08-6-97 Agenda and Packet FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1997 AT 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER NEW BUSINESS 1. *Item Deleted(scheduled for September meeting). PUBLIC HEARINGS 2_ Site Plan Review for a 22,500 sq. ft. office warehouse building on property zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park, and located on Lot 7, Block 1, Park One Third Addition (7580 Quattro Drive), at the northwest corner of Quattro Drive and 184th Avenue West (Dell Road), Peripheral Technology, Eden Trace Corporation. 3. Sign Plan Review request for a pylon, monument and wall sign located at northeast corner of Hwy. 101 and Hwy.212, Paws, Claws and Hooves Pet Boarding. OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m.as outlined in official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If,however,this does not appear to be possible,the Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting. Item Deleted 1. Bluff Creek Overlay District- Discussion. C I TY O F PC DATE: 8/6/1997 CUM7HA EI CC DATE: 8/25/97 C• ASE #: 97-10 Site Plan By: Al-Jaff/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Site Plan Review for a 22,500 Square Foot Office and Warehouse Facility LOCATION: Lot 7, Block 1, Park One 3rd Addition - 7580 Quattro Drive APPLICANT: Eden Trace Corporation Steven Hall 14500 Martin Drive 7625 Golden Triangle Drive le Suite 2000 Suite T Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612)975-9452 • PRESENT ZONING: IOP, Industrial Office Park ACREAGE: 1.78 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N-Residential- City of Eden Prairie and Railroad Tracks S - IOP, Ver-Sa-Til E-IOP,Residential-City of Eden Prairie and Dell Road W-IOP, Office Industrial Building WATER AND SEWER: Available to the site. PHYSICAL CHARACTER.: Vacant 1.78 acres. In 1992, the site was graded to prepare it for 1J future development. A berm extends along the northerly edge of the site containing mature trees. A 20 foot conservation easement extends on the northerly portion of the site. 2000 LAND USE PLAN: Industrial -L- IIh, LU ErrIRCi* VirliaLPk 2 71 inaass v 14.8&-: 7400 o 7 itc:-,74 ..- ., 11111111 '. 0 0 w 4\41W31011o11o11l1 00 a0003 c1-o1 7500 al ri /*010,1e4 LI lIki MI k l'IPT• 7600 !Mill-fill NV . ms;--Iftiv . 17rrim ii › ;•• iikr ). ' v.° ,,,,,,, All ., ,.... .... Immo letv!...4 as Mum lloprvAnt • • cy o• •! 1 - - - —g ::I1P1 MOM 14' $ . :14,""fr- 1.- -I-' 1.11E-' ' 11, s% *....• - IMM1111111 11111 11111110K • .. , NM _c " 77th St : _Th7700 t*: -11-i 1 FL_HIE, IF!! Erull OK #0•000,0•0 ) F- < , 3 11,,,-tg 1 En iiim p,'- 4 mu cos'15 inn iiiry , vo-N.I........---In: Yffi"..vi ' r 7800 ' -- ;cif---- --- -,-- — ---- • - • -•- - r 0-- ..--"' - --- --'''''' --7--- --- I--------;,1 Lake° --. ...:_ri"Ve E. g I ce 1 C.hanhassen _ --- 7900 r, 1c, PIilk-- 'T Estates . Mini Park TD.) I1i . •._ ,- 't 8000 cc.- NI :-an • ire iiiik -- - - - ----* - ' e'0 At,* 11.1 rim wigfinsit Dr. „kw:. 4,, h..4 alleir, w.Alli i - ta— us zip,pea_se, , A.1 gir ta roil.. 141v i /ARM As Yr v.. n•011, alo taik, i 8100 1 irfA: ./.., 2 , on ... 4L. , 'faikv4p'Al& ;Nal 1114* CA ',sop--,-• „, . :, ...t.;;:ws,0017 Apo eke . . . a irmt ow Gli ill. 8200 7•1 iti v•-;,!' 3 _ WAllp.'0117 • ., ...j 8300 i-i 1 J2ice Mar-h Lake P rk , Rice I 8400 4 A' arsh Lake /Awl Eli • i -,.: 8500 1. _4144 03 in_ ko mil izu - c ' c ,i7Z>.71-4, II MAI „,... CO • CD 8600 antiliii IIVP . 6.- 15 ° .......".... .....'"... o 8700 io '.0 ' ----- ., log0 - ...........--!•"' 1 •"• Z. 8800 e itlIev 1,49/ of 8900 1 ' itirl ..----------- --,. _J• Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval to construct a 22,500 square foot office/warehouse facility on Lot 7, Block 1, Park One 3rd Addition. Peripheral Technology is a computer operation that deals with software packages. It is a clean operation, does not require large trucks, and does not have late night shifts. The site is zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park, and bordered by railroad tracks and a residential development located in Eden Prairie to the north, an industrial building to the west and south, and Dell Road to the east. The lot area of the office/warehouse site is 1.78 acres. The site has full access from Quattro Drive. The site is a corner lot on Quattro Drive and Dell Road. The site plan for Peripheral Technology is well developed. The building is proposed to utilize rock face concrete masonry units on all four sides accented by columns, windows, a pronounced entrance and decorative inserts. The building is capped by a smooth face concrete masonry. The overall design provides variation and detail on the facade of the building with the exception of the north and west elevations. The north elevation will be screened by existing vegetation and berm. The west elevation contains three windows only. Staff is recommending additional windows be added to break the long stretch of the wall. Parking for vehicles is located along the east portion (front yard) of the site and the truck loading area is located along the northeast end of the building. The parking lot will be screened from views since the applicant intends to preserve existing vegetation, as well as add trees and shrubs along west and southwest portion of the site. The overall landscape plan is of good quality. However, certain areas are lacking, such as the westerly portion of the site. The applicant could use a variety of trees and bushes for additional screening. A meandering berm of 3 to 4 feet in height runs along the western elevation. The south edge of the site contains slopes as well as a naturally wooded area. This portion will remain undisturbed. Mature trees protected by a 20 foot wide preservation easement exist to the north of the site and therefore, additional landscaping in that area is not required. Trash storage plans have not been shown. The applicant must submit plans for staff review and approval. Public utilities are available to the site from Quattro Drive. The proposed building meets the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the image of the industrial park and meets the standards established in the ordinance. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan, without variances, with conditions outlined in the staff report. Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 3 BACKGROUND In 1992, the City Council approved an Interim Use Permit to allow the grading of Lot 7, Block 1, Park One 3rd Addition, to make it compatible with its intended industrial use. The area which was graded was in the center of the parcel and had no vegetation. The area containing trees on this site is located along the north, south and east portions of the site. Grading for a driveway impacted some trees along the south edge of the site, however, the applicant preserved the majority of the trees on the site. As a part of the grading plan,the applicant built a paved driveway into the site. SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE The site is located to the north of Quattro Drive and west of Dell Road. The site plan is fairly straight forward. Access is gained from Quattro Drive. Parking will be located to the east of the site. The truck loading area will be located to the northeast of the building. The truck loading area is completely screened from off-site views by the existing berm and mature trees to the north and northeast. Building architecture meets the site plan ordinance requirements. The main material used for the exterior facade is rock faced concrete with a single score that will be used to accent the building. The west elevation is lacking in architectural interest. Staff is recommending the applicant add windows as well as landscaping along the west edge of the site. Rooftop equipment is not shown on the plans. All units shall be painted with a color matching the roof color, rather than using fencing for screening. Staff feels that this is an acceptable proposal. The rooftop equipment will not be seen from Quattro Drive due to the berm to the south of the property nor will it be visible from the north due to the elevation of the site and the existence of mature trees which form a barrier between the residential area located in the City of Eden Prairie and the subject site. The applicant has not shown where the trash enclosure will be located. The trash enclosures should be shown on the site plan and must be screened. SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 4 general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets,width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, and the site plan review requirements. The site design is compatible with the surrounding development. It is functional and harmonious with the approved development for this area. PARKING/INTERNAL CIRCULATION Parking requirements for the office portion of the building is 4.5 parking stalls per 1000 square feet which amounts to 36 parking stalls. The warehouse and shipping area have a total area of 14,500 square feet which translates to 14 parking stalls as the ordinance requires 1 parking stall per 1000 Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 5 square feet. The total required parking stalls required is 50. The applicant is proposing 50 parking stalls which meets the minimum requirements of the ordinance. PARKING TABLE USE AREA PARKING TOTAL Office 8,000 s.f. 4.5 stall/1000 s.f. 36 Warehouse/ 14,500 s.f. 1 stall/1,000 s.f. 14 shipping Required total 50 stalls Provided total 50 stalls Based on this analysis, staff concludes that parking requirements have been satisfied. There is one minor change to the layout of the parking lot being requested. A maneuvering area to the north of the proposed parking lot must be provided to allow vehicles adequate space to back out of the stalls located at the far north side of the parking lot. Accessible parking. The building code requires two, eight foot wide, accessible parking stalls when 50 stalls are provided. An access aisle must be provided for each stall. Accessible stalls may share an access aisle. A shared access aisle must be eight feet wide and signed "access aisle, no parking." A curb ramp or ramps complying with CAB/ANSI 117.1 - 1992 must also be provided. The ramp may be at the access aisle, but may not encroach into the required aisle space. An accessible route must be provided to all accessible entrances on multi-tenant buildings. The site plan should be revised to reflect these requirements. STREETS The plans propose one access point onto Quattro Drive. The access leads to the parking lot which has a width of 26 feet. The driveway access onto Quattro Drive shall be constructed with an industrial driveway apron in accordance with City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plate No. 5207 (attached). The minimum radii shall be 20 feet for the drive access. LANDSCAPING Existing trees and vegetation cover 44% of the site. Of this, only approximately 16% of the trees will be preserved after grading. City ordinance requires at least 20%of the trees be saved. The 4% difference equates to 2 trees that will be required as replacement plantings. The concentration of trees are along the south, north, northeast and southeast perimeter of the site. Along the northern boundary there is an easement within which the applicant is not allowed to remove trees. Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 6 According to the grading plan, this restriction is not being followed. Staff recommends the 20 foot wide easement be measured and fenced off with tree protection fencing before any grading commences. The same recommendation for fencing applies to the entire site; all areas of preserved trees must be fenced before grading can begin. Parking lot landscape requirements include a minimum of 1,160 sq. ft. of landscape area and 5 trees. The applicant has met this requirement. Screening of the loading dock and parking lot will be accomplished by the existing vegetation, difference in grades between site and adjacent streets, and proposed landscaping. Staff recommends the applicant amend the landscaping plan to include an oak rather than a river birch in order to complement the existing vegetation. Financial guarantees for landscaping and other site improvements are required. LIGHTING Lighting locations are not illustrated on the plan. Only shielded fixtures are allowed and the applicant must demonstrate that there is no more than 0.5 foot candles of light at the property line. SIGNAGE The applicant has submitted a signage plan. One ground low profile business sign is permitted per lot. The area of the sign may not exceed 80 square feet and a height of 8 feet. The applicant is showing a 6 foot tall sign with an area of 55 square feet. Also,one wall mounted sign shall be permitted per street frontage. The total display area shall not exceed 15% of the total area of the building wall upon which the signs are mounted. No sign may exceed 90 square feet. The applicant is showing a wall mounted sign of 12 square feet. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. One stop sign must be posted on the driveway at the exit point of the site. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a building permit. COMPLIANCE TABLE - IOP DISTRICT Ordinance Peripheral Technology Building Height 4 stories 1 story Building Setback N-10' E-30' N-30' E-65' S-30' W-10' S-55' W-10' Parking stalls 50 stalls 50 stalls Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 7 Parking Setback N-0' E-10'* N-30' E-10'* S-25' W-0' S-NA W-120' Hard surface 70% 60% Coverage Lot Area 1 acre 1.78 acres The ordinance states that Parking setbacks along public rights-of-way may be reduced to a minimum of ten (10)feet if the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city that one-hundred-percent screening is provided at least five (5)feet above the adjacent parking lot. The intent of this section is that the city is willing to trade a reduced setback for additional landscaping that is both an effective screen and of high quality aesthetically. Acceptable screening is to be comprised of berming and landscaping. Screening through the use of fencing is not permitted. The elevation of Dell Road is 10 feet lower than the elevation of the subject site. Also, the applicant is preserving the natural vegetation along the westerly portion which will block views of vehicles. We believe this plan qualifies for a reduced 10 foot parking setback along Dell Road. We also believe that the parking lot will not be seen from Dell Road. GRADING/DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL The existing site generally sheet drains to the south onto Quattro Drive and to the east onto Dell Road_ The proposed storm sewer system will connect into the City's existing storm sewer system at Quattro Drive. The City's storm sewer will carry the stormwater to a regional stormwater pond for pretreatment prior to discharging downstream. Storm drainage calculations for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan proposes to utilize retaining walls along the north parking lot and southeast corner of the building to minimize site grading and preserve existing trees. Along the northwest side of the parking area, a retaining wall in excess of four feet is proposed. The height of the retaining walls along the southeast corner of the building need to be shown. All walls in excess of four feet in height will need to be engineered and the appropriate permits and inspections shall be obtained from the City's Building Inspections Department. Additional erosion control silt fence should be provided on both sides of the driveway after initial construction of the driveway entrance to prevent sediment from being deposited onto Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 8 Quattro Drive. Due to the excavation for the proposed building, erosion control silt fence may also be merited along the westerly property line. It appears that the proposed silt fence running approximately parallel to Dell Road is unnecessary but may be useful in denoting construction limits. All erosion control silt fence shall be Type I as per City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plate No. 5300. Based on the grading plan, it appears that material will be exported off the site to grade for the building pad and parking lot. Haul routes shall be preapproved by the City Engineer prior to any material being exported from the site. Additionally, if material is to be hauled to another site within the city of Chanhassen, a separate grading permit may be required for said site. PUBLIC UTILITIES Both municipal sanitary sewer and water service are available to the site from Quattro Drive. The applicant for the building permit will be responsible for sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 1997 hookup charges for sanitary sewer and water are $1,190 and $1,555, respectively, per unit. The number of units are based on the number of SAC units which is determined by the Metropolitan Council. MISCELLANEOUS Commercial permit requirements. The developers and/or designers should meet with a representative of the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss commercial building permit requirements. Principals should be aware of many of these requirements before the project is bid. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Site Plan Review Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan Request #97-10 for a 22,500 sq. ft. building(Peripheral Technology)as shown on the plans dated July 7, 1997, subject to the following conditions: 1. Plans for trash enclosure and rooftop screening shall be submitted to staff for approval. All roof top equipment shall be screened from views. 2. The applicant shall enter into a Site Plan Agreement. Financial guarantees for landscaping shall be submitted to the City at the time of building permit application. Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 9 3. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan and must demonstrate that there is no more than 0.5 foot candles of light from fixtures at the property line. 4. The applicant shall add windows and landscaping along the west portion of the site. 5. The landscaping plan shall be revised to replace the proposed river birch with an oak tree and replace the proposed crabapple next to the loading dock with an overstory species. 6. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing around all preserved trees before site grading can commence. 7. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of the conservation easement located on the northerly 20 feet of the property. No trees will be allowed to be removed within the easement. 8. Building Official Recommendation: a. Revise the site plan to include required accessible parking, access aisles, curb ramps and accessible route. b. Meet with the Inspections Division for a completed copy of Commercial Building Permit Requirements. 9. Fire Inspector Conditions: a. Please provide hydrants as shown on plan. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.403. b. A 10' clearance space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs,bushes,NSP, US West, Cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. c. No parking fire lane signs and yellow curbing shall be provided. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location of signage and painted curbing. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy #06-1991. d. Install post indicator valve on the water service coming into the building. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location. Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 10 e. When fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to, and during the time of construction. Pursuant to Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.502. f. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992. g. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding maximum allowed size of domestic water service on combination domestic/fire sprinkler line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#36-1994. h. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991. i. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy regarding fire pre-plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#07-1991. j. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Inspections Division Policy regarding water service installation for commercial/industrial buildings. Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy#34-1993. k. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy fire sprinkler systems. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division#40-1995. 1. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on labeling of rated fire walls. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#44-1997. m. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on fire alarms. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#01-1990. n. Locate existing hydrants on Quattro Drive and provide distances to entrance to the proposed building. o. Note on Sheet A 1.2 a tree that is placed next to hydrant. A 10' clear space must be maintained around fire hydrant. Peripheral Technology August 6, 1997 Page 11 p. Note on Sheet A 1.2 a clear space needs to be maintained around the fire department connection. Trees and shrubbery are currently shown in this area. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section 10. 10. The developer shall submit to the City for approval a revised Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan incorporating additional silt fence along the driveway and City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plates for Industrial Driveway (No. 5207), Silt Fence (No. 5300), and Rock Construction Entrance (No. 5301) and additional silt fence parallel to the driveway prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. Storm sewer calculations for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Haul routes shall be preapproved by the City Engineer. 13. Any retaining walls to be constructed in excess of four feet in height must be engineered and appropriate permits and inspections obtained from the City's Building Inspections Department. 14. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will be applied to the building permit. The charges shall be based on the number of SAC units determined by the Metropolitan Council. 15. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a building permit." ATTACHMENTS 1. Memo from Steve Kirchman dated July 28, 1997. 2. Memo from Dave Hempel and Anita Benson,dated July 29, 1997. 3. Memo from Greg Hayes, Fire Inspector, dated July 15, 1997. 4. Application and public notice. 5. Conservation Easement. 6. Plans dated July 7, 1997. 01 CITY OF ioilr CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff,Planner II FROM: Steve A. Kirchman,Building Official • GA( - DATE: July 28, 1997 SUBJECT: 97-10 SPR(Peripheral Technology,Eden Trace Corporation) I was asked to review the site plan proposal stamped "CITY OF CHANHASSEN, RECEIVED, JUL 07 19 9 7, CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT." for the above referenced project. Analysis: Accessible parking. The building code requires two, eight foot wide, accessible parking stalls when 50 stalls are provided. An access aisle must be provided for each stall. Accessible stalls may share an access aisle. A shared access aisle must be eight feet wide and signed"access aisle,no parking."A curb ramp or ramps complying with CABO/ANSI 117.1 - 1992 must also be provided. The ramp may be at the access aisle, but may not encroach into the required aisle space. An accessible route must be provided to all accessible entrances on multi-tenant buildings. The site plan should be revised to reflect these requirements. Commercial permit requirements.The developers and/or designers should meet with a representative of the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss commercial building permit requirements. Principals should be aware of many of these requirements before the project is bid. Recommendations: 1. Revise the site plan to include required accessible parking, access aisles, curb ramps and accessible route. 2. Meet with the Inspections Division for a completed copy of Commercial Building Permit Requirements. g:\safety\sak\memos\plan\PerpTch 1 CITY QF CHANHASSEN ,E 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 011 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner II FROM: David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer A Anita Benson, Project Engineer DATE: July 29, 1997 SUBJ: Site Plan Review for Lot 7, Block 1, Park One 3rd Addition (7580 Quattro Drive) LUR File No. 97-3 GRADING,DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL The existing site generally sheet drains to the south onto Quattro Drive and to the east onto Dell Road. The proposed storm sewer system will connect into the City's existing storm sewer system at Quattro Drive. The City's storm sewer will carry the stormwater to a regional stormwater pond for pretreatment prior to discharging downstream. Storm drainage calculations for a 10- year, 24-hour storm event shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan proposes to utilize retaining walls along the north parking lot and southeast corner of the building to minimize site grading and preserve existing trees. Along the northwest side of the parking area,a retaining wall in excess of four feet is proposed. The height of the retaining walls along the southeast corner of the building need to be shown. All walls in excess of four feet in height will need to be engineered and the appropriate permits and inspections shall be obtained from the City's Building Inspections Department. Additional erosion control silt fence should be provided on both sides of the driveway after initial construction of the driveway entrance to prevent sediment from being deposited onto Quattro Drive. Due to the excavation for the proposed building,erosion control silt fence may also be merited along the westerly property line. It appears that the proposed silt fence running approximately parallel to Dell Road is unnecessary but may be useful in denoting construction limits. All erosion control silt fence shall be Type I as per City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plate No. 5300. Based on the grading plan, it appears that material will be exported off the site to grade for the building pad and parking lot. Haul routes shall be preapproved by the City Engineer prior to any Sharmin Al-Jaff July 29, 1997 Page 2 material being exported from the site. Additionally,if material is to be hauled to another site within the city of Chanhassen, a separate grading permit may be required for said site. UTILITIES Both municipal sanitary sewer and water service are available to the site from Quattro Drive. The applicant for the building permit will be responsible for sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 1997 hookup charges for sanitary sewer and water are $1,190 and $1,555,respectively,per unit. The number of units are based on the number of SAC units which is determined by the Metropolitan Council. STREETS The plan proposes one access point to the site from Quattro Drive. The access driveway and drive aisles are proposed at 26 feet wide as per City Code. The driveway access onto Quattro Drive shall be constructed with an industrial driveway apron in accordance with City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plate No. 5207 (attached). The minimum radii shall be 20 feet for the drive access. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The developer shall submit to the City for approval a revised Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan incorporating additional silt along the driveway and City of Chanhassen Standard Detail Plates for Industrial Driveway (No. 5207), Silt Fence (No. 5300), and Rock Construction Entrance (No. 5301) and additional silt fence parallel the driveway prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. Storm sewer calculations for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. Haul routes shall be preapproved by the City Engineer. 4. Any retaining walls to be constructed in excess of four feet in height must be engineered and appropriate permits and inspections obtained from the City's Building Inspections Department. 5. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges will be applied to the building permit. The charges shall be based on the number of SAC units determined by the Metropolitan Council. 1s c: Charles Folch, Director of Public Works i CITY OF 1 ,. . 001, 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 gtt MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner II , FROM: Greg Hayes, Fire Inspector JA ' DATE: July 15, 1997 SUBJECT: Planning Case 97-10 I have reviewed the site plan review for the above project. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan review is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted,the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. Please provide hydrants as shown on plan. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.403. 2. A 10' clearance space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e.,street lamps,trees, shrubs, bushes,NSP,US West,Cable TV,and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 3. No parking fire lane signs and yellow curbing shall be provided. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location of signage and painted curbing. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#06-1991. 4. Install post indicator valve on the water service coming into the building. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location. 5. When fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to,and during the time of construction. Pursuant to Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.502. 6. Building must comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#29-1992. 7. Please comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding maximum allowed size of domestic water service on combination domestic/fire sprinkler line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#36-1994. 8. Please comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#04-1991. 9. Please comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy regarding fire pre-plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#07-1991. 10.Please comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Inspections Division Policy regarding water service installation for commercial/industrial buildings. Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy#34-1993. 11.Please comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy fire sprinkler systems. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division#40-1995. 12.Please comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on labeling of rated fire walls. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#44-1997. 13.Please comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on fire alarms. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#01-1990. 14.Please locate existing hydrants on Quattro Drive and provide distances to entrance to the proposed building. 15.Please note on Sheet A 1.2 a tree that is placed next to hydrant. A 10' clear space must be maintained around fire hydrant. 16.Please note on Sheet A 1.2 a clear space needs to be maintained around the fire department connection. Trees and shrubbery are currently shown in this area. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section 10. Enclosed are all of the policies noted above. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 937-1900 ext. 262. GH/be g:Lcafety\ghlplrev97-10 CITY QF 041: CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Fire alarm systems shall meet the requirements of NFPA 72 1993 Edition. ?. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. Shop drawings shall included the following. Approval and acceptance must comply with NFPA 72 1993 Edition 1-7.1. a. Connection diagrams. b. Specification data sheets. c. Schedules. for each device. including: location. function. zoning. d. Complete diagrams indicating: devices.components. interconnecting wiring, indicate labeling and descriptions on equipment. e. Floor plans indicating device and component locations. conduit. raceway and cable routes. f. Power connections. including source and branch circuit data. g. Plan layout and details of: fire alarm control panel. fire alarm subpanels transponders. annunciator. 3. Wiring may be either a Class A or Class B Wiring System. (Exception: When a fire alarm system is used to actuate an extinguishing system that protects a special hazard with high value,Class A circuitry will be required.) 4. All components of the system must be L.L. listed for their application. compatible and installed per NFPA 72E. National Electric Code and manufacturer's requirements. 5. Alarm verification is required for all systems using smoke detectors. 6. When Central Station notification is required or otherwise provided. it must be through a L'.L. :isted communicator. or NFPA Listed Control Panel. All Central Stations must be :fisted. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Pre%ention Policy=01-1990 Date: 0:-. 19/90 Revised: 05/09/96 Page 1 of 7. The alarm systems shall be audible above the ambient noise level in all areas of the building. Alarm horns in each unit and all public areas, i.e. party room, pool, laundry rooms. Horns shall be directly connected to the building alarm systems and supervised. 8: The system shall be zoned per Chanhassen Fire Department requirements. 9. A U.L. 71 Certificate is required on the system. The U.L. 71 Certificate shall be current and required for the life of the alarm system and the life of the building. 10. A fully-function annunciator must be provided if the control panel is remotely located. 11. Health care. day care, and assembly occupancy notification must be by chimes, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshal. 13. All systems using standard horns or speakers must be set for temporal time. 13. The Chanhassen Fire Marshal must be contacted for final inspection of the completed job. The inspection will include: a. Test for proper operation of each device. b. Random testing for system trouble. c. Random testing for ground fault trouble. d. Correct operation on battery or standby power. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention / Policy =01-1990 Date: 04/19/90 Revised: 05/09/96 Approved - Public Safer} Director Page 2 of 2 CITY OF :L . . ,...;,,. 0 ,, , , CHANHASSEN . ., �`'� . ' -., . . , 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 T. (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY EXTERIOR LIGHT AND HORN OVER FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLER CONNECTION 1) Exterior Light and Horn for indicating Fire Department Sprinkler Connection shall be: a. Simplex model number Horn - 31T-115-R Light - WH3T-115-FR or b. Wheelock 7004-T c. Notifier 5542862 or equivalent per Fire Department approval. . Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy: #02-1990 Date: 09/04/90 G',�✓t Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 is =Sr PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF s , \-, -,- - :, 4 CHANIIASsrx .., .'0-4 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL SITE PLANS 1. Fire Marshal must witness the flushing of underground sprinkler service line, per NFPA 13-8-2.1. 2. A final inspection by the Fire Marshal before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 3. Fire Department access roads shall be provided on site during all phases of construction. The construction of these temporary roads will conform with the Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for temporary access roads at construction sites. Details are available. 4. Onsite fire hydrants shall be provided and in operating condition during all phases of construction. • 5. The use of liquefied petroleum gas shall be in conformance with NFPA Standard 5S and the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. A list of these requirements is available. (See policy #33-1993) 6. :ill fire detection and fire suppression systems shall be monitored by an approved UL central station with a UL 71 Certificate issued on these systems before final occupancy is issued. 7. An 11" x 14" As Built shall be provided to the Fire Department. The As Built shall be reproducible and acceptable to the Fire Marshal. (See policy #07-1991). 8. An approved lock bot shall be provided on the building for fire department use. The lock box should be located by the Fire Department connection or as located by the Fire Marshal. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 Revised: 12/23/94 Pace 1 of 2 9. High-piled combustible storage shall comply with the requirements of Article#81 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. High-piled combustible storage is combustible materials on closely packed piles more than 15' in height or combustible materials on pallets or in racks more than 12' in height. For certain special-hazard commodities such as rubber tires, plastics, some flammable liquids, idle pallets, etc. the critical pile height may be as low as 6 feet. _ 10. Fire lane signage shall be provided as required by the Fire Marshal. (See policy #06-1991). 11. Smoke detectors installed in lieu of 1 hour rated corridors under UBC section 3305G, Exception#5 shall comply with Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for installation and system type. (See policy #05-1991). 12. Maximum allowed size of domestic water service on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line policy must be followed. (See policy #36-1994). Chanhassen Fire Department • Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 Revised: 12/23/94 Approved - Pu'lic Safety Director Page 2 of 2 f • CITY 0 1 CHANHASSEN' . • .* 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ' (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REOUIREMENTS FOR FIRE LANE SIGNAGE 1 . Signs to be a minimum of 12" x 18" . NO 2 . Red on white is preferred. PARKING FIRE 3 . 3M or equal engineer' s grade LANE reflective sheeting on aluminum is preferred. 4 . Wording shall be: NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5. Signs shall be posted at each end of the fire lane and at least at 7 ' 0" 75 foot intervals along the fire lane. 6. All signs shall be double sided facing the direction of travel. 7. Post shall be set back a minimum of 12" but not more than 36" from the curb. V - 8 . A fire lane shall be required in (NOT TO GRADE front of fire dept. connections SCALE) extending 5 feet on each side and along all areas designated by the Fire Chief. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE ABOVE PROCEDURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, WITH A SITE PLAN, FOR APPROVAL BY THE FIRE CHIEF. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ENSURE CONTINUITY THROUGHOUT THE CITY BY PROVIDING THESE PROCEDURES FOR MARKING OF FIRE LANES. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention / Policy =06-1991 Date: 1/15/91 Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 41rf et sr PRINTED C`RECYCLED PAPER ,„ CITY of vit)/ CHAIIIIASSE N 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY REGARDING PRE-PLAN Prior to issuing the C .O. , a pre-clan, site plan shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval . The following items shall be shown on the plan. 1) Size 11" x 17 " (maximum) 2) Building footprint and building dimensions 3 ) Fire lanes and width of fire lanes 4) Water mains and their sizes, indicate looped or dead end 5) Fire hydrant locations 6) P . I .V. - Fire Department connection 7) Gas meter (shut-off) , NSP (shut off) 8) Lock box location 9) Fire walls, if applicable 10) Roof vents, if applicable 11) Interior walls 12 ) Exterior doors 13)- Location of fire alarm panel 14) Sprinkle,- riser location 15) Exterior L. F. storage, if applicable 16) Hap . Mat . storace, if applicable 17 ) Underground storage tanks locations, if applicable 18) Type of construction walls/roof 19) Standpipes PLEASE NOTE: Plans with topographical information, contour lines, easement lines, property lines, setbacks, right-of-way lines, headings, and other related lines or markings, are not acceptable, and will be rejected . Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy =37-1991 ,'�� Date: C1/16/91 . ' Revised: _ 02/18/94 pp ro e. - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 „, CITY of ,_„,,..„ „v. . . 1 ii . v C IIANHAssrx .. ., .7,.,,...s,„.„.„ ,, ., . ,,,,,,, ,,,,„ A .,. u. :_6 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 - ~;, . (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 - CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY PREMISES IDENTIFICATION General Numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Size and location of numbers shall be approved by one of the following - Public Safety Director, Building Official, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal. Requirements are for new construction and existing buildings where no address numbers are posted. Other Requirements-General 1. Numbers shall be a contrasting color fromthe background. • 2. Numbers shall not be In script 3. If a structure is not visible from the street,additional numbers are required at the driveway entrance. Size - and location must be approved. k 4. Numbers on mall box at driveway entrance may be a minimum of 4". However, requirement 43 must still be met 5. Administrative authority may require additional numbers If deemed necessary. Residential Requirements(2 or less dwelpnq unit) 1. Minimum height shall be 5 1/4". 2 Building permits will not be flnaled unless numbers are posted and approved by the Building Department Commercial Reqtrinemerris 1. Minimum height shall be 12". 2. Strip Malls a. Multi tenant building will have minImum height requirements of 6". b. Address numbers shall be on the main entrance and on all back doors. 3. If address numbers are located on a directory entry sign, additional numbers will be required on the buildings main entrance. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992 r. �`: Z;2111-1_________ Date: 06/15/92 Revised: Approved - Public SaWly Director Page 1 of 1 t 4 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY of CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 •L WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION POLICY FOR COMMERCIAL AND LNDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 1) The Inspections Division shall be responsible for issuance of permits. No permit shall be issued until approval of plans have been obtained from the following: a) Engineering Department b) Fire Marshal c) Minnesota Department of Health d) Plumbing Inspector 2) Plumbing inspectors will do all installation inspections and witness the hydrostatic and conductivity tests. Inspection and Test Requirements a) All pipe shall be inspected before being covered. Phone 937-1900. ext. 31. to schedule inspections. A 24 hour notice is required. b) Conductivity test is required. The pipe shall be subjected to a minimum 350 amp test for a period of not less than 5 minutes. c) Hydrostatic test required. All pipe shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 150 psi for 2 hours. Allowable pressure drop shall not exceed 1 PSI. d) Pipe shall not be run under buildings - NFPA 243-3.1. 3) Upon approval of the hydro test. the plumbing inspector shall submit a copy of the inspection report to the utility superintendent. The inspection report shall note whether the system ready for main flush and drawing of water sample for the bug test. Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy R34-1993 Date: 04/15/93 Revised: 4;17/96 Page 1 of 2 4) Water main flushing shall be witnessed by the utility superintendent. a) Watermain flushing may be scheduled by contacting the utility superintendent at 474-2086. A 48 hour notice is required. b) The utility superintendent shall obtain a water sample for a bacteria test after the main flush and deliver to a testing company. The contractor shall be responsible for testing costs. Allow two weeks for testing results to be returned to the City. c) Upon receiving approval of the water sample test, the utility superintendent shall submit a copy to each plumbing inspector and turn water on to the tested and approved sections of the piping. 5) An additional supervised flush and flow test will be required and witnessed by the Fire Marshal for services supplying fire suppression systems. The flush and flow test shall be performed in accordance with 1991 edition of NFPA 13, Sec. 8- 2.1. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal at 937-1900. ext. 132. 6) Watermain installations shall comply with: a) Minnesota Plumbing Code. Chapter 4715 b) Chanhassen Engineering Department. Watermain Specifications c) National Fire Protection Association. Chapter 24 • 7) Only authorized city employees are permitted to operate city water control valves. For water turn on or off contact the utility- superintendent by phone 474-2086. A 24 hour notice is required. Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy #34-1993 Date: 04.'15/9= Revised: 04/17 96 Approved - Public Safety Director Page 2 of 2 4 W0 CITY of ,, ,,- C HANIIASSEN t- 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY MAXIMUM ALLOWED SIZE OF DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ON A COMBINATION DOMESTIC/FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLY LINE 1. Domestic water line shall not be greater than 1/4 pipe size of the combination service water supply line. 2. 1 1/2"domestic off 6" line. 3. 2"domestic off 8" line. 4. 2 1/2 domestic off 10"line. Option 1: Domestic sizes may be increased if it can be calculated hydraulically that the demand by all domestic fixtures will not drop the fire sprinkler water below its minimum gallonage required. Option 2: Combination domestic and five line service shall have an electric solenoid valve installed on the domestic side of the service. This valve shall be normally powered open and close on loss of electric power or signal from the system water flow indicator. Must be approved by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Mechanical Inspector. Chanhassen Fire Department Water Line Sizing Policy#36-1994 Date: 06/10/94 L L �' >l ,__- Revised: Approved - Public Safety Director Page 1 of 1 CITY of CHANHASSEN690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 1. Permits are required for all sprinkler work. 2. A minimum of four sets of plans are required. Send, or drop off plans and specifications and calculations to: Mark Littfin.Fire Marshal City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen.MN 55317 3. Yard post indicators are required and must have tamper protection. 4. All control values must be provided with tamper protection. 5. All systems tests must be witnessed by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal. Appointments can be made by calling the Fire Marshal at 937-1900, ext. 132, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Monday through Friday. Please try to arrange tests at least 24 hours in advance. All revisions of 25 heads or more will require a test. 6. Main drains& inspector test connections must be piped to the outside atmosphere. 7. \Vater m:iv not be introduced into sprinkler piping from the City main until the Fire Marshal witnesses a flush test per NFP: 13-8-2.1. S. The City of Chanhassen has adopted Appendix E (see 1305.6905 appendix chapter 3S of the MBC). Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Policy 440-1995 Date: 01/12/95 Revised: 03/12/97 Page 1 of 2 9. All systems must be designed to NFPA-13, 1991 edition and Chapter 6 Standards. All attic systems are to be spaced at a maximum 130 square foot coverage. 3/4" plastic piping will not be allowed at any time in attic space. 10. All equipment installed in a fire protection system shall be UL listed or factory mutual approved for fire protection service. 11. Fire, protection systems that are hydraulically calculated shall have a 5 psi safety factor at maximum system flow. 12. Acceptable water supplies for fire sprinkler systems are listed in NFPA-13, 1991 ed., Chapter 7. Swimming pools and ponds are not acceptable primary water supplies. 13. Pressure and gravity tanks shall be sized per the requirements contained in NFPA-13 and 22. Duration of the water supply shall match the hazard classification of the occupancy. 14. Include spec sheets for fire sprinkler heads-dry pipe/pre-actionvalving. 13. The definition of inspection is contained in MN Rule 7512.0100 Subpart 10, and states that inspection means: 1. Conducting a final acceptance test. 2. Trip test of dry pipe,deluge or preaction valves. 3. A test that an authority having jurisdiction requires to•be conducted under the supervision of a contractor. Only licensed fire protection contractors are permitted to conduct these tests. 4. All other inspections including the inspectors test, main drain and other valves are permitted under`vIN Rule 7512.0400 Subpart-2G,as maintenance activities and do not require a license as a fire protection contractor. 16. Per Section 904.3.2.and the 1994 Uniform Building Code, an approved audible sprinkler flow alarm to alert the occupants shall be provided in the interior of the building in a normally occupied location. (Location must be approved by the Chanhassen Fire Marshal). 17. In existing systems,the following shall apply: 1. If any chances in the hydraulically most demanding area, or an addition of 20 or more heads,hydraulic calculations will need to be provided. 2. If an addition or change of 20 or more heads to a system, a test will need to be completed. Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Policy x-10-199: 0 , Date: 01/12/95 Revised: 03/12.97 Approved-Public Saty Director Page: 2 of 2 COANHASSEN FIRE DEPT. CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 97 • 7610 Laredo Drive • Chanhassen, MN 55317 Bus. Phone 934-9191 • Minnewashta Station No. 2 • Phone 474-7094 CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY Labeling Fire Rated `Valls General Numbers and/or letters shall be placed on all rated fire walls identifying their rating. Said numbers and/or letters shall be not less than 5 inches high x 3 inches wide,with a minimum 1/4 inch stroke and shall contrast with the background. Requirements are for new and existing construction. Occupancy Requirements This policy is in effect for all occupancies except Group R-3. Other Requirements 1. Identification shall be marked 10 feet from every corner or change of direction and every 30 fee:thereafter. Identification shall be on both sides of interior walls. _'. Identification can be hidden from plain view, i.e., above ceiling. tiles or in attic spaces. All other locations must be approved by one of the following: Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Building Official. or Building Inspector. Examole: 1 hr(1 hour fire wall) Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy ==4-199r Date: 01/08/97 Revised: Page lof1 Appro%ed - ?::hlic Safety Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICANT: C(f en I race e OWNER: cS--- e /fin / 11 ADDRESS: /7500 / "`C/11/11/1 j (k 2000 ADDRESS: 76,2 s 6o(cle,i /rr un y/e /) J E. P / MN SS 3 LlY E ; , MAJ. say' TELEPHONE (Day time) 6 12- 975 - TELEPHONE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit _ Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit — Variance Non-conforming Use Permit _ Wetland Alteration Permit Planned Unit Development' _ Zoning Appeal Rezoning — Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Notification Sign ��D 1'�� so: 1 Site Plan Review' X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost" ($50 CUP/SPRNACNAR/WAP/Metes .561f SIL'. and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) Subdivision' TOTAL FEE $ 627c). 00 A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. "Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE-When multiple applications are processed,the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAME I ecipke{a / 7-;c 4A.0 6c LOCATION 7.6 $O QCicitrd l)-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION TOTAL ACREAGE I. 78' t7 WETLANDS PRESENT YES )C NO PRESENTZONING �'1c1 Usfr ret REQUESTED ZONING .Ln Jury lLr r a I / PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION O()ce f/l�WQre/loL/se REQUE31 hid LAND USE DESIGNATION t lI `ce At QPehc use. REASON FOR THIS REQUEST Coi f-frc q nPi,-) a, -E-Cr S t Tr! I {� This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Depar hent to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. This is to certify that 1 am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title,Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make /his applination and the fee owner has also signed this application. '1 will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review extensions are approved by the applicant. , z -, . 7 -3-17 ignatL - e •pplicant Date �C ---� 7 ` I o -9 1 Signatu : • - - Owner Date Appfcation Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. if not contacted,a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I PLANNING COMMISSION _ Wednesday, August 6, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 4111, 690 Coulter Drive ' \ a :; i yogi pi. t to - ., SUBJECT: Site Plan Review for a '" g 22,500 sq. ft. Office ' Warehouse Building APPLICANT: Eden Trace Corporation Z- -------- ----------L-ik"fivl°--E' 2 LOCATION: Northwest Corner of QuattroL/ 1, Drive and Dell Road } NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Eden Trace Corporation, is requesting site plan review for a 22,500 sq. ft. office warehouse building located in a IOP, Industrial Office Park, on Lot 7, Block 1 , Park One Third Addition (7580 Quattro Drive), Peripheral Technology, Eden Trace Corporation. What Happens at the Meeting: - The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ext. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 24, 1997. 23H1 _I1,a. Automated Building Components Lyman Lumber Co. The Press, Inc. Millwork Division P. 0. Box 40 18780 W. 78th Street 8800 W. 78`h Street Excelsior, MN 55331 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen,MN 55317 Frank Beddor Waytek, Inc. Versatil 649 5`h Ave. S. P. 0. Box 690 18400 W. 77th Street Naples,FL 33940 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Waytek,Inc. 7600 Quattro Drive Chanhassen,MN 55317 SH E. A. &L. S. Martignetti John&Lynn Shimota Matthew&Patricia Meyer 18761 Nature Lane 18741 Nature Lane 18721 Nature Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Milan&Nancy Nelson Richard&Victoria Helzel Kevin&Gloria Charley 18603 Kristie Lane 18616 Twilight Trail 18584 Twilight Trail Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Jay&Cathy Simpson Calvin&Mary Munkvold Matt&Nancy Stevenson 18552 Twilight Trail - 18520 Twilight Trail 18585 Kristie Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 William&Barbara Fairbanks Carter J. Nichols William &Margaret Schmidt 18586 Kristie Lane 18647 Twilight Trail 18615 Twilight Trail Eden Prairie.MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Walter&Deborah Murray Walter&Michele Cohen James&Jan Luker 18583 Twilight Trail 18551 Twilight Trail 18519 Twilight Trail Eden Prairie,MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 David&Debra Francis M. A. &B.Boedecker Deam Michael&Diane Casanova 18567 Kristie Lane 18563 Kristie Lane 18559 Kristie Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 William&Pamela Sutherland Randolph&Elizabeth Liebo Victor C. Osfar 18564 Kristie Lane 18455 Twilight Trail 18423 Twilight Trail Eden Prairie. MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 City of Eden Prairie Twin Cities&Western Railroad Co. Fredrick&Michele Pederson 76000 Executive Drive 723 - 11th Street East 7683 Paulsen Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Glencoe, MN 55336 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 D.W.Swanson David A. Copp Ralph&Margaret Kumpula L.Walker-Swanson 7647 Paulsen Drive 7629 Paulsen Drive 7665 Paulsen Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie. MN 55346 Mark&Nancy Troxel Waytek,Inc. Microvision Corp. 7638 Paulsen Drive 7660 Quattro Drive 7600 Quattro Drive Eden Prairie,MN 55346 P.O. Box 690 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen, MN 55317 lS Partnership,LLP /o Steven C.Bogema Scott D. Verkinderen Rodney&Judy Ibis 1101 Club Road 7598 Paulsen Drive 7562 Paulson Drive .L Louis Park,MN 55426 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 .N.Pflug/J.A. Olsen Lyle&Ann Stoll Jeffrey& Susan Richards '611 Paulsen Drive 7593 Paulsen Drive 7575 Paulsen Drive :den Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie,MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 idlin L Anderson Dorothy C.Pedersen Wade Thurman '557 Paulsen Drive 7539 Paulsen Drive 18376 Evener Way :den Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 .B.Draper/W.K.Wold Thomas W. Wedin Roger&Judi Laurence 8354 Evener Way 18332 Evener Way 18310 Evener Way :den Prairie,MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 t.J. &P.J. Nablo Paul&Robin Edwards Lyle R.Jensen 8288 Evener Way 18266 Evener Way 18244 Evener Way :den Prairie. MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 'Hinton&Kristin Cutler G. M. Alexander/S.Geiser Norman&Janice Cox '626 Kimberly Lane 7634 Kimberly Lane 7642 Kimberly Lane Iden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 eesar&Christine Martinez Scott&Joanne Mitchell Stephen&Joanne Frankosky 8371 Evener Way 18353 Evener Way 18301 Evener Way Eden Prairie,MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 )ermis&Beverly Kelm James&Barbara Stover L. A. &T. T. Wilde 8275 Evener Way 7538 Kimberly Lane 7546 Kimberly Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie,MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 toss&Ellen Gilbert Dennis&Sheila Warner S.L. Shorey K. M. Berger '554 Kimberly Lane 7562 Kimberly Lane 7635 Kimberly Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 'eny Van Maasdam T. A. & K. T. Briant Fredric&Lori Silvers eannie O'Neel Van Maasdam 7578 Kimberly Lane 7619 Kimberly Lane '627 Kimberly Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 ;den Prairie, MN 55346 Lee&Deborah Belka Randall&Julia Foote 7611 Kimberly Lane 7603 Kimberly Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Eden Prairie,MN 55346 _A IP Ai CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT, Made this day of July , 1988 , by and between FRANK BEDDOR, JR. and MARILYN A. BEDDOR, husband and wife, County of Carver, State of Minnesota , Grantors , and the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State. of Minnesota , County of Carver , State of Minnesota , Grantee: WITNESSETH: That Grantors , in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by Grantee , the receipt in sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged , do hereby grant , bargain , sell , and convey to Grantee , its successors and assigns , a perpetual easement for conservation purposes and environmental protection over, on and across the following described premises located in the County of Carver , State of Minnesota , viz: The rear 20 feet of Lots 2 through 7 , inclusive , Block 1 , PARK ONE THIRD ADDITION, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County , Minnesota . The following activities shall be prohibited within the conservation easement area described above. a . The placement and erection of buildings , structures , and private docks . b. The alteration of vegetation in any manner or form except for removal of dead or diseased vegetation . c. The excavation or filling of the easement area . d. The application of fertilizers , whether natural or chemical. e. The application of chemicals for the destruction or retardation of vegetation . f. The deposit of waste or debris . g. Construction of paths , trails , walkways , and service roads , except as constructed by the City. h. The application of herbicides , Spesticides and insecticides . # 5- IP i. The storage of watercraft , boat trailers , ice fishing houses , snowmobiles , and any type of motorized and non- motorized vehicles . Continuous screening shall be maintained within the easement area by the Grantors , their heirs , successors and assigns should dead or diseased vegetation need to be removed. Grantors covenant that they are the owners and are in the possession of the above described premises and have the lawful right and authority to convey and grant the conservation easement described herein . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Frank Beddor, Jr. Marilyn A. Beddor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) • ss COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1988 , by FRANK BEDDOR, JR. and MARILYN A. BEDDOR, husband and wife. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Julius C. Smith 252 Southdale Office Centre 6750 France Avenue South Edina , MN 55435 ( 612 ) 920-1521 C I TY 0 F P.C. DATE: 8-6-97 � 1 CHANHASSENC.C. DATE: 8-25-97 \\I , CASE: 97-1 Sign • BY: Al-Jaff:v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Sign Plan Review for Paws,Claws,and Hooves Pet Boarding LOCATION: North and adjacent to Highway 212 and east and adjacent to Highway 101. z Address: 10500 Great Plains Boulevard APPLICANT : Ms. Nancy Lee and Mr. Patrick Blood VP.O. Box 94 ,J Shakopee, MN 55379 CL 445-0503 PRESENT ZONING: BF, Fringe Business District ACREAGE: 13.16 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- A-2; large lot single family residential and abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way S- A-2; Minnesota River Valley E- BF; commercial (sells used cars) W- BF; existing Brooks Motel f"—' SEWER AND WATER: Services are not available to the site. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site contains two building(commercial kennel and stable)that are currently under construction. Vegetation is concentrated along the north, west, east,southwest, and southeast of the site. The center of the site is void of vegetation. There is a Natural Wetland located along the south edge of the site. There is an intermittent stream located to the southeast of the site which drains into the Minnesota River Valley(Wildlife Refuge). 2000 LAND USE: Commercial i .i.0••• • I' 1 • • k• • ; Y ‘a ne D%' ,.. Ant 211 111 Off • • i . • . , • i . , • i 111 ? 3 .1,41 SV -, . , . • •0 1 et•Y•1,...•••,,...,_ jU.ia..... c.".-....,,,-.,... 1 ..7.-z-,..rs.4-4....--.-ft-v.; -*.xyr,423%,.---‘4., •ei5 .nr."-,,,,,,r,..Q,---.1-,:.4.-...-......,,-....7.t 4 i. i mail .... IV HIM i t 1( OEM. .....0 • • 1111Hoilliir' -411111" R.-i- "IP e 0`, • qii. 4011111111: i 1( • all 9 Ne ) _.---- :•. 4 ...,,,...ipp os 2121" 1 , IPIPPrdgir:r 4101 441114111°'- 10110.„ 11-4 .00110 ...,A::--„:-- ,-,;•-,5;---..,., 44 ,-"•;,. • 1 1.1.411k. 1 .ft fl, 1.1 vr- - __,------A4-c"." 10 \s" - Rice i 7 , ... 1/ cs:\ Lake 10 ,/r" • 6, 1. .9 i \Cr& i 10 • i \it i 4. 10S ? • \ \ 4 i -' - "----- " -- ' -' • - -' '--' "-- .. - : - , ...-. .\..,.. ,.... ,city of Chanhassen . - - 11C City of Shakopee 113.• 112 \ .., .......414 _, 113( 424 5 i t....-; .1,;.; ' - I •,,, • ,... 114C • I Paws, Claws & Hooves Pet Boarding August 6, 1997 Page 2 BACKGROUND On September 23, 1996, the City Council approved a Site Plan Review for the construction of a 8,152 square foot commercial stable and 12,936 square foot commercial kennel;a conditional use permit to allow a commercial kennel/commercial stable in a Fringe Business District; a conditional use permit to allow more than one principal building on a single lot; and a variance to allow a metal building and a pylon sign in a BF,Fringe Business District. One of the conditions of approval stated, "A complete sign plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council." PROPOSAL SUMMARY The Fringe Business District allows one ground low profile business sign per lot. The area of the sign may not exceed 24 square feet and a height of 5 feet. The proposed ground low profile business sign submitted by the applicant meets these dimensions. Also,one wall mounted sign is permitted per street frontage. The total display area may not exceed 9%of the total area of the building wall upon which the signs are mounted. No sign may exceed 224 square feet. The applicant is proposing a sign band with 24 inch illuminated individual channel letters with an area of approximately 100 square feet which meets the ordinance requirements. The proposal that was approved on September 23, 1997, included a written request for a variance to allow a pylon sign along Highway 212. This sign would be in addition to the wall mounted and ground low profile business signs. The applicants did not wish to order a design for a pylon sign until they were certain the City would grant a variance to allow the pylon sign. Since staff did not have a design for a sign, it was explained that the applicant is requesting a variance and if approved, then a sign plan would be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. The variance was granted, however, since there wasn't a plan or a design to review, it suggested the applicant limit the area of the sign to 24 square feet, not to exceed 15 feet in height and be located a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. Since then, the applicant submitted a design for a sign with an area of 69.8 square feet, 16 feet in height and is proposed to be located 40 feet from the front property line, within a drainage pond. The design of the sign is attractive and will be visible from Highway 212, giving the business the visibility it needs. Due to the site topography and existing vegetation, we believed that the commercial kennel building will be screened from views and a monument sign will not be seen from the highway since the elevation closer to Highway 212 is low and followed by a wetland. As suitable land is reached to locate a sign, the distance becomes too great to allow drivers on Highway 212 to see Paws,Claws & Hooves Pet Boarding August 6, 1997 Page 3 the sign and read it. We believed in this case the size of the sign the applicant is requesting is appropriate. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends approval of sign plan 97-1 as shown on plans dated July 18, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. Both buildings (commercial kennel and stable) shall share one monument sign. One monument sign per lot. Monument signage shall be subject to the monument standards in the sign ordinance. 2. Both buildings (commercial kennel and stable) shall share one pylon sign. One pylon sign per lot. The sign shall be subject to the dimensions and location proposed by the applicant. 3. Wall signs are permitted on no more that 2 street frontages. The letters shall be located within the designated sign band. 4. All signs require a separate permit. 5. The signage will have consistency throughout the development and add an architectural accent to the building. 6. Consistency in signage shall relate to color, size, materials, and heights. 7. No illuminated signs within the development may be viewed from the residential section north or west of the site. 8. Only back-lit individual letter signs are permitted as wall mounted signs as specified on the proposed plans. 9. Individual letters may not exceed 2 feet and logos may not exceed 30 inches in height. 10. Only the name and logo of the business occupying the unit will be permitted on the sign. 11. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a sign permit. Paws, Claws& Hooves Pet Boarding August 6, 1997 Page 4 12. These conditions shall be recorded with Carver County and added as an addendum to the site plan agreement. Staff will prepare the agreement which must be signed by the applicant. ATTACHMENTS 1. Plans dated July 18, 1997. July 7, 1997 Planning Commission and City Council City of Chanhassen The request is made for a pylon sign on the existing property to take advantage of the main traffic flow along Highway 212. Since the property is adjacent to a natural wetland and there is natural vegetation growth, the sign must have a certain amount of height to be visible. This will allow the business to have an identity and allow their clients to have an idea of their location. 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City Engineer COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISCUSSION-HOUSING. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Sidney: I've got a question, well actually a comment I guess about you were talking about working with companies. Have companies volunteered any subsidies or any financial support to housing in the community? Aanenson: No,but that's one of the things when we went through the Livable Communities Act, one of the ideas that came out from the city...that's something that would probably... Joyce: You've got a memo here from Carver County HRA, about 5 or 6 pages in there. And... find information on the residents who benefitted from HRA programs or the City may want to include in your survey and it doesn't look like a lot of activity there. I don't know, is there. Aanenson: Yeah, actually I've got an update on that. In the North Bay project, both Carver County...6 to 8. That was just down from the last couple... Joyce: So part of that is just that it's so new to us in Chanhassen? Aanenson: Yeah...but the North Bay project went in... That money from Carver County is allocated for first time home buyers. Joyce: ...we're talking a lot of this Livable Communities Act and then we have all these programs that are going and it doesn't look like anybody's taking advantage of them so I don't know if we need some better information out there or whatever. Aanenson: We do work with Carver County...Senior Housing. Some of those are also... Joyce: The only other thing I'd say, and I just I've always felt concerned about the goal of 50% of the houses built being affordable. I'm going to put that on the record. I don't see how that Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 could possibly happen and...meet it. I mean it's like the carrot and the horse, whatever. Land values are such you can't do that kind of business out here so I just... Peterson: Other comments, questions? All right. I guess mine are simple. I think the goals really haven't substantially changed that much and the ones that have are certainly not controversial. I think Kevin's made a valid point but once we sign up to the Act, we have to move ahead with it. When do you think this will be all done and presented and approved by Council? Aanenson: What we'd like to do when it comes back, what we want to do is get input from you. We'll come back and refine. The way this was laid out, Bob and I discussed a lot of options. I think what we're going to do is probably throw the existing format out. How the numbers carry through...it's going to come back in a different format... So we're going to come back with... Make sure you're comfortable with understanding the document and have two community meetings and you will hold the large public hearing. Then it will go on to Council. We're hoping to have those community meetings late in the fall and probably after the first of the year...public hearing. Peterson: All right. Nice job so far. BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT-DISCUSSION. Aanenson: I'm going to turn this over to Mark Koegler. Mark Koegler: Good evening Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission. I want to take a little bit of time this evening just to kind of update you on progress with the work we're doing collectively on the Bluff Creek watershed report. You guys have memorized this by now and it's becoming matter of fact but now it's time to actually get into some of the detail of it. The area as shown on the graphic that was on the screen, is on the screen, comprises about 5,000 acres altogether if you delete the portion that's not in Chanhassen and that's in the lower Minnesota watershed district. Of that roughly 5,000 acres, about 1,360 are wetlands and those are the areas that are delineated by the darker blue color...make out on the map. So if you delete that total from the 5,000 acres, we're dealing with about 3,600 acres of property which obviously is a very significant chunk of the city of Chanhassen,particularly of the remaining vacant land within the community. Within that 3,600 acres there are a variety of conditions that exist as you basically move from north to south throughout that corridor. There's properties in there that are clearly undeveloped or agricultural in use right now. There are properties that are developed such as Hesse Farm down south...northern side. There are properties that you've undoubtedly approved plats on that we've not seen construction yet but will be over the course of this season or next season so there's a lot of things happening in the corridor, and I'll come back to that in a minute because that's kind of where our focus and our emphasis is right now. Let me spend just a moment kind of recapping the,basically kind of what is the core portion of the management plan itself and that is specifically the primary and secondary zones that are identified along Bluff Creek. The primary zone is the buffer zone in which there is direct impact potentially on Bluff Creek itself as a water body so that clearly that is the most critical area in terms of land use. In 2 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 terms of impervious cover, water quality. Things of that nature. Within that zone the report goes on to recommend that the City either own or control virtually all of the land within that area, and that's been done in a number of areas through parks and other open space areas that are in perpetual easements. There's to be more of that in accordance with the plan. Other measures that we've talked about last time and that were identified include possibly some conservation related zoning. The density transfer that we spent some time talking about is a concept and we'll be getting into more of that at the next meeting when we get into this. Some of the other tools, cluster development, conservation easements, some of the things that this body has seen and used over the years very effectively. The secondary zone which is the more of the buff color,which again is set back one tier if you will from the actual creek itself, is an area that the report labels as being valuable to the balance of what's termed the Bluff Creek ecosystem as a whole. Critical habitat being within that area. That's an area though where development is anticipated to occur but the thing we'll be looking at more closely is what kind of controls will be a part of that process. What kind of impervious cover limitations might there be for example that are different from what they are on other portions of the community because this is truly a unique environment. As I mentioned a moment ago, there is a very diverse land use pattern as you move through this area and one of the things that becomes apparent, I hope this reads reasonably well. That became apparent to us and as we started into this process and I think we talked about as a commission last time, is we really need to have a very good understanding of what the dynamics are of the corridor. What's happening in terms of land use. What's developed. What's not developed. What kind of densities. What kind of cover are we seeing right now and what does that mean in the future. All I've put on there quickly is an overlay to show you some of the sampling that we're now doing via GIS and the computer base that the city has. We're literally going through from north to south and identifying things like the Walnut Grove subdivision that was approved recently. That one fortunately you were able to work with the developer to come up with a plan that pretty much respects what the watershed plan was all about. We've got parks obviously in a number of areas and again these are just representative. They're not intended to be all inclusive. Parks where we've got either through land owned by the City or land owned by the school district or other parties. We've got open space that in some cases is used actively and in some cases is used in a more natural format. As you continue to the south there are areas right now and there are a number of these sites that are being looked at as wetland improvements. The one that's highlighted there is being considered as part of a Bowser wetland improvement project. The capital improvement program in the management plan itself was very detailed in identifying a number of those project sites and we'll be inventorying all of those and those will come back to you to take a look at as well. There's been talk recently about some sites within particularly the southern area of the community that have very high quality habitat, tree cover, topography that's unique in some cases and there may be efforts to try to preserve some of that as open space to use either as parkland or some kind of a dedicated land arrangement. Bluff Creek Golf Course,obviously is a...space right now. Recall though we talked when we looked at the land use plan that there needs to be a longer range vision of what that might be if it ever ceases to exist as a golf course. If it ever ceases to exist as open space, and as such that would mean potentially to take a look at what kind of again restrictions would be appropriate for that property with regard to impervious cover. With regard to water quality issues and things assuming it develops in some form or fashion in the future and that may or may not occur. Obviously Highway 212 right-of-way comes through...another one of those big question marks, but it 3 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 potentially takes out a significant chunk. That would provide a balance of obviously hard cover but also permeable surfaces as a part of that construction. We're going to try to get a feel for what that means to the whole picture. So in essence what we're going to bring back to you on the 6th is hopefully a very detailed inventory of this entire area so that when we talk about, and we can have examples, about things like density transfers and we might target an area of the community say south of Lyman Boulevard and say okay, when this piece develops hypothetically, what's it going to look like? Here's the traditional pattern. Here's a pattern if we are going to look at some kind of density transfer method that would reflect trying to preserve some of the primary and the secondary habitat areas that are identified in the plan. What we can actually do is provide maybe even a couple of case examples of some site plans as to what the differences might be because again I think it's important for you as a body to have a good feeling that this density transfer is something other than an abstract concept. What does it really mean when we start looking at this corridor. There is a fair percentage of this corridor, and I don't have an acreage number yet but we certainly will, that is developed right now and there is a portion of it as well that will never be developed and obviously we're looking for that overall balance with regard to the entire corridor. So as I stand before you tonight I can tell you that we're inventorying all of that information. We're going to be coming back with that on the 6th of August. At that time also we'll probably have some of the initial sections of the ordinance as well, and then we're going to be developing the ordinance immediately thereafter. So I wanted to let you know things are still happening on this project. This project is kind of, it's been held back a bit by a couple things. Information availability as well as agenda time but it's to the forefront again and be back in August. Any questions that you have at this point in time or any direction that you would like to impart, certainly would be glad to listen and react. Peterson: Questions from fellow commissioners? Brooks: The only thing I'd like to say is, it's hard. I can't see that very well up on the screen and I can't see it at all on the TV set. Is it possible next time to make maybe just an 8 x 11 copy for us to look at? Mark Koegler: Well what we should have next time will be actually the computer generated graphics that we can produce literally to any scale and you'll have in your packets so, this was a quickie tonight. Just to provide you with a sampling of the kinds of pieces of information that we're putting together in a technological means. It's a little more advance than this. Brooks: Thanks, I'd appreciate that. Peterson: In the next stage, what evolution will it take? Will it be more defined in specific areas? We talked before about wanting to get a little better picture of where and what lands are going. We've got a step in the right direction here significantly, but it's still a long ways from really a color coated style of how it's going to develop. Mark Koegler: I think though that's the path we're on and I think the, in looking back at this, I think what we've viewed as one of the key things was to have a good inherent understanding of where are these areas that are going to develop. What does it really mean? What's the landscape 4 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 there? What's the impact of the development? If we're talking about density transfers and taking it off of a 30 acre piece here and putting it onto a 60 acre piece here, what's that mean to the 60 acre piece and the surrounding development pattern? I think that's kind of ultimately the pattern color thing that you're referring to that we intend to get to. Aanenson: Another letter that I had...wetland projects. Actually that took up quite a bit... It does take up quite a bit of... Mark Koegler: If you look at the entire watershed, if you start the numbers games, starts out at about 6,100 acres. That's a tremendous amount of property and when you start thinking about density, well we can move it here or we can move it there. But when you really start looking at it and look at the pattern that's developed right now it becomes pockets of land in certain areas where suddenly it's more important to focus on what the impact to that pocket is consistent with the goals for the whole area. Peterson: Other questions? Thanks. Mark Koegler: Thank you. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN AMENDMENT TO CONSTRUCT A 192 SQ. FT. ENTRY WAY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 10,000 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD, HALLA NURSERY, DON HALLA. Sharmin Al-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Questions of staff. Would the applicant or the designee wish to address the Planning Commission? If so, please come forward. Seeing none, this is open for a public hearing. May I have a motion to open it for a public hearing and a second please. Brooks moved,Joyce seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: Anyone please come forward to address the Planning Commission. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the public hearing. Brooks moved,Joyce seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Comments. Anything? Sidney: I guess, you know I was thinking of this in terms of, even though they have a legal use, it's still a non-conforming use. I don't know if I like that idea of expanding a non-conforming use. However, it appears that the addition that it does serve a function of providing for the health and safety and protection so I would go along with it...would not want to see Halla come back for additional expansion... 5 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 Peterson: Ladd. Conrad: I agree with the staff. Brooks: No comments. Peterson: May I have a motion please? Blackowiak: I'll move that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan Review #97-8 as shown on the site plan dated received June 13, 1997 subject to the following condition. Condition number 1. Peterson: Is there a second please? Joyce: Yeah, I'll second that. Peterson: Discussion? Blackowiak moved,Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan#97-8 as shown on the plans dated Received June 13, 1997, subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall apply for a building permit. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 30,000 SQUARE FOOT TWO STORY OFFICE BUILDING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MAIN STREET AND HIGHWAY 101 WITHIN THE VILLAGE ON THE PONDS DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE SERVICES PHASE 8,AUSNIAR DEVELOPMENT CO., LLC. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Questions of staff? Blackowiak: A quick question. I made a comment that there goes my major problem with the entire building in terms of adding the access onto Main Street. Can you point out on a plan or something where that access would be and also where you're hoping that the plaza will be situated. Generous: Okay, this is the main street of Villages on the Pond and here's that westerly entrance the way that...steps up to the building. And what we're saying is the south half of this area, potentially in the existing walkway and actually create a crescent shape plaza area, a landscape 6 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 area. As you look straight down here you see that... We'll look at as part of a boulevard landscaping to create that opening. Peterson: Any other questions of staff? Bob, I assume that the amount of underground parking is minimal to the percentage of outdoor. What is our ratio? Is it 4 to 1? Generous: For office, it's... In this instance 3 '/2. We looked at the overall parking plan...3 '/2 to 1 per 1,000 square feet. In this project in some areas we'll have 4 1/2 per 1,000...closer to detailed area where we don't have the over abundance of surface parking area. Peterson: What percentage is underground in this one? About. We can ask the applicant. Vernelle Clayton: There's 30. Aanenson: Overall or just the project? Peterson: Underground. I just want to get a sense of what. Aanenson: Just for this project or the Village? Peterson: Any questions of staff? Joyce: Bob, you had a condition number, wait a second. Oh here it is. Condition number 4, an additional landscape peninsula. Where, I'm not understanding. Condition 4 says an additional landscape peninsula. Generous: That would be on the east side of... There's another one on the St. Hubert's side that would mirror this. It's approximately across from the entry. Joyce: So it's going to be attached to the other parking lot is what you're saying? Generous: Yes. Joyce: Okay, good. All right. Okay. Peterson: Questions? Seeing none,would the applicant or their designee wish to address the Planning Commission at this time. Vernelle Clayton: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Vernelle Clayton. I'm with Lotus Realty and it's nice to see that we have a new person who's name is not Allison,just for the sake of avoiding confusion. I think I'm going to turn most of the evening's discussion on this topic over to Mika Milo and I will explain who he is for those of you who are new. Mika Milo is the, owns an architectural firm with offices in Eden Prairie and in San Diego. He has been with us as the lead architect and the creative behind much of what we've done right. If things have gone wrong, it's probably because we argued with him. He has done a great job for us from the 7 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 time we started this project at the concept stage through the PUD approval. This will actually be the first building within the project that he has done the design work for. So we're excited to get off the ground so to speak with something that we're designing and planning for. I should explain that you will be seeing us one more time before we build on this site because we aren't at this point coming through with a replat. This is an Outlot K. The site as a parcel,the boundaries won't change but it has to be relabeled. We'll do that a little later on. One of the reasons for coming forth at this point with this plan is that we have undertaken to enter into an agreement with a couple of experts on office leasing,and one of the things that they need for the people that they're talking with, and a couple of them so far in the 5,000 to 7,000 square foot range, is that those folks like to see what they're going to be living in. So we needed to get this through the approval process so they could have an idea of what it's going to be. Construction therefore won't be starting immediately but we hope, some of those folks would like to be in in the next 9 months or so so that is our target. With that then I would like to just say that I'll come back and see if any of you have any questions on the landscaping, but I'd take this opportunity to tell you that we don't have any problems with the conditions as outlined in the staff report. I do have an observation though that perhaps the Fire Marshal could become a little more concise in the future. Half of the report seems to be Fire Marshal stuff but assuming we understand all of that, we don't have any problems with the staff recommendation. With that then I'd like to introduce Mika to explain the building. While we always try to be cognizant of your time and wanting to move on to other things and understand that you haven't had a lot of time to look over the plans and so Mika has been told to explain it as thoroughly as he wants but if we go on too long, interrupt us. Thanks. Mika Milo: Thank you very much Vernelle. My name is Mika Milo. Principle with Milo...Group. Pleasure to present the first building design, as Vernelle explained within the Villages that we have come up as developer and architects and were the planners for that. It's really exciting because before we were working for a year or two of just to get the site plan concept, the overall Villages development and now it's an exciting period where the Village is hopefully become, not hopefully, is becoming a reality. And as we have some other parties designing several segments in Villages and we are over seeing that in terms of architectural review committee before they submit anything to you, we also have occasionally a chance to also design something on our own and present here before you. This is, like Vernelle said, the first building that is...coming up soon with another retail building facing Highway 5. For now our focus is on that office building that is on the southern end of the main street. The Village main street where it intersects with Highway 101. Now next to the church, St. Hubert's church and next to the church plaza. Just south of it. It's kind of surrounded practically with the church parking and school parking and building and it's facing on the main street. It was somewhat a challenge how we are going to organize that building so that it feels still it has own identity but on the other hand we also did not have much problem of having the building being surrounded with the urban corners because that's the name of the game so to speak. For the Villages that we do integrate all the functions together and everything...that will allow and what I'm told that you were trying to achieve with this. As Bob has pointed out,the entrances to the office with parking here and here are also shared by the school and the church as well and then there's a separation, a landscape separation where we are going along between our parking and the office parking and the church and school parking. Before we came up with this design we have as always before, 8 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 we have been in very close touch with your staff here. We had meetings with Kate and Bob a couple times and coordinating all the issues so that I believe at this point certainly we are...therefore I think that in general we are on one page, same page... It was somewhat, typically when you have an office building of that, that you see in our suburbia nowadays, you would see a very recognizable office building. They always are fairly typical with the long glass bands and...straight lines and so on and very...as an office building. Here,being on the main street that will be composed of really retail buildings and apartments,this is the only building that we see right now that have a...how we can now have that single office...building being on the main street as we still incorporate this within the overall character of the main street. And so our idea from the beginning was let's not develop...and design it so it be looking as resembling...typical suburban office building but have the building that will have...interest over any building that is on the main street that's not necessarily immediately reveals it's function but rather project various functions to happen in that building or over the period of time...so the design of that building was developed around that central theme is to make a design that will blend with the main street function and will not be recognizable just immediate with an office building. You can also mistake that building as being an apartment or motel or...and say that looks like an apartment building or looks like a motel. So how we can reach that. Well, we have to start to form another...that the building does not have to be immediately recognizable in terms of function. That there is some interest...and also it can evolve all the time. So with that in mind we developed the elevations and the design that should fulfill basic function of with the office building that we feel...with a garage level... The garage level of the building is almost at the same level as the connection drive. Your park and drive...so that you would go...The parking lies, as Bob pointed out, from here. From that northern edge of the church plaza down to the southern edge, taking of that one, we are talking about 10 feet or 10 feet...so that's the reason why we have the entrance to the first floor more towards the northern end and the entrance to the garage from the south. So we are playing with...We are having the entrance to the garage here and the entrance to the office floor from up above so that makes sense and therefore it'd be necessary for a step down and that was one of the...and put the money so to speak into the entrance elevation facing the parking. Not to pay too much attention to the so called back side. In this case we don't have any back side. Our back side is actually the ground side facing the street and therefore we...facing the main street and even the potential that even though we have right now a green landscape area separating the main street and the building, there is no parking for us to go along the main street here because of the curb and because of the grading. The street goes up fairly steep but we were still trying to develop the elevation facing the street that we already have some connection with main street and there is even potential connection even with the side road here that... With that I will show you the elevations now... The materials that we have is for the wall, for the wall we have the exterior wall is the creamy beige color, sandy color overall for the elevation. The roof we are proposing is the light greenish...with some blue in it but mainly a green. Very pastel green. More pastel type of colors than earth tone colors we have on the building. And the glass we are proposing as being brown glass and the base of the building,there is the garage level...we are proposing to be with a...gray concrete block which we...similar to stucco over the building. Overall. Finish it with...and a metal roof here and I'll show the elevation. I found one blown up elevation and the one I think is better to show you... We have all four elevations. One elevation gives one example of one blow up of a bigger elevation. What indicated is that as a creamy, sandy color of the elevation of the office system 9 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 with a greenish roof on top of it and brown glass that is brownish but also reflective...as well. The other thing, the design besides the color consists of two story over the garage level and as you see the drain...this is the elevation from the main street. This is the main street elevation. And you see that the main street is going... Here is the church plaza on the upper end. The building floor of this level towards the...coming out of the ground so that you see that line here represents the floor line and to the south and then you start to see that...base of the building. Of the building is relatively simple and this was purposely done. The old traditional buildings are simple buildings. They don't have all kinds of these, of pretentious, thousand corners and all kinds of things. They are relatively simple. Straight forward. The rectangular shape. It has only one area here that...out toward the main street and the roof...and also is finished with a cupola on top of that. So we do have some...on the roof and the roof is sloped 1 to 2. 1 foot high to every 2 horizontal. This is...and we have some...two floors are here. You see that we have roughly...some arches here...traditional architecture. So the overall extraction of that building is traditional feeling but has some modern twist to it I would say. You see the element of...the round glass element facing the street and the columns supporting it and that round glass element here would somewhat bounce and play off of the church and school. They also have that element in the back so as you approach the main street you will see that area being curved and open back on the church building... So that explains very briefly the cause of the elevation...elevations are similar but different to some extent...the entry elevation to the parking. From the parking end is similar. However the element that...facing main street so we have a differentiation of the elevation but every elevation is always different and. There is a nice repetition I see in terms of elements of the repetition of the arches and the two tone of colors of the elevation which is the light beige and heavier beige in the intersection with the accent color. Now the column that you see here as being pretty strong blue. Bluish, violet. Bluish red. It's more blue than the red. The color is the accent color for the top of here as you see. The...very small on the small...that certainly is a big chip here, the same as the wall...looks like it would be a lot of this color. No. This color is compared to this really just a small fragment here from the elevations...so that will be my first explanation to that. The roof is basically sloped roof and is a metal. It has a portion that is flat, a portion in the middle but you don't see. You don't also... You also do not feel that there is...as it looks at the elevation. It really has a full roof...We are talking about 25 feet at least that of the roof all around the building plus this...projection area which...so that the middle portion, there is a very narrow area that is going,that is flat which will be used for... Peterson: Mika, if you would, go back to the first board. I look at your corners of the building and you've got glass on the ends and the corners from basically floor to, first floor to second floor. How are you going to separate the floor itself from the glass? Is this going to be darken? Mika Milo: That's, I'm glad you brought that point. I'm sorry I forgot to say that for sake of giving some interest and...not to have a completely...repetition of the same thing,we gave the corner of it more special element. This is that very limited area of the first wall that we see on... In that area in order to hide the structural system behind here, it's going to be a...glass in the same tone as these. This is why we are showing you that here. This is the regular tinted glass that you see has that...is corner area of that first wall...be uniform. They are division glasses and there is a structure behind. You will not notice the difference... 10 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 Peterson: Just to give us some perspective, what's the length of the building approximately? Mika Milo: I think it is about 200 feet by about 72 feet width. We've giving about 1,500 square, I mean 15,000 square feet per floor times two is 30,000 square feet. Peterson: Other questions? Joyce: What is the rotunda going to be used for? Do you have any ideas for that? Mika Milo: Probably used for, this is for...facing the lake. Lake Susan and Rice Lake and we felt that this is good to have that...on that beautiful views for anybody entering that space. It probably will be a high class conference room. Something like that you know. They'd like to have that... Peterson: Other questions? Sidney: I guess I was kind of scratching my head here about the color of glass. On the elevations you're showing kind of a bluish tint and in the samples I see gray and brown. Will it look blue on the building? Mika Milo: The samples are a bronze. A bronze glass which is more brown but it does reflect the blue sky and everything... I don't know if this is possible but I will, I would throw an idea and I appreciate...to have the, I have hard time deciding between this brown glass and I'm still not quite...I would like almost to see a larger sample and then decide right there on which color. But the other option I'm thinking about is to use a deep green tinted glass. That might be very nice with the roof here. It would be more reflective... It may be a little more interesting with this beige coloring here... Joyce: Mika, on the north elevation I'm, is there an access into the building there? I see it looks like a sidewalk going into the building. Mika Milo: With the foundation, yes. There is a sidewalk going down. What that is is really not meant to be an entrance, and entrance to the building. What that is here is just a stair going to the garage. In other words, when you are in the garage you have to have two ways of escaping. Not just one way. One way is out here, this way and there is another door on the other end of the garage. Joyce: That's an emergency door basically then? Okay. And I would imagine on the north side is the same. So what do we have two entrances. One from the street. Mika Milo: We have one entrance from the parking only. That's the main entrance right here. Joyce: We're also talking about putting one on the street, right there? Correct. So we've got two. 11 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 Mika Milo: This is the optional. We hope that there will be some activity in connection with the low...and maybe they can have another. Joyce: I think that's a, when I looked at this and you know we didn't have the blueprints of it, what are we doing here? I mean this the whole concept. Vernelle Clayton: Well clearly we're trying to orient things to the street as much as possible. Joyce: Right. Vernelle Clayton: ...there's parking areas in here...parking over here and coming in here but... The other thing that you should know is there is, there's a possibility that... Joyce: Still, I mean. You've got, we're talking about having this whole promenade here. Vernelle Clayton: Yes. No, we've had this discussion with staff and Mika probably wasn't here... Joyce: Well, that's going to be a condition. Aanenson: It is. Joyce: Oh! I didn't see it. Aanenson: That was our first. Joyce: I don't see it in the conditions. That's why I was going to be making it. Generous: Our plans have the sidewalk. Vernelle Clayton: ...you have a sidewalk... Aanenson: But it's not shaded. But if you want to clarify that, that would be all right. Joyce: I think I'm going to...yeah,we'll talk about that. Peterson: Well I want to talk about it now. I mean my question would be, if there is a single tenant, and I was that single tenant,I wouldn't want two entrances, okay. So I think there's an issue that we need to not put a condition in there that would prevent it from being leased. Aanenson: Our concern was, whether it's a single...this is a pedestrian oriented...so the assumption is because there's no parking. Well the whole premise, we've got 300 units there, residential units...but it's still given that opportunity...obviously because now you've got a corridor in there but we thought...I was concerned about that look too. That's kind of what it looks like. You've got a fake...but this is the first project coming in in a pedestrian oriented 12 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 project...but you're working with tenant space and... We think we can achieve it. We're not confusing people but yet there's some... Peterson: Any other questions? Other questions of Mika? Vernelle Clayton: I don't have anything that really I want to say except for one thing. Do you have the overhead or do you want... Just one observation and that is...and we put some material in here which... That's all I have to say and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Peterson: Good. Thank you. This is a public hearing. Can I have a motion and a second to open it for the same please. Joyce moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. If you wish to address the Planning Commission, please come forward and state your name and address and... John Lund: Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission. My name is John Lund. I live at 8140 Dakota Lane...the development. I just had a couple quick questions and you have to excuse me. I was doing a little babysitting during the meeting. Could you please review the view from the south side of the building, and explain a little bit the orientation to the public trail behind the building. Vernelle Clayton: ...which part of the trail are you referring to? John Lund: Rice Marsh. Vernelle Clayton: Okay. I had a question on that too and...we have yet to see St. Hubert's landscaping so...and their property is right to the south... This is the trail. This is St. Hubert's property and this is...so now the south elevation... John Lund: That will be really facing the existing, or the trail. Vernelle Clayton: Right. John Lund: And on their plans, there's somewhat of a bluff facing that trail today. Vernelle Clayton: Along here... John Lund: And as the development has taken place, today that area is basically stripped. Are there plans, and maybe I'm being redundant but are there plans to landscape that area between the office building and to the south? And what are those plans? Vernelle Clayton: ...St. Hubert's and...we have an obligation and a right to approve it... 13 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 Generous: Mr. Chairman, as part of the site plan we did receive the preliminary landscape plan. They are putting in like sumac and some vegetation to help maintain the slopes. They won't have... John Lund: I understand that the site is definitely under development but today there is severe erosion of that bluff down to the trail. There is mud sliding across it almost every rain so I think the landscaping of that bluff area is really critical. That was one of the areas that I wanted to address as well as expanding a little bit of the site elevation and the view from the south. Thank you. Peterson: Thank you. Dave, is there anything we can do to, I mean obviously the last couple of rains have, almost any erosion control wouldn't have held that but. Hempel: Mr. Chairman, that's correct. We've had some pretty intense thunderstorms. We have been in contact with the developer,both Opus and Amcon on that. They are to be cleaning that up and repairing the erosion control measures this week out there. Peterson: Good, thanks. Anyone else wishing to address the Commission? Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the public hearing and a second please. Brooks moved, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Comments from commissioners. Alyson. Brooks: I actually like that building quite a bit. I think it's one of the nicer buildings that we've seen come through here. I really like the design. I like the fact that you didn't follow, what is it, form follows function. We did something different this time. It's not a pre-fab building like we usually see so I think you should, at least I would like to commend you on the design. I think it really is unique and it's different and like International Market Square has shown, you can take a different looking building and do some very nice things with it so I really have no other comments than the fact that I think it's a nice design. Oh, and the green glass. Yes. I think that would be interesting to see and use. I want to try that. Peterson: Ladd. Conrad: I have nothing to add. I'm real impressed with our standards in Village on the Ponds. It comes out when you see a real example...the standards are great. I think the applicant and staff did a nice job on this proposal because it reflects the Village, yet it looks marketable,which aren't always easy to do. I take the person that spoke in the public hearing seriously about the landscaping of the bluff area. I think that's real significant. I don't know how to make something happen but just restoring is probably,that's minimal activity. I guess I'd like something to happen other than thinking that it's going to be restored or stabilized this week. I don't know. I'd be interested if anybody else had an opinion on that but other than that, a good presentation. 14 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 Peterson: LuAnn. Sidney: I'm very impressed with the building design. I have no further comments... I can really tell that everyone's done their homework. Staff has worked well with the applicant. I really appreciate that. Peterson: Alison. Blackowiak: I agree. I love the design. It's certainly nice to see, it's very refreshing I should say to see something different. I hope that the applicant and staff can work together to get some type of a street presence near the rotunda because I feel that we've got a pedestrian oriented PUD. Like Kate said, we have to make sure that we meet the needs of pedestrians and whether it's an entrance or a plaza or something, we've got to have something that shows that it's not just a blank building. It looked kind of funny to me. I mean that was my first reaction when I looked at the plan. I said where's the door? You've got to have a door off, you have to have something off the street and that's just kind of what jumped out at me right away. Other than that I really enjoyed looking at it. I think it's a nice looking building. The comment about the landscaping, the bluff, I ran on the trail this morning and it was rather treacherous. It's very muddy down there and there's a lot of water that's being held back by the silt fences and I think there are underground springs there. I don't know what's happening but I agree. Something needs to be done because it's pretty treacherous back there. So I speak from personal experience. Peterson: Thank you. Kevin. Joyce: As far as the architecture of the building, I think it's wonderful. However, I have a strong philosophical, I feel philosophical difference with the developer as far as incorporating the street into the building and when I first looked at the plan, the main entrance was in the parking lot and to me that's the main entrance for every office building in the world out in the western suburbs. I can understand people having to drive and get into the main entrance but I think it's just so important that we do something with that front entrance and I...Mika and Vernelle, well we're looking at putting the sidewalk in to lead up to this entrance. I'd like to put a condition that that has to be part of, there has to be an entrance into that building. That's my feeling or I'm not understanding what we're doing here. I think that with where the building is, it's number one being the first building that we're going to be approving but where the building is, it's coming right off of Highway 101. We want people to be walking along here. We want people, even though it's an office building, I want people to come out of that office building and go around. And if they're not encouraged to do that,they aren't going to do it. They're going to use the parking lot. People are going to come in and out of the parking lot and the front of the building won't be used. That will be a dead space on that corner of this development. And I see that you have plans for building number 18 and you know I'm not going to force the issue but I think that has to be incorporated as well. You have to have the lighting so that, I mean we have to make this street,main street work. It's going right into that church plaza. And I think this is important. I think this is the kind of detail that is so important to this project. I am really, I don't, I know you have to use functionality as far as the building, the tenants inside. I appreciate that and I'm 15 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 not, I don't know anything about that. But some way we have to work that into there. And I think the building itself is beautiful. But you know and I was talking about that north elevation, I almost wish we could have had some sort of entrance on that corner there and rounded the building off or something just to have people come in and out of there. My bad taste of this, the only thing I have wrong with it is even identifying the main entrance as off the parking lot. I think that's not what we were talking about as far as this project. So as far as, I think it was a great idea of the staff putting that plaza type of situation in there but you know we have to keep our eyes on what we're doing here and I think office building number 18 has to be, has to really incorporate this from the street and I'd encourage that so that's all I have to say about that. Peterson: Thank you. My thoughts are not at all dissimilar. I think it's a great first entrance into the design work of office buildings and Mika, I certainly hope that you will get the opportunity to design many more within the concept overall because you clearly have set the tone and I'm glad to see that, or following what the original intent was, which is very reassuring. You did an incredible job of maintaining that. Setting a tone for future buildings within there. I think that in speaking to Kevin, I may not feel as strongly about the front entrance. You know I think it would be great if we can do that. Whether it'd be you know a picnic area or something like that that would have the access. Again I can empathize with a multi-tenant or a single tenant. There are some security issues and accessibility issues that we'd have to deal with from a leasing basis that I know are pretty significant. But at any rate, I think it's a great first step. With that, may I have a motion please and a second. Joyce: Well I'll make a motion the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed 30,000 square foot office building on Outlot K, Village on the Ponds#97-9, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated June, 1997, subject to conditions 1 through 9 and delete number 6. Then the 96 condition, I'd like to put in there, consider just what we're talking about. A consideration of the plaza type feature to the main street and having an access entrance to that main street. Peterson: Is there a second please? Brooks: I second. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed 30,000 square foot office building on Outlot K, Village on the Ponds (#97-9 SPR), plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group, dated 6/13/97, subject to the following conditions: 1. The property must receive final plat approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. 2. The developer and future site users shall be required to incorporate street/plaza furniture, planting boxes,public art,bicycle racks,drinking fountains, etc. within the development and on individual site plans. 3. Install irrigation in east parking lot island planting bed. 16 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 4. An additional landscape peninsula is required in the eastern parking lot area. 5. Landscape peninsulas less than 10 feet in width must have aeration tubing installed with the trees. 6. Fire Marshal conditions: a. The applicant shall provide hydrants as shown on plan. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.403. b. A 10' clearance space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs,bushes,NSP, US West, Cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. c. No parking fire lane signs and yellow curbing shall be provided. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location of signage and painted curbing. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#06-1991. d. Install post indicator valve on the water service coming into the building. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal or Fire Inspector for exact location. e. When fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to, and during the time of construction. Pursuant to Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1991 Section 10.502. f. Building must comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#29- 1992. g. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding maximum allowed size of domestic water service on combination domestic/fire sprinkler line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#36-1994. h. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#04-1991. i. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy regarding fire pre-plans. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#07-1991. j. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Inspections Division Policy regarding water service installation for commercial/industrial buildings. Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy#34-1993. 17 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 k. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy fire sprinkler systems. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division#40-1995. 1. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on labeling of rated fire walls. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#44-1997. m. Comply with Chanhassen Fire Department Policy on fire alarms. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Policy#01-1990. n. Parking lot layout must comply with Building Code requirements for handicap stalls. 8. The applicant shall enter into a Site Plan Agreement and provide the necessary financial guarantees to comply with the conditions of approval. 9. The applicant shall incorporate an entrance on the west side of the building and consider a plaza treatment in the rotunda area. All voted in favor, except Conrad who abstained, and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE TO ALLOW PORCHES TO ENCROACH 10 FEET INTO THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK. Sharmin Al-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Has there been a preponderance of these requests? Al-Jaff: No... Peterson: Is the Honorable Mayor trying to get more porches in our city? Okay. This is open to a public hearing. May I have a motion to open to public hearing and a second please? Sidney moved, Conrad seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: Anyone wishing to address the commission,please come forward and state your name and address please. Conrad moved,Brooks seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Comments. Kevin. 18 Planning Commission Meeting- July 16, 1997 Joyce: I'm going to wait and see if anybody else has a comment. Peterson: Allison. Blackowiak: Well, I'm one of the people that called and talked to Kate the other day and told her I was confused. I understand what, I believe I understand what is trying to, what we're trying to do here. I don't know that we necessarily need to limit it to 6 feet on each side of the main entrance. I looked at the plans that you had attached, for example plan number 12 to me, the porch that goes much longer than 6 feet however, I think it's wonderful and I think that's the spirit of the ordinance. I think you want to add interest to homes and I don't know if restricting it to 6 feet on either side of the door will allow people to do that. I understand the hopes of not encouraging people to add room additions, and basically that's what you're I think trying to prevent is people adding a large porch. Encroaching into their setback and then at a later date enclosing it. If a porch is narrow enough, I don't think people will be likely to enclose it so maybe we could look at it from that perspective as opposed to a length perspective. I don't know, and again I did talk to the Honorable Mayor about this last night and you know, she explained to me her position. I understand it but if we've only had two requests for variances, I don't know that we really need to get into it at this point. If staff feels strongly that this is something we need to look at, I think maybe I would like to see it back again and toy a little bit more with what you're trying to accomplish in terms of maybe an elongated porch or something. Maybe don't limit it to the 15 feet, or something like that and I don't know what it is I guess right now but. Aanenson: What you're...trying to develop... Anybody that comes in under new construction certainly the front porch...and anybody coming in today... The issue is when you have an existing home that now wants to put a porch on and they want to encroach. Do we have to go through the permitting process of going through a variance? ...but again, we want to encourage architectural... What we are concerned about is up front space and then... which is good. Blackowiak: Oh definitely. I agree with that and I think maybe an intent statement would help because we don't want to dissuade people from improving their homes and adding things but at the same time I understand the need to maintain setbacks and at least get a handle on that so, so that's it. Peterson: LuAnn. Sidney: I looked at this and the first question I asked is...how many of these requests for variances have we had? Two. So I think to me it seems like pretty much a non-issue in some ways. We're not getting a lot of requests for them. I do see Allison's point because that was one thing that I thought might be nice is if you would be able to put a porch all the way across the house to add some interest to the house,but then I can understand staff's position that it much encourage people to eventually enclose it and use it as living space. So I guess after thinking about this I feel as a first step...to include existing homes, that this was a good start. I guess I would understand this would be smaller homes on smaller lots and you really may not want to have this...porches in the front anyway. It's more of an entrance to protect from snow and wind 19 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 and rain. And so I think the way it's written I don't understand the 6 feet part but...it appears in this formula, I agree with staff. What I'm hearing is go back to the intent statement, what do we write? ...an example here of newer architecture and I guess I don't see that...so I think what we're trying to do is just provide people with a mechanism to create a better entrance to their home. Not necessarily expand it with a porch... Peterson: Thank you. Ladd. Conrad: Oh I don't think it's a real important issue and I'd rather not have staff spend a lot of time on this. So an intent statement is appropriate and let's get out of there and pass it on. Peterson: Great, thanks. Alyson. Brooks: My only concern is that if you have an older home that is historically significant that is without a porch, that is not something we want to be adding porches to. We need to be really careful of that. One of the worse things I've seen are those great Chaska brick houses with like a wood lean to on it for a porch. I mean that, it completely destroys the historic visual character of the property. So I would, if we are going to pass an ordinance like this,I think we need some kind of clause about the houses in Chanhassen that have obtained National Register listing, or that have been considered eligible for listing on the National Register and monitor putting porches on historic properties. So I guess before I would pass this I would ask that maybe we consider adding something about historic properties. Peterson: Okay, thank you. I don't want to spend a lot of staffs time either. That was my first reaction. I understand if there was a lot of these, that we take the staff time and commissioners and Council's time to address this. I don't see that obviously as happening. ...because we have an ordinance,you're always going to have another variance so my reaction is I don't think we need an ordinance for this slight adjustment that we're making. With that, is there a motion and a second? Conrad: I would make the motion that the Planning staff recommends, well let me think about this. I take back my start of the motion Mr. Chairman. If somebody has...consider it. Peterson: So I ask for a motion again please. Brooks: I move that we table the motion pending further consideration of it's affect to historic properties. And I want to use Alison's, some of Alison's concerns but I can't. I'm stumped. Conrad: The only other thing was an intent statement. Brooks: Oh, and with the addition of an intent statement. Statement of intent. Want me to say that again with a complete sentence? Peterson: I think they can sort that through. Is there a second to that motion? 20 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 Blackowiak: I'll second that. Peterson: Any discussion? Conrad: Yes. Mr. Chairman, you would rather not see this back. Peterson: Correct. Conrad: Staff, how much time do you think you'd have to spend on this based on the motion you just heard? Couple hours? Aanenson: Probably. Conrad: Do you two agree with this amendment? Aanenson: I agree with Craig. I don't think it... Conrad: And did the Board of Adjustments, did they grant this variance? Did they? Just a comment. I think it's a well worded amendment. It's very simple. As arbitrary, it seems simple to me. Aanenson: But as Alison had said, is 6 feet the right amount? ...do you just raise the level...I'm not sure there's a right answer... There's a lot of homes that have landings... Is that the right amount? ...I mean it was an arbitrary number back then...well thanks for the 5 but I need... Peterson: Any further discussion? Brooks moved, Blackowiak seconded to table the amendment to City Code to allow porches to encroach 10 feet into the required front yard setback for further consideration to historic properties and a statement of intent. Brooks, Blackowiak and Sidney voted in favor. Conrad,Joyce and Peterson voted in opposition. The motion failed with a tie vote of 3 to 3. Brooks: Well Ladd,what do you want to do then? Conrad: I think. Sidney: Just leave it. Brooks: Do you want to pass it as it is? Conrad: No. No. I think we kill it. I think we kill it. Brooks: Kill it. Oh, okay. Well that will save my historic properties then. So that works. 21 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 Conrad: I would recommend that the Planning Commission turns down. I would recommend the Planning Commission recommends disapproval of the zoning ordinance amendment 20-908 regarding yard regulations per the staff report of July 16`h Joyce: I'll second that. Peterson: Any discussion? Conrad moved,Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends denial of an amendment to the City Code to allow porches to encroach 10 feet into the required front yard setback. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Conrad: And the rationale for the City Council is that we don't see the need or the accuracy of the, if we don't see the need of an amendment at this time, and that we feel that the variance process can handle the few requests that we're receiving. Peterson: Okay, thank you. OLD BUSINESS: Peterson: Any old business Kate? Aanenson: No. Joyce: Any comment on this Kate? Aanenson: The Council directed you to...trail. The issue that we had whether or not identified a trail out in...hadn't been identified to the potential buyers. The attorney did state that you'd have to have the underlying property owner's approval and he, Mr. Carlson...but regardless of where you stop the trail, going north to Lake Lucy, you're able to get over to Minnewashta, that would be a benefit... What we are...trail,Council wanted to see how that relates, if there's a tie in continuity...before it comes back for final plat. That was one item that was on the Council's... APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Joyce moved to note the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated June 18, 1997 as presented. ONGOING ITEMS: Aanenson: Back to me now? Peterson: Ongoing items. Conrad: We thought you were thinking. 22 Planning Commission Meeting-July 16, 1997 Aanenson: Video Update was approved at Seven and Forty-One Crossings. There was some discussion on...landscape... They also approved Chan Bank addition... Sidney: Have they started the... Generous: I think to date they've given notice. Aanenson: They've gotten permission. Peterson: What did Council do with the sign for Villages on the Ponds? Anything? Generous: We're trying to get... Aanenson: That's all I have. We do have a meeting, for the first one in August. August 6`h Also have on a site plan on Quattro Drive...then we also have items for the... Peterson: With that in mind may I have a motion to adjourn? Blackowiak: Excuse me, I have a discussion item. Just quickly. Two things actually. Number one, I was at the Council meeting Monday night and there was a little confusion on the motions, etc.on the Video Update proposal I remember. Anyway, the gist of it is, at one point Ladd we talked about, I mean in general about training session for people on how to make motions. What to do when and City Council went through this Monday night. They were going to table and then they couldn't table because of this and then they were going to deny and then they, I think they were going to try to deny it and that got voted down. So after a few iterations they finally did what they wanted to do but I'm wondering if anybody else would be interested in some type of training session and can we get somebody to, I would certainly benefit from that. Aanenson: We have a fall work session set... Brooks: When's the fall work session? Aanenson: I've got a schedule here... Second meeting, first meeting in October would be our work session. Peterson: That may be something that Roger could put in writing too because every new member wouldn't have the same issues. Aanenson: Yeah,what I've got blocked out is October 1s` for a work session...If that's not soon enough, if we have a lighter meeting. That would give us time to go out and... Blackowiak: Because we had talked a little bit also about,when we get to more sensitive issues, you know what to say. What not to say. When to say it. How to say it, and those are things that I certainly feel I could benefit from somebody else you know kind of giving me some guidelines and telling me when to keep my mouth shut and... So that's one thing I'd like. Second thing. In 23 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 the Council packet on Monday night there was a MnDOT memo to Bob, and I talked to Kate about this and they made some statements about Trunk Highway 5 and how they have no additional plans for TH 5 and TH 41 and I said to Kate, as I read this it doesn't say any good thing and she said, well we think we've got it taken care of and we think we've got an understanding with MnDOT on where we need to be. I said well as long as you get it in writing that's okay but I think we need to discuss transportation because we've had several pieces. You know the Gateway for example we're talking about 30,000 extra trips a day. What do we do? And I know Bob once you mentioned about Florida and how they had to. Aanenson: We're going to talk about that when we get to the transportation element. Allyson went to a meeting that was at Carver County and another follow-up meeting with Carver County next week and their comprehensive plan and...as far as development. Again, according to the letter that was in the packet, the letter that said they're not going to upgrade. The recommendation from Strgar Roscoe that there be six lanes. Brooks: That was ridiculous. Aanenson: ...right, exactly. So that letter, we're not going to do that. His response was... but Allyson's been involved in the transportation... Brooks: And I just wanted to say,what I want to do, and I don't know what you think of this, because I sit on the steering committee for the comprehensive plan. They're going to break up into a transportation sub group and I would like, I don't know, would like to approach Paulene about being a part of that transportation subcommittee because since I'm on this Planning Commission I think it'd be a really good liaison. Aanenson: That study,the City of Chanhassen...we need to talk about that as far as the comprehensive plan and the Council's talking about that too. Are we going to expand MUSA when our road systems are... Brooks: ...the toughest issue really is, is that, and whoever does the transportation plan is, I have a lot of sympathy for whoever does our transportation plan because the bottom line issue is, there's no money to build a road anywhere. Period. Done deal. And if we don't have the money, what's the answer. Don't build? Aanenson: What happens if we don't build? They're going to go further west...so as we go through the comprehensive plan we're going to have to... Brooks: The other issue I really noticed is that people want to preserve the,the County in doing their analysis of how people feel about living in the County. I don't know if you've been called by this company that's doing the, you know the how do you feel about your county study. People like it living here because they like the rural nature but they hate the congestion. But people are moving out here to live in a rural farmstead but as they keep moving here,then you get more congestion but they don't want more roads because then it's not rural. And I have no idea how you deal with that so. But anyway I think I'll talk to Paul about jumping... 24 Planning Commission Meeting - July 16, 1997 Conrad: On the same issue of transportation, I invited the new Director of the Southwest Metro Transit to talk to you Kate. Aanenson: We've met. Conrad: To bring him in. What's going on as it relates to our transit problems. Aanenson: And that will be for us too when we talk about the transportation component because in the '81 plan,or the '91 plan... Peterson: Further discussion? Is there a motion to adjourn? Conrad moved, Brooks seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 25 On-Going Issues August 1. Comprehensive Plan Update Ongoing following schedule. Joint PC/CC meeting. City meeting in May. Submitted grant request to Met Council working with Carver County on Transportation element. 2. Bluff Creek Ordinance Rough Draft proposed for September 3rd PC meeting. 3. Joint CC/PC meeting Goals and affordable housing to be scheduled for CC work session. 4. PUD Ordinance Revision Staff has prepared an issue paper, draft ordinance may be combined with Bluff Creek Ordinance.