09-03-97 Agenda and Packet FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Request for rezoning 4.27 acres of property zoned BN, Neighborhood Business, to PUD, Planned Unit Development to allow an auto dealership and site plan review for an 18,494 sq. ft. building located south of Hwy. 5, north of Lake Drive East and east of the Legion site,Valley Sales of Chanhassen,Argonaut Holdings,Inc. 2. Lotus Realty Services -property located at the northeast corner of Hwy. 5 and Great Plains Blvd. within the Village on the Ponds development: a. Final plat/replat Outlot C,Villages on the Pond into two lots b. Site plan review for a 5,300 sq. ft.building for a Famous Dave's Restaurant c. Site plan review for a 14,848 sq. ft. retail building located at the northeast corner of • 3. An amendment to the City Code, Chapter 20, Article XXX, TOWERS AND ANTENNAS,to allow for temporary mobile towers. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m.as outlined in official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. lf,however,this does not appear to be possible,the Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting. C I TY 0 FPC DATE: Sep. 3, 1997 I C H A N H A s s E N CC DATE: Sep. 22, 1997 CASE#: 97-1 PUD By. Al-Jaff STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: 1) General Concept and Preliminary PUD Development Plan Approval for Rezoning of Property from BN, Neighborhood Business to PUD, Planned-Jnit Development to allow an auto dealership 2) Site Plan Review for an 18,494 Square Foot Building LOCATION: South of Highway 5, north and west of Lake Drive East, and east of the V American Legion Site cie APPLICANT: Argonaut Holdings,Inc. Mortenson Development Company 9th Floor"A"Building 700 Meadow Lane North 485 West Milwaukee Avenue P.O.Box 710(55440) Detroit, Michigan 48202 Minneapolis,MN 55422 869-3210(Linda Fisher) 287-5487 (Tom Lander) i PRESENT ZONING: BN, Neighborhood Business District ACREAGE: 4.268 acres DENSITY: N/A ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- State Highway 5 and Pedestrian Bridge S -PUD-R,Residential and Lake Drive East Q E-PUD-R, Church and Lake Drive East Cie" W-BN,American Legion de WATER AND SEWER: Available to the site. W PHYSICAL CHARACTER.: The highest elevation of 972 is located in the center of the site and r" slopes off in all directions. A pedestrian bridge is located along the northeast corner of the site. 2000 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial alt u } T,IN ,, ixill "LIS allialP 44 'WSW ell - h lams ousub..,1 , F4amcr 41 IbRIM �� ':V . II 'Min 0 the 11 740 \�o ,�i O ! :\apo , f1 i11n L : 4 awp } &V 110 Lira ► Iy �; -.=_tit. A4 ,. vAga_ � _.-44111111111.AI fp/ 11-1 4 '1°4" �� I .*, Vu t 76thist 1 I . mmike }�s ik ," ods y, • 3 • . "a -- y S. : y 4i i01ns : 1 oNs% a V. NE la 7I7t is: .!. So 4.® T 3100 1 111 .0 µ' r p ��� W _ , r Mb mei 10.�- �,: .111 Y r�_ III 1111111 ' :51 11. Ptkk-\ ( iiv63%th11111mr 111r-, .,:,,,., . 4-4 � -� NoLa 1111. la - . . e Dr f•: Mf i h sc 00 Manhassea ( Vx IP- r \ S � —' 44 = 1/u��: Estates �j 4.0 , 1KnWOC . Park 0" . *i.\_--..,(/ NIk lk ti. Ss , 0 :off , .,, _ .__ _. \N • 4 >.wV/i.. 1 I = Adralligitate Hw 5 wti �� : m�►r�14 mo ` � qi4j ' -1 \' i c AkitiP4.41:'1"04111,. 141,111.11 .:, e k 4 , ► l, as ' $ 1 1. L. I I 1 Ri ce Mars h I • 1 J Lake P-4rk kt• ce E Lake Susan �% / arsh Lake � � � � 1 / a, Mss• in. i •� CO P_,, ... ,. i .f it; �/ PRI• _ anNandTodI 1i- �� O �- b 7� - 1u/=-, �. .. 12 -r � �ri MI illi _ ti P OppI - —- a-.r rivi �L I \';ON., \\ Z' I a eRile 67d - Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 2 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting approval for General Concept and preliminary PUD Development Plan to rezone property from BN, Neighborhood Business to PUD, Planned Unit Development to allow an auto dealership and site plan review for an 18,494 square foot building. The dealership is proposed to be a General Motors auto dealership. The use includes a show room, customer reception area and lounge, an office, a 12 bay service area and a parts area. New and used, and personal use utility vehicles will be sold on the premises. There will be truck sales, but no medium or heavy trucks. The proposed Valley Sales of Chanhassen is an auto dealership with operation hours of 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Friday, and 9:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. on Saturday. The facility is proposed to be closed on Sundays. The site is located north of Lake Drive East and a residential neighborhood, east of the American Legion, south of Highway 5, and west of Family of Christ Lutheran Church and Lake Drive East. It is a triple frontage parcel with an area of 4.2 acres. The proposal consists of a site plan approval, general concept and preliminary development plan for rezoning from BN to PUD (the PUD ordinance states that if appropriate because of the limited scale of the proposal, the concept stage and preliminary plan stages may proceed simultaneously). The zoning of the subject property is BN, Neighborhood Business. The intent of this zoning district Section 20-691 of the Chanhassen City Code "is to provide for limited low intensity neighborhood retail and service establishments to meet daily need of residents." It is the staffs opinion that an auto dealership does not meet the intent of this zoning classification. Staff had numerous lengthy meetings with the applicants and explained that the proposed use does not belong on the site they have chosen. The applicants have chosen this site because it is commercially zoned and they believe the auto use is compatible with the zoning district. The land use element of the comprehensive plan plays a key role in guiding the physical development of a community. It is an important tool in reviewing and acting on rezoning requests where consistency with the plan is required. The Commercial section of the comprehensive plan states Commercial development in Chanhassen can be categorized in one of four general types. Categories include non-sewered commercial, downtown commercial, neighborhood commercial and large scale user commercial. The plan addresses each of these types of development separately. Under the Neighborhood Commercial section, the plan states Neighborhood commercial developments exist in the northern section of Chanhassen and immediately south of the downtown area. Neighborhood commercial uses involve convenience grocery stores, day care facilities, etc. In the future, neighborhood commercial areas may expand commensurate with the development of new residential neighborhoods, particularly those that are removed from the downtown commercial core. Currently, the zoning classification of the site is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The uses permitted in the district complement and provide services to neighboring residential developments. The applicant is requesting to rezone the site to a PUD to Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 3 allow for the Auto Dealership to be located on the subject site. An Auto Dealership has a regional draw and does not cater nor service neighborhoods only. There is a second site located to the west of the subject property (American Legion Site) that has the potential of being developed. The site has a BN zoning classification which is the same as the subject site. These two sites are envisioned to share a driveway off of Lake Drive East. Staff is of the opinion that the uses on these two properties should be compatible and serve the surrounding residential neighborhoods. The site is bordered to the north by Highway 5 right-of-way and Lake Drive East to the south and east. Staff visited the site to determine how the proposed use fit in with the residential developed properties located south of the site and to determine if the site was more suitable for neighborhood commercial uses. A daycare and a neighborhood shopping center are located southwest of the subject site. The site could easily accommodate a number of uses that will directly benefit surrounding properties that are permitted by the BN zoning classification and are consistent with the comprehensive plan. There is an existing pedestrian bridge across Highway 5, that is intended to connect the north and south portions of the City. With the future development of Villages on the Ponds (which is intended to encourage pedestrian movement), staff believes residents who live north of Highway 5, and want to walk or bike to Villages on the Ponds, will use the bridge. These individuals could also stop at other neighborhood oriented types of businesses that could potentially be located on the subject site before they reach the Villages on the Ponds. With these circumstances, staff believes that a different user would find this site to be appropriate for a neighborhood related commercial use. The applicant held two neighborhood meetings to brief the residents and answer questions they might have regarding the project. Staff did not attend either meeting. A number of residents who live in the neighborhood to the south as well as residents of the City who live north of Highway 5, have either contacted staff or sent letters opposing the rezoning. They have continuously explained that they are not opposed to development of the site, if it is a neighborhood related type of business. Some indicated that they checked with the City to find out what the zoning of the property was and the type of development permitted in such districts. They purchased their homes based upon the information given to them by the City. Attached is a petition from City residents opposing the development of the site as a dealership. Staff finds the proposed PUD and site plan to be inconsistent with the zoning ordinance and the comprehensive plan and is recommending denial of the preliminary stage of the PUD plan, setback and hard surface coverage deviations, and site plan subject to findings which will be presented in the staff report. Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 4 BACKGROUND The subject site was zoned PUD-2 in 1972. The intent of this district was to provide a district appropriate for high density residential uses and office buildings for administrative, financial and professional uses, particularly in transitional situations between business or industrial districts. Restaurants and theaters were the only commercial permitted uses. In 1986, the property was zoned to BN and given the intent and district uses it has to day. Last year the applicant had proposed an auto dealership on the McGlynn site. The item appeared before the Planning Commission under general discussion. The pros and cons of dealerships were introduced to the commission. As mentioned earlier in the report, we have had numerous lengthy meetings with the applicant trying to develop these plans with the understanding that we did not support the zoning changes. Staff has been working with the applicant for a few months and the development plans have gone through some changes. The applicant worked hard to meet all the design concerns that the staff had. The building is attractive and is proposed to be constructed of high quality materials. Brick, stucco and glass are the main materials proposed to be used on the exterior of the building. The building is accented by arches,glass windows,pronounced entryways, and columns. The landscape plan is of a high quality and contains a variety of plantings. The PUD ordinance permits a maximum hard surface coverage of 70%. The applicant is providing 72%. A second issue deals with the required parking lot setback from Highway 5 and Lake Drive East. The ordinance requires a 50 parking lot setback from Highway 5. The applicant is providing 25 feet. The ordinance also requires a 35 foot setback from Lake Drive East. The applicant is providing 25 feet. There is no hardship warranting these deviations. Staff is recommending against them. The applicant has worked to develop a good-looking building and site plan. While the site design is well conceived, the use of the subject site is the problem. Based on staffs recommendation of denial of the rezoning, the site plan review becomes moot. Never the less, staff reviewed the site plan and gave a recommendation. Staff finds the proposed PUD and site plan to be inconsistent with the zoning ordinance and the comprehensive plan and is recommending denial of the preliminary stage of the PUD plan, setback and hard surface coverage deviations, and site plan subject to findings which will be presented in the staff report. Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 5 REZONING Justification for Rezoning to PUD The applicant is requesting to rezone 4.2 acres from BN, Neighborhood Business to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The following review constitutes an evaluation of the PUD request. The review criteria is taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20-501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses. internal transfer of density, construction phasing and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the city has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other, more standard zoning districts. It will be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to be realized as evaluated against the following criteria: Planned unit developments are to encourage the following: 1. Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features, including steep slopes, mature trees, creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views. Finding. The majority of the site is being graded. The site is being lowered by approximately 9 feet. Berms are being created along the north portion of the site along Highway 5 since the site falls within the Highway 5 overlay district. There are no wetlands on the site. 2. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land in larger parcels. Finding. The site is not being subdivided nor assembled with another parcel The site is surrounded by a residential neighborhood to the south, a church to the southeast, and a day care to the west. The site will share an access with the adjoining Legion site. The pedestrian bridge is located along the northeast corner of the site. The site will be very attractive to a neighborhood related business or a pedestrian oriented user linking the Legion property, Villages on the Pond,and downtown via the pedestrian bridge. With these circumstances, staff did feel that this site would be appropriate for a neighborhood Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 6 commercial use and that an auto dealership will not prove to be compatible with the surrounding property and uses. 3. High quality design and design compatibility with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Site planning, landscaping and building architecture should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. Finding. The applicant is proposing to use high quality materials. Staff worked closely with the applicant to improve the image of the entire building. The building architectural facade is attractive and the landscape is of high quality. The applicant has requested several deviations (signage, impervious surface, and parking setback). These deviations could be granted under the PUD standards. Staff does not feel these deviations are warranted. 4. Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city will be encouraged. Finding. A neighborhood related type of development (meeting the daily needs of the residents) is more suitable on this site and would be considered a transitional development between the residential district and Highway 5. The auto dealership is a regional commercial use with a larger trade area and is not considered a neighborhood use. 5. Development which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Findinn. The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for neighborhood commercial development. An auto dealership does not meet the convenience commercial definition of the comprehensive plan. 6. Parks and open space. The creation of public open space may be required by the city. Such park and open space shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Park Plan and overall trail plan. Finding. A sidewalk is proposed along the southwest portion of the site to connect it with the existing sidewalk along Lake Drive East. We do not foresee the proposed auto dealership as a use that would encourage or add to the demand or the use of the sidewalk. Since a subdivision is not being requested, park and trail fees cannot be received in lieu of park and trail dedication. 7. Provision of housing affordable to all income groups if appropriate with the PUD. Finding. Not applicable to this proposal. Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 7 8. Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sightings and the clustering of buildings and land uses. Finding. Staff envisions this area of the city to be more pedestrian oriented. All the previous planning that has been done for this site encouraged a link to the portion of the city located north of Highway 5 with the area south of the highway without having to use a vehicle. The city is one of the few suburban communities that is able to have a pedestrian oriented CBD and future Villages on the Ponds subdivision with these characteristics. These two areas are connected by a pedestrian bridge and sidewalks. To encourage residents to use these amenities which the city has invested in, we must create types of uses that pedestrians feel they can walk to. The proposed dealership is located southwest the existing pedestrian bridge which links downtown with the future Villages on the Ponds. An auto dealership type user will not encourage the utilization of the sidewalks and the bridge. There will be more energy conserved if the user of the site was more inviting to a pedestrian such as a neighborhood related user. 9. Use of traffic management and design techniques to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. Improvements to area roads and intersections may be required as appropriate. Finding. Access to this site will be from Lake Drive East. There are two access points to the site, one of which will be shared with the Legion property. The applicant has prepared a traffic study that concludes that traffic generated by an auto dealership is less than other uses permitted in the district. Staff agrees with this statement. The PUD ordinance establishes a minimum district size but allows the city to waive this standard under several conditions. We find that the proposed request is consistent with the second half of condition #3 as follows and are recommending that the area requirement be waived. Section 20-503. District size and location. (a) Each PUD shall have a minimum area of five (5) acres, unless the applicant can demonstrate the existence of one of the following: (1) Unusual physical features of the property itself or of the surrounding neighborhood such that development as a PUD will conserve a physical or topographic feature of importance to the neighborhood or community. (2) The property is directly adjacent to or across a right-of-way from property which has been developed previously as a PUD or planned unit residential development Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 8 and will be perceived as and will function as an extension of that previously approved development. (3) The property is located in a transitional area between different land use categories or on an intermediate or principal arterial as defined in the comprehensive plan. Summary of Rezoning to PUD Rezoning the property to PUD to allow an auto dealership on the subject site is incompatible with the surrounding area and the comprehensive plan. We recommend that the rezoning be denied. PRELIMINARY STAGE PUD PLAN APPROVAL Development Standards/Site Plan Review The applicant is proposing an 18,494 square foot building to be used for offices and garage for the operation of an auto dealership. The site is located north of Lake Drive East and a residential neighborhood, east of the American Legion, south of Highway 5,and west of Family of Christ Lutheran Church and Lake Drive East. It is a triple frontage parcel with an area of 4.2 acres. Parking is proposed along the north, south and west portions of the site. Potential location for trucks delivering cars is located along the west and north of the proposed building. The parking lot will be screened from views from Highway 5,and an attempt has been made to provide landscaping along the south and east portions of the site to minimize visual impact from Lake Drive East. Building architecture meets the site plan ordinance requirements. The main materials used for the exterior facade is brick, stucco, and glass. The main entry way to the building is pronounced and the overall design is attractive. Staff spent several months working with the applicant in developing these plans(with the understanding that we are recommending denial of the use and rezoning of the property to allow an auto dealership on the subject site). The plans went through several changes and the building provides architectural interest with high quality design. Rooftop equipment will be screened from views by parapet walls. The applicant has not shown where the trash enclosure will be located. The trash enclosures should be shown on the site plan and must be screened. The hard surface coverage in a PUD may not exceed 70%. The proposed plan shows a 72%hard surface coverage. The BN district allows a maximum coverage of 65%. A second issue deals with the required parking lot setback from Highway 5 and Lake Drive East. The ordinance requires a 50 parking lot setback from Highway 5. The applicant is providing 25 feet. The ordinance also requires a 35 foot setback from Lake Drive East. The applicant is providing 25 feet. There is no hardship warranting these deviations. Staff is recommending against them. This development falls within the Highway Corridor Overlay and must comply with the district's design standards. The purpose of the overlay district is to promote high-quality architectural and site design through improved development standards with the corridor. The design standards Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 9 should create a unified,harmonious and high quality visual environment. The building architectural design meets the intent of the overlay district with the following features: • The building will be one story and the architectural style is unique to the Valley Sales of Chanhassen building but will fit in. The building will provide a variation in style through the use of columns, arches, glass wall curtains and a pitched roof. The building is utilizing exterior materials that are durable and of high quality. The parking lot deviations do not meet the Highway 5 Overlay District requirement. The ordinance specifically points out that no parking is permitted within the required setback from Highway 5. SIGNAGE The proposal includes one wall sign, one ground low profile and one pylon sign. The wall mounted sign is proposed on the west elevation of the building. It includes backlit individually mounted letters. It has an area of 50 square feet. The ordinance allows a maximum of 190 square feet. The pylon sign has an area of 49 square feet and is 16 feet high. It is proposed to be located along Highway 5. It is proposed to be located on the top of a berm that has an elevation of 968. Highway 5 has an elevation of 960. The base of the sign will be 8 feet above the highway elevation and the sign will appear to be 24 feet high. The BN District does not allow pylon signs. The ground low profile sign has an area of 64 square feet and is 5 feet high. The BN district allows a maximum area of 24 square feet. The signs have been design to complement the building and use common themes architecturally such as the arch, columns and the use of brick. We realize that the facility need to advertise its location, however, if this user had been a neighborhood related business,they would not require large highway oriented signage to attract clients since they will be catering to the immediate needs of neighborhood residents. Based upon the forgoing, we do not recommend approval of the pylon sign and the grounds low profile sign. SITE GRADING The site contains a large open grassy field with a large knoll. The knoll is proposed to be lowered by approximately nine feet. Overall, the site grading conforms with the surrounding Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 10 parcels fairly well. It is anticipated that the site grading will generate excess material that will need to be exported from the site. If material is to be exported from the site, staff recommends that the applicant supply the City with a haul route for review and approval. The applicant and/or contractor should be aware that if the exported material is to be placed in another site within the City that the property owner will need to obtain an earthwork permit from the City. The streets during the hauling operation must be kept clean. It may be necessary to employ the use of a street sweeper. Earth berms and landscaping are proposed along Trunk Highway 5 and also some along Lake Drive East. DRAINAGE The site currently sheet drains in every direction. An existing storm sewer line is proposed to be extended to service this site. The existing storm sewer system has a limited capacity of 11 cfs. This same storm sewer needs to be shared by the adjacent parcel to the west. The applicant is proposing an on-site storm sewer sediment/storage pond to facilitate drainage from this site. The drainage plan proposed storm sewer improvements to convey parking lot and roof runoff via storm sewer to the proposed on-site storm water pond. The storm sewer improvements need to be designed and located to facilitate runoff from future development in the parcel to the west. This may involve relocating and/or re sizing pipes to accommodate this. The storm sewer on this site will also be privately owned and maintained by the property owners. An easement or other document maintaining the use of the storm sewer for the parcel to the west needs to be drafted and recorded against the parcel. Since the storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer lines on the site will be private, the applicant and/or contractor will be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits form the City's Building Department. There is an existing catch basin manhole in the proposed westerly driveway entrance off Lake Drive East. If street grades permit a new catch basin should be extended to the northeast radius of the intersection to intercept runoff before it reaches the middle of the intersection. Since the storm sewer system will be private the storm water ponds will need routine maintenance. There should be stipulations in the site plan agreement that addresses the maintenance of the storm sewer pond since it directly affects the downstream public storm sewer system. The applicant needs to supply detailed storm sewer and ponding calculations for a 10-year and 100-year storm event to the City Engineer to review and approve prior to issuance of a building permit. UTILITIES Municipal sanitary sewer and water service is available to the site. There is an existing 8-inch water line that runs parallel to the west lot line from Trunk Highway 5 down to Lake Drive East. In conjunction with the driveway construction at the westerly entrance to the site,the existing fire hydrant is proposed to be relocated. Staff recommends that a financial security be provided Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 11 to the City in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of$1,500. The plans show extending the 8-inch water line from Trunk Highway 5 to service the site. This will not be necessary since the existing water line along the west property line can easily be connected into. The plans should be revised to reflect actual utility hookup locations. The connection to the existing water system shall be a wet-tap system to avoid disruption and maintain water service. Sanitary sewer service is available from an existing manhole located north of Lake Drive East within the property across from Hidden Court. Landscaping is proposed within the City's utility easement along the west property line. The applicant will need to enter into an encroachment agreement with the City to permit landscaping within the City's easement. The encroachment agreement will spell out the responsibilities for replacement of landscaping should the City need to utilize the utility easement for repairs or maintenance of existing infrastructures. PARKING LOT CIRCULATION Two access drives are proposed along Lake Drive East. Both access points appear to have adequate sight line distance. The westerly entrance off of Lake Drive East is proposed to be shared with the parcel to the west. The driveway is centered upon the property line. A cross- access and maintenance agreement will need to be developed and recorded against the parcel to insure future access for the parcel to the west. In addition,the applicant will need to acquire an easement from the property to the west to build the entrance. Both accesses will involve the removal of the existing sidewalk and curb and gutter. To guarantee boulevard restoration (sod) and sidewalk and curb work, the applicant shall provide the City with a financial security in the amount of$5,000. Overall, the parking lot and drive aisles appear to function well from a traffic circulation standpoint. The drive aisle widths meet City Code. Construction traffic during the initial building stages should be limited to one access location, preferably the westerly driveway access where a rock construction entrance is proposed. Trip generation for the proposed development, according to Benshoof& Associates, appear to be less for an auto dealership than the permitted uses, i.e. neighborhood retail, restaurant, or convenience stores. Staff would concur with this assessment of the traffic trip generation. LANDSCAPING Proposed landscaping for the site is substantial in number and placement. Since much of the focus within the site is directed to the parking lot, the landscaped islands help to create a more inviting and attractive hardscape. Overstory trees are scheduled for the islands which will Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 12 provide shade for the lot in the future. Perimeter plantings are a mix of ornamental, evergreen and overstory trees to meet a variety of conditions around the site. To the north is an NSP easement in which no tall trees are allowed. The southern and eastern sides border Lake Drive and a city sidewalk. Here a mix of evergreens, ornamental and overstory trees help to screen certain views of the dealership and provide shade and beauty. While more evergreens may seem to offer better screening of the site, staff feels any increase in evergreen plantings may compromise safety along the sidewalk. The 4 Norway maples scheduled to be planted should be changed to any other variety of maple due to the unreliable winter hardiness and disease susceptibility characteristics of the species. Site Plan Findings: In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Findings: The applicant is proposing a use that is incompatible with the surrounding land uses. The comprehensive plan defines the site as a neighborhood commercial district that meets the daily needs of the residents. (2) Consistency with this division; Finding: The applicant is requesting deviations that staff believes are not warranted. (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; Finding: The site has been graded to lower the building and create berms along the edges to provide screening of the facility and the parking lot. (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 13 Finding: The scale and use of the building is not compatible with adjacent uses. (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The primary use of the site is a parking lot which is not inviting for local pedestrian traffic. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The nature of automobile sales such as test driving, vehicle delivery, etc., makes it difficult to provide adequate protection for the adjacent residential uses. Staff recognizes that the applicant is attempting to address these issues, however, staff believes that some of these issues are out of their control. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends denial of rezoning 4.2 acres of BN, Neighborhood Business to PUD, the preliminary development plans, parking lot, hard surface coverage, and sign Valley Sales of Chanhassen September 3, 1997 Page 14 deviations as shown in plans dated received April 4, 1997,based upon the rezoning to PUD and site plan findings." ATTACHMENTS 1. Petition. 2. Memo from Dave Hempel Assistant City Engineer dated August 26, 1997. 3. Memo from Mark Littfin, Fire Marshall dated May 1, 1997. 4. Memo from Steve Kirchman, Building Official dated May 12, 1997. 5. Traffic Study prepared by Benshoof&Associates, Inc. 6. Noise Study prepared by Midwest Acoustics and Electronics, Inc. 7. Project Narrative. 8. Letters from Bernie Wagnild dated July 21, and August 19, 1997 announcing a neighborhood meeting. 9. Letter from Linda Fisher dated May 5, 1997. 10. Letter to Linda Fisher dated May 7, 1997. 11. Notice of Public Hearing. 12. Application. 13. Letter from Robert E. L. Lennie,dated August 8, 1997. 14. Letter from Cory S. Ploen,dated August 8, 1997. 15. Letter from Tony and Mary Pavlovich dated August 6, 1997. 16. E. mail dated August 22, 1997. 17. Reduced copies of plans received April 4, 1997. 18. Plans dated received April 4, 1997. w rrt uotx-ftp CHANHASSEN RESIDENTS AGAINST VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DEVELOPMENT AS A CONCERNED CHANHASSEN RESIDENT AND AS EVIDENCED BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I STRONGLY DISAGREE AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR ACRE SITE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY S AND NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE DRIVE EAST IN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AS A PONTIAC-GMC RETAIL AUTO STORE, NAME ADDRESS PHONE # i I 1 i - ---21-a - -1-4-C-L92a‘i Tmo . II. F� M It- _ ::20.3 ` ars it, `t ke. V AS - . a- : /4 4 / 7,..__Z____1__M_e,i__L-_-__r A A-- _T2_176 -0077- _a4,,,, ,r 6A, • ,, 8153 14.1 _ S N DZ 54M- 8812- Li - U .1 ;me '6_, AIrt/g nfiA4 . 9w4i-7 - �r 4......i.di , • A,. WM . - -., '\+.,__--._ Za.D. 11/143AaLiaLt_..- (2-fi 13---17 1 -�N .. kLa r e4 C0 / / Z2 .6,44M- MY _e__... .- ;" . '-'7..d h ,- ' i i/ qi91 4W v 1H0 n'y ,r,, Cz _ Q 37-Sj 3 9� • C- - • . •. Ala - . - - S ! " ld i‘(n Dr. _ 737-676/ Ori . rti�i / I 1' . S /1'- _6 - 1.1 . ativ 4 . r-424,/ cz,a6LN _ -`73-7 -5?) ? -stn. * r--e_1. 4% . v. _ - X11DIAsic# 93 - b-ex-- FL/ II _316_____c_tievi_e_a_CiL____ ,._47 -1 r":43 c�c►:fior.�PI ss.1HD 9Lfi1GLL � 3 97;:60 �6 $( .su CHANHASSEN RESIDENTS AGAINST VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DEVELOPMENT 3 A CONCERNED CHANHASSEN RESIDENT AND AS EVIDENCED BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, STRONGLY CISAGREE AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR ACRE TE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 5 AND NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE DRIVE EAST IN THE CITY OF HANHASSEN BY VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AS A PONTIAC-GMC RETAIL AUTO STORE, NAME ADDRESS PHONE # I ' r r I °MI'WI"' aiiiinvr.i......— R.,,V f 1 A,52r2W C7---f- 9.51-/-6fY46 Vr � Al-) 14; '/,/ ?ago thd (Li- q'37- ,c21 3: , 2)._.6 ,1 J _0 _to Q ? 2 - _7?,Q,' c-lifilW - gcYRD 14-/Att. (1/- 9:7'74(-&(-57 tic + � i- _- - / 5o r a hne 949--8S L 41Hsigd4,042_ , iso /4(ddelly7 - I AL -- L40 \A--,A Lam.. . L4.444 CK"1 —07.27 %4 A i LI/on cit Z.ti. " 04- ops a -- L( (A LI: / .11/1 _sailltickitalah/w- _ ibleAtlAQ 11, gr)22 `-- Ay,D__T_i_v_ilkAir 9 51-- -z- z5s--- JJ l • 6° '�.�'' = 2 ,4- . . X93/: , .5 ;J i, I i ev 3 tp ik-)K lft-v4 932 - OLD r .. ' i,21.. 1 (4.(/ (1( ei.z� 7 c.ii) _ / ' ' 'F.S. v-5777 0X210- - Y � _� , r q', 4/ _ / stye, fyi �� i '/- . — 1' _ - VC " ,7-5W) SnO 5OOI1 d.102I9 HH.1H3 9CfiLELti WA LG':60 1.6 'BZ '8ii CHANHASSEN RESIDENTS AGAINST ,VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DEVELOPMENT LS A CONCERNED CHANHASSEN RESIDENT AND AS EVIDENCED BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, STRONGLY DISAGREE AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR ACRE SITE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 5 AND NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE DRIVE EAST IN THE CITY OF :HANHASSEN BY VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AS A PONTIAC-GMC RETAIL AUTO STORE. 4f\ NAME - ADDRESS L}\_iacm., (PHONE# ,k4 ,41Divi,tTti .g'ilcthiejc.,v-\.' l . C ih,,.--S FOG POvd,'O4- < < ,I. Baal C.+ d1Ii '1 - I "sciy :cc,1A. , C a& .A� • c � W-I Olt (--)\-Ovk c73 7 - , via yD 1 ` 1/ -,hg6r/el 6 -79y or,iippritinf, .i„. ellikat.i. / v 4 l c_ ,--i: 137-g-) p tg, e-'i>./.-f---- ri GrO 14!dc,L,,, CT- _ j_:37- .‘- <5/7 SI.ty7)12A--1 ,I•f — etlj )76tddiL)A-I el '7{4 ----(,--.zz•-1 _.47( - ,t,_--- , .: iz_a---; f0 9 t A2/4/,_ e71- go6 -41-3 7 / : i 1 e.r-, ` „ ' ' 2iif -.-1-- .f-L, � Ci. - 934'- l (q0,5 cP6 c : nn. cr \-.-e.41 ° ?1) '' I -. 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NAME ADDRESS n PHONE # Ll 4 CtNC �'- ----°- �1 C3 )11-e W -jtO td 4 , rte. S"1 • I I ' � - 9b1,-01/01-5- II' •- gr . ,"� _ L/4 Ll�/7--&a/O 1 Lls 33 D S ,✓rur Cs c_iII` 10 C -Q /s-7 - AA A r '. r a - L U -.'d_2t,e/i/ _ e6•Zeit ghi9. O 77, _._. y',(, jd i(G 34/ ct iietal c 1dt< r� 9iS- b o3 •r _ .r. . . 331 5,'(ir.w Cr, & q?q 0/06, sit) .4- ' 0, (" - �� �r,1�t,L� G►r.�.� 75-O�o tw,__ j __ Arm, /' �,.s�, _ 3o 5-0,„_..01,_ âk 3`� J n ,� 4 EL . + • JQV_ f610 7)y • '-) ' . __ ______,..--AL -- , ..0.4..„....._ _ ,a.. ,._ .1., 7,i .. /.ftif 1, /..14_.i , . .,114 i-5. :-.s._ ,_p_c_ ._, (4:-.-----4 932- 5-V lat_Zifjc gIa _ECY / - FAQ _ rzle_i _ue 9 -6Io . :,/ 7 / - - -1 ' , A•77.4, r e ...,'" i C.Z %)3 /1/ 1/4- 4 coi, - (fici _________ . , ,-, . '. s I &O k►'cc'e,, c:--L q `ti` (co7 t 1,2,f.x. , irrlck4,-) 9''75 -C (-10:7,00P d_10HI) ENDH3 9CILCLC XV1 SZ:60 2.6:8c:/80 CHANHASSEN RESIDENTS AGAINST VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DEVELOPMENT \S A CONCERNED CHANHASSEN RESIDENT AND AS EVIDENCED BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, STRONGLY DISAGREE AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR ACRE ;ITE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 5 AND NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE DRIVE EAST IN THE CITY OF :HANHASSEN BY VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AS A PONTIAC-GMC RETAIL AUTO STORE. NAME ADDRESS PHONE # (�,X00 d-1O ) HH H:� 9LtL�L C F3 9Z: :GI) L6:6 '-8i) CHANHASSEN RESIDENTS AGAINST VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP DEVELOPMENT AS A CONCERNED CHANHASSEN RESIDENT AND AS EVIDENCED BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I STRONGLY DISAGREE AND DO NOT SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUR ACRE SITE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 5 AND NORTH AND WEST OF LAKE DRIVE EAST IN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP AS A PONTIAC-GMC RETAIL AUTO STORE. NAME ADDRESS PHONE # /1/1/ &ACE; ec,Yo d c ^- C2-i,ge& '. - r 604t6. - �zz c c /icj ale ___"7. 6`- �? A'fi) (71V,AS ;6,20 r fAi . 1 cg- 1,*-W‘--( — 2,6,''e-- J- 1 ) V . '4 / 4 f qaG ss'y ___5 t'! t!`l ( tr-L5y� -_5--0 14feleti Awe /106— d sS- -h-e_ s (.4- k z t v� Z1-- t \ cS1 A-Q 1-1212-11\ _ 13 r-Li °t3S cis_ Y j\G ____Li v� irk 1 kk 6 Q ria 1..( 2 34- qc\-3S tOLCLIL.-- Akeleiftf-)(71 itl RkidL1L I fl( OT7O -r--1:101--.1-1431- 1. " -3(QQ--AzVaicael --\--fmi--__ _5_1_4i:_ l --V c„r Mo Prtilpi &C eNet -t2f - 'K 4 01- 4.k a 1/4dci•' JJ '134f-616 7L. i .ifi J Ari bu'z.- - 93q-3i7 d Al �� �. ei ,/ C x•i?7 f 6' ---7 _we ., --- - - _ _off y ()O6 Fi , 9y - c3 y DMZj_ .., , Safi. iAllr W) 2 C{'e X-6 Q06 ' (0/2- L . _ ' Ati i ......t...4.. 1 CO X) Erie /4-t.e 927' b i 0 4:Y1 i i4-1.c;ik f C ,rc 3c) 4' „A...":;,:c.__ wr St)i�, 900 d.10)10 gg.1H� 9C1-1.C2.4: ZF3 Li, 6U L6 ' 0 CITY 4F ClIANBASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff,Planner II FROM: Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer-4/.14_ DATE: August 26, 1997 SUBJ: Site Plan Review for Valley Sales of Chanhassen Lot 1, Block 6, Hidden Valley- LUR File No. 97-12 Upon review of the plans prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. dated April 4, 1997, I offer the following comments and recommendations: SITE GRADING The site contains a large open grassy field with a large knoll. The knoll is proposed to be lowered by approximately nine feet. Overall, the site grading conforms with the surrounding parcels fairly well. It is anticipated that the site grading will generate excess material that will need to be exported from the site. If material is to be exported from the site, staff recommends that the applicant supply the City with a haul route for review and approval. The applicant and/or contractor should be aware that if the exported material is to be placed in another site within the City that the property owner will need to obtain an earthwork permit from the City. The streets during the hauling operation must be kept clean. It may be necessary to employ the use of a street sweeper. Earth berms and landscaping are proposed along Trunk Highway 5 and also some along Lake Drive East. DRAINAGE The site currently sheet drains in every direction. An existing storm sewer line is proposed to be extended to service this site. The existing storm sewer system has a limited capacity of 11 cfs. This same storm sewer needs to be shared by the adjacent parcel to the west. The applicant is proposing an on-site storm sewer sediment/storage pond to facilitate drainage from this site. The drainage plan proposed storm sewer improvements to convey parking lot and roof runoff via storm sewer to the proposed on-site storm water pond. The storm sewer improvements need to be designed and located to facilitate runoff from future development in the parcel to the west. This may involve relocating and/or re sizing pipes to accommodate this. The storm sewer on this site will also be privately owned and maintained by the property owners. An easement or other Sharmin Al-Jaff Valley Sales SPR August 26, 1997 Page 2 document maintaining the use of the storm sewer for the parcel to the west needs to be drafted and recorded against the parcel. Since the storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer lines on the site will be private,the applicant and/or contractor will be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits form the City's Building Department. There is an existing catch basin manhole in the proposed westerly driveway entrance off Lake Drive East. If street grades permit a new catch basin should be extended to the northeast radius of the intersection to intercept runoff before it reaches the middle of the intersection. Since the storm sewer system will be private the storm water ponds will need routine maintenance. There should be stipulations in the site plan agreement that addresses the maintenance of the storm sewer pond since it directly affects the downstream public storm sewer system. The applicant needs to supply detailed storm sewer and ponding calculations for a 10-year and 100-year storm event to the City Engineer to review and approve prior to issuance of a building permit. UTILITIES Municipal sanitary sewer and water service is available to the site. There is an existing 8-inch water line that runs parallel to the west lot line from Trunk Highway 5 down to Lake Drive East. In conjunction with the driveway construction at the westerly entrance to the site, the existing fire hydrant is proposed to be relocated. Staff recommends that a financial security be provided to the City in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of$1,500. The plans show extending the 8-inch water line from Trunk Highway 5 to service the site. This will not be necessary since the existing water line along the west property line can easily be connected into. The plans should be revised to reflect actual utility hookup locations. The connection to the existing water system shall be a wet-tap system to avoid disruption and maintain water service. Sanitary sewer service is available from an existing manhole located north of Lake Drive East within the property across from Hidden Court. Landscaping is proposed within the City's utility easement along the west property line. The applicant will need to enter into an encroachment agreement with the City to permit landscaping within the City's easement. The encroachment agreement will spell out the responsibilities for replacement of landscaping should the City need to utilize the utility easement for repairs or maintenance of existing infrastructures. PARKING LOT CIRCULATION Two access drives are proposed along Lake Drive East. Both access points appear to have adequate sight line distance. The westerly entrance off of Lake Drive East is proposed to be shared with the parcel to the west. The driveway is centered upon the property line. A cross- access and maintenance agreement will need to be developed and recorded against the parcel to Sharmin Al-Jaff Valley Sales SPR August 26, 1997 Page 3 insure future access for the parcel to the west. In addition, the applicant will need to acquire an easement from the property to the west to build the entrance. Both accesses will involve the removal of the existing sidewalk and curb and gutter. To guarantee boulevard restoration (sod) and sidewalk and curb work, the applicant shall provide the City with a financial security in the amount of$5,000. Overall,the parking lot and drive aisles appear to function well from a traffic circulation standpoint. The drive aisle widths meet City code. Construction traffic during the initial building stages should be limited to one access location,preferably the westerly driveway access where a rock construction entrance is proposed. Trip generation for the proposed development according to Benshoof& Associates appear to be less for an auto dealership than the permitted uses, i.e. neighborhood retail, restaurant, or convenience stores. Staff would concur with this assessment of the traffic trip generation. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant shall provide the City with a financial security in the amount of$6,500.00 to guarantee hydrant relocation and boulevard restoration. The security shall be provided in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow. Bonds are not acceptable. 2. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City. A condition shall be placed in the site plan agreement addressing pond maintenance. 3. The site plans shall be amended to reflect the existing waterline along the west lot line and proposed connections. All connections shall be wet tapped. 4. The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City for placement of landscaping within the City's utility easement. 5. The applicant and/or contractor shall notify the City upon encountering any existing drain tile on the site. The City will determine whether or not the drain tile can be abandoned or relocated. 6. All construction vehicles shall access the site from the westerly entrance off Lake Drive East. Rock construction entrances shall be installed and maintained until the site is paved with a bituminous surface. Haul routes, if necessary, shall be pre-approved by the City. The applicant will be required to maintain haul routes and clean the streets of any dirt and mud accumulated from vehicles tracking. Any damage to City streets,curbs or other public facilities will be the responsibility of the applicant. Sharmin Al-Jaff Valley Sales SPR August 26, 1997 Page 4 7. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer and ponding calculations for 10-year and 100- year storm events for the City Engineer to review and approve prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall provide detailed pre-developed and post developed stormwater calculations for 100-year storm events and normal water level and high water level calculations for the proposed pond. Individual storm sewer calculations between each catch basin segment will also be required to determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized. 8. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, ie. Watershed District,Metropolitan Waste Control Commission,Health Department,Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their conditions of approvaL 9. The existing catch basin/manhole on Lake Drive East falls within the proposed westerly driveway entrance. If street grades permit,a new catch basin should be extended to the northeast radius of the intersection of Lake Drive East and driveway entrance to intercept runoff before it reaches the intersection. 10. The westerly driveway entrance is proposed to be a shared driveway access with the parcel to the west. Cross-access and maintenance agreements will need to be developed and recorded against the parcels to guarantee ingress and egress to the properties. 11. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. The City boulevard areas which are disturbed along Lake Drive East shall be restored with sod. ktm g'eng\dave\pc\valley salesdnc CITY OF 04)1CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner 11 FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshall DATE: May 1, 1997 SUBJECT: Request for rezoning 4.27 acres of property BN, neighborhood business,to PUD, planned unit development to allow an auto dealership and site plan review for an 18,494 square foot building located south of Highway 5, north of Lake Drive East and east of the Chanhassen Legion site, Valley Sales of Chanhassen,Argonaut Holdings. Inc. Planning Case 97-1 PUD and 97-5 Site Plan I have reviewed the site plan for the above project. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted,the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps,trees, shrubs, bushes,NSP, US West, Cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 2. "No parking fire lane signs"and yellow curbing shall be provided. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signage and painted curbing. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy 06-1991. (Copy enclosed). 3. The fire department sprinkler connection shall be located adjacent to the main entrance to the building. This is being consistent with other locations throughout the city requiring the connection located near the front door for firefighter ease of locating it in the event of a fire. 4. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department policy regarding fire sprinkler systems. Pursuant to Fire Prevention Division Policy 40-1995. (Copy enclosed). 5. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department policy regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Prevention Policy 29-1992. (Copy enclosed). 6. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department policy regarding pre-fire plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Prevention Policy 07-1991. (Copy enclosed). 7. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy 04-1991. MT./he CITYOF ;40: CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 1. Permits are required for all sprinkler work. 2. A minimum of four sets of plans are required. Send, or drop off plans and specifications and calculations to: Mark Littfin,Fire Marshal City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen,MN 55317 3. Yard post indicators are required and must have tamper protection. 4. All control values must be provided with tamper protection. 5. All systems tests must be witnessed by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal. Appointments can be made by calling the Fire Marshal at 937-1900, ext. 132, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Monday through Friday. Please try to arrange tests at least 24 hours in advance. All revisions of 25 heads or more will require a test. 6. Main drains& inspector test connections must be piped to the outside atmosphere. 7. Nater may not be introduced into sprinkler piping from the City main until the Fire Marshal xvitnesses a flush test per NFPA 13-8-2.1. 8. The City of Chanhassen has adopted Appendix E (see 1305.6905 appendix chapter 38 of the MBC). Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Policy#40-1995 Date: 01/12/95 Revised: 03/12/97 Page 1 of 2 9. All systems must be designed to NFPA-13, 1991 edition and Chapter 6 Standards. All attic systems are to be spaced at a maximum 130 square foot coverage. 3/4" plastic piping will not be allowed at any time in attic space. 10. All equipment installed in a fire protection system shall be UL listed or factory mutual approved for fire protection service. 11. Fire protection systems that are hydraulically calculated shall have a 5 psi safety factor at maximum system flow. 12. Acceptable water supplies for fire sprinkler systems are listed in NFPA-13, 1991 ed., Chapter 7. Swimming pools and ponds are not acceptable primary water supplies. 13. Pressure and gravity tanks shall be sized per the requirements contained in NFPA-13 and 22. Duration of the water supply shall match the hazard classification of the occupancy. 14. Include spec sheets for fire sprinkler heads-dry pipe/pre-action valving. 15. The definition of inspection is contained in MN Rule 75 12.0100 Subpart 10, and states that inspection means: 1. Conducting a final acceptance test. 2. Trip test of dry pipe,deluge or preaction valves. 3. A test that an authority having jurisdiction requires to be conducted under the supervision of a contractor. Only licensed fire protection contractors are permitted to conduct these tests. 4. All other inspections including the inspectors test, main drain and other valves are permitted under MN Rule 7512.0400 Subpart-2G,as maintenance activities and do not require a license as a fire protection contractor. 16. Per Section 904.3.2.and the 1994 Uniform Building Code, an approved audible sprinkler flow alarm to alert the occupants shall be provided in the interior of the building in a normally occupied location. (Location must be approved by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal). 17. In existing systems,the following shall apply: 1. If any changes in the hydraulically most demanding area, or an addition of 20 or more heads.hydraulic calculations will need to be provided. 2. If an addition or change of 20 or more heads to a system, a test will need to be completed. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Division / Policy 7-40-1995 Date: 01/12/95 ( �' Revised: 03/12/97 pproved-Public Safety Director Page: 7 of 2 fp : CITY OF ,,, .„..,y, t„;.;:„.,...41 t..4.411:?;;_, . j.,_ Sttt CHANHASSEN ,,, ;,,,,,. ; , kit f: 7 ; .i% .* 'tom �'n`.:;. • ';� 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 . f'1' (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 - • - CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY PREMISES IDENTIFICATION General Numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Size and location of numbers shall be approved by one of the following - Public Safety Director, Building Official, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal. Requirements are for new construction and existing buildings where no address numbers are posted. Other Requirements-General - • 1. Numbers shall be a contrasting color from'the background. 2. Numbers shall not be In script 3. If a structure is not visible from the street,additional numbers are required at the driveway entrance. Size and location must be approved. 4. Numbers on mall box at driveway entrance may be a minimum of 4". However,requirement 4-3 must still be met. 5. Administrative authority may require additional numbers if deemed necessary. Residential Requirements(2 or less dwelling unit) 1. Minimum height shall be 5 114". 2. Building permits will not be flnaled unless numbers are posted and approved by the Building Department Commercial Requirements 1. Minimum height shall be 12". 2. Strip Mails a. Multi tenant building will have minimum height requirements of 6". b. Address numbers shall be on the main entrance and on all back doors. 3. If address numbers are located on a directory entry sign, additional numbers will be required on the buildings main entrance. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992 _ " / - Date: 06/15/92 � Revised: Approved — Public Say Director Page 1 of 1 t 0. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF )(/ CHANHASSEN L` s , • 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REGARDING PRE-PLAN Prior to issuing the C .O. , a pre-plan, site plan shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval . The following items shall be shown on the plan . 1) Size 11" x 17 " (maximum) 2 ) Building footprint and building dimensions 3 ) Fire lanes and width of fire lanes 4) Water mains and their sizes, indicate looped or dead end 5) Fire hydrant locations 6) P . I .V. - Fire Department connection 7) Gas meter (shut-off) , NSP (shut off) 8) Lock box location 9) Fire walls, if applicable 10 ) Roof vents, if applicable 11) Interior walls 12 ) Exterior doors 13 )- Location of fire alarm panel 14) Sprinkler riser location 15) Exterior L. P. storage, if applicable 16) Haz . Mat . storage, if applicable 17 ) Underground storage tanks locations, if applicable 18) Type of construction walls/roof 19 ) Standpipes PLEASE NOTE: Plans with topographical information, contour lines, easement lines, property lines , setbacks, right-of-way lines, headings, and other related lines or markings, are not acceptable, and will be rejected . Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention /% r , Policy =07-1991 Date: 01/16/91 �f �/ y�-� Revised: 02/18/94 Approve: - PuSlic Safety Director Page 1 of 1 . C ITY aF 1 . CHANHASSEN -' e CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O- BOX 147 CHANH S (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE LANE SIGNAGE 1. Signs to be a minimum of 12" x 18" . NO 2 . Red on white is preferred. PARKING FIRE 3 . 3M or equal engineer 's grade LANE reflective sheeting on aluminum is preferred. 4 . Wording shall be: NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5 . Signs shall be posted at each end of the fire lane and at least at 7 ' O" 75 foot intervals along the fire lane. 6. All signs shall be double sided facing the direction of travel. 7 . Post shall be set back a minimum of 12" but not more than 36" from the curb. - 8 . A fire lane shall be required in (NOT TO GRADE front of fire dept. connections SCALE) extending 5 feet on each side and along all areas designated by the Fire Chief. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE ABOVE PROCEDURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, WITH A SITE PLAN, FOR APPROVAL BY THE FIRE CHIEF. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE CONTINUITY THROUGHOUT THE CITY BY PROVIDING THESE PROCEDURES FOR MARKING OF FIRE LANES. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #06-1991 Date: 1/15/91 c-?7 /7 Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1. 4,11, Pa* PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 14 CITY OF ,_ 0 fti 4a+ \ , -'f-cl,. ." ' ., CHANHASSEN q ,, _,.. '`Kn=:,,_ ' s;. 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 "; (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY EXTERIOR LIGHT AND HORN OVER FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLER CONNECTION 1) Exterior Light and Horn for indicating Fire Department Sprinkler Connection shall be: a. Simplex model number Horn - 31T-115-R Light - WH3T-115-FR or b. Wheelock 7004-T c. Notifier 5542862 or equivalent per Fire Department approval. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention /2VPolicy: #02-1990 Date: 09/04/90 G ✓j Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1. Ilk boa' PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CHANIIASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL SITE PLANS 1. Fire Marshal must witness the flushing of underground sprinkler service line, per NFPA 13-8-2.1. 2. A final inspection by the Fire Marshal before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 3. Fire Department access roads shall be provided on site during all phases of construction. The construction of these temporary roads will conform with the Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for temporary access roads at construction sites. Details are available. 4. Onsite fire hydrants shall be provided and in operating condition during all phases of construction. 5. The use of liquefied petroleum las shall be in conformance with NFPA Standard 58 and the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. A list of these requirements is available. (See policy #33-1993) 6. All fire detection and fire suppression systems shall be monitored by an approved UL central station with a UL 71 Certificate issued on these systems before final occupancy is issued. 7. An 11" x 14" As Built shall be provided to the Fire Department. The As Built shall be reproducible and acceptable to the Fire Marshal. (See policy #07-1991). 8. An approved lock box shall be provided on the building for fire department use. The lock box should be located by the Fire Department connection or as located by the Fire Marshal. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 Revised: 12/23/94 Page 1 of 2 9. High-piled combustible storage shall comply with the requirements of Article#81 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. High-piled combustible storage is ,,,,c combustible materials on closely packed piles more than 15' in height or combustible materials on pallets or in racks more than 12' in height. For certain special-hazard commodities such as rubber tires, plastics, some flammable liquids, idle pallets, etc. the critical pile height may be as low as 6 feet. 10. _ Fire lane signage shall be provided as required by the Fire Marshal. (See policy #06-1991). 11. Smoke detectors installed in lieu of 1 hour rated corridors under UBC section 3305G, Exception#5 shall comply with Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for installation and system type. (See policy #05-1991). 12. Maximum allowed size of domestic water service on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line policy must be followed. (See policy #36-1994). Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 ��l Revised: 12/23/94 Approved - Public Safety Director Page 2 of 2 rHAV.AN PEN FIRE DEPT. CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. • 7610 • Chanhassen, MN 55317 tii, :.:6 Bus. PhoneBox 934-919197 • MinnewashtaLaredoDrive Station No. 2 • Phone 474-7094 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY Labeling Fire Rated Walls General Numbers and/or letters shall be placed on all rated fire walls identifying their rating. Said numbers and/or letters shall be not less than 5 inches high x 3 inches wide,with a minimum '/i inch stroke and shall contrast with the background. Requirements are for new and existing construction. Occupancy Requirements This policy is in effect for all occupancies except Group R-3. Other Requirements 1. Identification shall be marked 10 feet from every corner or change of direction and every 30 feet thereafter. Identification shall be on both sides of interior walls. 2. Identification can be hidden from plain view, i.e., above ceiling tiles or in attic spaces. All other locations must be approved by one of the following: Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Building Official. or Building Inspector. Examole: I hr(1 hour fire wall) Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #41997 Date: 01/08/97 /� ____ Revised: Page l of l .Apr c,.ed - Public Safety Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff,Planner II FROM: Steve A. Kirchman,Building Official t DATE: May 12, 1997 SUBJECT: 97-1 PUD(Valley Sales of Chanhassen,Argonaut Holdings,Inc.) I was asked to review the site plan proposal stamped "CITY OF CHANHASSEN, RECEIVED, APR 04 19 9 7 , CHANHAS SEN PLANNING DEPT." for the above referenced project. I have no comments or recommendationsconcerning this application at this time. I would like to request that you relay to the developers and designers my desire to meet with them as early as possible to discuss commercial building permit requirements. g:\safety\sak\memos\plan\valysls I CiFBENSHOOF & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 7301 OHMS LANE, SUITE 500/EDINA, MN 55439/(612) 832-9858/FAX (612) 832-9564 April 4, 1997 REFER TO FILE: 97-01 MEMORANDUM TO: Steven Kaufman, neral Motors World Wide Real Estate f'' FROM: James A. Benshoof and Edward F. Terhaar RE: Results of Traffic Study for Proposed Pontiac GMAC Automobile Sales in Chanhassen, MN PURPOSE This memorandum is to present the results of our traffic analysis for the proposed Pontiac GMAC Automobile Sales in Chanhassen. The traffic analysis and results are organized as follows: 1) Background Information. This includes development characteristics, existing roadway characteristics, and information on other pending developments in the area. 2) Traffic Forecasts. Weekday p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were developed for the site driveways and the following four intersections: T.H. 5/Dakota Ave., Lake Dr./Dakota Ave., T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd., and Great Plains Blvd./Lake Dr. 3) Traffic Analysis. Traffic operations at the four key intersections and the site driveways were analyzed for the p.m. peak hour. 4) Conclusions. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed automobile sales facility is to be located on a presently vacant lot on Lake Drive, approximately midway between Dakota Ave. and Great Plains Blvd., as shown in Figure 1. The project site is designated as commercial in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned BN Neighborhood Business District. The applicant is cx . ..\42,..1.,..............\,..\::\ 1 n Et rt 0 7 `r" \\ . -'''s�1 t. .. 'is i.-3-',"Th `.--, L),R t• 'N \'\. \ \li [ _1 '9.•,',-, ,' - ' ' - 1-4. . ...r.. ••7 ,.,• s 1.)R. - 1 `s,,\\\ \..,\ /.. . ci. \y-••,...-, .- _ ? \It •0 31. 7 tr sr. A" ' A Ry f z •�; o �`. / --f-v- - - `- Ci t . r • � �` • PO. CC ici i >e ti C:) .:zi L. ,e7 ' .t ( ? W. i Tth SI. {} 301 ` , i �.I .... 1 .._ r- ,,,, , ....,„ .:* ... w, 1.3 th ST. .---- I <.., (,. r. iv=.n 5T. I r-r- .. .. ' i ,,,,,s4 7. _-•:.. -1- . ''r- - /4_ '+fit Q t�r4 1�A� - PROJECT - tom.: x {-i? . . C IR. ,ti • �e �„z, ' ; LOCATION a r,, \ a•:�. � - v,- Ci � � 3y r :4� = •l > ro ,i .,y,v, r , omQm .'. 1`?i1 asd __"�„ 7i.r ,.y .- - --_.�� 'tic. (.i..=a rt ) ' t.- ---,V Coe? �, /„ SCALE i �- ,.. e\;;., ' 0 1000' GM WORLDWIDE REAL ESTATE TRAFFIC STUDY FIGURE 1 FOR PROPOSED • itiBENSHOOF&A.SSOCIATES,INC. AUTOMOBILE SALES PROJECT LOCATION TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERSAND PLANNERS Mr. Steven Kaufman -3- April 4, 1997 requesting rezoning to PUD Planned Unit Development District. The automobile sales facility is expected to consist of a 18,494 sq. ft. building to be used for sales and service activities. The remainder of the site will be used for customer and vehicle parking. Access to the site will be via two driveways on Lake Drive. Existing Conditions Lake Drive is a two-way, two lane east/west roadway which serves businesses and homes south of T.H. 5. Lake Drive is designated as a Class I collector route by the City. At Dakota Ave. and Great Plains Blvd., Lake Drive is controlled by stop signs. Great Plains Blvd. is a two-way, two lane roadway with turn lanes at the T.H. 5 intersection. Great Plains Blvd. is presently closed to traffic south of Lake Drive due to the construction of the Villages on the Ponds development. The roadway will eventually connect to T.H. 101 to the southwest. The intersection of T.H. 5 and Great Plains Blvd. is signal controlled, with left and right turn lanes. Dakota Ave. is a two-way, two lane roadway which extends from T.H. 5 south into a residential area. North of T.H. 5 the roadway becomes the north leg of T.H. 101. The intersection of T.H. 5 and Dakota Ave. is signal controlled, with right and left turn lanes. Turn movement counts were conducted on January 22, 1997, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the intersection of T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd. and on January 23, 1997, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the intersection of Lake Dr./Dakota Ave. Traffic counts were obtained from Mn/DOT for the T.H. 5/Dakota Ave. intersection. Traffic counts at the Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive intersection documented in the Villages on the Ponds Environmental Assessment Worksheet' were verified through field observations. Other Planned Development Accounted for in the Traffic Forecasts Information was obtained from City staff regarding other planned developments in the immediate area. Three developments were identified, including the Villages on the Ponds, Chanhassen Commons as proposed by Oppidan, and CSM Chanhassen East Business Center. The Villages on the Ponds development is to be located west of Great Plains Blvd. and south of T.H. 5. The development will consist of over 700,000 sq. ft. of retail, office, and residential space when fully built. Construction has started on some of the development, including a church and school complex and a hotel. These initial components were assumed to be in-place by the year 1998. The remainder of the development is expected to be in-place by 2002. The Chanhassen Commons development is expected to consist of approximately 22,300 sq. ft. of retail space and 5,200 sq. ft. of restaurant space located east of Great Plains Blvd. and south of T.H. 5. It was assumed that the entire development would be in-place by the year 1998. It was also assumed that this development would include removal of the existing American Legion building in the southeast corner of T.H. 5 and Great Plains Blvd. Access to this development was assumed to be via a right turn only access on Great Plains Blvd. and a full access driveway on Lake Drive. ' Villages on the Ponds EAW BRW Inc. July 1, 1996 Mr. Steven Kaufman -4- April 4, 1997 The CSM Chanhassen East Business Center development consists of approximately 200,000 sq. ft. of office/warehouse space in the northwest corner of Dell Road and Lake Drive. This development has been constructed but is not fully occupied. For our analysis purposes, we assumed the development would be fully occupied by the year 1998. TRAFFIC FORECASTS Traffic forecasts were developed using projected trip generation for the automobile sales and Chanhassen Commons developments, as well as traffic forecasts previously developed for the Villages on the Ponds' and CSM Chanhassen East Business Center2 developments. Trip Generation Utilizing data published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and results from studies of similar uses in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, trip generation rates were developed for the proposed development. Next, it is important to classify trips to and from the development in terms of the following two categories: • New Trips - trips solely to and from the proposed development. • Passby Trips - existing "through" trips on T.H. 5 that in the future will include a stop at the proposed development. The automobile sales use was assumed to generate all new trips, with no passby component. Based on our experiences for the retail uses and on information published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, we estimate that approximately 80 percent of the trips to and from the Chanhassen Commons development would be new, while 20 percent would be passby. Table 1 shows the p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed automobile sales and the Chanhassen Commons development. ' Villages on the Ponds EAW,BRW Inc. July 1, 1996 2 Traffic Study for CSM Chanhassen East Business Center RLK Associates,Ltd. November, 1995 Mr. Steven Kaufman -5- April 4, 1997 TABLE 1 P.M. PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION PROJECTIONS FOR AUTOMOBILE SALES AND CHANHASSEN COMMONS New Trip Ends Passby Trip Ends Land Use Size (sq. ft.) in out in out Automobile Sales 18,494 181 251 0 0 Chanhassen Commons - retail space 22,300 1012 1012 252 252 - restaurant 5,200 302 232 72 62 - removal of American Legion 3,500 (20)2 (16)2 (5)2 (4)2 Totals 129 133 27 27 1 The auto dealership trip generation is based on driveway counts collected on February 13 and 15, 1997, at Valley Oldsmobile in Apple Valley,MN. 2 Trip generation information from Trip Generation, 5th edition,Institute of Transportation Engineers An additional step that was taken in the trip generation process was a comparison of land use alternatives for the automobile sales site. The number of trips expected to be generated by uses that are currently listed as permitted or conditional in the City Code was compared to the number of trips expected to be generated by the automobile sales use. The resultant trip generation numbers are shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF TRIP GENERATION FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND ALTERNATIVE USES FOR THE SAME PROPERTY Saturday Development P.M. peak Weekday mid-day Saturday Alternative Uses Size hour daily peak hour daily Proposed use Automobile sales 18,494 sq.ft. 43' 590 83 603 Neighborhood retail Alternative A (permitted use) 32,000 sq. ft 189 2493 328 3112 Site-down restaurant Alternative B (conditional use) 5,000 sq.ft. 65 890 75 1146 Convenience store with gas pumps(conditional 3,000 sq. ft 108 1302 125 1677 use) Neighborhood retail (permitted use) 24,000 sq. ft. 142 1870 246 2334 Subtotal for Alt. B 32,000 sq.ft. 315 4062 446 5157 The auto dealership trip generation is based on driveway counts collected on February 13 and 15, 1997, at Valley Oldsmobile in Apple Valley,MN. Information published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers was also reviewed and found to be comparable to the driveway count information. Mr. Steven Kaufman -6- April 4, 1997 Table 2 shows that the proposed automobile sales use will generate only 23% as much p.m. peak hour traffic, 24% as much weekday daily traffic, 25% as much Saturday mid- day peak hour traffic, and 19% as much Saturday daily traffic as Alternative A. Likewise, the proposed automobile sales use will generate only 14% as much p.m. peak hour traffic, 15% as much weekday daily traffic, 19% as much Saturday mid-day peak hour traffic, and 12% as much Saturday daily traffic as Alternative B. Trip Distribution and Assignment The top half of Figure 2 shows the trip distribution for new trips. These percentages are based on the expected origins and destinations of customers that would make new trips to these developments. The bottom half of Figure 2 shows the expected trip distribution percentages for the passby trips, which are based on current directional traffic volumes on T.H. 5. Utilizing these trip distribution percentages, trips to and from the proposed developments were assigned to the roadway. Traffic Volumes Traffic volumes at the T.H. 5/Dakota Ave., Dakota Ave./Lake Drive, T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd., and Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive intersections were developed for the following three scenarios: 1) existing conditions, 2) 1998 without the automobile sales use but with the other developments, and 3) 1998 with the automobile sales use and the other proposed developments. Year 2002 traffic forecasts were also developed for the T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd. and Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive intersections. The 1998 traffic volumes were developed using the existing traffic counts collected and obtained from others, as well as traffic generated by the expected developments. The existing traffic volumes on T.H. 5 were increased three percent per year and all other existing volumes increased one percent per year to account for other background growth. The traffic generated by the other developments was added, resulting in 1998 volumes without the proposed automobile sales use but with the other developments. The trips added by the Villages on the Ponds and the CSM Chanhassen East Business Center developments were determined directly from the traffic documents noted earlier. The trips expected to be generated by the proposed automobile sales facility were added to the 1998 base volumes, resulting in 1998 post-development volumes. The projected traffic volumes are shown in Figures 3,4, and 5. The year 2002 traffic volumes for the T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd. and Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive intersections were developed through use of the forecasts developed for the Villages on the Ponds, as referenced earlier. The expected number of trips added by the proposed traffic automobile sales facility, Chanhassen Commons, and the CSM Chanhassen East Business Center development were added to the year 2002 build volumes presented in the Villages on the Ponds traffic report. The resultant year 2002 traffic volumes are shown in Figure 4. NEW TRIPS / 1 ± I 25% T.H. S wZ> X25% c¢.7 g mLAKE DRIVE o ui 15% lr PROJECT 0 H LOCATION 0 5% f N eri 20% NOT TO SCALE r PASSBY TRIPS Ql = 6> T.H. 5 H: �C wZci CDn.m LAKE H bRIVE ui , � O > 1 PROJECT p LOCATION 400/0 0 s N NOT TO SCALE/ GM WORLDWIDE FIGURE 2 REAL ESTATE TRAFFIC STUDY FOR PROPOSED TRIP DISTRIBUTION cT�] BENSHOOF&ASSOCIATES,INC. AUTOMOBILE SALES PERCENTAGES TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERSANDPLANNERS 1 e....-----..... N......„ n h. h. r` v c0 rs* gca i L T.H. 5 119/123/123 1637/1751/1751 129/171/171 88/91/96 1335/1413/1413 ) 38/42/42 -,-1 < 1T a, ,0r � co co cn co N co Q 0 Y Q 0 vrn a41 � U1 A\-- LAKE DR. < ,y 144/168/168 < 33/55/55 7/18/18 12/12/26 —J 15/22/22 —> 8/12/13 1 Vi' < is >f co .. v v O T co Q "' N LEGEND EXISTING I I 1998 WITHOUT AUTOMOBILE SALES t % XX/XX/XX_1998 WITH AUTOMOBILE SALES NOT TO SCALE Ni All GM WORLDWIDE[ FIGURE 3 REAL ESTATE TRAFFIC STUDY FOR PROPOSED P.M. PEAK HOUR AUTOMOBILE SALES VOLUMES AT DAKOTA BENSHOOF&ASSOCIATES,INC. AVEJTH 5 AND DAKOTA TRANSPDRTATIONENGINEERSANDPLANNER3 AVEJLAKE DRIVE CVO N co O `D a O o N co ✓ In SO r � coco T.H. 5 1 i < > 1' 93/97/97/210/210 F— 1752/1793/1793/2420/2420 T r 21/140/140/364/364 45/46/46/120/120 v 1413/1443/1443/1919/1919 64/104/110/117/123 1 ci > 1.0 cD CV J T- co [n o Lo co Z — ca < to -4- _J J N. T co r xi'aO N a c,D V < CCD to ~ r LL in 8 CV r M w CL cc) O,, r-- co CD Z Z N t` 14 V '-' t4 to g � O Z c' 1' < > A LAKE DR. 65173/84173/84 F NA/0/0/0/0 NA/15/15/65165 T 5/24/26/60/62 NA/0/0/0/0 —> NA/0/0/0/0 1 < A j O ' O O_ T 9.2 1,j2� LEGEND z N EXISTING ''' `n 1998 WITHOUT AUTOMOBILE SALE 0 1998 WITH AUTOMOBILE SALES I I 2002 WITHOUT AUTOMOBILE SALES NOT TO SCALE IX/XX/XX/XX/XX-2002 WITH AUTOMOBILE SALES 10/ FIGURE 4 LGM WORLDWIDE REAL ESTATETRAFFIC STUDY pMPEAK HOUR FOR PROPOSED VOLUMES AT GREAT BENSHOOF&ASSOCIATES, INC, AUTOMOBILE SALES PLAINS BLVDJTH 5 AND TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERSAhDPLANNERS GREAT PLAINS B LV DJ LAKE DR. J r W a o cn Z .4111,m111 o -2- 1-- 0 Z� o4 •'0 4'J 1r 0 1— w7 � o QI � , Q En V, '�Se a o�0) , TA ti = < pO'Z'cS� CO C1W "'l 1_0 L(_ z � awcnNQ. w W _ , a. = Q w O 2Occ0 N E6A T. a > a Q 2:5 ,A cnW J a m w J < 62MN --1' o w 61-/E LAIN --q, o J m 1- 0 in SNOWWOO N3SSVHNVHO <1 'I` < O ›. J /S31VS 3-1I 0 O1(ly I Q NV' =O = W Na I- UJ W N � r3 3 fr O .j c') p w 0 SS � 0Om z z LL CE 2 LJ co L x Q a_ 0 > -' H H Li X 1 N e W Z U SS300V 3AIuC] z a 1IV13H/NOI1VIS SVO HSaVW Cn 2 W a W Q Q §Q" Z 0I— cn o 3 J U) z W Cr 111 06a OJ W o ¢ 2 cs cc o OAl9 \ W a SNIV1d 1V3FJJ m i--- Nilli 1 Mr. Steven Kaufman -11- April 4, 1997 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS T.H. 5/Dakota Ave intersection Capacity analyses were performed at this signalized intersection for the weekday p.m. peak hour using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) program. Capacity analyses results are presented in terms of level of service, which ranges from A to F. Level of service A represents the best intersection operation, with very little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. Level of service F represents the worst intersection operation, with excessive delay. Level of service D is considered the minimum acceptable level of service for an intersection. During the weekday p.m. peak hour, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service B for the intersection using traffic volumes for the following three scenarios: 1) existing conditions, 2) 1998 without the proposed automobile sales, and 3) 1998 with the proposed automobile sales. All analyses assumed existing intersection geometrics and traffic signal timing. These results indicate that this intersection presently operates at a high level of service and will continue to provide high quality operations after the automobile sales facility is constructed. Dakota Ave./Lake Drive Intersection Capacity analyses were performed at this unsignalized intersection using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and existing intersection geometrics. During the weekday p.m. peak hour, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service B or better for all traffic movements using traffic volumes for the following three scenarios: 1) existing conditions, 2) 1998 without the proposed automobile sales, and 3) 1998 with the proposed automobile sales. These results indicate that this intersection presently operates at a high level of service and will continue to provide high quality operations after the automobile sales facility is constructed. T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd. Intersection Capacity analyses were performed at this signalized intersection for the weekday p.m. peak hour using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) program. During the weekday p.m. peak hour, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service B for the intersection using existing traffic volumes. Using the 1998 traffic volumes without the proposed automobile sales and 1998 with the proposed automobile sales, the capacity analyses resulted in level of service C for the intersection. All analysis assumed existing intersection geomtrics and traffic signal timing. Using the 2002 forecast volumes, the Highway Capacity Software was unable to calculate level of service due to the volume exceeding the capacity for many of the traffic movements. This was true for both the forecast scenario without the proposed automobile sales and with the proposed automobile sales and is due to the large increase in background traffic expected on T.H. 5. The same results were reached in the Villages on the Ponds traffic analysis. Mr. Steven Kaufman -12- April 4, 1997 For both the 1998 and 2002 scenarios, the analyses indicate that the automobile sales will not alter the level of service provided by this intersection. Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive Intersection Capacity analyses were performed at this unsignalized intersection using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and existing intersection geometrics. During the weekday p.m. peak hour, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service B or better for all traffic movements using traffic volumes for the following three scenarios: 1) existing conditions, 2) 1998 without the proposed automobile sales, and 3) 1998 with the proposed automobile sales. Using the 2002 forecast volumes for both traffic scenarios, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service D or better for all traffic movements except the eastbound movements. The eastbound traffic movements are expected to operate at level of service E during the p.m. peak hour, due to the large amount of traffic entering and exiting the Villages on the Ponds development. For both the 1998 and 2002 scenarios, the analyses indicate that the automobile sales facility will not alter the level of service provided by this intersection. Site Access Intersections The automobile sales facility is proposed to have two access driveways to Lake Drive. The westerly most driveway is a shared access with the Chanhassen Commons development. The easterly most driveway will be used by the automobile sales facility only. Capacity analyses were performed at these unsignalized intersections using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and expected intersection geometrics. During the weekday p.m. peak hour, the capacity analysis resulted in level of service B or better for all traffic movements at the westerly most access and A or better for all traffic movements at the easterly most access. Traffic Operations Within the Proposed Site The site plan, shown in Figure 6, was reviewed relative to internal traffic operations. The site plan shows driveways and drive aisles of adequate widths to accommodate automobile and truck movements. The layout shown in the site plan will adequately accommodate circulation within the site. / 0,.....; \--'c., \U aliN � I • i r�—__90 2 , S ‘ \ \ -. \ 1 ., i.t1 1E �A , N i 7,1 1i / , JG• / 1 1• ' T !A c1flC;=RICOR i jI. i N. — jtiI �i ii" 8,a9a SF _ j ! I I —4--IIn c:_=96.3.0 ' 1 1 1.- 1. 10. .e• 29. .Q. .2. 25. 'al hZ„ I II//_3611 k ` _ _ j 'r. Ah'EL:' i •n h r 3 -,/ N 7 -NI : olotra•-•...• _0 ii. _ / ,•, /, 'N.N`•••..„..,.,;_., = O I AV•0•• I \ 5ti , j i J.cP�A�WEX \ / , Z. /e.c.: / \ IIAREA I \\\\\\ 7—SIDEWALK / \ \ i--.3O.R...,,,.__,....:,.,,7, ..,.- '1.............../ 1 / \ 3 \ --...--, ; / \ . J GM WORLDWIDE FIGURE 6 REAL ESTATE TRAFFIC STUDY FOR PROPOSED SITE PLAN WBENSHOOF 8 ASSOCIATES,INC. AUTOMOBILE SALES TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS Mr. Steven Kaufman -14- April 4, 1997 CONCLUSIONS From the traffic analyses documented in this report, we have established the following conclusions: • The proposed automobile sales use is expected to generate much less traffic than other permitted or conditional uses for all time periods analyzed. • The T.H. 5/Dakota Ave. intersection currently operates at a level of service B during the p.m. peak hour. The intersection is expected to continue operating at level of service B during the weekday p.m. peak hour in 1998 both with and without the proposed automobile sales. • All traffic movements at the Dakota Ave./Lake Drive intersection currently operate at level of service B or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. This is expected to continue in 1998 with and without the proposed automobile sales. • The T.H. 5/Great Plains Blvd. intersection currently operates at a level of service B during the p.m. peak hour. The intersection is expected to operate at level of service C during the p.m. peak hour in 1998 with and without the proposed automobile sales. In the year 2002, the intersection is expected to operate at an unacceptable level of service both with and without the proposed automobile sales. This is due to the large increase in background traffic expected on T.H. 5. No perceptible change would occur in the quality of traffic operations due to the automobile sales. • All traffic movements at the Great Plains Blvd./Lake Drive intersection currently operate at level of service B or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. This is expected to continue in 1998 with and without the proposed automobile sales. In the year 2002, all traffic movements, both with and without the proposed automobile sales, is expected to operate at level of service D or better, except the eastbound movements. The eastbound movements are expected to operate at level of service E both with and without the proposed automobile sales. As in the previous point,the automobile sales will not alter traffic operations of this intersection. • All traffic movements at the west access drive are expected to operate at level of service B or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. All traffic movements at the east access drive are expected to operate at level of service A or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. These results indicate that the automobile sales would not alter the quality of traffic operations on Lake Drive. • The proposed site plan will adequately accommodate vehicles entering, exiting, and circulating within the site. Based on the analyses presented in this report, the proposed automobile sales facility will not cause any adverse traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway system. Report to General Motors Worldwide Real Estate Mr. Steven J. Kaufman Noise Study for Pontiac GMC Automobile Sales, Chanhassen, Minnesota from Midwest Acoustics and Electronics, Inc. Minneapolis, MN (612) 897-1814 Richard E. Van Doeren, President April 4, 1997 Executive Summary A noise study was performed for the proposed Pontiac GMC automobile retail store in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The study was limited to consideration of facility-unique noise sources: Service Shop noise and new vehicle off-loading noise. The facility operating hours would be limited to the daytime hours as defined in the Minnesota Noise Standards. Three Noise Receptor Sites were selected for both monitoring and analysis. In addition, other sites were considered regarding potential exceedance of the Minnesota Noise Standards. The study conclusions included the following: • Re. Present-day Background Noise Levels. Present-day monitoring data show that the nighttime Minnesota Noise Standards(the Standards)are expected to be exceeded by the existing background noise in the 6 am to 7 am time window on weekdays. The monitoring showed that the daytime noise standards are not expected to be exceeded by the present-day background noise levels. • Re. Facility Noise Sources.The Facility Noise Sources (Service Shop and the new vehicle off-loading)will NOT exceed the Minnesota Noise Standards at the three residential Noise Receptor Sites selected or at the other nearby receiver sites considered. • Re.Annoyance. The predicted maximum noise levels due to the Service Shop and off- loading of new vehicles are less than the actual observed maximum present-day background noise levels in the community. Also, maximum noise levels due to trash collecting of a top-loading commercial trash hauling truck(of the type expected to serve permitted site uses)were measured to be greater than those due to off-loading and the Service Shop. The risk of annoyance due to the Service Shop or off-loading is quite low. Project Background Midwest Acoustics was retained by General Motors Worldwide Real Estate to conduct a noise study of a proposed Pontiac retail automobile store in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The noise study was to be one of several technical studies to be included as part of an Application to the City of Chanhassen. Initially, the study was to consider both traffic noise and facility-unique noise sources in detail. Facility-unique sources would be those sources unique to an automobile retail store that would not typically be associated with other permitted or conditional uses in BN (Neighborhood Business)zoning. These facility-unique noise sources are referred to as"facility sources" in the remainder of the report. The study scope was modified in early March, 1997 to eliminate a detailed traffic noise study and to include detailed analysis of only the facility noise sources. This was because the results of the Benshoof&Associates traffic study that compared the proposed retail Pontiac store traffic with alternative permitted uses made it obvious that the Pontiac store would result in less traffic noise than alternatives. A detailed traffic noise study was therefore not needed. The trip generation numbers provided by Benshoof&Associates showed a total trip generation for the retail automobile use that was less than 30 percent of the trip generation of alternative permitted uses under existing BN zoning. Assuming a similar traffic mix,this would mean that the hourly equivalent noise levels due to the retail automobile use trip generation would be approximately 5 decibels lower than the noise levels of the lowest-traffic alternative use examined by Benshoof. The Benshoof report date is April 4, 1997. 2 would be approximately 5 decibels lower than the noise levels of the lowest-traffic alternative use examined by Benshoof. The Benshoof report date is April 4, 1997. The facility noise sources that were considered in this study were the Service Shop and the off-loading of vehicles from transport trucks. Noise Receptor Sites Three noise receptor sites were selected for monitoring and detailed analysis of the impact of the facility noise sources;these were labeled sites A, B, and C. All the sites are at the property line of a residential land use. Site A is located approximately 55 feet south of the centerline of Lake Drive E. at the north end of the backyard of the home at 340 Hidden Lane. This point is approximately 45 feet east of the centerline of the driveway of the New Horizon day care center. Measured data for Site A was taken at a point approximately 38 feet south of the centerline of Lake Drive E.to avoid reflections from the privacy fence. Site B is approximately 55 feet south of the centerline of Lake Drive E. and 40 feet west of the centerline of Hidden Court, at the approximate northeast property line point of the home at 250 Hidden Lane. This site is at the southwest corner of Lake Drive E. and Hidden Court. Site C is Located at the west property line of the home at 8026 Erie Ave, approximately 250 feet southeast of the centerline of Lake Drive E. This property includes the home just visible to the southeast of the Family of Christ Lutheran Church. This property line point is at a lower elevation than the adjacent Family of Christ Lutheran Church property(located directly to the east of the proposed Pontiac store). It is hidden from Lake Drive E.,the proposed Pontiac store, and from highway 5. Figure 1 shows an overall scaled site plan view of the site location. Figure 2 is a sketch (not to scale)of the overall site with the streets identified and the Noise Receptor Sites, labelled A, B, and C. Figures 3,4, and 5 show sketches of Noise Receptor Sites A, B, and C, respectively(not to scale). The distances of importance are shown and are expected to be within approximately plus or minus ten percent. In addition to the noise receptor sites A, B, and C that were both monitored and analyzed, several other sites were not monitored and were considered for general noise impact from the facility sources. These included a NAC-1 site on the nearby church property to the east, and three close-in NAC-2 sites(see discussion of the State Standards in the following section). Noise Level Criteria Noise level criteria fall into two distinct categories: • Statutory requirements(e.g.,the Minnesota Noise Standards and/or local ordinances) • Annoyance. 3 The Minnesota Noise Standards The Minnesota Noise Standards include the following text: "These standards describe the limiting levels of sound established on the basis of present knowledge for the preservation of public health and welfare. These standards are consistent with speech, sleep, annoyance, and hearing conservation requirements for receivers within areas grouped according to land activities by the noise area classification(NAC)system established in part 7030.0050. However, these standards do not, by themselves, identify the limiting levels of impulsive noise needed for the preservation of public health and welfare." The Standards are receiver standards that are based on a noise area classification (NAC) system described in the Standards. The Standards refer to Awt sound levels and use statistical descriptors based on sound levels exceeded for ten percent(the L10), and fifty percent(the L50) of a one hour measurement period. A brief description of the noise area classification (NAC)system follows: • NAC-1, household units, religious,transient lodging, educational, etc. • NAC-2, retail, auto parking, professional services, transportation terminals, etc. • NAC-3, manufacturing, agricultural, transportation routes, etc. The Standards are given in terms of the A-wt sound level exceeded ten percent of a one hour period (the L10), and the sound level exceeded fifty percent of a one hour period (the L50). The L10 and L50 are referred to as statistical descriptors of noise. The Standards are tabulated below for the three NAC's and for the two times of day, daytime (7:00 am to 10:00 pm) and nighttime(10:00 pm to 7:00 am). Table 1, Minnesota Noise Standards Summary Noise Area ' Daytime (7:00 am to 10:00 pm) Nighttime(10:00 pm to 7:00 am) Classification L50 L10 L50 L10 1 60 dBA 65 dBA 50 dBA 55 dBA 2 65dBA 70dBA 65dBA 70dBA 3 75 dBA 80 dBA 75 dBA 80 dBA Very short duration impulsive-type sounds are not covered by the Standards except insofar as such sounds affect the L10 or the L50 sound levels. 4 Annoyance Annoyance reactions to sound can arise due to many factors, including: • exposure to sounds not characteristic of the environment a person is accustomed to, • sounds that strongly exceed the background noise level in a particular area, • sounds that have an unusual character(e.g., impulsive or tonal sounds) and are clearly noticeable to the person. Annoyance is highly subjective and often depends on other aspects (than sound)of the relationship between the person annoyed and the generator of the sound in question. Visual screening or lack of visual screening is often an important factor. The background noise level at the particular location is always an important element in annoyance considerations. The background noise is the noise at a receptor site without the presence of intruding noise from the noise source or facility being evaluated. Chanhassen Noise Ordinance The Chanhassen noise ordinance, Section 20-951 of the City of Chanhassen Code, simply states: "Noise shall be muffled or otherwise controlled so as not to become a nuisance. Noise levels shall be regulated by the standards of the state pollution control agency." Facility Noise Sources The noise from two operations at the proposed Pontiac retail store was considered in this study. One was noise from the Service Shop, and the second was noise due to the off-loading of new vehicles from a transport truck. Noise from sources that would be common to any permitted use(such as mechanical equipment)was not included in the scope of this study. The term, "Maximum Noise Level"refers to the maximum observed noise level when the sound level meter is set for fast response. All data in this report are Awt, as are the Minnesota Noise Standards. Regular operating hours for the proposed facility would be: • 7 am to 9 pm Monday through Thursday • 7 am to 6 pm Friday • 9 am to 6 pm Saturday • Not open on Sunday Service Shop Operation Noise Noise from the service operation includes air wrenches, hammering,voices, radios, and pages, all inside the entry/exit door on the north side of the building, facing Highway 5. The air wrenches and the hammering were the highest sound level activities observed. 5 Noise levels were measured in the Valley Pontiac Service area in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Activities measured and recorded included both air wrenches and hammering.The maximum noise level due to hammering inside the service shop was nominally 89 dBA. The air wrench maximum noise level inside the shop was nominally 84 dBA. Inside the shop,the measured statistical noise levels were, L10= 79 dBA, and L50=73 dBA. Off-loading Noise Noise from the off-loading operation includes air brakes on the transport truck, impulsive noise from tools and adjustments of the transport itself, and impulsive noise from impacts as the vehicles are off-loaded—driven off the transport. The location for off-loading is proposed to be on the east side of the building. Off-loading will be limited to regular operating hours. Ar brake noise was obtained from measured data for large trucks observed for another project at another location. The maximum Awt sound level was nominally 80 dBA at a distance of approximately 60 feet. The off-loading impulsive maximum Awt noise level ranged from 80 dBA to 86 dBA at an effective average distance of 33 feet from the transport. There were a total of ten observed impact events in the off-loading process, each consisting of either a single"clang"of a tool, or of a series of sounds as a car was off-loaded from the transport. The off-loading process took less than twenty minutes. It is estimated by the automobile dealer,Valley Sales, that approximately 100 such off-loading events at the proposed retail store would take place annually, all during regular operating hours. Noise Monitoring The noise monitoring was designed to obtain representative samples of the present-day noise levels at several times of day. The amount of the noise monitoring was intended to provide a reasonably adequate level of information for assessing potential impact,while maintaining an appropriate balance between study scope and costs. Noise levels were measured for short samples of time (nominally 7 minutes) by recording the output from a precision sound level meter on a digital audio tape recorder(DAT). The tape recorded data were then played back into a stripchart recorder and a statistical analyzer that provided the statistical descriptors of the background noise. A summary of the observed maximum(Lmax), and averaged L10, L50, and L90 Awt sound levels are tabulated below. All sound levels have been rounded to the nearest decibel. • 6 Table 2, Background Noise Levels at Receptor Sites. Average Awt noise levels and standard deviation (in parentheses, for multiple measurements); Lmax not averaged. Site Day No. Meas. Lmax L10 L50 L90 A** Mon,6-7am 1 64 j 59 57 52 A Wkday/Sat pm 5 69 57 (1.9) 54 (1.7) 50 (1.9) A Saturday am 2 75 51 (14.3) 43 (3.2) 40 (0.7) B** Mon,6-7am 1 61 58 56 54 B Wkday/Sat pm 6 70 60 (1.1) 55 (1.1) 50 (1.6) B Saturday am 4 76 51 (6.5) 42 (2.1) 38 (1.5) C Wednesday 2 56 47 (0.5) 44 (0.1) 39 (0.5) C Saturday am 2 60 47 (6.0) 42 (2.5) 39 (2.1) Notes for Table 2 • A double asterisk next to the site letter indicates a projected exceedance of the Standards. • Site A data has been adjusted from the measurement location data to account for the fact that the Receptor Site is farther from the centerline of Lake Drive than the measurement location (Lmax correction = -3dB, L10 correction =-1 dB, no correction for L50 and L90). • The L50 and L90 were dominated by Highway 5 for all sites. • The L90 is the sound level exceeded ninety percent of the time and is generally considered to be a good measure of the baseline background noise level for a given time period. • The measured maximum (Lmax, Awt, fast meter response)sound levels and the source of the maximum sound level are listed below. • Local cars, approx. 55 feet from Lake Drive E. centerline, 61 dBA to 70 dBA • Jet plane, applies to all sites, 75 dBA • Local medium truck, approx. 55 feet from Lake Drive E., 76 dBA • Helicopter, applies to all sites, 60 dBA In addition, a sample of noise from a top-loading trash hauling truck was measured as it loaded trash from a dumpster at the west end of the Valley Pontiac Service Shop. This type of trash hauling truck has been observed serving other commercial sites. The maximum noise level was 85 dBA at 69 feet with a reflecting wall present. The maximum without a reflecting wall present would be approximately 82 dBA. This is approximately 2 dBA greater than either the off-loading or air brake noise at equivalent distances. 7 Predicted Noise Levels The actual Lmax, L10 and L50 noise levels inside the Service Shop were used to predict the Lmax,the L10, and the L50 due to the Service Shop at the nearby Noise Receptor Sites,A, B, and C. The service shop entry and exit door is a 16 ft wide by 14 ft high door located on the north side of the proposed facility—the door faces Highway 5. To estimate the noise level at the Receptor Sites,the sound power radiated from the door was estimated based on the interior sound level. The directivity of the door opening,the shielding effects of terrain , and the distance to the sites were taken into account in the calculations. Atmospheric absorption was ignored. Site A is nominally 800 feet from the building and is shielded by the proposed building from off- loading noise. The noise radiated from the Service Shop is reduced by the directivity of the open door and by some shielding from the northwest corner of the proposed building. Site B is nominally 300 feet from the building. Noise from the Service Shop is reduced by directivity from the open door and by some building shielding. There is direct line of sight from Sight B to the proposed off-loading site on the east side of the building. Site C is nominally 340 feet from the building and is shielded by terrain from air brake, off- loading, and Service Shop door noise. Service Shop noise radiated from the open door also will be reduced at Site C by the directivity of the open door radiating to the north. For the case of off-loading impact noise,the duration of the impacts is too short to affect either the L10 or the L50(the sound levels exceeded for 6 minutes and 30 minutes respectively, of a one-hour period). The maximum sound level (Lmax)was the measure of concern for off- loading. Table 3, below, gives the estimated noise levels due to the Service Shop and the off-loading process at the selected Noise Receptor Sites. Table 3, Summary of Predicted and Measured NAC-1 Noise Receptor Site Noise Levels near Proposed Pontiac Retail Automobile Store, Chanhassen, Minnesota. Site A Site A Site A Site B Site B Site B Site C Site C Site C Source Lmax L10 L50 Lmax L10 L50 Lmax L10 L50 Off-loading (Pred.) 48 — — 70 — — 60 — — Air Brake(Pred.) 48 — — 70 — — 59 — — Service Shop(Pred.) 28 18 12 35 25 19 26 16 10 Avg.Wkay/Sat Bkgnd 69 57 54 70 60 55 56 47 44 Avg. Sat. am Bkgnd 75 51 43 76 51 42 60 47 42 MN Daytime none 65 60 none 65 60 none 65 60 Standard NAC-1 8 Estimates of the L10 and L50 on NAC-1 Church property to the east due to the Service Shop showed an L10 less than 45 dBA and an L50 less than 40 dBA Both are well below the daytime NAC-1 levels defined by the Standards(L10 of 65 dBA and L50 of 60 dBA). The noise levels due to shop noise radiating from the open door were also estimated for relatively close-in NAC-2 locations,these included the: • automobile parking for the Pontiac store nominally 80 feet to the north on facility property, • public sidewalk nominally 120 feet to the northeast of the open door, and • retail parking nominally 320 feet to the west • church parking to the east across Lake Dr. E. The L10 at the nearest NAC-2 location, the parking for the Pontiac store at 80 feet to the north was predicted to be less than 58 dBA due to the Service Shop, a good margin below the NAC-2 daytime L10 level of 70 dBA. The other NAC-2 locations were predicted to be substantially below the Standard level, due to greater distance and reduced directivity of the Service Shop door. The L50 at the nearest NAC-2 location, the parking at 80 feet to the north was predicted to be less than 52 dBA due to the Service Shop, a good margin below the NAC-2 daytime L50 level of 65 dBA. The other NAC-2 locations were predicted to be substantially below the L50 Standard level, for the same reasons as above. Conclusions The conclusions below were derived from estimates based on: • the actual, measured interior Service Shop and off-loading noise levels observed at Valley Sales in Apple Valley, Minnesota, • the orientation of the Service Shop door to the north on the north side of the proposed Pontiac Store, • off-loading taking place on the east side of the proposed Pontiac store. 9 Conclusions re: The Minnesota Noise Standards The proposed Pontiac retail automobile store operating hours are all within the daytime hours as defined by the Minnesota Noise Standards. The daytime level criteria therefore apply. NAC-1 Sites (residential, religious). The estimated Service Shop and off-loading noise levels are less than the daytime Minnesota Noise Standards by a wide margin at the selected NAC-1 Noise Receptor Sites and at a site on the nearby Family of Christ Lutheran Church property. NAC-2 Sites (retail, auto parking, walkways). Similarly, estimated Service Shop and off-loading noise levels at nearby NAC-2 sites adjacent to or on the proposed Pontiac facility property also do not exceed the daytime Minnesota Noise Standard levels. Conclusions re:Annoyance The primary risk regarding annoyance will be due to the maximum noise levels from off-loading and secondarily from the Service Shop. The predicted maximum noise levels due to the Service Shop open door at all the Noise Receptor Sites are well below the actual observed maximum noise levels present in today's background noise. Similarly, the maximum noise level predicted at Site A due to off-loading is well below today's maximum background noise levels. The predicted maximum noise levels at the Noise Receptor Sites B and C due to off-loading and air brake noise are comparable to the observed maximum noise levels of the background. These are shown in Table 3. In addition, measurements of the maximum noise levels due to a commercial trash hauling truck (82 dBA at 69 feet)show levels higher than those measured for off-loading or air brakes at the same distance. This means that,for the same conditions, we expect that the off-loading and air brake noise would be less than or comparable to the commonly occurring impulsive noise of a top- loading trash-hauling truck that serves commercial establishments. There will almost always be some risk of annoyance due to the highly subjective nature of human response to noise. In this case,we estimate that the risk of annoyance at the selected sites from off-loading is low due to the short duration of the off-loading process,the infrequency of off-loading (one, twenty-minute off-loading every two to three days on average), and prior(ongoing)exposure to maximum noise levels that often exceed the predicted levels. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me under my direct supervision and tha I am a duly registered professional e gineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ,. Richard E. Van Doeren, Reg. No. 11823.April 4, 1997 • 10 't; ass"id" of 11111 ii_i x ii$ al 74 _s 21 AAg un'aS'<177 r t I 4 aaeea 1 gig F5 y'Z a 1 0tIM tit i 11 3 p ,- ii323 i"i ci w 4P2 i _ Z : S13 Ai Og ).s i' " it 3i'-`� NJa t ee = g HHDh w Fis - i i i 3 k k \ ag — '` \ 5 Y Rt l / c% \ i TiS b'3 \ AO/ \\ • :r-- oeoerti , h \ \ ho \ \to _ , \o \ i ....- .z..,. i \ 5 Q° ',.'4 , • •if ,.... , — '..*:::, it,t ,:',,A, \ 4- i . :2-17-41, - ':::::$—...mrtini—iniO ::\_007 \ cc cos l — \ \ \ / .-'_. ... --'iter `- Le ____.ca_. ..r-- ,.. 4..,,=A i 1 Imo 1 . .fIA 1 Lie p il:- It i Z �iEtil,1 - Figure 1. Scaled Site Plan of Proposed W , ; 3 o " * �a Pontiac GMC Automobile Retail Store. o '' ':i. 1 4 4 - F��"s.ii _ a � - �fi8,:31 - 0 ' ik LU J 3Sdci iii 11 Family of Christ Lutheran Church Proposed NR Pontiac GMC Air Site C Retail Site State Highway No. 5 • • Driveway to New Horizon NR Day Care Site B spr Home at 8026 Erie Lake Dr. E. Hidden Court Home at 250 Privacy Hidden Lane Fence Hidden Lane & NR Home at 340 Site A Hidden Lane Figure 2. Overview Sketch (Not to Scale) of Proposed Pontiac GMC Automobile Retail Sales Site with Noise Receptor Sites (NR Sites). 12 Driveway to New Horizon Day Care 45ft --> Lake Dr. E. A Light Pole 0. ■ Approx.55 ft Actual Measurement Site 0 A 14 ft Privacy Fence 0 V Site A Home at 340 Hidden Lane Figure 3. Sketch of Site A. (Not to scale) 13 Lake Dr. E. 55 Hidden Court 37 ft __. ...— --/ \ Privacy Fence Site B Home at 250 Hidden Lane v__==] Figure 4. Sketch of Noise Receptor Site B. (Not to scale) Family of Christ Lake Dr. E. Lutheran Church Fence Curb Line \ lorr 264ft >F 60ft >11 • Site Cj\ Home at 8026 Erie Figure 5. Sketch of Noise Receptor Site C. (Not to scale) 14 -LAMES P.LARKIN LAR-1N, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, "TD. CHRISTOPHER J.HANRISTHAL ROBERT L.HOFFMAN KENDE`J.OHLRMlx GERALD H.FRIEDELL BRUCE J.DOUGLAS JAMES C.ERICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW VYILLAM C.GRIFFITH.JR. EDWARD J.DRISCC L JCAN R.HILL GENE N.FULLER PETER J.COYLE JOAN D.FU UAER LARRY 0.MARTIN FRANK I.HARVEY 1500 NORWEST FINANCIAL CENTER JANE E.BREMER CHARLES S MCOELLJOHN J.STEFFEMIAGEN CHRISTOPHER J.DIETZEN i 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH PHIUP G.ALDEN UI[IA H.FISHER MICHAEL J.SMITH THOMAS P.STOLTMAN BLOOMINGTON,MINNESOTA 55431-1194 ANCREWF.PERRIN MICHAEL C.JACKMAN DANIEL W.VOSS JOHN..WERETELEPHONE(612)835-3800 ANN M.R.MEYER NDE TON S.SVNERZEN51(I THOMAS J.FLYNN CHRISTOPHER D.JdNSON JAMES P.CX/INN FAX(612)896-3333 RENEE L JACKSON TODD 1.FREEMAN CHRISTOPHER IL LARDS GERALD L.SECK MARCY R.FROST JOHN B.LLNDOUST DOUGLAS M.RAMLER DAYLE NOLAN- STEPHEN J.KAMINSKI JOHN A.COTTER• THOMAS F.ALEXANDER BEATRICE A.ROTHWBILER DANIEL T.KADLEC PAUL B.PLUNKETT SHARNA A.WAHLGREN ALAN L.KILDOW KARIN IA.NELSEN KATHLEEN M.PICOTTE NEWMAN JOAN F.BLOB MICHAEL B.LEBANON C.ERIK/AWES GREGORY E.KORSTAD LYNNE MICHELLE MOORE GARY A VAN CLEVE- C.BRENT ROBBINS DANIEL L.BONUS KRISTIN S.WESTGARD- TIMOTHYJ.McMANUS JOVE S.FREDERICKSON TIMOTHY J KEANE OF COUNSEL ALAN M.ANDERSON DONNA`ROBACK JACK F.DALY MICHAEL W SCHLEY D.KENNETH UNDGREN ROAN B.KREPS ALLAN E.MULLIGAN TERRENCE E BISHOP MENDELL R.ANDERSON USA A GRAY JOSEPH GTE GARY A RENNEKE ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN April 4, 1997 Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP Planning Director City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Argonaut Holdings, Inc. - Application for Rezoning to PUD District, Approval of PUD Concept Plan and Development Stage Plan, and Approval of PUD Site Plan for Valley Sales of Chanhassen Our File No. 22,701-00 Dear Ms. Aanenson: This letter is the written narrative required by the City of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance ("Zoning Ordinance") in connection with Argonaut Holdings, Inc.'s ("Argonaut") application ("Application") to the City of Chanhassen ("City") for approval of a rezoning to PUD Planned Unit Development District, a PUD concept plan, a PUD development stage plan, and a PUD final site plan for a retail automobile sales store to be known as Valley Sales of Chanhassen ("Project"). The Project is proposed for a 4.27 acre undeveloped platted lot ("Site") generally located south of Trunk Highway 5 and north and west of Lake Drive East. The Site is currently owned by Mortenson Development Company ("Mortenson"). The applicant, Argonaut, is an affiliate of General Motors Corporation. It has contracted to purchase the Site from Mortenson for development of a Pontiac GMC retail automobile sales store. The operator of the retail facility will be Valley Sales of Chanhassen. The principals of Valley Sales currently operate a retail automobile sales facility in Apple Valley. Collectively, they have over eighty years of experience in automobile retailing. LAR._.N, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, i.D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 2 Based on pre-application meetings with City staff and its own independent analysis, Argonaut assembled the following consultants to assist it in preparing Project development plans and the Application to the City: Site Plan and Overall Project Development THA Architects 817 East Kearsley Street Flint, Michigan 48503 Phone: 810-767-5600 Fax: 810-767-1650 Land Surveyor/Civil Engineer Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 14180 West Trunk Highway 5 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 612-937-5150 Fax: 612-937-5822 Architect CNH Architects 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 504 St. Paul, Minnesota 55124-7580 Phone: 612-431-4433 Landscape Architect Ernst Associates 122 West 6th Street Chaska, Minnesota 55318 Phone: 612-448-4094 Fax: 612-448-6997 Lighting LSI Automotive Lighting 10000 Alliance Road P.O. Box 42728 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 Phone: 313-793-3200 LAhk _.N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, .D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 3 Traffic Engineer Benshoof and Associates, Inc. 7301 Ohms Lane, Suite 500 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Phone: 612-832-9858 Fax: 612-832-9564 Noise Midwest Acoustics and Electronics, Inc. 7300 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55435 Phone: 612-897-1814 Argonaut and its consultants met several times with City planning and engineering staff to discuss the proposed Project and to obtain input on specific development plans. The development team also considered the following materials in preparing and assembling the Application to the City: • City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan. • Highway 5 Corridor Land Use Design Study, prepared for the City of Chanhassen by Barton- Aschman Associates, Inc. in association with Camiros, August 1995. • City of Chanhassen Zoning Map and City of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. • History of Valley Olds' discussion with the City concerning a proposed Pontiac GMC automobile sales facility in McGlynn Park. • History of other applications to the City for approval of various auto-related uses in the Highway 5 corridor. PROJECT SITE CHARACTERISTICS The 4.27-acre Site is located south of Highway 5, east of Great Plains Boulevard, and northwest of Lake Drive East. It is irregular in shape and has approximately 730 feet of frontage along the winding Lake Drive East. The Site is approximately 550 feet deep along the west property line. It is legally described as Lot 1, Block 6, Hidden Valley, excepting the portion taken for the municipal pedestrian bridge to the east. The Site address is 250 Lake Drive East. The existing grades on the Site vary widely, from an elevation of 971 feet at the northeast corner of the Site to an elevation of 950 feet at the southwest corner of the Site. Several mounds are also located on the Site, including one near the middle of the parcel and one along Highway 5. Generally, the Site drains to the south and west. However, a portion of the Site along the Highway 5 corridor currently drains into the highway drainage system. LArt.�.N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, i...D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 4 The Site is currently vacant. It does not include significant trees or wetlands. The Site is not located in a floodplain or shoreland area. A Northern States Power Company high tension power line is located along the north property line. A municipal pedestrian bridge over Highway 5 is located to the northeast of the Site. SURROUNDING LAND USES The Site adjoins Highway 5 on the south. To the north of Highway 5 are several automotive-related uses on properties zoned BH Highway and Business Services District. The American Legion building and a softball field is adjacent to the Site on the west. The American Legion property is zoned BN Neighborhood Business District. A day-care center is located southwest of the Site, and a residential area and a church are located to the south and east of the Site across Lake Drive East. The residential area and the church property are zoned PUD-R Planned Unit Residential Development. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Argonaut proposes to develop a Pontiac-GMC retail automobile sales store to be known as Valley Sales of Chanhassen on the Site (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred to as the "Project"). The automobile sales building will be about 18,494 square feet in size. It will include a showroom, a customer reception area and lounge, a two-level office, a 12-bay service area, and a parts area. New and used cars and personal use utility vehicles will be sold on the premises. There will be no heavy or medium truck sales. Parts and service will be available for General Motors vehicles generally. Currently, there is no General Motors customer service within the City. Body work and rapid oil change service will not be offered on the premises. The proposed hours of operation for the retail automobile sales store on the Site are 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday. The store will be closed on Sundays and holidays. New vehicle delivery will be restricted to normal business hours. Off-loading of new vehicles will be confined to the Site, itself, on the east side of the store. There will be no loading or unloading of transport vehicles on public streets. Communications between automobile sales employees will be by cellular phone. No overhead paging will be allowed. Similarly, there will be no test driving of vehicles on local residential streets. As described in greater detail in a subsequent section of this letter-memorandum, subject to City approval, Project identification will be limited to a wall-mounted sign and two ground signs. There will be no balloons, flags, pennants or banners employed to identify the proposed retail automobile sales use on the Site. PROJECT LAYOUT AND ORIENTATION ON THE SITE As described in preceding sections of this letter-memorandum,the Project includes one 18,494 square- foot Pontiac-GMC automobile sales store and 236 parking spaces. About 221 spaces are allocated for vehicle display and in-service vehicle parking. About 14 spaces are allocated to customer parking. LAI.._AN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, L .D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 5 The front door of the automobile sales store is on the west side of the building. The customer reception area is on the south side of the facility and the parts and service area is on the west and north sides of the building. The Project includes only one set of service doors on the north side of the building. This location was chosen to avoid potential impacts to the residential area across Lake Drive East to the south and east of the Site. Sales customers entering the Site from Lake Drive East may park at the front (west) of the building to enter the showroom for a sales consultation. Service customers enter a service reception area on the south side of the facility. After the service order is written, the vehicle is then either portered to a service holding area to the north or the customer is scheduled for service at a later date or time and leaves the Site. A waiting room is provided for customers who choose to remain on the Site while their vehicle is being serviced. Other Site features include a stormwater pond at the southwest corner of the Site and a concrete sidewalk along the Site perimeter to allow for connection to the municipal pedestrian bridge to the northeast of the Site. As described in greater detail in a subsequent section of this letter-memorandum, the stormwater pond is being treated as a community amenity and will be enhanced by tree and shrub plantings and perennial flower beds. Access to the Site is proposed at two locations along Lake Drive East. The primary access, at the southwest corner of the Site, is an existing drive approach on Lake Drive East. The drive approach is proposed to be shared with the westerly adjacent parcel. Grading for this shared approach was originally coordinated with the proposed Chanhassen Commons development. If Chanhassen Commons does not proceed, Argonaut will work with the adjacent property owner to receive permission and/or a temporary construction easement to construct the shared driveway approach shown on the submitted development plans. Site constraints and Argonaut's objective of developing a high quality Project compatible with the environment and surrounding land uses played a key role in Project orientation and building placement. At staffs request, consideration was given to moving the building closer to Highway 5. This was not feasible due to the irregular shape of the Site, the rolling topography and City access and ponding requirements. Due to these constraints, movement of the building closer to Highway 5 would preclude an efficient circulation and parking layout for the proposed Project, as well as for alternative uses allowed under the existing zoning. However, as described in greater detail throughout this letter-memorandum, a combination of existing and proposed land forms and new plantings effectively screens the north parking area from Highway 5 views, and the proposed planting plan allows for filtered and softened views of the attractive building from key vantage points along the highway corridor. ARCHITECTURE The Project's overall architectural goal was to achieve the highest quality building design compatible with Highway 5 overlay zoning district standards. Compatibility with plans and ordinances will be addressed in a subsequent section of this letter-memorandum. This section provides a general description of building design and exterior materials. LAR„,N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, i..D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 6 The Project architect divided the building into multiple appropriately scaled elements to complement the built environment and to provide a comfortable human scale. A palette of repeated elements and materials defines the Project image as follows: • Low vaulted arch form at the main entry on the west elevation and over the accent windows on the north and south elevations. • Stucco band that repeats around the building, but does not wrap around the entire facade. • Decorative metal composite columns or pilasters supporting the stucco bands on each facade. • Sections of brick exterior walls on all facades. • Rock-face concrete wainscot to define the building base. A conscious effort was made to provide the same level of detailing and high quality, low-maintenance materials on all facades of the building. Special attention was paid to the elevations on the south (Lake Drive East) and north (Highway 5)to ensure consistent architectural style and overall visual interest. In addition, parapet walls were employed to vary building heights and to screen rooftop mechanical units from view. Colors were chosen to be harmonious and to enhance the traditional feel of the Project while not overpowering building design. The main color palette consists of a soft off-white stucco and a medium gray brick with a natural tone slightly into the warm range. The front entry arch and column system is a natural aluminum finish selected to blend with the medium gray brick. A small spark of color is added to each column by inclusion of a slightly dulled red accent circle. This provides additional interest to the facade and integrates with the signage color to complete the Project. The Project includes a free-standing trash enclosure at the northeast corner of the Site. The trash enclosure will be constructed of the same rock-face concrete block as the base of the building. A detail of the trash enclosure is shown on the submitted site plan. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES As described in a preceding section of this letter-memorandum, there is an approximate 20-foot elevation change from the northeast corner of the Site to the southwest corner of the Site. Generally, the Site drains to the south and west; however, the slope is not a gradual transition. Significant earthwork is required to prepare the Site for Project development. The Site will be graded to drain into a conventional storm sewer piping system located in the southwest corner of the Site with minimum slopes of 0.6% and maximum slopes of 5.0%. Approximately 80% of the Site drainage area will be routed through an on-site stormwater pond with an outlet elevation of 951.0 feet and a 100-year high water level of 953.5 feet. The remaining 20% of the Site will discharge directly into an existing storm sewer located in Lake Drive East. The on-site stormwater pond will have 4:1 slopes and a top elevation of 954.0 feet. A four-foot high retaining wall will ring'a portion of the pond to LAR..,N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, i..D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 7 provide maximum aesthetic appeal. The permanent pool depth will be seven feet. This will provide water quality treatment close to National Urban Runoff Program standards. The total ten-year pre-development flow off the Site is 9.09 cubic feet per second ("cfs"). The total ten- year post-development flow off the Site, after routing 80% of Site drainage to the stormwater pond, is 9.10 cfs. The total 100-year pre-development flow off the Site is 17.64 cfs. The total 100-year post- development flow off the Site, after routing 80% of Site drainage through the stormwater pond, is 12.99 cfs. The proposed on-site stormwater pond is not required for water quality treatment purposes. Consultations with City staff indicate that water quality treatment is provided in downstream ponding facilities. Rather, a stormwater pond is necessary because the existing pipe capacity is not large enough to accommodate the Project's ten-year design needs. Municipal sanitary sewer and water service is available to the Site. A six-inch PVC sanitary pipe is proposed to be extended to the proposed building from an existing manhole at the northwest end of Lake Drive East and Hidden Court. Watermain is proposed to connect to an existing eight-inch stub at the northwest corner of the Site just south of Highway 5. This watermain will serve the building and supply fire hydrants as required by the City fire marshal. Project storm sewer lines are designed for a ten-year event. Two sump catch basins will be placed at the south entrance to Lake Drive East to prevent bypass to Lake Drive during a 100-year event. The pond outlet structure is sized properly to keep the ten-year flow below 11 cfs as requested by the City. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING The landscape plan for the proposed Project includes deciduous shade and ornamental trees, mixed varieties of conifers such as spruce and pine, and supplemental shrub plantings such as burning bush, red twig dogwood and some evergreen shrubs for year-round greenery. The selected palette of plant material meets City landscape requirements and addresses aesthetic, maintenance, functional and visual screening considerations. As recommended by the City forester and planning department staff, buffer plantings along the Lake Drive East perimeter include a variety of plant materials. Deciduous overstory trees are mixed with conifers in selected areas. Deciduous plantings provide a more immediate and complete screen for the parking lot area. They also filter and soften building views from surrounding land uses. Conifers are introduced in the buffer area to provide year-round greenery in the landscape during the winter months. The terminus of Lake Drive East and Hidden Court is proposed to be densely planted with conifers to maximize screening for the adjacent residential area. The combination of earth berm and plantings on top of the berm along the north side of the Site screens parked cars from Highway 5 view, while leaving some avenues open for filtered views of the building. The choice of plant material in the north buffer area is limited due to the existing east-west overhead power line. The utility company allows planting within the easement as long as the plants do not exceed a mature height of 20 feet. Ornamental trees and multi-stem amur maple, along with drifts of mugho pine LAKA,1N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, i,.D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 8 and junipers, are proposed for the easement area. The mugho pine, which will ultimately grow to approximately eight to ten feet in height, will provide year-round greenery. Conifers, overstory trees, small ornamental trees and shrubs are proposed along the west property line to provide visual screening and a division between the two properties. A mixture of evergreen trees, shade trees and deciduous shrubs will be introduced at the southwest corner of the Site in the ponding area. Shrubs will be planted at the top of the retaining wall to provide some sense of edge and security. Plant material around the pond perimeter is compatible with anticipated snow storage during the winter months. Perennial flowering plants are also proposed near the pond to provide summer bloom on an annual basis. The planting design reinforces and enhances the pond as a visual amenity for the community, as well as for the Project. Plant material in the interior of the Site will be located around the building and in parking islands. Shrubs are proposed for the base of the building. The entire Site will be sodded and irrigated. All plant material installed will have a one-year guarantee and will comply with the latest edition of the American Standard of Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen. Argonaut's consulting landscape architect, Ernst Associates, prepared seven site sections to illustrate the screening achieved by the earth berms and plantings proposed for the Project. This narrative generally describes the site sections submitted with the Application. Section A-A: This section was taken looking east cutting through Lot 2 of the adjoining residential area to the south and extending through the proposed automobile sales store. This section represents views from the lower level and second level of this split-level home. The existing earth berm and six-foot high fence screen the parking and the proposed building from the lower level. An individual viewing from the second level would be able to see the building, but the parking would be obstructed from view by the existing six-foot high fence. Proposed plantings along the north side of Lake Drive East also provide some visual screening of the building when the plant material has matured. Section B-B: This section was taken looking west cutting through Lot 1 of the adjoining residential area to the south and extending up through the proposed buffer and building. This section shows an individual standing at grade level at the back of the existing garage and viewing the proposed Project. Heavy plantings within the 20-foot setback on the north side of Lake Drive buffer the parking and provide filtered views to the building. Screening of this view would be enhanced by additional fencing on the berm or planting around the east end of the fence. This would require discussion between Argonaut and the homeowner. Due to grade changes on the Site, earth berming is not feasible because sufficient height cannot be attained to provide positive screening between the street and the parking lot. Positive screening is therefore proposed to be achieved with plant material. Section C-C: This section was taken looking north cutting through residential Lot 8 and extending west along the south elevation of the proposed automobile sales store. This residence is approximately 420 feet from the east face of the proposed building. The proposed plantings provide some filtered screening of the building and the parking lot. LAIC._1N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, L.D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 9 Section D-D: This section was taken looking east cutting through Highway 5 and extending through the earth berm along the north property line into the parking lot and the new proposed building. This section shows that the earth berm and shrub plantings will effectively screen the north parking area. The westbound site line to the new parking area is totally cut off by the new proposed earth berm. Filtered views will remain to the top portion of the new proposed building. Section E-E: This section was taken looking north starting at the centerline of Highway 5 and extending east into the proposed parking area. This section demonstrates that the earth berm will totally screen the new proposed parking lot from Highway 5 view. New proposed plantings will also supplement the visual screening created by the land form. Section F-F: This section is taken looking to the northeast starting at the centerline of Highway 5 at the same location as the starting point of Section E-E. It extends across the proposed parking area to the new proposed building. This section again demonstrates that a combination of earth berm and planting will effectively screen the proposed parking from Highway 5 views. Plantings along the west property line enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the Project, while allowing filtered views to the new proposed building. Section G-G: This section was taken looking to the northeast starting at Lot 9 extending across Lake Drive, through the new proposed stormwater pond, parking area and to the new proposed building. This section illustrates that an individual viewing from the lower level of the home would not be able to see the parking and would have very limited views of the proposed building. An individual viewing from the second level of this home would be able to view a portion of the building, but the view of the parking area would be obstructed due to the existing earth berm and six-foot high fence. LIGHTING Project lighting consists of Greenbriar series light fixtures selected by Argonaut's lighting consultant, LSI Automotive Lighting. Lighting will be shielded and directed downward and will not spill over property lines. As shown on the photometric plans submitted with the Application, lighting levels at property boundaries will meet the one-half foot candle Zoning Ordinance limitation. Twenty-three twelve-foot- high lighting fixtures are proposed around the perimeter of the Site. Seven twenty-two-foot high fixtures with a two-foot high concrete base are proposed for the interior. Project lighting levels will be substantially reduced by a timer during non-sales hours. Lighting pole colors will complement and harmonize with the colors of the proposed building. No wall-mounted lighting is proposed. SIGNAGE Project signage includes one wall sign and two ground signs. A"GMC Truck/Pontiac"wall sign is proposed on the west elevation of the building. The location of the sign was carefully selected to avoid views from the residential area to the southwest. The proposed wall sign will include backlit individually mounted letters, rather than box signage. The proposed wall sign is approximately 50 square feet in size, which is substantially less than the 190 square feet sign area allowed in the existing BN District (5% of wall area between 3,200 square feet and 4,500 square feet). - LAK—N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, 1....D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 10 Two ground signs are also proposed on the Site. A 16-foot high, 49-square-foot ground sign is proposed at the northwest corner of the Site facing Highway 5. A 15-foot high, 64 square foot ground sign is proposed at the southwest corner of the Site facing Lake Drive East. The ground signs use the same rock- face block and brick base and decorative metal composite panel column and arch as the proposed building to attractively integrate Project signage and building design. SUMMARY OF PROJECT TRAFFIC STUDY The Application includes a traffic study for the proposed Project prepared by Argonaut's consulting traffic engineer, Benshoof and Associates ("Traffic Study"). The Traffic Study compared the number of trips generated by the proposed Project on the Site to the number of trips generated by alternative uses allowed under the existing BN zoning. The Traffic Study also analyzed p.m. peak hour traffic operations at Site driveways and four key intersections: T.H. 5/Dakota Avenue, Lake Drive/Dakota Avenue, T.H. 5/Great Plains Boulevard, and Great Plains Boulevard/Lake Drive. The following is a summary of the Traffic Study's findings and conclusions: • The proposed Project generates substantial less traffic than other alternative permitted or conditional uses under the existing BN zoning. For example, the Project generates only 43 p.m. peak hour trips as compared to 189 p.m. peak hour trips generated by a retail shopping center and 315 p.m. peak hour trips generated by a mixed use commercial development (shopping, sit-down restaurant, and convenience store with gas pumps). Project weekday daily, Saturday peak hour, and Saturday daily traffic is also substantially less than traffic generated by alternative permitted or conditional uses during the same time periods. • The T.H. 5/Dakota Avenue intersection currently operates at Level of Service B during the p.m. peak hour. The intersection will continue to operate at Level of Service B during the weekday p.m. peak hour in 1998 with or without the proposed Project. • The Lake Drive/Dakota Avenue intersection also currently operates at Level of Service B or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. This is expected to continue in 1998 with or without the proposed Project. • The T.H. 5/Great Plains Boulevard intersection currently operates at Level of Service B during the p.m. peak hour. The intersection will operate at an acceptable Level of Service C during the p.m. peak hour in 1998 with or without the proposed Project. In the forecast year 2002, the intersection will operate at an unacceptable level of service with or without the proposed Project. This is due to the large increase in background traffic projected for Highway 5. No perceptible change is expected to occur in the quality of traffic operations at the intersection due to the proposed Project. • The Great Plains Boulevard/Lake Drive intersection currently operates at Level of Service B or better during the weekday p.m. peak hour. This is expected to continue in 1998 with or without the proposed Project. In the forecast year 2002, all traffic moyements, both with and without the proposed Project, will operate at Level of Service D or better, except the eastbound LAk._.N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, I .0. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 11 movements. The eastbound movements are projected to operate at Level of Service E both with or without the proposed Project. No perceptible change is expected to occur in the quality of traffic operations at this intersection due to the proposed Project. • Traffic movements at both access drives will operate at acceptable levels of service during the weekday p.m. peak hour. These results indicate that the proposed Project will not alter the quality of traffic operations on Lake Drive East. • The proposed site plan adequately accommodates vehicles entering, exiting and circulating within the Site. • Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions,the proposed Project will not cause any adverse traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway system. No roadway improvements or changes in traffic signal operations are needed to accommodate the Project. PROJECT NOISE STUDY The Application includes a noise study for the proposed Project prepared by Argonaut's consulting acoustical engineer, Midwest Acoustics and Electronics, Inc. ("Noise Study"). The Noise Study analyzed in detail service shop noise and new vehicle off-loading noise. It also generally addressed traffic noise based on the consulting acoustical engineer's review of trip generation numbers contained in the Traffic Study. The following is a summary of the Noise Study's findings and conclusions: • Traffic noise levels generated by the proposed Project will be significantly lower than traffic noise levels generated by alternative uses allowed under the existing BN zoning. This is because traffic generated by the proposed Project is substantially less than traffic generated by alternative uses allowed under the existing BN zoning. • Service shop and off-loading noise levels will be less than applicable Minnesota noise standards at worst case residential receptor sites and at the nearby Family of Christ Lutheran Church property. • Predicted maximum noise levels due to the service shop and off-loading of new vehicles are less than actual observed maximum present-day background noise levels in the community. Also, predicted maximum noise levels due to new vehicle off-loading are less than actual measured noise levels of a top-loading trash-hauling truck that serves commercial establishments allowed under the existing zoning. This means that for the same conditions, off-loading and air brake noise will be less than or comparable to commonly occurring impulsive noise of a top-loading garbage-hauling truck that typically serves shopping centers and other commercial establishments allowed under the existing zoning. LAR._.N, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, L.,D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 12 • The risk of annoyance from Project noise is expected to be minimal due to the short duration of the off-loading process, the relative infrequency of off-loading, and ongoing exposure to maximum background noise levels that often exceed predicted post-Project noise levels. PROPOSED PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ZONING The Application includes a request for approval of a rezoning from the underlying BN Neighborhood Business District to PUD Planned Unit Development District. Automobile sales are neither a permitted nor a conditional use in the existing underlying BN District. Automobile sales and service are a conditional use in the BG General Business District. The applicant considered requesting approval of a rezoning from BN to BG. This alternative was rejected because the BG District would allow future development of more intense uses on the Site as permitted or conditional uses. For example, the BG District allows a supermarket, home improvement or building supply center, garden center, bar and tavern, and fast food restaurant as permitted uses. In contrast, under PUD zoning, each PUD may be used only for the use or uses shown on the approved PUD development plan. A change in use for an approved PUD development plan requires Planning Commission review and City Council approval of a PUD amendment after published and mailed notice and a public hearing. PUD zoning also affords the opportunity for the City to exercise greater control over site development and performance standards through negotiation of conditions to approval and a PUD development agreement. The Zoning Ordinance establishes a five-acre minimum area requirement for a PUD, unless the applicant can demonstrate the existence of one of the following: (1) unusual physical features of the property itself or of the surrounding neighborhood such that development as a PUD will preserve an important physical topographic feature; (2) the property is directly adjacent to or across the right-of-way from property which has been developed previously as a PUD or planned unit residential development and will be perceived as and will function as an extension of that previously approved development; or (3) the property is located in a transitional area between different land use categories or on an intermediate or principal arterial as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The Site which is proposed for PUD zoning is 4.27 acres in size. Argonaut believes, however, that PUD zoning is appropriate because the Site is designated commercial in the Comprehensive Plan and is in a transitional area between other commercial areas north of Trunk Highway 5 and the planned unit residential development area across Lake Drive East to the south of the Site. The Site is also located adjacent to Trunk Highway 5, which is identified as a Class I Minor Arterial in the Comprehensive Plan. Planned unit development zoning offers enhanced flexibility to develop a parcel through relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfers of density, construction phasing and a potential for lower development cost. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the Zoning Ordinance states that PUD development plans should result in a higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the use of other, more standard zoning districts. Planned unit developments are to encourage preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space; more efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities; high quality of LAK._.N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, L_D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 13 design and design compatible with surrounding land uses; sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the City; development which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; creation of public park and open space consistent with the comprehensive park plan and overall trail plan; provision of affordable housing if appropriate within the PUD; energy conservation; and use of traffic management and design techniques to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. As described throughout this letter-memorandum, the proposed Project is a high quality development sensitive to and compatible with surrounding land uses. It meets Zoning Ordinance PUD expectations as follows: • Preserves desirable site characteristics and open space. The Site does not include significant mature trees or wetlands. However, a natural low area in the southwest corner of the Site will be retained as open space for an on-site stormwater and amenity pond. Although the pond is not required for water quality purposes, it is proposed as a wet pond with a permanent pool depth of seven feet. This will enhance its overall aesthetic appeal. Landscape treatment of a ponding area will help to provide a community amenity. • Building orientation, access and circulation maximizes the efficient and effective use of land. The primary Site access will be at an existing driveway approach, as recommended by City staff. Shared access with the westerly adjacent parcel will facilitate future redevelopment of the neighboring parcel consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. • Architecture and building design includes high quality building materials and architectural features compatible with Highway 5 corridor objectives. Building design has been substantially upgraded from GMC prototypical building design. Other upgraded project features include a finished service reception area, lower site lighting levels as compared to typical GMC developments, prohibition on overhead paging, and a modified signage program that provides for wall signs and ground signs complementary to and integrated with building design. • Project development plans provide a transition and buffer between the Site and the residential area to the south and east and the commercial area to the north of Highway 5. Internal vehicle circulation is directed away from the residential area and a single service door is located on the northeast side of the building away from the neighboring residential area. Vehicle display and parking areas are substantially screened from Highway 5 view by earth berms and plantings. Parking areas are also screened from most residential views. Berms and landscaping soften building image and provide filtered views of the attractive exterior facade. • The Project includes a sidewalk along the perimeter of the Site that allows for connection to the municipal pedestrian bridge to the northeast of the Site. This is consistent with Highway 5 corridor objectives to encourage pedestrian circulation. LAK._.N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, L.D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 14 • Automobile sales and service is destination retailing. As documented in the Traffic Study, therefore, the proposed Project generates substantially less p.m. peak hour and daily traffic than alternative permitted and conditional uses under existing zoning. Upon completion of the proposed Project in 1998, site driveways and all four key affected intersections will operate at acceptable levels of service. No roadway improvements are needed to accommodate Project traffic. The Application also requests PUD flexibility for parking setbacks along Highway 5 and for impervious surface coverage. A 25-foot setback is proposed to the north parking area. This reduced setback is necessary to provide efficient vehicle circulation, building placement and parking due to constraints posed by the irregular shape of the parcel, the rolling topography, and drainage and access requirements. As described throughout this letter-memorandum, a combination of earth berms and plantings effectively screens this parking area from Highway 5 view. As a result, encroachment in the front yard setback area does not adversely affect Highway 5 corridor objectives. Similarly, the submitted site plan provides for about 72% hard surface coverage, as compared to the 70% maximum hard surface coverage allowed in the PUD district. As demonstrated by the submitted landscape plan and site sections, the slight exceedance of this hard surface limitation has no significant impact on the visual environment because of the sensitive building placement, and strong perimeter buffer and planting plan. CONSISTENCY WITH CITY PLANS, POLICIES AND ORDINANCES The Project is consistent with the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan ("Comprehensive Plan"), the Highway 5 Corridor Land Use Design Study ("Highway 5 Study"), and the HC Highway Commercial District overlay zone ("HC District"). The Site is designated commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed Project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan commercial land use guiding. The Project is also consistent with planning goals and policies established in the Highway 5 Study as follows: • The proposed Project supports the Highway 5 Study concept of developing a diverse community. It supports an image of the City as the community with a diverse economy, solid residential neighborhoods and a strong social fabric. • The Project provides high quality building and site design, landscaping and signage. • The proposed Project is oriented to reduce massing in scale and to screen parking areas from Highway 5 corridor view. Filtered and softened views of the attractive building are still available from the Highway 5 corridor. • Proposed setbacks from the highway are sufficient to provide appropriate berming and landscape buffering and to minimize the highway's visual impact. LAk...,N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, i..D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 15 • The development plan includes a pedestrian sidewalk affording access to the municipal pedestrian bridge. • No direct access to Highway 5 is proposed from the Site. Primary access is from the Lake Drive access boulevards consistent with the Highway 5 Study. • Project lighting and signage are complementary to and integrated with building design. To the extent feasible, design elements from other projects along Highway 5 have been incorporated in Project plans. • Access points to and from Lake Drive East are designed to maintain acceptable traffic flow. The submitted Traffic Study demonstrates that traffic operations at site access driveways and all affected intersections will be acceptable after development of the proposed Project. No roadway improvements are necessary to accommodate Project traffic, which is projected to be substantially less than traffic generated by other uses allowed under the existing BN zoning. With the exception of the HC District parking setback criteria for which design flexibility is requested, as discussed in the preceding section of this letter-memorandum, the Project is consistent with HC District standards as follows: • Project architecture includes variation in detail and form. The Project includes the following multiple appropriate scaled elements to create visual interest and to break up the mass of the exterior facade: low vaulted arch form at the main entry and over the accent windows, decorative metal composite columns, and rock-faced concrete wainscot to define the building base. • Parapet walls are used to vary the building heights and to screen mechanical units from public view. • The proposed 40-foot building height meets HC District limitations. • Proposed exterior materials, including face brick, glass, stucco, decorative metal composite columns, and rock-faced block meet HC District criteria. • All building components have good proportions that relate to the facade of the building and relate well to one another. • The medium gray brick/soft off-white stucco color palette creates a harmonious color scheme. A slightly dulled red accent circle is included for visual interest. • A free-standing trash enclosure constructed in part of the same rock-face block as the building screens this element from public view. LAI.. .N, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, _D. Ms. Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP April 4, 1997 Page 16 • The Site does not include significant trees or wetlands. An existing low area in the southwest corner of the Site is preserved for an on-site stormwater and amenity pond. • Massing of plant materials is provided, as compared to isolated or scattered placement of individual specimens. • Selected plant varieties are repeated to achieve unity of planting design. • The selected lighting design enhances the building design and the adjoining landscape. The lighting standard design is compatible with adjacent areas. Lighting is shielded and directed downward and does not spill over property lines. GMC's prototypical lighting requirements were modified to reduce lighting levels consistent with HC District criteria. If you have any questions concerning this letter-memorandum or the Application generally, please give me a call. Sincerely, Xje..---0-- _ Linda H. Fisher, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. cc: Steve Kaufman, GMC Worldwide Real Estate John Johannson, Welsh Companies Bernie Wagnild, Valley Automotive Group Jim Paul, Valley Automotive Group George Ananich, THA Architects Quinn Hutson, CNH Architects Dwight Jelle, Westwood Professional Services Gene Ernst, Ernst Associates Jim Benshoof, Benshoof& Associates Rick Van Doeren, Midwest Acoustics Paula McFarland, Pontiac GMC Robert Krieg, Pontiac GMC Jim Dalbec, GMC Area Manager David Fell, Otten, Johnson, Robinson, Neff and Ragonetti 0289516.01 : � Et r - VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP VED 7500 West 145th Street • Apple Valley,Minnesota 55124 • 612432-9500 JUL 23 1997 July 21, 1997 N Dear ,,C GG91-LeYn `iYY &'i Ce'4; You are invited to attend a neighborhood meeting at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, 1997 in the Chanhassen City Council Chambers, 690 Coulter Drive to review Valley Sales' plans to develop a Pontiac-GMC retail automotive sales store on a four acre site south of Trunk Highway 5 and north and west of Lake Drive East in the City of Chanhassen. We will be serving light refreshments at the meeting. If you plan on attending, please call 953- 2100 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Sin y, r./ Bernie Wagnild President Valley Olds,Pontiac,GMC Valley Sales of Hastings Valley Sales of Waconia Transmission Doctor Valley Development Last Chance Advertising 7500 West 145th Street PO.Box 186 43 West Highway 5 15425 Cedar Avenue S. 7500 West 145th Street 7500 West 145th Street Apple Valley,MN 55124 Hastings,MN 55033 Waconia,MN 55387 Apple Valley,Mn 55124 Apple Valley,MN 55124 Apple Valley MN 55124 612-432-9500 612-437-9815 612-442-5000 612-953-6544 612-432-9500 612-432-9500 VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 7500 West 145th Street • Apple Valley,Minnesota 55124 • 612-432-9500 August 19, 1997 Dear Chanhassen Resident, You are invited to attend a second neighborhood meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 27, 1997 in the Chanhassen City Council Chambers, 690 Coulter Drive to continue to provide data and facts regarding Valley Sales' plans to develop a Pontiac-GMC retail automotive sales store on a four acre site south of Trunk Highway 5 and north and west of Lake Drive East in the City of Chanhassen. We will be serving light refreshments at the meeting. If you plan on attending, please call 953-2100 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m_ on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Sincerely (4( 3",...- .."--4-c--_ (--y-ige Bernie Wagnild President .ECF r AUG 21 1997 CiTY Ur Gl iMIWInS:iEN Valley Olds,Pontiac,GMC Valley Sales of Hastings Valley Sales of Waconia Transmission Doctor Valley Development Last Chance Advertising 7500 West 145th Street P.O.Box 186 43 West Highway 5 15425 Cedar Avenue S. 7500 West 145th Street 7500 West 145th Street Apple Valley,MN 55124 Hastings,MN 55033 Waconia,MN 55387 Apple Valley,Mn 55124 Apple Valley,MN 55124 Apple Valley MN 55124 612-432-9500 612-437-9815 612-442-5000 612-953-6544 612-432-9500 6l2-432.950tb _ nor a—\. ..v .,�.Il`• DA1Y k.'-V./i. -^ . .. I' \T 1;.= _I�i�'1C. vvv'I. — . 'v�. _.a.i T :� :111_. �v'• ` tJiRl.^TaP11ER J.NAR4+^R+J'L ;MEG F. uwcN LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN. LTD.HCFRYAN , J CHROME H4uCF J.CSNR J ROBERT FR .i ATTORNEYS AT LAW *ALUM G GRrTTM.It JOHN R.Mi ;NE.9[.CMdTs7+ AC7e4 J EL FDr ClErE N.FU•aur"" ORM 1 2frIE FULLER N. MAIM 1500 NORWEST FINANCIAL CENTER JANE E.a R WAIN JOHN!REFFE OEN mum�.f WtYE� vh+Jv R/LOQr CHFRB uw�s F 1.J.p 7900 xERXES AVENUE SOUTH Moura J,DEN int5A O REE J.C'R-N IR A- F ANDREW F.PERRIN TH T„o,�„;,p. SLOOWINGTON,MINNESOTA 55431.1194 Dara w.Y093 Jared EL C.JLOOJM vle,R-Y� are+!C@d TELEPHONE(612)835-3800 N'"'M.-.EYE AN 3. le, D A '�+ AWE;P J r*i FAX(812)806-3333 Meg L.JACYZEN CHRISTOPHER LAMS AWE;P.CUM ay R.FR T TODD:.L ENM M lo,,,W L gTEF;1 N Rrry 1.M. VER DAYLE A. COTTER THOMAS T IJ10.EC JOHYA CQTTF3i• O MwAA ADLEC 71 LATWCL A.Ammer!' r�ER Kapp/M.. S�+ PALLS PR-30.m T Kapp f-.CDb JOHN rrnL NM.PY WCHAEL M.PiM701 NE�MW+ LYr ,+,p�3 V�'.Jl1E gm;COR P.lFP ET G!MEW.4LIA b GA /..vk KORCLEVE• Meng a oeutc.io GARY A LAn 2EYE' AL S.t ViEE 13MO' DWELL f � TIMCTM'J hive mut OF 4 TI4E YJ.FM,F. JAOC c.ON.T ALNV *meson C IC<y''. UNRS'+ti IACMA L v pcm- 0µpH I. N Le4o7 f.ONN e P C TEPAINCE a.ei J "EI .P_LJavf 60N �o a�a fairs JoeFPM aT+7. USA r WY •• 4.2C ADMITTED W MM[GN•SIN QAKI A.pEMNLR! May 5, 1997 Ms. Sharmin Al-Jaff City Planner City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P. O. Boz 147 VIA FACSIMILE Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Argonaut Holdings' Zoning Application Our File No. 22,701-00 Dear Shan/tin: Argonaut Holdings requests that the City pull the newspaper notice for the May 21 Planning Commission previously scheduled to be published on May 8 and that the City not mail notices to property owners within 500 feet of the site for the May 21 Planning Commission. Also, pursuant to our discussion today, Argonaut agrees that the statutory time period for City action on our pending zoning application will begin to run when the application first appears on the Planning Commission agenda. We will be back in touch with you as soon as possible regarding our schedule for the Planning Commission. Sincerely, Gs�r_ e%Y,�_J „, inda H. Fisher, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY& LINDGREN, Ltd. CITY QF \ CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 May 7, 1997 Ms. Linda Fisher Larkin, Hoffman, Daly& Lindgren,Ltd. 1500 Norwest Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431-1194 Re: Argonaut Holdings' Planned Unit Development Application Dear Ms. Fisher: This letter is to formally notify you that per your request,the City cancelled the newspaper notice for the May 21, 1997 Planning Commission Public Hearing for Argonaut Holdings' Planned Unit Development Application. As we discussed, this is the second time you requested tabling this item. I explained that I was concerned that these delays were cutting into the 120 day time period which the City needs to review and act on an application. We agreed that I would cancel the newspaper notice for the subject application with the condition that Argonaut Holdings' agrees that the 120 days time period for City action on the pending application will begin to run when the application first appears before the Planning Commission for a Public Hearing. In your letter dated May 5, 1997, you stated"Argonaut agrees that the statuary time period for City action on our pending zoning application will begin to run when the application first appears on the Planning Commission agenda." I wanted to be on record that the City will use the full 120 days statutory time period for City action on the pending application. The 120 days will commence when the application first appears before the Planning Commission for a Public Hearing. The City is using the full 120 days due to the complexity of the application and to allow the Planning Commission and City Council the time they need to render a decision. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Sharmin .IJaff Planner II g:\plan sa`auto.e Elm .� I I 1 11 1 1 fit NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING imp ■m E��� PLANNING COMMISSION L �i UIrII 3, 1997 �''�� .111 1011$ Wednesday, September 111111.1111 O111 at 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers q� 690 Coulter Drive13,..0110► 0101411� 0 *Vas j 1 El stalETF SUBJECT: Rezoning and Site Plan Review Ak*WW ,� �� NI for an Auto Dealership gtateH • ��' �'��� It IP0i APPLICANT: Argonaut Holdings, Inc. t Dirt oda LOCATION: South of Hwy. 5, north of s- � /'� - m.V 1► Lake Drive East, and east ,6.'�;,�5:,:: ,' of the Chanhassen Legion ,'4% Olin* I1..1.•: a1 NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Argonaut Holdings, Inc., is requesting rezoning 4.27 acres of BN, Neighborhood Business District, to PUD, Planned Unit Development to allow for an auto dealership and site plan review for an 18,494 sq. ft. building to be located south of Hwy. 5, north of Lake Drive East and east of the Chanhassen Legion site. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1 . Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ext. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 1997. CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO., INC. CARVER COUNTY (612)448-5570 201 Chestnut St.N. FAX(612)448-5155 ABSTRACT&TITLE P.O.Box 106 Dale B. Kutter Chaska,MN 55318 David E. Moonen March 27, 1997 Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren 1500 Norwest Financial Center 7900 Xerxes Ave. S. Bloomington, MN. 55431 Attn: Peg Reed According to the 1997 Tax Books in the Carver County Treasurers Office the following persons are listed as owners of the property within Carver County, Minnesota, which lies within 500 feet of the following described property: Lot 1, Block 6, HIDDEN VALLEY, Except that part described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 394.88 feet; thence southeasterly, deflection angle left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 105.00 feet; thence easterly, deflection angle left 51 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds to the easterly line of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly along said easterly line to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota 1. Al H Klingelhutz & % 5. American Legion - Chanhassen Post 580 Gerald W. Schlenk P 0 Box 264 8600 Great Plains Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN. 55317 6. Amoco American Oil Co d 2. Michael & Darlene Leonard Property Tax Department 8016 Erie Ave 200 East Randolph Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 � M C 2408 Chicago, IL 60601 3. Steven M. Wentzel . 8018 Erie Ave 7. City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 c/o City Treasurer 690 Coulter Dry P 0 Box 147 4. Chanhassen HRA Chanhassen, MN 55317 690 Coulter Dr P 0 Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 8. Valvoline Instant Oil Change 301 Main St. E Suite 1200 Lexington, KY 40507 9. Tace R & Carmen M Wieczorek fo0 . 18. James A & Carol A Udstuen 250 Hidden Ln 360 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 i 10. Eric A & Debra A Waletski 19. Peter A Knoll & 260 Hidden Lane Mary Z Staudohar-Knoll S Chanhassen, MN 55317 370 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 ' 11. James S & Shelly A Babusek 280 Hidden Ln .20. Bisrat & Denise Alemayehu Chanhassen, MN 55317 380 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 12. Warren 0 & Coleen M Watson I� 300 Hidden Ln a 21. William R & Debra E Prigge Chanhassen, MN 55317 390 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 13. Cory S & Brenda J Ploen 310 Hidden Ln . 22. Douglas B & Susan M McCarthy Chanhassen, MN 55317 8001 Hidden Ct Chanhassen, MN 55317 14. Todd D Michels 320 Hidden Ln 4 23. James F & Pamela A Murphy Chanhassen, MN 55317 8021 Hidden Ct Chanhassen, MN 55317 15. David A Lyons & • Julie Tenhoff-Lyons 24. John A & Lana J Bergo 330 Hidden Ln 8041 Hidden Ct Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 16. Matthew J Pattee & 25. Stanley H. Lester Donna E Spinelli 8061 Hidden Ct 340 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 26. Karen M Klinsing 17. James P Adank 8090 Hidden Ct 350 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ti 27. Jon Steckman & Laurie M Pieper v 36. Shannon N McClard & 8080 Hidden Ct Sherrie R Peterson Chanhassen, MN 55317 8030 Hidden Cir Chanhassen, MN 55317 t 28. Michael H & Rhonda W Collins 8060 Hidden Ct , 37. Reza Aghelnejad Chanhassen, MN 55317 8061 Hidden Cir Chanhassen, MN 55317 29. Brian D & Jean M Steckling 8040 Hidden Ct 38. Ulrico & Laurie Sacchet Chanhassen, MN 55317 8071 Hidden Cir Chanhassen, MN 55317 30. Christopher & Jean Polster 8020 Hidden Ct 39. Michael C & Margaret Buchner Chanhassen, MN 55317 8081 Hidden Cir Chanhassen, MN 55317 31. Paul R & Michelle M Haik 261 Hidden Ln \ 40. Nancy L Helland Chanhassen, MN 55317 8091 Hidden Cir Chanhassen, MN 55317 32. Keith & Delores H Blatzheim 271 Hidden Ln 41. Thomas M Perrier Chanhassen, MN 55317 1 311 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 t 33. Barry S & Lisa L Thompson 8000 Hidden Cir • 42. Keith W & Cinda R Gottschalk Chanhassen, MN 55317 321 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 34. Anthony & Mary Pavlovich 8010 Hidden Cir i 43. Brian E Semke & Deborah C Duetsch Chanhassen, MN 55317 331 Hidden Ln Chanhassen, MN 55317 S % 35. Michael & Miriam Crews 8020 Hidden 40 z 44. Family of Christ Luth Church Chanhassen, MN 55317 ej 275 East Lake Dr PO Box 388 c __vt- Chanhassen, MN 55317 45. Blue Circle Investment Co p 53. Daniel W & Michelle Lorinser 6125 Blue Circle Dr 8020 Erie Ave Minnetonka, MN 55343 Chanhassen, MN 55317 4. 54. Harold H & Pricilla B Herrmann 46. Chanhassen NH Partnership 8024 Erie Ave 900 2nd Ave S Chanhassen, MN 55317 1100 International Centre Minneapolis, MN. 55402 • 55. Bradley Jay Johnson 8026 Erie Ave Chanhassen, MN 55317 47. Sinclair Marketing, Inc Sinclair Oil Corp-Prop Tax Div t 56. Martin E & Lora Lee Wade PO Box 30825 8028 Erie Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84130 Chanhassen, MN 55317 57. Jane H Loos 48. Patrick J & Judy L Misener 8030 Erie Ave 8027 Erie Ave Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhasen, MN 55317 1 58. Mark G Ringdahl 49. Allan J & Kathie J Nelson 8031 Erie Ave 8025 Erie Ave Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 59. William R & Marie A Weber 50. Robert A & Dawn T Lund 8034 Erie Ave 8023 Erie Ave Chanhassen,MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 60. Robert F Harrell III & 51. Ralph W Lytle & Mary E Harrell Mary Ann Rossum 8036 Erie Ave 8021 Erie Ave Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 52. Donald T & Helen C Smith 8012 Erie Ave Chanhassen, MN 55317 'Ainttkla Carver ' ounty Abstract & Title Co, c. This company does not assume any liability for the accuracy of this report. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REZONING AND SITE PLAN REVIEW CITY OF CHANHASSEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 3, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 690 Coulter Drive. The purpose of this hearing is to consider the application of Argonaut Holdings, Inc. request for rezoning 4.27 acres of property zoned BN, Neighborhood Business, to PUD, Planned Unit Development to allow an auto dealership and site plan review for an 18,494 sq. ft. building located south of Hwy. 5, north of Lake Drive East and east of the Legion site, Valley Sales of Chanhassen. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner II Phone: 937-1900, ext. 120 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 1997) CHANHASSEN HRA RAYMOND S&MARY ANN JEZIERSKI MARTIN E & LORA LEE WADE 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8013 DAKOTA CIR 8028 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN POST#580 RONALD D&LINDA L OLSON JANE H LOOS PO BOX 264 8015 DAKOTA CIR 8030 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY DENNIS A&STEPHANIE A UNZE MARK G RINGDAHL 8017 DAKOTA CIR 8032 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN WILLIAM R& MARIE A WEBER 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8034 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN HRA ALLAN J &KATHIE J NELSON ROBERT F HARREL III & 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8025 ERIE AVE 8036 ERIE AVE S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SALLY J MILROY DAVID JOSSI 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 2955 WEST WOODLAND TRL 250 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN.MN 55317 SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DONALD T& HELEN C SMITH ERIC WALETSKI 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8012 ERIE AVE 260 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN HRA DANIEL W& MICHELLE LORINSER JAMES S&SHELLY A BABUSEK 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8020 ERIE AVE 280 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN HRA HAROLD H HERRMANN& LEE&MARY KAUFMAN 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 8024 ERIE AVE . 300 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 VALVOLINE INSTANT OIL CHANGE BRADLEY JOHNSON CORY S& BRENDA J PLOEN P O BOX 14046 8026 ERIE AVE 310 HIDDEN LN LEXINGTON, KY 40512 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 )DD D MICHELS JOHN A& LANA J BERGO ANTHONY& MARY PAVLOVICH 0 HIDDEN LN 8041 HIDDEN CT 8010 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 AVID A LYONS& STAN LESTER MICHAEL& MIRIAM CREWS 0 HIDDEN LN 8061 HIDDEN CT 8020 HIDDEN LN IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 \TTHEW J PATTEE & KAREN M KLINSING SHANNON N MCCLARD& 0 HIDDEN LN 8090 HIDDEN CT 8030 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MES P ADANK JON STECKMAN & REZA AGHELNEJAD 0 HIDDEN LN 8080 HIDDEN CT 8061 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 MES A &CAROL A UDSTUEN MICHAEL H & RHONDA W COLLINS ULRICO & LAURIE SACCHET 3 HIDDEN LN 8060 HIDDEN CT 8071 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 NDY STAI & BRIAN D &JEAN M STECKLING MICHAEL C& MARGARET BUCHNER ) HIDDEN LN 8040 HIDDEN CT 8081 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ;RAT& DENISE ALEMAYEHU CHRISTOPHER &JEAN POLSTER NANCY L HELLAND HIDDEN LN 8020 HIDDEN CT 8091 HIDDEN CIR IANHASSEN. MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LLIAM R & DEBRA E PRIGGE PAUL& MICHELLE HAIK THOMAS M PERRIER HIDDEN LN 261 HIDDEN LN 311 HIDDEN LN IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 )UGLAS B. MCCARTHY KEITH & DELORES BLATZHEIM KEITH GOTTSCHALK )1 HIDDEN CT 271 HIDDEN LN 321 HIDDEN LN IANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MES F& PAMELA A MURPHY BARRY S & LISA L THOMPSON BRIAN E SEMKE& 21 HIDDEN CT 8000 HIDDEN CIR 331 HIDDEN LN ANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MORTENSON DEVELOPMENT CO 700 MEADOW LN N MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55422 CHANHASSEN HRA 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 FAMILY OF CHRIST LUTH CHURCH slgipuauEL6 275 EAST LAKE DR PO BOX 388 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 BLUE CIRCLE INVESTMENT CO 6125 BLUE CIRCLE DR MINNETONKA, MN 55343 NEW HORIZON DAYCARE 310 LAKE DRIVE EAST CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GARY L BROWN 1831 KOEHNEN CIR W EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 JENNY PETERSON 8016 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 STEVEN M WENTZEL 8018 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Al Klingelhutz Michael & Darlene Leonard Amoco American Oil Gerald Schlenk 8016 Erie Ave. Property Tax Dept. 8600 Great Plains Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 200 East Randolph Dr. MC 2408 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chicago,IL 60601 Tace &Carmen Wieczorek Warren & C. Watson Peter Knoll & M. Staudohar-Knoll 250 Hidden Lane 300 Hidden Lane 370 Hidden Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Family of Christ Lutheran Church Chanhassen NH Partnership Sinclair Marketing 275 East Lake Drive 900 2nd Ave. S. Property Tax Division P. O. Box 388 100 International Centre PO Box 30825 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Salt Lake City, UT 84130 Patrick& J. Misener Robert& D. Lund Ralph Lytle& Mary A. Rossum 8027 Erie Ave. 8023 Erie Ave. 8021 Erie Ave. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICANT: Argonaut Holdings , Inc . OWNER: Mortenson Development Company 9th Floor "A" Building Contact Person: Tom Lander ADDRESS: 485 West Milwaukee Avenue ADDRESS:700 Meadow Lane North P. 0. Box 710 (55440) Detroit, Michigan 48202 Minneapolis , MN 55422 TELEPHONE (Daytime) 612-896-3210 TELEPHONE: 287-5487 or 522-2100 Argonaut Contact Person: Linda Fisher 1500 Norwest Financial Center at Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit X Planned Unit Development* , _ Zoning Appeal X Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Notification Sign X Site Plan Review* - - X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** (550 CUP/SPRNACNAR/WAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) Subdivision* TOTAL FEE$ A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. *Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. ** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE -When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME VALLEY SALES OF CHANHASSEN LOCATION South of Highway 5, east of Great Plains Boulevard, north of Lake Drive East LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached Legal Description TOTAL ACREAGE 185 , 930 square feet WETLANDS PRESENT YES X NO PRESENT ZONING BN Neighborhood Business District REQUESTED ZONING PUD Planned Unit Development District PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION Commercial REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION Commercial REASON FOR THIS REQUEST Rezoning to PUD Planned Unit Development District, approval of PUD Concept Plan, PUD Development Stage Plan and Site Plan This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review extensions are approved by the applicant. ) / Signature of Applicant \ Date .1 � . Signature of Fee Owner ;, %<=�: Lfi-•!=- Date �• Application Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1, Block 6, HIDDEN VALLEY, except that part described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 394.88 feet; thence southeasterly, deflection angle left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 105.00 feet; thence easterly, deflection angle left 51 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds to the easterly line of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly along said easterly line to the point of beginning, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. 0288848.01 ROBERT E. L. LENNIE 6811 BRULE CIRCLE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 Ms. Kate Aanenson Planning Director City of Chanhassen Chanhassen. MN 55317 8/8/97 Dear Ms. Aanenson, I want to express my feelings concerning the possibility of any automobile dealerships locating in Chanhassen. My wife and I are opposed to this use of land within our community. We are not interested in this type of commercial development in Chanhassen. While we may not be able to attend the September Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting, we want our positions to be considered on this matter. Thank you, Robert E. L. Lennie At'G11 1991 QUAI' CH Quali Tech, Inc. 318 Lake Hazeltine Drive Chaska, Minnesota 55318-1093 USA Phone: 612-448-5151 Fax: 612-448-3603 August 8, 1997 Bob Skubic Chanhassen Planning Commision c/o Chanhassen City Hall 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Skubic: I am writing in regards to the proposed Valley Auto Group development in Chanhassen. I live at 310 Hidden Lane with my wife and three children, ages 5, 3 1/2, and newborn. My family would be directly affected by the development, as it would be in our backyard. My property is immediately south of Lake Drive. I have a very good view of the property in question from my second story. I am against having the project located at this proposed site for the following reasons: • The high intensity lighting of a car lot would definitely affect my family in our home, and our entire neighborhood setting. • We purchased our house after inquiring with the city and learning that the zoning of the undeveloped property behind our house was for "neighborhood business" and not general business. This was very important in our decision to purchase the house. • Increased traffic through and behind our neighborhood. Our neighborhood would be a logical sight for test drives, which would increase the amount of traffic. This is a concern because of my three children. • Aesthetic appeal. I do not like the idea of having a parking lot behind my house. This will only increase the amount of road noise I currently hear from highway 5, it will provide no barrier. In addition to my own personal opinions, I also think you, as a leader in our community, should be against the project for the following reasons: • Chanhassen has worked hard on developing the Highway 5 Corridor. There have been some excellent additions to our community. I do not see how a car dealer located in this particular location fits this plan. Over a million dollars was spent on a pedestrian bridge and now you want to put a car dealership at the end of it? A car dealership has very little pedestrian traffic. This would be poor use of the land and not increase the pedestrian traffic on the bridge. • It also seems to be a poor way for the city to collect property taxes. A car dealer with only one building and a large parking lot cannot generate as much tax revenue as other businesses that could be built there. I am not against having a car dealership in the Chanhassen area. I just do not think it should be built adjacent to existing homes, especially when the site is not zoned for it. If a dealership were to go in, it would seem to make more sense to build it on the west side of town which is industrial. I realize this is a difficult decision. I hope you listen to the people of the community, especially those directly effected by the project. If you have any further questions about my views, please feel free to give me a call at 448-5151 during the day or 975-0267 in the evenings and on weekends. Best Regards, \ '( Cory S. Ploen Executive Vice President August 6, 1997 Tony & Mary Pavlovich 8010 Hidden Circle City of Chanhassen Chanhassen, MN 55317 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attention: Mr. Bob Skubic, Planning Commission Dear Mr. Skubic: This letter is to communicate our concerns and disapproval of the proposed Valley Automotive Group development south of Highway 5 and north and west of Lake Drive East. As residents living in the adjacent neighborhood to the south, I hope you can appreciate the concerns we have regarding this proposal. Our most immediate concern centers around the reduced safety that would result in the area given the impact of retail and service test drives and the addition of transport trucks. As a family with two cniioren, we can't stress enough now mucn me issue of satety is on our minds. The addition of this business type would undoubtedly increase our children's risk. Equally concerning is the impact this business would have on property values. We moved to Chanhassen approximately 9 years ago and understood that this property was zoned to be developed as "neighborhood business". Based on the definition, we were comfortable with our site choice. We're now concerned that the rules are being changed, without regard to the impact to the neighbors. Lastly, the noise, lights, refuse and business climate of a dealership in such close proximity to neighborhoods just doesn't make any practical sense to us. We recognize that the property in question is valuable and it's necessary to develop. We welcome a reasonable and practical venture that would enhance our community....the current proposal will NOT! In attended the meeting conducted by the Valley Automotive Group on July 29th, we went there with open minds, but came away with a sense that they were attempting to hide the realities of the development and their business activities. What is their hidden agenda? At times, their primary spokesperson was not patient, and even rude, with the residents. If that's the message today, what kind of neighbors will they be a year after they open, or 5 years, or 10 years? We can't stress strongly enough how much we're against the current proposed use of this land. We hope you concur and vote against it. Sincerely, 1.1 Tony & Mary Pavlovich ;;UC 0 8 1997 iailbox:/C%7C/Program%2....honeywell.com&number-5 mailbox:/C%7C/Program%20FilesfNetscape/...EF3D@pcmail.mavd.honeywell.com&number-5 Subject: Date: Fri, 22 Aug 97 12:57:00 PDT From: "Lindsey, Shari (MN17)" <slindsey@p06.mn17.honeywell.com> To: mchpindir@ci.chanhassen.mn.usi" <chpindir@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> TO: Planning commission I have heard about the recent request by Valley Automotive to rezone the 5 acre lot for sale off Hwy 5 and Lake Drive and am writing to express a strong opposition to it. Approval of any busy commercial business immediately next to a quiet neighborhood would be very detrimental for that neighborhood and to the community as a whole. Increased traffic and noise, decreased neighborhood safety, and increased crime, could all be the effects of a car dealership at that location. It would also be a much taller building and have much more light pollution than most other businesses that might be there. The homeowners in that area purchased their homes with the knowledge that the property was only to be sold to neighborhood businesses. If you approved Valley Automotives request, you would in effect be violating a written and verbal agreement with the residents of chanhassen as to the agreed zoning of that property. As a chanhassen resident, I strongly recommend that this request by Valley Automotive to have the property rezoned be denied. of 1 8/25/97 12:21 PM MArtAL >�••- y Zm / \'' • 5•$'1'. ' Ir% I V 16 i. \ I tI i it!,! A ` IV 1 _. g .1 1 Jo t TO 0.,� N (# a Il ...... /1 Fr.ikr l \. - . ' MJ1, \F ,t'' i r2/ N ) s 0•c„ISS-....04 �- istooft ttilaw r WNW NOMA i I. r- 6 , - - -'7. .:--- —1" 1604. \. gi I ---•�— . • \ 1 % I.. A ° I ....ail WIN f 0 . 1 i di . -WHOP . ..r® f e i 9i '� i 7. 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'.�,Qu e .N b _ 0:3441%.444. ......... ............. .... ....... \\ ee 7 u .- u a - • e 11\ e • • eek � e oee e\ d e e e41 A o e � P �e � si ol �1e. e e e e ° sasses e J L --ono,/ 2' e N N � • • N :::;::: X t .@1pO=.1N2i} i (,1 BJ o .p t I 1 1 CI n E .. D(.4 1at=E4 n 'v �D = a aza a E .- P ZVi 1= I C I TY 0 F PC DATE: September 3, 1997 I1A1IIA E1 CC DATE: September 22, 1997 CASE #: SP#97-11,97-12,PUD#95-2 By: Generous:v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: 1) Final Plat approval for Outlot C into Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and Outlot A, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition. 2) Site Plan# 97-11 approval for a 5,300 square foot restaurant on Lot 1, Block 1, Z Villages on the Ponds rd Addition, Famous Dave's (Building 3) Q 3) Site Plan#97-12 approval for a 14,849 square foot retail building on Lot 2, Block 0 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition, (Building 4) LOCATION: Southwest Corner of Hwy. 5 and Great Plains Blvd. Outlot C, Villages on the Pons APPLICANT: Lotus Realty Services, Inc. AUSMAR Development Co., LLC Q P. O. Box 235 c/o Lotus Realty Services, Inc. Chanhassen, MN 55317 (oiw PRESENT ZONING: PUD ACREAGE: 6.095 Acres: Outlot A= 3.96 ac., Lot 1 = 0.941 ac., Lot 2 = 1.192 ac. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N -BH, Highway 5 S- PUD, Villages on the Ponds E - BN, Great Plains Boulevard W- PUD, Villages on the Ponds Q WATER AND SEWER: Available to the site PHYSICAL CHARACTER: The site has been prepared for development as part of the Villages on the w Ponds development. Abutting the site to the west is the Village pond which wraps around the site to the F. north. (f) 2000 LAND USE PLAN: Mixed Use: Commercial, Institutional, Office, and Residential Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is proposing final platting of Outlot C to permit the development of Lots 1 and 2. The City may not issue building permits on outlots until they are platted into blocks and lots. Building 3 is a one story, 5,300 square foot, single tenant, commercial building. It is proposed to be occupied by a restaurant(Famous Dave's). The building is located immediately east of the Village pond which is at the heart of the Villages on the Ponds concept and overlooks the wetland environment. This area is highly visible from Highway 5 as well as from the northern tier of the development. The applicant is proposing a 5,300 square foot restaurant for Famous Dave's BBQ Shack(Building 3). The restaurant has a specific image they wish to maintain. The look is representative of a shack or roadhouse. Staff explained that Villages on the Ponds has a specific design criteria and that the design they were proposing would not fit on the site they had selected unless changes were made. Several drafts were submitted to the City attempting to combine the image of Famous Dave's and the architectural criteria of the PUD standards. We believe the design has improved considerably and the revisions made are tasteful, however, we are at a disadvantage since at the time of writing this staff report, we have not seen a finalized colored rendering and materials to provide the Planning Commission and allow us to judge the final product. We believe that all this information will be available prior to the meeting. Materials used on building 3 include wood on all elevations and river rock along the base of the building. A previous elevation (Attachment 12 ) showed a section of the north elevation using the river rock. If the City wishes to see a variety in the types of materials used in the PUD, this would be a good opportunity to incorporated the river stone along the face of the building. Attachments 9 and 10 are the final design that is proposed. The building has a pitched roof. The span of the roof is minimized through the use of multiple roof lines. A porch is located along the north, east and west elevations. Decorative windows are located on all four elevations. The roof top equipment is located behind the pitched roof which will screen all equipment from views. The proposed smoke stack has no function other than being an ornamental feature and part of the restaurant image. The applicant could add some flower boxes below the windows along the east elevation. Building 4 is a one story, 14,849 square foot, multi-tenant, retail building. The location, immediately adjacent to Great Plains Boulevard and Highway 5 makes this site highly visible. This corner acts as a gateway into the development and portends future development in Villages on the Ponds. The building elevations are designed to represent a traditional commercial development with three distinct building elevations representative of how commercial buildings used to be developed adjacent to each other in neighborhoods. Major exterior surfaces are stucco, brick or concrete masonry units (CMU), and wood siding. (Note: vinyl siding is approved for residential only.) Building accents include a glass silo at the north end of the building and portal entries on the west. Window accents include plant boxes, arches, canopies, and embrasures. Roof types include dome, hip, flat, and gable with a tower accent on the south and parapet and cornice accents in the middle. Sloped roof material is standing seam. The Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 3 building height is 18 feet to the beginning of the roof with a total height of 28 feet to the top of the sloped roof element. Section e. 10. of the design standards states that in"Sector II -minimum of 70 percent of the roof area shall be sloped." Staff interprets this to mean that a minimum of 70 percent of the actual roof area of a building, as seen from above, must be sloped. The developer interprets this to mean that a minimum of 70 percent of the roof, as visible from street level, must appear to be sloped. The developer further interprets this to mean that within the individual sector, seventy percent of the entire roof area of that sector must be sloped which would permit individual buildings to have flat roofs. Unless advised otherwise by the Planning Commission and City Council, staff will continue to interpret this to mean that a minimum of 70 percent of the actual roof area of a building, as seen from above, must be sloped. Sector II has a 47,200 square foot motel and is proposing a 14,849 square foot retail building and a 5,300 restaurant. In addition, a future building 2, west of the Village pond, is proposed for a 7,500 square foot commercial building. Sector II was allocated a total of 60,000 square feet for commercial/retail space. In order to accommodate all of this potential commercial space in sector II, 14,849 square feet of retail space must be transferred from Sector I. The applicant has proposed locating the trash enclosure in the middle of the parking area, as is done in Centennial, the Disney planned community in Florida. While the City's preference is to locate trash enclosures attached to the building, due to site, design, and user constraints, an alternative is necessary. While it may be possible to push the enclosure to the perimeter of the site, it would then be placed adjacent to scenic or highly visible areas which the City and developer are trying to enhance, i.e. Highway 5 and the Village pond. Staff has proposed some revisions to the landscaping that helps to soften the enclosure and may lessen its impact on the parking lot area. Staff is recommending approval of the final plat, the site plan for building 3, and the site plan for building 4 subject to the appropriate conditions. BACKGROUND On August 12, 1996, the City Council granted preliminary approval of PUD #92-1 including a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from Office/industrial,Institutional, Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density to Mixed Use-Commercial, High Density Residential, Institutional and Office; Preliminary planned unit development for up to 291,000 sq. ft. of commercial/office buildings, 100,000 sq. ft. of institutional buildings,and 322 dwelling units; Rezoning from IOP and RSF to PUD, Planned Unit Development(first reading); Preliminary plat for 13 lots and 3 outlots and public right-of- way; Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and excavate wetlands on site; Vacation of right-of-way and easements; Environmental Assessment Worksheet(EAW) findings of Negative Declaration of the need for additional environmental investigation; and Indirect Source Permit Review for the Villages on the Ponds project. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 4 On September 23, 1996, the City Council approved PUD 95-2, Villages on the Ponds, including a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from Office/industrial, Institutional, Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density to Mixed Use-Commercial, High Density Residential, Institutional and Office; Preliminary planned unit development for up to 291,000 sq. ft. of commercial/office buildings, 100,000 sq. ft. of institutional buildings,and 322 dwelling units; Rezoning from IOP and RSF to PUD, Planned Unit Development(final reading); and final plat dated"Received September 19, 1996"for two lots and ten outlots and public right-of-way. The city has also approved site plans for St. Hubert Catholic Community, AmericInn, and an office building(building#17)within the Village on the Ponds project. SUBDIVISION WETLANDS The issue of wetland impacts and wetland mitigation have already been addressed in the overall Villages on the Pond PUD. The applicant has already been approved for wetland impacts and mitigation. One of the conditions of approval of the original wetland alteration permit had a conservation easement be granted over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds. Since the applicant has not yet done this, staff recommends that completion of the conservation easement be included as a condition of approval. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN(SWMP) Storm Water Quality Fees The SWMP has established a water quality connection charge for each new subdivision based on land use. Dedication shall be equal to the cost of land and pond volume needed for treatment of the phosphorus load leaving the site. The requirement for cash in lieu of land and pond construction shall be based upon a schedule in accordance with the prescribed land use zoning. Values are calculated using market values of land in the City of Chanhassen plus a value of$2.75 per cubic yard for excavation of the pond. The proposed SWMP water quality charge for commercial developments is$5,909/acre. The applicant has designed storm runoff (NURP)ponds for the entire Villages on the Ponds site, and therefore, water quality charges will be waived. Storm Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city-wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition,proposed SWMP culverts, open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Commercial developments will have a connection charge of$4,360 per developable acre. The total area of this portion of the Villages on the Ponds proposed development is 2.13 acres. Therefore,the applicant would then be responsible for a water quantity connection charge of$ 9,287. These SWMP fees will be due payable to the City at time of final plat recording. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 5 UTILITIES The utility layouts appear to coordinate with the preliminary utility plans for Villages on the Ponds. Utility services to these lots will need to be extended by the property owners and/or developer. Utilities within the subdivisions will be privately owned and maintained by the property owner, therefore, no detailed construction plans will be necessary with final plat approval. The individual site plans will be reviewed by the City's Building Department. Building permits will be required for installation of the utility improvements from the City's Building Department. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements, the applicant or their successors shall provide the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat over the stormwater ponds and wetlands up to the 100-year flood elevation. MISCELLANEOUS In conjunction with Villages on the Ponds 1st Addition, the applicant has entered into a development contract with the City's which stipulates conditions of approval. An addendum to the development contract will be necessary to include Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition. Conditions of approval from the 2nd Addition will be incorporated into the amendment for the development contract for Villages on the Ponds 1st Addition. This document will be prepared for City Council approval along with the final plat. The City has recently adopted an ordinance requiring developers to reimburse the City for updating City base maps, GIS database file, and converting plat and record drawings into electronic format. The fees associated with this work is $10.00 per parcel. Based on the final plat, the applicant will be charged $30.00 (two lots and 1 outlot) at time of recording the final plat documents. GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE The proposed development must comply with the Villages on the Ponds Design Standards, Sector II (see attached Exhibit C) for the PUD. The purpose of this zone is to create a mixed use PUD consisting of commercial, institutional, office, and residential uses. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each lot proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined in the design standards. The design criteria cover all aspects of the development including lighting consistency, signage requirements, uses, building materials, design and architectural detailing, site coverage, and building square footages Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 6 GRADING Building 3 The proposed grading plan matches fairly well with the approved grading plan for Villages on the Ponds. The site has already been rough graded in coordination with Phase I of Villages on the Ponds. Only minor grading is anticipated to prepare the parking lot and building pad. Building 4 The grading plan for the proposed building matches fairly well with the approved grading plan for Villages on the Ponds, Phase I with the exception of the additional parking lot area in the northwest corner of the retail building (eight spaces). The additional parking area will not adversely impact wetlands or the storm drainage system. EROSION CONTROL Building 3 In conjunction with Phase I, some erosion control fence still is in place as part of the overall site grading. Additional, erosion control fence may need to be installed in those areas that have become obliterated or removed. Staff will work with the contractor in developing an erosion control plan that fits the site. A rock construction entrance will need to be employed at the access off of Great Plains Boulevard. The rock construction entrance shall be maintained until the site is paved with bituminous. The proposed catch basins will need to be protected with hay bales during construction. Once the parking lot and/or drive aisles are paved, there should be provisions for protecting the catch basins until all disturbed areas have been revegetated. Temporary protection for the catch basins could include rock filter dikes or other measures approved by staff. Building 4 Some erosion control fence is still in place as a part of the overall site grading for Villages on the Ponds, however, additional erosion control fence may need to be installed in the areas that have become obliterated or removed. Staff will work with the applicant in developing an erosion control plan that fits the site. A rock construction entrance will be required off of Great Plains Boulevard. The rock construction entrance shall be maintained until the site is paved with a bituminous surface. All catch basins are proposed to be protected with hay bales during construction, however, once the parking lot and drive aisles are paved, there should be provisions for temporary protection such as rock filter dikes until all disturbed areas are revegetated. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 &4 September 3, 1997 Page 7 UTILITIES Building 3 Municipal sewer and water is available to the site. Sanitary sewer and water is proposed to be extended from Great Plains Boulevard into the site by the developer. All of the utilities proposed will be constructed and privately owned and maintained by the property owner and not the City, therefore, detailed construction plans will not be required with the final plat. However, a utility plan sheet will be required with the building permit application. All utilities shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant and/or contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer, water, and plumbing permits from the City's Building Department. Since the parcels will be sharing the utility improvements, cross access easements will be required and dedicated over both lots. Upon completion of the utility improvements, mylar as-built construction plans of the utilities will be required by the City. At this point, the City has not formally accepted the utility improvements in this phase of Villages on the Ponds. However, the utilities have been installed and tested but not formally accepted, therefore, prior to connection to any of the existing utility system, the developer of Villages on the Ponds must receive formal acceptance from the City. Building 4 Municipal sewer and water is available to the site off of Great Plains Boulevard. Utilities are proposed to be extended into the site by the developer and/or property owner of Lot 2. The utilities proposed to be constructed will be privately owned and maintained by the property owner and not the City. The applicant and/or contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer,water, and plumbing permits from the City's Building Department. Cross access easements for utilities and street purposes will need to be dedicated over this lot. DRAINAGE Building 3 Overall, the site drainage conforms with the comprehensive drainage plan for Villages on the Ponds. Stormwater runoff from the parking lot will be conveyed via storm sewers to an on-site pretreatment basin prior to discharging into the wetlands off site. Roof drainage from the building still needs to be addressed. Typically, roof drainage is connected into the storm sewer. This will have to be investigated further prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations including a drainage area map for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event for the City Engineer to review and approve prior to issuance of the building permit. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 8 Building 4 Overall, the site plan conforms with the comprehensive drainage plan for Villages on the Ponds. Stormwater runoff from the parking lot will be conveyed via storm sewer to a pretreatment basin prior to discharging into the wetlands. Roof drainage from the retail building still needs to be addressed. This will have to be further investigated prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall provide the City Engineer with detailed storm sewer calculations including a drainage area map for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. PARKING LOT CIRCULATION Building 3 Overall, the parking lot and drive aisles appear to function well with the exception of the drive aisle and parking lot configuration from Outlot A just south of Lot 1. The plan proposes a curvilinear drive aisle in excess of 90 degrees with a very large,undelineated pavement area. In addition, two pedestrian crossings are proposed in the same location which raises pedestrian safety concerns. Staff has reconfigured the parking lot and drive aisle in this area (see attached). Staff believes that this layout provides a much safer vehicular and pedestrian traffic plan. In addition, I believe the Fire Marshal may have concerns with turning radiuses with such a tight curve. Staff recommends this area be redesigned in accordance with staffs' layout. Depending on timing, it will be necessary to have a paved surface extended to Famous Dave's to meet requirements from the development contract. At this point, Lot 2 is not built upon and depending on timing, may not be built on prior to issuance of a building permit for Famous Dave's. Therefore, the applicant will need to provide Lot 1 with a drive aisle that meets fire code requirements, i.e. 20-foot wide paved bituminous, 7-ton design prior to issuance of a building permit Building 4 Overall, the parking lot and drive aisles appear to function well. Also incorporated into this plan are sidewalks and/or trails. It is unclear who exactly will be constructing these site improvements; whether it will be the developer or the individual property owner. This should be resolved prior to issuance of a building permit. LANDSCAPING Famous Dave's, building 3 (Lot 1, Block 1) A mix of shrubs, evergreens, overstory and ornamental trees surround the building on all sides with the exception of the north elevation. This side faces Highway 5 and offers maximum exposure for the Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 9 building. However, landscaping should be added to this side and can be done so as not to detract from the building's presence along the highway. Shrubbery, herbaceous perennials, and ornamental trees would work to increase the aesthetics of the site without hiding the building. Additionally, the 5 proposed Black Hills Spruce should be changed to deciduous overstory trees. These will blend in better with any other landscaping proposed for the neighboring wetland area. Approximately 16,750 sq. ft. of the site is covered by parking area. According to city ordinance, at least 6 overstory trees and 1,340 sq. ft. of landscaped area are required. The applicant does not meet the requirements and should increase landscape area for the parking lot. One opportunity to do so occurs at the trash enclosure location. Enlarging the islands on either side by at least 5 feet each would allow enough room for trees and other landscaping. This would soften the trash site which sits in the middle of the parking lot as well as create an oasis of shade in the future. Additionally, trees and shrubs could be added along the perimeter of the northern side of the parking lot to help meet ordinance requirements and screen the lot from Highway 5. The northerly landscape island should also be widened to accommodate trees Building 4, Lot 2, Block 1 Landscaping for the site is limited to the north and east sides of the building. No plant materials have been included on the entrance and south sides of the building which are difficult areas since they serve as access points for the businesses. Landscaping could be added, however, with the addition of planter boxes along both sides. Annuals and some shrubs and small trees could be grown successfully and would help create a more attractive and inviting entrance to the tenant businesses. Approximately 16,850 sq. ft. of the site is covered by parking area. According to city ordinance, at least 6 overstory trees and 1,348 sq. ft. of landscaped area are required. Applicant does not meet the requirement. One opportunity to do so occurs at the trash enclosure location. Enlarging the islands on either side by at least 5 feet each would allow enough room for trees and other landscaping. This would soften the trash site which sits in the middle of the parking lot as well as create an oasis of shade in the future. Two ornamental trees are proposed in a parking lot island. Staff recommends the five foot wide island be expanded in order to provide adequate growing room for the trees. An additional overstory tree and shrubs or hedges should be added at the north end of the parking lot area. This will serve to buffer the parking area as well as provide a green transition into the wetland complex. SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 10 (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers,preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed site plans are consistent with all plans and specifications and development design standards for the Village on the Ponds Planned Unit Development. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motions: Subdivision "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Villages on the Ponds Second Addition, PUD 95-2, subject to the following conditions: Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 11 1. The developer shall grant to the City of Chanhassen a conservation easement over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds as described in the conditions of approval for the Villages on the Ponds. 2. Provide cross access easements and maintenance agreements shall be dedicated over Lots 1 and 2, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition for access and utility purposes. 3. The appropriate drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the plat over the stormwater basins and wetlands on the property. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for the stormwater basin and wetland up to the 100-year flood elevation. 4. The applicant shall enter into an addendum to the development contract/PUD agreement for Villages on the Ponds. 5. The applicant shall pay the City$30.00 for GIS fees at time of recording the final plat. 6. The proposed commercial development of 2.13 net developable acres is responsible for a water quantity fee of$9,287. This fees is due payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat. 7. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements, the applicant or their successors shall supply the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. All utilities installed within the plat shall be owned and maintained by the property owners and not the City. 8. The developer shall pay full park and trail fees pursuant to City Code." Site Plans "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan#97-11 for a 5,300 square foot Building on Lot 1, Block 1,Villages on the Ponds 2"d Addition,plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the necessary security required by the agreement. 2. Add three ornamental trees to north side of building. 3. Add 3 overstory trees to parking lot landscaping plan: one on each side of the trash enclosure and one in the northwest corner of the parking lot. Enlarge islands on either side of trash enclosure to include planting space for trees. Enlarge landscape island at the north end of the parking lot to accommodate trees. Landscape islands less than 10 feet in width must have aeration tubing installed with the trees. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 12 4. Change 5 spruce trees to 5 deciduous trees on west side of building. 5. Add landscaping (shrubs or hedges) to north side of property to screen parking lot from Highway 5. 6. The applicant shall provide detailed sign plans for staff's review and approval 7. The applicant shall include flower boxes along the east elevation below the second floor windows. 8. Lights that do not appear on the elevations plan shall not be permitted on the building." "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan#97-12 for a 14,849 square foot building on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the following conditions: 1. Increase width of landscape islands. Landscape islands less than 10 feet in width must have aeration tubing installed with the trees. 2. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the necessary security required by the agreement. 3. Add an overstory tree and shrubs or hedges at the north end of the parking lot area. 4. Add two trees to parking lot landscaping in landscape islands adjacent to trash enclosure. 5. Add planter boxes to west and south sides of building. 6. Provide sloped roof over 70 percent of roof area. 7 . Provide the city with a detail on the trash enclosure for approval. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 8. The applicant will need to develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook and the Surface Water Management Plan requirements for new developments. The building setback line and erosion control fencing shall be denoted on the final grading and drainage plans prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and formal approval. 9. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. Final Plat for Outlot C, Villages on the Ponds Site Plans for Buildings 3 & 4 September 3, 1997 Page 13 10. The sidewalks and trails on the site shall be constructed in conjunction with the overall site improvements and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy unless inclement weather conditions prohibit. 11. The sanitary sewer and water lines and storm sewer on the site will be privately owned and maintained by the property owner and not the City. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer, water, and plumbing permits from the City's Building Department. Cross access easements for the utilities and driveways shall be dedicated over the lot." ATTACHMENTS 1. Development Review Application 2. Design Description/conformance to PUD 3. Reduced Site Plan 4. Reduced Elevations Building 4 5. Memo from Mark Littfin to Robert Generous dated August 13, 1997 6. Revised Parking Lot Layout -Famous Dave's 7. Exhibit C - Villages on the Ponds Development Design Standards 8. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List 9. Reduced Building Elevations (North/East) Famous Dave's 10. Reduced Building Elevations (West/South) Famous Dave's 11. Roof View Famous Daves 12. Option B Building Elevation for Famous Dave's • CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION ELc'( SE-Qvlc Fs /Nii/.S/W / ,I�FLec�ir-1_ 7:0 APPLICANT: LOTUS ��4�r y � c OWNER: ADDRESS: P, O. 3o.r 2 3.5' ADDRESS: CZ /a7 's /1///////,44s G ✓. /LI/U s5::53/7 TELEPHONE (Day time) 98S/- y.3 a' TELEPHONE: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment 11. Vacation of ROW/Easements 2. Conditional Use Permit 12. Variance 3. Interim Use Permit 13. Wetland Alteration Permit 4. Non-conforming Use Permit 14. Zoning Appeal 5. Planned Unit Development 15. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 6. Rezoning 7. Sign Permits 8. Sign Plan Review Notification Signs 9. X Site Plan Review he 5/ "6O� '°' ';/ac) X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost" Soo ($50 CUP/SPRNACNARIWAP/Metes ;c0 and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) y,�O 10. X Subdivision �p TOTAL FEE $ X0_4= A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must Included with the application. Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted. 81/2" X 11" Reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract PROJECT NAME V Lc-xi G F S Q U 7/,/ /r')Aj /v c- �r6 `s ,.?r- / 6� 7- .'2 27O 7 OG-Ge - '�; T,f/c LOCATION J/a c 7H Fx-/ti PAI,e r o t- 0.:27407'- e LEGAL DESCRIPTION (")G/r CT (° - 7o b e /?f oG,S/LTen 4 S 46 r / q-- 2 Qu,ilt of //, I//z_-�,C7 cF5 ON r�E PONOS, 2,,d lei,a,D /t/o& PRESENT ZONING Prii O - /y/X 6D L/S e) S/ res 4-s/G'41,/7-00 4S REQUESTED ZONING Al/4 PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION 50e- /7F Ovf, REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION /2/4 REASON FOR THIS REQUEST This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.i- /07-6(5 'y .C.64.0/eCs, //vC . A 4-0 11?,) ---- p���9 7 Sigrfature of Applicant Signature of Fee Owner Date Application Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. if not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. MILO 250 PRAIRIE CTR DRIVE. STE. 200 A � Y' � ARCHITECTURE EDEN PRAIRIE. MN 55344 VA 1 an GROUP (612) 944-6242 • FAX (612) 942-7496 Retail Building #4 1. Design Description/conformance to PUD 1.1 Site Planning In terms of the use, location, relationship to I-5 and surrounding uses, the building fully conforms to all positive provisions of the PUD, Sector H. In every respect the proposed building and site utilization matches the PUD plans and texts. In addition, site grading and proposed landscaping conform to PUD plans as well. The main pedestrian entrance area is from the parking lots on the west and south side to which the retail storefronts are oriented. The PUD plans do not envision any direct entry to the building from the Great Plains Boulevard, due to lack of significant pedestrian circulation and sidewalk along the face of the building facing the Boulevard. There is an ample amount of landscape area between the buildings and the Boulevard, plus the wetlands are north of the building, along Highway I-5. Yet, even though the building is set back away from the roadways, it is the first and closest building to the major intersection of I-5 and Great Plains Boulevard. As such it is very much exposed to the views and, in a way, of utter importance for the whole image of the Village. Hence,the building design and the architectural character are crucial for setting the proper direction and the tone for the Village in general. Parking is provided at a ratio of 5 spaces per 1,000 sq.ft. of building area,but it is part of the shared parking concept within the whole Village. 1.2 Building Design The design team made an effort to integrate this building into the overall Village "traditional" character and vernacular architecture. The intent was, from the onset, not to design another typical suburban retail "pod building." Instead, to design the building that would be a reflection of the typical "Main Street,"turn-of-the-century small town architecture and character. Looking at the building from any angle, it is not easy to recognize it as one single building, erected at the same time by one single developer. The 200+ feet long building has been composed of three very different looking buildings that are commonly found on traditional "Main streets." Yet the store front design allows for flexibilities and all features required by modern retail industry. 072197-DES.7320B ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS • CONSULTING co PI c ..7 �• o Z .- 2 1 •11111111 z ,' PrRu8 0 s� �_ W o Z 5 5 s r I �-x d3. 2 1 MW3 1 R5Z j ; hH a= ..i: Agt _ w.„ o co f ?te r =?'" `+:Y, a 4, i g: rid -..-1-....:- v :Al ...,.:f.,,,...„ -,,s.,.„....1...-. i -,,„4..,".0.,..„...,„j.::::::r ___ ,v... -,:. _,.0,,,...7,-4,..-_..4-5.m.:AD ---- ----- ---- - ---- --- .•"itV VI':- '''':v..'---vg;,,4:;,4,r.' ) a'SLv7. y - _ t .c .-t. -II I '� - -"r l I I U a 1. = _ :g 1h8 :txt...; .k ."-. ''•'••r',. -.:11, 4,;',..4F-:. y ,,,- A 1 W '-xaY%�� r ice, 4 I. cc I y gyp;. �alr< I ,J — _t _____7_ .1.2..B -.1 *" `, `l .iFS. tt ,—_ R ,n.nxrs it 2 111. i1LIII. 4CSf � � �j � :.:& — I I I i lin=11111111 ' . — 4,Kyw 4.-Lift. II111111 RS zm — r I c ', — s O 5u CI. m- $ e gs E„„ z m 1 o mC F N ..3 C .. . R O z V y m N L Lc: K= F_ o rqo $ tt S m 8Fd 6 v o e o 1 �� piO fn 8 t ,• s g F 7 / )- r_ . In • � �` V •• a lea 1 ..,...4i. t. ff-.±. i'W. I j. =_ r • • _, tiniir, 1 11111"iU li=` I • =1 _,.. ='�J ° s I ... . „,,.. .. 2,,.....„.,,......,. _____, ,.,,,,,,,......, a �����,�,� w . __, 11.1 T CC sg II _ r=, x � Z - Z • > /FA lit 11 > <<4 ` w = I wJ� .L • ,.•� -�L. 1 _( trill!i =1 °Lill - re III 1 [3 �i -------- « 4214 i ..),#:. '-' L',. N'437 I ..loatispim -1". • —Q— e o = V ;aWI l;' 1 �' ..1...=.1 pail _=:::.; ,i1.1 Epi � �§ I1p , Zi =1 I= 1111 ILIZ .�IMIwr Lu __ , bog i_ _._ "FAO Z LmOF l i41 = '=I : i =1 a im, cn � 1 ...,--------:-A ... , -,--4- _,,71', r CITY OF CHANHASSEN *114, 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Generous, Senior Planner FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal DATE: August 13, 1997 SUBJECT: Request for final plat to re-plat Outlot C into two lots and site plan review for a 14,000 square foot retail building located at the northeast corner of Highway 5 and Great Plains Boulevard within the Villages on the Pond Development, Lotus Realty Services. Planning Case 95-2 PUD and 97-12 SPR I have reviewed the site plan for the above project. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted,the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e.,trees, street lamps,trees, shrubs, bushes,NSP, US West,Cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to insure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 2. No parking fire lane signs and yellow curbing shall be provided. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location of signage and painted curbing. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#06-1991. Copy enclosed. 3. Submit utility plans indicating location of water service coming into the building. Install post indicator valve on the water service. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location. 4. Submit radius turn dimensions to City Engineer and Fire Marshal for review and approval. This is to insure that fire apparatus can access the building. 5. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#04-1991. Copy enclosed. 6. Comply with Chanhassen fire Department policy regarding maximum allowed size of domestic water service on combination domestic/fire sprinkler line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#36-1994. Copy enclosed. g:\safety\ml\plrev97-12 A C QTY of 0 CHANHASSEN '.„ 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE LANE SIGNAGE 1. Signs to be a minimum of 12" x 18" . NO 2 . Red on white is preferred. PARKING FIRE 3 . 3M or equal engineer's grade LANE reflective sheeting on aluminum is preferred. 4 . Wording shall be: NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5. Signs shall be posted at each end of the fire lane and at least at 7 '0" 75 foot intervals along the fire lane. 6. All signs shall be double sided facing the direction of travel. 7 . Post shall be set back a minimum of 12" but not more than 36" from the curb. - V - 8 . A fire lane shall be required in (NOT TO GRADE front of fire dept. connections SCALE) extending 5 feet on each side and along all areas designated by the Fire Chief. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE ABOVE PROCEDURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, WITH A SITE PLAN, FOR APPROVAL BY THE FIRE CHIEF. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE CONTINUITY THROUGHOUT THE CITY BY PROVIDING THESE PROCEDURES FOR MARKING OF FIRE LANES. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #06-1991 Date: 1/15/91 U7/ Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1. IV =«r PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ti ..„.... CiTY OF ..,-,, ....1' ! . . \ C 11 ,ANIIIISSEN .,,, . ,.1.,.. , , • A•.e 7. . t:. ._�v,>, 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O- BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 �.. (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY PREMISES IDENTIFICATION General Numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Size and location of numbers shall be approved by one of the following - Public Safety Director, Building Official, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal . Requirements are for new construction and existing buildings where no address numbers are posted. Other Requirements-General 1. Numbers shall be a contrasting color from the background. 2. Numbers shall not be In script. 3. If a structure Is not visible from the street,additional numbers are required at the driveway entrance. Size and location must be approved. -- 4. 4. Numbers on mall box at driveway entrance may be a minimum of 4". However, requirement #3 must still be met s. Administrative authority may require additional numbers If deemed necessary. Residential Requirements(2 or less dwelling unit) 1. Minimum height shall be 5 1/4". 2. Building permits will not be finaled unless numbers are posted and approved by the Building Department Commercial Requirements 1. Minimum height shall be 12". 2. Strip Malls a. Multi tenant building will have minimum height requirements of 6". b. Address numbers shall be on the main entrance and on all back doors. 3. If address numbers are located on a directory entry sign, additional numbers will be required on the buildings main entrance. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992 � - Date: 06/15/92 I- r- Revised: Approved - Public Say Director Page 1 of 1 `Pry PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CHANHASSEN690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ' (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY MAXIMUM ALLOWED SIZE OF DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ON A COMBINATION DOMESTIC/FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLY LINE 1. Domestic water line shall not be greater than 1/4 pipe size of the combination service water supply line. 2. 1 1/2"domestic off 6" line. 3. 2"domestic off 8" line. 4. 2 1/2 domestic off 10"line. Option 1: Domestic sizes may be increased if it can be calculated hydraulically that the demand by all domestic fixtures will not drop the fire sprinkler water below its minimum gallonage required. Option 2: Combination domestic and five line service shall have an electric solenoid valve installed on the domestic side of the service. This valve shall be normally powered open and close on loss of electric power or signal from the system water flow indicator. Must be approved by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Mechanical Inspector. Chanhassen Fire Department Water Line Sizing Policy#36-1994 Date: 06/10/94 / I Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 CITY OF 011 .4 CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL SITE PLANS 1. Fire Marshal must witness the flushing of underground sprinkler service line, per NFPA 13-8-2.1. 2. A final inspection by the Fire Marshal before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 3. Fire Department access roads shall be provided on site during all phases of construction. The construction of these temporary roads will conform with the Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for temporary access roads at construction sites. Details are available. 4. Onsite fire hydrants shall be provided and in operating condition during all phases of construction. 5. The use of liquefied petroleum eas shall be in conformance with NFPA Standard 58 and the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. A list of these requirements is available. (See policy #33-1993) 6. A11 fire detection and fire suppression systems shall be monitored by an approved UL central station with a UL 71 Certificate issued on these systems before final occupancy is issued. 7. An 11" x 14" As Built shall be provided to the Fire Department. The As Built shall be reproducible and acceptable to the Fire Marshal. (See policy #07-1991). 8. An approved lock box shall be provided on the building for fire department use. The lock box should be located by the Fire Department connection or as located by the Fire Marshal. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 Revised: 12/23/94 Page 1 of 2 9. High-piled combustible storage shall comply with the requirements of Article#81 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. High-piled combustible storage is combustible materials on closely packed piles more than 15' in height or combustible materials on pallets or in racks more than 12' in height. For certain special-hazard commodities such as rubber tires,plastics, some flammable liquids, idle pallets, etc. the critical pile height may be as low as 6 feet. 10. Fire lane signage shall be provided as required by the Fire Marshal. (See policy #06-1991). 11. Smoke detectors installed in lieu of 1 hour rated corridors under UBC section 3305G, Exception#5 shall comply with Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for installation and system type. (See policy #05-1991). 12. Maximum allowed size of domestic water service on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line policy must be followed. (See policy #36-1994). Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 n Date: 11/22/91 c- <7 -�_______ Revised: 12/23/94 Approved - Public Safety Director Page 2 of 2 VVI I IJ.rrrv, r..• v-�� ' 265,506. sq.ft. 6.095 acres DEVELOPER: otus Realty Services/Amcon , 51 West 78th Street • anhassen, MN 55317 FOR DIMENSIONS, SEE WETLAND OUTLt / \ 0.0' SF ,--/ t 00°14153* E / 1 394.48 � t__.„147.69 �_ > -- .s. — "�. /7—.) 17 ! r ��`—' i FAMOUS DAVE'S I I „ 1 tjI I t STORY E o - 2 II 5,300 EF ' ,) 1 I l ! I ; I I _ • ! ! j ; i ' 1- � 1 I I 1 1 0 r1TH '''`' i a If u.tr.i ., , I . I i EXHIBIT C VILLAGES ON THE PONDS CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a mixed use PUD consisting of commercial, institutional, office, and residential uses. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each lot proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone should be limited to uses as defined below or similar uses to those as listed in the Standard Industrial Classification. If there is a question as to the whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. No single retail user shall exceed 20,000 square feet on a single level of a building. A maximum of thirty- three(33)percent of the square footage of the retail users within the development may be of a "big box"category. The intent of this requirement is to provide a variety of users, including small retail shops, service providers,coffee shops, cabarets, etc., for residents of the Villages as well as the community as a whole, rather than typical suburban type large, individual users dominating the development and detracting from the"village"character. Retail users should be those that support and compliment the residential development located within the development, providing goods and services which enhance residents of the village and the community. Office. Professional and business office,non-retail activity except for showroom type display area for products stored or manufactured on-site provided that no more than 20 percent of the floor space is used for such display and sales. bank/credit union finance, insurance and real estate health services - except nursing homes and hospitals engineering,accounting, research management and related services legal services Personal Services.Establishments primarily engaged in providing services involving the care of a person or his or her personal goods or apparel. 1 dry cleaning beauty or barbershop shoe repair photographic studio tax return preparation laundromat health club optical goods computer services day care center copying mail stores Institutional. Establishments that are public/semi-public in nature. church library education services day care art gallery dance studio cultural facility Commercial/Retail. Establishments engaged in commercial operations including retail sales and services and hospitality industries. Apparel and Accessory Stores shoe stores electronic and music store and musical instruments restaurant - no drive through restaurant - fast food only if integrated into a building no freestanding fast food and no drive through drug store/pharmacy book/stationary jewelry store hobby/toy game gift novelty and souvenir sewing, needlework and piece good florist camera and photographic supply art and art supplies, gallery sporting goods video rental food stores including bakery and confectionery hardware store computer store hotel/motel entertainment liquor store pets and pet supplies home furnishings Residential. Residential units shall be provided as upper level units above the commercial/office uses within the village core and as stand alone units. A minimum of 50 percent of the residential units shall be rental units. Of the rental units,the city has adopted a goal of 35 percent of the units meeting the Metropolitan Council's affordable criteria. For the ownership housing, the city has adopted the goal of 50 percent of the units meeting the Metropolitan Council's affordable criteria. Prohibited Uses: auto related including auto sales, auto repair, gas stations c. Setbacks In the PUD standards, there is the requirement for landscape buffering in addition to building and parking setbacks. The following setbacks shall apply: Building Parking Great Plains Blvd.: Buffer yard & Setback C, 0' 0' Market Blvd.: Buffer yard & Setback C, 50' 20' Hwy. 5: Buffer yard & Setback B, 50' 20' Interior Side Lot Line: Buffer yard & setback NA, 0' 0' East Perimeter Side Lot Line (adjacent to D, 50' 50' residential): Buffer yard & setback West Perimeter Side Lot Line (adjacent to B, 50 20 industrial): Buffer yard & setback Buffer yards are as specified in the City of Chanhassen Landscaping and Tree Removal Ordinance, Article XXV. No fences shall be permitted between the required landscape buffer and arterial and collector roads. 3 d. Development Site Coverage and Building Height 1. The PUD standard for hard surface coverage is 70% for the overall development. Individual lots may exceed this threshold,but in no case shall the average exceed 70 percent.. 2. More than one (1)principal structure may be placed on one(1)platted lot. 3. The maximum building height shall be Sector I - three stories (with residential loft)/50 ft. (retail and office buildings without residences above shall be limited to two stories/30 feet), Sector II -three stories/40 ft., Sector III-three stories/40 ft., exclusive of steeples and bell towers, and Sector IV- four stories/50 feet 4. The maximum building footprint for any one building shall be limited to 20,000 square feet without a street level break in the continuity of the building, e.g.,pedestrian passageways, except for the church and residential only buildings. 5. The following table shall govern the amount of building area for the different uses: Commercial/ Office/Service Institutional Dwelling TOTAL sq. ft. Retail (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) Units Sector I 114,500 70,500 @ 0 154 185,000 Sector II 60,000 * 14,000 0 0 74,000 Sector III 0 0 100,000 0 100,000 Sector IV 0 32,000 @ 0 112 @ 32,000 TOTAL 174,500 116,500 100,000 266 391,000 @ As an alternative, the office/service could be increase by 13,000 square feet in Sector I if the 32,000 square foot office building is deleted in Sector IV and replaced with 56 additional dwelling units. * Includes 47,200 square foot, 106 unit motel. Building square footages may be reallocated between sectors subject to approval by the Planning Director. Building square footages may be reallocated between uses subject to approval of the Planning Director. However, the reallocation of building square footages between uses shall only be permitted to a less intensive use, i.e. from commercial to office or institutional, or from office to institutional. In no instance shall more than 27,000 square feet of addition institutional building square footage be reallocated without an amendment to the PUD. e. Building Materials and Design 4 1. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. The intent is to create a pedestrian friendly, "traditional" village character consistent with the European heritage of the upper midwest and the atmosphere within this development, yet with the amenities and technological tools of modern times. The village elevations shown on the PUD drawings are to be used only as a general guideline and the reflection of the overall village image including the north- midwestern architectural vocabulary,village like human scale and flavor, and variety in design and facade treatment. 2. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Major exterior surfaces of all walls shall be face brick, stone, glass, stucco,architecturally treated concrete, cast in place panels, decorative block,cedar siding,vinyl siding in residential with support materials,or approved equivalent as determined by the city. Color shall be introduced through colored block or panels and not painted block or brick. Bright, long, continuous bands are prohibited. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors may be used only for accent purposes and shall not exceed 10 percent of a wall area. 3. Block shall have a weathered face or be polished, fluted,or broken face. Exposed cement ("cinder")blocks shall be prohibited. 4. Metal siding, gray concrete,curtain walls and similar materials will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials, or as trim or as HVAC screen,and may not exceed more than 25 percent of a wall area. 5. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 6. All roof mounted equipment shall be screened by walls of compatible appearing material. Wood screen fences are prohibited. All exterior process machinery,tanks,etc.,are to be fully screened by compatible materials. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. 7. The buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. The use of large unadorned, concrete panels and concrete block,or a solid wall unrelieved by architectural detailing, such as change in materials, change in color, fenestrations,or other significant visual relief provided in a manner or at intervals in keeping with the size, mass, and scale of the wall and its views from public ways shall be prohibited. Acceptable materials will incorporate textured surfaces, exposed aggregate and/or other patterning. All walls shall be given added architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. 8. Space for recycling shall be provided in the interior of all principal or accessory structures. 9. There shall not be underdeveloped backsides of buildings. All elevations shall receive nearly equal treatment and visual qualities. 5 10. The materials and colors used for each building shall be selected in context with the adjacent building and provide for a harmonious integration with them. Extreme variations between buildings on the same street in terms of overall appearance, bulk and height, setbacks and colors shall be prohibited. 11. Slope roof elements shall be incorporated in all structures: Sector I - minimum 70 percent of roof area shall be sloped, Sector II -minimum of 70 percent of the roof area shall be sloped, Sector III- minimum of 30 percent of the roof area shall be sloped, and Sector IV -minimum of 70 percent of the roof area shall be sloped. An exception to this requirement are roof areas designed for human use such as decks, garden areas, patios, etc., which will not be counted towards flat roof area. 12. The following design elements should be incorporated into individual structures: Building Accents Towers, silos, arches,columns,bosses, tiling, cloisters, colonnades, buttresses, loggias, marquees, minarets,portals, reveals, quoins, clerestories,pilasters. Roof Types Barrow, dome, gable,hip, flat. Roof Accents Cupolas, cornices, belfries, turrets,pinnacles, look-outs, gargoyles,parapets, lanterns. Accent elements such as towers,turrets, spires, etc., shall be excluded from the sector building height limitation. Window Types Bay, single paned, multi-paned, angular, square, rectangular, half-round, round, italianate. Window Accents Plant boxes, shutters,balconies, decks, grates, canopies, awnings,recesses, embrasures, arches, lunettes. 13. Street level windows shall be provided for a minimum of 50 percent of the ground level wall area. 6 f. Site Landscaping and Screening 1. All buffer landscaping, including boulevard landscaping, included in Phase I shall be installed when the grading of the phase is completed. This may well result in landscaping being required ahead of individual site plan approvals,but we believe the buffer yard and boulevard plantings, in particular,need to be established immediately. In addition, to adhere to the higher quality of development as spelled out in the PUD zone, all loading areas shall be screened. Each lot for development shall submit a separate landscaping plan as a part of the site plan review process. 2. All open spaces and non-parking lot surfaces, except for plaza areas, shall be landscaped, rockscaped,or covered with plantings and/or lawn material. Tree wells shall be included in pedestrian areas and plazas. 3. Storage of material outdoors is prohibited. 4. Undulating or angular berms 3'to 5'in height, south of Highway 5 and along Market Boulevard shall be sodded or seeded at the conclusion of grading and utility construction. The required buffer landscaping may be installed where it is deemed necessary to screen any proposed development. All required boulevard landscaping shall be sodded. 5. Loading areas shall be screened from public right-of-ways. Wing walls may be required where deemed appropriate. 6. Native species shall be incorporated into site landscaping,whenever possible. g. Signage 1. One project identification sign shall be permitted for the development at each end of Lake Drive and at the south end of Main Street. Project identification sign(s) may also be located at the entrances to the development(s) in Sector IV. Project identification signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign display area nor be greater than five feet in height. One project identification sign,with a maximum height of 20 feet,which may be increased in height subject to city approval based on the design and scale of the sign, designed as a gateway to the project shall be located at the north end of Main Street. Individual lots are not permitted low profile ground business sign. Within Sector III, one sign for the church and one sign for the school may be placed on streetscape walls. The top of the signs shall not extend more than eight feet above the ground and the total sign area for the signs shall not exceed 64 square feet. Pylon signs are prohibited. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and thus should reflect the quality of the development. The signs should be consistent in color, size, and material and height throughout the development. A common theme will be introduced at the development's entrance monument and will be used throughout. 2. All signs require a separate sign permit. 7 3. Wall business signs shall comply with the city's sign ordinance for the central business district for determination of maximum sign area. Wall signs may be permitted on the "street" front and primary parking lot front of each building. 4. Projecting signs are permitted along Main Street and Lake Drive and along pedestrian passageways subject to the conditions below. Signage Plan and Restrictions Wall Signs 1. The location of letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign bands, the tops of which shall not extend greater than 20 feet above the ground. In Sector II, sign height may be increase based on the criteria that the signage is compatible with and complementary to the building architecture and design. The letters and logos shall be restricted to a maximum of 30 inches in height. All individual letters and logos comprising each sign shall be constructed of wood,metal, or translucent facing. 2. If illuminated, individual dimensional letters and logos comprising each sign may be any of the following: a. Exposed neon/fiber optic, b. Open channel with exposed neon, c. Channel Letters with acrylic facing, d. Reverse channel letters (halo lighted), or e. Externally illuminated by separate lighting source. 3. Tenant signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the tenant's proper name and major product or service offered. Corporate logos, emblems and similar identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined within the signage band and do not occupy more than 15% of the sign area unless the logo is the sign. 4. Within Sector II, architecturally, building-integrated panel tenant/logo sign may be permitted based on criteria that the signage is compatible with and complementary to the building design and architecture. 5. Back lit awnings are prohibited. Projecting Signs 1. The letters and logos shall be restricted to the approved building sign area. 2. All wooden signs shall be sandblasted and letters shall be an integral part of the building's architecture. 8 3. Signage shall consist of store identification only. Copy is restricted to the tenant's proper name and major product or service offered and such minimal messages such as date of establishment of business. Corporate logos, emblems and similar identifying devices are permitted provided they are confined within the signage band or within the projecting sign and do not occupy more than fifteen(15)percent of the sign display area. 4. Projecting signs shall be stationary,may not be self-illuminated but may be lighted by surface mounted fixtures located on the sign or the adjacent facade. 5. Projecting signs shall be limited to one per tenant on street frontage and pedestrian passageway and my not exceed six square feet. Letters shall have a maximum height of 12 inches. 6. Projecting signs shall be a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk and shall not project more than six feet from the building facade. 7. Plastic,plexi-glass, clear plex, or similar material projecting signs are prohibited unless used in conjunction with other decorative materials. 8. Projecting signs may be painted, prefinished,or utilize exposed metal. Any exposed metal shall be anodized aluminum, stainless steel,titanium,bronze, or other similar non- corrosive or ono-oxidizing materials. Window Signs 1. Window signs shall not cover more than 25 percent of the window area in which they are located. 2. Window signs shall not use bright, garish, or neon paint,tape, chalk, or paper. Menu Signs 1. Shall be located at eye level adjacent to tenant entries and shall not exceed 4 feet in height. 2. Shall be used only to convey daily specials,menus and offerings and shall be wood framed chalkboard and/or electronic board with temporary handwritten lettering. No paper construction or messages will be permitted. 3. Menu signs shall be limited to one per tenant and may not exceed 8 square feet. 9 Festive Flags/Banners 1. Flags and banners shall be permitted on approved standards attached to the building facade and on standards attached to pedestrian area lighting. 2. Plastic flags and banners are prohibited. 3. Flags and banners shall be constructed of fabric. 4. Banners shall not contain advertising for individual users,businesses, services, or products. 5. Flags and banners shall project from buildings a maximum of two feet. 6. Flags and banners shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet. 7. Flags and banners which are torn or excessively worn shall be removed at the request of the city. Building Directory 1. In multi-tenant buildings, one building directory sign may be permitted. The directory sign shall not exceed eight square feet. Pole Directory Sign 1. Pole directory signs consisting of single poles with individual nameplate type directional arrows may be located within the development. 2. Pole directory sign shall not exceed 15 feet in height. 3. Directory signs shall be a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk. 4. A maximum of eight directory signs may be provided per pole. 5. The maximum size of an individual sign shall be 18 inches long by four inches wide. 6. Poles shall be a minimum of 10 feet behind the curb. h. Lighting 10 1. Lighting for the interior of the business center should be consistent throughout the development. The plans do not provide for street lighting. As with previous developments, the City has required the developer to install street lights throughout the street system. 2. A shoe box fixture (high pressure sodium vapor lamps)with decorative natural colored pole shall be used throughout the development parking lot area for lighting. Decorative, pedestrian scale lighting shall be used in plaza and sidewalk areas and may be used in parking lot areas. 3 Lighting equipment similar to what is mounted in the public street right-of-ways shall be used in the private areas. 4. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Light level for site lighting shall be no more than 1/2 candle at the project perimeter property line. This does not apply to street lighting. 5. Light poles shall be limited to a height of 20 feet. 6. Lighting for parking areas shall minimize the use of lights on pole standards in the parking area. Rather, emphasis should be placed on building lights and poles located in close proximity to buildings. i. Parking 1. Parking shall be provided based on the shared use of surface parking areas whenever possible. Cross access easements and the joint use of parking facilities shall be protected by a recorded instrument acceptable to the city. 2. A minimum of 75 percent of a building's parking shall be located to the "rear" of the structure and in underground garages. 3. The development shall be treated as a integrated shopping center and provide a minimum of one space per 200 square feet of commerciaUretail area. The office/personal service component shall be treated as an integrated office building and provide 4.5 space per 1,000 square feet for the first 49,999 square feet, four per thousand square feet for the second 50,000 square feet, and 3.5 per thousand square feet thereafter. Residential uses shall provide 1.5 spaces per unit as underground parking with visitor spaces provided as part of the commercial/office uses. Within sector IV,visitor parking shall be provided at a rate of 0.5 stalls per unit. Hotel/motels shall comply with city ordinance. Churches/schools shall comply with city ordinance,however,a minimum of 50 percent of the parking shall be shared. 11 JI ..., -:-_-- VILLAGES ON THE PQ „ _-_------- _.---,-- ii, 1.. r __.. ,. .......„, , ,, , .... .. . ; ___.----------" I LI , I •1 _ , m _ t ,(...'s,,.• ._ ' • -- :, • „---) .- ,- _ - - ! I,: , ft V I r _ _ - - _ _ - --- • '-..... .r7 , . ' a 4 , ,r. , - _..... - - .... . 1 _—___—__---- — 1 — -- . ,,.... 1 ' 1) l'i - • • --— I. t•o I • 1 oh-4144k, ..• . = — _,.-:‘!::•?-•;:-.:-._,...... ,.,..„....,,t i, ...! 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RESTAURANT ;13 RETAIL 1 STORY 3 STORY 7,500 SF 13.000 SF RETAIL�3I 14 RETAIL 1 STORY 3 STORY 5.300 5F 12.5000 SF 4 I RETAIL i 1 OFFICE/ SERVICES STORY 1 STORY 14.000 SF 8,825 SF .F51 RETAIL 6.1 CHURCH/ SCHOOL 2 28.000 ORY F 1-3^STORY 100.000 SF 6I RETAIL 117 OFFICE/ SERVICES 3 STORY 2 STORY 22.000 SF 30.000 SF rj1 RETAILI OFFICE/ SERVICES 3 STORY I 2 STORY 10.300 SF 30.000 SF 8I RETAIL bi RESIDENTIAL 3 STORY 4 STORY 12,500 SF 84,000 SF 9 I OFFICE/ SERVICES grd RESIDENTIAL 1 Sr3R' 4 STORY 5.000 SF 84,000 SF r:ioi OFFICE, SERVICE� � RESIDENTIAL 1 STORY 4 STORY 122.000 SF 84.000 SF 1111 RESIDENTIAL STORY 25.000 S= NOTE; BASED ON DELTA-4 ORAWING `I I - I ,, I i 15 1 i . !.._ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ` � PLANNING COMMISSION i i 1 �--J Wednesday, September 3, 1997 0 i0011110111 ---ret-- . I i f, at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers tate Hwj'. , ' 690 Coulter Drive �? �(" zi - 411* '-ii n., „\---,-, '' IJ r .--;\,____, ,' SUBJECT: Site Plan Review �,�' it I -tel APPLICANT: Lotus Realty \:,X Y : 1.z): i f 1 LOCATION: Northeast Corner of i Hwy. 5, and Great Plains Blvd. i 1 l-- • - i ; ; NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Lotus Realty, is requesting final plat of Outlot C, Villages on the Pond, into 2 lots and site plan review for 5,300 sq. ft. Famous Dave's BBQ Restaurant and a 14,848 sq. ft. retail building located in the northeast corner of the Village on the Ponds development, Lotus Realty. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob (ext.141) or Sharmin (ext.120) at 937-1900. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 1997. k.-d I CHANHASSEN POST#580 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RANDY G &KIMBRA J GREEN PO BOX 264 C/O CITY TREASURER 8103 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 STEVEN J KOKESH& CITY OF CHANHASSEN MICHAEL M& PRUDENCE L BUSCH NANCY L ECOFF C/O CITY TREASURER 8113 MARSH DR 8201 GRANDVIEW RD 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 ALBERT&JEAN SINNEN DONALD F MCCARVILLE MARK C &ALEXANDRA M LEPAGE 8150 GRANDVIEW RD 3349 WARNER LN 8123 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 MOUND, MN 55364 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 RICHARD A& LINDA G ANDERSON JAMES P ADANK ROBERT J & LOIS A SAVARD 8210 GRANDVIEW RD 350 HIDDEN LN 8080 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARY S BERNIER JAMES A& CAROL A UDSTUEN JAY S ANDERS 8155 GRANDVIEW RD BOX 157 360 HIDDEN LN 8090 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 HARVEY& ROSEMARY WILL PETER A KNOLL& MARTIN J &TIMAREE FAJDETICH 8151 GRANDVIEW RD MARY Z STAUDOHAR-KNOLL 8100 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 370 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 ESTATE OF MARTIN J WARD YAGUI WEI & BISRAT& DENISE ALEMAYEHU C/0 JEROME RAIDT PERS REP YUYI LIN 380 HIDDEN LN 6950 FRANCE AVE S-STE 113CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8110 MARSH DR EDINA,MN 55435 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ROSEMOUNT INC WILLIAM R& DEBRA E PRIGGE DARRYL T&SANDY L WROLSON ATTN:CONTROLLER 390 HIDDEN LN 8120 MARSH DR 12001 TECHNOLOGY DR CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 ROSEMOUNT INC ANDREW G&JEANNINE R CONE PAUL F& RITA A KLAUDA 1 CONTROLLER 321 HIDDEN LN 8130 MARSH DR 1200 12001 TECHNOLOGY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BRIAN E SEMKE& WALT K& PAMELA S CHAPMAN C/O CITY TREASURER DEBORAH C DUETSCH 8140 MARSH DR 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 331 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN,MN 55317 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 IUCE D&CYNTHIA J MARENGO 4 ii -LcA} aCzi a-'« `J 50 MARSH DR IANHASSEN, MN 55317 770 7 Alai Oue-:1",'" C:.13 Cr- 2J' CSA 1 d HNP&BRENDA K LUND 40 DAKOTA LN et> 2Z/ -It rWra IANHASSEN,MN 55317 g Ci r—7 " & 2-€-,2, /79 (5-3—3 9 1Y OF CHANHASSEN CITY TREASURER )COULTER DR PO BOX 147 IANHASSEN,MN 55317 UE CIRCLE INVESTMENT CO ?5 BLUE CIRCLE DR 'JNETONKA, MN 55343 ANHASSEN NH PARTNERSHIP 2ND AVE S 1100 INTERNATIONAL NTRE JNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 LIDAY STATION STORES INC ,7 80TH ST W )OMINGTON, MN 55437 ADDEUS E KORZENOWSKI X45 RADISSON RD 7,ELSIOR,MN 55331 Y OF CHANHASSEN CITY TREASURER COULTER DR PO BOX 147 ANHASSEN, MN 55317 ANHASSEN INN 79TH ST W ANHASSEN, MN 55317 • AUG-27-97 WED 02:34 AM MAG PLANN.ARCH.5658485 5658203 P.02 nM . . v� Z ,,,k- ..3 L '=3 �`ul pAtm k W C t N m `r N Ili 111 .$(.1k f 4 9 ', t , 10.1 - .` Z I";I = p 1" jilli CQt: per++ z f"� 11 Itl! 1 z i�;I 4IIUIIIIII ° M .MMI It 4,4 .. ,Jl y —,k ... w c' R �1011111 1.. 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Ili r • III `iti /f,,CS,. ..,' . , , ,.t;s: Al ;- III tat -, , I1 ISO illilhill- - - j 491 IE. • la tas -- - h a- rri 0 111,41.-Ill II 1 > I 10 MEM '��IIIHIJIIIINIi_ M z-o o m I••- :,,,.),. *Der 3, CITY OF tiCHANHASSEN • 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I DATE: August 27, 1997 SUBJ: Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Chapter 20,Article XXX,TOWERS AND ANTENNAS,to allow for temporary mobile towers BACKGROUND In November 1996 the City adopted an ordinance regulating towers and antennas. Although this ordinance addressed all the issues pertaining to permanent llular telecommunication n (COWs). towers, it neglected to mention temporary mobile towers or The purpose of a temporary mobile tower is to provide service to customers prior to and during the construction of a permanent tower. In addition, COWs could be placed at a site during the search and negotiation for a permanent location or co-location agreement. Typically, the tower is stationed in a location for a short period of time (e.g. 120 days). The tower is placed on a trailer so that it is able to be moved. COWs would not be permitted in residential districts. PROPOSAL Staff has prepared an amendment to the ordinanceTOWERS AND ANNTENNAS after Section 20- would be placed at the end of Article XXX. 1521 Additional Submittal Requirements. Section 20-1522. Temporary Mobile Towers Personal wireless service antennas located upoa temporary shall require mobile processing of an interim basis until a permanent site is constructed or locatedq Administrative Permit and shall comply with the following standards: 1. The height of the tower shall not exceed ninety(90) feet including trailer platform. Planning Commission August 27, 1997 Page 2 2. Temporary mobile towers shall maintain the setbacks as contained in Section 20-1505. The setback shall be maintained from the trailer platform. 3. Temporary mobile towers shall be prohibited in residential zoning districts. 4. Temporary mobile towers shall have a minimum tower design windload of eighty(80) miles per-hour and shall comply with the requirements in Section 20-1508. 5. A temporary mobile tower may be permitted for up to one hundred and twenty (120) days. Towers located on a site longer than this time shall require the processing of an interim use permit subject to Section 20-381. 6. Temporary mobile towers shall require a building permit and comply with Section 20-1516. 7. Mobile units shall have the opportunity to appeal the administrative decision subject to Section 20-1517. 8. Mobile units shall not interfere with public safety telecommunications subject to Section 20- 1520. Article I, Section 20-1 Definition is amended to include the definition of tower, temporary mobile. Tower, Temporary Mobile: Any mobile tower,pole,or structure located on a trailer, vehicle, or temporary platform intended primarily for the purpose of mounting an antenna or similar apparatus for personal wireless services,also commonly referred to as Cellular on Wheels (COW). ANALYSIS Staff contends that the ordinance amendment will be beneficial to both the City and potential users. It allows for placement of a tower while protecting the City against adverse impacts because it regulates maximum height and setbacks. It will encourage potential users to search for a co-location site without compromising the service to their customers. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend adoption of the ordinance amendment to allow for temporary mobile towers. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1997 Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alison Blackowiak, Craig Peterson, LuAnn Sidney and Kevin Joyce MEMBERS ABSENT: Ladd Conrad,Allyson Brooks and Bob Skubic STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer; Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I; Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; and Philip Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator PUBLIC HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT TO REPLAT OF LOTS 1-9, 16 AND 17, BLOCK 1, AUTUMN RIDGE 2\D ADDITION INTO 21 LOTS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HWY. 5 AND GALPIN BLVD., AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION, D.R. HORTON, INC. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Any questions by commissioners? Joyce: The question I have is why they don't need fire sprinklers. Generous: The building code I believe is the number of units on the lot. Joyce: So they're not adding anything? Generous: They're not adding anything. They put the lot line down the common wall between the back to back units. Joyce: Oh, okay. So there's not as many units per lot. Generous: Per individual lot. Joyce: I see. Peterson: Bob, we talk about extending the berm,and also as we talk about extending Highway 5 down the road, is that going to be affected at all? Generous: No. It won't even be close to... Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Peterson: Okay. Other questions? Is the applicant or their designee wish to address the Planning Commission? Don Patton: Yes. My name is Don Patton with D.R. Horton. We appreciate the staff's support on this. Just a word of clarification. It is really more of a square footage rather than number of units in doing this, and by putting a, I don't know what, 2 or 3 hour wall between this, but it creates a separate entity so it is an accepted method of dividing it. The other reason that this is important, one of the State Statutes in setting up townhouses and condominiums, there are different laws and regulations so the 2nd Addition had I think it was 15 townhouses and 82 condominiums in it so this is also a way of clarifying those association documents. Were there any other questions for me? Peterson: Questions? Don Patton: Thanks very much. Peterson: Thank you. This item is open for a public hearing. May I have a motion to open it so and a second please? Joyce moved, Blackowiak seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission, please come forward and state your name and address please. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close and a second, the public hearing please. Joyce moved, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Kevin, any thoughts? Joyce: Ah no. It looks pretty straight forward. I don't see any problems with it. Sidney: No problem. I'm happy to go along with the staff report. Blackowiak: No comments. Peterson: I have no comments either. With that,may I have a motion and a second please. Sidney: I'll make the motion. The Planning Commission recommends approval of PUD #93-5 for Autumn Ridge 3`d Addition to replat Lots 1 through 9, 16 and 17, Block 1,Autumn Ridge 2nd Addition into 21 lots as shown on the plans prepared by Brandt Engineering and Surveying dated July 18, 1997, subject to the following conditions 1 through 4. Joyce: And I'll second that. 2 Planning Commission Meeting-August 20, 1997 Sidney moved,Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of PUD #93-5 for Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition to replat Lots 1 through 9, 16 and 17, Block 1, Autumn Ridge 2"d Addition into 21 lots as shown on the plans prepared by Brandt Engineering and Surveying dated July 18, 1997, subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed extension of the berming along Galpin Boulevard eliminates one tree. This tree shall be replaced by two conifers with a minimum height of seven feet. 2. The developer shall execute an addendum to the development contract for the Second Addition to incorporate the Third Addition. 3. The applicant shall provide a copy of the final soils report for the subdivision as well as a copy of the final grading plan for the entire subdivision prior to issuance of any building permits. 4. The building designer should meet with the Inspections Division review staff to discuss design and permit requirements before finalizing building plans. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: AMEND A CONDITION OF THE INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A 32 SQ. FT. MONUMENT SIGN AND AN 8 SQ. FT. VARIANCE FROM THE 24 SQ. FT. MONUMENT SIGN REQUIREMENT, 850 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE, DICK HENNING. Cynthia Kirchoff presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Questions of staff? Blackowiak: Sure, I have one question. There's a statement in here talking about the interim use Terminating one year after the availability of water and sewer. When is that estimated termination date? Aanenson: That's something that will be discussed as part of the comprehensive plan update. The staging of sewer and water improvements. This area will probably be the last area to be brought in as far as sewer and water. If you looked at the consultants growth strategy, 2020. Our city will probably be developed by then. So it could be 10-15 years out. Blackowiak: Okay, so then it still would be considered an interim use even though it's 10 to 15 years? Aanenson: Correct. Yeah. 3 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Blackowiak: That's it. Joyce: Kate can we, when we make this motion...? Aanenson: That's what the City Attorney advised. Sidney: What are the actual dimensions of... Kirchoff: The site plan that was submitted, I think was a general sign. If it is approved, I believe he said it would be 8 x 4. Peterson: Part of the frustration that I have is, is the additional 8 square feet going to substantially change, I mean we're going through a lot of process here for 3 square feet and is it truly personal opinion of the applicant and then it goes into you know staff's opinion. Is it big enough? Is it not big enough? Where do we draw the line? Is it 1 square feet? Kate, you know where I'm going with this. It's just a matter of, we get these things and we're bending a lot. My preference is to not bend. But this is the way it is and this is the code and why vary. Kirchoff: Staff felt that since it was an interim use and it was on a major highway, 212, that the applicant, you know stated that people are passing him by and missing the turn so that he felt the additional 8 square feet would be worthwhile, would be the worth the process to go through. Aanenson: And as Cindy indicated, because it will be eventually some higher,better use that will support it... There was an existing sign with the original application... I guess like Cindy said, because it will eventually be something else in the future. Peterson: 1 think it's just putting you guys in a difficult spot. You make a variance for this, because you always, somebody will always have a reason. It's just a matter of how legitimate it is. Joyce: And I'd have to echo that just from the fact that, that's not going to be the sign I assume because you already said it can't be the sign...will this is what would have to fit on the sign and it will only do it, it has to be this size. But they're saying, they just want a bigger sign. I can see the discomfort. I assume the applicant's going to show us something. This is what we're looking at here? I'll wait and see. Peterson: Other questions? May I have a motion and a second to open it to public hearing. Excuse me. Moving right along, does the applicant or their designee wish to present their comments to the Planning Commission? If so,please come forward. Applicant's Representative: ...to be perfectly honest with you, I thought we just wanted a sign. I didn't realize that the 8 square feet was, we just need something that says on there that our location is 850 Flying Cloud because at the moment there's no way to know that. People pass us by constantly. They have no idea what our address is or who we are. 4 Planning Commission Meeting-August 20, 1997 Peterson: Could you state your name and address please just for the record. Applicant's Representative: My home address? 21051 Elkview Circle, Richmond, Minnesota. Peterson: Thanks. Any other questions for her before she? Thank you. Applicant's Representative: Okay. Peterson: This is a public hearing. May I have a motion and a second to open to the same please. Blackowiak moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission,please come forward. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the public hearing and a second please. Blackowiak moved, Sidney seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Thoughts from commissioners. Alison. Blackowiak: You can look at this two ways. It's only 8 square feet, which is not a lot of space. But by the same token, it's going to be there for a long time. Even though it's interim use, we're talking, if we talk 2020 plus a year, we're talking 25 years that this sign is going to be there and I don't think that, in my mind that's not interim use. Interim use is maybe under a year or something. That to me is an interim. I don't know. I don't know if I'm really comfortable going forward with this increased size because it is going to be there and I think that the applicant really feels strongly that they need a sign that's going to be larger and to attract customers, that they need to come back before the Planning Commission with a definite sign plan and let us see something a little more concrete before we can,before I feel comfortable actually going forward and approving something. Peterson: Thank you. LuAnn. Sidney: I feel somewhat uncomfortable about this. Maybe not so much from the standpoint of the size of the sign but I felt like I didn't have enough information, really in the packet here to make any decision and I had questions about the height, the materials, the base. You know materials. Is it going to be aluminum? Is it going to be wood? What is, you know what is the sign going to be like and I did not feel comfortable with the information that we have tonight. It just is too sketchy. I'd like to see more. Joyce: I feel, we've had variances like this in front of us before where we've turned them down and they've been a lot more comprehensive as far as materials and exactly what's going to be on the sign. And right now as we speak we don't even know what the sign's going to say on it. So 5 Planning Commission Meeting - August 20, 1997 if it's not that important for them to show us what's going to be on that sign for that additional 8 feet, it's not that important for me to clear the variance. I'm opposed to it. Peterson: Okay. My thoughts are probably the same. I don't think there's a compelling reason to grant the variance. Enough said. With that, may I have a motion and a second please. Blackowiak: Okay. I move that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the amendment of Interim Use Permit#96-2 for an 8 square foot variance from the 24 square foot requirement for the construction of a 32 square foot monument sign. Do I need to add more or do I, can I let it go? Okay. That's it. Joyce: I will second that. Peterson: Any discussion? Blackowiak moved, Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends denial of an amendment to the Interim Use Permit#96-2 for an 8 square foot variance from the 24 square foot requirement for the construction of a 32 square foot monument sign. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Peterson: Staff, are you comfortable with the direction? Aanenson: Yeah. I think...reasons...materials. What they were looking for, address. Peterson: All right, thank you. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT ENCROACHMENTS ON SETBACKS THAT HAVE BEEN GRANTED FOR VARIANCES. Cynthia Kirchoff presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Questions of staff. Joyce: The second part of that, no further encroachments are allowed. Is that going to be in there also? Aanenson: Right. It's in Section 20-908. Under 5. We put that in bold. Joyce: Yeah. I got. Just the one sentence then right? Aanenson: Yeah. Joyce: Okay. 6 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Kirchoff: The sentence is in bold. Joyce: Oh all right, all right. I'm sorry. I thought you were putting it somewhere else, okay. Sidney: Why wasn't that a separate point? Aanenson: Well there's two different ways to handle it and one would be just to make clarification. Every time that would come up, and every motion to make sure that you say that no other encroachments could occur. Just to make sure it doesn't fall through the cracks and that's not left off in ambiguity. We had another one that came up on Lake Riley where actually...came down. They were allowed to have overhang and in order to make the second story more usable, they actually encroach in the setback so again they were kind of given an extra benefit beyond the variance. And the neighbors felt that they had a freebie on that. So what we're trying to say is if you're getting relief from the ordinance, you shouldn't allow the additional encroachment, or you should ask for that. In this instance, which is a bay window and fireplace... The normal setback line is what we take the measurement from so what happened with the added bay windows and the fireplaces, it seemed like they were getting additional from the ordinance. Plus it may or may not...but that's the way the ordinance... Sidney: ...tack on variances at the top... Aanenson: Well actually I think within the ordinance, she had three or four different approaches to...and we thought that this would probably be the easiest way to, right at the beginning instead of at the end. Or actually the original code I think had three or four different... Instead of putting it at the end we want to make the point in front... And again, we're trying to make it...put in the ordinance too so I mean when...Cindy was to do a variance request, put it in and not have it in an encroachment,just in case it falls...we've got a fallback... Peterson: Okay. Other questions? May I have a motion and a second to open up the public hearing please. Joyce moved, Blackowiak seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Commission please come forward and do so now. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the public hearing and a second please. Joyce moved, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Discussion. LuAnn. Sidney: I really don't have any questions. 7 Planning Commission Meeting-August 20, 1997 Peterson: Alison. Blackowiak: No comments I guess. Peterson: Kevin. Joyce: I'm just impressed how good you guys are. Fill a loophole with just one sentence. Wow. Aanenson: Go Cindy. Peterson: I'm impressed too but enforcing that could be a bigger challenge so with that may I have a motion and a second please. Joyce: I'll make a motion the staff, excuse me, that the Planning Commission approve the ordinance amendment set before us. Is that enough? Blackowiak: Second that. Peterson: Any discussion? Joyce moved, Blackowiak seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Ordinance Amendment to Section 20-908, yard regulations, to prohibit additional encroachment once a variance has been granted as presented by staff. All voted in favor and the motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISCUSSION-NATURAL RESOURCES. Sinclair: Thank you Chairman and commissioners. Reviewing the third section of the comprehensive plan, the natural features chapter, and the good news is that much has been accomplished in this chapter. Possibly more than was anticipated at the time it was written. Just from reading it it seems that, it appeared that you know a lot of challenges were based in passing some of them were, and accomplishing some of the goals but many of them were done fairly even. And now the challenge is to create a comprehensive...for the protection and enhancement of the natural resources of Chanhassen. Some of the things that staff decided that the tree cover section of the chapter could be expanded. Since we have adopted a tree preservation ordinance, we have done an inventory. There's been many issues that have come up with development that have also expanded our wisdom and knowledge of tree preservation and enhancement within the City. The wildlife section also hasn't been addressed that much. Wildlife doesn't become an issue too often, but I think it is important that we do consider identifying areas that do have good habitat and wildlife. Since they are a valuable and important component of the big environmental picture of Chanhassen. So now I think we've, the City's become more sophisticated in it's environmental awareness and this entire section could be updated and try to look to the future to find the next challenges for the next century. Phil has the water stuff. 8 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Elkin: Basically my,what I cover, as you know are lakes, wetlands and creek corridors, including the Bluff Creek. Most of the goals set forth in the original plan were met with the 1994 Surface Water Management Plan. The Plan classified, identified all the wetlands, the larger wetlands within the City. Classified them as far as their condition. Ultimate developed conditions were calculated for the city wide in determining the amount of runoff that will be generated. How much we need to store. What kind of treatment we need to provide for this. We also started a lake monitoring program and lake management plans were established through this. Shoreline ordinances were put in place to protect recreational lakes and other water bodies. And the Surface Water Utility was implemented to fund the program. Now we look to where we go from here and what the new goals are for the City in protecting our lakes and natural resources. The lakes still, our target is to continue to look for point source pollutants going into the lake. At the time this report was done, the concern it was, the concern was failing septic systems and businesses that were dumping industrial waste directly into the lake. Now it's gone. We've identified those sources and closed those off. Now we're looking at places where we have storm water pipes bringing untreated storm water directly into the lake. Trying to reduce the amount of sediment. The amount of nutrients that these old storm sewer systems are creating. Another goal is continued public education. We have a number of exotics that have been introduced into the lakes such as Eurasian Water Milfoil is the most famous one that the State, both the City and the State are not really sure how to deal with at this time and there's a lot of controversy on that. We also want to continue our public education on the best way for lakeshore owners, of what they can do to provide water quality, or ensure water quality, or protect water quality and to make it better by changing the way they use the lake and how they landscape their yards. And we're also looking long term at some major restoration projects on lakes such as Lake Susan, Rice Marsh Lake, that have large amount of phosphorous in them and some drastic measure to get these lakes that provide you know water quality of these lakes such as alum treatment and those are quite costly but the long term goal is to get fish back into Lake Susan and into Rice Marsh Lake so it's not a major point of nutrient loading into Lake Riley. And bringing those lakes together helps the chain of lakes and ultimately provides better water quality for Lake Riley. Moving onto wetlands. We have, if you've read the report, the change in the Wetland Conservation Act now have allowed for a provision for individual cities or local governing units to develop their own comprehensive plan. Comprehensive wetland management plan. The requirements for this were met with our Surface Water Management Plan. That we've identified all the wetlands in the city. We've classified them and so we're very close to having our own plan approved by the State of Minnesota. And what this means is that we will no longer need to,we will stand our own. Won't have the State reviewing all our wetland plans. All our,we won't have to go to State for permits and approval on our wetland management. ...when the State stepped in, or the Wetland Conservation Act, they implemented stricter regulations as far as wetlands within the State of Minnesota. Now we are, we can't be any more lenient but if we want we can identify areas that are worth protecting and evoke stronger regulations and impacts to those and restoration requirements. Another goal of the comprehensive wetland plan is, in our Surface Water Management Plan we divide wetlands into four categories. Pristine would be the calcareous fen that are a very important biological resource. Natural wetlands. Wetlands that have not been influenced by development or farming and that are in their natural state. Have a lot of natural habitat. Ag-urban wetlands. Wetlands that have wetland characteristics but have been influenced by the farming or development. And utility ponds that are basically storm water 9 Planning Commission Meeting -August 20, 1997 ponds with new developments. 75%of the wetlands within the city fall into the ag-urban category and the goal we want to work towards now is to evaluate, as a sub-category or a rating system of ag-urban wetlands to see which ones are affordable. Which ones are in good condition and which ones are in poor conditions and work on goals towards restoration of those wetlands. And finally, this fresh creek corridor. We are still working with the Bluff Creek management plan. Working with the watershed district trying to preserve, get the watershed district to help us acquire land. To do restoration and the erosion that's occurring on the bluffs and to meet our water quantity goals and as far as water quality goals, the protection of the Bluff Creek. Ground water. Finally ground water protection. We are working on a plan, we're required to by 1999 to develop our own ground water protection plan. That is in the works. It's not completed yet but we're hoping to have that by 1999. That concludes mine. If you have any questions. Peterson: Questions of staff. Joyce: I'd just congratulate you on being picked as one of those LGU's for the comprehensive wetland plan. I think that's great. Would you be responsible then for that? Is it just the planning? Elkin: We have a plan. Basically what we have to have now is public hearings and go through the process of notifying the various state agencies that work...plan and have hearing dates and a line of goals. We've been working with the Board of Water and Soil Resources and following the guidelines of the law to make sure that we're meeting all the goals set out. We're meeting all the requirements set out by law. Joyce: If this is approved, then Phil would you be the one that would handle all the requests that come in from the contractors or whoever...? Elkin: Right, yeah. That's pretty much the same. It would operate the same way as now but right now I have to still notify the Department of Natural Resources, Board of Soil and Water Resources, Army Corps and get their comments on it, and if they say, I mean they can tell me that okay this restoration plan is not good enough. We want .5 more acres, but they won't, it's like...they'll just get our notice but they won't require any more... Joyce: Oh, so it sounds like it's good the other way around too where it's just that you know we're going to, you know. Elkin: Right, and what it allows us to do is be,you know if we had, unfortunately some of the short comings I see are wetlands that we have within the city. Villages on the Pond is a good example of that. Have just formed through activity, you know farming activities, the road activities, back when they didn't care about that and they're low quality wetlands. They're located in such locations that there will never be, you know the unrestorable. They're just going to stay low quality wetlands and it makes us, or you know we have to mitigate that regardless. I mean how low quality so we still have to treat those where, I think a more reasonable approach is we identify the high quality wetland. Increase protection around those. You know do the mitigation there. Replace any wetland, we're taking the low quality 1 to 1 but not go to the 10 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 extreme measure of protecting and preserving the low quality wetlands just because they're there. So it could be better but yeah, I'm happy. We're moving in the right direction. Joyce: So good. Peterson: As we talk about informing the public, in many ways it's not that dissimilar to trying to inform the public about recycling. Maintaining water quality. Do you have a plan developed to begin that process of information and try to get that paradyne shift started? Elkin: I've started a lakeshore journal for, that would go to riparian homeowners. People who live on the lake to specifically talk about the condition of the lake. It's information that, you know recycle but just trying to beat home that this is your,the City is doing this but you also have a responsibility for, you know because you live on the lake,to work towards water quality. We're trying, you try to get away from Kentucky Bluegrass lawn all the way and then 50 feet of sand and then a huge boat dock, huge boat house. We're trying to provide some sort of buffer before the lake and reduce the amount of sand. You know you get people think well, do you really need sand from one property corner to property corner. Are you using that, you replace it you know every 5 years because it goes, when you replace it it's because the sand is now in the bottom of the lake. And just keep beating that home. I think that's, and continue our efforts in being visible and working with the homeowners associations on doing projects related to the lake. Trying to improve water quality. Because if they, you know if lakeshore owners don't see the City doing anything, they're not going to do anything. And hopefully we get one neighbor to do it and they'll... Joyce: Some way of putting a reward system in there which, lowering property taxes comes to mind. Peterson: Give them sign variances or something. Joyce: But I mean that's,you know that's how the recycling thing did it. You know there is a bit of a reward for recycling. You don't have as much trash out there and they don't need, yeah. Sinclair: Additionally, Chanhassen is part of a University of Minnesota research project. They'll also be doing work on this subject as well. Teaching homeowners how to landscape their yard. ...to use to reduce pollution in their runoff to storm sewers, to wetlands in their back yards, any of that. And out of that project they will set them up with outreach educational materials for cities like Chanhassen and you know throughout the metro area to give to the residents so we'll have help...as well for this education perspective. Peterson: You also mentioned that we now have the ability to become more restrictive than the State. Are there any immediate plans to do that or is that something that we're going to? Elkin: No. I would first...getting a plan and I would work up,talk to people. Find some proposals before it would be reasonable. You know what would be acceptable. 11 Planning Commission Meeting -August 20, 1997 Peterson: I mean the Bluff Creek area would be probably. Elkin: The Bluff Creek, the fen. Any of the remaining natural wetlands would be candidates for increasing the buffer zone but again the Bluff Creek plan you know has got all these things overlapping...Walnut Grove. How could I forget? Little House on the Prairie. The Walnut Grove development, getting our setbacks from the creek increased and so we're working that development. You know we're working that way. We've got several different flows so, I don't know. It would have to be, it'd just have to be very cautious on how we, first thing may be require further classifying the wetlands. Defining the highest as high quality and a rating system. I really haven't even thought about how to go about it. I mean thought that much about it. Peterson: And clearly now would be the time to do that versus having a developer come in thinking that he's operating, that they're operating under certain restrictions and then all of a sudden we just change our minds and we want higher setbacks. Elkin: Right, right. No, that's. We're running into the same thing with Bluff Creek. Development along the creek. We're letting them know about, they'll ask what are the setbacks and we'll tell them...Yeah, there's a lot of public education to go along with it. Peterson: Other questions or comments? Nice job. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Sidney noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 6, 1997 as presented. ONGOING ITEMS: Aanenson: I just wanted to let you know, on your meeting on the, City Council meeting last week. Halla was the request for entry, kind of portico was tabled until he gets into compliance with some of the issues of the stipulation agreement. That has been done to date as far as there was illegal signs there. The Villages, Building No. 17...materials there. That's going to play into our discussion as far as what's on the next Planning Commission agenda which I'll talk about in a minute. And they also approved the final plat for Highover which is Jerome Carlson's plat on TH 41. Tying back to the Villages Building No. 17 which is the office building. The most southerly office building. There was some concern about the use and the material selected in that. On the September 3`d meeting the Famous Dave's is coming forward. Peterson: Go back to, what were some of the. Aanenson: Stucco. Whether or not stucco was, the amount of stucco and that cut face block. There was a problem with that. Peterson: It was felt it was too contemporary? Aanenson: No. That maybe it should have been more brick. More brick in the building. As a matter of fact the council did recommend approval of the building with brick instead of the cut 12 Planning Commission Meeting-August 20, 1997 face block on the bottom. The Famous Dave's which will be coming on the September 3`d meeting to date, it doesn't meet what we believe is kind of the vernacular of the European kind of design. It tends to be more Western flavor so it may not be on the 3rd agenda if we can't, or if it goes forward the way it is, we won't be recommending approval so...on that. And the Valley Sales will be on for the September 31d meeting and then also Villages. That Building No. 4 which will be a retail building. Famous Dave's and Building No. 4 will both be up ending. The east corner of that project. Up adjacent to Highway 5 and Great Plains. And then just a reminder in our first meeting in October, we'll have a work session and I'm planning on having Roger Knutson, the City Attorney come to that one and just talk about some issues there. OPEN DISCUSSION: Peterson: We have a guest this evening. Maybe have some open discussion. Mayor Mancino: ...to talk to see if you have any questions...I don't know just a few comments. We're going to be going to the budgeting...resume this fall. Of course I think October is winter but anyway. In our work sessions we do every other Wednesday and so we'll be doing that for the next 2 or 3 months. Looking at different departments and trying to lower our... What have we been doing? Thank you for the work on the Villages on the Pond. The last office building that Kate was referring to as far as your comments on outside area. Aanenson: A plaza. The street plaza. Mayor Mancino: The plaza, yeah. It's going to be on main street and what is their? Aanenson: Actually that is Main Street. The main. Mayor Mancino: That's what they're going to call it? Aanenson: You didn't get to see that but it was your recommendation that and it turned out very nice. Some street furniture and some nice landscaping to really warm up that entry. It turned out. Mayor Mancino: Good. What else have we? Any other questions that you had things we looked at from the Planning Commission? Questions about. Joyce: It's been a slow summer. Peterson: It's been a real slow summer. Mayor Mancino: It doesn't feel like it. Peterson: Where are you at with, I really don't think we have anything specific... 13 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Mayor Mancino: We are kind of doing, certainly not at the level that you are, talking about and going out and visiting the southern part of, as far as how to bring in the MUSA line and some sort of a, somewhat of a schedule. Timing schedule and looking at it and what that means as far as water, sewer and financially how that will impact the city. Because we have had some people ask about that. Bring sewer and water from Chaska or from Eden Prairie, etc. And kind of...all getting our development down in the south and so we are as a Council, we've gone out and we're discussing that more conceptually, philosophically,the details. What else are some of the things we've done lately? We heard a presentation from the several volunteers that are on the library board in Chanhassen feeling that our present library needs to be expanded. We're a growing community. And we'll be talking about that or setting up a task force or whatever. What else has come up lately in our work sessions... The no wake ordinance. Phillip...a wake ordinance for us to look at. We've had many phone calls from people who live on Lotus Lake and Lake Riley, Minnewashta, concerned about the shoreland, the erosion problems. So we are developing an ordinance about that so we can get to it right away when we are having rains like this year. Have some sort of policy to follow. And how we enforce it is the other problem. It seems like it's been very, very busy. Peterson: Where are you at with the strategic plan as it's defined or as it will be defined? Mayor Mancino: Well strategically what we're trying to do with our work sessions and the City Manager, Don Ashworth and I are trying to do it so that our work sessions are now made up of half the work session is doing things more strategically, from a strategic standpoint. And yet we still work on issues, things that come along and so that's why we're looking at this lying more strategically...different standpoint. From the fiscal, financial standpoint. Sewer and water. Bringing it in. We still have some questions about where to build the homes and where that goes into the southern part of the city. So...all sorts of things. Peterson: Well we appreciate the feedback. Joyce: Yeah, that's nice. Aanenson: I had one other item, I'm sorry. We have advertised for a planning commission vacancy. Haven't had any submittals yet. A couple of inquiries. Peterson: Consider doing a referral fee or something. Mayor Mancino: Auto dealership,just to take one second. We have had a lot of phone calls. Not a lot of letters...have had two or three and I did suggest to people to write letters versus just calling. You know putting things down and thoughts... It is also, and I'm sure that you're getting them too, it's just sitting and taking time and explaining to the process because everybody's confused about the process and it's almost like, now did we invite these people to apply and how the process happens and etc. And making sure that they know that there is a staff report for them to read prior to coming to the Planning Commission, etc. So I can tell you. 14 Planning Commission Meeting- August 20, 1997 Joyce: I was going to say,before the neighborhood meeting, get a couple phone calls, they think that's the meeting. Their meeting, not ours. Aanenson: Yeah, we have a neighborhood meeting set up. That will be going out August 276 . Blackowiak: Is that Valley Sales holding that list as well? Aanenson: Yes. Yes. Yeah. That's all the information I have. I'm sure they'll be sending letters out again. Mayor Mancino: And it is. Aanenson: Wednesday. An off Wednesday. Mayor Mancino: As you know, it's really helpful as far as I'm concerned, to attend...I mean you get what everyone says there and I also think on both the applicant and the neighbors knowing that...as elected or appointed officials or...that means a lot to them. Peterson: Thanks again. Mayor Mancino: Thank you. Aanenson: That's all I had. Peterson: Cool. How about a motion and a second to adjourn? Joyce moved, Sidney seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 15