflice, commercial, orindustrial purposes! that portion _of area not "rrti."tf .""""r,"a visuary by an interveningstructure or existing conforming buffer, sha, "omply *ith the tree privisio;;il-;;;"-scribed in this section. (Ord. No. 80, Aft. Vm, g 2(8-2-2), 12-15-86) Sec. 2Gll93. Combini-g with easeE€nts. - The required landscape bu-fleryard may be combined with a utility or other easement asIong as a, ofthe landscape requirements can be fully met, otherr'ise, trre landscape bufferyardshall be provided in addition to, and separate from, any oth"" ers"rn"rrt. Cars or other objectsshall not overhang or otherwise intrude upon tt " ,"qri."J urrdscape bufferyard more thantwo and one-half(2)t) feet and curbs will be required. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VlI, $ 2(8-2-g), r2_t5-86) Sec. 2GIl94. Fristing landscape material. Existing randscape materia-l shalr be shown on the required pran and any material iDsatisfactory condition may be used to satisfy these requirements in whole or in part.(Ord. No. 80, Arr. Vm, $ 2(8-24), l2-1b-86) Secs. 2Gll95-2G1210. Reserved. DTVISION 3. INTERIOR LANDSCAPING FOR VEHICULAR USE AREAS Sec. 20.1211. Generally. (a) Any open vehicular use area (excluding loading, unloading, and storage areas in theIOP and BG districts) containing more than six thous*l (6,000) "qo."e feet of area, or tpenty flf) o.1 more vehicurar parking spaces, shall provide interior Iaadscaping in accordance withthis division in addition to "perimeter" landscaping. Interior landscaping may be peniruularor island 6ryes. (b) This division applies to interior landscaping of such areas.(Ord. No. 80, ArL Vm, $ g, 12-15€6) Sec. 2Gl2l2. Landscape area. (a) For each one hundred (100) square feet, or fraction thereof, of vehicular use area, five(5) square feet of landscaped area shall be provided. - !) ffre minimum laadscape area permitted shall be sirty.four (64) square feet, with afour.foot minimum dimeusion to all trees aom eagu J prr"-"ot *t "o" r"ht"il;r;;; - 1255 ( ( CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (c) In order to encourage the required landscape areas to be properly dispersed, norequired lan&cape area shall be larger than three huidred frfty (350) square feet in vehicularuse areas under thirty thousand (80,000) square feet in size, and no required area shall belarger than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feei in'vehicular use .irea:i over thirtythousand (30'000) square feet. In both cases, the tur"t ai,,u*ioo of any required area shall befour-foot minimum dimension to a, trees from edge or par"m"nt where vehicres overhang.Landscape areas larger than above are permitted as long as the additional areas is in excess ofthe required minimum. (Ord. No. 80, Art. Vm, g A(8-g-r), 12_tS-86) Sec. 2G1213. Minimuo trees. A minimum ofone (1) tree shall be required for each two hundred frfty (2S0) square feet orfraction thereof, of required Iandscape area. Trees shall have a clear trunk of at reast five (5)feet above the ground, and the remaining area shall be landscaped with shrubs, or groundcover, not to exceed two (2) feet in height. (Ord. No. 80, Art. VItr, $ 3(8-g-2), 12_15.86) Sec. 2Gl2f4. Vehicle overhang. Parked vehicles may hang over the interior landscaped area no more than two andone'half (2%) feet, as rong aa a concrete curb is provided io u**" no greater overhang orpenetration of the landscaped area. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V[I, $ 3(8.9-9), 12-18€6) Secs. 2G.l2l5-2O.1280. Reserved. DIVISION 4. LANDSCAPING MATERIALS, ETC. Sec. 2Gf 23l. Generally. (a) The landscaping materials shall consist of the following: (l) walls and fences' walls shall be constructed of naturar stone, brick or artificialmaterials. Fences shall be constructed of wood. chain link fencing wilr u" p".-iri"ionly if covered with wood strips or plant material. (2) Earth mounds. Earth mounds shall be physical bariers which block or screen theview similar to a hedge, fence, or wall. Mounds shall be constructed with proper andadequate prant material to prevent erosion. A dilference in elevation betwee.n areasrequiring screening does not constitute an existing earth mound, and shall not beconsidered as fulfilling any screening requirement. (3) Plants. All prant matcriars shall be riving plants, artiliciar prants are prohibited andshall meet the following requirements. a' Quarity' plant materials used in conformance with provision of this divisionehall conform to the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen and. shalr have passed any inspections required under state regurations. C ( .t - -... x*fl 1256 e ! 20.1212 CITY OF EHINH[SSEI{ 690 COULTER DRIVE . P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 ME MOR AND UM TO: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: Jo Ann Olsen, Jin Chaffee, WayTech, I nc. JuJ. y 7, 1988 Assistant City planner Public Safety Dtrecto\ I have reviewed the site plan for WayTech, Inc., f ollording are the requirements that must be met: Emergency 1i ght i ng for neansprovided. (Life Safety Code and the of egress shall be 29-2.9) 1 2 3 4 Lighted exit signs shall be provided at all exits.(UFC Article 12, Division 1) Fire hydrant to be instalted at the rear of thebuilding, the Northvrest corner at the edge of thebituminous not closer than 30 feet to th; building.The punping capacity of all fire hydrants servingthe location nust be I50g gpm under simultaneousoperation including the sprinkler system. The front fire hydrant shoutd be moved across toopposite parking median. Tbis would prevent thetotal blockage of the parking lot by iire hoses. Please let rDe requ i rements. the know if you have any questions regarding these I -- ME}IORAND UM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: CITY OF CHINHISSEN Planning Commi ss ion Larry Brown, Staff Engineer July 7, 1988 Preliminary Site Plan Review for Park One 3rd Addition Planning File No. 88-8 Site Plan, Lot 3, Block 1 Waytek Incorporated This site is located on the r^/esttely 400 feet north of west 77th Park One 3rd Addition Industrial Council on September 22, 1986. side of Quattro Drive approxima- Street. This lot is part of the Park which was approved by City Sanitary Sewer Similarly, water service8-inch service which has boundary. is available to the site by an existingalso been extended to the property Access The lot has an existing curb cut with a 12-foot bituminous dri- veway along the northeasterly side of the property. The lot also has another I2-foot bituminous driveway which extends from the middle of the site accross the adjacent southerly lot and finallyout to Quattro Drive. The plans propose to add an additional24-foot curb cut into Quattro Drive. It is reconunended that concrete cross gutters be placed along this additional 24-foot curb opening. The plans shall indicate a standard detail forthis concrete cross gutter. It should be noted that extreme care must be taken to ensure that the bituminous of Quattro Drive isnot disturbed. It is expected that the concrete cross gutter be E - /,h 690 COULTER DRIVE ' P,O. BOX 147 ' CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 Municipal sanitary sewer service is available to the site by anexisting 6-inch service which has been extended to the northerlyright-of-way boundary. The plan sho\.rs a 6-inch sanitary sewerservice extending from the building to the property boundary. Wefind that this plan is acceptable. wat erma i n installed without disrupting the new bituminousthat the traffic movements through the proposedacceptable. Planning Conmission July 7, 1988 Page 2 G rad i:rq and Drainaqe The plan does not addressas part of the final site Recommended Condit i ons applicant shalI obtain andWatershed District permi t . mat. plan !{e fi ndis The plans- propose grading over a large portionplans indicate that the existing wooded- areaslittIe di sturbance. of thewill be site. Theleft with The plans adequately maintain the runoff rates that were antici-pated as part of the design of park One 3rd Addition. The runoffrates are lrre1l within the design values and are therefore accep-table. rt shourd be noted that the proposed 15-inch storm sewerconnection shourd utilize the existing ltorm sewer stub which hasbeen extended to the. property boundarf to ninimize any di-ruptionto Quattro Drive. The storm sewer plin also adequateiy addressesrooftop drainage. Erosion Control erosion control and should be addressedplan review process. I The the comply with all conditions of 2 3 A standard concrete cross gutter shall be installed at theintersection of QuatLro Drive and the proposed 24-foot dri-yeyay: This cross gutter shal1 be installed as per thedetail enclosed with this report (refer to Attachment No. 2)- The applicant and contractor shall take utmost care inensuring the City that the newly-cons t ruc t ion euattro DriveshaIl remain intact throughout Lhe construction process. The storm sewer plan shall be revised to show the connectionto the existing storm sewer.stub along the westerly right-of_way boundary for ouattro Drive. An erosion control plan sha1l be submitted to the CityEngineer for approval prior to final site plan review'. The appticant shall enter into a development contractthe City and provide the necessary finaicial suretiesguarantee installation of these improvements. Utility easements shall be placed over all proposedutilities. 4 5 6 7 with to I.AND DEVELOPIiENT APPLICATION CITY OF CEANEASSEf, 690 Coulter Drive ChanhasseD, MN 55317(612) 937-1900 OTgNER : ADDRESS k fne - APPLICANT: ADDRESS L. L. WHITE 8282 Grand So. Bloorrinston -MN 5 5Ai1Zip Code TELEPHON CONIACT REQTJEST: E (Daytime )(6t2 ) 888-4 Craig A, Iarson General Zoning District Change Zoning Appeal Zoning Variance Zoning Text Anendment Iand Use Plan Amendment Conditional Use permit Site Plan Review PROJECT NA.[,1E lrtaytek OfficeArlarehouse p code TELEPHONE (612 8U-23L7r CONIACT Wayne Iar son,President Planned Unit Development _ Sketch plan _ PreliminaryFinal plan Plan Subdivi s ion _ Platting _ l{etes and Bounds Street,/Easement Vacation lYetlands Permit PRESENT I,AND USE REOUESTED LAND US PRESENT ZONING PLAN DESIGNATION Industrial E PLAN DESIGNATION ( Sane ) ce Pa ct REQUESTED ZONING ( USES PROPOSED t i.ons srzE oF PROPERTY 2_59 Acres LOCATION Cn Ettro Dr ive - We rofl rh REASONS FOR THIS REQTJEST Office/Warehouse Facili ty LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Attach legal if necessary)Iot 3 Block 1 Park One Carver Coun ty, llinnesota.third Addition City of Chanhassen 8137 Plersant Awe Sn l\ o-P- r ) City sf Chanhassen e"utf! 3""ur"Pment Application "tH:*H{*;+*'iijffi t*+*ttsr,$:';,.}$i} FTL TNSTRU CT IONS: FILI NG CERT rFICA TION: CRATG A D l'Cant . L. IdftrTE & SONS COMPAI,IY, II\8. ff f:r:':ilH*i;!:ii: T.3:":X.".in:",i;it!,!ir!ol cer.,i f i es Signed By L Date - 13-B Dat e The undersauthori zeddescribed. Signed By DaCe Application Application Fee City Receipt No. igned hereby certifito make rh i " -;;; i i ;i i, "'l "!"lnin:r5::;:$" r;:,li;. /"6 -rs-rYFee Ohrne rI.IAllM , PRESIDE\rI WAYTH(, INC. Recei ved Pai d ' $!:rlii'ili::il"xit'bec and A on s i deredppeaLs at -,-iioy *j,ii---*. -'- -:-'-',-;i-..* . fil.rtf " Pranning cornmission,/ ,